#and raine has definitely heard positive feedback
oldgaysbrainrot · 1 year
that one scene where megamind gets worked up and roxanne is like "sorry, sorry. he's just not used to positive feedback."
i imagine that scene as raeda.
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ann-non · 3 years
Kiss The Rain
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Pairing : Mingyu x fem!reader
Genre : fluff (I guess?)
Word count : 1,6k
Warning : no proof-read
Author’s note : I hope you guys enjoyed it. Positive criticism, feedbacks, and comments are always welcome! Have a nice day or good night wherever you are!!
@twogyuu this one is for you. I hope you like it 🙏😊
Calming gentle melody of the rain against the window combined with the dewy petrichor that filled your lungs made your heart bubbled in pleasantness as your lips unknowingly curled up into a small smile. Rainy day has always been your favorite, especially the one like today where the rain was light, just enough to create sounds that echoed the moment each drop touched any hard surfaces, it was simply perfect. Opening your clear umbrella, you stepped outside with the most genuine smile on your face, feet safely cladded by a pair of black rain boots. Just as you walked, you felt the vibration on your pocket. With your free hand, you digged your phone only to see a text from your boyfriend, Mingyu. I know you’re out in the rain again, don’t forget your jacket!! Upon reading his message, you could mentally hear his nagging voice inside your head. It made you chuckle. You’ve been dating only for a little over three months, but he knew you all too well. Especially your tendencies to go for a walk on rainy days, and the fact that you often forget your jacket. Then again, who could blame him when the two of you literally met on one rainy day when you were completely drenched since you didn’t have your jacket nor umbrella?
Before you could even reply, another text came from him. And don’t give your umbrella to kittens without buying a new one. Yea, you definitely did that on the day you first met. You were going to your usual rainy day walk, just when you walked pass an alley, you heard soft cries. As you followed the voices, you found a soaked box with six kittens inside, meowing heartbreakingly. Knowing you couldn’t give them a roof to stay as you live in an apartment that didn’t allow pets, you did the only thing you could think of to help them, covering them with your umbrella. With the raindrops kept pouring, you left the kittens after mumbling a small goodbye, rushing to search for a convenient store or somewhere to buy a new umbrella. As you turned the alley, you bumped into someone and ended up falling on your butt on the wet ground. When you looked up, you were greeted by Mingyu’s handsome face and yet the first thing you blurted was, “Wow! A beanstalk!” Causing a burst of laughter from two people behind him who you found out later to be Seokmin and Minghao. How are you supposed to react when your height barely reached 5ft and sitting on the ground while he was standing in front of you, towering you? Well, maybe you should fix your habit of thinking out loud. His face contorted into mix of confusion, insulted, and also concerned as he held out his hand to you. “You okay?”
Feeling guilty for bumping into you, the three of them insisted on getting you clothes to change and an umbrella, so they dragged you to the nearest store. While they’re busy picking clothes for you, mainly Mingyu and Minghao being too excited playing stylists, conversation came up naturally and you figured that all of you were in the same age. That was how you ended up became friends with the three of them. You exchanged phone numbers with them and playfully saved Mingyu’s as “beanstalk” only for him to complain and insisted on making it “handsome beanstalk”, that’s his name in your contact even now. You only found out that they’re members of a popular idol group, Seventeen, after like hanging out with them regularly for almost a month. If it wasn’t for the huge bus with their faces on it passed by when the four of you were together, you wouldn’t have knew it since they didn’t intend to let you know, worried that you might freak out or treat them differently, they said. Lucky for them, you have zero interest in idols, explained how you didn’t recognize them at all in the very first place, and to you, none of that matters anyway. They can be politicians and you still wouldn’t treat them any different. Well, maybe if they’re some runway criminals, then you might treat them differently.
Of course at first you were shocked by how free they were at the time cause they managed to hang out with you almost daily the first month you knew them, whether for late night walk around Han river or random cafe hang out or even a full day out. Like aren’t they supposed to be busy since they’re idols? Later, after Mingyu confessed to you and you were officially together, Seokmin and Minghao spilled that they basically sneaked out from practice or just rushing in between their schedules and they were literally dragged by Mingyu to come along. Even when they refused, he would beg them, even offer to buy them things they want, and made it hard for them to refuse. You found it really endearing that he did that much for you, but you told him not to do that anymore cause you don’t want him to tire himself and his group mates. Instead, you made him told you when he wanted to see you and you’d come to him.
You remembered the first month in your relationship, he was so clingy that he made you came meeting him twice a day even more. Thank goodness, working as an online writer, your schedule is flexible and it never requires you to be in a specific place most of the time, so you can always indulge to your boyfriend’s wish. His members did call you out on spoiling him too much, but if you were being honest, you love being together with him just as much as he does. Many times they’d make fun of the two of you, even playfully calling you Jack and he was your beanstalk. Both of you never mind, well, maybe Mingyu sulked a bit to be called just beanstalk without the handsome part. Reminiscing the memories from when you met your boyfriend for the first time until now, you couldn’t help the smile on your face. “What are you doing smiling by yourself?” his familiar voce distracted you from your thought and soon you felt someone stood right before you. As you looked up, his smiley eyes greeted you, you could picture his perfect smile even when he was wearing a mask. “How did you find me?” You asked instead of answering while smiling back at him. “It’s easy. You have this definite route when you go for your rainy walk, I just followed it and I found you,” he answered cheekily. “Okay, Mr. beanstalker,” you commented playfully.
The two of you walked side by side until you reached this secluded park in the neighborhood where he suddenly stopped. “Hm?” You looked up at him with questioning eyes. The soft gentle sound of the rain became a personal background music for the two of you as his tender gaze was on you. “I’m sure you forget what day is today, but it’s our 100th day of being together,” he spoke with the most loving tone, the fond smile on his face indicated that he didn’t even mind your forgetfulness. “Ah.. Sorry,” you sheepishly scraped your nape, looking down bashfully. “Awe, no need to feel bad. I just did this by myself cause I want to make today special for you and it’s just so happened to be rainy day too just like when we first met,” he explained giddily, making you smiled along with him. “You’re right. Thank goodness you didn’t ran into me today,” you joked. “Hey! You’re the one bumping into me tho?” He protested slightly, but quickly reverted to his calm demeanor. “Anyway, since then I just can’t see any day without seeing you. And I have thought about this long and hard, I talked to our members and managers too,” he paused, his other hand reaching out to his jeans’ pocket. “Y/n, will you move in together with me?” He asked dangling a key attached to a puppy keyring.
Surprised, you stayed there for a second, looking at him in almost disbelief before your lips curled into the brightest smile, like a ray of sunshine in that particular dark cloudy rainy day. “Of course!” You jumped to give him a big hug, throwing your umbrella away because all you could think about is to be in his warm embrace. He was stunned for a moment, before wrapping an arm around you while the other kept the umbrella above to keep you safe from the rain. A soft chuckle left his lips at the sight of you nuzzling to his chest. “Y/n,” he called you name ever so gently, taking off his mask, so you could see his handsome face. “Hm?” You looked up to meet his eyes. “Thank you for coming to me,” he said with a smile never left his gorgeous face. “No. Thank YOU for choosing me,” you said, grinning widely. There was a moment of comfortable silence between you where you just stayed in his embrace, sharing an umbrella while looking at each other with heart eyes. If the other members were there, they’d most definitely made fun of you and Mingyu. Thankfully, you were alone. “I’m excited about living with you,” you told him with a rather shy smile on your face, breaking the silence. He moved his hand to your face, tenderly caressing your tinted cheek. “Me too, baby,” he muttered as he leaned forward, placing the sweetest kiss on your lips.
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eunoiaflow3r · 4 years
hard 2 face reality // spencer reid x fem!reader
spencer reid x reader
aaron hotchner x reader
part one - part three
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a/n: a lot of people asked for part 2 to “not ur friend.” omg i didn’t expect it to blow up like it did. sorry this isnt the fluff conclusion you guys wanted...but i’m willing to make this a series maybe? idk it’s up to you guys. thank you for your feedback and support. (see notes at end)
also i tagged all the people who commented on part one.
warning(s): language. angst. not proofread. will be mistakes.
word count: 2.9k wow.
request(ed): yes. very requested. thank you @yeah-just-ignore-me-thanks for this idea.
summary: after hearing something she shouldn’t have, she has to deal with explanations and tough decisions.
hard 2 face reality by poo bear ft. justin beiber and jay electronics.
sometimes it’s hard to face reality...even though you might get mad at me.
It’s ironic sometimes.
The twists and turns of life and the paths it puts you down. Sometimes you believed in fate but right now it only felt like a pain in the ass. Whoever was controlling your strings you hoped they would just give you a break, but no. There was always something more.
Last night, you had a dream. There was a memory within the dream. You and Spencer were cuddling on the couch watching a movie and his fingers were combing through your hair. From where you were, it was more like you were witnessing it instead of actually living it. You were just watching yourself fall harder for the man behind you. You were content. Happy even. You forgot all about your issues and problems and conflicts. You forgot about what Spencer said and the things he had done. You just forgot.
You watched as he took his fingers out of your hair and pushed you away. The you that you were watching was confused and so were you. Why would he do that? What was wrong with him? This wasn’t the memory.
Dream Spencer got up, put his shoes on, grabbed his bag, and was halfway out the door. Before he left completely he said, “We’re just friends. You’re not enough for me. You never will be.”
Dream you just sat there and stared blankly.
Your eyes opened and you stared up at your ceiling in sorrow. The tears just kept coming and you tried to keep yourself quiet but it was so hard, and you were so tired. You hated to admit it but you were in love with him. You were in love with a man who didn’t feel the same way. A man who did nothing but play you and pretend you were nothing. A man who lied.
How did this happen?
How did you end up in a position where you were in a cold bed crying about a man who was unphased? Someone who didn’t find anything wrong with their actions? How could you love someone who would never find the way to love you back and treat you right no matter how hard you wished? No matter how hard you hoped?
How could you do this to yourself?
And to think - in a few hours you’d have to wake up and see him again. After everything you realized and have come to terms with you’d have to see the man who was responsible for the ache in your heart.
When Spencer woke up the first thing he thought about was work. How he didn’t really want to go but he knows he has to. He thought about how heart wrenching the case he’s been on for the last week has been. He thought about how today he might actually be able to solve it...and then he thought about you.
He’d be seeing you.
Hotch invited you to help with the case. He figured your skill set would be exactly what they needed to solve it.
And yeah, you there definitely was for the better of the case but was it for the better of him?
He had no idea what to do. You were mad at him. You weren’t answering his phone calls or his texts and he figured out that you heard the conversation and he gets that maybe calling you a grandmother was wrong, but really what did he do?
He knew he missed you. He missed being able to rant to you, and you consoling him. He missed the movie days you guys had...but he could watch them on his own...right? He could figure out his own problems...he didn’t need anyone to help him. Especially not you. Not someone getting upset about the smallest of things.
That was so rude of you. Why would you ignore him? Why wouldn’t you reply to his texts are calls?
He thought that that was pretty selfish of you.
And yeah sure, maybe calling you clingy was a lie but was that really something to ignore him over? To throw it all away for?
Should've been adjusted to my life, had the opportunity to stay away for the last time...now you’re standin’ right in front of me. It hurts me to know that I lied. Tryna protect your feelings... you read in between the lines
Hope your heart has started healing
You arrived.
He saw you, bag over your shoulder, going straight towards Hotch’s office and ignoring him.
Not even a hello? Not a good morning? You hadn’t even looked at Emily or Morgan either. What had they done? What had he done?
From what he could tell you had been crying, but you covered it well. If it was anyone but him they wouldn’t have been able to tell but he could. Did you miss him too? Were you hurting?
“Is something going on between you and Reid?”
Hotch was looking at you expecting an answer but you didn’t know what to tell him. According to Reid nothing had ever been going on.
“No. I’m really just trying to focus here.”
Hotch nodded. “Good.”
Truth is, it was very hard to ignore Spencer. He seemed so oblivious that it made you feel sorry for him. But you couldn’t. You wouldn’t feel sorry for him. He wasn’t the one crying his eyes out at night and cussing out rom coms when they came on the television.
And you could tell he didn’t feel the same. He didn’t look how you felt. He looked conflicted, but he didn’t look sorry or hurt. His normalcy pained you. Had you really meant that little? Maybe you were over exaggerating things. No. You deserved an explanation - but you weren’t ready to hear it.
A while ago...
“Okay Y/N cover your eyes!”
You giggled. “No, Spencer why?”
“Just do it! I promise you’ll like it.”
You were sat criss crossed on the couch and Spencer was behind you with something in his hands. Before you could look at it he told you to close your eyes and he hid it behind his back. You smiled and closed your eyes waiting for whatever the surprise was.
You felt his fingers move your hair out of the way and you felt a coolness along your neck.
A necklace.
“Okay open.”
You could feel him grinning. You opened your eyes and looked down at your chest. You nearly gasped. On the end of the necklace was a miniature glass sculpture. When you met at the museum you told him that they were your favorite.
He remembered.
You held it in your hand and turned around to kiss him. He was a bit surprised but held your face in his hands and kissed you back.
“L/N!” You were snapped out of your head. “Are you alright?”
“Yes, I’m fine. Sorry.”
The necklace. You can’t believe you were still wearing it. It felt like the only thing holding you together which was strange since glass was so fragile. The metal necklace part felt like it was burning you. The happy memory burned you. You took the necklace from under your sweater and ripped it off your neck. You couldn’t wear it anymore. It hurt you, but you couldn’t hold on.
Reality is kinda hard to face, like actual facts is for flat-earthers. Rains a requirement for flowers to grow, and pains a requirement for power to grow. It’s a miracle how one can change, from one what was just hours ago.
When you got home that day you were happy and running on adrenaline. Yeah, you had to see Spencer...but you helped solve a case. You helped save someone. It was tiring, and gruesome just like what Spencer said but the feeling you get after helping someone? Unexplainable.
After changing out of your work clothes and into some jeans and a shirt, you’d thought you’d treat yourself to dinner. Maybe that would help you forget. Forget and move on. Besides, it was a nice little diner and you used to be a regular. You had wanted to bring Spencer but he never wanted to go. He never wanted to go out.
His loss.
When you got there the familiar scent of vanilla and cinnamon wafted through. You had missed this. When everything was so simple and uncomplicated. When you could be you. Not wondering if today was the day Spencer would decide to come over or not. Or to even call. You could finally breathe. You weren’t in your stuffy apartment. You weren’t in a Spence filled work place. You were where you considered home in a city away from it.
“Y/N, hey!” Em the waitress called you over. You would consider her a friend. You two had always talked when you came through.
“Hey!” She went in for a hug and you hugged her back.
“Where have you been?”
You sighed. “Busy.”
She nodded. She understood. From there she asked you where you wanted to sit. You were just going to request the counter since you were alone, but when a little boy came up to you yelling your name, and wrapped his arms around you...you didn’t have the time to answer. It was little Jack.
“Hey buddy!” You hugged him back.
You looked around for Hotch. What a coincidence. He smiled and waved you over. You and Jack walked over to the booth and Hotch stood and hugged you. “I’m so sorry about Jack.”
“Oh no, it’s fine!”
About two years ago Hotch hired you to babysit Jack every once in a while. You needed the money. You were making enough from the paintings you sold but you needed more to finish college and save up. You weren’t going to some big expensive college or anything but still.
A little while later you met Spencer and it just became and inside joke.
“Would you like to eat with us?” Hotch asked.
“I don’t want to intrude Hotch...”
“Aaron.” He corrected while smiling. “Please, join us.”
And you did. You ate dinner with Aaron and Jack and you were having fun. This past month you had been moping around feeling sorry for yourself but you were actually happy. There was still that pain in your chest, and a part of you that longed to call Spencer and talk to him - but you wouldn’t. You couldn’t.
After dinner Em invited you to go clubbing with her on Saturday. At first you were going to turn her down but you thought...why not? You didn’t have to stay up waiting for Spencer to call anymore. You didn’t have to cook or plan to order in in case Spencer decided to stop by. You didn’t have any plans.
“Sure Em, I’ll be there.”
She walked behind the counter and looked from you to Hotch. Like a suggestive look. Like a “ask him too!” look. And you weren’t ready for anything, and wasn’t even sure if you liked Aaron that way, and you still were in a gray area with Spencer...but you thought it’d be rude not to ask.
He nodded, urging you to go on.
“Do you want to go with me Saturday? I mean...I don’t really want to be alone..Em has a girlfriend and it might be fun.”
He laughs and scratches the back of his neck. “Yes Y/N I’ll go.”
When you got home and ready for bed you had this weight in your stomach. There was a lump in your throat, and your fingers tensed. You thought about Hotch and it made you feel like you were cheating on Spencer. But you weren’t. You and Spencer weren’t together. There was no need to feel guilty.
He didn’t.
That Saturday came soon enough and you weren’t sure if you were ready. Physically yeah, you showered and got ready...but emotionally? Mentally? Was this a date? Had you asked Aaron out? Were you ready for that? Had you moved on from Spencer? No, of course not. But Aaron wasn’t a distraction either. You could never do that to him no matter how bad you felt. Never.
Your doorbell rang and when you opened it you were surprised to see Hotch...not in a suit. It fit him and you could admit it...he looked...really good.
“You clean up nice.” You said laughing a bit to yourself.
He looked you up and down. “So do you.”
He looked a bit taken aback and you could see he was a bit flushed and that made you a bit happy. You liked giving people that kind of reaction. It gave you just a bit of confidence you needed. Especially tonight, where you’d try not to think about Spencer.
When you got there you were glad it wasn’t too busy. The music wasn’t that loud either and you were glad because then you got to dance without immediately getting a headache. Your first dance was with Hotch but then he saw one of his friends from college (he’s a lawyer now) and then started talking to him. You didn’t mind. You actually kind of liked being alone. It gave you you time to think. But not about Spencer.
No. Not tonight you wouldn’t.
You wasted too many tears on him to be thinking of him while you were supposed to be having fun. He didn’t deserve your thoughts. He didn’t deserve your tears. He didn’t deserve movie nights, or cuddles, or sex, or kisses, or waiting, he didn’t deserve -
Spencer Reid.
You thought you were dreaming, but you weren’t. He was just a little bit away from you with JJ on his arm. “Just coworkers.” You wanted to say it didn’t hurt you, you did, but your heart broke. In a million little pieces. Had he not want to get serious with you because he was in love with her. It makes sense, everything about that makes sense but it didn’t hurt any less. It didn’t make the tears in your eyes stop, it didn’t make the ache in your chest dim but at least it made sense.
Know it hurts to see the truth in your face, circumstances bring you down to your knees. Go on and cry an ocean, but don’t drown in it. Enough to put your heart at ease. Oh don’t lose your self esteem. I apologize for being a man. It’s way harder than what it seems.
You grabbed your bag from Hotch and told him you needed to go outside for a minute. He asked you if you wanted him to go with you but you needed to be alone. You wanted to be by yourself to fight these tears. You couldn’t cry in front of him.
He gave you his coat which was much too big but still appreciated.
Once you were outside you took your phone out to check your face. Your nose was red but the few tears hadn’t ruined anything. You were fine. You were going to be okay. Everything was alright.
Until it wasn’t .
Fucking Spencer.
You turned around to see Spencer Reid walking towards you with a confused look on his face.
“Hey.” he said. Hey? Hey?? What the hell were you supposed to say to that? Hey?
He cleared his throat. “Things are weird, right?”
“Weird?” you scoffed.
“Y/N, it’s been a month! I don’t understand what I did! You just stopped talking to me even after I tried to apologize! What more can I do?”
He stopped for a second, “Is that Hotch’s jacket?” He stepped forward to take a look at it but you flinched away. “Don’t tell me that’s Hotch’s -“
“You were hiding me Spencer. You said the equivalent to hanging out with me was of visiting a grandmother. You never wanted to hang out unless it was on your terms and you called me clingy and suffocating when I NEVER asked you for more. I NEVER went out of my way to ask you for anything and you treat me like this? Like I’m replaceable? After everything we’ve been through? After all we’ve talked about and experienced? What’s your excuse for that Spencer? What could you possibly have to say that would explain that?”
He opened his mouth and closed it again.
“If I were to have called you and said ‘Yup, everything is fine Spence we can go back to normal.’ It would have gone back to normal! YOUR normal! A normal where I’m hidden like a side chick but you get to be in public with JJ on your arm! Fucking JJ! And yeah, we never put a label on it but YOU made it clear that we weren’t to fuck other people. That was YOUR decision! She was the girl you said I didn’t have to worry about and here we are.”
Spencer was silent. He looked to the floor, and said nothing. His fingers ran through his disheveled hair and his lip was quivering.
“So this is because of JJ?” he asked.
“Fuck you.”
He watched as you walked into the club and back out again with Hotch. Before you went in his car though you walked over to Spencer and put the necklace into his hand. Silently you walked over to Hotch and got in the passenger seat.
Spencer didn’t know what to do.
This was your necklace. He gave it to you. It was yours to keep. Yours to wear, cherish, and hold. Why would you give it back? It was supposed to make you happy and help you remember him. Instead it was in his hands unworn but the girl he had hurt. What was he supposed to do?
JJ found him outside but he said nothing to her the whole ride when he took her home. He was thinking about you. He was thinking about what you said. You were right.
When he got home he looked at the box of things you gave him. There were polaroid pictures of the two of you and he started shaking as he cried. What had he done? How could he have been so selfish?
You were right.
You were right.
Truth was he did like JJ, and he had been hiding you. He had been treating you unfairly. He had been a jerk and he had done every single thing you said he did.
He was all of the names you were calling him in your head.
Every single one.
He held the glass sculpture necklace in his hands and could feel his tears running down his face falling on it.
Even though he fucked up, and had something weird with JJ, he realized...he was in love with you.
Sometimes it's hard to face reality.
literally wtf is this. what in the love triangles - anyway. ik you guys wanted fluff so...part 3? idk. should reader have a thing with hotch? should she choose hotch or reid?
feedback always appreciated. it pushed me to write this.
taglist: @hotchsbabygirl @pinkdiamond1016 @thefemalestorywriter @sizzlingclamturtlesludge @samyilf123
comment tag list: @peculiarinsomniac @mgg-theprettiestboy @187-reid @realalpacorn @wooya1224 @minami97 @studywithrosie01 @yeah-just-ignore-me-thanks @meowiemari @thedaughterofhotchniss @reniescarlett @lovelyspencerreid @ashwarren32 @fantastic-fans @unabashedlyswimmingtimemachine @psych0crybaby @drreidsconverse @castbyfox
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reinerispretty · 4 years
reminiscence (? x f!reader) pt2
thank you so much for all of the positive feedback on the last chapter!! i’m super happy you guys enjoyed it :) just for some clarification, the reason i made who the reader will end up with a mystery is bc since she has amnesia, i thought it would be fun if we all found out together hehe :) enjoy this next chapter!!
“Thank you,” The woman said, hunched over as she caught her breath. When she stood, Bolin got a good look at her face. She wasn’t a woman at all: she was a girl, probably the same age as him. “I thought I had an agreement with the Triads to leave me alone, but that guy must not have gotten the memo.”
Bolin let out a laugh. “You have an agreement with the Triads?” The girl furrowed her brows and pouted.
“Gotta keep myself safe somehow.”
“Who was that?” (Y/N) asked as Kya and Korra rifled through dressers and chests to find Air Nomad clothes that would fit her. Kya gave Korra a sharp look before the girl could answer.
“That was Bolin,” Korra replied cautiously. “He’s Mako’s brother.”
“Oh,” (Y/N) said. “He looked really nice. Did he know me too?”
“Um, yeah, I think so,” Korra said and Kya glared at her. “What? Am I just supposed to lie to her if she asks?”
“I appreciate the honesty,” (Y/N) admitted. “I would really rather no one tiptoe around the past.”
“If you receive too much information at once, or someone tells you something too painful, it could harm your chances of ever getting your memory back,” Kya said as she handed (Y/N) an Air Nomad dress.
“So everyone is just supposed to pretend that they’re fine with me? That hardly seems fair.” (Y/N) gave Korra a pointed look. “I know you know something that I don’t and that’s why you’re a little stand-offish toward me.”
“You’re not wrong.”
“Tell me, please? I’ll be okay. I need to know what kind of person I was.”
“Not today,” Kya interrupted. “You need rest. Lots of it. You’ve been going since you woke up.”
Now that she mentioned it, (Y/N) did feel rather exhausted. She stifled a yawn. “I’ll lead you to your room,” Kya said. “Since Korra can’t be trusted to not tell you everything.”
(Y/N) stood as Kya grabbed her by the arm again. “It was nice meeting you, Korra, even if it wasn’t nice meeting me.” Korra didn’t reply. She just watched as the girl padded down the hall.
The room (Y/N) was given was bare. It held a desk, a dresser, and a bed. The window looked out onto the courtyard below. She could see the people down there, undoubtedly talking about her, and she reached her fingers up to open the window. She paused, thinking on Kya’s words. If she found out too much about herself too soon, she would risk the chance of losing her memories forever. She let her hand fall to her side.
Everyone down there knew who she was. Maybe they knew her likes, her dislikes, or even her birthday. She wondered if at one point they had been friends.
Her experience with Mako had definitely put a sour taste in her mouth. He had said she wasn’t a good person. Was she mean? Evil, even? What made her that way? What did she do to him that was so awful?
And then there was Bolin. Mako had mentioned his name earlier, when she had arrived on his doorstep. “Bolin’s not here,” He had said. Why would it matter whether or not Bolin was there? She sighed as she looked down at the boy dressed in green. What did he know about her?
(Y/N) felt the familiar stinging at the backs of her eyes that alerted her to tears. Since she was alone, she let them fall freely. She moved away from the window and to the bed, her body shaking as she cried. She felt so alone. How was she supposed to cope with something like this? She was completely lost on the inside and it seemed like the only people who knew her didn’t want her around.
She didn’t bother wiping her tears away. They fell too quickly for her to catch them all. She wondered if she had ever had someone that would wipe her tears away. She got under the covers and prayed that sleep would come to her soon.
Two years ago, Bolin had been walking down the streets of Republic City. It was a warm night, signaling the start of summer, so he wore his jacket slung over his shoulder. The streetlights shone against the puddles on the asphalt. It had rained earlier that day.
He and Mako had gotten in a fight over money again. It was stupid, really, but sometimes Bolin was just so sick of Mako treating him like he was incapable. He had slammed the door as he left their shared apartment and marched into the street, walking with no destination. He was far away from home now. He could tell he had been walking for a while because the neon lights of the shops had already shut off. Republic City was beginning to quiet.
He made a right onto a dimly lit street and noticed a female figure walking ahead of him. Bolin decided to stop. He knew sometimes it freaked women out if men walked behind them, even if there was no ill-intent behind it, so he leaned his back against the cool brick of the building and waited until she had rounded the corner to start walking again. That was when he heard the scream.
Out of pure instinct, Bolin started running toward the sound, his jacket billowing behind him. He skidded around the corner, watching as the woman he had seen struggled against a member of the Triple Threat Triad. He and Mako had done some work for them in the past, but he didn’t recognize the man. He was large, towering over the woman and probably Bolin too. He had his hands around the woman’s wrists and was trying to lead her into the dark alley beside them. “Hey!” Bolin called out. “Let her go!”
The man stopped, a sinister smile creeping its way onto his features. “This doesn’t concern you, kid.”
Bolin wracked his brain for a clever reply, but when he couldn’t find one, he resorted to his next best option. He stomped against the ground, causing small boulders to pummel the man. He let go of the woman’s wrists and she ran over to Bolin.
The man let out a roar, jumping into the air and sending a slice of firebending at the two of them. They screamed and Bolin grabbed her hand, running back down the street and taking the back alley ways he knew so well.
“My place is the other way!” She shouted at him.
“I don’t think you wanna take him to where you live!” Bolin shouted back. They made a sharp right turn onto one of the busier streets in Republic City. Bolin stopped, using his head start to earthbend the ground up, completely blocking the man from following them. They dashed into the crowd then, Bolin’s grip still tight on the woman’s hand, until he was sure they were safe to stop.
“Thank you,” The woman said, hunched over as she caught her breath. When she stood, Bolin got a good look at her face. She wasn’t a woman at all: she was a girl, probably the same age as him. “I thought I had an agreement with the Triads to leave me alone, but that guy must not have gotten the memo.”
Bolin let out a laugh. “You have an agreement with the Triads?” The girl furrowed her brows and pouted.
“Gotta keep myself safe somehow,” She said. She looked down at her hands and sighed sadly. “When he grabbed me, he made me drop my dinner.”
“Oh no!” Bolin exclaimed. “Come with me, I know a place!”
“Thanks,” She said, “But I don’t have any money on me.”
“Let me buy you dinner!” The words came out before he could stop them, and he knew Mako would be so mad if he found out, but he couldn’t help himself. The girl raised an eyebrow.
“I don’t think it’s fair to make you pay for my dinner after you just saved my life,” She said with a laugh. Bolin smiled at the sound.
“How about this: you can repay me for saving your life by accompanying me to dinner. And if I—hypothetically—ordered too much food and couldn’t possibly let it go to waste so you’d have to eat it…then I think that’s fair!”
The girl smiled up at him. “Then I guess, hypothetically, I’d have to say yes.”
Bolin grinned and began walking in the direction of the restaurant, then paused. “Just to be clear, you are coming to dinner with me, right?” The girl laughed again and nodded.
They slid into the booth of Bolin’s favorite twenty-four-hour noodle shop. “They’ve got everything,” Bolin explained as they poured over the menu together. “Ramen, pho, pad thai…you name it, they have it.”
The girl hummed. “Think they have sea prunes?” Bolin’s face contorted into disgust. “I’m kidding! I hate sea prunes.” She picked up her menu, biting her lip as she looked at its contents. “Do you like soup dumplings?”
“Like soup dumplings?” Bolin asked. “I love them! They’re my favorite!”
“Mine too!”
“We’ll get a double order then,” Bolin decided. He went up to the counter and ordered their food. When he returned, he leaned his elbows onto the table. “So, what should I call you?”
“You mean besides the girl you just rescued? (Y/N) will do.”
“(Y/N),” Bolin repeated. He liked how it felt in his mouth. “Nice to meet you, (Y/N). I’m Bolin.”
“Bolin.” The boy snapped out of his thoughts, looking up at his older brother. They had returned home only a few hours ago and the sun was starting to come up. He could feel its warm rays cascading through his windows and onto his skin. “You need to go to bed,” Mako ordered.
“How can I possibly go to bed?” Bolin groaned, flopping sideways onto the couch. Pabu hopped up and curled himself into Bolin’s side.
“Easy,” Mako said. “You close your eyes and then you’re asleep.”
“Every time I try to close my eyes, I think of how (Y/N’s) on Air Temple Island and she has no idea who she is or who we are.”
“Try not to care about it, alright?” Mako poured himself a cup of tea. He had work in just a few hours. His under eyes were dark with exhaustion but as long as Bolin was awake, he’d remain awake. “We’ll figure it out and get her memories back and then she’ll go back to whatever she was doing when she left Republic City.”
Bolin chewed on his bottom lip. He had a feeling there was more to the story. The cogs in his head were turning tirelessly. He sat up, disturbing Pabu, and turned to Mako. “What if-“
“No, Bolin, you’re not gonna do that.”
“Do what?”
“Try to make excuses for everything that happened because she has amnesia.”
“But what if there’s something bigger?” Bolin asked. “She’s been gone for months and says she woke up a week ago without her memory. What happened in that time?”
“We’ll find out soon enough. They’re gonna have her do some meditating tomorrow to try to bring some of her memories back.” Mako sat beside Bolin on the couch.
“I should go back,” Bolin started to stand up. “I need to talk to her.”
“Bolin, no.” His brother pulled him back down. “You heard Kya. She can’t find out too much or she risks losing everything. While she’s focusing on getting her memories back, you need to focus on what you know: she broke your heart, little bro. She definitely didn’t have amnesia then.”
Bolin’s eager appearance deflated completely. He knew his brother was right but there was still a part of him that wanted to go see her. Maybe if Bolin told her about her past, then it would be okay. They’d had the strongest connection out of all of them.
That morning, (Y/N) sat between Korra and Tenzin in a gazebo. Her legs were crossed, her arms were loose in her lap, and she inhaled deep breaths to try to connect to any of her lost memories. All that she got was a whole lot of nothing. She peeked her eye open to look at Korra, who was blatantly staring at her.
“Keep your eyes closed!” Korra snapped.
“Your eyes were open!” (Y/N) argued.
“No one’s eyes should be open!” Tenzin grumbled decisively. The two girls sighed and returned to their previous states. (Y/N) inhaled another deep breath and tried to do what Tenzin had told her. She recounted the first memory she had: waking up and gasping for air, the night sky high above her. She could feel the grass that surrounded her. Once she had gained her bearings, she took in her surroundings. A small fishing village sat at the bottom of the mountain she had laid on. She got to her feet, legs wobbling, and looked at herself. Her coat was covered in spots of dirt. She reached into its pockets and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. The writing on it was scribbled and quick, written with haste, and was obviously an address.
(Y/N’s) eyes popped back open. She didn’t notice anything different this time around. There hadn’t been anyone at her side. The first people she had interacted with had been the people in the village. They had asked her name and (Y/N) had started panicking when she couldn’t remember it. She didn’t want to delve too deep into that memory. She could still feel the pain and anxiety in it.
She buried her face in her hands. “I can’t remember anything! I’ve been trying for the past two hours and all I can see is the same memory I’ve been going over for the past week.” She felt the stinging behind her ears again, but took a breath to halt it. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to get so frustrated. I just don’t know anything and I know you guys do and trust me, I understand why you don’t want to tell me, but it stinks not knowing anything other than my name and that I’m a bad person.”
Korra frowned sadly at the girl. She knew what it was like, to be judged before she got the chance to redeem herself. While she had heard some pretty bad stories about (Y/N) from Mako, she also recognized that he was biased. Especially when it came to Bolin.
“How about we go into the city and get some lunch?” Korra asked. (Y/N) looked up at her gratefully.
“I don’t know if that’s the wisest idea,” Tenzin’s deep voice rumbled.
“Relax, Tenzin. We won’t talk about her life. She needs something normal right now.” Reluctantly, the man conceded.
Korra helped (Y/N) to her feet and whistled for Naga. The polar bear dog bounded toward them, her tail wagging excitedly. “(Y/N),” Korra said. “Meet Naga.”
The polar bear dog gave (Y/N) a huge lick on the side of her face. She giggled, rubbing behind Naga’s ears. “It’s so nice to meet you!” (Y/N) squealed. “I wish I had a pet just like you!”
“She’s kind of the best,” Korra admitted as she hopped onto Naga’s back. She pulled (Y/N) up to sit behind her.
“I don’t doubt it!” With a whip of her reigns, they burst into a run toward Republic City. (Y/N) couldn’t contain her laughter as they sped toward the water. She didn’t realize that they’d be traveling by sea until Naga dove headfirst into the icy water. (Y/N) closed her eyes tightly, gripping onto Korra’s back. The Avatar laughed.
“You can open your eyes now,” She called back to her. Slowly, (Y/N) relaxed and looked around. They traveled under the water in a giant bubble. Korra’s arms moved in flowing movements in front of her.
“You’re waterbending!” (Y/N) exclaimed.
“The Avatar is the master of the four elements,” Korra explained. “I’ve been training my whole life.”
“All four?” (Y/N) let out a gasp. “That’s so cool! I wonder if I was ever a bender.” Korra looked back at (Y/N) for a moment.
“You weren’t,” She said, her eyes kind as she stared at (Y/N). Although a little disappointed that she couldn’t bend, (Y/N) was grateful for Korra’s honesty.
“Thank you,” She said, a soft smile on her lips.
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your writing is so so great! could I please request a one shot where maybe Toni falls of a cliff/gets injured badly in order to protect Shelby and her friends and they are insanely worried (both for Toni and Shelby’s mental wellbeing) JUST LIKE IN YOUR LAST ONE SHOT, I actually think the girls are the best thing Toni could ever get and she deserves all of the comfort and love
it’s 2.3k of hurt/comfort fresh off the presses. i have not even read it. initially it was gonna be a lot angstier but i couldn’t make the stakes high enough in that so we’re sticking with this for now. i’ll post it on a03 as soon as i get positive feedback bc i crave validation and also i ahve not eaten lunch and am running on three hours of sleep and if you’re wondering if that’s your fault. well.
Toni woke up and groaned, her head pounded and she was cold all over, shivers wracking her body.
She gave a slow cough, and dust rattled around in her lungs.
She was alive, at least. That was something.
Fuck, Shelby.
“Shelby?” Her voice was so hoarse it barely pierced the gloom, but it was clear. Toni was alone.
The worst of her injuries seemed to be her leg, which was trapped under a rock she didn’t have the leverage to move. She didn’t have the space to move at all actually. There was no light in the alcove, or the space between rocks she was in, but hopefully it wasn’t airtight.
Her head was bleeding, and her back was bruised, and there were scrapes up and down her arms, but she could really barely feel her leg.
There was water, which was very very bad, but it was only ankle deep, and the soft trickle she heard did not indicate she only had a few hours left.
The thunderstorm had come on suddenly, tropical ones sometimes do. It wasn’t Toni’s first time caught up in one, usually they were in the trees and they had to race for a nearby cave or the beach just in case lightning decided to strike. But she and Shelby had been by the cliffs, looking for more caves or maybe a place to get ten minutes to themselves.
The rain had dropped down like a hammer, the wind was strong enough it carried them both off their feet. Toni remembered, vaguely, being slammed into something hard. She grabbed Shelby’s hand and kept them going against it, wind and hail pelting them hard enough to bruise. She hadn’t heard the distant rumbling, stupid, but had shoved Shelby into a cave and at the wrong second her grip slipped and the wind picked up, and she was flung away.
She crawled into some pace between rocks and the rumble had been a mud slide. Everything was kinda hazy after that.
At least the storm seemed to have stopped. She rubbed her eyes and winced at the pain in her head. Probably a concussion.
God what if Shelby was buried too? What if Shelby was dead?
That was a nasty storm, what if the other girls were hurt, even if they were on the beach?
What if Toni died here, alone and cold and bleeding and hurt?
“Toni!” Someone screamed.
She closed her eyes, allowing herself to sink into the relief. From how far away they were, and muffled by the rock slide, she couldn’t recognize it, but she’d give anything that it was Shelby.
She tried to call back but her voice wouldn’t let out much more than a rasp and a series of coughs that shook her to her spine.
She tried slamming her fist against the rock ceiling but that made the water at the bottom start trickling faster.
The voice sounded further away and she began to panic, what if that was her last shot?
She settled for slow scratching at the mud trapping her in and the voice started getting closer again.
“I think I hear something over here!” Someone called. “Toni, is that you?”
“Yes,” she tried to rasp out, “Yes, I’m here!”
“I can’t hear anything,” someone said.
She kept scratching.
“There’s definitely something there,” someone said. “Maybe it’s an animal or something.”
“She has to be around here somewhere,” someone said. “TONI!”
The water around her ankles was filling up faster, had almost reached her navel. The more she scratched the higher she got, the rocks behind her head felt less stable.
“Toni if that’s you knock twice okay?” Someone said.
She knocked twice.
“Guys she’s down here!”
There are more voices, scratches and banging around on top of her head. It all feels incredibly dangerous, like they might get sucked down too, but she doesn’t have a way to warn them.
In the end Dot managed to get them to their senses, got them to stand back and used the hatchet to slowly carve a hole in. It was enough for her to peer through and Toni realized what she must’ve looked like. Bloody and pale and broken.
“Yalright Toni?” Dot asked.
Toni shook her head, and with the penlight she knew Dot could see it. At least the fresh air was nice, she suspected the ventilation wasn’t as great as she thought it initially was.
Dot pulled away to address everyone. “Okay guys, it’s filling with water which means we have to be super careful.” Dot reappeared, “Any major injuries?”
“Leg,” Toni tried to rasp out.
“What’s that?”
Toni pointed at her leg.
“Ah shit, is it trapped?” Dot asked.
Toni nodded.
Dot disappeared again and her voice was too quiet for Toni to make out.
“Toni?” It was Martha, which at least meant she was okay. “We’re gonna get you out of there you just have to stay calm.”
Where the fuck was Shelby?
The hole they dug got a little wider, she could hear Dot over-exerting herself, Fatin simply exerting herself, Leah going into hyper drive. Nora gave instructions from the sidelines and Martha kept talking to her.
Where was Shelby where was she.
When Dot’s hand finally managed to reach her hand Toni let out her first audible noise in hours and it was a scream of pain. Her leg felt like it was falling out of her socket and she collapsed back into the water with a splash, it now at chest height.
“Toni,” Martha’s voice returned, “We might have to amputate.”
“No,” Toni rasped, tears streaked down her dusty face. “Please no.”
She knew they couldn’t hear her but still. She found herself begging, begging like she never had before.
“Shelby wants to talk to you,” Martha said, she sounded unsure. “Is that okay?”
Toni nodded, as aggressively as she could. So Shelby was okay, it was her voice in the beginning.
“Toni,” there was Shelby’s voice, she almost closed her eyes at the sound of it, but she didn’t want to miss her eyes. “Toni I’m here.” She reached her hand out and Toni bent as far as she could, letting their fingers intertwine in a loose hold before she collapsed back down again. “We’re gonna get you out of this, okay?”
Toni wiped at her eyes. “Shelby.”
“I promise,” Shelby said, “you’re gonna be just fine.”
They managed to carve her out, Toni wasn’t quite sure how. She faded out after a few hours, when the water reached her chin. When she woke up she was back on the beach, in clean clothes in the shelter, her leg was elevated and wrong looking, and her head was in Martha’s lap.
“You’re awake,” Martha said, Toni’s hair was probably filled with a million different braids. “Let me get Dot, alright?”
Toni nodded and to her horror tears started streaming down her cheeks the moment Martha left. Maybe it was exhaustion, pain, but it felt like fear. That all consuming crippling terror.
“Hey,” it was Shelby’s voice, not Dot’s, that came through the shelter. She spotted the tears immediately and Toni closed her eyes, willing them to stop. A soft, calloused finger, wiped them away and Toni leant into the touch so desperate and cold and her arms wrapped around Shelby as Shelby lifted her just a little into her arms.
“You’re alright,” Shelby said. “I’ve got you.”
Toni was aware she was shivering and shaking, her entire body felt weaker than it ever had.
“I’ve got meds for you, alright?” Shelby said. She pulled away. “You need to eat somethin first, and drink somethin, you’re probably dehydrated.”
She helped Toni sit up against one of Fatin’s balled up sweaters and gave her some of the goat jerky Shelby had managed to smoke. Toni chewed slowly and felt exhausted afterwards, and didn’t argue when Shelby handed her a pill and some water. She fell asleep to Shelby’s hands caressing hers.
Things faded in and out. Shelby and Martha were both there as much as they could be but it was Rachel who took up the mantel more often than not. One hand meant taking care of Toni was about as productive as she could get.
“How does the leg feel?” Rachel asked, when Toni was more lucid than usual.
“I can’t feel it,” Toni said. “Probably not a great sign.”
“Well I wouldn’t worry too much about that. Dot said we got to wean you off of the painkillers because you might get addicted.”
Toni rubbed her eyes, the last thing she wanted to think about right now was her mother.
“I’m also probably blowing through the stash,” she said.
“Hopefully this is the last major injury we get,” Rachel said. Toni looked at her. “Fine. Be that way.”
They were silent for awhile, Rachel picking at some of her bandages and Toni focusing on the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore.
“I don’t think Shelby’s a homophobe,” Rachel said. Toni looked at her, “I know I know but—she was really freaked out when we found her. She’s definitely got a major guilt complex or something, but I don’t think she hates you. At least not anymore.”
“Okay,” Toni swallowed hard.
“I just mean—ugh,” Rachel went from picking at her bandage to picking at her clothes. “Listen I’m not saying you have to forgive her but just like. You didn’t see her once we found you. She was freaking out man, kept saying how god had taken you. Remind me never to go to Texas like she and Dot keep inviting me?”
“Can’t be all bad,” Toni said, ignoring everything else Rachel just said. “I hear the Mexican food is great.”
Rachel hummed.
“Hey,” Toni kept her voice soft when Shelby came in that night with dinner. “I wanna talk to you.”
“Eat first,” Shelby said. “I need to check your scrapes. How does your head feel?”
“Like I have a mild concussion,” Toni said.
Shelby re-bandaged the worst of the scrapes, and cleaned them again. A lot of them were so bad they were yellow with pus, and likely Toni would have wicked scars there.
“Nora said it was an off shore hurricane, one of those that dies before it reaches the mainland. It was probably almost dead which is why it only last a few hours.”
“Oh,” Toni said. “Does that mean were close to somewhere?”
“It could, but it might mean we’re closer to Japan,” Shelby said. “How’s the leg?”
“I can’t feel it,” Toni said. Shelby nodded.
“Dot wants you to only use the meds to sleep,” Shelby said.
“It’s a good idea, with like—my mom and everything,” Toni looked away and Shelby took her hand.
“You know I don’t think less of you for that, right?”
Toni nodded.
They ate in relative quiet, for dessert there were lychees which Shelby had evidently picked up for the two of them if her blushing was anything to go by.
“I wanna talk to you about something,” Toni said at last. Shelby nodded. “Rachel was talking to me about how they found you.”
Shelby frowned, “alright?”
“Did you—“ Toni furrowed her brow, “Shelby did you really think god had taken me away or something?”
Shelby looked away away, fidgeting with that damned cross necklace. “Toni you didn’t see it.”
“Shelby I’m pretty sure I’m the only other one who did.”
Shelby shook her head, “No, no Toni you didn’t see it—not the way I did. The storm came on so suddenly, and there was lightning and thunder everywhere, and your hand was in mine but I turned around I just barely saw you go flying, like you were actually being sucked up into the sky.”
“But I’m okay,” Toni said.
“No,” Shelby kept shaking her head, “It was my fault. If I had held on a little tighter, or if I hadn’t been there you wouldn’t have been there at all.”
“I would still be on this island—“
“None of this would’ve happened if I hadn’t been here,” Shelby said. “Don’t you see? I had feelings for you and you got food poisoning, we kissed and everyone nearly starved, Rachel got attacked by a shark after we had sex—Toni what more do you need?”
“Shelby,” Toni grabbed her hand and squeezed.
“I mean you got pulled away by Him when I was about to tell you I—“ Shelby cut herself off. “It’s a sign, is all. It’s a sign.”
“Shelby look at me.”
When Shelby does her eyes are red and wide and scared.
“Shelby do you really think God would kill me for this,” Toni traced a thumb over Shelby’s hand. “For loving you?”
Shelby swallowed hard. “I can’t rightly say.”
“Shelby,” Toni’s voice cracked, and she couldn’t even blame it on the dust. “You really think he’d do that? Kill some random ass teenage girl because she happened to love another teenage girl? I know I don’t know a lot about the Bible but I’m pretty sure Jesus was too busy turning water into wine to worry about if a couple of girls were kissing behind the church.”
Shelby kinda smiled at that and Toni ached to pull her into her arms, to run her fingers through her matted her and kiss her until the cows came home. Or the goats. But her body was too weak, and she had to settle for pressing a kiss to Shelby’s knuckles.
“I love you,” Toni said. “Now say it back.”
Shelby looked at the door to the tent, worrying her jaw, she looked back at Toni, “I love you too.”
She flinched and waited, but all they heard was the gentle crashing of distant waves and Shelby seemed to sag.
“I’m gonna be fine,” Toni said. “And we’re gonna be fine. And I love you.”
Shelby nodded, “I love you too.”
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makeupbychio · 4 years
ily // C.H
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pairing: Calum x Reader.
words: 2,3k.
warnings: fluff, a little bit of smut, swearing, spoilers about tv shows (Brooklyn 99 and Glee). English is not my first language. 
a/n: I tried to do this genderless so I would love some feedback. Hope you like it, love y'all.
inspired by: a couple of shows that I watched during this quarantine.
It's a lovely and cozy night with Calum, whom cooked your favorite food and watching him during the process so dedicated to make it perfect like five stars restaurants made you looking at him with heart eyes the whole night. The tomato sauce was perfect and the pasta even more. You saw how he followed every single step of the recipe and refused you to help him. 
After finishing dinner, you were enjoying red wine -the bottle is almost empty- and talking to him about everything and anything. He set the dining room with vanilla candles to make it more romantic. The warm lights lightly illuminating your faces was so charming. 
Deeply inside you know that today it's been 4 months since you started dating, but Calum never brings topics like that or buys something every month and that's totally fine because you neither talk about it. He just surprises you with lovely details like this one in random days, not just when you have to celebrate something. 
When he feels like it he does it. Sometimes he caught you off guard like that time he poured like two hundred sunflowers in your house just because, or when he bought you the coolest denim jacket when he was on tour and he said extra things like the jacket was made just for you. Or when he printed the pictures Andy took in a party you threw because he wanted to have them as memories not just in his phone. Also, you find cute when he is so excited to send you his playlists he does every month with his favorite songs -he also made a private playlist for you know, when you need privacy-.
Once finished dinner, you moved to the couch to start your nerd marathon of the shows you watch. He went to find a big blanket since it's cool outside due to the rain that's been going on for two days. He settled next to you and kissed your temple when you put your head on his chest and your hands on his ribcage. 
"Come here, baby" Calum said wanting you closer.
"What's our mood today? Glee or Brooklyn 99?" you asked while you were concentrated on the TV screen searching for said shows.
“Both" you said at the same time. You explained how you can't wait to know what happens in the show. You agreed to watch Brooklyn 99 first and then Glee when you were cuddle in bed. 
After finishing the Halloween heist chapter you were still laughing at Gina's funny surprises.
"Babe you would be the perfect Gina Linetti" Calum said when he stopped laughing. 
"I'm going to take that as a really good compliment, what about you?" you asked him looking up to find his eyes. 
"Hmm I don't know" Calum said confused. "We should take an online test to find out" he broke the cuddle position you both had in the couch to go find his computer. 
"That's so Amy Santiago" you teased him while he was in another room. Then he came back showing you the electronic device.
He sat straight next to you again and searching for Buzzfeed quizzes related to the show. 
"This one sounds pretty cool" he said focused on the screen and pointing the one he chose. While the link load slowly due to his weak WiFi signal you decided you will take the quiz first. 
"K'" you said with the computer in your lap reading the questions and choosing the answers fast. "So this says I'm Gina Linetti externally and Amy Santiago internally". You read the caption under the results and it makes sense to you. 
"I was right babe, now my turn" he said taking from you the computer. It was funny how he took this so seriously to the point he had his tongue out, a thing he does when he is working. Both of you kinda expected and not his results. "I'm Rosa Diaz externally and Jake Peralta internally". 
"That's kinda sexy tho" you said biting your lip to refuse a giggle till you couldn't resist and start making fun of how bad ass but a puddle he is.
He stood up from the couch to lay against the wall with crossed arms looking at you how cute you looked all teasing him and also surprised with the results. "I can be the Jake Peralta to your Amy Santiago" he was now teasing you.
"Challenge accepted" you said before a moment of silence and Calum broke the ice.
"Oh gosh I love you so much" he said with all the emotion and then froze when he realized he said that out loud and not just inside his head. He waited for you to say something and as your surprised wide open eyes, he knew you weren't going to answer what he wanted. 
"What?" you asked surprised, not to make him repeated the words but to confirm if it was reality.
"Don't worry, I'm going to take a shower before bed" he said quickly disappearing into the bathroom and took his shirt off. He felt so stupid, he tortured himself for a couple of minutes with thoughts like you don't feel the same way about him and how maybe that scared you and now you were going to run away. 'Stupid Cal' he said to himself before he decided to leave that for later. 
In that short amount of minutes, in the other side of the room you were thinking about how he just threw the bomb at you with no warning. You felt bad that you didn't answer immediately, because you love him too but it was confusing how hours ago you were thinking about how he is not like that type of person to celebrate another month of your relationship or cheesy things but clearly he does. You thought how to fix this and your next move. 
When you were about to knock the bathroom's door Calum surprised you opening it before your action. He was surprised too to find you inches apart from him. 
"Jesus, y/n. Sorry, I thought you were still in the couch" he said when he stopped his rushing thoughts. "Are you okay?" asking if something happened or if you need something.
Calum was already with his shirt off and just with his jeans. You laid your fingers on his beautiful jaw to get him closer and kiss him. 
"I love you too, Cal" you said looking up directly to his eyes, fingers still on his jaw and your lips barely touching his. You moved forward a little bit to get you both inside the bathroom so you can close the door. Your moves were slow and that made the intensity filled the room. You know, sexual tension. 
You saw his sculpted tan back when he turned around to start the water. You bite your lip at the view. "Is Roy at home already?" you asked innocently him to be sure of something. 
He laughed at you being cautious when multiple times before Roy definitely heard you both having sex. "I don't know, but that's cute from you to worry about my roommate's nightmares because of us" he was teasing you. 
"Fuck you" you said realizing that the house is huge and that Roy's room is way far from where you were. So you can have an idea about how loud you have to be so he can hears you. Right now you don't care and at the same time hoping that Cal's roommate could be asleep. 
You stepped closer to him and he couldn't resist it. It's not like he can't kiss you, he knows that he is allowed to that but he would kill for your kisses. He moved his head to reach your tinted cherry lips and started heating up rapidly the situation. He just cut the makeout session when you took off your shirt, then he removed the rest of his clothes to jump in into the shower. You bit your lip at the view and decided to join him so you took off your jeans too and stepped inside in underwear. 
"Baby no! That combo is my fave" Calum said when your clothes got wet immediately because of the hot water. You laughed at his words like if he doesn't has a washing machine or a dryer. You laced your arms around his neck and kissed him under the water. "I've been holding this for a while and a lot of emotions and actions to show you how I feel but not anymore" he said and started to feel like he finally poured out what was stuck on his mind. "I wanted to tell you in a more romantic way than how I did it minutes ago watching Brooklyn 99, just pretend that we are outside under the rain so it could be more romantic like a Hollywood movie from the 50s" Calum said. 
He rapidly interlaced both arms in the end of your back to keep your body close to his. You rested your arms around his neck and he went up a little bit with his hands to fight with your soaked bra and then took it off and throw it to the floor crossing the glass door. A cloud of steam was already formed because of the heat in the room.
Now just your panties were left but you were so focused tracing Calum's tattoos with your fingers while he admired you doing it. It gave him chills when you found his chest tattoo.
"I love your tattoo too, honey" he said with his hand moving down to the side of your left thigh where your tattoo is. Perfect time to lift you up and take off the last piece of clothes. Your legs around his waist and he got you holding you with his strong hands placed above your butt.
Calum laughed when you tried to hide your body. It was the first time you took a shower with him. But the only way to hide your body was pressing it harder against his.
From outside the shower your bodies seemed blurry because of the big amount of steam. That marks were erased when Calum lifted you up to hold your body against the wall, your legs were around his waist to give him better access. 
Lust immediately filled your mind with the passionate kisses and how good felt when Cal pressed your body against the wall, still lifting you with his strong hands. God that hands and arms drive you crazy with his tattoos and notorious veins. Next he asked you for permission to fill your entrance, always making sure you were alright. You just nodded at him and he did it, your right arm so tight around the back of his neck and left hand holding against the glass leaving your handprint freshly. 
You both failed at being quiet but the sound of water and the soundproofing walls gave you advantage. Words couldn't be found, just moans and kisses wherever you had access. Calum still holding you changed to another wall, now one hand holding you and the other pressed against the wall that gave him the balance and to keep pushing inside you.
"Calum, I'm close" you said whispering on his ear. He wanted to make you feel even better so he speed up his pace. The water was hitting Cal's back and was burning him with the marks you were leaving with your nails. 
You tilted your head back when you reached your orgasm wanting to have your feet back on the floor and seconds later of friction he reached his edge too. 
He pulled off and helped you to for real take a shower and clean the sweaty mess. Now the calm and tiredness hit you both once you left the bathroom ready to -do quite opposite like minutes ago- put comfy clothes and cuddle. 
Calum dried your hair and you his. Once you put his baggy hoodie you jumped into the bed. You waited for him who was setting the heat for the house during the night.
While you watched Glee, with his head resting on your chest and stroking his curls, you thought about what he said earlier. Calum always sings the songs that he knows from the show and taps your skin gently at the beat of the music, and it's more than lovely to hear his beautiful voice. 
“Babe, what did you mean when you said that you had been holding that for a while?” you asked him when the cast of the show ended the song they were performing. He looked up at you.
“Like a month ago we were watching Brooklyn 99 that chapter when Jake was in danger and Amy felt guilty because she never told him how she felt and that hit me” he spoke with all the honesty. You found that so cute and cheesy from him and it made sense to you because for a while he seemed that he wanted to say something important to you but you never asked or pushed him to do it.
You kissed his forehead and smiled at him. Before you both returned your attention to the show you said, “I love you”.
"I love you too" he said. "I think you would be a perfect Mercedes" he started again teasing you about the characters of the shows you watch together, you are going to get used to this. 
You tried to break the closeness of his head in your chest because he knows that you don't have a beautiful talent and voice like Mercedes. "Ha ha very funny. So in that case you would be Sam?" you raised your brows at him because even when you love Sam, he's a player. 
"I think we can only resolve this with a quizz" he said smirking at you.
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k-llama-llama · 5 years
The Slip
SuperM AU: 8th member
YinYin x SuperM
YinYin has a major incident during an NCT performance..featuring some leader fluff.
A/N:ALSO FYI check out my patreon (patreon.com/kllamallama for exclusive posts!)
Requests are CLOSED…but your feedback is still super important to me.
Masterlist and other Follow Me links in bio!
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“We haven’t done this in a while.” YinYin laughed, hopping up and down in excitement.
“We’ve never done it when it���s this cold.” WinWin complained. 
“Seriously, and outside too.” Lucas frowned. “It’s freezing.”
“Babies.” YinYin rolled her eyes. “The fans are colder than we are. We should be positive.”
“Everything okay over here?” Taeyong asked.
NCT was about to go on stage, in their first performance of Black on Black in a long time. They’d rehearsed the day before, but it had still been a while.
YinYin nodded. “The boys are just cold.”
“Okay, well, hopefully it’ll warm up when we start dancing. You’re good, to do your flips and everything with the weather like this?”
YinYin looked out. It wasn’t snowing, and while it had rained earlier it didn’t look bad. “Yeah, I should be fine.”
Taeyong nodded, hurrying towards another cluster of boys.
“The boys are cold.” Lucas mocked. “How are you not cold?”
YinYin shrugged. “I’m excited? And my apartment didn’t use to have heat, so I guess I’m used to it.”
“You’re freaky.” WinWin said definitively.
“We’re on!” Someone shouted.
“Let’s go boys.” YinYin grinned, shrugging off her coat and hurrying to the stage in just her pants and crop top.
She had to admit, the air was chilly, as she took her place in their starting position. But she could already feel the anticipation was building. Most of the stage was covered, so it wasn’t touched by the rain from earlier, and even the wind was mostly blocked.
The first half of the performance went smoothly, and then it was time for YinYin’s only part. She didn’t have any lines in the song, but she did have a solo flip that she was always excited to do.
Right at the end of Mark’s rap, she heard the music start to build. She sprinted forward from her spot at the back, the boys falling away in sync for her to leap forward and spring up on her hands.
It was a simply front handspring, but she usually threw in a little twist to keep things fun.
Mid-air, she twisted, coming down onto her feet smoothly.
Except then her feet moved, sliding out from under her on an invisible sheet of ice that she hadn’t seen. Unable to stabilize herself, YinYin could do nothing but let herself slide forward. Somewhere in the back of her mind she remembered her gymnastics coach telling her ‘if you feel yourself falling, let it happen. you’ll hurt yourself more trying to stop it’. 
That advice might work great when you were on the uneven bars with mats underneath you, but it did nothing in this situation. YinYin slid forward at full momentum, taking out a stage light before she plummeted off the stage.
She smacked the ground, hard, shooting pains shooting up her side and an uncontrollable ache instantly spreading through her body.
She tried to open her eyes, reaching to push herself up, but searing pain filled her hand and she collapsed back down.
Somewhere in the back of her mind, she could hear screaming. But she was pretty sure it wasn’t her’s, as she focused everything on trying to calm her breathing.
“YinYin! Oh, shit, there’s glass!” That sounded like Mark, but she couldn’t look up from her spot on the ground. She was lying on her stomach. There was blood pouring from her nose, and she coughed.
“Someone help her!” She recognized Kun’s voice.
“Stay on the stage!” Someone shouted.
Hands grabbed her arms, hauling her to her feet with no consideration for the pain. She couldn’t blame the staff, the goal was just to get her out of view of the crowd. YinYin bit her lip to keep the cries of pain in as she was dragged backstage. There was no strength in her legs to walk. Her head drooped down, and she noticed blood on her side too. She vaguely remembered glass from the stage light shattering, but it felt like it had happened to someone else.
“Put her down here.” 
Someone had layed out a towel, and she was lowered onto her back. Hand poked at her, but she struggled to understand what people were saying.
“She needs stitches, she’s got glass all in her side.” Someone said, before a hand grabbed her wrist. “And her hand too. Can we wrap this up please? And get an ambulance?”
Someone turned her chin towards a light forcefully. “YinYin? Did you hit your head?”
YinYin blinked. “I..I don’t know.”
“She might have a concussion.” The hand dropped her, and her head fell back on the towel.
“Is she okay?”
“Where is she?”
“Did they take her to the hospital?”
“We’re taking her.” A staff member said. “She’s over there.”
“Yinnie!” Ten lunged for her, kneeling next to her spot on the floor. Her senses coming back to her, she gave him a tiny smile.
“Why aren’t you on stage?” She asked.
“Because you went spinning off of it, idiot.” Lucas sat next to her head. “Here,” He held out a wad of tissues, dabbing it on her face to mop up some blood.
“Dude, did you break your nose?” Mark leaned over.
YinYin wrinkled it carefully. It ached, but it didn’t feel broken. “I think it’s okay.”
“You’re wrapped up like a mummy.” Taeil pointed out.
“There was so much glass.” Mark agreed. “Are they taking you to the hospital?”
“I think so.” She answered. “I need stitches, apparently.”
“Does it hurt? Do you-”
“We’re leaving.” A staff member cut Ten off. They boys were quickly moved off the the side, as arms wrapped around her and pulled her up. YinYin offered a half-hearted smile to Lucas as she was carried away, trying hard not to let the pain show on her face.
The ambulance was waiting, and she was helped into it by the paramedics and placed on the bed. 
“Someone will meet you there to pick you up.” Their manager said, before the door slammed and YinYin was left alone with the paramedic.
The paramedic wrapped her in a blanket and buckled her into the bed, leaving YinYin lying there in silence.
She heard what sounded like yelling outside of the ambulance, wondering briefly is the crowd was blocking the ambulance from getting out.
The door swung open, and Taeyong hauled himself into the back.
“What are you doing?” She asked, her voice sounding stuffy. “I thought you were going back to the dorms.”
“I figured you might want some company.” He offered her a small smile. “Sorry, I know you probably don’t want me, but I was the only one they would let come.”
“Why wouldn’t I.”
“Why wouldn’t I want you?” YinYin asked. 
“Huh, I don’t know.” He shrugged. “My Chinese isn’t the best.”
YinYin smiled. “I’ll teach you. I have a feeling we’ll be there for a while.”
“Sorry, by the way.” He settled himself onto the seat across from her.
“For what?”
“For not checking the ice. Your flip is the hardest part of the dance, I should’ve made sure it would be safe.”
YinYin shook her head. “It was an accident. I’m just glad you’re coming with me.”
“Really?” He beamed. 
“Yeah.” She nodded. “I’ve never been to a Korean hospital before.”
“It’s not that exciting.” He told her. “But I’ll keep you entertained.”
“Good.” She gave a small smile. “No offence to the others, but a small space with Lucas would be a nightmare.”
“Glad I could help.” He reached over and pulled her blanket up. “Get some rest. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Thanks, leader.”
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narcissasdaffodil · 4 years
Flufftober 2020
Day 2: First Meeting
This is another AU fic. I wanted to do something a little different instead of taking from my fic, so this is another coffee shop AU, so enjoy this!
Alecto’s thoughts disappear from her head as she hears the sound of footsteps approaching her. She was aware she would likely need to give up some space,deciding to check through one of Abby’s essays in a coffee shop was a good idea when she first thought of it, but now the heavens have opened outside, she’s slightly regretting her decision as the coffee shop fills up with people sheltering from the rain, along with the noise that accompanied them.
Wow! She’s gorgeous.
When footsteps stop beside her table, she looks up to see a pretty girl standing there. She had long loose ombre hair and glasses and was likely not much taller than her. She found herself staring, mesmerised by the beauty standing there. The noise of the rest of the coffee shop fell away, leaving only the two of them in silence. It feels different to usual, the silence warm and inviting. She hears the other girl clear her throat, and her cheeks flush as she realised she entirely missed what the other girl said, lost in her own fantasies.
“S...sorry. Could you repeat, please? It’s slightly loud in here so I didn’t catch that.” Her voice is soft as she looks up at the other girl, she hopes she’s loud enough to be heard. She does frequently miss stuff, her hearing isn’t the best and she does have to focus a lot to hear people sometimes.
“Could I sit here? This is the only free seat. I’ve got stuff to do anyway, so I won’t bother you.” Alecto nodded at the other girl, her words appeared to have entirely dried up in her throat. She took a sip of the drink in front of her.
She heard the chair slide out in response, the other girl sitting down. She tried to focus on the essay before her, but kept losing track mid sentence. Abby was amazing and all, but her essays were so in-depth that she regularly lost track. Why does Abby even ask you to read her stuff, anyway? You’re doing medicine, not criminology like her, and she’s so talented that she doesn’t technically need a second opinion.
The pretty girl sitting across from her definitely wasn’t helping her focus in the slightest. She hoped this wasn’t just another ‘Alecto crush’ as Abby termed them. A crush would easily consume her and she never would act on it, but Abby was hardly any better herself, she definitely had some variety of the weird crush thing. She had had a crush on her best friend for 3 and something years now, and was too scared to ruin what she had with Abby. They had met during sixth form, and the friendship only grew. She had needed another person there after the disastrous events of the years before that, and being trapped in a very toxic friendship group.
“I’m...I’m Alecto by the way. I know this is a weird ask, but would you mind reading over something for me? My best friend asked me to read an essay for her so she could have a second opinion and I’m struggling to process it, mainly as it’s not my speciality. It’s okay if the answer’s no, I’ll figure it out eventually, I think.” She asked, looking over her laptop at the girl across from her. Why do you keep stuttering? That’s supposed to have been in the past years ago! Alecto fiddled with her hair, curling a chunk of it around her fingers.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Marisol. I’d be fine with checking over it for you, that doesn’t bother me in the slightest. I was only planning to read a book, anyway, so there’s nothing urgent for me to complete.” Marisol smiled at her, resting her hand on the table. How lucky! Yay. That’s such a pretty name.
She scrolled back up to the top of the essay then handed her laptop over to Marisol.
“That’s such a pretty name! I hope you have more luck with it than I did, maybe as I’m doing medicine myself, Abby’s essays are more difficult for me to get my head around as I’m not as familiar with the course content as she is. I’m not sure why she doesn’t just get her course mates to check through it for her, but I don’t mind that much.” She explained. You’re talking so much! Wow. What’s gotten into you?
Marisol nodded, and tapped her chin with a finger as she scanned the essay. Alecto retrieved a book from her bag to pass the time, but she kept spacing out as she was reading. Uh oh. This is definitely another ‘Alecto crush’. Yet this one is more difficult to explain, how has it happened this quickly? It did do that with Abby too, but that’s only twice in a realm of crushes.
She was finding it difficult to keep her hands still, she caught hold of her bracelet and started gently spinning it. She didn’t want to be irritating, so it was important to keep herself from fiddling or doing anything that made too much noise. Using her phone did cross her mind, but she didn’t want to appear rude.
“I think I got it. It’s exploring some of the different ways that the criminal justice system needs improvement and suggestions on how to do that. The writing itself isn’t overly accessible to people who aren’t studying something related to the criminal justice system though. I’m studying law myself, which definitely helped in understanding it, there’s definitely specific terminology which probably comes across like code to those unfamiliar with it. It’s a good essay though, people familiar with criminology or law would definitely find it accessible.” Marisol explained. “You’d think she might have helped you out a little terminology wise or at least sent you over some notes of hers. Are all of her essays slightly difficult for you to access?” In her focus, her brow was furrowed, and she was looking over her glasses at Alecto. She had a notebook open next to her with a series of neat and organised notes about the essay.
“Yes, you’re right there. It’s always confused me slightly how she asks me to read over stuff for her instead of her course mates or something, but I don’t mind that much. It does give me a good puzzle. I’ve always struggled more with feedback for her, but she’s always good with testing me if I need it, so I do it as a favour to her.” She explained. It gives you an excuse to spend time with her too. She’s your best friend, after all. Even if you’re doing completely different courses and aren’t even living in the same halls. You’re scared of losing her as you do care about her a lot.
“I also wrote a set of notes on it for you to go from in terms of feedback. You can rewrite them if you like, but I wanted to give you an extra hand. You’re a good person, though, it’s nice of you to do that for your friend. I don’t mind helping you further in the future, either.” She handed the laptop back to Alecto, placing her notebook next to it. Alecto scanned the notes, opening a separate document and typing them up. Wait. She wants to spend more time with you? But why? You’re not the most interesting person.
“R...really? You want to help me more? Thank you, though. You...you actually want to spend more time with me? I’m not used to people saying that, usually I do scare people off, not deliberately either.” She was more than a little bit flustered, feeling herself blush again. She wasn’t usually this much of a mess, but crushes caused her to lose all usual sensibilities. She didn’t make eye contact with Marisol, hoping desperately the other girl wasn’t playing a prank on her.
“I mean it. I’ve seen you a couple of times around campus and for some reason I feel drawn to you. That, and I want to learn how to take good photos and Abby told me you’re very talented. She gushes about you all the time. We’re on the same floor in halls, so we became quite close. I appear to have ended up with a group of flatmates from my worst nightmares, apart from Abby, so we’ve just bonded through that.” Marisol explained. To Alecto’s surprise, she seemed serious, and was actually blushing. How can being around you of all people make someone blush? She knows Abby, so that’s something positive, Abby doesn’t tend to be friends with just anyone.
Marisol reached over the table and took Alecto’s hand in hers, rubbing the back of her hand in a circle. She felt herself relax, aware that she was likely blushing even more. She felt a warm feeling that was more than a little bit unfamiliar to her.
“Okay. I’ll teach you then. We probably need to exchange numbers or something, maybe social media?” She retrieved her phone from her bag, feeling Marisol let go of her other hand. She clicked onto her Instagram account, handing her phone over to Marisol. When she was done, she took her phone back, feeling it buzz with a message. She checked it, finding herself unable to concentrate fully and having to reread it multiple times. Her mind was consumed by a strange warm feeling that was unfamiliar to her.
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flutteringphalanges · 4 years
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Summary:  “Am I in Hell?” Agatha’s voice was hoarse, a hint of fear in her tone. “That depends on your definition,” Dracula answered. “Perhaps.” His fingers felt cool against her burning skin, the fever raging through her body. “If you’re going to kill me, then do it,” she mumbled. The count chuckled, gazing into her eyes. “On the contrary,” he smirked. “I’m going to save you.”
((In which Dracula cares for a gravely ill Agatha))
Characters: Agatha Van Helsing/Dracula
Rating: M 
Read on FFN and AO3
A/N: Thank you for all of the comments and reblogs! This was a much darker chapter to write! I hope you guys like it! Feedback is greatly loved and appreciated! -Jen
                                         Chapter Nine
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." -William Congreve, 1697
The rain had stopped long ago, but the puddle from the aftermath collected at the bottom of her feet and up to her very edge of her dress. She ignored the numbing feeling it brought on by the cold air, her mind still reeling from before. As the sun finally broke through the clouds, offering with it a little warmth, she finally stood up. Agatha ventured towards the edge of the balcony and looked out. It was a beautiful sight to behold if she was to be honest.
For the briefest of brief moments, a part of her wondered what would happen if she merely flung herself off the edge. Down, down, down to the solid ground below. But the bigger and better part of her waved away that feeling. That same urging need to fulfill her grandfather's dying wishes. Her family's pact. So she turned around and strode with purpose back into the dark castle.
"Emotion is a weakness, Agatha. It kills. Murders. If you allow yourself to feel, you allow yourself to be vulnerable. Look at where it got me. Your father. Be hardened. Don't let yourself become a victim. Love leads only to pain. Save yourself the trouble. There is no happiness at the end of a rainbow."
Abraham watched as Agatha cradled the dead rabbit in her arms. It had been a pet she'd kept hidden from the older man. But he had found it and did what he claimed was best for his granddaughter. The girl looked up at him with a tear streaked face, anger fierce in her blue eyes.
"I hate you!" She snapped. "I hate you! I hate you! I HATE you!"
"You'll understand with time what I did for you was in your best favor." He said quietly, turning his back on the girl. "Now drop it and come inside. It's getting dark and it isn't safe to be out in the opening when it is."
It was quiet. The air still around her. The only sound that broke the silence being her wet feet as she walked across the stone floor leaving damp footprints in her wake. Agatha's eyes scanned the area around her. No sign of Dracula. Good. Maybe he had turned in for the morning. That would make things easier. Not that the idea of a good, solid fight wasn't overly tempting.
Descending the staircase, she made her way over to the table where the stake still lay untouched. She picked it up, examining it closely. The wood was carefully carved, free of splintered. Agatha couldn't ask for a more perfect weapon. Had the Count really been that reckless as to leave something like this out? Perhaps he no longer worried that she was a threat. The idea of such a thing only made her blood boil even more.
"Don't you have any family Anyone who cares for you?"
Agatha stood outside of the infirmary as they lay a blanket over Abraham Van Helsing's corpse. The only other person in the world she knew was gone. Perhaps she had an extended family, but she knew not where they were or had any means of contact. Her grandfather had made sure of that. Separation was safe. Something he'd taught her.
"No." She answered quietly, finally addressing the young woman who spoke to her. A nun of all people. "I don't."
"Oh," the nun said softly. "That must be very lonely. Surely you need someone."
"I don't mind it." Agatha said with a half smile. "Sometimes it's better that way. You don't get hurt. Or broken. Perhaps being by myself was what life always had in store for me." That and her mission to end Count Dracula. "I'll manage."
"But you don't need to." And the woman rested a hand on Agatha's arm. "Come with me to my convent. You'll be welcomed there. You don't have to be alone. God always has room for another."
Religion. Christianity. The young Van Helsing gazed down at the nun's hand. To be somewhere. Maybe able to find herself. Maybe able to study more in the process. Had she much of a choice? What money had Abraham left anyway? Barely a cent to his name. Agatha thought long and hard before inhaling deeply.
"Okay," she finally decided. "Okay."
What exactly would happen when she struck him deep within his chest? Would he immediately turn into dust? Burst into a flaming pillar? The possibilities seemed endless as Agatha traveled down the all too familiar path towards Dracula's coffin. She'd be quick. No hesitation. If she should show the slightest amount of pause, he'd be able to take advantage of the situation quickly.
Her still mending hand began to sting from how hard she was gripping her weapon. But she ignored the pain. Ignored how chilled her wet feet were against the stone. She was hellbent. Ambitious. Abraham would be proud. But the further she walked, the closer she got to the cellar, the more she began to wonder if she was really doing his bidding. Doing it in his honor. No. No, it was something else. Something Agatha was forcing herself not to think about.
"A nun's heart belongs to God and God alone. We embrace those around us, but our true love is to the Lord and his teachings."
Agatha sat on the opposite side of Mother Superior's desk, hands folded tightly in her lap. She hadn't been at St. Mary's Convent for very long, but already she was being assimilated in. The head nun wasn't as old as she had anticipated. A round face with a firm voice that still held some friendliness to it.
"I hold no intentions of romance," Agatha assured her. "I never have. You needn't worry about that."
Mother Superior smiled. "I'm not worried about you, Sister Agatha. There's something different about you. I'm not sure what, but I think you'll do well as a nun." She straightened up in her chair and held out her hand. Agatha took it without hesitation. "Welcome home, Sister. Welcome to your new family."
Slaughtered. Just like her rabbit. He'd slaughtered them all. Her family. Mother Superior. Each and every nun. Why had she allowed herself to forget that? Ignore what he had done. The horrors. The hatred. He hadn't batted an eye. So many lives lost and she forgave it. Or rather, from her actions, acted as such. She swallowed thickly. What was wrong with her? Agatha Van Helsing. Protector. Altruistic. Supposed to guard all those around her. A failure. Laughing stock. A singe on the Van Helsing ancestral lineage. Not anymore.
Her name was Mina. Frail. Blonde. Tiny little thing that had stumbled upon their convent in desperation. Agatha knew why. Jonathan Harker now in their care. Or what was left of him that was. The girl knew nothing of what vampires were. Sheltered from such tales. And yet, here she stood before the nun of all people. The woman who knew Count Dracula like that back of her hand. At least that is what she had convinced herself.
"I...I don't understand." The young woman stammered. "Johnny was attacked by a...vampire? But how could someone be so...cruel?"
"Not someone, something. A beast so vile has no heart, Mina. He's poison. Venomous. Count Dracula literally drains you dry. Takes away your life as if it were a mere scrap of spoiled meat." Agatha felt a little guilty for her words. For how timid the girl looked. But she needed to know the truth. "You are Christian, yes? Despite my status, I do not hold the same beliefs as you. But I swear to you, what attacked your Jonathan is the literal Satan."
"I cannot lie to you, Agatha." Mina murmured, nervously playing with her hair. "I'm frightened."
Her eyes were wide. So round. For a moment, Agatha thought she was gazing into her own reflection as a little girl. But immediately, she snapped back to her senses.
"You should fear him. Be terrified. Because the emptiness within him, any prospect of empathy or sympathy has been smothered." She finally answered.
"What must I do?" The girl asked, staring at Agatha as if she knew the answer to every question in the world. "What do I do?"
In that moment, Agatha really hadn't an answer. But she said what had been spoken to her so many times as a nun. "Pray, Mina. Pray for Jonathan. Pray for us all. And maybe, maybe someone above will listen." She paused before exhaling slowly. "Though, I can't say He's heard me yet."
Agatha approached the coffin that sat in the center of the room. No longer did boxes occupy it. Just the single casket. Fist still clenched around her weapon, the former nun managed to heave the lid open. There he lay. Still. Pale. Count Dracula in a deep slumber one might mistaken him for being dead. He was technically.
"End him."
The words rang in her head as if Abraham was speaking to her from beyond the grave.
"Do it!"
She raised the stake, positioning it over his chest. Over his heart. Her hands were trembling. Why was she shaking? Agatha sucked in a breath, trying to collect herself. This was it. Her life's work. Just one fluid motion and everything would be finished.
But before she had a chance to bring it down, Dracula's eyes flew open. In a matter of seconds, Agatha found herself thrust backwards. She collided with the stone, the wind knocked out of her by the motion. She panted, now face to face with the Count.
He had her pinned against the wall by the wrist, her hand still gripping the stake. Dracula's fingers tightened around her with such force he could have easily snapped the bones in two. But he didn't. Instead, he stared into her eyes. Expression still. Mouth pressed into a thin line. There was no malice. No resentment. Humor. He just stood there, holding her back.
"Abraham taught you well." The vampire stated. "Well. But not well enough."
"I sure as Hell plan to get farther than he ever did." Agatha spat back causing a small smile to cross the Count's features. "I don't plan on letting you live."
"Oh?" Dracula said, cocking an eyebrow. "Is that so?"
Much to Agatha's confusion and alarm, he brought the fist that held the spike to his chest. Applying pressure, she could almost begin to feel it give way into his skin. Her eyes flickered from her hand, to the spike, and then his gaze. But instead of any reaction she'd expect, he merely gazed back at her emotionless.
"So do it," Dracula challenged. "End me, Agatha Van Helsing. If that's what you truly desire." He smiled and began to push harder. "End me."
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7-wonders · 5 years
Memento Mori
Summary: When being in the wrong place at the wrong time lands (Y/N) in the blood-stained hands of D.C.’s most notorious crime boss, Duncan Shepherd, she finds herself unexpectedly in his debt. Perhaps owing the dangerous man a favor would be more torturous if he weren’t so engaging.
Word Count: 3286
A/N: Here it is! The first chapter of my crime boss Duncan fic. I’m SO excited to share this labor of love with you all, and I sincerely hope that you enjoy it. Feedback is always much appreciated and, if you feel so inclined, I would love if you left a like or a reblog.
(special thanks to Caitlin @divinelangdon for helping me with this!)
EDIT: *clears throat* as far as I am aware, Mallory @lvngdvns was the first to write a mob AU for THIS fandom. Thanks, Mal. I’d like to remind everyone that mob AUs are not a new concept, so y’all can hop off my dick.
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Chapter 1: King of the Underground
It’s not a route that she would normally take home after classes, but today, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) is running late. The maintenance man is supposed to be at her apartment to fix the kitchen sink in twenty minutes, and it will most assuredly be another week before he can repair it if she doesn’t get home to let him in. This shortcut, through alleyways and past abandoned buildings, is a tour of the dark underbelly of Washington D.C. It’s one that she doesn’t get to dwell on when running late; instead, she walks quickly and clutches her keys in her hand tightly, eyes up and darting back and forth vigilantly. 
After taking this way home twice previously to today, (Y/N) quickly learned which alleys to avoid and which were safer to go down. The alley next to the butcher was safe, the stench of rotting meat causing even the most nefarious of characters to stay away. Bypassing the bridge meant she could dodge the junkies that traded drugs and needles there, and the abandoned set of warehouses were considered too “haunted” and “creepy” for most to venture into. With the rain that drenches the city today and (Y/N)’s lack of an umbrella, these deserted buildings provide the perfect cover as she tries to race home.
(Y/N)’s never seen another person in or around this empty strip, only mice and other small creatures. That’s why it’s so shocking when, as she walks quickly along the back wall, she hears voices from one of the rooms. Ducking behind a wall, she peeks in through a crack in the boards that had hastily been put up to cover a large hole. 
It’s difficult for (Y/N) to comprehend what she’s seeing at first. A man with shaggy hair is on his knees, hands raised pleadingly in the air as he trembles. Others are positioned around the room, blocking exits and providing what she assumes is security. Security for what, she can’t be certain, since the most danger looks to be the man standing above what must be his prisoner. 
“You seem to think that I’m some sort of idiot, Malakai,” the man with the artfully messy brunette hair says nonchalantly, as if he’s discussing the weather. 
‘Malakai’ shakes his head furiously as he stutters, “No, sir, never!” The man in question walks a slow circle around his captive, teeth bared in a savage grin as he takes glee in the scared reaction that he evokes. 
“Hmm, then why did you believe that it wouldn’t get back to me that you were attempting to make deals with people who are determined to take me, and my family, down?” The hostage pales, obviously not thinking he knew. “An amateur mistake; somebody makes a deal, and they foolishly believe that I don’t have eyes and ears everywhere around this city.”
“I-it was an accident, Mr. Shepherd, I promise.” (Y/N) slaps a hand over her mouth, stifling the gasp that threatens to force its way out.
She hasn’t lived in Washington D.C. her entire life, having only moved to the area for school. However, even somebody from the other end of the country would know the Shepherd family name. Although it’s never been said outright, it’s very much implied that the powerful family is involved in more than just politics. Their sudden prominence within the circles of the elite, the roots that spread everywhere, their influence on matters that don’t pertain to politics: it’s easy to make the inference that the Shepherds are involved in some “darker” activities. 
(Y/N)’s heard rumors of what the Shepherd family is capable of. Drugs, weapons, disappearances, murder, and corruption are just the beginning of an extremely long list of grievances. This man, with his hand on his captive’s shoulder and a look that screams revenge, must be the head of the Shepherd family.
“An accident,” he teases, reassuming his previous spot in front of the man on his knees. “Unfortunately, you know all too well that we can’t have accidents.”
A gunshot cracks through the air, the bullet quickly and efficiently leaving a hole in the middle of ‘Malakai’s’ head. His eyes roll back into his head slowly as his body slumps forward, blood pooling from the wound on his head. The man who was doing the interrogating, Mr. Shepherd, glances disdainfully down at the blood before stepping back to avoid staining his shoes.
“I’ve told you time and time again that I don’t like a messy job, Langdon,” he calls to someone that (Y/N) can’t see. 
If (Y/N) hadn’t just witnessed a murder, her first time ever seeing someone’s life taken from them, she would stick around to see who he’s talking to. She stumbles back in shock, unable to take her eyes off of the corpse lying on the other side of the repaired wall. Since she’s not looking, she doesn’t see the mouse that scurries over her foot. The shriek of fear that she attempts to hold back isn’t as muffled as she thought it would be under her hand, causing the heads of everyone in the room to snap up as they look for the source of the sound. 
She holds her breath, hoping that the crack she was spying through is too small for somebody to look through if they’re not right up against it. Her heart, along with her hope, sinks when she makes eye contact with the pair of stormy blue eyes belonging to Mr. Shepherd.
“Shit,” he gasps. 
She runs before her brain even realizes what she’s doing, sprinting faster than she can remember running in a long time. Footsteps pound behind her, the echoing sound ironically reminding (Y/N) of gunshots. Once she bursts outside, she immediately searches for an exit that will give her the best chance of evading a horde of murderers. Ducking down, she crawls through a large gap in the bottom of a chain link fence. Those chasing her aren’t deterred, and one quick glance over her shoulder (stupid, she thinks, you’re lucky you didn’t trip over your own feet) confirms that they’ve decided jumping the fence is easier. 
(Y/N) skids to a stop when she sees that a brick wall blocks her path to freedom. Making a split-second decision, she climbs up onto the dumpster and jumps. Her hands make purchase on the lip of the brick wall, and she summons all of the upper-arm and core strength that she has to start pulling herself up and over. It’s a struggle, and she tries to keep her legs tucked to her chest to prevent whoever’s chasing her from grabbing at her. She’s underestimated how tall these men (or women) are, and shrieks when her nails claw at the brick as she’s yanked down from the wall.
Her head cracks painfully against the pavement as she’s unceremoniously thrown to the ground. Scrambling back on her elbows, (Y/N) stares up at the two burly men who have managed to get her before she could make it over the wall. Hoping that they’ll show her some mercy, she holds up her hands in an ‘I surrender’ gesture. The men look at each other for a moment, as if debating what to do with her, and (Y/N) watches them optimistically.
A swift punch to the face knocks her out.
She doesn’t jolt awake in one smooth movement, eyes wide and glancing fearfully around. Instead, conscious returns slowly for (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Like pieces of a puzzle being fitted together, the blackness that had enveloped her is replaced, bit by bit, by a state of awareness. She tries to move when she realizes that she’s awake, but her arms refuse. Cold bites at her wrists, the telltale weight of some sort of metal weighing her down. Although her neck aches when she turns her head, protesting after sleeping in such an awkward position, she looks down and notices that she’s handcuffed to a chair.
Blinking quickly to adjust her vision to the shadows that envelop everything, (Y/N) tries to steady her breathing and not panic as she catalogues the room. This definitely isn’t the same room where she saw a man murdered. It’s small, maybe 8x8, and everything’s made of concrete. The walls, the ceiling, the floors: the room looks to be the same flat gray color. A small cart sits in the corner of the room, the only other furnishing besides the chair (Y/N)’s currently bound to. She kicks her legs uselessly, huffing when she sees that they’re bound by rope. Not that her legs being freed would do anything, since the chair is bolted to the floor, but it would still be a bit of a comfort. 
She doesn’t need a mirror to know that there’s blood on her face, probably from the punch that knocked her out. Her nose feels off, like it was broken when she was hit. Maybe it is broken; of course, that won’t matter if she’s killed in this small room. 
Quick footsteps sound in whatever hallway connects to the room (Y/N)’s being held hostage in, making her stare at the door as she tries to figure out what’s going to happen. Will this person save her, free her from her binds and lead her out of this mess? Or will they end her life quickly, using whatever method this mafia decides to be quickest and easiest? 
The bright fluorescent lights flicker on as the door opens, momentarily blinding her. The man that stands before her is tall, his all-black ensemble making him look even more imposing. Two others, a man and a woman, stand behind him (the security detail for these deadly mafia personnel is a little ridiculous). He moves towards her slowly, each move calculated in its fluidity. What scares (Y/N) about this man isn’t the knife that he slowly twirls between his fingers; it’s his cold blue eyes that are completely devoid of any emotion.
His long blond hair, expertly draped over his shoulders, shines as he teasingly drags the flat edge of his knife down her cheek with a chilling smile. “You’ve caused quite a bit of trouble for my boss, are you aware of that?” 
“I promise you that I had no clue what was going to happen,” she says seriously, eyes wide and pleading. 
“That’s funny, all the little mice seem to say the same thing when they’re caught in a trap,” he hisses, tapping her nose harshly to make her wince in pain. “Now, you’re going to tell me who you’re working for, or your nose is going to be the least of your worries.”
“I’m not working for anybody,” (Y/N) insists. He nods as if he understands, but she can tell he’s only humoring her once he rears his hand back and smacks her across the face. 
Her ears ring as her vision whites out for a moment, leaving her unable to hear the cry of pain that rips from her chest. She’s bleeding, that much is obvious. The large rings on this man’s hand must have opened up a couple of cuts on her now-swollen lip. He smirks, tangling his fingers in her hair and yanking her head back. 
“I don’t like to repeat myself, (Y/N).” She doesn’t have time to wonder how he knows her name when she notices the knife he’s holding is now pressed against her chest. “Who do you work for?”
“Nobody, I promise! I was running late to get home--” shit, the maintenance man must be long gone by now, “--and I took a shortcut that I always take when I’m late. I had never seen somebody in that strip of warehouses before, so I stopped to see what was going on. I didn’t know what was happening until that guy got shot.”
“Well then, this must all be one big misunderstanding.”
She nods gratefully. “Yes! Thank you so much, you have no clue--” a searing pain erupts above her eyebrow, and she groans in pain. Her eyesight goes blurry in her left eye, and it’s only when she blinks enough to see the red tint that she realizes she’s bleeding.
(Y/N) watches in disgust as he lifts his stained knife to his lips and cleans the blood off of it with his tongue. He hums delightedly, leaning in close enough that his breath stings the array of cuts. His hot tongue laves at the still-bleeding cut, sampling her blood until it finally clots.
“Mmm, you’re just my type,” he jokes. In the blink of an eye, his amused expression changes to one of anger as he slams his hands on the arms of the chair. “Tell me who you work for!”
“I’ve already told you!” She earns another smack to the face for that, blood dribbling down her chin as she grimaces. 
“Langdon,” a voice sounds from the door that she hadn’t heard open, making (Y/N) jump in her restraints. The man that she saw interrogate his now-dead victim stands behind the blond, a hand rubbing at the stubble on his face. “What did I say about making messes?”
Langdon sighs, rolling his eyes. “But it’s just so much more fun when I get to spill a little blood.” Regardless of his personal feelings, he moves for the door when Mr. Shepherd gives him a pointed look.
(Y/N) glares at Mr. Shepherd as he examines her in silence once Langdon has left. The security, she notices with a sideways glance, remains posted against the door. He fiddles with the sleeves of his expensive leather jacket, and she hopes it’s her defiant look that’s making him show a trait very uncharacteristic to someone who’s supposed to be a mob boss.
“It’s a shame my associate felt the need to bloody up such a pretty face.” He goes to stroke his hand along her face, stopping when (Y/N)’s spit lands on his cheek. Chuckling, he shakes his head. “Now (Y/N), there’s no need to be so hostile.”
“Give me one good reason.”
He doesn’t speak, instead grabbing a key out of his pocket and unlocking the cuffs that bind her hands behind her back. They fall off easily with a quick shake of her wrists as she pulls them forward and rubs at the chapped skin there. Mr. Shepherd takes out a knife and kneels, cutting the ropes tying her feet together. It’s an obvious ploy at attempting to gain her trust, but it’s one that, she reluctantly admits, works. 
He holds out his hand, “Allow me to properly introduce myself. Duncan Shepherd.”
(Y/N) eyes his hand warily, hesitantly shaking it before snatching her hand out of his grip. “I would introduce myself, but you seem to already know who I am.” She falters when Duncan Shepherd sheathes his knife, thrown off by this sudden change. “You’re not...going to kill me? Or you are, just not with that.”
“It wasn’t at all difficult to find out everything about you from a few simple background checks. I figured, either you’re telling the truth or you’re the worst informant my enemies have hired yet.”
“You couldn’t have checked my identity before you sent your goon to rough me up?”
“I apologize for that, but it’s just protocol. As you may imagine, my profession leaves very little room for leeway.” Duncan smiles at her, setting his hands on the arms of the chair in the same way that Langdon did mere minutes before. “You do know what my profession is, don’t you (Y/N)?”
“Vaguely,” she says dryly, peeved at how he insists on repeating her name. “I’m not too acquainted with the sort of business you’re involved in.”
“So I heard,” he smirks. (Y/N) tries to steady her thumping heart, which had decided it was off to the races when Duncan’s eyes, which she could see now were varying shades of dark and light blue that created a hypnotic combination, twinkled in the fluorescent light and his smile showed off the slight dimple on his cheek. How pathetic of me, just because he’s cute doesn’t mean he’s not a mafia boss. “You really shouldn’t take shortcuts through notoriously bad areas. You never know what kind of trouble you could get into.”
“Oh, I think I have a pretty good idea.”
Duncan stands up straight, allowing (Y/N) to feel slightly more comfortable now that she’s not directly breathing the same air as he is. Frowning slightly, he turns to the security posted at the door and mutters something, the woman nodding and disappearing out of the door. (Y/N) and Duncan remain silent until she returns, a bowl of water and a clean towel in her hands. Taking the supplies from her, Duncan wrings the towel out and holds it out as an offering.
“Either you clean yourself up or I do it for you,” he says when he senses her reluctance, waiting expectantly until she finally gives in and grabs it from him. He watches her closely, examining every wince she makes as she tries to clean the blood off of her already-bruising face. “Hmm, now what do we do with you?”
The blood rushes out of (Y/N)’s face as her heart drops. “What do you mean? You know I’m telling the truth, so let me go.”
“I could do that, but you did witness a murder. Who’s to say that you won’t run to the police the second I let you walk outside?”
She wants to deny it and emphatically say that she would never do that, but they both know that would be a lie. Out of the frying pan and into the fire, (Y/N) thinks bitterly.
“The obvious answer, of course, would be to just kill you.” Duncan looks at her, taking pride in how she doesn’t even attempt to hide the fear on her face. “However, I believe you’ll be much more useful alive than dead.”
“‘Useful’ how?” Everything she’s seen in movies and TV shows about the mafia has her mind racing with the worst possible thoughts.
He ignores (Y/N)’s question, choosing instead to pull himself to his full height in some sort of a power move. “Prove to me that you won’t go to the authorities, and this whole matter will be forgotten.”
“How am I ever supposed to prove that to you?” (Y/N) asks hopelessly. 
He shrugs. “We’ll find something that benefits the both of us.” At the horrified look on her face, Duncan shakes his head quickly. “No, nothing like that. I may be the head of one of the most influential families in Washington D.C., but I’m still a gentleman.”
“So then…”
“Think of it like running errands. Collecting dues, running product, gathering information on my behalf. You’d make a good little spy if you had the right training.” He goes to touch (Y/N)’s cheek, and she smacks his hand away belligerently.
“Don’t,” she warns. Duncan takes a step back, holding his hands up to teasingly show his harmlessness before he folds them behind his back.
“My associates will be in touch when we get something worked out.”
Duncan ignores her call, instead motioning to his security to open the door for him. Before he makes his exit, he whispers something to the male guard. With one last nod of acknowledgement in (Y/N)’s direction, Duncan leaves her alone in the room again. This time, her vision isn’t cut off with a punch; it’s with a black cloth bag forced over her head.
Tag List: @sammythankyou @girlycakepops @ultragibbycentralworld @sebastianshoe @nana15774 @queencocoakimmie @lichellaw @grim-adventures58 @dandycandy75 @trimbooohgodplsnoooo @everything-is-awesomesauce @ccodyfern @jimmlangdon @omgsuperstarg @queenie435 @dextergirl12345 @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @kahhlo @storminmytwistedmind @1-800-bitchcraft @langdonslove @cuddletothecake @born-on-stgeorges-day @mega-combusken @michaelsapostle @hecohansen31 @venusxxlangdon @idespac @hexqueensupreme @divinelangdon @lvngdvns @wroteclassicaly @venusxxlangdon 
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samsgirl2020 · 4 years
Paradise by the Dashboard Light
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This is my FIRST TIME, so please be gentle.
Word Count: 1, 581
Pairing: Sam Winchester X Reader
Warnings: Language
Summary: A female hunter has a bad night and meets an old friend in a tavern.
Notes:  This story was inspired by the Meatloaf song by the same name and by one of my own personal fantasies.  DON’T JUDGE ME! :p
HUGE KUDOS go out to my sister from another mister and my beta, LaNae Weaver.  As far as tags, I’m still really new here, so I’m not sure who I should tag and who I shouldn’t.  Feedback is ALWAYS appreciated.  ENJOY!
 You touched the cold beer bottle to the side of your face and hissed.  That was DEFINITELY gonna leave an impressive shiner.
 You slowly scanned the tavern and wished that you had just stopped by the closest gas station and got a six pack and went back to your motel room.  Men, women; hunters of all shapes, sizes, and colors crowded around the pool tables, the bar, and the one or two random tables.  There were FAR TOO MANY people around and by the sound of the bell above the door, it wasn’t slowing down.
 Your recent hunt had been a shit show.  The intel you had gotten from your contact had been completely wrong, and you knew you were lucky to be in one piece, let alone still alive.  You set out that morning thinking you were tracking a SINGLE female werewolf.  Your gear was good, YOU were good, but when you arrived at the location your contact sent you to, you found the female wolf…AND her mate.  You cursed under your breath as you relived the evening’s events.
 You drove your truck to the farm about 15 miles outside of town.  When you got out of the vehicle, the clouds parted overhead, and revealed a huge full moon bathing the land and the desolate barn in silver light.  The corner of your mouth lifted up in a smile as you took the pistol out of your duffle bag and opened the chamber to make sure it was loaded.  Once satisfied, you stuffed the weapon into the waistband of your jeans. Straightening your shoulders, you turned and made your way toward the barn.
 The female wolfs mate jumped you almost as soon as you stepped through the door.  He grabbed you by the back of your shirt and jeans and tossed you into a stall.  You crashed to the floor with a thud and groaned. Remembering the pistol in your jeans, you rolled onto your back and emptied 3 silver bullets into the male’s chest just as he was about to pounce on you again.  You scrambled into a sitting position as the male collapsed onto the barn floor.
Getting shakily to your feet, you heard a whaling cry come from across the barn.  Shaking off the effects of your flight through the air, you turned your head to see the female fling herself onto her mate.  She slowly raised her head, and her yellow, animalistic eyes met yours. A sinister snarl left the female as she rose to her full height.
You shrugged your shoulders and smirked.  “Sorry about that.”  You said.
 The female wolf roared with rage and ran toward you. You braced yourself for the inevitable collision, and the two of you slammed into the back of the stall with enough force to crack the rotting wood.  The crash also caused you to drop yur gun with your only means of defense inside.
The female wolf tangled her claws into your hair and began to slam your face into the barn stall wall.  Three separate times.
“Alright, bitch.  That’s it!”  You shouted, and regained control of the situation.  You lifted your right leg and connected your boot heel with the she-wolfs right shin.  She cried out and lost her grip on your hair.  You dropped to your knees and crawled to the steel weapon gleaming in the moonlight.  You raised the weapon and fired.
The wolf froze; a surprised look on her face that would have been comical in any other situation.  She looked down as dark blood started to ooze through her tank top.  She raised her yellow eyes to you once more before her knees buckled and she fell to the floor.
You got back to your feet and walked towards her.  As you stood over her and watched, the female’s eyes changed to a beautiful sparkling blue.  She looked at you as she gasped for air and coughed up a spat of blood. Her breathing became shallower and finally stopped.  You nudged her with your boot, and when there was no response, you sighed loudly and had to fight to keep yourself on your feet.
“Great.  I’ve probably got a fucking concussion.” You said, rolling your eyes.  The eye roll caused another bolt of pain to smash through your skull and you kicked at a random piece of wood.
 You dragged the bodies of both the she-wolf and her mate to the back of the barn.  You went to your truck, got some salt and some lighter fluid, and lit the two corpses on fire.  When the blaze had finally died down, you got back into your vehicle and left the scene. You fished your cell phone out of your duffle bag and connected with the last number you dialed.
“Colton?”  You asked into your cell phone
“Y/N?  What’s up, darlin’?  How was the hunt?” Colton asked, jovially.
“How was it?  You SON OF BITCH!  Do you THINK that you might be able to pull your head out of your ass and give me CORRECT intel next time?!” You yell.
“What the hell do you mean?”
“What do you mean what do I mean?!  There were TWO WOLVES, COLTON!  TWO!  I almost ended up as puppy chow and it’s your FUCKING fault, you ass-hat!”
“Y/N, I…I’m really sorry, babe.  I…I really didn’t know.  Every piece of info I had said it was a single female.  All my sources said…”
“Colton, I don’t give a DAMN about your other sources! YOU are the one that is supposed to have my back!  I am supposed to be able to trust you not to get me killed!” You shouted as you pulled your truck into the bar parking lot.  “I’m done, you shit head.  I’ll handle my own hunts from now on.”
“But, Y/N, please, babe…” Colton started, but you cut him off.
“SHUT UP.  And stop calling me babe!” You yelled and hung up on him.
 You shook your head and sighed as your thoughts came back to the present.  After taking a long swig on your beer, you pressed the cold glass to the side of your face again.
“Damnit!”  You cursed.
Finishing off your beer in two more swigs, you peeled yourself off the bar stool and decided the tavern was FAR MORE crowded then you were comfortable with and knew that it was time to leave.
You were looking down as you walked, wondering if the stain on your shirt was food or blood, so you were unaware of what was in front of you.  Suddenly, you ran into a hard wall of muscle and promptly fell onto your ass.
 “What the hell?  I am gonna….” You started, ready to shred whoever was at fault for knocking you to the floor, and then you froze, and your throat clamped shut.
“Y/N?  What are you doing here?”  A deep, slightly amused voice asked.
 Your eyes slowly crawled up long, denim clad legs. They continued to rise and spied a red and black flannel shirt, covered by a light brown jacket.  Finally they reached the top; and were greeted by dark, long hair, and brilliant hazel eyes.  And, if ALL OF THAT was not enough to crash your internal train, there was a small smile crossing his lips and those damn dimples were making their entrance.  Sam FUCKING Winchester.
 “Uh….Oh, hey, Sam.” You mumbled.
 He reached out a hand to you to help you off the floor and you just stared. (You had ALWAYS been fascinated by his hands).  You came back to yourself, met his gaze, and took his hand.  He lifted you off the floor with ease.
 Sam tilted his head slightly and grimaced.  “That looks like it hurts.  You okay?” He asked.
You donned your famous, “Of course!  I’m right as rain!” grin and nodded.  “Never better.  What are YOU doing here?”
He chuckled softly and sighed.  “Getting some air.  I kinda got evicted from my hotel room, and I found this place down the road.”
“There is no air in here, trust me.” You said, dusting off your back side.  “I’m guessing Dean is poling the electorate again?”
Sam grinned and nodded, almost embarrassed.
You nodded back.  “Right.  Well, I was just headed out, so…” You said, walking past him, praying like HELL he couldn’t see how his smile had made you shiver.  Suddenly, your world began to swim, and you felt like your beer was going to make an encore.  The last thought you had before your eyes rolled into the back of your head was, “Shit. Wolf bitch DID give me a concussion.”
You felt yourself falling backwards, but before you could hit the floor, strong arms were around you, cradling you tightly.
“Okay, Y/N.  Take it easy.” Sam said, a note of concern in his voice.
 You looked up into his face as he held you in his arms. The sensation of Sam holding you close to him had shallowed your breathing and your mind was racing.  You could feel your heart pounding in your chest and again PRAYED that he wouldn’t notice the physical effect he had on you. Had ALWAYS had on you since the first day you met a year ago.  You tried to clear the fog and racing thoughts with a small shake of your head and realized with another wave of nausea that THAT was a bad idea.
“ Sam fucking Winchester” you whispered, and passed out cold.
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mahinxxx · 5 years
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A/N: This is my first time writing a Jungkook x Reader type thing. I don’t know how well it’s going to do and I’m writing this as a practice run to see how everyone likes it and what not, so I’d really appreciate the feedback, it’ll mean a lot to me. Other than that I hope you enjoy this (: 
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Fluff, cute, college, small get together
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Nothing big, just get ready for a lot of fluff 
Summary: Busy with college stuff your best friend decides to take you out to a gathering with some people he knew seeing as how stressed you become with the pile of work you had from school. There you meet the one and only Jeon Jungkook, someone who you’d never expect to even pop up in your life and yet here you both were staring at each other
It had been a super long day, you were getting a headache from even thinking about all the work you had left to today, everything was just piling up and you were on the verge of breaking down.
You dug through your bag to look for your keys and opened up the door to find the apartment empty. Feeling the emptiness around the place you go around to see if your roommate was home
He was supposed to be cooking dinner tonight why was he not here?
Frustrated you put your stuff down in your room and called him, after about three or four rings he finally picks up
“Hi y/n” He says laughing
“Why aren’t you home Hoseok? You’re supposed to have dinner ready and I’m over here starving”
He cursed to himself a little bit
“I’m so sorry y/n, I got side tracked with the boys that I forgot to even text you about the plans” 
You had a confused face printed on
“What plans?” You asked carefully
“The boys had invited me over for a little get together and so I wanted to bring you along, epically after all the work you’ve been doing, it could be nice for you to loosen up for a bit” he said carefully
“But I have so much-” before you get to even finish your sentence he says “Great, I’m on my way to pick you up right now, be ready in 15, love you” 
With that he hung up the phone
You groan and lay down on the couch, Hoseok and you have been friends since you two were in elementary, you were getting bullied by another bigger boy when he stepped in and protected you, since then he’s been by your side at all times, you two were stuck at the hip together
It’s been ten minutes and finally you’re done getting ready
You get a call on your phone, Hobi is here telling you to come meet him at the car in front of the building
As you head over you notice there’s other people in the car
You sit in the front seat as Hobi welcomes you and introduces you to the two in three people in the back
“Y/n these are my other friends from university, please introduce yourselves”
“Hi I’m Jimin, nice to meet you” this cute guy said with an angelic smile, you shook his hand and said hi
“I’m Namjoon, pleasure to meet you after all the things I’ve heard from Hobi” This guy was tall and really cute as well 
The third guy was just staring at you, looking as if he was shocked, so you stuck your hand out and said your name first
“Hi, I’m y/n pleasure to meet you”
He soon snapped out of it and turned a tinge of pink
“Oh sorry, I was just thinking, I’m Jungkook” 
He flashed you the most amazing smile you’ve ever seen, he was definitely a charmer and you couldn’t help but feel comfort from him, as soon as your hands touched you felt the electricity and almost pulled you hand back
You all soon made it back to someone’s home and meet the rest of Hobi’s friends, there was Jin, Yoongi, and Taeyung. 
You all had a game night and laughed about all the stupid things that were going on between them, they were all so filled with positivity and for once you were actually glad you took this night out
Soon after Jin made you all food and all of you were sat around the living room with full tummies
“Thank you Jin, the food was amazing, haven’t had such good food in a while” You said smiling
“Um so you’re saying I can’t cook?” Hobi said looking super offended
“That’s right, there’s no denying that” Everyone laughed at that and they got to know a little more about you
“So y/n, what do you study?” Namjoon asked
“I major in bio-chem, it’s a huge passion of mine” you said looking at my hands
“Don’t you study the same Jungkook?” Hobi asked
You looked up at him and he nodded back finally looking at you, you two have barely spoken since the car ride, only speaking to one another when needed
“We have the same chem class then right? It’s the only one available for this semester” you said carefully
“The one at 5 p.m on tuesdays and thursdays right?” He said asking you know
You nodded questioning why you’ve never seen him and probably figured it’s because you don’t really pay attention to the people but rather the class itself
Soon after you had passed out on the couch and woke up back home in your own bed with someone covering the blanket over you
“Hobi?” you said groggy 
“Go back to sleep y/n you passed out at Jin’s house so I brought you back” He said kissing your head
Soon after the following week Jungkook had finally spotted you in the class you two share and started to sit next to you, you both even worked together on a project and were really getting close 
A couple of months had passed at this point and Jungkook took you to this Café that was open 24/7 near his house
He took you out on spontaneous places
Both of you were in a deep conversation 
“So yeah that’s how I became friends with them, they truly are older brother to me, they’ve helped me through so much that I’ll never be able to repay them for it. They’re probably the only reason why I even made it through that last breakup” Jungkook had told you truthfully 
You knew how bad his last relationship was and he told you how he didn’t trust anyone after that
You looked at Jungkook and stared at him, his features was nothing but perfect to you, his laugh was contagious, his smile made your day and within the last couple of months you had fallen head over heels for him
He did all types  of sweet things for you, like coming over to watch a movie with you, coming over late at night if you were stressed or even just to bring you food
He was everything you wanted in a man
“Y/n take a picture, it lasts longer” He said chuckling
“Oh my, sorry, I wasn’t staring at you or anything” you said turning red feeling the heat going up to your cheeks
He offered to take you home but you declined
“It’s going to rain, you should get home too, I can manage” You said hugging him tightly
He hugged back and you felt him relax in your arms
“Fine, but only because it’ll make you go home faster”
With that you were both off
Jugnkook had gotten home just as it started pouring down super hard
He had texted you to make sure you had gotten home alright and with that he felt more relaxed
He went and laid on the couch watching t.v. just as Jimin sat next to him
“So when are you going to tell her?” He asked Jungkook
“What are you talking about?”
“Y/n. When are you going to tell her you like her?” He said so nonchalantly
Jungkook basically choked on the water he was drinking and spit it all over the table
“Come on, it’s so obvious, you haven't done any of the cute stuff with anyone since- well you know” He said rubbing the back of his neck
“I- well I don’t know, everything seems for foreign to me. I don’t even think she feels the same. Everything about her is just so perfect. Y/n, she’s so sweet, kind, beautiful, and her eyes oh my god” He said falling back onto the couch
“Go, go tell her now” Jimin said changing the channel
He knew, it was now or never, he had courage from Jimin and he knew he would lose that soon, so he grabbed the keys and ran to your house in the rain
You were in your pajamas watching leaning against a sleepy Hobi watching his favorite show when you heard the bell ring
“Who’s here at this hour?” He asked yawning
“Have no idea” You said getting up to see who it was
You saw it was jungkook and opened it up
“Jungkook, what-what are you doing here? You drenched, you’re going to catch a cold” You said shocked
“I needed to talk to you, let me finish. I have to do this now otherwise I know I’m gonna get cold feet and walk away just like I’ve always been doing”
He took a little pause and you felt your stomach drop 
You nodded allowing him to go on
“Since I’ve gotten to know you, you've taken up a space in my life that has been empty, a void. You filled it like no other. All I ever think about anymore is you. Everytime I’m with you I get this feeling and just looking at you makes me want to just have you all to myself. I know you may not feel the same way but I can’t hold onto this forever, you mean everything to me, I love you y/n” He finally said looking straight into your eyes
You wouldn't believe anything he was saying, this was so unexpected
“I’ll be on my way-” He said after you failed to say anything but your body move don it’s own
You grabbed his face and kissed him, it didn’t take long for him to react, he pulled you closer by your waist and kissed back, the kiss was nothing like you’ve ever felt before. It was excitement mixed with desperation
Soon you both pulled back and he put his head on yours while holding your face
“I love you too Jungkook” You said smiling at him
He kissed you again and said “I’ve been longing for this” 
You giggled and pulled him inside
“You’re going to catch a cold, come sleep here tonight, there’s no way I’m letting you back in the rain”
You saw Hobi was passed out on the couch and you tucked him in while going to borrow some clothes to give to Jungkook
That night he held you so close, you’ve never felt more safe.
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Witness : 6
The Day After
Tumblr media
moodboard created by @chuuulip
Character(s): dark!Bucky, later dark!Steve, too
Warnings: this is a dark!fic, it contains non/dubious-consent elements. Some violence as well at the beginning. It goes without (and with) that this is 18+.
Summary: The reader finds it hard to adjust after her first night with Bucky.
Notes: I am reposting this fic here. It was originally on ao3 but now it’s on tumblr too! If you read, I love feedback and would love any comments you have. And if you can, please share! Anyhow, enjoy :)
You weren’t sure of the time when Bucky left you. You didn’t move as his weight left the bed for the last time. Didn’t look to see the time. You couldn’t even recall what he had said when he left. Had he said anything? You were too shattered to listen. You just lay on the bed, sprawled in the position he had last broken you in, breathing but nothing more. You lingered on the other option.  Maybe death was better than this. Feeling so violated, languishing in your debasement. You couldn’t see that the void beyond could offer any such self-loathing. If you told him you had changed your mind, would he kill you now?After the hours he had spent relishing in your torment, you knew it was too late for that. He would use you until you outlived your usefulness. He had said as much upon your first real meeting.
Slowly, you moved one leg, then the other, and crawled across the bed and onto the floor. Your knees shook as you stood but you kept yourself upright. Your ass was sore, thighs too, your core thrumming from the abuse. You stared at the blankets, tangled across the mattress, your stomach recoiled. You turned and stumbled, reaching out desperately for balance as you lumbered into the washroom. Your guts spilled into the sink, mostly bile. You turned on the faucet and washed it away. You let yourself slump to the tile, leaning against the side of clawfoot tub. Your breath picked up but you couldn’t cry. Not anymore. It was a peculiar sensation. You felt numb yet agonized. It was a pain you couldn’t quite grasp. You hung your head and sat until the frosted glass lightened, signalling that day was close.
You sat in the shower, scrubbing at your skin, slowly at first but then your need to cleanse yourself grew frantic. You emerged with raw flesh and dressed in a pair off baggy sweatpants and an aged sweater with holes in the cuffs. You dumped the clothing from your hamper and ripped the sheets and blankets from atop your bed, shoving them deep within the tall basket.  You sat on the machine in the common laundry room as it shook with swirl of your bed clothing. Your fingers bent over the edge of the white metal, the subtle tumbling almost calming. You changed the load over and repeated your vigil.
You tossed the bedding down the garbage chute when they were done.
The sun was fully risen when you returned to your apartment, refusing to enter the bedroom and acknowledge your barren mattress.  Your phone vibrated, drawing your attention as you carefully set up a pot of coffee to brew. You waited to fill your mug before you dug the phone from your purse, the screen lighting up as another message arrived. ‘You up for a sleepover?’ Allie followed the invitation with a winky emoji. You didn’t know how to answer. You definitely didn’t want to sleep in your own bed but you were afraid that Bucky would return that night and think you fled.
Your phone shook again, this time an unknown number. You opened the window and read, the fear creeping up your neck like spider legs. ‘In case you think of trying to run again’. It was easy to guess who had sent the text, easier with the photos that followed. Images more chilling than the scene in the parking garage. Pictures of your mother in front of her house, watering her flowers, accompanied by a wall of text including her name, birth date, social security number...everything about her.
‘Sorry, I can’t,’ You replied to Allie. You were pitiful. Too afraid to have a life so that you can sit and await your bane. A call came through, unknown number. You pressed answer as your heart raced. “Y/N,” Bucky’s voice greeted but you couldn’t speak. “Come on, what did I say about answering me.”
“What do you want?” You rasped, walking over to your window, looking out along the skyline. Could he see you then?
“You can go to the sleepover. I won’t be over tonight.” You could hear the smirk in his voice.
“W-what?” You sputtered, trying to search him out. “You can see my texts?”
“I see everything. I told you. Now, go ahead and have some fun. You deserve it after last night.” You were sickened by his tone. You reached up and drew the curtains shut. “I’m out of town right now but I’ll be back on Tuesday. This time I expect you to be on time.”
“I have to work,” You lied.
“Not that late. 10-6. Not a bad shift. Enough time after to have some fun.” Your hand was trembling uncontrollably. “I expect you’ll be home before seven.”
“Y-yes,” You stuttered, your throat constricting.
“Well, I should let you go. I’m a bit tied up at the moment,” He was signing off as if this was a perfectly casual conversation. “Oh, and one thing before I go, Y/N. Don’t try to lie to me again. When I return, you will be punished for breaking the rules. No passes this time. Understood?”
You choked, “Yes,” You whispered into the speaker, “Yes, I understand.”
“Good.” He was smirking, you could hear it. “Have fun at your sleepover.” The line went dead and you pulled your phone away from your ear. You scrolled through your contacts, returning to your conversation with Allie. ‘Actually, a sleepover sounds great.’
You crossed your arms as you waited for Allie to answer her damn buzzer. The speaker crackled and you heard her rustling in the background. “Y/N?” This always happened. She was always in the middle of something else when you turned up. You would have laughed if your body would have allowed it.
“Yeah, it’s me,” You called back, “Come on. Let me in. I’m soaked.” It had rained again but you hadn’t really noticed until you entered the lobby. The door rang and you pulled on it as it unlocked. You stood in front of the elevator, waiting for it to descend. You were jealous of Allie’s building; it was new enough that its amenities worked. At your building, you couldn’t trust the elevator. The old cage door and the several residents who reported hours spent waiting to be freed from its grips by maintenance. With your luck, you didn’t tempt fate.
It was a smooth ride up and you waited once more before Allie’s door. She slid free the chain free and let you in. Her hair was wrapped in a towel and her face green with an herbal smelling mask. “Just in time,” She chimed as she welcomed you in. “Shit, Y/N, you look fucking ragged. Good thing I have an extra mask.”
I don’t think a mask will do the trick, you thought as your eyebrows twitched. “Ha, yeah,” You laughed halfheartedly, “I brought wine.”
“You look like you need it,” She smiled but her eyes caught yours and she stopped. Usually she was hard to shut up. She’d keep going enough for the both of you so you never needed to worry about lively conversation. “Are you okay?”
You shook your head, trying to free yourself from the chains which only grew tighter around your limbs. “Fine,” You lied, forcing a bigger smile. She hesitated but backed off, allowing you the fib. She was always understanding. Whatever you needed, she would give. If that meant space, she’d give you a mile, but when the time came she was right by your side.
“Let me uncork that wine,” She took the large bottle from you, weighing it as the golden nectar swished against the glass, “Wow, you went all out.”
“Last time you drank it all,” You kidded. Still the smile was not real. You were relieved to be away from your apartment, to have Allie nearby, but you just couldn’t feel...normal. You hung your jacket and slipped out of your boots, following her down the hallway. Her apartment always amused you as it looked like Barbie herself could live here.  Allie was a great host. She filled the largest wine glasses and set them on the low coffee table.
“Go rinse your face and I’ll put the mask on.” You did as she said, splashing your face and returning to her, closing your eyes as she smoothed the thick mask over your skin. “Ha, let me get my phone.” She stood as she finished, washing her hand in the kitchen sink and retrieving her phone as she sat back down. “I’m going to send this to everyone. You look so funny.”
“You’re one to talk,” You rolled your eyes. Her own mask was dried and starting to flake. She looked like a swamp monster.
“Shit, I gotta get this off!” She jumped up again and raced to the bathroom. When she came back she was giggling and touching her rosy cheeks, the rest of her face just as red.
“How long is this suppose to be on?” You asked anxiously.
“Ten minutes. But I may have left mine on a little longer,” She grinned, baring her teeth awkwardly.
“Right, I’m just going to take mine off now.” You passed her and swiftly cleaned your face as you felt tingling along your forehead. You were thankfully soft and without shine, your skin much brighter than before.
“So,” Allie handed you your wine as you say, “What are we going to watch tonight? Or do you wanna play a game? I got the new Mario.”
“Hmm? So many options,” You leaned back, sipping deep from your wine. “You choose. I’ll do whatever.” Whatever could distract you from the impending doom which stood over you so constantly. You drank again from you wine, setting down the glass with only a mouthful left.
“Take it easy, Y/N,” Allie looked up as she switched on her console, “We have all night and only one bottle.”
“Won’t be that long a night if I drink enough,” You muffled a belch into your palm and she laughed.
“I guess that’s one way of looking at it,” She sat beside you on the couch and handed you a controller, “But I think you’ll need your wits for this game. I might just kick your ass.”
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kucheek · 6 years
Standing Still For 24 Hours Straight - Statue Challenge
[PART 1?] ~pending
requested: yes! 
request: LOVE YOUU
Hi!!! Can you please do imagines/ a series based on mrbeast videos where the reader is in a relationship with jimmy so basically fluff?❤️ Btw I love your work!!
pairing: mrbeast aka jimmy x reader
// Ahh~ Love you too! So this is what I’m going to do. Include the reader in the first part-ish of 2 or 3 videos, which will all be separate posts, and whichever story gets more positive feedback (from both notes and inbox messages), I’ll finish out writing the video. And thank you! You’re sweet :) As always let me know what you all think! //
You make cameos every now and again on the Mr. Beast channel. Usually when you go to visit Jimmy in North Carolina, he has prerecorded videos ready for posting, trying to spend as much time with you before you’re off again. Of course, you are a special guest if a certain video has a time constraint or if he didn’t get the chance to record anything beforehand.
You were stood at the side as the intro to the video was being recorded; initially, when Jimmy suggested standing still for 24 hours you were very skeptical. That boy can’t stand still to save his life. 
“You’re going to last like an hour.” you raised an eyebrow. “tops.” 
“I’ll take you up on that,” he insists, crossing his arms at a challenge. “I’ll bet you that I’m going to last way longer than that.”
You were carrying the guitar case that Chris was supposed to be using during the video and one glance up unnerved you. “I think it’s going to rain.” you pointed upwards, grey clouds covering the sky. Simultaneously, four heads spun around to look at you and even the camera was now pointed at you. “what?”
“That’s bad luck!” “You’re not supposed to say that!” “Now it’s going to rain.”
“I doubt me saying anything, will make it rain.” you rolled your eyes at their claims, continuing to lug the case towards the sidewalk. “if it’s going to rain, it’s going to rain!” Saying the last part loudly. 
Setting everything up didn’t take too long, a few stools and everything was mostly ready for the next 24 hours, apparently. You were standing on the platform that Jimmy was supposed to be standing on as he went around and explained what was going on at each station. 
“Our first station at the event is Garrett’s paint shop, for $5, he will professionally paint you. Our second station is Chris, he’ll play any song in the world-” At that, you looked up and said loudly, “as long as it’s, like, 5 of them.” 
Chris leaned back from his stool, calling out in your direction offendedly, “hey!”
Jimmy pointed towards the camera lens and tacked on, “and not copyrighted.” He moved towards Chandler which, after some haggling, you managed to get into a top hat. “Our third station is Chandler over here, world’s best magician.” 
“And finally, we have Y/N. She isn’t a station because-”
“We need moral support!” Garrett interrupted, the camera panning over before Chandler moved his face in front of the lens. “And snacks. Lost of snacks. 
“Actually, she’s my moral support. You guys can move around and I can’t.” Jimmy said pointedly. “for 24 hours.” He looked contemplative for a second before adding, “and they’re my snacks.”
“Possible 24 hours,” you continued, hopping down from the platform. 
He went around and fist-bumped the three boys before attempting to do the same with you. But before he had a chance, you heard the exclaims from them all around. “Ugh.” With a quick glance, you saw them all trying to wipe the silver paint from their knuckles from Jimmy’s fist. 
You quickly retracted your hand to avoid his. He moved closer and, before you had a chance to slip away, he swiped a finger down your cheek. “Erghh, no.”
“Now you all have a part of me on you,” he said before motioning at the camera. “and then I’m going to be the main attraction. I’m going to stand here for 24 hours straight.” The guys stepped closer to get the final shot and Chris held up his phone. “It is officially 1:22.” 
“It is 1:22.” Jimmy confirmed and stepped up onto the platform.
“Alright,” Chris stated. “it’s official, you can get down at 1:22, tomorrow.”
“Or,” you commented innocently. “we’ll be back in an hour after Jimmy realizes how long 24 hours of standing completely still will take.”
“Which is the more likely option.” Chris laughed, sitting himself down onto his stool.
“That’s-” Jimmy started. You held up a finger, stopping him quickly and you wagged it back and forth. “ah, ah. Statues don’t talk.”
Despite the beard, you could tell he was frowning as he tried to think of a solution before brightening up, “I’m still allowed to talk though, ‘cause you can’t see my mouth move.” He said matter-of-factly, giving you a pointed look. 
“Already starting with the added rules and regulations, are we?” You teased, returning the look.
The next ten minutes were pretty entertaining. People would stop, either wondering what the hell was going on or recognizing one of the guys, and occasionally, you. And it was in that time that you already knew, Jimmy was uncomfortable. 
“Your neck is going to get stiff,” you said, your initial mocking and teasing attitude faded away and was replaced with slight worry. You didn’t think he was going to pass out from exhaustion or anything, but you knew he was going to  probably be sore the following day. And a crabby and tired Jimmy while you were visiting wasn’t your idea of a good time. 
“Yeah, it already hurts,” he muttered, a thoughtful look on his face. “Tareq!” He called out. “pan the camera over here.” 
Tareq moved the camera over, zooming in on Jimmy’s face. “alright, we’ve been doing this for ten minutes aaand I’m going to have to change up the rules a little bit. I’m able to move my head.”
After the camera moved towards Garrett, who was painting a mother and her child, you looked up at Jimmy. “second rule change of the day,” you said lightly, “next thing you know, in ten minutes, you’re gonna be able to move your whole body.” 
“You know, you're not instilling a lot of confidence. Aren’t you here for moral support?” 
“Am I?” You said mockingly, moving towards Chandler slowly, wanting to see his attempts at making a balloon animal.
“I can see you moving,” Jimmy said dryly before whining loudly, “don’t leeeaave, I can’t mooove!”
“I’ll be back in two seconds.” You rolled your eyes, giving up your idea of slipping over quietly. “If you’re good, I’ll bring you a balloon animal.”
“You’re patronizing me.” He narrowed his eyes and with a quick wink, you spun around and walked towards Chandler when a woman requested a balloon animal. “Now, what balloon animal would you like?” 
“Uh, surprise me,” she answered after a second. 
He held the blown balloon in his hands. “alright.” turning towards the woman, he raised his eyebrows, “...you ever heard of a snake?” 
You stifled a laugh when the woman stated immediately, “you’re not giving me a snake.”
It took a few minutes of Chandler trying to remember how to make a complicated animal when he shot his hands out, offering you the balloon. “Can you do this? It’s going to pop.” 
You wrinkled your nose and leaned backwards. “uh, no. You’re the magician.” Giving up trying to pawn off the balloon, he managed to fold and twist is once into the semblance of a... 
“that’s a fish,” he said proudly, holding it out to the woman, she smiled politely and dropped a dollar into his top hat. 
In the next five minutes, Chandler managed to make two more balloon animals. Or more accurately, balloon fish. 
“At this point, you should just promote an aquarium.” you laughed as the next customer left. 
Glancing around, Garrett was painting a couple, Chris was fiddling with the guitars tuning pegs, and Jimmy was trying to catch your attention by waving his head around wildly. If he kept that up he was going to snap his neck, you thought, resolving to go see one of Chris’s performances. Up until now you heard bits and pieces of his strumming and insane lyrics, but you had yet to experience it firsthand.
When you walked past Jimmy to stand between his platform and Chris, he groaned loudly. “Y/N! You’re supposed to be my moral support.” He repeated. 
You gave him was an apologetic look but before you had a chance to respond, he cut you off with an accusatory tone. “I’m not feeling very supported.” 
“I bet everyone else is feeling supported,” he continued and you could already tell he had a pout underneath the beard. 
At that, you rolled your eyes. “I’m right next to you. I’m going to watch Chris and his little improv lyrics.”
“It’s going to be awesome,” Chris chimed in, strumming the guitar loudly right next to you. 
At that point someone had walked up, dropping a few coins into the case and Chris plopped onto the stool. “alright, let’s do this. What’s your name?”
“Matt.” Chris repeated, before starting to strum. “Matt. Matt is awesoome.” You covered your mouth, repressing the laughter beginning to bubble out. “He looks like...Logiiic!” Chris continued and you couldn’t hold back your laughter. “oh, my God.”
From that point, few people had come and gone when Jimmy called out to a guy who had been standing off to the side, observing the going-ons. Debating whether or not to get involved, you assumed. 
“Do you want to get drawn? Or do you wanna-”
“Holy crap!” The guy breathed out, taking a step backwards in shock. “I didn’t even realize, I though it was just a Town Square statue.” 
“To be real, though, he looks like Abraham Lincoln.” 
You let out a quick laugh and Chris turned towards Jimmy. “You do look like Abraham Lincoln.” 
You didn’t know how much time had passed from that point, definitely more than an hour. So far, the guys had gone through 3 trays of cookies, a box of Ritz, and a few packets of mini cookies. 
You were absentmindedly holding up the mini cookies and one by one, feeding Jimmy because apparently, since he was doing this challenge, he 'can’t feed himself’. You tried tossing them into his mouth in an effort to relieve your boredom, but taking into account that he was only able to move his head, you managed to hit his eye on more than one occasion. 
“I’m getting bored. Nothing interesting has happened,” Jimmy muttered pointedly, talking around the cookie in his mouth. He looked around, everything had been mostly stagnant for a while and he was getting uneasy. When his eyes passed over Garrett, he tapped your arm lightly with his foot. “Garrett’s painting is improving.” 
When you looked towards him, you snorted. “I think that’s what this video will end up being. The steady improvement of Garrett’s painting skills.” 
“Ugh, you’re right. This video sucks.” He complained after a beat. You raised an eyebrow and looked up at him. “I didn’t say it sucks.”
He looked down at you, pointedly. “but it does.” 
“Jimmy, I don’t think it’s going to suck,” you assured, trying to throw up another cookie and watching as it managed to get into his mouth. You had an idea of where this conversation was going to head and you were proved right when a few seconds later Jimmy called out loudly, “guys! Team huddle!” 
The boys gathered and Jimmy laid out his plan of action, they’d pack up and think of a new idea for the remainder of the video. After all was said and done, everything was collected and you were on your way to load everything back up.
“Told you, you wouldn’t last,” you said lightly, nudging his shoulder. He scoffed in return and gave you a dry look. “you said I wouldn’t last an hour and I lasted way longer.”
“Still won,” you said haughtily. “didn’t last 24.”
“I’d like to see you stand for 24 hours.”
You hummed quietly, your stance on the conversation clear. 
Video timestamp 2.00
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kisskissbanggang · 4 years
Part One- I had a gut feeling that was gonna happen and I'm so happy it did lmao, adding the 'business' dynamic to the trope is just extra flavor. For two, I was immediately impressed with your endless vocabulary! This definitely continued throughout the following parts. I love the note passing, it has a middle school crush feeling that's so endearing🤧 OH SHIT BRO I WAS GONNA GO TO BED BUT NOW IM GONNA READ PART FOUR AHAHA FUCK SLEEP OMG I was kinda expecting this but you did that sneaky (1)
(2) author thing where you make it seem like everything's gonna be okay but BOOM jokes on you hoes it's not omg. This is intense so I'm gonna calm myself. This type of writing ^ is insanely smart and causes an emotional rollercoaster which I am on babe oh lord. HyunJae is, what you would consider, an antagonist, but seeing as her actions have reasons behind them make the reader have more sympathy for her. She isn't in a good position because of this either.
(3) Obviously this is fiction, but it reflects idol culture. If an idol were to have one of these 'issues', management would be frantic to 'solve' them. Chan heard her say she's not in love w him didn't he.. ughhh ;;-;; now baby's heartbroken. Okay I need sleep really bad I'm gonna continue this first thing in the morning😅
Final message I swear lmao. I rarely read action type fics, but I loved the sprinkle of action when they were escaping the photographers!! Y/n went full bad bitch mode we have no choice but to stan. I KNEW THERE WAS MORE TO HYUNJAE THAN SHE LET ON. Actions always have reasons. Him coming over in the rain is just😭 typical romance drama antics that I'll always be weak for. I love the ending! How they continue to be a couple despite it being difficult is accurate :) another great piece!
😭 LIN. 😭
Thank you for reading omg. Standby is very much my baby, I really appreciate that you took the time to read it and give me feedback like this.
I was giddy while writing the note passing. I passed notes all the way through college, and it does show up in a couple of my pieces because it’s a nice and playful way for characters to interact. I’m glad the end of the elevator scene did it for you! All I wanted was that DREAD of getting caught to be real for the Reader. I’ve had my fair share of it and I wanted to convey that fear through the action.
Hyunjae is an arc in a character I never expected to enjoy so much. I wrote her to be a ballbuster and she was instantly so fun to write once I finished part 2 that I knew she deserved a good arc that would reinforce the Reader’s own, and maybe even Chan’s. Hyunjae really doesn’t have an easy job, and she’s really not in a good place, but it’s still easy to be against her because she just doesn’t have any faith in our two leads. Of course she wants to break them up! It’s way too much trouble to have around, and she doesn’t want our leads to have to even deal with it. Our Reader even starts to feel that way herself, and she keeps on squashing down these feelings she clearly has which leads to that heartbreaking scene at the end of part 4 and I’m glad it was effective!!
As for the finale, I love it so much. I’m so happy with it. Our Reader IS capable and she IS good at her job, so it hurts even more when she loses it. It hurts even more knowing Hyunjae made similar mistakes and wants to protect Reader by not even giving her a chance to try. I WAS ALWAYS AFRAID HAVING HIM COME OVER IN THE RAIN WAS TOO CHEESY BUT THAT WAS ALWAYS HOW I IMAGINED IT and it just made sense?? I’m glad it still worked for you lmao and the epilogue!! I did want to give us some hope, that our leads weren’t afraid to try and that’s a terrific end for both of them.
OH LIN I’M SO HAPPY YOU READ THIS oh my god I was so thrilled when I got your first message abt it 😭 I’m so happy you enjoyed it, AND I LOVE YOU NEVER FORGET 💗💗💗
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shadowsof-thenight · 5 years
Where our story begins: Chapter four
Story summary: This is a victorian era AU Home is where our story begins, but how does one know where home is? 

Julia has a good life. A calm life. She really doesn’t have much to complain about. That is, until a handsome stranger steps into their home in the country and all that calmness seems to disappear instantly. Who is this man that seems to terrorise everyone with his haughty ways?

Ship: Bucky Barnes X OFC-Julia
Warnings: none I think.
Words: 4196
A/N: As some of you might know, I am looking for a beta. So if anyone wants togive it a go, know someone who would, please let me know. Forgive me for any mistakes you might find in this one, feel free to inform me of them so I can fix it. With the current regulations for corona, I am unable to go to work. I hope that I’ll be able to write a lot the coming weeks. Perhaps even finish flashlight.
And as always, feedback is appreciated!
If you wish to be tagged, let me know! Edit 26th of April 2020: replaced the chapter with the beta-ed version! Thanks to @gnomewithalaptop​ for all her hard work!
Story Masterlist
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After their loaded conversation, they both needed a moment to overthink the information that was shared. For the continuation of their walk into town conversation was kept light—Julia commented on the constantly changing weather, and James asked questions about various things they walked past. Julia finally felt most of the tension leave her body, and she was ready to enjoy their stroll around the town centre. There were only a few shops, but it was enough to entertain them for a moment. There were also people, plenty of people, and all of them were drawn to the handsome new face that entered their town square.
All too soon, James became somewhat of an attraction. Not too many strangers ventured into this part of the country, except for vendors. Nobility like James would usually exclusively reside in the manors of other lords and ladies. There were a few of those families in the area; such as the Rumlow family that lived nearest to the Fitzgeralds. They were rich and notoriously ruthless in business, but they had always been kind to Julia. Then there was Julia’s Uncle Phil, Clint’s father, who lived only an hour away. And just a tad further was the Stark family. Julia hadn’t seen the Starks since court though. Parties were very limited here, as most of the families split their time between court and the country and sought out calm when they were here.
Which, in short, meant that it was a rare occasion where such a well-dressed, obviously well-off man would venture into town. Julia had to work hard to keep him from being overrun by the gossiping elderly and the multitude of parents that wished to introduce their daughters to him. James was polite, though she saw clear signs of discomfort in his demeanour. As much as she enjoyed his unease on other occasions, she knew better than to walk away from her duties. He was her guest, her parents’ guest, and she needed to help him as best she could.
She understood the reaction James got from her neighbours. The area had suffered economically in recent years, and there was a definite allure to a man like James. It would be a surefire way to provide for their families. Knowing the quick ways of town gossip, she was certain that they knew exactly what he made in a year, something Julia herself did not know, she realised just then.
James was surprised by all the attention he was getting, whispering to Julia that none of them even knew him. She tried to suppress a laugh as she took in his widened eyes as he spoke to her. One of her elderly neighbours was quick to inform them that the approval of the Fitzgeralds was enough of a recommendation to his character. Julia blushed at the compliment directed at her family, happy that people perceived them so positively. It mattered to her what people thought of her and her family. Still, she wasn’t entirely clear if she did approve of James’s character. This was not the moment to address that however, so she bit her tongue.
Eventually, the crowds thinned and Julia was able to turn them around, ready to go home. It was still a good twenty minutes to go, and dark clouds were slowly gathering over their heads. Unconsciously, Julia picked up the pace, and since James kept up rather effortlessly, she did not notice until her breath started to become strained. It was now his turn to chuckle, and he took her hand to lay on his arm, as he slowed their pace again. Relieved, she breathed in, though she kept a wary eye on the sky.
When the manor finally came into view, Julia repressed the urge to run for it. The conversation had long since died, and the silence was weighing heavier on her shoulders by the minute. Initially, she enjoyed it, but soon her mind had started playing tricks on her, and she wondered if his silence was perhaps a foreboding one. After all, she had been rather direct and possibly rude to the man beside her, and with the house coming closer, this was becoming far more real in her head. Her efforts to run interference with the locals might not have been enough to plead her case. Not that this was the only reason she helped him. But what if he intended to tell her parents? They’d be mortified.
All worries were quickly cast from her mind though, as the heavens opened up and rain pelted down on them. She heard Mary gasp from the sudden chill it added to the air, and all three of them quickened their pace once more, but it was no use. By the time they entered the foyer of her childhood home, they were soaked through and through.
The door was already open as they reached the building, and as soon as they crossed the threshold, Josephine was fussing over them as only a mother would. Jones quickly helped them out of their coats, while Maudlin came over with warm towels. She wrapped the company of three in those fluffy cloths in quick succession. Then she guided Mary to her own quarters, certain that Julia and James were well taken care of by others. She was correct, of course, since James’s valet came rushing down the stairs to tend to him almost immediately after she left. Julia found herself in the gentle care of her mother, who explained that her chambermaid had gone home to her family and Mary needed some time to herself.
“When did Charlotte leave?” Julia wondered out loud, only now realising that she had not seen the woman in two days. Her mother's chambermaid was always quiet, but not invisible.
“Yesterday morning,” Josephine softly replied as she worked on the lacing of Julia’s dress. Julia tried to catch her mother’s eyes through the floor-length mirror, to no avail.
“Who has been helping you?”
“Maudlin and Mary, my dear.” Her mother’s voice was calm as she focussed on her task, but there was just a slight undertone that told Julia there was more to it. However, it was clear to her that her mother was not eager to discuss the matter, and Julia decided to accept that for now. Besides, she was far too cold to focus on much else. Therefore she wrapped herself in her warm robe and waited under the covers of her bed, as her mother prepared a bath for her.
James was exhausted. For a good few minutes, he was certain that his stay here would be the end of him. It had not even been a full day, but it had proven to be a taxing one already. The words that Julia had spoken during their walk ran through his mind. As well as the many questions and introductions that had been thrown his way in town. Everyone had been polite, though subtlety wasn’t a talent for most. It had amused  and exhausted him. And now he was so incredibly cold that he was certain he would not be able to catch some shut-eye.
He tried to roll his shoulder as the watery chill seeped into his bones and pain shot through his arm. Silently cursing, he paced the room in an attempt to remain calm. He would need something else to focus on, something other than the pain. He walked into the adjoining bathroom where his valet was currently making him a bath.
“Peter, have you been successful today?” His voice was a rough grumble and he took a deep breath to fix it. Peter did not deserve his foul attitude. The young man had gone above and beyond during this bout of travelling. It was not his fault that the results were lacking.
“No, sir. My apologies, sir,” the tall gangly boy said, his eyes averted. He obviously sensed the tension in his boss and was treading lightly. “Your bath is ready, sir.”
James waved him off and disrobed, quickly stepping into the steaming water. A sigh left his lips as the warmth had its quick effect and soothed the pain in the tangled mess of scars that was his shoulder. He could faintly hear Peter rummaging around in his room and assumed he was stoking up the fire. The boy knew just how much James hated the cold. It was why his own home had undergone rigorous adjustments that helped keep out the chill. After all, the northern part of this beautiful country was a great deal colder.
Oh, how he had enjoyed the long summer of this year. Though he did wonder now if he had appreciated it enough. Perhaps he had not.
“Peter?” He called out and before long the young man poked his curly head into the door, a bright smile on his kind face. “Can you find out if I could have a moment with Lord Fitzgerald today?”
If he was going to endure the cold and accompanying pain, James would rather do it from the comforts of his own home. Therefore, he needed to get to business. He could not allow George to stall their dealings for too long. Even if he did enjoy the company of his beautiful daughter. She was tempting, luring him in quickly with her calculated stares and her desire to question everything. It reminded him of his dear sister and offered a nice distraction from his worries. However, there was business to be done, and he could not neglect his duties.
Still reeling from the cold, Julia decided to have her lunch in her room. It was rather late for it anyway. She was not ready to leave the warmth that the roaring fire provided. There were fires burning in every hearth of the manor, but most rooms were far larger than her bedroom, and she guessed that those rooms would not be as pleasantly sizzling.
Julia spent her time lazily cutting into the carrots on her plate, munching on small bites while she contemplated the events of the morning. Their walk had lasted far longer than she had anticipated. Truthfully, her feet were a little sore. Though that probably had more to do with the muddy soil they had walked on. Her shoes were definitely not made for running, she thought as she regarded them—discarded in the corner by the door. Hopefully, they weren’t completely ruined by the rain and mud. She would have to ask Mary about that, if her friend would stay long enough to talk. At this point, it was clear she was avoiding Julia, or at least avoiding speaking to her. Julia only hoped that this would be over by the day’s end.
Julia really needed someone to talk through everything she had said, wanted to analyse his replies. He had not shunned her after her impertinent behaviour, though there had been long bouts of silence during their walk home. She worried about what he thought of her now and if her behaviour would reflect badly on her parents. He was a hard person to read, and she couldn’t figure it out by herself. One moment, he seemed to be testing her, amusement clear in his eyes. Other moments he could be kind. It was seriously confusing her.
She wondered if she had judged him too harshly the previous night, only to remember his conversation with his valet. Peter, she thought his name was. He was young, eager and James had appeared to be cussing him out. Had the boy deserved it? She couldn’t be certain, though her mother certainly had not deserved his attitude. Regardless, Julia thought it classless to be mean to the staff. She had made them her friends, rather than just employees—after all, they did so much for her and her family.
Finally, Julia decided it was time to show her face again. She left her room in favour of the drawing room - where she would read a book, she decided. As she descended the stairs, voices could be heard and she quietly moved closer, her curiosity getting the best of her, as it usually did. She recognised the voices as those of James and her mother, and she was pleasantly surprised to hear him apologise. Apparently, he was true to his word, which was definitely a good thing.
His words were a little forced and perhaps even awkward, but her mother seemed elated to receive them. Josephine’s bright smile quickly brought a smile to Julia’s face as well, and she had a little spring in her step as she approached the two. She made a mental note to be kinder in her opinion of their guest before she greeted them happily as she passed them.
Once in the drawing room, she picked up a book she had begun earlier in the week and sat down in the comfortable windowsill seat. Taking a moment to look out of the window, she regarded the muddy roads with a deep sigh. The rain was still falling down in heavy streams, and she wondered briefly if it was not too much water all at once.
She must have dozed off because she was suddenly awoken by the realisation that she was no longer alone in the room. She nearly jumped out of her skin at the sudden nearness of another human being, intensified by the knowledge that it could only be James. Her father was still confined to his bedroom, and her mother was not known for her soft careful tread—often walking to fast throughout the house to be quiet. Besides, Josephine had taken to sitting with her bedridden husband.
The darkening skies told Julia that quite some time had passed, and she quickly turned to see James sitting at an ornate desk just a short distance from her. The swishing of her skirts seemed to make more noise than the man sitting at that writing desk. He looked up at her with an amused smile on his features. With a hand pressed to her heart, Julia smiled back, a tad nervous as she met his gaze.
“I did not mean to frighten you, my lady,” he offered, mirth shining through his tone.
“Julia, please,” she answered as her heart rate slowed down again. 
“Julia.” He mulled over the name, as if he could taste it. The smirk on his lips told her that he liked it and she suppressed a shiver. He was very much like a predator and she was very much the prey. Though his current behaviour was that of a well-behaved gentleman, there was a certain darkness to this man that she could not decipher. It kept her on her toes whenever she was around him.
“I did not mean to intrude; however, I did not wish to be alone in an empty bedroom. Therefore I hope you will allow me to write some letters in your company.”
“Indeed you can, make yourself at home,” Julia quickly replied, a slight blush on her cheeks as she spoke. It appeared he had that effect on her. Having been caught napping did not help either.
“Thank you, your company might make it a less tedious task,” He said with a smile, and Julia just smiled back. His words confused her and she was not entirely sure how to respond. Therefore she settled on nodding and smiling at his confession.
It was hard to concentrate on reading now that he was with her. Then again, she hadn’t done a good job of that before either. Still, his presence was distracting and she kept imagining the feeling of his eyes on her form. She tried telling herself that she was being silly, though she dared not glance in his direction. Whether he was truly looking at her was irrelevant. His closeness was unnerving even without doing so, and she could no longer pretend to be reading the same page. It had been too long.
She closed the book and paced the room for a bit until she could hear the doctor leave her father’s room. She moved to the back of the room, where she placed the book back on its shelf—vowing to herself that she would one day give it a fair chance. Behind her, the door opened and fell shut again. She glanced back and saw James’s valet stepping in with determination in his steps.
The young man bent down low and whispered in James’s ear. Immediately, she could see the tension rising in his shoulders and she repressed the urge to interfere. Instead, she remained in the back of the room to give them space. The whispered response James gave was clearly filled with anger, though Peter did not flinch. The boy just nodded, took some letters from his boss and walked out of the room again. James deflated a little and let out a deep sigh.
“Is everything alright?” She wondered out loud, unable to contain herself any longer.
James instantly whipped his head around at the sound of her voice, and for a short moment, she was taken aback by the anger that was visible in his eyes. Upon seeing her reaction, he schooled his features so quickly that it almost made her wonder if she had imagined it. The thrumming of her heart told her that she had not.
“Yes, my apologies. I’m anxiously awaiting a contract, and there have been quite a few delays,” James explained, and Julia nodded in understanding, not willing to pry any more. He had already been more than gracious when it came to her prodding questions.
“If we can help with that in any way, please do let us know,” she offered, hoping to redeem herself as a hostess. Walking away from the bookcases, she made her way to the front of the room, ready to exit the space.
“Thank you. Are you leaving?” He asked, his voice quickly stalling her movements.
“I was hoping to visit my father for a moment, just to see how he is,” she explained, anxious to leave now.
“I do hope for a speedy recovery,” James offered with a kind smile, and Julia scolded herself for having been frightened by his anger. It had not been directed at her; she should not make it a bigger ordeal than it truly was.
“Indeed, as do I.”
Darkness surrounded Julia as she sat up in her bed. Her heart was racing and she tried to make out the different shapes in her room that were now casting ominous shadows in the slivers of moonlight that peeked through her curtain. She had been in a deep sleep when something had woken her up, and she was not sure what it had been. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but she could not shake the unease in her mind. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down before she grabbed the thick robe that hung from a hook by her dresser.
She then moved towards the dying fire in her fireplace, needing the heat still emanating from it. Taking hold of a poker, she tried to rekindle the flames—even throwing on another log. She wasn’t sure what she was doing; she had never had to make a fire, but this was something she had seen Mary do before.
That was when she heard a scuffle in the room to her right, and she stood back up, confused. Carefully, she moved towards the door, listening for another sound but hearing nothing. Still, she could not relax. The room where the sound had originated from was the guest room where her father currently resided. He had been sniffing and coughing for a week already and had not wanted to disturb his wife during the night. Therefore, he had opted for the guest room. They had plenty of those, so Julia had thought nothing of it.
She decided to check on her father and opened her bedroom door, glancing out to see if perhaps someone else had heard him as well. The hallway was clear and she stepped out, rushing towards the next door. The carpet was soft on her bare feet, her toes quickly cooling off and she scolded herself for forgoing slippers.
More ruckus could be heard through the door, and she knocked softly, worrying if perhaps he had tumbled out of bed. This afternoon, his fever had been rising, and she feared he might be too weak to help himself back up. When there came no answer to her knocking, she finally opened the door, careful not to make too much noise.
Through the open door, Julia could see her father up and about, softly mumbling to himself as he stacked the books he had apparently knocked over. She lingered in the doorway, confused by the slightly delirious string of words falling from his lips. He wasn’t aware of her presence yet, and though she had planned to inform him, she could not help but stare in silence. It was clear that something had him worried. As he mumbled to himself, his hand movements became more chaotic. This confused her even more, since her father rarely got angry. Not even when she and her brother would cause a disruption as children—which they managed to do during important business meetings— had he ever raised his voice. He would only send them to play elsewhere.
“Such a fool,” she overheard him mumble, and she stepped into the room, ready to ease his worries in whatever way she could.
“All my fault,” it appeared that he was angry with himself and not another. She would not have known how to calm him then. “Should have been better.”
She wondered what he was beating himself up over, but knew better than to ask. Instead, she was trying to think of things to cheer him up as she moved closer to him. She wasn’t trying to be quiet, though he did not seem to be aware of her presence—even as she bumped her hip into the desk, rattling the contents on top of it.
“What will Jules think of me?” Those words stopped her in her tracks, and she gasped. How could he ever worry about such things, she wondered. She was certain that he could never do anything to make her think less of him.
“What are you doing out of bed?” She finally asked, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
Her touch finally pulled him from the trancelike state he had been in, and he seemed surprised—not only to see her, but to be out of bed as well. Confused he looked down at his thin pyjamas and shivered. Julia quickly ushered him to his bed and gently tucked him in.
“I needed to clear my head,” George finally answered as he tried to suppress a yawn. Julia smiled as she smoothed out his hair and kissed his forehead. He still felt warm, though it wasn’t as bad as it had been that afternoon.
“Why don’t you try to sleep a bit?” She said gently and he nodded, his eyes already fluttering shut. She placed another blanket over his form before walking back out of the room. She kept her gaze on his face, and by the time she reached the door, she was satisfied that he was truly asleep.
Quietly she closed the door and stepped back from it, only to bump into the solid form of James. She opened her mouth to scream, but he quickly placed a firm hand over her lips—containing the sound.
“My apologies, I truly did not mean to scare you,” he was quick to whisper and she nodded, stepping back from him. He let her. His hands went behind his back, and she assumed he clasped them together.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, perhaps a little harsher than intended.
“I heard things falling and then voices, I thought I’d check to see if anyone needed help,”
“No, everything is fine,” Julia answered, still wary of his presence. “Wait, how could you have heard anything at all, all the way over there?” She asked, taking another step away from him and pointing towards his room. His room was at a considerable distance from one she’d just left, and given the soft noises she had heard from her adjacent room, it seemed impossible that he had heard anything.
“I wasn’t in my room,” he shuffled on his feet as he said this and she canted her head to the side, awaiting an explanation. “I couldn’t sleep and went to borrow a book.” He held up the copy she had been reading that afternoon, and she frowned. Finally, she decided that she was far too tired to wonder and began walking towards her own bedroom door again.
“Good night, James,” she said, her tone still a little harsher than intended, but she couldn’t be bothered to correct it. It was late, she was tired and his presence was unnerving as always.
“Sweet dreams, Julia.” He smiled sweetly and moved past her towards his own room.
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