lowcountry-gothic · 11 months
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Cibaba, Douglas Sunvale, Poreht La, Giktoo Nelmo, Lynela Kabe-Oyu, Sav Malagán, Monshi, Jorinda Boffrey, Arkoff, Tia Mirabel, and Regald Coll.
Art by Yihyoung Li. From Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi: An Illustrated Guide to the Galaxy's Golden Age.
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roguerebels · 3 months
The High Republic: Temptation of the Force Review!
Tessa Gratton brings us a story of loss, compassion, despair, and hope during The High Republic. And amidst the pain and suffering the Nihil spread, love unfolds. Check out Sal's review of #TheHighRepublic: Temptation of the Force! #StarWarsBooks
“This is Jedi Avar Kriss. Help is on the way.”Avar Kriss The Jedi do what they can to help those trapped behind the Stormwall. Marchion Ro searches out a new danger with his Nameless in tow. The Republic and Jedi put together a plan to free Naboo. And Avar Kriss and Elzar Mann are reunited and it feels so good! Tessa Gratton brings us a story of loss, compassion, despair, and hope during The…
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apollodreams · 5 months
I've been laughing at Douglas Sunvale's name since it was briefly mentioned in LotJ (because why would his name be Douglas) and so I was super excited that he was an actual character in a Test of Courage however I just read his tragic death from his Padawan's perspective and he's suddenly a lot less funny
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darth-memes · 2 years
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pc3020 · 11 months
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Sunvale Community Park, Sunshine, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 2023-07-06 10:58:07.
This is a relatively new park that runs between Hertford road and Service street, near the old Sunshine council chambers.
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bikananjarrus · 3 months
we all know how silly star wars names can be so i’ve put together a list of names from the high republic books. all of them are canonical names except ONE. so for a fun little game,
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eggbagelz · 11 months
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clownsonas. or something [sunval uses he/she and bram uses they/them]
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chipthekeeper · 5 months
500 or 172?
500 was already done here
172. Douglas Sunvale
Douglas was a Jedi Master during the High Republic and saying anything more about him is a spoiler so let's just laugh about his name being Douglas
Give me a number from 2 to 749 and I’ll post the corresponding Star Wars character from my giant spreadsheet of Star war characters and name a fact about them
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lunaparables · 9 months
Luna Parables: Book 1: Parable 2: The Seeds Of Plenty
7 Profound Philosophical Actionable-Insights from "The Seeds of Plenty"
1. Recognize the Interconnectedness of Effort and Outcome:
   - Understand that the seeds you sow in life go beyond visible actions. Efforts, like seeds, extend beyond the surface, influencing the abundance of your harvest.
2. Embrace the Power of Intention:
   - Be mindful of the seeds you plant in your endeavors. Intentionally sow seeds of positivity, kindness, and generosity, for they have the potential to transform the landscape of your experiences.
3. Cultivate a Generous Heart:
   - Learn from Elias and understand that true abundance stems from a heart willing to give. Cultivate generosity as a way of life, and witness the flourishing of both personal and communal prosperity.
4. Harness the Transformative Energy of Kindness:
   - Like Elias watering his seeds with kindness, infuse your actions with genuine care. Small acts of kindness can bring barren areas of your life to bloom, creating a vibrant mosaic of positivity.
5. Gratitude Amplifies Abundance:
   - Take a moment each day to express gratitude. Gratitude acts as nourishment for the seeds of generosity, fostering a cycle where the more you give, the more you receive.
6. Community Building through Shared Abundance:
   - Understand that the impact of your generosity extends beyond personal gain. As Elias shared his harvest, he united the village in a community of abundance. Your acts of generosity can have a ripple effect, creating a harmonious collective.
7. The Ripple Effect of Inspirational Stories:
   - Stories have the power to inspire and guide. Just as the parable of "The Seeds of Plenty" became a cherished tale in Sunvale, recognize the transformative potential of sharing and embodying inspirational narratives.
Inverse Persuasion to Listen to the Parable:
   - Dive into the enchanting world of Sunvale, where the simple yet profound tale of Elias, Sage, and the Seeds of Plenty unfolds. Allow the story to paint vivid images in your mind and let its lessons resonate with your daily life. The parable invites you to witness the transformative power of generosity, offering insights that transcend the boundaries of the picturesque village into the landscape of your own experiences. Take a moment to listen, for within the whispers of this tale, you may find seeds of wisdom that blossom into a mosaic of inspiration and abundance in your own journey. #SunvaleStories #SeedsOfPlenty #GenerosityInBloom
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gnubay · 2 years
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chronal-anomaly · 2 years
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@facetedspades asked:
"Hey, hey, deep breaths," His hands were loosely placed on her shoulders, a gentle touch she could move away from if she so needed. The mask was gone for now, blue eyes searching her to check for any other wounds. He wanted to hold her, make it okay by sheer will alone despite knowing that wasn't how this would work. He would stick to the gentle touch, give her space if she needed it.
"My name's Jack. You're Lena Oxton, best pilot in the world, even better friend. You're going to be okay. It might be hell getting there, but there's a lot of people here at Overwatch who want to help you, alright? Just take it slow, we'll take care of you, kiddo." (from Jack) || Memory Loss (accepting, indulge me)
Consciousness came slowly, then all at once. The roaring in her ears, sensation tingling in her fingers that quickly became pain, a dull, thudding ache that spoke of tensed muscles and a battered body. She was still, even as she felt the fading dredges of unconsciousness. There was a nagging sensation in the back of her head that she was missing something, something important, something critical, but the cloud that her brain sat in refused to cooperate.
She tensed, wincing at the pull in her fingers and neck as she clawed her way to a sitting position. What was missing? An unfamiliar taste filled her mouth as she glanced around at the nondescript motel room and her clothes - clothes covered in blood. There was a sound of shock, and she tried to pull away from the dried and tacky cloth to no avail.
What was happening? Where was she? Panic danced along her spine as she rose, looking for the nearest exit. The door opened to a balcony, overlooking a half-full parking lot. A man was smoking on the balcony next to her, and he offered a quizzical-yet-concerned look at her appearance. The world tilted dangerously, and she stumbled her way back inside before she had to answer any unforgiving questions. The foreboding sense of something terribly, horribly wrong grew in the pit of her stomach.
Feet stumbled to the rundown bathroom in the back of the room. In the cracked mirror, she found a face drawn with panic and exhaustion, hair flat and falling in her eyes. She did not recognize the woman in the mirror. Her name, what was her name. Blood along her neck. Hands searched for injuries that weren't there - the only thing that still hurt was the pounding of her head and the stiffness of her joints. Blood matted in her hair, right around the concentration of pain, and conclusions were drawn of the blow that rendered her unconsciouness. But the rest of it? The pounding ache, the uncertain wrongness about everything that was going on, the unfamiliarity of it?? Something was irreparably damaged.
What was she doing here? She had a mission, there was a reason for her being gone. She had family somewhere, maybe, didn't she? Or were they too, gone? Were they looking for her?
The woman bit her tongue as she stumbled back to the phone, fighting the overwhelming rush of vertigo and panic that threatened to pull her under. She doesn't remember the numbers so much as just knows them, dialing a friend, she thinks. Someone who knows her, at least. Someone who she might able to trust with something as powerful as her own name.
"Sunvale Motel." She had echoe'd into the reciever after it was picked up. The voice on the other end had dozens of questions, but she could just finish with the address of the residence printed on a nearby pad of paper. Before he could ask any other questions, she hung up on him and sitting back on the bed with her feet on the floor and face in her hands.
Jack didn't wait for a key, opting to kick the door open instead. The blood immediately had him sweeping the room, searching for whoever, or whatever had caused it. After he determined the scene was safe, he knelt, trying to catch her eyes. Hestiant brown eyes met his, full of confusion and otherwise empty.
The name rolled off her tongue decently, something about it tasting familiar against the macabre scene. Lena.
Despite herself, she trusted the man with the blue eyes and soft touch. Exhaustion touched her, and Lena resisted the urge to lean into the soft touch. It felt familiar, just like the Overwatch did, something safe and warm she could sink herself into.
"S'not my blood. I don't - I don't remember how -" She mumbled back, still uncomfortable with associating with the name Lena. Something about it felt like sunshine, like hot asphalt and running shoes and a laugh. Opposite to what she's feeling here and now.
"Okay, Lena, I believe you. We're going to get you checked out, okay? Just hold on a bit longer.
She smiled at that and lets him manipulate, lets him guide her to the transport outside.
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elarasilvervale · 2 years
The Raven Priestess
Name: Samira Sunvale
Age: Young Adult
Race: Quel'dorei.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Single
Server: TBD
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Hair: Long, thick and as dark as the night sky. It has a natural and soft wave and she seldom does anything of note to keep it tamed. Occasionally braiding in feathers or small silver/gold beads and charms as a means of decoration. It's a rare day when it is combed and tied back.
Eyes: Pale azure blue. They glow naturally in lowlight settings and appear luminous.
Height: 5'0"
Build: Slim, trim and petite. She is a slender girl that could be mistaken for being delicate or fragile were it not for her bristling charisma and confidence. She has a small bust, being barely a handful for most. Long, sinuous legs and broad hips that meet a cinched and trim waistline for an alluring figure.
Tattoos/Scars: 3 small solid black stars beneath her left collarbone and a string of solid black stars down her spine.
Accessories: She is often seen with a courier style bag that is filled with necessary items for marketplaces. Tinctures and potions to trade or sell. A small pouch with gold pieces. A single blade rested at the small of her back in a leather sheath. It's simple and not terribly ornate, but it can get the job done, should she need it.
Face Claims: I don't do this.
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Profession: Traveling healer, Alchemical Purveyor.
Hobbies: Brewing tinctures and new potions and poisons. Reading. Traveling. Botany.
Residence: Unknown residence in the deep woods of Drustvar.
Birthplace: Quel'Thalas
Patron Deity: None. Non-religious.
Languages: Thalassian is her preferred language. She is fluent in common but will often pretend that she is not in order to avoid having to talk when she does not want to.
Qualities: Imaginative, Jovial, Resilient, Gentle, Confident, Warm.
Flaws: Stubborn, Naïve, Gullible, Unforgiving, Resentful, Disobedient.
Fears: Losing her freedom.
Spouse: None.
Children: None.
Parents: Tyrvalen & Audriana Sunvale
Siblings: Saara Sunvale (Autumnsong).
Other Relatives: Many, all of which she is estranged from.
Pets: A single large, black crow named Cheron. He is mostly wild, but comes to her window most days for food and attention.
Extroverted / Introverted / In Between
Disorganized / Organized / In Between
Close-minded / Open-minded / In Between
Calm / Anxious / In Between
Disagreeable / Agreeable/ In Between
Cautious / Reckless / In Between
Patient / Impatient / In Between
Outspoken / Reserved / In Between
Leader / Follower / In Between
Empathetic / Callous / In Between
Optimistic / Pessimistic / In Between
Traditional / Modern / In Between
Hard-Working / Lazy / In Between
Cultured / Uncultured / In Between
Loyal /  Disloyal / In Between
Faithful / Unfaithful / In Between
Additional Information
Smoking: Never /  Rarely / Sometimes / Frequently / To excess
Drugs: Never / Rarely / Sometimes / Frequently / To excess
Alcohol: Never / Rarely / Sometimes / Frequently / To excess She likes a glass of wine at night, and occasionally will steep hallucinogens into hot tea, but this is very rare.
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aniruddhanazre · 5 years
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Article By Aniruddha Nazre: Intermediaries to enhance trust in the Sharing Economy- Aniruddha Nazre Is there a role for Intermediaries to enhance trust in the Sharing Economy? Trust is the social lubricant that enables collaborative consumption marketplaces and the sharing economy to function without friction. Sharing saves people time, money and aggravation but trust is what allows someone to take a ride from a stranger or rent a room in a house from someone they’ve never met. Yet it’s also one of the biggest concerns of using sharing economy services. Know more : http://www.aniruddhanazre.com Read More : https://www.aniruddhanazre.net/ Follow on Instagram : @aniruddhanazrelive https://www.instagram.com/aniruddhanazrelive/ https://www.facebook.com/aniruddhanazrelive/ youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb_r26FxQh2dfLWpb8Bq0ww https://aniruddhanazresite.weebly.com https://hubpages.com/@aniruddhanazrelive https://twitter.com/AniruddhaNazre https://www.behance.net/aniruddhanazre https://issuu.com/aniruddhanazre https://medium.com/@aniruddha1 https://aniruddhanazre.kinja.com/ https://blog.feedspot.com/press_release_websites/ https://www.aniruddhanazre.net/board-member/ https://www.pinterest.com/aniruddhanazre/ https://www.pinterest.com/aniruddhanazre/aniruddha-nazre-business/ https://aniruddhanazresite.wordpress.com/ https://patents.justia.com/inventor/aniruddha-a-nazre https://aniruddhanazre.tumblr.com/ https://aniruddhanazreblog.wordpress.com/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Patents/comments/c8yv5t/aniruddha_nazre_patents/ https://www.aniruddhanazre.net/articles/ https://www.aniruddhanazre.net/2019/06/24/entrepreneur-laws/ https://pitchbook.com/profiles/investor/154526-05 https://www.whitepages.com/name/Aniruddha-Nazre https://www.whitepages.com/name/Aniruddha-Nazre/Sunnyvale-CA https://www.checkpeople.com › Search › Aniruddha Nazre › Results https://www.caringbridge.org/public/aniruddhanazre
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1craftywitchreviews · 5 years
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Best time of year to hiking is spring 🌻and fall🍁!! Decided to take out #sunvale blueberry/lemon #fruitbeer from @wildleap to my have #hiking spot Arabia Mnt! Fairly refreshing but the blueberry had an odd taste when combined with the lemon and wasnt as tart as one may think when you see lemon on a label 🤔 but #yummy all the same! Enjoying quite a few #brews from this brewery lately so give em a try! #craftbeer #craftbeerculture #drinkcraft #beerchick #beergeek #beeradventure #beerblog #instabeer #beerstagram #craftbeerlover #hikingbeer https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw9argBlHwo/?igshid=srrkj2wdnq0u
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ryanphm · 6 years
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Wonderful Mid-Autumn Festival with my most beautiful and amazing students #sunvale #midautumnfestival2018 #wentwell💯 (tại Sunvale English Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoCc4_ul4_y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r5nlvakvocjy
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crowsworks · 4 years
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Welcome the next set of shifters from the Sunvale Au Elgin (on the left), and his older brother Wynter (on the right). Sunvale Au is my opposite to Moonvale Au (Malkin and Tyke).  Wynter and Elgin escaped the underground due to Wynter taking a calculated risk. The reason for this risk? Easy. Wynter threw Chara into the void after the last reset which in turn upset the Queen and King. So, running home and grabbing up his brother leaving everything they owned behind he used the void as his way to port back to the surface. You might be asking “why did he do that?” simple they had been to the surface before Wynter remembered the resets. His last reset he had lost his two twins and his wife due to terrorists that were anti monster haters. He used that last reset to port back to the surface to escape the wrath of his King and Queen.  Chara being the cause of the resets and him losing everything but his brother couldn’t abide by it anymore. It was a calculated risk but he did what he did to escape a fate he no longer wanted to be apart of.  Art done by the wonderful @maiuoart. I commissioned her for these icons. reblogging is fine, reposting/claiming as your own is not fine. That is stealing please don’t do it. 
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