#sunflowers fourth version
ohtobeleah · 2 years
Leah hi!! I have a request for your strictly scandalous weekend. Bob having scandalous photos of you in his room on base. Maybe ur like the female version of Bob so when someone like Hangman finds them the reaction is shocking.
Listen. Bobs a little bit of an amature photographer. His specialty? His girl in any aspect of life. His work colleagues and friends had fallen victim time and time again to photos he'd taken of you in sunsets or with you snowboarding. They'd seen you posing in sunflower fields and pumpkin patches. Roosters favorite had been the one where Bob had taken a photo of your silhouette in front of the lit up christmas tree– something about it gave him family vibes. And everyone knew Rooster was very much a family man at heart.
“Where did he say they were again?” Coyote is asking as he's rummaging through Bob's belongings, scattering his stuff absentmindedly looking for Bob's spare glasses. “They aren't in here man, I'm telling you.
“Oh. My. God.” Hangman's hunched over Bob's bedside table. A radiant shit eating grin plastered across his face as he picks up the pile of polaroids. “Hey Coyote, come take a look at these.” Hangman had a callsign he liked to call you. He knew it got under Bob’s skin like no tomorrow. Jake Seresin always without fail called you Vee.
V for Virgin.
He liked to joke that you'd never looked like you’d touched a man in your life. Too pure, too innocent. Even after marriage Jake thought you’d probably wait a while until you were ready to procreate. That's how much Jake Seresin was convinced you were one hundred percent a virgin. And with that you were the perfect fit for good old back seater Bob.
“Holy shit is that Vee?” Coyote audibly gasped as he snatched the polaroids from Hangman's grasp. “No way!”
Bob had been holding out on show and tell. If he’d offered to show Hangman photos of you in all kinds of exposing poses and lingerie that made you look absolutely delectable he never would have shrugged the weapons system officer off.
“What a little minx.” Hangman practically drooled as he snatched the polaroids back. Flicking though them as he felt himself pitching a fucking tent in his flightsuit. “Holy fourth of July Coyote look at this one.” Hangman singled out a particular image. It was you, fully exposed in the shower– using the pressure of the detachable head to get yourself off. Bob had a habit of dating his photographs. Flipping it over Jake noted that it had been taken just four days ago. “That's the mens changing room isn't it?”
“There's no way Floyds been sneaking his girl in the men's showers and none of us have noticed.”
“Check this one out” Jake's jaw was practically crashing through the floor as he held back a primal groan. He was hard, dangerously hard. The polaroid in question was of you down on your knees, a mouth full of Bob's cock, your eyes were looking directly into whoever soul would be looking at the photograph. Jake was the person in question. “Is it just me or is it getting hot in here?”
“I feel like we shouldn't be looking at these man–”
“Looking at what?” Coyote nearly hit the roof with the way your voice had made him jump. Clenching at his heart as Jake pocketed the stash of polaroids in his top pocket. Turning around with eyes as wide as a dear that had been caught in approaching headlights. “What are you guys doing in Bob's room?” It was your day off. You'd just come out of your dorm to grab some coffee when you were walking past and saw Bob’s bedroom door open. “And why do you both look like I've just caught you with your hands down your pants?”
“We’re looking for Bob’s spare glasses, his broke.” Jake beamed your way, he couldn't not see you down on your knees for him no matter how hard he tried.
“Well, they're in here–” You sauntered into your boyfriend's room, heading for the medicine cabinet in his bathroom. Coyote slapped Jake's chest when you had your back turned, mouthing something about putting the polaroids back where he found them. But Jake wasn't listening, he was too busy watching what he could only assume was Bob's shirt lifting just high enough for the curve of your ass to show.
“No underwear huh?” Jake couldn't spot himself as he spoke. “A noble endeavor I fully support” Shutting the medicine cabinet as you turned around with a frown– he didn't just say that did he?
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me Vee, you’re walking around the dorms with no underwear on.'' A lingering silence filled the room as Coyote shook his head. This isn't happening, Jake wasn't hitting on Bob's girlfriend and he certainly wasn't sporting a semi over those polaroids. “An endeavor I am one hundred percent in support of.”
“I'm wearing underwear, you imbecile.” You just shook him off, not waiting to entertain whatever situation Hangman was trying to set up. “Here's Bob’s glasses.” throwing them Coyote's way, he used that as an excuse to get the hell out of dodge before Jake had a chance to drag him to the depths of hell with him. Stepping around you with pressed lips, before making his way down the hall. “I’m gonna go grab a coffee, whatever you were doing in here besides looking for Bobs glasses end now Bagman.”
“I was just leaving Vee–” Hangman was hiding something, you just didn't know what. Regardless, you didn't have the time nor energy to deal with his shit today. Turning on your heels, you didn't see the way Jake adjusted himself before he walked out of Bob's room.
A pocket full of polaroids he was surely going to use later.
*BANG* *BANG* *BANG* Jake was in the middle of what was the best masturbating session he’d had in a while. He had the lotion out, tissues ready and a whole bunch of seductive polaroids of you that were just doing everything for him. Especially the one he had his attention on now–the one with your legs spread wide. Two fingers buried knuckle deep in your pussy. The other wrapped around your own throat as your jaw slacked. Posing pretty for your photographer– Bob.
*BANG* *BANG* *BANG* “Hangman! I know you're in there, I can smell you from here!” Bobs doing his best to bang down Jake's door. So much anger raging through his veins. *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* “Seresin open the door!!” Bob went to pound his first against the wooden door one more time but Jake had opened it. Standing before Bob in his boxer briefs as Bob stood before Jake in his.
“Can’t this wait till morning? I'm busy!” Bobs pushing past into Jake's room.
“Where are they–”
“Where's what?”
“My polaroids man, you took the polaroids from my bedside drawer!”
“Polaroids of who huh?” Jake smirked. “Vee?” Taking steps towards where Bob had finally found the polaroid scattered on the floor besides Jake's bed. “Gotta say, im so happy you decided to stick with this amature photography bullshit, because that girl? Man, does she have some talent and you captured it expertly.”
“Watch your goddamn mouth!” Bob hissed as he collected the pictures he'd taken of you. They were all supposed to be for him and only him. “Be grateful I didn't tell Y/n or else she’d–”
“She’d what? Stuff her face with my dick like she did with yours?” Jake wasn't holding back. “Or would she ride me and let me take horny little pictures of her squeezing her tits?” Bob tried his best to keep a level head as Jake kept going. “Or will she finger herself while she chokes herself out, I mean–”
“I'm not listening to this crap.” Bob clenched his jaw, holding back every urge to just give Jake one right across the jaw. But instead he settled for peace. “You do something like this again and I'll kill you, you got that?” Eyeing each other off Jake took a risky shot. Gripping the back seater by his bicep before he had a chance to walk out of his room.
“I've got a better idea.” A better idea Jake truly did have.
#Strictlyscandalous // Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
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quodekash · 1 year
more eclipse incorrect quotes because im broken
—- —- Wat: I told Akk that his ears turn red when he lies. Sani: Do they? Wat: No. Sani: Then why did you tell him that? Wat: Because I can do this. Wat: Hey Akk! Do you love us? Akk, with his hands over his ears: No. 
—- —-
Wat: *pretending to joke* So when are you going to go out with me? Namo: I don't know. When are you going to ask me to? Kan: And you just ran away?! Wat: I didn't expect him to flirt back! 
—- —-
Namo: Like, no offense to myself and all, but what the fuck am I actually doing? (but this one is actually all of them) —- —-
Wat: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon? Akk: I'm a knife. Aye, from across the room: He's the little spoon.
(just kidding, they alternate. they both wanna hug and be hugged and i love them) —- —-
Waree: Is there something you would like to say, Sani? Sani: Oh, there are SEVERAL things I would like to say.
(sani during that one scene was ICONIC i love her so much)  —- —-
*out grocery shopping* Wat: *takes a free sample twice* Wat: Robbery and Fraud. I am a Rebel.
—- —-
Kan: *tapping fingers on table* Wat: *taps fingers back furiously* Aye: …What’s going on? Akk: Morse code. They’re talking. Kan: -.-- --- ..- / .-.. .. -.- . / - .... . / ... . -.-. ..- .-. .. - -.-- / --. ..- .- .-. -.. Wat: *slams hands on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK! 
(morse code translation: you like the security guard)  —- —-
Aye: How do you want your coffee? Akk: Black, like my soul. Aye: Aye: Akk, your soul is a latte. 
—- —-
Namo: My life is a little too much panic and not enough disco. Aye: My life is a little too much fall and not enough boy. Kan: My life is a little too much chemical and not enough romance. Wat: My life is a little too much imagination and not nearly enough dragons. 
—- —-
Akk: My life isn't as glamourous as my wanted poster makes it look. 
—- —-
Akk: All snacks are gone. Aye: I AM LITERALLY RIGHT HERE?! 
—- —-
Wat: May luck (and this picture of Akk eating shredded cheese at 3 in the morning) be with you. 
—- —-
Wat: Strawberry milk doesn’t taste like strawberry OR milk. Namo: Go the fuck to sleep Wat. 
(it was a crime of them to give us NOTHING of watnamo sleeping in the same cabin in os2, and i wholeheartedly believe this happened)  —- —-
Thua: And I’d love to be sorry for that, but we all know I’ve done much, much worse. 
—- —-
Akk: You're a lying piece of shit! Aye: Oh yeah? You're the idiot that thinks you can get away with everything you do, WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD! Akk: I'm leaving and I'm taking Singto with me! Sani, gathering cards: Aaaaand that's enough Monopoly for today. 
—- —-
Aye: Every time I hear someone talking about updog, I’m torn between not wanting to fall for it and wanting to help them complete their joke. Namo: Okay, but what is updog? Kan: Updog is a long sausage in a bun, often served with ketchup, mustard, onions, and/or relish. Wat: No, that’s a hot dog. An updog is when a new version or patch of an application is released. Thua: No, that's an update. You’re thinking of the fourth largest city in Sweden. Akk: Surely, that’s Uppsala, whereas updog is the giant spider in Harry Potter. Aye: That’s Aragog. Updog is a symbol conventionally used for an arbitrarily small number in analysis proofs. Wat: You’re thinking of epsilon. Updog is an upward-moving air current. Kan: No, that’s an updraft. An updog is the modern version of a henway. Namo: What’s a henway?? Aye: Oh, about five pounds.
 (i just think they would all mess with namo like this)  —- —-
Kidnapper: We have your child Aye: I don’t have a child? Kidnapper: Then who just asked for warm milk and made us cut the crusts off their sandwich? Aye: Oh god, you have Namo 
—- —-
Aye: Hey, Akk. What kind of flowers do you prefer? Akk: I like sunflowers. Akk, pulling out a bouquet of Venus Flytraps: Well, shit- 
Thua: Mice are having sex in my walls. Wat: Tattletale! Namo: You're just being ungrateful. Kan: It's their home too, you know. Aye: So what? Don't slutshame them. Thua: The mice are fucking AND now I'm getting heckled. 
(bro this is what you get for outing people)  —- —-
Sani: If you put a milkshake in one yard and crack open a cold one in another yard, which yard would the boys go to? Thua: Schrödinger's boys. Namo: FUCK! Kan: What about cracking open a cold milkshake? Aye: As we all know, the milkshake brings the boys to the yard. The presence of the boys is a prerequisite for the cracking open of a cold one, but cold ones do not have any inherent boy-attracting abilities. Milkshakes, however, do.   Aye: All else being equal, the boys would proceed to the milkshake yard. While it is possible to announce the presence of cold ones in the hope of attracting some boys, the pull of the milkshake is much more powerful by comparison. Sani: … Thua: … Namo: … Kan: … Aye: Mind you, all of this nonsense hinges on whether or not the boys are back in town. 
(sani young millennial / old gen z teacher we love her, aye gremlin meme child we love him)  —- —-
*The squad's reaction to being told they're the chosen one* Namo: I will not let you down. Kan: Sounds fun. Aye: K. Wat: No, I'm fucking not. Aye again: Do I have to be? Akk: Please god, I am so tired. 
(thua didn’t really feel like he fit any of those options which is why hes not there)  —- —-
Aye: Chadok’s gonna kill me. Akk: No, he’ll probably make me do it. 
—- —-
Akk, hungover: Please tell me I'm imagining that I claimed I was king of the ducks. Kan: I would, but then I would be lying to the King of All Ducks. 
—- —-
Akk: The only straight I am is a straight-up badass. Aye: Correction: the only straight you are is straight-up babygirl. 
—- —-
*Akk and Aye looking at a locked gate into a park* Akk: Aw. :( Aye: You know what they say. Akk: Please don’t- Aye: BE GAY DO CRIME! *hops gate* Akk: Frick- 
—- —-
thats all for now! 
ill be back, i promise. 
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torhues · 2 years
kita shinshuke.
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w. bittersweet, yet still sweet, dare i say
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kita thinks he has lived enough.
it's december of twenty-twenty-two, almost new year, almost twenty-twenty-three, the numbers which felt like distant future around forty years ago. he has seen decades change, he's far too familiar with seasons, a little too well versed with minute climate changes to assume the weathers. things are new and unfamiliar and yet, oddly comforting. there are wrinkles on his body, white hair shining like silver on his head under the sunlight; kita is old, he's seventy-two, the younger you wouldn't believe.
time flows like water because it feels like just yesterday, kita had met you. as if it has only been a day since he accidently took his english notebook before test, just a day since you asked him for an answer during the exam, just a day since he cheated for the first time in his life; and it wouldn't be an overstatement to say, he felt like a criminal. even though it was you who poked his back with your fingers, whispering the question you needed the answer to, kita felt equally responsible.
things took a turn when he met you because you bought him taiyaki as a thank you gift for helping you during the test and for some odd reason, kita felt content. the second first thing he did with you was skipping school to attend music festival at a local stadium; the third one was going to the rooftop which was prohibited by the school premises; fourth one being, stealing flowers from a nursery because it was your birthday and he forgot to buy gifts, neither did he have money; and the fifth, kissing you in the classroom after the classes were empty.
kita had shared his firsts with you, from good things to bad, breaking rules, reforming them according to his preferences, in a way that made him feel better, told him that it was okay to let loose at times.
it feels like just yesterday, he asked you out for a date after saving up money for two months, not because his family was financially unstable, but because he didn't tell anyone about his relationship since he didn't know if it's okay to do so, because he wanted to buy tickets to meiko hirota's concert that you'd been dying to attend, because he wanted to take your responsibility from the very first day. it's as if just yesterday, you both were given extra home-work for passing chits in class, just yesterday since his eyes had started diverting to you during lessons instead of the board, just yesterday when kita cried the night you left for college and just yesterday, he felt like he could breathe again when you came back to him, saying studies didn't feel right.
it feels like just yesterday, kita married you at twenty-five.
he didn't believe the moment when you walked down the isle, when he slipped a ring onto your finger, when you looked like the prettiest version of yourself. kita didn't believe what has happening until he got home with his hands in yours, and yours lips against his, and his heart in your hand, with nothing to worry about. he dreamt about spending his entire life with you, and his dream was in front of him, in his hands. kita didn't believe in anything except the moment you said i love you in front of the moon peeping through your curtains and spirits of old lovers dancing in the air.
life felt like the romance novels he read to you on afternoon that were laced with laziness. walks through the sunflower fields resonated of a fever dream, where his hands were intertwined with yours, and the world would reduced to nothing. tiny dates, bunch of flowers— the first thing in the morning, a kiss shared on the benches by the bus stops, long walks up the town, picking grapes, sunsets by the bridges, names carved in the barks of trees, it felt as if you both never grew out of your old highschool love story.
time flows like water, because it feels like just yesterday, he held his son in his arms for the first time and today, kita is a grandfather to two daughters. years passed, the pace of your lives changed, but he still loves you like the very first day. pictures from his golden days that hung up on the wall never let him feel like he has grown old and is no longer able to go on day-long dates with you, because it feels like just yesterday, kita met you, and he has his whole life in from on him to spend with you, even with an IV, even next to a heart monitor, even when he has you next to him 'round the clock, telling him that you love him and having him say it back until when you couldn't hear it back anymore.
kita once asked you if it was fair for him to leave first, if you felt alright because he is leaving you alone, and you said there was nothing unfair about it because you promised to stay with him for his entire life, and you are living up to it. and it feels like just yesterday, you both celebrated your first wedding anniversary.
he would've stayed longer but kita has lived enough. he doesn't have anything left to do, no undone tasks, no loose ends. you're sitting next to him with your hands still intertwined with his because they don't want to let go. kita doesn't have any regrets because it feels like just yesterday, he fell in love with you and tomorrow, in some other life, he would fall for you all over again.
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prettyallfriends · 2 months
im watching the demykatsu debut stream archive and thought id give a rundown if anyones interested? so it opened with a flashback abt the girls becoming friends over not being able to find their way around the school for the entrance ceremony. and then when the stream started parin was in a locker bc she was nervous (but really bc they just wanted an excuse to beg for comments 😭😭😭). the girls are in the streaming club, so they stream from their clubroom (they may also stream from other places in the school)
their first song is their schools official song for new students to perform, mankai helianthus (helianthus in full bloom). the instrumental version will also be released so fans can cover it. naturally their first coords are the school dresses.
the girls are all first years, their auditions went poorly but theyre self-producing to improve, and so they started the streaming club. theyre aiming for 1mil subs and to become top idols. it seems theyll be doing a live show every sunday at 8pm jst, kind of like the radio shows most anime idol games have. they plan to do original and cover song streams, and get their aikatsu senpais on their streams
so i guess vtubers commonly have an emoji that fits their vibe?? mierus is 💌, mehs is 🐑 (if u dont know, meh is the sound sheep make in japanese), parins is shown as 🥚 in this stream, but in descriptions its actually 🐣?? it may be both idk (her intro is that shes an idol egg, as in shes not yet reached her full potential ig). their group as a whole (really the school) is 🌻. their song title has エリオント/helianthus, the sunflower genus, so that tracks
the members colours are pink for mieru, white for meh, mustard yellow for parin. theres 4 lockers in the room, one each plus a dark grey one... hm............. a placeholder...? and later on in the dance segment, the sexy symbol is quite prominent. im totally predicting a fourth member at some point
they got a letter from their teachers announcing that the fresh idol fes will occur in august, where theyll have their first live. the pv from a few days ago seems to just be from the mv of their first song😔
the last segment is a dancing game, so each round the audience has to guess which member the prompt applies to. 1) who is wearing 2kg weights on her arms while dancing to mankai helianthus? 2) who is wearing earplugs while dancing to diamond happy? 3) who is wearing earbuds and listening to a different song while dancing to never give up (yuzu song from aistars)? and a bonus little titbit, whoever it the last one was, they were listening to mielumière (ninas song from akarigen)
...and thats all folks. honestly they have some good chemistry, and they didnt keep up the "wah we're soooo nervous🥺🥺🥺" schtick for too long. i hope theres more than just idol activities though, itd be nice to see them play video games and stuff (and not just shilling for bamco-published games😩)
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mayakern · 1 year
Hope it’s not a bother!! I love hearing you talk about your skirt creations and behind the scenes! What are your top 10 most popular skirts? Any one of them surprise you with its popularity? What are some concept ideas that you have that you scraped because it seems too self indulgent and won’t do well with the crowd? How much freedom do you give your collaborators, or do you still contribute to the ideas (I remember you said you went to Rio with the rat idea)
it’s not a bother at all! however this is a lot of questions so i’ll just be answering the first one, since that answer alone is already plenty long.
it’s a little difficult to aggregate the most popular designs, since a lot of them have multiple listings (either from size range changes, changes to the design, or having a miniskirt version) but i’ll do my best
the top design, by a very wide margin, is the bee skirt! i don’t think this will surprise anyone hahaha. i also don’t think the whale skirt being second place will surprise anyone either.
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third and fourth are @sergle’s sunflowers and my desert sunset. the desert sunset skirt surprises me only because of how relatively new it is (same with the sunflowers skirt). i think it’s because they were both available for preorders so people were able to order as many as they wanted without worrying about us running out of stock.
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fifth and sixth are cherry tree and deadly florals
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seventh is @sergle’s poppies and eighth is sycamore, which is surprising only that it is a color way of the cherry tree skirt. usually when i make different color ways of designs, one of them vastly outsells the others, but considering how much less time the sycamore skirt has been available for, the sales aren’t that different.
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ninth and tenth are star gayzing and ocean, which is insane considering we’ve only offered the ocean skirt once. i think it could easily hit top five after a couple more reprints
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Your nominations are in, your votes have been counted, and the WLW Webcomic Couples Bracket is assembled! There are 64 entries, broken up for early rounds into eight groups of eight couples or poly ships.
It will take me a while to find images to use in the polls, so keep the propaganda coming while I get them ready! (And if your propaganda includes original images from the webcomic that I can use, it will help the process go that much faster.) A text version of the matchups, along with a short note on seeding, is below the cut.
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The bracket is lightly seeded - the eight couples or ships with 10-15 nominations each were given the first seed in each group, then couples with 3-7 nominations were given second through fourth seed, and the remaining slots were filled by couples with two nominations. The exception is a handful of cases in which two couples from a single webcomic qualified, in which case they will go up against each other in the first round regardless of seeding.
First-round matchups are as follows:
Group 1
Undine and Kokoro (Sleepless Domain) vs Aarya and Liza (Facing the Sun)
Dani and Christy (My Dragon Girlfriend) vs Tess and Mira (Seven Days in Silverglen)
Sun and Babs (Unfamiliar) vs Arachne and Scarlet (Bugtopia)
Adrian and Hildegard (A&H Club) vs Mia and Grace (On a Sunbeam)
Group 2
Boo and Mimi (Rainbow!) vs Mina and Valerie (Paranatural)
Aya and Mitsuki (The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn't a Guy at All) vs Radiant Goddess and Acolyte (Lady of the Shard)
Almond and Peridot (Cucumber Quest) vs Sylvia and Jerry (Charity Case)
Becky and Dina (Dumbing of Age) vs Beau and Julie (Offbeat)
Group 3
Camille, Dendro, and Nyra (Muted) vs Jen and Rocker (Starward Lovers)
Daphne and Veronika (Lesbiampires) vs Claire and Robin (Hard Lacquer)
Sapphia and Odette (High Class Homos) vs Sapphia and Marla (High Class Homos)
Evie and Jack (Pandora's Devils) vs Faye and Bubbles (Questionable Content)
Group 4
Sunati and Austen (Almost Human) vs Honey Hart and Turpentine (Band vs Band)
Mari and Mica (The Four of Them) vs Fiona and Lia (YU+ME: Dream)
Tara and Darcy (Heartstopper) vs Shiina and Mimi (My Wish Is to Fall In Love Until You Die)
Hotaru, Kayla, and Elise (Shootaround) vs Selva and Alice (Namesake)
Group 5
Rose and Kanaya (Homestuck) vs Alex and Lucky (Finding Wonderland)
Delilah and Cheryl (I Want to Be a Cute Anime Girl) vs Hazel and Willie (A Week in Warrigilla)
Allison and Cio (Kill Six Billion Demons) vs Shim Chong and Madam Jang (Her Tale of Shim Chong)
Nell and Jolie (Cursed Princess Club) vs Tabitha and Poppy (Vampire Girlfriends)
Group 6
Lenore and Annabel Lee (Nevermore) vs Mica, Liv, and Red (The Greenhouse)
Ludovica and Luck (Tiger, Tiger) vs Jock, Prep, Nerd, and Goth (Boyfriends)
Roomie and Lillian (Go Get a Roomie) vs Lola and Sugar (Drop-Out)
Kat and Paz (Gunnerkrigg Court) vs Zimmy and Gamma (Gunnerkrigg Court)
Group 7
Rei and Hanna (Not So Shoujo Love Story) vs Claudia and Ava (Console Her)
Quinn and Hana (Encore!) vs Rina and Noa (Us Right Now)
Sun Jing and Qiu Tong (Tamen De Gushi/Their Story) vs Eliza and Darcy (Wilde Life)
Charo and Alesea (Dame Daffodil) vs Sophia and Olivia (It's Okay to Like Girls)
Group 8
Malori and Velverosa (Mage & Demon Queen) vs Connie and Carla (Rock and Riot)
Isaline and Theodora (Isadora) vs Penny and Bianca (Sunflowers & Lavender)
Ellen and Nanase (El Goonish Shive) vs Catalina and Rhoda (El Goonish Shive)
Lili and Sera (Monsters and Girls) vs Mad Spade and Miss Sunshine (My Sweet Archenemy)
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anaverna · 1 year
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🎨 In Ukrainian May is called as "herb month", so I wanted something thematic that period. Watchmaker cosplaying paintings, start of a thread?
🖌️ Alfred Munnings Reading Aloud Outside on the Grass, c. 1911, by Harold Knight
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🎨 Eve's antlers are shaped like the sun (while majority of engrath choose a beetle shape when they do their mechanisation), so to pick up a painting was quite easy
🖌️ Sunflowers, fourth version: yellow background, 1888, Vincent van Gogh
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📸 Now Eve is joining this art/cosplay challenge and wants to involve in it EVERYONE
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📸 Somebody tell Nahash even a serious man may have fun! In any case, defence fell in front of these sad eyes and gentle tail grab)
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hildathesaint · 1 year
Hilda's Herborium: Sunflowers
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Scientific name:  Genus Helianthus comprising of 70+ Species
Native habitat: North and Central America
Magical qualities:
A tall plant with hairy, sturdy stems, usually branching in the wild and single in cultivated variants. Broad, coarse, toothed leaves are sometimes sticky to the touch. The massive flowerhead comprises numerous small five-petaled florets called disk flowers surrounded by larger, sterile, yellow to orange ray flowers, mistakenly considered sunflower petals. Disk flowers mature into edible seeds covered in hard, shiny, grey-black husk. The seeds have an oily, slightly sweet flavor.
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Sunflowers, hailing from Mexico and Peru, were used by the Aztecs in their temples of the Sun. The priestesses wore sunflower crowns and carried the flowers in their hands, and the motif of sunflowers was used for decoration, sometimes inlaid with gold.
There is evidence that sunflowers were being cultivated by Native Americans, in what is now known as Arizona and New Mexico, as early as 3000BC. They were a common crop and are thought to have been domesticated before corn. The plant was known as the ‘fourth sister’ and planted by several Native American groups on the north edges of gardens, next to the other sisters: corn, beans, and squash. As sunflower produces extracts that increase germination of wheat, amaranth, purslane, and many other useful plants, while inhibiting germination of weeds, planting sunflowers in the fields should be considered a brilliant, pro-ecological, and sustainable practice.
Early colonists in North America learned about the many uses of sunflowers from the Native American tribes near them. In addition to being useful as a source of yellow and orange dye for fabric, the sunflower also comes in handy medicinally - it was known for its antimalarial properties. In the 1500s, Spanish explorers took sunflowers back to Europe with them, and the species has spread around the world since then. The flowers were cultivated widely but were mainly ornamental. By 1716, a patent was granted in England for a technique to extract the oil from the seeds. In 17th Century Europe, some rural practitioners of folk magic used an ointment that would help them see the Fae folk. To do this required a blend of several summer, sun-oriented flowers, mixed in with sunflower oil and left in the sun for three days until it thickened.
Russia is credited with spreading the popularity of sunflowers. Texts from 1769 mention that sunflowers had moved from purely ornamental plants to being used to make oil. By the 1830s sunflower oil was being produced on a commercial scale. Part of the rise in popularity of sunflower oil was due to the Russian Orthodox Church. The Church forbid the consumption of most oils during lent, however, sunflower oil wasn’t on this list which meant that it rose immensely in popularity. 
In Greek mythology, sunflowers came about because a young girl was madly in love with Apollo and followed his path through the sky every day. He eventually got sick of her constant pining and turned her into a sunflower by piercing her with one of his sun arrows. Other versions of this story suggest that another god felt sorry for her and turned her into a sunflower so as to stop her obsession. The myth suggests that because of this young girl, sunflowers still follow the path of the sun throughout the day facing east in the morning and west in the evening. 
In many folkloric traditions, sunflowers are seen as symbols of good luck. Planting them around your home and garden will bring fortune your way. It is also said that if you pick a sunflower at sunset, then wear it on your person, it will bring you good luck the following day.
Sunflowers are often associated with truth, loyalty, and honesty. If you want to know the truth about something, sleep with a sunflower under your pillow - and the next day, before the sun goes down, the truth should be revealed to you. The sunflower is considered a flower of loyalty because day after day, it follows the sun, from east to west. In some folk magic traditions, it is believed that slipping a bit of sunflower oil or seeds into someone’s food or drink will cause them to be loyal to you.
The sunflower is also associated with fertility, thanks to its connection to the sun. To bring about conception, eat sunflower seeds or take a ritual bath with sunflower petals. A necklace or crown of dried sunflower heads can be worn–particularly at Litha, the summer solstice–to bring about fertility.
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Quotes about sunflowers:
"A sunflower field is like a sky with a thousand suns." -Corina Abdulahm-Negura
"Who knows what may lie around the next corner? There may be a window somewhere ahead. It may look out on a field of sunflowers." -Joe Hill
"Turn your face to the sun, and shadows follow behind you." -Maori Proverb
"Does she realize she looks like a sunflower, ready to rain sunlight on all who look down upon her?" -Simone Elkeles
“Every friend is to the other a sun, and a sunflower also. He attracts and follows.” -Jean Paul
“And the yellow sunflower by the brook, in autumn beauty stood.” -William Cullen Bryant
“The road to freedom is bordered with sunflowers.” -Martin Firrell
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kaoharu · 1 year
it is important for me to note that in the tell mv haruta is depicted w van goghs sunflower. but also it is important to know that exactly it is the repetition of the third version. since he painted four original in 1888 anf did three repetitions ( one of the third and two of the fourth )
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unseeliej · 2 years
When art meets environmentalism meets soup.
When art meets environmentalism meets soup.
Friday, protesters from Just Stop Oil threw tomato soup over Van Gogh’s Sunflowers fourth version (don’t worry, the painting itself is fine) before gluing themselves to the wall. This was ostensibly a protest against climate change, but it’s left a lot of people with a lot of feelings. Some are angry at the choice of painting. After all, Van Gogh was poor, mentally ill, a lover of nature, and…
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sheri42 · 2 years
September Doodle Art History Sunflowers
#clmooc #septemberdoodle #warmup4art #bardotbrush Art History prompt: classical painting Van Gogh Sunflowers
September Doodle My CLmooc friends doodle every day.  Lisa Bardot’s Week 39 #makingarteveryday Art History prompt is classical painting. I chose Van Gogh’s Sunflowers fourth version, minus a few sunflowers. Bardot Brushes: gouache, texturific sets. Linen canvas is Jennifer Nichols @leilaandpo IG #septdoodle #septemberdoodle #cldoodle22  #warmup4art #clmooc #bardotbrush #arthistory…
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larryiswhatilivefor · 5 years
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metamorphesque · 2 years
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Vincent van Gogh, The "Sunflowers" Series (first version: turquoise background, second version: royal-blue background, third version: blue green background, fourth version: yellow background)
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basket-of-loquats · 2 years
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six jin fanarts!!! had way too much fun with this kjfhsakf
[A version of the Six Fanarts Drawing Challenge. Text at the top reads "Give me six BTS looks to make fanart of!". Beneath, there is a drawing of the hamster emoji to represent Kim Seokjin, and "edition". The first look is Seokjin in a red qipao with a pale red background, labeled "Red Qipao Seokjin". The second is Seokjin in a checkered pink shirt and straw hat and sunglasses with a pale orange background, labeled "Malta Slay Seokjin". The third is Jin in a white suit with sunflower designs on the legs. The label is partially obscured by his leg, but it would read "LY Answer Seokjin". The fourth is Jin in a pink button down top with a white shirt and white glasses. He holds a pink mic in front of a pink background, and is labeled "Bubblegum Dream Seokjin". The fifth is Seokjin in a purple hoodie with the word "You" on it in front of a pale purple background, labeled "Merch Model Seokjin". The last is Jin in a pink top with a pink scarf, holding a mini Earth with a pale blue background, labeled “Moon Seokjin”, End ID.]
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
jk in bed with jm "you're mine", then he changes room and go in tae's bed saying "you're mine". what a boyfriend (of?....i don't know, he has 2 boyfriends at this point)
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Now personally I stan a poly king, I don't know your A/S/L (that's Old People Internet for age/sex/location) but as legal adults of as-yet-undetermined but definitely not 100% straight orientation, I'd say GET OFF THEIR DICKS AND LET PEOPLE LIVE.
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FFS anon. You out here thinking Tae and Jimin wouldn't be getting it on if they wanted to? They absolutely would IF, and it's a really big IF, Tae was even into guys or Jimin was even interested like that.
But at no time before or since "get out of your imagination, it's not good there" has Taehyung EVER said he was into either of them like that. And if it was one of them it wouldn't be Kook. I MEAN SOULMATES OR WHATEVER Tae has to be all cool with everyone else but with Jimin he can let his derp face fly and let the pretty man steal his hat--
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Meanwhile Jungkook will toy with y'all because YOU WANT HIM TO SO BADLY YOU SAY THAT SHIT IN HIS INSTAGRAM AND ON WEVERSE FFS you kids left boundaries back there in 2016 well before some of y'all knew what a tumblr even WAS. Oh sure. He jokes he giggles he flirts because IT IS HIS JOB and make no mistake HE IS AT WORK answering your asses, WFH is a thing, but sometimes he has enough because y'all literally cannot simply WATCH A VLIVE AND READ A ROOM.
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At this point if you're NOT picking up what the Jeon-Parks are throwing down EVERY TIME YOU SEE THEM then I honestly have to assume you are a virgin, stupid, or so repressed you can't see daylight. It's more than obvious to literally anyone who gets laid on the regular, goes outdoors and has friends. And it's beyond incomprehensible if you still don't get it. Honestly it's Theatre of the Absurd. Jungkook has to truly believe you're joking. HE HAS THE SUN (or perhaps a sunflower) TATTOOED ON HIS ARM WHERE A TIGER USED TO BE FFS. Like
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do wish that Hangul made an all-caps version BUT IT DOESN'T AND WHY NOT I WANT TO KNOW but I digress. He did say this. Again. Fourth time in a row kids. And you don't think he gets fifty million Tae questions every time he goes live? He does. He only answers them when there has been a Meeting about Keeping It On The Low While The Exemptions Are Still In Legislation. Y'all think I'm kidding. I am not kidding. That happened.
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Meeting or not, though, Jungkook is the man to tell you. Jimin is HIS. Not his, not heh-heh-that's-cute his, not we bffs casual his, HIS. Loudly. Dude bout yelled the airpods out my ears. And then goes on to play a little, flirt a little, give the fans what they want but eventually he has had enough. I mean y'all might not have noticed but THE VIDEO ENDED ON HIS TELLING PEOPLE OFF like damn, sir. We understand you are an adult. We got it. You're GROWN OKAY.
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... And some of this fandom needs to get out of these men's assholes before they can't even get a proper colonoscopy because there's too many raging solo stans up in there telling a guy how to live. .
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interstellarr-void · 3 years
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Original flag | Striped w/ spiral | Striped
Multiversespiralic: a KEIN gender related to spirals, confusion, time loops, reality distorting and multiple dimensions.
For day 24 (spirals) of @mogai-sunflowers coining event!
ID: the first flag has a perspective of a 3D rectangle with a desaturated violet square side, with a very soft purple spiral, on the left of the flag and one of its long sides, with six vertical stripes, extending and cutting off to the right. The rectangles edges are a very soft purple. The square side is mostly transparent with the rectangle's edges and first to fourth stripes from the opposite/left long side appearing through it; its identical to the first/right long side. The colors of the vertical stripes, from left to right, are: desaturated dark violet, grayish dark blue, dark mint green, dark blue, very dark purple and off black; outside of the rectangle is a nearly black blue. The second and third flag have seven horizontal stripes with the first stripe being the same color as the square side from the first flag and the rest of the stripes are the same colors as the vertical stripes. The second flag has a very soft purple frame and spiral in the center of the flag, while the third flag lacks the frame and spiral.
Extra versions of the flag with glitchy effects below!
[Tw Eyestrain]
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ID: the first flag is a version of the first/original flag above with glitch effects and the second flag is a version of the second/striped with spiral flag above with glitch effects.
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