#suited vader
weixuldo · 4 months
Allow me// ch 16
Vader x Reader
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a/n: so sorry i’ve been super busy w work and school :( but i will finish my outgoing fics :) ty for sticking with me and for ur patience- hope u all still enjoy the story
confessions and unveiled secrets
warnings: cursing, angst, medical procedures, cannon typical violence
Vader opened his tired eyes and realized he was in a bed, an actual bed.
He attempted to sit himself up but was quickly reminded of his recent injuries, wincing painfully.
Before he could gain his bearings, a gentle hand placed itself onto his exposed shoulder from the other side of the bed. 
He flinched again which triggered his self defense; soon you felt your airway closing up. The forceful pressure made your heart race as you gasped for air. You removed your hand from him and clawed at your throat.
Vader turned to see who the hand belonged to and his deep yellow eyes faded to blue immediately once he realized it was you. 
Your brows were upturned in concern as you fought for oxygen- he exhaled the breath he was holding and you were released.
With a sigh you placed your hands on the bed in front of you and hunched over, catching your breath. 
“y/n…” he called desperately, “I’m so- I’m so sorry”.
You shook your head as you attempted to quell his worries. 
“I would never- It’s never my intention to hurt you” he rasped. 
“It’s ok- It’s ok… you didn’t mean to” you managed a smile. 
He attempted to sit up once more to meet you but failed again. 
“V, stay still- Don’t hurt yourself” you guided as you placed your hand back onto his shoulder. 
“Wait, just… let me hold you-” 
“But your burns?”
Vader shook his head slightly, “they don't matter at the moment- I just want you” he admitted. 
He honestly didn’t care if holding you hurt him- nothing could have pained him more than knowing he could have truly harmed you.
You reluctantly nodded, still concerned about his unhealed wounds but still helped him into a sitting position. 
Without a word he pulled you closer with the force and wrapped his new metal arms tightly around you.
He bit back a hiss as your robes brushed against his wounds; once you were situated, he shakily breathed in your scent and rested his head on your shoulder. 
“Lie back” you coaxed once you felt the tremble of exhaustion coming from his tired body. 
He nodded and laid his head back on your plush pillow; there was a comfortable silence surrounding the two of you as you relaxed under his signature. 
“thank you- for everything” he said before turning his head slightly to kiss your forehead with his scarred lips. 
You peeked at him through your lashes and smiled, “Of course V, you know I would do anything for you- I would go up to the emperor myself, If I had a plan” you added, only half joking. 
“I know- that’s why you mean so much to me y/n” he said shortly debating whether or not to reveal the extent of his feelings. 
Your smile faltered and you unintentionally loosened your grip on him; were you only important to him because you were so devoted to him? Is that the only reason he was so kind-
No words needed to be exchanged for him to feel the weight of your disappointment- Perhaps he could have phrased that better…
You wrapped your arms around yourself and stared at the ceiling as you began to severely overthink; meanwhile, Vader frantically tried to come up with a solution. 
You were naive to think he would want you if you weren’t at his beck and call, why would he care for you outside of being convenient?! He had no reason to…
Your thoughts were interrupted by one of his new hands on your cheek “I know you would do anything for me and I appreciate that- but I would never ask you to endanger yourself for my sake. You are too dear to me, My Darling”.
Your ears perked up at the term of endearment and his reassurance; you couldn’t stop yourself from saying “Really?”
He nodded and pulled you closer; your head rested on his scarred chest and you could hear the whirr of his support system with every breath he took. 
“Truly… I detest the notion of you being in danger” he said, still trying to figure out how he wanted to go about this (it had been a very long time since he had to express any vulnerable emotion, especially one involving romance). 
“Well thank you V” you responded thinking he would respond and then the conversation would pass. 
“It is because I love you too much- I cannot have anything happen to you… I-It would break my heart” he said, squeezing you tighter. 
Did he just-
“Love?” you squeaked out. 
How you longed to hear that word escape his mouth!
His grasp didn’t allow for you to look at him and you could tell he wanted it that way, but you still tried. 
“Vader- I want to see you” you said softly, attempting to coax the man to release you. 
He shook his head slightly as a scared child might and only continued to hold you closer (if that was even possible). 
He had a slight waiver to his already weak voice when he spoke again, “I do not think I would be able to continue without you”. 
Vader cursed himself for being so vulnerable… so fragile. But he simply could not contain the immense build up of emotions he had been suppressing.
After all… the main thing that kept him allowing himself to die on Mustafar was you- If that happened and he didn’t have you to live for he was sure he would have given in to the death he had been craving since the first time he laid on the burning shores. 
“I-it is alright if you do not share the sentiment- I still appreciate all you have done for me”
You were able to wiggle out of his firm grasp and propped yourself up to look him in the eyes, but once you were situated he would not meet your gaze.
Gently, you took his face in your hands and turned him towards you slowly. Surprisingly he allowed you to manage his movements and finally looked at you. 
His pupils were wavering and the color tetered between yellow and that lovely blue; the corners slightly damp with tears daring to fall. His eyes twitched under your gaze- what were you thinking? 
Your expression softened and you placed a kiss to his lips once more, “My Dear, you are the single most important thing in my life- how could I not love you?”.
He exhaled harshly and his tears began to descend; instead of wiping them away, you kissed the trails they left; “I have loved you from a distance for a while now… I just didn’t want to ruin us with my ambitious feeling”. 
“Ruin us? You could never ruin us” Vader realized his passionate promises and words reflected the naivety of his former self- Anakin Skywalker. He could never moderate his intense feelings- especially when it came to love. 
But this time he would not allow himself to be so reckless- He wouldn’t lose again. 
He held you impossibly closer and pressed gentle kisses to your temple as he rocked you back and forth attempting to ground himself. 
“You do not understand how much this means to me- how desperately I love you…” he said, barely above a whisper. 
“Oh V” you cooed as you ran the pad of your thumb along his scarred cheek.
You felt his force signature falter, he was spent- the past few days had been emotional and physically taxing. 
“Alright my Love, ‘cmon, let's get you back to sleep” you coaxed, pulling the comforter over his shoulders. 
“No” he protested, lightly pulling at your arm. 
“You need to regain your strength V”. 
He mumbled before pulling you into his chest again, “what are you doing?” you giggled at his needy actions.
With a breath of defeat you finally gave in to Vader’s wishes and cuddled up next to him.
“Fine, you win… this time”.
You weren’t quite sure how long you had been asleep but you woke to a dreadful feeling; a sleazy aura slunk past your door and you felt the intense weight of a foreign force signature- someone was outside. 
Worriedly, you pushed yourself onto your elbows and turned towards the man beside you; his eyes were already wide open and firmly placed a protective hand over your arm as he slowly attempted to sit up. 
You shrunk behind him as you watched a shadow under your door as the figure passed. The person stopped for a moment before laughing sinisterly. 
It’s alright, Just stay still My Love- you heard Vader call through the force. 
After a few painstaking moments the shadow finally left and took the oppressive weight with them. Vader tiredly laid back with a deep exhale and you attended to him.
“V, what- Who was that?” you asked as you calmed him down. 
“No one you need to worry about- I’ll handle it” he said, gently brushing your soft cheek with his cool metallic digits. 
He shook his head, “Everything will be alright, trust me”. 
With that he ended the conversation and you laid down beside him with a frown before falling back asleep. 
Vader’s life support worked overtime to keep up with his heart rate as he stomped down the corridor to meet his master.
He knew it was Palpatine who was outside your door last night, he knew he covered his signature too late- he knew Palpatine knew. 
He hadn’t felt so protective over someone in a long time so he was quite worried about you. He was weary to leave you this morning (who knew if the Emperor would order the troopers to do something to you?) but he eventually worked himself up to it. 
He decided it best to at least try to mask his emotions and true feelings instead of coming clean right away- he knew the Emperor well enough to know not to reveal everything to him.
The large sliding doors of the throne room opened to reveal the pale man perched atop the large chair; Vader closed his eyes and allowed himself to gain his composure before stepping forward. 
“Ahh I am pleased to see you whole again, Lord Vader” Palpatine smiled sinisterly as Vader struggled to bow without hurting himself. 
“I have done as you wish, my master. Have I redeemed myself?” 
“You have solidified your resilience and strength… I am pleased you still possess your fighting spirit” 
Vader felt himself relax, it seemed he had at least obtained the Emperor's approval once more. 
“Though… I am afraid you have become weak in other ways” the cloaked man added. 
“I do not understand; What exactly are you referring to?” Vader asked as he played off his anxieties. 
“Do not play the fool with me, my friend- You know exactly of whom I speak”
“I do not-” Vader began. 
“Cease your lies! I know she has been nursing your wounds and tending to you- Did you really think your lovesick gallivanting would not be brought to my attention?! Have you forgotten that this is my empire and I have informants in every corner…”
Vader felt his anger bubbling under the surface of his composure- he knew this confrontation was inevitable but he still felt the urge to snap the old man’s neck. 
“The woman of which you speak has done nothing wrong and serves the Empire loyally” Vader said as his hands rested on his bent knee. 
“You-” Palpatine corrected, “She serves you, loyally. She has no dedication to the empire”. 
He clicked his tongue in disapproval, “She has blinded you”. 
Palpatine slowly lifted himself off of the throne and descended the stairs towards Vader. 
“I think that we need to set your focus back on the right track… but how to do that? Hmm” the pale man taunted before acting as if he had an epiphany. 
“Ahh! I’ve got an idea” he hissed. 
Vader’s stomach dropped- he knew what his master was going to say… he was going to say-
“Y/N, isn’t that her name? I have realized she is the one who has catalyzed this era of weakness in you, she must be the issue. It would be a shame if something were to occur that took her out of the pict-” 
“You will not touch her!” Vader’s mechanical voice boomed as he rose to his feet. 
Palpatine laughed and his sickening eyes widened, “seems I have struck a nerve, my friend? Would that be an accurate inference?”.
“Do not make me reiterate myself” Vader seethed, never had he so blatantly disagreed with his master- but nowadays he didn't have much to lose (other than you). 
“A bit bold, aren't we? Hah- Calm yourself old friend, I have use for her yet… just you wait” Palpatine said before walking back up the stairs to sit once more. 
At this point Vader’s teeth were clenched and his pacemaker was working overtime- this wasn't good, he needed to get you out of here, needed to get you somewhere safe. 
“You are dismissed… Tell your little friend I said hello” Palpatine smuggly said before waving him out.
Vader would make him regret ever saying your name. 
a/n: sorry again this took so long!! but palps has something cooking- what will v do? what will the reader do?? WHAT WILL HAPPEN?!
taglist: @vadersassistant @sxoulohvn @khaleesihavilliard @kashasenpai @darling-murdock @beautifulbearpolice @salvatoresister1 @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @blueninjablade3 @jujuba096 @missmannequin @jellydodger @mirastark @wyvernthekriger @duckyhowls @monada43 @lauriidoesstuff @vienettacream @ray-rook @itswhatever06 @ilovenielperry @icequeen8043
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It went so fast Vader had no time to react. One moment, he heard her voice as clear as the day he thought he had snuffed out her light. The next, familiar slender arms were flung around his shoulders; tiny hands clinging to his hefty cape. She weighed nothing, her feet dangling in the air as she held onto him. By habit, one strong arm closed around her waist to support her small frame.
"Anakin," she breathed, unfazed by his bulk, or his horrifying face plate, or the neck piece digging into her soft cheek.
Vader felt as if his knees may buckle beneath him, his free hand awkwardly closing and releasing. He couldn't think, his head swimming and what little remained of his own body trembling. She was supposed to be dead, yet here she was.
Her clothes were dirty, her hair loose and messy. The same old trusty blaster in her holster, the same fierce defiance in her hazel eyes.
Vader was supposed to denounce the name she was speaking, he wasn't supposed to respond to it any longer. He had cut all ties to his past.
Still, when spoken in her tender voice, he couldn't. All he managed to do was pull her closer to his chest, his heart aching and his eyes burning. If he could have, he would have wept out of relief. He didn't deserve her. Yet, here she was.
"Padmé," he said, even his monotone vocoder able to convey the reverent awe behind the utterance.
She had come back for him.
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hellenicdreaming · 2 months
Maybe Vader story idea?:
He watched in awe of the girl, through her rage she has managed to pull apart so many of her keepers, black ink like subtance pulsed under her skin in little waves and he knew he was dealing with something more than the force.
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iceyrukia · 4 months
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Throwback to when this video bringing awareness to the sexual harassment that women face from men when out walking went viral and some of the responses to it was to make distasteful parody videos such as “Darth Vader Walking Around NY for Ten Hours” in order to mock a serious issue. Good times //s.
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l3mmingue · 4 months
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queen and zone 1 guardian
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starkcontrasts · 2 years
obi-wan kenobi is stronger than me bc if i was "two halves of a single warrior, closer than friends, closer than brothers, knew each other more intimately than lovers" with a 6ft moody twunk i wouldn't walk away from him twice i'd simply dom him into stability
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tranakin-skywalker · 4 months
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The spirit that follows Anakin around doesn’t talk much, but he’s very good at letting off Bad Vibes
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ayceofcard · 2 months
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so i rewatched the blonde space wizard's adventures the other day
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ramenssad · 3 months
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Stupid old guy :/ bald bitch :/
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strogelen21 · 2 months
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I've said it before, they're fine, really.
(Well, at least one of them is)
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kana7o · 2 years
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jolted awake bc i needed to draw rebel pilot anakin.
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david-talks-sw · 7 months
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Obi-Wan: Do you really think-- Vader: -- No! I don't. I never think! Head empty, no thoughts! You know me Obi-Wan why are you even asking?!
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bisexualmikisayaka · 1 year
hey. if anakin jumped out of ships onto the ground during the clone wars does he do it as vader too. like can you imagine being some poor rebel fuck on the front lines and seeing an imperial aircraft open up its port above you and then the last thing you ever witness is darth vader hurtling toward you through the air like a 300 lb bat out of hell
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Sorry  last week I meant  that the new update was going to be wednesday  XD
For the new comers  that are insterested in reading  the whole comic thingy from the beginning, you can do it here:  
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person25 · 2 months
love thinking about full potential vader
like, suitless vader is such an interesting concept
NEED to see unbeatable vader who has no trouble getting around bc he actually has legs and at least one arm and can breathe properly and… is human basically
ik that the whole “getting his arms and legs chopped off” thing was to harbor resentment towards Obi-Wan but honestly i think he has enough of that already😭
also i feel like he would’ve killed palpate or whatever his name is sooner
also he’d be a dilf
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