#sumo may be fat
clopinasworld · 11 months
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Day 19 - Plump
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soft-dolll · 4 months
💗Nutritional ways to help gain weight💗
These tips are definitely for the feedees who may not be into unhealthy weight or death feederism! Please do not take this as bashing any sort of denomination of feederism, this is simply here to educate someone who wants to take a different approach to gaining weight❤️
Also, I am not a health professional, this is simply research I’ve done on my own time. Sources will be below👇
Fill up on protein!
Having a large amount of protein and not doing a lot of physical activity can help promote weight gain! This happens because the protein that wasn’t used for physical activity gets turned into glucose, which turns into fat
While gaining it is always important to eat lots (of course), but especially when you are eating less calorie dense food!
Sumo wrestlers eat plenty of nutritious foods, but their secret is to of course is to fill up on it all!
Indulge in weight gain shakes!
Using bulking powders in your weight gain shakes is a definite way to pack on those calories! Like protein powder, it can either cause muscle gain or fat gain depending on how you use it. Not doing much physical activity can cause weight gain if you’re using bulking/weight gain shakes!
Typically, you’d probably add a dairy product like ice cream, or heavy cream to your shakes, which is completely fine to do! But do keep in mind that there are lots of cholesterol in high fat dairy products, which may or may not be what you want on your journey. A good alternative would be coconut cream, and coconut milk, as they are high in calories, and low in both trans fats, and cholesterol!
Another tip is to use your weight gain powder in things like smoothies, or even baking!
Fats are definitely an important part in weight gain, and there are many nutritious ways to get fats in you! For example, nuts, oils (such as avocado oil, and olive oil, fatty fish, high fat yogurt, avocados, and eggs! Another thing you can use is animal fats such as duck fat which isn’t very high in trans fats and cholesterol!
I hope this was somewhat helpful to some of you guys!!
I apologize that the links were kind of posted weird, it’s my first time really doing something like this, so I’m not super used to or good at the format.
Again, please do not take this as me shaming any sort of denomination of this fetish, you do you <3
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traldemic6 · 1 year
From Jocks to Blocks: The High School Athlete's Surprising Journey to Obesity in College - A Comprehensive Study
The transition from high school to college is a critical period for many young adults, with numerous changes affecting health and behavior. This longitudinal study explores the correlation between obesity and the decline in physical activity among college males who were previously athletic in high school. Interviews with college students are utilized to provide insights into lifestyle changes and decision-making, while multiple weigh-ins track body changes over time.
Remember those athletic high school boys who once dominated the sports field, garnering admiration from their peers and inspiring dreams of athletic glory? It turns out that many of them may be trading their jerseys for XXL sweatpants as they navigate their way through college. While it is not uncommon for college students to experience weight gain during their transition to higher education, this study focuses on the unique phenomenon of formerly athletic high school males falling victim to obesity. The irony of these young men, once admired for their physical prowess, now succumbing to a sedentary lifestyle is examined in detail.
A sample of 400 male college students, ages 18-22, were selected based on their athletic involvement in high school. Participants were enrolled in various colleges across the United States, representing diverse backgrounds and areas. Interviews were conducted to gather information on their exercise habits, dietary choices, and lifestyle factors that contributed to their weight gain. Multiple weigh-ins were performed throughout the study to track changes in body weight and composition.
As college life progressed, many of our once-athletic participants found themselves tipping the scales in a way that would make their high school coaches weep. By their sophomore year, the average weight gain was approximately 25 pounds, with a significant increase in body fat percentage. During interviews, participants cited a variety of factors contributing to their expanding waistlines, including reduced physical activity, increased alcohol consumption, and poor food choices.
To illustrate the physical transformations, let's take a closer look at some of our interviewees and their less-than-brilliant insights:
Participant A: The Former Quarterback
Weighing in at a once-impressive 185 pounds, this football star was the epitome of high school athleticism. However, by sophomore year, he had ballooned to a staggering 245 pounds. While his throwing arm may have remained strong, the added weight made maneuvering around the buffet table his new sport of choice. When asked about his weight gain, he eloquently stated, "I dunno, man. I just, like, eat a lot now, and I don't, like, run or anything anymore. It's college, you know?"
Participant B: The Track Star Turned Couch Potato
This once-speedy sprinter now found himself huffing and puffing just to make it up a flight of stairs. His college experience saw him gain over 30 pounds, with his once-chiseled calves now hidden beneath a layer of fat. Evidently, the only thing he's racing now is the delivery driver to his door. During his interview, he mused, "Yeah, I guess I just like pizza more than running now. Who would've thought, right?"
Participant C: The Wrestler Now Grappling with Obesity
Once a formidable presence on the wrestling mat, this participant's newfound girth rendered him more suited for sumo than high school wrestling. Gaining a whopping 35 pounds during his freshman year, he remarked, "Well, I never really liked vegetables, and now that Mom's not here to make me eat them, I don't have to. Bring on the burgers and fries, am I right?"
Participant D: The Basketball Player Who Now Dribbles Only His Food
The slam dunks and three-pointers of his high school days were a distant memory as this former basketball star navigated through college. With a 40-pound weight gain, his vertical leap was now limited to reaching for the top shelf of the pantry. When asked about his lifestyle changes, he offered this brilliant insight: "I mean, there's just so much good food around, and parties, and stuff. Why waste time playing ball when you can eat and chill, ya know?"
Participant E: The Swimmer Whose Pool Now Holds Only Chips and Dip
Once a lean, mean swimming machine, this participant found that the "freshman 15" was more like the "freshman 45" for him. His once-aerodynamic physique was now more suited for floating than swimming. In an attempt to justify his new lifestyle, he explained, "Dude, I swam, like, all the time in high school. Now, it's just nice to, like, not have to do that anymore, you know?"
The interviews and weigh-ins revealed a clear trend: high school athleticism did not guarantee continued fitness in college. Several factors contributed to the transformation from "jocks" to "blocks," including a lack of structured exercise, increased social commitments, and new dietary habits. However, we must also acknowledge the role of the college environment itself.
Colleges often provide students with numerous options for unhealthy food, and social events can lead to excessive drinking and late-night binge eating. Our former athletes, now unshackled from the rigors of high school sports, found themselves ill-prepared for managing their health in this new environment. It is clear that this issue extends beyond individual choices and requires systemic changes to promote a healthier college experience.
The interviews also revealed a pattern of participants downplaying the significance of their weight gain and the impact on their health. This laissez-faire attitude suggests that education on the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle during college is necessary to prevent obesity and its associated health risks.
The road from high school athletic success to college obesity is paved with good intentions, but often marred by a lack of guidance and support. It is crucial to address the root causes of obesity among college students, especially those who were once models of physical fitness. By providing resources, education, and opportunities for continued physical activity, colleges and universities can help these students maintain their health and well-being, and perhaps even restore their former glory (yeah, right).
The irony of these once-athletic young men now struggling with obesity highlights the need for a comprehensive approach to health and wellness during the college years. It is our hope that this study sheds light on the importance of addressing the unique challenges faced by former high school athletes as they transition to college life. With appropriate interventions and support, perhaps these young men can once again become role models for physical fitness and healthy living. But that doesn't look very likely.
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solitaryscribbles · 8 months
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Doodle Commissions LIVE - January 3, 2024
Twitch Channel
Cooking Mama - Cooking Mama
Fio - Metal Slug
May - Guilty Gear
Millie - Helluva Boss
Petunia - Happy Tree Friends
Pinky - Pac-Man Party
Princess Plump - Fat Princess
Princess Remedy - Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt
Splash Woman - Mega Man 9
Princess Peach - (@comical-weapon's sumo design) - Super Mario
The Shepherd - ENA
Zelda - The Legend of Zelda
Baroness Von Bon Bon - Cuphead
Zeena - Sonic Lost World
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dailycharacteroption · 3 months
Living Avalanche (Brawler Archetype)
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(art by Rshupe on DeviantArt)
They say the strongest foes hit like a ton of bricks, or a Mack truck, or perhaps, yes, even an avalanche. Name your heavy and swiftly falling/moving object of choice, and you can construct a simile about how hard that big guy in the arena can hit you.
But for some, a mere verbal comparison of physical strength is not nearly enough. Some wish to truly emulate the might of falling snow and rock, to leave their foes utterly overwhelmed by their physicality the same way poor souls are crushed and suffocated under an unstoppable torrent of matter sourced from a higher elevation.
These so-called living avalanches may or may not actually be from a mountainous region, but it doesn’t matter, for their primary strategy remains the same: overwhelm foes with the combination of Newton’s various laws to knock back, trample, and bowl over their foes with their weight and force.
Mass is important here, so it’s very unlikely to see a wiry Living Avalanche. Instead, they may combine raw muscle with a stout frame and a healthy layer of body fat as well. (Think less body builder, more professional wrestler or weight lifter, maybe even sumo wrestler.) and are likely quite proud of their bulk.
No matter what form they take, however, they can truly be an unstoppable force like a wall of ice crashing down the mountain.
Overrunning and rushing foes is the bread and butter of this style, and so not only do they learn the basics for doing so without leaving themselves open, but become especially good at those maneuvers, ignoring training in other combat maneuvers and even cascade multiple foes into each other with their overwhelming force.
They even learn how to drive foes they overrun into the dirt, and push foes much larger than themselves.
They are not entirely offensive though, as they also evoke the immovable object, hardening their bodies to absorb damage from all but the most piercing forces.
Using their foes like stepping stools, more masterful warriors can overrun multiple foes at once, not only also knocking them prone, but driving them down with enough force to injure them, and at the zenith of their ability, such attacks can also potentially deal grievous wounds.
This archetype is perfect for a warrior that wants to be able to further punish foes when they overrun, and control the positioning of multiple foes at once. They can get in and out of the midst of their foes with relative ease, so keep that in mind when your allies have area effect spells.
With their ability to handle multiple attackers at once, I can imagine this martial style might have emerged in regions where travellers can be expected to be accosted by large groups, be they swarming monsters, brigands that use their numbers to their advantage, and the like.
So bulky they resemble the boulders of their mountain home, the Tumbling Stones are a clan of gargoyles that revere highest peak of Graflon Range: Mt. Pabul, as a sacred figure. However, their favored method of worshipping the mountain is very un-neighborly, preferring to come down on foes from above with the force of an avalanche and either crushing them directly or sending them to a plummeting demise.
The Valley of Killing Spirits is perpetually blanketed in fog, but the reason of it’s name comes from the trench mists that long ago wandered in, killing any living creatures they came across. The villages in the mountains above know to avoid it, but they aren’t above using their martial arts to drive interlopers into the valley, hoping that those that survive the fall with placate the evil within.
The Rhino is the current champion of the arena, famed for his ability to overpower other gladiators even when they all attack at once. He bowls over even foes twice his size with little effort, but he says little of his past, trying to avoid the fame that nevertheless follows him around.
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blueballsraccoon · 2 years
Some thoughts on Kung Fu Panda since I'm rewatching the first one for fun
First and most major, I think the big criticism I've heard that it's the trope of an undeserving main character getting an unearned powerup to be stronger than everyone else in an unrealistic time frame is unfair
Po by the end of the movie ISN'T better at kung fu than Tigress and the others. The dragon warrior title and scroll is also meaningless and provides no benefit
Oogway is just using his weird future vision/holistic destiny thing to identify that none of the furious five can beat Tai Lung (he's right) but that Po can. And the reason for that is because of serendipity basically, it is a lucky coincidence but that's Oogway's whole thing. Tai Lung will underestimate Po, and he will fuck up the pressure point thing for probably three reasons
He's expecting to fight honed martial artists and Po is a newbie - there's probably muscle differences
He's almost certainly never fought a panda before, they're basically extinct
Po is fat (honestly I think this isn't as big of a deal as people say, there's clearly other heavyset martial artists. you're telling me tai lung never fought an evil sumo wrestler or something?)
Po did work hard and train to get some basics but that's not what wins in the end. It's Tai Lung underestimating him AND something that Po legitimately HAS worked on his whole life and earned - his martial arts fanboy knowledge
When he sees the wushi finger hold he recognises it and knows about it, he's clearly memorised these forms and special moves for years and just needed the basics to pull it off. This wouldn't work in a real fight but Tai Lung wasn't here for a real fight. Nothing in the movie is unearned imo
Oogway was a jerk with Tai Lung. I think this is undeniable and it doesn't fit with the Oogway we see in the movie. I suspect Oogway has grown over time and when he was younger he was a total ass. Losing Tai Lung probably reminded him of when he also lost his own friend Kai, and may have been the trigger for him to grow into understanding people better and becoming more at peace by the time we see him in the movie. I suspect Oogway in the past was actually a somewhat dark personality who made a LOT of mistakes
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artschoolglasses · 1 year
Just still starting act three of Baldur’s Gate. And I’m loving it. But definitely some things I would change or like to see added…
I’m tired of the “all goblins are bad” trope. Let’s stop using that one. In media in general. *staring directly at a certain author*
They desperately need to add at least one more body type to the game. And it’s good to see other people talking about this, too. We need a body with some fat on it. Let me play a chubby wizard bookworm. (But also, as a sumo fan, people can have fat and muscle and be strong athletes. Shocking as that may sound to some.)
Also kind of wish height and body type were separate? Let me be buff and short if I wanna be.
Still waiting for photomode… I know they’re supposedly working on it but oh my god please just add it soon!
And kind of in hand with the goblin trope (though I’m more offended by that) but also the “all drow are bad” and “all necromancers are bad” etc… Come on now. It’s tired. Especially as someone playing a drow necromancer. 🙃
I am, of course, very much enjoying the game. But nothing is perfect and things can always improve. So…
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limeade-l3sbian · 1 year
i have...conflicting feelings on the female sumo painting. i will say i am enticed by seeing strong women with relatively natural-looking physiques. however, i am off-put by the fact that i was instantly aware that this was produced by men for fetishistic purposes, even without looking at the original post or the notes (which make it clear the source of this is a vintage bdsm magazine). bear with me, because i know you probably only reblogged it because it is pleasing to see strong women (i don't fault you for this at all, i wholeheartedly agree).
if i put aside my own sexuality and love of strong women, the conflicting feelings remain, however. this is because the content of the painting is coincidentally feminist, but the intent of it is fundamentally antifeminist. this may take a moment to explain.
for starters, sumo is a "male-only" sport. there are no professional leagues for women in sumo, at least not in japan. as far as i'm aware, all women's leagues across the world are considered "amateur," and women being sumo wrestlers at all, even if they're only "amateur," is still considered controversial anyways. sumo is deeply tied to shintoism, which is highly influenced by buddhism--both view women as "polluted" by menstruation, sexual intercourse, and childbirth. as a result, women are not seen as "pure" enough to participate in a sport that includes religious aspects like sumo.
secondly, sumo wrestlers are heavily benefitted by having large builds. despite popular belief, sumo wrestlers aren't obese--the fat that they have is different from that of someone who is obese (obese people have a lot of visceral fat, sumo wrestlers have very little). but, by all visual definitions, they are fat. this is because having greater mass is hugely beneficial in sumo.
a brief digression on the art style, before i continue. it appears to be, or at least be inspired by, ukiyo-e. in this art style, women are almost always depicted as the japanese standard of the "ideal woman": demure and slender, with any curves of her body hidden away by her clothing so that she would have a sort of "rectangle" or fully obfuscated silhouette while standing.
continuing on, combining the last two paragraphs into a single point: these women are blatantly not as heavyset as a good deal of sumo wrestlers (look up "female sumo wrestler" to get an idea of how they look, in terms of build), and that could easily be considered sexist. the idea that these women (who, by all means, look to be an average, healthy weight and build for women) are heavyset enough to be sumo wrestlers is quite disturbing and misogynistic, indeed. however, these women are also worlds away from the demure and slender women of ukiyo-e, making the image feminist, in that regard.
i feel this happens somewhat often around the world-- men producing fetishistic art that could be reinterpreted as feminist, but certainly isn't. or, perhaps, men fetishizing the very idea of female liberation. i believe this is because there is a way of thinking some men have, where they feel more comfortable having the ability to reframe things such as female power, dominance, strength, nonconformity to restrictive roles put upon women by patriarchy, and liberation as "sexy," or otherwise to their (male) tastes, because it means that even female liberation is in service to men. to heterosexual male "masochists," this "service" is explicitly sexual. in this way, these men are among the most vile of misogynists. they are men who do not wish to, or genuinely cannot, conceptualize the idea of women as something other than "something that exists only to benefit and please men."
there is something deeply uncomfortable about this concept, and yet i have seen it in action. men fetishizing female strength, men fetishizing lesbians (not just "two feminine women being sexually involved," but actual lesbians and lesbianism), studying lesbian culture and behavior, men fetishizing gnc or outright butch women, and so on. some women may be fooled into thinking these men are "allies" because they appear to value female strength and liberation, but the truth is that these men only value these things as much as the breasts of a woman a catcaller has shouted "nice tits" towards. the idea that even female liberation is fetishized (by men) is a truly repugnant one, showing just how thoroughly men view us as objects that exist only for their needs and pleasures.
i apologize that this was so heavy, when i assume you just wanted to reblog a picture that fascinated you. there is no particular intent in this message aside from perhaps discussing the topic at hand. i want to make it absolutely clear that i find there is no shame in you being interested in the image (as i was, as well), and i am not trying to convince you that it is evil or should be removed from your blog. despite its origins and intent, it is still a nice image that depicts women in an interesting way that i value, both as a feminist and as a lesbian. to be honest, i'm not quite sure how i expect you, or anyone else for that matter, to respond to all this. i'm not certain how i feel when taking all of this into account, either.
I respond the way I always do. Kicking my feet as I read through your message on my stomach and saying, "She's so smart. ☺️"
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visiting-statue-23 · 7 months
Okay so i got really scared and remained eating at maintenance and since I busted my ass off in the gym i ate a bit more sometimes and the whole "bulk" thing got longer then expected...
I barely trained my thighs but due to me wanting to get a bootie (i had a pancake) i gained on my thighs
2 cms to be exact
And now i wanna die
I'll have around 9 weeks to correct this now
I will not touch bulgarians or sumo squats ever again ffs.. I've been comparing images, that's how I noticed. I may have a little pump rn (just got out of the gym)
My nutrition was always on point, protein heavy, always around maintenance. I got my weights up and all that. I enjoyed the gym too much. I forgot what my goal really was.
I need to get rid of this fat
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“Ok of all the things that usually happens in this stupid group this has to be in the top 10 in weird.”
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“What do you mean? Everything seems normal to me.*Munch*”  *What Akane is referring to is the sudden increase of weight since the whole ordeal with Saffron.  The once 104/ 135 lbs martial artist now is weighs astonishing 1,100 lbs. Making them quite big.*
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“I’m talking about how you turn yourself into a lard filled balloon over the course of these months.* To emphasize her point she poked Ranma belly which caused the finger to sink into the fat.* 
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“Well being recently I been going against opponents that are a lot more sturdy. So I thought needed a little more oomph in my strikes. And Sumo seems like a good fit it gives me more power for my attacks and gives me some extra padding for defense true I may have lost some of my agility but nothing a little training can’t fix.”
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“Ok sure that the reason and not that all that indulging from those sweets you keep scamming people from finally catching up. “
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“Sounds like someone who is just jealous that my boobs is even more bigger than before while you still have those bug bites.” * Has Ranma said that Akane thru her hammer at Ranma knocking them on their back which caused a loud thud.
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navs-bhat · 2 years
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I posted 2,735 times in 2022
That's 1,090 more posts than 2021!
6 posts created (0%)
2,729 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 42 of my posts in 2022
#marvel - 7 posts
#bucky x reader - 5 posts
#sebastian stan - 5 posts
#mcu - 5 posts
#bucky - 4 posts
#bucky barnes - 4 posts
#marvel fic - 3 posts
#bridgerton - 3 posts
#anthony bridgerton x reader - 3 posts
#anthony bridgerton - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 95 characters
#no offense but literally hes just a man hes not a hero hes just a man who had to sing this song
My Top Posts in 2022:
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11 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
Okay so I was reading this enemies to lovers bucky barnes one shot and well my phone switched off and I've lost it
So basically it goes like Tony and Steve send the reader and bucky for some time to Tony's winter cabin and well there's not enough food there and one bed and the couch dissapears and the rules are they can't say no
So bucky makes the reader call the pizza place but the reader tells him they'll only do it if he excepts that the last mission was his fault and then since he says that won't ever happen
The reader tells him to call the pizza place
"I want a cheezy pizza with extra cheese"
"Shut up"
Help me find it ahhh
11 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
Student Of The Year Rewatch Thoughts? Idk reallly know what this is yet lmao
I hope this reaches my target audience
Firstly, it's been too long since I've rewatched this I used to watch it whenever it came on tv and I'd find it while surfing
Secondly, I still enjoy this movie I think lmao
Let's see
-okay so to start with the kukkad song
-I never realised that the lyric says " ainu vekhe de munde to kehnde Oh My God" I always thought it was kudiye both times
-kinda gay tbh jk jk
-Abhi is in the wrong tbh like this guy is parking a bike in a car park and then is like who said this is an entitled rich boy's parking LIKE WHY ITS A CAR PARK NOT A BIKE PARK
-then he goes and ruins a beautiful Ferrari😭
-one big question I have is how can Abhi even have thee audacity to get into physical fights with rich boy on what seems to be his first day
-this man is here on a scholarship he can't afford to do all this on his first day bro
-I always loved Siddharth Malhotra more than Varun Dhawan while there were many dying over varun
-I remember the whole thing was just as big as Team Edward or Team Jacob here okay
-Rohan is too mean too Jeet
-ALSO why was even Shanaya still with Rohan like according to her first few lines he definately has a habit of flirting with other girls while he calls her his girlfriend LIKE GIRL YOU COULD DO BETTER
-Rohan's dad and brother are too mean yikes
-no wonder rohan hates his dad the way he does
-why is the dean so weirdly gay its too funny but at the same time CRINGE
-it's sad to see Rishi Kapoor now :(
-all the parents are so weird
-Sumo is so sweet actually
-Dean massaging the coach 😭😭😭
-hes so gay its gay
See the full post
30 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
I lost this fic I was reading
It was basically an Anthony Bridgerton x reader and the first half was just reader chatting with Colin Benedict and Eloise where Colin pulls the readers leg about being unmarried and the reader snips back and takes Eloise's hand
Uh she has a gossipy mother
The reader and Anthony share this passionate look and the reader goes to the lemonade stand to look around and spot Anthony but she doesn't find him instead this other guy I forgot his name shows up and starts talking to her she decides to ask him about his trip to Italy to keep him talking while she ignores him
Eventually Anthony takes her away from tha guy and they are in the garden and he's jealous and she teases him by asking him why he hasn't kissed her yet
40 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Okay so I went to the page cause someone said they missed the book sucking scene and others said thank god its not there
Bur anyway the whole kate having a horseback accident reminds me of this one x reader fanfiction I read here
It was the same basic plot but the reader and Anthony were married and she was going to look for Anthony himself
I'm assuming it was inspired by the books but I love this
60 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 years
Hi there
I’ve been wanting to make a request for a ROR thing but I can’t figure out what fandoms you are in and don’t want to accidentally overstep any boundaries
Is there like a post that has the fandoms you’re in as well as any blacklisted characters you won’t write about?
Hello there, I guess it would be wise to post what fandoms I am in as well as the characters I will write for so wonderful people like you can make requests. I am in multiple fandoms but there are many that I don't write about or than things like opinions, I'm more of a reader, and there are some fandoms that I will write about but those tend to take me a bit longer. I don't write horror (as I am a weeny) and I don't write anything with certain types of violence (mainly rape).
-Record of Ragnarok: I will write about almost any character in this series but certain characters I won't write in the romantic type of way, which includes best mom and dad in the world, Adam and Eve, Zeus, and best boy Zerofuku (these characters I will write about in a sibling, parental, or a friend way).
-Pokemon: I write about these specific characters mostly: Hassel, Brassius, Larry, Rika, Guzma, Raihan, Leon, Piers, Milo, and Gordie; but these sometimes take me a bit longer than others to write.
-Tokyo Revengers: Mikey, Ran, Rindo, Izana, Kakucho, Peh, South, and Mocchi; I adore this series but sometimes it takes me longer than others to write.
-My Hero Academia: Mirio, Honenuki, Fat Gum, Shishida, Tetsutetsu, Kirishima, Monoma, Tokoyami, Denki, and Sero. Once again, these take me a bit longer to write.
-Series that I'm more of a reader than a writer on, but will give opinions on: Komi Can't Communicate, Overlord, Monster Musume, Undertale, Sailor Moon, Hinomaru Sumo, YuYu Hakusho, Cardcaptor Sakura, Toriko, That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime, Digimon, Ah My Goddess, Harry Potter, and many others (I can't think of them all at the moment :P).
You can always inquire about a fandom that you are interested in, I may know it, I may not, but you are always more than welcome to ask me about different fandoms that you all like, either for requests or for my opinion on things.
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mazelikedays · 2 years
2022 Year Ender
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Currently Listening to: Yoasobi - Gunjou Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Mood: Kinda chill If you see the picture, then you’ll see me at the bottom left. Finally, a Weiss Schwarz BCS Top 8 spot! On a side note, apparently my livejournal account is still alive, and I discovered my year end posts from 2006 are still alive. So I have been doing year end posts for the past 16 years. Kinda scare to read the earlier ones, since they’re likely cringey stuff. Anyhow, let’s do the 2022 edition of my year ender report! 
1. Last year, I was talking about COVID. Funny enough, I ended January 2022 with contracting the COVID virus. It just felt like a flu honestly, and I was working from home 2 days after. Thankfully though by the time of writing it was more or less dying down (except in China I think) and most countries have opened up.  Hopefully it finally becomes endemic this 2023, but then again most countries don’t care anymore as long as you are vaccinated.
2. A year came by, and I’m still here in Dubai. It’s not bad honestly, a few things happened here and there (like work from home due to my COVID stint, then having an issue with a crappy client who left months later), but overall it’s chill. I’m also getting an increase on January, which is some nice news. However, I still feel I can go elsewhere. I tried going back to Singapore, but unfortunately the job prospects there wasn’t that good. I actually got frustrated when I wasn’t able to get a job there around March/April. But then, something came up and now I’m gunning to go to either Canada or Australia, whichever invites me first. I have submitted my requirements for Canada and I’m still waiting for my final assessment for Australia, so let’s see. These things take time, but hopefully before July there would be some significant news. I’ll also try to apply to increase my chances.
3. Travel wise, I was finally able to go out of the country again as COVID restrictions got relaxed. I started the year with going to Bahrain, though unfortunately after the trip I got COVID. And then in May I was finally able to go back to the Philippines after 2 years, catching up with a lot of my friends. I was even able to go to places like Mindoro and Boracay. It was a fun and busy month for sure! Funny enough, I went to the Philippines again last October to play for WS BCS, and finally went to Singapore again this December. 
4. TCG wise, speaking of Singapore, I finally got a Top 8 placement this year! I won in the WS BCS Singapore Regional. I won using my Tokyo Revengers Dual Lane Pah-Chin deck! Finally, after playing for 8 years, I finally got a top spot! Unfortunately, I didn’t go past that as my deck decided to not cooperate, hehe! I also played in Manila last October but unfortunately lost to the guys who went Top 1 and Top 8 as well. For next year, I’m hoping to go higher and also to participate in the WS BSF in Manila so I can finally play an official team tournament major!
5. In terms of my weight, I got off to a good start. I was able to go as low as 79kg, the lowest I had since probably after childhood. Stress and non-activity though kinda made me gain weight, and going to Singapore pretty much made me fat. Now I’m at 85kg, so I finally bought weights and a stepper so that I can burn calories even if my place is small. As for cooking, I haven’t cooked new stuff lately, mostly repeat dishes. I also got lazy posting food pics and I had to cram a lot in a post recently. Hopefully the goodies I got from SG will motivate me to cook new dishes! 
6. Anime, Manga and Pop Culture stuff.
I think for anime and manga, this was the reverse of last year. I watched more anime and read way less manga. I think the reason for this is that a lot of the manga I have been reading have ended this year.  As for sumo, I’m still pretty much into it, and it was fun to see new winners. I felt the sumo season ended pretty weird though, with only Takakeisho left as Ozeki, and Abi winning out of nowhere, albeit in a kinda off manner. There’s a lot of up and coming new talent though, and I’m excited to see them rise!
Currently Watching:
Gundam: The Witch From Mercury S1 Planning to Watch: Engage Kiss, Jojo: Stone Ocean, Tokyo Revengers S2, Tomo-Chan is a Girl, Danmachi S4 Part 2, Bofuri S2, maybe Ayakashi Triangle? 
Finished This Year:
Hataraku Maou Sama S2, Rising of the Shield Hero S2, Princess Connect Re:Dive S2, Kaguya-Sama: Love is War S2 and S3, Danmachi S3 and S4 Part 1, Made in Abyss S2, My Sempai is Annoying, Mushoku Tensei S2, Komi-San, Mieruko-Chan, Kimetsu no Yaiba S2, Isekai Shokudou S2, My Dress Up Darling, Tokyo Revengers S1, Love After World Domination, Lycoris Recoil, Overlord S4, My Stepmother’s Daughter is my Ex, Tensei Shitara ken Deshita, Bocchi the Rock
Unfinished Anime: 86, Ranking of Kings
Finished OVA/Movies:
Yuru Camp Movie, Josee, the Tiger and the Fish, Metropolis, Her Blue Sky, FGO Camelot 2, FGO: Solomon, Quintessential Quintuplets Movie, Macross Delta Zettai Live, Fate Kaleid Liner Movies 1-2, 
New Manga Read:
Spy X Family, Ayakashi Triangle
Finished Manga: Tokyo Revengers, Dr. Stone Other Stuff Watched:
Movies: Eternals, Dune, How to Train Your Dragon 3, Rurouni Kenshin the Final, The Batman, Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Thor: Love and Thunder, The Green Mile, 
Series: Trese, The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett
New Games Played: Mainly just playing Mahjong Soul and Pokemon TCG. I actually tried Tekken 7 and FF14 but didn’t feel going all out. Also played Wordle until like a few months ago.
8. Fulfilled (or not) Wishes a. Hoping to go back to SG again. - I did, but only as a tourist. I’m aiming for somewhere like Canada or Australia now. My friend will go to the UK soon so I’ll check that out as well. b. A Significant Other - I tried last Valentines Day. Miserably failed. Will put this on hold until I can go emigrate elsewhere c. Get Healthier – It was going pretty well the earlier months, but certain events made me gain a good amount of weight as well.  d. Travel more - I was able to travel to Bahrain, then went back to PH and SG. I would like to travel to either somewhere new, or in Japan again as well. e. For this COVID-19 nightmare to finally end. - It’s pretty much normal already at this point, just waiting for COVID to get endemic status.
New Wishes:
a. Get Healthier - Need to get my weight loss back on track. Hopefully new equipment will work out in my favor b. Get to emigrate elsewhere - Canada seems to be the most likely now, I sure hope there’s some news soon before July. Will check out elsewhere too that is nice and has a WS TCG community. c. Travel to new places - It’s kinda unlikely unless it’s already like Canada or Australia, but I would like to go to somewhere new. Let’s see. I’m also gonna camp to Hatta for the new year. Before I leave Dubai, I sure would like to go to Jebel Jais and do the skydive as well
d. TCG wise - Hoping to finally play in a teams tournament, and get more Top 8 or higher placements. If I can get an invite to worlds and if it’s gonna be in Japan, the better!
Oddly enough, I don’t have much else to wish for, maybe just for good health for me, my family and my friends. Typing this now because I’ll be camping tomorrow in Hatta! Anyhow, till next year!
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fat-hedonistic-hogs · 2 years
What if MegaEmpress was as fat as Solus with Flowspade coming in close to the weight as well?
She'd be a beast! A massive fem decepticon carrying around a massive cannon and even bigger ass and gut. Solus is already one of the biggest non combiner/titan femmes on the planet so adding Megaempress AND flowspade to the mix would definitely shake up the balance of things. I could see the two being sumo rivals as the two newly faytened cons shoot up the weight classes and ranks thanks to their new size. Solus may put them in their place with a swift defeat in the ring but I can just as likely see her taking MegaEmpress under her wing as a student
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susantaylor01 · 5 days
How to Remove Inner Thigh Fat
Inner thigh fat can be a common concern for many people looking to slim down. While it's natural for the body to store fat in certain areas, targeted exercises, a healthy diet, and consistent habits can help you reduce fat in the inner thighs. In this article, we will discuss some simple and effective methods to help you achieve slimmer inner thighs.
Basics of Fat Loss
Before diving into specific exercises or diets, it's essential to understand that you can't lose fat from just one area of the body. The process of fat loss is holistic. To remove inner thigh fat, you need to lower your overall body fat percentage through a combination of exercise and healthy eating. 
Incorporate Cardio Exercises
Cardio is an effective way to burn calories and reduce thigh fat. Regular cardio workouts like running, cycling, swimming, or even brisk walking help boost your metabolism and burn calories. These exercises will help you lose fat from various parts of your body, including your thighs. Aim for at least 30 minutes of cardio, 4-5 days a week for noticeable results.
Strength Training for the Inner Thighs
Adding strength training exercises to your routine can help tone the muscles in your thighs and burn fat more effectively.
Sumo Squats: Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and toes pointing outward. Make your body lower into a squat position, keeping your back straight. Return to the starting position and repeat. This exercise engages the inner thigh muscles.
Lunges: Step forward with one leg and lower your body until both knees form a 90-degree angle. Push back to the starting position and repeat with the other leg. Lunges target the thighs, glutes, and calves.
Inner Thigh Lifts: Lie on your side with one leg extended straight. Lift the lower leg slightly off the ground and lower it slowly. Repeat on both sides. This exercise isolates the inner thigh muscles for a more focused workout.
Focus on a Balanced Diet
Eating a balanced diet plays a crucial role in fat loss. Add lots of fruits, vegetables, and proteIns in your diet. Reducing processed foods, sugars, and unhealthy fats can help you manage your weight better and promote fat loss. Additionally, staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water helps with metabolism and reduces bloating, which can make your thighs look slimmer.
Stay Consistent with Your Routine
Consistency is key when it comes to losing fat, including inner thigh fat. It's important to stick to your workout routine and maintain healthy eating habits for the long term. Results may take time, but with persistence, you will start to notice changes in your body.
Consider Adding Resistance Bands
Using resistance bands during workouts can increase the intensity of your exercises and promote muscle growth. Exercises like leg lifts, side steps, and squats with resistance bands will add extra resistance, helping you burn more calories and tone your inner thighs.
Monitor Your Progress
Keep in track of your progress every week or month. This will give you a clear idea of how your body is changing over time. It's important to focus on overall health improvements, not just the number on the scale.
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Newly Discovered ‘Mountain Tea’ melts 1lb daily
Removing inner thigh fat takes time, effort, and consistency, but by combining cardio, strength training, and a balanced diet, you can achieve the toned look you desire. It i's important to embrace your body and focus on healthy habits rather than just appearance. With dedication, you'll be on your way to slimmer, stronger thighs.
0 notes
gluttonemporium · 1 month
At Futaba’s signal, two hoses were lowered down into the mouths of both challengers by a set of tentacles. His eyes darting hungrily up the length of the hose, Morgana noticed two enormous tanks filled with sweet bubbly soda suspended in the air by Necronomicon, each tank easily the size of Futaba’s own street-filling gut! Mona was jostled again as his room-filling, waterbed belly vibrates with bouncing ripples as it *RUUUMBLED* in anticipation of the refreshment it now desperately craved.
Futaba planted her hands onto her hips, both easily sinking up to the wrist in the pale assflab that currently entirely blocked the street behind her and assumed her ‘power stance’ in preparation for the huge influx of weight to come streaming down into her own groaning gut. The gamer heaved up one pale, marshmallow tree-trunk thigh, it’s flab swinging, before planting it heavily on the ground like a sumo wrestler. The force of the impact propagated out from Futaba’s thigh— heaving flab slapping against her even softer underbelly—and sent rippling waves across the enormous gut that still consumed Mona’s vision of his rival. Futaba then followed suit with the other leg, providing her marshmallowy boulder of a gut enough room to pooch out some, her navel nearly kissing Mona’s own larger belly. Finally, the NEET clapped her hands on either side of the street filling mass and *pushed* with her thinner (relatively) arms. Fingers, wrists and eventually elbows all disappeared into the ‘leveled up’ mass of Oracle’s stomach, displacing fat elsewhere and pushing the pale marshmallowy pudge around her notorious navel like an avalanche of soft gamer girl fat into Mona’s inky black belly, sending bouncing waves back and forth over it’s soft expanse. As Mona sat determined and hungry, rocking and bobbing across the rippling fatty expanse of his waterbed belly, the collision seemed to have the added effect of rousing his bellypets: a small rounded imprint of Makoto’s head pushing up amidst the sea of catfat and exclaiming a very muffled, “Quit while you’re ahead Futaba!” soon being joined by another round lump close beside which may have been Sumire as she cheered, “You can do it Futaba!” before Morgana placed a paw on both bulges, gently pushing them back down beneath the sloshing waves of his belly, smugly as if to say “Don’t worry, she’ll be in here soon enough.”
As both of their jiggling guts came to a halt, there was a silent moment underlined only the the expectant growling of both challengers’ bellies until—SNAP! Futaba signaled again and syrupy cola surged down the hoses.
A liquid that wasn’t broth swelling out his cheeks to the size of jiggling medicine balls allowed Mona to realize just how thirsty he had been—so much food and so much fat girl curves really can make you parched—he needed all of this in his ocean of a belly as soon as possible! The catboy began taking deep, heavy *GALUMPHING* swallows, passing the rounded bulge of fizz from his swollen cheeks down his throat and into his room-filling waterbed of a gut, which wobbled and surged outwards and upwards with a rolling *GLUNK-SLOSH* after each greedy gulp, Mona’s vision inching rhythmically higher and higher and higher as his belly expanded out against Futaba’s own, comically large bulges of soda propelling quickly down the hose and into Morgana’s belly—*GALUMPH* *GLUNK-SLOSH*, *GALUMPH* *GLUNK-SLOSH*, *GALUMPH* *GLUNK-SLOSH*—until his view of her navel was completely smothered under his own jiggling black mass.
It wasn’t long until the catboy’s greedy gulps drew in only air, his waterbed stomach somehow even bigger and rounder from all the fizzy soda, having pushed him up, up, and up, like a tide of malleable, gurgling dough. Morgana ran a paw along the curved dome as it groaned airily, his gut rattling against layers of catfat as he peered over his churning gut at Futaba, he was still so thirsty, and now he was hungry again!
All her training had lead up to this, those hours chugging down entire two liters alone in her room at night had to mean something right? The NEET’s throat was open as wide as possible simply allowing the tanker’s worth of soda to rush uninhibited down her throat and into her gradually expanding stomach. Futaba mused to herself as she rubbed circles along her gut to relieve some strain, Mona might’ve gulped down her friends, but compared to her who lived to snack, he was still a total n00b! Besides, with a belly big enough to fill an entire ramen restaurant with pudge, there’s no way he could have room for anything else anyway! She could picture it now: sitting in her room sandwiched comfortably between her double-wide beanbag of an ass while her pale, marshmallowy flab completely overtook the rest of the room, nearly touching the ceiling, rippling and bulging soothingly in front of her, with Mona crammed in her sweaty navel, like an internal massage toy. Business as usual, really, give or take a few pounds, but knowing that she conquered the friend consuming blob would be a great achievement to cross off her list, and who knows maybe once she got them out Makoto, Haru, and Sumire would even—*GALUMPH*
Huh? Futaba was being yanked rhythmically down, feeling pressure building in a ring around her midsection—probably just gas—but no way was gas going to stop her from getting this victory royale! Faster and deeper she sucked bulges of soda down the tube, but still —*GALUMPH*—she felt the pressure growing and growing, moving up her tower of tummy foot by foot—*GALUMPH*, *GALUMPH*, *GALUMPH*. The enormous NEET still refused to give, a burp would totally disrupt her tempo now, and she was so close to the finish line *andohnothatwasdefinitlyatonguelappinguphernavel*. From the outside it was clear what was happening: Morgana was claiming his next bellypet. Each gulp made Mona’s entire shake and quiver, bobbing up and down like gelatin as he greedily attempted to force a girl almost half his size down his gullet. With another impossibly heavy wet *GALUMPH* Morgana’s lips crested Futaba’s head, sending her to join the rest of his bellypets struggling in the black jiggling *ocean* of cat blubber that was his belly. Morgana pushed and pushed his paws *deep* into his fat, his arms completely engulfed by his own belly as he attempted to aid Futaba’s descent into his cramped guts, while his mouth got hold of Futaba’s hose, gulping again with all his might —*GALUMPH*. Mona had intended merely to drain the tank of the rest of its soda to sate his thirst, but the force of his swallow was so great that Necronomicon’s tentacle became lodged in his throat—figuring the persona was part of Futaba and was therefore his bellypet as well, Morgana sucked the spacecraft down from tentacle to chassis like a noodle, sending it to join its master with another greedy *GALUMPH.*
Finally, Mona’s thirst had been sated with as much as he could drink and another in pet right where she belonged in his belly. The fat cat delivered a gentle *pat pat* to the nearest bulge he could see, forcing it back down into his cauldron of a gut, not even caring if it was Futaba or not.
“For aaauuuUUHRRPll—that ‘level grinding’ OUUUURP—racle, I wuuOOOOHHHURP—would’ve hoped—BLUUUHRRP—that you would’ve put up moOOOOUUURRROOORRP—of a—HIC—fight!” Morgana did the best he could to deliver his taunts to his newest challenger-turned-bellypet through the burps the soda had kicked up, who would’ve thought almost an entire water tower’s worth of soda and four enormously fat girls would’ve made him so gassy? Would Futaba even be able to hear him through all the layers of his fat or above the belches so loud they made its entire surface vibrate and jiggle and blew out the windows that remained in the ramen shop?
Whatever the case, for all of that hemming, hawing, and spectacle just to wind up right in his big fat belly with the rest of the girls, barely able to make as much as a small imprint! Mona grinned smugly as he continued to push down the increasingly faint bulges he could reach bobbing and bouncing among the black ocean of his fat as his bellypets struggled to make room for their new occupant—who could blame her, he thought, it was becoming clear none could hold a candle to the cat burglar’s belly!
Right, his belly. In the ensuing struggle to gulp down Necronomicon, Mona had been pulled upright, giving him the opportunity to admire his immensity from a different perspective. The fat catboy could see for all his gluttony he had earned a new meaning for the nickname ‘Monabus’: his gut had ballooned to three times it’s already inconceivable size, easily big enough to tower over a double-decker bus, and nearly able to fill not just a room but all of Leblanc’s first and second floors, floor to ceiling, corner to corner. Interesting at this angle Mona could see the shape of his belly had changed somewhat as well—the upper bulging roll of his gut seemed more rounded while the lower roll was much more pliable and soft, articles of debris sinking so deeply into the hungry, gurgling fat that it was as though they vanished. Forget Futaba’s ‘cute’ spare tire navel, Mona’s was big and deep enough to hold an entire *car* now!
Morgana swayed and wobbled atop his double decker bus sized stomach for a while before—* GRRRRUUUNNNNNMMMMBLEEERLRLR*. The cat’s eyes went wide as he was met with another deafening, belly-vibrating rumble emanating upwards from deep within his guts, a pocket of pressure fighting to rise beneath his mound of rippling flab. It took a few seconds just due to his sheer size but Mona could feel it building, pushing, and rising. Finally a visible bubble of air surged up Morgana’s throat and bulged out his cheeks each to the size Sumire had been after their challenge (Morgana wondered if one
had even been been Sumire herself), only for the cat to unceremoniously gulp, sending it plummeting back down to the depths of his guts with a strained *HRRRUUUULK*, the huge round bulge sliding back down his throat before visibly bloating out his upper belly roll.
Morgana couldn’t help but exude a smug sense of pride, “LoOOOOOOUUUURRRks like I was the—HIC—protagoOOOOOUUAAAARRRnist after aaaUUUUUHHHllp, huh OOOOUUURacle? Even thAAAAAAUUURP little escAAAEEEEUUURRP attempt wasn’t enOOOOUUGGGh to beat my belly!” Mona patted his belly as he stared down at it, expecting a reply. Despite these, all his two-story gut did as it bubbled with activity was deflate slightly with each grossly, lip-flapping brassy belch he expelled, with no sign of any trash talk from his ‘rival.’
“The silent treEEEAAAAAUUURRPtment huh? I—HIC—I guOOOUUUURRRPess I’ll just enjOOOOOUURRRPH my size myseEEEAAARRRRllf” Morgana swayed again as his fat cat gut seemed to vibrate again in reply, bubbles still rapping against every inch of his guts from the inside, creating bouncing, bobbing ripples as if on the surface of a chummy lake of pure inky black fat. Before Mona was big, but now he was truly *huge*:
multiple banquet tables worth of sushi, the entire challenge’s worth of Big Bang Burgers,
an entire restaurant’s worth of ramen, and a water towers worth of soda all filling out his guts. Mona thought about how all of that delicious food from all around Shibuya was right *here* gurgling away in *his* belly—melting away into more street-packing, room-filling, and soon-to-be *building-filling* lard.
Mona’s greatest treasure, though, was his growing collection of bellypets: girls who themselves had appetites which rivaled his own, whose bellies he had occasionally filled, and whose curves which themselves could flood a room with fat. Despite that though Morgana’s gluttony was so great that he had outeaten and eaten them all, greedily and happily gulped them all down and now they were *his.*
*His.* Morgana liked the sound of that—his—the fat cat closed his eyes and leaned back, licking his lips and rubbing his belly in the hopes his pets could feel it. *His* trophies to prove he was bigger, more gluttonous than them all combined, reduced from predators to prizes for him to slosh his enormous gut to display: moaning and groaning faces, huge beach hall sized breasts, jiggling, door-blocking boulder asses, and guts all filling *his* belly, even if they were nothing more that small lumps fighting to be seen or escape the *yards* of pure catfat now. Small lumps which he could nonchalantly suck back or push in just to remind them that they were where they *belonged* for a week. Yards of catfat which only seemed to grow and expand by the minute as he used his unique cognitive physiology to ‘steal’ their fat for himself without digesting or harming them, just to keep himself full and satisfied—a *hungry* ball of black dough that never stopped rising.
Morgana let loose another rattling, triumphant belch, “AAAAAAUUUURRRPnd what aboOOOUUUUUUUURRt you—HIC—Queen? The stroOOOOUUUURRRPPHngest out of eveEEEUUUUURRRRPHryone but I—HIC—gulped you doOOOUULCCCHHHOOUUwn *first*! And Noir—HIC—practically leEAAAAAAUUUUapt into my belly—BWWWUUUAAARRGH—to join you HIC!” Morgana pushed a paw as deep as he could into his belly as if to prompt a reply from his pets—his entire arm sinking so deep that he almost worried if it would swallow *him* up too. Yet when he pulled his paw free from the prison of his flab, only wet *GRRRNBBLING* gurgles and the clapping of rippling fat answered him as his gut bounced back up into place.
“The only one—HIC—of you whoOOOOUUUURRRAARP even gave me a—HIC—*real* challenge was VioOOOOUUUUURRRPlet, but I don’t think with a gut like this—“ Morgana wrapped his arms around as much of his quaking fat as he could, paws sinking in deep and flab spilling over the sides as if he was trying to knead an enormous mass of black dough, jiggling and sloshing as ripples collided into each other “—that anyboOOOUUUUURRRRdy’ll get a—HIC—shot like thaAAAUUUEEERRUURPt ever again! Yep, get—HIC—used to it in there girls, if yoOOOUUUUUUurp want a rematch after—HIC—you’re all oOOOUUUUUUUUUuut, you’ll just be headed right back into my big hungry belly!” Morgana released his hold on his flab, his rolls now falling and colliding with the rest of his gut with a dull *CLAP* that reverberated throughout his fat. There was a wet *SLOOUUURSH* as the momentum rippled his belly outwards, a huge wave of fat rolling from the top of his gut to the soft bottom where it bounced forward with a gastric lurch, smothering an abandoned snack cart and receding as though it had swallowed it. The cat burglar was certain *this* would get the response he’d desired from his bellypets.
There was a faint bubbling in his gut, undoubtedly the struggles from his pets, Mona thought as he watched a series of small, almost imperceptible bulges appear at the bottom of his soft, lower belly, their weak impact wiggling it some—but Mona was taken aback as they shot up into his round upper roll with an airy groan, inflating it just as it had been before—these were not bumps from his struggling pets. Finally the bulges combined into a single orb, which pushed out Morgana’s throat before puffing out his cheeks once again, this time to the comically large proportions of Futaba’s gut. Mona worked to swallow it back down just as he had done before, but the bulge moved too quickly, prying Morgana’s lips open and forcing out a wet, airy belch that rattled his entire body and reverberated across the Scramble Crossing,
As the burp finally petered out, a wet glob of ‘something’ splatted onto Mona’s belly. The fat cat stared down at what had just escaped his guts: Makoto’s headband, one of Haru’s shoes, Sumire’s bow, and Futaba’s glasses.
This wasn’t good, Morgana could easily control his digestion somewhat, but what if something had happened? Had he really gotten fat enough that he couldn’t see them anymore, or even feel their struggles? What if the girls’ cries for help were entirely drowned out by the avalanche of food and jiggling, sloshing flab—the sheer amount of *him*? Wha if it got too cramped or there wasn’t enough air? Mona had been digging his hands into his gut every few seconds to confirm that they were in fact, still there, and had not just become more catfat by mistake—but with the sheer immensity of his belly it was like finding a needle in a dough stack. Mona reached as far as he could towards the front of his belly and plunged his arm as deep as it would go into the churning black ocean of flab. Finally—relief—Mona’s paw just barely brushed a solid object beneath his layers of fat, one that he recognized well as Futaba’s head. Morgana was a glutton, not a monster, but he still had to act fast to make sure his pets would be safe for their week-long stay. Drumming his fingers along his belly as he continued to belch and hiccup idly, an idea finally entered the fat cats mind! Unfortunately for Morgana’s bellypets, while he was certainly a glutton and certainly not a monster, he wasn’t exactly bright either.
The humid chamber within Morgana’s double decker bus sized gut was undoubtedly cramped, if not from the amount of food and drink Mona had consumed over the challenges then the sheer volume of wobbling girl fat from each of his bellypets helplessly jostling, bouncing, and smacking into each other. It was already uncomfortable enough for the girls *before* Mona gulped down the bloated NEET: tummies pushed past their limits sweaty, and slick with catboy saliva constantly colliding and slapping into each other with every move, hiccup, or burp from their captor. Haru’s navel nearly slurping up Makoto by accident after she tumbled over her friend during a particularly hungry rumble. A torrent of soda pushing Makoto’s ponderous asscheeks onto Sumire’s face, clapping around the poor gymnast’s head and almost entirely smothering her beneath a couch-filling amount of cellulite. Vibrations from Mona’s belly walls after a belch pushing Sumire’s round, soft refrigerator sized gut into Makoto and Haru, knocking them over like bowling pins and smothering them while the gymnast tried to find her footing in the jostling, gastric sack.
Makoto was had almost completely lost her patience with all this—she figured her discipline would’ve given her the edge so she could have just swallowed Mona and gotten on with her week, but somehow the pudgy cat’s voracity had overtaken her and started him on a gluttonous warpath that was quickly gobbling up all her friends. Instead of returning right back to work with a fuller belly, Mona’s belly has co-signed her to a week of being paraded around displayed and rubbed—she’ll have so much work to do when she gets out of here! Haru, perceptive as always figured that something like this might happen, and knew that as soon as she saw the imprint of Makoto’s grimacing face above her stuffed tummy and door-wrecking hips in Mona’s black fatty ball of a belly that she would lose it in there on her own, and merely accepted her week as a bellypet with grace for the sake of her friend. For her part, Sumire was frustrated too, but for a different reason: she was disappointed that she gave up midway through her challenge with Mona. Even if she needed the break, and even if she was bound to lose regardless, the gymnast couldn’t help but feel like she could’ve tried harder.
Just then, the stomach opened above the girls, only for what looked like an enormous, wet marshmallow to have gotten lodged in the opening. There were a series of deep, heavy jostles, sloshing the stomach around as though the girls were being tossed around on a water bed, what seemed to be gulps ringing out around them muffled by Mona’s fat. The soft orb jiggled and shook as the gulps pushed it through the opening, inch by inch, before it finally fell on top of them with a heavy *SLOUUURRRSH* and a wet *SLAP*, revealing itself to be Futaba’s soda-and Necronomicon bloated-belly. The round orb of fat and junk food took up nearly all the girls’ space, and they were forced up onto its saliva soaked surface, staring at Futaba across the pale, squishy expanse. A deep rumble rocked them all atop Futaba’s gut. “Eheheh… sooOOOOOUUUUUURRRY guys.” The NEET squeaked out as she burped directly into the faces of her fellow bellypets, pelting them with
So there the girls sat, barraged alternatively by the huge, muffled belches that shook the confines of Morgana’s stomach as he continued to gloat at them all—his playful jabs inaudible through the combined noise of his digestive processes, his yards of flab, and Futaba’s own gas as it was rocked by Mona’s prods and movements from outside, all of them still completely pinned against the gamer girl’s flabby dome. Having been in Mona’s gut the longest Makoto been keenly aware of the fact that as time passed, sounds from outside grew fainter and fainter until they were just barely audibly above the cacophony of digestive gurgles and belches. It was going to be a long week.
Just then, all the girls felt something shift as they were sent tumbling around Morgana’s stomach, Futaba belching even more rapidly as her still sensitive stomach was agitated so roughly. Finally the movement stopped and the walls closed in quickly around them—Makoto knew what was coming and braced herself—her headband rocketing off of her head alongside accessories from the rest of the girls and flying up and out of the esophagus above them. There was silence for a moment, and then what felt like an earthquake as the walls reexpanded, each of the girls’ own stomachs wobbling from the sheer force of Mona’s immense burp.
After what had felt like ten minutes, there was finally (relative) silence again, all the girls staring at each other. “Is it really going to be like that for the whole week?” Sumire questioned innocently. “We should count ourselves lucky that that’s as bad as it gets,” Makoto sighed. “Sorry again everybOOOOUUURRRdy, I totally misjuUUUUUURRR—misjudged Mona, he’s in Ultra-SuUUUOOOORRRPer-Secret Boss tier!”
The conversation was broken up by a rhythmic thumping, muffled under the waves of Mona’s jiggling fat. Haru interjected, “Hold on a moment everyone, do you hear that? I think that might be a signal that Mona is trying to tell us something important this time!”
The girls pressed their ears against the slimy stomach walls and listened as best they could to Mona’s voice as it vibrated across his fat gut, “Don’t woOOOUUUURRrry guys, I’m going to—HIC—just maAAAAAEEEUUUke some rooOOOOOUUUuum and keep yOUUUUUUURRRP safe by shoving you aAAAAUUUUHHHLpll deeper doOOOOOUUUUUUwn. Hold on tight!”
The girls sat confused for a moment before Makoto huffed, “I know Mona won’t digest us, but I guess I’m the only one who remembered to study Mementos biology here—if we get sent into his intestines, we’re going to be there for *much longer* than a week! It might even be a whole month before we’re out again!” The girls looked at each other in a panic: they had to find a way out. Round Intermission.
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"Mwehe... Nyehehehe... NYAAAHAHAHA-!!"
Oh, Futaba... you've done more damage than you could imagine. You've inflated his ego, AND his belly.
Morgana had reached such a terrifying level of fullness, glunking and wiggling all over with even the slightest movement, that all he could do was laugh! He... might be slightly drunk on the feeling of power, and drink. Belches poured from his mouth nonstop to celebrate like invisible fireworks, as that fattest cat in the world gloated over his victory~!
But now that he held four well earned bellypets within his luxuriously squishy walls... he had to be responsible. A good honest, even... the BEST host! One that they'll always remember.
So his possessive little mind started to hatch an idea...
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"MweheheeEEEEEEERRRRLLLP~! Hey... is it tight in there?"
Mona suddenly piped up cheerily. He had to yell talk to make himself heard over the ocean of soda his tummy had taken into itself, dotted with countless stores of assorted foods. Oh, this couldn't be good...
"Wellllll... sorry, but it might get even tighter soon~."
Whether his pets heard his warning or not, he didn't know. Nor did he really care, there wasn't much they could do to stop what was coming! Mona's cute hands wandered over the squishy landscape of furred fat in front of him, searching the best place to push down - imagining muscles he'd never used before to try and help him "secure" all four of his friends.
Thanks to their chunky sizes, all of the girls were somewhat near the bottom of Mona's ravenous belly... exactly where they needed to be. Oh gosh, this was going to be a REAL stretch for him in unexpected places-
"Leeeeet's see... it should be Makoto right at the bottom." Mona mused to himself. So she'd be the first to be swept away~. "Hehe, she's the smallest right now, so she should be easy! Here we... go..!"
Morgana took a break from belching out into the city streets to scrunch up his face, forcing any brewing belches to stay down... and his lower muscles to start flexing! At the very pit of his greedy gut, a kind of suction began to form and... latch onto Makoto-!
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Wow, that worked better than expected! Mona's eyes shot wide as a big shape lodged itself somewhere it normally shouldn't... a very bottom-heavy shape. Yep, that was Makoto alright! Heart pounding, Mona clenched again with a greedy huff, and dragged the girl into the depths past her enormous hips!
Oh god, it was even more sensitive than he imagined... but with Makoto's fat ass swallowed, the rest of her upper body followed suite, and the ultra-tight entrance sealed behind her! Sending her snaking into her much less spacious, more lengthy home...
Right into Mona's lower guts~.
"Nnngh, w-woah... that was the smallest? This is gonna take some effort..." Morgana fidgeted atop his self-made flab throne at his actions. He could still feel Makoto moving down there, in places no living thing should go... and it only fueled his drive to keep them all more~.
One down... three to go~!
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