#super f*ckers
alien-slushie · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel/Angel Dust AU that I can't stop thinking about! This is not completely thought out, kinda just jumbled thought threads.
Warning: The usual stuff that's talked about/discussed/implied when it comes to Angel Dust's line of work
Takes place years before before Charlie Opens the hotel but the timeline isn't super important other than that.
Another extermination has come and gone and Angel Dust is expecting another grueling year trapped under Valintino's thumb, with a higher probability of it sucking even more since the sleez has solidified himself as an overlord. But then, he gets to the studio and Valintino is nowhere to be found. That's not nessicarrily an odd thing, the stronger Valintino got the less he showed up. But then the news spreads; Valintino got extermated.
Valintino is gone and dead, meaning Angel's contract is null and void. And Angel...Angel doesn't know what to do. He's worked for Valintino for so long, and sure he hated the dick but he never expected that he would actually be free. What did he do now? What could he do now?
He still needed a job, money, to take care of himslef so he wouldn't end up exterminated next year, so he stuck to stripping and porn(maybe a few singing gigs if he could get them), it's kinda all he knew in terms of making money, and no way in Hell(pun intended) was he going to crawl back to his father. Luckily he had Cherri to rely a bit on, so he wasn't completely alone in such a sudden change. He refused to sign another contract, but because he was still so well known the people he worked with were fine with that as long as they got a taste of the business Angel brought in.
Things changed when he saw a John getting handsy and aggressive with another demon, and stepped in. He didn't need to step in, but seeing the demon getting ab*sed and hurt like he used to snapped something in him. From then on, Whever he saw something like that happen, Angel would step in, even if he had to shoot up the f*ckers.
Before long he was known for more than just a Pornstar, he made a name for himself as the Pornstar who took care of others in the buisness, and soon demons were coming to him. They wanted his protection, even willing to sign a contract to him.
At first, Angel was vehemently against it. He didn't want to be like Val and dealing in sould never sounded all that interesting to him. But, eventually, after one too many demons came to him bruised up, and beaten, he agreed. His contracts were pretty simple, he got a percentage of their earnings, not a lot mind you, like 10-20%, and in exchange he'd beat the shit out of anyone that tried to hurt them. Biggest of all, they could pull out of the contract whenever they wanted, and If he hurt them, the contract would immediately be void.
When word got out that Angel was taking contracts, more and more s*x workers came in droves.
His own income, on top of what he got from the contracts, allowed Angel to buy an entire apartment building, which many of his contractors took up residence in. From rent and working hard Angel was able to buy Val's old studio, gut it, burn it down, and rebuild it from the brimstone up! He started making his own movies(P*rn and nonp*rn alike) in the studio and more people would come, wanting fame and fortune.
Slowly, Angel was started building his own territory, filling the power gap that Val left, except stronger since his employees actually liked him.
After years of hard work, and shooting *ssholes, Angel became an Overlord.
-Angel Dust pulling himself up and protecting others in the industry from what he went through
-Slow Burn Angel unintentionally becoming an Overlord(Maybe making a pact with Cherri and them working together similarly to the Vees' situation?)
-Angel is a good boss and people love working with/for him
-Angel still works in porn and such, but hes calling the shots now, and even acts in nonporny stuff because he loves acting, singing, and dancing(love a Creative King)
-Eventually Charlie does seek Angel out to be her first patron to the Happy/Hazbin Hotel. Since he already has a reputation for protecting those under him, she thought he'd be the best option, and his position as a Overlord is also a big selling point.
-Angel also having a preexisting connection to Alastor and/or Husk sounds hilarious
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qsycomplainsalot · 2 years
Re: Pervertin or how German Supersoldiers High on Crack travelled through Space and Time Buy my Book
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I came across a post on the bird site yesterday calling into attention the use of pervitin, more or less adderall, among German troops during WW2. For context pervitin tablets were indeed issued to a lot of military personnel back in those days, specifically to aircraft pilot and sometimes tank crews on long missions. The drug as some of you may have heard keeps you awake and alert, along with a slew of side effects and a non negligible chance of addiction. In a discussion that brought to view just how willing people are to buy into Nazi propaganda in the year of our f*cking lord 2023, I pointed out a few things, uphill and having to indulge a lot of sidetracking. The use of pervitin has always been a little overstated ever since it came to the internet's attention, and I certainly would never call it a key component of the Blitzkrieg when, in the theaters of war where actual Blitzkrieg was employed, its success was more due to a combination of innovative doctrines, intact fuel supplies and a big fat helping of dumb luck. It was a bold move highly relying on capturing enemy fuel depots with fast, surprise deep strikes supported by a lot of armored and air forces, and it was only sustainable in neighboring, industrialized countries. One can argue if the USSR was industrialized at the time, but it stopped mattering when the Russians removed their entire industry from the West to beyond the Ural mountains. The Blitz stalled there.
"But if it didn't work, then why did the Nazis do it so often ?" Well the answer to that is twofold. The first, longer answer is that Nazis were a bunch of f*cking morons. Maybe not one by one, but as a government in charge of military procurement, they were one bunch of goofy motherf*ckers. Gaggle of functional shit-for-brains really. The Nazis gave every one of their tanks in the middle of the war two coats of anti-magnetic paint, which took almost a full day to cure, despite being the only major nation to use magnetic antitank mines. The Nazis kept using slave labor drawn from their prisoners of war, including in the manufacturing of their overengineered armored vehicles, resulting in poor quality products or, you know, a few rivets in your magnificent Tiger tank being replaced by a cigarette butt. The Nazis spent more than half the cost of a strategic bomber on every V2 rocket, not including design costs, for less than half the payload. It ended up killing more Germans and slave workers than British people in London, for literally no strategic or tactical result with 0.4 person killed per every rocket. The second, shorter answer is that pervitin was not used that much. A lot of the arguments trying to boost its importance come from a single book, "Blitzed" by Norman Ohler, now available in twenty languages apparently, where grand claims are made by a historian who was probably more than a little tired of seeing Buzzfeed rack in the big bucks instead of him.
End note; I was called out by a bird siter after the conversation that inspired this post for even beginning to fact-check this, which they considered, and I quote, "fangirling over nazi stats". I cannot stress this enough, learning the 'bad' parts of history does not make you bad person, it is how you interact with the resulting knowledge. Unlike what they implied, I had to look for those supporting evidence. I had a hunch that such a grabbing headline about super-drugs would be fake, I knew offhand that V2 rockets killed more blues than reds, but when I had to research all that jazz about Nazis and their superweapons it was to dunk on them, not make another History Channel documentary about a time-travelling bell. Stay critical, fascists can eat shit.
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Dukeceit Moments (DarkSides Family AU)
Just random things about Remus & Janus in my au. I haven't made anything about this au for a bit, so I decided to do a lil thing. Enjoy these lil f*ckers.
Trigger/Content Warning: chronic migraines(?), mention of nausea, mention of pain meds/pills, mention of intrusive thoughts
Janus and Remus do occasional date nights, but it's usually at home cause Janus doesn't like to deal with the general public any more than he needs to
Remus has no shame, or at least very little shame, and this leads to them not giving a f*ck (aka: they're chaotic, obviously)
Remus' ideas for date nights are always very weird and creative
Like one time they went to a wreck room thingy as a date after Janus had a particularly stressful day (high stress case that went on for stupidly long), BUT: Remus made a game out of it
the game was basically whoever smashed the most things but the twist was you had to put a name to the things and the name HAD to be as ridiculous as possible
in the end, Remus declared Janus the winner and Janus had worked out all his frustrated that had built up
and the night continued with them eating takeout at home and making fun of cheap-ass horror movies and flirting with each other as if they weren't already married
both Janus and Remus can flirt, but they can't handle when they're flirted back with
so they'll sometimes have these flirt-offs to see who can fluster who more
and it gets super funny
Virgil once came out of his room to see a very red and flustered Remus hiding in their hands, next to a chuckling Janus, and he was like "nope" and went back upstairs
when they do go out/in public for date nights, they'll make sure to check on Virgil every-so-often and/or leave him at his friend's house or at Roman's house so he isn't left alone n stuff
sometimes at-home date night turns into cuddle-fest family night & Virgil will join them on the couch & they'll all make fun of bad movies or watch something funny/gory and eat popcorn OR will occasionally have boardgame nights but they always play boardgames with some Remus-suggested twist (it makes it all the more fun, anyway)
dancing in the kitchen at 3am when neither of them can sleep worth sh*t
they would do the tango if they had the room (they're both flirtatious lil f*cks)
but yus, dukeceit swaying with each other or one dips the other or they do some version of the waltz whole listening to quiet/low volume music so they don't wake their son up
usually it's funky classical music or something like I Love You Like An Alcoholic by The Taxpayers (that's their song), or maybe something like Farewell Wanderlust by The Amazing Devil
and maybe when they have the energy for it, and make sure they won't wake Virgil up, they'll carefully rearrange the living room so they can do a lil tango
after they're done, they put things back where they were
sometimes when they dance at 3am, and after they finally feel like they can sleep, they'll just pass out together on the couch
and sometimes that's how Virgil finds them in the morning, embracing each other, asleep, on the couch
it brings a small smile to his face
because they love each other so much and it shows
side note: Janus gets chronic migraines and has different triggers that set them off
like if he has to deal with loud noise for too long, or certain smell make his head pound and nausea crawl up his throat
imagine Virgil and/or Remus taking care of him
getting the nausea meds and some water and some pain meds, and they'll dim the lights or turn off the lights cause they know Janus can be very light-sensitive during a particularly bad migraine
sometimes Janus can get a little clingy when he's in pain, so Remus and Virgil will gladly snuggle up with him and help him sleep/rest
Janus makes a point to Virgil that he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to because he knows Virgil isn't very touchy and he worries that he's pressuring him somehow, BUT Virgil is always "I wouldn't do it if it upset me. I just wanna cuddle you, okay?" and Janus calms down a little and just accepts it
and yeah, just them <3
Janus helping Remus through a tough intrusive thoughts moment/episode
like their thoughts are getting kinda loud and they want to smash their head into the wall cause the thoughts won't shut up, like pls shut up I don't wanna do that pls I don't wanna hurt them pls pls
Janus helps them calm down and carefully holds their hands and makes sure they don't start hitting their head on the wall because it's happened before
and he reminds them how they're only thoughts and he knows they'll never act on them and that they're safe, it's okay let them pass through i've got you
Virgil and Janus have a discussion how to best help Remus when it happens cause he found out about Remus' intrusive thoughts and his immediate reaction was basically "that sounds scary, how can I help?"
so yeah, Janus teaches him what he knows and Virgil realizes he also deals with intrusive thoughts on some level but used to think it was just 'dumb anxiety'
and then they three learn from each other/teach each other/help each other figure out how to best help with one another's icky thoughts
Janus is very educated in Psychology and mental health things because he originally was going to be a psychologist but then got into law and switched majors kinda early on
Remus and Virgil will have random times when they'll communicate that they need to just shout out their intrusive thoughts and need someone there to watch over them in case they get too overwhelmed
and so they have a codeword when they need to do that, and it's "Meanie-Brain time"
and sometimes Janus will help out in those times but he can't always cause they can get pretty loud and that may trigger his migraines
More to come sometime down the road. I have a lot of drafts, lmao.
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chim-chim1310 · 1 year
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If jimin wasn't in the group, BTS would be like any other random group.
Who tf does this f*cking company think they are.
This is the whole plan, to demean jimin, his hardwork, all his achievements and all the things he had done for the group.
What are they even trying to show?!! This is the same company who used to give jimin solo dance stages during awards because they knew jimin's talent can attract stans and those jimin stages were one of the major reason why BTS was recognized. Did those f*ckers forget that?!
Jimin made BTS who they are. And now they're trying to show him as some weak link. He worked so hard to achieve everything and he still became the most relevant, in demand, and super talented artist.
I can't even imagine BTS without jimin.
Jimin told us about his insecurities like everyone else in the group but he ALSO told us how he worked so hard day and night to become what he is today.
He's the real inspiration for people.
Ever since debut jimin always worked hard to polish himself as an artist. He wasn't offered things on a silver platter like some certain members.
Just because it's a cartoon doesn't mean it's a small thing. They're trying to push certain narratives and they're trying to make jimin look weak and untalented when he's the complete opposite of that.
They're trying to make jimin look like he's the one holding the group back when in reality jimin was the one who played a HUGE role in making BTS relevant.
Jimin is the one that made BTS unique from other kpop groups.
How fucking dare they?! I don't expect anything from army anyways but Pjms shouldn't ignore this. We shouldn't stay silent about it and fight for our jimin's respect.
This company is trying to downplay jimin's success, talent and his insane popularity as an artist.
They're using dirty media play to downplay jimin when in reality, outside of the stupid, bunch of kids, army fandom, jimin is the member in the group who's actually in demand and who's actually relevant.
We shouldn't stay silent about this.
F*ck hybe!!
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phoenixtakaramono · 1 year
The Boys, choose violence 10, 22, 24 if you please. :D
From the 🔥Choose Violence Ask Game🔥
Thank you, @kosmochlor, for the Ask! Ahh, and I see we’re going straight for the jugular!! 🔪(⊙v⊙✿) These are just a few personal honest opinions written at 1:40AM. What I think does not apply to everyone. ♥️
10. worst part of fanon
Keyboard warriors. The morality police clutching their pearls. You know who I’m referring to; we always have them in every fandom. The ones who police who/ what you like and are obnoxiously loud about it and about how the characters or ships you find interesting are problematic and, lookie here, my [insert character they’d fixated on] never did anything wrong compared to your rancid skrunkly blorbo and I wish more fans liked my favorite character than [insert popularly liked character]. On the converse of that, I’m on two fences when it comes to Homelander stans. Thankfully most people are rational and like him because he’s an interesting villain (and, let’s be real, it’s powered by a side of fan thirst for the actor who plays him; it’s the typical parasocial relationship that fans develop with the celebs who play our favs/ or it’s just plain interest in the fictional character itself or the fun thought of that fictional fav being railed or doing the railing)—but I do have to raise an eyebrow when he is being stanned for all the wrong reasons (coughfascistallegorycough coughMAGAallegorycough coughSigmamalecough).
It’s a very interesting outlook to have as someone who isn’t as into Homelander as other people but still goes out of my way to read and write stories of him being shipped with his enemy Billy Butcher (listen, I’m your average law-abiding 28 y/o woman who works M-Sat 9AM-5:30PM and sometimes even Sundays and even overtime; sometimes on my limited free time I just wanna indulge and imagine about what it’d take to save the metaphorical world in this fictional universe—aka by having the two toxic old men f*ck each other and they can be two co-dependent psychos in love terrorizing the world together as a shameless power couple in a perpetual Ouroboros cycle of love and hate and self-punishment; obviously I do not condone this kind of relationship irl but within the safety of my imagination, we writers be playing god. It’s fairly obvious both characters are fated to have a bad ending in the show, especially if they follow in the footsteps of comic canon for a bittersweet ending, so let me have fun on my very limited free time writing my alternative Butchlander takes about these manipulative assh0les obsessing over each other and the fate of the world depending on how successful they are at gaslighting each other into playing a permanent happy couple).
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Homelander is canonically bi in the comics. No, I’m serious.
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(Spoiler alert: for those without context, in the comics, Soldier Boy was not Homelander’s father. In the comics, male Stormfront was one of the Supes whose DNA was reused by Vought to create new and stronger versions of the source material, so his DNA resulted in baby!HL’s creation no, comic HL did not f*ck male Stormfront; in a way, HL is kinda a partial clone of comic!SF. Whereas in the show, Soldier Boy was changed to be a super straight (?) alpha male granny f*cker who was later revealed in the season to be the sperm donor for Homelander. And Stormfront, as we know, was genderswapped in the show and changed to be Homelander’s girlfriend in S3. …There’s no confirmed Sweet Home Alabama vibes yet as of 2023 but there is understandably fan speculation for a reason.)
I believe the best way to put it: Homelander is generally attracted to women, but in later issues he reveals that he has a secret liking to men. Because he’s The Homelander; he can do whatever the f*ck he wants.
And let’s not forget this beautiful iconic scene the TV adaptation gifted to us:
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Now some personal opinion time: I also like the idea of him being a narcissist so he only truly loves himself. And others can come close (especially if he sees aspects of himself in them) but his One True Love will always be himself. It’s the classic Narcissus looking at his mirror reflection allegory—but now you mix it in with some complicated cocktail of a God complex, inferiority complex, imposter syndrome, self-hatred, and sociopathy or psychopathy and a hidden desire of wanting to fit in with the banal societal human norms of being accepted but always feeling left out on the other side of the glass wall looking in. Now you tie it in with him never finding anyone who’s “genuinely loved him” (by his own criteria) and has not regarded him as a monster to be feared. He’s desperate for that human connection, for that elusive “perfect companion” who will understand him and cater to him and put his needs above their own—and to him, finding that proves he’s not a freak of nature. He’s not a monster. He’s not a failed product. He’s not a pathetic excuse of a man that even Soldier Boy didn’t even want as a son. Vogelbaum—and everyone else just doesn’t understand. People love him, right? Vought and Madelyn have indoctrinated him into believing he’s the people’s hero—and how they adore and worship him and want to be him or want to f*ck him. How can he, The Homelander, a superior being with his perfect genetics who’s better, stronger, smarter and more attractive than anyone else (I hope you can tell I’m being heavily sarcastic here), go out on a limb and fail at finding this one intangible thing that ordinary mudpeople or his inferiors can find but he somehow can’t?
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
It’s almost always political discourse particularly from extremely delusional right-wingers people who have terrible media literacy of what they’re watching versus what might be clear-cut to the rest of us—and discourse of whether or not The Boys (TV) is an objectively good show. All of these tend to go hand-in-hand together. I think what those people fail to realize is: the script is written by Eric Kripke, the showrunner behind the first five seasons of Supernatural—and then you have Stephen Fleet, lead VFX supervisor and show producer, who came out at the age of 43 (🏳️‍🌈). They’re adapting it from an edgy, dark, intentionally offensive-just-for-shock-value comic series written by Garth Ennis, the person behind Preacher and even a bit of the Punisher. The eight-volume comic series, which ran from 2006-2012, is full of racist, sexist, misogynistic, and homophobic elements (to be fair, GE wrote this as an intentionally darker satirical take on the superhero culture—and edgy shock factor is a writer’s strategy to make your work stand out). It was meant as a “dark, satirical commentary about the fictional superheroes—and, to an extent, the real life celebrities—we idolize, and how easily people with such power can abuse their responsibility” (source).
With what the TV showrunners had to work with, with the actual source material being a slog kinda to go through (the comics does have its share of good moments admittedly), as a whole I think it’s pretty impressive they’re able to update things to make modern social commentary which are relevant to us today (now, they can be admittedly a bit on the nose about it; one thing that stuck with me till now is how a writer friend I was watching the show with remarked how they’d thought BnHA did the superhero genre commentary much better) and somehow they were able to make a far superior TV adaptation just by paring down and changing a few things from the comics for the better so far (*knocks on wood 3x*). I will however always side-eye anyone who insist the comics is superior than the TV adaptation and loudly proclaim they won’t watch the show because “look how they massacred [insert comic character]” (now, to be fair, normally I would agree with this take but we’ve established The Boys (TV) is a special case; I would also understand if the comics had been the person’s first exposure and, hence, had become their fixation—but considering its intentionally offensive contents I am quietly side-eyeing them from the sidelines and keeping my mouth shut).
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le-velo-pour-dru · 3 months
4, 6, 15, 29 for question game <3
4. What is your favorite book?
Alcatraz vs the Evil Librarians!! ^^ That's a series though, so in terms of individual books, either The Shattered Lens or The Dark Talent, the fourth and fifth books in the series :3
6. 5 Male celebrity crushes
Dallon Weekes
William Beckett
Gerard Way
James Marsters
Tom Hiddleston
15. Describe yourself in one sentence.
I'm a silly teenage girl with so much love to share, to my interests and to my friends <3
29. Favorite song lyrics right now?
Probably "If I had seen my reflection / As something more precious / He would've never / And if my child needed protection / From a f*cker like that man / I'd sooner gut him ('cause nothing cuts like a mother)" from Simmer by Hayley Williams, and "Making out while the world collapses" from Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl by Chappell Roan (two very different vibes XD)
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ratsoh-writes · 3 months
*What a gentleman. To be fair, the higher than usual odds of Wine not being completely knowledgeable on a subject (for once) AND the company we have tonight is making me giddy.*
I love hearing your theories about the story, hopefully this'll meet your expectations. I'm excited to see you guys get to experience this play for the first time.
The theatre house is a grand building with pretty pillars and borders along the walls and windows. Inside the floor is a smooth tile depicting the echo and golden flower all over. The ceiling is large mirror panels letting you see every one walking around you. A bit trippy but super fun lol
There’s two chambers in the house where shows are held. You sans and wine have tickets for the right. While the play is held in a fancy venue, the event itself isn’t super formal. You have a mix of guests in their best wear along with others opting for a simple blouse or button up with jeans. Seeing this, sans relaxes and you realize he must’ve been worried about looking too casual
Wine hands the teller the tickets to be let in, and you all head to your seats. You’re a few rows behind the front, but you’re absolutely not complaining. You get a great view of the stage, and you’re right under the chandelier. You look at wine and he gives a little wink. F*cker definitely spoiled himself, he wouldn’t know about the “falling” chandelier otherwise
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smoshgoshbefosh · 4 months
jan 14th!!
Already, right off the bat, your birthday has ICONIC videos.
What Smosh Videos were Posted on Your Birthday?
Paranormal Easy Bake Oven- Smosh Main
Crazy Pokemon Killer- Smosh Pit
Dirty Gurls in Our Mail- Smosh Pit
Finding Easter Eggs (Why We're Single)- Smosh Games
The Lost Christmas Episode- Super Mari Fun Time
Eat Bubbles Mother F@#ckers (Backseat Gaming)- Smosh Games
Orcs In Da Hood (Gametime w/Smosh Games)
First Annual Stripper Run (Grand Theft Smosh)- Smosh Games
Terrible Prison Food w/Shayne- Smosh Pit
Extreme Scream Coaster (Cell Outs)- Smosh Games
Munchkin Epic Finale (Board AF)- Smosh Games
This Conspiracy Theory is Dumb- Smosh Main
Eat It or Yeet It 9: Drinks Only- Smosh Pit
The First Ever Meme Review Show (Never Been Done)- Smosh Games
No videos January 14
Can We Stump a Star Wars Expert? (Stan Vs Internet)- Smosh Games
No videos January 14
Has This Ever Happened to You? (Shorts)- Smosh Pit
Are We Relatable? (Board AF: What Do You Meme?)- Smosh Games
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hardchoicespod · 1 year
How good do Spider-Man villains bang?
[We're not talking about hotness. This is only about what they bring to the bedroom]
Norman Osborn is a shit f*ck. FINDOM THIS DOOFUS 🤑🤑🤑 Unless you want to hear that screechy ass Green Goblin voice. You want to hear him tell you hard he's gonna nut in that voice?
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2. Doctor Octopus? WHAT A F*CKING ROMANTIC! LOOK AT THAT FACE! Do you not think he brings flowers??? Man has trained each limb to make you scream in a different way.
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3. J. Jonah Jameson. Not technically a villain, but like, don't you want to fuck this absolute smug asshole bastard? LEAVE THE CIGAR LIT, BABYEEEEE
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4. Venom is the ultimate goo husband and will love you and keep you safe and eat pop-tarts with you at 3am, but also, he got that tooooongue 👅👅👅
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5. Mephisto is gonna make you think he's f*cking you and then suddenly, from the mists of this incredible performance of raw sexual power, he appears and then does a comedy 💦 on you because motherf*cker can't resist. Do you want this dude to nut on your tits and then laugh at his own dumbf*ck genius?
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6. Rhino is a problem. Look, is the dick trapped in the suit or not? If this is hardcore chastity play, okay. Okay, we can fuck like that Rhino. But don't you want this weirdo to just cut loose and pound you so hard the neighbors call your super? HE IS A FULL TIME FURRY AND ALSO DOES CRIMES! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?! Find out about that dick situation first tho, probably.
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You want more lovingly horny takes about these dorks? listen to Hard Choices 26 - Spider-Man and get all the boners you can possibly handle. Episode description? Babe, I got you.
We all know that with great power comes great responsibility. You know what else comes with great power? Us when we think about Spider-Man! It's not just Peter Parker who makes our web-shooters go thwip, either; he's got a huge cast of friends, foes, and supporting characters to suit every taste, from monsterfucks like Venom, to adorable loser fucks like The Shocker, to the jackpot herself, Mary Jane. This episode, your friendly neighborhood MeganBob pushes DEEP into the Spiderverse to find the median, the zenith, and the nadir of its fuckability, all with the help of: The Amazing Annie Craton! The Spectacular James D'Amato! And Dan Mulkerin from an alternate reality where he never lost his Captain Universe powers! IN THIS ISSUE: Dan single-handedly promotes Tombstone from D-tier to Daddy-tier MeganBob discovers the only bad way to listen to "The Cruel Angel's Thesis" Annie lets Carnage's gooey appeal blind her to his, you know, everything else And James finally takes a public stance on whether eating boys is wrong!
Is this podcast safe for work? F*ck no it isn't. Is this going to make you laugh so hard you snort a cheeto? Yeah, probably. Jump to anywhere in the episode for takes that will make you go "Ya'll need god."
Big Sloppy Kisses, Hard Choices 💋🍆
Which spidey character's are your top three f*cks? We won't tell.
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sugalaritae · 1 year
griddle's april reads
so, the end of april was fucking insane with cleaning my new apartment and then moving into said apartment and then immediately packing up and going to chicago. because of all of that i missed writing this post and tbh i forgot what i read, or rather how much i read in april (you can blame trying to distract myself from all the stress of moving into a new place).
here is the wonderful list. as usual most of it was mxm and on archive. i will list the xreader fics that i read first. also, if you are a writer and you do not want to be listed on this list please let me know and i will take you off!
hope you're all doing well and that april was kind to you and that the beginning of may has been a wonderful breath of springtime air.
paradise - chapter 13 - @minisugakoobies jjk x reader - stripper, neighbors to lovers That sexy man on stage - the one currently giving your friend the lap dance of her LIFE - is your super shy neighbor, Jeon Jungkook?! read on tumblr (ongoing)
the one with namjoon and the u-haul - @eoieopda knj x reader - siblings best friend Namjoon + “stuck in an elevator” bc god of destruction or simply bad luck idm either read on tumblr (complete)
satisfy - @suga-kookiemonster kimline x reader - smut, escort au “listen,” taehyung says, eyes wide and eager as he smiles at you. “i figure we can just help each other out. i scratch your back, you scratch mine.” but when you find yourself suddenly in need of a massive favor, exactly how much scratching are you willing to do? read on tumblr (ongoing)
no matter how far you go - @vyduan pjm x reader - chaebol au, spy After leaving Seoul (and your fiance Jimin) eleven years ago, you show up pregnant and alone for your wedding at city hall.  read on tumblr (ongoing)
seven stars - cypheromone knj x jjk - space After an electrical storm in an unstable wormhole near Earth, the I. S. E. Bangtan loses contact with the Institute, and is considered lost in space. Four months later, the crew of the Bangtan is still stranded in an unknown galaxy. The ship is broken with no acting engineer to make repairs. The crew's doctor and life support specialist can barely cooperate professionally, and the captain is falling in love with the planetary explorer. (A love story spanning galaxies.) read on AO3 (complete)
seven stars 2/3 - cypheromone knj x jjk, myg x jhs, ksj x pjm x kth - space part 2 of the series read on AO3 (complete)
seven stars 3/3 - cypheromone knj x jjk, myg x jhs, ksj x pjm x kth - space part 3 of the series read on AO3 (ongoing)
fool me once - bazooka myg x jjk - based on the film 'man up' Yoongi is thirty years old and alone. He's got a watered-down version of his dream job (working for a small-town paper writing fluff pieces and ghostwriting the advice column), an older sister who won't stop trying to set him up with every girl she knows, and today is his parents' fortieth anniversary. Maybe if he was happier he wouldn't have pretended to be someone else's blind date in the middle of the train station. read on AO3 (complete)
fang f*cker - @sailoryooons myg x jjk - vampire au Jungkook loves reading his smutty vampire comic and so what if he fashions himself a little bit after the main character. Yoongi finds it wildly offensive. Every day he has to watch Jungkook play at being ominous and spooky - and okay, maybe it’s a little cute. But it’s mostly offensive, and Yoongi would know. He’s a vampire, after all.  read on tumblr (complete)
summer storms - beebalm knj x jjk - friends to lovers Seoul is melting, and so is Jungkook with Namjoon crashing in his bed. How long must he wait after Namjoon's breakup to make his move? read on AO3 (complete)
stay in your sky like a star - spudcity pjm x jjk - modern with magic Jimin is the one thing in Jungkook’s life that’s his alone. And he won’t let go of him, no matter what his family says. read on AO3 (complete)
threads of everything - anna (pineconepickers) ksj x knj - slow burn At eighteen, Namjoon is busy with university, part-time tutoring, his lack of a love life, and his alter ego in the underground rap scene. He’s got his hands full without a tutee’s older brother trying to kick his ass, but that is precisely what Seokjin tries to do. Ten years later, Namjoon thinks it was a hell of a way to meet his first love – and his second, and his third. After having refused to speak to Seokjin for several years, he is unprepared when Seokjin gets back in touch. read on AO3 (complete)
practice makes perfect - beebalm myg x knj - idol!au Yoongi has never been kissed. He asks Namjoon to help him out. read on AO3 (complete)
imprints (for the boys in the back) - anna (pineconepickers) ksj x knj - fuckbuddies to lovers Seokjin is not looking for a relationship – he’s been there, done that, lesson learned. So when he somehow ends up in a fuck buddy arrangement with supposed one-night-stand Namjoon, he knows that he needs to handle the fling without emotionally compromising himself. He’s definitely got this! (Dear reader, he did not have it.) read on AO3 (complete)
the magnitude - anna (pineconepickers) ksj x knj - producer!namjoon, actor!jin (part 2 of imprints) Namjoon is in love, and he is secure in the warm and all-consuming pull of it whenever Seokjin smiles at him. He is rather hopelessly in love and convinced that the two of them are ready for the next big step – but instead Seokjin begins to pull back. Namjoon has never quite figured out how Seokjin works, but this apparent case of cold feet is nothing that a bit of confident wooing can’t fix. He’s definitely got this! (Dear reader, he did not have it.) read on AO3 (complete)
more walls (collected along the way) - anna (pineconepickers) ksj x knj - exes Seokjin has been busy since his break-up with Namjoon seven years earlier, with swift promotions at his father’s investment firm, while Namjoon has, perhaps annoyingly, become one of the most prolific authors in Korea. Never mind that, of course, because Seokjin has moved on! It’s a bit of a shock, then, for Seokjin to discover that he is married – to his ex-boyfriend Namjoon. read on AO3 (complete)
what the stars look like under you - nicedress (reread) myg x knj - pornstars, bdsm After building a porn career as a popular submissive, a scene gone wrong sends Yoongi spiraling. Switching roles gives him new purpose and shields him from the trauma he’s not willing to face, but having the world’s most pretentious, ecofriendly Dominant steal his spotlight isn’t making things any easier. read on AO3 (ongoing)
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fantasticalbiology · 7 months
Vox's announcement
Has this been done yet, if it has I'm sorry
I’ve come to make an announcement: Alastor the Radio Demon a b*tch-ass motherf*cker, he pissed on my f*cking boyfriend. That’s right, he took his deery- f*ckin dick out and he pissed on my f*cking boyfriend, and he said his dick was “THIS BIG” and I said ‘that’s disgusting,” so I’m making a callout post on my V.com: Alastor the Radio Demon you’ve got a small dick. It’s the size of this walnut except way smaller. And guess what? Here’s what my dong looks like.
[Explosion sound] That’s right, baby. All points, no fur, no pillows- look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong. He f*cked my boyfriend,  so guess what, I’m going to f*ck the Pride Ring. That’s right, this is what you get: MY SUPER LASER PISS!! Except I’m not going to piss on the Pride ring, I’m going higher; I'M PISSING ON HEAVEN! How do you like that Charlie?! I PISSED ON HEAVEN, YOU IDIOT!
You have twenty-three hours before the piss DROPLETS hit the f*cking Pride ring, now get outtta my f*cking sight, before  I piss on you too!
I had a second one involving Alastor, but that needs more time to set up
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deathnight32 · 2 years
top 5 kaijus that @ruubesz-draws never met! I think...
5: nemesis
Nemesis is an human who turned into a kaiju by an experiment and her true name is maigo.
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4: daimajin
Daimajin is an demon god who is Very ANGRY!!! And he appered in the great yokai war Guardians.
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3: gehara
Gehara is an dark long hairy kaiju got controlled by the aliens and hes the undying god.
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2: Gamera
Hes an kaiju turtle.
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1: Solomon
Hes an kaiju from the nes Godzilla Creepypasta and he never exists in the movie.
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Extra: super mecha death christ
Hes an badass jesus Cyborg who have lots of weapons!, He can change size! and also... He can Yell the word "f*ckers"!
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ch4tk4t · 10 months
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Comics Fangirl n°1 - Into the fangirlverse:
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Today's review is about "What if? Dark: Spider-Gwen"/2023
Plot by Gerry Conway & Jody Houser
Art by Ramon F Bachs and Dee Cunniffe
Welcome to this first "Comics Fangirl", where i use my fangirl super powers I got by being bit by a radioactive super-fan for good, as with great power, MUST also come great responsibility.
Get ready for a true superhero action thriller, packed to the brim with thrills and chills, twists and turns, more super-vilains than you can shake a web at, and of course, non-stop web-slinging ACTION !
So if you're not aware yet, Gwen Stacy is theorized to be a trans wowan in the latest spider-movie, "Across the Spider-verse". Needless to say, most of the "fan base" is up in arms AGAINST the idea. That, in my humble opinion, is because most of the "spider-fan base" is a bunch of racist incels. I, as a TRUE spider-fan hold the only true true. This is f*cking comics, you f*cking nerds. Cry some more, #Gwenistrans. Now that THAT'S sorted out, moving on to my review.
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First off, my eyes bleed every time I have to witness Greg Land's... "art". Motherf*cker can't even find something new to trace over, I feel I've seen this "o-face" a BILLION times already (I'm not being funny here, Greg is KNOWN for tracing over porn 😑)
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Spoilers for this comics from here on out, you have been warned. Also, minor spoilers for Ghost-Spider's backstory.
It's one of comics most well known event, but in case you didn't know, the main universe Gwen Stacy died years ago, during a fight between Spider-Man and the green goblin. Only this time, it's Peter that dies, hitting his head as he jumps to save Gwen.
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I love this alternate universe, because usually the "What ifs" involve someone acting out of character or something ludicrous happening to set the events into motion. Only this time it's Peter not thinking of his personal safety as he saves the woman of his life (MJ and him start dating after Gwen's death), which is 100% in character.
Gwen discovers Peter's secret identity as she drags his lifeless body from the water. Instinctively, she gets rid of his costume. I love the way she INSTANTLY knows what Peter would've wanted, as I'm sure he wouldn't want any of his ennemies knowing who he was, especially now that he can't protect his loved ones.
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Instead of just grieving though, our girl Gwen starts scheming. She's going to take revenge on the green goblin. Only problem, she has no super-powers, and no training. That won't stop her, as she enlists Harry Osborn's help to spring a trap for the gliding menace. What she doesn't tell Harry is that she plans on killing the goblin, using her late father's gun.
She baits Osborn senior by acting like Spider-Man survived their last encounter. When the Goblin falls into her trap, she points the gun at him, ready to shoot.
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At the last minute though, she changes her mind, proving once more the love and understanding she has for Parker. Peter wasn't a killer, and she won't become one in his name. So this is the part where my eyes started leaking for some odd reason.
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Sadly, Harry, overtaken by grief (and probably overcompensating for missing Pete's funeral) shoots the Goblin in the chest, not aware of his true identity. When Norman dies in front of his son, Harry snaps, telling Gwen he holds her responsible for his father's death, exacerbating her already existing guilt.
This is the start of this Gwen's journey as a spider-person. As far as spider-folks go, that's pretty f*cking metal.
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So I want to touch on the fact this is now the second "Spider-Gwen" who fights crime WITHOUT SUPER POWERS. First of all, #SlayQueenYaaas. Secondly, I can't help but read this as a metaphor for Gwen being trans.
In case you didn't know (we can't all be virgins, I understand) Ghost-Spider, mostly know as "Spider-Gwen", also doesn't have super-powers at the moment (at least when the writers actually REMEMBER THAT). She lost them during a story where she compensated using a version of the venom symbiote, which she tames in about one issue, one-upping Peter like no one's business.
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I may be over thinking this, but I view that fact as a parallel to her transness. Much like the fact she doesn't have the same "powers" as cis people, she doesn't have the powers most spider-people have, and she has to work twice as hard to achieve the same results as them. Also, Ghost-Spider has no secret identity in her universe, and I couldn't help but see that as a trans thing. You KNOW people IRL would out her the first chance they got. Or maybe that's just me, I don't know.
So in case that wasn't clear, I loved this comic. The plot was good, and I loved the art. If you plan on picking it up (I just spoiled most of the plot, but you do you) consider pirating it, in case you don't know Disney funds war criminals.
I give this comic nuff'said/10
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Talk to you later, true believers.
Fangirl out.
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vngelicc · 1 year
I happened to by accident discover your account yesterday and GIRL??? Let me tell you something. I'm IN LOVE, especially with sbd!Jungkook. I felt more heartbreak than OC did when I discovered that they're not together because he cheated on her like the dumbass that he is. BUT, he is also super cute and cool under that sleaziness and greasiness. Sbd!Jungkook and OC are ENDGAME, I don't care. I'm going to ignore the part where he cheated and imagine that he is a sleazy f*cker who is only useful at f*cking OC good and hard ahaha.
aaaaa thank you!!! and WELCOME WELCOME ❤️❤️❤️ im glad you enjoyed my au with that sleaze ball LMAO, his au is a mix of crack and angst when jk isn’t being a sleazy hunk 😭💀 anyways, i hope you continue to enjoy my work/account!
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wilderavyn · 1 year
Watch Love Class 2 Ep 3 & 4 with me
Spoilers Ahead
Episode 3
2:35 Ooh called him out!
3:50 He's so ridiculous I kinda love him.
5:23 I like a petty man and he lives to make this guys life hell because he bullies the guy he likes.
5:40 Why are they trying to make it creepy? 🤨
10:51 Hyun should be a writer. He's good with written words.
11:56 Hyun is breaking my heart with those eyes.
13:50 Just give up dude.
14:37 🤣
15:54 This is going to be awkward af isn't it?
16:20 Ok that wasn't so bad actually.
16.28 Oh no our sunshine boy is sad! 😕
17:29 Uh oh. What is that about. Someone being creepy to the supposed creepy guy.
19:56 Look at Mr. Grump with a big smile! What a beautiful thing to see!
21:28 Needy little f*cker aren't you Hyun. 😂
22:05 Oof. Not sure this was time for such a rough question.
22:40 What an optimistic fool. I love Hyun
23:14 Ok that little speech was pretty adorable Hyun.
25:22 Damn that's harsh.
26:02 What a sweet fool.
Really enjoyed that episode!
Episode 4
1:07 Knew that was too good to be true this early on the show.😐
3:54 Min Woo and Hyun are good friends. Love these two.
4:52 Spell it out for him Hyun. Everyone else knows but them.
5:44 Really dude. Give up and leave him alone.
08:14 I kinda hate them. I hope they don't end up together.
10:47 Cute!
14:08 He's too much. lol But also poor Minwoo to have to watch him confess to someone else.
15:35 Oof! Damn he's hurt if he's being this mean to him.
16.00 I love Hyun's hobbies. Especially the napping.
17:16 Optimism is Hyun's super power.
19:18 Are the writers trying to lead us to not liking An? Instead I don't like this guy.
19:46 Damn you're just full of nasty rumors aren't you. Why are you telling him and why do you care who they are to each other.
21:04 That dude is creepy
21:40 Of course he's only there because you threatened him. He's told you no every other time. Can't stand them.
25:40 Damn it no! Don't be creepy! Hes drunk!
I did not enjoy this episode as much except for my Sunshine boy. 😐
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queenharumiura · 1 year
☯ Is there a muse you've always wanted to play?♣ Is there an author(s) that you look up to with your writing skills?♥ What's your favorite ship with your muse?✿ Do you have a mun FC? If so why did you choose that as your FC, and if not who would you choose?回 Which muse was the worst to play? Why?
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting||
☯ Is there a muse you've always wanted to play?
Mmnn... I don't think so? If I always wanted to play someone, I probably went and did so. It may take a while to get there, but i'll do it. I'm loyal to my desires and if I really want to do something, i'll do it- tho I suppose there was a time I wanted to basically muse the entirety of the 'Trash of the Count's Family' series lol
Then the thing with licensing getting revoked happened and so the people who were translating the novel had to stop and that made me go 'oh- nvm then'. Apparently Korea does that sometimes, let you have licensing to get popularity up and then revoke it and ask someone else to do an 'official' translation. Bah. <- I'm Korean, so please no one take this as me just hating for no reason or smth.
♣ Is there an author(s) that you look up to with your writing skills?
No, the thing is, with me, I don't usually look up to people. I respect them, sure, but I don't look up to people in the way like idolizing them. That's just not how my personality works. I just appreciate the writing skills of everyone I interact with and that's that. I don't like find a person and go 'oh wow their writing style is so good! I look up to them!' nah, it's more like 'oh wow they're really good at writing! I wanna write with them'.
♥ What's your favorite ship with your muse?
Mmmm so in general, my favorite ship with Haru is Hibari and Haru (bc I'm the bitch who ships my favorites together AHAHAHAHA), and Gokudera and Haru (because of old cosplay nostalgia reasons).
My favorite ships currently with Haru would be Byakuran and Haru (bc it is in the works right now) and Gokudera and Haru (also basically a thing currently). Belphegor and Haru was also very big for me though that ship kinda died so- yeah. It still has a very strong place in my heart, don't get me wrong. It's just hibernating.
✿ Do you have a mun FC? If so why did you choose that as your FC, and if not who would you choose?
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On this blog, it's Tsukuyo from Gintama. Many eons ago, I with a group of fans just made up a lil family of people and we kinda associated ourselves with a character from the series. So, as the founder of sorts of this group of people, I had the mother role and I liked Tsukuyo, so yeah. For nostalgia reasons, I kept her as a FC in RPC.
回 Which muse was the worst to play? Why?
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This insufferable mother f*cker. He was such a pain in the ass with his 'PRAISE BE ME, I AM THE GREATEST. WORSHIP ME AND THIS BODY FOR I AM THE PEAK OF GREATNESS!' bs-- I LOVED HIM. KEK. Super narcissistic lol. Love him so much. Still do. I could consider playing him still, but mmmmm nah. The people I did write him with went bye bye and I brought him in for them- so since they're gone-- he sleeps.
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