#subterranean press
valenshawke · 8 months
"'think of the children' always gets support unless what you're thinking about is leaving them with a better world. Somehow, we never need to think of the children when we're talking about climate change, or preventing pandemic diseases, or anything else that costs money. But here we are." - Unbreakable by Mira Grant.
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theplentynet · 7 months
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Ship of Magic end papers from the 2024 Subterranean Press edition. Art by John Howe.
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Review: Unbreakable by Mira Grant
Author: Mira Grant (Seanan McGuire)Publisher: Subterranean PressReleased: March 31, 2023Received: Own Book Summary: Unbreakable Starlight was one of many groups of girl warriors tasked with defending the planet. Unfortunately, their name was not quite accurate, as most of the group fell – alongside every other warrior. Only two survived the massacre. Piper and Yuina. Now the government has…
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geekynerfherder · 5 months
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'The Daughter Of Doctor Moreau' by Marcela Bolivar.
Cover art for the Subterranean Press edition of the novel, 'The Daughter Of Doctor Moreau', written by Silvia Moreno-Garcia.
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dinosaurgiantpenny · 1 year
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The God of the Razor by Glenn Chadbourne
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hyena-frog · 1 year
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My good luck streak continues! I now have the Subterranean Press edition of Golden Son!
I've been able to find copies around March-April each year for the past few years. Here's hoping I can eventually complete this set for a reasonable price 😬
It's been a tough year so I'm calling this self-care.
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nzbookwyrm · 1 year
Subterranean Press will be offering a free ebook every month or so. The first is No Choice by K J Parker.
This is available globally - I had no trouble downloading from New Zealand.
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thegirlwiththelantern · 8 months
Yet More 2023 Releases I’m Excited About
My last 2023 releases post for the year. I might still throw together a Fives or Have You Heard…? if I find more but I’ve covered so many that I’m content to let it be. But I think this is a really good one to go out on. It’s full of that gothic, that fantasy, goodness. The Heavenly Sword (#1) by Alice Poon | 10 / 01 / 23 – Earnshaw Books The goddess Chang’e, reborn as Shandong village girl…
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geeklyinc · 2 years
Small Press-o-Mania!
Small Press-o-Mania!
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In our recent podcast I talked about how small Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror presses are really doing some amazing work. And then I totally blanked on the specific recommendations. So here they are, fifteen small presses for you to check out, complete with links and apologies to the publishers I really do love.   Neon …
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ofliterarynature · 2 years
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On one hand I’m very 👀🤩🥰 @ the art and illustrations
On the other
If that is genuinely the cover they are going with please kill me now I hate it I hate it I hate it, please don’t do this to my sweet boy 😭
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nicklloydnow · 2 years
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“"I kill people, you know."
We laughed quietly. But after a while, I stopped laughing. And he was still laughing.
"God, I hate that term ‘serial killer’, don't you? Something about it just makes me think of Flash Gordon or something. Old matinees."
"I never really thought about it," I said, checking to make sure I still had whiskey in my glass.
"Occupational hazard, I'm afraid," he sighed, leaning back in his chair. "You can't help but worry about the way you're represented. I'm thinking about suing someone."
"I imagine that'd be difficult." I had no doubt he was what he was telling me he was. This is my life, after all. But I couldn't help but be impressed with the way I was handling it. Small things bring joy, some days.
"Well, yeah," he said. "But, you know, when an actor or pop star has untruths published about them, they sue, and I kind of feel like I should have the same recourse. And justice for all, right?"
"But you kill people. Where's the justice there?"
"Oh, they had it coming. If people will dress like librarians and schoolgirls they should expect these things to happen. I don't see why they should be afforded extra protection for that kind of behavior. And in any case, two wrongs don't make a right. Slander is bad no matter who you're doing it to, surely?"
"Let's get another drink," he said, pushing the service call button above his head. "You don't watch much TV, am I right?"
"Not really."
"I'll have a whiskey, and I believe so will my friend here. Doubles. Thank you. What was I saying? Yes. TV. Yet another documentary about me on TV the other week. One of these science channels. You'd expect intelligent coverage from a TV channel like that, wouldn't you? Of course you would. They got a good actor to do the voiceover narration, too. My age. Alan something. Used to be in that very black comedy show about the Korean War."
"Alan Alda?"
“Alan Alda! How he made me laugh in that show. And the women dressed well, too. Never enough blood, though. Which always made me a little sad. But I guess it was supposed to make you a litle sad, wasnt it? That rueful smile? Very clever show. He narrated the documentary about me. I'm not blaming him, obviously. He didn't write it. One day I will meet the mediocrity that Wrote that. I mean, do I look like the kind of man who has difficulty socializing?"
I had to be honest. "Actually, no."
“No. Of course not. I don't want to sound egotistical, but, really, do I look like someone who had problems meeting women? I've been married three times. And” - he leaned over the aisle and looked me right in the eye - "I only killed two of them."
“Yeah. How about that? They can stick that in their pipe and smoke it. So much for America's Terror: The Mad Virgin. I have four children. Had four children. Funny thing. I always thought it was a joke, about liking children but not being able to eat a whole one. But it's quite true."
I started stabbing my own call button.
"The Mad Virgin. My God. I could sue them, you know. Some of the others have been better, mind you. I collect them. Twelve documentaries about me. Three Hollywood movies using aspects of my work. I sometimes hoped to be played one day by Sean Connery. But you just know he'll use his own accent. I think that'd spoil it for me."
"I can imagine."
"You have a very understanding way about you. I appreciate that. Cheers.” He polished off a finger of whiskey. I tossed down about a hand's worth and resumed stabbing the service button.
"Yeah, thanks. Leave the bottle. My friend and I are very thirsty.”
"Good man," he said, holding out his glass. "So. You and your lovely companion. What business do you have in Sin City?"
"Trawling through America's sick underbelly in search of people who are holding a book the White House wants back."
"Now, that sounds interesting. What kinds of things have you seen? This is such a wonderful, rich country: When you look under the covers it holds to its trembling little chin in the night."
So I told him.
He considered, and then said, "Is that all?"
"That's not enough?"
"Young man, I have to tell you: if you think that constitutes a trawl of America's true cultural underground, you may have a nasty shock in your future. Let me ask you a question. Our meeting, here, tonight: do you consider this perhaps a waypoint in your perceived descent into the muck of modern life?"
"Sure. You kill people for wearing crap clothes, from what I can make out. The only reason why you're not trying to fuck my girlfriend in the gall bladder with a screwdriver as she sleeps is because you can see her boobs and she's wearing makeup.”
Yeah, I was pretty drunk. He took it pretty equably.
"Not as accurate a summation as you think, but, yes, I'll allow it. My point is that I'm not the underground. You think that drinking with a serial killer takes you into the midnight currents of the culture? I say bullshit. There's been twelve TV documentaries, three movies, and eight books about me. I'm more popular than any of these designed-by-pedophile pop moppets littering the music television and the gossip columns. I've killed more people than Paris Hilton has desemenated, I was famous before she was here and I'll be famous after she's gone. I am the mainstream. I am, in fact, the only true rock star of the modern age. Every newspaper in America never fails to report on my comeback tours, and I get excellent reviews."
"And what about… all the rest of it?"
"I think I've seen a lot of it on the Internet."
"I can't use the Internet. My ex sends me things. Photos.”
"Perhaps I should send you some photos sometime. Consider this, though. If I've seen it on the Internet, is it still underground? ‘Underground' always connoted something hidden, something difficult to see and find. Something underneath the surface of things, yes? But if it's on the Internet - and I do praise the Lord that I lived long enough to see such a wondrous thing - it cannot possibly be underground.”
"People show pictures of their asses on the innerweb.” (pages 130 - 132)
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“"I am the chief of staff. You know how H.R. Haldeman described the job when he was chief of staff to Nixon? ‘I’m the president's son of a bitch.’”
"Fuck me, I think you said something honest just then. I feel faint.”
"These are hard times. I'm not going to be a child about the hard decisions. We're fighting what must be World War Six outside the country, and what is very probably Civil War Three within the country. You're going to help us bring that one to a conclusion. You'll save lives, I think. You'll certainly be saving a country and a way of life. Buck up, Michael. You're close to the end now. I can feel it in my bones. It'll all be over soon. And just in time, eh? You've got no money left, you're adrift in a state that should be hacked off the end of the continent like a tumor, and your girlfriend's upstairs fornicating with a lawyer. If that was my girl, well, I'd rather she were fucking a dog, wouldn't you? Or a donkey. I've seen those shows, down in Tijuana. Horrifying, really. Yet strangely hypnotic."
"Does it bother you at all that you make people's flesh crawl off their bones just by speaking out loud?"
"I run your country, son. It is only right and proper that the ordinary people should experience religious fear in my presence. I am the closest thing to God most folk will ever meet. And you, Michael: you are my personal Jesus. You are my intellectual child and the savior of that which I have created. I'm proud of you, boy. Its been a terrible journey for you, from your Manhattan Galilee to this, your California Calvary. But it's almost over now. I can feel it in my bone marrow."
"I think I'm going to be sick."
"Well, don't do it near me," he spat, scuttling backward. "These are new shoes. It's time for me to go. Go inside, now, Michael. Go and see your freak queen and her cockmonkey. Give 'em hell, boy. It's time to finish the job."”
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theplentynet · 1 month
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Chapter header illustration for Subterranean Press’ upcoming limited edition of The Mad Ship. Art by John Howe.
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quirkycatsfatstacks · 8 months
Review: Final Girls by Mira Grant
Author: Mira Grant (Seanan McGuire)Publisher: Subterranean PressReleased: April 30, 2017Received: Own Goodreads | More Mira Grant Reviews Book Summary: Dr. Jennifer Webb has done the impossible. She’s created a piece of virtual reality technology so powerful that it can change our minds – literally. She’s using this technology to heal old psychological wounds – to do good. But she’s well aware…
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downthetubes · 1 month
New collection, “Logical Fantasy: The Many Worlds of John Wyndham”, out now
Sporting a fantastic cover by Bob Eggleton, Subterranean Press has just published “Logical Fantasy: The Many Worlds of John Wyndham”, a huge collection of work which includes five previously uncollected stories.
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Random Art AI Issue 62
Issue 62 of Random Art AI, each issue will have four randomly created pieces of AI art with a collection issue at the end of each month containing all issues for that month. 
1. Intro 00:00 
2. Beneath the Surface Life in the Subterranean Settlement 00:15 
3. Blooms and Bustle City Life in the Garden City 00:40 
4. Beneath the Towers Exploring the Megacity's Depths 01:05 
5. Urban Snapshots A Glimpse of City Life 01:30 
6. Outro 01:50 
Twitter (Gaming & AI Art) 
Instagram (AI Art) 
For more issues of Random Art Ai visit this playlist for all currently published issues 
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mylifeinfiction · 8 months
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A Sign of the Times by Joe Hill
All this, because I had a girlfriend for six weeks and for once in my life thought I could be happy like other people.
Joe Hill’s new short story, A Sign of the Times, is an extremely quick and creative read that pokes fun at the incel state of mind in a manner as ridiculously outrageous as it is astutely absurd. The blending of the occult with the casually apocalyptic results makes for some really funny moments that cleverly bring to life Hill’s condemnation of this cry-baby state of mind and the lengths they go to make the world see them how they see themselves; the delusional, pretentious idea that they’re the only ones that deserve to get exactly what they want.
This was an unexpected little treat – dropping the other day (for free!) on Subterranean Press – and another reminder that I really need to read more Joe Hill.
A Sign of the Times is Available Now at Subterranean Press! CLICK HERE to get it!
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
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