#such as my other event fic
canadiankakashi · 1 year
So I might have made a mistake <- is writing a crack fic because moth's old special interest came back to hit moth like a semi
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fiendishartist2 · 11 months
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guy who doesnt dance x guy who will drag you onto the dance floor
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mostlymaudlin · 1 year
Andrew had shit to do this afternoon, but for the past hour, he’s been trapped in a beanbag chair by Neil’s sleeping body weight. He doesn’t even have the remote in reaching distance, so he can’t change the channel away from ESPN.
Neil — whose legs are across Andrew’s lap — is going to be so mad when Andrew fails his sociology paper and gets kicked off the team because their captain couldn’t locate his own mattress.
Whatever. Neil’s head is on his shoulder, so Andrew amuses himself by wrapping a particularly ringlet-y curl of Neil’s around his finger and stretching it, letting it spring back into place again and again. Neil’s arm is draped loosely over Andrew’s middle, so Andrew keeps two fingers pressed to his wrist, lulled into patience by the steady beat of Neil’s pulse.
Suddenly, Neil twitches. A short, startled whine punches out of parted lips, muffled against Andrew’s collarbone.
“Neil,” Andrew says firmly, and Neil curls in toward the sound of his voice, fingers gripping at the fabric of Andrew’s shirt.
“Baby gator bit my ankle,” Neil mumbles.
Andrew, who had been steeling himself for the resurgence of a gory memory or a dream-induced panic attack, finds himself huffing in amusement.
“No, it didn’t,” Andrew says.
The tension bleeds out of Neil immediately.
“Oh,” he says, and then his breathing evens out once again.
When Andrew looks up, Kevin’s imperious face is on the screen — ESPN has decided to torture Andrew with a segment on the National Exy League’s star rookie. Andrew sighs, rests his cheek on the top of Neil’s head, and resigns himself to the reality of the moment.
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demigods-posts · 1 year
canonically, percy isn't aware of the crushes people have on him until it's too obvious to deny — like when annabeth kissed him, or when nico straight up told him. and since percy isn't aware of rachel's crush on him until the beginning of tlo, that means there was a point in time when rachel was actively trying to get with him and he had no idea. and it's not even his fault lol. he just only saw her as his good friend and just thought her advances were her being friendly. i just have to see this in action.
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halethleia · 26 days
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art for the incredible fic "No, I'm Not Afraid To Disappear" by @s-c-g-s-c-g!!!! PLEASE check it out if you haven't already, it is AMAZING
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sleepy-steve · 2 months
@steddieangstyaugust 08/08 // miscommunication 
wc: 2k // rating: M // cw: smoking, language, character death // tags: s4 missing scene, canon compliant, miscommunication, first kiss
divider credits @firefly-graphics
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“Hey, Harrington, did we have any more nails? Think I can fit a few more on this bad boy.” Eddie swings his makeshift-trash-can-lid-shield around in an arc, whooshing under his breath. He feels a bit silly, but it’s what he does. Clowns around for the benefit of others.
Steve snorts, before looking around. “Uh, yeah, I think so.” He shifts a crate of bottles over. “Somewhere around here…” Finally spotting the box of nails, he underhand tosses it over Robin’s head.
Eddie catches it easily, earning a raised brow from Steve, and points the box back to him with a nod. As Steve turns back to Robin, Eddie lets out a low whistle. Waiting for him to turn back, Eddie tilts his head, gesturing to the other side of the RV in a not-so-subtle follow me way. Frowning, Steve glances at Robin, who gives him an equally quizzical look in return, then moves toward him, following around the front of the vehicle.
“You good, man?” Steve asks as Eddie leans up against the side of the RV, dropping the shield and the nails at his side.
Eddie hums in the affirmative as he pats at his pockets, locating a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He pops one between his lips before holding the box out in offering. Steve hesitates for only a second before taking one. Clicking on the lighter, Eddie waves him in. Steve leans closer, letting the end of his cigarette touch Eddie’s, both of them lit under the flame. Neither of them moves back immediately, caught in a smoky haze where their eyes are locked onto each other. 
This wasn’t the first time Eddie had caught Steve staring at him, hazel eyes travelling from his lips back up to his eyes. It happened the day prior, in the Upside Down, where Eddie had been running his mouth, talking endlessly about being not-a-hero and unambiguous signs of true love, all but shoving Steve in the direction of Nancy Wheeler. Despite this, Eddie got the sense that Steve wasn’t listening to a word he said. Barely responding, eyes locked on Eddie instead, who wanted to ask—because, hey, what’s that about?—but they were cut off by the freak earthquake.
Then earlier, when Eddie jumped into the driver’s seat of the RV to start hotwiring, Steve was right behind him. Like he couldn’t help himself. Like he was being magnetically pulled into Eddie’s presence. Like they’d constantly found themselves since the boathouse—in each other’s bubbles. Steve never once pulled away from the invasion of his personal space. Not when Eddie got right up in his face again, not when Eddie had blatantly flirted with him—don’t ya, big boy?—and not now, when their faces had no reason to be this close together.
It’s Steve who pulls back, who finally breaks the spell between them, taking a shaky inhale of his cigarette. “Robin’s worried… thinks maybe we might not make it out this time.”
“Shit…” Eddie says with a puff of smoke. “But, y’know. Who else is gonna do it?”
“That’s what she said too.” Steve taps the ash off to the side, before taking another drag. “D’you ever feel like… I dunno, like you might be missing something that’s right in front of you? Something that everyone else sees, but you just… don’t?”
Eddie snorts. “Only every day, Harrington.”
“I think maybe…” Steve hesitates. “Maybe I am. Missing something.”
“And what is it,” Eddie says, tapping his ash. “That you think you’re missing?”
Eddie turns his head when Steve doesn’t respond, finding those hazel eyes boring into him. He feels it again, that magnetic pull, that electricity that seems to fire up between them any time they’re near each other. It wasn’t like Eddie to second guess something like this, to wonder if he might be wrong. By all accounts, he knew when someone was attracted to him. But for some reason, when it came to Steve, he couldn’t help but question it. That said, Eddie felt… something. It was there, palpable and pulsing between them.
“Enjoying the view?” Eddie’s voice drips with sarcasm as he gestures down at himself, knowing he looks a mess.
Steve jolts, a light pink dusting his cheeks as he looks away. “I don’t know. What I’m missing,” he quickly clarifies. “That’s kinda the problem, right?”
Eddie hums as he takes another drag of his cigarette. “Anything I can help with?”
Looking at him like the answer is right on his lips, Steve falters. “You—you don’t—no, I couldn’t—”
“Steve,” Eddie cuts him off softly. “It’s okay.”
What exactly is okay, Eddie isn’t actually sure. But if he’s right—and god, he hopes he is—then he’s willing to take the chance. And fuck, if he can’t find a little bravery right before jumping back into hell, then when will he ever? Eddie flicks the butt of his cigarette to the ground, turning to Steve fully, stepping right up in his space again. Steve’s eyes widen, and Eddie spots the green flecks in them, but he doesn’t step back. Watching as Steve’s gaze jumps from his eyes, down to his lips, and back up again, Eddie feels a small smile pull at the corners of his lips. From the edge of his vision, he notices Steve drop the remainder of his cigarette.
Eddie brings a hand up to cup Steve’s jaw, leaning in closer, watching closely for any sign that he’s wrong, that he should stop. He feels Steve’s breath on his lips, and watches as his eyes become hooded. Eddie closes the distance. Steve’s lips are a little dry, but he moves softly, tentatively, gently. It’s almost… romantic. Feeling a hand come up to the side of his neck, then into the back of his curls, Eddie presses a little harder, just slightly parting his lips. He feels Steve’s tongue swipe at his lower lip, and can’t hold back any longer. 
Eddie surges forward, mouth opening and tasting Steve fully. It’s sloppy and frantic, teeth knocking and lips bruising, a sense of urgency suddenly taking over their movements. The hand that was cupping Steve’s jaw is now gripping, holding him in place, the other placed against the wall of the RV, pinning him there. Steve is twisting Eddie’s hair between his fingers, other hand pulling at his waist, bringing their bodies flush against each other. Their tongues slide together and Eddie thinks he could get high on this feeling. Whatever spark was between them has grown into a wildfire, and Eddie wants to chase it and burn up in it. The desperation they hold each other with, the desire that they kiss with, the sheer need that runs through both of them, it consumes him.
“Steve…” Eddie groans against his lips.
Steve lets out a muffled whimper. “Eddie…”
Eddie moans low in return. He wants to get closer, to feel more, to live in this feeling until his dying breath.
“Eddie,” Steve pants. “Eddie—stop. Stop-stop-stop.”
Once the words register in his mind, Eddie jumps back like he’d been electrocuted. “I’m—I’m sorry,” he breathes, chest heaving, heart racing.
“No, no, it’s—” Steve runs a hand through his hair. “It’s okay, it’s fine, I just…” He exhales heavily, lips shining with spit. “I just, I’m not—I don’t…”
Eddie’s heart drops as words seem to fail Steve. Oh… Oh, he was wrong. He doesn’t need to hear the rest of what Steve was trying to say, doesn’t need to hear I’m not into men, I don’t like you that way, I’m not like you, I don’t want you, or any other sentence that’ll tear his heart out. Taking another step back, Eddie tries to look anywhere but Steve’s face, mentally kicking himself for having read the situation so badly.
“It—I’m sorry, I just thought—” Eddie stumbles his way through his words as he backs away. “It’s okay though, uh, just. We can—we can act like it never happened.”
“What? Eddie, no, it’s not—” Steve sounds like the words are getting stuck in his throat, eyes wide and glistening. He looks lost.
“It’s alright, Steve,” Eddie cuts him off. “I don’t, like, blame you for, y’know, trying something at the end of the world.” Fumbling to grab his shield from the ground, Eddie creates more distance between them. “It’s fine. Like I said, didn’t even happen. Take it to my grave.”
Reaching out, Steve grabs for his wrist. “Eddie, please, wait, just—”
“Don’t worry,” Eddie cuts him off again, yanking his hand out of Steve’s, unable to stand the feeling of the heat between them any longer. “I won’t tell anyone. Promise.” With one final glance at Steve’s hurt expression, Eddie does what he does best, and runs.
He wants to go back. He wants to ask. He wants to know what Steve was going to say. But Nancy approaches soon after and tells them they need to get moving. Eddie tries not to watch as Steve and Robin huddle together, whispering to each other. Tries not to think about what they’re saying. Tries not to imagine that it’s something good. Maybe… there was a tiny chance it could have been… But no, it hurt enough to think that Steve didn’t want him. Eddie didn’t want to have to hear the words aloud. Ultimately, Eddie picked protecting himself over everything else, that’s how he survived this long. Did that make him a coward in his own opinion? Yes. But it’s what he did. 
Still. Eddie wondered. Maybe he reacted too quickly. Got scared too easily. Wouldn’t be the first time for him. Wouldn’t be the first time he ran his mouth and got himself into more trouble than if he’d just kept quiet. Wouldn’t be the first time he jumped to conclusions. Wouldn’t be the first time he bolted to avoid a hard conversation. Maybe he should have stayed. Maybe Steve was going to say something else. Maybe Steve wasn’t going to shatter his already fragile heart. Maybe, if Eddie hasn’t completely fucked this up, there’s a way through this for them. Him and Steve. Maybe, just maybe, he can fix it.
They don’t get a chance to talk about it. Eddie catches him more than once, staring at him with those eyes, filled with an unreadable expression—Hurt? Guilt? Longing?—before they both quickly look away again. They have to focus on the plan, have to put on the front for everyone else, for the kids. This can wait until after.
Once they’re back in the Upside Down, plans in motion, they share their parting words. Steve tells them not to be heroes, big-brother mask perfectly in place for Dustin’s benefit. Eddie tries to match it, going for a joke—that they’re not heroes—but a cold sick feeling travels down his chest as he says it. Steve already knows Eddie isn’t a hero. He can’t just leave it like this, so he stops Steve again. The mask has slipped now, and Steve looks close to tears.
“Make him pay,” Eddie says, finally looking Steve right in the eyes, begging him to hear the meaning behind his words. Make him pay. End all of this. Come back to me. We can try again. Maybe we have something. All the things he wishes he could say but doesn’t have the courage to.
Steve nods like he understands, and Eddie hopes to god he does. Hopes that he’ll give Eddie another shot, an opportunity to fix whatever was between them, a chance to show that he’s not the coward he claimed to be.
They don’t get to find out.
Because Eddie needs to save Dustin. Because Eddie runs out to distract the bats. Because Eddie regrets a lot of decisions he’s made—running away from Chrissy, leaving her for Wayne to find; not getting a chance to say goodbye, to tell his uncle how much he loved him; running away from Steve—but not this one. 
Because Eddie chooses a hell of a time to not be a coward for once in his life.
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painfulgoodbye · 3 months
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My art for the @dreblr-gen-big-bang event!
Go read the fic 'A Family of Two' by @bagelrites ✨
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purpleleafsyt · 5 months
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From my fic, Inclarity :>
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souenkun · 3 months
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Pokémon Masters EX spoilers ahead!
Kabu likes to play TAG with his pokemon... and he's shown to have a much softer side beneath his strictness in pokemas too... he's so grandpa-shaped to me 😭💖
#you guys have to know that today has been an eventful day for me. like... non-stop serotonin because I got one good news after another#(i celebrated my ultimate ship's day + speed-run and sacrificed sleep to post 2 fics for today's sake + successfully bought prints of said#ship with two of my bird app friends + successfully secured a birthday cafe event for a character in my city where i can meet said friends)#like. my heart was in OVERDRIVE 😭😭😭 adding kabu to the lodge has me falling off the bed from how much i giggled and rolled on it 😭😭😭#i need to replay swsh but i swear he wasn't this gentle and caring in the games 😭💗 like this scary old grandpa is actually very soft 🥺🫶#my head is spinning from thinking about how good his gym trainers' morales are with him keeping it up. or how he must be well-loved in#motostoke for not just being an encouraging gym leader but also an approachable and kind citizen. no wonder nessa and milo regularly hangs#out with kabu and that he and raihan are tor-colleagues 😭😭😭 he's actually so earnest in showing that he cares for others with each line#ossan you have to tell me which of your pokemon plays tag the best!!! and is that how you wind down after training!!! 😭💗#giving pokemas writers a big smooch on their foreheads because they're so genius for this man. yes it is a cash grab but they're doing kabu#sooo much justice too with each of his appearance... like yeah take my gems for once! you actually did a splendid job for my favorite ojisa#i don't know if i'm just still a 6 y.o girlie loving kazuhiko inoue's kakashi or i'm just itching for familial tenderness but man. he's suc#a comfort character to me now... i didn't expect that in 2024 but i'm grateful i could pull him and enjoy talks with this ossan now 🥺🫶#gym leader kabu#pokemon kabu#pokemon sword and shield#pokemon swsh#pokemon masters ex#pokemas#pmex#pokemon masters ex spoilers#pmex spoilers#pokemas spoilers#swsh#galar#pasio#trainer lodge
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sourscratched · 7 months
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the hand that feeds
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odo-apologist · 26 days
Me enjoying a rewatch of a Red Dwarf episode, having a good time: 🙂
My traitorous brain: Hey, this scene takes place away from Red Dwarf and Starbug, Lister probably doesn't remember it after M-Corp
Me: 😧
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gilfodile · 1 month
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: In Stars And Time (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Isabeau/Siffrin (In Stars And Time) Characters: Siffrin (In Stars And Time), Isabeau (In Stars and Time) Additional Tags: POV Second Person, Light Angst, the usual siffrin angst, Bad Touch Event, With A Twist, Awkward Kissing, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping Summary:
So that's it. He doesn't want you to go, no, he wants you to suffer the consequences for your actions, he wants you to look upon the grave you dug for yourself and push you into it himself. He wants—
”That...That was, uh...A really bad kiss.“
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zimszim · 8 months
it's sort of funny sort of fascinating how river consults the diary about Demon's Run in the show (and maybe another big event i'm forgetting) cause on one hand, it's for the audience, to let the audience know what's happening and that she's future river at that point, but on another hand...
i find it incredibly hard to believe that she wouldn't have everything about Demon's Run memorized. river's general feelings about That as a whole are pretty much up to interpretation as she's river and hides the damage and lies constantly (affectionate) and also they (the show itself) never give her time to do so, but that monumental event in her life? yes, i think it's not impossible to say she'd study it. but it's also pretty easy to tell that she uses the diary as a crutch in an emotional way
for her meeting/reuniting with a younger version of the doctor, it's sort of a shield, she's trying to use it to say "look! we have a future together where you trust me implicitly! i've lived it! trust me" (and here i'm thinking of flesh and stone and the library eps)
with the Demon's Run one, she uses it for herself, it's not a shield for the doctor, she even turns around from rory. she's using it to stabilize herself. but she could also be sort of checking through it, like she's double checking, making sure the information she remembers is right
her childhood was extremely up to whatever you could glean from s6 but to be somewhat raised in that orphanage with the Silence without an eyepatch to remember them, along with the fact that she didn't even remember Madame Kovarian makes me want to believe that she probably has memory issues. it sort of adds up, the diary itself, the reason why she "has pictures of all of his faces" and uses that to justify why she always knows it's him (so late in her personal timeline, she should already know all versions of him it's not that hard. also she was raised to kill him. im sure they taught her that too Imfao)
i'm just saying shit atp but i thought that was interesting to think about. you're a time traveller with memory issues, a husband that doesn't know who you are yet, a past you can't remember, and a future that's all out of order. what can you trust if you can't trust your memory? well, what you have written down, i suppose.
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autisticrosewilson · 7 months
Every year Kate holds her own Kane Family Events™️ on the same nights as Bruce has his, a cousin rivalry that's been going on as long as either of them can remember.
Dick occasionally joined the Kane's to spite Bruce the first few years, but eventually settled into his Richy Wayne persona.
Jason attended the first few Wayne galas, and immediately decided he wasn't fond of all the formality. He made a deal with Dick, he'll go to the Kane events and bring back leftovers if Dick does the same at Wayne events.
He ends up having a lot of fun! He's pretty much immediately hoisted over to the kid table, which would be more offensive if 18 year old Bette Kane weren't also there. Eventually someone else joins their little gossip duo, a blonde boy named Joey whose around Dick's age. Apparently his mom is Kate's aunt or something and she runs the New York branch of Kane Corp. He's pretty cool, Jason was a little surprised he couldn't talk but he knows ASL so it wasn't an issue and they have a lot in common!
Flash forward a few months later. There's a new Titan team, and Jason gets to visit them today. He's heard of them all at least, Wally, Kori, and Donna are regular fixtures at the manor, and he's met Roy a few times too. He's NOT expecting to see Cousin Joey lounging on the couch.
"-and this is Jericho, or Joey." Dick introduces, oblivious to Jason's inner turmoil.
"Nice to meet you." He says on autopilot. He opens his mouth to- to? He's not actually sure what he could say but he doesn't get the opportunity either way.
Joey waves back, curt and polite as would be expected of two perfect strangers. There's a secretive little smile quirking his lips, the one he gets after he drops a particularly juicy piece of gossip.
Jason's lips thin, keeping the questions trapped behind his teeth. He nods subtly, and the introductions move on.
It's only at the next gathering, with Bette off at the buffet, the two of them sequestered in the corner, that he makes a realization. "Oh my God auntie Addie is a meta!" He gasps, interrupting the conversation. He'd barely thought it through. He saw Adeline deeply engaged with the annual drinking contest out of the corner of his eye and it fell from his mouth before he could stop it. If Joey is a meta that was born with his powers, he had to get them from somewhere. He's not exactly surprised that Addie is a metahuman, he just hadn't realized.
Joey gives him a weird look, part amused and confused before he seems to follow Jason's train of thought. He shakes his head with a grin, signing father. Like that gives him any context.
Joey doesn't talk about his dad. Whoever he is has never shown up to one of these events as far as Jason could tell. His only clue is the last name Wilson, not one that Joey uses himself, but the one entered in the system at the tower.
He turns that information around in his head, utilizing all of those detective skills to piece the clues together before Joey interrupts him with a gentle nudge.
He's picking me up tonight if you want to meet him, Joey offers, a spark of mischief in his eyes that makes Jason suspicious.
Jason chokes on his own spit as he watches Deathstroke emerge from a Benz, dressed down in jeans and a T-shirt. The man gives Jason a look over, recognizes him, and then ignores him completely. Ushering Joey into the car talking about tickets to some events or other that may or may not be a mission.
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saturnniidae · 2 months
Modern au with a strong theme of Hiccup coping with his leg better than all the people around him and it's low key pissing him off
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witchofthesouls · 7 months
Let's be honest. If humans ever find out that the Autobots and Decepticons were real aliens, most of them really don't care. Many folks either have friends, family, classmates or coworkers who are Toons thus nothing can really faze them. Oh? Megatron threatens to blow up the Earth? Cue a bunch of Toons sabotaging EVERYTHING.
War is boring so why not have some fun? Any Cybertronian artifacts on Earth would be deemed irretrievable since they are most likely within the vicinity of a Toon. Only way for anyone to make strides on this insane planet is with help from a human.
Megatron just squirming as trying to catch an organic without alerting one of those THINGS is going to be very very difficult.
Omph, I would say it would depend on the universe. Something like G1 will be for light-hearted when combined with Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but something like TFP or IDW would be darker. I mean, they're not human, so rights for them would be a long process across the century (or longer if we want to delve into a universe where all forms of cartoons were able to come to life).
I personally find it hilarious if there's actually more alien visitors in these kinds of crossovers, but humans think it's a running joke or a ridiculously long setup since they got used to a variety of space-themed Toons.
It doesn't help that Daffy Duck still has his Duck Dodgers costume, and the theme song plays whenever he comes across a Cybertronian.
Actually, retract it all. It's definitely G1 because the Autobots love basketball, and everyone knows Space Jam, so it really doesn't help with the Cybertronians' "we are from a completely different planet" stance.
Oh no, the 'bots will be hounded by scouts, both human and Toon, for the yearly games. Nothing gets Americans more riled up than their sport teams.
The 'cons join because they refuse to be left out.
Michael Jordan gets literally roped into another golf hole to be their basketball coach. Again.
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