#study: p. howard
pimpernals · 2 years
NAME   pamela grace howard
AGE   eighteen
BIRTHDATE   november 15, 1966
GENDER   female
SEXUALITY   unsure
STATUS   single
NATIONALITY   american
BIRTHPLACE   indianapolis, indiana
RESIDENCE   hawkins, indiana
OCCUPATION   cashier at the arcade
HEIGHT   5’9”
WEIGHT   133 lbs
BODY TYPE   mesomorph
SKIN TONE   fair
HAIR COLOR   blonde
EYE COLOR   blue
SCARS   one on her right cheekbone
FACECLAIM   clara novak
TRAITS   judgmental, guarded, when she doesn't like you it's obvious, deep down is kind
HABITS   plays with scrunchie round her wrist when bored
HOBBIES   cheer, writing, playing the occasional arcade game, hatewatching bad movies
FATHER   dr. george howard
MOTHER   dr. virginia howard
SISTER   beverley howard
BROTHER   thomas howard, christopher howard, brendon howard
SIGNIFICANT OTHER   michael crow (off-on again boyfriend)
SON   verse dependent
DAUGHTER   verse dependent
MBTI   tba.
parents moved their family to a small town from the capital because they claimed they needed "fresher air" and there were better opportunities for them at a different, less crowded hospital. pam thinks they moved because her parents were mad at her for failing two of her classes and needing to take summer school. the school distract was different out here, which mean she hadn't failed those classes since the kids here hadn't taken them.
hates, hates, hates school, but pam found cheer that way and she loves it. most of the time she's either at practice or at work ( "i couldn't do my homework yesterday, mom, i was too busy " ). would rather be writing if she's stuck at home.
initially insanely jealous of chrissy when she got promoted to cheer captain, but decided she would rather not be in a leadership role.
her parents want her to become doctors like them, though pam isn't fond of the idea of going to school for that long. she's more interesting in pursing a career in journalism.
the earthquake of '86 killed her sister.
goes on to become an investigative journalist.
0 notes
gathersroses · 2 years
NAME   pamela grace howard
AGE   eighteen
BIRTHDATE   november 15, 1966
GENDER   female
SEXUALITY   unsure
STATUS   single
NATIONALITY   american
BIRTHPLACE   indianapolis, indiana
RESIDENCE   hawkins, indiana
OCCUPATION   cashier at the arcade
HEIGHT   5’9”
WEIGHT   133 lbs
BODY TYPE   mesomorph
SKIN TONE   fair
HAIR COLOR   blonde
EYE COLOR   blue
SCARS   one on her right cheekbone
FACECLAIM   clara novak
TRAITS   judgmental, guarded, when she doesn't like you it's obvious, deep down is kind
HABITS   plays with scrunchie round her wrist when bored
HOBBIES   cheer, writing, playing the occasional arcade game, hatewatching bad movies
FATHER   dr. george howard
MOTHER   dr. virginia howard
SISTER   beverley howard
BROTHER   thomas howard, christopher howard, brendon howard
SIGNIFICANT OTHER   michael crow (off-on again boyfriend)
SON   verse dependent
DAUGHTER   verse dependent
MBTI   tba.
parents moved their family to a small town from the capital because they claimed they needed "fresher air" and there were better opportunities for them at a different, less crowded hospital. pam thinks they moved because her parents were mad at her for failing two of her classes and needing to take summer school. the school distract was different out here, which mean she hadn't failed those classes since the kids here hadn't taken them.
hates, hates, hates school, but pam found cheer that way and she loves it. most of the time she's either at practice or at work ( "i couldn't do my homework yesterday, mom, i was too busy " ). would rather be writing if she's stuck at home.
initially insanely jealous of chrissy when she got promoted to cheer captain, but decided she would rather not be in a leadership role.
her parents want her to become doctors like them, though pam isn't fond of the idea of going to school for that long. she's more interesting in pursing a career in journalism.
the earthquake of '86 killed her sister.
goes on to become an investigative journalist.
0 notes
bubonicc-writing · 1 month
The Rebound
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Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Fem!Reader
Word count: 3194
Summary: It's been a long time since Cooper has felt a loving touch. Perhaps a little too long because he's not entirely sure what to do with you.
CW: Semi-slow burn, smut, P in V, creampies, loving on a crispy man who needs it real bad. Prob ooc because this is my first fallout/reader fic ever (sowwy)
Cooper was a hard man to break. Downright standoffish and a straight-up jackass. At least that was what he was like when you first met him. Charismatic, confident, an excellent shot, but god, was he a prick. That, though, you had gotten used to the longer you traveled together. As the months dragged on, that standoffishness started to shed from the Ghoul. 
It started with random small talk picking up between you two as you travel between settlements. For the first few months together, it was mostly silence or business talk traded between you. Who was the next bounty? Where were they last? Can you scavenge while I get intel? It was all just business. That was until one night, Cooper started making small talk between their travels. Then came the soft conversations by the fire when they settled for the night. Every week, the weight of that duster and those guns on his back seemed to lighten the more he talked to you. Then came the offered cantine of water on a scorching day. Already an out-of-the-ordinary gesture from him, more so because your cantine wasn’t empty and he was offering his for a sip.
You took it.
The small talk turned into jokes with hushed laughs between you. As Cooper drawled on, you watched him over the campfire's tip. The light it threw cast beautiful shadows along Cooper's features, and when that crooked ass grin warped his lips more and more, you felt a tinge in the center of your chest. A little candlelight flickering and quivering whenever he spoke in that long drawl. It blazed when his eyes flicked up at you, staring at you in a way that made it seem like he could see right through you. It was like he could see that candle burning just for him.
Now, when the two of you slept, you were no longer on opposite sides of the room. You both started to creep toward each other every night until you were only a few feet apart. Cooper never laid down when he slept. Instead, he leaned against the wall and semi-slouched. He’d tilt his hat downward until the brim hid his eyes. Finally, he would cross his legs and arms before drifting off. You, on the other hand, preferred your bedroll. While not much, it was still better than the barren floor or the questionable mattress they occasionally came across. 
Tonight, a storm was coming through, bringing billowing winds and harsh rain that pounded the roof of the abandoned gas station they had sheltered in. You had tried hours ago to sleep, but the chill from the wind crept between the broken boards and cracked windows. You tossed and turned for what felt like hours, unable to get warm in any position. You flopped over one more time, now facing where Cooper was slouched against a wall a good two feet from you. His brim was cast down, covering his eyes as usual, but from how still he was, you figured he had fallen asleep a while ago.
 Chewing your lip, you hesitated momentarily before scooting towards him and bridging the gap. Snuggling up against his hips and thighs, you sighed contently. He smelled of gunpowder and smoke, typical. Slumber tugged at your eyelids, and you finally drifted off within minutes.
A light sleeper for obvious reasons in this hellhole of a wasteland, Cooper had awoken the second you had touched his leg. He waited for you to settle before opening one eye halfway and staring down his brim at you. Studying your peaceful expression and how you pressed your nose into his thigh. Two rouge strands of your hair had fallen against your cheek, slightly curled at the tips.
A former version of himself would have shoved you away, telling you to git back to your side of the station. Except the current version of himself felt something swirling around in his chest. It was slightly uncomfortable but not all too unfamiliar.
It was a sensation he hadn’t felt for over a hundred years, something that longed for that little touch and craved so much more. It flopped around behind his ribcage, and he grits his teeth in annoyance.
Sighing and looking back down, he shifts gently. Bringing one hand down and outstretching two fingers, he tenderly brushes the hair strands behind your ear. With that, he recrosses his arms and sits back, eyes closing.
As the months continue, so do they, but Cooper is different at night. His expressions are somber, his eyes distant while he sharpens his knives. Deep in thought, sometimes it takes calling his name twice before he looks up at you.
“Coop, are you alright?” you ask, your eyebrows furrowed together in concern. You were annoyed when he smiled and chuckled softly, telling you he was peaches and cream. You didn’t push the matter and didn’t have to because he mentioned his daughter three nights later.
He spoke slowly, hesitantly, wondering if he should even be saying any of this to you in the first place. He wasn’t a vulnerable man, not anymore, anyway. 
He spoke, and you listened, night after night, as more pieces of the puzzle of this mystery man fell together. Under all those clothes and behind all those guns, Cooper was still just a man—an ordinary man.
“You’ll find her Coop,” Reaching over from where you were sitting at his side, you placed your hand on his wrist and gently squeezed it, “I know you will.” 
Cooper didn’t respond, but a smile so tiny it almost went missed curved the corners of his lips.
As you lay in your bedroll that night, you felt something shift against your front. Opening your tired eyes halfway, you watched through blurry vision as Cooper lay down next to you. His back was to you, but you scooted against his spine without a second thought. Resting your cheek between his shoulder blades, you closed your eyes again. 
Eventually, Cooper lay facing you. Without saying anything, he would hook your waist and tug you against his chest. Then, you would feel him resting his chin on your head. The first time he had done it, your face burned so hot you feared you might catch ablaze. If Cooper noticed, he didn’t say. No matter, you didn’t want him to stop, and you were sure he didn’t want you to, either. 
In truth, Cooper would be lying if he ever said he didn’t like the sensation of your small palms against his chest. He loved how you played with the buttons on his dirty shirt until you fell asleep.
Each night, you did the same thing, chest to chest, until finally, one night, you nuzzled your face into the nook of Cooper's neck. Soft and plump lips grazed across his scarred skin before placing a gentle kiss on Cooper’s jawline. 
Immediately, Cooper stiffened against you. You felt his fingers tracing lazy patterns on the small of your back pause. You heard him swallow suddenly, and your stomach sank as you expected him to push you away and scold you. 
Instead, Cooper cleared his throat and nestled his chin harder against the top of your head. 
Days in the wasteland dragged on usually, but the following days felt like an eternity since that night. Bounty after bounty, caps collected, and supplies scavenged, Cooper never once brought it up. Instead, he carried on as usual, which, in truth, made your heartache.
It was possible that even after all of this time, the candle he had ablaze in your chest was not mutually lit. 
What you didn’t know was that Cooper's heart had bounced out of his chest and into his throat that night. He didn’t think it was even possible for his cheeks to flush, but damn, they felt hot. It was alien; over 200 years of feeling the kiss of bullets, he had forgotten what a real one felt like. It was incredible but also terrifying.
 He had loved, and he had lost. 
The nights following the kiss, Cooper waited for you to make a move again, but you didn’t. You slept with your back to him and didn’t move when he pressed against you and draped an arm over your waist. After a few minutes, he felt your fingers intertwine with him in a gentle grip. 
The two of you stayed linked that night.
The following night, Cooper watched as you shrugged off your jacket and kicked off your boots, getting ready to sleep after a long day of tracking a bounty through the unforgiving sun. Reaching up, you released your hair from its loose bun and let your locks fall messily over your shoulders.
You half turned when you felt Cooper grab your hand. Watching him bring it to his lips, he kissed your palm and pressed your hand against his cheek.
The brim of his hat temporarily hid his eyes, but when he looked up at you, your heart fluttered. No words were exchanged as you slowly leaned forward, having to stand on your toes even to come close to his marred lips. Centimeters away, you paused, but Cooper filled the gap.
The first kiss was gentle, and your free hand came up to cup Cooper’s other cheek. When you broke away, it wasn’t for long. Reconnecting, your kisses became hungrier, and your hands on Cooper's cheeks drifted downward. Running over his neck, then his collar and chest. You worked your way down as he kissed you until you palmed at his groin.
“Wait,” Cooper pulled away suddenly, stepping back, “wait…fuck” He turned on his heels, pacing back and forth. 
“What’s wrong?” You ask, watching him shake his head and curse to himself. “Coop?”
Once he stopped pacing, he sighed and shook his head before glancing over his shoulder at you.
“I don’t think I have it in me no more, sweetheart.” He laughed softly at himself. 
“What do you mean?” Taking a step towards him, she watched as he finally turned to face her.
“It’s… been a long time. A really long time, sugar.” Too long, really, at least, that is what he thought anyway. Nobody had touched him like this since before the bombs. Nobody had loved him. The only thing he knew now was blood, bullets, and ass jerky.
“Coop,” You said softly, moving towards him and wrapping your arms around his towering frame, “let me take care of you for once.” There was silence before Cooper rested his chin atop your head and laughed. Slowly, his hands came up to rest on your hips, his thumbs dipping under the fabric of your shirt to rub at the soft skin there. 
Looking up, you place a chain of kisses along his jawline. Meanwhile, one of your hands pressed against his back snaked back to his front. There, you worked your way down again until you felt the subtle tent in his pants. You palmed it gently, drawing out soft groans from your Ghoul. He shifted in place, sliding his chin off your head and burying his face between the nook in your neck. His hips lean forward into your touch, and you purr at that.
“That’s it,” you whisper, working the top button until it pops. Next, you slide his zipper down and slide your hand inside. “I’ve got you.”
Upon grabbing his stiffening cock, you feel him tense against you, even sagging a little bit as you start to stroke. Your thumb rubs over his swollen head, spreading the generous amount of precum around. You feel it pulse against your palm, and you can’t help but smile when Copper’s breath stutters against your neck.
“Fuck darling,” He drawls, “You know how to drive a man mad.” Bringing his hands up from your hips, Cooper knots his fingers into the back of your shirt. It doesn’t take long to have him unraveling. You can feel his thighs trembling and his grip tightening the closer he gets to release. Like butter, he is melting and fast.
Each new noise you pull from him causes a feverish heat to swell over your form. Your stomach flips, and you feel your heat clench with desire. As much as you would like to keep your composure, you lean into him, pressing your forehead into his shoulder as you stroke faster and faster. 
The choked growl Cooper lets out is the only warning you get before hot fluid coats your palm and wrist. His hips lurch in your grip twice before he suddenly sags hard against your form. Finger still twisted in your shirt, he finally lets go and lets his arms swing heavily by his sides. His legs are like jelly, and it takes him a moment to stand up semi-straight, his hat slightly crooked. He looks drunk, his eyes glossy, that stupid ass grin you loved smeared across his lips.
“That good, huh?” Stepping back to give him a little breathing room, you pluck the first few buttons of your shirt open. Allowing your shirt to part and fall from your shoulders, your breasts become exposed. With your other hand, you reach down and open the first button of your pants.
“Well then,” You coo, “come on then bounty hunter.” You shimmy your pants and panties off, kicking them off to the side, leaving your form raw to his eyes. “Come and get it.”
There was no need to ask twice. Rushing forward, Cooper grabbed your hips and slammed your forms together. Your lips crashed together again and again, and you whined into his mouth, horribly needy. You didn’t doubt Cooper had seen the slick glistening on your inner thigh.
Pushing you backward, you allowed Cooper to guide you to your bedroll. Once close enough to it, he kicked his foot out, hooked his heel around your leg, and pulled it out from under you. As you fell backward, he fell with you, landing flat on his palms. Towering over you now, eyes ablaze as they drink in your beet red face and beautiful puffy pink breasts. 
“You’ve been wantin' this for a while, haven’t yah?” Lifting one of his hands and pressing it against your soft belly, he drags it down towards your heat. Without warning, he slides his middle and ring finger through your folds, running over your sensitive clit. You gasp, tossing your head back.
“Ngh! Fuck!” Looking up between your bodies, you watch as Cooper drags his fingers up and down over and over, teasing your swelling clit. “Fuck Coop, fuck!”
“Well,” He growls, “Who am I to keep a lady waitin'?” Without warning, his middle and ring finger coast downward and dip deep into your gushing cunt. The squeal that escapes your lips has Cooper chuckling. He presses deep into you, humming as your walls grip his digits. 
Burying himself knuckle deep over and over, a squelching noise is followed by each hand thrust. You lift and twist your hips from the intense waves of pleasure. Only when you feel Cooper withdraw his fingers do you flop down, panting harshly.
Through half-lidded and blurry eyes, you watch Cooper bring his hand between you. He inspects them before spreading his two fingers apart, a tendril of thick fluid connecting them.
“You get this wet for everybody else? Or just little o’l me?”
Turning your head away in embarrassment, you feel Cooper grip your chin and return your gaze to him. 
“Eyes on me.” He growls as he rolls his hips forward, running his stiff cock between your slick folds. The head bumps your clit, and for a moment, you think you see stars. Over and over again, he grinds against you, littering your chest with kisses in the meantime. 
When you finally feel him lean back and press his head against your opening, he hesitates. 
“It’s okay,” you whisper as you place your hand on his cheek and run your thumb over his cheekbone. “I’ve got you.” Sliding both arms around his neck, you gently tug him into your warm embrace. One hand rugs between his shoulder blades while your other rubs the back of his neck.
Allowing himself to lean forward, he nuzzles into the side of your neck before biting the soft flesh. 
Rolling his hips forward, he breaches and slides into you with ease. Gasping and choking out a soft cry, you feel him bury himself to his hilt. Hip connected to hip for a brief moment, he finally drags himself out. Rolling forward, the pase is slow, perhaps even loving, before your Ghoul gets hungry.
It doesn’t take long before your hips are slapping together. You can’t stop the sobs of pleasure that break past your lips with each sharp snap of his hips. Digging your nails into his shoulder blades, you feel your eyes cross when the head of his cock punches that sweet, sweet bundle of nerves.
“Oh fuck, Cooper!” Your back arches off of your bedroll, “F-fuck! I’m… I’m” The hot waves of pleasure radiating from your belly to your groin all the way down your trembling thighs to your toes are winding too tight. “I’m gonna cum!” 
He didn’t slow down and instead angled himself better to strike that little bundle of nerves that had your eyes rolling back. It took two hard hits before he felt your beck snap into a tight arch. He felt your chest bump hard against him, and your hips twisted to the right as your climate ripped you apart.
Head thrown back, mouth wide open, no sound came out of you as your climax held you prisoner.
Above, Cooper's thrusts started to become sloppy, losing their rhythm as your cunt clamped down on him spasmodically. As much as he tried to hold on, it had been too long, and you had felt too good.
Grunting hard into the side of your neck, you felt a warmth bloom in your groin as Cooper spilled everything he had left into you. He slammed your hips together, holding you in place and burying himself as deep as he could, pumping you full. The sensation had goosebumps blooming across your skin as your body finally deflated back down against the bedroll. 
With eyes half-lidded and glossy, you made out the foggy shape of Cooper still hunched over you, his chest rising and falling as he tried to catch his breath. Every other breath was a soft wheeze. Sweat had beaded on his forehead, and a droplet fell and landed on your chest.
Leaning back and sliding himself from your heat, a thick flood of cum followed. You shivered at the sensation and watched as Cooper lowered himself against your form. Resting his head between your breasts, he inhaled sharply and sighed.
Lovingly, you stroked the back of his neck, enjoying the sensation of his hot breath against your breast.
Together, you lay like that while listening to the rain from a passing storm plink against the tin roof.
When you looked down, Cooper's eyes were closed, and his breathing had finally leveled. Letting your head fall back, you closed your own eyes and smiled.
For once, the wasteland was at peace.
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jstor · 4 months
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Edward Christopher Williams (11 Feb. 1871 - 24 Dec. 1929) was a pioneering African American librarian, educator, and scholar who played a vital role in shaping library collections at Western Reserve University (WRU) and Howard University. Born in Cleveland to Daniel P. Williams, a prominent African American figure, and Mary Kilkary Williams, a Clevelander of Irish descent, Williams embarked on a remarkable journey of academic and professional achievement.
Graduating from Adelbert College of WRU in 1892, Williams quickly made his mark as he assumed the role of first assistant librarian at the institution. His dedication and expertise saw him ascend to the position of head librarian in 1894 and university librarian in 1898. Eager to deepen his knowledge, Williams pursued further studies in library science at the New York Library School in Albany, completing the rigorous 2-year program in just one year.
Williams's impact on WRU's library was profound; he significantly expanded its collection and elevated its standards, establishing himself as an authority in library organization and bibliography. His advocacy for the establishment of a school of library science at WRU led to its inception in 1904, where he became an esteemed instructor, offering courses in reference work, bibliography, public documents, and book selection.
A founding member of the Ohio Library Association, Williams played a pivotal role in shaping its constitution and direction. However, in 1909, he left Cleveland to assume the role of principal at M St. High School in Washington, D.C. His tenure there was marked by his unwavering commitment to education and leadership.
In 1916, Williams joined Howard University as university librarian, further cementing his legacy in the realm of academia. Not only did he oversee the university's library, but he also directed Howard's library training class, taught German, and later chaired the Department of Romance Languages.
In pursuit of academic excellence, Williams embarked on a sabbatical in 1929 to pursue a Ph.D. at Columbia University. Tragically, his studies were cut short by his untimely passing later that year.
In 1902, Williams married Ethel P. Chesnutt, the daughter of Charles Chesnutt, a renowned author. Their union bore one son, Charles, who would carry on his father's legacy in the years to come.
Read more about Edward Christopher Williams here.
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eesirachs · 2 months
For a school assignment, I'm assembling an anthology around the theme of queer divinity and desire, but I'm having a hard time finding a fitting essay/article (no access to real academic catalogues :/ ), do you know of any essays around this theme?
below are essays, and then books, on queer theory (in which 'queer' has a different connotation than in regular speech) in the hebrew bible/ancient near east. if there is a particular prophet you want more of, or a particular topic (ištar, or penetration, or appetites), or if you want a pdf of anything, please let me know.
essays: Boer, Roland. “Too Many Dicks at the Writing Desk, or How to Organize a Prophetic Sausage-Fest.” TS 16, no. 1 (2010b): 95–108. Boer, Roland. “Yahweh as Top: A Lost Targum.” In Queer Commentary and the Hebrew Bible, edited by Ken Stone, 75–105. JSOTSup 334. Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim, 2001. Boyarin, Daniel. “Are There Any Jews in ‘The History of Sexuality’?” Journal of the History of Sexuality 5, no. 3 (1995): 333–55. Clines, David J. A. “He-Prophets: Masculinity as a Problem for the Hebrew Prophets and Their Interpreters.” In Sense and Sensitivity: Essays on Reading the Bible in Memory of Robert Carroll, edited by Robert P. Carroll, Alastair G. Hunter, and Philip R. Davies, 311–27. JSOTSup 348. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002. Graybill, Rhiannon. “Yahweh as Maternal Vampire in Second Isaiah: Reading from Violence to Fluid Possibility with Luce Irigaray.” Journal of feminist studies in religion 33, no. 1 (2017): 9–25. Haddox, Susan E. “Engaging Images in the Prophets: Feminist Scholarship on the Book of the Twelve.” In Feminist Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in Retrospect. 1. Biblical Books, edited by Susanne Scholz, 170–91. RRBS 5. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2013. Koch, Timothy R. “Cruising as Methodology: Homoeroticism and the Scriptures.” In Queer Commentary and the Hebrew Bible, edited by Ken Stone, 169–80. JSOTSup 334. Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim, 2001. Tigay, Jeffrey. “‘ Heavy of Mouth’ and ‘Heavy of Tongue’: On Moses’ Speech Difficulty.” BASOR, no. 231 (October 1978): 57–67.
books: Ahmed, Sara. Queer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2006. Bauer-Levesque, Angela. Gender in the Book of Jeremiah: A Feminist-Literary Reading. SiBL 5. New York: P. Lang, 1999. Black, Fiona C., and Jennifer L. Koosed, eds. Reading with Feeling : Affect Theory and the Bible. Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2019. Brenner, Athalya. The Intercourse of Knowledge: On Gendering Desire and “Sexuality” in the Hebrew Bible. BIS 26. Leiden: Brill, 1997. Camp, Claudia V. Wise, Strange, and Holy: The Strange Woman and the Making of the Bible. JSOTSup 320. Gender, Culture, Theory 9. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2000. Chapman, Cynthia R. The Gendered Language of Warfare in the Israelite-Assyrian Encounter. HSM 62. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2004. Creangă, Ovidiu, ed. Men and Masculinity in the Hebrew Bible and Beyond. BMW 33. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2010. Eilberg-Schwartz, Howard. God’s Phallus: And Other Problems for Men and Monotheism. Boston: Beacon, 1995. Huber, Lynn R., and Rhiannon Graybill, eds. The Bible, Gender, and Sexuality : Critical Readings. London, UK ; T&T Clark, 2021. Guest, Deryn. When Deborah Met Jael: Lesbian Biblical Hermeneutics. London: SCM, 2005. Graybill, Rhiannon, Meredith Minister, and Beatrice J. W. Lawrence, eds. Rape Culture and Religious Studies : Critical and Pedagogical Engagements. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2019. Graybill, Rhiannon. Are We Not Men? : Unstable Masculinity in the Hebrew Prophets. New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA, 2016. Halperin, David J. Seeking Ezekiel: Text and Psychology. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1993. Jennings, Theodore W. Jacob’s Wound: Homoerotic Narrative in the Literature of Ancient Israel. New York: Continuum, 2005. Macwilliam, Stuart. Queer Theory and the Prophetic Marriage Metaphor in the Hebrew Bible. BibleWorld. Sheffield and Oakville, CT: Equinox, 2011. Maier, Christl. Daughter Zion, Mother Zion: Gender, Space, and the Sacred in Ancient Israel. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2008. Mills, Mary E. Alterity, Pain, and Suffering in Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel. LHB/OTS 479. New York: T. & T. Clark, 2007. Stökl, Jonathan, and Corrine L. Carvalho. Prophets Male and Female: Gender and Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible, the Eastern Mediterranean, and the Ancient Near East. AIL 15. Atlanta, GA: SBL, 2013. Stone, Ken. Practicing Safer Texts: Food, Sex and Bible in Queer Perspective. Queering Theology Series. London: T & T Clark International, 2004. Weems, Renita J. Battered Love: Marriage, Sex, and Violence in the Hebrew Prophets. OBT. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 1995.
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gatheringbones · 1 year
[“I began to read deeply, pulling on the threads, getting more and more furious at a system that allowed people to leverage money directly into influence and power—to basically manipulate the population into making a decision. The more I read, the more radical I became. I found Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States. I wanted more. I burrowed deeply into queer history, into protest. (I hid the books in my locker.) I read Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution, by David Carter; articles about Sylvia Rivera, Marsha P. Johnson; websites on the Compton’s Cafeteria uprising; Transgender History, by Susan Stryker. I watched The Times of Harvey Milk, Rob Epstein’s documentary about the life of the assassinated San Francisco supervisor, and the subsequent White Night uprisings following the acquittal of his confessed assassin. I learned the mantra “Queers, don’t be quiet, Stonewall was a riot.” There was all this history that no one had ever taught me, that didn’t fit neatly into the liberal-establishment version of gay rights.
Meanwhile, the financial crisis deepened. It gripped everyone I knew. I watched my family’s retirement accounts evaporate. The small mutual fund where I had deposited my twenty-thousand-dollar enlistment bonus—my literal investment in the system—plummeted in value. I was looking for explanations.
On a rainy afternoon, days after the election, I took a Trailways bus to Syracuse for my first-ever protest. (It’s legal for soldiers to attend protests out of uniform.) Join the Impact had planned events in four hundred cities that day, with an estimated million people in worldwide attendance. I’d read about the protest on Facebook and reached out to the local organizers—a lesbian student and an older gay man—to see what I could do to help. Even with the nasty weather, nearly two hundred people showed up at city hall—mostly younger queers, but a few older couples too. We had rainbow flags and posters that read no h8 and married with pride. I carried a sign that said, in rainbow lettering, equality @ the house, @ the workplace, @ the battlefield. Seeing other people feeling just as hurt as I did restored my sense of being recognized as fully human. But as I counted the crowd, I suddenly thought of the insurgency and counterinsurgency tactics I spent all day studying. Peaceful protest got the Iraqis nowhere. Our soldiers would more or less laugh at the Iraqis who tried civil disobedience. The people with the signs could just be mowed down; they were docile. It was the people who fought back, who refused to move, who even pushed the crowd out of the way as a way of taking a stand and showing political agency—those were the ones who concerned the military. As one major (who worked in operations, not intelligence) had succinctly explained at the base: “We don’t negotiate with protesters—but we sure as hell negotiate with mobs.”]
chelsea manning, from readme.txt
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cartermagazine · 1 year
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Today In History Ernest E. Just, was a pioneering African-American biologist, academic and science writer. Just's primary legacy is his recognition of the fundamental role of the cell surface in the development of organisms. Just received the 1st NAACP Spingarn Medal on this date February 12, 1915 for his pioneering research on fertilization and cell division. In his work within marine biology, cytology and parthenogenesis, he advocated the study of whole cells under normal conditions, rather than simply breaking them apart in a laboratory setting. Ernest Just and three Howard University students (Edgar Amos Love, Oscar James Cooper, and Frank Coleman), established the Omega Psi Phi fraternity on the campus of Howard November 17, 1911. CARTER™️ Magazine carter-mag.com #carter #wherehistoryandhiphopmeet #cartermagazine #historyandhiphop365 #carter #ernestejust #ernestjust #blackhistorymonth #blackhistory #history #staywoke https://www.instagram.com/p/Coj8raXu0NG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sunflowerharrington · 2 years
❥ 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬 | 𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐗 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+ only, minors DNI. AFAB reader (plus size and poc friendly as always), Teacher-student sexual relationship, breathplay, handcuffs, degradation, use of a spreader bar, oral sex (both receiving) angry!Eddie, Eddie is 20, Reader is in her mid-to-late 20s, cunnilingus, p in v sex, use of a switchblade to cut fabric, angry sex if you squint, use of mommy and daddy, both Reader and Eddie are switches, Reader backtalks but she’s not a brat, spanking, spitting, praise if you squint, my shitty writing is a warning in itself!
❥— 𝐘𝐨𝐮’𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭, 𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞’𝐬 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐰 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬. 𝐒𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐡𝐢𝐦. 𝐀𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨𝐨.
❥— 4075 words
❥ My love letter to @myobmaya, my Cassie Howard to Maddy Perez, my Steve Harrington to a baseball bat, my sweetheart, co-founder of the dead boyfriend society, please go send her some love and stop fucking harassing her. She’s a human bean just like you! It’s quite childish. I wrote this for you as payback, bitch, and also because I adore you. I hope you enjoy 🌻💋
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The sound of a throat being cleared rang through the room, catching his attention, and he glanced over at you, who was sitting next to him. He raised an eyebrow in your direction.
“What do you want from me?”
You placed your hand on his thigh, drawing shapes with your fingers, inching slowly inwards as you leaned over, bringing your luscious rouged lips close to his ear.
“I noticed your grades dropping drastically, and I just wanted to help you with your… studies, Eddie Bear.” He grabbed your wrist and removed your hand off his leg.
“Not like this… Not when Chrissy and I have something good going.”
“Do you?” You whispered in his ear, shaking your wrist free and letting your hand return to his thigh. This time he didn’t remove it.
His eyes snapped towards yours, and he watched as your lips twisted into a wicked grin. “I can do things to you that she could only imagine doing. I can show you what it’s like to be with a real woman, not some idiot sixteen year old.”
“She’s not an idiot—“
“Shh, baby. No more talking about her. It’s just us now.”
“Miss Y/L/N,” he whispered breathlessly as you inched your lips closer to his.
“No, Eddie… baby. That’s not my name outside of school hours, we’ve been over this, baby boy.”
You smiled as you moved your hand slowly along his thigh, lifting your pinky finger to stroke the large bulge in his pants. He watched your smile widen and your eyes gleam in satisfaction as you felt his cock twitch under your touch in his restrictive jeans. He was, after all, only a man, and not immune to a gorgeous woman. Especially the one that was climbing into his lap.
With a sharp intake of breath, he removed your hand once more. “I- I can’t.”
“If I recall correctly you owe me one after I helped you pass that geometry test, Eddie Bear. And what if I told you I’ll give you extra credit and you’ll graduate with good grades if you do this one thing for me?”
He growled as he tightened his grip on your wrist.
“Come on, baby. One more time isn’t going to change anything except your grades. Please?”
You leaned into him once more, pressing your chest against his and you licked the skin behind his ear, pleased by the moan that escaped his throat.
“It’s been too long since I’ve had that delicious cock of yours inside me, hasn’t it, baby boy?” You teased, rolling your hips once against his clothed erection.
The pads of his fingertips moved to your hips, digging into your skin until you were sure they’d leave a bruise. You brushed your lips along his jawline, whispering sweet nothings in his ear, and then he finally cracked.
His chair scraped against the floor as he stood abruptly, pulling you along behind him as he made for the door to the room in the back of his trailer. You’d seen everywhere in this trailer countless times during your tutoring sessions, but never this back room, and for good reason.
Once inside, he released your wrist from his grip and spun on his heel, grabbing you by the throat as he faced you. You let out a strained gasp as he roughly pulled you towards him, speaking in your ear with his now husky voice nice and low.
“This better be all this is. I don’t want you to keep coming back here if it leads to sex every time.”
“You love having sex with me Eddie, don’t try to deny it,” your hands flew to your throat as he let go, a smug grin plastering across your lips as you realized where he’d taken you.
Instead of having sex on his couch, he’d finally taken you to his bedroom.
“Save some of that roughness for when we get on your bed, Eddie,” you laughed softly, drawing the vowels of his name as you spoke.
He turned the key in his bedroom door and left it in the lock after he’d closed the door behind him. He ran his fingers along the length of your arm, goosebumps prickling in their wake.
You gave him a satisfied smile as you lowered yourself onto his bed, lying on your side, propping your head up with your elbow digging into the mattress. He turned his attention to… anything in his room, and as he did you rose from the bed and moved to the wall, running your fingertips over the metal handcuffs on his wall.
“Naughty boy,” you purred, lifting them off the wall, catching his attention. “What do you use these for, hmm?”
“They’re for Halloween.”
“Don’t fuckin’ lie to me,” you seethed, beginning to work on taking off your skirt, pulling the zipper down. “You know how much I dislike liars.”
He rolled his eyes, adding onto your growing annoyance. He turned around for a second and when he turned back he let his eyes roam all over your body as you were unzipping your tiny skirt.
You looked up and smiled seductively as you noticed him watching you.
“Would you like to help me undress, baby boy?” you asked, sliding your tongue over your lips, gazing up at him from beneath your mascara-coated lashes.
Your eyes widened in anticipation as he pulled out a switchblade from his back pocket, raising his eyebrows at you. “This is the only way I know how.”
“Go on then.” You pulled him towards you. “Do it.”
He took care when slicing through the fabric of your soaking panties, nipping your skin once, making you let out a soft moan. He let his tongue fall out of his mouth and he licked a stripe from your inner thigh up to where he’d accidentally cut into your skin, the metallic taste on his tongue sending pleasurable vibrations all over his body.
You hold his gaze as he does so, arching your back seductively as he licks the cut once more, and again, until it was, in his words, ‘clean’.
“Your turn to strip, pretty boy.”
He threw you a stern look as he shrugged his jacket off, sitting on the edge of his bed to reach for his worn down trainers. “Let’s just get this over with. You know how much I wanna graduate.”
You climbed back up onto his bed behind him, running your hands over his shoulders and down his back, feeling each muscle in his body move with each movement he made. You slowly wrapped your arms around his waist as he untied his shoelaces, ready to give you an hour of unbelievable pleasure and an eternity of hell.
You leaned into him, bringing your rouged lips to his ear, ghosting your breath on the skin of his neck. “I’ll only switch your grades when you fully satisfy me, Eddie. This won’t be as easy as a walk in the park like every other time.”
“You’re not—”
“Shh!” You covered his mouth with your hand, while your other hand moved further down, scratching his skin with your nails through the thin fabric of his Hellfire shirt that he never washed, meaning your cum was still on it, and he was bathing in your filth. Always.
Your fingers travelled slowly to his stomach until you finally cupped his bulge, squeezing a little, a groan escaping his lips as you did, and he leaned into your touch, pressing his back against your chest. Removing your hand from his mouth, you used it to turn his head towards you, pressing your lips against his gently at first and then with more urgency as he finally responded, drawing your bottom lip between his, scraping his teeth along your skin.
“I know that you know that I sell my ass every Saturday night, baby, so this won’t be free anymore,” you whispered in between viscous kisses. “Every time you fuck me, I get a discount on your weed, yeah?”
“Mhmm.” He nodded, unable to speak as lust overtook him.
You smiled internally as you felt his dick twitching and hardening beneath your hand. It had been too long since you last did this, and you were going to savour every moment of this.
“I need to hear you say it, with words, baby boy. Say. It.”
“You’ll get a discount, Miss Y/L/N. I promise. Whatever you want. I’ll give you whatever you want,” he babbled, breaking the kiss, returning his attention to removing his other trainer.
“Please refrain from calling me that outside of the classroom, Eddie. You know what name I prefer.”
He rose off the bed, lifting his shirt over his head, exposing the array of tattoos scattered all over his pale skin, turning towards you.
“You’re not in charge tonight, sweetheart. I am. I’ll only call you Mommy when you’re in charge.”
He pushed you backwards onto the bed and climbed between your spread legs, leaning over to reclaim your mouth as his.
You wrapped your legs around his waist and he groaned as you pushed your hips up against his, threading your fingers into his hair to pull his head even closer to yours as the kiss deepened.
It had been a little too long without a woman’s touch for Eddie, specifically yours.
Your tongues danced like the flames in a fire, with you letting out a low hum as he released your mouth and moved his hot, open-mouthed kisses to your neck, sucking your tender skin between his teeth as he made his way downwards; igniting a fire in your belly.
When he reached your breasts, he pulled the straps of your bra down, moving to unhook it with one of his hands while the other massaged the fleshy skin of your ass, sending a little smack to the skin. His eyes darkened as he discarded the bra to the side, and he leaned in, taking one of your sensitive nipples between his teeth, rolling the other with his fingers through your tight shirt, pinning you down as you wriggled beneath him, moaning softly with pleasure.
If you wanted to be fully satisfied, he’d go even further than that. He knew exactly what you liked, how to push your buttons, and also how to have you screaming his name within seconds. When you cried out for more, he pushed himself off you and stood; raking his eyes over your partially clothed body as he unbuckled his belt. He admired the teeth marks visible on your skin from where he had marked you, and your swollen lips were berry red and he thought about how beautiful they would look wrapped around his cock, your lips enticing him as you gazed up at him between your half-lidded eyes. Following his every move.
Eddie pulled his boxers down his legs, stepping out of them, flinging them somewhere in the distance, watching as your eyes widened, immediately dropping to his painfully hard cock. You licked your lips as you stared at the delicious precum dripping from his tip, your eyes full of lust. He grasped himself with one of his hands, pumping slowly, flicking his wrist as he pleased.
“Strip for me and kneel,” he ordered, his voice low and raspy. “But keep those pretty high heels on.”
You obeyed immediately, lifting your shirt over your head, discarding it to the side with the rest of your clothes and your ripped up panties. His breath hitched as he took in your every curve and watched as you slid off the bed and got onto your knees in front of him, the hard floor surely leaving bruises on your knees that you’d have to cover up the next day. You knew exactly what he wanted without him having to even open his mouth, and you immediately wrapped your fingers around his cock and guided it to your lips.
Eddie’s hips jerked as your tongue flicked over his tip, your hand moving to massage his heavy balls full of cum, waiting to be released all over your pretty face and tits. You licked the protruding vein on the underside of his cock, sending a shiver down his spine as you took his tip in your mouth. His groans mixed with the sounds of you licking and sucking as you alternated between taking his tip in your mouth and stroking his length with your tongue and fingers.
“Touch yourself for me, sweetheart,” he groaned, lacing his fingers into your hair, guiding your mouth on his cock as you lowered your hands, one between your legs to collect some of your wetness, the other rolling a swollen nipple between your fingers.
Your lips parted invitingly as he took his cock back in his hand and slid two of his fingers inside and into the hot wetness of your mouth once again with a groan. He pushed them into your mouth until the tips hit the back of your throat, making you gag, then pulled your head back, replacing his fingers with his cock. Then he repeated the motion, and this time you relaxed your jaw, letting him slide further down your throat, making your eyes water.
Holding your head steady, he began thrusting his hips slowly at first, then he began picking up the pace. He threw his head back as he fucked your mouth, his balls slapping against your chin that had began to get covered in your saliva as your mouth had been watering. He groaned as you took him in as far as she could at the same time your own fingers slid inside you, causing your eyes to roll into the back of your head at the same time his eyes did, moaning around his cock.
He looked down at you, feeling pressure building from deep within him, jerking his hips wildly as his cock throbbed and pulsed between your lips. He gripped your scalp harshly, grunting as he came in your warm mouth, shuddering with pleasure as you swallowed all of his cum down your throat.
You hollowed your cheeks around him as you milked the rest of his cum, releasing his cock from your mouth with a loud ‘pop’, licking your lips as you looked up at him with a satisfied smile.
“Eddie, that was—” You began, your voice muffled as he covered your mouth with his hand, your eyes widening as you lifted your hand to remove his hand from your mouth.
“Get on the bed,” he growled as he roughly grabbed you by the arm to make you stand up on your slightly shaky legs. “Did I fucking stutter? Get your ass on the damn bed, now.”
He pushed you face down onto the bed, his eyes burning with lust as you leaned over to grab the handcuffs and held them out to him. Taking them he bound your wrists together, looping the cuffs to the iron bed frame when he was satisfied with how you looked beneath him. He ran his hands along your skin, starting from your shoulders and making his way slowly, teasingly down your back.
His fingers brushed against the sides of your breasts and towards your hips, making your body shiver under the rough touch of his calloused fingers from playing the guitar every day.
When he reached your ass he began kneading your skin like bread dough with his thumbs and the pads of his fingertips and the palms of his hands in circular motions. You moaned softly beneath his touch, and then he slapped your skin sharply, making you cry out.
And then he did it again, and again, and again, until your cries began to turn into whimpers of pleasure. “Mmm, you like that? Want me to spank you again, sweetheart?”
“Yes, please.”
He continued to the sound of your whimpers until both of your cheeks were bright red and throbbing just like the tip of his cock that he began rubbing up and down your slit, with you straining beneath him. The scent of your arousal filled the room as he spread your legs forcefully with the spreader bar he had under his bed that you only just now found out about, cuffing your ankles to it and pulling the bar out on both sides as far as it could go.
“Gonna keep those gorgeous legs spread for me while I fuck you, pretty girl,” he grunted, bringing his fingers to your heat, raking his freshly-cut fingernails along the outside of your folds and towards your clit, with you squirming against his hand, trying to press yourself against his thick fingers.
He removed his hands and smacked your inner thigh, harder this time until you stilled, bringing his hand back between your legs, plunging two of his fingers inside knuckle deep. A whimper escaped your lips, and you tried pushing your hips down as he began pumping his fingers in and out of your soaking wet pussy, your breathless panting growing louder and louder as he added a third finger; filling you completely and stretching your pillowy walls.
“Pretty little slut gonna get fucked out by her student since nobody her own age wants her, hmm? Is that right? You don’t even need to say anything, baby, I already know the answer to that.” He pressed his thumb and began rubbing harsh circles over your clit, curling his fingers inside you, reaching your most sensitive spot. With you letting out what he would call a pathetic scream.
He needed you louder, so he smacked your clit.
You whined as he pulled his fingers from you until he moved between your legs, spitting directly on your already soaking pussy before he dove in, licking harsh strips up your slit, circling your clit with his tongue, giving you no time to adjust. His stomach pressed against the bar holding your legs apart and his hands reached up to play with your tits as he continued lapping you up, the slurping noises filling the room along with your moans and whimpers of his name.
“You taste amazing. Best meal I’ve ever had, babygirl,” he whimpers into your pussy as your fingers weave into his hair, his tongue working into your core, rutting his hips against the edge of his mattress for some much needed relief.
“I bet Chrissy’s pussy doesn’t taste half as good as mine.” Your wrists strained against the metal of the cuffs as you tried pulling your hands down to thread into his hair, and you feel a wicked grin spreading on his face.
“Damn right, you’re fuckin’ amazing, babe,” he moaned in between licks. “Wanted to fuck that tight little pussy of yours since you bent over in front of me when helping Steve with that math problem. Had your ass in my face like a whore, but I loved it. I love how filthy you are, babe.”
“All for you, handsome. Such a slut for you,” you mumbled under your breath, and he could barely hear you as you tried pressing your thighs to either side of his head. He trailed his hands back down to your hips from your breasts, kneading the skin before digging his nails and fingertips into the flesh, marking you.
“Mmmm,” he moaned against you, sending pleasurable vibrations all over your spasming body, feeling a knot tighten in your stomach as he moaned and whimpered against your core.
“Fuck, I think I’m gonna—” You were cut off by the sound of your own cry leaving the depths of your throat, gushing out all over Eddie’s face as you came, with him following shortly after. “Oh fuck, Eddie, fuck, oh my God.”
He slowed down the movements of his tongue, cleaning you up
“Holy shit, sweetheart. Gonna have to bring my grades up to an A, cause I'm not done with you yet,” he crawled up onto the bed like a predator hunting for its prey, his eyes darker than ever, biting his lip as he straddled your hips, moving to kiss your neck. “Gonna be the death of me.”
“Eddie… So good.”
“I know, sweetheart. Daddy’s been waiting all week to get you all alone, and now I finally have you all to myself for the weekend.”
You let out a sigh full of pleasure and lust in agreement, holding the sides of his face with your elbows since your wrists and hands were still bound to the headboard.
“And now you have me, baby,” you giggled as he lined his cock up against your entrance, throwing your legs over his shoulders so he would be able to fuck you at a better angle.
He picked up a brutal pace from the start, and without giving you any time to adjust to his size he grabbed your hips and began roughly rutting into you, fucking you hard and fast
“Is that all you got?” You asked, looking up at him with a smirk on your face.
“What did you just say to me?”
You continued to smile up at him, batting your lashes as one of his hands rushed to grab your throat. You looked so pretty like this, but not even that would be enough to get his growing anger to vanish.
“I said,” you began, attempting to sit up to kiss him on the lips, nothing romantic about it, just a kiss full of mockery, just as much mockery as there was in the tone of your voice in fact. “Is that all you got, Daddy? You call yourself Daddy and yet you can’t even get in another girl’s pants to knock her up?”
Grunts and moans filled the air and he gritted his teeth, restraining himself from slapping you hard across the face, instead he moved other hand upwards and now had both of his large hands wrapped around your throat. He reached for a handful of your hair and you threw your head back, arching your spine, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as the new angle had him reaching another bundle of nerves deep inside you, throwing you over the edge completely.
“See? I’m not as stupid as you think I am, babe. I get things right sometimes. I know how much you love having my cock buried deep inside you. I’m not fucking stupid.”
You whined as his grip on your throat tightened, his hips thrusting harder and faster into you, blocking your airways for a moment, the area around you spinning as if you were standing in the middle of a carousel. He continued with his thrusts, not letting up despite your whimpers and silent pleads for him to let go of your throat, his cock pulsing as he finished inside you, coating your pillowy walls in his thick ropes of cum, pulling on your hair roughly to keep his balance.
“Miss Y/L/N is a baby brat? Who would have guessed?” He laughed dryly, smacking the side of your thigh hard. “Maybe I need to put you in your place more often, sweetheart.”
You came hard, quivering and pulsing around him, your mouth agape in a scream of his name. He continued his thrusts, not letting up until one final roll of his hips as he chased his high.
He collapsed not even a moment later, letting your legs fall around his hips instead of being propped up on his shoulders, his body limp on your and his face pressed deep in between your breasts, panting heavily.
He lay there for a few minutes as you both struggled to catch your breath. “Did I satisfy you enough to bring my grade up?”
“Absolutely, baby boy. I’ll have a talk with Principal Higgins on Monday morning before math class,” you said, smiling as he pulled himself up to kiss you.
“Good girl,” he replied, pressing a kiss to your shoulder, retrieving the key to the handcuffs and spreader bar, letting you free from his confinements. “Such a good girl for me, beautiful. So hot fucking you in just your heels.”
In an instant he’d rolled over, pulling you with him so you were now straddling his hips, your hair dangling in his face, with you letting out a quiet gasp.
“What are you doing, Eddie?”
“Did you think I was done with you?” He chuckled, sliding his already hardened cock back into you. “We’re just getting started, sweetheart, and you’ve got a long night ahead of you if you want free weed.”
@myobmaya @steveslittlesunflower @quickiesgirl @eddiebillysteve @hellfirehaley @thisishellfire @wzrlds @friendly-neighborhood-ghoul @fxllfaiiry @liviawritesthings @taecube @wh0re-for-christian-bale @corrodedhawkins @eddies-bat @loveshotzz
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boyfridged · 11 months
jurisprudence & criminology intro reading list.
this list is not an exhaustive guide to any of these fields. my main goal here is to propose some key concepts so that you can start exploring theory on your own. it should also go without saying that it is not composed merely of scholarship that i consider good or even truthful; getting familiar with historical themes is very much beneficial for the broader context. additionally, while jurisprudence and criminology are closely related fields, and having some general idea about jurisprudence makes studying criminology easier, it's not a requirement, so feel free to skip sections as you please. lastly: this is a mix of more theory-heavy and also relatively light reading; if something is difficult to understand, google and youtube are your best friends, and there's a good chance other texts will appear more accessible.
one of the main questions of jurisprudence is: what is is the proper relationship between law and morality? the following texts focus mostly on that question.
main schools to explore:
legal naturalism notable names: ian fuller, john finis. (naturalist-leaning): patrick devlin. proposed readings: 1. devlin, p. (1959) morals and the criminal law, 2. fuller, l. (1964), the morality of law 3. finnis, j. (1980) natural law and natural rights.
legal positivism notable names: jeremy bentham, john austin, h. l. h. hart, joseph raz. proposed readings: 1, stanford encyclopedia of philosophy: the legal positivism entry, 2. hart, h. (1961) the concept of law, 3. hart, h. (1963) the legal enforcement of morality, 4. raz, j. (1979) the authority of law.
legal interpretivism notables names: ronald dworkin proposed reading: 1. stanford enclycopedia of philosophy: the intepretivism entry, 2. dworkin, r. (1978) taking rights seriously.
critical theory (generally legal positivist in the simplest terms, but not necessarily comfortable with that label) & sociology. notable names: max weber, emile durkheim, carol smart (feminism), achille mbembe (postcolony) proposed reading: 1. smart, c. (1989) feminism and the power of law. 2. hardar, p. (2008) law, orientalism and postcolonialism: the jurisdiction of the lotus-eaters.
main topics to explore:
biological theories (look: phrenology, degeneration theory, atavistic theory of crime.) notable names: cesare lombroso, b.a. morel. this is mostly historical content; most textbooks on criminology will have a section on it. google is also your best friend. original source texts are mostly pseudo-scientific so i recommend looking into them only if you're specifically curious.
functionalism & structuralism notable names: emile durhkeim, robert merton proposed readings: 1. durkheim, e. (1972) crime as normal behaviour, 2. merton, r. (1938) social structure and anomie
marxist criminology notable names: willem bonger, thorster sellin proposed readings: 1. bonger, w. (1916) criminality and economic conditions, 2. sellin, t. (1938) culture conflict and crime
control theory notable names: jackson toby, travis hirschi. proposed readings: 1. pratt, t. (2011). "key idea: hirschi’s social bond/social control theory." in: key Ideas in criminology and criminal justice.
labelling theory notable names: howard becker proposed readings: 1. goode, e. (2018) labeling theory.
penal theory
in terms of penal theory, you can find plenty reliable sources and reading lists online. here are some of my personal theory-heavy picks.
key readings:
the iep entry on punishment,
the stanford encyclopedia of philosophy entry on legal punishment,
carlen, p. (2013) against rehabilitation: for reparative justice.
davis, a. (2003) are prisons obsolete?
foucault, m. (1975) discipline and punish: the birth of the prison.
johnstone, g., (2002), restorative justice: ideas, values, debates,
johnstone, g. (ed.), (2007), handbook of restorative justice.
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anhed-nia · 18 days
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TOMORROW on 5/21 at 2pm EST, join The Miskatonic Institute of Horror Studies for our last Online class of the semester! Scholar David J. Goodwin presents his original research into HP Lovecraft's life in New York City, showing us a side of this complicated author that few have ever seen.
...and I mean, literally, this talk includes a self-portrait by Lovecraft that is one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life. But that's just one small detail! Goodwin gives us lots to enjoy, including a discussion of the influence of cinema on Lovecraft, and vice versa--some of which may surprise you. Tickets here:
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laud03 · 19 days
Activity 01
Following my review of the Gapminder study codebook, I have chosen to conduct an analysis of a global health concern: breast cancer.  In conjunction with this primary focus, I will also explore the issue of suicide rates per hundred thousand individuals.
Question: Is breast cancer associated with suicide per 100th?
Variables: breastcancerper100th and suicideper100th
Hypothesis: Women diagnosed with breast cancer may be more likely to commit suicide compared to the general population.
Literature review:  
Suicide After Breast Cancer: an International Population-Based Study of 723 810 Women
Catherine Schairer, Linda Morris Brown, Bingshu E. Chen, Regan Howard, Charles F. Lynch, Per Hall, Hans Storm, Eero Pukkala, Aage Anderson, Magnus Kaijser ... Show more
Summary: Few studies have examined long-term suicide risk among breast cancer survivors, and there are no data for women in the United States. We quantified suicide risk through 2002 among 723 810 1-year breast cancer survivors diagnosed between January 1, 1953, and December 31, 2001, and reported to 16 population-based cancer registries in the United States and Scandinavia. Among breast cancer survivors, we calculated standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) and excess absolute risks (EARs) compared with the general population, and the probability of suicide. We used Poisson regression likelihood ratio tests to assess heterogeneity in SMRs; all statistical tests were two-sided, with a .05 cutoff for statistical significance. In total 836 breast cancer patients committed suicide (SMR = 1.37, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.28 to 1.47; EAR = 4.1 per 100 000 person-years). Although SMRs ranged from 1.25 to 1.53 among registries, with 245 deaths among the sample of US women (SMR = 1.49, 95% CI = 1.32 to 1.70), differences among registries were not statistically significant ( P for heterogeneity = .19). Risk was elevated throughout follow-up, including for 25 or more years after diagnosis (SMR = 1.35, 95% CI = 0.82 to 2.12), and was highest among black women (SMR = 2.88, 95% CI = 1.44 to 5.17) ( P for heterogeneity = .06). Risk increased with increasing stage of breast cancer ( P for heterogeneity = .08) and remained elevated among women diagnosed between 1990 and 2001 (SMR = 1.36, 95% CI = 1.18 to 1.57). The cumulative probability of suicide was 0.20% 30 years after breast cancer diagnosis.
Topic: cancerheterogeneityearfollow-upscandinaviasurvivorsdiagnosissuicidebreast cancerlikelihood ratiosuicidal behaviortnm breast tumor stagingstandardized mortality ratio
Issue Section: Brief Communications
(1) Rowland J, Mariotto A, Aziz N, Tesauro G, Feuer EJ, Blackman D, et al. Cancer survivorship — United States, 1971 – 2001. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2004 ; 53 : 526 – 9.
(2) Ries LAG, Eisner MP, Kosary CL, Hankey BF, Miller BA, Clegg L, et al., editors. SEER cancer statistics review, 1975 – 2002. Bethesda (MD): National Cancer Institute; 2004. Available at: http://seer.cancer.gov/csr/1975_2002 . [Last accessed: September 22, 2005.]
(3) Yousaf U, Christensen M-LM, Engholm G, Storm HH. Suicides among Danish cancer patients 1971 – 1999. Br J Cancer 2005 ; 92 : 995 – 1000.
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blacjaq1 · 5 months
WINNIE-THE-CTHULHU. Philistines may find this illustration risible, but in truth, A. A. Milne, the creator of Winnie-the-Pooh, was only 8 years older than H. P. Lovecraft, and had met him at least twice. For in Milne's "Collected Epistles" volume IV (1923), he mentions "a rather queer fellow, Howard L., from New England, an archaist, a misanthrope. Writes strange stories" and in volume V (1926 - the same year "Winnie the Pooh" came out) "I've come to believe that Howard and I are really doing the same thing: we both write fables implicitly ridiculing Christianity." Both enjoyed success in their writing in 1926; both attended soirées at The Institute for the Scientific Study of Human and Non-Human Phenomena's bureaux in New England. Additionally, E.H. Shepard, illustrator of Winnie-the-Pooh, was not only an epistolary intimate of Lovecraft, but a secret cultist and member of the Golden Dawn.
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dystini · 1 year
Indycar Driver Lore
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Indycar Driver Lore Masterlist
Scott Ronald Dixon
Birthdate: July 22, 1980 Hometown: Auckland, New Zealand Residence: Indianapolis/London, UK Height/Weight: 5’10”/150lbs
Rookie Year: 2001
Team: Ganassi
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Follow him on: Instagram Twitter
Career Stats
CART 2001: PacWest Racing - 8th Overall 2002: 3 races with PWR Championship Racing, 16 races with Chip Ganassi Racing - 13th overall Indycar 2003: Target Chip Ganassi Racing - 1st Overall 2004: Target Chip Ganassi Racing - 10th Overall 2005: Target Chip Ganassi Racing - 13th Overall 2006: Target Chip Ganassi Racing - 4th Overall 2007: Target Chip Ganassi Racing - 2nd Overall 2008: Target Chip Ganassi Racing - 1st Overall 2009: Target Chip Ganassi Racing - 2nd Overall 2010: Target Chip Ganassi Racing - 3rd Overall 2011: Target Chip Ganassi Racing - 3rd Overall 2012: Target Chip Ganassi Racing - 3rd Overall 2013: Target Chip Ganassi Racing - 1st Overall 2014: Target Chip Ganassi Racing - 3rd Overall 2015: Target Chip Ganassi Racing - 1st Overall 2016: Target Chip Ganassi Racing - 6th Overall 2017: Chip Ganassi Racing - 3rd Overall 2018: PNC Bank Chip Ganassi Racing - 1st Overall 2019: PNC Bank Chip Ganassi Racing - 4th Overall 2020: PNC Bank Chip Ganassi Racing - 1st Overall 2021: PNC Bank Chip Ganassi Racing - 4th Overall 2022: PNC Bank Chip Ganassi Racing - 3rd Overall 2023: PNC Bank Chip Ganassi Racing - 2nd Overall
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IMSA 2014 Chip Ganassi Racing P class 2015 Chip Ganassi Racing P class , won Daytona 24 2016 Ford Chip Ganassi Racing P class, GTLM class 2017 Ford Chip Ganassi Racing GTLM class 2018 Ford Chip Ganassi Racing GTLM class, won Daytona 24 2019 Ford Chip Ganassi Racing GTLM class, 2020 Konica Minolta Cadillac Dpi class, won Daytona 24, won Petit Le Mans 2021 Cadillac Chip Ganassi Racing Dpi class 2022 Cadillac Racing Dpi class 2023 Cadillac Racing GTP class
-Scott Dixon always has the same two goals: win the Indianapolis 500 and win the NTT INDYCAR SERIES championship. -Six-time season champion and 2008 Indianapolis 500 champion Dixon is the winningest active driver in the NTT INDYCAR SERIES and the longest-tenured driver in Chip Ganassi Racing team history. -He was born in Australia but is a citizen of New Zealand and was named New Zealand’s Sportsman of the Year in 2008 and 2013. -He was also appointed Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2012. -Off the track, Dixon is known for his love of his family: his wife, Emma, and their three children, Poppy, Tilly and Kit. -Nicknamed Dixy (sometimes spelled Dixie)
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Iconic/memorable moments The Unconventional Way Scott Dixon Funded His Racing Career | The Dale Jr. Download Scott Dixon: Drivers Can Do Dumb $hit | The Dale Jr. Download Scott Dixon/Jay Howard Indy 500 crash 2017 David Letterman 2013 Indy Car Champion, Scott Dixon Scott Dixon and wife Emma talk about his IndyCar career and his freak accident | Stuff.co.nz Mind of a Motorhead: Dr. Kenneth Carter studies IndyCar driver Scott Dixon | Motorsports on NBC INDYCAR 36: Scott Dixon Scott Dixon and Tony Kanaan Compete in the Ironman 70.3 Miami IndyCar's Scott Dixon Full Interview SpeedFreaks Scott Dixon
Grand Prix Pads: Scott Dixon Discussing Scott Dixon - Ganassi Unplugged IndyCar Chronicles with Scott Dixon - Episode 5 The Fast Four: Scott Dixon, The Iceman Will Power calls Scott Dixon a wanker - IndyCar iRacing challenge @ Barber A Lap with Scott playlist Shopping at Target with Dario Franchitti and Scott Dixon IndyCar's Scott Dixon joins Rutledge Wood for Questions in a Milk Bottle | Motorsports on NBC Scott Dixon Wins First Championship at Age 13 1993-94 NZ Formula Vee Review Pit Pets: Scott Dixon, Arthur and George Scott Dixon: Dario Franchitti is an A** (just kidding…maybe) Trash Talk my Teammate: Dan Wheldon v. Scott Dixon Under the Helmet with Scott Dixon Under the Helmet with Scott Dixon IndyCar drivers Scott Dixon, Dario Franchitti robbed at Indy Taco Bell Our Favorite Indy Stories: The Taco Bell Incident (Dixon Version) Dario Franchitti and Scott Dixon, part 1
Dario Franchitti and Scott Dixon, part 2 3 motorsport legends compete at Goodwood Revival! | Goodwood Revival Special INDYCAR Test Drive Episode 8: Scott Dixon IndyCar: Scott Dixon, "We got hosed again" by Will Power IndyCar Dario Franchitti and Scott Dixon Interview (part 2) RACER: Franchitti, Kanaan, Dixon Prank 20yr old Teammate We All Have A Story: Scott Dixon Breakout Room Highlights with Scott Dixon, Tony Kanaan, and Alexander Rossi
Born Racer - In this all-access pass, IndyCar champion Scott Dixon and his team navigate the risks on the road in the quest to win it all. May be available on Netflix. Born Racer Official US Trailer
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Called “The Iceman” for the way he stays calm and collected under almost any circumstances, Scott Dixon is a methodical driver, knowm to be able to extract the most fuel mileage from his car. A Six-time series Champion, he has earned 52 wins, 130 podiums and 32 poles in his long career. One of the older drivers in the field, he shows no signs of slowing down. He is as competitive as ever, an elder statesman bestowing his wisdom on his teammates.
Off track, he is said to be one of the nicest guys around, family focused but still able to find time for fun with his friends. But early in his career he wasn’t quite as straight-laced as he appears now, known for committing pranks and getting into mischief with Dario Franchitti and Tony Kanaan. Both remain close friends all these years later.
I’ve avoided mentioning wives and girlfriends for the most part in these Lore posts, but one cannot discuss Scott without mentioning his wife, Emma. Outspoken and sometimes brash, Emma has no problem calling out the series and other drivers when she sees what she perceives as an injustice being done to her husband. But she is also very friendly, taking new drivers’ wives and girlfriends under her wing. Her Instagram (especially her comments on other drivers’ posts) can be very entertaining at times.
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Fanfic Lore
Historically paired with Dario Franchitti. In groups with Dario Franchitti, Tony Kanaan, and Marco Andretti
His wife, Emma, is his biggest shipper (she seems to pair him with Dario Franchitti and Tony Kanaan most often) and is frequently horny right on social media about him. Because of this, she is one of the rare WAGS that show up in fanfic occasionally.
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that-imp-with-weed · 1 year
The fan's madness
Ok, folks, here I come to share my headcanons about one of my mostly beloved OTPs. Hope, other fans of this pair will enjoy it)
Juliandy is a kind of ship dynamic I do admire. You know, the romantic interaction between the extravert badass teen and the strange gothic one can be pretty nice and funny X)
What’s really good about those two, they can share their personal traits with each other and learn how to respect the partner’s feelings. Randy may become more intelligent, empathic and reliable while Julian may take on his courage and resoluteness.
Also, huh… I want to describe my dumb point of view about the development of their relationships after the events of the show ^^
So, Randy’s 18 now, and he needs to move to another city for study (he’s going to become a photographer and operator, why not). Howard decides to stay in Norriswille and be involved in gamedev industry, but guys will definitely chat online despite the temporary separation.
Arriving at the place, Cunningham unexpectedly knows that he shares a dorm room with Julian, who dreams about the career as a director of horror films and has just entered the same university.
In the first days, the boys live calmly but a bit tense. Randy feels strangely about his neighbor who’s as perky and freaky as always. Like there is about to happen something extraordinary.
Once, while Julian’s taking shower (hehe yep), Cunningham pays attention to his collection biting toy which looks like ultramarine dragon covered with gems (cause the goth’s obsessed with outstanding stuff I mean it’s our Julian XD). Forgetting about all the rules of personal privacy, the interested guy tries to take this beautiful crap in his hands, but the dragon suddenly closes its heavy jaws… Frightened Randy throws the cursed toy on the floor and it breaks into the many pieces.
A loud sound triggers the goth to check what’s happening, and he immediately leaves the bath only with a towel on his hips (something hot is coming up)) and then sees Randy sitting near the debris. Cunningham tries to explain all the situation and promises to pay the repair, but Julian smiles softly saying: «Fuck, that’s great you aren’t injured enough».
Randy’s wonder starts to grow, but then it absolutely explodes because of gentle kiss in his forehead. And, while the guy can’t deal with his emotions due to being chocked, Julian retreats to the bathroom to get dressed, speaking quickly: «Oh, sweetie, you must buy me everything I want in restaurant dat night >:3».
It was really fun to write this cute nonsense) Maybe I’ll come up with addition soon :-)
P. S. Sorry pls for probable mistakes, English isn’t my first language ahah
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hplovecraftmuseum · 1 year
The Great Depression hit virtually every country on earth in 1929. Lovecraft, however, was suffering his own financial problems for years before then. His grandfather Phillips, who was basically the head of the family after Lovecraft's father was instutionalized for severe mental problems, was the source of the entire family's income. Yet, this maternal grandfather saw business declines when HPL was still a boy. Though the Lovecraft and Phillips (his mother's maiden name) families had been successful middle upper class New Englanders in Victorian times, young Howard saw the family servants let go and the carriage and horses sold off little by little. All his life he dreamed that he might someday be able to buy back the great family house at 454 Angell Street in Providence. It was a futile dream. After his grandfather's death Lovecraft and his mother were forced to find much smaller lodgings not far away. Soon after his mother passed HPL married a beautiful, industrious, and highly intelligent widow named, Sonia Greene. Greene had been earning a very respectable salary as a sales person. Greene also had a goodly amount of savings. For some reason Sonia Greene Lovecraft gave up her lucrative position and opened her own business selling ladies hats. This was in NYC in the early 1920s, 'The Roaring Twenties' when most businesses were thriving. For some reason the enterprise failed in only a few months. After taking a sales position elsewhere Sonia Greene, Lovecraft again tried to open her own shop. This business failed too. Lovecraft and his wife essentially seperated after only a couple of years. Divorce was an almost unthinkable scandal in old New England's upper crust and certainly something Lovecraft rarely discussed in letters or among friends. By the time the depression hit the rest of the world H. P. Lovecraft was already facing financial problems and certainly the depression didn't offer any hope of better times. As things continued to decline all around him, HPL might have wondered if the whole universe was in a state of dissolution. In time Lovecraft chose to believe that Socialism as a form of government was the only hope for the world. Pretty much all the persons who have studied Lovecraft's stated political views believe they were extremely naive and unrealistic considering human nature. Lovecraft died in 1937 at the age of 46. He never lived to see the horrors of WW2 or the financial recovery that would come in most places when the war was ended. No doubt Lovecraft - who considered himself a loyal Englishman all his life - whould have been heartbroken to see The British Empire essentially destroyed by the second world war? The effect these things had on Lovecraft's fiction is only too obvious. (Exhibit 289)
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emerysaks · 9 months
A Little Help from their Friend - Chapter 5
This story is finished! Thanks for hanging with me since <checks notes> 2015. Ha!
I hope you enjoy the final chapter!
A Little Help from their Friend - Chapter 5 - EmerySaks7 - Agent Carter (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Edwin Jarvis quietly shut the door behind him. He had slipped into the chilly penthouse unannounced in a gesture of deference, as he had done so many times before. Usually, clinking mugs and snippets of conversation floated from the kitchen as Miss Carter and Miss Martinelli began the day with a shared breakfast. Yet, the space was strangely silent this morning.
"Miss Carter? Miss Martinelli?" Jarvis called out tentatively, his voice just barely rising above a whisper.
Suddenly, a rustling sound came from the study, and Edwin hurried over to investigate. As he crossed the threshold and peered into the room, he was startled to see Miss Carter and Miss Martinelli tucked under the blankets, their hair mussed from sleep. A moment later, he realized with a blush that two nightgowns lay scattered on the floor and, more importantly, that Peggy Carter's gaze was trained upon him.
An arched eyebrow barely belied the blush that rose to her cheeks as her eyes drifted to the nightgowns. Although Miss Martinelli remained blissfully unaware, still lost in sleep, Edwin, ever respectful, felt embarrassed to have inadvertently interrupted something private. He raised a finger to his lips, pointedly looking at Angie, and then stepped back into the hallway to give the two women some space.
A few minutes later, Peggy emerged, clad in one of the nightgowns from the floor. As she cinched her robe, Edwin dipped his head. "I apologize," he said, clearly embarrassed. "Forgive me for intruding."
“The electricity went out yesterday evening,” she explained.
“Yes, Mr. Stark mentioned that and asked me to come by and check on you ladies this morning.” The corner of his mouth lifted in a smile. “I see you were resourceful, as always.”
A faint blush colored Peggy’s cheeks. “Yes, well… we decided to move the bedroom to the study for the evening because of the fireplace. Angie was rather adamant about our sleeping arrangements.”
Edwin chuckled. “Yes, Miss Martinelli can be rather persuasive when she puts her mind to something.”
“Quite, “ Peggy agreed. She drew a deep breath and continued, “Mr. Jarvis, I would appreciate it if you kept what you saw here to yourself.”
Edwin nodded gravely. “Of course, Miss Carter.”
Peggy sighed and ran a hand through her disheveled hair. “I hope you understand I am in no way ashamed of my feelings towards Angie, but until I can discuss this more with her, I would prefer this matter remain private.”
"I wouldn't dare dream of disclosing it," he assured her. Peggy seemed to relax at this assurance. But then, a calculating gleam entered her gaze. "One other thing, Mr. Jarvis."
"I couldn't help noticing that all the circuit breakers were operating normally. Yet, we still somehow lost power throughout the entire building."
Edwin frowned thoughtfully. "How peculiar."
Peggy held his gaze. "Coincidentally, the only building that contained an occupied penthouse."
Edwin shrugged innocently. "I suppose it must've been the city grid." He could feel Peggy studying him, so he remained silent.
"No, I don't think so," she disagreed. "The grid appears to be functioning normally. The building next to us had power. I clearly saw lights in the windows."
Edwin held out his hands, palms upward. "I don't know what to say, Miss Carter. I am not an electrician."
Peggy nodded. "The curious thing is when I checked the circuit breaker box, I found this," she said pointedly and held up the remains of a small capsule. Jarvis' eyes widened as he realized what it was, but he quickly schooled his features into what he hoped was a neutral expression.
“Imagine my surprise when I realized this shockingly familiar object was one of Howard’s experimental EMP devices.”
“Really? How odd.”
Peggy gave him a pointed look. “Yes. It is.”
“I don’t know what to say, Miss Carter.”
“Nor do I.”
“Perhaps Mr. Stark was careless with some of his items when he moved from this penthouse to his current residence,” he ventured.
They stared at each other momentarily until Edwin finally broke the silence. “If there’s nothing else?”
Peggy quirked her lips. “That will be all, Mister Jarvis.”
“Then I shall bid you a good day, Miss Carter.”
“Good day, Mister Jarvis.”
He opened the door.
At Peggy’s soft tone, he turned to face her. “Yes, Miss Carter.”
Peggy’s eyes softened. “Thank you.”
“My pleasure, Miss Carter,” he replied, a ghost of a smile tugging at his lips before he stepped through the door and closed it behind him.
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