awesomehoggirl · 1 year
Trixie wearing red My precious fucking star in space my unicorn rainbow sprinkles darling my sweet little sundroplet of honeydew
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chroniclesofdenzar · 1 year
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~~~ The Summer Solstice is here! ~~~
Note: The Sundroplets are here, but have not yet grown into full-grown Sundrops. Thin them while they're young, before they get big and strong!
Ah, the weather has turned from the chill of winter to the cool of spring and now... to the heat of summer. Bright sun and longer days make temperatures rise, of course, but there's something not quite right about this heat wave. It's parching all the lands and threatening to destroy the year's crops (and everything else above the ground's surface)! What is going on here?
The Sundrop, a beautiful yellow flower that has been taken for granted for as long as the lands have been inhabited... has outgrown and outshone all the other flora around! Their ability to concentrate the power of the sun and reflect it back has turned the thriving above-ground wildlands into oversized ovens. To top it off, their sunny disposition has actually attracted the Solar Gods themselves, and now the sun won't set!
Destroy as many of these Sundrops and their sproutlings- the Sundroplets- as you can until July 14th (23:59 EST) and collect Sundrop Petals.
Look to the Chrono Den to find brilliant costumes to give you a boost against the competition, with Sundrop Petal multipliers of 2x and 3x when worn in battle against those overgrown, radiating weeds. Also check out our hot, limited time only line of Summer Solstice gear, complete with set bonuses!
Look to the left menu to find the Summer Solstice banner. Click it to see your points and access the leader board (also via the Help Center -> World Info -> Summer Solstice)!
Collect the Sundrop Petal point items and turn them in at the altars in the link in Cajar at the Bonfire.
With any luck, appealing to deities with cooler heads, we can bring relief to Denzar.
You may offer your Sundrop Petals to any of the three available altars, and select different altars at different times, but all petals in your possession will be given to the chosen altar each time. The altar with the most Sundrop Petals at the end of the event will decide what the reward(s) are. The number of rewards will depend on how many petals are turned in at the winning altar. The following rewards are within the powers of the relevant deities:
Altar of Fog: 1 week of Dexterity, Crowne, Boss Odds World Buffs
Altar of Darkness: 1 week of Strength, HP Steal, Elite Odds World Buffs
Altar of Rain: 1 week of Wisdom MP, Exp World Buff
Let's make the blazing sun set!
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bottledupcomic · 5 years
I really love your character designs. They're so creative and pretty. 💙
Me and all the characters:
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egg-of-mankhad · 5 years
Prompt 20: Bisect
Rare was the day that Eigengrau could visit his son alongside his husbands. Ever since he had turned four summers old, these days were becoming widespread and distant. The space between such points becoming wider and wider, and almost too much to bear.
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For Eigengrau, it was far too bitter a reminder of the periods he would wait at the shore as a child, for the glimpse of that wooden merchant ship that would peek so teasingly over the horizon. Except this time, he felt as though he was sailing upon that ship. Waiting desperately to see hints of those ancient roofs, sitting upon the steep sides of a well hidden valley. Waterfalls pouring down from all around them, with bridges built from the trees of the surrounding forests gently connecting one terrace to another.
A blanket of mist would shield his eyes from making out the tiny details. It did well to hide these roofs, these buildings, these homes. From a wide distance, they weren’t homes, they were glittering gems of god’s cloak. Peeking out and winking at you, daring you to come closer.
The people here were protected well, and so was his son.
He knew he needed not worry, but that was not bothering him. He did not fear the danger of a drowning boy here, or the terror of thunder and lightning. He did not fear a cruel patriarch, or an absent matriarch. There was an altogether different fear. After all, Erden and Eigengrau shared one particularly important trait in common.
He passed by men who had the same glittering golden scales on his way to the estate of the Hatasashi Clan. Each male here carried with them a learned, scholastic air. Not petty or stigmatizing, but still regal. Poised. A gathering of fish who had the strength of Koi who have learned to swim upstream. Their rainbow of red and blond and browns coloring the Limestone pavements that made up the preserved courtyards. Growing beneath his feet, in between jolted cracks, were hints of lush greenery that made this old establishment somehow a thing of fresh beauty. Eigengrau knew, he knew well, that his son could consider himself among the privileged few. Even at the ripe age of four, many children would adore to learn here.
It’s hard to not feel like this place was an adventure.
Eigen could remember the first time he came here, as he turns his head at the youthful sound. Gently taking a few steps ahead at his husband’s encouragement. He could remember how enchanted he was by the home of his smaller husband. How fantastical it all was. So dream like, so beautiful, so perfect. He had never seen an inch of Doma, until his husband brought him here while on their vacation. He had never felt so secure in such a large expanse.
<“Ma’aav here!!”>
‘Oh Erden…’ He was still combining his Xaelic with his Doman and Hingan. His youthful words melding together like a kaleidoscope of innocence. To unite such things that were so much a foundational part of his young life, it did not seem odd. Not at all.
<”Ma’aav’s here...yes…”> Eigen could not help but shed a tear as he watches the tiny boy scamper up to meet him, dressed up in tiny shorts and a dress shirt of blue, stylized in the far eastern sense. Saiun would later tell him that it was the uniforms that boys where while they learned. And that Erden would graduate to the robes of a scholar as he got older, if it is found that he met the expectations of the elders. Such a concept was beyond the man, but his husbands assured him that Erden would have no difficulty exceeding expectations.
The boy looked no different from how Eigen had left him. His skin was still the color of midnight, and his scales still the color of obsidian. His hair was still a dusty black, and his sclera as dark as the water’s depths. His umbral ring and pupils were still a bright crimson red. He still looked like he did. And perhaps, perhaps that was what worried Eigen.
He did not want the boy to worry about fitting in.
Small arms would attempt to collect his legs, and hold them hostage there. A small giggle escaping the dangerous beastie below. Eigen had to laugh as well, such a giggle, it was contagious. The boy already had such strong arms! When did he get so strong?!
<”How is Erden liking his new castle?”> he would beam at the youngling. Who would beam back! Showing off draconic teeth. If his tail was long enough, Eigengrau would have noticed it swaying.
<”Castle!”> He pointed up as though to affirm that he did indeed live beneath a large castle like estate, and the action caused Eigen to giggle once more. Erden was using Doman that time; he would smile and reach forward gently to give the child a light pat.
<”I brought you something...Close your eyes okay?”> He would mime covering up his eyes with his hands, before peeking out from between fingers so he could make sure that Erden was doing the same. He was such a smart boy.
...Carefully, with great subtly, the older Xaela would reach inside his sewing bag. Digging around a little before his fingers would touch something rough. Digits curling around. Drawing it out so that he could hold the object before him. And then offer it up to the back of the tiniest little hands. Letting them feel the rough and ugly texture as well. This was important, Eigen felt that the boy should first understand the feeling of roughness. How repulsive some people could find it. <”Alright, you can look now!”>
Erden had the most disgusted look twisted upon his face, that Eigen had to chuckle at how disproportionate it was to his adorable features. He would smile at him. <”Feels rough, doesn’t it?”> He would reach for the knife and would pull the rock back so he could do this safely. <”It looks rough too.”>
Eigen chuckles with some hint of sadness at the exclamation. He gives a nod, the child was right though. The exterior of this rock was so dull. He would keep on smiling though, lifting the knife carefully at an inch---before giving a sharp but precise tap.
A bisection of parts would occur, as the whole became two. And the eyes of the younger Xaela would grow as wide as saucers at what was revealed below.
Eigen smiled broader. <”You see Erden? Ugly exterior, beautiful interior? Always remember this.”> He hold out one half for Erden to take and to keep. To remember. While its sister half would be given to the child’s other parents. <”Always remember whenever you meet something ugly, or rough. But be careful okay? No forcing. Gentleness.”> He smiles, his gestures trying to show young Erden that he needed to be careful and patient with the rainbow inside the stone. It was not something he would understand now, but Eigengrau hoped he would one day.
In his heart, he believed that Erden would grow happy and free.
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pantypon · 5 years
hello! i remember you used to have two versions of the elin ear/tail mod-- one that colored the bunny ears/tail, and one that doesn't. i see the current link leads to one that leaves the ears/tail white- do you still have the version that colors them to match the hair? thank you. ♥ we've talked one before, when i had issues with one of the hairstyles. c:
hi !! sorry for late reply. it turns out i couldn’t see some messages from people because of tumblr being weird (so i installed some extensions to properly view the inbox as it should be)when i remastered the ears + tails mod, i didn’t do the matching bunny ears only cause that would’ve taken double the time :however i would be happy to reupload the non-remastered + bunny dye option for u !! here is a quick link: click click
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lepakkokala · 6 years
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elevenspond · 6 years
thank you so so much! your edits are so so good 😭
afdkjgkfldsg thank you for being SO SWEET??? you’re so kind for asking and for sending this too i’m so!!!! this honestly made my week thank you so much
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hnerysims · 7 years
sundroplet replied to your photo “i think this bear is getting arrested”
omg the bear has seen some real shit
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you have no idea
and for that he’s going to jail, he’s seen too much
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My girlfriend ( @azira-fail ) got me a new binder and it came in the post today!!!!! I love them so so much they’re literally the best person to ever exist on this earth- I owe my body and gender confidence to them. I love you so much Az you’re my universe, thank you for helping me be who I feel like I’m meant to be
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tsuncarrot · 7 years
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sachlockk · 8 years
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so this is a kiss
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bottledupcomic · 5 years
Can races other than Mirror have heterochromia? Or is this spoilers. 👀
I suppose they could. 
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awesomehoggirl · 3 years
Ctubbo My precious fucking star in space my unicorn rainbow sprinkles darling my sweet little sundroplet of honeydew
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mitsunari · 7 years
At a press conference, Russia announces their name to the world and asks other languages to keep their versions of it close to the original. Afrikaans, German, Danish, Dutch: Rusland Russia: Good enough Poland: Rosja Russia: Ok Hungarian: Oroszország Russia: Now wait one minute, Hungary. Finland: Vittu Russia: TCHEVO BLYAT IDI NAHUI Finland: We said Venäjään. Russia: That still isn't -- Finland: ........ vittu Neuvostoliitto Bolshevik: BLYAAAAAAT
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lepakkokala · 7 years
HEY if you pre-order Okami on the PSN you will get two amazing themes. QQ I'd rather own physical copies of games but I just can't pass on those gorgeous themes.
AAAAAAAAAAAA will totally have to check that out! ;3; I prefer physical copies, too, but THEEEEMEEEEES ♥
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manaani · 7 years
sundroplet replied to your post:
  Can’t watch anime on kissanime if I don’t disable...                
   woot since when? i can watch stuff just fine with it on? (also use ublock origin instead of adblock plus.)    
Today I tried to watch JoJo part 4 and it let me watch like 5 seconds before going “pease disable adblock etc. in order to watch” so I just closed the tab.
Maybe I should look into it.
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