#submas ingo smut
smallestapplin · 1 year
Let me handle it.
Alpha Ingo x omega reader
Cw : this is an aftercare fic, omegaverse, rut/heat cycles, aftercare for alpha
Summary : your alpha always takes care of you after your heats, so you want to return the favor after his rut hits him hard.
Word count : 1,049
His rut had hit him earlier and harder than he thought.
Ingo is a mess, not recalling much after the first few orgasms, having fucked himself stupid in a matter of moments after getting to you. You always knew how to ease his ruts, without tiring yourself out, and he was forever grateful for that.
Especially now, as he lays back against the bed. Drool slides down from his open mouth, his silver eyes slowly focusing back to reality, and all he sees is you.
You breathlessly chuckle at his weak purring.
He adores you, his lovely mate who’s sat so pretty on top of him, taking his knot so perfectly. He can’t decide where to look, either at your stunning face, or at your stuffed hole where you two connect.
You lean down, laying against his chest to kiss him. Ingo shakily moans against your lips, his hands on your hips tightening as he trembles. Pulling away from him, you coo, trying to soothe him.
“I think you overdid it, my love.” You whisper to him.
Watching him shake like a leaf.
Ingo lazily looks at you, huffing out “Yeah…yeah you’re right…”
He knows you’re right, he can feel his body become so tender, and with the pleasure gone he feels near painful.
You cup his face, stroking his sideburn, smiling as he leans into your touch. He’s so out of it, and so drained form how aggressive his rut was.
It’s still not over, you know he’ll be back up and ready to go in a few hours, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make sure he’s okay. Ingo’s eyes widen before fluttering back, with a silent cry leaving him.
You mumble your apology as you lift off of him, once his knot deflated of course.
Ingo whimpers, weakly trying to grab for your retreating form. You kiss his tears away, cooing softly at him to help calm him down.
“I’ll be right back, I’m not leaving you, Shh shhh it’s okay.”
“I’ll make sure to give you so many kisses, for being such a good mate to me.”
His eyes stay trained to you, looking on the verge of tears as you walk to the bathroom. One the door closes, you sigh, groaning at how stiff your legs feel.
He definitely fucked you good and hard. You try to clean the cum leaking from you as fast and as gently as you could, but he filled you up so much.
You get a few small towels, soaking one of them in warm water and squeezing out the excess.
You head back to the bedroom, and are instantly greeted with a happy Ingo, making grabby hands at you. You can’t help but chuckle at how he looks, looking so small in the nest you made.
“Hello handsome.”
He trembles at your praise, humming contently. More so when you lay the warm wet towel across his clawed and bitten chest, while using the dry towel to carefully clean up all the cum and slick on his thighs and cock.
He doesn’t even flinch, only focusing on you, and the sweet kisses you are pressing against his face.
A perfect distraction.
Once he was cleaned and dried, you stood back up. And he goes right back to pouting.
“Ingo, let me go get you some water.”
“Ingo, you of all people should know safety checks are important, and you need to drink something.”
You wipe away his tears, kissing his forehead.
“I’ll be back to love on you.”
“Please hurry.” He mumbles, watching your ice again retreating form.
As you go to get him things, Ingo lays there, fighting back tears.
He isn’t sure why he’s so emotional all of a sudden, but he just feels so much love it’s overwhelming! He loves you so much, he can’t stop the tears.
“Oh honey…” he perks up at the sound of your voice.
He tries to blink and wipe his tears away, but you just get into the nest with him, and curl around him. Ingo wraps his arms around you, burying his face into the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent.
“I love you.” You whisper to him, running your fingers through his short silver hair.
He nuzzles against your scent gland, and kisses over the bonding scar.
“I love you too, I’m so happy to be your husband.”
You lay there, holding him close to you as you soothe him. Once he’s done, he sniffles, pulling away from your chest.
“If I may…I’m quite thirsty now.”
You chuckle softly at his rather sheepish tone.
“Well lucky for you, I brought you a cold bottle of water.”
You unscrew the cap, but pull it away when he tries to grab it.
“Honey, I’m not letting you hold this.”
“But I-“
“No, not with how shaky you are, just let me take care of you, okay?”
You see him hesitate, knowing he’s so used to doing all the care taking in his day to day life. You just want to spoil and pamper him, but he has a hard time letting you.
You smile warmly at him, as he relaxes against the bed.
“Thank you, Ingo.”
You tilt the water bottle to his lips, letting him drink. You have to stifle a laugh when he keeps drinking, not realizing just how thirsty he really was.
“Easy, love.” You carefully pull the now almost empty bottle away.
You place it on the nightstand and curl back up around him, just basking in the moment, basking in his scent and warmth.
Ingo always pampers you, even after sex.
You just want to do the same in return, to show him you love and care for him.
He can be a hardheaded alpha sometimes, especially when it comes to taking care of you and your heat. But as he lays there, snuggled against you, and your legs tangled with his.
He realizes just how much he likes it.
He feels so loved, so protected, so safe.
And to be in the arms of the one he loves the most? He couldn’t ask for anyone better.
He’s already planning the extravagant breakfast he’s going to make you, he will make sure you feel just as loved as he does.
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r0-boat · 4 months
Alpha warden Ingo brain rot
Sometimes I still crave submas
Reader is omega
Cw: bondage. Smut but no sex
His first rut with you. He was being spent tied up to a chair. Just a week before, he warned you that he feared that his ruts would be far too wild. He could already feel it was in his pre-rut. He had never had ruts this bad. In the fuzzy past, he barely remembers. He never really had ruts for some reason. Now here he was wishing that he hadn't told you to tie him up when his rut began.
His chest slowly rises and falls as he eyes you in the room. You could feel him stare holes into your back as you tried to ignore his intense gaze. He could smell you from here—the delicious scent of your sex, You are in preheat as well, Oh how agonizingly painful to be in a room with an unmarked omega in preheat and not being able to breed it. Oh great Sinnoh he needs it so bad.
"come on my dear You can untie me I promise I'll behave." He growls his voice uncharacteristically soft and husky it sent shivers down your spine.
He can't help but puff out his chest every time you do look his way. The Alpha inside him telling him to present himself as if you will finally throw yourself at him.
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ciderwitch · 2 years
Imagine Chandelure Hybrid Ingo that's taken a liking to you! Features 18+ towards the end!
You're the first person who hasn't been petrified of him or his brother in a long time.
You find a house in Nimbasa City that has super cheap rent because it's haunted. With these prices? Yeah, a little haunting is not enough to scare you off. Sure, things move around on their own and the knobs rattle at night, but you can afford coffee and better food now so it's a sacrifice you're willing to make.
When you find out it's a ghost-type pokemon, you relax. Chandelure's don't actually consume human souls, right? Right. When you tried to greet the Chandelure floating around in the hallway it dematerialized in an instead. Poor thing was probably petrified of people!
Well, Ingo wouldn't say he was petrified.
He was initially attracted to the residual spiritual energy of the place that went along with people thinking it was haunted and was just trying to recharge. It was a good place to rest after holding himself in full human form at the gear station all day.
When you start leaving out ghost-type treats for him, though, it makes him laugh. He likes the way you smile when you find them gone in the morning and ends up giving them to his own Chandelure.
He tried avoiding the place when you weren't home for a while, but he found it much lonelier without your presence. He knows most people would panic if he showed them his true form.
Also, you would probably balk at the idea of a grown man hanging onto your ceiling when you were home alone.
His choice was made for him when you slipped on the stairs one day. Suddenly you found yourself in the arms of a handsome ghostly subway master.
Not the weirdest thing you've experienced in Nimbasa, honestly.
He tells you why he hangs around and apologizes profusely.
Hybrids are rare, but everyone knows they tend to be more instinctual. It would make sense that he's drawn here and it's not like he's done anything other than haunt the downstairs area, so you're not particularly bothered. Plus, he is the reason this place is so affordable.
You thank him for saving you and tell him he can stick around. You work out the details so you know when he'll be around and agree that it would be both funny and useful to keep the haunted rumors alive and well.
From there an easy friendship grows until Ingo (and his Galvantula brother Emmet) are there almost all the time because it's one of the few places they don't have to mask or hide.
Cue Ingo (and maybe also Emmet) and you falling in love. Ingo is shy, but Emmet is not and you will know how they feel mere minutes after they figure things out themselves.
So now you have a boyfriend (or two). Cue shenanigans.
Now for the NSFW 🔞
Maybe one day you have to invite a work friend or classmate over. This guy is just laying it on thick despite you telling him you weren't interested. You both have to get this project done in a few days so you're ignoring him.
"Nah, this place isn't haunted. It's just old and ugly. Next time you'll have to study at my place, Y/N. It's much more comfortable."
"I like my house just fine, thanks."
The dude is totally oblivious and not noticing Ingo's attempts to frighten him off at all. He misses the floating objects in the hallway, doesn't catch his evil reflection in the bathroom mirror, and grabs his mug off the table before Ingo can finish knocking it down.
Then the guy makes a crass joke about you guys having sex instead of working. At this point you were one comment away from kicking him out and doing the damned thing by yourself.
Ingo watches the guy eye you up and just snaps. As if his Y/n would stoop so low! He can do things that jerk can't even dream about!
He lets his body sink into the floor and float back up over by you, ghosting his head through the form of your legs to rest his head there. He can feel his pulse raise at the excitement of being this close to you. You and Ingo hadn't done anything yet, but just the thought of your taste had his mouth watering. That, and the knowledge that he could have you in all the ways that loser couldn't.
The jerk shudders and asks if you felt the temperature suddenly drop.
You say no, you didn't, even as you feel a cool touch across your legs. You glance down and see Ingo's form passing through your body to where your shorts cover your sex without even having to open your legs. You have to fight not to gasp as Ingo presses a pale hand there, as if asking for permission.
His violet-white eyes are beautiful, full of want and need, and who are you to say no to that?
With the subtlest of nods, you look back up.
As they guy carries on his single-handed conversation, Ingo's eyes are on you up as he presses a first firm lick to your sex.
Suddenly, without even moving your clothes aside, he's got his mouth on you and all you can do is try not to react.
The man across from you is completely unaware of the man underneath the table kissing into your sensitive sex. Your legs are frozen as he holds you still with his powers. Just the movement of his tongue alone is making it hard to speak.
You reach down to grab his hair but your hands just phase through him, powerless to push him away or ease his pace. You don't know which you need more: to slow the onslaught against your hole, or to hold him closer and push your hips against him more.
He decides for you when you feel his invisible strength quickly but gently pull your body forward.
The lights start to dim as the man finally notices something is going on, as papers and pens around you start to float while your lover's mouth is taking you apart. You bite your cheek to keep from moaning at the slick slide of your lover's tongue between your thighs. No matter how you squeeze your legs together, it just feels like you're getting completely devoured. You can feel the sticky mess spread even as Ingo works diligently to lick up every drop from you.
Finally, something crashes and the guy flees, calling you possessed and running out of the house like a madman. Ingo quickly pins you down on the couch and presses deeper, and you can't stop the sounds that are finally allowed to escape from your throat as he moans against you like a whore, praising you and begging for you to come on his face.
He holds your body tightly as you gush and writhe against him, spasming as he continues kissing and sucking your sex until you have to beg him to give you a break.
It doesn't last long before he's diving in again, addicted to your taste and the pretty sounds of your begging.
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hinge!submas smut hcs ; 18+
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requested by ; 🥭 anon (20/05/23) [6/6]
fandom(s) ; pokémon
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; emmet, ingo
outline ; “🥭 anon here! I’m so happy you’re willing to give my Submas request a shot even if it’ll take a while!! ✨ take as much time as you need, because I’m desperate to see content for these sillies and perfection takes time so I can wait~ I’d like to request sfw and nsfw general relationship headcanons for the Submas bros (separate headcanons and poly headcanons) with a male reader If possible!! 👉👈 also I appreciate that you write for male readers I think that’s great!!!!!!!!!!!”
warning(s) ; sexually explicit content, threesomes, semi public sex, exhibitionism & voyeurism
note ; to state the obvious, the twins share a partner but are not involved with each other
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
generally speaking threesomes aren’t particularly common because the two have very mismatched libidos — emmet’s being extremely high and ingo’s being quite low
so you’re more likely to have sex with emmet than ingo on a day to day basis
that being said when they do happen, threesomes with these two are mind blowing
being identical twins, they’re equal in size and they’re both much larger and thicker than average — meaning you’re going to be filled in every hole they’re in
the most common position with both of them is spit-roasting — having one brother in your mouth and the other in your hole whilst you suck one and fuck the other (they alternate which is which)
but they’re also up for sandwiching you — with both of being in your ass
emmet is a switch and is far more adventurous and risky than his brother, whilst ingo is much more dominant and conservative with where he’ll have sex with you
he is, however, willing to cover for you and steer people away when you and emmet are having a particularly risky fuck (usually in one of the carriages on his subway)
ingo will occasionally scold emmet for being too bratty/mouthy in bed if he starts getting on his nerves, but he’ll leave the actual punishment up to you and focus on pleasuring you instead
there are times where one of the brothers will be pleasuring you (orally or anally) whilst the other watches and gives instructions or commentary (‘bravo! he seemed to like that’ or ‘you should be rougher. he enjoys that.’ for example)
whilst emmet is much more likely to start pleasuring you in a public setting (subtle handjobs for example), ingo does enjoy watching you squirm and try to keep quiet and might join his brother in trying to get you to react — but only if you don’t have a direct audience
they both enjoy marking you, so i hope you enjoy wearing turtlenecks or wearing foundation on your neck
when it comes to aftercare, emmet usually takes care of the fetching food and drink whilst ingo talks you through what happened and cleans you up
they want to make sure you’re okay in the aftermath — and you do the same for them to make sure that they don’t experience sub drop or dom drop respectively
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
Random idea in my head but I kinda see ingo as a boob person and Emmet as a thigh person
ingo can't help but look at your chest your wearing a loose shirt and no bra just let him just squeeze em or suck on em he'll be satisfied
Ingo would definitely sleep on your chest to hear your heart beat and feel the softness
Emmet (this lil shit love him tho ) he will purposely buy you tight pants or shorts to see the thickness of your thighs pop out and would buy thigh high socks
Let Emmet get crushed by your thighs he doesn't mind if he suffocates he'll die happy
Ayo? 👀👀👀
Ingo may not be as physical as Emmet, but he is very loving when he is. Especially when he’s focusing on you and your body. He loves paying special attention to you, and especially your chest. Add that with Ingo with an oral fixation? He’s attaching his mouth to your tits and not letting go for a while. He’s happily squeezing and nipping. He’s moaning the whole time, enjoying pleasing you just as much as you enjoy his touches. When laying together, his hands naturally are drawn to your chest. Even in his sleep, he’s gripping a tiddy. Emmet is handsy. He will use every excuse in the book to touch your thighs and your ass. Sitting next to you at lunch? His hands are rubbing your legs. Hugging you? His hands are drifting south. Passing him in the house? He’s grabbing or smacking your ass, or squeezing your thighs with a laugh, running away before you can get him back. He wants you to sit on his lap, or his face, so he can grab those legs of yours, or have them squeeze his head. He loves it. You could cut his air off with your thighs, and he’d thank you.
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Subway Bosses scenarios: You/he says I love you during sex.
🔞🔞MINORS DNI !!!🔞🔞
Ingo:  He had been under a lot of stress lately so you had taken Ingo to his office to help him unwind, and currently you were sucking him off, must've been some pretty good head! cos Ingo was moaning loudly into his right hand while gripping your head like stress-ball with his free one as he helped you bob up and down his dick, the feeling of you curling your tongue along his length and low hum sent a pleasant shock up his spine.
You felt his dick twitch telling you how close the conductor was to was to cumming, "Damn, I love you..." Ingo groaned throwing his head back as he came down from the mind blowing orgasm you gave him, you nearly choked as you swallowed his load.
It wasn't until you pulled away from his length and were gawking at him eyes wide like a Hoothoot's did Ingo realized what he had said, "Oh!... really now, you love me?~" you purred as Ingo started stammering cheeks aflame. "I-I...uh." You giggled as you unbuttoned your shirt before climbing onto his lap and started teasing him about it.
"S-shut-up" he hissed annoyed as you slowly pushed your panties aside and impaled yourself on him causing Ingo to bite back a moan. "Why, I thought you loved me?~" you purred rolling you hips to tease him; it wasn't often you got Ingo so frazzled so you were savoring the moment, and were curious to see if you could get him to say it again... which you did again...and again.
Emmet: He came home adrenaline still bumping in his veins from a battle high and first thing he did was drag you to the bedroom, he had you on your belly, your knuckles were white from griping the sheets tight as he took you roughly behind, suddenly your mind went blank as stars filled your vision and feeling his dick hit the G-spot, your mind was essentially jelly and whimpered out "I love you!~" with out realizing it! causing your boyfriend to freeze.
"What did you just say?" Emmet gasped which caused you to panic! You looked over your shoulder at him, as Emmet looked down at you expectantly before you nervously smiled and tried to salvage the mood. "..um you can just forg-eep!" Emmet wasn't one to let things go half-assed! Before you could blink he had flipped you on to you back your legs were over his shoulders. "Say it again..." Emmet huffed but you were one stubborn lady! and kept pretending it didn't happened.
Emmet chuckled at your stubbornness. "Oh well, I guess you don't wanna cum then, hm.~" he gave you a small slap on the butt, causing you to yelp, eventually you cracked and stammered. "i-I love you.." in a pathetic whine that was good enough for Emmet, who went all out on you! He gave you everything he was worth! and hot damn was he was worth a lot! you couldn't even walk straight the next couple days... every time Emmet saw you wince he would often apologize and tell you he loves you back.
Bonus! Warden Ingo:  You were in the hot springs when it happen. "Hm? what was that you said?" Ingo huffed stopping mid-thrust as he stared at you expectantly, you of course clammed up which only encouraged him. "You want to cum, right? just tell me what you said." he husked in your ear while slowly thrusting into you and purposely missing your G-spot.
You whimpered in displeasure, while Ingo hissed feeling your warm walls clamping down on him... he was gonna ruin you! all you had to do was tell him that you loved him!
Eventually you cracked when you felt his finger slip in and started teasing your clit, Ingo went all out on you stars filled your vision, and you were sure half of Hisui could hear you screaming the warden's name by the time he was done with you. 
You were rightly fucked and a little sore, but well taken care of, Ingo was rather proud of himself and treated you like a piece of fine china until you could walk in a straight line again.
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ourvanishingghosts · 2 years
testing to see if you're a submas fan...
a poly relationship between ingo and emmet and female reader nsfw headcanons or a fic whichever you're cool with
I may have gone down a submas rabbit hole on this site. I love these two so much. I honestly did not know what submas meant until I went down that rabbit hole.
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NSFW Below
Warning: MMF sex, Double Penetration, Over stimulation, Dirty Talk, and Master Kink
Submas Emmet and Submas Ingo x Fem!Reader
Destressing the Twins
Both Emmet and Ingo have been stressed from working the trains and they always look forward to seeing you when they come home. You have been pretty needy lately but respected them both because they were tired. You gave them blowjobs to try to relieve some of their tension. Today you decided to surprise them.
You went out to buy yourself some lingerie. The lingerie you bought matches both twins equally. The top half is red and black for Ingo since he is a boobs type of guy and the bottom half is red and white for Emmet since he is an ass man. You put it on once you got home since you knew they would be home soon.
As you were waiting you decided to play with yourself. A hand slid down to between your legs and you started to make yourself nice and wet for your hard-working men. You moan out their names repeatedly. Imagining them fucking you like you deserve.
Ingo was the first one home since Emmet liked to stay at work for longer. He heard your moans coming from the bedroom and he immediately took off his work hat and jacket before heading to the room. He knocked on the door.
"Come in, Ingo"
You moaned his name and he came inside the room. Seeing you laying on the bed touching yourself.
"You've been a naughty girl haven't you?"
"I have, Ingo."
He pauses taking his underwear off.
"I mean. I have been a naughty girl, Master."
He climbs on top of you lining his thick cock up with your needy hole. He passionately kisses you as he rams his cock inside you.
"Mmmmph. Thank you, Master."
"You are welcome, darling."
He continues to thrust and is almost close.
"My my my. What do we have here?"
You two look at the doorway only to see Emmet completely naked. He walks over to the bed.
"Ingo, be a dear and switch places with our needy girl?"
Ingo switches places with you and you turn your body to face Emmet knowing both of them would fit inside you like this.
"Good girl, Y/N"
Emmet purrs as he gently pushes his long cock inside your hole. Ingo leans up a little to put his cock inside your hole as well. You are an absolute mess.
"What do we say?"
Emmet asks
"Thank you, Master."
They continue to fuck you until you cum at least ten times before they cum inside you. By the seventh time you cummed you are very overstimulated and can barely say anything.
"Just cum three more times for your masters."
Ingo says as he starts to pound into you. Emmet takes out his cock to let Ingo have his way. You cum two more times on Ingo's cock and he slams into you and releases his warm seed inside. Emmet takes you off of his twin's cock and puts you on his own. He's just taking it slow and it takes five minutes for you and Emmet to cum together.
All three of you cuddle together with you in the middle.
"Why did you do this for us, darling?"
Emmet asks
"To destress the both of you from work. I also got you two the day off tomorrow."
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jumpingjoltiks · 1 month
I want sugar daddy submas but a date with emmet. I feel like after a fancy lunch. They went to buy luxury furniture. And emmet asks the reader to decorate their house or room in ways that she wants it to be. And when the reader is choosing what sofa goes best in the living room (or her room) Emmett is just imaging all the kinds of things he can do with you on that sofa (and whether that sofa is good for sexy time.) when looking at all the mirror he just thinks about how he can f you in front of the mirror and see all the angle
Anon, I am so unbelievably sorry that this took so long to answer, but it has been eating at my brain for the entire time it's been sitting in my inbox and I really wanted to get it right. I hope what I finally came up was worth the wait!
Summery: Emmet takes you furniture shopping for the twin's summer house. Certain unspoken presumptions and misunderstandings in your relationship with the twins come to light. A little angst with a happy ending 💕
Pairings: Sugar Daddy!Emmet x Reader (GN), Implied Sugar Daddy!Ingo x Reader
Warnings: 18+ content (Minors Begone!), Sugar Daddy-esque relationship (and the consequences and implications of such), smut, dirty fantasies, personal and financial insecurities.
After a wonderful morning of trying on clothes and being spoiled to death by Ingo, Emmet meets both of you at a small diner. You’ve never even heard of this place but the atmosphere here is incredibly cozy.
The whole interior is a beautiful, solid hardwood, and each covered table is set up against a curtained window that lets in the light. The booths, far from the cheap vinyl you're used to in diners, are instead actual loveseats made with real leather. The tile floor below you is a lovely dark green, which makes the isle in between tables look like an emerald sea.
“I didn’t think you’d like a place like this. It’s very vintage.” And fancy. You think. This is like no diner you've ever been to.
“That’s because it’s been in business for nearly a century.” Ingo says as he takes the seat across from you, “We’ve been coming here since we first started at Gear Station.”
He sets a small bag under the table. It contains a wonderfully soft cardigan you'd found on a sale rack on your way out of the tailor's. Its price tag could have fed you for two weeks, but Ingo insisted on buying it for you anyway.
It's absurd to feel weird over a cardigan, you tell yourself, especially when it was the cheapest thing bought for you today. You put on a brave face at the tailor’s, mostly because there was someone else already there, but you’re really not used to having so much money to use on whatever you want.
Maybe that was it. The rest of the beautiful, beautiful clothes could be excused as a business expense, like a uniform for a job. But the cardigan, that was for you only. There was no getting around that.
Emmet's voice startles you out of your thoughts, and all of a sudden you're back in the diner.
“Yup yup! This building used to be the dining carriage on the luxury cross-regional line.” Emmet explains, sliding in next to you. His whole expression is aglow with happiness. You’ve come to understand that different smiles mean different things with him. This one shines with warmth. “They have done a lot of work to preserve and recreate as much as they can. These are even the same kind of chairs and tables they used back then!”
“I never even knew this was here…” You take a moment to marvel at the intricate wallpaper and polished wooden walls and try very hard not to think about how much has already been spent today.
“It’s a real gem, don’t you think?” Ingo’s eyes are sparkling. He looks so happy just to share this with you. “Everything here is wonderful as well. Please take a look at the menu and order whatever you’d like. It’s on us.”
If the twin’s choice of lunch surprised you, Emmet’s choice of where to take you on a date shocks you even more.
“Is this… a furniture store?”
“Mhmm!” Emmet watches your expression carefully. “I know it is unusual. But I want your help picking out some pieces for my and Ingo’s summer house. We have to host a bunch of parties this year. You’ll be spending a lot of time there with us and we want you to be comfortable.”
To his credit, Emmet doesn’t mention a thing about wanting to buy furniture for your place. He’s never been inside (truthfully, he doesn’t even know where you live), but judging from what Elesa’s told him about your lifestyle, it could probably use something nicer. And he would love to give it to you.
“But shouldn’t Ingo be here for that too?”
“Hmmmm, no. We have verrry similar tastes. And we both trust your sense of style, so he agreed to let us go together.”
“Oh. Okay then.” You still look unsure, but Emmet doesn’t seem to notice. He takes you by the hand and your heart flutters inside your chest.
“Full steam ahead!”
Calling the store massive is an understatement. Even in a city like Nimbasa, you've never seen anything like this.
It's like a labyrinth in here. Every way you turn is a new room full of a setup of furniture. Some of them are kitchens with huge sinks and granite countertops. Others are elaborate dining rooms with tables set for fifty. The ones Emmet most wants to explore are the living rooms.
Maybe this can be a good opportunity to get to know him after all. While browsing a whole wall full of chairs, you ask about his decorating style and preferences.
"Ingo and I like a modern look. It fits with our professional image, so it’s good for places we have to host in." His expression seems reserved, despite his smile.
You think back to how much they loved the old, vintage dining car, and wonder if sticking to a modern 'professional image' can be joined with what they actually like in practice.
Your eyes scan over the chairs, and you find a dark brown, almost black leather piece toward the center. It's traditional, in that the upholstery is very classic, but the lines are crisp and sharp, modern. You don't think it would look out of place in either scenario. You point it out.
"What about that one?"
Emmet brings a hand to his chin, considering, silent. You're worried you may have made a mistake until he quite suddenly turns around and marches across the room. He stops in front of a matched pair of very modern, round side tables, one black and one white, accented with marble tops and gold trim.
"A pair of those chairs with these tables could fill a nook by one of the windows." He says. "Verrry nice. An excellent combination!"
"That would be so cozy! It would be a nice place to sit and talk for a while." You say, excited that he's on board. "A rug under them all would help mark the space as its own little area.”
"Yes!" He puts a hand on your shoulder. “Let's mark these down and remember to look at rugs later. For now, couches."
There are almost as many couches in this place as there are chairs.
At one point, Emmet grabs your hand and pulls you down onto a loveseat with him to test it out. It's very comfy. Comfier still with you cuddled up under his arm.
Across from you both is a mirror on a large wall. It’s beautiful, with golden leaves and flowers surrounding the frame. In it, Emmet can see you curled into his side. He sees your reflection turn and gaze up at him. The look in your eyes is like he hung the stars. He wants you to always look at him like that.
How easy would it be, to turn his head and kiss you? His lips would fit against yours perfectly. He’s thought about it so many times already. In the dead of night. In the quiet morning. In the dull monotony of the work day. He wonders how you would react. Would you swoon against him, melt into him like he was made for you? His hand has already found its way to your waist. One quick tug, and you'd fall right into his lap - where you belong.
You'd sigh as his lips ghost their way down your neck. He'd trail kisses across your shoulders like rain. You’d gasp at the rough texture of his sideburns against your sweet, soft skin. He’d nip, maybe even bite. Ingo had gotten you those clothes in black… he’d have to mark you in other ways. In places only he could see.
Emmet thinks of his hand slipping across your neck to give a gentle squeeze. You’d shudder in his arms and your eyes would slip closed. His hand would slide down across your chest. Lower. Lower. He feels you breathe against him. The fluttering of your heartbeat. Lower. To the waist of your pants. He’d stop, rubbing his thumb against the line where clothing meets skin, until your hand wraps around his and shows him exactly what you want.
He’d look up from where he sucks dark bruises onto your shoulder. Silver eyes blown dark with lust would meet yours through the reflection. You’d watch yourself become the very image of desperation as he worked you. You would see how he took you apart piece by piece and built you back together with only his touch. The jerking of your hips against his hand. The friction driving you to a squirming mess against him. You’d be laid out before him in the mirror like a feast.
"Emmet..." Your voice is like honey to his ears. A voice on the breeze that whispers, begs for more. He’d give you anything. Everything. "Emmet..."
"Emmet, are you there?"
He snaps out of his trance. Just like that, the dream is gone. He's back in the furniture store with you sitting next to him.
"I am Emmet. I was lost on a train of thought. What were you saying?"
“This chair is nice, but I don’t know about the color. I wanted to know what you think.”
“I think we should get this mirror.”
“The mirror?” You look baffled, and turn to make a face at your reflection. It doesn’t really seem like his style, “Why?”
“I like the view I’m seeing in it.”
Emmet circles a huge sectional. It’s been presented with a luxurious, dark grey fabric. His hands sweep across the back and he notes that even the top is cushioned. There’s so much room, he could fuck you in a different position on it every day for a month and still have opportunities for more. The prospect has merit…
He shakes himself out of it. Any more daydreaming, and you’ll start to get worried about him. Besides, as much as he wants it to be, your relationship isn’t like that with them. Not yet.
“What about this couch?” He asks as you take a seat. You bounce as you plop down, and his fingers tighten indistinguishably on the upholstery.
Its humiliating for you to think about how this couch wouldn't even fit in your apartment. It’s lovely, really. And very nice to sit on. It's even softer than your bed! But it’s far too big for your little studio, (if you could even call a space so small a studio. You’re pretty sure Elesa's closet is bigger than your apartment).
“It’s really comfy! Will it work in your summer house?”
“It might be a little small…” He thinks aloud, coming around the side to drop next to you. Emmet leans back, putting his feet up onto the ottoman in front. “We could add a few more sections to it. It would look nice in the conversation pit. Or…”
He turns to you with a look on his face that’s clearly trying to be nonchalant.
“We could always get it for your place.”
You nearly choke. “My place?” You look away, trying to control your expression. There’s no way that would work. It couldn’t even fit it through the door. You try to keep your voice measured, throw in a small laugh, “I don’t know about that…”
“If you do not like it, there are lots of other things here. We could always find something else.”
Emmet says it like buying something like this for you is nothing. And for him, maybe it is. It occurs to you that you don’t really know much about their lives at all, or how well off they actually are. Maybe they really did go through life not even thinking about what it cost them.
Meanwhile, your funds have been so low that you haven’t even thought about replacing the ratty old futon you’ve had since college. There are a million other things that you’re more concerned about than your comfort - like fixing your car, or paying off your school debts, or how until recently, you struggled to afford just surviving from one month to another.
“Um.. maybe. Why don’t we take a look in the next room.”
Anything to get away from this couch.
Emmet’s warm smile has fallen. His lips are pursed and there’s a furrow in his brow, like how he looks when trying to come up with battle strategies. You pick at your cuticles. Silence stretches out in between you two like an impassible river. Emmet has always been quieter than his brother, but it’s never been like this before.
“You said you have a conversation pit in your summer home?” You ask, trying to kickstart the conversation again. He’d also said you’d be spending time there, so… “When will I get to visit?”
And you pray the answer is still soon.
Some tension seems to leave him as he answers, “We usually host two parties for the season. Ingo and I would love you to be there for both,”
“I’d like that!” You answer, a little too quickly. But he seems to take it well. He almost looks relieved, and that comforts you as well.
Once you’ve broken the ice, conversation flows easily between you two once more. In fact, you’re both doing really well together! Your chatter is lighthearted, sometimes even boldly teasing, and though you have to hustle to keep up with his long legs and purposeful stride, you find he keeps looking toward you, like he wants to make sure you’re still with him. It’s endearing.
Until he tries to buy you another couch. Another wave of shame crests over you – it’s so powerful that you can’t think of what to do or how to save this moment without losing it. And it was going so well, too!
“Emmet, please stop. I’m sorry, but I don’t think you should buy this.”
“What, why?” He seems baffled, like he can’t figure out what you mean, “Is the color wrong? You shouldn’t worry. We can get it redone to fit your tastes.”
“I- no. That’s not- I just wouldn’t be comfortable with it.”
“But… it’s very comfortable?” Emmet looks confused, “The cushions are plenty soft. You just said so.”
“No, no. I mean, I don’t feel comfortable with you buying something like this for me!”
"But that’s why we're here. You deserve to be comfortable."
He pauses for a moment, as if struck by something.
"Are you not comfortable? With Ingo and I buying you things?"
You pause. Today has been a lot, with Ingo taking you to such a fancy, expensive tailor and Emmet wanting to buy you all of this new furniture. It’s so much money. More than you’ve ever had to spend on your own. But truthfully, it’s nice too. To be able to look at something and not have to worry about what it cost. To just decide you can have it, no matter what it was.
And it was nice, SO nice, to have people who wanted to give it to you.
"It's been really nice. But…" You sit down on the nearest couch, eyes facing downward as you try to put together the words to express how you’re feeling without choking.
But at what cost? You’re not naive. You know that this relationship is transactional. Every debt will have to be paid eventually. Once it’s all wrung up, what will the price on your shoulders be?
You’re scared that soon the spell will be broken. The debt collector will come knocking and demand something you can’t give. What will you do then, stuck with a price you can’t bear to pay and no way to back out? It’s terrifying. Would Ingo and Emmet do that to you? You’ve known them long enough to think that they probably wouldn’t, but how can you really be sure? How can you be sure of anything?
Emmet carefully sits across from you, patiently waiting for your next words.
“I don’t know why you’re both… It’s all so much, and I don’t know what you’re expecting from me in exchange for all of this.” Your expression is worried, almost scared.
Emmet feels his veins turn to ice. He suddenly feels like how he did as a child, making a rookie mistake in a battle and finding out how quickly and badly things could backfire on him. This was the last impression he or Ingo ever wanted to give.
"We are not buying you things because we want something from you. We wanted to do this for you because we like seeing you happy. You should have nice things." Your eyes are watery. He pulls a handkerchief from his pocket and offers it to you. “We only want you to be happy. Is that hard to believe?”
Emmet knows now that the game is almost up. The three of you are going to have to sit down and talk about your relationship – it’s all too quickly growing out of the convenient agreement it started as and into something more. They want to give you more, but Emmet realizes that they shouldn’t have assumed you’d just accept without talking it through first. You were so much more than what you could give to them. Yet somewhere along the way he and Ingo had both failed to consider how you might make assumptions about their intentions.
And then there’s the matter of their attraction to you. Emmet likes you. Wants you. They both do. But they can’t stand the idea of you thinking they’re buying you. Love that is an obligation is not what they want. It is so much more than that for them.
“I am Emmet. And I am sorry. I should have known it was too much to offer.” He says as you wipe your eyes. “I am serious though. Neither Ingo or I would ever expect anything like that.”
“I-” You take a deep breath, “Thank you. I’m sorry too. I should have told you how I was feeling sooner.”
Emmet reaches out and takes your hand in his. This time, you don’t pull away.
“Do you think we could start our date over?” He asks. You look at him and know that if you said no right now, he would take you home and everything would still be okay. “What if we just did something fun together instead? The amusement park is still open.”
You laugh through the last of your tears. “I’d like that. Can we ride the ferris wheel?”
He rubs a thumb over your knuckles.
“That sounds perfect.”
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smallestapplin · 1 year
Honestly all I need in life is more ingo content he's my yoinky sploinky
Could you, perchance, do a soft morning sex smut w a male reader and Ingo bc it's winter and they want to warm up?
Just them being in love and happy, maybe aftercare of making breakfast together
Thank u, I love u /p
- Tofu Anon
Oh absolutely 😩 I can’t tell you how excited I was writing this.
🔞18+Only!🔞Minors DNI🔞
Male reader with he/him pronouns and masc descriptors.
Ingo bites back a groan as the sunlight peeks through the curtains, shining on his face and waking him up. He squeezed his eyes together before slowly squinting, blinking the sleep from his silver eyes.
He lays there for a moment, unmoving. His frown deepens as the chill of the winter morning hits him, making him thank the dragons it’s his day off today. The sheets moving catches his attention, making him crack his eyes open to see you snuggling further into the covers.
Ingo’s frown softens at the sight, letting out an airy chuckle when you roll over, your back facing toward him as your sleeping form tries to steal more cover to get warm.
Instead of fighting for more, he curls into your back, nuzzling his face into your nape and wrapping his arm around your stomach, before getting comfortable and molding his body against yours.
“Mm….you’re cold.” You shiver at the sudden chilly contact, burying your face more into your pillow.
“Ah, I’m sorry my love, I didn’t mean to wake you.” He truly didn’t he just wanted to get warm and enjoy this calm morning with you.
You barely groan loud enough for him to hear, but you push yourself further against him, your ass slotting perfectly against his pelvis.
Ingo helps you, his hand on your hip and the other arm under you to wrap around you.
“You’re so warm. Probably because you’re a blanket thief.” He teases you, kissing your bruised neck with a chuckle. The passionate night before still lingers into the morning.
“Maybe cuddle or steal it back then.” You look behind you just to stick your tongue out at him.
“Oh, how cruel.” He kisses your cheek before nuzzling back into your neck.
You smile, finding his early morning affection to be so cute, but it’s far too cold, even with the heat on it’s chilly. An idea lights up in your head, before a smile sneakily forms on your face. Glancing down you see just how easy it would be, and he’s none the wiser.
Carefully you push your ass back, grinding against him. You listen as Ingo’s breathing shakes, the hand on your hip tightens yet he doesn’t stop you, encouraging you to continue. The arm around you moves, making you mutely squeal as Ing’s cold hand drags across your bare chest, cupping one of your pecs, and running his thumb over your perked nipple.
“You truly think you’re slick, huh?”
Ingo bites his lip to hold back his groan. You chuckle, continuing to throw your ass back against him.
“I can think of a way to warm us both up.”
He moves from your neck to lock eyes with you, his bright silver looking deeply into yours.
“My, when did my husband become so needy?”
Before you have a chance to retort his hand moves from your hip and slides into your boxers, slowly pushing them down and freeing your half-hard cock. You hiss softly as you’re greeted by the cold air even through your cozy blanket.
“Was last night not enough to satisfy you?”
You moan, airily laughing at his words as he kisses one of the many hickies he left last night.
“I could say the same for you. Such a needy man, always wanting me.”
His face was bright red, but that doesn’t stop him from pulling his boxers down, freeing his throbbing dick against your ass, and reaching to his nightstand, grabbing a half-empty bottle of lube to use.
Ingo bites back any sound as the cold lube is slathered on his cock, but it’s quick to warm up. You gasp feeling his wet dick press between your asscheeks.
He curls around you, his face in the nape of your neck.
“I’m sure this would be a satisfactory way to keep warm, do you want-“
“Ingo, please just put it in already, I can’t wait anymore.” You whine, pressing against him.
You’re still tender and stretched from last night, making it easy for him to slip inside. You let out a long whimper, before catching your breath.
“Fuck….still- still so good.” You pant, his chest pressed firmly against your back as he grinds his cock deeper into your ass.
You rock your hips, gently fucking yourself on his cock, and matching his slow movements.
“Mm…I love you. Fuck, such a pretty boy, making such pretty sounds for me.” Ingo grunts in your ear before muffling his whimpers into your skin.
His tip hits so deep inside you, softly hitting and grinding on your sweet spot over and over and over again. The pleasure fogging your mind, even with his gentle fucking it’s overwhelming, he knows just how to please you.
“Ingo…oh gods..! I love you, love you so much-ah!” You bite your lips. Drool leaked from your lips, but you couldn’t even think about it as your eyes cross.
He just keeps rocking against your prostate!
You grip the pillow under your head, trying to ground yourself and not get lost in him. Ingo isn’t fairing any better, his loud moans echoing alongside yours, you just feel so good! So warm, so snug around him, clenching every time he hits that spot inside you.
his hand on your hip slides down to grip your neglected and weeping cock, while his other wraps around you, holding you tight against him as he carefully speeds up his thrusts, hand moving in time with his movements.
Your eyes roll back while a weak cry leaves your throat.
“O-oh Ingo! You’re- M’gonna cum!” Your free hand moves behind you, threading your fingers through his silver hair to pull his face up.
You slam your lips against him in a wet, messy kiss. Muffling your cries with him.
You arch your back, pressing your ass firmly back onto him as your cum coats his hand and the bed sheets. He can feel your warmth covering his hand, feel your dick twitching and your well-loved hole clenching around him, it’s driving him crazy.
He can’t stop the wail that leaves him as he fucks your ass full of his thick spent. You whimper at the feeling, it’s so hot and filling you to the brim.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, my precious husband.” Ingo lavishes gentle kisses slowly on your shoulder, neck, and cheek.
You chuckle at the ticklish feeling.
“We should really get up.” You sigh, but can’t top the laugh from bubbling over when Ingo groans.
It’s usually the other way around.
“Please, stay in bed a moment more, let me go make you some breakfast and then we will get you cleaned up.”
You tremble as he carefully slides his cock out of you, and fixes both of your boxers before he gets up.
“I’ll have to thank whatever force gave me such a sweet man like you.”
Ingo’s face is dusted pink, but that doesn’t stop him from kissing you one last time.
“It should be me thanking whatever brought you into my life. No, if I may, I have to make my handsome man some breakfast.”
He fixes the blanket around you just so you’ll stay warm before he takes his leave.
How did you get so lucky?
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ciderwitch · 2 years
Mhm mhm *throws kink HCS at you*
🔞 MDNI as usual because I'm a menace
For Boss Emmet Boss Ingo separately (maybe next I could do Officer Nanu and Gym Leader Kabu. Gilf Edition)
Warning! This is horny and also long. TW: Overstim, Kink themes. Not complete by any means but some I could imagine them enjoying.
Boss Emmet
Daddy/Master Kink. I know it. You know it. He knows it. The first time you let either slip out of your mouth it's over.
Cock-warming, though it surprises him as much as you. You both discover it when you jokingly wish you could just hang out with his cock in you and... Yeah. Tease him too much and it might turn into something else, though.
He loves manhandling and being stronger than his S/O. He enjoys pinning you down, wrestling for control, and just holding you up in general. You're whimpers are just so cute when he fucks you against the wall!
Overstimulation/Begging/Desperation for sure. He's not sure why, but something about the way you squirm away when he's nailing you too much, too deep! makes him absolutely feral.
He hates when you're sad, but the way you cry when he's pressed behind your prone form and just slamming his fat cock into your hole as you're forced to cum around him for the fourth time? He's addicted.
He's the same in reverse, however. He would love it just as much if his partner wanted to top him in the same ways. Tell him no, that he has to watch you without touching or even just manhandle him into a good position and watch him nearly weep from desperation to fuck you.
Also he would love to be your horny puppy mistress.
Dirty talk and says the nastiest shit. Would corner you in the subway and put his hand between your legs and just let loose, waiting until you were practically grinding into his hand to walk away with a wide smile and tip of his hat. His lack of intonation just makes it sound so casual, the jerk!
Praise kink. Call him your good boy, all yours, or "my Emmet" and he's yours forever. Tell him you love him and he crumbles. Will immediately turn rough Emmet into soft Emmet because he really is soft inside. He's also just addicted to you.
Boss Ingo
Him and Emmet really share most of kinks, but like certain things a little more than the other.
Ingo likes free use, for example. Only at home and only if it's you, but something about you just pushing him down on the couch and taking your pleasure from him without a care makes him a desperate flushed mess. Knowing he's always at your service drives him wild. (Emmet likes the idea but is not nearly patient enough for this) Cock-warming ties into this for him. It's so casually intimate that it makes him blush.
Praise kink like Emmet, but if you praise him during sex he will fuck you even harder. Will talk endlessly about how he loves you, how good you feel, how perfect you are. He could probably get off untouched from praise alone. He moans like a whore and will apologize, but if you praise him for it it will help his confidence.
Breeding kink. Emmet shares this one a bit, but Ingo loses his mind at the idea of marking you up inside, filling you in a way only he can, and claiming you as his. It's less about making a family with you (although that excites him, too) but more about the little possessive joy it brings him to know you're his in that way. The cum kink is a bonus. He finds it dirty, so if you desire it you have to assure him you're okay with it.
If you gently dom and dote on him he will never be able to recover. Take your time to get comfortable together, tell him what a good boy he is while jacking him off and teasing him ever-so-much will have him putty in your hands. Soft loving sex really is the way he prefers it.
That said... He loves having sex in the office or on the train. He has a slight voyeur streak but would never want to share your beautiful body with anyone else in such a way. He won't do anything with other people around like Emmet might but he would fuck you against his the office window.
Absolutely debilitating domesticity kink. Wants to be your man so, so, so bad. Happy Malewife.
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mikovwrites · 7 months
hello may i ask or more like a request,its ok if you dont do the request but can i request
bee worker!reader with yandere king bee!ingo and emmet with smut?it could be any way you want i dont mind if you dont do the request its ok i understand but in anyway i like your beegearstation Au!thats my favorite au of yours so far with ingo and emmet and also im a new follower!hope we interact in the future just for know i will your fan anon of emmet and ingo :3
hope you get a better rest this year!dont let yourself tired always have a good day!^^
Hello there, my first request anon! ^^
I'm very happy that you're showing so much interest in the my writing. Just for your information, the SubMas BeeGearStation AU is not my creation as it came from the wonderful minds of @r0-boat and @onestepbackwards, illustrated by the the awesome @antidotesprout. As much as I adore the AU, I'm only a small writing blog contributing with the idea. Hehe. ^^
As for your request, I apologise for turning it down at the moment because I'm currently focusing myself on writing for the Call of Duty and Tekken fandoms. Thank you for your understanding. Feel free to check my other writings by surfing this blog of mine! Thank you for following my blog and interacting with my works. Your support means a lot to me. :')
Thank you for the kind words, my dear first request anon! I hope for a better year for you as well. Have a nice day! :D
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ingo smut hcs ; 18+
Tumblr media
requested by ; 🥭 anon (20/05/23) [4/6]
fandom(s) ; pokémon
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; ingo
outline ; “🥭 anon here! I’m so happy you’re willing to give my Submas request a shot even if it’ll take a while!! ✨ take as much time as you need, because I’m desperate to see content for these sillies and perfection takes time so I can wait~ I’d like to request sfw and nsfw general relationship headcanons for the Submas bros (separate headcanons and poly headcanons) with a male reader If possible!! 👉👈 also I appreciate that you write for male readers I think that’s great!!!!!!!!!!!”
warning(s) ; sexually explicit content, phone sex, praise, service top!ingo
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
ingo is dominant by nature but like not strictly — more so in the sense that he’s a top and enjoys pleasuring you but he’s not the sort to boss you around in the bedroom
in a word: he’s a service top
very big on encouragement and praise in bed, always happy to call you his ‘good boy’ or commenting on how well you’re taking him as he pleasures you
aftercare with ingo is extremely thorough and involves everything from in depth conversation, gentle cleaning, rearranging the bed back as it was before, fetching food and drink, and checking both of you over for injuries
he isn’t necessarily rough or extreme in what he does in the bedroom, but nonetheless he insists on you agreeing on a safe word and safe action so that you always have an out if you’re ever uncomfortable
doesn’t have a particularly high libido, but if you do then he’s happy to reach over and jerk you off if he’s not in the mood
thinks you’re absolutely stunning when you’re begging him to fuck you or begging him to let you pleasure him — it makes him feel attractive and wanted
would probably invest in a few toys (blindfolds, light bondage stuff and maybe a vibrating cock ring) but he’s mainly pretty vanilla
thinks you’re the most beautiful person in the world and will happily worship your body for as long as you’ll let him
very easy to fluster by whispering dirty talk in his ear and letting your hands wander to his hips (they’re very sensitive)
is excellent at dirty talk over the phone but gets too flustered to sext (tends to overthink what he’s saying)
whilst his expression can often be misread as displeased or stoic, you can tell by the glint in his eye that he’s aroused — well that and the way his eyes keep flitting between your face and your waist
you’re usually the one to initiate sex as he’s usually much too focused on other things to think about propositioning you
surprisingly loud in bed and will let out the most whorish sounding moans and gasps when you go down on him
cums a shocking amount and never fails to stuff you full of it if you encourage him to spill inside of you
isn’t too big on public sex acts and prefers to keep things private, but if he’s desperate enough he’ll insist on you going to a more private area so you can get each other off quickly before returning to whatever it is you were doing
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
So I was thinking about the train twins (as one does.)
And I was thinking about like, how they are kinda just lean at most, very thin men. So I then thought about like, them with a bigger s/o.
Maybe even asking his(his being either twin) s/o why they never wear any of his clothes.
“You never take my shirts or my jackets.” Even though he likely intentionally leaves them at your house for you.
So you just sigh, hold a finger up to say “give me a minute.”
And you go upstairs, you’re gone for maybe for ten minutes, showing up with a little.
“This is exactly why.”
And it’s one of his sleep shirts, while he’s long, it barely fits over your tits, like a ruffled tight crop top. The poor man is stunned, eyes wide, but you keep going.
“Or, better yet.”
You toss off the shirt of his you had on, with a little struggle from how tight the fabric is, but you managed. Bare chest on display, but you two have been together a while, so you don’t feel embarrassed. Putting on the other shirt you grabbed with this one.
One of his work shirts.
Just a simple, neat button up.
You toss it on, starting with the bottom buttons and working your way up, struggling so hard to close the top buttons around your chest, but you barely manage.
You move your hands to show another reason, as to why you never wear his shirts. Only for the buttons around your chest to snap, popping and flying off, lightly hitting him in the face.
The now busted shirt leaving your tits out, but you’re panicking, making sure he’s okay while apologizing for his shirt, not thinking it would tear but that was your fault.
His face is bright red, breathing shakily. His cock pressing against his pants, begging to be free.
“Oh hon I’m so sorry I didn’t-“
“Do it again, please.”
You barely have time to question before you’re just yanked onto his lap, feeling his bulge against your panty cover crotch.
“Ruin as many shirts as you want, just please, keep wearing them like this.”
You get to wear his shirt, and he gets to see your sexy self like this? Is an absolute win in his book.
AYO? 👀👀 🔞🔞🔞
Oh you KNOW it doesn't matter what twin it is, or both. They see you trying to wear their shirts and that happens, both will want to see it more. It does something to them. Emmet will straight up beg. No doubt about it. He sees his work shirt pop like that, he will buy work shirts just for you to wear and pop open. He'll even wear them for you so they smell like him, just PLEASE let him see that again. Walk around with your titties out in his work shirt. He also can't keep his hands to himself. WILL be touching you so long as you allow it. He can't help it! You wearing his work shirt, and having your tits out? He's drooling. Emmet has no shame. Ingo will be a bit more controlled, but he still asks for you to do that again. He didn't realize how much of a turn on that would be. He will buy you similar work shirts, clean them, wear them, and then leave them nicely folded on your bed a week later for you to wear. It's a silent plea. He wants to see it again. He will drop whatever he is doing if you walk into the room with one of his work shirts on, and pop buttons again, revealing your tits. You have his full attention.
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Gargoyle! Ingo x [F]Reader
please check out my main account for more family friendly stories: @harveyb-wabbit92
It's monster fucker month! figured I’d add my contribution.
I might do slime! or Ghost! Emmet next.
Jealousy + Rooftop sex with Ingo, A compilation of five words you'd never thought you experience in your lifetime, but here you were dress ripped up to hell and it's remains somehow still hung onto your body, while you were roughly pinned against a patch of grass, as large black and red wings laid over you like a protective cocoon.You winced as Ingo slowly pressed into you from behind, you choked back as gasp as you felt his girth stretch you out, In your hazy mind you recalled Emmet telling you you a while back, that by Gargoyle standards he and Ingo were considered small.
Standing at only 6'11 while the average height for their species was like 8 feet tall! Funny, Ingo certainly didn't feel small! giving that it felt like his cock was tearing your insides apart!; Regardless of how much he'd had prep you for it. He was big almost to big for you take, you felt tears burn your eyes and small sob escaped your throat as you tried to accommodate him.
Ingo left a trail of kisses along your jaw and neck, while murmuring apologies and praises; calling you a good girl for taking him in so well, Your face felt hot hearing those honeyed words, causing you try to hide your embarrassment in your arms as a muffled moan escaped your mouth feeling Ingo bottom out. Ingo's right hand rested on your hip while his while his free hand rested on the ground, his claws dug into the soft dirt as low growl erupted his chest, feeling your tight heat constrict around him, slowly growing used to his size.
After a bit, you gave Ingo the ok to move, the gargoyle slowly pulled away from you, you let out pathetic whine at the loss, -that whine soon turned into startled squeal as Ingo grabbed your waist impaling you back onto his cock, "Mine..." a possessive growl escaped Ingo's throat as he takes you at a rough and feral pace, filling the night air with the sounds of your moans and Ingo's low growls.
Ingo shifted his angle and watched you beg and squirm under his much larger frame; he rolls his hips roughly causing you to arch against taking him further and hitting a spot that cause sparks to flash in your vision and your insides to quiver. "that feel good sweetheart?" he purred in you ear you let out a choked sob and nodded as a low throaty moan escaped his mouth as your walls squeezed him.
Without warning Ingo suddenly pulled out you whined. "Ingo? wh-Epp!" You yelped as you were lifted off the ground and turned over to face him, you threw your arms around his neck to keep yourself from falling over but Ingo's wings gently caught you and rested against your back, You felt Ingo's hands on your hips as he pressed himself back into your weeping heat, you choked out a gasp the new sensation this position made it feel deeper,
You raked your nails across Ingo's back accidentally grazing the base of his wings, the gargoyle's harsh rhythm suddenly stalled as he let out a submissive whine, there was awkward pause, as your mind tried to register what just happened? But a flustered Ingo quickly regained his dominate composure back, and hooked his arm under your right knee, his claws glided lightly along the skin of your thigh as you wrapped your legs around his waist, You sobbed against Ingo's chest as he began his ruthless pace all over again, it felt you were melting as his feral growls and tender kisses sent you further over the edge.
Everything felt, so hot...so good, the coil in you belly was ready to snap! It was too much! the Climax Ingo had been pulling you toward came crashing over you like a tidal wave, a white haze filled your vision as you let out a desperate whine that was quickly smothered out by Ingo kissing you as he fucked you through it, His grip on your hips tightened as his wings hugged your tiny body closer Ingo's as his pace became more desperate and sporadic.
The gargoyle pulled away from the kiss and started nipping around your neck, his breath came out is shallow huffs as he whispers something to you, but your mind was too clogged up from overstimulation to register it, next thing you knew Ingo had sank his teeth into your shoulder, the shock from pain coupled with Ingo savagely fucking you into next week was what sent a another violent wave of ecstasy wash over you as you vision blurred.
You vaguely recalled biting Ingo back but your teeth weren't strong enough to pierce his hard skin, Didn't matter, the feeling of your attempt alone was enough to drive Ingo to his own climax he groan against your neck as he came inside you coating your insides with his cum...
After a few minutes for things to cool down you were slowly brought back to earth by Ingo lightly licking the bite left on you neck, he caught your eyes and noticed him flinch. Not surprise. he'd be acting sheepish now, up until this moment you thought Ingo hated your guts!
He's been cold and short with you ever since Emmet drunkenly brought you home like stray Glameow one night and declared you his new bestfriend and their new roommate! Since then Ingo seemed hellbent on getting you out of his house and out of his life! But, Emmet and Elesa (she was one of the very few humans he trusted.) would intervene or you did something that quashed his attempts at removing you.
It wasn't long before Ingo found himself used to your presence, but he had no idea how to go about apologizing for his previous behavior and actions, he clam up whenever he tried to talk to you, then at Elesa's house warming party, he saw Grimsley getting too close and touchy with you, And you seem to be enjoying it....
Then he heard Grimsley ask you out and something in Ingo just snapped, cos next he knew the gargoyle was situated between you and Elesa's cousin barking at him to "Back off." before gather you in his arms and flying off into the night...
That's how the two of you ended on this rooftop, you barely had time to to ask Ingo what the hell he was thinking? before he had pulled you into a heated kiss that threw all anger and rationality out the window.... You didn't even care when his claws started ripping your dress apart!
{Cut to present.}
You let out a tired moan as Ingo pulled out of you winced at the empty feeling as cum began to drip down your thighs, as Ingo adjust his pants and finally found his voice again. "I- um,...Is-Is your body okay?" he stammered as blush dusted his cheeks while averting his eyes, it was obvious he didn't what to do or say right now, Emmet told him that humans tend to hold each other and talk after mating. 'Pillow talk' was what Emmet called it, apparently he and E-S/o do it all the time after they've done it.
Of course Ingo was a bit reluctant to believe it, what could people possibly have to talk about afterwards? Gargoyles usually just did the deed and then leave, if you mated with a female and bore a child? Then, hey good on you, hopefully they'll come find their dad when they're grown...
Yeah, Gargoyles are mostly solitary creatures, It's rare for them to live in large groups let a alone keep a mate for life.
Ingo was pulled out of his thoughts by your tired voice. "I think so... But I don't think be walking straight for a while." You said while resting your head against his chest listening to his heart drumming hard in his ribcage, Ingo's tail twitch somewhat agitated...you sounded almost pleased with him, how could him almost crippling your ability to walk be pleasing??? 
He sighed in defeat. Humans are confusing...
"I'm sorry, I'll try and be more carful next time."
He murmured nuzzling you hair, that caused you to look at him like his grew five heads. *Next time...there's gonna be a next time? But than that would mean what Emmet's been telling You was true...* You licked you lips nervously and asked. "Ingo, do you like me?" The gargoyle tensed up at the question, most girls would've taken his silence as a bad sign and left.
You on the other hand knew Ingo well enough to know when he thinking hard about things... And given how red his face was turning, you may have hit the nail on that one. "Well, you presence is still annoying." Your lips twitched feeling pang of hurt in your chest. "But...I d-don't dislike you." He stammered Arc! Ingo wished he had his hat on right now... he can't handle you looking at him with that dopey look on your face.
"S-stop staring at me like that! we're going home!" Ingo huffed opening his wings to let you stand up, but your nervous voice cut in. "um, Ingo, my dress?" Ingo looked to see what was wrong? his face turn Cheri-berry when he saw state of, your it wasn't even a dress anymore, it was just a series of rags that covered you in all the right places... 
Ingo felt his pants get tight again, but quickly shook his head and looked around the roof for his jacket that he haphazardly toss aside to let to give his wings more room to move he found it a feet a away and handed to you to put on just as the door to garden opened.
Ingo quickly grabbed you and flew you both to the building next-door as two security guards looked around the area confused, one insisted he though he heard a scream. Causing your face to heat up as Ingo's grip on you tightened, they looked around the empty space. Finding the dug up ground from Ingo's claws and the bits of your dress scattered about, the guard looked concerned until they saw a ripped banner that looked similar in color to your dress.
They assumed it was a Pokémon that got in the garden's decorations and freaked out when it got tangled up in it, they mumbled about having cleaning up later and left. You and Ingo relaxed, before Ingo calmly flew off again this time towards his house...
Needles to say. Emmet had a field day with the 'I told ya so's' the next morning when he found you in Ingo's room curled up in bed with his older brother.
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ya-bug-boy · 1 year
Omg heyyyy :3 so happy to have found a male ready fanfic writer around here!!
Also HOLY MOLY my submas hyperfixation is coming back after I got Ingo in Pokémon Masters EX this morning ALJSJSKAA I LOVE HIM. HE’S SO SKRUNKY
*Ahem* anyways- I’d like to request.. smut -w- I’d like dom submas bros x sub male reader headcanons! It’s a bummer that every male reader x submas fic I’ve read has us as the sub which is honestly unrealistic on my end because I don’t have a dom bone in my body- I’m a shy boi and I need these dom babies to take care of me qwq (Also you can write headcanons of the brothers separately or together as a poly, I don’t mind any ^^)
DOM Submas x SUB Reader!
Putting the rest of these headcanons under a read more because well, MINORS DNI
Dating the twins initially started off as a sweet and tender romance but sleeping with both of them is a complete different experience.
Emmet loves having a lot of control when it comes to you sexually. He likes it when you beg and cry for him to make you cum. Your orgasms are always particularly hard because he either makes you cum super quickly or builds up a lot of tension before finally letting you have your release.
Ingo likes "breaking" you, by making you go through multiple orgasms before he finally gets a turn because seeing you completely spent and lust drunk is such a good turn on.
You have separate safewords for when you're with a specific twin or both! Safety checks are always important. Ingo checks your consent by referencing the colors of a stoplight (green, yellow, red) whereas Emmet likes to check by how nicely you scream and beg to be fucked.
If you spend too much time with one twin, expect the other to get a little "revenge" by being especially harder on you. Ignore the both of them and you'll be bound to the bed, in for a good and long time.
The two get competitive with you, trying to see who can make you cum the most/longest. They take turns with your ass or with your mouth.
Emmet is more physical when it comes to teasing whereas Ingo is better at dirty talking to you.
One of their favorite things to do is to bind your wrists behind your back. You're sitting on Ingo when Emmet is eye level with your cock. Ingo dirty talks to you and forces you to watch Emmet tease your leaking cock, the two are determined to make you cum while touching you as little as possible before just completely ravaging you.
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outoutdamnspark · 2 years
‘Spark Writes’ Masterlist
Emoji Code:
🔞🍋 = smut/sexual themes (#lemon zest)
🔞🎃 = gore/violence/blood (#pumpkin guts)
💔 = themes of depression/grief/trauma/death/suicidal ideation
💖 = hurt/comfort
(Note: any ‘Submas x Reader’ or ‘Submas x OC’ is strictly Emmet x ??? x Ingo. Absolutely no blankshipping. Blank and proshippers DNI!)
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◇ Ursa Major; Ursa Minor (Submas. in-progress)
(PLA. platonic a/b/o. found family. protective papa Ingo & pup Akari)
-> Ch.1: Dread
-> Ch. 2: Trepidation
◇ Watching the Earth Rise (Submas. in-progress)
(Age Gap Au. SilverFox!Emmet x oc Reina Kageyama)
-> Lost and Found (drunken late night love confessions) 💔
-> Cerulean (a walk home together)
~x reader (no ocs) ~
◇ Drops of Rain on Foggy Glass (slasher!submas. Emmet x Reader) 🔞🍋
(’pt.2: Ingo’ currently canceled.)
◇ Marked (succubus!Ingo. Ingo x Reader) 🔞🍋
◇ Tender (for dvdclown) (Ingo x Reader. fluffy)
◇ Human (robo!submas. Submas x Reader) 💔
◇ My Heart in Your Hands (hivemind!submas. Ingo x Reader) 💔💖
~feat. ocs~
◇ Holy (for peachsodama) (Emmet x oc Pecha) 🔞🍋
◇ Promise (for bubblymilkgalaxy) (Warden Ingo x oc Sugi. pre-romance)
◇ 2am (for nc-eikin) (oc Reina & oc Mari) 💔
◇ Tease (for m4ster-ball) (oc Hina x oc Dorian) 🔞🍋
◇ Smoke Rings (for peachsodama) (oc Reina & centiskotch!oc Pecha) 💔💖
◇ *Smooch!* (for bellafragolina) (oc Reina x oc Ren)
◇ Strange Neighbors (for peachsodama) (oc Reina & centaskorch!oc Pecha)
◇ Mistletoe (for peachsodama) (oc Reina; oc Hina x oc Pecha)
◇ Bite (for r0-boat) (oc Cole x Reader) 🔞🍋
◇ Submas BDSM Aftercare (for nc-eikin) 🔞🍋
◇ Submas Lovemaking vs. Fucking (nsfw playlist-inspired) 
◇ Submas, Larry Vocal in Bed 🔞🍋
◇ Larry’s a Squirmer in Bed 🔞🍋
◇ Submas with Bipolar Disorder 💔💖
◇ Echoes in the Deep (Submas Pacific Rim AU. JaegerPilot!Submas x Reader)
-> ‘Welcome to the Shatterdome’ (intro oneshot)
-> plot outline pt. 1
-> plot outline pt. 2
◇ Soulmate Dream-Dive AU (stand-alone soulmate au idea) 💔💖
◇ Legend of Dragoon AU (head canons for Dragoon!Submas & OCs)
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OC Stuff
Kageyama Sisters (all 3)
◇ Random Thoughts
[voice claims #1]
◇ Emoji ask memes
◇ Reina x Emmet ship meme
◇ Reina: 'Alphabet Kink’ ask meme answers 🔞🍋
[one] * [two] * [three] * [four]
◇ Reina: Emoji ask meme
[one] * [two]
◇ Reina: Random Thoughts
[singing & Kids on the Bridge collection] * [playlist personality meme] 💔
[metal screams] * [mental state & apartment] * [gift giving: Rawst]
◇ Reina: ‘Good Days and Bad Days’ drabble 💔
◇ The Kids on the Bridge Explanation 💔
◇ Kana x Warden Ingo ship meme
◇ Kana: Emoji ask meme
[one] * [two]
◇ Kana: Random Thoughts
[Hisui & her Pokemon] * [Kana & Osuke] * [Kana & Nise]
[gift giving: Sugi] * [gift giving: Isamu]
◇ Hina: Random Thoughts
[gift giving: Pecha] * [gift giving: Dorian]
◇ Hina: Emoji ask meme
[one] * [two] * [three] * [four] * [five]
D&D Ficlets
◇ Hound of the Emperor AU (dark route Gibrahltar Seventh-Star)
-> The Serpent and the Hound (Hound & Xikist) 💔
-> Oh God, Have Mercy (Hound betrays Emperor Cockerime)🔞🎃💔
-> What the Water Gave Me (Lloyd & Aetrin)
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