trssshh · 3 months
why does Phoenix not have a consistent skintone
Like, i'm being serious, every time someone draws him is not the same color,,, I'M BEING SERIOUS LOOK AT THIS
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(sorry if any of the text is unreadable i'm stupid, but y'all get the point)
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balkanradfem · 1 year
ok but how mad it was that sirius and lupin were about to commit murder together while 3 schoolchildren were just there on the scene as witnesses to watch. They were gonna make 3 kids watch a murder happen in real life! One of them their best friend's son! And they didn't even spare a thought about it, no 'oh maybe we shouldn't traumatize 3 minors while exacting our revenge', it was taken for granted that children are completely cool with this! One of the children had a leg broken by sirius at the time! Even if it was a show of Sirius's madness, what was Lupin, who was a TEACHER to these children thinking? was he so overtaken by Sirius that the last functioning braincell logged off and he was game to commit murder in front of children just because Sirius was present on the scene?
and how absolutely hilarious that it was enough for one of the kids to go 'how about let's not' and they were like. Uhhhhhh. ok. fine then. time for first aid on that leg I guess. that entire scene was absolute madness.
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mazojo · 1 year
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I love him he is a menace
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angel-cryptid · 4 months
which lisbon sister are u:)
Thank you so much for the ask! <3 And I'm definitely Cecilia, a Cecilia Lisbon girl for life!
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gyoukukens · 7 months
Sets a mason jar full of chocolates on Megumi's desk. "I tried not to make these too sweet for you, Fushiguro-kun, but I hope you like them! Happy Valentine's Day." He tries to leave a small envelope on his desk as well, very sneakily.
               blink. megumi had not expected this at all . . .  of course he does not expect yuji to be an idiot or so but the expectation of forgetting or losing time was still there. yet he was right there, earlier than usual for class as well ;  megumi then looked up to say a ray of sunshine ⸻  itadori yuji. somehow his smile was warmer than the sun itself &&. megumi felt his heart skip a beat. 
               he remembered a detail about megumi. . . how charming. 
               ❝ thank you, itadori. ❞   his voice much gentler than usual, almost as if he was softer for his classmate. a hand covering his face by resting his chin on his palm &&. looks to the side, covering his reddened cheeks . . .  megumi can't help but smile underneath his palm. he breathes in &&. looks back at the other.
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               ❝ i... i hope you don't mind that i got you something as well. ❞  he then pulls out a box of macarons shaped &&. decorated like his divine dogs, placing it across for itadori ⸻  mind you these weren't just half a dozen of them but quite a few... there is no way he could eat through all of them in one sitting.  ❝ custom ordered by the bakery shop you once eyed. i wasn't sure which flavors you would enjoy but i got one of everything. ❞
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mediantriaad · 2 years
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I'm gonna start posting my notes daily with some little journal entries in the caption for posterity :) might queue the rest of my notes thusfar at some point too who knows 👁️👁️
anyways we had a sub in today because my section's regular TA had some Phd program auditions and goddamn. i already miss having Slideshows to tell me what the fuck is going on. thank god for my Accessibility Services accommodations bc i had to go back and listen to the recording like twice to fill in the holes in my notes </3
anyways we had a sub in today because my section's regular TA had some Phd program auditions and goddamn. i already miss having Slideshows to tell me what the fuck is going on. thank god for my Accessibility Services accommodations bc i had to go back and listen to the recording like twice to fill in the holes in my notes </3
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hearincolor · 8 months
The album was seemingly everywhere. Mylo came to NYC and played on a snowy night in some club in the Lower East Side. At one point he commented on the cold and said, "I'll be leaving this and headed to WMC in Miami tomorrow." Someone shouted out, "So will we!"
0 notes
char-lotta · 4 months
After the End (part three/final part)
Pairing: Jake x MC
Warnings: smut 🔥🔥, light dom/subtones
Author notes: See at the end
(Part one, part two)
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She woke up hearing quiet murmurs on her hair. She was up in the softest clouds, warm and content and felt her floating out of the dream. The arms around her tugged her nearly on top of the strong and muscular body. Familiar smell was present, and she just knew that she was in a safe place, and where she belonged. She felt the sun warming her skin from the window and she could hear the birds sing in the forest.
It took a while to understand the words that were told her by a quiet and calm tone.
“I don’t know how I am going to forgive myself for wanting to see you like this every day.”
Her hair was gently brushed asides from front of her eyes, she felt his breath in her scalp. She breathed evenly and kept them closed.
“How can I even want to condemn you to the life of mine, where there isn’t a safe place for us”, the voice whispered. “How could I even dare to ask you to give up everything and everyone you have for someone like me. You don’t deserve to be shackled into me like that.”
She felt coldness creeping up in her back and felt the urge to swallow. She knew that she was supposed to make him aware of that she was being awake, but Jake was so rarely vulnerable and open with her that she needed to hear more. Even though every word that he said made her afraid, so afraid that he would leave her.
“It would never be safe enough for you”, Jake hushed and touched her hair again. “And still, I don’t want to give you up, when I have finally had you.”
She wouldn’t give up on him. Never, the voice echoed in her head from her thought so loud and demanding, that she wouldn’t be surprised if Jake could hear it. They have done so much, gone through hell and back and they finally had succeeded on the task that had originally brought them together and she would not give up on the final reward.
She knew that Jake was protective of her, and her safety was his first prioritize. He had showed it to her via so many actions on her behalf and that would probably never change. His fears were reasonable and when she still didn’t know what made his pursuers go after him and what they could actually do, she knew that together they were stronger. Even the thought of separating hurt so much, that she instinctively squeezed her eyes tighter shut. The hand stroking her head stopped.
He knew that she was awake, and they both lied still and quiet for a while. Her heart pounded on her chest, reminding her that it was a fragile thing and if everything went awry, it would break, and the consequences would be catastrophic. She let the air escape from her mouth and told her heart that she would do anything on her power to prevent it happening.
She allowed her eyes to open and found Jake looking at her back with so bright green eyes, that she thought for a second that she could see her own reflection from them. Her lips curled up to a small smile which seemed to catch on the man staring on her.
“I should have known that nothing escapes you”, he said and caressed her cheek. His eyes follower his fingers that were slowly moving on her face. He looked thoughtful.  
“Well, I did tell you that my dad was a famous detective, you know”, she responded with careful small laugh. She didn’t know what to say, the atmosphere suddenly felt quite heavy and loaded.
“Yes, you did”, he said, and his eyes reverted back to her gaze. His hand moved to behind to her head, making circles with his fingers around the nape of her neck.
“I didn’t like what I heard”, she confessed with a small voice. “Except the part where you want to see me every day. I would very much like it to happen. See, I am also looking forward to seeing you every day.”
He didn’t reply, but his gaze got more intense, but there also appeared a hint of sadness. He sighed deeply, and the by the face that he had, she knew that he had plans that she would have to fight for to be part of.
“I told you yesterday” she reminded sternly, “don’t you dare to leave me.”
“You don’t know how it is”, he said with a muffled voice. “How it is when you have to constantly be on the run and have to watch behind your shoulder all the time. How you cannot give your name to anybody or have a normal life.” His voice was starting to get more anxious, and words came out more rapidly.
“You don’t get to decide for me!” she said furiously and got up in the bed. She was sitting there, eyes with a fire on them, mouth slightly ajar and the morning sun shined its light behind her making her look like she was made of gold. She didn’t know that, but she was the most beautiful thing the man in her bed had ever seen. He just looked at her, stunned, mouth left open for the words that he couldn’t form.
“I am capable of doing my own decisions!” she pointed a finger at him. “And I do get to decide if I want to give up my life as I know it now!”
His eyes darkened and his lips formed a thin line, getting out of the daze before. His whole posture changed, and he was tense, getting ready for one of their almost-famous battles now. There were no winners in those, but this conversation needed to be done with. They had circled the topic the day before, but so much had been going on then, so they had avoided it consciously.
“You sure seem to think like it”, he spat. “I told you not to come for Duskwood, I asked you to stay safe! But you didn’t listen, and you even committed a crime when trying to get me”, he growled and shook his head viciously as he said it. “Yes, love, interfering FBI investigations is a federal crime”, she was told when surprise crept on her face, betraying her by making a visible the fact that she had not thought about it.
“Well – “, she started and tried to come up with something that would make the situation look like less severe. “That was one of my independently made decision then!”
Oh, that went poorly, and she did see by Jake’s face that it didn’t succeed on his end either.
“Congratulations”, he said grimly, almost mockingly way, “that was the shittiest decision in your life then, since it could land you to the jail”.
Oh, that hurt a lot. She bit her lip and felt anger rise in her, begging to be spilled out with venomous words. “Shittiest decision?” she asked so calmly, that they could practically hear the upcoming thunderstorm arriving. She spotted a tiny sight of worry in his face. “Shittiest decision? Are you fucking serious? Was it shittiest decision in my life to fuck you last night then? Would you call us finally being together as ‘shittiest decision’ then? Fuck you!” She erupted and jumped out of bed.
“You don’t get to say that”, she trembled with her whole body shaking with anger. “You don’t get to say it after all the things I had to do to find you! After all the thing I’ve been through!”
She pushed her long hair from her front and shot daggers with her eyes towards the man, who’s emotions mirrored her own. She stood there without clothes but didn’t bother to cover herself up with her hands or the sheet.
“You know I didn’t mean that like that!” Jake shouted and was now standing too. “The last night was everything to me! I finally got to touch you in person. All I ever have wanted for months came true – “, his words trembled, and he lowered his voice, “when I saw you, got to kiss you and be inside of you. To see in my own eyes when you came was better than any fantasy I’ve had about you. To hear in my own ears, you gasping my name when I pushed in you. It was so, so much better than I had even dared to imagine.” The last part was said very softly, and her heart skipped a beat. She couldn’t bare his intensive gaze and looked away.
“Then why, why would you give me away then?” she asked in small voice and felt like crying. Maybe she did cry, she didn’t know. He looked like she had slapped him.
“I’m never giving you away”, he told her overwhelmed when he finally found the words. “I said that I am never going to let them capture me, because it would separate me from you. That still stands.”
“I don’t understand. You say this, and you say that, and I am still here arguing with you to take me with you when you go.”
“It simply isn’t safe enough. I will never forgive myself if something happens to you because of me”, he confessed and approached her in the room cautiously. She didn’t move but didn’t stop him either.
“Well, I don’t give a fuck about that!” she felt familiar fury again. “What do you suggest then? Texting and sexting and you can’t even a call me because you fear that they’re monitoring my phone?”
“We could see each other’s every now and then”, he suggested but even he knew that he didn’t sound convincing. “They know who you are, and they know that you’re important to me. So, they will be watching you, especially now when they didn’t capture me in the mines. They’re probably looking for you right now, too, maybe in couple of months… -”.
“I will not agree with these terms and conditions, sorry, love”, she said sarcastically, interrupting his sentence. “You’ve said it yourself; they’re already looking for me, so I am already in need to hide. But fine, I won’t beg. If you don’t want me, then I will not beg. I’ll hide from them on my own.”
“MC…”, he rasped, and she lifted up her gaze from the floor. He was standing right in front of her. The evergreen eyes met hers and she was sure, that no one, ever, had looked her with a such a passion and intensity. She saw how he looked at her, really looked at her. His gaze left her eyes and wandered lower her body, memorizing everything. He looked at her collarbones, noted the small mole in the left side of her neck. Saw her breasts, where the right one was slightly bigger than the left one and he smiled a wickedly. Gaze scanned her abdomen, thighs and landed the area between them. She shivered, but not from the cold. She felt his eyes burning through her skin and became first time aware that she was naked. Something clenched in her abdomen, reminding her about the last night. The air tickled her nipples, making them hard. Or maybe it was the memory of Jake’s mouth around them.
“There will be no time or place, where I do not want you”, he said, voice so low and… dangerous?
“I told you that you don’t get to decide. Don’t you realize that I have already decided – “, she didn’t recognize her voice, it was so husky and low. “Because I chose you. I chose you and will choose you every time the option comes.”
The atmosphere in the room which was just minutes ago filled with tenseness and exasperation, had shifted for something hot, moist and anticipating. She could see the erection Jake had and knew, that the actual battle was only starting. She gulped and stared him daringly.
“But you don’t want me to come? Alright then”, she said with a menace. “I supposed that I have to get used to do this by myself then.”
As she spoke, she lifted her right hand to her breast and flickered her nipple gently. She used her other hand to caress her neck, drawing strokes from her ear to the collarbone. “I would have to imagine your lips here, sucking and biting”, she continued. “Biting so hard, that it would leave marks on the skin.” She could saw in Jake's eyes averting to the certain area in her neck.  She smiled. “That is indeed my favorite spot.”
She pinched and tugged her nipple and small sigh escaped from her lips. “I would miss terribly your mouth on here too, you know. I really did love the thing you did with your tongue; I could feel it in my cunt too”, she said, and they both saw the flash from last night showing his lips latched on her breast. Even the memory did enough for her, and she sighed with a tremble again. Jake didn’t say anything but watched her every movement with preciseness, pupils dark and dilated. She brought both hands to her breasts and caressed the swell below the nipples. “But darling, you didn’t find out yet, how sensitive this can be. But I am fair and telling you that now.”
She started to feel moistness between her legs and her cunt ached painfully, waiting to be touched. But she didn’t want to give in just yet, she did want to show Jake what he was going to miss. Determined, she pushed Jake to the bed. He just sat there and still didn’t say a word, but in his gaze, everything was said. Feeling victorious, she straddled his legs and gently pushed him down to the bed.
“Remember, this was your idea”, she said triumphantly, “so you’re not allowed to participate, only look.”
She saw him open his mouth to object, but then changed his mind. He smirked and nodded and gestured her to continue. She didn’t like the look on his face which promised retribution, but she started this and was surely going to finish it.
“We never talked about this before, but I do read a lot. That has given me the ability to imagine things very… vividly”, she told him. “If I close my eyes, I can practically see you touching me here”, she said and moved her hand to her thigh and her fingers danced in her skin. “And here”, she brushed her lower back. “And here”, she said and finally touched her cunt. The touch caused her to moan involuntary and they both looked surprised how quickly she was so aroused. She felt her dripping to his legs and by the looks in his face, he felt it too. Jake grabbed the sheet below them but never let his gaze escape. His breathing seemed heavier and troubled and that made her smirk in turn.
“I usually need to work out myself a bit more to get it this good, but with you in my mind, it seems to be more… effective”. She circled her clit slowly and didn’t bother to try suppressing her moans. She wanted him to hear them all. Her other hand was kneading her breasts and her legs started quivering a bit.
“I think I’d use the memory of last night in first weeks”, she said dreamily, still touching her clit, “but then I would probably start thinking about all the times we would miss. How good would it be to be fucked by you from the behind?”
She brought her hand from the breast down and very slowly brought one finger to her entrance. Jake’s eyes were glued to the sight and when she inserted it very slowly and moaned loudly, he let out breath with such a force that she felt it on her cleavage. She tutted at him.
“Since I am in such a mood for confessions, I’d like to reveal you that I do like rough sex quite a lot. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes slow love making is the greatest thing ever, but what really gets me wet is when I’m tied up and my hair is pulled when I’m getting pounded, she emphasized the last part with meaningful wink to Jake.
“MC…” Jake said with a struggle and his breathing was uneven. The fists grabbing the sheet were white as the color of it. “This is extortion.”
“All is fair in love and war, my dear”, she said slyly and inserted a second finger in her. The effect was magnificent, and she gasped. “I would have to think my fingers for yours to come though. Maybe if I say your name during this, it might be helpful.”
She added the third finger and felt so filled. She pumped her fingers inside for couple of times, rubbed her clit faster and her moans echoed in the room. “Oh, Jake”, she whispered and looked at his eyes. He looked like in pain, the emotions in his face were raw but she didn’t have time to inspect them more thoroughly, when he grabbed her hands and pulled him closer. The grind with their sexes made them both moan simultaneously.
“You are going to be the death of me”, he repeated his sentence from night before with his teeth clenching together. “But you were wrong in at least one thing today”, he said with warning in his tone. “You are going to beg me.”
She didn’t have time to register his words properly when he grabbed her hips and pushed her off him. She was laying on her backside and had barely a moment to see his face, which promised that he was up for revenge. Almost fear splashed through her, but then he spread her legs, and his mouth was on her. She buckled so hard that it almost hurt, but he held her still, when his ravenous mouth explored her clit.
“Jake!” she gasped, this time without aid of imagination and she could feel his hot breath on her cunt.
“Be a good girl and I will reward you”, he instructed her, “but when you’re bad... Well let’s just say that you’re going to find out.” The sentence was filled with a promise that she was going to pay for what she did. She gulped.
His mouth was relentless and unforgivable. He lapped his clit with her mouth, sucked it and his teeth grazed it slightly. She felt orgasm building in her, starting to rise to the surface. Her legs started trembling and her moans filled the room.
“Liked to imagine my fingers then? Well, here they are”, he pushed without warning three fingers in her and she buckled again, his fingers were much longer and bigger than hers. “I will use them on you when ever you need them. Or simply, I want to.”
She couldn’t hear him anymore, the only thing she was aware of was the orgasm arriving with every intent of releasing her. She squirmed and buckled and gasped, and when she was about to arrive on her destination, she felt his fingers and mouth withdrawing her suddenly. She pulled up in her elbows and glared at him.
“What the fuck was that for?”
He laughed and squeezed her breast. “I told you”, he simply said and climbed on top of her. “You are going to beg.”
“Never”, she replied with annoyance. She had won when Jake couldn’t resist on touching her, she would win this round too. Her clit was painfully throbbing now, trying to negotiate with her for a release, but she ignored it.
“You are the most stubborn woman that I have ever encountered”, he said, still laughing. She felt his erection pressing on her thighs and wriggled herself lower. Jake rubbed himself on her and her breath forgot how to inhale and exhale. He grabbed her thigh to make a room and got himself between her legs. She felt his tip on her entrance and expected him to slowly sink in, but he thrusted inside so hard that she winced with surprise. The noise of hers seemed to slightly slow him down and he looked at her a bit concerned.
“Fuck me”, she released him from his concerns with commanding tone.
“As you wish”, he replied with two finger salute and slammed in her again. She let out small whimper of pleasure and with that as an affirmation, Jake thrusted her again and again and her whimpers got louder with each push. He brought his hand to her clit simultaneously and gave it a proper rub. She touched her breasts when Jake abruptly took her hands and brought them up below her head, keeping them on their place by holding her wrists.
“Unfortunately, this is forbidden”, he told her sternly, “roles are reversed, and you’re not allowed to touch yourself either.” He brought his lips to her breast and circled his tongue on her nipple and sucked it quite forcefully. He shifted his mouth on her neck, punishing the spot of her neck with nipping the area with his teeth. His thrusts in her were forceful and deep. Just when she thought it couldn’t be any better, he inside of her, wrists bounded, fingers on her clit and his mouth on her neck, he bit the spot hard and sucked. Something guttural and primal noise erupted from her voice chords and her breathing got faster and she was so close -.
And it all stopped, except his mouth on her neck. He brought his lips to hers and kissed her first time today. The kiss was surprisingly gentle, soothing and calming and her breathing slowed down. Still, the painful ache between her legs was stronger than ever and she cried to between his lips. The noise of hers made the kiss deeper and more demanding, requiring her to give in. She tried to move her hips when he was still inside of hers, but he pulled out before she could have it.
“Get on your knees and elbows”, he whispered to her ear, and she swallowed. She did not know how much more she could take it, but at this point she wanted to see this through. She could beg, it wasn’t about the battle anymore, but something told her that it was better this way. They were sweaty, tangled mess and both were shivering with need, but they both had the desire to continue their exploration on each other’s bodies.
She got into the position asked and realized that this was exactly the situation she had imagined to Jake. He knew it too but took his time to watch her. The blush crept on her face when she realized what he was doing, but he quickly shot the embarrassment she had down with “I don’t think I have ever been this aroused before” and “you’re so fucking hot”. Then he inserted his finger in her, pumped couple of times and when she moaned, he replaced his finger with himself and slided in. The position was allowing him to go deeper, and she felt so, so full. Jake seemed to have trouble of composing himself too and he groaned deeply when she moved herself onto him.
They found a rhythm which was arduous, forceful and just perfect. The room was filled with noises of their skin making contact within each other’s. His hands gripped her hips and gained more force to the pushes and she felt like exploding apart any minute now. All coherent things were lost and all she could do was mewl and cry for pleasure. Jake didn’t seem to be any more immune to this, and was muttering “so, so good”, “perfect for me” and “I’m never letting you go”.
He brought his hand to her clit once again and swirled her fingers around it and she cried out so loud that it was probably heard by all away to the Duskwood.
“Jake… - “She managed to say with panting breath and her voice was raspy and spent, desperate. She was going to beg, she was going to bend his will, but it didn’t matter, since she was going to die if she wasn’t allowed to come.
“No, love”, he abruptly ended his pounding, and she was ready to cry for disappointment and hurt and need. He turned her to her backside and pulled her towards the side of the bed, sliding inside of her immediately. He kissed her with such a passion and cradled her face with his hands. “Don’t beg. You don’t have to ever beg me for anything. I am always going to let you have what you need. I am sorry.” Her eyes watered and her poor, poor heart which had been really through a limbo for a couple of days was once again, exploding. But it was love, pure love what put her most important organ to the proper test, and they would survive it. He was slowly pushing his way in again and his thumb swirled on her nub. The long-awaited release was sparkling like a firework in her body, just seconds away.
“I love you”, she breathed the words out. “Please.”
“Come with me”, he replied within the same desperation in his voice that she had on her own, and she nodded. Their bodies were shaking, their eyes had the same gaze which was so full of adornment, lust, love and admiration, their breaths were spent, and nothing existed outside of this moment.
Jake lifted his thigh, and she adjusted her heel behind his back, allowing him to slide in deeper. The lust haze was ignited more by fastening the pace of the thrusts and they started to get more erratic, the hand on her clit more pressured and faster on its pace. She grabbed his neck and brought his face closer to hers and kissed him.
The world crashed, everything went white and all she could feel was pleasure, pleasure, pleasure. She didn’t hear her scream for him, she didn’t feel her cunt clinching on tight around him or felt her nails gripping deep in his shoulder blades, or him praising her during his orgasm. She had never in her life came so hard and everything stopped when she ascended and ascended and ascended. She was up in the milky way and at the same time she was riding at the highest wave with full speed.
When she finally came down, Jake was on top of him, out of breath and holding her tightly. They looked in each other and she snaked her hand in his hair. No words were needed now, they just smiled with satisfaction. The exhaustion sucked her in to the black hole and she didn’t realize that she had closed her eyes. She did not wake up, when Jake pulled her in top of his chest and covered her with the sheet.
When she woke up couple hours later, she knew instantly what had woken her up. She could hear him whispering again somewhere above her ear, while curling her hair on his finger.
“Most infuriating and insufferable with her stubbornness, that’s what you are.”
She smiled and responded; “Still, you love me.”
“Most reckless and almost suicidal wildcat.” He sounded annoyed now. She opened her eyes and found him looking at her again.
“Still, you love me.”
“I suspect that this is not going to be the last disagreement about this.”
“I am alright with that, if every argument ends like the last one.” He hummed an agreement to that and patted her butt.
“I still don’t know why you chose me”, he confessed. “I have nothing but uncertainty to offer.”
“That, my love, is because I love you.” She lifted her head from the pillow and leaned in her arm.
“So, this comes after the end”, he said thoughtfully.
“What comes?”
“I get to spend every day with you.”
He kissed her.
A/N: Phew! I did it! I hope that this was the satisfactory ending to this story. It has been two years since I published anything and I am a bit rusty with my writings. I still hope that you enjoyed my writing as much I loved to write it!
I'd love to hear what did you think about this!
Ps. Where's my different sized boobs-gang? 🤝
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sciderman · 8 months
peter is the kind of guy to ask someone out and they do like "I'd never go out with you, Jesus, pick me up at 8 you wish!" And his date is waiting but Peter didn't pick up the fact they were serious at the end so he's at home sadly studying because his crush just rejected him but it's just his autism not picking up on the serious subtones.
IMMENSELY spideytorch coded i think
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rbvcdeluxe · 2 days
no one fuckin understands the amount of sexual subtones in black friday as much as i do
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tatatatatara · 2 months
Many people don't understand how a romantic relationship between two non-blood related characters can have a lil bit of incest subtone but I'm raised different (I'm in the TG fandom)
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jeonianv · 2 months
Tô sem nada pra fazer e vim encher o saco JAJZNISMEJ uma sugestão de capinha baseada na última música inglesa que você ouviu, com a cor (e subtons) roxo
(Desafio) poucos elementos 🫶🏼🫣
— only one × since 020824
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caso se inspirar, credite-me | disponível para doação
Hey, anon. Então, tentei fazer como tu sugeriu, mas não sei se ficou tão bom, mas espero que tenha ficado do teu agrado. Por coincidência, estava escutando essa música da Amy e me veio a idéia. Como fazia tempo que não editava com os bangtan, decidi editar com os vmin.
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chattegeorgiana · 4 months
。✴ 🎀 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝓃𝑒𝓌 𝐻𝑒𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓃 & 𝐸𝒶𝓇𝓉𝒽: 𝒜 𝒮𝒶𝓈𝓊𝒦𝒶𝓇𝒾𝓃 𝒶𝓃𝒶𝓁𝓎𝓈𝒾𝓈 🎀 ✴。
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⛓️Day 1: Soulmates
I posted this initially on Twitter, but since some people couldn’t access it from my Insta story or they don’t have a Twitter account, I was asked to post it on Tumblr too, so here I am.
Copy paste from Twitter cuz I’m too lazy to write again, lol.
Since the SasuKarin month is upon us (back then we held it in July Sasuke’s birthday month), I thought about writing a short analysis where I talk shortly about the symbolism of SasuKarin.
I wanna turn this into a more full fledged analysis sometime, but I think for now it’ll do this way.
I know on Twitter people usually like to discredit Karin due to her tsundere character & the SasuKarin bond due to it being a direct competition to the SS one.
However given how the dices have been thrown, and the ending was set, I think it does no harm to talk about them & shed some light over the mischaracterisation of the two, because boy people love to do it on all sides and weaponise it in their argumentation, instead of objectively looking at it.
To those of you who badmouth Karin and say you like Sasuke, please note at how Sasuke reacts when Suigetsu badmouths her.
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Maybe that should make you think twice about it, just sayin🤷‍♀️
Anyway, let’s move to the analysis.
Why I chose to talk about the symbolism of “Heaven & Earth” on Day 1: Soulmates?
Well, because Kishimoto himself decided to do so himself.
Back when editorial meddling due to biased fandom perception wasn’t a thing & Kishimoto was slowly & surely building the story he wanted, we could be witness of the slow burn symbolic development he was building in the story. And that included SasuKarin, the “new Heaven & Earth” like its mentioned in the last page of chapter 347, as he prepares to introduce Karin in the next chapter.
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As we know from part 1, that is the symbolism that is represented by NaruSaku, in the very beginning of the series, and while in the beginning this is only used to reference a shinobi’s qualities or lack thereof, later on in the story, Kishimoto doubles its symbolism & slowly sweeps it into the romantic subplot as well.
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Remember this highly charged with romantic subtone scene? Well from a symbolical point of view, this scene happens in a very important place charged with a very specific symbolism.
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Let’s take a look, shall we?
The whole action happens at the “Heaven & Earth” bridge. So, as we can see, the symbolism as of now has far surpassed its initial stage of being a reference to just a shinobi’s condition. It’s now meant to symbolise the bond & feelings that entertwine the two ppl of that bond.
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So when Kishimoto described Sasuke & Karin as the new Heaven & Earth, he delivered that exposition through and through.
Like I showed earlier, Sasuke is very protective of Karin in his own way & doesn’t like when someone badmouths her (which oftentimes is Suigetsu) and Karin does the same, I don’t think it’s necessary for this thread to show once again what we already know, since it’s a very well established character trait.
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So yeah, as you can see, the Heaven & Earth symbolism is very prevalent in the story and it just so happens that it’s so with 3 of his most important bonds, which not only fit the Heaven & Earth (or another way to say Yin & Yang) symbolism & thematic, but also others like “when you have someone important to protect, that’s when you become the strongest”: NaruSasu, NaruSaku & SasuKarin.
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Kishimoto not only expressed this via the themes & symbolism but also the visual side, as well, since ya know, we’re talking about a visual medium.
Naruto & Sasuke are a foil of each other, the same way Sakura & Karin are & the way NaruSaku is to SasuKarin. Basically these four are each other’s soulmates (I’d argue actually twin flames, but that’s for another time), but since today we’re referencing SasuKarin, I’ll stick to them.
However, it’s impossible to make a reference to one without the other (like Kishi was saying, himself at some point about the story’s development - he can’t write about Naruto without Sasuke or viceversa), given how deeply ingrained into the structural narrative of the story from a thematical & symbolical pov these 4 are.
Just because SasuKarin had a layer of comedy over it due to Karin’s tsundere Tendencies which were also super exaggerated by SP, it doesn’t make the SasuKarin bond ANY LESS special than the other bonds in the series.
I’d argue that in SK’s context (although usually in literature it is about quantity bc that’s how you build development), it’s a great case of QUALITY over quantity. Because yes, quantitively speaking, it has less amount of screentime compared to others.
However Masashi “I forgot to draw this or that” Kishimoto, made a CONSCIOUS effort as to go back to part 1 & find a spot where he could inject Karin into the story, so much so that it doesn’t ruin the structural narrative & neither retcons the story. It just adds a new layer to it.
That speaks VOLUMES of the importance of that move & the overall authorial intent he had for this story in terms of Karin’s character & SasuKarin’s bond.
Credit for the NaruSaku/SasuKarin edit @tsunadesenjuuchiha
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adarkrainbow · 3 months
Are there fairy tales and folk tales with real queer subtext?
I always hear about the existence of fairy tales with queer subtext. I even posted a tale with a subtle lesbian subtext some years ago.
But it was one of the few I could find. This and the one with the transgender Prince Charming.
Are there more of them?
Well there are a lot of those stories around but it is hard to exactly locate and pinpoint them precisely because of how scattered they are and how usually subtle it all is. With mythology and legends of the sort you have much better chance.
Though when it comes to traditional fairytales, the ones we do have are not very queer-coded. Cinderella isn't. Snow-White isn't. Sleeping Beauty isn't. Little Red Riding Hood DEFINITIVELY is about hetero predation with nothing in it.
I did find a quite fascinating article about the lesbian reading of "Frau Trude" by the brothers Grimm! It was contained in an interesting book called "Transgressive tales: Queering the Grimm". I did think the analysis went a bit further than what it should have and some elements were really pulled by the hair, but that's very typical of a lot of scholarly analysis. I remember during my research for writing my memoir, I stumbled across a psycho-sexual analysis of "Cunning Cinders" by madame d'Aulnoy, which wanted us to believe that the oven in which the ogre was pushed was a vaginal symbol and thus the heroine killed the monster... by sex? WTF. That's clearly NOT the meaning intended.
Honestly for this kind of research, go and try to read books precisely about the analysis of queer elements or subtext in fairytales. There is a LOT of those analysis coming around and a lot of books to choose from - try to see if you can reach or access any.
The problem is that the queer elements in the "serious" or "well known" fairytales, in the European sense, are very much missing precisely due to their "classic" nature which meant if there were any, they probably ended up removed, but there probably wasn't any in the first place, else they wouldn't have become classic. It is insitutional, cultural, historical homophobia, but we're not going to remake the world and it is as it is: if you want real "queer fairytales" you have to dig up in the obscure, overseen, forgotten corners of folklore study. I made a post a long time ago about the whole case of "The Sailor and the Dog", have you seen it? Else I should sent it back to you.
There is definitively much, much more queer subtext in literary fairytales precisely due to their artificial nature and how the authors put their personal experiences in it - and it doesn't help a lot of fairytale authors were queers themselves, from the 18th century France authors nobody remembers to Andersen. In general the literary fairytales (at least those of the 17th/18th century France) LOVED to play around with deviant sexuality and erotic subtone and "perversions" of all kinds. After all, Donkey Skin is about an incestuous father! Beauty and the Beast also always was a way for people to play around with zoophilia subtexts (though today it'd just be called "furries" I guess). There is one humoristic fairytale by Catherine Bernard called "The Prince Rose-Bush", about a prince turned into a rose-tree. And the many instances of the princess being caught or hurt by his thorns, crying over his petals while hugging the plant, having her dress torn by the branches... They all clearly were meant to have a little *wink wink* at the reader. You will DEFINITIVELY find more queer subtext in fairytales that involve crossdressing as a plot device - I know French authors LOVED the idea of crossdressing for their plots (usually a woman disguised as a man) and all the romantic confusions it caused, and so you always find in there a lot of queer elements.
Though all of this stayed very VERY subtle throughout the decades, and in France we would have to wait until the second half of the 18th century when the subgenre of "bawdy fairytales" popped up and suddenly everybody was writing stories even more explicit than Basile's Pentamerone or Straparole's Facetious Nights, about men being cursed at having their penis turned into a soup-spoon or a lover being turned into a couch over which his mistress slept, and other weird stuff like that.
Which brings me to another element: the same way queer elements are going to be very hidden, subtle in commonplace and famous stories, go look for the tales of explicitely sexual nature. The dirty tales, bawdy tales, grotesque tales - they are literaly everywhere, they always existed not just in literature but also in folklore since as early as time. And precisely due to being places where everything dirty and grotesque and sexual and gory exploded - that's where you find most easily the queer presence, since everybody always loved to have "sodomy comedy" at every era.
It is not a "fairytale per se" but it is still tied to it all: Le Roman de Renart, Reynard the Fox as the English call him. His adventures and ensemble of texts is not fairytale - it is rather a different sub-genre of medieval literature and folklore... But it did seep and influence the fairytale genre heavily because more than half of the "animal tales" or "fairytales about talking animals" in those fairytale anthologies and collections are actually derived from the Fox's adventures. (You will find in almost every European country, in fairytale collections, a simplified version of Reynard tricking Isengrim in losing his tail to a frozen pond or eating too much so he can't leave the building he just entered in). And Reynard the Fox was a bisexual icon. Well... as much as a rapist, murder, scammer, thief, pathological liar, sociopath-psychopath and necromancer at times can be a bisexual icon.
Because among the many sex jokes and sexual farces of the Roman, there are several tales of Reynard sodomizing as much women as men. Most notably there was one episode of the Fox and the Hare which revolves around gay sex as a joke.
Yes, it's crude, it's dirty, it's dark and rude and there's absolutely no romance whatsoever... But it is another fact of European literature (because again, I speak for Europe here mostly): gay romance is rare, but gay sex abound ; serious queer themes are hidden and erased, but grotesque queer farces did survive to this day. It is just an old phenomenon: whenever something is morally reprehensible or disapproved by a society, it will survive in culture mostly through the comedies and what we would call today "shock value" content. A la Roman de Renart.
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tsukagari · 6 months
Omegaverse kobylu au
World building while I do the plot
In this au omegas and alphas present around 16-18 (mostly alphas at 16 and omegas 18) and have a "baby scent" that marks them as their subgender, that's why
Koby mistakes as an omega (his sweet smell and lack of signals for presentation)
Makino and Dadan try to avoid luffy setting sail before his first heat
The baby scent is mostly a preevolution(? of the fully developed one
For example: nami smells like a storm, money, and tangerines, but before that, she smelled like tangerine blooms and sea breeze
The most subtones of their scents have the most unique and powerful the person is
The majority of people have a 2 part scent before becoming an adult, and 1 after the first heat or rut
The subtones could change in extraordinary moments (special training, a mark before presenting, routine, trauma, or gaining power in a short time)
The principal scent is an indicator of the personality/ form of life
Soo pirates, marines, or merchants will acquire sea breeze subtones for years in the sea, but only get sea salt as principal scent if they are truly dedicated to exploring the sea
(Word government tried to get rid of pirates by imprisoning people with this scent, but this strategy was canceled after 1- accidentally imprisoning Garp every time he went on vacation and 2- interrogate (torturing) a couple of kings beforethe revire)
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rudnitskaia · 6 months
May I ask for an opinion about my pencil shading?
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It was kinda rushed and lazy 😅
Also thats my lackaoc Maine Cathnesty :>
Heyo, Zzanimazz! ✨
Thank you for sharing your art with me and for trusting me enough to give an opinion on your artwork, I'm definitely honored. 🥹
I'm far from a professional artist, but! I think your shading is good, you did a good job with showing the shape of the separate objects (hair, ears, coat, etc.), they're all readable and feel very right. In my opinion as a viewer (again, broski, I'm not a pro), you may try to improve it with adding more subtones to increase the contrast between light and shadows, and with making the pencil hatches more intermittent and more variable in their thickness for the same reason. It may help to accentuate the texture of the separate objects more (for example, the coat's texture is rougher than the silky hair's one) and highlight their shapes and details more. Hope you'll find it useful for yourself 👉👈
Maine is adorable, I love her braids and tufts on her ears 💖 And that gaze, that smirk! Ah ✨ Like her energy ^w^ Consider all of the cookies she bakes sold to me in wagons xDD
Thank you again for your art and have a nice day or night! :3
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