#suki [ rambles ]
sukipershipper · 1 month
This is very much a me thing, but I really want a Bugsnax DLC where Wambus goes off to find stuff about Bronica for Triffany. He doesn't want her to have her biggest question unanswered and wants to support her anyway he can. So he goes back up to the Frosted Peak to investigate further or something IDK.
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sukirichi · 2 days
tumblr hates me bro why don’t i show up in tags
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darthsuki · 1 year
Unstoppable Force: The desire to write but needing background noise in the form of music or videos in order to feel stimulated/focused enough to do so
Immovable Object: The music or videos are too distracting in some form or another so no writing gets done at all
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seasideoranges · 16 days
i love your zukka art!! have you ever drawn them in a modern setting? i would love to see you interpret their clothing styles!!
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sincerest apologies that their outfits are kinda boring especially sokkas, designing modern clothing for the atla gaang is very difficult for me haha
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lizardlicks · 1 year
if you disparage suki or mai you have broken one of the sacred tenents of shipping zukka.
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livrere-green · 1 month
ATLA x Omegaverse AU
Part 1 | Part 2
I've been thinking about an omegaverse atla au a lot recently, so I'm gonna vent about it cuz it's getting tiring just to have it spiralling in my head ngl
So, the only thing that I need to mention now it's that the standard age at which someone presents is around 13 to 14 years old. Knowing that, lets talk about the main characters.
Aang (12) would be unpresented by the time of the show. Also, I don't believe that being the avatar makes him an alpha perse. I mean, there's a possibility he presents as one (but he could also be a beta), and it wouldn't have anything to do with his avatar status (historically there could be a higher rate of avatars being alphas/betas, but there are some important exceptions... iykwim). Well, I think he'd present at age 13 almost 14.
Katara (14) is one of the characters that confuses me the most in this aspect, but just to add fuel to her fury and her personality, I'll make her an omega, not the kind that rejects her nature but the kind that embraces it and doesn't see it as something that makes her inferior or helpless. Katara would fight against the life society wants to impose on her in the same way she does in canon, maybe even more. She would resent the people who doesn't respect her because of her gender and at some point, she'd get frustrated about it, but she would think that hating herself would mean letting her oppressors win. About her presentation, there's two option: 1. She presented some months before they found Aang, 2. She presented during the first months they were traveling to the NWT (in this case, I think the ideal place would've been Kyoshi Island, because there's people able to take care of her there).
Sokka (15) would be an alpha, he probably presented after Hakoda left (14), he fits the type and the stereotypical personality at the beginning of the show. But I think he would get over it sooner rather than later, because the why he acts has to do more with his perception of himself and the expectations set upon his shoulders than with unshakeable beliefs about the ability of betas and omegas. He would learnt to respect and don't underestimate them quickly. Also, I think that Sokka would scent the Gaang to protect them and particularly to cover Katara's scent as they travel or run away from trouble.
Toph (12) would be unpresented by the time of the show. She'd present as an alpha some time after the end of the war (13). There's not a lot to explain here (talking about her at that age, except for the fact that even during her time with the Gaang, she probably hated Sokka's essence, just as an early hint about her gender). I consider that there's a lot to discuss about her as an adult and how she managed her relationships, but that's a discussion for another time.
Zuko (16) would be an omega, and also a late bloomer, probably presented a couple of years after his banishment (15).. Zuko would be determined to hide his true nature under any circumstances, letting only his Uncle know about it. Ozai would've been informed that his son is a beta, which was already a disappointment for the Royal Family (historically alphas), but it wasn't nearly as negative as being reduced to be treated as an omega. Zuko would end up causing himself a lot of damage in order to disguise as a beta, either by using too many suppressants or other medications, or even hurting himself. He would stop hiding after joining the Gaang but It'll be complicated, since he'd be distressed all the time and even Aang and Toph would be able to notice (their senses are not totally develop, so it'll be kinda alarming).
Suki (15) would be a beta, presented at 14. In her case, the characteristics of its gender would be especially helpful to mediate conflict or get out of it. The scent of a beta has calming effects in both alphas and omegas, so she would use it with her friends, or even in battle, to make her opponents lose focus, particularly if they are driven by rage. The fans are particularly helpful for that.
Azula (14) would present early as an alpha (12/13). At that age, one of the traits she would manifest the most is assuming the position of head of the pact with her friends, she'd probably scent them with the intention of establishing superiority and control over them. In this context, Mai would be a beta and Ty Lee an omega or a beta as well.
That's all for now, I still have some things in mind for this, but I'll share that later, and if you have questions, I'll be happy to answer!
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maniaeofmadness · 2 months
The thing that makes each of the members of the Gaang so good at their respective element is that they are basically the opposite of their element
Water is about balance and flow, but Katara is filled with rage and anger
Earth is about stability and solidness, but Toph is adaptable and swift
Fire is about strength and anger, but Zuko becomes a better firebender when his power is sources is from passion and love
Air is about freedom, but Aang is destin to learn the other elements and then in turn uses his new knowledge for his airbending
Sokka uses a boomerang, club, and sword which are all weapons of force, opposite to the flowing movements of the water tribe
Suki uses fans and her opponents weight against themselves, being quick and swift unlike those of the earth kingdom
They all embody different aspects of each of the elements, setting them apart from those of their own element and those they fight with
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therainatdawn · 8 months
Okay, maybe I just don't know enough, but I always liked the idea of metamours! Zuko and suki
Zuko is dating sokka, and sokka is dating suki, but suki and zuko are just, best friends.
Sokka's annoying bf and gf who are kickass warriors, who give each other platonic forehead kissies, who helped each other win sokkas heart, who are just...Best friends.
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tragedykery · 1 year
azula calls a lesbian couple a slur and they’re like hell yeah hi fellow [slur] and azula is left spluttering she wasn’t reclaiming it she was using it as a slur she is not a fucking [different slur]!!!!!
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teddy-bear-queen · 1 year
Bro I have to say this I swear-
I see people trying everything to make it seem like Wukong is a lot worse then he is. I understand you like Macaque, I do too! But the entire point of their relationship is that they’re both in the wrong. The difference is, Wukong got, well, character development. It just feels super annoying to discredit Wukongs hard work in JTTW because of things he did prior.
I’m not saying Wukong is some saint, or an amazing person even while the story is taking place, but he is NOT as bad as some of the people in the LMK fandom make him out to be. I assume it’s because Macaque is the goth shy boy (/hj? /lh), but Macaque literally comes out just to manipulate MK and steal his powers. He’s making the exact same mistakes Wukong did, fighting for power so that he can protect himself. Get stronger. Etc.
Season 4 Special Spoilers:
I don’t think Wukong was ignorant in saying that Macaque doesn’t come to help him. I mean, he got beaten by the Jade Emperor and presumably everyone just left him there and ran off. I’d be pretty mad too. Of course, Macaque was hesitant to begin with, and that’s fair. But he was already there, he could’ve tried. But Macaque has a habit of shying away from fights, only really fighting others to settle a score (S1 E9) or if he has to (LBD arc - both working for and against her, but the S1 E9 relates here, too.) I’m not saying this as an insult, more of an observation. He’s not a coward by any means, a coward would be Peng, who leaves mid-battle in fear of being hurt or losing. Macaque finishes his fights (still knowing when it’s reasonable to retreat), but more often then not prefers to prevent them in the first place. (WHICH IS WHY THE DIVORCE SCENE HITS SO HARD, you know he’s been bottling that up ;v;)
ANYWAY back on topic. I definitely think everything Wukong said there was true. I don’t think he was trying to lie or manipulate Macaque by saying “everything I did was for us”. This is further confirmed when we see him later, tired and completely defeated.
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He has nothing to hide here. He’s at his lowest point, stuck in a mountain, tensions high from being abandoned by his sworn brothers, being abandoned by people he held dear. Macaque was trying to be nice, but if I were stuck in a mountain and offered food from someone who left me in such a vulnerable state? I probably wouldn’t take the it either. ALSO. We still have NOT seen these things from Wukongs perspective! Every single time something is revealed from his past, it’s narrated by Tang, Azure, Macaque, etc. Wukong has never (from my memory) spoken about his trials first-hand. This is why I love the guy so much!! What’s going on in his head? How does he feel about these things?
These are such complex characters who have been through so much, so it really bothers me when people look at Sun Wukong and decide to demonise him because of the past which, not only has he moved on from, but we have never even seen his side of the story on. Why did he kill Macaque? Did he kill Macaque? (I’ve seen theories he didn’t, we don’t know rn tho)
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Wukong went through a lot of pain to change. Wukong is haunted by his past and in genuine distress over it. You can’t tell me this isn’t a man filled with deep remorse for his actions.
He’s not perfect, but he’s a hell of a lot better. It just really frustrates me that people disregard and discredit the work he put in to get to this point.
This is really disorganised I’m sorry, I just keep seeing people act like Wukong is the scum of the earth and I honestly just do not get it.
Please don’t send asks about this post, just reblog or comment.
I don’t want to deal with passive aggressive (or just straight up aggressive) people.
As a final note: No, Wukong is not perfect. He’s still a deeply flawed character even with his development. No, Macaque isn’t the scum of the earth. They both have their own problems and they both fucked up. They both did something wrong. That’s the point.
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atlabookshelf · 7 days
a primary characteristic of a good polycule is the ability to perform a professional-level heist at a moments notice.
This is why Sokka, Suki, Mai, Ty Lee, and Zuko would work really well as a polycule. In this essay I will-
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sukipershipper · 3 months
Sorry I know I'm gonna be on here and ramble a lot about l4d because the special infected live rent free in my brain- BUT I just fucking realized that Fred Tatasciore already fucking voiced Boomer and my head is like HUH??? Like I knew it sounded sorta like him that's why I was like "Oh he would be great if Boomer ever spoke!" and then I look up the Voice Cast for the game and LO AND BE-FUCKING-HOLD
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sukirichi · 5 days
speaking of naoya, just checked my notifs and saw a lot of you read my naoya content and i have never smiled so hard in my life. like yes. join the club. you’ll find it’s pleasant here <3
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queenofstresss · 3 months
I watched Netflix's ALTA again and it's actually good and funny. I like it and I'm glad they renewed it for two more seasons so we get the whole experience before making too many decisions about the show. I recommend watching it again if your initial thoughts were that "this is shit and nothing like the original" or if you just questioned everything.
Even if this show isn't your cup of tea, you'll always have the original💜 and if you don't like this (it's fine) or still say that it's the worst, but I SWEAR NOTHING CAN BE WORSE THAN THE MOVIE THEY MADE ABOUT AVATAR (idk what year that was) THAT WAS HORRIBLE..
Someone posted their first thoughts about the show when it came out and I reblogged it and honestly, they're very good points - it was kinda weirdly paced, some things the characters did were little questionable, scenes changing etc. - and they were my first thoughts as well, I still stand by them but that's just cos the original is just so good (plus I have hard time receiving new things about the things I love, ex. Anything about ALTA)
First time watching was just pure confusion and anticipation, hoping they won't fuck up, but the second time watching really did make me like the show and what I think was good about this, were the actor choices.. Some look more like their characters than others but all were top notch. Unlike in the movie they made year whatever, it was just a disaster.. I actually love the relationship between Zuko and Iroh in this as well🔥☕
But yes please do watch it again cos really NOTHING can be worse than the movie..
If you're still reading this, thanks for coming to my late night ramblings lol
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le-panda-chocovore · 2 months
Top 5 fav moments from Good Omens or Avatar : The Legend of Aang... Thx :D
The Legend of Aang ? I didn't know this version 😂😂😂
I hope you'll take the responsibility of making me plunge back into my hyperfixations lmaooo
The order doesn't mean anything, this isn't in order of preference :
Sokka getting his ass beaten by the Kyoshi Warriors so bad that the Misogyny Spirit left him. An important point of his character development. Also Suki is badass.
Zuko venting to an unconscious Aang during a snowstorm at the North Pole, then trying to fight Katara when she found them and immediately losing the "rematch" lmaoo (Bro you're lame but we love you that way)
Sokka's haiku battle. It was really cool. I love when he's smart (it doesn't make it less dumb tho lmaooo)
The 2 entire Boiling Rock episodes. Because Zukka material, because Suki is badass, because Father-Son Reunion, because Mai is cool too, because Azula's shocked reaction, because running away from the highest prison of the Fire Nation is fucking awesome.
Any of Toph's legendary retorts/insults. Literally couldn't choose one, they're all priceless.
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