#suddenly everyone starts treating you like a national hero??
oldgaysbrainrot · 1 year
that one scene where megamind gets worked up and roxanne is like "sorry, sorry. he's just not used to positive feedback."
i imagine that scene as raeda.
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glassartpeasants · 3 years
If you don't make a happy ending for couldn't care less you better keep bob with you at all times
Couldn’t Care Less .2
Shigaraki x GN!Reader
Warnings: Angst, death, blood, abuse, gore
“i hope that blue haired fuck got what he wanted. I hope that handyman freak dies alone.” You say to yourself as you walk down the alleys way of Musutafu. The smell of the dingey and moldy alleyways flood your nose as the laughter of happy couples ring in your ears. 
How come they got they’re happily ever after but you didn’t? It wasn’t fair. You did everything you could to be there for him. Yet he still treats you like shit, all because you cared about him? And then he thinks your cheating all cause you ask a male friend for advice! What an insecure asshole.
A vibrating in your pocket brought you back to reality as you realize your phone was ringing. Letting out a sigh you answer,
“Come pick up your shit.” Oh, you thought you blocked this fuck.
“Keep it asshole. I don’t want anything that smells like ‘lonely bastard who only gets action from his hand’  on my clothes.  Burn it, decay it, I couldn’t give a shit less.”
“God you were always so dramatic. And there’s no reason to be a cunt.”
“And there was no reason for you to be an insecure dick. You either block my number or im calling the police and ratting on you.” A silence fell over the phone. Nothing was said until you finally spoke up.
“Jeez your pathetic. I’ll do it myself.” He was about to say something, insult your most likely before you hung up the phone and blocked him not seconds later.
“Now he’s outta my hair. I can finally feel some sort of calm.”
3 weeks later
After a day of coming back to your musty apartment you decided it needed a little bit of cleaning, considering you haven’t been their in about 4 months. You paid up front all the time even when you weren’t living in it. Just in case ya know?
You swept up the floors, vacuumed the carpet AND shampooed it.Cleaned the tub, shower and sinks, cleaned out your empty refrigerator, washed all you sheets and what clothes you left there. It wasn’t much so you knew you had to get some more before anything else. That and groceries.
 After all that was said and done, you sat down on the couch and just relaxed. Well you tired, that was before Shigaraki popped into your head again. It wasn’t a sort of loving way, it was a hatred sort of. The thought of his stupid face made you just want to punch a wall, pretending to be his face.
But you ignored it as you turned on the Tv, hoping that would get your mind off him. Nothing interesting except the news. Always talking about violence and war. Same old thing over and over. Blood, death, tragedy.
“This world is a cruel unjust place. The only way it seems to be recognized in this world is death or doing horrible things. Nothing good every comes to fruition.” You grumble before walking to your room and plopping down on the nice clean and still warm sheets. The nice smell of lavender slowly dragging you to sleep.
A loud bang hit your door which ripped you from your slumber. You were questioning on checking it out before you heard something that made your heart stop,
“If there’s anyone in the house kill them, we can’t have people knowing we ransacked this place.” You slowly get off your bed before moving slowly and quietly to your window. Your push your fingers on the glass and you gently push it up. Grabbing at the sides of the window you pull yourself out of it, not before hearing a gunshot and a burning pain inside your calf.
“Fuck! They’re getting away!” You could hear them from inside the house.
“Did they see you?!” You fell from your window onto the ground. Thankfully your apartment was on the first floor so it wasn’t a high drop.
“Not that i know of! I did shot them in the leg so they shouldn’t have gotten far!” You try your hardest as you run towards the main street. Cutting through alleyways, going as fast as you can as you hear they’re footsteps behind you. Looking up closely you see a hero, knowing he was your only chance you scream for help.
“Help me please!” The hero’s head turned towards you and ran towards you. You guess the robbers heard your cry for help because they’re footsteps seemed to be heading back your probably trashed apartment.
“Oh my! What happened?!” The sound of the hero’s concerned voice calmed you down a bit. 
“Some people tried to rob my place and i tried to get out of there silently but they must have came into my room and saw me leaving and shot me in the calf!” You wince as putting pressure on the wound burned hotter than hell.
“Don’t worry! I’ll get you to the hospital in no time!” You felt relieved before hearing a crunching sound, you looked to your left and see a familiar patch of blue hair in your peripheral vision. You ignored him before getting picked up by the hero and was carried to the hospital. The blood loss from your calf slowly dragged you into unconsciousness.
After waking up you notice the white room you were in. It was pristine to the touch and smelled of lemon cleaning products. The bright lights hallways peered inside your room from the crack of your door.
Looking around the small feeling of pain crept back into your leg except not as painful anymore. Pulling back the covers you notice bandages and a small bit of blood that stained through the bandages around your wound.
“Ah fuck that’s gonna scar. It’s gonna be a pain to heal too.” You say to yourself as you pull back the blankets and wrap yourself up in them. 
Right as you were falling back asleep the ringing of your cellphone brought you out. Grumbling in annoyance you grab it and look at the caller id. It was a number you didn’t recognize so you just let it ring thinking it’ll be the end of it. That was until it started ringing again. You sighed in frustration and picked up the phone, not wanting it to ring longer since it was in the dead of night at the hospital and you wanted people to be able to sleep.
“What the hell do you want? It’s the middle of the night.” You annoyed voice rang into the other side of the phone.
“Why tf were you talking to a hero? Did you fucking break your end of the bargain?” You were confused at first. You definitely knew the voice behind the phone. Then you remembered earlier that day when you saw him in the shadows.
“I was literally shot. You think im not gonna ask someone for help?” You rub the bridge of your nose.
“I don’t believe you. You always were a two faced bitch.”
“Oh jesus fuck, thanks for the insult. Glad to know what you always thought about me.”
“I’m going to kill you you backstabbing bitch.”
“Love ya too. goodnight and goodbye Shigaraki.” You hung up and blocked said number. You weren’t going to lie, hearing him spill such an insult and threat hurt you and made you very weary and afraid if he would actually go through with it or if he was just saying that to scare you.
You knew what those hands could do and you knew how painful that death would have been. You were hurt more than you liked to admit, at the beginning of your relationship he wasn’t aggressive or mean at all towards you.  He’d try to get you flowers or your favorite type of drink. He called you pet names that would make your heart flutter and beat, you don’t know what you did wrong for him to change so suddenly. It was like on day he flipped a switch, and you never knew why.
You tried recalling the day where it started and remembered that everyone was annoyed or being rude to Dabi, you didn’t know why and when you asked Spinner or anyone else they just said it was national, be a bitch to Dabi day. You laughed and shrugged it off ignoring it before walking up to your boyfriend giving him a kiss on the lips, only to be pushed into the wall and ignored. You just looked at him in shocked and it had only spiraled down from there to where you are now. 
Something had to be wrong. You knew it, Dabi had to have something to do with Shigaraki’s switch in behavior. You looked around the room for any camera and when you noticed that there were none, you called up the burnt male himself. He surprisingly picked up on the first ring.
“(Y/N)? I haven’t heard from you in 3 weeks. Or was it four? Doesn’t matter, where have you been?”
“Dabi, i need you to be honest with me, did you say something to Shigaraki?”
“Dabi, five months ago Shigaraki flipped a switch and went from a caring boyfriend to an actually nightmare. I need to know if you or anyone else said something to him.” Dabi was quiet on the other line before sighing,
“About that time range i made a joke about sleeping with you, everyone knew it was a joke but apparently Shigaraki didn’t. I didn’t think he’d treat you like he did. Im sorry.” You fell silent. All this shit treatment because Shigaraki couldn’t a joke. Sure it pissed you off that Dabi made such a stupid joke but you were more mad at Shigaraki that he just treated you like shit instead of asking you and confronting you about it.
“Thank you for telling me. Do you know where Shigaraki is now?”
“He left about an hour ago, why?” Shit. You knew this was the only hospital close to your place and Shigaraki knew that too. You got up from your bed and locked the door before going back into your bed, watching the crack under your door incase the light was blocked.
“Dabi, I just want you to know that i forgive you.”
“What? What the fuck are you talking about-” Your phone went silent as the battery died.
‘Shit shit shit shit!’ you thought to yourself as you beg for the phone to turn back on. But you fell silent as the light from the outside of your room was blocked.
“(Y/N), I know you're in there, open the fucking door before i decay it down.” You said nothing in fear. You were glued to your bed as you faced the door.
But that fear was nothing compared to seeing him actually decay the door.
“You stupid snitch. i should make your death as painful as possible.” he said as soon as he stepped inside your hospital room. 
“Shigaraki, I didn’t snitch I promise. Why don’t you believe me!” You say as you get off your bed and try to get as far away from him as possible. The pain of the bullet would making you wince.
“Why would I believe a cheating bitch like you?” Before you could speak a four fingered grip wrapped itself around your throat. Shigaraki was always fast, you should have known that you were gonna die even if you tried your hardest.
“I didn’t cheat on you!” You try to pry yourself from shigaraki’s grip.
“Dabi says otherwise.”
“Are you really going to believe him?! You didn’t even talk to me or ask me about it! Just went straight to believing him!” The grip on your neck got tighter.
“then why was they’re a hickey on your collarbone?!”
“You gave it to me! It was fading out!”
“That doesn’t change the fact you snitched!” His pinkie was grazing closer to your skin.
“I never snitched, I was robbed and then they shot me. If you went to my apartment you would see i was right.” He said nothing just staring at you with cold dead eyes. 
“Look! I have bandages wrapped around my calf!” Shigaraki looked down before saying something back.
“It was something the hero’s did so they could protect you in this shit hospital.” I was at that moment you knew, nothing you said would change his mind. You shed not a tear while looking him in the eyes
“I wish I never met you. Fuck you Tomura Shigaraki, I hope you die alone and I’ll see you in hell.” You move your head so his last and final finger touched your skin.
The pain of your skin decaying and falling off was much more painful than you thought it would be. You can remember screaming in pain but, it felt more of a emotional scream rather than one of physical pain. but it seems you weren’t the only one screaming.
The sounds of Shigaraki wailing and screaming your name reached your ears before all you heard was silence and saw nothing.
Shigaraki scrambled to try and grab you and even put you together, but your bloody ashes stuck to his hand. Remains of your existence covered his clothes as he screamed in pain. 
“No no no no! Wait please! I didn’t mean it!” He cried as his tears fell onto your ashes, the tears collecting the ashes and forming a grey tear drop. He wasn’t thinking clearly, he’s sorry! He didn’t want to kill you! 
Bile rose from his throat as he puked all over the ground, inches away from your ashes. He grabbed your ashes trying to pick them up to hold what was left of you. But all he got was the remains of your smeared all over his hoodie. He shook violently as  memories of you guys replayed in his mind, your happy face and the way you use to love him and care for him.
But now, you were nothing more than ashes on his sleeve, reminding him that he was now truly alone.
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bubbleteaimagines · 4 years
Hello! Can you do an angst Warhammer/Tybur Reader x Porco? Maybe they met once during Titan training before and became close, to eventually lovers, and then the declaration of war happens and- well- you know- Thank you! Your writings are always so good so i cant help but keep requesting! ♡
Declaration of War
Porco Galliard Oneshot
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Summary: You never wanted a war. You only wanted a happyily ever after. But what choice did you have when the universe was against you?
Pairings: Porco Galliard x Warhammer!Reader
Warnings: Just pure angst, mentions of blood drinking (You know, that scene)
Authors Note: Wow I- you woke up and chose violence with this one nonnie 😭 But anyways thank you for requesting! You’re so sweet 💞
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You don’t remember much of your childhood, but you do remember the exact day your were adopted into the Tybur family. It was when you were around three, living half a world away when all of sudden, you were swept into the royal lifestyle.
Honestly, you’re still not sure what made them pick you. I mean, according to your father you weren’t even from Marley. But you were an Eldian, so when the time came it was you that was chosen to inherit the warhammer titan.
When your father first announced this, a lot of criticism was thrown your way. After all, you, someone who wasn’t even apart of the bloodline, inheriting possibly the strongest titan there was? Impossible.
There was an outrage, people came banging on your father’s door demanding why this decision had been made. Why not Laura? Why not someone that was his actual offspring?
Why you?
That question had been bottled up in your ever since you found out. Why did it have to be you, someone that was simply given the Tybur name? Why was it you that had to shoulder this? Why was it your burden to carry.
You didn’t ask for this. But yet- everyone acted like it was a great honor to receive a titan. The people of Marley even rewarded those who sacrificed themselves to become warriors.
Honestly, when you first heard about that, it took all you had not to gasp in horror.
Growing up as royalty, you had been somewhat shielded from the cruelty of how others treated Eldians. No one ever dared to speak against you, never dared to spit at you or curse you out, but you could still see the disgust in their eyes that they tried so hard to mask.
You were different. And now you were powerful. People didn’t like that.
On your first ever visit to Marley, the beginning of the end, you could sense the hostility from outsiders, and even from your own kind.
It was sickening really, how people bowed to your feet yet tormented so many people like were just like you. You didn’t understand at first- you knew the history of Eldian suppression, but why, why were all of you dragged into this? What had you ever done to deserve the harassment, the isolation, the punishment?
It was sick how people looked down on Eldians like you were the scum of the earth. Even other Eldians talked about this Island filled with their kin in disgust, claiming that they were devils.
It was sick how people were fed lies and forced to suppress themselves and the people like them. It was sick, and it made you even angerier that you couldn’t do a damn thing about it.
No, the only thing you could do was smile and occasionally talk with officials when they asked you something, faking a laugh at whatever they said and then going back to being in your fathers shadow.
You hated it, honestly, and you hated everything about Marley until you met him.
Meeting Porco Galliard had not been an accident, but it took you by surpise nevertheless. While stationed in Marley to discuss the War, he was assigned as your official bodyguard.
Inheriter of the Jaw Titan, as you had learned. Cocky, arrogant, and a smug bastard as you had learned.
Truthfully, you both hated each other when you first met. Or more like you couldn’t stand him, but he was forced to endure your hostility and only respond with equal coldness.
Being together almost 24/7 had been an absolute nightmare. He was like a shadow, always lingering in the background, telling you how you could do this or that. He made sure to irk your nerves in every way possible.
A small smirk could always be seen whenever you were frustrated, letting out groans everytime you forced to let him accompany you with something.
You wanted to go the shore and relax alone while watching the sunset? Too bad- you were instead forced to scowl at Porco’s back as he lead you there. You wanted to take a peaceful bath and unwind after a long day of talking politics? Porco would be right outside your door, interrupting every five seconds and asking when you were gonna be finished.
It was terrible. He was terrible. Which was why you were so shocked when you found yourself falling in love with him.
Honestly- you’re not sure how or when. When did you start to look at him differently? When did you start to recognize the man under that annoying mask, the one that was hidden from the rest of the world? When did you start to notice the cracks in his facade?
Truthfully, it came gradually. A civil conversation here, another conversation there, and suddenly, you were telling your bodyguard all about yourself and your home, discussing your titans in the late hours when neither of you could sleep, and arguing about who was stronger.
The cracks appeared slowly. And so did the cracks in your mask. You don’t know when it started, but you did know that it was destined to end.
The minute you began to feel butterflies whenever you were around Porco - taking late night trips to the shore and talking about your pasta or dragging him out to the market to find your favorite flowers - you knew that you were destined for doom.
He knew it, too. Whatever blossomed betweened you two during the months of stay in Marley was sure to never last, but you both kept clinging anyways.
You clinged to the moments you got alone, free to lay in Porco’s arms while he whispered stories of his childhood. You clinged to the memories of your first kiss, the first time you ever snuck out together, and mischief you two would reek during the daytime when he’d chase you through the streets.
You cherished it all. Every moment, every memory. And you had a good reason to- because you knew it wouldn’t last.
Life had a funny way of separating what wasn’t meant to be.
First, it was having to finally leave Marley and go back home- Without Porco.
You were heartbroken when you heard the news- your father no longer had business there and so it was time to leave. Time to leave behind Porco and your fantasy of love.
When you came to him one night, crying and breaking the news, Porco had held you and promised that you’d survive this. No matter the distance, he promised that he’d write as much as he could so long as you promised the same.
You both were determined to keep your love afloat. But it was all futile, in the end.
After the separation came responsibilities, duties that both you and Porco had to uphold. For him, it was his duty as a warrior. For you, it was your duty as a royal.
The letters you exchanged were frequent in the beginning. You’d hear from him every week, reading his words in the candlelight once everyone else was asleep. Smiling as you scribbled one back, reminding him of your love and your promise to return to him one day.
It was always so easy in the beginning.
But slowly, life took over. The letters between you two began to expand to two weeks, then three, and then- you’d both be lucky if you heard from the other in a month.
You hadn’t it to be this way. But after the responsibilities, came the war.
Dread filled your every fiber as you were told that Marley had declared war on a neighboring nation. All soldiers were required to fight- all warriors had no choice but to be on the front lines.
This included Porco, and you and fell to you knees sobbing when you had received what very well could have been your last letter from him.
In it, he informed you of the dreadful news and told you that the Jaw Titan’s abilities were required. He didn’t have a choice, but he was glad that at least you hadn’t been called fight. He then went on to make his promises- the first that he’d stay safe and the second that he’d return to you.
He promised that the two of you would be reunited again- but little did either of you know, he’d be right.
Your time in Marley wouldn’t be last time you’d see Porco again. Unfortunately though, when you met again, it would be his.
After three years you would think something would change. Maybe your feelings towards him, but you found that it was quite the opposite.
The longer that he was gone, the more you yearned for him. You did everything you could to keep yourself from going insane, reminding yourself constantly that he was alive and doing great.
You purchased every newspaper you could as soon as they came out, if only the read about him. The Jaw Titan has been nothing short of a war hero during battles. You could see his pictures, read the words that were praising him but none of that ever mattered.
Everytime you picked up a paper, the only thing your eyes cared about was seeing him alive. And so long as he was, you could breath until the next issue came out.
With you keeping up with Porco constantly, it was no surprise that you were one of the first to hear that the war was ending.
Marley had won, and the warrior casualties were at zero. Porco had made it out alive. Just like he promised.
The minute you had found out you weeped harder than you ever had before. Even more so than when you found out he was going to war.
You couldn’t help it- you were eso relived. And when that first letter came to you after three years, asking if you stilled carried love for him or if you had forgotten him, Porco got a response the next day that made him smile wider than he had in three years.
You were coming back to Marley. Your entire family- but mainly because of your father. Whatever the circumstances, neither of you cared. All that mattered was the moment you were reunited again, sneaking back to your spot on the shore where you spotted him already waiting for you.
You voice was loud, but at the moment you didn’t care who heard you. All you cared about was running to be in arms again, and when he stood up, a welcoming smile on his face as he caught you, you felt like you were home once again.
“Y/N...” Porco buried himself in the crook of your neck and gave you a watery grin, holding you tight. “You...you made it. Y-You’re here.”
“I promised, didn’t I?” You chuckled tearfully, before leaning in and giving him the kiss you had been waiting three years for.
That night, you felt invincible as you laid with Porco, wrapped up in his arms as you laid by the ocean. The peace you felt was unlike anything you had felt in years. And when you heard him confess that night, after making love to you by the water, you thought that nothing could ever get better than this.
And you were right.
If you had known, if he had known that in a few short hours that everything would change, then maybe, just maybe, you would have done something different.
Maybe Porco would have held you a little longer before breaking away that morning. Maybe you would have begged him to stay, knowing it would be your last night together. Maybe...you both would have run away together, to a world that was more peaceful than your own.
If only you had known.
But instead, you bid goodbye to each other like it wasn’t going to be your last. Instead you carried on your day like nothing could go wrong, getting ready for the ceremony that night.
Your father had told you he was doing it to expose the truth about Eldians. He said he would unite the world against Paradis. Whatever that meant, you could tell that there was something lingering in his eyes as he kissed you goodbye that night.
There was something...somber about the atmosphere. Despite your cheerful younger siblings, the warm smile of your sister and she embraced and promised that your father would return shortly.
Something was wrong. You saw it in his eyes. But as the story goes, you recognized what it was too little, too late. By the time the ceremony began to evening, you were as ignorant as the rest of them.
Standing back stage, naively thinking your father would come back and hug you shortly, exclaiming about how well it went.
Thinking that you’d get one last chance to be in Porco’s arms again that night.
You were naive. Not prepared for anything. Never have being trained to the use titan you possessed. Always sitting back, always being cautious. You were never once allowed to use your powers. Not in the war, to sharpen them, not to train you. If was dormant inside of you, so much so that you might as well hadn’t had it at all.
And it costed you your life.
The rumbling, you noted, was when it first started. The ground beneath you was shaking like there an earthquake. And then, there was a flash of yellow light and everything you had ever know was gone.
You screamed as the floor beneath your feet was ripped up, a roar of anger coming from the very person your father had started talking about.
Eren Jaeger.
He appeared like it was magic, his ginormous titan emerging from underground. He let out a scream as he dove right for his target - or was that you? - your father.
The man that had given you everything was devoured right in front of you. A titan- no why was there a titan here? They didn’t exist in these parts. You had never seen- oh god. Why couldn’t you get your thoughts together?
“Y/N?” A panicked cry from your mother snapped you out of your shock, a feeling of terror beginning to sink in as you realized what had just happened. “You need to- you need to transform, sweetheart!”
“But-!” You wanted to say you didn’t know how. But you did. It was the one thing you were taught. The one thing you were prepared for. You thought it had been odd, three days ago, when your father suddenly told you. When he explained that a drop of blood was all that was needed to activate the warhammer.
You thought it was strange. But now...now you realized what he was preparing you for. His death.
“Go!” Your mother screamed as she held your crying siblings, trying to protect them from the chaos that had already occurred. “Protect us well! Avenge your father!”
“I will,” You don’t even remember hearing the words, as everything after that pretty much went black.
The only thing you were thinking of as you harshly bit your hand, your heart pounding in your chest, was eliminating the enemy that had killed your father.
Eren Jaeger stood before you, no less shocked than everybody else was. He stilled from his position, lips curling into a snarl as he stared at your white, armored body.
So it was you.
He had been aiming for you father, your sister Laura next. But really, the warhammer titan had been passed down to you, someone not even part of the bloodline.
What a twist in fate.
Eren angled his body towards you and you feel the heat of his breath as he roared. He was prepared for this. He had planned this attack. He had planned to kill you.
The minute that Porco realized this, he was panicking. He and Pieck had been trapped for a reason. They must have known- the enemy wanted to eliminate any possible threats.
“Pieck! We have to get out of here!” He yelled fiercely, banging on the Well walls.
“Porco- relax. Someone’s coming for us,” She reassured him, but Porco wasn’t calming down.
His first thought when he was pulled out was to go straight to you. You were the only thing on his mind. He had to get to you, but somehow Pieck convinced him to wait.
You would handle this on your own, she told him. You had this.
Porco wished he hadn’t believed her. He wished that he just scoffed and ran off away, instead of listening and waiting for a miracle.
You weren’t trained for this. While powerful, you had no idea how to do much beyond what your instincts told you. Maybe if he would have realized that, maybe if he had just listened to his gut, he wouldn’t have been watching the love of his life about to be devoured.
“No!” Porco roared as he saw Eren holding your Crystal, your terrified face peaking out from the cracks. You were powerful, but you had been no match for Eren Jaeger. He was strong, and he figured out your weakness before you did.
Now, all that was left was to defend yourself. To preserve your body and hope that someone else could finish what you started.
A million thoughts were racing through your mind. A million different emotions, but most prominent was horror as you saw Porco leap to your rescue.
“No!” Is what you wanted to scream out as you saw him fighting the Attack Titan. ‘Turn around, get away’ is what you wanted to say when he made a grab for you, only to miss and instead punctured the crystal.
You could see it as clear as day. Eren saw the way he managed to break through, too. And that was the moment- the moment you knew you were doomed.
A silent tear ran down your face as Porco went to attack again, only to be ambushed by one of the Eren’s allies and disabled.
He couldn’t move his legs, but he still made one last attempt for you- once last Hail Mary.
He extended his jaws, trying to at least capture your Crystal. But all that he was met with was Eren shoving it into his mouth, using his jaws to break open your crystal.
“No!” Porco yelled out in his head, pure agony seeping through his veins as he realized what was about to happen. As he realized that Eren Jaeger was using him to kill the one he loved.
He tried to get away. He tried to will his body to stop working.
He tried everything he could- but it wasn’t enough.
The crystal broke before either of you ever had time to say goodbye. There was a deafening noise, a flash a of pain, and then the last thing you ever saw in that world was the look on Porco’s face as Eren tossed him away, successfully drinking your blood.
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sukiglycerin · 4 years
birds (not) of a feather || keigo takami.
* pairing: hawks x fem pro-hero!reader
* genre: canonverse(???), terribly indulgent smut, pwp, enemies w benefits
* words: 3,111
* warnings: i just packed a shitload of kinks into this, dom!hawks, sub!reader, daddy kink, dirty talk, semi-public sex (a bathroom), quirk play aka feather play (not tickling), reader is kiNda a brat, fingering, orgasm denial, cum eating, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (pls.,., wrap it before you tap it irl), degradation, breeding kink, humiliation, dumbification, creampie, aftercare (duh), i’m so sorry for this i’ll finish my sfw angst thing now
* a/n: inspired by this text post... oh god, this is filthy. apologies for the slightly late update, but here it finally is!! @toishi is an absolute angel for proofreading this at like 1 in the morning. i hope you enjoy this! if you liked this, feel free to request anything you’d like to see from me <3
there was something about hawks that was infuriating. you couldn't tell exactly what was the breaking point; his messy hair, his plush smirk, or his eyes. his eyes, typically glazed over with a mixture of cockiness and devil-may-care hawtiness, were perhaps the most charming part to him, if you asked any fangirl. the markings around them only made him prettier, but infuriatingly so; and when you put together the entire package of 'hawks,' you got an extremely punchable person. 
yet sometimes, during extremely rare instances - perhaps when the light hits him just right or when one of his feathers is placed just perfectly - the word 'punchable' is replaced with 'fuckable.' and when you say fuckable, you mean him fucking you. it only aggravates you more.
you can't recall exactly when you started hating him or exactly when you became fuckbuddies (well, more like fuckenemies), but what you can recall is that the closets at hawks' agency are unreasonably large. not that they can't be used to your advantage, on multiple occasions (especially when hawks ruts). you're sitting next to hawks as some entrepreneur attempts to sell his ideas to market heroes and gain more profit. none of the pro-heroes sitting in the room seem particularly engaged. you're practically falling asleep; hawks' doodles on your notepad keeping you awake. you can't exactly complain, though the doodles take up space on an otherwise blank page, it's entertaining. you're far past gone being alert, however; your eyelids droop one last time before you see an oddly phallic shaped doodle behind your eyelashes. goddamn hawks.
"really?" you hiss at him, pushing his hand away.
he shrugged, lazily smiling. "you like it."
"like what? lewd imagery in my work notepad?"
"no." his voice drops an octave, fatally gravelly, "my cock."
you flush at his obscene language. "don't-" you whisper, but you're cut off by hawks' muffled giggles as he points to another one of his doodles. a rooster. you purse your lips. ever-so immature, hawks.
"yeah, but i bet you like the first one a lot more, don'tcha, chickadee?" his pet name has your brain stuttering. "you like my cock so much, hm?"
"fuck you, hawks," you breathe.
"you can try, feather." his voice is dripping with cockiness. "i bet, even in professional times like these, you think about my cock. in business meetings, you look so professional, so serious, but little does everyone know - you're dreaming about my cock stretching your tight little cunt out, making you scream my goddamn name. i bet you salivate just thinking about my cock fucking you good, hm? isn't that right, chickadee?"
you huff, not meeting his eyes as you search for a witty comeback. your silence gives hawks' ego a boost; he smirks wider.
"you know it's true, huh?" he purrs. "you think of me wherever you go. in public, filing paperwork, when you touch yourself in bed... you just like it so much, you're my slut. who knew the nation's favorite pro-hero would drop to her knees to the sight of anyone's cock?"
"yeah, i touch myself whenever i think of you," you mutter saltily under your breath. you ignore the growing arousal in your panties at his provocative words. hawks goes quiet, eyes wide.
"more specifically, i rub my temples because i get a headache because you're so damn awful."
"well fuck, dove," he chuckles. he leans in close to your ear. "maybe i'll give you something to think about."
a shiver curls itself down your spine. "hawks-"
he hushes you, jotting something in your notepad. he excuses himself from the room, leaving a feather laying on his seat in place of him. you read the note. "women's bathroom, down the hall to the left. no one uses it."
a pump of adrenaline fills you; your heart skips a beat.
once you slip out, your heart plays a game of jump rope, the rhythm filling your ears. down the hall, to the left... you wonder what hawks has in store for you. your brain recreates images of past escapades you engaged in with the man; a quickie in his office, another in an alley, and once, him fucking you just before a meeting. your panties grow damper, unable to mask the anticipation you feel within yourself.
"hi, sweetpea," hawks cooes as soon as you enter the restroom. "fancy seeing you here."
"you invited-"
"hush, i didn't give you permission to speak, did i?" he snaps. "good girls who behave are rewarded."
a whimper slips out of you, and you nod.
"safeword, birdie?"
"good girl." he hums. "so obedient, once disciplined... maybe i should do this more. i bet you'd like that... being such a slut when anyone could walk in." "hawks..." you start, but he doesn't have it.
the hero stalks toward you. if eyes could kill, you'd be murdered within seconds; his irises are dark, pupils blown, and a shadow has fallen over his face. he looks predatory like this - truly living up to his name. it's graceful, the self-control he assumes whence walking toward you. 
said self-control is completely abandoned as soon as your bodies meet. you're completely enraptured in his shadow as the man loomed over you, his wings contributing greatly to the effect. he's the predator, and you're the prey. 
his arm separates your neck from the wall, his hand clutching the back of your head. the free hand moves itself to caress your jaw in a strangely gentle manner, while his knee pushes its way in between your legs, making your upper thighs into a home. his hand nudges your head forward towards his, and then you're kissing him with such ferocity it's animalistic. tongues clash and you're no longer sure whose spit is whose; it dribbles down your chin the way blood drips from the thirsty lips of a vampire.
hawks growls - he actually growls - while he hastily unbuttons your top and slips his tongue into your mouth. you shamelessly grind down against his clothed pant leg, careless that your wetness will leave a stain. 
he pulls away, a string of saliva snapping between you and leaving you two gasping for breath. 
"fuck, fuck, baby bird," hawks wipes his mouth with his sleeve. his lips are swollen, their colour resembling a cherry lollipop with a sheen of gloss. damn, he's pretty. you never realized how good-looking a guy in a suit could be. his eyes are darker than a raven's, and it looks as though he'll devour you whole. 
"come." hawks gestures for you, walking towards the sinks and large mirror above them. as soon as you near a foot from hawks, he grabs you, one hand on your waist and the other on your throat. 
"look at you..." he tsks, his eyes meeting yours in the mirror. you're completely disheveled, hair a mess and eyes blown dark. your top is wrinkled slightly, your breasts peaking out through the unbuttoned gap and your skirt pushed up.
"so messy already..." the hand on your waist moves up and squeezes your breast, tweaking a nipple through your bra.
"you just fucking melt for me, like a good whore," he says.
oh, how you hate how easily hawks can win you over.
"fuck you," you scoff half-heartedly. "are you gonna fuck me, or not? we don't have all day."
"won't be a problem, lovebird," he says breezily. "judging by how much you fucking soaked my pant leg, i could have you coming undone without my cock even touching your dirty cunt.
you glance at his thigh, which has a blatant dark spot on it, and feel your heart race in humiliation. you can only stay silent, knowing he's right. the sensation in your core is painfully obvious to you, as if taunting you more.
"obeying now?" he teases, a wicked smile gracing his face. "bend over the counter, sweetpea."
you huff, obliging. hawks deftly moves his fingers, unbuttoning your shirt. you shiver, your hot skin colliding with the cold, unforgiving marble. 
"spread your legs - good, good, like that..." his breath tickles your ear, "you like how the air touches your sopping pussy? how exposed you fucking feel, all spread out for me when anyone could walk in? me, the number 2 pro-hero..." god, he was so cocky it was infuriating.
"shut up," you grumble.
"what?" his voice is sharp, cutting clean through the air. "is that anyway to treat your daddy?"
you fucking hate the title. you hate how hawks harnesses it as his own, how he so personifies the word - how good it fits him, sounding like sugar off his lips.
two of his fingers meet your clothed folds. "answer me, birdie."
"n-no," you squeak out. 
"no, who?" he spits.
"no, daddy." 
you inch your head up to look in the mirror, and hawks is smiling. 
"what to do with you, what to do with you..." he sounds gleeful, sadistic undertones tinting his words with a faded rose red. so pretty, yet so painful. your head goes back down onto the counter, your cheek pressed against it.
"naughty birds deserve punishment, don'tcha think?" 
you can't find it in yourself to form a coherent word; instead, a clumsy moan falls from your lips. hawks' fingers press harder against your cunt; you're sure they've gotten at least a little damp.
compromised in such a position, your senses make you suddenly aware of your surroundings; the way the counter digs into your hips, how the coolness is starting to fade under your body. you're aware of your every breath, the fluttering in your stomach every time hawks presses your clit. you're aware of the inherent eroticism of your acts, and how you don't really hate hawks; no, no, no - how he just infuriates you.
he's the ideal hero, in your eyes - laidback, charming, and yet so skilled at his work. it amazes you. one can only strive to be so multifaceted, and it explains his status as number 2 hero. you work so hard, yet he can achieve all the things you dream in half a heartbeat.
"let's get these out of the way." hawks, hooking a digit into the band of your panties, forces them down in an instant. you instinctively clench at the air which meets your nether lips, your juices leaking out of them like a honeyed nectar.
"so messy," hawks comments. "can't even control yourself without your panties. you like being such a slut for daddy, huh?"
you grumble in protest.
"huh?" his index and ring finger plunge into your pussy, making a loud squelching sound.
"d-daddy," you blurt a moan out, falling apart on his fingers.
"that's more like it, feather." hawks sets a moderate pace on your pussy, curling to hit your sweet spot. the noises from your cunt and mouth fail to cease, and you throw a hand over the latter to muffle your whimpers.
you start to feel a burning sensation rise in your stomach; a toe-curling, warm feeling like sunlight shining in the morning.
"daddy, daddy, hngg- i'm so close."
you're so close to the sunlight, to being showered in the blissful heat. just one more stroke and-
you're suddenly empty, and the light starts to slowly recede.
"daddy!" you complain, shifting your legs and rubbing your thighs together. "bad birds get punishment," he shrugs. "though i must say... you like it when i bend you over the counter, huh? your little pussy is dripping all over it for me, and i've barely touched you... i bet you're getting off to this right now; when anyone could walk in, huh? filthy slut. you're already begging for more... hm, maybe i should make you lick up the mess you've made..."
"d-addy, no, i've taken my punishment, please let me cum..."
hawks sounded indifferent, as if he were merely studying his nails. "beg for it."
"wh-" you clench your hands in your skirt. you do not particularly enjoy begging - for anything or anyone. despite the pulsing in your cunt, and how hard it is not to give in, you don't want to give hawks the satisfaction of winning. "p-psh, didn't really need your cock anyway..." you grumble. you exhale quietly, calming the adrenaline pumping in your blood from the loss of your orgasm.
something in him changes, and a scarlet feather tickles your lips. you're confused; what does hawks want you to do?
you exhale in confusion, blowing the feather away. "suck?"
you crane your neck up at the mirror to catch a glimpse of hawks. he looks deadly - there's no other way to put it. his eyes are sharply trained on you, his wings buff and towering over him. you think you see a bulge in his pants, straining for freedom.
"well?" the feather dusts your lips once again, teasing you to trap it in between your lips. your head drops, falling against the counter. you open your mouth, and the tip of the feather rests on your tongue. your lips close around it, and you hesitantly suck. you're not sure what you were expecting; it's a feather, soft and flimsy in your mouth.
you jolt at an indistinct tickling feeling against your clit. you look back, feather hanging out of your mouth, to see hawks leaning back on a stall. he's not within reach to touch you, so...
"hng!" the foreign object presses your clit. the pressure strengthens against your tight bundle of nerves, and you can feel your slick drip out of you even more. a feather; though hawks made the consistency a bit more solid. the feather pushes against your pussy like a seesaw, making you reach for your high. you shut your eyes tight, lost in the feeling and desperate for release. the feather drags up and down your cunt, eliciting lewd noises, while your lips are clamped shut around the feather in your mouth. saliva pools in your mouth the more the feather teases your wet sex, and the familiar build of tension starts in your stomach. you yearn for the heat returned in full, to be so fulfilled in pleasure, and you rut against the feather in an attempt to reach your climax faster. the stimulation is suddenly gone, leaving you crying out.
"look at this," hawks sneers. a single, wet feather, dripping in a substance far thicker than water hovers in front of you. "open your mouth."
the feather slips out, and is replaced with a salty tasting one.
the taste of your arousal fills your tongue, and before you're given time to dwell on it, you feel warmth pressing against the back of your thighs. there's a clanking of metal, a shuffle of fabric, and you feel the tip of hawks' cock pressing against you.
"look at you, baby, so desperate for a fuckin' feather," he rasps in your ear. "should i show you how much better my cock is? hmm?"
you nod dumbly, the feather bobbing with you. 
"fuck," he groans, pushing himself into your depths. "so wet, so- slick- goddamn baby bird, you like it when i stuff you full of this cock?"
you hum a noise against the feather in your mouth, agreeing. he slipped into your pussy smoothly, lubricated by the abundance of your slick. once in, snuggled in deep, something in the man's composure snaps; he thrusts mercilessly, pounding deep in you. his fingers hold your hips, bruising them, you're sure - and the pain is sweet, a sick lolly against your tongue. 
"fuck, fuck, daddy's gonna fuck his babies into you, betcha'd like that, huh?"  you can't articulate your words properly with the feather in your mouth, but you attempt to agree. he doesn't care, continuing with his degradation.
"you're gonna give me my chicks, huh? be my bitch," he pants heavily. god, you can just imagine how he looks; hair falling onto his sweat-matted forehead, his eyes completely lascivious. a wanton moan spills from your mouth, and the feather falls, but hawks doesn't make notice of this. he continues to slam into you, pace unforgiving, burying himself to the hilt inside of you. squelching noises fill the bathroom, echoing off the walls.
you can only moan and clench around him unintelligently. 
"look at you... all fuckin' stupid and obedient, all for daddy, hm? so willing to let daddy use you as a cumdump, daddy's personal- fucking- cumslut- but you like that, huh? your pretty pussy's clenching around me. you like being talked down to, don'tcha? such a dirty slut. look at that, you're drooling."
two of hawks' fingers shove themselves into your mouth, and you salivate around them. it's messy, you know, and spit trails down your chin.
"look at me, chickadee," he commands. you crane your neck to look at him, eyes wide. "fuck, so slutty," he grunts. "you really like this, don't you? fuck- exposing your fucking cunt to every guy, huh? being used as nothing but a filthy fucktoy?"
you shake your head rapidly in disagreement, cheeks heating up. 
"no?" he chuckles darkly. "just my fucktoy, then?"
you reluctantly nod. 
"my stupid lil baby... so pretty with daddy's fingers shoved in her mouth..." he coos, and a surprising, fuzzy feeling emerges from the praise.
his unoccupied hand reaches down in between your thighs to stimulate your clit, rubbing fast circles against the bud. warmth pools and ties a knot in your stomach. the sugared indulgence of release that you'd so craved comes into view; the knot tightening and tightening and you feel fit to burst.
"c-cum for me, baby bird, cum for me, y/n," he stutters, making a guttural sound in the back of his throat. the fingers in your mouth pull out, falling onto your hips. the tight knot bursts into violent fireworks of ecstasy; your cunt gushes around hawks' cock, convulsing madly. the pleasure shatters you, and everything becomes a haze. you go limp against the counter, thighs shaking. you're not sure how much time has passed - hawks had been fucking you through orgasm, and, at one point, came as well.
"hey, feather," he whispers gently to you. "you did so well for me..." he strokes your back, making a plethora of calming coos and humming sounds
"did so well," you mumble. 
"don't worry about anything, dove, i've got it all handled."
your thoughts are all fog, and you allow yourself to lean into hawks. this is one of the rare times you're vulnerable completely to him; at his mercy, after a particularly hard session. rather, it's one of the rare moments that your true feelings are revealed; how your hatred is baseless, built on jealousy and attraction you deny.
not that you'll admit it.
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Silly things you say
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Pairing: Todoroki Shoto x pro hero!Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, implied stalking, kidnapping, forced marriage.
Words: 1265.
Summary: Now Shoto knew he was just too young to understand what you meant; people said girls were maturing mentally earlier than boys, and that was probably true. You were so right about him. He was way better than the majority of men - and Heroes, too.
He remembered that day well. Even when Todoroki Shoto was in his teenage years he wasn't too sensitive, really, but that afternoon his heart was beating so fast as if he had just run a marathon. It was the day he finally decided to ask you out.
Despite belonging to the Department of General Education, you actually had a peculiar Quirk that made you able to control emotions of others. Shoto wasn't sure if that was because of your Quirk but he always felt a little better when you were around. You had an air around you that felt strangely comforting. Maybe it was the reason why he was attached to you a little more than to other girls, that what he used to tell himself. Thinking of it now made Shoto chuckle.
That afternoon he wanted to ask you to come to the city on Sunday with him. It was rather awkward, but he had never really done it before with a girl. Did he expect you to reject him because of this? No, he didn't. Not that Shoto was so full of himself he expected everyone to love him, but he somehow believed you'd go with him that time. He believed you'd give him a chance.
"I guess you're really gonna become a total husband material, but I'd prefer spending my youth with bad guys. It more fun that way." You sent him a cheeky grin and turned away before he had time to say anything in return. Actually, it was meaningless anyway: Shoto was at loss for words.
He couldn't understand what you meant and decided you just said something really stupid. Husband material? Seriously? What the hell was that supposed to mean? Besides, when it turned out you dated Tetsutetsu of all people, it didn't make sense to Shoto at all. You just weren't as smart as he pictured you to be.
However, the worst part actually was that it didn't stop him from liking you. He had troubles understanding himself, but he could do nothing but become jealous if he accidentally saw you in the Academy, his mood worsening instantly at just a mention of you. Why was it like that? You were just some girl, not even as good as he thought at first, yet he kept thinking about you and words you said all the time. It felt like a damn groundhog day until he started intentionally ignoring the fact you were somewhere around.
Now Shoto knew he was just too young to understand what you meant; people said girls were maturing mentally earlier than boys, and that was probably true. You were so right about him. He was way better than the majority of men - and Heroes, too. Being with him certainly meant more pressure, bigger commitment, and less fun. A 16-year-old girl certainly wasn't prepared for it, especially since he wasn't fully developed as a man either. Now the situation was different, though.
Bitter at your rejection, he thought someone as careless and silly like you wound end up just like Uwabami or disappear from the world of heroes at all. If course, he certainly didn't expect you to suddenly mature and become a good therapist attending to heroes suffering from PTSD, depression, and other mental conditions due to specifics of their work. Sometimes you also treated civilians after incidents right on the spot, ensuring they would recover from shock quickly. Shoto had to admit it was a decent job. It was a pity when his own mother had desperately needed help you were too young for give her that.
Anyway, it didn't matter now. Things had long changed, and Shoto had changed, too.
He had become one of the most well-known pro heroes in Japan, the one people prayed for thanks to all he had done for their sake. He didn't care about becoming #1 since it was purely the dream of his old man, but Shoto admitted his popularity was still growing even after years of service. He was a national hero. People dreamed to see him at least once; sidekicks were ecstatic when he offered them to work at his agency; even pro heroes enjoyed working with them thanks to his professionalism and calm demeanor. Shoto never thought it would actually happen, but he became a pillar of the community, and his authority couldn't be ignored. He was a force to be reckoned with.
Did you think about him now? Did you regret rejecting him that day? If you weren't so silly, you could have been by his side now, enjoying all those things Shoto could offer. Hell, if he had married to you, you'd be definitely considered a celebrity of some kind now. Did you think about it?
It was a pity Shoto couldn't get inside your head.
But he could certainly make you think about him again. Especially since now he obviously knew how to treat a lady: flowers, chocolate, sudden gifts, casual but always pleasant meetings, phone calls and messages at night. He knew you hadn't been dating anyone for quite some time, too busy with your work, so he was sure you'd appreciate his gestures. And you appreciated them, you really did, but it never seemed enough for him. It was taking too long for Shoto, the one who had been waiting and planning it for years. Did you really have to go through this whole courtship display? Did it matter so much? He was always there when you needed him, always ready to grant your wishes, do whatever he could to please you, make you feel safe, protected. He was sure he made his intentions clear, so why waiting for so long? Why pretending like you were still dating when you went as far as spend a night with him?
Once it occurred to him that maybe you weren't convinced his intention was to marry you, so it was probably better to propose properly. However, this thought seemed to somewhat bother him: what if you played your trick again? Tell him you were too young for that and just wanted to have fun? Going through this again now would be ridiculous. No, no, Shoto was clear enough; you certainly understood his intentions. It's just your understanding of courtship period was different from his. In the end, your own parents only married after a year and a half of dating, he discovered. Maybe you wanted to wait a little more, but Shoto just couldn't.
Looking at you sleeping soundly in his bed, he lifted the corners of his mouth, thinking how you were going to like the wedding dress waiting for you in the room next to his. Although he was in a rush to prepare to the wedding ceremony that, unfortunately, wouldn't be big, he already knew how to convince you to make a second one for the press and a thousand of guests if you wanted to. Besides, even though this ceremony was small, it was still fancy: your wedding dress and jewelry cost a fortune; the stylists and photographers were at your disposal to make this day even more special, and he made sure to buy the best wedding ring any girl could wish for.
Everything had been done to perfection. There was only one thing he needed from you.
Watching you slowly waking up while being cuffed to the headboard of his large bed, Shoto smiled, thinking of the words you said that day when he first asked you out. Oh, you were going to get the perfect husband material and a bad guy all at once.
Tags: @coolio-love @awesomerextyphoon​
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intomymindspace · 4 years
Video Games ✰ Tendou Satori
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Video Games covered by The Young Professionals
tendou satori x gn reader
Through the Summer and the Fall // Haikyuu!! Songfic Series
a/n: hi everyone, I'm sorry for a posting a week late! I’ve been really unmotivated as of late for personal stuff but also because I'm lowkey still a little bummed that my Bokuto fic (definitely totally am not plugging it rn - totally do not click the link, ahaha 🥺) didn’t do as well as I hoped it would. But no matter! Here is the Tendou insert, as promised! It’s not the best, and I definitely have a bit of writers block and am behind schedule. I wish I could write his character and for him better considering how much I love him. Next will up be flattykawa 😌 and I will be posting it hopefully soon to help make up for last week’s missed post. I've also changed up this blog and have given it hopefully a better look - there is a new theme on desktop!
Warnings: part 3 spoilers for jojo’s bizarre adventure that include character death, my bb tori being insecure about him and his body but I love him and his flat a$$ so much, and as always, we clown on flattykawa in this household but all in good favor
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It was a rainy day, and Tendou was quiet and content as he sat on your bed, reading the new Weekly Shonen Jump magazine that he had just been mailed. He had let Ushijima read it earlier - but as always, he only read the advertisements. You sat beside him on the floor, his long legs dangled off the edge of your bed, his foot brushing your arm every now and then. You were playing the new otome game you had bought a week ago on your console. On days like this, the two of you often fell into comfortable silences when hanging out with each other - and today was no different. There was nothing to do other than school work and go to practice - but even then, it wasn’t necessary for the third years to attend anymore. Not since they lost in the finals against Karasuno. 
He was pulled away from the panel he was reading when he heard you gasp - his crimson eyes flitting to your monitor to see what had happened.
“What happened?” You turned around to look up at him, an excited look on your face.
“Murasame Jinnosuke confessed his love for me! I didn’t expect it to happen so fast into the game.” He looked back at the screen to see a handsome samurai on your screen. Snickering, Tendou ruffled your hair.
“Good job, now just see if you can get a real guy to confess his undying love for you.” Squinting at him, you slapped his leg playfully.
“You’re supposed to be nice to me, Tori-kun.”
“When am I not?”
Ever since you had taken the place of Shiratorizawa’s volleyball club manager two years ago as a first year, you quickly bonded with the strange amalgamation of players. It had been a running gag between the third year players to find out what type of guys you liked. You could always be found on your phone during breaks playing otome games - and that was the beginning of the years of playful torment from your fellow classmates.
It wasn’t that you weren’t attractive or that you didn’t gain attention - every Valentines Day you always received several confessions and chocolates, but you always rejected them as kindly as possible. For someone who played as many otome games as you did, they were surprised to say the least when you had always declined the advances of many classmates, saying that they just weren’t your type with a kind smile on your face.
It was Tendou’s turn to squint as he turned his attention back to your screen as you continued to play through the game. He scoffed at some of the things the fictional samurai said to you - what was so special about him anyways?
This is my idea of fun
Playing video games
Tendou shut his manga volume, and he noticed your curious eyes looking at the cover. Smirking playfully at you, he poked your forehead.
“Suddenly interested in pirates?” You sat back, rolling your eyes.
“Maybe. Who’s the character on the front?” He stared down at the covered, humming.
“Shanks. Say, I never thought you were one to go for a tough-looking guy.” He held a mischievous grin on his lips.
“Ha! Sure. Keep thinking that, Tendou.” He feigned a gasp.
“You used my last name too? With no honorific? No nickname? The rudeness! I’m so hurt!” You couldn’t help but egg your friend along.
“Hmm, maybe I should start watching One Piece if he’s in it…” But before Tendou could clap back, Yamagata slid into the seat next to you, a teasing smile on his lips.
“Ah, so that’s your type, huh? Tough-looking guys with scars?” You rolled your eyes at the libero. “I’m pretty tough too, aren’t I?”
“As if.” But it didn’t stop them from the teasing.
So what if you maybe did prefer more muscular guys? Tendou didn’t understand why the thought hurt his feelings so much. He may not have the bulging muscles, but he was just as strong. He sighed to himself, watching you from across the table as you shoved Yamagata playfully. Why would you want to like someone like himself anyways?
It's you, it's you, it's all for you
Everything I do
Tendou entered your dorm room unannounced as he always did - but this time he was surprised to see you in tears as you huddled in your blanket, staring at the tv. The first thing you usually did was banter with him about his bad habit of not knocking, but all he could do is stand shocked in your doorway.
Instantly, his gleeful eyes turned blood red. Shutting your door behind him, he quickly made his way over to you, his eyebrows furrowed, a scowl on his lips.
“Who do I have to beat up?” A million thoughts were running through his head - were you made fun of? Did someone reject you? Did you receive a bad score on an exam? He wrapped his arms around you the second your tear-filled eyes looked up at him.
“Who did it? Who hurt your feelings?” His genuine care and questions only made you cry harder into his chest.
“Dio.” You said, but it was too muffled for him to hear. Pulling back, he gave you a quizzical look. You pointed at the scene that was unfolding on your tv.
“Dio killed Kakyoin.” Tendou immediately smacked a hand to his face. His eyes flickered to the screen to see a tall, muscular character slumped against a water tower, a hole in his torso with text on the screen saying “Kakyoin Noriaki has died.” He couldn't help but laugh.
“You want me to beat up the mighty and powerful vampire lord and stand user, Dio Brando? For killing the guy who licks cherries weird?”
Slapping his arm, you pouted at him through your ugly tears. “Don’t make fun of me! I really liked him.” Tendou kept on snickering as he rubbed your back.
“I know, I’m sorry. But it’s just too funny to just not tease you.”
As ridiculous as it sounded, Tendou wondered if you would ever cry for him the way you cried for Kakyoin. He smiled to himself as he stared down at your face that was still buried in his chest - he hoped you wouldn’t notice how fast his heart was beating at the notion of you coming to him for comfort.
Maybe your type was animated men.
I tell you all the time
Heaven is a place on earth with you
Tendou put his jump comic down and just watched your gameplay - he was too distracted by his thoughts of you to focus on the new chapter of My Hero Academia.
He couldn’t help but pine over you. You had been so open and kind to him from the first time you met him - he remembered that day with ease. You had looked so confident walking into the volleyball gym, introducing yourself to the players as their new manager.
He was genuinely surprised that you weren’t turned away by his quirks - and he was thankful that above all, you treated him just like you treated everyone else.
It seemed so easy for you to become friends with the other first years at the time. You found commonalities with each of them, and you even managed to break Ushijima out of his shell by the time you all first went to nationals. Tendou remembered the hours upon hours that the two of you spent together - whether it was hanging out in the dorm watching animes, giving him tips and encouragement on the court during timeouts, or quality conversations on long bus rides to and from games. If you had never joined as manager, Tendou would’ve never guessed that the two of you would become as close friends as you were now. And he had always been a good guesser.
As he stared at you, controller in your hand, he remembered why he realized he liked you so much - it wasn’t because you shared a strong love for manga and anime. Okay, well, maybe it was, but it wasn’t the commonality. It was because you understood and even empathized with escaping through these fictional stories.
He knew what it was like to want to escape - to want to find paradise away from everyday life. On the court, Tendou could sneak into the small slice of heaven that he visited when he played volleyball. Off the court, he wanted nothing more than to have you safe in his arms as the two of you escaped into the world of whatever show you had chosen to binge that day.
To him, you were just as heavenly as the defeated looks on his opponents’ faces that he craved to see - maybe even more.
Tell me all the things you want to do
I heard that you like the bad girls, honey, is that true?
You squealed excitedly as you waved the game in front of Semi’s face after practice had ended.
“Semi-semi! Look what just came in the mail!” He pushed your hand out of his face, scoffing.
“I can’t see it if you’re rubbing in my face like that, idiot.” The setter had a smile on his face nonetheless, making you laugh as he took a look at the game. His eyes widened.
“No way, Castlevania Judgement?!?!” You nodded proudly, smiling at Tendou and Ushijima as they walked over to see what the commotion was about. The middle blocker gawked at the game you held in your hands - the third years had been talking about the release of it for at least a few months now.
“You jealous? If you want, we can play after dinner.” Semi quickly nodded, and you looked at Tendou and Ushijima for their answers.
“What, when have I ever said no to wanting to play video games with you?” To his reply, the captain simply nodded.
“Thank you for your invite. I am happy to attend as well.”
Tendou and Ushijima sat on the edge of your bed as you and Semi sat in front of your tv, switching the controller after every chapter of the game. Ushijima had no interest in actually playing the game - and Tendou knew he would get a chance to play with you later. Semi was more excited for the game than he was anyways.
You couldn’t contain your excitement as you gushed over one of the main characters, Simon Belmont. From the looks of it, he was a powerful fighter - and Tendou sighed once again - he was super muscular and tough-looking too. You were too invested in the gameplay with Semi, that you weren’t paying attention to the conversation Tendou sparked with Ushijima.
“I don’t get what’s so special about him anyways.” The redhead had a pout on his face, his arms crossed. Ushijima was very aware of the middle blocker’s crush on you - his friend often coming to the captain for his advice. While Ushijima had almost no experience and knowledge at all in terms of dating, he was always observant of the people around him, and was very blunt.
“Tendou-kun, if you like them so much, it would just be better to ask. It is pointless to be jealous over every fictional character they like.” He couldn’t help but gawk at the monotonous tone and the serious look on his captain’s face.
“I’ll raise you a better one. It’s pointless to ask because their standards seem to be so high anyways.” Ushijima couldn’t help but stare at his friend.
“And why should that stop you? They’re not real.” Tendou sighed, exacerbated.
“I get it, I get it! I know they’re not just going to pop out from the screen or anything.”
“But that doesn’t mean those aren’t their same standards to people they prefer in real life,” Tendou admitted, and Ushijima knew he hit the reason why. Tendou may be tall, but he was lean and lanky. The muscle he had was nowhere near that of any of the fictional guys you crushed on. What could you possibly want from someone way weaker - someone like him?
“They are not the type of person to go completely for the way someone’s body appears. If that were the case, they should’ve confessed their attraction to either myself or Yamagata by now, based on your logic. Besides, they told me they liked you.” Tendou couldn't help but roll his eyes, placing a hand over his heart.
“Wakatoshi-kun, you wound me. Of course they like me - they wouldn’t be my friend if they didn’t. Couldn't you at least sugar coat your advice sometimes?”
It's better than I ever even knew
They say that the world was built for two
Before the prefectural qualifiers in the fall, Shiratorizawa managed to snag a practice match with none other than Aoba Johsai. While there was clear tension throughout the entire time, the teams kept interactions outside the court lines as light-hearted as possible. Seijoh managed to snag victory during the first match, but Shiratorizawa hit back just as hard, winning the second match.
The boys were currently loading their bags into the bus as you supervised them, reminding them to triple check that they had everything. You were almost caught by surprise when a volleyball rolled towards you, hitting the back of your foot gently.
“Sumimasen.” You heard from several meters behind you, making you turn around. It was the Great King himself, Oikawa Tooru, that was slowly jogging towards you - it almost seemed like he was doing it in slow motion. Your fellow teammates heard the setter, their eyes sneakily following him as he got closer to you. They couldn't help but snicker at their so-called sworn enemy - it was obvious by the way that his aura sparkled around him and the smoulder on his face that he had rolled the ball your way to get your attention.
“I’m so sorry, could you get that for me?” You nodded, a polite smile on your face. The great Oikawa was definitely handsome, to say the least - and Tendou couldn't help the childish frown that filled his features. As you picked up the ball and handed it back to the setter, he flashed you a heart-stopping, pearly white smile.
“Thank you,” he said, taking the ball from you, brushing your fingers in the process. “You are the manager for Shiratorizawa, right? I didn’t catch your name earlier.” Oikawa ran a hand through his silky hair as you gave him your name.
“Wow,” he flashed you another smile, “such a beautiful name for someone just as gorgeous.” Semi couldn’t help but let a snort out at Oikawa’s compliment.
“Thank you.” You took the complement in stride, deciding it would be nice to say something back. “You played great today, Oikawa-san.” He laughed jovially.
“Thank you, you’re very kind. And cute. Would you be interested in catching boba with me sometime? I know a cute place that has good milk tea and milk bread.” Tendou rolled his eyes at Oikawa’s words. It probably was his plan all along - to try to bewitch the manager of Shiratorizawa. When Tendou saw a smile grow on your face, he couldn’t help but feel defeated. Were you actually going to say yes to him?
“I’m very flattered Oikawa-san. But I’m sorry, I must decline your offer.” Oikawa’s eyes widened in surprise. The Great King? Being rejected? “You’re not really my type.” You turned around, making your way onto the bus, leaving Oikawa with his jaw on the ground, the ace on Seijoh’s team as well as your teammates laughing their asses off at the scene that had just unfolded in front of their very eyes.
“That’s what you get, Crappykawa! You should’ve gone to Shiratorizawa!”
“Iwa-chan, that's not funny! I feel like my heart has been broken into thousands of pieces!”
“Well, if they’re gonna hit it, they better hit it til it breaks!”
“Pfft, I’m actually not surprised they didn’t say yes to him.” Semi commented, placing his duffle bag into the storage compartment. Tendou’s head quirked at the statement.
“Why’s that?” Reon asked, storing his things as well, making Semi and Yamagata snicker.
“Did you see how flat his ass was? I’m 100% sure their type is thicker guys. Like their ace, or something.” The three of them burst into laughter, Tendou only slightly laughing along as well. Ushijima only grunted in disagreement as he shut the compartment’s door.
“I believe their type is actually redheads.” All of the third years looked at their captain with wide eyes and dead silence - before laughing even harder. Semi slapped Ushijima’s bicep lightly, bending over. Tendou’s eyes widened - Ushijima was not the type to joke around, right?
“I didn’t think you actually knew how to crack jokes, Ushijima-kun!” The olive-haired man only looked down at his fellow third years in confusion.
“I am not joking. I simply just decided to ask them earlier, and I am only relaying the answer they gave me.” They couldn’t help but bend over, Yamagata even wiping tears from all the laughing.
“Stop! Your bluntness is only making it worse!” By the way the rest of his teammates reacted, Tendou believed Ushijima really must have been joking - in his own way. He had just picked a hair color different from Oikawa’s, right?
“Good one, Wakatoshi-kun.” Tendou let out a chuckle, giving his friend a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
Only worth living if somebody is loving you
And baby, now you do
Tendou’s eyes widened as he relieved all the memories. Was Ushijima actually serious? He had never asked his friend about it - but perhaps it was because he was too scared to actually know the truth. Quickly, Tendou pulled out his phone and googled each of the characters - Shanks, Kakyoin, and Simon. The samurai was still on your screen, and he flipped through the tabs on his internet browser, trying to find the similarities.
Obviously, they were all built rather strong - but Tendou couldn’t get what Ushijima said out of his head. They were all redheads, after all. Why hadn’t he noticed this before? He looked back at you, your attention still on the otome game. Should he ask you? Would it be weird? Tendou thought about texting Ushijima, but he quickly decided not to. He already knew what his friend would say. Right after he called your name gently, you set down the controller and turned to look up at him.
“What’s up, Tori-kun?” He had never felt this nervous before - it wasn’t even like he was going to confess to you or anything either.
“Uh - what’s your type? Like, in guys? I promise I won’t tease you this time, I just want to know.” Surprisingly, you smirked at him. What were you thinking?
“You gonna brag to Eita and Yato that you finally found out after all these years?” The apparent blush on Tendou’s cheeks only spread further.
“What? No, I wouldn’t do that… Unless I had to,” he said, trying his best to come off as his usual teasing self. This only made you snicker at him.
“I’m surprised you guys haven’t beat it out of Toshi-kun yet. I already told him a few months ago.” Tendou’s eyes widened at what you said.
“Huh?” You rolled your eyes at him.
“Yeah.” He couldn’t believe how casual you were about it. You were always so hellbent on keeping it from them - but perhaps it was because they made such a big deal out of it in the first place. Tendou didn’t exactly know how to respond to you - he was still trying to process the realization. So he had guessed wrong this whole time?
After sitting in silence for a couple of seconds, you gave him a playful smile. “Redheads,” you said, turning around and picking up your controller. Ushijima’s words echoed with yours in his brain.
Besides, they told me they liked you. Tendou let out a choked noise.
“I’ve made a mistake!”
You burst out laughing at Tendou’s exclamation. Setting your controller down once more, you stood up and turned, leaning your elbows against your bed. “You guys really are that oblivious, huh? Even Toshi-kun saw that I liked you. He went so far as to ask me about it too.” You propped up your head with your hand, staring at him. Getting past his initial shock, Tendou settled back down.
“How shallow of you,” he teased, leaning his head closer to yours. “I can’t believe the only reason why you like me is because my hair is red, yanno?” In return, you inched your face up closer to his as if you were challenging him.
“I know,” you said smugly, your eyes flickering down to his lips, “I’m such an awful friend. I’ll only break your heart once I replace you with another redhead.” He smirked as he noticed where your eyes had glanced. Tendou may have been oblivious, but he wasn’t called the Guess Monster for nothing.
“I’m guessing that you want to kiss me right now, hmm?” He asked quietly, dangerously moving closer to you - your faces now only mere inches apart. A blush crept onto both of your cheeks. You answered back, your voice nearly a whisper.
“Why don’t you find out for yourself, Guess Monster?”
Immediately, Tendou closed the distance between the two of you. Your lips were warm and soft, making him wish he had at least put on chapstick earlier. His heart was beating so hard inside of his chest that he was afraid you’d hear it, but you said nothing as the two of you pulled away. Saying nothing, he only smiled as he traced his fingers up your neck, cupping your jaw. Pulling you into a deeper kiss, he sighed contentedly as he felt your hands trail up his torso.
Kissing you felt like paradise.
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As always, thank you so much for reading!! please like, reblog, and follow 🥺
~ Crystal
through the summer and the fall masterlist
blog masterlist
buy me a ko-fi! (but only if you want to and can)
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The following day, Tendou met you at your door to walk with you to lunch. With your hand in his, the two of you took your sweet time making your way to the cafeteria to meet up with the other third years. Today, Coach Washijo had asked for them to play a practice match against the Miyagi first years he was holding a training camp for. You decided to tag along since you had nothing planned to do for the weekend.
As you talked about a weird dream you had, Tendou couldn’t help but gaze adoringly at you - he couldn’t believe that you liked him, or that you were actually dating him now even if it had only been about twelve hours. The two of you waited in the lunch line, his chin resting on top of your head as he held both of your hands from behind you - it felt so natural to touch you. He could tell that people were staring - but none of it mattered when all he needed was the sound of your excited voice and the blatant look of love in your eyes.
Stepping away from your back slightly, he moved forward to gently place a kiss on your cheek - and that's when he heard the yells. The both of you turned to find your fellow third and second years staring at the two of you with wide eyes and mouths catching flies. Goshiki accompanied the team as well, his face beat red. Ushijima was behind the flustered first year, a rare half-smile on his face.
“Afternoon guys!” You had said it so casually as you leaned back into Tendou’s arms, allowing him to place a cheeky kiss on your temple - making Semi gag and Yamagata nearly tear up.
“I did tell you all that they preferred redheads.”
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nieladasdenani · 4 years
supercorp promt lena going over all the times kara/supergirl saved her life and how many ways shed be dead without her and realizing all the times kara/supergirl stood up for her/defended her in public and private and how she would have been treated like a luthor and put in jail without her help and just coming to the realization that kara didnt use her like she said she did because kara would not do all that if she had been using her and just all around having a big impact realization about it
Hello and thank you, Anon! This will be a challenge because I have seen very little of the show since season 3 and none of the last season whatsoever. All my knowledge comes from Tumblr posts. And because I have strong opinions of how the reveal was handled by both canon and part of fandom. So I hope it still meets your expectations.
You can read it in AO3 if you rather.
Lena’s hand trembles as she reaches for the bottle, so she clenches it in a tight fist and tries to take a deep breath to calm her mounting anxiety, though it doesn’t seem to have any effect. A sense of paranoia has her focusing her attention on the office door, expecting to hear the thunderous sound of trained boots rushing to get her, but nothing meets her ears. She sighs and tries to breathe deeper again. Then chances a look over her left shoulder at the balcony door, wide open, like a dare... or an invitation. If she turns completely, she’d be facing her desk, and on top of it lays Myriad, inactive. She knows she should have gone to Lex’s lair, where Hope in Eve’s body awaits to complete the mission. Would she be worried Lena hasn’t arrived? Confused?
“But, Miss Luthor, I am not your friend.” Lena scoffs at the memory and snatches the bottle and a glass.
“Neither was the person whose face you’re wearing, so I guess the integration was flawless.”
She drains the first glass of whiskey entirely in the first gulp and sits heavily on her pristine white couch. Mistake. There, on the floor, is the framed, cracked picture showing her smiling face, impossibly close to Kara’s own radiant expression. A stark difference to the one she was wearing when Lena left her in an iced kryptonite cell, inside her piece of home away from home: terrified, devastated. Some call it karma... Others call it revenge.
“Lena, please.”
Lena sighs again and closes her eyes after pouring a second glass, that she holds loosely in her right hand. Both her elbows rest on her knees, and her head hangs low. Was Kara scared for National City, the world? Or was she afraid Lena’s trap would kill her?
“Are you going to kill me now?”
Was she scared of Lena or for Lena? No doubt the DEO has a dark, hidden dungeon waiting just for her, where they can lock her in isolation, like her demented brother was before he escaped and wrecked havoc. Before she killed him... Of course Kara would be fine. Lena made sure the trap was safe. That the kryptonite was non-lethal. She made sure of it. It’s still an alien radioactive substance, though. No, no, she made sure. She studied Lex’s journals exhaustively. She’s working for good.
“I’m not a villain. You shouldn’t have treated me like one.”
So why does it feel like she’s doing something wrong? Non Nocere was conceived to remove one of humanity’s biggest flaws, to remove one of the primary reasons for suffering. She’s doing it for the greater good. She’s doing a good thing. So, why is she here and not finishing it up? Maybe because deep down she knows that, no matter how good her intentions, this is not the way, deceiving everyone to achieve her goal.-Using Kara. -Like she used me! -Did she? -Yes! She lied for years! -Do you realize you’re trying to convince yourself of this?
Lena’s whole head hurts from how hard she’s clenching her jaw. Kara lied for years. A Super and a Luthor. She must have been using her, why else would she have lied for so long? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, and all that. The Luthor way. Making sure Lena walked the line. Saving your life, protecting you. Enough! Lena shakes her head again, harder, to silence the voice inside. It works, so she closes her eyes and sighs.
Then images start flashing: A helicopter spinning out of control towards the ground. The pilot unconscious, limp next to her. Bracing for a certain death that never comes.
“You’re safe now.”
Feeling suddenly sick. Knowing too late that something’s wrong with the coffee. Someone has posioned her and succeded at it. She clinging to consciousness, barely, dreaming of Kara saving her. Taking her in her arms and flying her up to safety.
“You were flying, and you were carrying me.”
Lena determined to protect Kara as they both face Mercy inside L Corp. They somehow managed to avoid the rain of bullets from the intruders and are now trapped in the labs with the armed enemy. But Lena’s armed too. She’l protect Kara, who seems eager to leave, which confuses Lena, she’s seen Kara square up to people before, especially to stand up for Lena. But she let’s her leave, she’ll be safer anyway. And then Supergirl is there, neutralizing Mercy in the blink of an eye.
“The Luthor name doesn’t deserve Lena.”
A half machine half man monstrosity trying to storm her newly rebranded company. She, braving an attempt at defense. An enormous metallic representation of said rebranding flying towards her, promising a sure, painful and fast death. She, bracing for the impact that never comes. Looking through her hands to see the Girl of Steel stumbling from the force of protecting Lena from it.
“Get out of here.”
She confronting Edge, who poisoned children in an attempt at getting back to Lena. She almost going through with killing him. Instead getting knocked out and strapped onto a doomed plane. Not only is she going to die, all her work to be good would be erased, her reputation. But, once more, it doesn’t come.
“No, I’m not going to drop you!”
Kara, sweet and dorky, suddenly stony facing Detective Sawyer, who’s come to take Lena into custody. Conviction in her blue eyes, sure of Lena’s innocence. Willing to face off with her sister’s girlfriend over it. Lena shocked at the protective display.
“Hold on, Maggie. Slow down. Just, let her explain.”
Supergirl trying to warn her of her mother’s terrorist endeavors. Not as in warning Lena to stir clear of it. Not as in warning her that she’s being watched. But as if to telling her to be careful, that she may be in danger. As if telling her Supergirl herself will protect her, if she’d let her.
“Be your own hero.”
She deliberatedly jumping off a cliff, after facing off with a terrorist organization. Pushing the buttom on the watch Kara gave her, to protect her, alway. With not a trace of doubt in her system that Kara would come to her rescue. Feeling the power of the lasers coming out of Kara’s eyes.
“What was that?”
Lena falling from her office balcony, thinking of her fear of heights, her fear of flying. Thinking of Kara listening to her falling to her death after a couple of her mother’s goons accidentally toppled her. Clutching to Kara’s voice as the last thing she hears. Until arms of steel catch her and making it feel like falling onto a cloud. Freezing breath rushing past her face, and still feeling warm.
“Dropped something?”
“I was having coffee with Kara Danvers.”
Lena, flanked by the Danvers Sisters coming into a dream realm to confront Sam’s demons. A monster wearing Sam’s face attacking them, lifting Lena by the neck, threateing to break it.
“Let her go! Take me, take me instead, please!”
Being kidnapped onto an alien ship. And invader alien ship. Almost forced to get married, to Kara’s boyfriend, no less. Getting rescued by Supergirl. Joining forces with her mom, who had previously joined forces with Supergirl, both putting their difference aside to save Lena. Creating a device that would eradicate the invading threat, but that included Kara’s love. Kara, devastated, but reassuring Lena that it was not her fault, that she did what she had to.
“Lena, you helped Supergirl save the world.”
Kidnapped by her mother, after being framed. Used to get to Lex’s arsenal of anti-alien weaponry. Supergirl crashing the site, knowingly risking her safety with Lilian, Metallo and Cyborg Superman surrounded by weapons designed to defeat a Kryptonian. Supergirl on her knees, in pain. Warning them of the risk of Metallo’s unstable kryptonite’s core. A potential explosion that could kill her. And still staying to carry Lena out of there, just in the nick of time.
“Kara Danvers believes in you.”
“You’re good, Lena.”
“So, my office is overflown with flowers.”
“That’s what friends are for.”
“I’ve never had friends like you.”
“I trust you.”
“Supergirl might have saved me. But you, Kara Danvers, you are my hero.”
Lena’s gasping, just now realizes she’s crying. What have I done? But there’s no time to think about it further. A crash coming from her balcony captures her attention, and she stands, drink still in hand, tears still rolling down her face. Supergirl struggles to keep upright: she’s pale, panting. Her eyes, as wild as her hair, searching her surroundings, until they find Lena. And it’s palpable how the relief fills Kara. Her shoulders sag and her eyes close.
But Lena has not gotten over Supergirl, Kara’s state. And then she sees her hands. There’s blood and bruises there. There’s blood on Kara’s hands. Lena can’t take her eyes of the damaged limbs. She takes a couple of steps towards the hero.
“You’re bleeding.”
Kara seems to not have heard her. She looks at Myriad and lingers there. As if she’s trying to see through it. But can’t. She’s helping herself stay standing by bracing one shoulder on the balcony door. Turns to Lena again.
“Please, Lena. Don’t do this. Please.”
“Kara, you’re bleeding.”
“If you do this, Lena, if you do this there’s no going back.”
“Why are you bleeding?”
“Not like, for humanity. We’d be able to fix that. We’ve done it before. With Myriad. But for you, Lena. You’ll be devastated when your anger subsides.”
“Please, Lena, you’ve worked so hard to leave your family’s bad name behind. It’ll be so much harder to come back if you do this.”
“Kara, stop.”
“No, no. You gotta listen. You can’t do this! It will hurt you!”
“Kara. You are bleeding!”
“What?” And finally, she looks down. At her hands. “Oh.”
Lena closes the distance between them. Takes Kara’s hands in hers. Inspects the damage. Her mind racing to understand what she’s seeing. Kara is Supergirl, she should not be bleeding. Now Lena can see that Kara is also shivering. From exertion or cold, Lena isn’t sure. Both, maybe. She’s still catching her breath.
“You punched your way out.” She says this and looks up at Kara’s face, she knows her eyes are wide with shock and her mouth is, too. A little. Lilian would be appalled. “Kara, why? The trap would have turned off in a couple of hours. I would never...”
“I know. I know but... it was so tight in there.”
“The space was so small.”
“Oh. Oh! You’re... Are you claustrophobic?” Oh, no. No.
Kara shrugs, looks sideways at the desk. At Myriad. But she’s not trying to contain Lena, to restrain her. She’s not rushing to take Myriad, either. She’s trusting Lena to do listen, to do what’s right.
“Why? Kara why didn’t you... I didn’t know. I didn’t know if I would have. I would’ve not put you in there,”
“We both did things. Lena, I promise. I’ve only lied about my secret identity. And I know there’s no excuse, but I have plenty. And I’ll tell you all of them when you’re ready to hear them. But, please, you have to believe me: I never lied about us. I swear I was not using you. You must believe me, Lena, please!”
“I think I do, now. I’m... I’m still hurt and angry. But, I know. I realize you didn’t need to work so hard on protecting me. From experience, I know that masks fall faster than that. I was just... Hearing i from Lex, while I killed him was overpowering.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I gave him the chance to take that away from us. I’m sorry that yet again I was robbed of the opportunity to tell someone I love. And that it gave him such a way to hurt you. I’m sorry that it made you feel used and unloved. I love you Lena. I love you.”
Lena’s vision is blurry with tears. And it gets worse when Kara’s words paint a smile on Lena’s face. At some point she has dragged Kara to the couch, have them both sat down, and she’s yet to let go of the hero’s bruised hands.
“You do?”
“I do. Of course I do. I love you. I’d say it as much as you’d need.”
“Hold on.”
Lena stands despite Kara’s throughly confused expression. She raches for the first aid kit in the bathroom and sits back next to Kara. Starts tending to the wonds, a little worried that hey don’t seem to be healing by themselves. But not wanting to draw attention to it. Kara watches her work in silence, with the occasional flinch or hiss of pain.
“You may want to reconsider your offer. I don’t think I’ll ever tired of you saying it.”
Kara looks lost for a second, until her face clears of all confusion. She smiles.
“I don’t have a problem with that.”
“I’m going to have to work on myself and my issues, though. Before we can really start to explore our relationship. In whichever form you’re willing to have it.”
“I’ll have to work on my issues, too. And we’ll work together on our relationship. I’ll have whatever you’rewilling to give me.”
And Lena almost says I’ll give you everything out loud. She finishes up tending to Kara’s wounds. And sighs.
“When should I expect the DEO to come and get me?” Kara frowns at her.
“Why would they come and get you?”
“I imagine Alex wants my head after wha I did?”
“Ales doesn’t know.” But Lena’s is too shocked to respond. “We’ll go and stop everything about the Non Nocere project. You’ll get Hope out of Eve, and we’ll deliver her to the authorities. Then we’ll all work together to stop Leviathan. Then, maybe after we worked through our stuff anough, we can tell the story as a funny story.”
“There’s not one funny thing about what’s happened.” Lena deadpans, because...
“I’m sure I can make it funny. I’m charming like that.” And Lena loves her cocky side. Lena loves all of her sides, she’s come to realize.
“Yes, you’re hilarious.”
Kara’s phone goes off before she can sass back and Lena can hear Alex voice through the speaker.
“Kara, finally. I was getting worried I couldn’t reach you or Lena.”
“We’re ok.” She says while holding her eyes to Lena’s. “I told her.” There’s a sigh on the other end of the call. Not dissapointed, nor angry. Just a sigh.
“Ok. I know you’ve wanted to tell her for a while. And I know you feel like your secret affects more than just you, Kara. But it’s ultimately yours to share. We’ve all have done it for you enough times. I also know you’re worried about the DEO trapping Lena with the excuse of confidentiality. But I promise you I won’t let that happen. How did she take it?”
“Well... I mean, she’s hurt. And I think we’re goin to have to work that out. But...” She let’s the sentence hang for a second, looking at Lena, who nods. “But, we’ll be all right.”
“I know you guys will. Now, enough sentimentality. What about the plan?”
“We found Eve, we’re about to intercept her and bringing her into cosudy. Then we can start working on the rest of the bad guys.”
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll see you guys soon. Would you need back-up?”
“No, we’ve got it.” She ends the call and stands, walking towards the balcony. Lena stays put, an eyebrow lifting in amussement.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“To get Eve? Hope? Both?”
“We’re not flying, Kara. You can barely walk.” She can see Kara about to argue, so she activates the portal and gestures to it, expectantly.  “Shall we?”
“Show-off.” Kara grumbles as she walks through it and Lena and her laugh follow her. Yes, they’ll be all right.
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cringefailmoment · 3 years
For my own amusement I’m going to start a collection of JOJO xover headcanons. Why do they meet? I have no idea but it’s funny so
Gappy (josuke 8) and Jotaro would absolutely get along
Kira 8 was a ship doctor who’d memorize random fish facts because—and he’d never admit this—they made Holly smile
Jotaro: “and the detached limbs of starfish can grow into an exact genetic clone of its parent, making it a self-replicating factory—
Gappy, nodding in solidarity: “don’t starfish also eat inside out since their stomachs are on the surface of their bodies?”
Jotaro, instantly: “I would die for you”
Josuke 4, on the other hand, cannot stand Happy, mostly because Gappy reminds him of someone (bad vibes) and also the guy is friends with Jotaro-san!! That’s not fair!! Jotaro-san doesn’t even let him touch his shoulder but he’ll share his hat collection with this dude?? (They’re actually just comparing hats because Kira 8 has a wholeass collection in the back of his closet and Gappy delights in wearing the weirdest ones in public to make Yasuho laugh)
The jojos call both josukes “Josuke,” the only way to tell which one they’re referring to is how they say it
“Josuke!” (how are you winning you’re literally just button-mashing, help I knocked over the lamp, can you fix it so Jonathan isn’t disappointed in me, you’re pretty cool and I like your style)
“Josuke.” (please stop eating mochi with your front teeth it’s getting everywhere, I’m sorry I sat on you I didn’t know you were napping under the mattress, you’re one of us, part of the family)
Johnny 7 and Jonathan look similar enough that people mistake them for brothers a lot, but not similar enough that people think they’re the same person
(Okay spicy idea what if Jonathan isn’t actually Johnny’s counterpart but Nicholas’s 👁👄👁)
Young Joseph absolutely lords the fact that his trio of villains were hot mesoamerican gods over the rest of the jojos
He’ll whip it out as an argument-ending trump card every time. Every. Single. Time.
Jolyne: “old man stop leaving your clacker volleys in the hallway”
Joseph, who is not an Old Man how dare you even mention such a thing: “is this how you treat a national hero who defeated three sinfully sexy Mesopotamian gods”
Joseph 2 is the only one who can consistently decipher Jotaro’s moods and it confuses the crap out of the jojos. Jonathan and Gappy are close seconds and Jolyne’s not too bad when she puts her mind to it, but man, how the hell are you supposed to get anything out of that stone-faced expression besides apathy, irritation, and exasperation
(You watch the eyebrows, it’s all in the eyebrows. Scrunched means confused, relaxed means content, cocked means dammit jiji stop reading my mind, and furrowed means I love you guys, do you know that?)
It’s not so bad during combat when they exchange a glance, Joseph grins, Jotaro grunts, and suddenly they’re leaping into action like they had an entire conversation in 3 seconds of eye contact, but sometimes they’ll lock eyes during a game of Street Fighter and that’s when you know you’re gonna get your ass beaten
No one wants Jonathan to be sad and Jonathan absolutely takes advantage of this to make everyone get along
Remember, this is the little shit who lived with Dio for a majority of his teenage years, of course he picked up a few things, including the power of a well-timed disappointed smile
Giorno and Jonathan…
Jonathan’s kinda everyone’s dad at this point but he sees Giorno, a tiny Joestar who dreams of making his country a better place and goes “:) my son, not yours” (DIO can suck it)
Giorno and Jolyne—one is a mafia Don who got started by scamming tourists and pickpocketing girls who were charmed by his pretty smile, the other is a little shit who charged her way through prison using wits and kindness. Put them together and you’ve got the most chaotic jojo duo ever
Giorno sugar daddy? Giorno sugar daddy
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Marinette had seen a lot of things. Marinette had done a lot of things. None of those things could have prepared her for this.
"Mama?" Marinette asked as she looked at her birth certificate, her real one. It has the names her mama's, her papa's, and a third persons "You were in danger. we all were. There was a war. It ended just this year. It is up too you but he wants to meet you." Sabine struggle to figure out how to explain. "How is this even possible? Is papa actually my dad or is this person" Marinette says still looking at the paper. "Both are. This is going to sound crazy. It was magic. There is a long process for the heir to find their mate or mates. We are not exactly sure what that is. Only the heir knows. We were not natives eather so we really couldn't know that family secret." Sabine explains.
Marinette was at least relieved that her parents were infact her parents. Magic was involved though. She is going to have a talk with the kwamis. "So I have a third parent that happens to be from a very important family in a foreign land. Said parent wants to meet me and left a present for my 17 birthday should I not get too meet them before then. And my 17 birthday is in three weeks" Marinette would normally have a panic attack now but honestly the current need to absorb as much information as possible was preventing that.
Sabine hesitated "Yes. Your papa is meeting with him right now since he had to come to Paris for a last minute meeting. Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I understand why before ladybug and Chat that would sound pretty unbelievable and it was to protect me. Just overwhelmed" Marinette saying looking at her mama.
"I'll give you some space. Just call if you need me" Sabine is worried. She greatly missed him but any contact would have put Marinette in danger. Marinette came first before anything else they all agree to that. She really hopes Marinette will take everything well.
Marinette sighed "Tikki do you know anything about this?" The tiny god comes out of her hiding spot "Yes. I do. I did not realize you are the heir. It has to do with before the Miraculouses were created. A mortal who kept up our temples was rewarded and the reward was passed down from generation to generation." Tikki explained "the gift is to find our mate or mates?" Marinette responds. "Yes but not all mates have to be romantic. There are some platonic and some enemies. Some people don't have any." Tikki explains hesitantly "you would have gained the ability to see it as guardian eventually. It may help with your training."
The next day Marinette goes to school as usual. That day Miss. Bustier gives a presentation on how a 17 year war had just ended between two very important nations. She also explains how many children were sent away for protection including the princess of the winning nation. An old and powerful nation. It did explain some of the stuff her mama didn't have time too. Lila imminently took to telling stories about actually being on of the children and how she secretly visited her father. Marinette simply rolls her eyes. Her classmates pushed her away little by little. Sure she was sad but it gave her the chance to reevaluate her choices in heros and get more commissions done.
Sure enough by lunch the Ladyblog had a story about Ladybug's best friend being of of the children sent away for protection. Lila made sure she was the center of attention as always.
Marinette was pretty good at ignoring Lila by this point. And she did just fine for two weeks but it's pretty hard to miss people whispering princesse and pointing at Lila. Apparently the Kings refused to tell anyone who the princess is deciding a normal childhood was best for her. So Lila decided to claim it.
People in the class were treating Lila like a princess while glaring at anyone who didn't. The rest of the school seemed to ignore it much like Marinette wanted too. Today was the day she is meeting her father so she couldn't let this get too her.
Anything Lila claimed they believed so now they believed Marinette bullied Lila, soon to be Queen. Them ignoring her turned to them defending the princesse. Some like Juleka and Nino were ignoring the situation or unaware of it. The class would randomly mention something Marinette "did" to their princess. A few times she was tripped. Marinette could see Lila's smirk too bad the rest of the class didn't.
When it was finally time to leave Marinette was confronted by Lila and her sheep just beside the stairs. Marinette tried to show know emotion but when people are yelling false accusations and yelling about how they wish they were never your friends it hurts. Then suddenly Alya said "hey Lila didn't she push you down the stairs yesterday." Lila came closer as Alya said "an eye for an eye" Marinette processed the fact both of them had pushed her. Marinette also processed the screams of horror from other students. She faintly remembers Alya proclaiming protection of Lila. But Marinette never processed the pain.
The next day Marinette wakes up in a hospital. "Think God. Sabine! Tom! She's awake" an unfamiliar woman in a suit yells. Her parents rush in to hug her. "We just went out to talk to the doctors." Sabine explains and moves to give the girl a box of pastries. A doctor comes in "Miss. Marinette Dupain-Cheng what's the past thing you remember?"
Marinette sits up. "I was pushed. I remember screams." The doctor nods "You were knocked out from the fall but seem to have only some heavy bruising. You will have to give a statement given the severity of the action taken against you."
After the doctors left and she had given her statement and prevented everyone in the room from being akumatized, Marinette is left a lone to rest. Except the women in the suit. Marinette begins to panic because she needs to check on Tikki. "Miss? I am your bodyguard. My name is Wellstone. Your kwami is alright. She is resting with an energy Stone in your purse. No your parents do not know. I only know because she needed the stone and I had it." The woman explains to the now panicking teen "I am also partly magical. Your father hired me because of that. He sent me here as soon as he realized there was a threat. He didn't know if you would be comfortable seeing him yet."
Marinette took a minute to calm down. She remembers Tikki explaining energy stones. They were used to worship gods away from temples and kwamis can use them to regain energy if they are charged. "Was she hurt?" Marinette could forgive herself if Tikki was hurt because of her. "No she did heal you some though." Miss Wellstone explains. "You are magical?" Marinette asks. "Yes I can sense energy stones and identify if something is magical."
This could be useful in finding hawkmoth. Tikki choose to come out at that moment to hand the stone back and then check over Marinette.
*the day before not long after the confrontation*
Alya and Lila were both arrested. They are allowed visitors but not allowed to leave witch they are both having a fit about. Everyone had given statements and the police were stressed enough with one girl claiming to be the daughter of a imbasiter and a King. It most definitely did not help when it was revealed to them that the girl they attacked was actually the princesses and this was definitely an international issue. The parents had yet to make it to see their daughters given that they had to have the situation explained to them and it did not look good. Apparently the Lila girl had lied a lot and convinced the other girl, Alya too post everything she lied about on her formerly highly credible blog. Now Miss. Rossi, Marlena Césaire, and Otis Césaire are being warned of possible defamation cases against their daughters. A team is going over the security footage of the school to see if any of the claims against one Marinette Dupain-Cheng is true. Though all that has been found is Lila threading Marinette and trying to frame her for things. Only one person came in other than the families. A boy Named Nino came to see or rather end things with Alya Césaire.
"ALYA SHUT UP" the boy bellowed. "How the hell could Lila have walked away without a scratch from being pushed down the stairs?"
Alya simply said "good luck from ladybug duh"
"Even if that was possible. It wouldn't have been an eye for an eye. Marinette could die. That is attempted murder." The boy us trying to get her to understand
"She did it first."
"No Alya she didn't. I'm done. Alya did you even look at Marinette? You never talked to me about these outlandish claims. Lila never made or said any of these things around me. Don't you think that's suspicious? You can not just play with someone's life. Even if she did what Lila said. You should have turned her in not took revenge that could kill her."
"But Lila is a princess-"
"No she isn't and if she was she would have just caused an international problem. I'm done Alya goodbye"
The girl was unstoped by this. Loudly proclaming he would be back when she was proven right.
Eventually the parents got to see their kids. Miss. Rossi looked down at her child. "Why did you go after her?" Lila started to cry "she was so horrible mom-" Miss Rossi slammed her hands on the table "cut the crap. WHY DID YOU GO AFTER HER" Lila shrunk back "she didn't believe you did she? That's it. You attacked her because she wouldn't let you live this fantasy life created through lies. In pretending to be a princess and connected to all these celebrities you attacked an actual princesses whose actually connected to celebrities you lied about. You caused an international problem and have had your diplomatic immunity revoked. And more and more just keeps coming to light. I brought you here to get away from your father not become him." Miss Rossi left the room a minutes later. Lila continuously mutters they were harmless lies.
Alya's parents try to explain the situation but she won't listen to them. Anything they say Alya says not to listen to Marinette's lies. Alyas mom finally snaps "we haven't see Marinette. We haven't heard anything other than she was knocked out from the fall. For all we know she could be dead. Everything we are telling you came from Lila's mom, the police, or the Kings personal lawyer. Marinette is the princesses. You did not protect a princesses you nearly if not killed on." They left but Alya still looked unconvinced.
*back to present*
"Your father said he could meet for lunch if you would like." Miss Wellstone states guiding the girl to the car with her parents. "Yes that would be nice After everything I would like something other than hospital food." Marinette say. Wellstone giggles.
Marinette wasn't surprised by the expensive restaurant. She was surprised by the extra security. "Hi" she she said nervously. "It's a pleasure to finally get to see you. I'm sorry about everything." He states sitting across from her. "It was for my safety so I understand" kwami knows the amount of things she did for others safety.
"Yes but I should have sent a body hard at the very least. You are royalty and you could have died" He explains. "I'm what now?" Marinette explains before even realizing it. He shifts uncomfortably "I thought someone would have told you since you were attacked. I'm the king. You are the princess."
Marinette nods in the I know what you are saying and I understand but it will be a while before reality hits way. "The gift from the kwamis?" Marinette eventually asks. "Yes. Just pit the necklace on on your birthday and you'll be able to see your soulmate color. It's different for each of us."
Unknown to them someone had gotten a picture of them. As the day went on several questions were answered. Like Marinette is not required to take the thrown.
Marinette returns to school the next week with a necklace with a key on it. She is also accompanied by Miss. Wellstone. Many people in her class try to apologize but are blocked by Miss Wellstone. Marinette is not ready to talk to anyone she says repeatedly. Nino walls up and Miss Wellstone is about to enterup "chill not here to talk. Just gonna had you this and be on my way." He hands her two boxes and a card. Birthday presents from him and Juleka. Before opening then she takes a look at the two. Both Nino and Juleka are family. Miss Wellstone looks at Marinette who simply nods. Opening the boxes she finds new sketchbooks and other drawing supplies. The card is an apology, a happy birthday and their new numbers. They changed them while she was out. Adrian does end up talking to her at lunch. He tries to get her to have her father drop the charges. "Adrien I could have died." Marinette snaps. "But you didn't so there's no reason to ruin their lives" Adrien said. "Adrien even if I was to drop the charges. It is still international. They are still facing decimation lawsuits." Marinette tried to explain. "Couldn't you-" Adrien starts. "What? Beg people not to sue? Do you honestly still not see the damage she caused?" Marinette tries to hold her voice even. Adrien just looks at her "Fine I'll show you."
Marinette stood up and shouts "Adrien knew she was lieing the entire time because ladybug called her out when she tried to lie to him about being a hero. He just tried to guilt me into dropping the charges. He also kept telling me while she was bullying me to take the high road." Adrien looks at her helplessly as classmates begin talking loudly and she walks away leaving him to face the music.
Marinette looks down suddenly realizing she has gained a peace of jewelry. She ducks into an empty classroom. "Hello plag. Do you have someone you would like to go too?" Marinette asks. "Kagami seems good" Marinette nods before suiting up to give Kagami the ring. As it turns out Kagami is family as will. Chloe is family. Luka has the potential to be a mate. Apparently mates aren't set in stone soulmate bounds can change over time. Jagged and Penny are family. Lila is an enemy and shockingly Gabriel Agrest is an enemy.
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peachwatermelon01 · 3 years
Sweet Lies
Chapter 1
Summary: Park Hana, a former actress who is well known for winning both International and National Awards gave up her incredible hard earned career to enter the high society and marry the man that she loves. The said man is no other than Jung Jaehyun, Seoul hottest bachelor and heir to Jung Technology. Their six years of marriage life is blessed with their eight years old son Jung Yuno, and to people outside both are madly in love and faithful to one another. But are they really happy and in love? or Hana is just blinded with the sweet lies that Jaehyun told her? All will be known and tested when Hana tried to uncover the real identity of their son’s newly hired professional tutor Kim Yeri.
Cast: Jaehyun, Hana (y/n), Yeri, NCT, Rosé, Krystal Jung, Jessica Jung
Your deep slumber on the king-sized bed was interrupted by the alarm clock on your nightstand signaling you that it is 5 a.m. and you need to be up and ready to prepare your son for school and help the maids prepare breakfast for your husband and son. Jaehyun, your loving husband were still deep in his sleep with his arm ever so protectively wrapped around your small waist under the silk bed sheets. Jaehyun came back late last night due to work at the company, but it warms your heart that at the end of the day he would still come back into your arms. You tried your very best to rose out of bed without waking him up, as you know that he really needs that extra sleep. But your effort failed as the moment you touch Jaehyun’s arms the dimples on his check appear alongside the groggy smile. “where is my lovely wife going? It’s still too early” Jaehyun mumbles, still feeling very much sleepy. “it is 5 a.m. my love” you peck his forehead. “I need to be up and ready for my two heroes”. Jaehyun tried his best to peak at you with his heavy eyes “we’ll be fine, so come back to bed and cuddle me. I had a really hard day and I need my wife to make me feel better”. “I’m afraid that your wife is unavailable right now, come on Jae.. I need to be up or else Yuno and you will be late for school and work” Jaehyun let out a loud grumble, very much dissatisfied with your answer. “okay.. but let me have you for another 5 minutes” without waiting for your reply, Jaehyun tugs you into his arm and leave a long, sweet kiss on top of your head while trying his best to go back to sleep.
As soon as you are sure that your husband is sleeping again, you make your way to your walk-in closet that you share with your husband which is literally double the size of your suite master bedroom. You start your day by picking out your outfit, you decided to go with your signature midi gown. Today it is the ruched-sleeve flared midi gown from Self-Portrait alongside your pearl necklace that Jaehyun had gifted you on your wedding night. You have been wearing it every day ever since and it has become your signature style. If you have to say one of the perks of being Jaehyun’s wife, it is the rows and rows of designer brands clothes, jewelries, bags and shoes in your closet. Even though, you got to wear these expensive clothes ever since you were actively working as an actress. The clothes that are presented to you as Jaehyun’s wife are super exclusive and some are made just for you, as it is the Jung family’s rule to look classy and different from others.
You went down the grand staircase towards the kitchen, where your maids and chefs are buzzing making the specified menu for breakfast. The main master of the house, Jaehyun preferred the traditional Kimchi Jigae while the young master Yuno is much more westernized, preferring pancakes with whip crème and fresh fruits for his breakfast. The staffs greeted you warmly, as your extra hand in the kitchen really helps them speed things up in the morning. “Morning everyone, has the organic fresh produce from New Zealand arrive?” you greeted the staff cheerily with a warm smile adorning your face. “Morning Ma’am, yes they have just arrived” said the sous chef. “Great! let us start preparing breakfast for the two masters, shall we?” you laugh lightheartedly. Despite being the Madame of the house, the staffs really thought of you as a very kind, elegant and very understanding lady who treated her staff like her own family. That is the sole reason why they are always loyal and happy to be working in the mansion that are obviously a bit too big for three people to be living in.
Once the breakfast is ready to be served, you went up to your eight years old son’s room to wake him up for school. The white grand door to his room is slightly opened which is odd, considering you make sure to shut it close right after tugging him into bed last night. You tiptoe to his room and peak inside; you heart is thumping heavily and ready to scream at the top of your lungs just in case there is an intruder in the room trying to hurt your baby boy. But what you saw, were totally different from what you have imagined. There on the race car shaped single bed is Jaehyun cuddling with his son under the blanket, Yuno’s head rest calmly on top of his father’s chest while Jaehyun has his arms wrapped around Yuno’s small frame in a protective manner. Your heart immediately settles and warms at the sight in front of you, it pains you to have to break them apart for the sake of getting them up and ready for the day.
You make your way to the bed carefully and sat on the edge of it, you caress your son’s head gently trying to wake him up. “Yuno-ya it’s time to wake up my love” Yuno complains and further cuddle into his dad’s chest, and that wakes Jaehyun up instantly. “You should wake up and get ready for work too love” Jaehyun looks up to you and with a gentle smile he said “I think I would not be able to wake up unless I get a kiss from my queen” his deep dimples glows in the dark, with his cheeky smile that always manage to make you have butterflies in your stomach  “what are you going on about Jae, Yuno is here. Stop it and hurry up” Jaehyun gave you a very confused faced that you know damn well as his antics to get what he wants. “I don’t know what you are talking about, my love. kisses or I’ll go back to sleep” with that Jaehyun closes his eyes again, trying to get back to sleep. You know that unless you gave in to what he wants there is no way his going to wake up. You quickly lean down to peck his lips, and once both of your lips touch, Jaehyun took the opportunity to hold you in place by wrapping his arms around your waist. What was supposed to be a simple peck turns into a sweet long kiss where both of you could not help but smile into it. “ewww!! eomma appa!! That is so gross!!” Yuno complains with both of his tiny hands on his eyes trying to block his view of his parents. You broke away from Jaehyun and could not help on pinching Yuno’s chubby cheecks looking at his cute actions. “eomma have to give a kiss to my cute prince Yuno as well, right??” knowing that you are going to smother his face with kisess, Yuno bolted out of bed heading straight to the bathroom to get ready for school. His messy curls bouncing everywhere while he runs. You and Jaehyun could not help but laugh at the sight of your cute son.
Jaehyun came down to the dining area with his son’s tiny hand in his, and you notice that his tie is hanging around his neck undone. “why is your tie undone love?” you make your way to him and naturally tie his tie for him. Jaehyun took this opportunity to hug your waist “I don’t know, I can’t seem to do them this morning. It’s like I suddenly does not know how to do it, thank god my wife is an expert” his face is flushed pink with dimples prominent as ever. You know that was just a lame excuse that Jaehyun make to have you do it for him. You slapped his chest and shake your head with his antics. You carried Yuno to his seat and further assist him with his breakfast.  After breakfast, you strap your son’s bag on him and get ready to send him away to school with your assistant. “Yuno-yah, be good in school and listen well to your teachers, okay?” you said while crouching down to your child’s level so you can look into his brown dear like eyes. “eung eomma!” Yuno nods his head cutely and hugs your neck while giving your cheeks a peck. “eomma bye bye!” “bye bye my love”.
While you were getting Jaehyun’s briefcase for him, you reminded him about the new tutor for Yuno that will be moving in soon. “love, the new tutor recommended by your sister will be here today. If you happen to come across her around the house, be gentle and welcoming please” you tried to warn Jaehyun as he has known to be cold with the people that he is not familiar with. “and no more firing tutor without me knowing, do you know how hard it is to find a really good one these days?” you gave a wary eye to Jaehyun which he replied with caresses on your arms “I’ll try my best love, I have to go now. see you tonight, love you” he pecks your forehead and leave for work.
You receive a phone call shortly after that from your sister-in-law Jung Soojung and without any hesitation you pick it up. “Eonni wae? (hey sis, what’s going on)”, “I just want to inform you that Ms Kim Yeri, Yuno’s new tutor is arriving soon. I hope she is the perfect match as I really have to pull some strings to get her for you. Apparently, she graduated from Harvard Law School thus making it super hard to employ her.” Soojung clearly sounded distress on the other line. “ah geuraeyo (ah really) okay I’ll make sure to make her as comfortable as possible, thanks a lot for hiring her for us it really means a lot for Yuno’s future.” You tried your best to express your thankfulness to her so that she will feel assured that her hard work is much appreciated. “anything for my favorite boy, ahh and ask Jaehyun to tone down his temper this is the 3rd time in a month since he fired a tutor.” You sigh.. Jaehyun has a very short temper when it comes to anyone near his family, this man treasures his family more than his life. One wrong step and you are out of the door. “I’ll keep that in mind eonni, he must have his reasons to fire them. I’ll make sure it won’t happen again this time eonni.” You massage your temple, trying your best to really assured your sister-in-law that it will be different this time. “alright, if there’s any problem do not hesitate to call me up kay. I’ll see you around” with that she hangs up the phone on you. Soojung is a very poise, elegant and strict woman and she does not shy away on being hard on you from time to time. It was a struggle to settle with her attitude at first, but once you really got to known her you realize that she is very similar to Jaehyun. Cold on the outside but warm in the inside, explains much on why Jaehyun is super close with the second born of the Jung family. At-least she still treats you decently and warms up to you even if she shares the same hatred as her oldest sister on your background as an actress at first. They deemed you to be too tacky to be a Jung.  30 minutes after the phone call, a staff of the house informed you that the new tutor has arrived. “escort her to my study please” you said warmly to the staff.
While you were seated in your study, the grand door was opened and walks in a woman clad in a red dress coat from Burberry and a matching Kelly bag in hand, her legs are covered with a limited edition red bottoms. How come a professional tutor could effort such expensive items? You thought to yourself. “Annyeonghasaeyo samonim (hello madame), I’m Yuno’s new tutor Kim Yeri imnida” she greets you with a stone-cold expression. “Hello Ms Kim, and welcome to my humble home. Have a seat.” The new tutor took a sit opposite you and proceed to cross her legs. You grimace at the action as you thought of the consequences of having your legs crossed while seated with the seniors of the Jung’s family. The distaste was very much apparent on their faces when you crossed your legs on the very first meeting with the Jung’s. “I guess an actress is very comfortable for having no manners” said Jung Mija who is now known as your mother-in-law. You were clueless on why such comment were thrown at you, until the eldest daughter of the Jung family Jung Sooyeon threw a comment supporting her mother. “I told you eomma, she’s too tacky to be us” while dragging her eyes down to your crossed legs. That was the signal that makes you understand that it is forbidden to have your legs crossed when meeting the Jung’s. Apparently, the Jung’s family motto is to always be as poise and elegant as a Queen thus why it is forbidden for any Jung’s family members to seat with their legs crossed at any occasion. 
“I hope chamomile is fine for you Ms Kim.” You said as you pick up your cup of tea. “yes, ma’am I very much appreciate it” Ms Kim took a sip of her tea. “So Ms Kim, I heard a lot of you from my sister-in-law. Apparently, you graduated from Harvard?” “Ah yes, law school to be exact. I went under a top student scholarship program” A staff member knocks on the door signaling that she is coming in to set a tray of biscuits for your guest to enjoy. “I see, you must be a very bright student to be chosen. It was my dream school you know, until I gave it up for my acting career” you continue to laugh light heartedly. “I hope with your credibility, my son could further his studies there too. I mean you’re an alumnus of course you are familiar with the qualities that they want right?” you look up from your cup of tea. “I’ll try my very best ma’am” said the tutor as she sips her cup of tea so elegantly. You noticed that she has a very pretty face, and the red lipstick on her lips really suits her that she could easily won any guy’s heart. “Anyways, my son Yuno is a very gentle kid, he listens to instructions well. So, I hope you can be gentle with him too. But if there are any problems, please contact me immediately.” You smiled gently as you recalled on how soft of a boy your son is. “oh! I am sure my sister-in-law had told you that you would be living with us. Even if I am a housewife, I still have a tight schedule. So, I hope you can cater to Yuno’s from time to time, my assistant will provide you with Yuno’s schedule to help you familiarize with Yuno’s activities”. 
Ms Kim has a very unreadable expression that it could even come off as if she is not listening to anything you were saying at all, as she continues to sip her tea. “To begin with, Yuno will be arriving from school at 3 and he will have his snacks at this time. Please make sure that he takes his daily intakes of milk and make sure to warm it up to 70°C. Oh! and please don’t hit it up with the microwave.” You look up to Ms Kim, and notice that she is staring out the floor to ceiling window of your study looking at the Japanese garden. This bothers you a lot as you had hope for her to take some notes, as it really annoys you if someone miss out such important points. “Ms Kim are you not going to take some notes?” you said with a calm expression. Ms Kim turns to look at you and smirk, “that is not necessary, worry not as I have it at the back of my head.” She said smugly which kind of bothers you. “very well then, I hope you don’t forget this. It really bothers me if you do. My assistant will brief you further, but for now make sure that Yuno is refresh before his violin lesson.” As if it was a que, Ms Kim stood up and reach for her bag ready to be escorted out to her living quarters. “Ms Kim, I really love your bag. Some people need to be waitlisted to get it” you said while sipping your tea. Ms Kim who looks surprised quickly replied “it’s a counterfeit ma’am, they have it a lot at the market”. You give her a lopsided smile “I love the coat too; it suits you well” Ms Kim only gave you a half smile as a reply and she proceed to follow a staff to her living quarters”. 
It bothers you with the fact that the new tutor comes off a bit cocky and lavish. You recalled when your sister-in-law gave you Ms Kim’s profile, it was never stated that she came from any rich household. In fact, she grew up in an orphanage. You started to become wary as you do not want your son to be near any suspicious people. You decided not to think too much of it and decided to try and trust Ms Kim. After all she is suggested by your trusted sister-in-law. She must have tutored a few other rich kids to be able to afford such lifestyle. At the end of the day, you are paying her a huge amount of money too for this job. Your thoughts are interrupted by a phone call from your eldest sister-in-law Jung Sooyeon, which you kind of having a love and hate relationship with. She makes it clear as a day that she despises you. Furthermore, the fact that your father in law favors you does not sit well with the eldest Jung either. 
Hello everyone, this is my first attempt on writing so please understand if it is lacking a lot. English is not my first language, sorry if there is any grammar or spelling mistakes. I hope you enjoy this story, thank you!
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nctinfo · 4 years
[TRANS] WayV’s interview with ELLE Korea May 2020 issue!
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— Kun
A suffering leader, everyone's Kun —  With a meticulous personality. The pros and cons would be: I think I am the leader thanks to my sense of responsibility and delicacy. [But] when there is too much to take care of, it is a bit cumbersome. There’s no member who gives me a hard time because they all pick on me one by one (laughs). If I had to introduce my hometown, Fujian Province, it's a quiet city with clean air and few people. Many people come to visit because the mountains and the lakes are beautiful. When I think about nature, I start missing my hometown. At school, I was the head of the student council's entertainment department. I might look like a serious person since the members are so active and mischievous, but I'm also a fun person. Times when I feel like we’re one team are when you know what the others are thinking just by the look in their eyes and, when we dance and the movements are 'synchronised'. WayV to me is the comfort of being able to share everything with each other. All the members worry a lot about music so a lot of ideas come out every time we hear new music. It is certainly an advantage that all seven have a lot of desire. I have a bright young voice, but my desire as a vocalist is to have a thicker and more mature voice these days. Wouldn't it suit dance songs that match our [team's] style more than ballads. I graduated in Practical Music. If there is a song I want to arrange: I'm still trying to look for my style while listening to various songs. I want to challenge not only the arrangement but also the composition. I am a good cook. The dishes I recently made for the members are the dishes that I learned from the main chef of the company while I practiced them [on the members]. The menu with the biggest reaction recently was DongPo Pork. When I can't sleep, I deliberately watch low-rated movies and these days, I watch a four-hour-long landscape video shot from a train driver's perspective. It makes me fall asleep really fast (laughs). The most memorable stage after debuting was as expected, MAMA 2019. When I was giving the award speech, my hand that was holding the microphone was shaking and it was all captured [on camera]. What I want to say to myself in hard times is to be confident! The moment you lose your confidence, everything becomes more difficult. The mindset I don't want to lose is to be grateful. Everything I do right now is impossible to do by myself. This is the most important. To Winwin: who has known me the longest among the members! I hope you always take on challenges with courage because I will always be there beside you to support you. Also, all the members know that you are cute.  
— Lucas
Healthy energy, hot Lucas — Between a boy and a man, I feel closer to 100% boy! I don't think I feel mature enough. [Maybe I’m just like] a baby who wants to be a man (laughs). The most impressive man to me is a responsible person. And also, a man who gives everything to his loved ones. Having an attractive rapping sound because of a low and husky voice. My desire to sing is big! I want to sing a sad song. I've heard from people around me that a calm song suits my voice. Like the calm songs of Paul Kim I normally listen to too. My favorite song is "Take Off, The killing point is the dance break, with the powerful guitar riff. Emotion is what is the most important on stage. I believe each song has its own soul, and it is important to immerse yourself. My role in the team is positive energy. Although always looking bright, surprisingly, I have a lot of thoughts. Yesterday too, I had a lot of thoughts before going to bed, so it took me a while to fall asleep. Not long ago, Kun hyung played me a song he had composed and so many ideas came up so I wrote them down and sent it to him. WayV to me is a friendship that feels really deep even though it’s been only a year since I made a debut with the people I love so much. So much that when we come back from a schedule, as we laugh and talk together, the stress will suddenly be gone. The most important thing in a team is to have sincere conversations with each other to understand each other's differences. Only then can we get along well because of the wider understanding. Having appeared in a number of familiar variety shows like the Chinese version of <Running Man> <Let's Run Season 3> I like that I can go to various places the most. It's also a special opportunity to meet people with other jobs and not only artists. I think I'm often called/casted [for these shows] because of my sincere youthful reactions. The mindset I don't want to lose is the promise I made when I debuted to be a good influence on people. That's what I always keep in mind. I want to be a person who always gives positive influence to people, family, and fans around me. To Yangyang: who I know is really smart, you're still a cute little brother to me (laughs)
— Winwin A quiet presence, Winwin — In the reality show <Dream Plan>, mingling well with the elders in the village was impressive. Special trick behind it was thanking them for looking out for me! Since they were all kind natured, I guess treating them with sincerity looked good. When Lucas and I visited their home, we got served a meal and received a warm welcome. A performance video of Ten and I has been released. As a dancer, Ten is a member whose strength is being versatile. He helps the members at dance practices a lot. I’ve learned dancing in a special dance school. At the time I was the shortest and least talkative kid until I grew taller in high school. I’ve spent most of the time practicing alone. Chinese dance is similar to modern dance mixed with ballet. Learning the choreography is fast and it’s an advantage to be skillful in tumbling. I would like to properly showcase a modern dance at a concert someday. When I’m on the stage what I care about the most is my gestures and facial expression. During ‘Take Off’ promotions, the gestures and facial expressions I did during my part varied from stage to stage. I hear that I’m ‘pure’ a lot. A new charm that I want to have: our fans call me ‘Baby Chick’. I want to showcase more of an ‘eagle’ image, so I cut my hair short. Isn’t it similar to Park Saeroy (laugh). Something that makes me angry, although I normally have a good temper is being unsatisfied with stage performance to the point I can’t sleep on that day. But it’s okay to just take a nap. I just need to do better. The most memorable moment in WayV promotions was receiving the Best New Asian Artist Award at the MAMAs, it was the first time we’ve gotten an award together so I was very happy. The reason why I went to Beijing on my own as a middle school student seems to be fate. I passed my exams without much determination, left my hometown and went to school in Beijing where I was noticed and then debuted. Coincidence became fate. To me WayV is a path that we’re talking together, a team with a lot of growth potential. I’d like it if the younger members came to me whenever they need someone. I feel our fans love and support the most when: I’m always amazed and grateful for our fans hearts. All of the people who always look out for us even when we’re not promoting any albums and who support us are an immense source of strength. Success to me is when more people get to know us and we get to perform in many different countries. I want to think about my personal success after my team’s success. To Kun: when members want advice, we reach out to Kun first before our families. He knows a lot, can do a lot, and is a person we can depend on.  
 — Ten
Ten who is curious about what's next rather than what’s now — The secret to adapting well everywhere is attending an international school. I had friends of various nationalities and I also traveled a lot. Wherever I went, I went to see the common [places] first. Learning an unfamiliar culture is fun. I’m learning Thai, English, Korean, Japanese and now working hard at learning Chinese. I memorize expressions that I can use while watching Chinese variety shows and dramas. Although it's still difficult to read the buzzwords and hanja. The most important thing as a performer, and what makes you an outstanding dancer, is to have your own style while not being trapped by masculinity and femininity. I am different now from a few years ago and I'm trying to challenge myself by being flexible in various aspects. What I've learned since debut is, in the case of WayV, that when you work with various genres the main concern is the vocal style and with SuperM, I learned about the importance of performance through the activities [we did]. 'It's important to dance well, but you must also have your own [style]', 'think about what you want to express in front of the camera, but you must be faithful to your feelings on every stage in order to develop [yourself]' is the advice I received from the Hyungs (Baekhyun, Kai, Taemin). For the dance video that I did together with Winwin, the concept, music, settings, and outfits were all decided by us together without the company's advice. I came to realize the difficulties of being a staff member (laughs). I can [now] see the wider picture and more details. I like poetry too. I think poetry expresses emotions. It helps me  understand the world and the society as a person and not as an artist. The lyrics of my 2nd solo song 'New Heroes' feel like an autobiography. If 'Dream in a Dream' was all about the performance then 'New Heroes' is a song about the time spent committing [to something] and I thought anyone can sympathize with that. The [original] lyrics were so great that I asked them not to change it and to just go with it. I want to write lyrics myself someday. The kind of person I want to be is [someone who] always tries to go with the flow as I think that making plans and setting expectations can make it more difficult on yourself. I hope I could be a person who can leave a good impact on others. WayV to me is just like a family who always does everything together and takes care of each other asking ‘have you already eaten?’. Everyone has an open mind to try and accept new challenges. During the 'Moonwalk' promotion period, I was kinda surprised how well we got along. Having received recognition for my skills since debut. The times when the expectations are high are: Art and languages too are ever-evolving disciplines, so it's not easy to keep up. Nevertheless, there are self-expectations and anticipations to show a new side of myself. I will work hard (laughs). I still play Pokemon Go and I'm waiting for the June update. I will catch a lot of new Pokemon again! To Xiaojun: with whom I saw Harry Potter together yesterday! Let's make an appearance in Harry Potter when there is a reboot.
— Hendery
Flexible midfielder, Hendery — Something I’ve gotten into recently is practicing playing drums. Kun hyung is cooking a lot lately so I’ve been reviewing the food too. The other day he made kimchi jjigae so good that it even got an approval from manager hyung. My favourite track is ‘Take Off’. We filmed the music video in Ukraine and spent loads of happy times together, so I feel happier whenever I listen to it. Something I’ve improved on since debut is that recording songs takes less time. When I hear a member of staff say ‘Is this really Hendery’s voice?’ I feel proud of myself. The charm of my vocal is: I’m still looking for it, but I feel like my rap sounds nice when I spice it up with a little melody. Good at giving advice to our members. A tip to giving good advice is: it’s important to have helping and not making decisions in mind. Talk about both bad and good points about the A and B. The secret to always looking like I’m at peace is my parents always telling me ‘Your happiness is the most important. You always have a home to come back to, so work as much as you can enjoy’, thanks to them I grew up as someone with little stress or worries. Mindset that I don’t want to lose is the excitement before going on stage. I think the most important thing for an artist is their greed for performing. When I get on stage the most important is interacting with fans. The most memorable stage was our Korean debut on <Show! Champion>. I couldn’t believe we’re performing Chinese songs in Korea. I was so overwhelmed to see our fans welcoming us so enthusiastically even though they didn’t understand what we were saying. I opened an instagram account recently. My posting plan is ‘This is where I am‘ ‘I am filming today’. I want to showcase my daily self. I hope our fans can smile for a brief moment when they see the pics I had the most fun taking. To me WayV is: I feel empty when I go away to see my family for a little. Every time that happens I facetime them to relieve the sadness. Lucas is the member who picks up the most (laugh). To Lucas: No matter how busy we get, even if we become grandpas, I’ll always be by your side. It’s something I want to say to all of the members, but Lucas is a friend I'm especially attached to so I really wanted to say this. 
— Yangyang
Infinite potential, bold maknae Yangyang — I speak Chinese, German, English Korean and Spanish. Great language skills are useful when you travel. Whenever I talk with friends of various nationalities, I think it's fortunate that I can speak many languages. In our team alone, it's full [with people who speak] Chinese, Thai, English, and Korean (laughs). My role in the team is being the happy virus! Although of course, the hyungs think I'm a maknae that requires a lot of energy from them. WayV to me is a high tension team that can deliver strong and positive energy. If someone shows a slight sign of exhaustion, we immediately stick together and somehow infect each other with energy. I think that such energy is conveyed to fans on stage. If I have learned anything from living together with the members [it would be] the habit I have developed to control my greed and to care for others. I'm used to looking at the other's feelings now before doing something. My favorite song is ‘King of Hearts’, because I participated in writing the lyrics. I also love 'Love Talk' from the 2nd mini album. It is a charming song that is sweet and sexy but has a way to make your body move. My ambition as a rapper is the flow. Because I think this is the aspect that determines the impression of a song from the listener's point of view. I want to be a multi-talented person who is good at not only rapping but also dancing, singing, and writing lyrics. I've always had a lot of ambition. The attractive part of writing lyrics is that I can tell my story, since from a long time ago, I wrote lyrics little by little and it's always fun work. I want to steadily keep doing it. I like Virgil Ablo and Demna Gvasalia, and the fashion icon who caught my eye these days is Mike Amirie. I am drawn to people who have a simple yet clear style. The same goes for musicians. I like people who have a clear style like Travis Scott and A$AP Rocky. I’ve said 'I like who I am' before. Instances when I am especially like myself is when I'm confident. When I have confidence and want to show off, I can show much more than my actual skills. I use SNS to check on NBA and fashion news. I see the news on sneakers I'm looking forward to fast. Surprisingly, I don't look up anything about me [but] when a stage or performance is over I do look up the reactions. Most of them are good, so every time I read, I get energized. To Hendery: hyung, you seem to really get into gaming, but don't try too hard (laughs). 
— Xiaojun
Warm voice, Xiaojun — Something I’m into these days is practicing the songs that will be included in the next album that we are preparing for. Before debuting, I only sang my favorite ballad song, but nowadays, I want to sing songs of other genres such as R&B. I've been uploading videos of me singing on my personal Instagram. My favorite song is ‘Face to Face’. My heart warms up every time I hear it. I really like the lyrics ‘You won’t be lonely because I’ll be your strength, I won’t let you cope with your wounds alone in silence’. The keywords that describe me are kind. Friendly. Positive. I often say ‘I wish my songs were healing different people’. The way I heal myself is: my heart calms down when I look at pictures with many memories sealed in them. I take a lot of pictures of the scenery and especially when I look at the pictures of my hometown in Guangdong I feel healed. The reason behind my strong sensitivity is the big influence of my dad who’s a singer and my older brother. Ever since I was little we would often watch movies together. I graduated with a musical major. My greed for musicals is: I’ll surely do it again later. I like starring in musicals but one day I’d like to make my own. A musical piece I’d like to recommend is <Dear Evan Hansen> who won at Tony Awards and Grammys. It’s a warm story about a lonely high school boy suffering from social anxiety disorder, who is working on his trauma and healing from the pain. My way of dealing with stress is quiet time on my own. Just like positive energy, negative energy is easily spread to others, so I’d rather be alone. A memory I really want to make is a trip, I promised to go on before debuting, with the members. The destination is still undecided. The kind of team member I want to be is a silent supporter. It would be nice if I can be 'my people/dearest' to others. Something I want to do this year is to have an event for the fans. I like to surprise friends or throw surprise birthday parties. I think fans will love it if we would do a guerilla performance. I told you here so I have to throw [that idea] away and I will prepare something else (laughs). To Ten: You are one of the 'Hyung-line', and you Korean is the best so there are many times you have to lead us. Don't carry everything on your own and sometimes lean on us! The same goes for Kun hyung.
t/n: Due to the structure of this interview there might be inaccuracies as many things only made sense in Korean but sounded kinda awkward in English (more so compared to other translations we did). We tried our best to convey what they meant, but please keep this in mind when reading this interview.
Translation: Alex, Esmee @ FY! NCT (NCTINFO) | Source: ELLE Korea Scans — Do not repost or take out without our permission!
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Maybe Spinner headcanons with a childhood friend turned romantic?
// Ooh I really loved this request. //
//So, this turned into a scenario, but I didn’t want to reformat it, so here you go. //
As a child, you’d always automatically accepted those who were different than you. So much so, that you never understood why no one ever talked to a certain Shuichi Iguchi in your fifth grade class.
He seemed like a normal 11 year old boy to you, he liked cars, video games, and wanted to be a hero when he grew up. Yeah, his quirk was a little unusual, but you thought it only made him cooler.
When you came up to him at lunch and introduced yourself, he seemed a mix of surprised and suspicious.
As you continued to sit with Shuichi during the year, he slowly opened up to you. You even began hanging out at each other’s houses.
By summer, people had begun avoiding you too. This broke Shuichi’s heart, but you reassured him that you were fine.
As the years went by avoidance morphed into full-on aggression, directed at both of you.
Shuichi could handle being roughed up, he was used to people treating him poorly because of his quirk, but he couldn’t stand the thought of you getting hurt for his sake.
So, when he was old enough, Shuichi scrapped up enough money (mostly loans from his parents), and left town without so much as a goodbye.
He told himself that it was for your own good, even if you’d be sad at first, you would eventually come to realize that you were better off without him.
In actuality, you were devastated that he left and tried everything you could think of to find him. But there was only so much you could do. He hadn’t told anyone, not even his family, where he was going, so you had no leads to go on. The only way you’d ever find him now was if he wound up on a nationally-aired news segment detailing Japan’s most wanted villains and their last known locations.
By a stroke of luck, you happened to turn the TV on just as the camera cut to footage of the league butting heads with a small group of pro heroes, and you happened to look up just as it focused in on one particular member.
Despite the Stain cosplay, it was no secret to you who the villain “Spinner” actually was.
You stayed by the TV long enough to catch the name of the city they were last seen in, before dashing off to pack a small bag of essentials, and scribble a note for anyone who came looking for you.
Was it crazy to chase after someone who ran away to become a villain? Probably. But that’s exactly what you planned to do.
When you left your house, you were worried that you’d never find Shuichi. But as you drew closer to where he was last sighted, you thought about what could go wrong if you did find him. What if he didn’t want to see you? He was a villain now, so why would he want to risk rebuilding bridges with a civilian who could easily sell him out to the police? Maybe you were the reason he ran away in the first place. Had you been too smothering with your kindness when you were young? 
You were just about to get off the bus and go home when your more rational side took over. It didn’t matter where he was now or who he was with, Spinner was still your Shuichi. The same Shuichi who you sat with everyday at lunch in elementary school, and who introduced you to the wonderful world of video games. You’d come all this way to see him, and you’d be damned if you let him get away without a decent explanation this time.
Your initial fears about not being able to find your childhood friend were quickly crushed as, after only ten minutes of wandering the outskirts of the city, you caught sight of one of Spinner’s teammates huddled in an alleyway. You hadn’t paid attention to his name, but the black and grey spandex suit was hard to miss.
Momentarily forgetting that this was a dangerous villain, you raced over to where he was crouched down and only froze when you heard him muttering incoherently to himself.
You heard yourself call out to him, meekly, and ask if he was alright.
He spun around, with wide eyes, almost as if you were the villain, and he was the innocent civilian wandering around an unfamiliar city at night.
Only then did you notice that his mask was torn nearly in half, and he was bleeding from a deep gash on his forehead.
Before he could even respond to you or ask who you were, your instincts- the same instincts that prompted you to sit by Shuichi that day in fifth grade- took over, and you found yourself tearing pieces off a spare shirt in your bag and using them to dress his wound.
The man stayed quiet throughout the process, seemingly confused as to what was happening, so you only ceased your ministrations when you heard somebody give a dry chuckle behind you.
“Who might you be, dollface?”
You turned to face another of Spinner’s teammates. Dabi. You remembered his name since he’d gotten most of the screentime in the news segment, most likely due to his captivating blue flames. Something about him made you feel uneasy, in comparison to the other man.
“Didn’t you see the news? It’s not safe out here at night. You never know who you might run into.” The way he was slowly stalking towards you made your breath hitch and your heartbeat quicken. “Maybe someone should show you what happens to dolls who stay out past their bedtime.”
Luck was on your side, however, as the villain you had helped jumped in front of you, effectively acting as a human shield.
“Dabi, you can’t! Go ahead. She helped me! See if I care.” You blinked, wondering if you heard him right.
Dabi seemed to notice the other villain’s bandage for the first time. His eyes glinted with amusement, mouth turning upwards in a smirk. “You really don’t know who we are, then? You must be more naive than I thought, dollface.”
This sparked something in you. You weren’t some lost child who wandered here by accident. You had a reason for seeking them out, and with the comfort of knowing that the first villain (probably) didn’t want you dead, you spoke up.
“I came here to look for my friend, Shuichi Iguchi. I think he’s with you guys.”
“Iguchi, hm?” Spinner had never shared his real name with the league, but Iguchi would definitely be the family name of someone with a lizard quirk.
Before Dabi could make any further remarks, another voice joined the conversation.
“There you are! You were taking a while, so Tomu-chan sent me to find both of you!”
Dabi said nothing, but stepped to the side, allowing you and the blonde girl to lock eyes.
“Ooh! A new friend? I can't wait to taste her blood!” You tensed at this. Was Shuichi even here?
“Actually she’s Spinner’s old friend. She came looking for him and found us instead.” You swallowed down your fear as Dabi said this. 
‘Dabi acts like no one else matters to him, but he stopped threatening me when he realized I knew Shuichi.’ Maybe you had a chance after all.
As if to confirm your thoughts, the man in the grey and black costume spoke next. “We should bring her with us! Let’s leave her here. I’m sure Spinner would love to see her again! I wouldn’t.”
The blonde girl seems all too excited about bringing you with them, and Dabi’s as indifferent as ever about the situation, so you decide to go. If you had to endure everything that just happened, you’d at least get to see Shuichi.
You shyly agree to come with them, following close behind the man you had helped and being careful to keep a distance between you and the other two.
The girl takes you down another alleyway, skipping ahead as she hummed an odd tune. She stops suddenly and peers into the darkness as if waiting for someone.
With a start, you realize that there’s someone there, blending into the shadows, though you probably wouldn’t have seen them if it weren’t for the two glowing yellow eyes.
The eyes fall upon you, and you hold your breath. “Who’s this?” a deep voice questions.
“Spinner’s friend!” the man in the grey and black suit remarks, and you are surprised to hear nothing else said.
The shadow man pauses, and you imagine him quirking an eyebrow, but he says nothing and you get the feeling it’s not his place to challenge their decisions. He looks to the side as a purple and black portal opens up, and everyone but you and the shadow guy step through. 
He turns back to you and holds out what you assume is a hand. “My name is Kurogiri. I apologize if any of the others have scared you.”
“I’m, uh, (f/n) (l/n).” You can barely concentrate on your words as you process the feeling of his ‘hand’. It seems like pure mist at first, but it gets firmer the more pressure you apply, like pushing together the repelling ends of two magnets.
Kurogiri clears his throat and gestures to the portal.
“Oh, uh, right.” You let go of his hand and take a few tentative steps towards the gaping hole in the brick wall. You inhale sharply as you put one foot through and step onto a solid surface, slowly pulling the rest of your body through.
You open your eyes to find yourself in what appears to be a run-down bar, with five pairs of inquisitive eyes on you, but none of them Shuichi’s. You do, however, see two new people. The first you recognize as Tomura Shigaraki, the league’s current leader. He stares at you for a moment, before stalking off. He was probably advised to leave you alone for now. The second dashes up to you the moment you’re through the portal. He’s wearing an ochre trench coat, a top hat, and a black and white mask. He introduces himself as Mr. Compress as he offers you a bouquet, seemingly out of nowhere.
“Don’t overwhelm her, Mister.” You hadn’t even noticed Dabi until he spoke up.
Mr. Compress huffed and took a seat at the counter.
“Spinner’s room is down there” Dabi motioned his head towards the hallway behind him. “Third room to the left.”
You give a nod of thanks and manage to move your body down the hallway, stopping in front of the third door to the left. You held your breath as you knocked several times.
You heard footsteps leading up to the door, and watched anxiously as it creaked open.
Shuichi was in the same Stain costume he had been wearing on the news, but his hair was down, as it had been the last time you were together. Upon seeing you, he froze with the door still half open.
“H-hi, Shuichi.” It occurred to you that you hadn’t planned on what to say.
“What are you doing here!?”
“I saw you on the news. I came looking for you and found them.” You briefly glanced at the entrance to the hallway.
“You shouldn’t have come. It’s dangerous.”
“It was my only hope of finding you again.” You could swear you saw a faint blush appear on Shuichi’s scales.
“You’re better off without me around. Especially now that…” He trailed off and you realized that he didn’t want to admit to being a villain.
“If everyone else wanted to tease me for being friends with you, then that’s on them. I was happy as long as we were together.”
Shuichi tried and failed to stutter out a response, eventually settling on “You should go.”
“Shuichi, can’t you hear me? All I want is to be with you. I don’t care if you’re a villain or what” You stepped towards the door and he turned away.
“I won’t let you get hurt because of me.”
The corners of your mouth quirked up in a smile. “That’s sweet, but I think it’s beyond your control.” He looked up at you concernedly. “Two of your teammates have threatened to kill me, and I’m not sure they’ll let me leave at this point. Don’t you think I would be safer if I stayed with you?”
Shuichi glanced at you before looking away again. “...I guess,” he said, and you internally squealed.
“Well then, we should go tell the others that I’m here to stay!” He nodded and moved to walk in front of you, but you stopped him.
Without warning, you pulled him close and pressed a kiss to his snout, before pulling away and leaving him standing in the hallway, speechless.
// I don’t usually put notes at the end, but wow the formatting is a mess. Sorry I mutilated your request, anon. //
( ̄ω ̄)/
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stevishabitat · 3 years
The summer wasn’t meant to be like this. By April, Greene County, in southwestern Missouri, seemed to be past the worst of the pandemic. Intensive-care units that once overflowed had emptied. Vaccinations were rising. Health-care workers who had been fighting the coronavirus for months felt relieved—perhaps even hopeful. Then, in late May, cases started ticking up again. By July, the surge was so pronounced that “it took the wind out of everyone,” Erik Frederick, the chief administrative officer of Mercy Hospital Springfield, told me. “How did we end up back here again?”
The hospital is now busier than at any previous point during the pandemic. In just five weeks, it took in as many COVID-19 patients as it did over five months last year. Ten minutes away, another big hospital, Cox Medical Center South, has been inundated just as quickly. “We only get beds available when someone dies, which happens several times a day,” Terrence Coulter, the critical-care medical director at CoxHealth, told me.
Last week, Katie Towns, the acting director of the Springfield–Greene County Health Department, was concerned that the county’s daily cases were topping 250. On Wednesday, the daily count hit 405. This dramatic surge is the work of the super-contagious Delta variant, which now accounts for 95 percent of Greene County’s new cases, according to Towns. It is spreading easily because people have ditched their masks, crowded into indoor spaces, resumed travel, and resisted vaccinations. Just 40 percent of people in Greene County are fully vaccinated. In some nearby counties, less than 20 percent of people are.
Many experts have argued that, even with Delta, the United States is unlikely to revisit the horrors of last winter. Even now, the country’s hospitalizations are one-seventh as high as they were in mid-January. But national optimism glosses over local reality. For many communities, this year will be worse than last. Springfield’s health-care workers and public-health specialists are experiencing the same ordeals they thought they had left behind. “But it feels worse this time because we’ve seen it before,” Amelia Montgomery, a nurse at CoxHealth, told me. “Walking back into the COVID ICU was demoralizing.”
Those ICUs are also filling with younger patients, in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, including many with no underlying health problems. In part, that’s because elderly people have been more likely to get vaccinated, leaving Delta with a younger pool of vulnerable hosts. While experts are still uncertain if Delta is deadlier than the original coronavirus, every physician and nurse in Missouri whom I spoke with told me that the 30- and 40-something COVID-19 patients they’re now seeing are much sicker than those they saw last year. “That age group did get COVID before, but they didn’t usually end up in the ICU like they are now,” Jonathan Brown, a respiratory therapist at Mercy, told me. Nurses are watching families navigate end-of-life decisions for young people who have no advance directives or other legal documents in place.
Almost every COVID-19 patient in Springfield’s hospitals is unvaccinated, and the dozen or so exceptions are all either elderly or immunocompromised people. The vaccines are working as intended, but the number of people who have refused to get their shots is crushing morale. Vaccines were meant to be the end of the pandemic. If people don’t get them, the actual end will look more like Springfield’s present: a succession of COVID-19 waves that will break unevenly across the country until everyone has either been vaccinated or infected. “You hear post-pandemic a lot,” Frederick said. “We’re clearly not post-pandemic. New York threw a ticker-tape parade for its health-care heroes, and ours are knee-deep in COVID.”
That they are in this position despite the wide availability of vaccines turns difficult days into unbearable ones. As bad as the winter surge was, Springfield’s health-care workers shared a common purpose of serving their community, Steve Edwards, the president and CEO of CoxHealth, told me. But now they’re “putting themselves in harm’s way for people who’ve chosen not to protect themselves,” he said. While there were always ways of preventing COVID-19 infections, Missourians could have almost entirely prevented this surge through vaccination—but didn’t. “My sense of hope is dwindling,” Tracy Hill, a nurse at Mercy, told me. “I’m losing a little bit of faith in mankind. But you can’t just not go to work.”
When Springfield’s hospitals saw the first pandemic wave hitting the coasts, they could steel themselves. This time, with Delta thrashing Missouri fast and first, they haven’t had time to summon sufficient reinforcements. Between them, Mercy and Cox South have recruited about 300 traveling nurses, respiratory therapists, and other specialists, which is still less than they need. The hospitals’ health-care workers have adequate PPE and most are vaccinated. But in the ICUs and in COVID-19 wards, respiratory therapists still must constantly adjust ventilators, entire teams must regularly flip patients onto their belly and back again, and nurses spend long shifts drenched in sweat as they repeatedly don and doff protective gear. In previous phases of the pandemic, both hospitals took in patients from other counties and states. “Now we’re blasting outward,” Coulter said. “We’re already saturating the surrounding hospitals.”
Meanwhile, the hospitals’ own staff members are exhausted beyond telling. After the winter surge, they spent months catching up on record numbers of postponed surgeries and other procedures. Now they’re facing their sharpest COVID-19 surge yet on top of those backlogged patients, many of whom are sicker than usual because their health care had to be deferred. Even with hundreds of new patients with lung cancer, asthma, and other respiratory diseases waiting for care in outpatient settings, Coulter still has to cancel his clinics because “I have to be in the hospital all the time,” he said.
Many health-care workers have had enough. Some who took on extra shifts during past surges can’t bring themselves to do so again. Some have moved to less stressful positions that don’t involve treating COVID-19. Others are holding the line, but only just. “You can’t pour from an empty cup, but with every shift it feels like my co-workers and I are empty,” Montgomery said. “We are still trying to fill each other up and keep going.”
The grueling slog is harder now because it feels so needless, and because many patients don’t realize their mistake until it’s too late. On Tuesday, Hill spoke with an elderly man who had just been admitted and was very sick. “He said, ‘I’m embarrassed that I’m here,’” she told me. “He wanted to talk about the vaccine, and in the back of my mind I’m thinking, You have a very high likelihood of not leaving the hospital.” Other patients remain defiant. “We had someone spit in a nurse’s eye because she told him he had COVID and he didn’t believe her,” Edwards said.
Some health-care workers are starting to resent their patients—an emotion that feels taboo. “You’re just angry,” Coulter said, “and you feel guilty for getting angry, because they’re sick and dying.” Others are indignant on behalf of loved ones who don’t already have access to the vaccines. “I’m a mom of a 1-year-old and a 4-year-old, and the daughter of family members in Zimbabwe and South Africa who can’t get vaccinated yet,” says Matifadza Hlatshwayo Davis, who works at a Veterans Affairs hospital in St. Louis. “I’m frustrated, angry, and sad.”
“I don’t think people get that once you become sick enough to be hospitalized with COVID, the medications and treatments that we have are, quite frankly, not very good,” says Howard Jarvis, the medical director of Cox South’s emergency department. Drugs such as dexamethasone offer only incremental benefits. Monoclonal antibodies are effective only during the disease’s earliest stages. Doctors can give every recommended medication, and patients still have a high chance of dying. The goal should be to stop people from getting sick in the first place.
But Missouri Governor Mike Parson never issued a statewide mask mandate, and the state’s biggest cities—Kansas City, St. Louis, Springfield, and Columbia—ended their local orders in May, after the CDC said that vaccinated people no longer needed to wear masks indoors. In June, Parson signed a law that limits local governments’ ability to enact public-health restrictions. And even before the pandemic, Missouri ranked 41st out of all the states in terms of public-health funding. “We started in a hole and we’re trying to catch up,” Towns, the director of the Springfield–Greene County Health Department, told me.
Her team flattened last year’s curve through testing, contact tracing, and quarantining, but “Delta has just decimated our ability to respond,” Kendra Findley, the department’s administrator for community health and epidemiology, told me. The variant is spreading too quickly for the department to keep up with every new case, and more people are refusing to cooperate with contact tracers than at this time last year. The CDC has sent a “surge team” to help, but it’s just two people: an epidemiologist, who is helping analyze data on Delta’s spread, and a communications person. And like Springfield’s hospitals, the health department was already overwhelmed with work that had been put off for a year. “Suddenly, I feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day,” Findley said.
Early last year, Findley stuck a note on her whiteboard with the number of people who died in the 1918 flu pandemic: 50 million worldwide and 675,000 in the U.S. “It was for perspective: We will not get here. You can manage this,” she told me. “I looked at it the other day and I think we’re going to get there. And I feel like a large segment of the population doesn’t care.”
The 1918 flu pandemic took Missouri by surprise too, says Carolyn Orbann, an anthropologist at the University of Missouri who studies that disaster. While much of the world felt the brunt of the pandemic in October 1918, Missouri had irregular waves with a bigger peak in February 1920. So when COVID-19 hit, Orbann predicted that the state might have a similarly drawn-out experience. Missouri has a widely dispersed population, divided starkly between urban and rural places, and few highways—a recipe for distinct and geographically disparate microcultures. That perhaps explains why new pathogens move erratically through the state, creating unpredictable surges and, in some pockets, a false sense of security. Last year, “many communities may have gone through their lockdown period without registering a single case and wondered, What did we do that for?” Orbann told me.
She also suspects that Missourians in 1918 might have had a “better overhead view of the course of the pandemic in their communities than the average citizen has now.” Back then, the state’s local papers published lists of people who were sick, so even those who didn’t know anyone with the flu could see that folks around them were dying. “It made the pandemic seem more local,” Orbann said. “Now, with fewer hometown newspapers and restrictions on sharing patient information, that kind of knowledge is restricted to people working in health care.”
Montgomery, the CoxHealth nurse, feels that disparity whenever she leaves the hospital. “I work in the ICU, where it’s like a war zone, and I go out in public and everything’s normal,” she said. “You see death and suffering, and then you walk into the grocery store and get resistance. It feels like we’re being ostracized by our community.”
If anything, people in the state have become more entrenched in their beliefs and disbeliefs than they were last year, Davis, the St. Louis–based doctor, told me. They might believe that COVID-19 has been overblown, that young people won’t be harmed, or that the vaccines were developed too quickly to be safe. But above all else, “what I predominantly get is, ‘I don’t want to talk to you about that; let’s move on,’” Davis said.
People take the pandemic seriously when they can see it around them. During past surges in other parts of the U.S., curves flattened once people saw their loved ones falling ill, or once their community became the unwanted focus of national media coverage. The same feedback loop might be starting to occur in Missouri. The major Route 66 Festival has been canceled. More people are making vaccine appointments at both Cox South and Mercy.
In Springfield, the public-health professionals I talked with felt that they had made successful efforts to address barriers to vaccine access, and that vaccine hesitancy was the driving force of low vaccination rates. Improving those rates is now a matter of engendering trust as quickly as possible. Springfield’s firefighters are highly trusted, so the city set up vaccine clinics in local fire stations. Community-health advocates are going door-to-door to talk with their neighbors about vaccines. The Springfield News-Leader is set to publish a full page of photos of well-known Springfieldians who are advocating for vaccination. Several local pastors have agreed to preach about vaccines from their pulpits and set up vaccination events in their churches. One such event, held at James River Church on Monday, vaccinated 156 people. “Once we got down to the group of hesitant people, we’d be happy if we had 20 people show up to a clinic,” says Cora Scott, Springfield’s director of public information and civic engagement. “To have 156 people show up in one church in one day is phenomenal.”
But building trust is slow, and Delta is moving fast. Even if the still-unvaccinated 55 percent of Missourians all got their first shots tomorrow, it would still take a month to administer the second ones, and two weeks more for full immunity to develop. As current trends show, Delta can do a lot in six weeks. Still, “if we can get our vaccination levels to where some of the East Coast states have got to, I’ll feel a lot better going into the fall,” Frederick, Mercy’s chief administrative officer, said. “If we plateau again, my fear is that we will see the twindemic of flu and COVID.”
In the meantime, southwest Missouri is now a cautionary tale of what Delta can do to a largely unvaccinated community that has lowered its guard. None of Missouri’s 114 counties has vaccinated more than 50 percent of its population, and 75 haven’t yet managed more than 30 percent. Many such communities exist around the U.S. “There’s very few secrets about this disease, because the answer is always somewhere else,” Edwards said. “I think we’re a harbinger of what other states can expect.”
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theshy1sout · 4 years
What if Branch’s born as a Rock Troll (but we start from the very beginning)
All right everybody, many of you talk about Rock Branch AU, but i didn't find the fanfic/headcanon post, which start it earlier than from TWT. So.... Just try to imagine Poppy's life without Branch. I had even few scripts: (prepare yourself for really long headcanon... Or fixanon? Anon? IDK, just Rock Branch AU XD)
Describetion is sometimes roughly short, I just wanted to share my ideas with you, not write a fanfic (but i would like to write it as fanfic, but it’s too big project to me. Feel free to take my ideas)
1. Poppy stays home
Bergen (Chef of course) kidnaps Snack Pack and Poppy wants to resque them. But King Peppy (as her father and still king) doesn't let her. There’s nobody who can go with her, so she has to stay home. Snack Pack dies obviously and whole Troll Village can't find good hide (there’s no bunker) so Peppy decides (after a little hesitation) to ask for help the nearest other genres trolls. And there are two option:
A) Classical music trolls
They're not happy to see pop trolls. After long disccusion Trollzart agrees to host them, but there's one condition - They have to be silent. They agree, because they're afraid of bergens much more than anywhen before. But after weeks without pop music they start humming and then even playing Classical music. They quickly become just Classical music nation.
After a few years Barb attacks them, but pop trolls are exstremally desperated to protect their New home. So with two strings and a significant number advantage, Pop and Classical music trolls win the battle. They let Techno trolls free and give them back their string. Pop Trolls are allowed to sing and play their music back. And then the three Royals start disccusion: What should they do with Rockers? Trollzart and Trollex agree to destroy their music and become them Classical Nation but Poppy doesn't feel good with that.
She decides to visit a prison. The prisoners yell at her and are really mean to her, especially Barb. But then she notices one troll who's just silent. She starts talking with him. He says that Rock World Tour wasn't good, it was just cruel and unjustice, so Rockers deserve their fate. He's also really kind. His name is Branch. Poppy, feeling really lonely after losing all of her friends, starts visiting prison every day and she and Branch become friends. Poppy starts fighting for giving Rockers New chance. Trollzart and Trollex aren't convinced about her idea, till one day Poppy shows them Branch. He bows and tells them what he told Poppy earlier. After that Royals agree on the solution: Pop and Rock trolls settle down Vulcano City as a United nation ruled by Pop trolls. Beside that, Rockers can't move out from the City for 5 years.
Rockers are kinda content with that. Even Barb, who lifes with her dad in a little cottage instead of her previous Villa, feels good not being Queen anymore. Royals keep in touch with each others and they start slowly trying to befriend with Country and Funk trolls. And also Branch and Poppy end up happily together.
B) Rock Trolls
Barb isn't Queen yet. Trash is still King and He's really open to Pop trolls, even if they're so different. First days are hard, but then Poppy and Barb become best friend and everything is ok. Bergens can't find them there.
One day Poppy meets Branch - He's amazed by her and she's amazed by him. They just want to know each other more, they starts meeting and after half year they become a couple. They're so happy with each others. Barb see it, she's a good Poppy friend and she doesn't want to be a Queen, not feeling good in it, she want to be free, so - She give her 'crown' Poppy and Branch. When they get married, they rule United nations of Pop and rock. They start Pop-Rock World Tour to meet and know other trolls' genres and offer them unite. HAPPY END
2. Poppy tries to be a hero good Queen.
Which means, Poppy doesn't obey her dad and goes to rescue her friend on her own. There are also two option:
A) No one rescues Poppy from spiders so they just eat her :D
But that's only beginning. Creek betrays trolls (there isn’t a cow bell, but there also isn’t the bunker), so every single pop trolls are eaten by bergens. Creek knows that if he stays with them, they'd eat him to, so he escapes. And then he lose himself on the huge desert.
But he doesn't die.
Funk trolls rescue him. He tells them about pop troll, but doesn't mention that they were eaten by bergens thanks to him. Funk trolls starts taking care of him, cause he's the last pop troll now and also he knew Cooper. So he tells them about Cooper a lot and they treat him like their precious son.
When Barb attacks them and she discovers the last pop troll, she forces Creek to show her the Pop string. But he doesn't know about it at all. So she forces him to guide Rockers to the Old Pop Village and then they start searching. And then Creek accidentally finds the string. He knows what Barb wants to do, so his conscience wakes up right now and he destroys the string and becomes gray (and also all pop subgenres, like kpop, become gray. Pop music just doesn't exist now).
And this is the moment when Branch appears. He's Barb's sword-arm. He always think that Trolls World Tour just isn't right but he just can't do anything with that til now. Now when he sees gray Creek with Broken string, he realizes that The Strings are destroyable. Now he has a hope. And now he isn't alone. He takes Creek and escapes far away.
But Creek doesn't feel like a hero. He's far from it: now he realizes how bad were things he did and he feels like he sucks once again, destroying pop string. Once, crying, he tells Branch everything about himself. But even hearing that Branch doesn't leave him alone. He comforts him by promice that if Creek helps him destroy rest of the strings, he would atone for his sins. Creek agrees and they starts making plans.
Meanwhile, Barb is just broken. Branch was the most trustful person in her life and she has a crush on him. His 'betrayal' really hurts her. She sends trollshunter after him, being sure that Branch just stole pop string.
Trollshunter finds Branch and Creek one by one and they just joins them. Beside Chaz, they had to 'arrest' him. Their become a rebellious gang and in suitable moment they just achieve their plan: they steal the guitar with the Strings and destroy them.
Every trolls are just shocked. Everyone just suddenly lose their colors and music, it isn't not a big rock concert, they just are in the huge prison in the Vulcano Rock City. Kpop trolls just switch on every single speaker that ever exists and there he is, a rock troll named Branch just goes in to the prison with a microphone. He starts singing "True Colors" to them - to the gray, unhopeful, sad trolls without their music. They starts smiling and joining him, one by one, they makes a choir, big perfect harmony. When Barb pop into the prison and she sees all prisoners and guards singing together in perfect harmony. She’s really touched. Branch turns around to her and hands her a mic. She finishes the song, singing "Like a rainbow" and smiling. After the song she hugs Branch and says to him 'thank you' so they make up. He hugs her back of course, also smiling.
This story ends kinda like an oryginal movie - all trolls life in harmony - beside that Creek is the only pop troll. He get married one of kpop troll girl and their offspring try to rebuild Pop trolls nation. And also Barb and Branch are happily together. YAAAAYYYY
B) My fav script - The Gray Poppy
So Poppy is more careful and spider doesn’t catch her. She arrives to Bergentown, sees Creek is eaten, rescues her friends, helps Bridget with King Gristle (but talk in the roller-skating rink goes really bad:( ), then Creek betrays them and whole trolls end up in the big bowl (pot? peck? dixie? XD) and they all become gray.
But no one sings a song. No one comforts Poppy, no one gives her a hope. There are just silence and darkness.
Bridget of course rescues them, but she doesn’t end up happily, cause trolls are just gray, scaried and sad, Poppy just doesn’t come back to rescue Bridget. She’s just too frightened. And also Bridget says bergens, she actually ate all trolls, so bergens... Well, do something terrible to her.
They come back to the Village. After year they all get back their colors, but Poppy’s stay a bit dull, cause she can’t forget about how she disappointed Bridget. When Barb sends them a message, Poppy takes Cooper, who wants to know trolls like him, and of course accidentally Biggie and mr Dinkles, and starts the trip. The story is kinda the same in Symphonyville and Lonesome Flats. It’s different when they drop into the river with Hickory. Cause No one rescues Poppy. She blacks out, hitting on a stone, and almost sinks. The rapidity get her far from her friends and far from Lonesome Flats and throws her on the bank, where Chaz finds her.
 Chaz brings her to Barb and she imprisons Poppy. She also give them the most trustful Rock Troll as a guard - her sword-arm, Branch. Barb doesn’t know where is the pop string and Poppy doesn’t want to her her, that she has it in her hair, so Barb treatens that she’ll hurt pop trolls and then leaves the prison to attack Funk trolls and Pop Village. Poppy, seeing that she sucks once again as a queen and as a friend, loses her colors. Branch sees it and feels pity for her. He asks her why she’s so sad and she tells him whole story of her life and pours out her heart. Branch suddenly realizes that Rock World Tour isn’t as good as he thought. He let Poppy free, but she says she doesn’t go anywhere without him. She doesn’t want to leave her saviour once again (like Bridget before). So he disguises her as a Rock Troll and they escape together. Poppy’s desperated to rescue her friends, but Branch takes her into hiding in the safety place and then making a plan how to rescue them.
So there they are, hiding in the forest, with a pop string, when hunters are looking for them. Poppy is just broken and Branch comforts her a lot. He just can’t stand seeing her so sad, so one day, when she ‘s really unhopeful, he takes the string with anger and yells that everything is just because of them (The Strings). And He destroys it. Poppy’s shocked. She takes the rest of the string into her hand and looks at it sadly, when Branch realizes what he’s done and starts apologizes her. But then she just looks up at him and says: “You’re right. We have to destroy them!” He blinks and smiles when she hugs him tightly saying “thank you”.
Ok. Enough details.
They sneaks to the Volcano City and destroys the Strings. The end :D
Nah, I’m joking. they takes the mic and there is the same scene like at the end of the previous script, but this time Poppy and Branch sing together starting from “True colors” and then get to “Just Sing”. Poppy gets back her colors and there is a scene like she turns to Branch, smiles and starts talking how grateful she is for everything he did for her and then he just interrupts her, kissing her.
C) Rebel Branch
 I didn’t want to write this script firstly, cause it’s known and appears very often in fanfics, but... It’s also one of the option and i like it and I like write so i’m gonna write my own version of this well-known script.
It’s kinda really similar to previous to the point when Poppy gets the message from Barb. She just decides to obey her dad and the whole pop village hide deep in the forest. But Barb finds them regardless :D
So they all are captive and Branch again is the guard, the most trustful Rock Troll, Barb’s sword-arm et cetera. He sees Poppy losing her colors completely, he asks, she talks and cries, pouring out her heart. But this time is much too late - the big rock concert, where every Barb wants to turn every trolls into a rock zombie, just starts. So what does Branch do? He puts hand into Poppy’s cage and dries her tears. He smiles at her and then he just goes out of the prison (Hearing Poppy’s quiet voice “Branch?” behind him). He just walks on the stage. No one expects nothing weird from him, so when he stands next to Barb, she just hands him the guitar with the Strings with excitedly grin and yells at him “You went in the time! Play with us!”. He smiles, get the guitar and then just destroys it. 
Everyone’s shocked. What just happened? Everything just loses its colors. Barb yells at Branch “What are you doing, man?!”, but it’s just too late. Everyone’s just confused, even Branch. Only Poppy smiles in her cage. And then she starts singing. I think this time “This little light of mine” or “Don’t you worry ‘bout a thing”. And then Branch looks up at her and she smiles at him. King Trash starts playing a music and Branch joins to the song with Poppy. And then everybody join. Hurray!
Everyone befriends with everyone. Poppy thanks Branch, they starts talking more and meeting each other and ya know. Slow-growing relationship.
Yes, they get married at the end, I swear.
Okay, That’s the end, i swear. If you like one of this idea and want to draw it/turn it into a fanfic, but take it. Feel free to use it. But please, tag me, i wanna read it
Thank you for you attention :D
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iit-s-kitty · 5 years
"My problems with Rise of Skywalker, because fuck being neutral this movie was a crime"
Written by a disappointed Star Wars fan that happens to ship Reylo, and who will most likely ends up rewriting this mess in her fanfiction
The ridiculous fast pace: seriously, this movie feels like the project you forgot to do on holidays and the due date is tomorrow, so you're just doing the "important plot points": The Palpatine plot? Check. The Rey's parents plot? Check.
The lack of closure for the character's storylines: throughout the sequels it was stablished storyline that allowed for the development of different characters. For example, Finn learning that escaping is NOT the way of opposing the First Order, Poe learning to be the leader the Resistance needs, Han coming back in order to face that what became of Ben's was equally his fault as well as Snoke's, and the most important ones being Rey and Ben's journey. Here? All forgotten. Suddenly we erased whatever happened in the last two movies and give everything for granted, because no one gives a fuck about what happened. Poe is the same as he was, Finn is still hung up on Rey and exhibits no personality of it, Rey has no sequels of what happened in Ach-To at the cave or in the Throne Room with Kylo, and speaking of which...
WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED WITH KYLO? We cut the last movie on the biggest cliffhanger for this character: he had killed his master in order to gain more power (ironically surpassing Darth Vader... Only that Kylo did it in order to protect Rey, something he wasn't looking for and ended up wanting her at his side), became the Supreme Leader and witnessed the almost complete wipeout of the Resistance as well as Luke's demise. Yet to him it meant nothing because the only person that managed to connect with him decided to stick to her own path and giving an open door to the redemption arc. The logical step was having him as this ultimate boss they all had to defeat, The Supreme Leader... That would progressively become more and more disenchanted with it. Snoke is gone, his abuser is finally gone but what can he do about it? He still has all this rage, all this pain. Think of Zuko when he finally "regained" his honor by supposedly killing the Avatar, yet he felt it wasn't worth anything because he had betrayed the only person that cared for him, in Kylo's case it would be the "death" of Leia, the lack of closure on his part with Luke, Han's death and of course, Rey turning his back on him. What does RoS do? NOTHING. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Sure, Kylo does redeem himself but the way of doing so...
What the hell with Kylo's redemption? Sure, it happened but the execution was awful. If Kylo was to be redeemed it needed to be EARNED. I'll take again Zuko's example: Zuko not only faced remorse that he was lying to the face of everyone and that Azula could rat him out, it all felt empty because all these people had never cared for him, unlike Iroh did— and now Iroh was imprisoned, starving and humiliated in the deepest cell of the Fire Nation because of him. Sure, he regained his honor, but it comes to a point where he himself said it: "I'M MAD AT MYSELF, because I can't tell the difference between right and wrong anymore". Then, he learns of what his grandfather Sozin did to the Avatar, his best friend, and he knows what to do: the only way to truly regain his honor is to right what his family did wrong and help Aang bring balance. He tells Ozai (which funny enough is voiced by Mark himself) a beautiful "The reason you suck" speech and goes out of the palace to help the Gaang and... They don't want him there. They're ready to kill him on the spot because of all Zuko made him went through and Zuko does NOTHING to stop them. He fully accepts the guilt of what he did and shows with actions that he truly means to redeem himself and train Aang. And even then he faces suspicion and prejudice by the whole Gaang at first. Then, on the Sozin's Comet he helps them by defeating Azula with Katara and helping in the search for Aang, and becomes Fire Lord by the end of the series, intending to start a new Era of peace with Aang's help.
What I'm trying to say here is that, if they were trying to redeem Kylo, fine, do it! I know that the fans of the character (which aren't few) and fans of ships like Reylo were rooting for a redemption of Kylo. But if that route was the one to be taken, then Kylo had to, as we say here in my country, "go through a fuck ton of work to do so". He would first need to doubt whether this was the true path for him (something he was already doing), see the true extent of what the First Order was doing, throw a few punches with him and Leia's relationship as well as his relationship with Rey. They needed to work on his reasons to switch to the Light side of the Force in order to do the redemption and yes, we could say they did it with the Reylo, which I'm a fan of. But it was rushed, sloppy, it wasn't earned ffs.
Leia, Han, Luke, and the whole treatment of the original trio in this shtick: I know, I know that Carrie Fisher is dead and everytime I remember it, I kid you not, I cry because she was a wonderful woman that showed me that despite my mental illness I could still do something worthwile with my life, that I could take the pain to do something beautiful with it. And Leia is a wonderful example of a female character. I know that because of Carrie's death they couldn't do a lot with the character— but that is not an excuse then they put a woman on CGI with her face in order to give "closure" to her character, and I'm sorry but if that was closure for Leia then I'm princess Diana. Leia was Kylo's mother, if someone was rooting for Ben to come back then it was her (as well as Rey, but that's something I'll discuss later) and if someone deserved to have a final moment with him, to see him come back, IT WAS HER. Let me explain, as I said before, even the members of the original trio had a journey of their own here: Han's was trying to reach out for a son he didn't always treat right (if not that he outright feared him) and take responsibility as a father; Luke's was coming to terms with what he did, come out of his depression and acknowledge that Ben can indeed come back as well as to take responsibility for his mistakes. Leia's, given her role as a mother figure throughout this trilogy as well as a leader for the rebellion, was learning to accept the help of a new generation and to guide them, as well as trying to reach for her son in order to make him see the true path. If Kylo is Zuko, then Leia is Iroh here (someone should make a fanart of Kylo apologizing to Leia like Zuko did with Iroh btw). But NOPE, her only purpose is to die so that REY has to have compassion for Ben and then let HAN, OF ALL PEOPLE, reach out for Ben. The whole last movies were building for a moment with Kylo and Leia, to have either a confrontation or a reunion and even if they had the means to do so despite Carrie's death, they gave us nothing. Zero. Nada. Leia died being a prop to Rey and not even her arch with the Resistance was closed. What a rip-off!
Why the hell do we have to bring the Emperor back? No, really, fans of Star Wars— why do we have to bring Sheev Palpatine back and WHY did it have to be the way it was handled? You want to him back? Okay, do so, BUT NOT IN A WAY THAT UNDERMINES ANAKIN'S STORY. By bringing Palpatine in a "he was always alive" fashion, not only do we open the door to a fuck ton of plot-holes, but we shit on the entire Original Trilogy and the journey of Anakin Skywalker. He died for nothing, yes, he saved his son— but the Galaxy was still on the clutches of this monster, HIS FAMILY WAS STILL IN DANGER BECAUSE OF HIM. Heck, as much as I think the EU was a mess with overated or downright badly written characters (cofcofMaraJadecofcof) the whole "The Emperor has a clone as a failsafe and thus come back" was a better way to bring him back. You wanted to make Rey the relative of someone important? Make her the Emperor's clone, the future vessel a le Sasuke and Orochimaru— BUT DON'T GIVE ME THIS SHIT.
Also, if Luke knew so well where the Emperor was hidden that he even made a MAP to him, why didn't he grab Leia (who's now an even better Jedi than he was, apparently), went to Exegol and beated the shit out of his old butt? IT WOULD'VE SURELY BEEN MORE BADASS THAN THIS.
Rey is now a damn Mary Sue: coming back to the theater with my friends, we joked that Rey is the maid of your grandfather that ends up being the one is given everything after your grandpa's death.
The last movie, Rey was given the harsh truth as well as us: not only were her parents pieces of shit that never cared about her, thus not coming back— but us, as viewers, were given the truth that there was no mystical lineage of heroes to explain her powers, that she was just... A nobody. She was the underdog, the Foil to Kylo's ascendancy of heroes and villains and all around famous people. Rey had always dreamed that her blood family would come back, that someone else would come and sweep her away from her personal hell— only to learn, from someone like Kylo, that no one was going to do so except for her. And it was a fucking amazing character arc!
But reddit theorist don't care about any of that. SHE CAN'T BE THAT POWERFULL UNLESS SHE IS SOMEONE'S DAUGHTER! And thus, we shit on the last two movies, her character and her development in order of pleasing people that couldn't stand her being the Jedi of the trilogy in first place.
Not only are her parents now tragic heroes that tried to save her (then why LEAVE HER WITH SOMEONE LIKE THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE? 👀), but the worst part is that they try to give us a "the family you make is more important than the one that birthed you" by her taking on the Skywalker name. Despite having her entire relationship with Ben going back to nothing on this movie and only kissing him at the end.
Rey deserved better than to be the fullfilment of dudebro's complaints and reddit theories.
This movie pulls ALL the punches: say whatever you want about The Last Jedi, but that movie had BALLS unlike Rise of Skywalker. C3PO can lose his memories in order to help the Resistance? DON'T WORRY, HE HAS A BACK UP. Chewie might be dead because of Rey, and thus opening the door for interesting character development as well as an emotional moment for us all? FUCK THAT NOISE, HE WAS ON ANOTHER SHIP. And now, Rey is a Palpatine, Ben dies because WHY THE FUCK NOT, and thus we ensure a narrative so paint by the numbers that would leave everyone happy, right?
The whole fucking Sequel Trilogy was about making a new path, taking risks and opening a new age— even if that meant to let go of the past (heck, it is said in TLJ). See it for yourself: TFA has a Stormtrooper deflecting, the death of HAN SOLO, and a woman who is a nobody being more powerful than the grandson of Anakin Skywalker; TLJ almost kills Leia, they tell us that Luke is responsible for Ben going to the Dark Side of the Force because of his paranoia, the Rebellion is left in shambles, Rey learns that her parents were alcoholics and are dead, and Luke sacrifices himself.
"But Leia died—" Leia died because Carrie is dead, Karen. Otherwise I bet you that she would've lived like Lando did.
We're so feminist and woke!... Or are we?: let's see: Rose Tico, because bigoted morons are a big sector of this fandom sadly, almost doesn't appear in this movie. In fact, she doesn't even talk to Finn despite the fact that the last movie build up to them being love interest.
They introduce us to the character of Zorrie, who appears like an old flame of Poe but doesn't stop her to being a person that would put herself above others— even if it means to throw them under the bus. That would make for an interesting character! But nope, she is only there to be an exposition bot for Poe and making him look good.
They introduce us to Jannah, a woc that like Finn, used to be a Stormtrooper and has fled the First Order and went into hiding, alongside people like her because of the sheer fear they have of being found. That would make for a kick ass plot were they regain their fight spi— but no, she's only there to make Finn look special.
This movie (and like many Disney live actions) appears to be "woke" in order to ensure a better box office, but that is— they look the part but don't exactly play the part. They only use this movements in order to further their own sales— they don't care about representation because, with what they did to Rose, they show you that the moment representation stops selling tickets they'll throw it out of the window.
If you agree and have more to say.
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mittens-220 · 4 years
Hataraku Maou-sama! Volume 21 Detailed Chinese Summary Part 8 (Final Part)
Detailed preview summary: Read here
Detailed summary part 1: Read here
Detailed summary part 2: Read here
Detailed summary part 3: Read here
Detailed summary part 4: Read here
Detailed summary part 5: Read here
Detailed summary part 6: Read here
Detailed summary part 7: Read here
Epilogue Demon King, Working Hard
The day after everyone gathered, Maou went to knock on Ignora’s door, saying that it was about time she came out, the world would probably forgive her. Ignora replied, saying what is the use of you saying this now, it’s good for you, everyone would love you, everyone will forgive you, but I…… Maou said, stop with nonsense, since when was I forgiven. The people you have seen had various experiences before meeting you, we are the same as you. Therefore, if you want to, you can walk out. Regardless of which environment you’re in, as long as there is still someone who is willing to help you, you will be able to walk out of this. Ignora did not respond anymore, so Maou went to room 203. On room 203, the sign, Maou Pte Ltd, was hung there. Emi and Chiho were around, Maou and Emi discussed some things about the operations of the store, and as they discussed, they started arguing because of a difference in opinion, Chiho helped to brew tea for them as she was listening, thinking that an arguing Maou and Emi was what matched her impressions of them, but she still found an excuse to leave. Maou quickly followed her and Chiho said that Emerada lost her temper at her, blaming me for not watching you properly and still allowed Emi to form a connection with you in the end, but I was working hard for all of you and the Sephirah children, yeah.
Flashback to after Maou was stabbed by Emi, Chiho realised that Maou did not die, Emi said that with the current situation, how can I use Alas=Ramus to kill her father, this is for the sake of getting rid of the “Demon King” who everyone fears, and it is a method which Alsiel can accept. The landlady and Amane investigated this before, Kamael, who was stabbed had completely lost the immortality factor, Maou will revert to human now. He was originally a demon who could live for a few thousand years, letting him turn into a human who can only live for tens of years, it was almost equal to a death sentence, and he does not have any fighting ability either. As Emi spoke, she gestured for Chiho to come over, saying that this “person” is who you like the most, someone you love so deeply that you are willing to save a faraway land because of him. And Chiho, with things as they are now, there is no need to think about me and Alas=Ramus, you will not be stopped by this kind of thing. Of course, about Alas=Ramus, I will still want him to responsible for her until the end, but do not use this as an excuse, just treat as one of the factors for making the decision. After saying this, she left.
Maou said, hey Chi-chan, ah no Chiho, even though many things have happened, I can finally reply you. Even though I am not a demon now, even though I can only use the power of a human man to protect you, if you this is fine as well…… I, am not that brave, I started to make an empty show of strength since a long time ago, a coward who is always lying. So…… Chiho said, the person I like is not only a demon, but also a human, only having two names Satan and Maou Sadao, the best person in this world. Maou said that since she said this much, then I can only fulfil the other agreement, this is the last reward I am giving you as Demon King. Then he kissed her.
Back to the current timeline at the apartment, Chiho was it was fine, because at that time, you only had me in your eyes, you chose me as your partner, so I want to be your number one. I will not give this position of number one to anyone, but I do not wish to snatch Alas=Ramus’ Papa away, her mother is the Hero and her Papa is you, I will not compromise on this as well, since we have worked so hard after all, it is fine to be a little selfish/stubborn. Then the current structure of Maou’s company was introduced. Maou is the boss, Emi is the major shareholder, shop manager is Akiko, external observer Kawada, part timers Kaori and Yoshiya, Kisaki and Sariel are regular customers. Chiho would occasionally be the mediator in the meetings between Maou and Emi, and would help out occasionally, cooking for them occasionally. Chiho said I hope that you, Yusa-san and everything can be happy together, and always be selfish, therefore Emerada will also accept it sooner or later. Currently, Emerada is periodically giving Emi a Hero annuity from the national treasury, using the excuse of exchanging currency to come over to play a few times per year. Emi forced Maou to open the company, saying that she already said in vol 1 that he will live on Earth his whole life, there is no future for you working part-time in MgRonalds, you have to marry in future, where are you supposed to save money? Therefore, she used the money Emerada gave her to invest and open the company.
Then Chiho suddenly said, even though I have never thoroughly confirmed this before, and this should not be said by me, but Yusa-san likes you, you know (in the current time). Maou was shocked, but having dated Chiho for three years, he was more or less more sensitive about the matters between guys and girls, thinking about the day he was kissed by Emi. Chiho watched this, and said with things as they are now, I cannot imagine the image of Yusa-san living happily with a man I do not know, you family of tree will definitely be happy. Maou said, are you okay with this. Chiho said she was completely fine, but even if I say this, only Utsushihara who can read minds can believe me. But I think I should still lay things out clearly, because you are Demon King-sama who is being depended on by others and working hard. In response, I will not give anyway the number one (first wife) position, as long as you can guarantee this, you can be like a Demon King, marrying as many wives you want. But Maou said that he gathered his determination and made his choice, and just having her was enough to fill up his time and use up his money, how can I consider other people. Chiho said that he should still consider, he is still Alas=Ramus’ guardian and she will be studying in Japan. Maou said, then he could only work hard.
As they chatted, Maou suddenly received a message, saying that his card did not have any money. What he spent on was the costs of the business, child-rearing fees, daily necessities and so on. Chiho asked if he should plan better when spending money, Maou said, are you asking me to delay the child-rearing fees! At this moment, Ashiya entered and suggested instalments like in volume 1. Once again, Maou said that he did not like to have debts. At this moment, Ashiya is already the leader of the demons staying in Ente Isla, and even replaced the Unifying Azure Emperor in ruling the whole of Afsahan, but he still addressed Maou as Demon King. Ashiya said, with a financial mentality like you, how are you supposed to save money. Sasaki-san is about to graduate, do you have a plan.
Then Emi heard them argue and came out to take a look. Currently she is addressing Maou as Sadao.
Then everyone came out one by one to see what was going on. Emi is in Room 203.
Alas=Ramus is in Room 101, Lucifer and Suzuno are in Room 201
Chiho saw that everyone was staying at one apartment like she wished and smiled, feeling very fortunate. Then she called out to Maou, saying Sadao-san, it’s fine, I will earn money as well. Maou was rebuked by everyone once again, saying that he could not depend on Chiho. Maou was in a very pathetic state, then Akiko called and said there was some problem in the store, and he ran away under everyone’s rebukes, getting onto Dullahan II (by the way, the name Magurobatogou was given by Alas=Ramus) and left. Chiho watched his back, mumbling to herself “Do your best. Everyone is here and waiting for you to return. Be careful on your way there. For the sake of everyone’s happiness. Our, hardworking Demon King-sama.”
THE END. Then the final group picture illustration
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