#suf cat steven
islelumoony · 1 day
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A lazy evening.
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screwpinecaprice · 2 years
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"I heard the host has two fat cats and a goose."
Halloween party where Steven is dressed up as Zelda and Connie as Link, requested by naughtypeanut1 at Patreon!
I couldn't decide which version they'd be as, so I just chose the first that came out on Google image search. :P
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realifezompire · 10 months
The Diamond Authority as Salem 🐈‍⬛ x 💎
Blue Diamond:
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Pink Diamond:
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Yellow Diamond:
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White Diamond:
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Bonus 💫
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orchidhearted · 1 year
i think the worst part of the “steven universe comeback” on tiktok is the amount of people who misinterpret certain characters (STARING LOUDLY AT STEVEN AND CONNIE sorry i’m their number one defender)
like. especially in future. i have to hold back from saying fightin words because good LORD. do not want to deal with people who don’t have any critical thinking/analysis skills. so i’m just here. frothing. foaming. biting my tongue. grrrrrrrr.
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hawkofkrypton · 1 year
That shot where Spinel smiles like Lupin
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Idk its cool
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blackcat818 · 2 years
Cookie Cat When I’m with other people:
Cookie Cat when I’m by myself:
“CoOkiE CaaaaAAAAAAAT!!!”
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archivehub · 2 years
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Summary: Lion takes a trip to Earth; Cat Steven tags along.
Finally, here’s chapter 4! Chapter 5 won’t be started on until at least 8 days from now, as I’m going on vacation.
Updated timeline is below the cut.
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caseeliz · 2 years
Hello? Hi, I’m Steven. Buddwick said you were looking for me. Welcome to heaven, and congratulations on finding your way here! I know it’s not easy. Don’t worry, you’ll be allowed to leave after we’ve talked. It is not your time to stay, little one.
Let’s sit down on that patch of moss beneath the willow tree. The sun can grow quite hot here, enough to scorch dark skin, but the moss will keep us cool. Are you comfortable? Good. We shouldn’t be disturbed here. Most of the people here will have found their own sunning places by now.
So, you’d like to know about Connie and Geode, would you? Well, Connie is the president, and Geode is her husband. Connie was just an ordinary girl when I first met her, riding her bike and wearing big glasses⎯
What? You know this already? So why⎯ Ah. I get it. You want to know what I think of Connie and Geode, don’t you? Okay. I’m not going to pretend that I don’t know why you’re interested—everyone in heaven knows how I feel about the current president, but they’re too polite to say anything. After all, I’m just a kid, and she is an adult.
And of course, I’m in heaven now, while Connie is still very much alive, with a few years yet to live. She has a husband, too, who has given her two girls and stayed by her side all through the Great Journey and never stopped loving her, not even when it looked as if humanity would not survive in their new home. Perhaps you think I should have gotten over her by now, that I should have given up long ago and accepted that we could only ever be friends? I can tell by the way your eyes have narrowed that this is exactly what you think. But like everyone here, you’re too kind to say anything. Do you think I don’t know how hopeless this is? Do you think I still hope that she’ll be mine one day, that somehow I’ll stop being a kid and Geode will vanish like the dew, and everybody will forget that we should never have been together?
I’m sorry, you asked an honest question and it’s only fair I should give you an honest answer without getting mad. The truth is, I love Connie now as much as I ever did, and I’ll watch over her forever, knowing that she can never be mine. She belongs to Geode. But my heart is hers, and always will be. It wasn’t love at first sight, you know. When we first met, it was at a boardwalk parade. I saw her drop her bracelet and decided to keep it in my freezer so I could return it the next time I saw her. When I gave it back to her, she recognized me from the parade, and we became fast friends after I saved her from a rockfall and a corrupted gem, though we both felt that what was between us could be more than just a friendship, even if I couldn’t put my finger on what exactly our relationship could develop into.
The first time we showed any feelings for each other was our first picnic together, when Connie asked how I was doing. I tried to act like nothing was wrong when Amethyst had nearly died and I hadn’t been able to heal her. She could see my fear that I would never be good enough for the Crystal Gems through my façade, and that was when we inadvertently discovered that I did have healing powers after she swallowed my spit in the juice we shared. Since then, she’d been able to break through my facades to get me to admit how I actually felt whenever something troubled me. I guess we would have never been able to fuse if she couldn’t do that.
After our first time fusing, we had been on so many adventures together, from training with Pearl and Amethyst to hunting corrupted gems. My favorite adventure with her was not saving the world from White Diamond, but racing with Kevin. It was the least dangerous one we both undertook, and I needed a change of pace after all that fighting. And with each adventure, our love for each other grew, and it almost always felt like nothing could get in the way of our special relationship. Of course, weeks before my death, I prematurely proposed to her, afraid that she would unknowingly abandon me like my other friends had seemingly but not actually done when I needed their reassurance and support the most. It only created a wedge between us, and since then my powers had gotten more dangerous and harder to control until it was too late for her to save me from them.
When I turned into a corrupted gem and had my throat slit by Cherry Quartz to stop me from destroying Little Homeworld further, I stayed on the hill for a day, wishing Connie could see my spirit during my impromptu funeral. I know it’s not her fault she had no idea I was struggling, but I should not have died then!
Even if I always had to be a kid, cut off from Connie by an age gap in the most meaningful ways, I could have walked beside her as she became a politician, and then candidate and president. Instead, I was condemned to watch her from far away, not always clearly, like gazing at fish flitting at the bottom of a pool. Sometimes ripples hid her from me, and I would pace in heaven night after night, searching for her. When I found her again, things would be different; she would have seen things, done things without me knowing, and it was like meeting a stranger for the first time. But I never stopped watching, never gave up on trying to help her. I walked with her in her dreams, shared her fears, guided her with all the knowledge that being in heaven gave me. I know how much she looked forward to seeing me, how glad she was to see me. Can you imagine how much that hurts, to be closer to her now that I am in heaven than we were when I was alive?
After one of those moonless nights, Geode was her husband, and I knew that the invisible river between us had grown too wide to leap across. Did you know that she once came looking for me in a dream, sought me out to explain that she had to move on and that she couldn’t be in love with a memory anymore? I am not a memory! I wanted to cry out. I am here, I still love you. I will walk beside you forever. But what is that compared with the warmth that Geode can offer her, the solid presence of a husband to help her lead her country, to give her beautiful children and watch their kin grow up together? I will still be young when Connie grows old, but Geode will match her step for step, reflecting her graying hair and slowing feet like a pool of clear water. Does Connie love Geode? Oh yes, I have no doubt about that. Geode is a good husband to her; anybody can see how much he loves her, how much he believes in her as president of the United States. Their daughters are wonderful people, and I love them as if they were my own. Stanley has a special destiny, just like her mother did, and it is an honor to be able to walk in her dreams and guide her. But sometimes I can’t help wishing that I was her father instead, standing side by side with Connie to watch her grow. I will do everything I can to make sure that no harm comes to her, or to her sister, Jessica, until the time is right for them to join me here.
Look, the shadows are lengthening, it’s time for you to go. Jenny will show you to the border. Jenny, come here, please! Thank you for visiting. I hope I’ve told you what you wanted to hear—and if I haven’t, then perhaps it’s best to say nothing of our conversation. Especially not to Connie! The truth is that she and Geode are happy, which is all that matters. I could wish and wish for things to be different, but they aren’t, and never will be. I would not change a single heartbeat of my life, nor all the time since, if it meant losing a moment of Connie’s friendship.
Now, go well, and may heaven walk your path always.
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detergentdegration · 4 months
Stoned, listening to Ultraviolence… I’m doing so good 🤡🤠
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moth2304 · 1 year
Hey guys, i still remember about my little Steven, he's still sick of something and i haven't a time to find medicaments for him, but he is my strong baby, he grows day by day and don't want to stop୧⁠(⁠ ⁠˵⁠ ⁠°⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠°⁠ ⁠˵⁠ ⁠)⁠୨
Here you can see my cat who loves my ficus Steven and a mini-rake i've made
Thank you for reading me, it's matter for me, really. Love you(⁠^⁠_⁠^⁠メ⁠)
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deathsmallcaps · 1 year
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peribytes · 1 month
⭐ Happy headcanon for Garnet, please?
after suf, garnet's love for cat steven inspires her to start volunteering at animal shelters in her free time, and she fosters kittens from them until they get adopted. she also adopts a couple of them herself. :)
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jennyandvastraflint · 11 months
The Cat Finger episode of SU is... REALLY disturbing... And that's, as Steven says in SUF, only the early stuff... 😐
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pauloarts · 3 years
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spudinacup · 4 years
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[Reblogging and Reposting are not the same things btw. Reblog away.]
[Chapter 3: PG 5]
Patrons got this page right after that finale, I couldn’t have asked for a better posting time. 
Read from the beginning at @suaugonewrong
Tag warnings for the comic and linked under Readmore:
For those of you that want to avoid this comic, I’m putting anything that becomes graphic under #Trigger Warning. Also, until I get a better idea of what to call these I’m listing it as #SU AU Gone Wrong.
Not everything I have planned is going to be as messy as these first pages have been. I’ve noticed that there isn’t a lot of ‘gore’ art in the Steven Universe fandom, at least that I have seen in my searches. I understand that this all can be a bit jarring to come across for those who don’t expect it. Some of that is intentional, I’m trying to mimic the show style as much as possible to have that double-taking nature to it. That being said, I also don’t want to deeply upset anyone.
So again, if you want to avoid pages with graphic material the tag is:
#Trigger Warning
If you want to avoid the story entirely:
#SU AU Gone Wrong
That being said you can find the comic and read from the beginning at @suaugonewrong
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air-kiki · 4 years
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“I like to eat the ears first!”
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