#super delayed art
frogcroak · 2 months
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"If anything had been different, I might not have had my life with Barley. I have been happier than I could ever have imagined a cat could be."
why bother with endless border conflicts and the risk of starving when you can have a peaceful life with a roof over your head?
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lunareel · 9 days
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Prologue: Page 7
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Posting this much later than I wanted today, but it is what it is. Anyway and more importantly, the fight begins!
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Chapter Master Post
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pinterestmom5 · 3 months
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taking a break from requests, I won't post most of my artfight drawings but this is an attack on artfight user void191999 (their hnk oc, rainbow moonstone!).
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bowserphobia · 6 months
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We’re the Mario Brothers-in-Law
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batbabydamian · 8 months
🐱 Nightwing #110 rambling AKA wailing about how Dick and Jon love Damian
backtracking to 2 weeks ago in Titans #6 for a sec when Dick expressed how he wanted to look for Damian - it was nice to get a nod of Dick being concerned, but i was a bit bummed he didn't start a search. and i get it, the world needs saving, Dick's gotta do what he has to!!
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different writer/story, but this line popped into my head the moment Babs said Earth needs the Titans
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Damian means the world to Dick!! the Titans can take care of the literal world without him for a bit!!
but ykw it's fine since this issue proved me wrong, and Dick looks for Damian anyway!! 😭 basically "the world's still in danger but my brother needs me right now" this was just the start of the issue and i fell to my knees THEY BOTH REALLY DROPPED EVERYTHING FOR DAMIAN
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the part where they plan to wait out Damian's match was so funny to me because Dick keeps repeating to Jon that they shouldn't engage, but then Dick just goes "NEVERMIND i'm going in" 😭 he couldn't stand watching Damian be hurt anymore i'm weeping
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with context this is actually so sad for Damian orz otherwise i just wanted to say i love these drawings!! it's just a really cool page to me - i love the posing, especially in the hands/claws!! the intense expressions!! also so efficient in showing how the match escalates with Damian quickly overpowering Gail (along with seeing Jon's dread 🙁)
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just more panels of Dick and Jon worrying over Damian :')
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DYNAMIC DUO 2.0!! and ofc they have a dramatic entrance haha
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HEAD IN MY HANDS...CRYING... i'm assuming Damian's hands are still supposed to be covered in blood since the first thing he thinks about when he returns to being human is what he had done without his control. and this bothers him to the end of the issue 😭 (HIS EXPRESSIONS EVEN WITH THE MASK ON 😭)
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not sure if it's intentional, but Dick's speech to Damian in B:WFA ep 113 is kinda brought to canon here through both Dick and Jon
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this was a sleep deprived reactionary rambling, so not much thought is left in my head lol i was hoping for some cute cat Damian shenanigans, but i'll happily take Dick and Jon being protective over Damian! 🥺
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one last duo pic for the road :)
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novosev · 1 year
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Still earth, lively sky ❄️🌌
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sabusthings · 10 months
Idc I will be nice to Tenma 🐓
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We will be soooooo nice to him, and care about him, and give him soooooo many kisses
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aquacomet · 3 months
Happy Art fight all! 🎉
The season of Art fight has now begun! Here's some important reminders for artists this month:
Remember to hydrate, eat and stretch while doodling!
Take brakes when you need them! (Setting a timer can help!)
Remember not every attack has to be a fully polished piece
Making a note of character numbers and their permissions is super handy to have on hand
Art fight website slowdowns are normal at this time of year, with having multiple refs saved beforehand you can work on multiple attacks and submit them all one by one when the servers start to ease!
Most importantly have fun!
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bimbvx · 1 year
could you.... could you do a lil doodle of them givin a lil kiss
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just a lil friendly kiss
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doveshovel · 4 months
anon is right, more hunter lore.
he's very fun. love your ideas.
Do you mind if I ask what goes on regarding all the magic stuff? Is he Aideen-adjacent or just kind of vibing? Somewhere in-between? I know there's some drama going on with Sabine 🤔
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I wasn't expecting my guy to get this much attention, thank you guys!
Going to be completely honest here: I'm a very new player who only really started playing SSO in January of this year, and took about a month's break from the main quests in March. As a result, I've almost definitely forgotten a lot of important lore surrounding Aideen/soul rider magic, and don't have many of the magical shenanigans in Hunter's story fully thought out :'))
But! It has definitely been on my mind. Hunter's specific role among the soul riders + his relationship with the different circles of magic are works in progress so here's what I've been working with so far!
(Content warning for some (pink) blood in image!)
Lately, I've been messing with the idea (just for fun) that Hunter's a conduit for Aideen, rather than a descendant or reincarnation. He has almost no magical power of his own, and relies pretty much entirely on the whims of an incorporeal, deity-like being to perform any kind of soul rider magic. Essentially, he gets partially possessed every now and again when what remains of Aideen's soul decides that it would be beneficial to the fate of Jorvik and/or its inhabitants. During this "possession", Hunter functions as a point at which her soul (which I think was supposed to be scattered among the horses, people, and nature of Jorvik? correct me if I'm wrong. Hunter's lore google doc is in dire need of revision and organization anyways) can condense enough to produce magic from any of the four circles, and create the illusion that he's the mystical fifth soul rider.
Other bits of this idea from the google doc:
The four runestones in Valedale respond to a concentrated "presence" of Aideen, rather than to Hunter himself.
He's aware of this. Aideen's not of this world in cannon (emerged from a falling star), and practically dissolved into the entire island of Jorvik. Containing even a fraction of her soul in a human body is a jarring experience that can cause a lot of issues for the "host" ranging from minor side effects (cold sweating, shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches, fatigue, muscle aches, mild nausea, etc.) to more severe (short memory gaps, nosebleeds, migraines, loss of consciousness, insomnia, severe nausea, visual disturbances and/or hallucinations, auditory disturbances and/or hallucinations, etc.).
Maybe losing so much of his memory and original personality in the process of getting to Jorvik counts as losing part of a soul? So it creates a kind of "empty space" that Aideen's own soul is able to fill whenever she so chooses, and that's why Hunter works as a conduit/vessel, rather than a reincarnation. Idk. May have to workshop this.
The soul riders, valiant reincarnations of previous soul riders. +This one guy who has a weird thing with the local deity
Hunter and Aideen have a similar relationship to roommates who butt heads frequently but have no intention of leaving to seek a better roommate. but in Hunter's brain/soul/body. Bodymates. Soulmates (derogatory) (not romantic) (not platonic either). Symbiotic relationship. Both parties benefit and Hunter recognizes the necessity of it for saving Jorvik but he's still having a very bad no good time with the side effects, and he's still mad at her for letting him die.
This is the idea that I like working with the most so far, but I'll update y'all if there's something better in the works! :^D
As for Sabine: I was in a weird headspace while making that little comic of Hunter and Sabine up in Dinosaur Valley. At the time, it was just intended to be the end of Hunter's story. He'd be a spooky character who haunts the forest up in the valley as a ghost and that's that. Maybe the world's doomed by Garnok now, maybe the keepers find someone to replace him. Hunter doesn't know, he's dead on a mountainside and doomed to spend eternity wandering in search of an escape from Sabine.
A couple weeks after making that scene, I decided I didn't want that to be the end of his story. Just because it's kind of sad :( As much as I delight in making Hunter's wildly out of place string of crimes for a backstory, and making him experience endless horrors, Star Stable's very much a happy game for me. It's something I couldn't afford as a 10 year old but desperately wanted, and bought for myself with adult money a decade later to live out some old horseboy dream with beloved pixel horsies. :) To end my first (and so far only) player character's story there feels like a disservice, so I've got that scenario tucked away as a sort of AU/alternate timeline thing. It's still very fun to draw and think about because I love giving characters horrors to experience, but I want him to keep going on horse adventures in Jorvik :D
I decided that he does in fact die there in the Hidden Valley though. Not many people can survive that kind of thing after all. Aideen, however, decides she doesn't want to lose her vessel just yet, and Hunter's resurrected through a combination of the power of horsies and friendship Aideen's connection to the star circle and WizardEgg's (Starter horse) Starbreed magics. Magical resurrection results in the ability to channel more of Aideen's magic, but also the worsening of side effects, and a glowing star-shaped scar on his forehead that appears when using said magic.
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^Old doodle from when I was playing around with negative side effects of magic :)
The whole scene creates a point of tension between he and Aideen. Hunter thinks Aideen could have done more to prevent it, and isn't particularly fond of the new, worsened magical side effects. Aideen isn't mortal and so doesn't think the way mortals do. She sees her vessel as having gained more power, and knows he'll come to understand the value of that power in the future. She's right, but he's still going to be mad about it.
As for Sabine? Hunter's still scared of her! Her and all the dark riders! They're spooky 👻 and he's a bit of a coward! Hunter lost a lot of his nerve/confidence with his memories during the boating incident, along with coordination and a couple other odds and ends.
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kordyceps · 7 months
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Mutiny of the Hardest Order @ AO3
Teen Wolf | Steter | ch9 & 10/20 | rating: E (eventually) AKA The one where Stiles’ dick develops a crush and Peter decides to humor it with some retaliatory light stalking.
Chapter 9: About Needing a Million Goddamn Freakin’ Showers & Chapter 10: About Waiting: It Sucks
Peter Hale was the absolute fucking worst! …Never mind that it had been hot as hell, and half of Stiles desperately hoped Peter would jump him like that again soon. Maybe tomorrow, if he was lucky, before Peter left to help deal with the manticore issue. Stiles’ gut clenched a little anxiously at the thought. Peter was confident, especially with the protective spell Stiles had found, but he couldn’t help fretting all the same. Damn it. So, he’d kill him first, then make Peter kiss and touch him some more after. Yep, that was definitely the plan. Kill then kiss. Then load his werewolf ass the fuck up with the best and strongest protection Stiles could muster before sending him on his way.
[ch9 direct link @ AO3]
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ganenetheinkling · 11 days
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Gijinka Jinx Revamp (Super Mario RPG) 💚 🥋 🥊😠
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shibesky · 9 months
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thnak you sm!!!
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This phrase has been stuck in my head ever since my sister fell into a bunch of skunk cabbage over twenty years ago, so I had to draw something so I can provide context if i ever say it out loud
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multicolour-ink · 2 years
THANK YOU for your post about the hugs, your descriptions were beautiful and you just summed up so many of my feelings about that! It is SO IMPORTANT to me that Mario and Luigi get a good, proper hug when they reunite in the movie, and it's not just a blink-and-you'll-miss-it thing. IF WE DON'T GET THAT, WHAT IS THE POINT? MAKE ME FEEL THINGS, MOVIE
I'm imagining a moment where maybe they just hear each other at first in the airship/Bowser's castle and start to call out, and then they're just RUNNING FULL-SPEED to reach each other and it's almost more of a tackle than a hug at first, they're just SO relieved and desperate and happy to finally know that each other is okay! Mario just softly rubbing Luigi's back and saying "don't cry, it's okay now bro" while Luigi insists he isn't crying (even as he's very obviously blubbering). Them fixing each other's hats and noticing little injuries about each other and just starting to laugh eventually about how absurd this all is, this crazy world they've ended up in, but all that matters is they're together now and whatever comes next, they can face it as the duo they've always been.
(would also be very cute if Peach is in the vicinity for this and she's so happy to see them reunited that once they have their moment and end the hug, she rushes forward and throws her arms around both of them too - and then Toad comes in too and it's suddenly a group hug and Luigi is a little bewildered lol. They don't know him yet but they've heard enough about him from Mario during their journey that they feel like they do! He just needs to be introduced properly <3)
Aww thank you so much Anon 🥺💖
I doubt that the movie will get really heavy, but I just want some raw emotion from these Bros. The M&L series can be just fluff half the time. The movie has a chance to go deep, really sell the emotions!
Your ideas are such great additions! Mario and Luigi yelling desperately for each other, checking each other over after hugging, laughing over the absurdity....oh my heart! ❤💚 It just adds so much.
I definately see Toad joining in the hug 🤗 Peach maybe wouldn't immediately leap in though...I think she's too composed to do that.
Luigi meeting Peach is another moment I'm looking forward to, just simply because of the circumstances. Mario meets Peach under a more relaxed setting; Luigi is going to meet Peach right in the middle of a battle! Nevertheless, I really think that Peach will give him a warm welcome.
I'm imagining something like this:
*After the Bros are done hugging, Mario gently coaxes Luigi over to Peach*
"Go on Bro! It's ok'
(of course Luigi will likely hear about Peach from Bowser or the prisoners, but he has no idea what she's like or what to even say to her - meeting princesses is not a common occurrence in Brooklyn!)
*Peach smiles and gently takes Luigi's hand in a sort of handshake*
"It's great to finally meet you, Luigi! Mario has told us so much about you"
*She gives Luigi a more sincere smile*
"The two of you...are so alike. And not just in appearance!"
*Luigi smiles back, blushing a little* 😊
I also realised that Luigi will have to meet DK! Let's just say he's smashing koopas somewhere else at the moment
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makemesomething123 · 1 year
Hi everyone!!!
Just a heads up to anyone seeing this that my requests are still open!!! I have details on my pinned post!!! In short, I'll draw whatever you describe, but you can't mention specific characters or fandoms!! This is so I can get some practise imagining things and filling in blanks and so you as the requester can see the results of your description as interpreted by me!
I also won't do anything that seems any kind of problematic to me, so no NSFW of any kind!
Since I haven't had any requests in a little while now, I haven't been drawing as much, but here's some little things I've done
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So, please feel free to send in some requests!!! I want to get better and help bring more creativity into the world, and all of you reading this can help me!!!
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