#Big Mouth House
geeklyinc · 2 years
Small Press-o-Mania!
Small Press-o-Mania!
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In our recent podcast I talked about how small Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror presses are really doing some amazing work. And then I totally blanked on the specific recommendations. So here they are, fifteen small presses for you to check out, complete with links and apologies to the publishers I really do love.   Neon …
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agentjazzy · 2 years
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reposting this from twitter bc it's making me lose my mind
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caitlynmeow · 1 month
Cassandra: Come on, pick up! Pick up! Bela: *picks up* Cassandra: Hiii~ I love you so much! Cassandra: Can I have twenty thousand Lei? Bela: Why on Earth do you need twenty thousand Lei???? Cassandra: Oh, you know for an escape room??? Bela: You're joking right? Bela: What kind of escape room costs twenty thousand Lei??? Cassandra: Prison Bela:... Bela: I'll be there in ten. Bela: Idiot.
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sensivs · 6 months
imagining. . how after 1,000+ years, sukuna finally decides to soften up to you, showing how much of a romantic man he really is, bringing you the heads of fallen lords along with a bouquet of sweet smelling flowers, serving you food while in bed, claiming he cooked it while uruame stands in the back with their apron on and chef hat on top of their head
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mattodore · 12 days
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Wait a minute i think i might be realizing something - are ALL the kisses in owl house only between same sex couples???? Cause thats the BIGGEST screw you to disney i ever heard and am getting more emotional as i type oh no THE TEARS
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whyyyyy are dog people so obsessed with their pet taking a shit...
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weidli · 6 days
tatort should fake kill one kommissar*in and have the other scream and wail and try to bodily throw themselves after them more often it fucking slaps (<- just watched requiem (2005))
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winterbeautyees · 7 months
Look, I'm always the type of 'Not everyone will like this and might hate it and that's fine' girlie but not this time bestie, not with Interview with the Vampire. You better read this thing and be equally or more obsessed as I am. You better consume the whole soul put into that book and let it possess you. You better be insane about it so we could be admitted to the mental ward together or else what you doing with your life?
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mspaint-flower · 1 year
Could flower play the harmonium?
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one could say she's bad at it. but i think she's kicking it
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kcrra · 2 years
just because alicent isn't complex in your understanding of her doesn't mean she isn't complex. all the claims i see of missing her one note, evil stepmother characterization from fire & blood are so fascinating to me, especially when the showrunners, actors, writers and directors have been so clear about the choices they've made for her in order to better expand her depth and worldview. despite that, we still have people claiming that the lack of portrayal of alicent as a clear cut villain is one that removes her "agency". do you really mean agency, or just your ability to simply hate her as a knee jerk reaction to your own bias and favorite characters in the narrative?
i really do find it so interesting when people claim they can only understand a female character's layers if she makes choices with clear intentions: purely villainous or purely good choices which then conveniently force her into one of the archetype boxes of madonna, mother, whore, bitch, etc, which are not particularly "complex" and in fact a very outdated form of storytelling most female characters suffer from. its the same shallow interpretation of a complex narrative that causes people to reduce a deeply tragic civil war between a family that results in the end of the dragons, mass death and war crimes on both sides into a narrative as simple and boring as "team green" or "team black" - rather than a commentary on the flaws of monarchy, patriarchy, etc.
just because a female character isn't making the clean cut narrative choices you want her to make to support your personal interpretations of "good" and "bad", does not mean she has had her agency or personality surrendered - but rather that you can only understand and process her as a caricature that fits into the judgements you already made about her.
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wigglymantis · 10 months
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me every time i have to go to the Termitary
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cvnt4him · 25 days
PLEASE DNI IF: you're racist, homophobic, transphobic, fat phobic or js dislike chubby readers (either way your funky ass has to go 💀), youre pro!life (forced child birth), if you're misogynistic or dislike misogyny (which is hypocritical bc misogyny might be shown in some of my fics) you are not comfortable with dark themes such as, smut(sex) anything AROUND sex, anything involving hurt/angsty things, s3lf h@rm, e@t!ng d!sorders, step-cest (which MIGHT be shown), and many more. Please expect dark and darker themes to be shown at some point on this blog. Minors ,anons and ageless blogs, you can interact if you'd like. I cannot control you and you most likely won't listen. Js don't do no funky shit n we cool. You all have been forewarned about what to expect within this blog..
Do you wish to continue?
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Hello my beautiful cunts<3 I'm mikah Pronounced My-cuh,
I am not above 20. I am a POC (I'm black shawty)
I enjoy Steven universe, big mouth, my hero, jjk and many other shows and animes!
I'm a Virgo Aug 23rd!!
I play Roblox bc obviously
The fandoms I am mostly in:
My hero
Jujutsu kaison
Steven universe
A silent voice (my fav fr
Words bubble up like soda pop (so underrated bro
Adventure time/ Fiona and cake
The owl house
And many more, the list can go on but I'd rather not honestly🤷🏽‍♀️
I've been the 'whitest black person' in black groups and the 'blackest white person' in white groups, so with that being said here's a disclaimer;
I CAN talk properly. But my speech can also get ratchet and or very fucking rude and pretty much senseless. That doesn't mean yous or anyone else should treat me like I'm less than human. If you have a problem with me, my fics, or the way i word and or do things around here, leave.
You're most likely unwanted anyways🤷🏽‍♀️
Moving onto other things.
I might change up my blog a couple of times (alot of the time when I HAVE the time.) I enjoy many different shows and aesthetics so sometimes I wanna be apart of and do everything, so one day I might be in a pink softy girly pop mood, another I might wanna be Melanie Martinez's #1 fan (I already am tf??) so just keep in mind i change alot and am pretty indecisive so.
Feel free to click my masterlist to see my fics, or! just click on the tag cvnts-post to see any other drabble, imagine, ECT!!
(i personally would go to my masterlist to have a little order and direction as if you just click the tag you might see everything that's unorganized which i cannot fucking stand. unorganization makes me fr bat shit crazy
I am new to this whole thing so please be respectful!! Do give requests n shit id love to do them!!
So with nothing else left to be said, enjoy exploring my blog!!
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florshedworf · 2 months
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i was wondering why they were burning dolls because to me that seemed really rebellious even for them, until i rememebered
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mattodore · 10 months
morning kisses <3
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orchideae · 5 months
A few quick random tidbits about Yanshang Teahouse:
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— Teahouse/casino. While said to be 'disguised' as a teahouse, Yanshang does seem to genuinely function as one, or at least during the daytime. And it's primarily during the evening hours that it functions more actively as a casino. Now I need to note, the latter is not public knowledge. Or rather, it's more so a rumor that holds a fair bit of truth to it. But a rumor is a rumor nonetheless. This is vital, because it is because of this that it is still running. I've spoken a fair bit about this behind the scenes lately, but Yanshang functions as a casino because it draws 'less than good people' into a surrounding that has everything playing against them, and through that, Yelan is able to gather intelligence that benefits everyone, especially Ning. So if the latter for example, Ningguang were to know its full ins and outs, it would actually mean that she'd have to turn a blind eye to something that is not fully legal, which spells all kinds of trouble for the person responsible for, well, the law in Liyue Harbor?
— Gambling. Yelan has gained a reputation for her gambling skills, and is even rumored to cheat when the need calls for it (though of course, this isn't picked up on, it seems!), as is noted in her fifth character story: "If there is a draw, that could only mean one thing: Her opponents are cheating too.", and so potential opponents are advised to steer clear of playing against her through word on the streets of the harbor.
— Home? While this is not Yelan's home whatsoever, there is an upstairs area that is something akin to her 'private quarters'. It holds no personal affects that are tied to her directly, but to an extent, if one were to ever intrude/break in (past The Halbert and the Fang, somehow), you'd find the 'guise' tied to this notorious woman who owns Yanshang. But this guise is not quite her. Again, she works in personas, some much more realistically than others (the art of it, is knowing what of yourself you put into personas as to add to their authenticity's longevity). Either way, there is a comfort and peace that she finds in it, and the room is somewhat styled into a decorum that Yelan appreciates, beyond the 'keeping up appearances' aspect to it. It is hers in the end, to some degree.
— Finances. While one would be led to believe that Yelan gains a lot of financial benefits through Ningguang, Yelan's second character story might beg to differ: 'The way (Yelan) sees it, she is not so much working for Ningguang as making good on her end of the deal, or rather... she is honoring a certain pact. She plucks the fruits of intelligence from the tree of danger for Ningguang, and in return, all she asks for is danger itself and the sense of achievement.' While I'm decently certain that Yelan might occasionally stand to gain some sort of financial gain through the Qixing, it seems evident that it's not what her primary motive is. Yelan seems to not be interested in luxury by default (she lived in a hut for a long time), and more so seeks a sense of freedom, thrill and personal achievement. Now do I think that because of this, she's not well off? No, I simply think that the majority of her income may actually come from Yanshang Teahouse, and, to put it not-so-eloquently, ripping off bandits, and hopefully, specifically some Fatui in the process.
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