#super Mario bros princess peach
pinkcreamypeach · 3 months
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Princess peach basically...
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Princess Peach, the benevolent ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom in the Super Mario franchise, is a compassionate and nurturing individual who holds others in high regard. She dedicates her efforts to building a world where everyone can coexist in harmony and peace. Peach has formed a strong bond with Mario and regularly assists him in his adventures, demonstrating her loyalty and care.She may appear as the epitome of refinement and elegance, possesses a strength of character that belies her delicate appearance. She is a woman who is fiercely devoted to her people, never hesitating to put aside her own desires to protect the innocent.She has shown proficiency with weapons such as frying pans and parasols, proving her ability to protect herself. Furthermore, Peach has demonstrated her ability to use magic in the Super Mario RPG, possessing the skill to heal those in distress. Beyond her battle prowess, Peach has a passion for sports, baking, and cooking, making her a versatile and multifaceted individual.Her courage and determination are unwavering in the face of danger, and her determination to protect those she cares about, even at the risk of her own safety, is beyond admirable. She is a true inspiration, an example of the power and potential that lies within all of us.
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//I hate it when people mischaracterize her as a horrible person, mischaracterizing her into a horrible person. Her portrayal as an evil character is both unfair and inaccurate.Mario is often the victim of this mischaracterization, as people label him as "Evil Mario" or as someone who "Hates Luigi." In reality, he loves and adores his brother and would never force Princess Peach into doing anything she does not want to. He is a true gentleman & not some "nice guy." (who is secretly not a good person)//
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cherry-dream-star · 7 months
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A heart themed fire peach for valentines 💖✨✨
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sucharandomwolf · 1 year
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I made my own Peach design 🥹💕
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automaticlandlove · 2 years
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Peach Charms
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jelly-fish-wishes · 1 year
I'm ignoring the part of the internet who is going "Oh no" at this.
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Bowser really is the type to love you if you became a worm lol
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retrogamingblog2 · 6 months
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quazies · 2 years
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shout out to plumber peach 💯
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animentality · 2 years
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dokupine · 8 months
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pinkcreamypeach · 1 month
Rainy with a touch of good
(Characters - Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, & King toadstool (Peach's father)
@bberetd @peaches2217 @maceincognito @house-of-xiii @magnas27 @keylovesstuff @supergay-64 ((Sorry for the late post 😢))
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It was a dark and stormy day as the lonely princess lay alone in her bed, idly staring out at the rain. Suddenly, she heard a soft knock at her door.
"Come in," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
The door creaked open, revealing a sleep-deprived king with dark, tired eyes. His hazel irises shone dully in the dim light, his hair a mess of golden locks, and his royal robes hanging loosely about his exhausted form.
Despite her worries, the princess couldn't help but feel a twinge of happiness at the sight of her father. His warm smile brought a glimmer of light to her troubled thoughts, even though she couldn't help but notice that he looked as though he hadn't slept since her mother fell ill.
As the king approached her bed, she started playing with her fingers, her mind racing with thoughts of what the future might hold.As the storm raged on outside and the king sat by his daughter's side, the two remained in silence, each lost in their own thoughts and worries. The only sound in the room was the gentle patter of the rain against the windowpane and the occasional thunder that rumbled in the distance.
"..My little sugarplum," the King began, his voice soft but laced with concern.
"I'm sorry I haven't been there for you. You see, things have been hectic lately in the kingdom, and your mother unfortunately fell ill. It's been tough on me, trying to keep things together for the both of us. But I know you're strong. You'll get through this."
Peach looked up at her father, her face contorted with worry. She had always known her mother to be strong and active, so to see her like this came as a shock. She could see the pain and guilt in her father's eyes as he spoke, and she wanted nothing more than to put his mind at ease.
Suddenly, the sound of thunder could be heard echoing through the room, making the situation feel even more intense. The rain poured down outside, adding to the already unsettling atmosphere. Peach's grip on the bed sheets tightened as she tried to come to terms with reality.
"Papa, what's going to happen to Mom?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
The King looked down at his daughter, his heart aching for her. He longed to take away all of her pain and suffering, but he knew that wasn't possible. All he could do was be there for her, to support her and love her.
"My dear girl, let me assure you that your grandfather, the most talented sorcerer in the land, is doing everything in his power to get your mother back to full health. He has never let our family down and always rises to the occasion when the situation calls for it. He's a great man, and we're lucky to have him in our corner."
He kissed her forehead. "You may not know this, my precious Peach, but you're important to everyone, not just as a princess but first and foremost as my daughter. My flesh and blood. I may be hard on you at times, but it's only because I have high expectations for you. I know that things may not be great right now, but I promise you, they will change. I swear it."
As he spoke, the King felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders and the weight of fear for his wife's well-being.
Before he could continue, one of his guards called to him for something important. He sighed, his heart heavy, and stood up, gently rubbing Peach's cheek. "You're growing up to be an amazing young lady," he said, his voice filled with pride. "I'm proud to have created something so beautiful with the woman I love, and I know that you'll make a fantastic queen one day."
"I love you, Papa," she whispered weakly, her voice barely above a whisper.
"I love you too, sugarplum," he said as he gently closed the door, sighing with frustration. There was so much he wanted to do for her, but he knew that his duties as a ruler and a provider often took precedence over his duty as a father. It was a weight he carried every day, one that he was often unable to shed.As he left her bedroom, he was filled with a sense of unease. He knew that she was struggling, that she was hurting.But he was called away, and he had to go. The last thing he wanted was to leave her alone, but his duties as a king demanded his attention.
She took refuge in her favorite book, a fairytale of Sleeping Beauty. She had read it twenty times in the past few months, escaping into the world of fiction to take her mind off her painful reality. But a loud knock on her window took her out of her daydreaming, and she froze in fear. Her room was high up, far from the grass, and she was unsure of what was making the sound.She hid underneath her bedsheets, trying to muffle the sounds of the storm and the unknown intruder. The thunder and the knock combined to create an unsettling atmosphere, and she was scared. She waited, holding her breath, praying that nothing bad would happen.
She shook with fear, terrified that she was being haunted. With trembling hands, she desperately prayed to herself, hoping that whatever was out there would leave her alone. She never should have taken off that necklace, she thought, a panic rising within her. Was this a punishment of some kind? Why did this have to happen to her? She had always been a good girl, she told herself, pleading for mercy.
"Hello!?, I'm freezing out here!" Feminine voice called out, another loud bang accompanied it. "I know you're in there!”
And then she heard a familiar voice, one that brought confusion.It was Princess Daisy of Sarasaland.Her eyeliner running down her cheeks, her green eyes cat-like pupils constricting in the storm. Reflecting the Lighting glows clearly. She was holding a fish in her mouth, her fangs piercing the skin, blood trickling out. Her hands were on the glass, and her wet brown skin was soaked from the rain.The sight of Daisy's bloody fangs and fogged-up window was horrifying, but Peach couldn't leave her stranded in the pouring rain.
She slowly moved to the window, wrapping the blanket even tighter around herself, and opened it for Daisy to enter.Daisy fell face-first into the floor, giving a muffled squeak and a loud grunt of annoyance.Her clothes were drenched same as her skin.
"Are you- " Peach started to ask, but Daisy cut her off, quickly getting up and flashing a thumbs up. She had a huge smile on her face, revealing her blood-stained teeth to her.
"I'm fine!" Daisy exclaimed
Peach couldn't help but panic at the sight of the bloody teeth. She quickly went to her dresser to find a towel, eventually finding a fluffy, pink towel. She came back to Daisy, wrapping it around her tightly to try to dry her off.
"Why can't I have an orange towel?" Daisy complained.
"Because I'm being generous enough to try to dry you off," Peach snapped back. "You're freezing cold, why on earth are you here? It's late, and storming! And most importantly, why are you here? I'd like an explanation now!"
Peach crossed her arms, waiting for an answer from Daisy.
Daisy rolled her eyes as she leaned down, taking a bite of her raw fish. Peach looked on in disgust as she watched the princess devour the fish right in front of her. It took two minutes for Daisy to finish her meal with a loud gulp and an even louder burp.
"You're name is Princess Peach, right? Like the fruit..?" Daisy asked, picking at her teeth with a fish rib bone. But Peach didn't have time to answer as Daisy immediately followed up with another question.
"Were your parents hungry when you were born?" she asked before flicking the bone out the window and watching it make a sharp whistle as it fell.
Peach was starting to lose her temper, her face turning red as she raised her voice. "Of course not!. Why are we talking about names?! Can you just answer my question already!”
Daisy leaned back on the floor, nuzzling into the towel and blowing strands of hair out of her face. "I wanted to be alone for once, so I snuck out," she said bluntly, as if it were the most normal thing in the world. "I found a tube, went inside it, and came across a nasty storm. But I caught a fish during it, then I saw the mushroom kingdom. I went through it and then saw your window. I would've sneaked inside, but I heard you and your father talking, so I knew you were here. And that's why I'm here."
Princess Peach's mouth slowly dropped open in shock as she listened to Daisy's story. "Wait, you went out alone?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.
"Mhm," Daisy said, as if it were no big deal.
"Don't you realize how dangerous that was? You could have been caught by our guards or caught a fever from the storm. And eating raw fish can give you anisakiasis. You know, a parasitic disease caused by ingestion of raw or improperly prepared fish, especially fresh tuna and mackerel."
Daisy looked confused. "What..?" she asked
Peach sighed, realizing that she had gone off on a tangent. "Nevermind.” Getting up to a second bed for Princess Daisy on the floor of her room. She carefully selected the pillows and blankets from her own bed to ensure that Daisy was comfortable. As Daisy watched peach make up the bed, she felt a bit awkward. Once the bed setup was finished, she eagerly went over to her floor bed and fell asleep immediately. However, to her surprise, her snoring did not disturb the mushroom princess at all. Exhausted, Peach blew out the candle in her room and then went to bed, falling into a deep sleep.
Upon waking up the next morning, she found an empty floor bed but with a note on the pillow. Peach yawned loudly, going over to pick up the note.
"Dear Princess,
I'm sorry for not being good at writing letters, so this will be short. Thank you for letting me stay here last night. Your hospitality meant a lot to me and I'm grateful for being treated so kindly. Maybe it's because I am also a princess, but it certainly made me feel better. I apologize for being a weirdo, too.As a token of gratitude, I wanted to give you a gift. Hope you slept well. You smell like flowers and your hair has an unusual vanilla fragrance.
Sincerely Daisy”
Peach couldn't help but roll her eyes and smile as she took a closer look at the letter, placing it in her fairytale book. She looked out the window at the morning sky, which was slowly becoming brighter, as if the sun was trying to break through the clouds. The clouds were turning white, and the light was shining through them. Peach decided to get everything cleaned up, but she couldn't stop thinking about the strange girl. Maybe they'd meet later, but right now, Peach had to focus on her family. She closed the door behind her and headed out, prepared to face whatever challenges came her way.
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kianamaiart · 1 year
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Today I learned that we were gonna maybe get Walupeach but she was scrapped bc she "would be just like Doronjo" so I had to do a Doronjo-esque take on Walupeach
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cherry-dream-star · 7 months
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I don’t know how to do backgrounds as you can tell 😔
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sirartwork · 11 months
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automaticlandlove · 2 years
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Mother Returns Peach
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talentlesshuman · 3 months
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More paper mario ttyd humanizations / gijinkas. Here are the ones I did for all the party members: x
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clophie · 4 months
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super mario 64 ds (2004) - watercolour
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