#stuff about mee!
bloodsalted · 5 months
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。˚ੈ✩‧₊˚nine people i'd like to get to know better 。˚ੈ✩‧₊˚
last song i listened to: 18th floor balcony by blue october favorite color: dark teal green currently watching: rewatch of supernatural && the ted bundy tapes spicy/savory/sweet: sweet! is coffee somewhere on a spectrum? my fav taste. relationship status: taken! current obsession: back on my supernatural bullshit. also? my pets. steve rogers, bucky barnes, tony stark, blue october, the cure, HIM, spooky shit, abandoned places, halloween, and horror.
tagged by: @knifefightandchill -- lovely lovely leon stan!!! tagging: @qapsiel @murderdeals @devourcr
tumblr being stupid so adding a different line: @sclvged @stanfordprepped @snnynatural @lastvessel @xxgotthedevilinsidexx
wtf is this now?? && @ghstfacr && anyone else! cause i'd like to know a lil bit about all y'all. tag moi!
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charmac · 3 months
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They’re so fucking cute
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camscendants · 7 months
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melancholyfleurs · 8 months
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wishing it was the summer time right now ✈️✨
hope to have my private license one day hehe (to chauffeur my future wife in the skies duh)
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noxious-fennec · 2 months
HI. HELLO. WHO ARE THE GAY PEOPLE COMMITTING CANNIBALISM ON MY DASH. i’m so obsessed with that pose and the way you draw them is so so so so. yeah. they look very very cool and also i’m NORMAL i would love to hear about them :)
Those are Sebastien Carollo (left) and André Madiot (right); the protagonists of a historical literary duology im working on; set in the late 60s, exploring themes of personhood, unhealthy relationships, & queer identity ! It's really hard to talk about cause so much happens, but for you friend, I will try;
Sebastian grew up neglected, becoming a pathological deceiver, detached from the world around him and only recognising people in relation to himself; believing that real love is making others a part of him. 
That's with the exception of his abusive older brother Teodore who makes up the other end of the duality according to which he asses people; and who he ate out of what he deludes himself into thinking is love, but is clear envy for the kind of person he could've never become. He hid this fact for many years and suppressed all further urges, never allowing himself to love again.
Then, summer ‘67, Sicily; he meets André—might as well be a reincarnation of Teo—and his girlfriend Juliette dubois, while they happen to be on family vacation. Sebastian is immediately obsessed with André but, in poor judgement, tries to get to him through his girlfriend resulting in him being stuck in a loveless relationship with Juliette and alienating André. 
The first book starts 2 years later, 1969, Paris; Sebastian, a working dentist, trying to get out of the relationship and only falling deeper, simultaneously working through building a relationship with André through his younger sister Liliane, in whom he sees himself...
And i must stop there or we'll be here all day! I do say all that psychological stuff in the begining is very implicit; the man does not do a shred of self reflection, and relays the story where he abuses the people he's in love with as if it's hallmark romcom. That's why this synopsis is short on nuance, he does not give a shit about the inner lives of others, he doesnt even perceive them!
There's homoerotic fights, there's cannibalism, there's leaving your wedding to cover up a crime for a man youre in love with who does not love you back! I hope you enjoyed hearing about them!! Ive been working on this story for well over a year now and I'm very very insane about them :)
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bedforddanes75 · 2 months
blogs i love interacting with me and acknowledging my existence is So scary girl stop my heart cant take this
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mint-is-here · 15 days
im fucking crying over legos why. why why whyyy
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coldercreation · 8 months
Random WIP, likely to remain a WIP
(--) “Boy! C’mere! Take this to the captain‘s (rooms?)??” the cook called, gruff and short, but not unkind.
?? skirted around the kitchen hands, ducking under pots, trying to avoid getting underfoot (??) (--)
“Me?” ?? asked, taking the covered tray that was being handed to him. “But-"
“The quartermaster called for you, son.”
“The quartermaster?” ?? repeated, frowning. “But... Why?”
“Still askin’ too many questions,” the cook grumbled. He piled another nice plate on top of the already heavy tray, eyeing ?? critically, probably to make sure he wouldn’t topple over with the food. “Do as ye’r told.” The cook stuffed a bite of warm bread in between ??s teeth. -- He?? grinned around the mouthful, eyes squinting pleased as the doughy, savoury taste exploded on his tongue. The cook scowled, waving him off. “Now, get!” 
-- ?
?? was slow going up the stairs, wrists straining and arms shaking. Even after all these months at sea he hadn’t been able to build the same sort of mass most of the crew seemed to put on so effortlessly. Still as puny?? and birdlike as ever, precisely what the courts and ballrooms had expected a fresh, malleable, noble youth like him to be.
Somehow ?? had managed to grow up to seem exactly what everyone around him had wanted him to be, whilst also being the absolute opposite of that.
A tarnished, wasted, angel, one of the ma’ams had called him --?? And she hadn’t even known the ‘worst’ of it; just an elderly lady scoffing at a young man’s carelessness, horrified that someone of his stature would be caught running about the gardens, barefoot and clothes damp with dirt.
“Sneaking a bite?” Crew?? asked, callused fingers reaching towards the tray. ?? shouldered past him, turning his back so the food would remain untouched. “Oi! Who’s that for?”
“The captain. And quartermaster. I think?”
“Why’s the cook not takin’ it ‘imself? Did y’steal that, y’rat? Hey!”
?? Ignored the questioning, knowing they just wanted a piece of whatever the tray held.
Not that they weren’t right to be suspicious. ?? definitely wasn’t the one who would normally interact with the captain’s quarters, nor the men who’d frequent it the most.
He knew to stay out of their way. The less they saw of him, the better. 
It was a miracle the first mate had even allowed him on board; too skinny, too polished, and too ignorant to be of any real help. 
Too naive, they had called him. Won’t last a week. Made of that posh sort of glass, not a cut to his soft hands. The sea, she’d eat him alive.
All true. Humiliatingly so.
But ?? had vowed to make it worth it for the first mate. Had given all the money he had stolen from his father and his older brothers. The steep earnings he had gotten from secretly selling one of the estate’s best stallions. 
The merchant sailors had looked at his offerings as if they were meagre pennies. Looked at him like he was just a wealth-ruined son of a lord(??) Too gullible and coddled, blind to the reality of life outside the riches he had grown up in.
And perhaps they had been right.
Perhaps someone less coddled would’ve been able to tell merchant sailors apart from the navy, and the navy apart from the... 
The pirates took his money, gladly, but at least they also took him, holding their end of the deal.
They said that, in time, he’d make a good decoy; sun bleached hair creating an aura of innocence, pale skin that burned pink in the summer heat showing he wasn’t used to the elements. He looked like a lord’s son, even in his ratty clothes. Posture pin straight, hands always politely placed, blue eyes 'pure like his bloodline'.
No one’d suspect him, they said. He looked useless, out of place, here. They’ll let their guards down for someone like him.
A decoy, they said. All ?? heard was that he was disposable.
Which he supposed he was. 
An inconvenience, more than anything. A spoiled brat who’s father and uncles were powerful enough to be wary of, who’s mother was wealthy enough to pay someone to find ??, if she’d feel inclined to do so.
Not that she would. 
Not after her maids had tattled to her about ??s games with the stable hand.
?? pushed the image of his chronically stern-faced mother out of his mind, instead focusing on the problem of knocking on the captain's door when both of his hands were occupied.
He used the worn point of his shoe, wobbling slightly balancing on one foot.
(--)“Why’s the runt here?” the captain asked tiredly, clearly having expected the head cook, as usual. The man barely glanced at ??, eyes flitting between the food placed in front of him and the books on his desk. “I thought you said we have someone who can help.”
The quartermaster rolled his eyes. “He can read and write.”
The captain paused, rings clinking against the gold trimmed plate he had been reaching for.
“That’s it?” the captain asked. His tone made ?? shift uneasily, eyes to the floor, hands behind his back. “We‘ve been sailing aimlessly for weeks... You think a lad who can read will solve our problems?”
“And write,” the quartermaster repeated, shrugging. He didn’t seem too concerned by the storm building in the captain’s gaze. “Better than nothing, surely.”
The captain closed his eyes, a deep, tortured cut pressing in between his brows. The man sighed, for a moment looking like he was praying, even though ?? knew that these men prayed to nothing but the devils living deep below the seas.
“Fine. Gods... Fine.” The captain grabbed a fork, lifting the cover from the tray to stab through a deliciously steaming potato. ?? himself had eaten barely nothing but gruel for months, their last docking just a distant memory. 
The quartermaster ushered ?? to the desk behind the captain’s more impressive decorative piece, leaving the darkly scowling man to his dinner. --
Although nothing like the main desk??, the smaller piece of furniture was still made of fine wood, its surfaces sanded smooth. It was bolted to the wall and the floorboards to keep it in place against the rocking of the ship. 
The quartermaster had a smug air to him as he piled some of the heavy books and scrolls in front of ??. He even pulled a fresh candle out just to light the space some more, the wax smooth, wick catching easily despite how damp everything on board usually was. (??)
“Anything you find about a gannet’s nest, you mark with a clear tag. Write it down, and tell one of us, or the first mate.” The quartermaster snatched a pot of ink from the captain’s shelf, pressing a silky white quill in ??s hand.
“A gannet?” ?? asked, pulling one of the scrolls closer to him, eyeing the messy cursive pensively. -- If only his old tutor ?? could see him now... “The seabird?”
“Aye, the seabird.” The quartermaster’s heavy hand landed on ?? nape, his fingers squeezing down briefly, pointedly. “Blue bill, golden cap, eats like the devil’s about to take our tomorrow. Write down anything that even hints to it, and not a word ‘bout it outside these rooms.”
The last bit, it wasn’t a question. Not even a request.
?? frowned in confusion, but he nodded all the same.
“Good lad. I’ll tell the ?? that I’ve taken you off his hands, for now. Do well and maybe we can consider keepin’ you off the – - ”? 
?? knew he wasn’t particularly smart. 
He wasn’t quick on his feet and he knew nothing of the street smarts most of the men under this sail had needed to find over the years. 
Maybe ?? wasn’t the cleverest son of a lord, but still, he refused to be thick enough to believe that the 'gannet’s nest' he was told to look for was referencing an actual gannet. 
Perhaps another ship?
Perhaps a cyphered coordinate? A sea current? A term for astrology and sailing maps?
The captain cleared his throat, dark wine spilling into his tall glass when ?? turned.
“Start with this,” the man said. Two of his smallest fingers flicked towards a thick book, the rest of them lazily wrapped around the stem of his drink.
The book was titled ‘Gannets’. 
?? tilted his head, confused, and silently questioning the sanity of these men. 
Captain's orders, ?? read on.
The book was about... gannets. 
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npdiluc · 4 months
We all got that one homie with obvious internalized biases that you don't know how to bring up without making him defensive
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lith-myathar · 7 months
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galaxymagick · 1 year
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230328 instagram update | @madamedaley
turns out @leo_jungtw is a starchild ✨(madame daley show in seoul has gotta happen now)
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fubbytime · 10 months
guys i am going 2 make a little furby book for my furbies does anyone have any ideas. i have an adventure one and a birthday one. all of them are written with the main character being furby (since that is what furbies call themselves) and using they/them pronouns (canonical to furbies; makes it more inclusive to all furbies with genders)
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quasieli · 1 year
You know you're in deep with an OC when you start feeling mentally ill about their parents and shit that happened before the OC was even born.
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puppysynonym · 2 years
Imsiss my boyfriend sans Undertale :[
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jammy-badger · 1 year
having a Night. listening to this etc etc.
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icecoldwilliams · 1 year
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|| Ohh...
the Devil Nina brainrot is so real rn..
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