#sunshine corazon
what is it with Rachel Berry and her angry homoerotic duets with other women
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nicoise · 3 months
blaine and sunshine corazon should've been friends, really good friends, like you go to their house and don't ask before sitting on the bed type friends
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arizonaaaaaa · 4 months
21- Unique Adams- trans
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-canonically trans
-her story felt a little rushed in my opinion, she went from a drag queen to a crossdresser to a trans person in a spam of like 6 episodes
-underrated Queen
-the best singer in my opinion
22- Marley Rose- pansexual and asexual
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-this could be an interesting story line
-like the reason she doesn’t feel ready for sex is because she’s not sexually attracted to anyone
-although this would potentially make Jake an asshole
-her and Unique are gfs tho❤️
23- Jake Puckerman- bisexual
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-def wanted to smack Ryder
-he was watching Sam “twerk”
-just gives of energy tbh
-I would actually spend a lot of money to see Jacob Artist make out with a ma
24- Ryder Lynn- gay
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-never liked Marley, he actually liked Jake
-i really like Rynique but gay Ryder just speaks louder in my heart
-we could’ve met his father in this possible storyline like the opportunity😭
-Ryan Murphy had a chance to do an actual love triangle on glee but NOOOO LETS MAKE THEM FIGHT FOR THE PRETTY GIRL AGAIN FOR THE FOURTH TIME
25- Kitty Wilde- lesbian
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-“what would Quinn Fabray do?” She would be a lesbian
-she dated Jake, Artie and had a crush on Ryder yet she had absolutely 0 chemistry with all of them
-Marley on the other hand…
26- Roderick Meeks- aroace
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- I find it interesting how him (and Madison) are the only ones that never showed interest in another person
- really wish assexuality was discussed more back in the 2010’s
- he should’ve been one of the characters introduced in season 4 and I would die on that hill
27- Jane Hayward- unlabeled
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- probably thinks labels are stupid and shouldn’t exist because it’s misogynistic or offensive or sm
- idk I really dislike her I feel she would say something annoying like this
28- Mason McCarthy- bisexual
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- yeah you’re not straight
- he’s also a really boring character for me so I have nothing to add💀
29- Madison McCarthy- aromantic and lesbian
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- now THATS a feral lesbian
- her and Jane as girlfriends tho?
- aromantic part is bc I feel she’s the type of aro who’s disgusted by love
-still likes touching boobs tho
30- Spencer Porter- gay
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- interesting storyline for the first seasons
- although it’s kind off like Dave’s storyline
There’s a limit of ten pictures per post but I really don’t want to make a fourth post just for the students so…
31- Alistair- gay and genderfluid
- Billies brother wow
- this is just based on vibes cause I have no idea if he ever spoke on glee
32- Myron Muskovitz- trans and lesbian
- Josie Totah it’s trans so I feel her character should also be
- maybe figured out when she was about 16?
- so by dreams come true she would already be in her transition🥹
33- Skylar- polysexual
- who? Oh yeah the Blaine of season 6
- again based on vibes
- he’s also a really good singer go listen to the album version of take me to church
34- Super Gay Warbler- indeed gay
- behold the oracle has spoken the truth
- also a good singer go listen to the album version of rise
35- Sunshine Corazon- trans and pansexual
- same with Myron, since the actor is trans I feel like his character should also be
- just imagine after all those years Sunshine returning on season 6 for his transition
- what would be his name tho? Moonlight? *old people laugh plays on the background lmao lol haha*
That’s it for the main kids, prolly won’t do a fourth post for the adults because I don’t really care about them but only time will tell
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cryscendo · 1 year
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Season 2 (pt. 1) | September 21, 2010 – May 24, 2011
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jazziergin · 2 years
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@gleeful-paintbox-project → Audition
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blaintism · 2 years
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Gleeful Paintbox Project: Audition
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lover-praxis · 22 days
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gleecontext · 9 months
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GLEE S02E01 Audition
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porcelainvino · 2 years
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glee wardrobe pics are so fun to draw
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sapphic-agent · 7 months
I don't know how often you check that subreddit but it's astounding how they excuse any terrible action of Rachel's at the expense of another character, more often Santana than not. Heaven forbid you bring up the crackhouse incident as a negative point of Rachel and they respond back, "that's the only thing that you have!". So many of them will defend Rachel sending Sunshine to the crackhouse. You can't bring it up at all with them or else they get irritated. They always fall back on "she was bullied!" and "Santana is an awful person".
Someone made a post about 2 weeks ago about Santana being right to call Rachel out in the choir room in 5x12. I agreed but didn't say anything (Santana Lopez defender here) but that person barely had a chance to argue their point before all the Rachel stans flooded the comments and downvoted nearly all of the poster's comments defending Santana. No civil discussion whatsoever.
Sorry for going off like this but that sub is a nightmare and this is weeks of annoyance boiling over. Don't worry, I left. It's just getting worse day after day. Thanks for responding.
Why am I not surprised🙄
People are so quick to defend Rachel that they forget the circumstances. Rachel was awful to Santana the whole time she was the understudy. She started every argument they had and took every opportunity to put Santana down. Of course Santana got fed up.
The only thing she might have gone too far with was prom queen since that was a memory Rachel had with Finn. But if it was really about Finn, Rachel shouldn't have cared about actually winning or not. And Santana was absolutely right to call out how awful she was being.
(I hate that Rachel got all the sympathy after this scene. Santana was the one who was being verbally- and physically, since Rachel slapped her- abused for weeks at this point and when she finally snapped back and didn't hold back, Rachel got to play victim. A great example of white woman tears, actually. If Santana had been the one to cry, it would have been dramatized for comedy. And the fact that they used Mercedes to comfort Rachel adds another layer of barf to this)
I don't know if you've ever seen this, but they hate Sunshine over there. They say it's because her voice isn't that great... But neither is Finn's and they won't hop off his dick. My theory is that they hate Sunshine because she's the one victim of Rachel they can't disparage by bringing up bullying. So they tear her down in another way so that instead of treating her as a victim, they can brush her aside like she doesn't matter. And by extension, they can disregard what Rachel did to her.
The Glee Subreddit has a knack for dismissing the white main characters' acts of aggression against WOC characters and it's just a little disturbing.
Send me any asks about the Glee sub you want to! I'll take every opportunity to talk shit about those pieces of shit
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gleesongtournament · 1 year
Glee Song Tournament Round 2
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jauntilyplacedcaps · 2 years
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ladyofdecember · 2 years
I cannot believe how selfish Rachel is. She really is a bad person!?! The Glee Club needs new members but no one wants to join. They finally find someone that's interested in joining and is talented and Rachel sends her to a crack house? Seriously, what if she was trafficked or just killed? And then Sunshine transfers to Vocal Adrenaline so it's worse than her not joining Glee! She is actually their competition now 😮🙄
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inlovewith-icecream · 2 years
Actually my unpopular opinion is that Finn would’ve done what Rachel did in 2x01 to Sunshine
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invye · 1 month
[The thought of Law growing up with Mihawk around is just too funny--]
Cora-san: "Law, what do you have there?"
Law, deadpan: "A knife."
Cora: "--!"
Mihawk, equally deadpan: "I gave it to him."
Cora, panicking: "NO!!!"
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gleecontext · 10 months
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GLEE S02E01 Audition
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