afrogmentioned · 21 days
The Invitation
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Itadori Yuuji, a young Japanese-American man, finds himself without a family after his grandfather's death. Despite his strong bond with his friends Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara, he reconnects with his long-lost family through a DNA test. Unfortunately, they see an opportunity where he sees a family.
wc: 1,024
ship: sukuita
characters: Yuuji, Megumi, Nobara, (Choso, Sukuna, Uraume -> not here yet)
notes: creating my JJK tumblr and balancing my fics (1) here before posting again (fingers crossed)
The tag of his white shirt was rubbing against Yuuji's nape, he should have cut it before leaving his flat he thought for a while. The little piece of fabric was slowly getting on his nerves, and the fundraiser kept on going as if it would never stop. He almost sighed as he went past a woman in what was probably a month's worth of his salary. Yuuji smiled and showed the tray he was holding: 
“Beef carpaccio?” He offered the woman. She looked him up and down and ignored him.
Yuuji kept walking through the crowd. One man got close enough to smell him and recognizing the sweet honeyed scent of an omega, he winked at him. Yuuji almost barfed in his mouth. He looked back at the bar where Nobara was filling the champagne glass, looking as if she wanted to open her wrists with a broken flute. Yuuji chuckled and kept asking around him if people wanted to eat beef carpaccio. One woman didn’t even turn and shushed him as she watched whatever CEO talking about his company's annual growth. He couldn’t wait until this was over.
Megumi was already in the kitchen putting food in plastic containers for them to take home. Yuuji almost begged him to leave the beef carpaccio out of his, he couldn’t even handle the smell of it now that he had carried a tray of raw meat the entire evening. Megumi’s tips were on the table waiting for Yuuji’s and Nobara’s, they would slip the total amount into three, and sometimes, depending on their finances, one of them would get a bigger cut to be able to pay their rent.
Nobara opened the doors to the kitchen and sighed loudly before trashing her heels. She fetched the tips from her pockets and slammed the money on the countertop. Yuuji started counting when a small bag dropped in front of him and another in front of Megumi:
“I managed to snatch three of them,” Nobara grinned. “I think there is wine in it.”
“Drunkard,” Yuuji teased still counting the bills.
“Ass, You’re letting me sleep at yours as an apology.”
Megumi snorted before he closed the last plastic container and handed it to Nobara. He pocketed his share of the tips and turned to face Nobara: 
“I got one ass grazing,” he said matter-of-factly. Nobara whistled.
“Boobs ogling, I’m not mad I’m pretty sure I got bigger tips because of it.”
“One ass squeeze and a couple of rude sniffs,” Yuuji smiled from where he stood.
“Fucking alphas,” Nobara sighed.
In the end, Megumi and Nobara slept at Yuuji’s, they knew it was his birthday. Even if he didn’t say anything, Yuuji felt relieved to spend the evening with them. It was only his second birthday since his grandfather had passed, and last year had been miserable, Yuuji was determined to spend a better one this year.
Toothbrush between her teeth, Nobara opened his bathroom door and poked her head into the living room:
“Whot wash it about twuday?”
“Some kind of genealogy tree with DNA,” Megumi answered speaking fluently mouthful Nobara.
“I shink there is a free techt in the bags.”
Yuuji looked in his gift bag and found a small bottle of white wine, chocolates and plastic wrapping which would change his life forever. A house kit DNA test. Megumi was staring at him from his side of the couch: 
“You wanna try?” Yuuji asked.
“Nah, got enough disappointing family members with my dad, I don’t need more. You?”
“I don’t know,” Yuuji hesitated. “It’s just, it’s always been my grandad and me. And now I feel kind of alone, I know I have you guys but sometimes I just want to know where I came from and stuff, what was the deal with my family,” Megumi didn’t answer for a while.
“It’s your decision Yuuji, you’re more my family than my dad, you know that?”
“Yeah,” Yuuji answered slowly eaten by guilt. Megumi was his family too, and Nobara too. But sometimes, in the loneliness of his flat, he couldn’t be sure of his place in the world.
“Dude, do the test, maybe you’re an heir to a big family or something. It doesn’t mean anything, it’s just a test,” Megumi added. “I don’t know how it feels to be alone, to have no one to call family. I got my mom’s side and Tsumiki. What I want to say is: do it if you want to.”
“Thanks,” Yuuji mumbled. Megumi wasn’t always the most articulate, it probably took a lot from him to say all of that. It felt like a lot to Yuuji. “You’re like a brother to me, you know that?”
Megumi didn’t answer but he smiled at him and dropped his head against Yuuji’s shoulder. Nobara went to sit on the other side of Yuuji and dropped herself over him, she had probably been listening to them. She smelled of mint toothpaste and Megumi of the caramel candies he had been eating. Yuuji sighed, slowly he felt his shoulders relax and the nagging headache he had had for a while receded. It felt like a home. Like a family. He enjoyed it, tomorrow his flat would be cold and empty.
Yuuji dropped the DNA test in the mail. It was just a stupid test like Megumi said. It didn’t mean anything and it would probably not show any result. For all he knew he was a simple Japanese-American man whose family had immigrated in the late nineteenth century. He probably had estranged cousins or no one at all. Determined to forget all about it Yuuji went back to his normal life as a waiter and artist. He focused even more on his tasks in order to have his brain focus on something else than refreshing his ancestry page. He didn’t talk about it with Megumi or Nobara too happy to spend time with them when they could meet up. Until one evening, when he was cutting the cucumbers to make tzatziki his phone beeped. 
You have one (1) DNA match!
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hinamie · 2 months
some notes/hcs from th jjk band!au ! read at your leisure i have written a novel 🫠
tl;dr guitarist brothers suku/ita bassist megu drummer nobara band name BL4CK FL4SH
i imagine them slightly aged up in this au, i'm thinking yuuji n them are around 17 and sukuna is 2 years older ( i would make the age gap wider to account for canon but i feel like any older and sukuna wouldn't be caught dead playing in his little brother's band)
it /is/ technically yuuji's band, he /was/ the one who started it even though sukuna would argue that he's the one funding the whole thing and nobara would argue that she's the one organizing and promoting every one of their gigs and megumi would argue that he constantly loses sleep writing mixing and producing their songs,, they all love yuuji tho so they go along and let him put his name on it
don't think too hard about how sukuna, 19, makes enough to fund a band . wholesome legal stuff, promise
yuuji's current guitar is a hand me down from sukuna after he had saved up enough to splurge on the double necked monstrosity he has currently. because they were strapped for cash growing up, for years yuuji played on a beginner kid's size electric guitar that sukuna (serial music snob) couldn't stand the sound of and may or may not have violently smashed before tsundere-ly shoving his old guitar into yuuji's hands.
that being the case, sukuna thinks what yuuji has done to his old guitar is atrocious bc he's the type to take /meticulous/ care of his instruments. we're talking regular tune ups, wax, mods, the works. man carries spare strings and a microfibre cloth on him at all times just in case and Will Not let yuuji near his gear because yuuji is a hurricane of a boy and has dropped and broken his equipment more times than any of them care to count . they do however make a game out of placing bets as to what he'll knock over during practice
yuuji usually does lead vocals because his energy is quite frankly contagious and he's a natural at working a crowd . Sukuna sings backup vocal but there are a handful of songs where they switch and he sings lead and those songs are . hm . a very different vibe ! and some of their most successful releases much to his brother's chagrin
megumi had always noticed and admired sukuna's voice and thought it would be a waste not to give him a lead vocal part so he was originally the one to offer to collaborate with sukuna to write a few songs more tailored to his style ,, yuuji felt a bit snuffed but couldn't deny that megumi had a point so he agreed to take a back seat
once sukuna had gotten a taste for the spotlight and saw the stream count on the songs he led he and yuuji started bickering a lot more over who gets to take over lead vocals. they've tried duets before and it's simply out of the question so instead they fight over megumi to get him to write for one of them. it still usually ends up being yuuji which irks sukuna but he's placated by how explosive the reaction is when he /does/ get a song to himself
megumi can also sing !!! he's really good !!!!except he's shy and stubborn and won't do it in front of others. he once drunkenly admitted that he has a secret folder on his laptop full of audio files of himself singing unreleased songs and they (mostly nobara) haven't let him forget it and pester him relentlessly to let them listen. he will not because his songs are emo and sappy and pining and definitely not about yuuji
this is MY brainrot so this au is not immune to pining megumi x oblivious yuuji. one time yuuji kept inviting a girl he liked to their rehearsals and megumi's mood would get so sour that most days they had to call practice early and the ensuing show was one of their worst performances ever because their practices had been so unproductive. nobara is 95% sure she knows what was up but in the interest of keeping megumi in the band she kept her mouth shut ((she did admonish yuuji afterwards that no more outside spectators were allowed at practice no matter how hot he thinks they are))
in the days leading up to their first ever show yuuji was an anxious wreck to the point where the rest of them were legitimately concerned for his health but completely at a loss as to what they could do to help. megumi's love language is Not words of affirmation so instead he got yuuji a new set of audio cables accompanied by a note that read "good luck -M" to help ease his nerves. yuuji keeps the note taped to his guitar
megumi and nobara can both play piano and alternate covering the keyboard parts if a song requires it. (((megumi is a lot better at it which annoys nobara but she attributes the skill difference to his "freakishly long fingers and perfect pitch, which is basically cheating anyway")))
nobara gives the boys hell for making her play manager most of the time but she honestly thrives when a gig is coming up and she gets to order them around and use sukuna's credit card to book photoshoots and print promotional materials and buy them new outfits to match the concept
everyone but sukuna dreads the aforementioned shopping days. yuuji is a chronic protag who just wants to sing with his friends and megumi thinks coordinated outfits are frivolous and a waste of time . sukuna however /loves/ the visual aspect of performing because he's a dramatic bitch and wants to make sure they leave an impression. he and nobara are a force to be reckoned with and megumi and yuuji fight for their lives when they bust out the eyeliner
gojo is in this au because i guess he has to be smh i am never free -_- he was megumi's old music teacher and he runs the studio they rent out ("friends and family discount for my favourite student! aren't i kind, megumi-chan?") and they're pretty sure he's famous overseas or a retired star or something because whenever he comes to their shows there's a flood of paparazzi and tabloids that he miraculously manages to avoid??? they have no idea how he does it but they're happy to leech off the publicity
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kairos-polaris · 5 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "yaoshifollower"?
my name is a game reference! i picked it in April-May last year when i just started playing hsr and we got introduced to the aeon/god of abundance Yaoshi, i really liked their design and the idea that even good blessings can be harmful if taken to extreme. which is why i am their follower!
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now, for my top ten fics, i am going to limit myself to jjk only but i can do a general list too if anyone is interested
(not ranking them because it's something i always struggle with ranking anything)
1. every jjk fic by voxofthevoid @voxofthevoid, because they'd take up the entire list otherwise. i can't chose one favourite tho the way it follows you home, the stories i never told and isolation neophyte, too afraid to taste your conscience are close contenders for the first place
i adore the way he writes Gojo, that arrogant selfish bastard, and Yuuji, my precious baby can do no wrong 🥰, their interactions with each other and people around them (gege could never). and the smut is always top tier, i am still not over one particular line and i don't think i ever will be
2. still water by movequickly. it's ita/fushi, a canon divergent au from 212 chapter of manga and i just really love Megumi's characterization, the introspection on his relationship with others, something we lack in manga, and Sukuna specifically. also there is minor suku/ita and i am obsessed with the fucked up flavour of it!! like yes yes, this is exactly the way i want them
3. putredine by EvilPeaches. hints of ita/fushi, but mostly suku/ita. also another perfect depiction of the fucked up relationship Sukuna and Yuuji have. Yuuji wins but loses so much in the process you are left to wonder if the victory was worth it. in the end skita merge becoming one person (very fucked)
warning: check tags for both fics, especially the third one (people were talking in the comments about how dark it was but i just got horny 😔)
4. i'll be anything you ask of me by Anonymous. mostly hiita, with some goyuu. short and sweet, Yuuji-centric and encourages him to ask for what he wants, which is something i always approve of. comfort fic for me
5. this side of paradise by omontz. goyuu 236 au, Satoru's death starts a time loop with Yuuji forced to live through each in Satoru's pov. i rarely see time loop fics not from the pov of the person experiencing it and this fic does it perfectly. each loop is perfect and it made me cry, oh poor Yuuji he suffered for so long
6. "But to you it's just words" by WriterOfTheMaximum (@the-hurdy-gurdy-man , hope i didn't mistag lmao), a historical goyuu au where they walk a lot . Gojo characterization is very important to me and he is so perfectly imperfect here, just the way he is in the manga. Yuuji is a precious boy ofc, love this fic very much and i am going to reread it soon
7. Convergence by NoGravity, a canon divergent goyuu au in which Yuuji with the prison realm end up in the past (pre hidden inventory arc). Yuuji tries to unseal Satoru and get back to the future while also getting closer with teen Satoru. teen Satoru's jealousy of his older self was super cute. and while the results of their actions in the past didn't fix their future, it created an alternate universe. in the end both goyuu of the og universe and the alternate one are happy together
8. Lipstick by Lumieerie. one of my fave goyuuge fics, just very lovely and super delicious smut, i read it multiple times
9. Misplaced calls by J_c_nth. a loor at Gojo's time in the prison realm during which he receives calls from Yuuji from a different universe. some just met their Satoru z some haven't, some know him well and some really well. those calls make him confront his own feelings for Yuuji and realise how much he loves him
10. Touch me, touch you by rizna. senpai/kohai au goyuu being stupid and stupidly in love and making other people suffer for it
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baebeyza · 11 months
I've noticed that too about the difference between the western and Japanese twins AUs. It's really cool because it gives more variation in the dynamic.
Have you noticed how popular different Sukunas at the same time are in the Japanese fandom? I haven't noticed it so much in the western one. And the thing that is the most amusing to me is that they have quite different personalities. The difference between og Sukuna and modern Sukuna in Yuuji's body us often pretty stark. It happens sometimes in the western fics too, that their personalities differ a lot but they rarely are present at the same time. And recently I've noticed the Sukuna in Megumi's body to appear as well together with the other two and he also seems a little different personality wise than them.
Not as much, I am still on my journey through the SukuIta tag, but yes, I noticed a difference between OG Suku and Ita!Suku!
We see Suku inside Yuuji as the crazy, violent, super destructive dude, while the most prominent appearance of him in his original body is the flashback with Yorozu, in which he doesn't do anything but sit and look bored. He didn't even get Yorozu off himself, it was Uraume.
The coloured cover picture of him shows a rather neutral expression as well, not at all crazed and bloodthirsty.
So it makes sense from what I saw about OG Suku, that he is depicted a lot calmer, quiet or even sad than when it is Ita!Suku.
Honestly, same with Fushi!Suku - I talked with my sister about how calm and chill Sukuna seemed inside Megumi compared to Yuuji - Inside Yuuji, his expressions tended to be a lot more crazed. Fushi!Suku is a dude who would excel in a host club while Ita!Suku is a serial killer. And OG Suku is a king who just stares while saying "pathetic" but is also very lonely
But gotta admit I haven't seen much fanart of Fushi!Suku yet, I'm going through pixiv from oldest to newest, and in my SukuIta run I'm still at year 2021.
What I can say about OG Suku fanart is that people draw him so much prettier than he appears in the manga and I can't blame em :D
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turisiancom · 4 days
TURISIAN.com - Tokoh pariwisata tanah air Henry Husada menyampaikan apresiasi terhadap Wakil Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekokomi Kreatif 2011-2014, Prof Dr Sapta Nirwandar. Di usianya yang menginjak 70 tahun ternyata masih sangat produktif. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan Launching Buku bertema ‘Spektakuler Pariwisata Lampung’ (karya Sapta Nirwandar dan Frans Teguh), pada Jumat malam, 31 Mei 2024. “Kita patut memberikan apresiasi kepada bapak  Sapta, beliau masih sangat produktif. Kepeduliannya terhadap pariwisata di Indonesia juga sangat tinggi,” kata Henry hadir di acara launching buku sekaligus syukuran 70 tahun Sapta Nirwandar di Gedung Manggala Wanabakti, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup & Kehutan RI di Jalan Gatot Subroto No.2 Jakarta Pusat tersebut. Sementara itu, selain buku "Spektakuler Pariwisata Lampung", pada waktu bersama juga diluncurkan buku "Birokrat Wirausaha" karya Hilda Ansariah Sabri. BACA JUGA: Pemerintah Segera Susun Standar Prosedur Kapal Wisata di Labuan Bajo [caption id="attachment_20725" align="alignnone" width="768"] Henry Husada foto bersama Prof Sapta Nirwandar. Foto: Ist[/caption] Sapta Nirwandar hadir dengan mengenakan kemeja hitam berselendang kain Tapis khas Lampung. Ia menyampaikan rasa terima kasihnya kepada para hadirin, terutama rekan sejawat, teman sekolah, dan keluarga besar. Karya tentang kepariwisataan “Di malam yang berbahagia ini, saya mengucapkan rasa terima kasih yang mendalam atas kehadiran segenap teman-teman. Terutama dari Klub Wakil Menteri, teman SMA 2 dari Lampung, SMA 6 Yogyakarta, Alumni Unpad Bandung.Dan tidak lupa ucapan terima kasih kepada keluarga besar saya dari Lampung,” ucap Sapta. Ditempat yang sama, Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Sandiaga Uno, turut memberikan  mengapresiasi kontribusi Sapta Nirwandar di usia yang telah menginjak 70 tahun. BACA JUGA: BBN Airlines Indonesia Tambah Maskapai, Ingin Tembus 40 Pesawat [caption id="attachment_20726" align="alignnone" width="768"] Henry Husada bersama Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif saat menghadiri peluncuran Buku Prof Dr Sapta Nirwandar, Jumat malam, 31 Mei 2024. Foto: Ist[/caption] “Di usia yang telah genap 70 tahun ini, senior saya, Abang saya Sapta Nirwandar masih memberikan kontribusinya. Berupa karya tentang kepariwisataan,” ujar Sandiaga. “Semoga beliau diberikan kesehatan dan panjang umur. Aamiin,” sambungnya. Buku setebal 281 halaman ini mengangkat kekayaan alam Lampung, termasuk komoditas seperti lada, kopi, dan durian. Selain itu, buku ini juga menampilkan destinasi unggulan Provinsi Lampung. Seperti Gunung Anak Krakatau di Selat Sunda, Pantai Tanjung Setia di Kabupaten Pesisir Barat. Dan Pulau Pahawang di Kabupaten Pesawaran. BACA JUGA: Festival Karisma Event Nusantara 2024, Ini Pesan Sandiaga Uno Situs bersejarah seperti Prasasti Batu Bedil, Situs Batu Gajah, dan Skala Brak juga diulas. Tak ketinggalan kerajinan khas Lampung berupa kain Tapis, rumah adat Suku Lampung, serta makanan khas Lampung, Seruit. Dalam kesempatan tersebut, hadir pula tokoh-tokoh penting lainnya, seperti mantan Menteri Pariwisata Jero Wacik, mantan Pj Gubernur Lampung Thursandi Alwi. Bahkan, sejumlah undangan terhormat lainnya. Acara ini dimeriahkan oleh penampilan penyanyi lawas Sundari Sukotjo, Ita Purnamasari, aktris Christine Hakim, dan Dwi Dharmawan Light Orchestra, serta Timutiwa Choir. ***
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baliportalnews · 8 months
Jajaran ASN Lapas Tabanan Ikuti Upacara Peringatan Hari Kesaktian Pancasila
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, TABANAN- Jajaran Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas) Kelas IIB Tabanan dan Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan (WBP) berkumpul di Halaman Lapas Tabanan, guna mengikuti kegiatan upacara Peringatan Hari Kesaktian Pancasila Tahun 2023, Senin (2/10/2023). Bertindak selaku inspektur upacara yaitu Kalapas Tabanan, Heri Aris Susila. Dalam amanatnya, Heri Aris membacakan sambutan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia (Menkumham) Republik Indonesia (RI), Yasonna H. Laoly, dalam upacara peringatan Hari Kesaktian Pancasila Tahun 2023, di Lingkungan Kementerian Hukum dan HAM, dengan tema “Pancasila Pemersatu Bangsa Menuju Indonesia Maju”. Disebutkan, bahwa Indonesia adalah negara yang dikenal dengan kekayaan dan keberagaman, baik itu agama, ras, suku, serta adat istiadat. Hal inilah yang membuat Pancasila bisa jadi ideology, yang dapat menjaga persatuan dan kesatuan melalui nilai yang tercantum dalam Pancasila. Peringatan Hari Kesaktian Pancasila perlu dijadikan momentum untuk merefleksikan hal-hal yang telah dan harus kita lakukan, untuk menjadikan Indonesia sebagai bangsa yang tangguh pada masa kini dan masa yang akan datang. “Saya mengajak seluruh keluarga besar Kementerian Hukum dan HAM jadi teladan dan contoh dalam mengaktualisasikan nilai-nilai Pancasila. Bergerak aktif memperkokoh nilai-nilai Pancasila, dalam mewujudkan Indonesia maju dan cita-cita Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia. Maknai Kesaktian Pancasila dengan menumbuhkan jiwa nasionalisme dan patriotisme, mulai dari diri sendiri. Pancasila membuat perbedaan menjadi kekayaan. Pancasila merajut keragaman jadi keindahan, dan Pancasila itu menyatukan perbedaan,” demikian sepenggal isi sambutan dari Menkumham RI. Sementara, Heri Aris Susila mengajak seluruh petugas dan juga warga binaan agar dapat memaknai arti dari Hari Kesaktian Pancasila yang diperingati. “Mari rekan-rekan petugas semua, dan juga teman-teman warga binaan, agar kita dapat memaknai Hari Kesaktian Pancasila dengan selalu mengamalkan nilai-nilai Pancasila. Melalui peringatan Hari Kesaktian Pancasila setiap tahun, mari kita jadikan sebagai upaya melestarikan, mengamalkan, mengembangkan, dan mempromosikan Pancasila sebagai dasar negara dan pandangan hidup bangsa Indonesia,” serunya.(ita/bpn) Read the full article
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shoukohime · 3 years
i recently started and finished watching jjk anime and one of my first posts from you was the super bass txt and may i offer an alternative! itadori doing the wap dance perfectly and sukuna being more impressed than he thought he’d be
yknow anon 1000 years ago they didn't have those dance moves, so sukuna ought to be a little bit impressed! also, he's unwillingly starting to get used to the song, maybe humming along with it or tapping his foot to the beat but I didn't tell you this
itadori, looking at sukuna expectantly:
sukuna, reluctantly: gobble me swallow me-
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yuuminni · 2 years
always funny when i see a suku/fushi fanart but sukuna is soft in there. babe thats not suku/fushi thats just an ita/fushi
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bootlickerhawks · 3 years
Nobara , Yuuji and Fushiguro for the ask game
And Also nanami because he deserves this
Sexuality Headcanon: Lesbian Gender Headcanon: Her backstory screams transfem to me lol A ship I have with said character: Nobamaki and I also really like nobamai. I like to imagine nobamai as hostile exes (Mai is super bitter that she’s dating her sister now) A BROTP I have with said character: Nobara/Yuuji/Megumi the ultimate brot3 😤 (pls Gege im begging you give me the Tokyo squad fugitive arc! 🙏) A NOTP I have with said character: besides the obvious nobara/adult pairings i’d say Nobara/any dude. I really can’t imagine Nobara dating guys my brain cannot compute that lol A random headcanon: This isn’t really a hc but the idea of Pirate!Nobara makes me go feral (if we don’t get eyepatch!Nobara post-shibuya i’ll riot) General Opinion over said character: F E R A L  Q U E E N
Sexuality Headcanon: BISEXUAL Gender Headcanon: Cis? maybe??? A ship I have with said character: ITAFUSHI!!! This ship is so domestic and has so much angst potential I love it ;w;  A BROTP I have with said character: Tokyo squad, Todo (obviously) and Choso (Gege im begging give me the Choso & Yuuji bromance post-shibuya) A NOTP I have with said character: *glares at go//yuu, suku//ita and nana//ita* A random headcanon: I seem to recall it being mentioned that he was in Ninja Warrior and it’s never brought up again? hello?? I’d love to see Yuuji doing Ninja Warrior or Total Wipeout! But let’s assume that the Ninja Warrior stuff is only a rumor started by students, I love the hc that Yuuji had a crazy reputation at school that was totally overexaggerated (or was it?)   General Opinion over said character: Good boi, would die for him, pls let me sign the adoption papers! (I will fight Gojo and Nanami in a trial by combat to win custody rights 😤)
Sexuality Headcanon: Gray ace or demisexual Gender Headcanon: transmasc or nb I vibe with both with his character A ship I have with said character: Itafushi! 😤 A BROTP I have with said character: Tokyo squad, Maki. I also think his interactions w/ Noritoshi jr were hilarious I’d love to see more A NOTP I have with said character: *glares at suku//fushi and go//fushi* OR WORSE toji//fushi! A special fuck you goes out to toji//fushi shippers!   A random headcanon: He volunteers at an animal shelter when he has free time. 
Megumi and Yuuji cook together so that they can “learn” to cook better (it’s actually a poor excuse so that they can spend more time together ;w;).  General Opinion over said character: He was bound to become one of my fav characters the minute he summoned the demon dogs lol. I really enjoy his character and I can’t wait to see what Gege has planned for his character! (I know it’ll break my heart tho ;w;) 
Nanami or as I like to call him Business Daddy
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay Gender Headcanon: Cis A ship I have with said character: Nanago! I’m convinced those 2 fucked at least once. I like to think of Nanago as each other’s rebounds (from Getou and Haibara) and at first it’s strickly a colleagues with benefits kinda relationship but gradually feelings start to develop (sadly those feelings get cut short cuz of euuuuh... you know)   A BROTP I have with said character: Ino and Nanami’s dynamic is great! (do father-son dynamics count as brotps? cuz Yuuji and Nanami’s relationship is top tier 👌) A NOTP I have with said character: nana//ita... 😔 A random headcanon: He gives off vibes like he’d be a great cook idk why 😂 awwww now I’m imagining Nanami and Yuuji cooking together 🥺 General Opinion over said character: There’s a good reason why he’s Gege’s favorite! I love him so much! 🥺
(Ask game)
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afrogmentioned · 21 days
The Invitation
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Chapter One : Alone No More
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anyakatja · 3 years
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Sooo, I did this xD Itadori, Sukuna and Nobara from Jujutsu Kaisen. All of the stuff, AKA Ita-Suku hairs, all clothes, shoes and tattoos are my custom recolors from EA meshes. Itadori's uniform mesh is from a sweater by 2SANGHAEC
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kairos-polaris · 3 months
Laurell hell, suku/ita & go/yuu fic.
Kenjaku & Yuuji parent child bonding below the cut, 1.2k words
Yuuji woke up in a strange place. Pitch black, there was nothing but two stools. He was sitting on one and the other was left unoccupied. The weight of the place itself was heavy on his chest, pulling him under; it felt as if he was underwater and couldn’t resurface.
A presence, more familiar than it should have been, made itself known.
“Hello, Yuuji, it’s been a while,” the thing parading in Getou Suguru’s body said before sitting down on the stool. It sighed. “So rude, you know my previous names, you know my actual name, yet you still think of me as a ‘thing’ and ‘it’. So rude to your poor mother,” it pouted. “And yes, I can hear your thoughts, Yuuji.”
What was this place? Why was Yuuji there? How could he even get out of there?
“This is a realm between curses and living. You may have heard of it already, from the people who were allowed to refuse participation in the games. It is a realm of dreams and I can control this particular part of it,” the thing, Kenjaku, explained. “Can a mother not miss her child? I sought to offer you comfort after you lost your soulmate but I can see you don’t want it,” they sighed. “No matter, I still wish to sate my curiosity, after that I will let you leave.”
How could he even get out of there?
The thing tsk-ed. “Patience, my boy. I answered your questions, now it’s your turn,” they smiled sharply, their indulgent and almost bored.
“I don’t want to,” Yuuji replied out loud for the first time. “I am not interested in answering your questions, just let me out.”
Kenjaku, sighed once again, daring to look disappointed with him, when it was Yuuji who had any right to feel upset.
“I am just worried for you, my boy,” they said with false concern. “It must feel so terrible to be separated from your soulmate like that. The emptiness where once Sukuna’s soul resided, intertwined with yours. No pair of soulmates have ever reached this level of connection, completion. No one came as close to becoming one as you and Sukuna did. It must feel terrible to lose it,” they cooed, their sympathy just as fake as their concern. “I do feel sorry for you, Yuuji. Everyone would, for a loss like that.”
Yuuji froze. He had refused to confront the gaping emptiness in his mind and soul. Pretend he didn’t miss something, someone, that he didn’t mindlessly reach out to Sukuna’s soul only to find it missing. Pretend he wasn’t disappointed each time. Pretend he didn’t crave the weight of Sukuna’s being. Ever since his death sentence was announced Yuuji couldn’t help but dream there was a way to separate him and Sukuna, to kill the king of curses without dying himself. A terrible selfish desire that Yuuji suppressed each time (his resolve to accept his death had to remain unwavering, he couldn’t entertain silly wishes like that) that left him full of aching and longing when it was fulfilled. Oh, his whole soul was a blistering wound, hurting from the separation with its second half.
Kenjaku smiled, no doubt listening to Yuuji's thoughts. “My poor baby, suffering like that,” they cooed. “You have entertained me enough. Now I can let you leave or I can tell you something about Sukuna first. You will have to answer another question for it, of course.”
Yuuji hesitated. He wanted to leave immediately, he didn’t care about Sukuna. But… Whatever Kenjaku had to say could be useful in their future fight against him and Yuuji couldn’t risk it, even if it meant staying in their presence for longer. He wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if they missed gaining an advantage because of his discomfort.
“Mommy is hurt Yuuji hates talking to her this much,” they sighed, fake pout on their lips. It looked ridiculous on Getou’s face, especially combined with the stitches on their forehead. “But I will pretend I didn’t hear that,” not that Yuuji cared, “and tell you about Sukuna.
“He doesn’t feel the same gaping emptiness you do, it was, after all, your body that had to adjust to the weight of two souls. Doesn’t it upset you that he was the one who left yet you alone have to bear the consequences? So unfair. I can assure you, however, Sukuna still feels your absence, even if not to the extent you do. I see the frustration in his eyes as he reaches out for your soul to find Fushiguro Megumi’s instead. His irritation is an entertaining sight,” they laughed. “I am certain he himself doesn’t realize his soul seeks out yours, blind to its true desires no matter how well he understands the shape of it.”
Yuuji did not expect for Sukuna to feel his absence, even if it wasn’t as acutely as he did. Unwillingly, he was filled with bitter triumph, an undeniable proof that his soulmate missed him, if Kenjaku’s words were to be trusted and they had no reason to lie about it.
“I have no reason to lie about it,” they echoed Yuuji’s thoughts, an uncomfortable reminder of their omniscience in this space. “It hurts me that Yuuji is so distrustful of his poor mother’s good intentions. I just want to take care of my son’s well-being, is it so wrong of me?”
Anger boiled under his skin, the audacity to pretend to be a caring parent when they’ve done nothing but hurt him. When they had hurt Choso’s mother, when they had allowed him to kill his brothers. How dare they fake concern when they were the one to send curses at him, the one who orchestrated his suffering?
“And you grew stronger from it, did you not?” they asked, finally dropping the mask of parental worry. “All I desire is to see humanity evolve and evolution requires hardships to overcome and grow from. I can’t create something greater than myself as evident by your failures of brothers so I facilitated the growth of something new. You have grown so much in such a short time and soon I will witness the results of the merger,” they said with a proud smile. Kenjaku continued, pride replaced by indulgence: “I do care for you, Yuuji. I wish to see you succeed and grow and there is no growth without suffering.”
“It is not care if you want me to suffer,” Yuuji found himself saying. Why was he even entreating them?
“Coddling isn’t care either. And I do not wish you to suffer, I am simply acknowledging the necessity of experiencing hardships to grow stronger,” Kenjaku countered. They shook their head. “No matter. It is my turn to ask questions.”
Yuuji’s blood turned into ice. “What do you want to know?” he asked, desperately trying to keep his voice even.
Kenjaku smiled at that, their face and head slowly morphing into someone different. A woman with short black hair, unfamiliar familiar features in contrast with Getou’s body. With horror and shock came recognition. This was how his mother looked like
“Did you miss me, Yuuji?” Kenjaku asked, voice different too, grinning widely.
Yuuji did not get to respond, waking up with a gasp in his room. Heart beating wildly, the twisted features of his mother’s face combined with the body of Getou Suguru engraved on his eyelids.
“It wasn’t real. It wasn’t real. It wasn’t real. It wasn’t real. It wasn’t real,” Yuuji repeated the words like a chant. “Not real.” But the memories of the conversation remained a heavy weight on his mind
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evorma · 5 years
Well, well, well. Here it is.
It’s far from perfect, and I definetely want to apologize to any musician who might be reading this. There is a part that mentions musical terminology and it gets weird, not only because it’s not my field of expertise (in any language), but also because it’s hard to make the grammatical structures fit. I mean, I do have some basic musical knowledge, but it’s not enough.
 Anyway, I will be including the English and Spanish versions as well as the romaji. @moonshine-gravy here you go 😊
Did I choose you? Did you choose me? You’ll always be with me. I’ll always be with you.
  Raise your voice, give me hope. You encourage me to express myself. Those notes, that sound, They transmit my feelings. 
I discovered that the real anxieties of the heart are expressed through art. I learned that passion is transmitted Through your valves. These notes give off a fascinating glow, they resemble a voice. Instead of saying “I love you”, 1 It’s beautiful. 1 You project the sound of a pure heart. 
Which notes cause great emotion? Which notes make people cry? I wan to know more about you. I want to know more about you. 
Dissonance is irritating. I don’t want to blame anyone. I don’t want to admit it, but I'm sensitive. Even in those moments you are next to me. 2
A free and lighthearted fanfare is rescued by your strength. With high notes, I will also sing my feelings. A harmony never heard before. I am no longer alone on my cue. I want to play better. I want to improve. You project the sound of a passionate heart. 
The aperture is wider. The agogics are groovy. Whether it’s solo or tutti, The feelings are what’s important. 
I discovered that performing causes me great emotion, greater than that of your sound. I learned that passion is transmitted Through your valves. These notes give off a fascinating glow, they resemble a voice. Instead of saying “I love you”, It’s beautiful. You only project the sound of my heart. Just a few notes here:
1 This sounds terribly bad, it does in the Spanish version as well. What I believe this means in the original is that the trumpet (or Reina through her trumpet) is able to say “I love you” without talking, at least in the human sense of the word. I did not, for the love of me, know how to say that without completely changing the original japanese structure, and so, we got this horror.
2  Overall, I really don’t like the cohesion in this entire part. I’m guessing that Reina is in a rehearsal and someone is playing really bad and she feels somewhat annoyed and vulnerable, but she is glad that she has her trumpet by her side to blow some steam off? Otherwise, all of this has very little relation. Other than that, there are a few other places that sound weird and I doubt about whether it feels natural in english? It’s hard to tell when it’s not your mother tongue. And I kind of completely ignored the original metric, because I would have had to skip many things in order for it to fit otherwise. Romaji: Watashi ga anata o eranda no ka? Anata ga watashi o eranda no ka? You will always be with me.  I will always be with you.
Katari kake kibou atae Hage mashite uttaeru you na Sonna oto ga sonna neiro ga Kokoro o utsusu you ne Hontou no kokoro no gekidou o tsutae rareru sube wo mitsuketa Barubu tousu netsu o okuru Deatte shimatta wa Kono oto wa hito no koe ni chikaku kiwa datta kagayaki wo hanatsu Daisuki yo to kawari ni itte Sou hanayaka ni Toutetsu no shinkyou purojekutaa Donna oto ga kandou o umu no? Donna oto ga namida o nagasaseru? I want to know more about you. I want to know more about you.
Modokashii fukyou wa on Dare no sei ni mo shitakunai no ni Ie nakute mada morokute Sonna toki mo soba ni ita Anata no tsuyosa ni suku wareta nobiyaka de jiyuu na fanfaare Hai nouto ni mo nosete iku Watashi no kimochi Itsunomanika kikoeru harmony  Mou hitori kiri janai ainzattsu Motto motto migakitai umaku naritai Netsujou no shinkyou purojekutaa
Apachua wa motto hiroku Agougiku wa groovy ni Soro datte tutti datte Daiji na no wa kokoro deshou!? Ensou ga umidasu kandou nukindeta neiro o mitsuketa Barubu tousu netsu o okuru Deatte shimatta wa Kono oto wa hito no koe ni chikaku kiwa datta kagayaki wo hanatsu Daisuki yo to kawari ni itte Sou hanayaka ni Toutetsu no shinkyou purojekutaa
¿Fui yo la que te eligió o me elegiste tú a mí? You’ll always be with me. I’ll always be with you.
 Alza la voz, dame esperanza. Me animas a expresarme. Esas notas, ese sonido, transmiten mis sentimientos.
 Descubrí que las verdaderas inquietudes del corazón se expresan a través del arte. Aprendí que la pasión se transmite por tus válvulas. Estas notas desprenden un brillo fascinante, parece una voz. En vez de decir “te quiero”,  es hermoso. Proyectas el sonido de un corazón puro.
 ¿Qué notas causan una gran emoción? ¿Qué notas hacen llorar? I want to know more about you. I want to know more about you.
 La disonancia es irritante. No quiero culpar a nadie. No quiero reconocerlo, pero soy sensible. Incluso en esos momentos estás junto a mí.
 Una fanfarria libre y despreocupada es rescatada con tu fuerza. También con notas agudas cantaré mis sentimientos. Una armonía nunca antes escuchada. Ya no estoy sola en la entrada. Quiero tocar cada vez mejor. Quiero ser mejor. Proyectas el sonido de un corazón apasionado.
 La apertura es más ancha, la agógica es rítmica. Sea solo o tutti, lo importante son los sentimientos.
 Descubrí que actuar me provoca una gran emoción, mayor que la de tu sonido. Aprendí que la pasión se transmite por tus válvulas. Estas notas desprenden un brillo fascinante, parece una voz. En vez de decir “te quiero”, es hermoso. Solo proyectas el sonido de mi corazón.
Bueno, aquí podría poner una lista muy larga de notas también, pero son las 2 menos 10 de la madrugada y estoy cansade y un poco hasta las narices de esta canción ya, para que nos vamos a engañar... Puede que en algún momento me aburra y me ponga a comentar los muchos horrores que hay aquí xD Hice lo que pude, gente.
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omniuravity · 2 years
I don’t find myself intimidating, we can be friends.
Yay! I like having friends
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Wow, that anon has nothing better to do clearly.
- jessi from @ita-suku-anon
hiya jessi
i guess you're right, huh
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afrogmentioned · 21 days
What I write
The stuff I wrote and where to find it :
The Invitation : Suku/Ita spin on the vampire movie The Invitation
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