the wicked creative team was so afraid of tackling the homoerotic subject of the book that they not only did/not/ make gelphie canon, but they also erased crope and tibbett, arguably the best characters in the entire “wicked years” series
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Boq: Why is Elphaba crying on the floor?
Fiyero: She’s drunk.
Boq: And…
Fiyero: She saw a picture of Galinda’s girlfriend.
Boq: -but she’s Galinda’s girlfriend
Fiyero: I fucking know.
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Galinda: Hey Elphie, do you dare me to kiss you?
Elphaba: Uh- no?
Galinda: Haha alright. I can’t believe you dared me to do this.
Elphaba: but I didn’t-
Galinda: you’re so crazy haha here I go
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The extremities in which Xena has to go to prove that she’s the real Xena and not one of Xena’s look-alikes pretending to be Xena, for me, makes up the comedy to these episodes no matter what Gabby and Joxer do.
Not to mention the remarkable acting skill it takes to play a character that’s not that character but has to pretend to be that character, and then has to pretend not to be that character just shows how versatile of an actress Lucy Lawless is. I mean she literally has to play a role within a role within a role. It’s like walking through a door that doesn’t seem to have an end to it. Constantly finding another door behind the door you’ve just opened. That’s how brillaint her acting is. So convincing too.
It really is a pity there wasn’t a 4th look-alike episode where Xena, Meg, Diana and Leah were in. I can just imagine the absolute chaos of comedy that would be for Lucy Lawless to take on. I remember there was actually going to be a 5th look-alike in the character Morai for the episode ‘Last Chance’ but that never made it to production. Such a shame because Renee would have gotten to play Sappho then, and Morai would have been her lover, and we would at least have gotten something that resembles an explicit lesbian moment on screen even if it wasn’t Xena and Gabrielle. But, alas, NBC studios had to butt in and stop it from happening altogether. It became ‘Many Happy Returns’ instead.
It can be found here… http://www.academyofbards.org/cousinliz/collectibles/pr-prod_papers/scripts/us-lc/c-01.html
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there is nothing platonic about glinda calling elphaba beautiful during popular, thank you for coming to my tedtalk
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So in one of the martial arts that I study, there’s this word “gunting” that translates to “scissoring” in English. It’s a movement involving crossing your hands over each other horizontally or vertically. I work with some of the yellow belts regularly to help with their test material.
Being the sassy lesbian I am, I enjoy making the occasional joke with the beginner belts that are used to me as well as with my instructor. One of the running gags is that this particular yellow belt says I’m her favorite person to practice this move with, so now she calls me her scissoring partner every chance she gets.
I fucking love my martial arts family.
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Fake Dating AUs
Freedom of the Seas - Xena/Gabrielle
Invitations Under False Pretenses - Gelphie
We Are What We Pretend to Be - SuperCorp
Need That Picture of You  - SuperCorp
As Luck Would Have it  - SuperCorp
Let Me Hold You (I’ll Never Let You Go) - SuperCorp
The Return of the Damned  - SuperCorp
Dearly Beloved - SuperCorp
A fiancée for Christmas - SuperCorp
Welcome to the Falls - SuperCorp
I'm with you no matter what - SuperCorp
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My Fav Fic Writers
BattlingBard - Xena/Gabrielle, SuperCorp
“Green Isn’t Always a Weakness” is an awesome series of one shots that really stay true to the characters. She also has some AU one shots and others. I follow her on Tumblr, and she’s got some new stuff coming - including a web series.
JediFighterPilot2727 - SuperCorp
Tied for favorite with BattlingBard, and they write stuff together. They have a couple of one shot series in the same universe. They also have other fandoms; I just don’t follow those. Very active on Tumblr and getting into the book writing thing.
TheGrimLlama - SuperCorp
I’m a little in love with her. I found her because of her Social Media AU called “Lena’s Day Off.” But she has some cool stuff on AO3. Just know that she’s got some heartbreaking angst, but her writing is great.
swanqueenfic13 - SuperCorp
“Little Luthor” is one of my favorite series right now. She’s great at fluff, and I highly approve. If anyone were going to convince me to read SwanQueen, it would be her.
Ridiculous Mavis - Gelphie
So you have to leave AO3 if you want to find a lot of Gelphie content. “The Last True Eminent Thropp” is intense. Also “Invitations Under False Pretenses” is a fake dating AU that was recently updated and left me with a hole in my heart.
Melissa Good - Xena/Gabrielle
Probably the queen of fan fiction. She began in a time when fan fiction was still this new thing online. And she’s part of a fandom that started a lot of things for a show that started a lot of things. She even went on to be asked to write some episodes that were put into season 6. AND SHE STILL WRITES. “The Journey of Soulmates” and “Xena the Merciless” are my favorites. 
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Mom: How is college?
Me: It’s fine.
Hangs up and spends the entire night eating ramen and scrolling through Tumblr from my blanket cave because my overstimulation met the anxiety of a 20 page essay due in a week.
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What are the best Wicked bootlegs, for anybody looking to get started on the show?
‘’That’s a good question, one that many people find confusifying’’…
There are tons of Wicked captures and all are pretty great, although the ones below are the best imo. I’ve listed older and newer captures, for the variety of casts!  
Anything with a 💚 next to it is highly recommended! Thanks to my friend @intheheightsandfluff for helping me out, and for providing the .gif below ~
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Keep reading
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2x (Wicked) Gifts
For my first post here, I’d like to gift something from Wicked which I drool over. These are fairly common but to those who didn’t have them before, enjoy!
[2013.02.10] (Broadway) Donna Vivino (Elphaba, s/b), Alli Mauzey (Glinda)
[2003.10.12] (Broadway)  Idina Menzel (Elphaba), Kristin Chenoweth (Glinda)
Note: These links are all mine, and will expire on 2018.10.03 (in 10 days), so grab them before then!
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Glinda: Elphie, did you read my diary?
Elphaba: Why do you think that?
Glinda: You corrected my spelling.
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Lena: Kara and I do not have pet names for one another.
Alex: What do bees produce?
Lena: Honey?
Kara: (from the kitchen) Yeah, babe?
Alex: (to Lena) Don’t ever lie to my face again.
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Pfannee: How have you been, Miss Galinda?
Galinda: Fine, except for this headache that comes and goes.
Boq: *walks in*
Galinda: And there it is.
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Glinda: You can’t just do nothing when people start crying. You have to react, Elphie.
Elphaba: I did. I rolled my eyes.
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