courtneycantstudy · 11 months
welcome to my studyblr!
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the classes i’m taking will remain on my blog’s header image throughout the semester, and tags you can use to track any of my posts can also be found there!
i’m very excited to get back into this again, and can’t wait to study alongside all of you :)
[edit: that should say oceanography i’m sorry]
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teachmetonxght · 6 years
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Hello studyblr community! My name is Laurine but you can call me Lau (: After some years of being inactive on tumblr I have finally decided to make my own studyblr since I’m starting college this September. 
About me
☼ I’m 19 years old
☼ I live in France
☼ I’m currently learning English and Latin & I’m learning spanish on my own (btw I hope my English isn’t too bad)
☼ I will start studying literature and publishing at the uni in Paris on September. I’m really excited to start this new journey of my life!
☼ my Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw 
My interests 
I’m a huge fan of music and mostly I like pop and reggaeton, I enjoy watching movies and tv shows, I love reading and aesthetic things. Most of all I love taking pictures of everything I find beautiful, and traveling.
My goals
☼ I want to stay motivated and to enjoy what I learn
☼ meet new people on this amazing social network 
☼ be the best version of myself
Blogs I like
@nerdastically @yume-studies @studywithnini @betterself @academicsapphic @peepstudies @stardewstudy @tealovingstudies @booknerdstudies @studylustre @emmastudies @obliviatestudies @studyblr & a lot more!
Thank you for reading this if you did, I can’t wait to finally start this blog! 
xx Lau
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augusthings · 6 years
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hello everyone! i’ve been meaning to make a new studyblr for a while now. i used to have one while i was in high school but then i graduated, and i didn’t go to college right away, so i deleted it. i am now in my second year of college and i feel i have the hang of things now. i am 19 years old and i live in michigan. my name is samantha, but you can call me sam, sami or some other nickname!
cats, harry potter, coffee
history, history memes, cheesy jokes
marvel comics and movies, sigrid
nature, flora, ancient animals, zoology
geology, rocks, dad jokes
learning new languages
fuzzy blankets, my pal hannah, sirius black, the marauders
about me
i will be starting my second year of college on august 27th, with a secondary education history major and a minor in geology. my goal is to become a high school history teacher, a historian, or an anthropologist. i am currently a part-time student due to mental health issues, a part-time job and financial issues. i do plan on transferring to a large university once i get my associates degree, but right now, i’m at a small community college. i claim to be a slytherin but my friends insist i am a hufflepuff.
languages i want to learn
dutch ( started learning on duolingo and various resources )
german ( took three years of classes from 8th grade to 11th grade )
french ( took 8 years of classes, still only know how to count to 49 )
probably more
other tumblr
snapchat: floristics
please like/reblog if you are a studyblr/langblr so i can follow you!
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study-lilac-blog · 6 years
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hi - i’m tay!! i’ve been interested in starting a studyblr for awhile, but just decided to recently. i’m in ninth grade (c/o 2021) and attend an online school.
i love reading and watching movies, my favorites are any of the harry potter books/ films. i speak english and am currently learning french. the rest of my classes are on my about page!
a little more about me:
∙  i’m a ravenclaw
∙ i love graphics design - my instagram is solidari.ty, & i use after effects cc
∙  i’m quite interested in mathematics & science (specifically psychology)
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ardorstudy · 4 years
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hey loves!
i've had this account for a few years now but i never got it up and running in the way i wanted so here's a re-introduction!
i'm chelsea but you can call me chels or whatever you want
i'm about to go into my second year of sixth form and i'm doing a levels in english lit, philosophy and politics
i'm from the uk
it's my birthday in a couple of days so expect a birthday post!
some of my favourite things in the world right now:
the way we're pulling together to educate one another on what is happening in our countries so we can help each other
criminal minds
music (the list is too long so i can make a separate post about my favourite tracks rn)
tiktok, which is honestly one of the best things of 2020 imo
why did i decide to start again?
i know that this year is going to be a hectic and stressful year regardless of the implication covid-19 will have on the uk schooling system
i wanted to have a place where i can come to relax but also keep myself accountable because i'm ready to churn out some hours to get into the unis i want to go to!
so yeah! that's me!
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arhabitsburner · 4 years
Introduction! ☼
Hello anyone who is reading this. I’ve been a sort of outside observer of the studyblr community on and off for years and I decided it’s time to actually get involved. 
Why now? 🌿
I just transferred from Smith College to the University of Texas at Austin and want to use this as a way to keep myself motivated in this fresh start during a pandemic. I mostly need a fun and visual way to hold myself accountable and I love meeting new people with similar interests!
About Me
You can call me Kenny! I’m 20 and a junior (third year) studying Art History (ARH). I bounced around a lot trying to figure out what to major in but ended up settling on where I started. I was born and raised in Virginia but moved to Massachusetts to attend an arts high school. 
This semester is a hard one with all my course work being online and starting at a new school. I actually just dropped a course for the first time ever (I did cry about it after the fact but know it’s the right decision in making sure I do the best I can under the current circumstances) The courses I’m taking this semester are
Anthropology - Expressive Culture
Art History - Baroque 
Art History - Contemporary Art in 20th Century Latin America
Global Illness - Inequities in Public Health
- I’m a huge knitter! I am slowly but surely getting into weaving 
- baking! I like bread-y things over super sweet cakes and such
- I’m trying to get more into meditation and taking care of my spiritual health and I’m really enjoying that journey so far
- TEA! I cannot stand coffee, the smell, the taste. But tea is heaven and I am obsessed
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eunoiamaybe · 4 years
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Hello everyone! New studyblr here. I’ve been lurking in the shadows of the studyblr community for a very long time now. But it is not until recently that I finally mustered enough courage to join this amazing community. So without further ado, here is my introduction:
I go by Audrey (she/her pronouns)
(Almost) 20 and Aries, but don’t really feel like either
INFP, though some people have told me that I could be quite cynical
I’m in my second year in university
I’m a Biochemistry major, wanting to live in a lab forever (ooh look it rhymes!)
I’m currently on an internship but still trying to learn some basic French in my free time
Absolutely love reading: I have an undying love for poetry, no matter the type. Currently, I’m trying to finish  “New American Best Friend” by Olivia Gatwood.
Fancy (sounding) words: yup pretentious I know, but something about them is so addicting to me. I only speak 2 languages so far and always find myself drawn to words that are on the more grandiose side of both languages I’m so sorry please bear with me 
Psychology, and the biology aspects of it: I’m currently trying to learn more about serotonin syndrome and the portrayal of psychiatric medications books/movies for young adults.
A cinephile (fancy word count no.1): I love movies/ series as well as video essays analyzing cinematography, scriptwriting, and characters. Recently, I’ve been binging Euphoria (pure perfection!) and Fruit Basket (this anime turns me into a crying mess every time).
A melophile as well (fwc no.2): I listen to almost anything and am always eager to discover new music. But no matter what, I will always have a soft spot for the pop-punk bands I grew up with. I also enjoy making playlists for different moods, learning about people through their music (here’s my Spotify if you’re up for sharing music), and watching analysis videos on the anatomy of songs
I think I just love analysis videos in general?
Creating artsy stuff (sketches, music, poems, etc): aka my coping mechanisms. I probably enjoy writing the most but somehow the majority of my works are sadly unfinished.
Coding: I’m self-taught so I ain’t that good. But personally, I find it really fun and would love to learn and challenge myself more with it.
To motivate myself out of the procrastination quicksand
To keep track of my study and productivity progress 
To have a place to review/ modify my study techniques and habits and better my efficiency
To be more involved in this lovely studyblr community and hopefully motivate others too
To make more friends, through studying as well as music
Here are some inspiring studyblrs that I’ve adored so far:
@yellowtonin //  @elleandhermione​ //  @caeruleuz​ //  @markiveelle​ //  @studyquill​ //  @emmastudies​ //  @studyign​ //  @elkstudies​ //  @intellectys​ //  @diaryofastemstudent​ //  @illegibles​ //  @study-w-alex​ //  @procrastinationlikeapro​ //  @doestudies​ //  @studyandtea //  @howlsmovingdesk​ //  @studydev​ // @occupation-study​ // @gardenofnotes​​ // @thecoffeedesk​​ // @studie-s //​ @minimaliststudy​ //​ @lexiesstudies​ //​ @georgies-studies​ //​ @kyoko-studies​ //​ @phd-in-prog​ //​ @studyartsy​ //​ @studyblr​ // @summit-studies​ //​ @mlidilners //​ @chronicleofachemistrystudent​
 Are you still reading? You are? Thank you so much for making it here!
If you are also a studyblr, please reblog/like so that I can follow you too ♡ 
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ellstudies · 4 years
Studyblr intro
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Hi, I’m starting this to keep track of my work during my alevels. Most studyblrs i’ve seen have an introduction post so this is mine.
🦥About me🦥
- My name is Elliot
- I’m non-binary
- I’m 17 and a libra
- I live in Wales
- I’m an intp and a slytherin
- I’m trying to find a hobby
My classes:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- English Literature
- Psychology
- Increase my motivation, and get me to actually study more
- Read more
- Learn Dutch and once that’s completed another language
- Have a clearer idea of what i want to study
Little extra
- I write my notes on an ipad using goodnotes 5
- I love skam, and its remakes
- I’m a great procrastinator
- I have a very eclectic music taste
- I’m addicted to caffeine
- I’m trying to find more studyblr blogs to follow but I’m inspired by:-
@septemberstudiesblog @koschei-studies @studyingatsunrise @alilystudies @hardworkign there’s probably more but i’m terrible at finding people
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moons-study-blog · 5 years
My Actual Intro
about me
13, she/her
middle school
Apparently I have a green aura
study things
I decided to take the extra class of Latin so I have one study hall or less every week rip
My handwriting sucks but I’m working on it
I’m currently taking Spanish and Algebra as my two big classes and art as an elective
trying to teach myself Japanese
other interests
I LOVE to draw and pretty much spend all my free time drawing
I’m not super into anime like I was in 5th-6th grade but I love MHA still
I find cooking therapeutic so I do that a lot
Video games are fun! My three faves are Minecraft, Slime Rancher, and Overwatch (Brig/Moira main here) 
I want to try vlogging since I got an iPhone literally a week ago
studyblrs I like 
@phoebe-does @moonstarbujo @icouldreadthisallday @actuarystudies 
what I’ll be posting 
-Mainly reblogging stuff I like 
-Bujo maybe 
-doodles if you guys want it
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cupofchai-studies · 5 years
My Studyblr Intro
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Hey guys! 
About Me
My name is Aline, I’m currently 20 years old and about to start my second semester of my second year of college! I have browsed tumblr for years now, but I’ve never really actively participated so I have no idea how to make bold text and all that and whatnot. Anyways, I’m really excited to become more active in tumblr and especially this community!
- Reading (though lately it’s been more fanfiction than actual books lol, BUT I have been getting back into reading books, starting with mystery)
- Writing (I try)
- Knitting (I’m still a novice, and my dream is to learn how to knit sweaters!!)
- Basketball
- Reading manga and watching anime
- Bullet Journaling and normal Journaling
Why a Studyblr
I’ve seen a few articles and posts about how a studyblr helps keep them stay productive and I really need that lol
I also hope this will help me with my memory, because to be real honest, it’s been worsening lately lol
I also heard how helpful and supportive this community is so I’m excited to be a part of it ^^
I am also wanting and excited to try my hardest to become productive and get into the groove of studying and finding my note taking system
I’m actually excited of me getting excited about studying and all that - which I really hope happens
What to Expect
I will be posting a lot of pics mainly about me being productive (or as much as I can) so like my bullet journal, maaybe my journal, me getting back into reading, and obviously, a lot of pictures of me studying and reviewing. But yes, it will mainly be pictures with some text - I can’t guarantee constant posting, but at the very least, I will try 2-3 times a week
My Inspirations
@ancientscholar @cheshirecatstudies @coffeeandpies @j0study @emmastudyx @pianoandstudy @studyblr @theorganisedstudent @elkstudies and plenty more from instagram!! 
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theboringhistorian · 5 years
Studyblr intro
About me
Hello !! My name is Lily, I’m 17 and I’m from England. I’m doing my final year of A Levels, so I have my exams in the summer and will be going to uni (hopefully) in September. My favourite subjects are History and English. I have 2 brothers and 2 kittens :)
Why I want to make a studyblr
- I have received an offer from Cambridge Uni for History so this is to keep me on track to get the results I need (A*AA) in the summer exams
- I have been using studyblr for a while and haven’t posted any original content, so now I’m studying more I can post my own content which will hopefully keep me inspired :)
- the studyblr community seems so pure and lovely full of people supporting each other and working hard and I am 100% into that
What classes I am taking/planning on taking
- I have applied to do History at uni
- currently doing History, English Literature and Economics A Levels
- volleyball (just an amateur!)
- playing piano and violin
- musical theatre / singing
What I am planning on posting
- study inspo
- realistic/genuine study spaces of my own
- notes (some pretty, some not)
- might do the 100 days of productivity challenge
- cats to cheer people up
- other general things to help students
- bujo / planner (I’m very simplistic and not very artsy !)
Some studyblrs that inspire me
- @studyblr (of course), @study-like-you-mean-it, @freckledstudy, @fiercelittlestudyblr, @howlsmovingdesk, @that-history-student, @literaryhistories, @studylustre, @alimastudies, @coffeeandpies, @historicalemily, @ginsengstudy and many more :)
Thank you so much for reading and I’m looking forward to joining the studyblr community !! ❤️
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entheory · 5 years
I’m Sam and I’m really excited about this community asdfghjklasdfgh
I’ve had a blog for some time but I think I should do an introduction, now that I’ve decided to actively participate :P
About me
I’m 16 and in 10th grade 
I live in India 
Trilingual, I'm also teaching myself German
Aspire to do Medicine after grade 12 
Sketching, calligraphy, the works
Reading. Few of my favorites are the perks of being a wallflower, the catcher in the rye, the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy and I can't think of any others bc I'm a goldfish hi
Music! I'm particularly into indie pop, lo-fi, instrumental and classical 
Writing. I specialize in aimless plots and bad poems eksdee
For some reason I was fascinated by the idea of an endless constant when I was younger and now I accidentally know a hundred digits of pi
I love Sherlock. Or anything that has Benedict Cumberbatch.
Anime. I've just watched a few and I'm really starting to like it. My favorites include Death Note, Your Lie In April (Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso), Your Name (Kimi No Na Wa), My Neighbor Totoro and The Grave Of The Fireflies
Why A Studyblr
I'm really good at planning but stick to it around 3% of the time and a studyblr seems like good motivation to do so
It is a self-fueling system that is a nice break from studying while still staying in the same frame of mind
I love journalling, hand lettering, and all that fancy ish
I want to make some awesome friends who I can nerd to lmao
What To Expect
I’ll be posting a wide range of things that include text posts, study sessions, my journal, books I read, some fandoms... basically the nerd life. 
Some of blogs that make me want to throw my whole phone away and study:
@coffeeandpies @isthsnametakenyet @etudaire @studyquill @elkstudies @dulynotedx @therobotstudies @studyblr @ibstressin @thomastudies @alimastudies @akydemics @warmhealer
Do recommend some more blogs I could follow, and reblog/like if you’re a studyblr so I can follow you too! 
~ Sam :>
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Starting My Studyblr
Hi Everyone! Thought I would start off with a quick overview.
About Me
Name: Em
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Education: High School, Year 11 (equivalent to USA High School Junior or UK 6th Form)
Legal Studies
Modern History
Math General (Math A)
Religion & Ethics
Music (alternative, indi, pop)
Reading (everything - particularly love YA drama)
Nature (beach, walking, forest, flowers)
Career Interests (currently...):
International Relations
Humanitarian Work
Plans for Account:
Posts about my studying strategies
Notes I’ve taken
Photos of my city and surroundings
Study fuel - snacks :)
Why a Studyblr?
Inspired by so many other accounts
Hold myself accountable
A place for me to channel my creativity into
I’m on school holidays right now and will be back at school in about a week and a half. Bit nervous because I will be starting Unit 3 (which is when our grades start counting towards our ATAR [Australian Tertiary Admission Rank]).
So excited to start this new account!
Really inspired by:
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organisedkitty · 5 years
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So, hi!
My name is Dani and after lurking around for a couple of years I finally decided to create a studyblr of my own.
About me:
- I’m 17 and on my senior year of high school
- I’m from Mexico
- I plan on studying medicine in college.
- I play the violin.
- I’m really into health and science.
- I enjoy watching anime every now and then.
- Drawing (mostly doodling really)
- I studied japanese and french for some time and I hope to retake them at some point but for now I am focusing on just improving my English level to take TOIFEL and CAE next year.
- Last but not least, I have an unhealthy obsession with cats.
Classes I am currently taking:
Anatomy & physiology, biology, chemistry, english, literature, math, physics and psychology.
Why a studyblr?
Wanting to be a good student has been a major motivation in my life and the studyblr community has been a great part of my development as a student. I’ve gotten really good advice and encouragement from it so I thought that it was time for me to do my part. Get a bit more involved, support other students, share what I have learnt over the years as well as use it as a way to keep track of my academic journey.
What I plan on posting:
- I’m currently studying for college entrance exams so I plan on posting pictures on my notes and making updates on what I’ve been working on.
- Tips and advice in general on studying, motivation, organisation, health, etc.
- I’ll be doing printables on organisation and productivity as soon as I have time.
Favourite studyblrs:
@emmastudies @optomstudies @studybutch @thestudyfeels @eintsein @academedical @alimastudies @lentilstudies @hannahreveur @anatomyandcappuccini @sprouht-studies
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lavendereliza7 · 6 years
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My Studyblr Introduction
Well hi! I’m Lavender, I’ve just redone my tumblr and thought that I should introduce myself to the community.
About Me:
- I’m 16 and in High School.
- I’m a Ravenclaw/Slytherin hatstall.
- My first language is English, but I’m taking french and aspire to learn at least 3 other languages.
- I’m actually really shy and hate putting myself out there.
- I sing, play the flute, piano and am teaching myself guitar.
- Music, all the music. Including Musical Theatre. And dance. You know, just all the music.
- Harry Potter, of course.
- Disney
- Netball
- Writing, I love fictional writing and am really interested in that for a career.
Current Classes:
- Maths
- History
- Music
- Theatre
- English Literature
- French
- To get into a really good routine and maintain it.
- To get and maintain a straight A average.
- To be generally more healthy and positive.
- To have a bullet journal for a full year and use it.
- To complete a 100 days of productivity.
Studyblrs I adore:
If you’re a fellow studyblr I’d love for you to like or reply so I can follow you! I’m really excited to get to know everyone.
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bluemoonstudyblr · 6 years
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Hey studyblrs! I’m bluemoonstudyblr, but you can call me Jacquie. I’ve been wanting to make one of these since I was an undergrad student but never felt like I was good enough to make one for some reason? Not sure if that makes sense. But I've finally decided to give it a try.
For undergrad I was a Biology major, then I was a PoliSci major, until I finally decided to do what I loved and I decided to be a Psych major. I ended up minoring in Education because I originally wanted to go into School Psychology (which I did end up doing for a little while, more on this later). My time in college was incredible, I attended Florida Gulf Coast University and it was honestly the best decision of my life. If anyone needs any advice, tips, etc. I'd be more than happy to help in any way.
I graduated on time at the end of Spring 2017, which is surprising from how many times I changed my major, lol. I quickly got accepted to the School Psychology program at FIU and started that fall. Needless to say, I survived two semesters but I quickly realized School Psych wasn’t for me. I’ll probably make a post later on describing why it didn’t work out and discussing the issues I had with that program.
I am now going to get my Master’s in Psychology with a concentration in Organizational Science also known as Industrial/Organizational Psychology and I could not be any happier with this decision. I start in a few weeks and can’t wait to start sharing everything I learn with you guys. I am also currently in an internship with a behavioral health company.
Sorry if this was a little lengthy I wasn’t sure how long an intro should be but I can’t wait to get started on here!! Please don’t hesitate to ask me any questions about undergrad & grad school I’ve had some interesting experiences and would love to have some great conversations.
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