#stuniolo triplets x reader
ericshoney · 1 month
Perfect ~ Sturniolo triplets
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Warnings: angst, eating disorders, crying, mental health, mentions of a broken home.
You had been friends with the triplets since high school and you loved every second you spent with them. As you didn't have the best home life, you found comfort and protection in the Sturniolo home and once the guys moved to LA, you were close behind. You moved in with the trio, saying you'd help with their filming and any meetings.
However, after spending years in LA and now having your own social media fame, you couldn't help but feel bland and simple. You also couldn't ignore the comments on your posts about your weight. You had always struggled with your weight, it going up and down constantly.
But now, it was getting to your head. Your mind was telling you that you wasn't good enough and you were fat and ugly and that the guys only kept you around as you help edit or keep them on track of important meetings. Your mind telling you they didn't really like you.
It then resulted in you skipping out snacks, only eating three meals a day. Which then went downhill. You then cut out breakfast, before skipping lunch and slowly dinner as well. Your mind tells you that eating would just get you fat and nobody would like you.
Your weight then dropped drastically and the guys noticed. They noticed how sunken your eyes looked, how thin you were getting, how your clothes hung off your body and they were worried. They were scared to lose you.
Nick, Matt and Chris sat on the sofa as you were showering, the trio talking about your sudden weight loss. Concern written all over their faces.
"She's not eating." Matt mentioned.
"We need to talk to her." Chris said.
"Yes, but we need to be careful not to hurt her more than she already is." Nick said, agreeing but also thinking logically.
Matt and Chris nodded and when you walked out, the guys told you to sit as they wanted to talk. You nodded, taking a seat between Matt and Nick on the sofa.
"What's going on?" You asked.
"We've noticed your sudden weight loss." Chris blurted out, earning a slap from Nick.
"It's great isn't it. I'm now fitting the perfect LA image." You said, a fake smile printed on your face, which the guys knew was fake.
"Sweetheart, we're basically your brothers. Talk to us, you aren't eating which isn't healthy and we don't want to lose you." Nick softly said, taking your hand in his.
"Just not hungry." You mumbled.
"That's what your mind is telling you. But we know it's not true." Matt said.
"None of you really like me.....I'm only good for helping you work." You mumbled, tears ready to spill over.
"No, that's not true, kid. You are one of our best friends and as Nick said, basically our sister. We love you and care about you. If we didn't, we wouldn't be having this talk." Chris said, sitting in front of you on the floor.
You looked into his blue eyes, the tears now falling freely down your face. You looked at Nick and to Matt as well, all their faces showed worry. You mind now screaming at you for making them upset.
"I'm sorry." You cried.
"Don't be sorry. We're sorry for not seeing the signs first of all." Matt said, rubbing your back.
"We want to help you. Will you let us?" Nick asked softly.
You nodded laying your head on his shoulder. Chris laid his head on your knees as Matt continued to rub your back. In that moment you felt loved and supported and knew over time you would get better, with your friends help.
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canthelpit0 · 2 months
“We’ll figure it out”
Pairing: Inexperienced!Matt x Inexperienced!Reader
Wordcount: 5.9k +
Summary: what happens when you hook up with your long time best friend? Except both of you are virgins.
Warnings: Smut, nasty, language, use of y/n, pet names (pretty boy, sweetheart, pretty girl, etc), reader has a cat named sun, study session, oral m!receiving, brief crying, oral f!receiving, praise kink, fingering, cowgirl, no protection (wrap it up!), she’s not on BC, creampie
(A/N: English is not my first language. So sorry for any mistakes. Feedback is always appreciated. Enjoy xx)
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You have known the triplets since middle school, and you’ve been close to all of them.
Well, especially with Nick.
Everything was fine, you weren’t too popular, but you also weren’t overlooked. you were middle class, not poor but also not rich. You were pretty, but never got too much attention because of it.
Little do you know, but you’re gorgeous. If you wanted to you could easily be one of the popular girls in school. But you didn’t care for it. High school was temporary, and you knew that.
And that’s exactly what Matt admires about you.
Matt is pretty introverted, and especially around freshmen year, you and his brothers would quite literally have to force him to go to school.
Now he was more calm though. Sometimes his anxiety would mess with him, but he overcame it with you and his brother's help.
For the fact that you’ve only known them since middle school, you went over to their house quite a lot. But sometimes they’d come over to yours as well.
Matt was a virgin. Most people would think that. He’s awkward in social situations and pretty shy and introverted before you get to know him.
Though, he’s had a short-term girlfriend before. Wich, at least was something.
You never dated anyone. You never cared to. You’d much rather focus on your friends and school, than some boy.
You were a virgin. It wasn’t like you never watches porn, or were innocent really. You just never got to the point of losing it to someone. Everything you’ve done was by yourself.
Wich would be fine. But you were in senior year now, and the year was almost over. Most people around you had already lost it, and you felt left out.
You were sitting at lunch, listening to Chris drone on and on about some girl he hooked up with. You purse your lips, your apatite disappearing more and more.
Suddenly Chris looks over to you. “Y/n how was your first time?”
You tense up, Taking in a harsh breath.
“Chris! You don’t just ask shit like that” Nick huffs hitting Chris on the arm.
Matt, who was sitting next to you, puts his hand on your thigh in comfort.
You squint your eyes at Chris, judging him. Or at least you try to make it look judgy.
You lean further into Matt’s side. His physical presence was keeping you grounded.
And when matt noticed just that, he takes his hand off of your thigh and instead wrapped it around your waist to pull you even closer.
“That’s none of your business.” You huff staring back at Chris.
But internally you were embarrassed because you were still a virgin.
★ ★ ★
You had planned a sleepover and study night with matt a few days ago. Essentially, he’d come to your house on Friday, and you would study. until you got tired of it and watched a movie or something.
So after school matt drove his brothers home and then drove to your house.
You got out of the car, watching as Matt reached into the backseat to grab his overnight bag.
You couldn’t help but think back to lunch break when Chris had made that comment. Chris was a player, and you knew that.
But everybody around you had lost their v card, and you just felt so left behind.
Matt huffs snapping his fingers in front of your face. You blink. He takes the keys out of your hand, grabbing your forearm to pull you to the door.
“You back with me y/n/n?” Matt ask. He looks over his shoulder as he blindly fiddles with your house keys.
“Yeah, sorry. zoned out.” You answer simply.
Matt chuckles at the flat response. He looks back at the door and finally twists it open. You two both walk in, both of you taking your shoes on.
“Hello, we’re back” Matt says loudly into the room.
You put on your house shoes and so does Matt.
You look over your shoulder at Matt with an amused expression. “Matt they already left” you huff.
“What? I thought they were gonna leave at 4?” He asks, pulling out his phone from his jean's back pocket.
It’s 4.26 pm
“Oh.” He says flatly staring at his screen.
Your parents had driven out for the weekend to your grandparents house. It was a few hours away. You hadn’t wanted to go, because for one you had already made plans for the sleepover with Matt.
And also because you had the test on Monday and you wanted to study the weekend away.
You were probably not going to anyway, but in theory..
“Yeah. oh.” You roll your eyes. Your siblings went with your parents so the house was empty. It’d be the perfect opportunity for a house party.
But you weren’t one to party, and your parents trusted you.
You and Matt walk to your kitchen. Well, it’s just matt trailing behind you.
“You want a drink?” You ask simply while you take out a Pepsi can for yourself and then put it on the counter nearest.
Matt comes up behind you. He looks over your shoulder scanning the contents of the fridge.
“Pepsi please,” he says under his breath.
You take out another can and then proceed to put it next to your can on the counter.
You slam the fridge door shut. You feel Matt turn you around before he’s hugging you. His arms wrap around your waist as he buries his face in your neck.
Matt had always been a big softie. No matter how much he loves to deny it he loves hugs and being all sappy and shit.
His own love language was acts of service though. He’d do anything for someone he likes.
And so if he finds a song that reminds him of you, he’ll tell you. If you are hungry, he’s immediately googling places to eat. If you look slightly sad or upset, even though you just have a resting bitch face, he’s immediately doing something stupid to make you laugh.
You know each other in and out.
He knows you love physical touch. So he’d make it a point to hug you at least once a day.
The day was long and draining. It was a normal boring school day.
His hug is warm, his arms feel firm around you.
And despite not having known him since kindergarten or something, it feels like you’ve known him forever.
You can’t think of any future scenario without him in your life.
“You always smell so good” he mumbles, dramatically nuzzling his face into the side of your neck.
You chuckle at the compliment.
“Come on pretty boy, we gotta study.” You hum slightly pulling away. Matt dramatically groans in response but reluctantly pulls away.
You pick up the two Pepsi cans and start to walk back to the stairs.
Matt grabs both of your school bags and carries them upstairs with him.
Once you’re in your room you pull out your desk chair and sit down.
Matt puts both your backpacks against the wall. He walks towards the bed to sit down when he spots your cat.
“Sunny” he exclaims excitedly. As much as Matt would love to say he’s a dog person. He loves your cat.
She’s and orange Persian cat. Her hair is fluffy and long. She looks like a ball of hair all curled up in your bedsheets like that.
You look over to matt and your bed. You watch as your cat looks up at him and he coos at her. He slowly sits down and starts to pet your cat.
★ ★ ★
By now two hours of studying had passed. You were both now sitting on the floor on your carpet, the study material all sprawled out across from you.
You and Matt were sitting next to each other, your cat still sleeping on your bed.
“Matt I’m bored” you whine loudly. You throw your head back dramatically and groan.
Matt looks over at you watching you as you complain. He looks mildly agitated himself.
Before he can protest and tell you that you two need to continue studying you start to put the pages and books on top of each other.
Once no books and loose papers are sprawled out anymore you sit back again.
“Y/n” he rolls his eyes and you can feel the lecture incoming.
“Matt please, I’m literally about to die of boredom.”
“You’re so dramatic” he scoffs watching you.
And for a moment You two just look at each other. Neither of you say anything. You just stare. Your face relaxes out of the pout. Matt looks over your features like he’s admiring you for the first time. Like you’re a piece of art.
You can feel yourself start to grow hot. The tension in the room skyrockets.
“You’re so pretty you know that,” Matt says under his breath. Matt leans over on his arm leaning closer to you.
Your mind is blank, and you can’t come up with an answer. You just take in the compliment.
“So fucking gorgeous” he sighs and before either of you knew it his lips are on yours.
You freeze for a second your eyes wide. But like it’s an instinct you immediately kiss back.
Matt’s hand finds its way to your jaw holding you in place, while he tilts his head to the side to deepen the kiss.
You were sitting Chris-cross while Matt was sitting on his legs, sitting just a bit higher than you.
After a while of just innocently kissing, he pulls away. You two stay close though. His eyes instantly widen as if he knew he fucked up.
“Fuck- I’m sorry” he breaths out, taking his hand from your face.
You sit up. Uncrossing your legs. you shift to sit on them, fully facing a blushing Matt. And you’re sure you have a matching red hue on your cheeks as well.
the statement catches Matt off guard. He immediately looks back over at you, confused.
As soon as he looks back over at you, you reconnect your lips with his. He sighs into the kiss. His open mouth grants you the opening you need as you swiftly slip your tongue into his mouth.
You’re a virgin. That doesn’t mean you’re fully inexperienced tho.
You two make out heavily for a while. Making out like you’re trying to feel every part of each other.
Somehow you ended up in a position with you straddling Matt, as he has his legs sprawled out.
You pull away, both of you breathing hard.
“Y/n..” Matt starts his voice shaky.
He averts his eyes, the blush on his cheeks and even deeper red than before.
“I’m a virgin” he admits under his breath.
You thought for sure that Matt wasn’t. You were. But you also never dated anyone. Matt used to have a girlfriend though. But he’d never done it?
“Like fully?” You ask out of curiosity.
But it wasn’t like you wanted to use him. You liked him for being, himself. His presence made you flustered, feeling butterflies in your stomach, and all giddy.
“Yeah” he breaths out. You watch him close his eyes as if willing his embarrassment to leave. “I’ve never, done anything..”
You pause thinking of the best way to reply. “Neither have I.” You say softly, feeling mildly flustered as well. But both of you were inexperienced. You were in the same boat.
He pauses for a second at the reply. It was obvious that he thought you at least had one body. He didn’t think you were a virgin too.
“You… you wanna try?” He questions. Now he looks a lot less embarrassed than he did just a few seconds ago.
You bite the inside of your cheek. “If you want to?”
He pulls you back in for another kiss by the back of your neck. The kiss is shorter and more reassuring.
Matt pulls out of the kiss his hands going to your waist “We can figure it out?” He asks hopefully.
You nod in agreement. You could feel Matt’s bulge through his pants with the way you were sitting. And you could feel yourself aching.
What’s the harm in trying. He’s your best friend after all. Besides you’d finally lose it, and to someone you trust.
You peck his lips briefly before you get up off of his lap.
Matt gets up off of the ground too. You pick up your cat and wake her in the process. She meows at you in annoyance before you chuckle and put her on the ground.
Matt opens the door as Sunny finally but reluctantly leaves the room.
You pull off your shirt tossing it away. Matt turns around to see you sitting on your bed with your top discarded, your bra in full view. His eyes widen.
He licks his lips, his eyes shamelessly tracing your body.
Matt comes to hover over you while you sit there. “You’re such a tease” he chuckles. He leans down to capture your lips in a brief kiss again.
It was like he couldn’t get enough of your lips.
“Get on the ground,” Matt says, his tone more demanding and rough with lust.
You obey. You slide off your bed, getting on your knees on the ground.
Matt tugs his shirt off throwing it off to the side. He unbuckles his belt and undoes the button and zipper on his jeans before finally sliding them off and tossing them away.
You curiously watch. The only men you’d seen in this position were in pornos. This though, was your best friend since middle school.
Sometimes you forgot he was an actual man with a dick and all.
And right now, seeing the imprint of his cock through his boxers felt surreal.
He starts to tug on his boxers. Your eyes go up to meet his. “Ever gotten your dick sucked?” You ask sarcastically to cover up how nervous you are.
“No.” He breaths out. While continuing to look down at you he finally pulls down his boxers. He tosses them away too.
Your eyes trail from his eyes to his lips, over his jawline and his chest, down to his dick. The dick that was rock hard and right in front of your face.
Your eyes widen, as you sit back your hands staying on your knees as you just stare.
His tip was the same red he had on his cheeks, leaking pre cum. He had a vain running up his shaft. You always thought that male body part was rather disgusting looking.
But the way Matt’s looks right now…
You don’t know if it’s just the burning lust running through your body. But you actually really wanted to taste that.
Your hand goes to cup his aching cock. He lets out a sharp sigh at the feeling. You touch it gently. You don’t move your hand and stay careful of your manicured nails.
“I don’t know what I’m doing” you breathe out. While you do, you gently start to move your hand up and down your length slowly jerking him off.
“I don’t either,” he tilts his head forwards closing his eyes for a secound. “Keep going we’ll figure it out,” Matt assures you.
His hand goes to the back of your head. His hand starts to smooth down your hair.
“C’mon baby, don’t be shy” he coos staring down at you. Matt looks down at you like he’s done this a billion times before when he claims he never had.
But you guess one of you at least had to pretend that you were understanding what you’re doing right now.
You lean forward leaving a tender kiss on the tip. You do what you think someone would do in this situation.
The way he shudders at the simple touch though, shows that he is in fact, not experienced.
In hindsight, you don’t know why you thought that he was experienced. You just assumed.
“You think this will fuck up our friendship?” You ask while still slowly jerking him off.
Matt’s breaths are slightly shaky, but he chuckles at the question.
“No. I won’t let it.” He huffs.
“So..” you pause your movements. You glance down at his dick and the way your manicured hand wraps around it. And how huge it looks.
You then look back up at him through your lashes. “How am I supposed to do this?” You ask uncertainly.
“I don’t know.” He pauses to lick his lips. The way you, his best friend, look up at him through your lashes like that, was making him even more aroused.
“Just do what you feel like. But be careful of your teeth.” He says slowly. he wasn’t even sure himself.
You raise your eyebrow at his vague response. Neither of you knew how to do it, so you might as well imitate the porn that you’ve watched.
You drag you tongue up his shaft, keeping your eyes locked on his. When you’re at the tip you lick up all the pre cum leaking. You keep eye contact with matt, and it was driving him crazy.
He lets out shaky breaths. He was clearly enjoying this.
You kiss his tip again, before wrapping your lips around his tip. You slowly swirl your tongue around it trying to see how he’ll react.
You watch him to see if he likes it or not.
“Yeah, like that,” he says under his breath staring down at you.
With his praise and encouragement, you start to take him further down your throat. Slowly and carefully.
Matt whispers praises into the quiet room. All of them go right to your core and boost your ego.
You eventually feel comfortable enough to bob your head. You were jerking off what you couldn’t fit in your mouth. You were bobbing your head at a rhythmic pace and hollowing out your cheeks occasionally.
“I’m close-“ Matt whines. He actually whines.
And that sound. The power you had to make him sound like that was making you feel even more confident.
You don’t slow down your pace. You just keep going.
Until matt puts your hair in a makeshift ponytail. He tugs on it hard, to keep you still. He starts at a gentle but fast pace.
You feel your eyes fog up. The constant hit to the back of your throat makes you gag slightly.
His pace starts to become more and more sloppy as the seconds pass though.
You feel his dick hit the back of your throat before you suddenly feel your mouth be filled.
You feel his sticky load shoot down your throat. He pants, pulling at your hair to pull you off.
You swallowed what you could. But still, you feel a bit of it roll down your chin.
“Sh, sorry no don’t cry.” He immediately panics cupping your face in his hands. He looks down at you, worried. As if he thinks he went too far.
He wipes away the tears. The tears that you hadn’t even noticed had fallen.
Sighing, you can’t help the smile that forms on your face. “I’m okay Matty” you breathe out softly. His facial expression visibly relaxes at the statement.
“I’m sorry if that was too hard”
“It wasn’t, you’re good.” You stand up.
You immediately go to undo your own jeans. You slip out of them, throwing them off to the side.
His eyes roam over your body. The air is thick, both of your bodies pulsing with pure lust and awe.
You watch as his half-hard dick gets hard again.
You chuckle at the reaction. You teasingly take your bra off. And once you unclasp it, it’s Thrown across the room to the rest of your clothes.
His eyes trail your body again. He can’t help himself at the way your boobs look. He’s always admired you from afar. He never thought he’d ever be able to see you like this.
Sure he had imagined you two together like this before, but he never thought he’d actually get to see it. Besides, the real thing, the euphoria, it all felt better than he could’ve ever thought.
“So pretty, baby” he sighs. His hand goes to your chest. you could tell he’d never done this before just by the way he touched you like you were fragile.
But neither of you knowing what you were doing only made this more thrilling.
His hands go to your waist as he pushes you back onto your bed. He hovers over you for a moment, before crashing his lips back onto yours.
You kiss back, but you mostly let him take the lead. After he breaks the kiss, You feel him start to trail his kisses down your jawline and neck, while needing your breast in his hand.
He sits up again putting his other hand on your chest and needing it too, watching the way his hands look wrapped around your tits.
He sighs getting off of you and between your legs.
“Tell me when it feels good, sweetheart, alright?” He hums. He pulls at your panties, taking them off and half-heartedly throwing them away.
His eyes stay locked on your pussy. He admires it, like it’s the first time he’s seen it, which it is.
He puts your legs over his shoulders to give himself a better angle. He uses his middle finger to brush through your folds experimentally, watching you in awe.
You sigh at the contact on your folds. You’ve never been touched there. But Matt’s touch felt so incredibly comforting and good.
Your core was aching, pulsing around nothing. And Matt watched.
After a moment he kissed just above your clit. Kissing a trail down to your clit, before harshly starting to suck on it.
Your moan tears through the room. You were startled by how bold and confident he acted.
He groans into your core at your taste on his tongue. The groan sends pleasure coursing through you and chills down your spine.
“Fuck- matt�� you whine. Your thighs clench around his head trying to get him closer. Your hand finds its way to his hair tugging on it slightly.
Your other hand berries in the sheets, trying to find something to hold onto. “God- have you done this before?” You ask rhetorically not expecting an answer.
He licks a stripe up your folds and starts to move his tongue against your sensitive nub. You whine and he chuckles.
“No.” He mumbles against you in answer. You throw your head back in pleasure your eyes briefly closing.
You feel Matt pull at you, tilting his head slightly for a deeper angle.
He was eating you out like you were his last meal. But beyond that also like this would be the only time he got to taste your sweet juices.
“Matt, fuck yeah- just like that.” You keep praising him. You notice how it boosts his confidence and in turn, makes this even more pleasurable for you.
You feel a finger brush at your cunt. Before you feel it slide in. Your hand immediately tugs harder at his hair. Your back arches slightly as you throw your head back in pleasure.
He thrusts his middle finger in and out of your tight cunt. He was turning his hand slightly, twisting it and turning it to get a feel for your body and how you react. And to also make you loosen up a bit.
You whine in discomfort. Matt detaches his lips from your clit still hovering close though.
“You okay sweetheart?” He says lowly under his breath.
Your moaning was loud and echoing through the room.
You sit up in your forearms staring down at him and the way he was fingering you like that. Watching the way his finger disappeared in your tight cunt.
“I’m good”
The words come up a bit slurred. The pleasure of him finger fucking you like that, was making your head feel all fuzzy.
“Never fingered yourself, baby?” He asks teasingly. You watch him and the way he steadies himself on his other arm.
He readjusts his finger, curling it up roughly hitting your sweet spot right on.
The touch sends shivers of pleasure down your spine making you shut your eyes and throw your head back.
“Matt, matt-“ you chant his name like a prayer. It’s the only thing you can think of. Him. And only him. That’s all that’s relevant right now.
He slips his second finger into your soaked core with ease. You barely even notice the second finger added. Until he starts to scissor them apart to stretch your insides even further.
He keeps thrusting his fingers in and out of you harshly. Curling them at just the right spots to make your vision blur.
You lay back down fully, as he is now sitting up more.
“Yeah pretty girl, that feel good?” He asks. Your back arches and your mouth falls open in a silent moan.
He leans up further, your legs fall from his shoulders as he hovers over your lower body. He puts his whole hand on your lower stomach applying gentle pressure on it to keep you down on the bed.
“I’m close-“ you breathe out between loud moans.
“good girl, come for me.” You shudder at the pet name. Your thighs shake slightly at the burning intensity of his gaze and the way his fingers curl at just the right spots.
You squirm under his gaze. And suddenly you feel the intense knot in your stomach snap. You feel him continue to finger fuck you, while your entire body feels burning hot.
You feel so warm and overwhelmed by the euphoria flowing through your veins. It feels better than any high you have ever experienced. Not that you’ve experienced a lot.
Once you ride out your high you breathe hard. Your eyes stay closed as you lay back on your bed.
Matt gently pulls out his fingers, making you whine at the loss of contact.
He lays down on your duvet next to you, turns to his side, and watches you.
You also turn to face him after a moment. You two just look at each other.
Matt looks at you with such intense adoration and love, it’s crazy.
“You actually wanna loose your virginity now?” He asks gently. Ignoring the fact that he was rock-hard.
You two so far had only given each other pleasure, but you hadn’t lost your virginity yet.
“Yes” you breathe out. You feel ready now more than you ever have before. Especially if you get to lose it to matt.
He licks his lips looking over your face.
“I don’t have a condom.” He says simply looking back at you. He knew you weren’t on the pill. He’d be fine doing it some other day.
“That’s fine.” You say though , catching him off guard. How desperate do you have to be to let him raw dog it?
“You’re not on the pill tho?” He questions.
“I’m not” you confirm simply. He raises an eyebrow waiting for further explanation. “You can pull out or something.” You shrug.
“That sounds tacky.” He huffs a laugh at how ridiculous that sounds.
“Doesn’t matter, we’ll deal with that tomorrow morning. Just please fuck me?”
You think he’s going to refuse Until he suddenly pulls you on top of him. You sit on his torso for a moment before you get the memo.
“You want me to ride you?” You ask slowly.
“If you’re not comfortable we can switch?” He offers. But why would you decline to ride him?
You shake your head no, before starting to slide down on his torso feeling his length glide between your soaked folds.
“Can’t be that hard?” You question rather skeptically.
In your opinion matt didn’t seem small. Though you had nothing to compare it to. All the girls in porn seemed to struggle with something that looked as big as Matt.
So either this would be really hard or easy for you. But either way, you wanted to try.
“You’re okay, we’ll go slow” he chuckles at your nervousness but is secretly just as scared. “And I’ll help you.” He assures.
You lift yourself hovering over his crotch area. You take in a harsh breath grabbing his dick and hovering over it.
Matt’s hand goes to it too holding it up. While your hand goes to your cunt as you gently and slowly sink down on it.
You both moan at the contact. Getting in the tip was hard. But once that was in you felt like you could easily slide down the rest of it, not that it wouldn’t hurt.
Matt’s free hand goes to your waist, guiding you like he said he would.
“Doing so good, princess.” You whine at the praise, but ultimately slowly skink down further..
Matt keeps your movements steady as you keep doing your thing. His second hand also goes to your waist using it to steady your movements further.
“Fuck so big.” You moan. Your thighs tense as you pull it out slightly. You could feel the stretch burn.
“It’s okay sweetheart. you only got a couple inches left.” He assures you as he starts guiding you back lower on him. Your cunt was aching around him harshly.
“Fuck-“ you sigh. You can’t help yourself when you take one of his hands from your waist and interlock your hands. You need the moral support.
“Such a good girl,” Matt says as you start to gently bounce on what you have fit so far.
He was occasionally groaning. Your moans filled the room, the air in the room staying hot.
He squeezes your hand. You close your eyes at the mixture of pleasure and pain. When you close your eyes he lets his eyes wander down to where your bodies meet.
He’d never done this and this felt so incredibly good. The sight alone could make him come right then and there.
Matt wasn’t dumb, he knew he had quite the dick. It wasn’t small by any means. And he knew that. It was amusing Watching you struggle with what you had, knowing there were at least still 3 more inches to go.
“You okay?” He asks again just to make sure you are okay.
The pain had subsided and you felt the pleasure. Sure you could take more but you were nervous to. This wasn’t as easy as it looked or as You thought it’d be.
“I’m okay” you sigh. You keep yourself gently and slowly bouncing on the upper half of the length of his cock.
Matt knows you really well. And matt just knows you can take more than that, Despite being a virgin himself. It was just a gut feeling. “Baby, I’m gonna need you to bear with me alright?”
Before you can respond, his hand on your waist tightens, and he squeezes your hand that’s intertwined with his. He rams you down on his dick harshly, making you take it as much as you physically could.
Your legs tense up at the harsh treatment. Your eyes close as a moan is ripped out your lungs. You clench so unbelievably tight around him. And just the sight of himself buried so deep inside of you could have him come at the spot.
He groans at the feeling of it as well. “Good-“ he breathes out. “Such a good girl.”
He keeps his hand intertwined with yours for moral support. His hand trails from your waist over your side soothingly.
You sigh at the feeling of him being completely in you. It’s a foreign feeling. It just feels so full.
“I feel so fucking stuffed” you groan dramatically. You let your head hang forward your mouth open in a silent moan.
“Oh, you’re so gonna be stuffed” he huffs. And somehow, even though pregnancy and birth scares the hell out of you, this type of dirty talk was extremely hot to you.
You huff in response starting to grind into him. You grind on his dick, his Hand on your hips helping you as you slowly try to get used to the size.
You sigh pulling all of your hair back out of your face again. You readjust your legs, taking your hand out of Matt’s. You shift, leaning on your arms to lean back slightly.
You start to carefully ride him your moans and whines still audible. Your head is thrown back in pleasure.
Matt watches the way your body moves in awe. Groaning every so often when you clench around him.
His hand goes to rest over your lower stomach, his thumb goes to rub on your clit gently. “Matt.” You gasp at the sudden added pleasure.
You can’t help yourself when you lean back forward. You just really want to see Matt’s face while you ride him.
“So good for me baby, keep going” he encourages. And with his words, you readjust again now pulling out more and ramming yourself back down.
You feel the knot in your stomach get tighter. You feel really good riding him like this, listening to his mumbles of praise and encouragement.
You continue to bounce on him, now chasing your high. And the harsher you slam yourself down the louder you and matt get. The room is filled with your noises as well as skin clapping loudly, and your lewd wetness.
After a few seconds you feel the knot snap. You lean over him, your arms on either side of his head catching you. Your high feels incredible, the heat washing over you like a wave.
Matt’s hand on your waist gets bruisingly harsh. He holds you in place while he thrusts up into you. You whine at the way he fucks you through your high. He was chasing his own now.
“Where do you want it.” His breath is harsh. He choked out the words in his lust-filled voice. He wasn’t asking, he was demanding to know.
“Inside.” You grit out. You bite your lip harshly, feeling your high subside and overstimulation slowly take over.
Matt grunts an agreement and you feel his thrusts get more sloppy and harsh. Until he gives you one last thrust, finally stopping his movements. He pulls you down to sit on him while spurts of his release shoot up into you.
You were pulsing around him, practically milking him for all he’s got. “Such a good girl” matt breathes out. One of his hands goes to trail over your stomach slightly.
He feels the slight bulge in your stomach from his sheer size.
The idea that this is how you make children is crazy to you. And the fact that you just did that with your best friend.
“How’re you feeling?” He asks softly staring up at you lovingly.
“Warm” you respond truthfully. His sticky seed inside of you makes your core feel all warm, along with the fact that you haven’t gotten off of it yet.
“Do you regret it?” He asks gently. After all, you two were best friends, and he had just lost his virginity to you and also taken yours.
Despite being terrified of the fact that you let him raw dog this, you didn’t regret it. In fact, you felt content, you love matt dearly.
“No” you don’t hesitate. You never realized how much you love Matt. He was just always there with you, he was always your best friend. You couldn’t imagine a future without him.
“You’re paying for the plan b pill tho” you chuckle.
He huffs a laugh. you carefully lift yourself off of him feeling your combined juices leak. You can see Matt watching, his eyes focused on your pussy. Watching the way you’re filled to the brim.
You kneel next to him, as you watch him sit up. “Come on sweetheart let’s get you cleaned up.”
A/N: I know this isn’t the most original idea, but I haven’t read any ffs where both of them are virgins. But if there is one that’s similar to mine, just know it was not intentional. In that case, If someone gives me the @ I can credit them.
Taglist: @muwapsturniolo , @sturnad , @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 , @evie-sturns , @me09love , @fratbrochrisgf , @spideylovin , @chrissgirlsstuff , @stunza , @whicked-hazlatwhore , @sturnioloos , @ecliphttlunar , @orangepepsi , @klaus223492 , @char112244 , @sst7niolo
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sturniolo-simp4life · 1 month
sub!matt scenarios (headcannons)
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sub!matt that will cum in his pants just by looking at your saved chats.
sub!matt that won’t touch himself when your not home. He’ll find something to rut his hips into, like his bed or a pillow.
sub!matt that will thrust his cock into your fist whenever your jerking him off.
sub!matt who whines in his sleep because he’s always dreaming about you riding him or what not. It’s safe to say the sheets get changed very often.
sub!matt that listens to your every command, whether it’s telling him not to cum or telling him to let his pretty sounds out.
sub!matt that whimpers at your touch, whether it’s kissing his neck, his jaw, his tip, whatever. Even if it’s just slightly grazing your hand over his abdomen.
sub!matt who thinks it’s a reward whenever he gets to fuck you by himself, even though you still praise him for thrusting into you.
sub!matt who begs for your approval for everything. He always needs to know whether he’s being a good boy.
“Am I being a good boy?” He moaned while thrusting into you. “Please tell me I’m being a good boy.”
“Mmm- good boy Matt. You’re doing so well.”
take me awayyy 😩 (this one goes out to all the Matt girlies)
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evie-sturns · 1 month
Phone call - Matt Sturniolo
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summary: in the middle of you and your boyfriend matt's hookup, you receive a call. instead of declining it matt makes you pick up the phone, little did you know it would be a lot harder to string together sentences than you thought.
contains: smut, teasing, dumbification, overstimulation, fluff.
♫- you're buried in the pillow yeah you're so loud-♫
i stay seated on matts lap as i mindlessly scroll through instagram, matt wraps his tattooed arms around my chest.
"i like your shirt." matt whispers into my hair, "thank you! its new, do you like the color- i thought you'd like the baby pink" i yap,
matt laughs lightly, "i love the color." he smiles,
i readjust myself on matts lap, "dont- dont do that." matt groans out, my eyebrows knit together,
"what?" i say, shifting again on his lap experimentally
matt grips both my hips, "i said don't." matt demands, "why!" i whine with a slight attitude.
matt stands up, picking me up by my ass and carrying me down the hallway. he presses my thigh against his crotch, a hard poke against my leg makes my eyes shoot open
my cheeks flush red,
"thats why." he mutters, swinging open the door and throwing me down onto the matress
i let out a small squeal as i hit the bed, matts already tugging down his sweatpants before i can process whats going on.
"matt-" i start, he cuts me off
"take off your shorts"
i nod, sinking my teeth into my bottom lip as i lift my hips off of matt's silk sheets, i shimmy my shorts down my legs.
matts erection springs out, tapping his stomach lightly before he overs over me. his hair flops on his forehead slightly as he grabs my white lace panties
he pulls them to the side roughly, exposing my leaking entrance.
"soaked already?" matt tuts, i feel myself grow red with embarrasment.
matt cups my face and holds my hand with his other hand before lining himself up with me.
"you ready?" matt asks softly, "take it slow- its been a while." i whisper, squeezing matts hand.
matt gives me the tip, the stretch makes me wince. "pretty girl." matt coos,
he doesn't waste time to push further into me, "slow down matt!" i moan lightly, his tip brushes my cervix.
i arch my back off the bed, squeezing matt's ringed hand tighter.
"you can take it, you're taking me so well." matt repeats, my loud whimpers fill the silent room,
groans fall from matts rosy lips, "matt--" i whine
my head snaps round to see my phone resting on the mattress,
incoming call from nick
i reach a hand over to decline, but matt grabs my wrist
"pick up the phone and talk to him" matt demands
"what- what?" i repeat, my eyebrows twisting.
"pick, it up." matt repeats himself, i hesitate before grabbing the phone and swiping to anwser.
matt stops his thrusts, allowing me to talk to nick .
"nick- hi how are you!" i say with a couple short breaths
suddenly, matt starts to thrust again, he almost pulls out then slams back into me.
"hey girl! no i was wondering- uh.. wait what was it" nick drones out his sentence,
i clasp a hand over my mouth as matt repeatedly slams into me, forcing me to take his whole length at once.
"oh yeah- do you want to come to the movies on sunday with madi, you can bring matt if you want" nick speaks, his voice blaring out the speakers.
matts thrusts grow faster, never slowing their intensity though, "i'm- i'll be able- fuck-, i can pro-probably- matt!" i finish my sentence with a loud yelp
"hey! you okay?" nicks voice is laced with concern.
matt nods at me, taking a hand off my hip and brushing my clit with his finger as his thrusts grow sloppy.
"i'm- i'm fine." i manage to string together the sentence
matt smiles cockily down at me, enjoying every second of this.
"oh god-" i mutter under my breath.
"anyways... so can you come, what time works for you?" nick asks with confusion in his tone.
"i can- probably." i slur out as i feel my orgasm grow closer
"you can come or not? whats wrong with you are you drunk?" nick scoffs through the phone,
"nick- bad.. bad time" i whimper out,
suddenly my orgasm crashes over me, i grab a pillow and smother my face with it, handing matt the phone as i finish with a muffled scream of his name
matt hangs up the phone for me now that ive finished, he pulls out of me and finishes
white streaks paint my panties which have been tugged to the side the whole time,
those were my favourite pair, but i cant think hard enough to care right now.
"fuck-" matt breathes out, flopping down next to me on the mattress and pulling me onto him.
"are you okay sweetheart, was that too mean?" matt laughs slightly
"i- i dont know?" i squeeze out with a giggle.
"oh god, lets get you cleaned up gorgeous girl." matt smiles softly
15 minutes later
i've been laying in bed in my soft pyjamas with matt for about 10 minutes now, us both becoming exhausted and ready for bed
abruptly my phone lights up,
"nick texted me.." i whisper to matt with a nervous grin,
i open messages and read out the message
"he said.. 'hey, just wondering what the fuck was going on are you okay? lmk if you can make sunday and tell me what was going on with you.'"
matt bursts out laughing, i slap him playfully, "matt! thats your fault what do i say!" i scoff
"just say you can make it for sunday, you don't need to answer the other question." matt rubs his eyes.
"i can't believe youu matt." i laugh, rolling over and cuddling close to his side
the warmth of matt's arms wrap around me, holding me tight and pressing a small kiss to my forehead.
"you're cute when you can't string a sentence together." matt whispers teasingly
"you're stupid" i giggle back.
@luanetaluenta @sturnsssbow @mattfangirl @luvr4miya @luvtay111 @lolasturniolo @freshloveforthefit @ruedowney @lovingchrissposts @333michelle @h3arts4harry @sonicmacks @jamiesturniolo @chrisstopherfilmed @itzdarling @sturniolo-simp4life @daddyslilchickenfingers2 @recklessmatt @ev3rgreenxtrees @lovergirl4387 @certifiednatelover @solarsturniolo @mattsenthusiast @yomamaslays4lyfe @peachmels @alinaa131 @pepsiluvr0209 @creamoncreamoncream2 @szobofc @mattscoquette @blahbell668 @sturniolo04 @ecilphttlunar @bitchydragonparadise @thematthewlover r @sturni0l0 @ratatioulle @sturnsfav @chrisgetsmewetterxo @mattsonly @justalittle47 @mattsturnioloisbae @sunsetsturniolos @sturniolo04 @similartokayyz
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vanteguccir · 2 months
Wisdom Teeth Chaos | Matt Sturniolo
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Matt Sturniolo x reader
Summary: Where Y/N faces the terrifying experience of having four wisdom teeth removed. With her boyfriend, Matt, and his brothers by her side, Y/N goes through moments of anxiety, laughter, and confusion under the influence of anesthesia.
Warning: Mentions of blood, pain, surgery, dentist, anesthesia.
Requested?: Yes, by anon
Author's note: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism, copy, or "inspiration"! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
The sun shone high in the sky as Y/N and Matt got into the car, ready to face the journey to the dentist's office.
"You're going to be okay, honey." Matt said as he arranged himself in the driver's seat, casting a quick glance of genuine concern in his girlfriend's direction, who spent the entire morning glued to himself, exposing her fear into emotions and complaints.
Y/N smiled small, buckling her seatbelt and moving her body above the upholstered so she found a comfortable position, trying to shake off the bad thoughts about the surgery.
"I hope so, but I can't promise I won't put on a little show in there." The girl joked, trying to relax the atmosphere, resting her hands on her thighs so that her slightly sweaty palms were in contact with the fabric of her jeans.
"I doubt you're the worst patient they've ever seen." The boy laughed as he started the car, turning his head to his right and sending her a wink.
Nick and Chris quickly settled into the middle seats of the car, each of them with a reassuring smile on their face. Nick held the camera firmly in his hands, lowering his gaze to the screen and changing a few settings.
They were like brothers to Y/N, and their presence there was comforting for her.
“Ready for the adventure, Y/N?” Chris asked with a mischievous smile, rubbing the palm of his hands before leaning his body forward and placing his upper body on the car console so that he could see the girl's reaction more closely, placing his right hand on the back of her seat to stabilize himself.
A loud curse from Nick was heard, the boy complaining that Chris was blocking the camera's view before forcefully pulling him back against his own seat.
"If by adventurous you mean a terrifying one, then yes." The girl sighed, ignoring their bickering while pretending to be excited before closing her eyes tightly, pressing the bridge of her nose with the index finger and thumb of her right hand, trying to relieve some of the tension there.
During the first few minutes of the trip, Y/N tried to remain calm, but anxiety began to seep into her chest, leaving a metallic taste in her mouth. She looked at the clock on the car dashboard and saw that there were still twenty minutes until they arrived at the office, even though it seemed like they had already been inside the car for hours.
"Matt, I changed my mind. Can we go home?" Y/N interrupted Chris's yapping from the backseat, her voice trembling slightly as her hands balled into fists above her thighs, a result of her nervousness.
Matt glanced at her quickly before returning his attention to the road ahead, taking his right hand off the steering wheel briefly and moving it towards his girl, reaching blindly for her own, intertwining their fingers and giving hers a firm and comforting squeeze.
"You're kidding, right? We're already halfway there, my love. Look, it's going to be okay. I promise." The brunette murmured gently, trying to calm her nerves as he kept his attention on the road, frowning slightly in concentration.
"I know, it's just... I hate dentists so much, and I don't know if I want to take anesthesia." The girl admitted, shrugging her shoulders as she forced a small smile, squeezing Matt's hand back.
"Don't worry, girl, we'll be in the room with you the entire time." Nick said from the backseat, his voice sounding comforting, interrupting whatever negative thoughts Y/N's mind was creating at that moment, earning a weak nod in response.
The minutes dragged by slowly as the car made its way down the road. Y/N tried to distract herself by looking out the window, but the sight of buildings and businesses quickly passing by only increased her agitation.
"Have you thought about what you're going to do with your wisdom teeth after they're removed?" Chris asked suddenly, interrupting the tense silence as he kept his eyes fixed on the scenery outside the vehicle.
Y/N blinked, surprised by the sudden question.
"Well, I thought I'd ask the doctor to keep them for me. Maybe I could make a necklace-" The girl interrupted her own sentence, widening her eyes and turning her torso to her left side abruptly, gripping the side of her own seat with her right hand so that she could look at the back and the driver's seat at the same time. "No, wait, I can put it under my pillow, right?" The volume of her voice rose quickly, sudden excitement dripping into her words.
"Pillow? Why would-"
"For the tooth fairy, obviously! I'm going to remove four wisdom teeth. Do you know how much money I could make from that? I don't, but I know it's a lot!" She rambled, breaking into a big smile as her eyes went from Matt to Nick and Chris and back again.
"It's 40 dollars, Y/N." Nick responded in an amused tone, turning to Chris and letting out a silent laugh. The youngest shrugged, leaning over the space between one seat and another and taking the camera from Nick's hands.
"They can't give your teeth back, honey. When they take them out, your teeth turn to dust." Matt said as if he was speaking to a child, a hidden smile growing on his face as he kept his eyes straight ahead, raising them momentarily to the rearview mirror and casting an amused glance at Nick, who was already looking back at him, knowing he was joking.
"No! Babe, don't say that. Are you serious?" Y/N screamed, her eyes widening comically before tears began to well up in her eyes, shining against the sunlight, her mouth forming an involuntary pout.
"Oh no, don't cry. If you cry, I'll cry, too." Nick noticed her tearful expression, closing his eyes tightly and bringing the palm of his hands to his own, rubbing his blue orbs harshly, trying to shake off his own emotions.
"Oh no, Nick, don't you dare cry-" Chris's voice was interrupted by a loud sob coming from Y/N, which tore from her throat, tears escaping her eyes without permission.
Her ears quickly caught the loud laughter of Matt and Chris, and Nick's sniffles, while her boyfriend squeezed her hand tightly, trying to convey support and reassurance even though he was laughing at her sensitive state.
As they got closer to the office, Y/N's heart started to beat faster. She felt a mixture of fear and excitement bubbling inside her and knew that soon she would be facing the inevitable.
"I think I'm having a panic attack." The girl murmured, her voice muffled by the crying she had minutes before as her nose sniffled repeatedly.
"No, you're not." Matt said amused, rolling his eyes playfully before squeezing Y/N's hand one last time, slowly releasing it and taking his back to the wheel so that he could concentrate on entering the building's parking lot, parking the car in one of the free spaces closest to the main entrance.
Y/N took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves as she exited the vehicle with the help of her boyfriend. She knew she had a long road ahead, but with Matt and the triplets by her side, she felt like she could face the situation she had put off for so many weeks. And so, with one last sigh, she entered the office.
Y/N was already in the dental chair, nervously looking up at the white ceiling as the doctor prepared everything around her. She could feel her heart hammering in her chest as her hands sweated nervously. Matt caressed her right shoulder firmly and carefully, conveying the silent support she needed so much at that moment.
"Are you okay, sweetheart?" Matt asked, tilting his head down so he could look better at her.
"Of course I am." She responded, swallowing hard, trying to force a smile while focusing her eyes on his, though her voice betrayed her anxiety.
Nick and Chris were a little further away, on her right side and close to the large wall of windows, their expressions a mixture of concern and unsuccessful attempts to hide their laughter. The fact that Nick knew what the feeling and procedure was like made him more amused by her present and future state.
As the doctor began moving equipment, Y/N watched curiously. She extended her right arm, allowing one of the nurses to attach the blood pressure and heart rate monitor to the correct location, feeling a shiver run down her spine. This was getting very real very fast.
"I feel like an astronaut about to take off." Y/N teased, biting her bottom lip lightly, trying to ease the tension out of herself.
"Well, at least there's no zero gravity to deal with." Nick chuckled softly, zooming the camera to the surrounding equipment before looking at the girl, offering her a reassuring smile.
Chris let out a laugh at his response, it echoing through the office and bringing a bit of lightness to the tense environment.
"I hate that sound. It reminds me of Grey's Anatomy, exactly when a patient is about to die." The girl said suddenly, pointing with her chin at the machine where the sounds of her heart were coming from.
"Hey, don't say that." Matt warned amid laughter, shaking his head while still caressing her shoulder, squeezing the area gently to relieve her muscle tension.
As the doctor began to prepare the IV, Y/N felt a wave of panic pass through her body. She looked at the thin tube with wide eyes and an expression of horror, watching him take off the cover and connect the wire to the syringe with the anesthesia.
"Matt." She muttered in a shaky voice, her lips trembling again as she clenched her right hand into a fist, accidentally letting the heart rate meter slip out.
"Hey, pretty girl, I'm right here. I won't leave your side, I promise. When you wake up, we can get ice cream from that ice cream shop you love, huh?" Matt curved his spine slightly so that his face was close to hers, holding her chin with his free hand and pulling it towards him, looking deep into his girl's eyes.
Chris quickly moved forward, taking her best friend's right hand gently and arranging the meter back into its correct place.
The doctor finished preparing the IV and approached Y/N with it, extending the girl's left arm gently and cleaning the injection site. Y/N forced herself to keep her eyes fixed on the blue ones she loved, Matt quickly acting to cover the exposed side of her head with the palm of his free hand, creating a covering over her eyes.
The girl her breath as the doctor inserted the needle into her vein, feeling it enter centimeter by centimeter, but to her surprise, it didn't hurt as much as she expected.
"It's not that bad." The girl murmured seconds after feeling the needle not moving anymore, feeling a little relieved, blinking repeatedly in an attempt to keep the tears away.
"See? You're doing so good, my love. My brave girl." Matt smiled big, tilting his face forward and kissing her forehead gently.
As the anesthesia began to take effect, Y/N felt a tingling sensation spread throughout her body. She blinked a few times, trying to get used to the strange sensation and regain her vision, which was becoming slightly blurred.
"When did the ceiling start dancing?" Y/N asked, interrupting what Nick was reporting to the camera, her eyes fixed on the ceiling that seemed to be moving erratically.
Matt laughed softly, his hand - still on his girlfriend's shoulder - shook slightly from the action, being followed by Chris and Nick, their laughter filling the office.
"I think the anesthesia is taking effect." Chris watched in amusement, crossing his arms and approaching, his voice sounding a little distant to the girl's ears.
Y/N laughed, feeling lighter than ever, blinking slowly.
"I never thought I'd say this, but I think I'm really enjoying it." She said groggily, her voice sounding sleepy as she gave in to the anesthesia.
"Baby-" Matt began, his speech being interrupted by his own laughter, his index and thumb fingers pinching the bridge of his nose in disbelief. "What's your word, love?"
But the answer didn't come, his girlfriend having given herself over to a deep anesthesia-induced sleep.
Y/N blinked her eyes slowly, trying to focus her vision as the haze of sleep began to dissipate. She felt groggy and disoriented, but a sense of relief washed over her body when she understood that the surgery was over. She blinked a few times, trying to take in her surroundings.
“Hi, Y/N, how are you feeling?” Nick asked in a calm tone, leaning closer to her with a gentle smile, giving space for the camera in Chris' hands to capture the moment.
Y/N turned her head towards him, blinking slowly, her mind still clouded trying to assimilate that it was Nick there with her.
"As if I'd been run over by an elephant." She murmured, her voice sounding strangely loud to her own ears, shaking her head from side to side as fast as she could, trying to stay conscious.
Matt entered the room again, having gone away for some minutes to talk to the doctor about post-surgical care, his serious face lighting up when he noticed Y/N already awake.
"Look who's back! Are you okay, sweetheart?" The boy asked, extending out his hand and reaching for hers, holding it tenderly and firmly, stroking the back of her palm with his thumb.
"I-" As soon as Y/N opened her mouth to speak, one of the gauze that sealed the right side of her mouth above her gums escaped her lips. Her eyes instantly widened, a loud sound of surprise echoing through the room. "Oh no, my tongue fell out."
"Your-" Chris began, his own laughter interrupting his sentence.
Matt turned to the camera, laughing loudly as he closed his eyes tightly, keeping his hand on his girlfriend's shoulder, trying to hide his own reaction from her.
"That's not your tongue, baby." The brunette said while still laughing, shaking his head.
"It is! They made my tongue fall out and removed my cheeks." The girl fumed, rolling her eyes nervously as she tried to cross her arms, the loud alarm sound echoing from the heart rate meter machine abruptly interrupting her action.
"Y/N, you can't take out the meter." Nick warned in a firm tone, arranging the small equipment back on her finger with his free hand.
"I'm sweating, I need to take this off. It's making me overheat." The girl spoke again, ignoring the demanding tone Nick was using, waving her arm with the IV in the air, silently indicating that she was talking about her hoodie.
"But you love wearing hoodie, pretty." Matt murmured, frowning as he leaned over her upper body, lowering her arm gently.
"Not this one! I like yours. Mine is a piece of shit." Y/N exclaimed as if it was obvious, rolling her eyes again.
The sound of Nick's loud laughter echoed off the walls of the small room, as Matt stared at her in disbelief, widening his eyes and taking them from his girl to the camera and back again.
"Here, baby." The boy sighted, taking his hand off Y/N's shoulder momentarily so that he could pull his own hoodie up, passing the piece over his arms before arranging it on the correct side, leaving his own upper body covered only by a white t-shirt. "You can have mine."
Matt stretched the hoodie over Y/N's upper body, keeping it over her own hoodie, knowing he wouldn't be able to take it off due to the IV.
"Thank you, kind sir." Y/N genuinely thanked him, opening a big and childlike smile. "Oh no, take this one off and put yours on me, Matty." She spoke again seconds later after noticing that her boyfriend's hoodie was just resting on her body.
“No way, Y/N, you have the IV.” Chris answered for Matt, briefly pointing to his best friend's left arm.
"What... Wow, what is this? Am I a toy or something?" The girl's tone came out louder than expected, her eyes widening comically as she raised her arm again, seeming to remember just at that moment the small thread that connected the needle to the anesthesia.
"It's the IV, my love. It's harmless, I promise. Does it hurt?" Matt explains gently, leaning into her slightly and squeezing her shoulder gently, drawing her attention back to him.
"No... Are they gonna fix my tongue?" Y/N returned to the first subject in a matter of seconds, lowering her gaze and focusing on the piece of blood red gauze above, now, Matt's hoodie.
"That's not your tongue, Y/N. It's just gauze. Put it back." Nick spoke this time, zooming in on the camera to catch his best friend's next reaction.
"I can't do it. There's an electrical wire connected to me." The girl remembered, rolling her eyes and raising her IV-covered arm, focusing her eyes there for a few seconds.
"Then ask your boyfriend."
"I have a boyfriend?!" Y/N turned her face towards the triplets abruptly, her eyes filling with tears within seconds as her lips trembled comically, even though she herself had been calling Matt "baby" this entire time.
"Of course you do, sweet girl. I'm right here. Remember? I'm your boyfriend, Matt." Matt quickly responded, his tone coming out as gentle as never before. He crouched on the floor, resting on his bent knees so that he was at eye level with her, giving her a genuine smile.
"Oh my God, that's awesome! You're so pretty. How did I manage to win you?" Y/N asked excitedly, raising her right hand and bringing it to her supposed boyfriend's face, cupping his right cheek lightly, feeling the skin heat up beneath her fingers.
A sound of surprise escaped Matt's lips as the heart rate monitor preacher almost stabbed into his eye, a low chuckle following soon after.
"You didn't have to win me, I was the one that had to win you, babe." The boy declared, leaning closer to her and sealing the tip of her nose for long seconds, pulling away in time to see her close her eyes and wrinkle her nose cutely. "We'll go home soon, okay? I love you, sweetheart. You were so brave."
"You love me?" Y/N exclaimed again, the tears that had been in her eyes until that moment finally spilling over and rolling down her cheeks, leaving a wet, red trail behind, her skin reacting instantly to the intense emotions.
"I do, my love. I love you very much."
Nick and Chris watched the scene with eyes full of amusement, the camera capturing every second of the couple's interaction and the muffled laughs that the two emitted behind the lens.
"So, are you comfortable on that "chair"?" Chris asked suddenly, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.
Y/N snapped her head towards the youngest, opening her mouth slightly and processing his question for a few seconds.
"Yeah." The girl nodded slowly, removing her right hand from Matt's face and feeling the upholstery of the chair beneath her.
"Is it better than my gaming chair?" Nick asked then, smiling behind the camera, briefly remembering the times his best friend found refuge in his room and the two spent hours talking while she sat comfortably in his gaming chair.
"Do you have a chair?" She asked with wide eyes, tilting her head up to see Nick better, slightly pushing Matt to the side with her free hand, earning a laugh from Chris when he saw his brother almost fall completely onto the cold floor.
"Yeah, you have one, too! And so does Matt."
"I have a chair? For myself?" Her lips formed an involuntary pout, her eyes filling with tears again, the previous ones having stopped flowing only seconds before, her emotions acting on their own.
"Of course you do, baby! You study on it and play video games on my computer on it, too." Matt stated, nodding quickly as he returned to his previous position. "Now, do you remember who I am?"
Y/N turned her gaze back to Matt again, her orbs traveling over every detail of his face, her lower lip trembling slightly as her heart clenched tightly inside her chest. He was so beautiful.
"My baby, my baby-" A sob interrupted her speech, tears escaping her eyes like waterfalls. "You're my baby. I love you s-so much. You're- You're so p-pretty!"
"Yeah, sweet girl! Well done, I'm your baby, and I love you way more." The brunette replied in a bashful tone, pouting as he watched her cry like a little kid over something so simple, his own eyes welling with tears.
"You two are unbelievable." Chris shook his head, crossing his arms and looking into the camera lens with a look of "do you believe this?"
"Matty." The girl called again a few seconds later, ignoring the youngest of the triplets, closing her eyes tightly to wipe away the tears stuck in her eyelashes, her nose sniffling repeatedly. She took a deep breath and sticked her swollen tongue out of her mouth, trying to lick the tears that rested on her upper lip, even without feeling absolutely anything in the region. "I think my mouth is on it's period..."
"Oh my God, baby, what?"
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
My requests are closed, but my asks are always open ♡
And remember to treat people with kindness always!
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~ taglist:
@lustfulslxt @ladybunny44 @worldlxvlys @earth2starkey @remussbitch @freshloveforthefit @sturniolowhore @luvr4miya @alorsxsturn @urfavgirllyyyyy @hearts4chriss @cupidzsq @dracoflaco @rootbeerworshiper @junnniiieee07 @elliesturniolo1 @sstvrnioloo @lightsgore @gidgett11037 @ksskianshd @soimightlikeoldmen69 @ldr-sl0t @breeloveschris @its-jennarose @sainzzsturns @ecliphttlunar @soso-scarlettolivia @sturnolio-luvs @bitchydragonparadise @freshsturns @h3arts4harry @patscorner @strnilolo @bernardsbendystraws @mattsneezing @poetatorturadaa @meg-sturniolo @orangeypepsi @jnkvivi @chrisactualwife @watermelonreid @fratbrochrisgf @elordilover @somegirlfromasgard @iammattswife @xoxo4chrisss @imtalkinnonsense
(If you want to be added to the taglist, please comment here)
(If you asked to be on the taglist but isn't tagged above, it's because you have set up your account to not be tagged by accounts that don't follow you back/you don't follow)
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strnlio · 10 days
PAIRING: matt sturniolo x fem!reader
SUMMARY: a lil fic where matt eats his girl out
WARNINGS! : 18+, oral (f!receiving), fingering, no use of y/n
A/N: my first fic on here hehe hope yall enjoy:) also english isnt my first language so bear with me 😭
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“oh fuck-” you managed to breath out as you felt matts tongue swirl around your clit as his large hands squeezed your smooth thighs. you were a whimpering mess, eyes shut tightly, breathing heavily as you pushed your pussy into matt’s face; a sign you wanted more- more being his long fingers where you ached for him the most.
it started with an innocent kiss which turned into a heavy makeout session and had somehow led to matt between your legs, his tongue working wonders amongst your glistening folds. his tongue moved over your clit in figure eight motions, hitting your sensitive bud perfectly. you couldn’t function, you were incapable of forming sentences, your mouth made faint noises- pretty faint noises- which were like honey to matt’s ears. your sweet sweet moans and whimpers were what kept him going, they were like honey to his ears. he felt on top of the world, there was a giddy feeling in his stomach knowing that it was him that caused you to feel this good.
“matt- oh matt,” you managed to breath out. he hummed gently against your clit which caused vibrations along your body. “fingers- please,” you said before letting out a whimper. he grinned against your pussy-how could he not listen to you, his gorgeous girl? he obeyed and unexpectedly shoved his ring finger inside which caused you to emit a high pitched moan. oh how he loved that pretty sound you just made- he had to give his girl what she wanted. he added another finger, slowly pumping them in and out of you.
it was all too much for you- the his fingers inside of you hitting your sweet spot everytime they went in, the feeling of his cold rings on your skin everytime his fingers rammed inside of you, your walls clenching desperately around them, his mouth now sucking your swollen clit, his other hand holding down your stomach to stop you from moving… your mind was foggy, filled with ecstasy y, drunk on the pleasure your boyfriend was giving you, the band inside your stomach threatened to snap anytime.
matt meanwhile was having the time of his life. his blue eyes peered at his girlfriend’s face- the way your eyes were shut, your face scrunched up in pleasure- pleasure that he was causing you, the way you moaned his name telling him to work his fingers faster, the way your chest heaved up and down as you were out of breath, the way your sweet arousal tasted on his tongue- oh he could watch this sight forever and ever and never get tired.
“matt im going to cum-oh—“ you managed to say before the band inside your stomach snapped- your mind turned even foggier as the feeling of ecstasy amplified and your orgasm washed over you. your juices spluttered all over matt’s fingers. he helped you ride out your high as he watched your face through your orgasm before slowly taking his fingers out and licking them clean as he looked you in the eye. the sight made you flustered, and you gave him a shy smile. the butterflies would never get old, you felt as if you were in an everlasting honeymoon phase.
matt wanted to do this all over again, but he knew you were too sensitive, so he placed his urges away and climbed on top of you to place sweet kisses on your forehead. you grinned as he kissed the tip of your nose as he whispered about going to the bathroom to get a towel and clean you up properly. as he got off you and left the room you grinned and closed your eyes wanting to treasure moments like these forever.
a/n i kinda rushed the end lmao 😭
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inkyray · 7 days
bro matt is such a fucking DORK 💀💀 his favorite movie is robert pattinsons batman, he's constantly mentioning how gravity falls changed his life (same homie), he's bringing up TMNT whenever he can, he's played hogwarts legacy front to back, he's jumping at every opportunity to play fortnite for hours on end, he stops randomly to catch pokemons, the first thing he does when he wakes up is play clash of clans, he's always like "literally me" to pictures or videos of silly cats, he's never leaving his room unless he's forced by his brothers, he doesn't go to parties or social gatherings, i NEED HIM he's just like me God please 😭😭😭 may God send me a matt sturniolo
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mattsturnioloarchive · 5 months
POV: Matt drives you home on a rainy night while he comfortably chats about random topics
(for a better experience, use headphones 🎧 )
• Also, listen to: picnic with Matt
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freshxsturniolo · 22 days
needy boy ~ chris sturniolo x femreader!
SUMMARY : in which chris comes down with a fever that turns into a nasty cold, and he becomes extra needy of you and your presence. you lock the door to your car as you walk your way up the driveway to the triplets house, shopping bags on your arm. you had been out with a friend all day, getting coffee and going shopping that ended up in hours of chatting, and you admittedly where back quite late. chris had text you and told you to enjoy yourself and to not worry, but you had to admit you were excited to see him. he had been your boyfriend for the last couple of years, but everyday still felt magical with him.
as you reach the front door, you can't help but roll your eyes as you realise again they hadn't locked it. entering the house and kicking off your shoes at the bottom of the stairs, you call out as you start to enter the kitchen where you assume your boyfriend and his two brothers would be. "you should really start locking this door, you know. i could be anyone" you say, a grin plastering your face as you see nick sat on the table with his laptop open.
"oh, you've finally arrived." nick states, looking up from his laptop and you give him an eyebrow scrunch as you look around the room. matt is lay on the couch scrolling his phone and he looks up and gives you a wave, which you return.
"whats that supposed to mean?" you say, walking over and placing your shopping bags down on the table, searching again for your boyfriend who was clearly not there.
"it means im sick of chris whining" he says, grabbing one of your bags and looking inside. letting out a "ohhh" as he takes out a new t-shirt you had bought for yourself.
"where is he" you say, taking the t-shirt off of him and holding it against your body, giving him a twirl. but on doing so, your eyes lock with your boyfriend stood at the top of the stairs.
"I'm not whining" he says, and it's then you notice his voice is hoarse. you place the t-shirt on the table and walk over to him, his arms already open for you to embrace you in a hug, but you grab his face between your hands instead.
"chris, you're burning up. whats wrong?" you say, taking in his sunken eyes and the way his front few curls where sticking to his forehead from sweat.
"mhmmm" he grumbles, and he grabs your waist and rests his head on your shoulder, swaying slightly as you position your hands to hug him back.
"he's sick" matt says from the couch, and i pull away from chris to try and look at him, but he moans again and holds me tighter.
"chris, why didn't you say? i could have picked you up some stuff whilst i was out" you say, annoyed that your boyfriend hadn't mentioned the obvious fever he was getting. "dont need anything from the store" he mumble into your neck. "just need you."
you hated to admit that needy chris was a chris you adored. of course, you never wanted him to be sick, but his need to be pampered and in your arms when he was made you feel a type of way.
"right, lets get you to bed" you announce, finally removing yourself from his grip. you walk across to the table to collect your things, before walking back to him and taking his hand, dragging him back down the stairs.
when you enter his bedroom you're met with the state of his illness, theres bottles of water all over his bedside table, packets of painkillers, a towel from where he's showered and not had the energy to clean up.
"right" you start. "please get in bed, and i'll clean up" you say, wanting to help as much as possible. chris follows your order as you move to his bedside table, planning to pick up the water bottles to take to the trash, when you feel a hand on your wrist.
"come to bed with me" chris whines, tugging on your wrist.
"babe, it will take me 5 minutes, let me help" you start, but if chris is anything, he's persistent.
"babeeee" he whines, sitting up now and grabbing your hips, tugging at you to sit you down. you roll your eyes but you can't help the chuckle that escapes your lips as you fall backwards onto his lap. he nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck for a second, before swinging his legs back on the bed causing you to scramble to the side of him.
he gives you a satisfied smile as he wraps his arm around your waist and nuzzles himself on top of your breasts.
"missed you" he says, as you place your arms around him, his legs coming up and crossing over your own.
"missed you too" you said, placing a kiss atop his curls, which makes him nuzzle into you deeper causing a deep chuckle to erupt from your lips. you accept defeat that this is likely your position for the rest of the night and make yourself more comfortable as chris' favourite tv show plays in front of you.
after a few minutes, chris moves his hand to yours, and you smile expecting him to grasp your hand to hold as you lay together, but you have to laugh when he puts your hand atop his head.
"such a needy boy" you chuckle, running your fingers through his curls as he starts to let out a chesty cough.
"are you sure i can't get you anything, chris?" you say, starting to turn concerned for the way you had only been in his presence a short 5 minutes and his illness was already progressing.
"no. stay with me." he mumbles, throat sounding sore.
"sleep." you almost demand, and he looks up at you now. his eyes red and sore, the edges of his nose dry, but you still bend down and give him a soft kiss, causing him to smile.
"keep doing that and i'll be better in now time" he says, leaning forward to give you another kiss. you chuckle into him before pulling away.
"if i get sick too, its on you" you say, giving his nose a bop with your finger which only makes him laugh.
you spend the rest of the evening with chris wrapped around your body, moving from stroking his hair, to running your nails against his back or arm whilst he slept on and off, waking every now and then to place a kiss on your lips. when you finally decide its time to sleep yourself, you shake chris awake slightly so you can move, a grumble escaping his lips as you do so.
"i need to get ready for bed, chris" you chuckle, and he reluctantly rolls off of you and faces away from you, instantly falling back asleep. you laugh as you roll off the bed, heading to your bag of things and heading to the bathroom to wash your face and change. when you reemerge, chris is still sound asleep and you plant a kiss atop his forehead before sneaking out of his room to fetch you both a fresh bottle of water for the night.
when you reach the kitchen, you notice matt still awake and he turns to you with a smile.
"you escaped" he laughs, coming over to give you a hug. you laugh as you hug him back.
"he's so needy when he's sick" you laugh, walking over to the fridge as matt follows you, getting his own can of soda out as you reach for two bottles of water.
"he's been pining for you ALL day." matt says with a clink of his soda can.
"one of you should have text me" you say, shutting the fridge and opening your water. matt only chuckles.
"chris would have killed us. did you have fun with your friend?" matt asks now, and you end up chatting for the next few minutes about each of your day. chris may be your boyfriend, but you had grown to become best friends with his triplet brothers too. you hadn't even noticed you'd both moved to the couch, laughing together, when your boyfriend appeared at the side of you.
his slump down on the couch made you jump as you turned to look at him.
"chris" you almost squeal. "you were fast asleep" you say, leaning over to feel his forehead. his temperature was only rising, so you shoved the bottle of water you had been planning to take downstairs to him in his hand.
he takes it gratefully but looks at you before drinking. "i could hear you both laughing and i missed you" he said, putting his hand on your thigh. you turn around to give matt a smirk as you catch him rolling his eyes.
"so needy" he mutters under his breath and you chuckle as you turn back to your boyfriend.
"i have been gone all of 5 minutes, babe." you explain, and chris only shakes his head as he drinks his water.
"bed, please." he says now, standing up and grabbing your hand to pull you with him. you laugh as you stand with him and turn to matt.
"i'll see you tomorrow" you say, and he gives you another eye roll before smiling jokingly.
when you reach chris' bedroom again, the minute you close the door behind you two he spins around and grabs you into a hug, before planting kiss and after kiss all over your face.
"chris" you squeal, and he only chuckles as he places a final kiss to your lips.
"am i being overbearing?" he asks now, looking into your eyes, and you only laugh.
"not at all. you always get like this when you're sick" you confirm, and he gives you a smile.
"you just make me feel better" he says.
"well im glad, but you can apologise to matt in the morning, we were having a nice chat" you say, giving him a raised eyebrow.
"about what?" he says
"just our day" you shrug, and you see the upset in his eyes.
"I havent even asked about your day" he says, and you can tell he's mad with himself. you smile as you place your hands against his cheeks.
"its okay. we can talk tomorrow" you smile.
"no" he says, grabbing your hands again and going over to his bed. he pulls the quilt back this time and you both get into your usual sides of the bed, both turning on your sides to face each other. your hand immediately comes to his hair, and so does his hand with yours.
"tell me. im listening" he says.
you laugh as you plant a kiss on the top of his nose before giving him a play by play of your day. despite him being sick, his eyes never leave yours and he smiles the whole way through, listening to every word you say. when sleep eventually overcomes you both, you find chris has slowly come back to cuddling into you, his legs trapping you and his arm around your waist, his breath warm against your chest as he sleeps. but you can only smile, knowing that of all the people chris has in his life. he wants you the most.
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sturniolothinkr · 2 months
cherry ⋆ matt sturniolo
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summary: you and matt are exhausted after a long day, but are craving each other’s touch.
contains: p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, cursing, like one use of y/n, aftercare, lowercase intended btw.
word count: 811
a/n: first post, kinda nervous🤕 i haven’t written in a while so please be kind thank u
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soft music was playing from your tv, the blue light illuminating the room in a calming glow. the only other sounds in the room were the soft moans and quiet pants coming from you and matt.
your legs were wrapped around his waist, one hand tangled in his hair while the other was pressed against his back. your nails dug subtly into his shoulder, while matt’s hips were slowly thrusting into yours.
you gasped when he angled himself a bit better, pushing himself even deeper into you as he groaned out your name under his breath. “god, y/n..” he whispered, his face buried in your neck.
“matt, please.” you begged, feeling his lips begin to press gentle kisses to your neck.
you were both exhausted. the day felt like it dragged on for longer than it should’ve, and both of you were equally busy so it felt like you hadn’t properly seen each other for the whole day. matt made his frustrations known through various texts sent to you throughout the day, giving the promise that he would make it up to you.
as soon as his brothers finally retreated to their rooms for the night, matt’s eyes were on you with a look of desperation on his face.
and as soon as you two were in your shared room, his hands were already all over you as he undressed you and laid you down on the bed.
his lips pressed soft kisses everywhere he could, both of you fighting the feeling of exhaustion so you could have your time together.
matt’s thrusts remained soft and slow, while ‘cherry’ by lana del rey played softly in the room. he kept his body pressed against yours, craving the closeness from you.
you pulled him in even closer with your legs, a choked gasp falling past his lips as his hips began to move with more intention on instinct. “god, fuck.” matt whimpered, a shiver running down your spine as his warm breath ghosted over your skin.
as soon as your hips began to lazily rock down to meet his, matt’s thrusts began to grow sloppy as he grew closer to his release.
you clenched around him and let out a moan of his name, tugging at his hair as your nails dug a bit harder into the back of his shoulder. “matt, i’m close.” you whispered into the quiet room, hearing a strained ‘mhm’ in return from your boyfriend.
the music only elevated everything for you. it made the moment feel much more intimate, hearing the soft lyrics and pretty beat play quietly in your room as your boyfriend fucked you.
it didn’t take much longer for you to reach your high, not with matt’s thrusts gaining more speed the closer he got as well. you clutched onto him, barely able to breath out a warning before you were finishing.
your moans grew higher in pitch, variations of curse words and matt’s name escaping your kiss swollen lips. matt grunted into your neck, heavy pants brushing across your skin, as he followed close behind you.
“fuck, baby.” matt groaned, as he sloppily thrusted while his cum filled you up.
a few more lazy thrusts were given, before matt’s hips stilled and he let out a heavy breath. he remained pressed inside of you, the two of you catching your breath as you laid together with your sweaty bodies stuck together.
“i love you.” matt whispered, pulling his head back so he could meet your eyes.
you gave him a gentle smile, and cupped his cheek. “i love you too.” you whispered, making matt’s grin grow wider.
he leaned down to press a kiss to your lips, before he slowly and carefully began to pull out.
“are you okay? was that okay?” matt checked up on you, brushing your sweaty hair away from your face.
you nodded in return, “it was perfect, matt.” you reassured him as your boyfriend got up from the bed. he quickly slipped on his sweatpants, before he rushed to his bathroom to get a wet wash cloth.
as soon as matt returned, he was immediately at your side again and carefully wiping down your inner thighs and spent pussy.
“you’re so pretty, baby.” he whispered, admiring you as he pressed a kiss to your thigh. “so perfect.” he added gently, standing again from the bed once he finished cleaning you.
matt left the room to clean himself up a bit in his bathroom, returning moments later with two water bottles.
he handed you one and collapsed onto the bed next to you in pure exhaustion. “so..” matt trailed off, looking over at you as you drank some water. “same time tomorrow?” he joked.
you laughed as you slapped his arm gently, “you are ridiculous.” you shook your head, a blush on your cheeks. “but yes, of course.”
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sturnsmadl · 19 days
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Dom!Chris headcannons
dom!Chris who will speak to u in the most degrading way
“u all dumb for my cock u fucking whore?”
dom!Chris who goes multiple rounds just to prove he’s in control
“come on give me one more.”
dom!Chris who will use multiple ways to make u cum
“ride me”, “on my thigh now.” “u want my fingers?” “i’ll use my mouth when u can behave.”
dom!Chris who will make sure u know how to behave.
“u want me to edge u till ur crying?”
u shake ur head
“then watch the fucking attitude got it?”
dom!Chris who will make sure he leaves his mark through hickeys and even slapping.
“fuck..look at u letting me mark u up like a whore.”
dom!Chris who always slaps ur ass in doggy no matter how tired u are.
dom!Chris who makes u beg to cum.
“beg for it.”
“no. hold it.”
dom!Chris who pulls ur hair when hitting it from behind.
“fuck look how needy u are for my cock.”
dom!chris who needs to work on his aftercare but he is really trying.
“chris i can’t stand.”
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mattslolita · 1 month
older - m. sturniolo
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in which ... your boyfriend comes back pissed off, and you let him take his anger out on you. older!boyfriend!matt x black!fem!reader
warnings ; rough!dom!matt , sub!reader , unprotected piv ( wrap it freaks ), oral ( fem! receiving ), fingering , creampie
"𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒂 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒃𝒊𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒓, 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒐𝒇𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔."
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰
you had just got home from your shopping spree with your friend, a happy and giddy mess as you held your bags in your hand whilst you made your way up to your boyfriend's room.
since he had work, he had made sure to give you one of the spare keys to the home he shared with he and his brothers — he took care of everything, even providing you with a place to live, as he wanted you living with him.
you also wanted to hurry and get your bags sorted out before he came back, in case he needed to finish up some work so you wouldn't be in his way.
after putting your bags on the bed in you guys' shared bedroom, you strip from your outside clothing into your pajamas for the rest of the day, deciding to keep the pink bow you wore in your hair. you then made your way downstairs into the kitchen. you slid around in your socks as you stopped in front of the fridge, opening it as you hummed to a song under your breath.
you took out fresh strawberries and a rootbeer, setting them both on the counter as you closed the fridge — whilst balancing the strawberries in one hand and the rootbeer can in the other, you pranced back upstairs into the room, closing the door behind you as you did so.
you set the strawberries on the neat and tidy desk space, along with the root beer. cracking the can open, you take a small sip of the bubbly, sugary liquid as it goes down your throat.
the small mini speaker you kept on the vanity desk sat there, causing you to grin as you hooked your phone to it, turning on the bluetooth. you sat down at the vanity desk, a hand under your chin as you put both your feet under thighs, causing your ass to pop out slightly.
you begin to hum as you can be the boss by lana del rey plays throughout the speaker, standing up and walking over to the bags.
"you taste like the fourth of july, malt liquor on your breath my my," you sing, taking out a cute top, "i love you but i don't know why."
your socks padded against the floor as you almost bounced over to the mirror, holding the top up to you as you tilted your head while gazing at yourself. a smile instantly overtakes your features as you go to hang the top up in the closet.
a loud opening of the bedroom door causes you to gasp and turn around, only to find your boyfriend with an irritable expression painting his features, running a hand along the stubble on his jaw.
"hi baby!" you say cheerily, in attempt to fix his frown, his eyes immediately raking over your body causing you to tingle nervously, "is everything okay?"
"everything's fine, doll," he huffs, and you frown at this, crossing your arms over your chest taking slow steps towards him. "i'm just pissed as fuck right now."
his eyes settle onto your shared bed just then, causing you to bite your lip worriedly as they scan the various shopping bags. "where'd you go while i was gone?"
"it's no big deal, i just went shopping with sasha," you say nervously, prancing over towards the bed as you hold up a different top to show him, "do you like this?"
"whose money did you use?" he curves your question with his own, his arms crossing over his chest as you get a full view of the tatted arm causing a wetness to form in the cloth of your thong.
"mine..." you answer him, your doe eyes looking up at him as you blink.
"your money," he chuckles, except there's not a hint of amusement in his tone of voice — it's a condescending tone he takes with you, and you can already see what's going to happen before it does.
"what'd i tell you?" he asks you, walking up to you slowly, as your legs are now pressed against the bed while his hands go to grip your waist harshly, "about spending your money? did you forget the rules, bunny?"
"n-no," you swallow, attempting to divert your gaze elsewhere.
his ringed hand hooks onto your jaw, forcing your gaze upright towards his. "look at me when i'm talking to you, doll. did you forget the rules?"
"no, i didn't forget the rules," you shake your head, your bottom lip pouting slightly as you answered him.
"tuh, i was almost hoping you had forgotten," he says with a shake of his head, his jaw ticking, "i'm already pissed the fuck off about work, then i come home to see this?"
"m'sorry, baby," you tell him, your eyes downcast slightly, until suddenly they glimmer with an idea as you look up at him. "do you wanna talk about work?"
"no," he grunts, tracing small patterns along your waist as you're still pressed up against him, causing your legs to almost give out, "i don't want to talk about shit."
"you can take your anger out on me," you meekly suggest to him, looking up with doe eyes as you trace patterns along his chest.
his blue eyes turn dark and his gaze on you now primal, as he licks his lips whilst he looks down at you — he pulls you flush against himself, connecting your lips angrily as your teeth clash. he hooks his arms under your legs and lifts you onto the bed, throwing you back down as his lips never leave yours.
he swallows a moan you let out as his tongue explores your mouth, the kiss sloppy while his hands travel up and down your body — he tugs at your bottom lips and clamps down on it slightly, causing you to whine as he pulls away, your saliva connecting both of your lips.
"such a whiny girl, always so needy," matt hums, tugging on the waistband of your shorts as he licks his lips, "you gonna let me taste you, princess?"
"please," you whine out, bucking your hips up into his to gain some sort of friction, "need you so bad, matt."
he presses your hips back down into the mattress, connecting your lips once again in a hungry, impatient kiss. he travels down to your neck, biting on the sensitive skin there and pulling out a moan from you, as he continues in a pattern leaving you writhing under his grasp.
he pulls away to admire his work with a smirk. "can't wait for you to see what that looks like."
his lips are back on your skin feverishly, pulling your top over your head as he travels down and leaves a trail of kisses to your stomach down to your navel, causing you to whine as he makes his way to the lower half of your body slowly. "matt, don't tease me-"
"i can tease you however i want, bunny," matt growls as he latches onto your thighs, his fingers creating crescent shapes in your plush brown skin as he yanks you closer to him. "now be a good girl and let me have a taste."
he's quick to snatch both your shorts and thong off your body, moving so that his face was level with your already wet pussy — he wastes no time in attaching his mouth to your sensitive bud, licking and sucking at it harshly causing a string of moans to erupt from your throat.
"f-fuck matt, feels so good!" you moan out, arching your back as one hand goes to grip his hair whilst the other fists the sheets.
he continues his assault on your pussy, licking a stripe up it before he decides to add two fingers in your dripping core while he eats you out. "oh m-my gosh, yes!"
"could taste this pussy for hours," matt groans, diving back into you with his mouth as his fingers curl inside your walls.
"please, don't stop!" you whine out, tugging at his hair harshly as his fingers curl into the sweet spot inside you, his tongue nipping and sucking at your bundle of nerves.
"you close yet, angel?" matt asks you, coming up quickly as he stares at you, your head thrown back and back arched, and he feels the way your walls squeeze his ringed fingers. "let go f'me, c'mon."
"fuck, i'm-"
like a tidal wave your orgasm comes crashing down, and you let out a loud pornographic moan of matt's name whilst you squirt all over his tongue — he lapped up the remainder of your juices, swallowing every drop as he comes up, a wicked grin painting his features as he stares down at you.
"can't wait to fuck you dumb, baby," he mumbles, quickly sliding out of his sweatpants and boxers, his cock wet with precum.
your eyes widen slightly, your lip beginning to quiver. "m-matt, i'm still sensitive-"
"i know you can take it, doll," matt tells you, stroking his cock along your pussy, lubricating his cock in your juices causing him to let out a low moan, "look at me."
without warning, he rams into you, his hips snapping against your pelvis causing you to cry out, the pain soon turning into pleasure — your nails dig into his back which were sure to create scratches as he plows into you.
"oh fuck me, your pussy feels so good," matt groans, his cock sliding in and out of you at an ungodly pace. all that could be heard was the squelching of both your juices mixed with the slapping of skin.
"right there, fuck!" you moan, arching your back as his tip kisses your cervix, causing your eyes to roll in the back of your head as your nails dig into his flesh.
"such a potty mouth," matt tuts, gripping your chin and forcing you to look up at him. he glares down at you, one hand wrapping around your throat, putting slight pressure onto it, "oh, and did you think i forgot about your little shopping spree? such a bad girl, don't know when to listen to me."
he throws one of your legs over his shoulder, this new angle causing you to see stars as his pace somehow increases — you're a moaning mess and you'll definitely be sore by the time he's finished, but you didn't care; you loved when he fucked you senseless.
a small puddle of drool formed at the creases of your mouth, your eyes still rolled back as matt's cock continued thrusting into you harshly. "look at that, all fucked out f'me. you liked being fucked like a slut?"
all you could do is nod and whimper, causing his to grip your chin once again, forcing your gaze towards his own. "use your fuckin' words, doll face. you like being fucked like a slut?"
"y-yes, matt," you babbled, clenching around his cock as your nails drove into his flesh harder, "m'close again..."
"yeah?" matt groans, his hips snapping against yours relentlessly as his cock drilled into you, "hold it."
"i-i can't-"
"you can bunny, and you will," matt growls in your ear, biting down on your earlobe slightly before he presses sloppy kisses against your neck, biting down harshly, "fuck, i'm gonna cum. gonna let me fill you up, princess?"
"please," you whimper, feeling his cock twitch inside you.
with a moan of your name and multiple curses, matt shoots his load inside of you, painting your walls a creamy white as his hips sputter — however, he doesn't stop his assault on your pussy, still drilling his cock in and out of you.
"go on and cum f'me angel, i can feel you squeezing me," you groans in your ear.
another loud moan ensued, as your legs shook and you came on his cock, your juices now mixing with his — after one last sloppy thrust, matt pulls out of you and falls down next to you.
"you okay, bunny?" matt asks you, placing a kiss to your temple as he rubs his hand along your stomach.
"just can't move that good," you mumble weakly, giving him a small smile.
"fuck, c'mere baby," matt curses, and you scoot as close to him as possible.
he hooks both arms under your legs and your head, carrying you towards your shared bathroom — you stood there weakly, your legs still shaking as he helps you sit down so you can pee.
"stay here, and you better pee, okay?" matt instructs you, and you hum as he leaves the bathroom momentarily.
he comes back with a washcloth, wiping your legs up and rubbing smooth circles around it, causing you to relax as you smile down at him shyly.
"how bout we take a shower?" matt asks you, and you nod giddily.
matt helps you stand up and he flushes the toilet. when you turn to the mirror, your eyes widen at your neck, and you move as to get a better look at what it says.
m a t t.
lil 💌
hi gang, hope i ain't disappoint w this smut😞 my thighs were lowkey clenched the entire time, i need someone to ruin me like this💔 i love you guysss hope you enjoyed ts muah💌.
@luverboychris @muwapsturniolo @guccifrog @thenickgirl @prettiest-poision @mattsturniolosleftnut @mrssturnioloo @junnniiieee07 @astrowh0r3 @v33angel @ilovechrissturniolo1 @e1ias3 @eyeliketoeatpoosay @middlepartmatt @chris-slut @chrissturniolossidehoe @sturnprime @sp3aknaur @hysteria-things @stasiesturn @moonk1ss3d @l0akkzz @sturn777 @prettypinkprincess15 @breeloveschris @summerssover @mayhem-72 @riasturns @v33angel @h3arts4harry @stargirll567 @bitchydragonparadise @heartsforchrisandmatt @pepsienthusiasts @tillies33ssss @k4di333 @pinksturniolo @jnkvivi @hoesformatt @sturncakez @livelovepercabeth
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joeshiestyslover · 24 days
moth to a flame- m. sturniolo
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pairing: matt sturniolo x reader
summary: you and matt have hated each other since you were kids, you two constantly bickering and arguing. however, there has always been an underlying tension, but you and matt have always chosen to ignore it. yet, the unspoken tension begins to break when another guy takes an interest in you.
warnings: language, angst, smut, oral (male receiving), p in v, unprotected sex (don’t do that), fluff, cheating (don’t do this either pls), nick once again being a g
lowercase intended
a/n: does the smut suck? yes probably but it’s okay 😌
“you have a date? how much did you pay him?” matt asks you, a snark evident in his tone. you roll your eyes at his comment. “guys find me very likable, thank you very much.” you retort. “oh i’m sure.” he scoffs. “can you just shut the hell up?” you snap, looking into the eyes of the boy you’ve hated since freshman year.
you met the triplets when you moved to boston in the ninth grade. you shared a class with nick, and you two quickly hit it off. he then introduced you to his two brothers, matt and chris. chris was super sweet and welcoming towards you, but matt was the complete opposite. he barely spoke to you, and when he did, it was to make some snide remark. at first, you let it slide, thinking he was just uncomfortable around new people, but the mean comments never subsided, so one day, you snapped back at him, much to his surprise. thus began the endless fighting and screaming matches between the both of you. it got so bad that nick and chris wouldn’t allow you two alone in the same room out of fear that you might kill each other. you two found ways to argue about anything, even things as stupid as what the best soda is.
although you hate matt with every fiber in your being, you still love nick and chris as if they were your own brothers, and they obviously felt the same. when their youtube channel first blew up, you were always by their side to support them. eventually, they decided they were going to move to los angeles, and they asked you to go with them. you immediately accepted because the course you wanted to study in college had great programs in los angeles.
you’re currently in the triplets’ apartment, telling them about the most recent development in your life: you got a date. “y/n, just ignore matt.” nick interrupts yours and matt’s squabble. “so, what’s his name? how did you meet him?” nick asks excitedly. “well, his name’s blake and we met at the coffee shop on campus.” you smile. matt rolls his eyes. “blake? the guy sounds like a douchebag.” “and you would know all about douchebags wouldn’t you?” you ask with a false sweetness in your voice. “what the hell is that supposed to mean? you saying i’m a douchebag?” matt narrows his eyes at you. “if the shoe fits.” you shrug. “okay can you guys not for like two seconds?” chris asks. you raise your hands up in surrender, “fine but he started it.” “sure blame me for everything.” matt says sarcastically. “fuck off.” you reply. “guys seriously, stop.” nick tells you sternly. “anyway where are you and blake going?” chris asks, trying to lessen the tension between you and matt. “we’re going to this restaurant down the street from my apartment. it’s pretty nice actually.” you tell him, smiling slightly. you then stand up and grab your car keys. “i’m gonna go get ready, and i’ll tell you guys all about it after.” “you better!” nick yells out after you as you walk out the door towards your car.
nick watches you leave, then turns to matt, “we need to talk.” matt raises an eyebrow, “okay…” he says hesitantly, setting down his phone. “what the fuck is up with you and y/n?” “what do you mean?” matt asks. “you two have been at each other’s throats for years! it’s so exhausting watching you two constantly fight over dumb shit!” nick yells at him. “what about her? why is she not included in this conversation?” he retorts. “because you started this shit! you were awful to her when you first met! this whole situation could have been avoided if you were man enough to tell her you like her!” matt’s taken aback by nick’s outburst. “tell her what?” he asks, hoping he heard his brother wrong. “come on matt, it’s obvious that you like her.” nick deadpans. “you’re kidding right? she’s disgusting, and not to mention, a total bitch. how you guys tolerate her shit, i’ll never know, but i sure as hell won’t.” matt rants. “okay matt, whatever you need to tell yourself.” chris adds, rolling his eyes. “you agree with nick? seriously?” matt turns to the youngest triplet. chris just shrugs, “i mean, yeah. i might be an idiot, but even i can tell that you like her.” matt scoffs, “fuck you guys. i’m going for a drive. i’ll be back later.” he stands up and grabs his keys. he then walks out the front door, making sure to slam it shut.
matt gets into his car and begins to drive, not knowing where to go. during his drive, thoughts of you begin to invade matt’s head. there is absolutely no way he likes you. you’re annoying, you’re stubborn, and you’re just so insufferable to be around. sure, you’re conventionally attractive, but that doesn’t mean anything, it actually pisses matt off more because he doesn’t understand how such a pretty face could have such an awful personality paired with it.
after driving for a while, an idea pops into matt’s head. matt knows you well enough to know which restaurant you would go to because it was always one of your favorites. he begins to drive that way and plots what he’s going to do once he gets there. after a few moments of contemplating, he decides to just sit a couple of tables away from you and your date, just to make you uncomfortable and on edge.
he arrives at the restaurant and walks in through the large glass doors at the front of the building. the moment he walks in, he can spot you and blake in the back. you’re laughing at something he said, and an unfamiliar feeling began to pool in the pit of matt’s stomach. his thoughts are cut off by the hostess coming up to the stand, “how many?” she asks. “umm just one, and is there any way i can get a table back there?” he points to where you’re sitting. “of course. follow me.” she smiles as she begins to walk towards the your table, matt following close behind. “here you are, sir.” the hostess sets the menu down on the table before walking away. he sits down and looks at the menu, waiting for you to notice his presence.
as you’re talking to blake, you notice a familiar head of hair out of the corner of your eye. you look over an see matt sitting diagonally across from your table. your eyes widen when your eyes meet his. what the fuck is he doing here? you try your best to ignore him, but you can see him continuously glancing at you. blake notices you looking over to your right. “are you okay, y/n? is something wrong?” he asks. your eyes snap back to his. “no i thought i saw something, but i didn’t.” blake just shrugs and continues talking. you try to listen to his words, but you can’t. your mind constantly drifts back to the brown-haired boy sitting to your right.
after a couple hours, and some very awkward glances to matt, your date finally ends. you and blake bid each other goodnight before you walk back to your car. you see matt walking to his own car and you send him with a death glare, to which he just responds with a cocky smile. you wait for him to drive out of the parking lot, and once he does, you follow him home, wanting answers as to why he thought it was a good idea to crash your date.
as he pulls into his garage, you park on the street. you turn your engine off and get out of the car, storming through the front door, where you see matt standing in the kitchen. you walk over to him and slam your purse down on the counter.
“why do you feel the need to ruin every good thing that comes my way? what do you have to gain from that?” you ask matt frustratedly. “i don’t ruin every good thing. i just wanted to make sure he’s good for you.” he replies nonchalantly. “that’s not for you to decide matthew!” you yell, moving closer to him. “y/n, you just need to trust me.” his calmness is pissing you off even more. “but i don’t trust you! all you’ve done since we met is berate me and talk shit about me! how can i trust your words when i can’t even trust you?!” you begin to wave your arms frantically. “look,” he begins, “i know guys like that and i just-” “guys like what matt? guys like you?” you ask accusingly. “no. guys that will treat a girl right until they get into her pants and then leave once they get what they want.” you scoff at his words. who does he think he is? “you don’t know what you’re talking about. did he say something to make you believe he’s like that?” matt averts his gaze to the floor. “no, but i have a feeling.” you laugh, not believing the words that are leaving his mouth. “a feeling? so you just made it up.” he looks back up at you. “god, i didn’t make it up y/n! stop being so naive and open your fucking eyes!” matt begins to raise his voice. “you are such a fucking asshole! you have no right to stick your nose in my love life! just because no one wants you doesn’t mean you get project that onto me!” you yell in his face, seething with rage. matt’s face turns cold, his eyes boring into yours with a look you can’t make out. he remains silent for a few seconds. “what no snarky comment? did i hit a sore spot? it’s so pathetic that you’re so insecure that you feel the need to-” you’re cut off by a pair of lips smashing against yours. your eyes widen and you can feel yourself almost melting into the kiss before you realize who it is you’re kissing. you quickly shove him backwards, and matt stumbles a little. you look into his eyes, the both of you saying nothing. you don’t know what comes over you, but before you can think it through, you take a step forward, grab the back of his neck, and press your lips against matt’s once again. the kiss is rough, teeth and tongues clashing together. 
matt’s kisses begin to fall from your lips to your neck, biting and sucking as he goes further and further down. “matt” you moan breathlessly. “what is it baby?” he asks in a husky voice and you could cum from just the sound of his voice. “we should go to your room.” you say between small moans. you can feel him nod against the crook of your neck as he put his hand under your ass to pick you up. you immediately wrap your legs around his waist as he begins to walk towards his room. you get into his room and he sits down on the edge of his bed, so now you’re in his lap.
matt removes his head from your collarbone and he finds your lips again. you subconsciously begin to move your hips against his, a soft groan leaving his lips and you can feel yourself clench at the noise. matt’s hands slowly trail up your back and you can feel his right hand grip your hair. he gives it a quick but firm tug, pulling your head back which gives him the opportunity to attack your jawline. “matt please.” you breathe out, needing his touch. “what do you want, baby?” he asks, knowing damn well what you want. “i need you.” he looks up at you with a smirk on his face. “yeah? then show me how bad you need me.” you feel his grip on you relax slightly, so you get off his lap and drop to your knees. your eyes immediately find the large tent in his sweats. you can feel your mouth water with desire.
you grab his dick through his pants and matt lets out a light gasp. “don’t tease me baby.” you bite your lip and tug his sweatpants down to his thighs, his extremely hard dick slapping against his stomach. you wrap your hand around his base and begin to stroke him up and down. you then bring your lip to his tip, giving it a few kitten licks. matt’s hand finds your hair and forces himself down your throat. you feel your eyes begin to water as you find your rhythm. you continue to bob your head up and down and pump what you can’t fit in your mouth. “fuckkk” matt moans, his hand tightly gripping your hair. “i’m gonna cum baby.” you quicken your pace and you can feel your cunt dripping, making a mess between your thighs. matt’s groans become louder and louder as he feels himself getting closer. his dick twitches in your mouth and you still your movements, feeling his thick ropes of cum hitting the back of your throat. you swallow every drop before pulling off him, both of you panting and trying to catch your breath.
“fuck that was so good.” he praises you as he grabs your hands and leads you back onto the bed. he flips the two of you around so now he’s on top of you. “you’re such a good girl for me.” he says before he kisses you again. he bites your bottom lip before slipping his tongue into your mouth. you can feel his dick sliding up and down your clothed cunt. “please fuck me matt.” you whine against his lips. “patience baby.” he demands. his hands find the waistband of your pants, yanking them down so your bottom half is only covered by your thin panties. he looks down and sees the wet patch that covers the bottom of them. “holy fuck you’re soaked. you really liked sucking me off that much, huh?” he then gets up on his knees and takes his shirt off, revealing his toned stomach, and you can somehow feel yourself become wetter. “how bad do you want me?” he asks you cockily. “so bad matty. please fuck me.” he chuckles, “so needy.” he then lines himself up to your leaking hole, swiping his tip against your clit a few times before sliding himself inside you slowly. you let out a loud moan and he covers your mouth. “shhh baby. we don’t want nick or chris to hear how good i’m making feel do we?” you shake your head as he continues to rut his hips into yours. he removes his hand from your mouth and it soon finds its place on your throat. “fuck you’re so fucking tight. oh my god.” he throws his head back in pleasure as you moan out his name. “you’re such a little slut for me aren’t you? you like it when i fuck you like this?” he smirks down at you, admiring the way your jaw was slack and your eyes rolled back. he tightens his grip around your neck as a warning, “answer me or i’ll stop.” “fuck yes matt i love it.” you moan out. he takes his hand off your neck and trails it down to your clit. he begins to rub it in small, tight circles and you can feel the coil in your stomach begin to form.
“fuck baby you’re gonna make me cum soon.” he picks up his pace, going harder as his hand rubs your clit faster. you can feel yourself begin to clench around him, matt starting to let out broken moans at the sensation. “you gonna cum baby?” you nod, on the verge of cumming around him. “give it to me baby. cum on my dick.” he urges. at his words, you let go, letting out a loud and long moan as you release around his dick. matt’s pace begins to falter as he feels himself about to fall apart too. “where do you want it baby?” “inside me please.” you beg. he twitches inside of you and you can feel him cumming inside you, painting your swollen walls white as he lets out a groan of your name. he stills inside you for a few seconds before pulling out. he gets up from the bed and walks to his bathroom. you feel the sink run and turn off and he returns to the bed with a damp towel. he begins to clean you up a bit before tossing the towel to the side. he crawls towards you and lies down next you, pulling you into his arms.
you both lie in his bed for a few more minutes before you speak up. “this can’t happen again.” matt turns to look at you, “why not?” he questions. “i don’t want to hurt blake. he’s a good guy.” matt scoffs. “sure he is.” he says, sarcasm evident in his tone. “you don’t even know him matt.” you try to reason. “i don’t need to know the guy to know he’s an asshole. his name’s blake, and that says enough.” you roll your eyes at his childish behavior. “okay matt whatever.” you pull the covers off your body and you begin to put your clothes back on. matt grabs your arms and spins you around to face him. he looks into your eyes for a few moments before crashing his lips against yours. you want to pull away, but you can’t. the kiss becomes more and more heated as he backs you up until you’re both lying on the bed with him on top of you. “this is the last time.” you demand, knowing that’s probably a lie. “no it’s not.” he says against your lips as he begins to trail kisses down your neck.
weeks pass by, and you and matt are still hooking up. because of this, you’ve become more tolerant towards each other. you don’t necessarily like one another, but you can at least go a day without arguing. nick and chris begin to notice the change in dynamic between the both of you. they don’t ask questions because they’re just happy you all can hang out without the two of them being caught in the middle of one of your petty arguments.
much to matt’s dismay however, blake is still in the picture. you haven’t become official with him yet, but you both have gone on many more dates and even kissed a few times. of course, you felt bad for lying to blake, but what are you supposed to do? you just can’t escape matt. you’re a moth to his flame. you’ve come so close to breaking it off with matt, but each time you fail, somehow always ending up naked in his bed.
this is one of those times. you came over to the boys’ apartment to break it off with matt, but of course, you couldn’t. instead, you’re pinned against the wall of his bedroom. “matt we can’t keep doing this.” you breathe out against his lips. “doing what?” he asks, backing away and raising one eyebrow. “hating each other in public and fucking in private. i can’t do that to blake.” you try to reason with him, but matt simply rolls his eyes. “then just end things with him. i told you he isn’t good for you.” “he’s a good guy, matt.” you reply. matt takes a step closer to you, “well, if he’s such a good guy, then why are you here? why aren’t you with him?” he asks, knowing the answer. you look down and shake your head, “i don’t know. i shouldn’t be here. i should go.” you grab your purse from the counter and swing it over your shoulder, but before you can walk towards the door, matt grabs your wrist. “wait, don’t go.” you turn towards him, “why not?” there’s a few seconds of silence before matt answers your question. “i don’t want you to.” “okay.” you concede.
about a week later, you get a text from blake, asking you to go over to his apartment. you get into your car and drive to his place. you get out and walk up to his door, knocking twice. he open the door with a smile on his face, and it fills you with guilt. he invites you in and sits you down on his couch. “so i invited you here because i wanted to ask you something.” he begins. you nod, nervous for what he’s about to say. “i wanted to know if you would be my girlfriend.” he asks hopefully. you sigh softly and look down. you can’t hold it in any longer. you can’t keep lying to the poor guy. “look, you’re an amazing guy, don’t get me wrong, but i can’t” you tell him. his smile drops instantly. “oh. can i ask why. i thought we were doing good.” “i’m just not ready to be in a serious relationship. i thought i was, but now i know i’m not.” it’s not totally a lie. you’re not ready for a relationship with someone that isn’t matt. “okay i understand.” he says sadly. “i think i should leave. i’m so sorry blake, but i know you’ll find someone as great as you are.” you smile to try and lift the mood. he just nods while staring at the ground. you stand up from his couch and walk out the door, wracked with guilt.
you get in your car and drive to the triplets’ apartment, needing to talk to matt. you have to tell him how you feel. you arrive at their apartment and place your car in park. you walk up to the door and knock. you wait for a few seconds before the door opens, revealing matt. “hi.” you break the silence. “what’s up? you need something?” he inquires. “i actually need to talk to you.” you can feel butterflies in your stomach as you rock back and forth on your feet. “ummm okay come in.” he motions for you to enter the apartment. you walk inside and matt closes the door behind you. you both stand in the living room and you set your keys and phone down on their counter. he stands there, waiting for you to speak.
“i broke up with him” you break the silence. “what? why?” matt questions, his head immediately perking up. “you were right. he wasn’t good for me.” he scoffs, “well no shit. what does that have to do with me?” “i also broke up with him because i realized something.” are you really about to do this? are you really about to confess your feelings to the boy you’ve hated for years? matt gives you a look, telling you to go on. “i know we’ve always hated each other, but since we started sleeping together, i realized that i don’t want blake. i want you, and not just in a sexual way. i want to actually be with you.” you take a deep breath you didn’t know you were holding, waiting anxiously for his response, but he says nothing. “matt? please say something.” matt looks down at the floor and shakes his head slightly. “i can’t, y/n.” he says softly. “can’t what?” you’re confused now. what the hell does that mean? “i can’t be with you.” your heart drops. “why not?” you ask. “i… i just can’t.” you’re start to become irritated at his words. “what can’t you do matt?!” “i can’t give you what you want. you want to date and do couple-y stuff and i can’t do that.” his gaze remains on the floor. “so i’m good enough to fuck, but not good enough to date?” you ask condescendingly. “that’s not what i’m saying, i just-” “you just what matt?! what is so awful about being in a relationship?!” you begin to yell. “i don’t do relationships! the fact that you’re whining and screaming about it is the reason i don’t! you’re being fucking dramatic and i’m sick of it! we’re not dating and we’re never going to so just accept it and stop being so fucking clingy!” he yells back at you. your jaw drops to the floor at his words. “fuck you matthew. don’t text me again.” you walk towards the front door, making sure to bump his shoulder on the way out. you open the door and slam it shut, shaking the walls of the apartment.
hearing the commotion, chris and nick walk downstairs into the living room. “what the hell happened?” nick asks. “nothing happened. she’s just being a bitch as usual.” matt replies, rubbing his temples. “what did you say to her?” nick sighs, knowing you’d never react that way unless matt said something really fucked up. “i don’t wanna talk about it.” nick scoffs. “well too bad. if i just lost my best friend because of you then we’re gonna talk about it.” nick and chris drag matt over to the couch and sit down. matt sighs and begins to explain everything that happened between the two of you. “why would you say something like that to her?” chris asks him, disappointed in his older brother. “i told you, i’m not a relationship guy.” nick looks at him with a look of worry. “but do you like her?” matt looks at him and nods. “then tell her that you dumb fuck! you just broke her heart for no reason!” he yells in matt’s face. “look, i can’t do this right now. i’m going to bed.” matt sighs softly as he walks out of the room.
as soon as matt gets into his room, he shuts the door, lying down in his bed. his mind is racing with thoughts of you. nick was right. he should have told you that he wanted to date you too, but he was too much of a pussy to actually say it, so he hurt you instead. matt knows you’re probably still mad at him and would slam the door in his face if he went over to your house now, so he decides to wait a day or two. after contemplating it, matt walks over to nick’s room and opens the door, knowing he needs help getting you back. “how do i win her back nick?” he sits down on his brother’s bed. “look, i don’t know if she would take you back for sure, but what you need to do is give her a heartfelt apology and tell her how you feel. that’s your best bet.” matt nods, taking in everything he says. “and flowers. get her some flowers.” “i’ll go over there tomorrow.” matt states. “good because if i lose my best friend, i’ll actually kill you.” nick says with a glare.
the next day, matt woke up ready to prove to you that he wants to be your boyfriend. however, the anxiety was pooling in his stomach. what if you didn’t want him? what if you went back to blake? he tried to push those thoughts out of his mind, but they still lingered.
once he gathered the courage, he got up out of bed, throwing on a sweater and some jeans. he looks at himself in the mirror, fixing his hair until it looks presentable enough. matt throws on his shoes and grabbing his keys. he begins to walk towards the front door when he passes by nick on the couch. “good luck matt.” nick tells him. matt just nods and walks out the door towards his minivan.
on the way to your house, he stops by a flower stand and gets you a bouquet of your favorite flowers, hoping that it’s enough for you to forgive him. as he speeds toward your house, matt’s mind is going a million miles a minute. he’s continuously going over what he’s going to say to you in his head. his thoughts are cut off by him arriving at your apartment. matt looks at himself in the mirror once more before grabbing the flowers and stepping out of the car.
matt walked up to your front door and took a deep breath before knocking. he waited a few seconds then the door swung open, revealing you. your hair looks disheveled and your eyes puffy. “what are you doing here?” you cross your arms at the boy. “i’m sorry y/n. i’m so sorry.” he holds out the flowers for you to take. you grab them hesitantly and turn around to put them in a vase. matt follows you inside towards your kitchen. “so are you gonna tell me what you’re doing here or can you leave now?” you ask, a harsh tone in your voice. matt sighs, “you were right. i’m an asshole. i never should have said those things to you. i was just so scared.” you tilt your head to the side. “scared? of what?” “what i feel for you, what i’ve felt for you since i met you, it’s unlike anything i’ve felt before. i’ve been in love with you for years, and i was too fucking stupid to tell you. i’m sorry for everything i’ve done to you over the years. you didn’t deserve any of it.” you can see matt’s eyes start to become glossy as you step towards him. “what changed all of a sudden? last night you were dead set on not being with me, but now you do? that doesn’t make any sense matt.” you tell him, still skeptical. “nick and chris laid into me last night. they made me realize that i hurt you for no reason and that i was being selfish. i told you i didn’t want to be with you, but it was a lie. being with you is all i’ve ever wanted and when it was right in front of me i panicked. i know that i probably fucked everything up, but please, if there’s any part of you that can forgive me, please give me one more chance. let me prove to you that i can be the man you deserve.” you take a deep breath, tears beginning to invade your waterline. you want to tell him off so bad. you want to tell him that you would never take him back, but you can’t. before you can overthink it, you take a few steps towards matt and wrap your arms around his neck, resting your head on his shoulder. “do you really mean it?” you ask him softly. “i mean it baby. i promise i’ll never hurt you again.” he pulls away and looks down at you with a small smile on his face. you reciprocate the smile as he begins to lean down. your lips brush against each other before he presses his lips against yours. the kiss isn’t like any other kiss you’ve shared before; it’s soft and sweet instead of hard and rough. you both break away and rest your forehead on his. “you’re so beautiful, y’know that?” you feel your face heat up and a smile forming on your face. “shut up.” you tell him before reaching up and kissing him once more.
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me when i’m tryna read smth new but i remember that i already read AND liked it
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all the matt smuts i ate them up
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princesseva · 5 days
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vanteguccir · 15 days
Not the one for you | Matt Sturniolo
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Matt Sturniolo x reader
Summary: In a seemingly perfect relationship, Y/N and Matt face a silent storm when Y/N, after appearing in a video on Matt's personal channel, is the target of cruel comments that leave her feeling inadequate. Unable to share her insecurities, Y/N distance herself from Matt, wallowing in self-criticism and painful comparisons, until he snaps.
Warning: Crying, insecurities, comparison, yelling, fighting.
Requested?: Yes, by anon
Author's note: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism, copy, or "inspiration"! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
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Y/N felt the weight of the world on her shoulders as she tried to navigate the dark mazes of her mind. Since she appeared in the last video on Matt's personal channel, everything had changed. The acidic words of the "fans' comments burned in her memory, leaving deep marks.
It was a vlog-type video, where the couple was spending the day walking through parks, going to museums and strolling through the mall, but comments like "She's not good enough for him", "Matt deserves someone better" and "The other YouTubers' girlfriends are better than this" filled the comments box and echoed in her mind constantly.
What was once a stable and loving relationship now turned into a minefield of insecurities.
Y/N began to see herself through the distorted lens of the comments. She endlessly compared herself to other women on social media – the influencers with flawless skin, sculpted bodies, and perfect smiles. Each comparison only served to erode her self-esteem even more. She wondered what Matt saw in her and if, perhaps, those people were right.
This whirlwind of insecurities made her distance herself from Matt. She avoided dates, responded to his texts in a short and evasive way, and when they were together, her mind was always distant, immersed in thoughts of inadequacy. Matt, in turn, noticed the change but didn't understand the depth of what was happening.
The morning after the video came out, Y/N and Matt sat down at the kitchen table for breakfast. The aroma of fresh coffee filled the kitchen, along with the random sounds of Nick and Chris echoing through the house, but the silence between the couple was deafening. Matt was engrossed in his phone, responding to emails and interacting with his followers.
Y/N, on the other hand, could barely look at him. The words of the comments were eating her up inside.
"Good morning, baby." Matt murmured when noticing her presence long minutes after she had entered the room without taking his eyes off the screen.
"Good morning." Y/N responded, trying to hide the anguish in her voice, her teeth gripping her bottom lip in a death grip, restraining herself from saying anything else.
She stirred the stainless steel spoon inside the white bowl full of cereal, without appetite. Her mind returned to the nasty comments, each word a knife in her heart. She felt inadequate and inferior.
Her eyes occasionally glanced at Matt, who looked so happy and self-assured, and wondered how he could love her when so many people thought she wasn't good enough. When he had thousands of better options than her.
"Do you wanna go to the mall today?" Matt asked, looking up from his phone in confusion seconds after, noticing the unusual silence. "Hey, are you okay?"
"Hm? Oh, yes, I am." Y/N lied quickly, nodding her head and forcing a smile. "I just didn't sleep well. Maybe I should stay home today." She shrugged, maintaining eye contact.
Matt accepted the answer without question, returning his attention to the phone a few seconds later. For Y/N, it was a momentary relief, but the pain was still latent, pulsing.
How had he not noticed the sea of ​​pain in her eyes?
Maybe he didn't care anymore.
A few weeks later, Matt decided to take Y/N out to dinner at a restaurant they both loved. He wanted to cheer her up, realizing that she had been distant the last few days. However, Y/N could not escape the mental prison she had constructed.
As they sat, Matt excitedly talked about his new ideas for the Sturniolo Triplets channel and how excited he was to be able to vlog and stream again. Y/N tried to pay attention, nodding her head and keeping her eyes fixed on the boy's face, but her mind wandered to the words that seemed etched into the walls of her mind.
Her orbs momentarily strayed to the tables around hers, noticing other couples made up of beautiful women.
They looked beautiful, confident, and charismatic.
And she felt small and insignificant.
"Did you hear what I said?" Matt asked suddenly with a slight tone of frustration, his brow furrowed and his posture rigid.
"Sorry, I was distracted." Y/N quickly responded, feeling embarrassed, her hands clasped together above her thighs, squeezing her fingers in an act of nervousness.
"You've been so distant lately. What's going on?"
Y/N wanted to spill it all, tell him about the comments, about how inadequate she felt, but the words wouldn't come out. She was afraid Matt would confirm her insecurities.
"Nothing, I'm just tired. Work has been taking a toll on me." The girl lied, avoiding the blue eyes that stared deeply at her.
Matt sighed, clearly worried and annoyed, but accepted the apology.
Dinner continued, but the atmosphere was tense and heavy. For Y/N, every moment was a fight against tears and despair.
He would get tired of her.
A small launch event for one of the Space Camp lines. It was a momentous occasion, and the triplets were excited to take a new, longer step in their Internet career.
Y/N wore her best dress with the best heels and the best makeup, trying to look confident, but inside, she was in pieces.
During the event, Matt was surrounded by people, laughing and talking, interacting with his closest friends, and explaining his role within his brother's brand.
Meanwhile, Y/N felt like a ghost, invisible. Every time someone looked at her, she felt like they were judging her, comparing herself o other women present.
At some point, while Matt was busy chatting with some important guests, Y/N heard two women commenting nearby.
"She's Matt's girlfriend? Wow, she doesn't seem like anything special."
"He could get someone so much better."
The words were like stabs. Y/N felt the ground disappear beneath her feet, and all the air escaped her lungs, her heart freezing.
She needed to get out of there.
The girl quickly walked towards the nearest bathroom and locked herself in a stall, tears streaming down her face, completely ruining the makeup she spent hours doing.
She felt like an impostor, a farce.
When she returned to the event about twenty minutes later, Matt noticed her red eyes and lack of makeup almost instantly, excusing himself from those he was talking to and walking towards her with quick steps.
"Babe, hey, what happened?" Matt asked in a low tone as he approached, worried.
"Nothing, just something got in my eye, I had to take off some makeup to get it out." She lied once again. She was getting good at it. Too good.
Matt looked suspicious but didn't insist, nodding slowly.
Upon arriving home that night, Y/N lay down on the bed next to Matt, the duvet covering half of her body. Matt quickly fell asleep, exhausted from the event, seeming to not have the strength to try to talk to his girlfriend or the will.
Y/N lay awake, staring at the ceiling, thoughts racing a mile a minute.
The culmination of everything happened when Matt decided to share with Y/N ​​a new idea for the channel, something he was really excited about. He had spent weeks planning the boys trip with his brothers and Nate, along with how they would record everything, turning the precious moments into a long vlog, so sharing the finished idea with his girlfriend was a crucial moment for him.
Y/N sat next to him on the large sofa in the living room, curling up on the gray upholstery and trying to focus on the excited words coming out of Matt's mouth, not even giving herself the luxury of feeling surprised at how quickly he spoke - different from his usual self, her mind being far away.
"So what do you think?" Matt asked after finishing his line of reasoning, his eyes fixed on Y/N's face expectantly, waiting for a reaction.
"Ah yes, that sounds good." The girl nodded briefly, smiling slightly, her eyes with a distracted gaze.
Matt frowned, noticing her lack of enthusiasm.
"You didn't even hear what I said, did you?"
"Sorry, I'm just... distracted." She cleared her throat, looking down at her crossed legs.
"I can't handle it anymore." Matt muttered in a low tone, taking a deep breath as his expression closed completely, one of fury taking the place of confusion, standing up abruptly and starting to walk between the television and the sofa in an attempt to calm himself down. "You've been acting so strange, so distant. I feel like I'm talking to a wall all the time. What's happening to you? Where's the bubbly Y/N I used to know?"
Y/N remained silent, tears already beginning to well up in her eyes as she looked at him through her wet lashes, silently begging him to stop, but Matt continued, his voice rising with each word.
"I'm tired, Y/N. Tired of being ignored, tired of trying to figure out what the hell you want. I feel like I'm carrying this relationship alone! You act like you don't care. Do you even care anymore? Because, honestly, it doesn't seem like it, and with each passing day, I become more discouraged with you."
He stopped his steps, breathing heavily, his eyes now fixed on Y/N, waiting for a response. When she finally looked up, her vision was blurred by the tears that were now running freely down her face.
"Matt, I... I'm so sorry." She began, her voice shaky and weak and her throat burning from the force she was trying to stop the sobs. "I didn't mean to make you feel this way. I'm just going through a hard time now-"
"Hard time? This has been going on for weeks! I don't know what else to do to reach you." The brunette suddenly interrupted her, his frustration boiling over. "You refuse to tell me what's going on, and I'm tired of being ignored."
"You don't understand..." Y/N felt a wave of despair take over her heart, shaking her head repeatedly.
"Then make me understand! I can't go on like this, Y/N." The boy ordered with tears in his eyes, his right hand flying to his own hair, ruffling it roughly in an act of nervousness. "Maybe we're not ideal together. Maybe you're not the right person for me!" The words escaped as quickly as his mind could process.
Y/N felt her heart stop for a few seconds, her skin freezing as her throat closed before a loud, ugly sob shot through her like lightning, escaping her lips intensely. Every cruel comment, every insecurity, everything accumulated in her mind at that moment, confirming her worst fears.
"They were right," she thought, "I'm not the one for him."
All she wanted to do most at that moment was run out of that house and away from him, but with the storm outside, her not knowing how to drive and the late hour prevented her from making any hasty decisions, after all, she had nowhere to go. That was her home, or it was meant to be.
Meanwhile, Matt closed his mouth almost instantly, his eyes widening as his mind seemed to process the words he had spilled, feeling the impact of them, his heart aching as if a hand was crushing it hard as he watched the girl he loved breaking down in front of him.
"I didn't mean that, baby. I-I'm so sorry. Oh my-" His words were interrupted by his own sob before his now weak legs began tentative steps towards Y/N, afraid of her reaction.
But Y/N couldn't do anything but cry, her body shaking violently with the strong sobs that escaped her mouth, clawing at the walls of her throat, her face already swollen and wet with the intense tears that fell without stopping.
"N-no, you're right. I'm a fraud. I'll never be good enough for you. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for m-making you loose time with me, I'm so sorry! M- Matty, I-I'm sorry-" That was all her mind could process: apologies. Her hands tightened into fists above her thighs, her long nails digging into her palms, drawing blood and hurting the sensitive skin.
"Baby, please, breathe, you're going to hurt yourself if you keep crying like that. Breath, hm? Please." Matt sat down next to her, his left hand pressing against his own eyes roughly, trying to shake away the tears that flooded his blue orbs, while his right hand flew to Y/N's ones, trying to slowly undo the knots of fingers she had created.
"The comments on your channel... about me. Saying that I'm not good enough for you, that you deserve someone better." Y/N began to say again between sobs, pulling in choppy air between one word and another. "I can't stop thinking about it, comparing myself to other women, and the worst of it all? They are all right! I couldn't bear the thought of being close to you and making you look ugly with me, o-or dislocated... so I distanced myself." Y/N's hands that were surrounded by his right one clenched tighter against each other, her skin taking on a reddish tone due to the strength she exerted in her grip, feeling her wrist and arms shaking with nervousness and anxiety.
"I don't-" Matt shook his head, sniffling and blinking repeatedly in an attempt to stop the tears. "I had no idea. I'm sorry for not having noticed, for not having noticed the signs in your way of acting and trying to understand, I'm sorry for acting on impulse and blaming you, love. I'm sorry for having said those horrible things, I'm so sorry, lovey. Why didn't you tell me?" His blue eyes, which looked at her with attention and closeness, carried immense pain for seeing her in such a state and knowing that it was his own fault.
"I just… I didn't know how to tell you. I was afraid that you would agree with them, that you would realize that I really wasn't the right woman for you, and that you would leave me." Y/N choked back a sob, sniffling repeatedly, trying her best to stop her crying, looking up at him as she felt his hand squeeze hers tightly, trying to stop her from keep hurting herself.
Matt's expression softened as his eyes met hers, a mixture of understanding and pain written across his face before he closed them for a moment, taking a deep breath.
"Y/N, you're not weak for feeling all this. Everyone has insecurities, but hiding them from me... you're pushing me away, which caused me to think other things were going on, on my own fault. It was a miscommunication on both sides, but I want to help you, and I can't if you don't trust me, babe."
"I'm so sorry, Matt. I'm so sorry for hurting you, for letting my insecurities get to us. I just... I feel so lost." The girl murmured, her voice lowering in volume considerably, her shoulders slumping even more. "Maybe I'm really not the one for you, you know? Maybe they're all right, and you just have to see it, too."
Matt's heart clenched at her words, and he gently lifted her chin so their eyes could meet again, his orbes traveling repeatedly around her face.
"No, Y/N, don't say that." He whispered fiercely. "You are the one for me. You're everything to me. These comments, they don't know us. They don't know how much you mean to me, how much you complete me."
"But how can you be sure? How can you be sure that I'm not dragging you down?" Y/N's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, her breath still hitching from the sobs and her bottom lip trembling.
Matt sighed deeply, his thumb gently stroking her cheek.
"Because I know what we have. I know the love we share, and I see the amazing person you are, even if you don't see it yourself right now. You're not dragging me down. You're my partner, and we face everything together, good or bad. And I'm sorry for making it seem different or the opposite of what it really is by acting like that, I wish I could take it all back." He shook his head, feeling his hear burning with shame.
Her gaze softened slightly, a glimmer of hope sparking within her.
"But the comments... they get to me, Matt. It's like their words are a constant echo in my mind." She sniffled, immense pain surging through her shoulders and back as the adrenaline and tension subsided.
"I get it. I really do." He nodded understandingly. "But we can't let other people dictate our happiness. We have to believe in ourselves and each other. We're stronger than this, Y/N. And I'm here for you, always." His thumb caressed her jawline, lightly wiping the wet trails where the several tears fell.
"I don't want to lose you, Matt. I want to be strong for both of us." A small, tentative smile formed on her lips, the first real smile he'd seen in weeks.
"You don't have to be strong alone." He reminded her, his hand finding hers again, holding it firmly. "We'll be strong together. But you need to talk to me. Let me in, okay?"
"Okay. I'll try. I promise." She nodded, her grip on his hand tightening.
"That's all I ask. Just promise me you'll never feel like you're alone in this. We're a team, sweetheart. And I love you so much." Matt leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.
"I love you too, Matt." She whispered, a new determination settling in her heart. "And I'll do better. I'll let you in."
"That's all I need. We’ll get through this together." He smiled, a genuine, relieved smile before using his hand holding hers to slowly pull her closer, wrapping his arms around her torso and pulling her upper body to rest against his own, laying her head against his hoodie-covered chest before resting his chin on top of her head, closing his eyes and exhaling deeply, the fresh smell of shampoo filling his nostrils, making him realize how much he missed it.
They stayed there, holding each other, feeling the weight of emotions that had been suppressed for so long. Y/N knew that the road to regaining trust and security in the relationship would be long and difficult for her, but in that moment, wrapped in Matt's arms, she felt a spark of hope.
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My requests are closed, but my asks are always open ♡
And remember to treat people with kindness always!
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~ taglist:
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