I’m just. MMMMMMMMM.
Okay. Mirrors whiy did I choose to join this hellsite and read into character arcs and mirrors snd subtects i’m so mad right now.
still have half an episode to go what more the fuck happens?? this is were it shoulld end normallly wtf
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My life has culminated in this moment, to come 9th of 10 people in a Kahoot about the subtect learnt today, a subject necessary for me to do my job, but getting first and second place in 2 Simpson's Kahootz
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bluestone-alley · 4 months
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image id below
[Image ID: A photo taken of a report from a psychological evaluation. The image has been edited to redact the deadname of the client. The report reads: BEHAVIORAL OBSERVATIONS: (redacted) was initially seen over a HIPAA compliant telehealth platform. She is an articulate young woman who appeared to be comfortable in that interaction, and rapport appeared to be established easily. When seen in the office for testing (redacted) arrived on time. She was casually and neatly dressed and groomed. (redacted) demonstrated a quick, methodical approach when completing items on the WAIS-IV Block Design subtest. She indicated confidence when approaching the Similarities subtest, saying, "I do connections every day," referring to a game on the New York Times website. When comoleting the Calculation subtect. The text cuts off. /. End ID]
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singofus-a · 6 months
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@fantasmagorey asked:
she can't get ahold of lyssa , with sudden do not disturb status on her phone , and kal said dio left work suddenly , and she can't shake the feeling that something is wrong . she knows toni is in her studio today , and kal routinely doesn't ask questions , so that night , when the feeling still won't go away — especially when lyssa continues to be on dnd and isn't home — sal texts dys .
▸ to dystopia: hey do u know if anything weird/bad is going on with ur gf's work, i just have a bad feeling i can't shake
[@fantasmagorey sal ↝ dys , modern mortal , abduction chatter]
unprompted ask | Always Accepting
To: Sal: Everything's okay. Come over :)
That's all they say to her but they know it will be enough. They hope Sal reads the subtect here. Dys never used smiley faces in their texts.
Before any of this, Melinoë had drilled into them the vulnerabilities of modern technology. Scams to look out for, attempts to infiltrate their phone, that kind of thing. This event had only reinforced that fear in their partner, and due to its nature, Dys had been made to promise not to say much of anything at all. So they had thought to be careful in making it seem as if nothing were wrong. To appear that they knew nothing.
When Sal came over, both phones would be put into the signal-proof box that Mel had brought home yesterday. Apparently it would prevent any bugged phone hearing what was said inside the house.
This was explained to Sal when she arrived and after she'd put her phone in there in the hallway to the house. Dys took her arm and tugged her into the kitchen near the back of the house before they finally explained.
"Not-mama was taken." They say, using their term for Maggie. One that they'd hoped would make the emotional connection weaken. It had never worked so far. "By spies or intelligence officers, so I was told. Everything's being kept very secret. Very. That's all even I know. Mel won't speak any more of it here, but it sounds like...she hasn't yet been found."
Immediately they grasp Sal's arms, giving her some support after that bombshell. Though they were still reeling from it too.
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fibi-draws · 3 years
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i missed her [Tagging TS in any of my drawings is a direct breach of my boundaries]
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Anyways. Reminder that all my tntduo art is romantic and you should always interpret it as such and when you tag it as such I give you a little (acearo) kiss on the lips. Just like they kiss. However they do it with both sexual and romantic intent.
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Just played though "solitary sea beast" quest and HELLO??? Was no one gonna tell me these bitches gay??
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panvani · 3 years
Btw my feelings on any subtext that has to do w the Actual Experience of being gay/trans in MochiJun stuff is that this is not exactly Unintentional but something Mochizuki didn't actually really think about when she put it in
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summerday · 4 years
Star Trek V - The Shipping Wars
Uhura x Scott
Chekov x Sulu
Kirk x McCoy x Spock
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loveruns · 7 years
Listen I’m not sayin’ anything but......... I’m just sayin’.............. Watson describes the details of Sherlock’s hands a lot
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tsunonotarou · 3 years
I'm here in the name of my lazy lion to explain why Leona's reasons ARE NOT childish at all.
TW: for mental issues.
First of all, the possibility of Leona developing an inferiority complex in the past is HIGH, mix that with a possible depression, since he has most of the symptoms and we have a delicious cocktail that can explain his laziness and his actitude towards life, because we all know that Leona doesn't lack ability, intelligence or knowledge.
He doesn't go to class because he already know what they're teaching (not because of repeating year) Savannaclaw might be the second chapter but Leona's power goes just after Malleus, that's why he feels he needs to compete, to be better than Malleus.
Now, Leona's reasons are valid, here why:
To be a king you must have certain education, that's common knowledge. Leona has been preparing himself to be a king since he's a little kid, politics, ettiquete, protocol, history and magic. Come on, Leona best subtect is ancient curses, do you think an incompetent can have such an ability? All that hard work and pressure for nothing, he can't be a king, he will never be.
His unique magic is turning things into sand, for the story he developed his unique magic early in his childhood, something that could show how good at magic he's ended up in... Hate, remember that the staff in the palace and the people in Savannaclaw Afterglow doesn't like Leona at all due to his unique magic and later in his life for his attitude.
A kid doesn't born dreaming of being a king, since he was a kid Leona was the next candidate for the throne. That idea was planted in his head, they didn't leave him other options or space to dream of being something different, he worked hard despite the hate for his unique magic or being constantly compared to Farena, but do you really think his reasons are childish?
And the worst part is that, well, despite the hate, the comparisons, the strict rules of the imperial house and his strict education Leona still had the chance to become a good king, however, it changed when he was 15, the day Cheeka was born.
And despite common belief he still makes an effort, not as we expect, of course, but he's absolutely good at magift, the only one who can do it better is Malleus. So indeed Leona is not the #1 nor in the throne, his family or in magift.
This was long, I know, I'm sorry, hahahaha. I had to.
Regular font size under the cut in case this ^ is hard for you to see!
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TW: for mental issues.
First of all, the possibility of Leona developing an inferiority complex in the past is HIGH, mix that with a possible depression, since he has most of the symptoms and we have a delicious cocktail that can explain his laziness and his actitude towards life, because we all know that Leona doesn't lack ability, intelligence or knowledge.
He doesn't go to class because he already know what they're teaching (not because of repeating year) Savannaclaw might be the second chapter but Leona's power goes just after Malleus, that's why he feels he needs to compete, to be better than Malleus.
Now, Leona's reasons are valid, here why:
To be a king you must have certain education, that's common knowledge. Leona has been preparing himself to be a king since he's a little kid, politics, ettiquete, protocol, history and magic. Come on, Leona best subtect is ancient curses, do you think an incompetent can have such an ability? All that hard work and pressure for nothing, he can't be a king, he will never be.
His unique magic is turning things into sand, for the story he developed his unique magic early in his childhood, something that could show how good at magic he's ended up in... Hate, remember that the staff in the palace and the people in Savannaclaw Afterglow doesn't like Leona at all due to his unique magic and later in his life for his attitude.
A kid doesn't born dreaming of being a king, since he was a kid Leona was the next candidate for the throne. That idea was planted in his head, they didn't leave him other options or space to dream of being something different, he worked hard despite the hate for his unique magic or being constantly compared to Farena, but do you really think his reasons are childish?
And the worst part is that, well, despite the hate, the comparisons, the strict rules of the imperial house and his strict education Leona still had the chance to become a good king, however, it changed when he was 15, the day Cheeka was born.
And despite common belief he still makes an effort, not as we expect, of course, but he's absolutely good at magift, the only one who can do it better is Malleus. So indeed Leona is not the #1 nor in the throne, his family or in magift.
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Thank you for taking the time to send this 🧡 this was explained much more in depth than my previous one and actually put my thoughts into actual words, I believe I have nothing else to add (´∀`*) and once again, please don’t apologize for sending asks!
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pacificwanderer · 5 years
do you think the sudden push for trio materials is something we should be worried about? like i'm worried that's going to be the major central dynamic in tros or that the extended universe stuff is going to emphasize how much rey cares about her friends and the resistance and only her friends and the resistance, and her dynamic with kylo is just going to be a 'compassionate heroine redeems bad villain just because she's a good person' thing
Nope, I don’t think there’s any reason to worry.
That a lot of it is happening in supplementary material should give you a good idea about how much of the development is going to be covered in the actual movie. The movie is going to focus on tying up the ends of this series, not on friendly friends going on friendly adventures. There is some pretty important shit going on in the galaxy rn, so I’m assuming the time jump is so that they can have these characters established in their relationships so they can get on with the story.
And there’s nothing wrong with Rey caring for her friends. Her compassion is one of the hallmarks of her characters, so I’m sure we’ll see plenty of interactions between Rey and her friends but, as Daisy’s said, it might not all be hunky-dory:
“The great thing that J.J. shows is you see a proper friendship so it's not all like hunky-dory,” she says. “They're friends who clash sometimes. But also you have to be confident to have clashes with your friends and know that everything's going to be OK.”
Wonder why Rey and her friends might be experiencing some drama? Definitely couldn’t be because she has a galaxy-spanning, mystic bond with Kylo Ren or anything. Speaking of which, how much do her friends know about what happened on Snoke’s ship? And why she was there/who she was there to see? HMMM.
Also, this is the cover of the artbook for The Rise of Skywalker:
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I rest my case.
And, at any rate, I’ve gone on and on and on and on about why I’m not worried, and none of my rational is based on marketing materials. At all. It’s all in the movie/story and Reylos have been predicting the trajectory of this story accurately since 2015. There’s nothing that’s been released that has changed that at all.
Trust the story and also be soothed by the wisdom of Rian Johnson:
The ultimate expression of that is focusing [the shot] even tighter when there's contact. To me, one of my favorite shots of the movie is those two fingers touching. It's the closest thing we'll get to a sex scene in a Star Wars movie.  
They’re gonna bone and not with Force hand-touching.
We’re literally getting beaten over the head with Reylo content. I would have KILLED FOR SOME OF THIS in 2016. LITERALLY KILLED. We had TINFOIL HAT HEART EYES AND SUBTECT TO CHEW ON AND THAT WAS IT.
2015-16 me would have CRIED TO SEE this cover. 2019 me EXPECTED IT.
Cheers and have fun with the time we have left!
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majinmochi · 6 years
Evangelion’s various immitators
Eva’s inspired a ton of mimmick animes over the years, I.e. living mech animes with odd judeo christian or religious themes
now the only reason I mention this, is because Darling in the Frankxx may be the only Eva copy that I’ve come to out-right hate the more I’ve seen it and heard about it
in no particular order here’s the copies and how they differentiated themselves from Eva
RahXephon: how it made itself unique= devided each character from Eva into several distinct variants thus creating a wider, less messed up cast of characters, and also made it’s Shinji exy (Ayato) significantly less unstable....and also needlessly good looking, and quite a bit older
Eureka seven: how it was unique= it replaced the Judeo Christian themes more with a sort of “flower child” peace and love hippy ideology, in addition it made it’s Rei clone (Eureka) have a far more complicated and distinct character growt arc....as well as removing the incest subtext, COMPLETELY
Genesis of Aquarion: how it was unique: tandem mechs and rather obvious sexual subtext, as well as some arguable pansexual/gay subtect due to a later reveal made about two of the characters, though, I don’t know how deep that reveal goes because I’ve never heard anything that in depth about it and I only watched a handful of eps
Bokurano: how it was unique: went out of it’s way to be depressing and horrible, even more so than Eva ever tried to be
and finally
Darling in the frankxx: how it was unique= it isn’t, every facet of the series from the character designs to the story is just a mix of random elements stolen from all the eva-copies I listed above, 02′s design is nearly identical to Anemone’s from E7
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minus the fact that Anemone does not have horns
the parasites have a distinct parallel to the pilots and staff of TERRA from Rahxephon in that each of them has some distinct parallel to the cast of Eva but there are more of them and they are significantly less deep in terms of overall story
and the way their piloting set up is BLATANTLY sexual is stolen from Genesis of Aquarion, but played up about 111%
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9alpha is a parallel to Kaworu Nagisa...except he likes (getting pegged by) girls and Kaworu loved shinji
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and the stinger, I’m now hearing that it’s been revealed that Hiro is a clone of 02′s father
guess what other show had one of the protagonists love interests being a clone of one of their parents
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as a final not I suppose one could argue that DITF has more gay subtext than any of the above...but it really doesn’t as Mitsuru’s gay storyline was thrown out completely and we’ve yet to see how Ikuno’s is going to end
but based on how the same sex romantic storylines in it’s biggest benefactor ended, probably not well
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I ended up on the recommendations of Tumblr and didn't realize it and god. It's exactly the type or content that I've been trying to avoid because it depresses me.
Thank God for being able to curate my Tumblr experience and not having to be subtected to that mess
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the-sun-princess · 7 years
Unfortunately Frederick isn't in love with Chrom. The Writers of Awakening were homophobes, see old Hubba's japanese dialogue.
i mean.... i know it’s not written that way, dude
just bc it’s not “canon” and writers are assholes (and no, i’m not checking out his japanese dialogue, i don’t give a fuck because it’s irrelevant) doesn’t mean that I, as an audience member, can’t read Fred’s devotion that way if I so want to
I’m well aware most of the gayer things in FEW are just straight up bait, I’m not an idiot (that cordelia/camilla convo in front of one of the purple orbs left me with a bad taste in my mouth, for example)
doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy it on my terms if i want to, or make it gay bc that’s how I choose to read the subtect
i don’t give a shit about what the writers intended lmao i’m just going with how i interpret it
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