#studying English
aspiramy · 27 days
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kind of sad ?
my english exam is tomorrow and my dad got hospitalized this morning, i cant focus at all.... im listening to the your lie in april ost to study but im just lying here, i dont know what im going to do for the exam..
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moonshadow-study · 2 months
English resources I have used for B2 level:
• Cambridge English Qualifications practice tests plus volume 1 with keys - Nick Kenny and Lucrecia Luque-Mortimer
• Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge first, second edition - Luke Prodromou
• DuoCards (for vocabulary)
• Pons translate (translation app)
Additional resources I used / other things I did to improve my English:
• www.cambridgeenglish.org
• started using a notebook and cards to write down the vocabulary I didn't know.
• turned my mobile phone's language to English
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tamago-toji · 6 months
I lose interest, so I'm interested
I took a national examination a while ago but don't feel like checking my answers and looking back at the examination. My nature of not to be afraid about not seeing future and trying to be amused, so I possibly think that it's not that life becomes easier though you get to pass the examination or it's not that life becomes more difficult though you don't get to pass it.
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Am I being cold? But the qualification is not that guide me the best way for the future and I've thought I shall take the rudder of my ship in myself. Whatever happens, I have an interest that how take my rudder to the future. I have to take maintenance of my antennae to explore my destination because its sensitivity has been down by examination study.
先日国家資格試験を受験したが、答え合わせとかをして試験を振り返えろうなんていう気持ちがこれっぽちも湧かない。 そもそも、どうなるか分からないことを不安がるのではなく、どうなるか分からないからこそ面白がろうとする質だからか、 「試験に受かれば生きやすくなるわけではないし、落ちても生きにくくなるわけでもない」などと思っている。 冷めているといわれれば、そうかもしれないが、 資格が最善の道へ導いてくれるわけではないし、自分の舟の舵を取るのは自分であるわけで。 どうなるにせよ、興味があるのは、この先自分はどんなふうに舵を取っていくのかということ。 試験試験で自分の行先を探る触覚の感度が鈍ってしまったような気がするので、まずはせっせと磨き直さねば、と思っている。
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himi-1706 · 5 days
Day: 06
Studying Class 03 Level 02 and music listening "All together Now" by Beatles with challenger
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victusinveritas · 1 month
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Some common English mistakes in Japan
After teaching English here in Japan for nearly 20 years, I've noticed that there are some common mistakes that keep coming up. Fighting off the urge to roll your eyes, a teacher needs to understand this is a teachable moment. This is like finding a nugget of gold while swimming in the river. Because they are common errors, we can make a dent in this fault in the local language skills by explaining why they are wrong.
Here are a few that have come across my path in the last week or so;
"I choiced to go to school in Kansai." -> It is common to hear students mistakenly use 'choice' as a verb. I will challenge them; choice is a noun, what is the verb? If they can't come up with it, I'll introduce choose-chose-chosen. (Success/succeed has the same problem)
Safety Driver. In a similar vein, for years the Japanese police and other safety-concerned agencies have made stickers to put on cars saying 'safety driver'. Safety is a noun- safe is the correct adjective.
Do you drive MY CAR? Rather than saying 'your own' they often will staple 'my' in front of words like 'home' or 'car' for instance. I think a few clever advertising campaigns are to blame for this problem, but, hey, let's remember that 'my' means that is the speaker's own possession.
I overworked yesterday. While many may argue that it is overworking, the truth is, what the speaker wants to say is, "I worked overtime yesterday."
These are just a few examples, but there are a lot more. I will keep note as I encounter them and post again on this topic in the future.
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susanhorak · 9 months
#spoken_english #تعلم #learn_english #تعلم_الانجليزية دراسة اللغة الانجليزية - روتيني اليومي - جدول روتين يومي صحي لا شك انه تقريباً لكل شخص جدول روتين يومي صحي محدد قد يختلف في بعض الايام عن غيرها ولكن هنالك روتيني اليومي يتكرر بأستمرار. ايضاً، كلنا منا له روتين صباحي واعمال يقوم بها في فترة الصباح. والبعض الاخر له يوم مفضل قد لا يتكرر في بقية ايام الاسبوع. ولذالك قررنا ان نقدم هذا الدرس المهم للحديث عن جدول روتين يومي صحي وتكراره
لو عجبك الفيديو اعمل مشاركة من اللينك ده دراسة اللغة الانجليزية - روتيني اليومي - جدول روتين يومي صحي https://youtu.be/mK1vdGEdQ1Y
ليصلك كل جديد اشترك بالقناه http://bit.ly/2HQGd4q
المزيد من الفيديوهات المتميزة دراسة اللغة الانجليزية - روتيني اليومي - جدول روتين يومي صحي https://youtu.be/mK1vdGEdQ1Y
تعليم انجليزى - وصف شكل الأشخاص - وصف شخصية https://youtu.be/jCY8pcy7Ov4
تدريب اللغة الانجليزية - التعبير عن الالم - كلام عن الالم والجرح https://youtu.be/xfhlQ4zc-EM
تدريب اللغة الانجليزية - كلمات اساسية داخل الصف - الحوار https://youtu.be/kMbYTOsUUw8
كيف اتعلم انجليزي - اسئلة الانترفيو - مهارات المقابلة الشخصية https://youtu.be/kFWQACcN3qU
كيف اتعلم انجليزي - انواع الجرائم - الجرائم https://youtu.be/Ir37srWpHiQ #مواقع_تعليم_انجليزي #برامج_تعليم_انجليزي #تعلم_اللغة_الانجليزية #تعلم #spoken_english #english_speaking_course_online #spoken_english_in_telugu #نهي_طلبة , Noha Tolba
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swampthingking · 5 months
obsessed with jean’s colorful insults/descriptions so here’s a compiled list of them in order
you arrogant fool (abby)
you imbecile (kevin)
your ball-battered brain (kevin)
you feckless child (kevin)
those clowns (trojans)
pet goalkeeper (andrew)
the tiny bastard (neil) [LMFAO]
kevin’s pet monster (andrew)
the sunshine court [derogatory]
wholesome in an unsettling, unhealthy way (the trojans)
unhinged optimist (renee)
some plump shrink (bee)
that creepy little goalkeeper andrew minyard [PLEASE i was fucking DEAD he has no idea how funny he is]
you tedious malcontent (neil) [probably my favorite one]
an abominable cockroach (neil)
the wayward child (neil) [jesus christ he is not taking it easy on neil]
andrew’s twin
worthless trash bags (foxes, past tense)
a rabid little fox (neil) [hey. remember when neil described andrew as a ‘rabid goalkeeper’ ???]
annoyingly easy to look at (jeremy)
strange and misguided (the trojans)
the cruelty of these nonstop temptations (kevin, renee, jeremy)
the sunshine court [less derogatory]
“I was hoping he would bite his tongue off in the fall and save us both some grief in the long run.” (lucas)
wretched beast (gr****n)
your ignorant mouth (lucas)
“Your apologies are as useful as perfume on a frog.” (lucas)
neil, being the person he was,
you ignorant child (neil)
miserable wretch (neil) [giving his everything to neil’s insults]
ok that’s all. unless i missed some. and if i did you have to add them it’s just law
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academic-vampire · 1 month
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𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘶𝘮𝘯 𝘢𝘪𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘴𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦. ☕️
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frenchiepal · 1 month
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23.08.24 i am currently enjoying my exam/term paper-free life by working too much, cleaning to de-stress and finally getting back into reading (bought piranesi by susanna clarke yesterday, very excited). my first master's semester is slowly approaching and the courses all look promising. also, looking forward to autumn!
🎧 - the wolf by siamés
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juneacademia · 5 months
When Emily Brontë wrote, “He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”
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caramelcuppaccino · 4 months
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life lately has been full of lesson planning, studying german and spending time with beloved ones. i’m so glad for the peace i have. 🌸
🎧 django by ateez
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tamago-toji · 2 years
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My best partner from long ago
I have to repair my mountain climbing boots. The stitch has loosed and the shoe bottom has worn down. The boots have been with me for 30 years ago. I had a specialty shop of mountain climbing boots made. I had on so heavy weight boots which can use for snow mountain climbing until then but I wanted ones which were lighter than them. I put on them and went up to high mountains or low ones too and they guarded my foot in the rain and for solid rocks and they always have been fitting my foot just and my foot can't pain. They are my best partners from long ago I don't want to let go.
登山靴を修理に出さねば。 縫い目がほつれ、靴底が磨り減ってしまった。 この靴とは30年以上前からの付き合い。 それまでは縦走や雪山にも履いていけるクソ重たくてクソ頑丈ないわゆる重登山靴というやつで山に登っていたのだけれど、低山を歩くにはオーバースペックで、とにかく軽快に歩ける靴が欲しくなって山靴の専門店で自分の足に合わせて作ってもらったのだ。 この靴で低山だけでなくアルプスにも登った。雨に降られても一切水が染み込むことはなく、ガシガシの岩場でもパーフェクトに足を守ってくれた。しっかりと馴染んで足が痛むなんていうことはこれっぽっちもない。 古い古い靴だけど、最高の相棒です。
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himi-1706 · 6 days
Day: 5
Listening exercises, I acert 14 of 16.
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joytri · 8 months
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weak and weary
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What is the best rate of study?
I had an epiphany while I was standing in the rain watching my son's team practice for soccer. My son was in junior high school at the time and he has been doing soccer since he was in kindergarten. I had been a teacher and language coach for around 16 years at the time but I never could settle on how much was the best amount of time to study to really achieve results. So, there I was standing in the rain watching my breath dissipate in the air in front of me wondering why the heck they had to practice every day. My mind flashed to Malcolm Gladwell's book Outliers and his theory about needing 10,000 hours to become proficient at something. That was it, not only the amount of time but the total immersion of the mind and commitment to a regular rhythm were a key to reaching the next level.
Doubtlessly the more time you dedicate to something, the more you can see improvement, but the rhythm of soccer practices suggested to me that constant and frequent repetition is also important. I thought this was the way to get the students at the company I was teaching at to remember some words for their TOEIC goals. I set up a practice sheet where every three days they had to focus on a single word. The first day, they look up the word in English (afterwards Japanese was permitted) then on the second day they had to come up with a practice sentence. If they followed this program, they would think about the word on successive days and interact, making a better chance to remember. On the third day they would get another chance and they would find some synonyms for the word. The following day was a new word and the cycle began again. The problem is that the students didn't follow the theoretical path and only studied everything on one day, before their class. The most serious students did follow it and I thought it was a good program. The beauty of it was that the students should be thinking about English everyday. They established a rhythm, even if just for 10-15 minutes. If I were stricter about it, I think we would have seen more results.
Looking through the Internet at ideas about how much to study, theories range between 20 minutes and 3 hours per day. An interesting post by Ouino (We know, get it?) language says 30 minutes of active studying and 1 hour of exposure is good. Of course they are promoting their business so it's merely a theory. If you don't subscribe to Medium, you will be trapped by the pay wall, but this post says 1-2 hours is best for rapid language acquisition.
I will say it again though, I believe that the true key lies in the daily rhythm more than the amount of study, though logically more time spent should yield more results.
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