umossu · 17 days
Zukka Big Bang 2024: The Pretender
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writer: @sulkybender
for @zukkabigbang2024
more art under the cut →
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NSFW art
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lnuns · 4 months
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“You’re afraid of me,” Zuko says.
Sokka hesitates before nodding slightly.
“Yeah,” he says quietly. “Yeah, I am.”
Zuko smiles, lopsided. The flash of teeth and the flash of desire, sharp and nauseating.
“Good,” he says. “You should be.”
Alexa, play Who's Afraid of Little Old Me by TSwift
@sulkybender 's writing is just. Oof. Perfection.
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firelilysky · 5 months
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Next installation in the art for fics I love series!
Fic Rec: u/oneeyedwonder
Author: @sulkybender
I loved the format of this one, with everything told through Reddit posts! As much as it hurts me to read about a broken Zuko I love how this was written with a hopeful tone and a soft, warm Sokka committed to helping him heal.
Show Sulky some love for this one!!
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bakedbeanchan · 6 months
thank you for your art, it is giving me LIFE <3
Thanks! I'm glad you like my art. Take the original doodle of one of my posts
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elfantasmadejanis · 6 months
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Part 1 | Part 2
Well here it is, the first page for @sulkybender 's excellent fanfic the fourth ring
I was debating wether to post it just like this or wait til i finished the next bit of zuko's introduction which i really want to add (one of my favourite moments from the story) but i'm not sure when i'll have time to finish it and i just couldn't wait! Hope you guys like it and go read the fic if you havent!!!
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lovelyelbowleech · 6 months
what have you been reading lately in ATLA fic? if you feel like doing a little rec list :3
Hello! I have been terrible and have not really read anything in the fandom for ages! It's been a stressful six months, and I have spent my time writing or doom scrolling tumblr, and not actually doing any reading, which is one of my favourite things to do in the world. So perhaps I can turn this around, 😂 does anyone have any recent fic to rec? (Zukka, Zukki or plotty or angsty gen ❤️)
Thank you for the ask, sorry it is such a non answer! 😅
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lizardlicks · 4 months
WIP ask game!
“burn” 👀
i have
By the time he hauled himself into an opening carved out by meltwater, his arms were burning from exertion, nerves prickling all the way down to his finger tips.
Zuko was alarmed and confused when he awoke on the morning of his tenth birthday to a burning pain on his left shoulder blade. He had not been burned there. He was certain he had not been burned at all in the last week, he'd been so careful lately, putting in extra practice on his forms when time allowed, and he always kept track when his tutors reprimanded him, so why--
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nikantros · 4 months
It is so weird when you realize that anorexia is so deeply ingrained in our image of women that it’s actively hurting the women society claims to emancipate.
I had a bad anxiety breakdown last summer and couldn’t eat and couldn’t keep food down and when I told the psychiatrist about it she immediately noted me down as anorexic; told me to eat more butter; asked me if I want to be thin. Which… I was literally trying to escape mental pain by withholding my body any sensual feeling. I was trying to disappear because I did not want to exist as I did then. I mean, I barely had the strength to leave home at this point. But instead of - you know - her doing her job and figuring these things out with me, she took the easy way out - tiny female body, corrupted by patriarchy, just needs to be more feminist.
I did only spend four sessions with this therapist. And once I entered my job and work 9-5 and am finally out of uni I can eat. I can eat regularly and I can eat much and I can keep it down. I was able to put on 5 kg, more than I managed in 10 years. Because I didn’t have an academic setting that I couldn’t live in no matter how much I tried breathing down my neck anymore.
But I did not get to figure this out in therapy. Because according to therapy I just had to eat more butter and be a good woman.
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arillustrated · 9 months
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some sketches inspired by this post by @sulkybender that turned into a sort of comic? i just have a very clear vision of how this would go down 😭
handwriting translation under cut
from right to left
image 1:
aang: i guess there IS such a thing as too much meditation
iroh: you are looking Very Handsome, sparkle sparkle, today young avatar
aang: i was about to say the same for you, uncle
katara: NO.
aang: but Katara...
katara: No Ozai Beard.
image 2:
aang: this is it. This is my new look.
katara: oh wow. it looks. um. greeaaaaaat aang.
katara: aang...are you super duper sure that this is the one you want? like, absolutely, no doubt, completely positive?
aang: actually, ive been wanting this style for a while now, to remember Gyatso. he was there for me when no one else was and taught me to be who i am. i know it's silly but, i was to give to the world was Gyatso gave to me, so that I never forget him
image 3:
katara: i wish i could have met him
aang: i wish you could have, too.
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allgremlinart · 2 days
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commission for @sulkybender, based on their fic !! (its a pretty cool au you guys)
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erisenyo · 7 months
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The listings are posted, ATLA made the top 10 most represented fandoms this year (lets gooo!) and the browsing period is Officially Open, with bidding begining Monday!! (March 5-9)
And there are some truly amazing offerings for this years @fandomtrumpshate charity auction. Click their names below to check them out!!
Offering fanfics, we have...
thesometimeswarrior (@runrundoyourstuff, and works here) offering a 5K word fic! (up to T)
urieskooki (works here) offering a 10-20K word fic! (up to E)
Emerald_Assterick (@emerald-asterisk, and works here) offering a 5K word fic (up to E)
achievingelysium (@queenangst, and works here) offering a 5K word fic (up to T)
bran4ever (@whatsitnot, and works here) is offering a 5K word fic (up to T) AND a 5-10K word ic (up to M)
dagmalafjall (works here) is offering a 5-10K (up to E)
Lillyanne4 (works here) is offering a 5K word fic (up to M)
blackat_t7t (works here) is offering a 5-10K word fic (up to E)
fancastical (works here) is offering 1K words per $5 bid (up to M)
QueenDollopHead (@queendollophead-ao3, works here and here) is offering a 5-10K word fic (up to E)
Erisenyo (@erisenyo, works here and here) offering a 10-20K word fic (up to E)
sulkybender (@sulkybender, works here) offering a 5K word fic (up to M)
MuffinLance (@muffinlance, works here) offering a 5K word fic (up to G)
Haicrescendo (@sword-and-stars, works here) offering a 5-10K word fic (up to E)
bisexuallsokka (@bisexuallsokka, works here) offering a 5-10K word fic (up to M)
Ariel (@edas-boytoy, works here) is offering a 5K word fic (up to E)
TheGayOnTheMoon (works here and here and here) is offering a 5-10K word fic (up to M)
robinwinged (works here and here) is offering a 5-10K word fic (up to M)
AzzaBynes (@azzabynes) offering fan poetry up to 5K words (rated up to M)
Allium-phyrzz (@allium-phyrzz, works here) offering a 5-10K word fic (up to M)
Alondradina (@alondradina, works here) offering a 5-10K word fic (up to T)
Bluestone_Dragon (@bluestone-dragon, works here) offering a 10-20K fic (up to M)
Luna_SelfIndulgentKitten (works here) offering 1K words for every $10 bid (up to E)
Museflight (works here) offering 1K for every $5 bid (up to M)
Nyxelestia (@nyxelestia, works here) offering a 5-10K word fic (up to E)
So many amazing creators and offerings, and just in time for a renaissance, right? :P Find the fanart listings here! And the fan labor ones here!
(And if you're not in the ATLA mood--there are SO many fandoms represented in the event, I bet your current hyperfixation is in there :))
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zukkabigbang2024 · 12 days
Was It Over Then? (and is it over now?) / art (pt 1) / art (pt 2)
writer: @zukkaart
beta: @transboysokka
artist: @littlegayteaboy
Chalk It Up to Love / art
writer: @bisexuallsokka
artist: @purplew
Where You Never Knew You'd Go / art
writer: @ronilani
beta: @backhurtyy
artist: @ic3-que3n
I Taste the Salt on Your Hands +art (embedded)
writer: @littencloud9
beta: @cluedeedoo
artist: @djpuppy
Should I Write It in a Letter? +art
writer: @rejectscanon
beta: @sukiluvvs
artist: @britishmuffin
Bad Habits Are Easily Acquired / art
writer: @umossu
beta: @blbelmont
artist: @3cosmicfrogs
Cryptic And Machiavellian ('cause I care) / art
writer: @leafsfromthevine
beta: @kartoonkrazy
artist: @lnuns
Air Nomad Pet-Sitting for Beginners +art
writer: @dragonbagel
artist: @lizardlicks
Before The First Light / art
writer: @littlegayteaboy
beta: @syciaralynx
artist: @umossu
Hands, At the Day's End / art
writer: @backhurtyy
beta: @that-was-anticlimactic
artist: @blbelmont
Bouquets Are a Declaration of Intent / art 1 / art 2
writer: @syciaralynx
beta: @astralucy
artist 1: @julessongs
artist 2: @timetravellers-art
Into the Future, Into the Past / art
writer: @nikantros
beta: @atuats-sidechick
artist: @sidvishess
Dragon Tales +art
writer: @rosewatertears
beta: @syciaralynx
artist: @julessongs
Adrift In a Stranger's Galaxy / art
writer: @beachytablecloth
beta: @zukkaoru
artist: @shitelock
Something Stranger and More Wonderful / art
writer: @faux-fires
beta: @ranilla-bean
artist: @chiptrillino
Letters To the Void / art (coming soon)
writer: @sidvishess
beta + artist: @adriancatrin
Falling Feels Like Flying / art
writer: @that-was-anticlimactic
beta: @beachytablecloth
artist: @britishmuffin
I Shine Only with the Light You Gave Me / art
writer: @zukkaoru
beta: @justaloadofgarbage
artist: @blbelmont
The Mercy of Magpies +art (cover) / art (characters)
writer: @ranilla-bean
beta: @faux-fires
artist: @ash-and-starlight
How It Feels to Have a Heartbeat / art
writer: @transboysokka
beta: @zukkaoru
artist: @harbingersecho
I Could Follow You to the Beginning Just to Relive the Start / art
writer: @atsushigrayson
beta: @bisexuallsokka
artist: @sidvishess
The Light Prince +art
writer: @macabr8y
beta: @faux-fires
artist: @drowthelynes
tsit-sut-á +art
writer: Shen (aiyah on AO3)
artist: @3cosmicfrogs
The Pretender / art
writer: @sulkybender
artist: @umossu
Hold Me Tight (Or don't) / art (#1) / art (#2) / art (#3)
writer: @julessongs
beta: @syciaralynx
artist: @umossu
There Are No Ostrich Horses In Ba Sing Se / art
writer: @queenofmoons67
beta: @enbymoomin
artist: @ic3-que3n
The Things I Would Do (To Steal Time with You) / art
writer: @erisenyo
beta: @kartoonkrazy
artist: @lizardlicks
Catch Me If You Can +art
writer: @cluedeedoo
beta: @djpuppy
artist: @sukiluvvs
Nobody Can Save Me / art
writer: @pnsxlnotmnsxl
beta 1: @queendollophead-ao3
beta 2: @astralucy
artist: @lnuns
I'll Tell Them to Put Me Back In (darling, I would do it again) / art
writer: @andrea-lyn
beta: @syciaralynx
artist: @seasideoranges
No Light, No Light +art
writer: Tal (mooncourt03 on AO3)
beta: @rejectscanon
artist: @seasideoranges
wonderful, unattached art piece by @sukidude
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firelilysky · 5 months
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Inspired by @paramouradrift @electro-strike & @sulkybender
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elfantasmadejanis · 6 months
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Part 1 | Part 2
Continuation of the scene from @sulkybender 's the fourth ring
Here it is, finally! I really wanted to have the second part with the flame and i finally had time to do it. Actually fatigue's been a bitch this week so i could do little more than doodle in bed so that's where this came for!
I think it turned out a lot better than the previous one, it always takes me a while to get back into comic drawing mode so even though i don't love the inconsistency i think the second one is more polished. Let me know what you think!
Not sure when i'll have time to do more, there are still a couple scenes that i see very clearly in my mind but who knows when i'll get round to actually drawing them, as that post said if y'all could see all the art that i haven't done but exists in my mind...
Anyway, as usual go read the fic, it's incredible, and give fanfic writers some love cause they deserve it <3
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navajja · 4 months
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Commission for @sulkybender 🌼🌊
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redacted-cryptid · 3 months
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Inspired by the incredible fic: whatever returns from oblivion written by the insanely talented @sulkybender
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