#subaru car ignition
autoscandia · 5 months
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Ever had your Subaru key stuck in the ignition? Check for a locked steering wheel, gear shift position, debris, or mechanical issues. Troubleshooting these common causes can often resolve the problem. If needed, seek professional help for a smooth fix.
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jellyfishbug · 1 month
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pairing. chris x reader genre. smut with plot. MDNI. word count [5.2k]
content; mechanic!chris, flirty!chris, smoking (they share a cig), sex with a stranger ig? semi public, car head (m recieving), face fucking, big dick chris, reader has an eyebrow piercing, use of pet names, dirty talk, swearing
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Maybe it was just dumb luck.
My dad has been promising me that his old ford pickup was gonna be mine when I got my license since I was ten. However, not long after my sixteenth birthday, he randomly decided that his promise had conditions.
I had to fix it myself.
I had been putting off working on it for years. I just didn't have the time, and it needed a lot of work. The list of things to be fixed was long, and I knew if I started then, I wouldn't have finished.
Finally, the time presented itself for me to start. I finally had a summer that wasn't so busy, so I decided in May of this year I was finally going to do it.
I was finally going to get my own truck.
So I did; I worked on it for two long months. Two long months spent in the garage on my back under the heavy pickup with my hands covered in soot and oil whilst sweat dripped down my face. Two long months spent fixing the paint job and fiddling around under the hood, my hair tied back to keep it off my neck while the sun beamed through the opened garage door.
I finally felt confident enough to take it out for a test drive today. It was starting fine in the garage, and I'd driven it around the block a number of times without fail.
I excitedly hopped in the driver's seat and shut the heavy door, jamming my keys into the ignition and grinning at the sound of the roar when the engine started. I made it pretty much across town without a single problem, and I thought I was in the clear.
So, maybe it was just dumb luck when not even an hour later, here I am, standing on the side of the road next to said pickup with the hood popped and smoke coming out of the cabin.
Or maybe, just maybe, it was dumb luck when I realized I was only three blocks away from an auto shop, and a guy pulled over to help drag my car there.
It felt like forever when we finally reached the parking lot. The red and white sign that hung over the opened garage doors read 'sturniolo's auto-repair".
For the most part, the slots were empty, except for a 58' baby blue Impala that was suspended off the ground, and a brand new silver Subaru outback that sat right next to it.
As we finally pushed it into the open slot on the far end of the garage, I let out a sigh of relief, wiping the sweat off my forehead with one hand and letting them both rest at my sides.
I thanked the stranger for his assistance and he wished me luck, mumbling about how much a repair on a truck like this was going to cost before wandering off. I scowled at him as soon as he turned away from me.
Walking away from the smokey and damaged shell of a car, I pushed open the clear glass door into the entry-way of the shop, and the sound of the ringing bells that were carefully tied at the top of the door filled my ears.
Near the desk stood two boys, both were brunettes that roughly stood at the same height. The first was wearing a red toyota nascar cap backwards over his brown hair, as well as a black tank top and a navy blue mechanic's suit that hugged his frame. The name patch on the chest of it read "Matt". He was speaking to another customer, flailing the rag around as he emphasized his points with his hands.
The other was standing behind the counter, a gray bandana tied around his head. He wore a navy blue button up that he left completely open with the sleeves rolled up to his forearms, making the white tank top he wore under it visible.
The name patch on his chest read "Chris", and a white rag was thrown over his shoulder. A plethora of keys were hooked to a red carabiner that hung around the belt loop of his jeans. The desk hid his lower half below his waistline, and as I stepped closer, I saw a toothpick in between his teeth and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he jotted down words on a yellow notepad with a pencil.
I slowly walked up to the desk, my arms at my sides. He didn't raise his head to look at me, he just continued writing, so I cleared my throat.
His head shot up, and his expression fell into embarrassment.
"Fuck- sorry, I didn't hear you come in. How long ‘v you been standing there?"
I laughed lightly and shook my head. "Not long, I just walked in."
A smile painted itself onto his face as he set the pencil down and put his hands in his pockets just far enough that his thumbs still stuck out. "What can i do for ya?" He asked kindly, the toothpick in his mouth moving as he spoke.
"My truck broke down three blocks ago and wouldn't start. I tried looking under the hood to see the problem, but it was smoking, so I pushed it here." I explained, my hands finding each other and clasping together at my front.
He raised his eyebrows and tilted his head slightly. "Jesus, you wheeled it all the way here?" He asked, laughing breathily when I nodded my head in response. "Atta girl. What kind of truck is it?"
"A ford pickup," I responded all too quickly, my voice strained as I tried to ignore how my heart swelled in my chest from the impressed look on his face. He nodded as he opened the drawer next to him and pulled out a ballpoint pen, picking up the notepad once again to start writing. "What year and license plate?"
"85', boston plate, the number is 289 BTO. " I watched as he wrote mindlessly, the handwriting barely coherent.
"'M kay, I'll take a look at it for you." he said, setting the notepad and pen back down on the counter. He opened his palm, gesturing for my keys, and I dropped them into his grasp. He hooked the ring that held them together around his index finger.
"Wait here, should only be a couple minutes."
I nodded as he circled around to the end of the desk, walking past me and pushing open the door to the garage.
His absence gave me a chance to examine the decor of the office space. Family and baby portraits crowded on top of the counter below the window behind the desk. A mickey mouse clock sat above the side door, and a large OPEN sign hung in the window.
The wall was crowded with plates and signs. One that caught my eye was an eagle with its claws digging into a hanging mirror, the name HARLEY DAVIDSON displayed in bright orange letters above the eagle's head. Next to the register was a small bell with a sign that said "ring for service" and the words 'don't actually' were scribbled in sharpie above.
Just when I was getting lost in thought, I heard the door bells jingle a second time, and Chris walked back in. The rag was now hanging loosely in his palm as he approached the counter. He stood right next to me, reaching over for the notepad and throwing the rag back over his now bare shoulder, which is when I realized he had discarded his button up. My eyes dart down to see the keys to my truck now hanging on a different belt loop on his jeans.
"From what I can see," he starts, popping the cap of the pen off and leaving it in between his teeth as he spoke. "It looks like a coolant leak. The combination from the antifreeze leaking and the heat of the engine is enough to make it smoke, but it's not enough to cause the engine freeze up." he explains, his eyes meeting mine every couple of words to make sure i understand. "So, it could also be a fuel pump problem combined with the leak."
I nodded, chewing my lip nervously as he went on to explain the time the repair would take as well as the cost. When the words, "not finished until at least tomorrow" left his lips, I huffed in defeat, and tried to make my disappointment less evident as i crossed my arms in front of my chest.
"How long have you had it?" He asked, now leaning against the counter next to us with one elbow, crossing one foot over the other.
"I've only started to work on it this summer, but it's been my dads since before i was born."
He nodded. "It's a pretty ride," he confessed. "I honestly expected it to look worse when you said 85', but the conditions not bad. You been workin' on it a lot?"
"As much as I can." I shrugged.
He complimented the paint job, to which i confessed i'd done it, and he gushed. "Christ, you should work here. Matt can't paint to save his life. You could probably get him out of a job,"
Matt sent a glare his way. "Shut up, kid. Dad would fire you over me any day, especially if you keep sleeping in."
Chris laughed, a genuine sound that made Matt's glare turn into a small smile before he went back to rifling through the file cabinet.
He turned back to me, pausing to look back over the notes he'd written down. "If i had to guess, I'd say we can probably have it to you by tomorrow evening." he said, looking away from the paper and averting his gaze to instead look me right in the eye. "That work for you?"
I nodded slowly. Suddenly, the issue of a ride home became extremely apparent, and an anxious feeling started to blossom in my chest.
"Good. Just one more thing. . ." he pauses to take the pen cap out of his mouth and place it back on the pen, tapping it against the curve of his hand and grinning wildly at me.
"i'm gonna need your number to let you know when its finished."
He's just asking because he's supposed to; because he literally has to in order for me to get my car back. But regardless, i felt heat rise to my cheeks as i started shifting uncomfortably in place.
"Right," I said, moving to reach for the pen. He points to a blank part of the notepad, tapping lightly to tell me where to write it.
Quickly and shakily, i write out the numbers with dashes. I hand it back to him, and a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. He rips the sheet off the notepad in one swift motion and folds it in half, placing it in his back pocket.
He glances towards the clock. Its nearing seven. He turns back to me, "d'you have a ride home?"
My eyes went wide. I'm reminded of my attempt to call my dad three times when the truck initially broke down, and how my shoulders slumped in defeat at the sound of his voicemail playing repeatedly.
I glance back over to him, ". . . Not exactly. I'll probably just catch the bu-"
"I can drive you,"
I swallowed, my lips slightly parted in surprise. His grin was still wide, awaiting my response.
It was a sweet offer, really. But considering my house was across town, partnered with the fact that he was literally on the job, i shook my head. "That's really sweet, thank you, but I'm far. And you're working, anyway." He shrugs, glancing at the clock once more. "It's fine, Matt's on desk duty and he's closing tonight. I don't mind."
I chew my lip. I'd be stupid to pass up on a ride, but i barely know this kid, and if my dad sees me rolling up with him and no truck, it wouldn't look great.
And then I think about the hour long bus ride that would be in the near future if I declined.
I screw my eyes shut. "You know what? Why not."
Despite the scenario i was in, my mind was pushing out any and all nerves as I watched Chris collect his things from behind the desk. He pulled his wallet, shop keys and jacket out of a cubby.
The two of us walked back into the garage and over to Matt, who was washing his hands in a sink bellow the tool shelves.
Chris bid goodbye to his brother, who looked at the clock and then frowned, turning the faucet off and reaching for the roll of papers towels.
"You're seriously slacking off? I already covered for you and Nate leaving early last weekend." He complained, discarding the wad of paper towels he'd used to dry his hands into the trash bin below.
Chris shot him a look. "And then i covered your sunday morning shift because you were hungover. You owe me."
Matt rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just put your tools away when you open tomorrow. It drives me fucking insane when you leave them everywhere."
Chris salutes. "Roger that." He turned to me and winked, gesturing to follow him through the garage with a tilt of his head.
I followed behind him as he went out a different exit; this one leading to a parking lot on the back of the building. A large EMPLOYEE PARKING sign hung on the fence near the driveway.
He fiddled with the many keys on his carabiner before finally finding his and walking towards a car near the opening in the gate.
A blue, four-seater, convertible 65' mustang. The light from the setting sun literally reflected off of it. He mindlessly stuck the key into the passenger side door, twisting and pulling it open with a faint click.
He gestured his hand towards the seat playfully, "Ladies first."
I rolled my eyes, placing one foot on the floor of the car and ducking my head to sit down. "How gentlemanly of you,"
He grinned at me, closing the door and walking around the back of the car before popping into the driver's seat.
"This is.. wow." I mutter, admiring the small details and cleanliness of the car as he closed his door and threw his belongings in the back. "Jesus, this is yours?"
He smiled proudly, his tongue darting out to dampen his bottom lip. "All mine,"
His fingers twisted the key into the ignition and the roar of the engine made the car buzz against my feet. He rolled both of our windows down, the summer air blowing smoothly through the car.
His smile was wider and prouder than ever as he glanced into the rear view mirror, throwing an arm over the back of my seat to glance behind him as he reversed. We pulled out of the parking lot and turned left onto the main road, Chris letting the steering wheel slide back into place under his palm by itself once he'd done so.
"You said you were far," he mumbled. "What area are you in?"
The question pulled me back into reality. I'd gotten so distracted by the way he drove so carelessly, like he was completely relaxed and in control of everything movement the car made, like fear didn't even exist to him as he pressed harder onto the gas pedal with his foot, my eyes choosing to ignore the way the tic on the speed meter start to spike.
His jawline was illuminated in the dim light, and the toothpick that was still resting on his lips stayed moving as he spoke gently, waiting patiently for me to answer.
I started giving him directions, and he listened carefully and intently, glancing over to look at me to make sure he understood my instructions. Once we were on the freeway, he went even faster, lane switching if someone in front of him wasn't going as fast as he'd like them to.
Soft giggles left me as he did, basking in the view of his lips parted into a smile, showcasing pearly teeth between pink lips.
Once he pulled onto the off ramp and we were stopped at a red light, he turned to look at me again, the bright red turning the car a faint shade of crimson.
"What time do you need to be back?"
He asked with a tone of voice he hadn't used till now. The sudden lowness caught me off guard as I shrugged, "'Dunno, not for a while."
He hummed in acknowledgement. "You wanna stay on the road for a bit?"
I pull my knees up to my chest and let my head fall against the headrest, a careless smile on my face. "Definitely."
And we did; we ended up back on the highway pretty quickly, blasting music through a speaker Chris had propped against the dashboard.
His speed only got higher and higher as time went on, carelessly resting one hand on the wheel whilst the other gripped the gear shift. At some point, his hand had mindlessly traveled to rest on my upper bare thigh below the hem of my shorts, cold and partially ringed fingers pressing against my skin.
"Will you do me a favor?"
I raised my eyebrows and hummed in response. He gestured towards the glove box. "Theres a pack of camel blue 99s in the glove box, would you grab em for me?"
I bit my lip. "Depends, you sharing?"
I leaned forward, feeling my stomach flip when his hand didn't much as move an inch on my thigh, brushing against my lower stomach as I lurched forward to fiddle with the glovebox.
I propped it open and grabbed the pack and paused, "d'you have a light?"
He nodded. "Should be one in there."
I learned more forward and reached farther back, glancing around before locking my eyes on a silver flip top lighter and grabbing it. Once i lean back up, Chris is pulling into an empty lot. His hand leaves my leg to push the gear into park, and i try not to frown.
I flick the top of the cig carton open and hastily pull one out, dropping it into Chris's palm.
He places it hazardly between his lips and turns to face me, silently asking for me to light it.
I pop the lid of the zippo open and hold the flam to the end of his cig, waiting to pull away until his expression signifies that its lit enough. His expression relaxes as he breathes in before pulling it away from his mouth with two fingers and exhaling, the smoke filling the car.
"If I'm honest, I prefer marlboro reds." I say quietly in an attempt to break the silence, watching Chris flick the ash out the window lazily with his thumb and index finger. He shakes his head. "Camels are undeniably better."
I laugh lightly and raise my eyebrows in amusement. "No accounting for taste, I suppose."
He takes another drag before holding it in between his fingers in front of my face, and Instead of reaching for it, I place my lips around the filter while it's still in his hand. Our eyes lock while I breath in sharper, the cool feel of the smoke filling my chest.
He licks his lips, and for a moment, his eyes dart down to look at mine, and he's starts he's studying my face. I'm doing the same.
His eyes are bright blue, surrounded by thick lashes, which are barely visible with stray pieces of his hair hanging down below the bandana on his head. Freckles lightly paint his noise, and his pink lips are slightly parted as his eyes scan my face.
"I like your piercing," he finally says, pressing his one hand to his eyebrow as if he had one himself. I breathe out the smoke i'd been holding in my lungs and smile at him. He's still looking at it as he speaks again, "Did it hurt?"
I shrug. "Not really," Because it didn't, but also because I'd feel like an idiot saying it did. "Just a pinch."
He nodded slowly. "Hm."
I take another hit from the cig which he's still holding up to my lips. Our faces are closer now. One of my elbows is resting on the center console as I look at him through my lashes.
"You should get one." I say.
He laughs, breathy and genuine. "Yeah? You think so?"
"Mhm," i reach my hand up to graze above his eye with two fingers. "It would look good on you." He watches my movements. "We'd match, too."
He digs his teeth into his bottom lip, finally moving the cig back to his own lips and taking one more long drag before carelessly discarding it out the window.
All too quick, he's facing me again, and he leans even closer. I can feel the warmth of his breath on my face. My heart is thumping loudly in my chest, and a part of me thinks he can hear it.
Before I can even blink, he places his fingers on my chin and tilts his head, smashing his lips against mine hard.
Its all teeth at first, clashing messily as his hand leaves my chin and rests as the base of my neck. My hands are on his face, my fingers messing with the curls at the back of his neck while he grins against my lips.
He lightly bites my bottom lip, taking the opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth. He tastes like cherry and camels, and I feel myself whimpering at the contact.
"Fuck," he mumbles into my mouth, and his tone is exasperated, partly because the console between us is making it harder for him to kiss me like he wants to, and partly because his attempts to pull me close enough for our chests to press together have been unsuccessful.
His hands reach down to tug at the belt loops of my shorts, trying to pull me onto his lap. I pull away for a second to push myself over the console, Chris's grip on my hips staying firm to assist me. I duck to avoid hitting my head on the roof of the car, and Chris giggles lowly.
I finally relax once I'm comfortable in his lap, straddling his legs below me. One of his hands is across my lower half, sliding his hand into my back pocket, and the other rests in the middle of my back, holding me in place.
We're kissing again, and this time it's more lips and tongue then teeth, but he's still lightly tugging at my lip.
I'm tugging at his hair as I push myself closer to his lower abdomen, pressing down, which elicits a groan from him. He pulls away from me, and I try to follow his lips with a whine, but he tugs at the back of my hair lightly so he can press kisses from my jaw down to my neck.
I'm already whimpering as soon as his teeth press against my throat, and he digs them deep, kissing the mark once he's satisfied with the shade of purple its turned before finding a different spot to do the same thing.
"Chris, fuck- please."
I can feel him below me, and it's making me crazy. He doesn't budge, even as I continue to whine breathlessly at him.
He only grins as he continues to nip at my skin, and i felt the smirk on his face against my throat. I tangle my fingers in his hair and tug as a silent plea. "What s' it, baby?"
I practically keen at the nickname. He finally pulls away, a string of saliva connecting his lips to his previous spot on my neck. He grins proudly at the marks he's left before looking at me again.
"What d'you want?" his tone is cocky and assertive. His lips look red and bitten, and I start to feel embarrassed at the fact that we were sucking face so lewdly in a literal parking lot.
I want to squirm and writhe away under his gaze, but his knuckle tight grip on me won't let me. I fiddle with the neck of his shirt and avoid looking at him as i whisper, "I need you."
He grins madly. "How d'you need me, sweetheart?"
I lean forward and press my lips back against his, and he entertains for a little before tugging my hair lightly to pull me back. His fingers grip my chin, holding me in place to look at him.
"Tell me what you want."
I brush my hand against his belt buckle. "I wanna suck you off,"
It came out in a mumble, but he understood, nodding somewhat cockily with a shit-eating grin on his lips. A groan left him as he tugged me even closer so our chests were pressed together. "Yeah?"
I nod eagerly, another 'please' ready to escape my mouth as my impatience grows. He ducks his hand between the seat and the door to push it farther back, "On your knees, then."
I obliged immediately, sliding off his lap to rest on my knees below him. My elbows rest on either side of his legs as my hands flew to his belt, unbuckling it and tugging at his jeans and boxers.
He lifted his hips lightly to assist me. I pulled them down until they rested around his ankles, and I feel myself gawk.
He's big. Bigger then I expected.
A nervous feeling bubbles in the pit of my stomach, but the way he's looking down at me through hazy vision makes it vanish even quicker, and I wrap my hands around his length.
"You okay?" He asks, moving his hand to rest on my cheek, his thumb soothingly pressed on my temple.
"No- yeah, i'm good." I breathe. I hover myself over him, finally taking him into my mouth. A string of curses leave him in a hushed breath, and his head moves to rest at the back of my head to coax me farther down.
I pull back slightly, wrapping my lips around his tip and sucking lightly. His chest is rising and falling quickly above me, and his labored breathing is music to my ears.
His cock is heavy on my tongue, and its addicting. I take him farther down my throat, hollowing my cheeks to fit as much of him as i can while my hand is in a fist around his base. I bob my head and twist my hand, looking up at him to see his flushed face as he pants.
"Fuck, you look so pretty like this." He babbles, a throaty moan leaving him when I twist my hand faster, swirling my tongue along his cock as my head rises and falls.
I hum around his dick at the compliment, the slight sting on my scalp from him pulling my hair only pushing me to do more. He pushes me down slightly, and i choke at the burn of his tip making contact with my uvula.
I moan loudly on him at the feeling, tears building in my eyes as the vibration from the noises i'm making cause him to throw his head back, a blissed out expression on his face. "Fuck, so good. Just like that, god."
Drool seeps from the corners of my mouth as I speed up all my movements. Chris is a breathy, moaning mess above me, watching me through lidded eyes as I glance up at him.
He moves his other hand to rest on the side of my face, grinning at my fucked out appearance. "Fucking filthy girl, aren't you, baby." He says through gritted teeth. "You love this, don't you?"
I whine at him, furrowing my eyebrows in pleasure to say "yes', and watching as his eyes roll lightly back in his head when i start to suck lightly at his tip again.
My hand falls from his base to lay on his leg, the other holding the bottom of his shirt in my fist. I try to push my head farther down, whimpering faintly at the stretch.
Chris's hips jerk up lightly at the sensation, causing him to push himself down my throat until my lips hit the base. I start to choke, but I breathe heavily through my nose, screwing my eyes shut and hallowing my cheeks out to stop myself from pulling off.
"Fuck!" he grunts loudly, his grip on my hair turning animalistic. He mindlessly mutters out curses and praise as he pushes my head up and down with his hands, 'good girl', 'don't stop', 'takin' me so good, baby' 'just like that' . . .
My hands are resting completely at his sides as he guides my mouth on his cock, slightly bucking his hips to push himself as far as I can take him. His strokes turn sloppy, and I look up at him again to see him looking at me with a broken glance, bottom lip between his teeth. "Fuck, gonna cum," he gasps.
I begin to swirl my tongue around him, moaning messily on him as if to say, 'in my mouth, please', but he's already reading my mind, digging his nails into my scalp as he spurts coats of white down my throat, an incoherent string of "fuck fuck fuck"'s spilling out of him. Im swallowing as quickly as i can.
I pull off of him with a lewd pop, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. I know i look completely ruined, but I'm still focused on catching my breath and looking at Chris's flushed pink face above me.
His hand rests on my face again, and his thumb soothingly rubs my cheek. "You okay? Was that too much?" he asks, his expression full of concern as he wipes the tears from under my eyes.
I smile, leaning into his touch. "I'm good, it was really good."
He nods, smiling dumbly. "Good."
He pulls his jeans and boxers back up, bucking his belt before pulling me off my knees and back onto his lap. He presses a soft, passionate kiss on my lips, and then trails kisses down the side of my face, pulling my hair back off my shoulders as we both catch our breath.
We're both startled by the loud ringing of my phone in the passenger seat. I reach over the console, sighing in relief when i flip it over and see my dad's name at the top of my screen.
I put the phone up to my ear, watching as Chris rubs circles into my side with his cold fingers.
"Hi," I breath out. I listen as my dad apologizes for not answering earlier. He tells me he heard my voicemail and asks if I'm okay. "M' fine, I just wheeled it to a shop a couple blocks over. I'm on the bus home now, should only be a bit."
Chris pouts at me, and i roll my eyes at him. My dad talks for a couple for seconds before hanging up, and i leave my phone in the drink compartment next to Chris's forgotten lighter.
"D'you need to get home?" He asked. I nodded, and he frowns. "I was gonna get you off in the backseat,"
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part two? :)
thank you for reading! reblogs are DEEPLY appreciated. I hope you enjoyed. links below !
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likepraying · 1 year
7-11 run | oneshot
pairing: guy x honey summary: first meeting between guy and honey... or at least my interpretation. warnings: none! wordcount: 1,004 note: i know this took so long to release but here you guys go!!
You weren’t the type to go to 7/11 at three in the morning. However, the guy you talked to about Star Wars for around six hours offered and for some reason a slurpee sounded great right about now. You didn’t know why saying yes to him was so easy but you were sure it had to do with the way he smiled at you and the look of hope that was in his eyes… You could probably say yes to anything he said at the moment. 
The reason you two met was because of this dinner party. You were at the point in your life that people did dinner parties, which you didn’t even know if you were the best candidate for. Someone from your class invited you because her boyfriend was a culinary major and he wanted to do something for the sake of practicing his skills. Plus… you couldn’t remember the last time you had a meal where you had all five food groups. More sad to admit in your head now you think about it. 
Still, you expected to see a keg and some dudes with shirts off… Okay, maybe you weren’t the biggest party person and you didn’t spend time outside of your dorm other than for work. You didn’t want to talk about it. The dinner held around fifteen people and all of which you could communicate with, except for this girl named Kayla which was rough. Most of the time she wanted everyone to pay attention to her but you didn’t have the patience for that so you just ate your food and talked to others. Honestly, you couldn’t imagine what it would be like to live with her. 
It was a good meal. A wonderful array of different types of tacos. It was traditional style tacos with fish, veggies and chicken with some rice that was so good you had to take home. As well as the tortillas and a good amount of salsa. Your mini fridge will be thankful for actually being full for once. But the guy who sat next to you asked about you. He was interested in what you studied, what your hobbies were, why you specifically hated the Return of the Jedi when it was the best of the original series. You couldn’t understand Guy, you wanted to so badly but you couldn’t get him and that’s why you probably stuck around with him this evening. 
Your window gets rolled up as he finally turns on the air conditioner in his 2014 Subaru outback (that of which he named Steve Irwin) and you smell the royal pine air freshener once more. You two had a debate about that one too. 
“You know what would be totally crazy?” Guy’s voice breaks the long and lovely silence you were having.
A sigh escapes from your lips, “Yeah?” “If you like… stay at my place and we have a sleepover.” “...What?” “You heard me, dude.”
“Guy. I cannot spend a night at your place.” “Well! News for you, babe, it's actually three right now so you’re not exactly spending the night.” Guy counters but it only makes you close your eyes. 
“I cannot. I got work.” “Great. I’ll drive you to your dorm and then I’ll take you out.” You sit there in the passenger seat, tempted to just shake him. You hear his marble-sized brain shake around his head but you don’t. You bite your lip before shaking your head, “Fuck it.”
“YEAH! Sleepover at Guy’s!” He screams out before you  are swerving to the right and pulling to the 7/11. 
“I hate your driving so much, oh my god.” You say, holding to either side of the car, bracing as if you were going to crash. 
“Hey, I deliver pizzas for a living. I gotta get there fast or else they get a free pie. I can’t have that.” He turns off the ignition and steps out of the car. Before you have a chance to open the door he runs over, sliding over the hood of his car and opens up the door. With a huff he smiles, “Hey girl.”
“Never say that again.”
“No! It’s the Ryan Gosling meme!” “...Where do you get so much energy?” You ask. “It’s the H in ADHD.” He smiles back at you before gesturing to start walking with him as he closes the door after you climb out. 
The worker doesn’t even bother to look up from his phone screen as the both of you enter. The humming of the fridges and the slurpee machines fill the silence and already the two of you are giggling as you try and race each other to the machines. Guy hip-bumps you and you’re thrown off your course. You watch him grab a big gulp cup and fill the cup in every flavor. His giggles only make you question whether a demon possessed him. 
Slowly in your frightened state you grab a medium cup and begin to fill the cup with coca-cola and cherry and the man snaps up as if he just remembered what he needed to get. 
“The Airhead rainbow things. The sour things.”
You watch him furrowed his brows in confusion as he tries to remember the name of the candy and you feel laughter bubble in your throat before it escapes, shaking your head and you speak once more, “You are ridiculous.”
“Yeah, that’s right, honey! R-I-D… Uh…”
You look over at him with a raised eyebrow and he stares back at you with puckered lips and shakes a finger, “Whatever. I need the candy. You can sit here and judge me for not knowing how to spell ridiculous but I want snacks.” 
And he was off to another aisle. You grab a straw and feel yourself smiling more than planned. You didn’t know why you didn’t tell him not to call you anything. Especially “honey” of all things. But you could get used to him calling you that. You could be Guy’s honey.
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carkeysanantoni0tx · 8 months
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Car Key San Antonio TXhttp://carkeysanantoniotx.com/210-920-4061  Car Key San Antonio TX 
Having trouble with your car key? That can be fixed for you by us. The greatest auto key and key service in San Antonio, Texas is provided by auto Key San Antonio, TX. We are here around-the-clock,and we can assist you with any issue you may be having. Please give us a call to arrange a visit.Best Service for Any Car You HaveWe provide the finest rates in the San Antonio, Texas area for replacing auto keys, and our work is guaranteed! Tell us if you discover a business that offers lower prices than we do, and we'll match it! Our main objective is always to satisfy our clients, and we'll take whatever reasonable steps to accomplish so without charging more.We offer the best services for vehicles of all shapes and sizes. Knowing who to contact when you require automobile locksmith services might be difficult. Car Key San Antonio, TX can help with that. Give us a call, and we'll assist you if you own a Subaru, Hyundai, Honda, Lincoln, or Lexus.
our services:Lockout Ignition Key Transponder Key24/7 Emergency LocksmithLost Car Key ReplacementHigh Security Locks 
payment methods:American Express, Cash, Discover, Visa , Master card
Contact Info
Car Key San Antonio, TX http://carkeysanantoniotx.com/ 9827 Potranco Rd #B100, San Antonio, TX 78251 Monday-Friday: 8 am - 6 pm Sat-Sun: 9 am - 5 pm 210-920-4061 What's on offer 10% Car keys 30% ignition key For More Offers Go to https://carkeysanantoniotx.com/ Call Us At ‪210-920-4061
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Subaru Key Replacement Houston Offers:
$10 off On Rekey $15 off on lock Change $30 off on 2nd key ignition
Contact Information:
Subaru Key Replacement Houston Call Us At: 346-439-2391 [email protected] subarukeyreplacementhouston.com 200 N Shepherd Dr, Houston, TX 77007 Monday-Friday: 8 am - 8 pm / Sat-Sun: 9 am - 5:30 pm
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mousemilf · 1 year
im glad youre getting the 2018 bc the 2019 and up have keyfob vunerabilities thats how i used to steal hondas and subarus they use the same auto ignition logic gate and rolling code pattern, im a mutual but i dont want u thinking im gonna steal ur car or anything, Also im drunk. so im gonna go on a lil bit of a tangent about your car: make sure you check the motor mounts (have the person selling it but theuir foot on the brake and shift the various gears to see if the motor is turning with the bell hoursing and not holding steady witht he engine mounts like it should) and the exhaust manifold (when you test drive it accellerate rapidly from 15-25 and see if you feel the gas cutting out) bc that specific year got affected by some SCM and Logistical issues
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dielukedie-subaru · 1 year
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Since there has been some interest in my current intake, here is it broke down. I have tried numerous setups but this custom OEM+ version is the best and passes stupid SMOG visual check.
I also intensely studied the 2.5RS forums and looked at dyno charts showing that this IS the best when combined with a 2.25" cat back exhaust and equal length headers. Trust me!
This was a lot work as well as trial and error and willingness to start over again and redo it again several times. I think this was also the lightest combo if you trying to reduce weight.
One of a kind custom intake for the naturally aspirated Subaru EJ25D....
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First up is you need the intake tract/duct and hoses from an earlier model Subaru Impreza or any Subaru that has this intake tube vs the stock version with the "torque box" behind the throttle body. Junkyard is your best buddy.
I had expensive high performance mandrel bent blah blah blah intakes which I constantly struggled with keeping the metal tubing cool (I used a laser temp gauge). This plastic is basically the same but rarely gets too hot to touch. So, actually a cold air intake if you keep reading.
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Since the entire manifold needed to come out, I painted it wrinkle red and polished the runners and throttle inlet.
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The reason I removed the manifold was to install stainless studs to make installing the 10mm thick teflon spacers and 2 sets of gaskets easier. Similar to 8mm Grimmspeed phenolic (previously installed) but thicker. This mod makes a big difference, the entire manifold now stays cool. No more engine block heat soak, only ambient engine bay heat.
"For every 5 degree reduction in temperature, increases power by 1%"
You have to extend the EGR tube and possibly grind your ignition coil pack mounts lower. Because the entire manifold assembly will be sitting ~12mm higher.
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I was fortunate enough to work with the gasket maker. So he made 10mm teflon intake manifold spacers and a matching prototype 10mm throttle body spacer! Again 2 gaskets to ensure no leaks. Not sure if these were ever made available afterwards since I was the first car.
This spacer combo increased plenum volume as well as helped to keep heat transfer drastically reduced.
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Using my custom ported, polished and knife edged throttle body that I did myself with the coolant hose permanently bypassed and the cruise control bits removed. Keep in mind you will need longer bolts if you use a spacer here. Definitely improved throttle response after just the throttle body swap.
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I scored this GC8 v3 factory resonator/cold air intake inlet from the UK. It's what goes with those fender plugs. Grabs cold air from inside the fender behind the corner light up high, so no chance of sucking up water. FWIW, You really shouldn't just delete the "snorkus", seriously, it's just gonna mess up your MAF sensor.
I was also able to make the resonator from a SVX work in the 04 Outback with some persuasion. It too takes air from the same location but the box was hard to cram in the fender.
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The intake tract will work with whatever air filter box but in order to use the EUDM WRX intake inlet/resonator you will need the matching filter housing box from an earlier model or have to drill a new mounting hole. You will need both halves!
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BEST panel filter on the market IS made by Grimmspeed! Don't waste your money on any other filter! I also added a Filter Wears waterproof inlet cover/pre-filter to the resonator just incase of water spray. The factory option fender plug fills that hole.
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And I'm not sure if this was an upgrade or not but here is the JDM JECS MAF I am also using. Used DEI gold heat reflective tape to keep it cool and extend the life. Possibly more consistent/accurate readings?
The only other things installed are a Weapon R catch can to the PVC, which DOES keep some crap out of the intake tract and off the throttle body but probably no real performance advantage. Plus a heat/flame resistant "sock", same as around my fluid reservoirs, over the bendy/flexible bit of the intake tract just after the MAF. That area is prone to splitting/cracking with heat and age!
Now for treasure at the end of the rainbow! I am actually gonna give you nerds the mother fucking part numbers! These can be life savers when searching for parts.
*You might have to make or reuse your PVC, crankcase, IAC valve hoses. So grab whatever is attached if your at the junkyard or hit up the auto parts store.
•Subaru PN's:
Intake duct/tract (EJ22): 14457AA111
Air filter housing/box: A53FA02 (upper) & A53FA01 (lower)
Fender resonator/snorkus (UK WRX): A21FA03 or A32FA01 or A21FA00
Fender plug: 46059FA000
•Grimmspeed PN's:
Dry-Con Air Filter: 060092
Intake manifold spacers (8mm phenolic): 015001
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Subaru Key Replacement Schertz TX
(210) 942-5577 
Replacement Keys for Subaru Schertz skillfully cuts Subaru keys using lasers. Get in touch with us; our kind, experienced experts will replace any broken or misplaced Subaru keys quickly. Our professionals are on call twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, in Schertz, Texas. It will be really easy to replace a Subaru key in Schertz with our help.
our services
locksmiths ,emergency locksmith ,locks rekey
key replacement ,change locks ,car keys
car lockout ,transponder keys
ignition keys ,home lockout
6032 FM3009 ,Schertz, TX 78154 
Working Hours
 Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM 
Sat-Sun:9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 
payment methods
visa ,cash ,master card ,discover 
American express
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Car Locksmith North Richland Hills
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According to surveys, hundreds of North Richland Hills, Texas, forget their car keys every year, which results in car theft & other problems. Therefore, give Car Lockout North Richland Hills, TX, when you are locked out of your car & cannot know what to do without damaging your car window. For 24/7 car lockout service at cheap prices, call us. 
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Our offers: 
$ 30 off 2nd Ignition key 
$ 15 off change lock 
$ 20 Rekey locks
$ 50 off second key
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Our Services:
Car Lockout
Ignition Key Repair
Car Key Programming
duplicate keys
car keys replacement
About us: 
Business Name:  Car Locksmith North Richland Hills 
Address:  6401 NE Loop 820 
City: North Richland Hills 
State:  TX 
Zip:  76180 
Phone:  682-253-4469‬ 
Website:  https://carlocksmithnorthrichlandhills.com/
Payment:  Mastercard, Visa, Discover, Cash , American Express
Business Hours: Monday To Friday: 8 AM : 6 PM - Saturday & Sunday: 10 AM : 5 PM 
Category: Lock & Locksmiths
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litdigitalart · 18 days
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Locksmith Greenwood IN
(317) 463-7479
Locksmith Greenwood IN
402 E Main St Greenwood, IN 46143
20 $ Off Re-Key Locks
Special Hours: From Mon-Sun: 8AM-8PM
Roadside Car Locksmithing Assistance 24/7
Stuck in the middle of the road with a locked auto or a faulty ignition switch! No need to worry; we are close to the site where the vehicle stops, and it is only a few minutes that separates us from the location to come directly and fix the automotive locksmithing issue immediately, returning you on the road in a short while. Locksmith Greenwood, IN, is on 24/7 assistance with a huge selection of mobile car locks and key services for most vehicle makes and names.
On the roadside, at the most professional standards, without needing the towing services or tiring dealership travels, any car owner in Greenwood, Indiana, can get auto lock-out, transponder key replacement, chip key programming, ignition switch replacement, car door lock change/rekey/repair, ignition lock repair/rekey, fob key replacement, ignition key made, keyless remote replacement, car key made by the VIN, removing the old key from the car system. Some of the vehicle names we serve are; Mitsubishi, Kia, GM, Chrysler, Acura, Mercury, Mazda, Jeep, Cadillac, Buick, Subaru, Hyundai, Pontiac, Nissan, Honda, Ford, Chevrolet/ Chevy, Dodge, Toyota, Lincoln, Lexus, etc.
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sasquapossum · 8 months
In my family, we sometimes use "phun" (IPA ɸən with the bilabial fricative as the first sound) as a sarcastic term for things that are the opposite of actual fun. This weekend, we had both fun and phun.
First, the fun parts. This was our first ski/snowboarding trip of the season, because the weather for that kind of thing around here has sucked. Some resorts are sure to go under this year. Nonetheless, we managed to have a great day at Loon Mountain on Friday, then a day of everybody staying in because rain had closed all the resorts on Saturday, then a far better than expected half day or so at Cannon Mountain on Sunday. We were staying at our ski club's lodge, seeing lots of old friends and making a few new ones, so that was great too. Best of all, no injuries. That was particularly important for our "borrowed" second child, whose three other family members all have busted up knees or ankles right now.
So, what was the phun part? Car trouble. On Saturday I went to start the car so we could go across town in the rain for some lunch. Nothing. Like, every warning light lit up, but not even a click from the engine. Tried to get a jump start (we're always prepared for those) and that didn't work. Tried two separate booster packs, the second reportedly capable of starting a much larger diesel engine, and still no go. Called the garage, we could see the starter beginning to catch, but that was it so we had it towed. Had to bum rides from our friends to/from the mountain on Sunday, but that all worked out OK.
Yesterday (Monday) the garage called to tell us that the problem was actually not the starter but the immobilizer, which meant a $300 tow to the closest Subaru dealership 40 miles away. "Fine," I said, "but let's try just one more crazy thing first." So I walked the kilometer or so from the lodge to the garage, and tried my wife's key. To be clear, I had used my own key successfully many times, even within the week. It still clearly worked to lock and unlock the car remotely. It showed every sign of being fine, but I also learned when I'd had some spares made a while ago that these keys have many ways of semi-working. Sure enough, my wife's key worked fine. First time, second time, and every time thereafter. The look on the mechanics' faces was priceless. They'd been all over the relevant pieces, and never suspected this particular failure mode. AFAICT the one thing that's broken is the tiny little chip inside the key that talks (through very short range radio link to the ring in the ignition) to the immobilizer so the car will start.
As it turned out, we'd already sent our borrowed kid home with another family, because she absolutely positively had to get there on time for a flight to Europe tomorrow, but the remaining three of us had Had Enough by that point so we were able to head home just as we had planned all along. That pizza from our favorite place after we got here never tasted so good. AFAICT we also all managed to come home without any new infectious diseases either, so I'm going to call the weekend a success.
P.S. My wife already thought her car hated me. Now we're both absolutely certain of it, and I return the sentiment. Jealous metal bitch.
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the-day-between-blog · 11 months
After the 100 miles
Once I completed my Leadville 100 summer, I was back in my dusty old Subaru and on the road back to Minnesota. Today is a Friday, October 27th, and it’s been about 2 months since I pulled back in front my South Minneapolis house, turned off the ignition, and sat in the humid car for just a second more. “I have to water my plants,” was somehow my first thought. In the 99 degree midwest heat, I…
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dielukedie-subaru · 4 years
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04 Outback's turn to get the STI key (& OEM keychain) since I love this key in the 98 LGT.
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Very heavy duty and little chance of me braking it off in the ignition or lock. Feels awesome in your hand, very different than the original stock versions. Worth the extra bucks!
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keys4cars · 2 years
Why KeepingThe Contact Number Of A Car Locksmith Can Be Handy?
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When you’re sitting in a parking lot outside of your car on a hot day with very high temperatures, and you can’t get into your car because the keys are inside, you’ll realize very quickly how valuable an emergency car locksmith is.
Here are some of the reasons why locksmiths are apriceless resource that you should never underestimate:
Help When You’re Locked Out:
If you need help getting into your car after locking yourself out, contact a local mobile car key service. You may have accidentally locked yourself out of your car and left your keys inside, or maybe you lost your keys while running errands. A mobile locksmith can drive to you no matter where you are and help you get inside your vehicle quickly. Locksmiths can work on any type of vehicle, from cutting keys on the spot to programming more modern ones.
Help When You’re Locked In:
It's possible that you might be unfamiliar with a locked-in situation. It could happen when your keys fail to work or if either your windows or locks become jammed.
A locksmith can open your car door with just a few special tools. They can also make sure you’re able to get into your car when you need to, and they will change any worn-out parts so you won’t have to worry about this happening again.
Offer Comprehensive Solutions:
Locksmiths offer more than just help with unlocking your car. They provide comprehensive solutions for many carlock-related problems, including:
Key replacement
Key duplication
Repair door locks
Replace door locks
Repair ignition
Program new keys
Provide Services At Any Given Time:
You can be locked out of your car at any time of day or night, whether it’s Christmas Day or the middle of the night. Thankfully, emergency locksmiths are available for hire at any hour. After all, you can’t plan for accidents or emergencies. By choosing a reputable company that is available 24 hours a day, you can rest assured knowing that help is always just a call away. When you need a car locksmith at an odd hour – the helping hand of an emergency locksmith service is trully invaluable. 
If you don't have the number of a reliable mobile Mobile Car Key Service on your phone, it might be a good idea to add it. A vehicle lockout can happen any time, so being prepared is always a smart move.Keeping the number of a good emergency car locksmith in your phone to ensure you can access their services whenever you need them.
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