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september 20th 2017 // had this really good study session where I prepared for todays class last night! even though I found the subject incredibly boring I managed to get a bit done, so I’m happy!
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journalsanctuary · 7 years
What camera do you use to take your pictures?
I use the camera on my iPhone 5!!
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bumblebeestudy · 7 years
‘Lil Tips
-Clean in little bits. Trying to tackle an entire room is hard, so just start small. Straighten up your desk, water your plants, etc. Just start something small and gradually work through it.
-Your homework doesn’t have to be done in one sitting!! You can work through it during the day and have less stress instead of trying to do it all at once. Space it out.
-Set alarms on your phone to take your medicine.
-Answer and unread messages you have, or at least just one. You’ll feel so relieved after :)
-Stop listening to sad music if you’re already sad!!!!
-Open up your blinds and just let light into your room.
-Don’t let clothes pile up on the floor or your bed. 
-Speaking of beds, make yours. It takes 5 minutes, so it won’t kill you.
-Talk to someone and don’t isolate yourself in studying, working, or just browsing through Tumblr in general. Don’t let yourself become isolated.
-Journal nonsense and make it better later.
-Studying is easier than failing is.
(Feel free to add any that you follow yourself)
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Tag game!
Rules: answer 20 questions then tag 20 I was tagged by the amazing @cosmos-studies , if you're not following her you should be. Name: Gabriella Nickname:Gabby, Gab Zodiac Sign: Gemini Height: 1.6m Orientation: Hetro Ethnicity: Indian Favourite Fruit: Peaches or Pineapples Favourite Season: Winter Favourite Book: It's really hard to choose, but maybe The Perks of Being a Wallflower Favourite Animal: Guinea Fowl Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa?: tea Average sleep hours: 3-12 hours Cat or dog person: both Favourite Fictional character: Patch Cipriano Number of blankets you sleep with: one Dream Trip: Sweden Blog Created: 3 days ago Number of followers: 51 Thanks for reading. I tag: @studywithinspo , @stumpostar, @pinkfartyouth, @bulletjournal, @studydeerling, @ohlookimstudying, @mystudyingcorner, @hstrystdyblr, @journalsanctuary, @studyblur, @hufflepuffwannabe, @cosmosstudy, @siriusly-studying, @studywithcaffeine
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september 5th 2017 // my first post of the semester! I started college this autumn, and I’m so excited to learn Norwegian Sign Language! It is such an interesting language! These are the notes I made for the presentation I have tomorrow. 
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april 19th 2017 // reading up on the cold war for history, and knitting while doing so! // day nineteen of the April study challenge!
What’s your must-have piece of stationery?
I’ll have to admit that the must-have piecein my stationary must be the Bic Matic mechanical pencils! I love writing with them. They have an incredibly comfortable grip and write beautifully!
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october 11th // some oldish notes on education for the deaf in Norway! Really loving red at the moment!
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may 26th 2017 // 7 days until exam // spent the majority of the afternoon finishing my vocabulary overview for economy and management, while watching sense8. in love with that series!
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april 24th 2017 // the newspaper for the senior class of 2017 is ready! have any of you guys heard of the term “Russ” before? this year i am celebrating my “russetid”, and it’s starting friday, i’m so excited! i also got a notification in the mail about a health check, so soon I’ll be ready to donate blood! // day twenty-four of the April study challenge!
How do you like to study for tests? What methods are your favorite?
Ugh, I hate studying for tests. Mostly because my preferred method is really time consuming and that is exhausting. Senior year I don’t have too many tests. The ones I have in Norwegian are all essays written in mocks and such, therefore I must admit, I don’t really study for them. I may look over the power point prestentations my teacher has made available for us, but that’s it. For economics and management I will read the few theorethical chapters, and study the different formulas for the rest of the subject. And for classes like history, psychology and religion, where I have the most tests, I will write notes of the the entire chapter(s), and write down vocab. And that’s it, really. It is a method that really works for me!
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