#study rhythm
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What is the best rate of study?
I had an epiphany while I was standing in the rain watching my son's team practice for soccer. My son was in junior high school at the time and he has been doing soccer since he was in kindergarten. I had been a teacher and language coach for around 16 years at the time but I never could settle on how much was the best amount of time to study to really achieve results. So, there I was standing in the rain watching my breath dissipate in the air in front of me wondering why the heck they had to practice every day. My mind flashed to Malcolm Gladwell's book Outliers and his theory about needing 10,000 hours to become proficient at something. That was it, not only the amount of time but the total immersion of the mind and commitment to a regular rhythm were a key to reaching the next level.
Doubtlessly the more time you dedicate to something, the more you can see improvement, but the rhythm of soccer practices suggested to me that constant and frequent repetition is also important. I thought this was the way to get the students at the company I was teaching at to remember some words for their TOEIC goals. I set up a practice sheet where every three days they had to focus on a single word. The first day, they look up the word in English (afterwards Japanese was permitted) then on the second day they had to come up with a practice sentence. If they followed this program, they would think about the word on successive days and interact, making a better chance to remember. On the third day they would get another chance and they would find some synonyms for the word. The following day was a new word and the cycle began again. The problem is that the students didn't follow the theoretical path and only studied everything on one day, before their class. The most serious students did follow it and I thought it was a good program. The beauty of it was that the students should be thinking about English everyday. They established a rhythm, even if just for 10-15 minutes. If I were stricter about it, I think we would have seen more results.
Looking through the Internet at ideas about how much to study, theories range between 20 minutes and 3 hours per day. An interesting post by Ouino (We know, get it?) language says 30 minutes of active studying and 1 hour of exposure is good. Of course they are promoting their business so it's merely a theory. If you don't subscribe to Medium, you will be trapped by the pay wall, but this post says 1-2 hours is best for rapid language acquisition.
I will say it again though, I believe that the true key lies in the daily rhythm more than the amount of study, though logically more time spent should yield more results.
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kaspers-kanvas · 2 months
air batter and the space umpire for the drawing requests?:]
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love this guyyyy
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seahdalune · 5 months
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how do you guys memorize all their names
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tea-tuesday · 1 year
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this morning i had a 9:30 meeting but i overslept after turning off my alarm and woke up at 9:29 😵‍💫!! i logged into the meeting 4 minutes late, but luckily my supervisor was also late because she was in the wrong virtual room so we both ended up profusely apologizing for being late lolol. lesson learned: don't schedule 9:30 meetings !! i got to log off early today and explored downtown, getting coffee and chasing the sunset 🌇 also came home and studied jazz history, which i've been doing for fun :))
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stuckinapril · 8 months
Not me literally feeling sad bc I have to go somewhere for the next few hours but I wanna be home studying
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lisisko · 9 months
fanart: @ Marmal_0329 on twitter, @ won_hwasan on twitter, @vantabone (❤️) on tumblr, @ Omaw_hwa on twitter, @ alalfm147 on twitter, tang bo voiceover
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blindradiant · 1 month
Szeth only had two spoken lines in the previews of Wind and Truth chapters 5 and 6, but I still have so many thoughts about them. Right now, I’m focusing on his second spoken line:
“I’m never alone. Even without spren or sword, I have the voices.”
Szeth has very rarely talked aloud, on page, about the voices of the dead he hears. I think he’s mentioning them here for a few reasons.
First, he’s probably trying to push Kaladin away. Szeth believes that he’s passed some kind of point of no return, that he can’t ever heal or come back from the things he’s done. He thinks he deserves to suffer, and that he can’t be happy. He believes his life is wretched, and that it ‘should not be a life that anyone would ever envy’ (the part in single quotes is taken directly from OB chapter 98).
Szeth just overheard Dalinar and Kaladin mention the possibility of Kaladin helping him. He thinks that he can’t be helped, so he mentions the voices outright and looks directly at Kaladin as he does. That look is why I think that statement is directed more toward Kaladin than Dalinar, and that it’s an indication of the thoughts going on behind Szeth’s emotionless facade.
Second, I’m wondering if Szeth being straightforward about the voices is a challenge he’s presenting to Kaladin. Szeth is very aware of his reputation. He knows what people say about him, he knows how they view him, he knows that they fear him and call him unstable. He also knows that that reputation is well-earned. I think Szeth mentions the voices partly as a way of gaging Kaladin’s reaction. Does Kaladin hate him like Navani? Does he want to manipulate Szeth like Taravangian? Will Kaladin keep him close like Dalinar, only listening to the pieces of information Szeth cares to share aloud? Or will Kaladin be someone different?
If that is part of Szeth’s thought process, then it’s probably deeper down than the first point I mentioned. But Szeth is also a person who likes to know what he’s getting himself into. He tends to study what he’s facing, work out a way of navigating and/or countering it, and follow through with the information he gathers. Kaladin’s words and actions would have told Szeth something, and I’m looking forward to getting into his head for the first time in this book, so we can see what that something is.
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struck-by-the-rain · 4 months
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herosplatling-replica · 4 months
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and the universe said you are the universe tasting itself, talking to itself, reading its code
and the universe said I love you because you are love.
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tachyheart · 5 months
Heart Tour and check every valve and spot with ECG and BP monitor using two cuffs manual and automatic one.
Heart is beating a little bit fast with many skips ,everything is visible and can be listened. I hope u enjoy If some one wanna play with my heart and do some roleplay with me as a Patient. Contact with me.
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pyjamacryptid · 11 months
I’m trying soooo hard not to rant to my friends about unfortunately common writing conceptions but I remember that I was once studying to become a literal editor, so I feel justified for a second, and then I’m back to staying my hand because this soap box feels like a face reveal! The face of pretension!!!! Lmao!!!
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fatherramiro · 2 months
the spanish class im taking is 100% online so im doing my first project where i have to record myself speaking in the language and boy am i. not good at this.
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kaspers-kanvas · 14 days
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(ref image under cut, cant find the source sorry!)
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saraminwglasses · 1 year
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Canorus — She who plays snow crystals
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1o1percentmilk · 1 year
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[ID: A drawing/fake polaroid photo of Teru from the Mob Psycho fanfic A Picture's Worth, holding up a peace sign and grinning in a selfie shot. He is wearing a gray sweatshirt with an unidentified logo on it and a gray beanie to hide his bald head, and his eyes are baggy. Behind him, boxes can be seen around the room, as well as various cleaning supplies and crumpled tissues. The image has a yellow to muted purple palette. At the bottom, the polaroid is captioned, "It isn't pretty, but that's ok." // "??/09/'12". End ID.]
A PICTURE'S WORTH // @teruthecreator
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louistonehill · 1 year
It has been a while since I've written any fic, but I'm happy to say I'm actually writing again
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