#student flat Canada
zebkiehousing · 3 months
Exploring Student Housing Options around the Globe: Zebkie Housing
Are you a student looking for the perfect accommodation? Look no further! Zebkie Housing is here to guide you through the exciting journey of finding your ideal student flat, whether you're studying in Canada, Spain, or Russia. Let's delve into the diverse options available for student living in these vibrant destinations.
Student Flat in Canada: Canada is renowned for its world-class education and diverse culture, attracting students from all corners of the globe. When it comes to finding a student flat in Canada, Zebkie Housing ensures that you have access to comfortable and convenient living spaces close to your university or college. From cozy studio apartments to shared flats with modern amenities, we cater to your specific needs and budget, making your transition to Canadian student life seamless and enjoyable.
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Student Housing in Spain: Spain beckons students with its sunny weather, rich history, and bustling cities. Whether you're drawn to the vibrant streets of Barcelona, the cultural hub of Madrid, or the coastal charm of Valencia, Zebkie Housing offers a variety of options for student housing in Spain. Experience the authentic Spanish lifestyle by choosing from our selection of furnished apartments and student residences, strategically located near universities, transportation hubs, and popular attractions. With Zebkie Housing, you can immerse yourself fully in the dynamic culture of Spain while pursuing your academic goals.
Student Dorm in Russia: Russia's renowned universities and diverse academic programs attract students seeking quality education and cultural enrichment. Zebkie Housing understands the importance of comfortable and secure accommodation for students in Russia. Whether you prefer the camaraderie of a student dormitory or the privacy of a self-contained apartment, we have you covered. Our student housing options in Russia offer modern facilities, proximity to campus, and opportunities to connect with fellow students from around the world. Let Zebkie Housing be your trusted partner in navigating the vibrant student life in Russia.
At Zebkie Housing, we prioritize your comfort, convenience, and safety, ensuring that your student living experience is memorable for all the right reasons. With our expertise and extensive network of properties, you can focus on your studies and exploration, knowing that your accommodation needs are in capable hands. Discover your perfect student flat in Canada, student housing in Spain, or student dorm in Russia with Zebkie Housing today!
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Everyone has heard of the Vancouver Institute of Media Arts while discussing art education. The most prestigious institute for art instruction in the world is this one. Their travels are designed to hone their skills. Due to an imbalance between the number of students and the amount of on-campus accommodation that is available, students must reside off campus. The following upscale options for student living are close to the Vancouver Institute of Media Arts.
GEC Viva
Level Richards
APT Living
Cypress Norquay I
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canadianfangurl-95 · 2 months
Take Care.
Summary: Frankie and the Triple Frontier guys go to their local bar to get Frankie a date. He decides to pursue the new bartender.
Rating: 18+, minors DNI.
Warning: smut, p in v, oral f receiving
Hey, this is my first time writing in more than a decade and I have been loving everyone's work on here so much I wanted to give it a try. please let me know if you enjoyed or if you have any feedback! Also, I am Canadian so there are definitely some spelling that may be different from American and also some simple things like how in Canada the waitress brings the credit machine to the table instead of taking the card, stuff like that. Anyway, I'm rambling, enjoy!
Word count; 11k+
The dimly lit sign of the bar had a few letters burnt out of it. The green leather booths hadn’t been updated since the place opened 20 years ago. The wood bar had been meticulously cared for and still shone with the polish it received weekly. It was a humble bar, a place for regulars and the odd collection of students who would trickle in from the college 10 miles from there. But that sign laid up against the burnt orange Texan sky made a certain group of ex-military men, trying to find their place back in a world that has very much changed since their time in the service, feel like they could have a few beers and cheers to forget about the worries in their lives.
The four men poured into the bar at their usual time every other Friday night. They were all busy in life right now but made sure they still got together on a regular basis. They would laugh about old times, be each other’s wing men so that at least of them could get lucky from time to time and remind themselves how exceptionally bad Santiago is at pool for someone who is such a sharpshooter in the field.
Benny and Will slid in on opposite sides of their regular spot to meet in the middle on the c shaped booth, followed by Santiago on the right side and Frankie on the left edge, always sitting with his right leg slightly in the aisle to stretch out.
Santiago scanned the room intently, not unusual as this was a habit the four of them had developed during their time in the service, however his face gave Frankie an uneasy feeling when it suddenly met his with a half smirk.
“Okay boys, I know we all like to have our fun on these nights, but tonight we are focusing on Morales alright?” Santiago said firmly to Benny and Will with an outstretched hand pointed at Frankie.
Frankie instantly furrowed his brow at this sudden declaration, “What do you mean focus on me?” He scanned Benny and Wills’ faces to see if they were in on something he wasn’t aware of.
“I mean,” Santiago started, leaning forward on the wood table, his face becoming more illuminated under the low glow of the hanging light pendant above them, “you need to get laid because it has for one, been too damn long, two, you’re shit at talking to women lately and three as your roommate I’m sick of hearing you listen to Alanis Morisette on repeat.” Santiago counted the reasons in his right hand before laying it flat on the table and quirking his left eyebrow up at his friend.
Before Frankie could open his mouth fully, Will interjected pointing lazily in Frankies direction. “He doesn’t need a cheap hookup, Pope. What Frankie needs is a relationship to get back into it. A nice girl that will take care of him.” Will crossed his arms and rested his back gently on the booth as he gave Frankie a reassuring smile.
“Nah, I’m with Pope on this one.” Benny perked up, “One night between the sheets and then he’s back in the streets.” He had a shit eating grin on his face like he always did whenever someone talked about a hook up. Benny being the ladies’ man he is was always down to support his friends getting some.
“Thank you, Benny, someone’s got some sense here.” Santiago tilted his head toward Benny who nodded back.
“Do I get a say in this?” Frankie asked callously, his right hand waived slightly in the air with his question and his other perched underneath his chin as he listened to his friends dive into the dampness that is his love life.
“No.” all three men said in unison with a quick glance at him. He gave a huff and watched as they all returned to a conversation he was seemingly excluded from.
“Now I’m not saying he doesn’t need someone to take care of him, I’m just saying he needs someone to take, care, of him you know what I mean?” Santiago winked and dragged out a select few words to make his point.
“Ohh yeah.” Benny slyly chimed in.
Will pulled his shoulders off the back of the booth and shifted his body toward Santiago who instantly felt his lecture being prepared, “No, no he needs someone to take care of him in more ways than just physically. He needs be taken care of emotionally as well.”
The three men spurred into a loud retort of their opinions, hands waving back and forth towards Frankie as he looked at the fishing painting laden behind Bennys head that he’s seen a hundred times before.  Frankie knows he hasn’t been in a relationship or even had a hook up in almost a year. He had finalized his divorce 3 years ago and since then he hasn’t had much luck with women, so he lost interest in trying. The dating apps were getting routine as well. Some girl in her twenties he had nothing in common with and couldn’t even tolerate enough to get through a one night stand was pretty typical.
They were all so distracted in their own nonsense they didn’t notice when she suddenly appeared at the edge of the table with her notepad and pen in hand. After a quiet hello and no interest from the men she brazenly tapped her pen on the table between them and they all stopped mid-sentence to turn and look at her with the same taken aback expression on their faces.
“Hi, um, sorry to interrupt, I’m Sadie and I’ll be taking care of you this evening.” She said with a weary smile to the group of ridiculously good-looking men.
All four men looked at her face, tan and freckled with a wide smile that lit up her green eyes. Beautiful amber red hair that fell loosely down her back with a slight curl. And then down to her white tank crop top, short black waitress apron tied around her hips with a few highlighters and a bottle cap opener tucked in over light wash flare legged ripped jeans. Finishing off the look with red cowboy boots, close enough of a colour to match her hair.
Their heads immediately snapped back to one another’s and then back at hers as she sheepishly waited their response. Frankie pulled the hand that had been resting under his chin down to his lap with an interested look.
Santiago shifted in his seat, turning on his heart winning smile as an idea grew behind his eyes. “Sadie, you said?”
She smiled and nodded back to him, holding her pen to her paper now. Expecting to take his order next. But Santiago was never known to be predictable.
He slid his left elbow to rest on the top of the booth and angled himself toward her. The three other men shared a quick glance at each other, unsure where he was going with this interaction.
“I’ve never seen you here before, when did you start?”
“It will be two weeks tomorrow actually.” She responded with a pleasant smile.
“Huh, how long have you been bartending?” He asked.
She pursed her lips to think and squinted as she replied, “About 5 years. But I just do it to pay for my schooling.” Her hair flowed on her shoulder, and she brushed the piece on her left side onto her back, revealing more of her perfectly tanned and freckled skin under the bright white top.
Santiago raised his eyebrows at this information, egging him on to continue the conversation. “What are you in school for?”
“I’m getting my master’s in child psychology through an online university.” Sadie replied with a confident smile, clearly prideful of her career choice.
Santiago pressed on, “Wow that is amazing. Good for you, where were you working before you came here?”
With a huff she shrugged, “I was just at this one chain restaurant across town. But I didn’t get good tips there and as my education is ridiculously expensive, I decided to make a change.”
“What brought you to our little slice of paradise?” Santiago quipped with a charming smile.
Frankie watched as his friend went back and forth with the beautiful bartender. She wasn’t Santiagos typical type, so he was skeptical on what his motive to have this lengthy of a conversation with her was. Not that Frankie was minding as he was as intrigued with this woman as Santiago seemed to be.
She hummed; she was surprisingly pleased with the actual interest in her. But she knew the type, the charmer. Luckily, she knew exactly how to deal with a charmer in her years in the bartending industry. Get them to blink first.
“My friend actually used to work here for a few months. She said that there are so many regulars that you get the opportunity to get to know people and then they start taking care of you and tipping well.” Sadie spoke confidently, knowing she had the attention of these men and thought now would be a good time to turn the tables. “Plus, and her words not mine,” she waived her hands casually, still holding the pen and notepad in her right hand. “She said if you have a great ass you’ll get great tips. So, here I am.” She chuckled.
Frankie, Benny and Will all blushed briefly, but Santiago stayed with his eyes firm on the target.
“So, you’re saying you have a great ass?” he quickly retorted.
“I guess that will be decided on how good your tip is.” She leaned forward slightly, not breaking eye contact with the man until he finally broke and turned his head with a chuckle.
“Do you say that to all your customers to get a better tip?”
Sadie smiled, “Only if I’m sure they’ll fall for it.”
Damn, Frankie thought. Smart, quick, and funny. He’s concerned Santiagos interest is more peaked than he thought and now he’s the one who’s been sitting idly by while his best friend flirts with one of the most perfect women he’s ever met.
Santigo laughed this jab off and turned to look at the boys. All of whom had an approving look on their faces of the verbal joust they just witnessed between their cocky friend and the new bartender.
When he turned back to her, smile still brazen on his face, he said “We’ll get two pitchers of Corona. We’ll do four by the end of the night so each of us will take one on our bills.”
She wrote down the order, and then looked up and asked, “What can I put down for names on the bills?”
“Santi, that’s Will, Benny and Frankie.” Santiago smiled while gesturing to the guys around the table. “I’ll take one of these on mine.”
“I’ll take the other.” Will raised his hand and smiled when she nodded at him.
“Alright,” she penned in her notepad. “Santi, Will, Benny and Frankie. Will do you ever go by Willy or Billy?” she asked with a soft look.
Will sat up straighter, chuckling slightly. “Uh, no not really. Why?”
“Oh, I just thought if you did then all your names would rhyme, and you could be a fun boy band with rhyming names that’s all.” She said with a giggle. The guys all laughed and tried to convince Will it would be a good change. To which he shook his head.
Sadie stole a quick glance at Frankie whose eyes hadn’t left her for much of the conversation. Not that she minded, his deep brown eyes and curly hair pushing itself out from underneath his baseball hat were cute. She is accustomed daily to lingering glances of men, but this one made her breath catch slightly before speaking again.
“Well then, two pitchers of Corona and one opportunity to check out my ass without judgement coming right up.” She crossed a line on the note pad and turned swiftly towards the bar. Hips swinging a little more than she’d like to admit.
All the men graciously took their opportunity and turned their heads slightly to catch a sight of her walking away.
Santiago turned quickly to the group, “Guys, she’s the one.”
“The one?” Benny asked, arms folded over his chest and leaned back as far as he could. Trying to get comfortable as the biggest guy in the booth.
“Yes, the one we were just talking about. For Frankie.” Santiago gestured to his friend who perked his eyebrows up at the new thought that Santiago wasn’t interested in Sadie at all. “It can go both ways, he could either have a great hook up with a hot bartender and then just keep a professional relationship with her here if there’s nothing more to it, or he could get into a relationship with a great, smart, nice and competent girl.”
Frankie adjusted himself in his seat. “What if it went South and she was pissed at me. Then all we have is a bartender at our favourite spot spitting in our pitchers.” He didn’t think she’d be the type, but he was also incredibly nervous by Santiagos proposition.
They all took a beat, taking in this possible outcome. They looked over at Sadie at the bar. She was pouring a tall beer for a woman and chatting in a bubbly and infatuating way. She reached below the bar and tossed a coaster onto the top. She placed the beer on top of the coaster and slid it over to the customer with a bright smile. The men all watched as she flung her hair over her back and gathered it loosely in her right hand while she fanned her face with her left, seemingly making a comment about the heat behind the bar with the warm lights above her. Her skin shone and her eyes squinted slightly as she talked, moistening her lips as she listened to her coworker.
Santiago turned back to the group, “Yeah, I think that’s worth the risk buddy. At least it would be for me.”  A devilish grin wiping his face.
Frankie’s gaze didn’t waver from her. He observed her low neckline that curved on her plush chest. The way her tan stomach peaked out below her top showing off her belly button ring. The tattoos on various parts of her body that he would love to get a closer look of, or taste.
He adjusted himself slightly before making eye contact with Santiago. “Alright, I’m in.” They all cheered, and Benny patted him on the back. “But I don’t even know where to start man.”
“That’s why you have me, don’t sweat it okay.” Santiago dove into his seemly well thought out plan considering he only met Sadie a mere minutes ago. “When she brings the drinks back, we’ll get her talking again, make sure you actually contribute this time.” He gave a pointing glare to his friend, which made Frankie shrug his shoulders slightly, making him appear a bit smaller. “And then about 20 minutes later, you go over to the bar, order some food, and strike up a conversation. We’ll see where we’re at after that.”
The three men nodded at this suggestion. Frankie was suddenly never more nervous for his beer to arrive. Ironically, he needed the beer to make him able to go through with this. He hasn’t felt this nervous around a woman in longer than he can remember.
Benny and Will started into their typical conversation about Ben’s upcoming fight. They all loved Benny’s hobby. It provided them with great entertainment and an opportunity to get into the ring themselves during his training to get out a bit of frustrations. Will was just diving into the schedule and reminding the guys when they needed to check in as security detail when Sadie appeared from the bar with two pitchers in one hand four beer mugs in the other and 4 coasters tucked into the strap of her tank top.
“Whoa, incoming.” Santiago said as he cleared his phone and wallet off the table to make room.
Sadie carefully placed the two pitches down before grabbing the coasters from her strap and tossing them down one by one in front of the men. She then sat each glass atop the coasters and put her hands on her hips with a huff.
“Well then, and they say bartending isn’t a physical job.” A thanks coming round the table from each of the men. “Can I take care of anything else for you right now?”
Before the group was able to speak a rowdy bunch of college boys pushed themselves through the door and stumbled to a table nearby. Sadie rolled her eyes at the sight.
“Are you okay?” Frankie asked, earning him an approving look from Santiago.
“Yeah, it’s just the college kids that come in here can get really annoying and handsy. It’s fine though, better than dealing with men who probably have daughters the same age as me asking what time I get done my shift.” She looked somewhat deflated at the reality of her job, that it wasn’t all pouring drinks and chatting with nice handsome men.
The guys all looked at each other, they had spent plenty of time with guys like that in the service. The one’s who would try to take up skirt shots of the waitresses when they would go out as a group. It made them apologetic for their gender.
“Sucks, sorry about that.” Benny finally rang out on behalf of the group.
She just gave a half smile, her eyes a little dimmer than before as she mentally prepared to go over and get their orders.
“Well, you don’t have to worry about anything like that tonight. We’ll keep an eye on them. This guy right here,” Frankie threw a hand on Ben’s shoulder, “is a big MMA fighter and the rest of us do security for him at the fights. If they get out of hand, I’m sure we can take care of them.”
Sadie lifted her head a little higher, impressed by the apparent knight in shining armor sitting to her left, ready to take care of her. “Hm, thanks Frankie. I’ll keep you- that, that in mind.” She stammered, before retreating over to the table with the college boys. Head held a little higher knowing she wouldn’t have to call one of the cooks from the back to throw a guy out like she’s had to do twice already at her new place of work.
Frankie watched intently, keeping an eye on the three college guys while they gawked at Sadie and her uncomfortably smiling back at them. Finally breaking attention when Santiago snaps his fingers at him.
“That was perfect buddy. A little damsel in distress and hero thing going on. She thinks she needs you to take care of her, very well played.”
“I wasn’t playing her; it sucks she has to deal with that shit at work and I wanted her to know that she could relax a bit tonight.”
“Fair enough, either way. I think she’s starting to like you. Which brings us to our next stage of the plan.” He rubbed his palms together with a devilish grin. Benny and Will chuckled at the commitment their friend had to his masterful plan. If he had a whiteboard available right now, he would’ve done a whole chart of each move he wanted Frankie to make.
“Why use our poor excuse of security work as an example and not oh I don’t know, our years in the military?” Will asked with his head cocked.
Frankie finished pouring his drink and hummed, “I’ll tell her, just a uh- topic of conversation for later.” He finally grinned, not wanting to reveal too much to her so he would have something to talk to her about later.
Half an hour later, the men had been nursing their beers in an effort to prevent an unplanned visit from Sadie if she noticed they needed a refill. All the while she stole glances to the booth wherever she was and with whomever she was talking to. Frankie saw her hold her position behind the bar long enough without anyone else talking to her and decided it was his opportunity to have another talk with her.
He slinked up from his seat in the booth, with his friend’s encouragement and walked over to the bar. She was illuminated by low hanging lights and beer company signs. There were bottles of liquor along the wall behind her and stacks of glasses of all sorts of shapes and sizes.  
“Hey,” she beamed at him when he leaned against the counter. “Can I help you with anything?”
Frankie calmed his nerves the best he could, wiping a bit of peanut dust off the bar in front of him. “Yeah, uh we were actually just wondering if we could get an order of the nachos for the table.”
She blushed, slightly embarrassed, “Oh sorry I guess I haven’t checked in on you guys in a while.”
“No, no it’s fine. You’re obviously busy tonight.”
Sadie smiled at his consideration and moved over to the computer. “Well, still sorry about that. But I promise I’ll take care of you now.” She worked quickly on the computer and then looked up at him. “Whose tab should I put it on?”
“Uhm,” He looked over his shoulder at his friends, and snickered at Santiago briefly. “Put it on Pope’s tab.”
“Pope?” she looked back puzzled.
“Shit, sorry, Santi.”
She nodded, finishing the order. “Those will be out in about 15 minutes.”
“Great, thanks.” Frankie tapped his hands on the bar, unsure how to keep this conversation going.
She grabbed a washcloth and spray and started cleaning up a spill on the counter below her. “So, Frankie” Her thought was stopped abruptly by the sound of a group in the corner cheering and clinking their beer mugs. She chuckled to herself at the interruption. “Since you guys aren’t a boy band, how did y’all meet?”
There’s that topic of conversation he was waiting for. “We all served together, in the military.” He said causally.
Sadie lifted her eyebrows, clearly impressed by the new information about these lovely strangers she’d just met. “Wow, well thank you for your service I guess.” They shared a smile. “Is that where Santis nickname comes from?”
“Yeah, yeah. He’s Pope, Will is iron head, and I’m uh- Catfish. Fish for short.” He nodded away shyly.
“That’s so cool. It’s nice to see you’re all still so close. But wait, what’s Bennys nickname?”
Frankie rubbed his chin; thankful she didn’t immediately dive into the reason for his nickname. “He actually doesn’t have one. He came up the ranks a little later than the rest of us and the nicknames had already been dealt out so, a bit of an oversight by us.”
“Huh,” she simmered in his explanation briefly. “So, what do you do now?”
“I was a pilot when I was in active duty so now, I’m an instructor for the base in the next town over.” He loved telling women he was a pilot; it was something a step above what everyone else did during their time in the service, so it made him feel a little special.
She clearly thought he was special too, as she stopped cleaning to put one hand on her hip where her jeans were a little too low and her shirt was a little too high. How Frankie wanted to feel how soft she must be in that spot as he stared at her hand. “That’s really cool Frankie. It must be amazing being up there and in control of it all.”
“It is, I really enjoy flying. I could uh, take you up sometime in a helicopter if you’d like.”
“Oh Frankie, I don’t make good enough tips here that I could afford a private helicopter tour.” She laughed, grabbing some glasses to clean.
“No, it wouldn’t, I wouldn’t charge you anything. I bring friends up all the time.” He stated, hoping to not sound too forward.
She peered up at him through her eyelashes, interested in his forwardness. “So, I would qualify for the friend discount then? Didn’t you just meet me an hour ago?” Sadie blushed, she liked the thought of being Frankies friend, or more.
“Would you believe I’ve always made friends fast?” He asked, “On my first day of basic Santi picked me out of the crowd, sat right down next to me because I looked the quietest of the group and he didn’t want to deal with all the typical macho army guys. We’ve been best friends ever since.”
Sadie looked down at the counter she was cleaning and thought for a moment. “Well, I’m so busy right now my best friend is pretty much my mom so making a new friend wouldn’t be so bad now that I think of it.”
Frankie started to respond, but one of Sadie’s coworkers came behind the bar and asked her to talk to the manager as they needed to see her.
“Alright I’ll be right there. I’ll get those nachos out to you as soon as they’re ready Frankie.”
Before he could say anything, she retreated to the back area for employees with a smile in his direction.
Frankie returned to his friends and slid into the booth. “So, how’d it go?” Santiago pressed.
“Good, the nachos will be out in like, 10 minutes.” Frankie said casually, sipping on his beer.
Santiago looked around breathlessly before sputtering, “I don’t give a damn about the nachos.”
Benny raised his hand, “I uh, actually do give a damn about the nachos.” Always ready to eat a full meal no matter the time of day.
“Fish, how did it go with Sadieee.” He elongated her name to accentuate how visibly annoyed he is about his friend’s slack attitude.
Frankie and Benny chuckled to themselves, “It was good man alright. She’s nice. I told her about us serving together, the nicknames came up, offered her a ride in a helicopter. You know, casual stuff.” He looked to the Millers who nodded along. Frankie was trying his best not to seem too excited, because truthfully, he was already developing a big crush just from the few interactions with her.
Santiago tilted his head at his unsuspecting friend. “You invited her for a helicopter ride? The second time you talked to her.”
Frankie shrugged, “Yeah, it just came up. Girls like that stuff. She thought it was cool when I told her about it so, I don’t know.” His nervousness grew with the line of questioning.
“What happened to leaving it open for a one-night stand?”
“It still can be, or maybe it could be something real. I’d prefer the latter but, we’ll see I guess.”
Santiago leaned back in his seat, unsure where to go in his plan based on this new information. He stewed for a few minutes while the guys went back into conversation.
His train of thought was cut when Sadie appeared and placed the nachos on the table. “Here you go, I’ll be right back with some plates.”
She returned and placed the plates on the table, she then unexpectedly pulled a water bottle out of her apron and pulled a chair up to the front of the booth to sit down from a nearby table.
The group looked with surprise at the sudden guest at their table. Frankie thanked the stars that they asked for the nachos when they did.
“Sorry to interrupt but I am finally on a break, and I just found out that the other closer for the night was the girl that called in today.” She took a sip from her water before proceeding. “So that means I am closing by myself and something that typically takes 30 minutes is going to take an hour. Yay me, and I don’t really have any interest in sitting in that dreary break room right now to wallow in my self-pity for how late I am going to get home tonight.”
“Hey, it’s no problem, more the merrier.” Will leaned in to cheer her with his beer and her water bottle.
“So, the nick name thing. I have multiple questions.” She started.
The group of men laughed, “Okay what you got.” Santiago asked.
“Pope, where the hell did that come from, because from my slight interactions with you, I would personally point you towards a more Southern direction in that aspect.” She touched her hands to her chest and laughed along with Santiago.
“I gave a lot of speeches back in the day and really laid on my so-called wisdom a little thick which ended up earning me the title.” He shrugged with his laugh and pulled his beer up to his lips, without breaking eye contact.
“Huh, interesting. And Benny,” she suddenly turned her attention to the younger man over to her left who pointed at himself cautiously. “No nick name. That doesn’t seem fair.”
“Don’t even get me started,” he leaned forward. The rest of the men groaned, apparently hearing this over and over again. “I totally got shafted on that.”
Sadie propped her right hand under her chin leaning forward. Frankie at his angle could see a side view of her cleavage and realized he needed to drop his glance quickly before she noticed. “Well, what would your nick name be if you could choose one now?”
Without hesitation Benny beamed with excitement. “Oh, I have been thinking about this for a damn long time. If I could pick my name, it would be Steel Heart.”
She looked at him puzzled, “Steel Heart?” he nodded confidently. “Because your brother is Iron Head and you what, steal women’s hearts?”
“Bingo.” Benny grinned shooting her a finger gun and a wink, clearly enjoying his moment.
The rest of the group looked at each other and revealed in Bennys excitement.
“Seriously man?” Will questioned.
“Oh, because Iron Head is so damn cool?”
“Well, yeah I mean it is.” Will said, shrugging against his brother who was giving him an annoyed look.
“What about you hermosa what would your nick name be?” Frankie asked Sadie softly. Her eyes flicked to him, and he felt his heart skip a beat. She brushed her hair behind her left ear and put her mouth to her shoulder to meet his eyes. They stared at each other for a moment while she contemplated the question.
She finally turned back to the group from the little bubble she and Frankie had been enjoying themselves in. “Oh, I don’t think I can answer that right now, that’s too big of a decision. Check back in next time I see you and maybe I’ll have an idea.” She smirked at him, very much hoping there would be a next time she saw him.
Frankie nodded, accepting this answer, and soaking in the attention he got from her. He wanted to know what it was like to have his mouth on her shoulder like she had just done. He thought about pulling her strap down with his teeth and running his mouth along her soft shoulder up to her neck as she gasped for more -.
Frankie looked frantically, realizing he had completely zoned out and missed whatever just happened. He’s praying he had at least let his eyes fall to table and not leave them on Sadie’s shoulder the whole time. Will leaned over, “Fish did you hear me?”
“No, sorry I must’ve zoned out for a second, what’s up?” He squinted his eyes trying to pay attention as the group smirked at his lack of attention.
Will continued, “Sadie asked where Catfish came from, I said you should be the one to answer that.” He winked.
Frankie slouched down, there goes that relief. “I had a hard time growing facial hair when I was what, twenty-three. Anyway, they said it looked like catfish whiskers.” He slumped further down and tried to avoid the gaze of Sadie. While the guys chuckled at their long-standing joke. She leaned over and put a hand on his arm with a squeeze. She could tell he was uncomfortable and didn’t like the story.
“Hey, it’s okay. Your facial hair is pretty cute now and that’s all that matters.” Sadie missed the glances of the other men as they enjoyed the moment their friend was having with the girl they were trying to set him up with all night. She winked and lingered her glance at the man now blushing.
Frankies eyes burned into her with want and desire, she felt herself flutter suddenly and a warmness grew in her gut as she thought about how long her hand has been on his arm. She pulled away and tucked her hand under her chin, trying to cover how flushed she felt her chest becoming.
Ruining the moment, the group of college boys had started making more noise and gesturing to her. She sat up straight in her seat and grabbed her water bottle. “Well, I’d say that’s my cue to get back to it.” She huffed.
Sadie stood back up and adjusted her apron on her hips. “Thanks for the distraction guys, want me to get you those next pitchers?”
They all nodded with half smiles as she went back to the bar to drop off her water bottle. She then slowly strutted over to the table the college guys were sitting at and stood with her back to the men in the booth.
“Hey guys can I help you with anything?” Sadie asked cautiously, scratching her scalp with the back of her pen and doing whatever she could not to make eye contact with the insufferable boys who were obviously checking her out.
The boys shuffled and stifled their laughs, the one sitting to the right of Sadie had a backwards hat on and blonde hair peeking out. He wore a crisp new white t shirt and his hands had clearly never seen a day of work in his life. “Yeah, we were just wondering which one of those guys over there is your boyfriend?” He nodded back to the booth Frankie and the guys were sitting in.
Sadie looked over her shoulder briefly and then back at the guy whose eyes were like daggers. “I’m sorry?”
“Well, you’ve been paying them an awful lot more amount of attention than you’ve been giving us, so I just assumed one of them was your boyfriend.” He shrugged with a mischievous smile.
She could tell his intentions were not sincere, so she played his little game in hopes she could move on quickly. “Uh, yeah sorry, my boyfriend is over there with his friends, so I was checking in during my break. So, do you need a refill or any food before the kitchen closes?” She tucked her head down toward her notepad to deflect his eyes.
“Which one?”
“Hm?” Her eyebrows almost touched the base of her nose with how low she pulled them at his question.
“Which one is your boyfriend?” He nodded towards the group again and rubbed his chin with a sly smile. The other two boys chuckled into their fists at the interaction.
Sadie pulled her head up, getting more annoyed by the second. She looked over her shoulder again and caught Frankies’ eyes who seemed to be fixed on the group. “The one with the hat.” She said, trying to be as casual as possible.
The guy looked back at Frankie whose eyes didn’t leave the table despite his friends engaging in conversation again. Frankie could see the smugness radiating off this guy and didn’t trust to take his eyes off him for a second.
He turned back to give his buddies a smug look and they smiled along with him. “He looks like the jealous type.”
She pulled her lips tight, “Yeah I guess so.” Her uncomfortableness grew by the second. Why do they always have so much shit to say she thought to herself. She thought back to Frankie and the guys and made a mental note to write down that order of pitchers she almost forgot about when she was lost in Frankies brown eyes.
“So uh, he wouldn’t really like this then.” With one swift motion he took Sadie’s right wrist and began to pull her down to sit on his lap. She huffed with shock but before she was able to push herself off him a loud voice thundered from behind.
“Hey! Get your damn hands off her!”
The kid jumped in his skin and pushed her up before looking back to see Frankie standing up beside the booth, the three other men’s attention turned as well but more in shock of Frankies abrupt reaction. The boy threw his hands up near his face, clearly shocked by the reaction of Frankie. He was obviously trying to get some sort of reaction, but he was now fearing he was about to be dragged outside by this furious pit-bull of a man who was baring his teeth.
Sadie turned her shocked look from Frankie back to the guy. She smoothed out her apron and drew her head high. “What he fucking said!” She pointed at Frankie as her voice grew towards the boy. “I’ll get your bills.” She huffed and stormed off towards the bar.
Frankie gave the kid one last look of disgust before Benny had him settled back into his seat.
“Okay down boy it’s fine.” Santiago tried to reassure his friend who was still fuming in his seat. “Well, I’d say you definitely have her attention now, I’ll take care of this. You two just make sure he doesn’t go all bull in a China shop in here alright?” Santiago nodded at the Millers who did their best to calm their friend.
Santiago slipped out of the booth and peeked at Sadie behind the bar. Her back was to them, working on the bills for the pricks at the table he is now approaching. The three boys watched him approach them, settling deep into their chairs. He leaned forward between two of them and rested his hands firmly on the edge of the table.
“Listen, I’m not gonna let me buddy there beat the shit out of you, which yes, he could easily do. But just take this moment as an opportunity to grow, you know, learn something and do better next time. Maybe don’t sexually harass bartenders anymore, or anyone for that matter. And definitely don’t intentionally piss off an ex special ops soldier, got it?” They looked at him with side eyes, fearing they may turn to stone if they made direct eye contact with him. He nodded and pulled his hands away, not before leaning in one last time and whispering, “Oh, and you better fucking tip good.” He winked, and the boys nodded.
Santiago sauntered back to the booth just as Sadie wrapped up her computer work and turned to go back to the table. She grabbed a debit machine and marched over with her head held high. She did her best to ignore the agonizing stir Frankies little outburst had given her, and how badly she wanted to show him how much she appreciated it.
The guys watched as she closed off their bills, giving them icy stares and barely acknowledging their existence. The whole time they creepily snuck a peak at the four men all staring with daggers in their eyes as they waited for the three to leave.
Once they were paid up, they said their meek thanks to Sadie, who responded with a cold, “Yeah whatever.” and made their way out of the bar.
Frankie relaxed a bit once he saw the guys leave, but he relaxed even more when Sadie appeared with a tray carrying two pitchers and a small glass.
“Alright, here’s those two pitchers, on Benny and Frankies tabs.” She said as she settled the pitchers in the middle of the table. “And one,” she grabbed the small glass that seemed to be a rum and coke. “thank you, on the house.” She leaned forward and placed the glass in front of Frankie before making eye contact with him and leaning in to rest a small kiss on his cheek. Frankies eyes fell to her mouth, and he wished she had closed the gap. He smiled and said thanks before she pulled away and went back to the bar.
The men all turned to Frankie, eyes wide at his interaction.
“Buddy, that is what I’m talking about.” Santiago cheered.
Benny and Will also showed their celebration as Frankie took a sip of his new drink.
“Now, I’ve been thinking about your closing move alright? She said she doesn’t have any help to close the bar down right?”
Frankie nodded at Santiago, agreeing with this statement.
“Well, there’s your in. Offer to stay and help her close. You and her alone in the empty bar for half an hour. Talk, make sure you show you’re interested. Graze your hand on her hip when you squeeze past her behind the bar. Stuff like that, and then boom once all the work is done. Close the deal.” He clapped his hands together and leaned forward with excitement. He hasn’t been more focused on a target in years.
Frankie nodded and agreed to this proposition. He sat in silence for a while as the other men talked and thought about how his cheek felt after Sadie kissed it. How it would feel to have that same softness grace his lips. Her hair smelt like lavender when she got that close to him, and he wanted nothing more than to grab the back of her head and lead her to his lips.
The night wore on without incident. Finally, Sadie came to the table with bills in hand and her machine. She started with Santiago, keying in his total and passing the machine to him while she chatted with the others about how sore her feet were from walking all night. Santiago passed the machine back to her and she watched as the receipt filed out. She pulled it from the machine without looking at the content and held it to her chest.
“Alright, moment of truth. Does Santi think I have a great ass?” She indicated to the boys with a nod that she needed a drum roll. The three men kindly obliged and started drumming their fingers on the table, Santiago rolled his eyes and leaned his head back against the top of the booth. With a beat she pulled the receipt up to her face and dropped it with an open mouth smile on her face. “He does!”
They all cheered enthusiastically, except for Santiago who waved his hands conceding.
Sadie moved on to Will, and upon pulling his receipt through commented, “Hm, Will is more of a boob guy, good to know.” She smirked at him, and Benny smacked his shoulder with a full body laugh.
“Whoa, whoa that is not fair.” He laughed.
Sadie grinned and started keying in Bennys order. “I’m just kidding you, Willy.” She looked up and winked. He leaned back in his seat with a gapped expression, finding the interaction humorous of course. “I gotta joke a little bit otherwise jobs like this eat you alive.”
They all hummed in response, recalling all the pranks and jokes they used to get into in the service. No matter the circumstances, they still found a way to keep their head straight through some humor.
 Sadie finished up all the bills, thanking Frankie with a gushing smile for his overzealous tip.
“Well, it was really nice to meet you all. I hope to take care of you all again soon.” She smiled and the guys said their thanks and started piling out of the booth.
Santiago patted his friend on back, “Aright buddy this is it. Good luck, I hope it works out however would make you the happiest.”
Frankie gave his friends an assuring nod before doing a quick jog to catch up with Sadie as she moved back to the bar.
“Hey Sadie?”
She turned, surprised and pleased that Frankie wasn’t following his friends out the door. “Hey Frankie, what’s up?”
Frankie rubbed his hands on his faded jeans, trying to calm himself once more. “Are you still closing by yourself tonight?”
“Yeah, unfortunately. The kitchen left an hour ago and the manager and other bartender will be leaving in a few minutes. Why?”
“Well, I uh, I don’t have any place to be, so I was wondering if you wanted some help?” he said cautiously.
She eyed him through squinted lids and looked at him up and down. Worn out baseball hat that probably hasn’t left his head in decades over curly brown hair. A tight grey T-shirt under a loose flannel shirt. Light jeans that probably didn’t start out that way but have been worn in the sun too long and washed too many times. He seemed harmless enough and he’s treated her well so far tonight, in fact so well she had started finding herself walking by him just to ensure he could catch a glimpse of her through the night.
“So, you want to stay late and help me clean, because you have nowhere else to be?” She asked with a pointed look.
He swallowed deep, “Yeah I just thought you would like the help and maybe the company.” He tried his best to sound light, meanwhile his ears with ringing with nervousness.
She took a beat to think once more, “So you’d help me clean and then we would both get to our own beds at a decent time tonight, right?” She emphasized “own”.
He nodded in agreement, “Sure, of course.”
Sadie started back behind the bar again and Frankie followed like a dog chasing a bone. “Alright Fish, you stay put here and once everyone else is gone we’ll get started.” With that she disappeared behind the employee entrance door.
Frankie sat at the bar by himself for 20 minutes, watching as the other customers exited slowly and as the rest of the staff said their goodnights to Sadie and then retreated to the employee entrance. It was 1:15am when she locked the door and closed the shades to the front windows.
She sauntered over to him, her cowboy boots clicking as she walked. She ran her finger from shoulder to shoulder on Frankies back. He felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up at the sensation. “Let’s get cleaning Mr. Helpful.”
Over the course of the next thirty minutes, they did just that. They cleaned and restocked the bar, all while recounting vacation stories, and childhood memories. Sadie talked about how she had gone into finance right out of high school and found it unfulfilling so she decided to go back to school in her late twenties to do something she could be proud of. Frankie talked of his friendship with the guys and although they had to go through terrible times to all be together, they were all still thankful they had the opportunity because now they have each other.
All the while Frankie kept Santiagos notes tucked away in head. He would graze his hand on hers when she would pass him something. He held her waist in place as he scooted behind her at the bar. He brushed her hair off her face when her hands were in rubber gloves doing dishes. Each time he had a physical interaction with her she felt that familiar burning sensation she had felt when Frankie had yelled at that prick that got handsy with her. She caught herself staring at his lips as he spoke and trying to position herself in a way that they would have to have some sort of physical contact. She couldn’t even understand why she was doing it all. She just wanted him to want her so badly.
Frankie finished his half of the cleaning list and approached Sadie who was at the pool table. She was leaned over wiping down the last part of the wood finished edges. He held his gaze on her ass and admired how plump it looked in her tight jeans. He shook his head to throw the devilish thoughts out of it and met her eyes when she turned to look at him.
“Well, that’s that. Thank you for all the help.” She threw the cloth into a bucket on the floor and leaned against the pool table with her arms crossed.
He took a few steps in and placed his left hand on the pool table beside her, resting some of his weight on it. “It was no problem hermosa. I had fun.” He smiled at her.
She squinted her eyes slightly, “That’s the second time you’ve called me that. What does it mean?”
He looked her up and down shyly, “Beautiful.” He said softly, meeting her eyes with an intense gaze.
She inhaled deeply, her chest rising and falling in an extremely noticeable way. Frankie grinned at this as he checked out her cleavage quickly. She looked down at her feet for a moment, trying to determine the best way to respond to such a compliment. She lifted her head back up at him and asked, “Do you call all your friends beautiful?”
Frankie shrugged, shifting his weight slightly. “No,” he paused “Just you, and Benny of course.” He chuckled.
She rolled her head back with her laugh, “Well I don’t blame you; he is VERY pretty.” She grinned back at him.
“Truthfully though,” he leaned in slightly, trying to gage her physical response. “I’m not sure I still want to be your friend. I think I may want a little more than that.”
Sadie felt herself flush, “Well would I still get the discount on the helicopter rides?” she asked softly, intensifying her gaze.
He leaned in further, staring at her lips as he spoke. “Of course, it also comes with lots of other perks too.”
“Hm, like what?” She tilted her head up, catching a glimpse of him moistening his lips as she spoke.
“Like this.” He leaned in fully and latched his mouth onto hers.
It was a soft kiss, not wanting to read too much into things. She didn’t pull away, but he was still unsure if she was just being friendly. He broke the kiss and pulled his face away a few inches to look at her. She unfolded her arms and grazed one finger along his jaw line.
“That seems like a pretty good perk, but you said there’d be lots right?” She lowered her eyebrows and parted her lips, meeting his gaze.
He smirked and stepped into her, placing his hands on her hips as hers moved around his neck. They both opened their mouths for one another and deepened the kiss. It was hungry and passionate. He ran his hands over the exposed skin on her lower back and moaned at the warmth. Sadie glided her right hand around the curls at the top of Frankies neck and slid her left up and down his chest.
Frankie moved his hands lower to grab her plush thighs and in a swift motion hoisted her up to be seated on the edge of the pool table. She parted her legs for him, and he stood flush with her chest heaving against his.
She pulled away to start planting desperate kisses on his neck and he rubbed his hands on her ass through her tight jeans as she made her way up to swirl her tongue around in his left ear. He moaned at the feeling and her deep breathing in his ear. He ducked his head, and she pulled back so he could slot his mouth on hers again. He pulled her closer, so her aching core was pressed up against his stiff boner in his jeans. She gasped at the sensation of feeling how hard he was, and he revealed in the warmth radiating off her.
Frankie pulled off to start kissing down her neck. He moved the hair off her left shoulder with his hand as he nipped at her supple skin. He made his way down to her shoulder and groaned at how soft she was against his lips, better than he had imagined earlier. He nipped at her and grabbed the thin white strap with his teeth to pull it over and off to hang on her arm. He licked a stripe from the top of her shoulder up her neck and brought his hand up to palm her breast.
Sadie moaned and smiled with her eyes closed. “Okay, okay Frankie.” He pulled his head up to meet her eyes. “I just started here two weeks ago, and while I haven’t had the opportunity to read the employee handbook yet, I am fairly positive there will be something in there along the lines of don’t fuck the customers on the pool table.” He grinned at her and placed a kiss on her forehead. “So, why don’t we just go back to my place?”
He hummed, “I don’t know, didn’t you say something about ending up in our own beds tonight?” He emphasized own as she had done earlier.
She rolled her eyes, “Well I guess I’ve been persuaded otherwise.”
He reached his hand up and pulled the strap of her top back onto her shoulder, grazing his finger down her arm to rest his hand on the edge of the pool table. “Alright, well let’s get going then, because I’ve still got lots of perks to show you.” He popped his eyebrows up and gave her a knowing smile.
The energy between the two was electric as he helped her slide down the pool table back onto the floor. She took his hand and led him to the back to slip out of the employee entrance, locking the door as she left. They walked hand in hand to her red car. Based on the boots and the car, he was beginning to figure out her favourite colour. This theory was confirmed when he slid into her passenger seat and noticed the red fuzzy dice hanging from the rear-view mirror. He smiled to himself; he had fuzzy dice in his truck too.  
The drive to her apartment was quiet but comfortable. They stole glances here and there and nodded along to the radio, each of them growing with excitement for what was to come. Frankie rested his hand on her thigh and rubbed tiny circles on the exposed part of her leg through a hole in her jeans. She silently thanked herself for her choice of pants today as the feeling of his calloused thumb stroking her thigh made her core ache for more. She peeked down at his hands and noticed just how large his fingers were. She snapped her head back up with eyes wide and tried to focus on the lights along the streets.
When they arrived at her apartment, it was after 2am. He followed her up the stairs, not wanting to keep too far of a distance from her as his hands ached to feel her again.
“This is me.” She nodded to the apartment door coming up on their right. She fumbled with her keys as she tried to unlock the door, her nerves getting higher by the second. Finally, the lock clicked, and she pushed the door open. She stepped into her apartment and stood in front of the door holding it open for Frankie.
He nodded and walked into the apartment, looking around as he did. There was a white kitchen with an eat in island. The island was covered in notebooks, textbooks, and pens. He imagined her hunched over working on her assignments and grinned to himself. The rest of the room had a small living area with a bright red couch facing a tv. The walls were decorated with framed floral photos and there were a variety of house plants along the windowsill. He stood near the island as she closed the door and put her keys and purse on the counter by the wall.
Sadie rounded the corner of the island, and he turned his head towards her, wrapping his left arm around her waist and pulling her in. She wrapped her hands around his sides, and he pulled her face into his with his right hand. Planting a desperate kiss to her plush lips. She released her lips from his and slowly brought her hand to his, leading him further into the apartment, into her bedroom.
The room was bright white with a white comforter. There were pops of colour with more floral accents adorned the walls. The makeup vanity had large circular bulbs around a round mirror with makeup scattered along the vanity top. Sadie walked over to the bedside table where a blush pink lamp sat and flicked on the light. Frankie admired how she looked in the dim lighting and rested his hands in his pockets as he watched her sit on the bed and take her boots off. Grunting as she popped the snug boots off her feet. She wiggled her toes at the relief from being on her feet all evening.
She stood up and rounded the bed towards him, he gave her a sheepish grin and brushed her hair off her shoulder before cupping her jaw with his hand.
She beamed up at him, “Hi.” She giggled.
Frankie smirked, “Hey you.” And leaned in planting an open mouth kiss on her.
He started backing her up towards the bed until the back of her knees hit the edge. He peeled his plaid shirt off his shoulders and threw it on the floor behind him. She reached for the bottom of his t-shirt and pulled it up over his head, only breaking the kiss to move his shirt past and over his shoulders. He quickly grabbed his hat off his head and shifted it from one hand to the other as he pulled his arms out of his shirt. Placing it back on his head backwards. She ran her hands down his bare chest, stopping to rub her fingers on his treasure trail above his jeans.
The moonlight shone in her window above her bed through the light white curtains. He rubbed his hands along her back until he reached the bottom of her tank top and pulled it over her head. He did quick work to remove her strapless tan bra as well and tossed it aside. Frankie broke away slightly, enough so he could gawk at her supple breasts.
“Fuck, you are so sexy hermosa.” He pressed their bare chests against each other and slowly laid her down on the bed as she scooted backwards so her head was near the pillows.
He hovered above her and broke off the kiss to unbutton her jeans. He slid them down her legs, grabbing her socks as pulled them off. He slowly crawled back up the bed admiring her tan body underneath him. He slid a finger up and down her thigh before grazing it over her entrance atop her lace white panties. He hummed to himself, “Already this wet for me baby?”
“Oh Frankie, I started getting wet for you the minute you took care of those idiots at the bar for me.” She answered, moving her hips slightly to get more pressure from Frankies finger.
“Mmm, yeah? You like it when I take care of you?” She nodded, “You want me to take care of you right now?”
She looked desperate now, the teasing was getting the better of her. “Fuck, yes, Frankie please.”
He took her panties in his hands and yanked them down her legs, the teasing had seemingly stopped and he was going full tilt now.
He dropped down onto the bed and spread her legs with his rough hands, lining his face up with her dripping core, aching for relief. He took one last look at her body illuminated by the lamplight and licked a long stripe between her folds. She moaned in response. He started off so light, just tickling her with his tongue. It made her shiver, feeling his tongue dance around lightly between her thighs. She moved her hands to his head, slightly tugging at the soft curls peeking out under his hat. He continued this slow pace until she felt herself arching her back and reaching behind herself to the headboard.
Sadie suddenly felt a wave of pleasure as her orgasm overtook her and she moaned. Only as she started did he finally start applying pressure, causing her orgasm to linger for far longer than she’s used to. When she came down from her high, he picked up his pace and sucked on her clit until it popped out of his mouth.
“Fuck, Frankie. That was amazing.” She ran her hand over her face and tried to snap back into the moment.
He continued licking her core, “Mm not done with you yet baby.”
Frankie traced his fingers up her thigh before burying two deep in her pussy. She whined at the sudden sensation. He curled his fingers tightly inside her and licked her clit. She couldn’t help but buck her hips up into him as she writhed beneath his face. In and out he pulled his fingers, curling them more and more until she felt the snap in her gut again and flowed into her second orgasm. He pumped her still, letting her ride it out on his face.
When she finally came to a still and stopped moaning his name, he plucked his fingers out and wiped his face with his other hand. He crawled up the bed and met her gaze.
Sadie grabbed his face with her hands and pulled him in for a needy kiss. “How the fuck do you still have pants on?” She asked with a smile as she looked down between them.
Frankie rolled off her and swiftly tugged his pants down with his socks. Leaving him in his tight black Clavin Klein boxer briefs. He began to roll back onto her, “Uh uh, those too Fish.” She pointed at his boxers, and he smiled, rolling back over to pull them away and fling them off the bed. She took a wide look at his size and could feel the dampness pooling between her legs. “Fucking hell Frankie, how did you get the nickname Fish and not- fucking horse with that thing?” She gawked.
He smiled and rolled himself back onto her, “Well I don’t go showing it off or anything. Hey do you have?”
“Oh yeah in that drawer.” She pointed to the nightstand with the lamp on it and he leaned over to pull it open and pluck a condom package out of it. He quickly rolled it on and lined himself up at her entrance.
“You ready baby?” he asked playfully.
She nodded and bit her lip, he leaned down and met her lips with his as he reached his hand down, guiding himself into her.
Her breath hitched and broke the kiss as she felt the stretch of him. She met his eye contact with a wide look as she was overwhelmed by the feeling. He bit his lip and groaned, “You feel so good hermosa.”
He started rocking his hips back and forth slowly, going deeper each time until she was completely filled up. She grabbed his neck to steady herself underneath him as she tried to focus and not be completely tipped over the edge immediately. But she was already so overstimulated by the two orgasms. He picked up his pace and crashed his lips to hers. They made out desperately as he rocked into her, hitting his thighs against her hips. It was all tongue and teeth and moans between them.
“Oh baby, I’m so close.” His words falling from his mouth with barely any air left in his lungs.
She was dancing on the edge of immense pleasure as he gave two final deep thrust and grunted as he filled the condom. The way his cock swelled during his orgasm pushed her over the edge and she came crashing down into another for herself while he slowly rocked his hips, bringing them both down. He collapsed onto her chest and exhaled, trying to catch his breath.
Finally, he rolled off her and laid his forearm on his head as she panted beside him.
“That was,” he started.
“Fucking incredible.” She finished for him.
He smiled and rolled over, giving a loving kiss to her forehead before propping himself up and exiting the room to find the bathroom.
Sadie collected herself enough to ease her tired body under the comforter and turn off the lamp. Frankie came back in and smiled at her snuggled up, still lit up by the moonlight above her. He walked back over to the bed and slid in beside her. She rolled over and rested her head on his chest while his arm found its place behind her.
She drew little circles on his chest as she enjoyed how content the moment was.
“So, do you have any plans tomorrow. Or today I guess.” He chuckled as he looked at the time on his watch.
She grinned, “No I don’t think so.”
“Hm, would you want to hang out?”
“Sure, that’d be nice Frankie.” She smiled to herself as she warmed her face on his chest.
He rubbed her shoulder with his hand, “Anything you got in mind?”
She propped herself up to look at him and he met her eyes. “Well, I have had this evening long dream of going up in a helicopter with a handsome pilot.” She winked.
Frankie gave out a huffed chuckle, “I think I can take care of that for you.”
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classtrialguru · 9 months
Okay here we go.Being a horse jockey must be an exciting profession and I am here to explain the in's and out's of Ace's talent.
While modern horse racing was introduced in the 18 century, the earliest records of the sport came from the Greeks as they had chariot racing as one of the competitions of that age, so horse racing was inspired by this activity, then it spread to neighboring regions like the Middle East, Africa, Persia, and more . Races in the medieval times were conducted to determine one's speed on horseback. The King's Plate races were introduced by Charles the second which were the first ever races that gave out awarded prizes and when the rules of the sport were first made known.France then established the Prix du Jockey Club in 1836. Betting on the winner has also been around since Louis the 14th.
The Process of a Horse Jockey
Well to become a horse jockey you got to learn how to ride a horse which probably means that Ace learned how to ride a horse prior to becoming a professional horse jockey. The legal age of becoming a horse jockey is around sixteen in America and England. Then you go to an academy like the Bluegrass Community Technical Colleges Equine program which is located in Lexington, Kentucky or the Professional Racetrack Exercise Rider/Jockey Program in Olds College in Canada, and The British Racing School in Great Britain. They also have to have a high school diploma or GED.They are also required to pickup a job in that profession like a stable hand or groomer which means Ace probably knows how to clean a horse in the proper way your suppose to clean a horse. Then you would need to get an apprenticeship license which in the US you would need to pass all their exams and be placed in a racetrack for sixty days by a committee to get hands on training. Another thing that a jockey would need would be a professional and personal reference which personally makes me think. Who was Ace's personal reference like sure he is very talented with riding horses, but with his overall personality assuming that his bark with no bite type of behavior was a thing before he went professional and went like "yep he'll be fine". I mean yeah the reference might be he's parents, but anybody else that was close to him would probably know how he would react in such a dangerous sport, but back on topic. You would then need to compete against schooling race and get your journeyman jockey license. To get your journeyman jockey license you would need to have a two year degree from jockey school and the schools usually limit the amount of students to twelve per year.Next thing to do is hire an agent and join a jockey's guild. The guild's bargain for their members and will provide life insurance, disability benefits, and will advocate for safe working conditions.
On The Tracks
Now that we know the process of becoming a horse jockey, I think we should get into the general stuff they do. The average salary for a jockey is around $52,645 and the crazy things that they only get five percent of what they win. They do a lot of calisthenics like squats and burpees, they're also some weightlifting thrown into the mix. Jockey got a riding simulator to practice how to ride and balance on the horse properly. They usually eat foods with high in proteins and fibers, but they diet themselves and drink little to no water since the weight limit of a jockey is one hundred and twenty five pounds. The horses also have to be one hundred to six hundred. pounds. The colors the jockeys wear are actually for the owners or trainers that employ them and the tradition was influenced by racing events in Italian city communities. Now there are five types of racing that range from flat racing to Steeplechase racing. Flat racing is the kind of usually racing where the jockeys and their horses go around the track to the finish line. National hunt racing or better known as jump racing has the horses jumping over hurdles to the finish. Endurance racing is a fifty to one hundred mile that takes the horses and their riders through different kinds of terrain like forests and mountains. Quarter horse racing is a race that's a quarter of a mile to see which horse can go the fastest under such a short distance. Lastly we got steeplechase racing which is basically the same as national hunt racing, but with different obstacles like water and bushes. There's also a race for horses that haven't won a race. Horses can get over excited because they know they are about to race so the routine in a stable is designed to keep the horses calm.
Investigation Time
So betting on horses is a complicated system of statistics and the ability of the horse you're betting on. So the least complicated bet would be the straight wagers, which the person would bet on if their chosen horse will win wager it will need to get first place, for place it would need to get first or second place, and for show it would need to get into first to third place. The minimum you can bet on them is $2. Exotic wagers are more complicated and difficult to win since you would be betting on multiple horses. So Exacta is where you bet on which two horses will get in first and second place, Quinella is like Exacta but the places of the horses you bet on can be interchangeable, and for Doubles you can bet on two horses that are in two different races. A technique used by a group is known as show parlay, where the group will bet on the same horse and double the amount they bet on. This is the repeated till they lose their bets.
So now we're at the final stretch. Now it seems that Ace can't do a lot to help solve a murder but he is very strong and stubborn which helps when bodyguarding the crime scene or helping with arguments as an extra insight. He also definitely has a lot of knowledge on workout equipment because of the requirements of his talent, which I will admit is very specific in the case that there's a gym in this chapter and if it was anything else then he would just be a bodyguard. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask at any time.
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eyeballjazz · 1 month
Wrote a nice intro for my game set in Hell, wanted to share it! See if you can find the very obvious Knowledge Fight reference.
Avernus… let's break the word down. 
A: Apple. The symbolic manifestation of man’s sin and loss of innocence, of willful defiance to God. Original sin, which if you’re Catholic, you’ll spend your life trying to pay back. The student debt of the soul.
Vern: The PC whose clutch Plane Shift spell from a different multi-shot one shot has inspired this game.
And Us: playing DnD together in the US*
We begin our story several hundred feet in the air over the city of Dis, on the second layer of Hell. Far below us is heat and light and the ceaseless rumble of the Pit. Hell is flat, its layers built one atop the other, and so the city sprawls out on all sides for miles. 
Towers of chrome, blunt brick and mortar, shambles of wood and bone. The streets spiderweb out, bright and electric and congested like thick, clotted veins. Dis is tall, foreboding, steepled with buildings of every era, heavy black marble, gray granite, lush, throbbing neon. 
The streets are clogged with grinding, clattering, shrieking machines, people, beasts, all spewing noxious fumes into the roiling clouds of smoke that never clear from the Pit’s sky. Far below us a radio drones as a thick necked announcer reads the names of massacred children, sweating through his sobriety, each red droplet turning into a single cent that will never pay down his debts. Nightclubs swarm with hypnotized dancers, flyers for war crimes stapled to their bodies in place of clothing. Flashing down epilepticly, neon columns and chorus girls and twiggy legged cartoon liquor bottles adorn every sign, every building, every flat surface and wet black pool in the street. In their glow, at the corners of each of the city’s imperious towers, statues of somber faced angels hold up their steel wings, soot smeared and forgotten.
But why are we several hundred feet in the air, you ask? In the dome of the Universe’s first and longest night, with stalactites dripping stars around our ears?
Because directly over our heads, the camera shaking to turn fast enough to catch it, a seam opens in the air. Skin soft, slitting open and pulsing and leaking, we see the golden ceiling of the Concordant Express, a crowd of dumbfounded adventurers looking on as two bodies fall through this seam in reality. 
Fall, and fall, into the smoky, clattering air of the Pit, the city an endless cement tumble waiting to, well, not catch so much as splatter their bodies. 
*and also Canada, I guess.
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asmutwriter · 2 years
Welcome to the Freak Show (Part 5)
A slightly longer one for you, it got to juicy for me to split in half (no pun intended)
Eddie x Reader
From beginning / Previous / Next / Master List
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WARNINGS: smut, dom Eddie, sub reader, slight masochism, praise, biting, hair pulling, oral (f recieving), over stimulation, swearing, smoking
-  This is fiction. Please always talk to your partner before doing anything and make sure they are ok with what you are doing beforehand
- From my knowledge the age of consent for where they are is 16, not 18. This is based off of the ages of Nancy and Steve when they were in season 1 so dont come for me if I’m wrong
You place the last box into your small house. Well, more like a flat. You were renting out the rooms just above a record store. So you had a new job and a new house. But you were back where you belonged. You smile sadly, knowing your parents and brother were so far away. Being away from Hawkins made you realise how much you loved it here. How many friends you had and how good you were at your subjects. You couldn’t drop out, not now. Not when you were so close to finishing school. This was your last year after all. You let out a sigh, excited to go back to school and see Alice again. Although you had said that you were possibly moving back to Hawkins you didn’t say exactly when or if you would for definite. 
Another week passes, and you sit in your English class. She walks in, squealing as she sees you. She runs over, hugging you tightly “How have you been? It’s been way to long!”
“It’s only been a couple of weeks”
“A couple of weeks is a long time!” you both laugh. She hugs you again, just as your teacher walks in
“Settle down now people. English won’t teach itself”
“I’ll talk to you properly at lunch, ok?” she nods and smiles, sitting next to you and holding your hand, excited to see her best friend back again. 
You’re next lesson you don’t share with Alice. History. You sit sketching in your notebook as your teacher talks. You hear the door open but don’t look up "You’re late. Go sit by Elizabeth please” she carries on talking. You move your bag off the chair next to you. You hoped sitting here would mean that you would be less likely to get people sitting next to you, but alas. You notice some ringed fingers pulling out books from a bag. You turn and see Eddie sitting next to you. Confusion fogs your brain as you turn and look back at your sketch. “Now I encourage you to talk to your partners about this. I will give you all 15 minutes to complete the list of questions I have set out for you” she says as she hands each student a piece of paper with various questions on it “You may talk and ask me for help as well” she goes back to the front of the class, sitting at her desk as the students start to chat to one another. You turn to face Eddie. He looks at you, shock covering his face as well.
“I thought you’d moved away”
“I thought you left school” he looks bitter as he chuckles
“I failed so got held back a year” you nod. That would make sense. He is a year older then you in the academic year, even though you were born in the same year. “You aren’t in... Canada?” you shake your head, reading through the questions and starting to answer them
“My parents and Michael stayed there. I said I wanted to complete school down here though so they bought me a small apartment. I’m nearly 18 so it isn’t too much of a problem” he nods, also getting his paper and looking at the questions. 
“I’m glad you’re here... you can help me answer these”
“You highly misjudge how intelligent I am”
“Likely more clever then me though” he smiles at you as you both go through the paper.
At the end of the lesson your teacher speaks up “Now, I want you to get to know your history partner well. As this will be the seating plan for this year. So, I have an assignment for you all to do. I want you and your partner to create a speech about a famous historical figure. Do your own research, and be ready to present it to the class. You have 2 weeks” she smiles at you all “I will let you have 5 minutes to discuss with your partner, then you may go to lunch”. You turn to him
“This weekend, come round my place. We can do a full weekend of research and stuff so that it’s over and done with, ready for next week” he nods slightly
“So what, that’s the...” he counts in his head “12th on Saturday right?” you nod, grabbing your bag 
“Yep. I’ll see you at 11″
“What’s your address?” you grab a small piece of paper from your bag, scribbling down your address onto it. Handing it to him and smiling 
“See you tomorrow dude” you smile at him as you head to lunch
The rest of the week is normal. You go to school, then go do a few hours at work, go home, eat and sleep, then repeat the next day. You are exhausted by Friday. So much so that the knock on your door Saturday morning wakes you. You grumble as you answer the door “Hey, well you look like shit” Eddie says. You grunt at him, giving him the finger as you walk back into your house, him following and shutting the door behind you. “Are you ok?” You grunt again. “You’re going to need to be more elaborate than just grunting at me” you roll your eyes, facing him and sitting on the sofa.
“I’m ok. Just tired. Having weeks off where I was doing nothing and now I’m doing school full time plus a part time job. It’s exhausting” he nods and sits next to you
“Have you only just woken up?” you nod. He nods slowly, standing up and going into the kitchen. He goes through your cupboards before letting out a small ‘yay’ as he finds a bowl. Grabbing the box of cereal on the side he fills the bowl up. Grabbing a spoon from the drying rack and bringing it over to you, placing it on your lap. You let out an annoyed groan. “Eat. Now” you glare at him, taking a spoonful and biting it as sarcastically as you can. He smiles and pats your head “Oh you’re such a good girl for me”
“Fuck you” you say between mouthfuls. He grins
“Nice work outfit by the way” you look down, seeing your waitress uniform still on. You groan loudly, shutting your eyes before looking at him.
“Please pretend I’m an organised human ok?” he laughs as you finish your food, standing up and taking it to the kitchen “5 minutes and I’ll be out” he nods. You go into your room, shutting the door you ditch your clothes. Putting on clean jeans and button up shirt, tying your hair up in a high ponytail as to hide how greasy it looks. You go back out, smiling and doing a twirl as he claps
“Well done. You were ready for me this whole time” you laugh and sit back next to him. Then sadly look over at the books you got out from the library that are sat the other side of the room. He chuckles as he stands up, going over and bringing them to you. 
“Why weren’t you in school this week?” he shrugs, grabbing a book and flicking quickly through the pages. 
“Who are we researching?” 
“I dunno. Who’s an interesting person?”
“I dunno either”
“The English monarchy always fascinates me” you gasp with excitement, grabbing his arm “we could do the Russian Tsars”
“The Russian what’s?”
“Tsars? You know. Rasputin and stuff” he looks baffled as you go over to your book case and grab a book, bring it back over “The Tsars are basically Russia’s royalty. They got killed off for a variety of reasons. But, Rasputin is the guy that is the most fascinating to me. They attempted to kill him several times by shooting, poisoning and beating. But they drowned him in the end” you place the book down. He nods
“Sounds good to me” he grabs some paper and the book you just put down, starting to read through the notes.
A few hours go by, you have written down your notes. Your stomach lets out a deep growl, making your cheeks turn red. “I think that’s a sign we should stop and eat”
“But I want to carry on” he looks at the time, chuckling
“It’s coming up for 5:30. Come on, I’ll cook for you” you frown at him as he places his book down. Going to the kitchen he searches through your cupboards. You follow, watching him as he finds some pasta and pans, starting to cook over your oven. That’s when you notice the shirt he’s wearing. You chuckle
“I can’t believe you actually like it” 
“The hellfire club symbol I made”
“Oh yeah” he looks down at his shirt “It’s such a good design. Me and the others wear them constantly” he smiles, going to stir the food. “Why did your brother not come down and join you?”
“He stayed in Canada for college. They do the course he wants up there. Plus mum and dad are there for work. I was the weird one in wanting to come back down here” he nods
“You said you were turning 18 soon” you nod
“In October”
“You doing anything special for it?”
“Well, I was going to have a big party with all my friends but considering they all still hate me I’m thinking I might just not do anything”
“You need to do something for your 18th!”
“What did you do for yours?”
“I had all my friends round and we drank and played games”
“I might do that. Well, me and my one friend”
“I’m offended”
“Am I not your friend?” you laugh
“Fine. Me and my two friends”
“Better” you both laugh. 
“I might just have a giant fuck off party though and invite everyone. Regardless of social standings in school and stuff like that” he nods, turning to face you and smiling
“I just can’t believe I’m older then you”
“Only by a few months”
“6 months to be precise” you laugh and nod. He motions at the food “it has a little while to cook. I’m going to go and have a smoke” you nod 
“I’ll come and keep you company” he nods and you both go out, he stands on the top of the stairs and you stand in the doorway. He pulls out a lighter and a cigarette. Placing it in his mouth and lighting the end. You fold your arms, starting to shiver slightly. He furrows his brows slightly as he smokes
“Are you cold?”
“No I’m wimpy. I’ll be fine” he shakes his head, keeping one arm out the door with his cigarette he grabs his coat that he placed on the coat rack. Placing it back in his mouth, he drapes his jacket over your shoulders. He smiles at you as he stands back outside, you shyly smiling as you put your arms in his leather jacket. “You know what would look absolutely amazing with this?” he shakes his head “a denim jacket over the top. Like with pins and stuff on it. True punk style” he nods and smiles
“That would look good. I have a jacket at home but it’s quite old now, the sleeves are coming off”
“Don’t need sleeves. This has sleeves to keep your arms covered” you rub your arms. He nods, pulling his lighter out again to relight it. You do grabby hands at it, he chuckles and hands you the lighter “Have you ever done this thing?” you put the lighter on, the flame licking the top of it. You wave your hand over it, feeling the heat in your fingertips.
“Jesus” he mutters as you hold the flame in front of you
“It doesn’t hurt” he raises an eyebrow at you “if you do it quick enough you don’t burn” you show him your hand “see?” he nods, waving his hand quickly over it, then letting out a small chuckle
“That’s kind of fun” you nod, handing him the lighter back. He places it in his pocket, snuffing out his cigarette and going to the kitchen again, serving up two plates of food “Bon appetite” he hands you a plate as you both go and sit in the living room.
A few more hours pass, you both spend a while on your project. You stretch, you’re back hurting from being hunched over for so long. You look at the clock “What time did you need to be back?” he looks at the clock and laughs
“Apparently not before midnight”
“It’s fine”
“If you want we can finish this tonight and you can stay round” he looks at you
“Are you sure?” you nod
“Saves you going back when it’s past midnight” you nod “Or do you just want to sleep now and finish this tomorrow?”
“Probably that. I don’t know how much more my brain can concentrate” he smiles “Sorry” you shrug and smile at him
“Umm, you take the bed, I’ll sleep out here”
“No it’s your house you sleep in your bed”
“Nope you’re the guest”
“Why don’t we do this true sleepover style and both sleep out here?” he half smiles at you as you nod at his plan, going into your bedroom and grabbing some blankets and cushions. You pass him some, moving your little coffee table over and lying on the floor, cushion placed under your head. He lies next to you, laying the blanket over him. Grabbing the small lamp you place it near your heads, turning it on
“Shit I forgot to turn the main light off” you stand up again, going over to turn it off. He laughs before you do
“I forgot you were wearing my jacket. You look so small in it” you chuckle and place your arms out to the side, the sleeves hiding half of your hands.
“I would give it back to you but its mine now” he laughs as you turn the light off, going back over and lying down. The gentle light from the lamp being the only source of light in the room. You hold your hand up, creating a shadow on the ceiling. He chuckles as you make it look like a dog, him copying you and pretending to chase you with his dog. He grabs your hand, making fake eating noises as you laugh, his hand then holding yours, interlocking his fingers with yours. He kisses the back of it before placing both yours and his hand on his chest. “Have you got a necklace on?” you ask as you feel roughness hit your hand from under his shirt
“Huh? Yeah” he uses his hand that isn’t holding yours to pull out a necklace, a guitar pick dangling from it. You use your free hand to hold it, looking at it closely. Your body turning towards his. 
“I didn’t realise you played guitar...” he turns his body to face you, your interlocked hands coming up to rest by your faces. He nods
“Have you got anymore tattoos since I last saw you?” you shake your head 
“I want one behind my ear but it’ll be difficult to hide, plus I can’t do it myself”
“I can do it for you”
“Really?” he nods, moving his free hand to come up and move the hair out of the way so he can look, his finger lightly tracing the skin behind your ear.
“What would you like?”
“Roses I think would look cool. In amongst some vines” he nods, his eyes meeting yours as he stays tracing the soft skin. You smile at him, before being cut off with a yawn. He chuckles slightly, hand moving to gently stroke your cheek with his thumb. 
“What happened to us doing an all-nighter?”
“I never said I’d do that” he laughs “Also what would we even do all night? I don’t have many films here” he nods, his eyes darting to your lips before going back to your eyes. You smile slightly, leaning into him as you rest your forehead against his shoulder, shutting your eyes and lying down more as he stays resting on his side. After a few moments you feel him start to move, you go to move away from him thinking he needed to get up and you were in the way but then you feel him gently press his lips to yours. A hand still on your cheek as he keeps kissing you. He pulls away, almost like he suddenly realised what he was doing. His face a foot or so away from your face
“Shit I’m sorry” he goes to move away but you shake your head
“Please... I-I like this” he smiles down at you, kissing you again before looking at you with questioning eyes
“Are you sure?” you nod and bite your lip. He smiles, kissing you again. This time he moves, his hand that was on your cheek helping to keep him up as he moves to be over you. His body at a slight angle in comparison to yours. Your free hand going to the back of his neck as a way to bring him closer to you, tasting cigarettes on his tongue. His hands gripping onto yours, allowing you to be able to feel his rings leaving dents in the palms of your hands. The kiss staying slow as you explore each other’s mouths. He pulls away, both of you breathless as he smiles down at you. You bite your bottom lip, going to kiss him again but him being too far away from you. You let out an annoyed whine causing him to laugh “what do you need, hmm?” you feel your cheeks redden
“...you...” you whisper out. His smile widens even more, the hand keeping him up moves, using his forearm on his other arm to keep himself up. He strokes your reddened cheek before his fingers go to the front of your shirt. His hand playing with the buttons, raising an eyebrow slightly as he doesn’t feel the familiar feel of a bra underneath your shirt
“Are you wearing anything underneath?” your cheeks go even redder as you try to hide your face into his arm. “Come on pretty girl, answer my question” You feel your face burning, but you take a deep and shaky breath. Refusing to look at him as you speak
“I’m not...” he kisses your temple as he leans to one side slightly, his arm keeping him up, fingers still interlocked with yours as he glides his free hand over your torso, slowly undoing the buttons. Each one he undoes you see his eyes flutter up to check your face, ready to stop at any sign of discomfort as your eyes stay transfixed on his delicate fingers undoing each button. As he opens the last one he takes the side of your shirt and his jacket, he starts to move it slowly, allowing your chest to be seen. He lets out a sinful moan as he looks at your boobs. The hand coming up and squeezing one gently, his rings cold against your hot skin. He leans down, taking one of your nipples into his mouth. You moan, your free hand grabbing his hair. He attacks your nub with his tongue, gently grazing it with his teeth. You moan, gripping his hair tightly. He lets out a grunt as you tighten your grip on him. You smile evilly as you tug at his roots again. Another moan leaves his lips. The vibration going through your chest straight to your core “Does someone like a little pain, huh?” you tease, biting your lip as you grip tighter, his eyes shutting as he holds back a moan. “My little masochist...” He moves off of your boob in a swift motion, his free hand coming up to go around your neck. He gently squeezes the sides, causing you to let out a small moan. 
“Don’t forget who’s in charge, hmm?” he smiles, leaning down towards your face as he kisses you roughly 
“Ple-please” your free hand moves to grip at the base of his shirt “off” you plead at him. He smiles, letting go of your neck and hand as he kneels down at the end of your body. He pulls the clothing over his head, throwing it to the side as you bite your lip, looking at his tattooed torso. Your hand reaches out, gently tracing the various inks sketches. He smiles, leaning back over you as he positons his body between your legs, kissing you again as you feel him lower his body more onto yours. One hand goes and holds him up, the forearm resting near your head as he gently strokes your cheek. The other traces lightly down your body. You feel him unbutton your jeans, slowly pulling them down your body. You lift yourself up slightly so he can remove them. The whole time your lips never parting. He starts to rub you on the outside of your underwear, causing you to moan into his mouth. He smiles, pulling away slightly
“Let’s hear that again shall we?” he pushes hard down onto your clothed clit, making you moan out and grab his bicep with both your hands
“Please. Please” he kisses you again, smiling as he kisses your neck and making his way down.
“How could I refuse when you asked me so nicely” he positons himself between your legs, hands gently caressing your thighs as he plants kisses to your still clothed core. You try and grind against his face but he tuts and uses one hand to hold you pelvis down. He takes a hold of your pants, slowly pulling them down your legs. “Jesus look at how wet you are already baby” He presses his finger against your sensitive clit, rubbing circles onto it as you whine out. Grabbing a hold of his hair and trying to bring him closer to you. 
“Eddie please” you cry out, soon after feeling the harshness of his finger be replaced by his soft lips. Keeping a hand on either one of your thighs he starts licking and sucking on your folds, nose brushing your clit. You whine out, both hands tugging harshly at his hair in an effort to bring him closer to you. You start rutting your hips into his face, feeling him work his way round your hole as your hips move to make his nose hit your clit. God he sure knows how to use his tongue. “Gonna... gonna cum...” he smiles, his mouth staying in your folds and his finger going from one of your thighs to rub your clit. You try everything to keep yourself from crushing his head as your orgasm hits you. Your hands pushing him further into your heat as you moan out various curse words. You feel one of his hands still on your thigh, managing to keep his head from being completely engulfed. He helps you ride it out, moving away as he watches your hole leak out fresh juices. He rubs your shaky thighs. You see him sit up properly, wiping his mouth and chin. You hold a hand out towards him, grabbing at the air as he leans over you. Kissing him you taste yourself on his tongue. You move your hand down, feeling his hard on. He lets out a small grunt as you palm him through his jeans. Hearing his breath start to hitch in your ear. You smile to yourself, kissing his lips, then jawline, neck, collarbone. You nibble slightly at the flesh, his breath catching in his throat. He moves away slightly, a smile forming on his lips as he watches your eyes turning playful 
“What are you doing, little miss?” you shake your head and bite your lip, leaning once again to lick a stripe up his collarbone before nibbling the flesh. “If you do what I think you want to do, there will be trouble” you smile at his words. Licking and kissing the skin before biting down. Not hard enough to break the skin, but hard enough to most likely cause bruising. He moans out, gritting his teeth through the pain and pleasure going through his body. He moves away, a smile on his lips as you go to do it again. He places a hand around your jaw. You feel his rings denting the flesh slightly from his grip. You bite your lip, watching as he shakes his head.  “You going to be a good girl for me and behave, yeah?” you nod slightly, as much as your head can whilst he has a strong hold on your jaw
“Wanna-” your hands grab at his trousers, trying to pull him closer to you. Forcing you to look at him as he smile, causing you to whine out as his hand tightens. 
“You want to make me feel good?” you nod, watching him as he let’s go of your face. His hands go to the side pockets of his jacket you’re wearing, letting out an annoyed groan
“I don’t have... anything...” you shake your head
“I’m... I’m on the pill... Please I need to feel you...” he smirks slightly at your words. The idea of doing it raw exciting him more. He slowly undoes his trousers, once again kneeling between your knees as he disrobes the rest of his body. You bite your lip as you see his cock, watching as he pumps himself a few times before lining up with your entrance. He leans over you, kissing you
“Eyes on me, ok?” you nod, watching his eyes as he slowly pushes into you. Your hands grab at him, wrapping around the back of his neck, fluttering your eyes but keeping them open as best as you can
“Oh fuck, Eddie” he smiles, kissing all over your face as you adjust to him. 
“You feel so good...” he slowly starts to move in and out, making you dig your nails into his neck and upper back. He grunts as his pace starts to quicken. You wrap your legs around his waist, his mouth starting to attack your neck with kisses as he hears you moaning into his ear. One hand by the side of you head to keep him up, the other moves to your clit, rubbing circles onto it. You moan, the only words falling out of your mouth is his name followed by several curses.
“C-Close. Eddie, please. Eddie!” he moves from your neck, kissing your slightly agape mouth
“Let go for me” you moan out, you can feel his eyes watching your face as he continues his thrust, grunting as you tighten around him. You feel him getting close himself, his hips become less periodic. You shut your eyes as he works for his high, the over stimulation from two orgasms being a lot for you. You grip his shoulders tightly, whining out. Your pussy clenching around him from the activity. He moans, pulling out and releasing himself onto your stomach. He breathes heavily, tilting his head back before he leans down and kisses you, wiping the stray hairs that have fallen from your ponytail out of your face as you tiredly kiss him back. He rests for a moment, lying next to you. One hand resting on your shaky thigh as he rubs it soothingly. He kisses your forehead “You’ve been such a good girl for me” you nod in response as you half open your eyes, smiling at him slightly before shutting them again. You feel his hand move from your leg, then hearing the tap in the bathroom running before he comes back out, a damp towel in his hand. He comes over, opening your legs slightly as he cleans you up. Placing soft kisses to your thighs as he wipes your sensitive core and your stomach down. He places his pants back on his body, going over to your bedroom and grabbing a pair of clean underwear from your drawer. 
Coming over he places it over your body, then covering you in your blanket as he lies next to you, wrapping his arms around you as he brings you close to him. Your head and hand going on his chest, feeling his hand cover yours. Your eyes still shut from exhaustion, slowly drifting to sleep as you listen to his heartbeat
@karma2223​ @fknemily​
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haysprite · 1 year
can we see more of your legion headcanons :0
Ooooh of course! I'm so glad you asked, cause boy do I have a ton of em! How about some Prom Night headcanons :D
Frank- •Immediately says yes to Julie and gets a lil smug about her asking him, he just teases her since usually the guy is supposed to ask while she just rolls her eyes •Doesn't bother with anything too fancy, he just finds the most basic shit to wear plus his stupid dirty shoes •Makes sure they get away with a dine and dash at one of Ormond's nicest restaurants (which is like, probably a Chilli's or whatever the fuck they have in Canada idfk) •Has to be snuck into the dance since he doesn't go to the school (barely manages to not get caught) •Totally smuggles in some illegal shit to the dance, spikes the punch n everything •Tries to make a lot of song requests, gets denied each time since they're all stupid annoying heavy metal songs •Can't dance for SHIT, low-key embarrassed by this lmfao, Julie is laughing at him the whole time about this •Ends up stealing the Prom Queen and King's crowns for him and Julie <3 •Sneaks over to Julie's house after Joey drops them off to spend some more time with her, but realizes she's asleep so he leaves her a corny note and lays it next to the crown
Julie- •Asked out Frank with a stupid card and his favorite candy (she was gonna do something more, but remembered it was Frank, take that however you will) •Took Susie dress shopp(lift)ing, wanted to make sure they looked their best (she's got a great sense of style and loves shopping with her) •Wears a knee-length red dress with her hair curled and down and a beautiful silver necklace she stole from her mom •She spends all day getting ready, then helps Susie out as well (hair, nails, makeup, everything!) •Has a whole (lose) schedule for the night so that they can make the most of it •Ends up stealing Joey for a dance at some point cause she at least wants ONE good dance •Practically spying on Joey and Susie the whole night while Frank wonders what the fuck she's doing •She made bets with Joey over whether or not Frank would get caught, she won $20 that night •Puts the crown on her bedside table and stares at it lovingly before falling asleep
Joey- •Asked out Susie with a bouquet of stolen flowers •Gets himself a nice suit, mans has to be extra and look his best ✨ •He's everyone's ride to the school, mister personal chauffeur •He and Susie tear it UP on the dance floor, bro! They absolutely knock everyone else outta the park with their moves •Finally decides to make a move on Susie during the last dance, this leads to their first kiss <3 •They literally don't leave each other's sides for the rest of the night •After dropping everyone else off, he takes Susie to go stargazing for a little bit, then takes her home after she falls asleep on his shoulder
Susie- •Got super duper giddy when Joey asked her out, she's always wanted to go to a dance with someone! •A bit panicky about what to wear n shit, but Julies got her back and helps her out •Wears a long blue-green dress with a black choker and flats, a matching flower in her hair, which is curled in a half-up style •She's so excited on the way to the school, she's bubbling with excitement to spend the night with her friends •While Joey and Julie have a dance, Susie decides to have Frank help her with some shitty pranks on the other students, they have a lot of fun with this (she didn't wanna risk getting her feet stepped on lmao) •Doesn't realize that the punch is spiked and gets a bit tipsy 🥴 This results in some funny lil moments •When she wakes up in the morning, she immediately calls Joey to apologize for falling asleep on him, but he just laughs and says it was no biggie
Even though Ormond doesn't always have super exciting shit going on, they make the best out of it! And of course, its not a night with the Legion without a bit of chaos caused here and there.
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csykora · 2 years
i haven't been following you for very long, so could you tell me about some of your favorite historical hockey moments? :D
Hello, and thanks for asking!
It's hard to choose. Since it's storming outside, the first one to mind is one from home:
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Lake Champlain runs the length of the state of Vermont and into Québec, feeding the St. Lawrence river that wraps around Montréal. More like a river itself, it only closes over with ice in especially cold winters. (When it does, it's the only place in the whole region that's even close to flat.) The cities of Montréal and Burlington, an hour and a bit by road today, have been connected by ship since they were first built and by a railroad that snakes around and occasionally across the lake since the 1840s.
As the winter of 1885 turned over to 86, Montréal was stricken with a smallpox epidemic. The coming year should have been the third time the city hosted a winter carnival, which was already becoming a popular, and profitable, tradition. The outdoor events had included plenty of skating, which at the time was the trending way for young people to meet, admire each others' strong legs and rosy cheeks, and make out after. In amongst the other skating activities were the first known public hockey games in the Crystal Palace rink.
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[Hockey players at the Crystal Palace in 1881]
But with the smallpox threatened to spread, people from the northern US and Canada hesitated to buy tickets down to Montréal, and the city wavered over whether it would be right to invite them. Safety won out.
So, Burlington offered to host. Montréal agreed, and representatives came down to work with Burlington locals to arrange it. Without the bigger city's amenities, and still worried about people from outside the region coming in, they rebranded a little, making it officially a "Carnival of Sports". There would be sleighing, sledding, skating, sailing on the lake ice--and hockey.
Two teams of Montreal students came down on the night train. The Montréal Hockey Club of the Montréal Amateur Athletic Association, who had started playing and also won the Carnival game the previous year, wearing the "winged wheel" logo chosen by the MAAA when it was primarily a bicycling club
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and their archrivals (of all of a year) the Crystals (who practiced at the Crystal Palace) settled into a local hotel on the University of Vermont campus called the Van Ness House. For the next week, while everyone else was skating and sledding down the steep streets that sweep down toward the lake, they taught seven Burlington boys the basic rules. At the time they had the rover position in between offense and defense (justice for the rover. Bring it back) and the players were numbered simply 1 through 7, moving out from the goal.
On the last day of the carnival, a storm came in over the lake. According to the Burlington Free Press that week, "A strong and piercing cold northwest wind prevailed during the entire day, sweeping the dry snow in great clouds through the streets of the city, banging doors and blinds, carrying away hats, and bringing tears to the eyes of all who ventured to face the gale."
Unlike Montréal, Burlington didn't have a skating rink. There was just the lake, well iced over by February of 1886. But down at the train station on the Burlington wharf, the railroad slip, the docks, and the breakwater frame a wide rectangle of ice.
Spectators crowded out onto the docks to watch through billowing snow as the MHC played the Crystals for two bitter twenty-minute matches. Then MHC played the team from Van Ness House, cutting their matches down to two chilly fifteen-minute matches, to thunderous applause. Van Ness and the Crystals agreed to play for ten minutes a piece before the snow swirled so high no one could see.
The next day, the Free Press published an explanation of the rules (few) and the puck (half a wooden ball with four sides sanded down to make a rough square). The Montréal players took the train home, only to be replaced by just as many children, playing pickup hockey between the docks.
That was the first international hockey tournament in the world.
Other favorites:
Boom Boom Geoffrion, just as a person
the time when Wayne Gretzky was about 12 and another player tried to board him but Wayne's grandmother was sitting in the stands right there and since there wasn't any glass she started swearing in Russian and leaned in and beaned the other boy on the head with her handbag. Then that boy grew up to be NHL star Paul Reinhart.
the time in the 1970s the Canadian team were sent a shipment of literal Canadian beef to grill pre-game but it didn't arrive and they accused the Soviet Union of stealing their steaks
Helmuts Balderis' life, fighting the system and listening to disco
and, not a favorite but boy does it live rent free in my mind, the time the Edmonton Oilers shaved Paul Coffey's balls.
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foodandfolklore · 8 months
Quinoa; It's Beautiful Story and Tragic History
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Quinoa is one of those foods that has made it's way into modern food trends. It seems to have exploded out of nowhere. It fits many diets as it's low carbs, vegan, gluten free, and a complete protein. Is this superfood newly engineered by scientists? Nope. It's actually one of the oldest staple foods of the Americas. So why isn't Quinoa as common as Potatoes and Tomatoes?
If you've never had Quinoa, it's a seed that is eaten like a grain. It's small and round, coming in a variety of colours. Tan, Red, and Black are most common. It can be ground into a flour, but it's most commonly eaten by boiling like rice. It tastes like a slightly nutty rice and I quite enjoy it. That's assuming you get the coating off.
Since I live in Canada, most Quinoa that's bought comes prewashed. This is because Quinoa has a protective coating over it to help keep pests away. This invisible coating is very bitter and soapy, thus it needs to be washed off. But this coating is one of the things that makes Quinoa so resilient. It can grow basically anywhere. Flat lands, highlands, mountains, dry lands; it's absolutely astounding how a crop this nutrient dense can grow so easily.
And the Indigenous populations of the central Americas knew this. Quinoa was the backbone of their diet. It allowed their people to thrive, their children to grow up strong, new mothers to lactate and provide milk for their young; It was a gift from the Gods. They worshiped Quinoa and regularly laid out offerings to the beings who gave it to them.
So when European colonizers first came to the Americas, they saw how important Quinoa was to the Inca locals. And they didn't like that. Some of them didn't like the religious aspect, and thought it inappropriate they were worshiping false Gods. Others saw how healthy and strong the food made them and felt threatened. So the colonizers set out to destroy Quinoa and the culture around it. They tore up fields, destroyed offerings, and placed a Ban on Quinoa eating and worshiping. It's pretty pathetic how threatened someone can feel from food, but sadly it worked. And it wasn't just Quinoa, they abolished cultures, other foods they didn't like; we are missing so much and it physically hurts me to think about.
But, we have Quinoa today. This is because Quinoa can grow anywhere so some natives took some seeds and climbed high up into the mountains. They cultivated the quinoa there and it was eaten mainly by locals. Until the 1970s when some American students of a Bolivian Mystic and Philosopher brought the grains back to the US after eating the food on the regular. A while after, it took off in popularity.
Kitchen Uses
As mentioned, Quinoa is a good substitution for rice. I actually just cook mine in a rice cooker. You always want to cook Quinoa at a 1 to 2 parts ratio. 1 part dry Quinoa to 2 parts Water (Or other liquid). You can eat it hot or let it cool and use it as a base for a salad. Try mixing it with some diced cucumbers, tomatoes, green onions, mint, parsley, feta cheese, and a little olive oil and lemon juice. Add salt and pepper to taste, easy fresh salad.
I love using Quinoa in cooking and Kitchen Magic. It has the Nick name Mother Grain and it's just so nourishing. Quinoa is great at Absorbing Negativity and Promoting Health. Since it can grow in almost any kind of environment, this promotes Adaptability, Overcoming Obstacles, and Growth. It's also known for it Abundance, Spirituality, and Fertility properties. But don't forget, it's also a seed, so New Ideas and New Beginnings. You take advantage of colour magic and black Quinoa, so not only will it Absorb the Negativity, but Also Ward and Banish.
Finding an actual story about Quinoa has been tricky. I have found many shortened summaries of mythology and stories, but not a beat for beat retelling. Which I feel is important. But I found a video of an Andean man telling the story of how we first got Quinoa. I encourage you to watch the Video, but I'm also going to write the story down in case the Video is taken down one day. I've added in some of my own words based on the visuals used.
Tradition has it that the Aymara people used to talk to the stars. Since that time, it has been told that nearby Titicaca Lake and it's fields started producing their first crops. However, in the night, someone would come to the fields and rip up the potato plants growing there.
There was a young man who guarded the fields by the Lake. One night he wanted to surprise the potato thief. So he brought a loud hand bell with him, and stayed up through the night watching the potato fields.
It was here that several young women showed up in the fields. The young man heard someone digging up potatoes so he went to investigate. The young man stayed hidden and pushed back the tall crops to see three young women gathering potatoes.
The young man stood high and rang the warning bell. Startled, the women fled; however, one of them tripped and fell, and he captured her. It was a cold night, so the young man offered some clothes off his back to keep her warm while they waited. She smiled at him for his kind gesture.
The bell had awoken the villagers and they were on their way to get the potato thief. They sounded angry and ready to take out their rage on the potato thief. The young man grew concerned for the women, but she simply handed him back his garment.
And so it was that the young woman turned herself into a bird and flew away to where her companions, the other stars, lived. The young man was flabbergasted and couldn't explain to the other people what had happened.
The next day, he went in search of the Condor [A type of Vulture] so that it could carry him to the stars that had taken flight off the Earth. He had to climb high, high up a cliffside mountain to get to the Condor. But once there the Condor stretched his wings and became large enough to ride.
The Condor bore him to where the young star was. High up to a beautiful land covered in golden crops called Quinoa. The young man reunited with the woman star and they enjoyed each other's company, running through the fields of Quinoa.
She lived with the young man and fed him Quinoa. Yet there came a day when the young man wanted to return to the Earth to see his Parents. So he got on the Condor to fly back home. Before leaving, the star gave him Quinoa to take back to his people. Then the Condor flew off.
As the young man came back to earth on the Condor, he scattered the Quinoa as he went. The seeds planted themselves into the soil and grew into new Quinoa plants on Earth.
From then on, Quinoa has been grown in order to feed the Andean people. Yet it was unheard of by the rest of humanity. Quinoa is life. Quinoa is hope. Quinoa is the past. Quinoa is the present. And Quinoa is the future of mankind.
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
Reading your tags on the travel poll - you're absolutely right. International travel *used* to be more common among USians, especially to nearby Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean where we used to be able to travel without a passport. But travel costs and restrictions on top of income inequity means fewer people traveling. Also? I've traveled over 4,000 miles/6,700km to a vacation destination (Hawai'i) and was still in the US. It's big here.
Yeah this is it exactly. I can be in France or Belgium in a few hours max for not a HUGE sum of money, and from there the rest of Europe is easy access. Its not even all that difficult to get from here to Africa or the Middle East in all honestly, I understand that a flight from NY to LA is only a bit shorter than a flight from London to Dubai. Insane!
And then wealth inequality and the cost of travel for people in the US is clearly also a huge factor. Its just so much more expensive for Americans to travel to the rest of the world, since you are separated from it by two huge oceans. Even South America is a bloody long trek for someone living in New York.
Though I do think its worth mentioning that when I was staying with a friend in Alabama once upon a time, it was really eye opening to me how so many of her fellow students at her uni had never even left the state let alone the country. I was treated with a mix of curiosity and fascination because I was doing a backpacking trip around the world (literally - I kept to one direction and ended up back where I started take THAT flat Earthers! Lol) and a lot of the comments I got were... why? One extremely patriotic dude was like "why would I leave? America is the greatest country on Earth". (He was also possibly the most idiotic person I've ever met in my life so there is that) so I did get the impression, certainly among certain areas, communities, states, etc... that they simply have no interest in travel either. Though I can't imagine that mindset is one that is popular among Americans who use Tumblr...
So basically there are many many factors as to why Americans don't seem to travel outside of America unlike most people from other countries. It was crazy to me back when I was there how few people had travelled, whereas here in the UK i can't think of a single person I know who hasnt travelled to multiple countries as its just the norm.
Its interesting seeing those differences of experience reflect in the polls though. Tumblr is so America orientated but honestly if that poll was done among only non Americans, I am certain the results would skew heavily in favour of 9+ countries. Over 50% for sure.
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zebkiehousing · 3 months
Exploring Student Housing Options around the Globe: Zebkie Housing
Are you a student looking for the perfect accommodation? Look no further! Zebkie Housing is here to guide you through the exciting journey of finding your ideal student flat, whether you're studying in Canada, Spain, or Russia. Let's delve into the diverse options available for student living in these vibrant destinations.
Student Flat in Canada: Canada is renowned for its world-class education and diverse culture, attracting students from all corners of the globe. When it comes to finding a student flat in Canada, Zebkie Housing ensures that you have access to comfortable and convenient living spaces close to your university or college. From cozy studio apartments to shared flats with modern amenities, we cater to your specific needs and budget, making your transition to Canadian student life seamless and enjoyable.
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Student Housing in Spain: Spain beckons students with its sunny weather, rich history, and bustling cities. Whether you're drawn to the vibrant streets of Barcelona, the cultural hub of Madrid, or the coastal charm of Valencia, Zebkie Housing offers a variety of options for student housing in Spain. Experience the authentic Spanish lifestyle by choosing from our selection of furnished apartments and student residences, strategically located near universities, transportation hubs, and popular attractions. With Zebkie Housing, you can immerse yourself fully in the dynamic culture of Spain while pursuing your academic goals.
Student Dorm in Russia: Russia's renowned universities and diverse academic programs attract students seeking quality education and cultural enrichment. Zebkie Housing understands the importance of comfortable and secure accommodation for students in Russia. Whether you prefer the camaraderie of a student dormitory or the privacy of a self-contained apartment, we have you covered. Our student housing options in Russia offer modern facilities, proximity to campus, and opportunities to connect with fellow students from around the world. Let Zebkie Housing be your trusted partner in navigating the vibrant student life in Russia.
At Zebkie Housing, we prioritize your comfort, convenience, and safety, ensuring that your student living experience is memorable for all the right reasons. With our expertise and extensive network of properties, you can focus on your studies and exploration, knowing that your accommodation needs are in capable hands. Discover your perfect student flat in Canada, student housing in Spain, or student dorm in Russia with Zebkie Housing today!
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pissandcigarettes · 1 year
Running an arrest is never as straightforward as you'd like it to be.
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Instructors can teach all the algorithms til the cows come home but even they know (and a good instructor will teach you) that being a Paramedic or EMT, Firefighter etc means operating under a considerable amount of stress while family and bystanders are yelling in the background
Doing your job under a set of guidelines that are for the most part written in a "black and white" manner but knowing there's important parts of your job that exist in the gray.
My partner and I arrived to a high rise to find an 18 year old kid that committed suicide by overdosing on an unknown amount of mystery pills. There was vonit everywhere, and fire had arrived before we did.
Whatever they were had to have been some pretty strong stuff.
Call originated from a group of friends that saw his post on social media that morning. ( Can anyone out there imagine how startling and anxiety inducing seeing your friend post that on social media can be? Jesus.)
He was recent enough and the "down time" was minimal enough that he stayed in a shockable rhythm throught the duration of the call
Everything was fairly straightforward except for the favt that the apartment itself was extremely narrow and tight.
Tight enough that it made extrication a giant pain in the ass.
And the elevator....the goddamn elevator.
It was so small we were forced to put the stretcher at a 90 degree angle instead of completely flat to make it fit
Resulting in the most awkward perpendicular chest compressions I've ever done in my career.
To my recollection he never got a pulse back. No family in Canada , he was an international student here on his own.
Pronounced in hospital
Benefits of working in a city. Our various Hospitals are always a short drive away.
As i sit here at the bar having myself a beer recollecting this event, i find this extremely cathartic, and I find myself cursing my own memory. This happened at least 2 years ago and i can remember this event vividly. The apartment, the vomit, his face, the firefighters helping us extricate, the trip down the elevator, going through the front of the building, the uneven pavement, the construction fencing, people watching us do a CPR on someone's son and then going on about their day.
The 100 m trip to the ambulance because of the construction. The 6 min drive to the hospital, and talking about the call afterwards with my partner.
Anyway, on to the next beer, oops i mean call.
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aroaessidhe · 2 years
i started reading switchback by danika stone, which is about two kids that get lost on a school hiking trip, and one of the MCs is aroace (that’s why I’m reading it) and like. aroace character is written fine. writing is average. it’s ok I guess.
but as someone who has been tramping since I was 3 weeks old, I am IN PAIN.....they have this school trip which as far as I can tell is a 6 hour walk on the first day, let the students (of just a normal class, not an outdoor ed class, some have never been in the outdoors) just show up with whatever and don’t do any sort of gear check, not even look at their shoes, no safety talk, no regular headcounts, and just head off, WITH A STORM FORCASTED, with likelyhood of snow.
one of the main characters has no warm clothes, no raincoat, flat thin shoes, IS WEARING JEANS......it’s actually hilarious. is this just. what outdoor school trips in america (or canada or wherever this is set) are like? or is it just badly written? lets see how much of this i can handle
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kp777 · 2 years
By David Brooks, Opinion Columnist
The New York Times
If you’ve been paying attention to the social trends, you probably have some inkling that boys and men are struggling, in the U.S. and across the globe.
They are struggling in the classroom. American girls are 14 percentage points more likely to be “school ready” than boys at age 5, controlling for parental characteristics. By high school, two-thirds of the students in the top 10 percent of the class, ranked by G.P.A., are girls, while roughly two-thirds of the students at the lowest decile are boys. In 2020, at the 16 top American law schools, not a single one of the flagship law reviews had a man as editor in chief.
Men are struggling in the workplace. One in three American men with only a high school diploma — 10 million men — is now out of the labor force. The biggest drop in employment is among young men aged 25 to 34. Men who entered the work force in 1983 will earn about 10 percent less in real terms in their lifetimes than those who started a generation earlier. Over the same period, women’s lifetime earnings have increased 33 percent. Pretty much all of the income gains that middle-class American families have enjoyed since 1970 are because of increases in women’s earnings.
Men are also struggling physically. Men account for close to three out of every four “deaths of despair” — suicide and drug overdoses. For every 100 middle-aged women who died of Covid up to mid-September 2021, there were 184 middle-aged men who died.
Richard V. Reeves’s new book, “Of Boys and Men,” is a landmark, one of the most important books of the year, not only because it is a comprehensive look at the male crisis, but also because it searches for the roots of that crisis and offers solutions.
I learned a lot I didn’t know. First, boys are much more hindered by challenging environments than girls. Girls in poor neighborhoods and unstable families may be able to climb their way out. Boys are less likely to do so. In Canada, boys born into the poorest households are twice as likely to remain poor as their female counterparts. In American schools, boys’ academic performance is more influenced by family background than girls’ performance. Boys raised by single parents have lower rates of college enrollment than girls raised by single parents.
Second, policies and programs designed to promote social mobility often work for women, but not men. Reeves, a scholar at the Brookings Institution, visited Kalamazoo, Mich., where, thanks to a donor, high school graduates get to go to many colleges in the state free. The program increased the number of women getting college degrees by 45 percent. The men’s graduation rates remained flat. Reeves lists a whole series of programs, from early childhood education to college support efforts, that produced impressive gains for women, but did not boost men.
Read more.
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How To Find Student Loan For International Students In USA Without Cosigner
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How to Find Student loan for international students in USA without cosigner? Getting a loan without a co-signer may seem impossible, but there are options. Some private lenders don't offer cosigned student loans - and online loan comparison tool can help you find one.
Information About Co-Signers
As an international student in the United States or coming to the United States, you usually need to have a signatory when applying for a loan. Co-signers must be a US citizen or US permanent resident who has lived in the US for the past two years and has good credit standing. Since most international students in the US have no credit history, a co-signer participates in the standard application process. Approval and rates are based on the creditworthiness of the co-signer and are required by law to repay the loan if you (the borrower) are unable to pay. If you don't have a creditworthy co-signer, you won't qualify for most international student loans. However, there are still a few options for international students, and on this page, we give you the information you need for private international student loans that do not require a co-signer.
Student Loan For International Students In USA Without Cosigner
While most lenders typically require a cosigner, international students attending certain colleges and universities in the United States and Canada can apply without a signer. If you cannot find a co-signer, this type of loan may be a good option for you. With unsigned loans, the lender doesn't look at your loan history, but rather your academic success and career path. Some factors they take into account are your home country, graduation date, and the school you attend. Private international student loans are offered by non-governmental lenders. Several private lenders offer loans for international students, each with its own eligibility requirements. However, only select lenders offer loans for international students who do not require a co-signer. Before choosing a lender, it is important to do your research and find a lender that can offer you a loan that suits your needs. You can use online international student loan comparison tool to get information about the student loan companies that work with international students in just a few clicks.
Find And Compare Loans Without A Co-Signer
If you are an international student and want to explore the possibility of a Student loan for international students in USA without cosigner, you can use loan comparison tool to see if your school has a loan. Then you can research the conditions of the loan and apply directly through the lender. If you are looking for a loan, here are some things to keep in mind: - How much can you borrow? - The interest rate (even if it is fixed or variable) - The repayment period - When and how will your money be paid out? After your Student loan for international students in USA without cosigner application has been reviewed, you will be given details about your loan, including your interest rate and the amount you can borrow. These points vary depending on the lender and your situation. For example, unsigned loans through one of partners have a flat rate of 11.99% to 13.99% and allow you to borrow up to $25,000 per study period or a total of $50,000. In your application, you must indicate how much you want to borrow. The approved amount along with your set interest rate will be assigned to you by the lender after reviewing your application. When you get a loan, the money is paid directly to your college or university. The whole process usually takes about 6 weeks, so you should plan accordingly. First, use the international student loan comparison tool to see if any loans are available at your school, including co-signer loans. Read the full article
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francesca925 · 2 months
Blog 1:Initial ideas and research
The words "Protecting Biodiversity" have always been around me growing up, from school - adverts - news - social media, but I have never really looked into what biodiversity is, how to deal with the decline of biodiversity and how to protect it; Firstly, I went through the introductory section of the course on Moodle and the examples of previous students' work many times, but I hadn't formed any initial ideas about artefacts yet; for the scavenger hunt in the first lesson, I went to Victoria Park near my flat and photographed some small squirrels and this big, strange tree; I thought about what would be closer to the words "biology", "creativity" and "idea", but didn't come up with any great ideas. (I'd like to thank ECTIP for this course, it's been a long time since I've been able to look at nature, animals and plants so closely, and it's a great feeling!)
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Figure 1&2: Photographed in person at Victoria Park
I decided to look for videos on social media and video sites with the keyword "biodiversity conservation" in order to find some inspiration; I watched 3-4 documentaries and feature videos to gain a better understanding of the seriousness of the issue of biodiversity conservation today. I think that if I want to make truly beneficial and creative artefacts I need to be more aware of the theoretical issues surrounding biodiversity and the specific threats we are facing, so I have created the following mind map:
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 Figure 3: The mind map I made in "X-Mind".
In December 2022, a global conference was held in Montreal, Canada, to adopt a new framework for the conservation of the world's biodiversity called the Harmony with Nature 2050 Vision. The framework sets out an ambitious plan for action to transform the world's relationship with biodiversity and ensure that the shared vision of Harmony with Nature is achieved by 2050.
The range of information in the link tells us that biodiversity issues are cross-cutting challenges that can be solved independently by more than just governments or environmental authorities. According to a 2019 international scientific report, about 1 million plant and animal species are at risk of extinction globally. As temperatures continue to rise, ecosystems suffer major impacts: a temperature rise of 1.1 degrees Celsius has already altered marine, terrestrial, and freshwater ecosystems around the globe, while an increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius could lead to the disappearance of 70 percent of coral reefs. If temperatures rise to 2 degrees Celsius, we could face the total collapse of many more ecosystems. These data underscore the need for cross-sectoral and international cooperation to protect our natural environment."
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