#strong women can end me
kiiraarts · 7 months
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My tactician mode Tav - Eléah!! She’s a paladin of devotion 💙
the buff women in this game- all I’m saying
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imaybe5tupid · 2 months
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Falin in the Isle of Wa
ft Benichidori and Hien 👯‍♀️
Part 1 of my postcanon dyke drama cinematic universe
Part 2
Part 3
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wisebeth · 3 months
why does the pjo series have to unnecessarily villainize goddesses (hera & athena) or show them as silly ladies (aphrodite & demeter) BUT posiedon and apollo are somehow shown as the coolest/most likeable gods, even though arguably, they're right after zeus on terms of corruption?
ares shown as the worst god after zeus and hera amuses me. last time i checked, he was the patron god of amazons and literally killed a man for attempting to rape his daughter but guess who cursed women for rejection? apollo. guess who raped women when they said no (aside from zeus)? posiedon.
#all the gods and goddesses in the greek mythology are flawed in their own way#it doesn't make sense why the books were so unnecessarily biased towards certain gods?#it bothers me specifically that hera and athena are SO unnecessarily painted as villains#while posiedon is ‘cool’ dad ‘great’ lover ‘decent’ god ‘reasonable’ than other olympians#i get it he's the main character's father of a children's fantasy novel so rick painted him in a good light#but my man? then why are you painting other gods who are arguably just as bad as him as WORSE#shut up i feel strongly about it#i love the percy jackson series#but i hate how the gods are portrayed#is trials of apollo a good series? yes#does it make sense why he's shown as a human-like god with redemption arc#while hera is reduced to ‘evil stepmom’ and ‘bitch to annabeth’ even if apollo is JUST as bad as her?#no#and aphrodite is not some ‘silly fangirl’ whose personality revolves around shipping percabeth#she is powerful terrifying and cunning who can bestow some of worst revenge on those who offend her#demeter is not a silly crop goddess#her love for her daughter was so strong it almost ended the world and destroyed mankind#shes in charge of harvest and agriculture without her humanity will starve to death#shes just as powerful as the big-3 or at least she should be#posiedon is not this cool perfect rational god#medusa would disagree demeter would disagree pasiphae would disagree odysseus would disagree#apollo cursed women posiedon raped yet ares killed a rapist BUT nooo let's make ares the bad one#percy jackson#rr crit#greek mythology#heroes of olympus#trials of apollo
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demigodofhoolemere · 4 months
I’ve been seeing this float around on Facebook lately and it’s bugging the crud out of me:
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What is with everyone’s obsession with insisting it’s bad to need to be rescued? For as long as the human race has been on the planet, people have had problems that they needed other people’s help to resolve. Needing help is not a failing nor should it be the takeaway from these princesses’ stories as if it’s a bad thing that makes them weak. Yes, they do need help. Your point?
Snow White and Aurora were both under a curse that rendered each of them effectively dead. Were they supposed to magically wake themselves up? I’d want to be rescued if I were them. Plus, breaking it down to “she needed a prince” belittles the efforts of the Seven Dwarfs and the Three Good Fairies, who did most of the legwork in the resolution of their respective movie plots out of deep platonic love for the girls under their care. Then there’s Cinderella, who lived in an abusive household. It’s not a weakness that she wasn’t able to get out of that situation on her own, and once again, giving all the credit to the prince (and credit where credit is due, he did search far and wide for her and was able to take her away from that life in the end) detracts from the aid provided by the Fairy Godmother who enabled her to get out in the first place. All of these ladies had more helpers than just their princes, and it is because of the combined love and efforts of all of these people that our heroines were able to have their happy endings. There are plenty of great stories where the heroine is able to fight for herself, but these particular stories aren’t about that because these ladies are each in terrible circumstances where they simply don’t have the ability to do so. They do what they can, but in the end they can’t save themselves alone and there’s nothing wrong with that. These are beautiful stories about having people in your life that value you enough to fight for you when you can’t fight for yourself. Wouldn’t we all want someone to come to our rescue when there’s nothing we can do about our situation? Is it not a good and comforting moral to show that there are people in your corner who will show up for you no matter what the circumstances?
The other thing that’s bugging me about this:
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Leia has to be rescued. By a man, and at that, one who could technically be seen as a prince. No one bats an eye at this, because it’s understood that she’s being held prisoner on the Death Star and couldn’t possibly be expected to get out of that on her own. It’s not seen as a weakness that someone had to come for her and take her away from there. Leia is awesome and is rightfully acknowledged as a great heroine, but she also needs help sometimes, because everybody does.
So WHY do people get so hung up on these princesses who also shouldn’t be expected to get out of their own prison cells of eternal sleep or abusive family by themselves? Why the strong negative reaction to girls needing outside help in such serious scenarios? For all that people say these stories teach girls to sit and wait for a man to save them, the stories themselves absolutely never try to say that, and frankly, with the opposite trend in recent years of fictional women who have to do everything on their own and can’t be shown to need help because they have to be the Strong Female Character, I’d be far more concerned about the impact that would have on girls. Far better to say you might need help at some point in your life than to instill the idea that you’re not a strong girl or not good enough if you can’t do everything by yourself.
Anyway. Justice for the classic Disney princesses.
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dootznbootz · 5 months
opinions on helen of sparta being compared to prey animals? blink blink
*blink blinks back* Then immediately sits like this because of the question.
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It's a good question that I'm happy to answer! It just makes me mad.... I sincerely hate the wording of "prey" being used to describe her.
I can...see how people in ancient times may have used that word and still meant it in how she is a victim... but modern-day English-speaking people calling her that??? (considering how in different languages the word "prey" could have different meanings.) I'll just say that as someone who has been "prey" herself at one point, I REALLY hate that word as a descriptor. Just say victim or survivor. 👍
Honestly to call ANY victim "prey" is so fucked up. "Prey" to me, feels like "it's meant to happen." "Prey" are part of the food chain and so that's what happens. And to compare that to abduction and SA? Almost as if "that's our place"? It also kind of implies something being "eaten" or killed... Helen SURVIVES. She's traumatized and definitely needs healing and support but it's not like she can't find joy or peace ever again. Prey just feels so fucking gross.
Also, if someone calls victims "prey", I hope they know that Moose, Elk, Boars, Bovine, ZEBRAS, etc. are technically "prey". And these are VERY aggressive animals while still being "prey" for some other animals. And also that doesn't mean that "Oh, they're powerful! Clearly they should've been able to stop it." That's victim blaming :P
She is a clever, determined, caring woman who was ripped from her home for YEARS because Paris was a dipshit who decided he needed the prettiest woman in the world despite already having a wife. He didn't care about the fact that Helen didn't want to be there and was already married. He is so selfish that he will not let her go back even when THOUSANDS have died in the war! EVEN HIS BROTHER HECTOR AND PRIAM DO NOT BLAME HER! Granted, we do not know if Aphrodite would have let him undo their deal of "I want the prettiest woman" if he DID end up feeling bad for Helen and he wished to let her go home (I doubt it based on his personality though).
"Oh, if she is so independent/strong, then why didn't she just kill Paris and leave?"
AGAIN! Victim blaming!!! First thing, people who ask that have media literacy that is piss on the poor. You also have no idea about the political implications that would have happened if she DID kill Paris. She literally cries about staying there and argues with Aphrodite about seeing Paris, only to get strongarmed by Aphrodite as, guess what? A GODDESS WILL ALWAYS OVERPOWER A DEMIGOD. (This isn't Percy Jackson where he "killed" Ares as a 12 year old (Percy, you were my childhood, but that's bullshit.))
Even confined in Troy, she ARGUED with APHRODITE about going to see Paris! She is not some meek woman who just does as she's told with no pushback! She argued with a GODDESSS! Very few survive doing that!!!
She's not "Prey to fate", she's a "VICTIM of Fate".
#Thank you for the ask anon!!! :D It's a very fun question! I just really don't like the word of 'prey' being used to describe her.#...#Yes. there's poetic shit with writing. but if I heard someone say 'Helen is prey to Paris' I would be miffed and think that person's stupid#Prey just feels like 'one and done. You'll be a victim from now on and nothing else. You have no life after this.'#I mean you can probably say that if you simply mean that Paris is an abuser I guess. but...idk homies. I just really hate Helen being calle#that you know?#as if she could never be anything but prey in a way. as if she herself has never been the one pulling the strings or the trickster#Helen isn't a rabbit in an eagle's talons about to be eaten. She was a PRISONER. Who still lives and thrives afterward.#idk I'm probably looking too far into the word 'prey' and what it means to ME as an animal lover and survivor but it just feels#really bad to me. like wrinkling my nose and thinking 'out of all the words out there. that's the one you use?'#*sighs*#probably got quite fired up about this :P#ask#anon#yes I plan to write Helen as a big buff cheeto puff but again. she could never fight a goddess no matter how strong!! she's Mortal!#end of story!! I just want to write her that way as A.) it's fun. B.) Sparta upbringing.#(I got SUPER into ancient athletes stuff. (look up Pankration. it's so cool) and since I really love writing women. I just...like it :D#And no. everybody is strong in their own way even if they don't physically fight. I have plenty of women who are not fighters#but still have their own strengths and personalities and silliness#Leda actually doesn't like the 'exercising lifestyle of Sparta'. Ctimine loves running but that's it. Anticlea is the one who taught#Odysseus how to carve wood and is a 'trickster' but she's not really into athletic stuff. (she actually has a heart condition later on)#there's more too it but...tags are already long as hell#Mad rambles#shot by odysseus#my headcanons#kind of#If Helen is prey then she is “prey” like those clever mother birds who pretend to be injured to get predators away from their nest.#*shrieks into a pillow* I'm fine now :D
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Me reading a cool new novel: hah wow this is cool it has a neat premise and a promising plot line let’s see our protagonist level up and learn how to use his new power in interesting and cool ways—
*MC meets a beautiful powerful girl and defeats her
*MC meets a beautiful powerful girl and impresses her
*MC meets a beautiful powerful girl and rescues her
*MC meets a beautiful powerful girl and defeats her PT 2
Me: Ah nvm it’s a harem novel god damn it
#it was cool at first but now I’m grinding my teeth like wtf#I was okay with it at first bc like. he defeats the beautiful cold hearted prodigy by a hairs breadth and we get this sad backstory for her#which could be better’d by the MC who doesn’t fear her and can teach her how to socialize and become a brighter happier person through their#developing friendship and potentially romantic relationship and it could have led to character development for both of them as they struggle#through the feeling of being cast aside as an ‘other’ by society and learning how to stumble through a relationship that involves#communication and admittance and honesty#something our MC and FL can’t get through their mentors#instead we get her genuine attempts at becoming friends being brushed off by him who assumes she’s going to eventually want a romantic#relationship by the end of it and ARGHHXHHD she’s a shy person!! she’s trying her best!!! you asshole!!!! and then the author has the#AUDACITY#to make her continue yearning after this guy who doesn’t give 2 shits about her and she’s only used as a support character for the#ensuing battle and then he promptly leaves her behind for his own adventure#and don’t even get me STARTED on the lack of compatibility with the other women in this story#they aren’t even being used as potential love interests they’re just there so the author can say he added strong female characters and then#IMMEDIATELY turns around and makes them fawn over this 19 yr guy who cAn pRoTeCt ThEM AnD HEs sO cOoL FUCK#I was holding out but now he just annoys me dude this is why I don’t like reading male lead perspectives if there’s a DROP of romance#it ruins it! romance is dead no one knows what chemistry is they only want to be fawned over by women to stroke their egos#not a reblog
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devilfruitdyke · 3 hours
straight up i was talking to my mom about inservice where we all had to swim a 200. no cap no goggles which is relevant to me as someone w 3 foot hair. and i was like yeah i almost beat everyone except a couple men because they have short hair lol. and my mom was like 'um.. and because theyre boys? 🙂' NO CHIEF lmfaoooo. and then she started yapping about lia thomas 🥴🥴
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bubblegum-snowdrop · 2 months
why does ur dad play fem tavs???? thats weird
No it really isn't, he's played female protagonists for as long as I can remember in games with customization options. Actually I think he even did that back in his teen years when DND was new.
Dad told me back when I was little that he just preferred badass female protagonists to male ones. He's never been a self insert kind of guy, he makes characters to put into the games and they're pretty much always women.
My family has never been traditional, and both my mom and my dad grew up with very strong women as their mothers. My dad has always liked stories of strong women better and has encouraged me all my life to stand up for myself and to be independent and true to myself.
My dad had a strong, self-assured woman for a mom. He married a strong, intelligent, badass woman- my mom. He's done all he can to try and raise me to be strong too. Is it really so weird that he likes stories where women are the powerful protagonists too?
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bonesrbleaching · 2 months
had the most braindead repetitive conversation/argument with my parents. buzz cuts are too masculine but if you dye a design on it it become effeminate which is bad because then you look weak and if youre weak then society falls apart (all societies ever that have fallen apart for any reason are actually because of feminine men) and we start sacrificing babies. and also all mental illness is invented because only 4 people had anxiety in the 90s and covid was made up so that we would all become gay and trans and then the government can control us better and be joe biden's little sex slaves. and also i need to keep my hair long because my father finds it attractive. what
#lolaa.txt#what do i even tag this with . my mother wouldn't let me leave and i kept asking for sources and she kept saying 'i'm your mother!!!'#'i wouldnt lie to you!'#okay. say that to someone maybe who doesnt know you lie to them all the time.#its tiring going around in circles with her.my father is better because at least he admits when he doesnt have a reason for feeling some wa#also what got me. she said 'do you own research if you want!! but im right!!!'#yeahh not seeing anything about anything you just said. i think you made that up.#i have a theory that my mother secretly hates herself because she believes all women are weak and must serve strong men#and my father has so so much trauma and anxiety that he cant be that strong man#so now she feels like shes betraying her very biology when she has to step up.#and also because i am stronger than her now and my hair is long and far far denser than hers and i have a younger face#that she feels that im wasting my precious femininity that she could be using. does that make sense.#shes so miserable trapped in her idea of what makes a man and a woman what they are. once you stop caring about what makes someone somethin#you dont have to worry about anyone else.#im queer because i dont really feel that connection to biological and social ideas of gender that my parents seem to#never really have#im not gonna theorize 'ohh shed be happier nonbinary' or stuff like that because it is up to you and you alone to define who you are#if you spend your whole life trying to fit a box for the sake of fitting the box#then when would you have any space for self discovery#youve invented personality traits to go along with your box. now you can never ever change or grow as a person. congrats#and you know what? one day she will die. and that will be the end of that.#and i will live and i will probably shave my head a thousand times. and come up with new names#and new ways to be a better person that makes me feel happy#and i will dress like a boy because its all made up anyways. who cares.#and if you care? that much about what im wearing or how i look?#then thats your problem and i wont be responsible to maintain your happiness.#SORRY RANT OVER.#im just so flabbergasted. what a sad life someone can lead poisoned by jealously and reactive rhetoric.#tw homophobia#tw transphobes
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nerice · 1 year
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kin all of bright's reactions re: whatever the zeta gundam writers were smoking
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mamorigami · 9 months
thinking about utahimes forehead...
#ooc.#just kidding im thinking of her scar. how unique and interesting of me.#describing it as not a “cataclysmic” event but just something she ended up carrying with her work....#it ruined me in a way it shouldnt#esp with how scars are viewed on women. whatever it was didnt have to be so permanent but it did and it cost her more than it should#even tho contrary to the scar she definitely won that fight. ik its obvious but it needs to be said!#oh to write an analysis on each of my jjk muses and their relation w/ the hierarchy of power and patriarchy#that is in the world...the traditions and how they digest them (or completely disregard them)#utahime seems contradictory. i can definitely see her be that positive influence for the girls she teaches. shes definitely not someone#to explain the shit way the world works and convinces the younger gen to just take it bc thats how its always been.#but also?? to wear the traditional miko attire??? its smthn thats dear to her. whether its thru personal means or for the sake of#upholding familial traditions. which. to carry something that has existed before u were ever imagined. before ur parents were.#that is smthn so strong and intimate so she holds specific traditions close (maybe her own family. not necessarily jjk society as a whole?#but then again i doubt her family is exempt from its prejudice..)#wtf was my main point.#she strives to better the next generation. but shes already stuck in this mold. her role was crafted for her and she is still#trying to break herself out.#those are my late night uta thoughts i might change this entire view later on but i wanted to focus on. um. not maki for two seconds..#can u believe that?? not focus on maki.....unbelievable of me.#its a battle to keep the life of tradition alive and pick apart the mold that has spread over time#oh the experience of living in such a culturally vibrant style that the lines blur. what is what and who do i believe#HER TECHNIQUE BEING A RITUAL DANCE FUCKCFUCKCUFKC
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secretceremonials · 1 year
I’ll be like “misogyny actually doesn’t impact my studies at all” and then try to make a point in a supervision with a male supervisor and 2 private school boys
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childofaura · 2 years
Been feeling the itch to make this post
And I absolutely know this will be an unpopular opinion. There will be discourse. It’ll get ugly. But I’m gonna say this because I’m getting absolutely sick of this trend, especially with that new She-Hulk garbage.
These three female characters:
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And any other female characters like them, have done actively more to hurt the way women are written in media than any other character type that’s been written. This trend of writing selfish, angry, narcissistic women, where the show treats them as being ultimately right and justified in whatever shitty behavior they engage in, SHOULD be angering a lot of people; a lot of women! Thankfully it does because most people see right through that crap. But the fact that there’s enough of a vocal minority that writers think people want to see more of this shitty type of character, is appalling.
There’s people really out here celebrating the bully-like behavior that these characters exhibit. The top one is unbridled anger and victim-blaming, the middle one is emotionally abusive and manipulative, and as we’ve seen with She-Hulk (Jennifer sweetie, you deserved better. You deserved SO much better. You HAD so much better when you had your cartoon iterations), the last one is privileged and narcissistic. And like... It’s not that you can’t have female characters with negative traits, but this isn’t something that should be touted as flawless and blameless, in-universe or narrative-wise. It doesn’t give these characters any kind of meaningful growth when they’re not learning how their behavior hurts others, or when they refuse to admit that they’re being incredibly unreasonable.
And my final big say: The people who are upset at these depictions are more pro-woman in how fictional women are portrayed than anybody I’ve seen praising these characters as the golden standard. Because the people who aren’t praising these characters want to see female characters grow, change, learn, or just get the love they deserve in general.
#discourse#media#I absolutely KNOW the Amber one is gonna get me hate#And I don't care; I'll argue as much as I need to#And I know that the timeframe in which these characters came out is kinda far-spread but#It's the fact that we're seeing more and more of these characters#It's the fact that it's TRENDING#And we need to stop this shit in its tracks#I'm saying this AS a WOMAN; I fucking hate what these characters are meant to represent#That they're meant to represent an ideal type of female character#Yassifying these mean-girl bitches is not the win for femininity in media that you think it is#You can have a female character that's strong#You can have a female character that's got personality flaws#But when you write these characters without ANY KIND OF SELF-AWARENESS of how malicious they come across#You're hurting media depictions of women more than some big-tiddy anime girl that people get their knickers in a twist over#Uzaki-chan is less toxic and less harmful than any three of these losers#Hell you wanna see an example of a character getting angry at someone else for a fair reason? Look at CGI Teela!#In Season 2 she's supposed to be guarding King Randor while she believes Sorceress is still with Adam#And Adam never tells her that Sorceress disappeared#So when Randor goes missing and both Adam and Teela end up confronting each other over each one's missing parent#Teela has a RIGHT to be angry because Adam purposefully lied to Teela about Sorceress; But at the same time ADAM has a right to be angry too#Because Teela absentmindedly left guard duty to Ork-0 and didn't really take Randor's disappearance seriously; BOTH had a right to be angry!#And it WORKED!#CGI Teela had more balance to her character than 2D Teela did!#And also apparently Amber wasn't half as much as a monstrous bitch in the comics as she is in the show#And again we've SEEN what She-Hulk is supposed to be!#Sorry I'm just very VERY fed up with this trend
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mooonboy · 2 years
hello hello bestie <333 tomar din kemon geche ? <3 also question time, tomar hindu mythology te favourite character kara? also a boro hug and lots of bhalobasha is on your way btw <333 it's late night now, so... bhalo kore ghumiyo <333
BESTIE HI !! sorry it took me so long to get back to u ;-; ami aajke kono kaaj korini sudhu pore pore ghumiyechi hahhah how's YOU
also yay brace yourself for unnecessarily elaborate answer lol
.ekalavya !!!!💗!!! litrally the best most amazing person ever he's done nothing wrong in his lifee i love my boy i feel like he exists simply to make the others around him look shitty ahem he's just so pure so precious they did my babie so dirty
.shikhandi an absolute icon i mean we can all agree methinks that reincarnating to cause the mortal destruction of ur enemies is a constant mood
.karna there's litrally so much to take away from this character and he's just so amazing ppl are kind of shitty to him ;-;
.krshna im so obsessed with this man istg there's just something about this one alright the concept of him is just he has mansplained manipulated manwhored his way into my heart ive been projecting my entire personality on this guy since i was a kid
.abhimanyu A CHILD maybe not a literal child but like everyone around him was like ancient so yes a child also the whole thing with the chakravyuha makes me want to cri
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thefallofruins · 4 months
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He is going to get bored of you, Sukuna was of that belief.
No one had lasted for as long as you had in holding the amusement of the king of curses. It often ended messily when Sukuna grew bored of someone. But he can’t, with you. Not when you…
“This is so pretty…!” You twirl around a bit to admire the back of the kimono, the beautiful colours and patterns only enhancing your beauty. Sukuna had no business with clothing— let alone clothing for women, but when the kimono displayed had caught his eye, the first thought in his mind was you.
“And you got this for me?” The question strikes a nerve in him, of course he did…but he cannot comprehend why.
“You were in dire need of proper clothing,” he responds, eyes studying just how beautiful his brat could possibly get. You pout in response. It was classic Sukuna behaviour, you couldn’t possibly get him to admit the intent behind his actions.
“But it does suit you well.” The words cause a smile to light up on your face, as you take a few steps towards him, hands finding his.
“Kuna?” You tiptoe, holding onto his strong hands for support, allowing you to press a kiss to his jaw. “Thank you.”
His lips twitch in response, slightly unsatisfied with the show of affection, he pulls you closer by your waist, growling softly, “Least you can do is thank me properly.”
Your giggle sends another wave of this unknown yet warm feeling within him, as you reach up to him on your tippy toes, pressing a soft kiss on his lips. “Thank you, my love.”
My love. My love…he wishes to hear those words again and again, a sweet, honeyed voice so filled with love calling him that. His lips form into a small smile as you return to admire yourself in the mirror once again.
Unfortunately for him, he’s far from bored. Eyes lingering onto your form and taking in every reaction of yours.
And you? Don’t act surprised if you will be showered with pretty silks regularly in the following days.
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i just want to stop feeling suicidal so constantly and i want to stop having my paranoia spirals and i want to have peaceful sleeps without night terrors and i want to feel safe in my body and in my own space and i want to eat and i want to not be so overwhelmed by my psychosis and i want to be over everything that kennedy did to me but i also really wish i could contact him again so i could deck him in the fucking face and then i call c and ask her what the fuck why the fuck did she do that and beg beg beg my family to leave the church that is so clearly harming them and dooming them to tragedies.... and so on...
#why did i write about that pregnancy why did i use my abuse for an assignment why did i delve into these memories such a mistake#whenever i remember it happened im like oh my god i could have had a 9 year old maybe i did want to be a mother#maybe i am suffering now bc i was supposed to be doomed to the same narrative like most women in my community#like maybe it was a fluke that i got here bc i don't fit in i hate myself so much i feel like everyone hates me and wants me dead and gone#if i knew any of their numbers still i would ask for ativan again i cannot fucking sleep my anxiety is never ending#i cannot tolerate the weight of the emotions i want to be numb i want to be high i want to be dissociated again#i broke out of my constant dissociation and now im here and i can feel my feet on the ground and i am living pov and it hurts so bad#i want to be in the arms of my best friend i want to be on her floor stroking the fuzzy carpet while we eat penne together#ever since she came back into my life i am so happy i have that anchor again but oh my god it makes me realize how distant i am from everyo#and how little i trust#i also miss my other best friend that i never get to see but i want to hug them tightly and we never have enough time w each other but ever#moment is so vivid and strong and they make me feel so alive and aware of the world we are in and its such a blessing that they decided to#talk to me the day they did and the friendship that came after like idk#i dont have many close friends but oh god the few i have i love th#them so much and they make life worth living but ugh yeah im fighting voices and spirals and theres a lot happening inside#ill be fine i have a lot of feelings my life is nonstop chaotic bc i have 5 bpd/bipolar women in my family and all emotionally absent men a#and our narratives weave together so close so tightly i cannot separate myself but i want to but can i? do i want to?#ezra.txt
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