#student loan scams
whoskris · 2 years
literally why do I have to pay 50-85 dollars per college application just for them to reject me 3 months later
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victor-frankensimp · 2 years
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hezigler · 2 years
How about student loans?
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orcboxer · 2 years
I've said it before but conservatives really have no concept of cost vs price. It costs $2 to produce one vial of insulin, Pfizer charges you $1000, and conservatives will confidently tell you it would cost the average taxpayer $2000 under universal healthcare. You are the easiest mark in the world. Why are you price gouging yourself?
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yellowistheraddest · 1 month
guess who payed for their first semester of dorm rent and now has less than double digits in their bank account even though they literally just had a job for 2 months
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giantkillerjack · 2 years
My first time watching Glass Onion it was obvious that Miles' speeches were bullshit, but I still searched for any hidden meaning there might be.
The second time is a different experience though because every time my brain starts to search for meaning, I feel like Benoit Blanc discovering that no, there is absolutely no hidden meaning.
It's bullshit it's all nothing nothing nothing! It is just how you end up talking when everyone reacts to your self-aggrandizing word vomit like it is actually wisdom.
Also, legit, when Miles gave his stupid bullshit speech about what the word 'disruptor' means to him, I shit you not I was like holy shit am I back in business school right now?!
Miles must have given speeches like that at 100 business school graduations, goddamn.
Like, the motherfuckers really do sound like this. We didn't have any billionaires come, but we had a lot of millionaire guest speakers in my classes, and they fucking talk like that.
They all think they're rugged capitalists, but they're just glass onions!
#original#glass onion#it's just. business school prepared me really well to succeed in the business world as a straight white neurotypical#able-bodied cis man with a large network of very wealthy friends and family#I really would have killed it if I wasn't a queer autistic cripple!#even the best teachers seemed incredibly unaware of the enormous privilege that they were assuming in their students when they taught#but they basically presupposed you had infinite energy and savings and a disturbingly large number of my classes were just#lectures about pushing as hard as you can no matter what#they used Starbucks as an example of an admirable case of somebody who persisted in going to 150 investor pitches before being approved#and like. how many people do you know who have enough savings to schedule plan and attend 150 investor pitches?#how many people do you know who could set up even 12 through their connections?#where are those savings coming from? where are those investor pitch meetings coming from? those aren't easy to get!!#but none of this was ever mentioned it was just awesome that the guy kept trying I guess.#I have a sneaking suspicion that if I were to have dug deeper into some of the examples we were given that a lot of those#real life businesses probably started with a big big loan from somebody's parents#I was listening to the show you're wrong about which is a really good podcast and Michael Hobbs was like#anytime you see an article glorifying someone's financial success especially at a young age you should control F for 'parents'#because chances are you will probably see the word 'parents' somewhere next to the words 'million dollar loan'#anyway college is a scam. the community aspect was incredibly cool but I don't see why we as a culture need to only be able to access that#kind of community when we are paying a scam Institution a shitload of money for Educations that aren't helpful for the majority of us#if College was free then people could actually study things that are useful or fun for them#I took most of my courses just to fill out my major too. the point wasn't to learn it was to graduate.#and then it turned out that if you're disabled in the way i am it doesn't matter if you have a college degree!#but I'm sure miles would say I just need to pull myself up by my bootstraps. and that's why I'm glad his life got exploded 😌#andi kept him around for his money - why else would he be there when no one even liked him??#he was the bankroll#one time I swear to god we just had the guy from American Psycho just a real ass Patrick Bateman#it was wild watching that movie later and being like ???? I know this guy!#outside of the actual murder scenes everything in that movie is not exaggerated in the slightest those bitches really are like that#like my parents are not 1% level rich so there'd be no giant loans but they are rich. it'd be stupid to act like i didn't benefit from that
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ordinarytalk · 7 months
My initial student loan was $54,935.92.
I paid over $30,887.83*
My loan is currently at $51,756.93.
I thought I had made all 120 qualifying payments last year. I had to submit and resubmit the PSLF application multiple times, because it kept getting sent back because of problems with how my employers signed the form. It turned out some of the payments didn't qualify, so I had to stick with helljob for at least another year.
I definitely had made 120 qualifying payments this year, so I sent the application in December 2023.
Just got notified now that I have made all qualifying payments. I've made three extra payments, even.
"After we receive the approval, it may take up to 90 business days to process this information."
Three more months of helljob, because I still don't trust this is going to go through and I don't want to quit until I know my loans are gone. I do not have anything lined up after helljob, and I'm terrified of losing my helljob health insurance because I got medical complications. But I hate helljob. I hate helljob so much and my first emotion waking every workday is despair.
At least the loan payments have been paused until the reimbursement is processed. Theoretically I should get reimbursed for the extra payments, too.
* This was only my qualifying payments. The total amount I paid was higher. The website isn't showing me the non-qualifying payments and I have to submit a formal request to get my full payment history. I submitted the request, but it will take a few days to be sent to me.
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orcelito · 1 month
UGH what is it with the wannabe sugar daddies that reply to posts talking about money. Me saying I don't want to pay something doesn't mean I can't. Leave me alone.
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thundergrace · 2 years
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Signal Boost: there's a scam happening. No one should be calling you and asking for any information, especially not banking information, in regards to your student loans.
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justbeingnamaste · 1 year
Joe Biden gave millions of young borrowers false hope leading up to the 2022 midterms.
A reporter called him out for his cruel lies.
“Why did you give millions of borrowers false hope?” a reporter asked Joe Biden. “You doubted your own authority in the past.”
Biden snapped at the reporter.
“I didn’t give any false hope! But the Republicans snatched away the hope that they were given…and it’s real, real hope!” Biden said.
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Always the victim and it's always someone else's fault 🤡
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superiorsturgeon · 1 year
Anyone excited about Biden vetoing the student debt bill in the US needs to keep in mind that senators Manchin, Tester, and Sienna voted with Republicans to keep the awful, awful system going without even the crumbs we were promised!
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alphacrone · 2 years
love spam robocalls that go immediately to voicemail without needing to ring four times or whatever. don’t interrupt my music. don’t interrupt my work call. just go straight to voicemail so I can delete without even listening all the way through. iconic behavior. fantastic.
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morelsupports · 2 years
i don’t think i’ve seen any fake links but if you see a tumblr post with a link to the student loan forgiveness form which can often ask for your full name, address, and social security number, PLEASE be careful and make sure the link is to the correct website because this kind of thing is a very common phishing scam! do not get your identity stolen on tumblr!!!
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tehladyb · 1 month
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Wow, I should really hurry to have a student loan for which I didn't apply in a country in which I've never lived nor studied forgiven.
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flyingwide · 1 year
lmao my student loans are like $1.5k short this quarter and the fin aid office is giving my the run-around soooooo guess what's coming out of my savings
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infernalfields · 1 year
oh you know just having thoughts of impending doom once again
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