#super groggy atm
ghostherlig · 10 months
i am very slow with writing atm with being sick and also my wrists are starting to hurt more now that it's getting colder- but here's some silly goofy random headcanons while im recovering!! (for johnny, kenshi, raiden, and kung lao) under the cut bc this really ran away from me- (collected over the course of this entire day as things popped into my brain, i apologize for the mass of words you're about to read :'))
johnny can play piano!! he has a grand piano that he really loves and he plays anything from classical to ost's to his own little tunes whenever he thinks them up- he has a recorder attached to it so he can remember them or maybe post his own song one day
(based off the previous hc) if/when kenshi is over/moves in he'll play at night and let kenshi listen in- but randomly johnny will transition what he's playing into the jaws or michael meyers theme and that's kenshi's cue to start running- because now the house is in hide and seek mode, and as soon as johnny stops playing, he'll be searching
kenshi used to play the violin growing up, but he dropped it once he was old enough and competent enough to commit himself to the yakuza- he can still remember some of the songs he used to love to play. he hums them from time to time and has been caught doing the motions of playing the violin before
kenshi loves animals but has an extra soft spot for cats and bunnies especially- he's a cat magnet in places where strays are common, they always flock to him (he for sure keeps catnip in his pocket when he can)
johnny loves his action and hero films but kenshi enjoys romcoms and horror- romcoms for the stories and drama, and horror films because the sound design usually slaps- he also can tell you what fruit or vegetable was absolutely destroyed based on the sounds alone
lao and raiden are way too good at Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes- raiden is on the manual while lao is on the bomb and they can crack the normal mode in like 45 minutes (they're a little slower when they swap places but they can still do it impressively fast (fastest speedrun time is sub 30mins)
johnny knows how to play mahjong after taking a role and having to play on-screen for five minutes- he wanted it to look authentic and thought "there's no better way than to actually play"- raiden and lao found out and now they're all trying to teach kenshi with specially made tiles with braille in the corners
kenshi is ridiculously good at poker- he brought a deck of cards with braille stamped on them and him and johnny played strip poker for a night- needless to say kenshi was smirking to himself as he switched his button up for johnny's
johnny can do pitch and diction perfect impressions of people he's heard talk for long periods of time- you can bet that a lot of his free time at wu shi was spent scaring his fellow champions by talking to them in liu kang's voice from behind a wall-
(based off the last hc) johnny only does it around people he knows well or as a party trick with different characters from pop culture- most often his power is used for evil though
raiden isn't a morning person and actually is super groggy in the mornings- the first thing he does on early days is take a cold shower to wake himself up
(based off the last hc) lao is a morning person and is usually the one to wake up raiden by ripping his blankets off of him- he's lucky he has survived this long, but he tells everyone that if looks could kill, raiden would have killed him long before he made it to wu shi
we all know kung lao eats for a family of five, but that man also naps like a divorced dad after an all you can eat buffet- he is OUT after he's done absolutely fucking up like five full plates of food
raiden really likes boba!! kenshi took him to get some after an errand run and he fell in love with the taro flavor- he also really enjoys winter melon and the regular thai tea
johnny always gets his boba with coffee- he doesnt really like tea flavors and no matter how many sips of kenshi's tea he has, he will always prefer his coffee
kenshi bought johnny a really nice espresso machine that he uses every morning- johnny didnt buy himself one before that bc he never thought he would enjoy making coffee at home and it was easier to just stop by the local cafe since they always had his order ready early- but he finds it really calming and really nice to slow his mornings down and make a latte before leaving for work
johnny, to return the gesture, bought kenshi a really nice kitchen knife since he knows the man really likes to cook- it sees a lot of use as it's a santoku that he basically uses like a chef's knife (it's his sharpest and most well treated kitchen tool, right next to his 8 inch cast iron)
kung lao owns maybe three articles of clothing with sleeves- all of them are coats for when it rains- oh and one hoodie that he stole from raiden that somehow survived when he went into his wardrobe and cut and hemmed all of the sleeves
when kenshi visits, johnny makes him coffee in the morning too but since kenshi doesnt always like the bitter coffee flavor he'll add some fun home made syrups- he has plain vanilla, but also has seasonal flavors like pumpkin spice, snickerdoodle, sugar cookie, white mocha, peppermint, etc.
kenshi LOVES mint chocolate flavored things- he especially loves the kitkat flavor and the pocky flavor, as well as ice cream- johnny CANNOT stand it, he's never liked mint outside of gum and even then he prefers cinnamon or clove gum (the first time kenshi kissed him he was confused bc he tasted like spices)
johnny keeps a jar of butterscotch candies on his desk for when he needs to brainstorm ideas- he finds he thinks better when his mouth is occupied (oral fixation haver)
(based off the previous hc) kenshi bought him some violet (the flower) flavored candy after he found out johnny always kept a stash- he also will refill the giant glass jar with butterscotch candies when he knows johnny is busy and will forget
(also based off the candy hc) lao and raiden also buy him hard candies- they get him ginger and lemon ones that johnny falls in love with immediately- he has two jars on his desk now, one for butterscotch and one for ginger
raiden really likes sketching and coloring- lao bought him one of those adult coloring books with mandalas and really intricate shapes and raiden finished all of it in like two weeks- he used to sketch in his free time and has an entire sketchbook dedicated to drawings of lao and his features (a lot of his arms, hands, eyes, and smile) it's hidden under his mattress
kung lao shaves his own undercut when it gets too long- normally cant let it grow out for longer than two or three weeks. sometimes, raiden will offer to do it for him so they can spend a bit of time together and just talk and be close <3
johnny definitely really enjoys washing kenshi's hair- johnny has a bit of a curl to some of his hair but he never uses the products he's supposed to or the methods he's supposed to when it dries- so it's pretty straight, but kenshi's is pin straight and doesnt tangle the way his does sometimes, so he really loves running his hands through it and has even convinced kenshi a few times to sit so johnny could put coconut oil in it for him
johnny loves coconut flavored things and purposefully buys ice cream bars that have coconut cream based ice cream- kenshi was unaware of this and was offered one and said yes thinking that it was vanilla- kenshi does not like coconut, so it was a very sudden and unpleasant surprise
kenshi cuts fruits as his way of showing love very often- he washes and cuts fruits for himself when he's stressed but preps it for others out of love and will often take apple slices, peeled oranges, cut melon (of any kind), or strawberries and grapes up to johnny's in-home office while he's working
johnny buys kenshi small gifts year round and goes crazy for the holidays and his birthday- he asked kenshi how he would feel if johnny bought him (technically them) a house back in japan- kenshi drew his line in the sand and capped johnny's gift prices at $2k per holiday/birthday (which he had broken before)
raiden keeps taxidermy bugs!! he always loved butterflies as a kid and his first framed butterfly was a gift from lao
please excuse any typos, it's later in the day now and my eyes are a little strained- i hope this was comprehensible, lol
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whumpsoda · 6 months
This is just a ramble so I’m just gonna write whatever down because this is very very early stages and I just wanna share >:3
OKAY OKAY SO. This is actually based off of a story idea I made in like middle school! I was reminded of it when I watched the Alien Stage videos and now REALLY want to revisit it!!
Basically it’s sort of like the generic aliens invade Earth n stuff, but they take most humans back to their planet :) the prettiest and most attractive of humans are put into these very sterile facilities where their memories are completely wiped and they go through very extensive brainwashing! They’re kept extremely groggy and docile, being treated very infantile, and basically trained to accept the aliens as almost like their gods.
The aliens utilize humans for multiple different purposes! One of them which I’m still thinking about is that they need to inhabit human bodies :3 I’m thinking either they just like take over their hosts mind kind of like a parasite, or they practically just wear a humans skin >:3 they need the human bodies as their species isn’t fit to live outside of a host, and their old type of hosts are quickly coming to extinction, so they need a new type to take over!
Human parts are also used as currency! Things like blood, hair, nails, saliva, teeth, all that and more can be used to buy things :) So like most aliens will own more than a few humans, each of them used for currency until they inevitably take over the current host’s spot!
This probably sounds dumb and generic atm lmao but I still have A LOT of time I need to think on it… this is just some of the basics I have now! If anyone has ideas they wanna share, that is super welcome :3
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homebeyondstars · 6 months
I'm gonna try documenting my shifting journey :)
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Heyy! I'm Pebble, I've been a shifter for 3 years and I've never actually tried documenting my shifting journey before? I feel like it would help me a lot to get my experiences out there <3
My main DRs:
♡My Hero Academia - Student(The one I've put the most energy into)
♡My Hero Academia - Room Mates with Aizawa(in our early 20s, before he became a teacher)
♡Stardew Valley
♡My little Pony Friendship is Magic - Mostly to heal my inner child tbh, i feel like watching so much of that show as a kid formed a part of my brain
Secondary DRs I'm not focused on ATM:
♡Dragon Ball Z
♡Harry Potter
♡Baldur's Gate 3
♡Legend Of Zelda
♡Tinker Bel
♡Adventure Time
♡Royalty DR
My shifting experiences:
I HAVE shifted before! though a mini shift, I'll give you my stories!!
My first shifting experience wasn't anything too crazy, but I had woken up in my sister's bedroom, completely shrouded in darkness. I was alarmed because i thought i had taken a nap in there. But after trying to alert someone, I woke up in my bedroom. This was far different than any lucid dream I've ever had, because it was sudden and surreal. I was having a normal dream and all the sudden I was in pitch blackness and groggy, I could feel my entire body.
♡This second one still freaks me out. I was just laying my head down, talking to my boyfriend on the phone - but when i look up I'm in my DR bedroom for only a split second. It was absolutely insane and I had no idea how to react still.
♡My third one was me waking up to Kirishima gently nudging my shoulder, as my eyes slowly adjusted to my blue digital clock in pure darkness that i HAD SCRIPTED - I could hear him laugh and say "C'mooon, brooo!" and I have no idea the context of what was going on. I was just peacefully in my bunk bed! i guess that tracks, bc i still have no idea why he woke me up.
♡My fourth one was very vague and I don't have a clear memory of this, but it's my most recent success:
♡I woke up in my DR bed after a super rough day, and after allowing myself to relax and assuring myself i have all the time in the world to shift - I realized that something changed. I don't remember seeing anything, but when I wrote to my friends I said something like I could see my room but I don't necessarily remember it. Tbf, that was like a year ago and I'm hopping back into shifting again :)
Let me know If you have any questions about my DRs!! :)
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lttm · 1 year
(temporarily sharing my room with a chicken atm) Will not lie its a little humiliating waking up super groggy only to see your bird already wide awake and going about her day being productive (tidying her feathers and such)
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calif0rnia-lovers · 3 years
four letters.
a/n: 1/10 of stories I was initially hesitant to post. not glorifying adultery, just an idea i got from this song.
part: 1/3
pairing: miguel galindo x elena
warnings: themes of adultery. not really smut in this part, it's literally a paragraph?
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summary: they met when Miguel's family would visit during the summer. each summer vacation was a mixture of stolen glances and moments. time has passed, and summers are no longer theirs. every time he leaves Mexico, he leaves her with a promise. one day he'll be hers--and only hers. years in and Elena must decide if what she feels for Miguel is love, or something else.
words: 1.9k
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Universally, they represent love. A promise of commitment. A priceless gift you give the woman who has your heart. A gift with the power to project the facade of happiness. A gift with the power to distract even the most intelligent woman from her man’s past mistakes.
And for that reason, diamonds are Miguel’s favorite gift to give.
Each call to his jeweler inspires a substantial chunk of change and a customized gift. The said gift is invariably dressed in a black velvet box, sealed with a golden ribbon. Delivered to an office in Sinaloa on the same day, always two months apart.
Always accompanied with a neatly penned note. A date, time, and location. Short and to the point, signed M.
It arrives two days before him. The need to reschedule, or the mention of a conflict in scheduling, never allowed.
Each delivery carries the same false promise.
One day, my love.
This time, his promise comes in emerald green.
Pressed and shaped into glimmering flowers to accent the black dress she wears. Although the dress itself is a beautiful work of art, fitting as though it was designed just for her, no one is focused on Elena’s dress.
Their focus is on the dollar sign hanging from her neck. It’s impossible to miss. Only so many people, in Sinaloa, could afford such a beautiful piece. With her long dark locks pinned, to rest at the top of her head, Miguel’s necklace is on full display. Paired with her beauty, it is distracting. So distracting, no one notices the matching hairpins.
"You look beautiful as always."
Her heart flutters. A soft smile brightens Elena's face as a familiar warmth trickles down her spine.
A soft kiss ghosts the curve of her shoulder, Miguel's smile coming to rest against her cheek.
“I see my gift suits you well.” His touch lingers against the curve of her neck, pausing to trace the petal of an emerald flower. The smile on his lips is one of admiration, his playful eyes briefly lifting to meet hers. “It seems you’ve attracted the attention of the entire restaurant.”
“Don’t sound too surprised, Mr. Galindo.” Elena’s eyes roll, the grin on her lips causing his to grow. “You’re acting as if this is something new. People always stare at me.”
“Trust me, I know. It's not something I particularly enjoy."
“Too bad,” Elena smiles, lifting her glass of wine to her lips. “I like it when people stare at me, and you are late. You’re lucky I didn’t leave with someone else.”
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“Nicholas…” Miguel reads from the baby pink card.
The question in his tone is barely audible, bogged down by something Elena has never heard--at least not from Miguel. It is hard for her to pinpoint. But as she pushes her heels aside, she’s almost certain it is jealousy.
She rounds the corner to find Miguel standing in the center of her kitchen. He has stripped himself of his jacket the white fabric draped carelessly across the back of a nearby stool. His back remains to her as she crosses the room. He does not turn to acknowledge her, even after she drops her purse to the countertop before him.
His focus is no longer on the message.
Ellie. Congratulations on the promotion. We should celebrate. Until then--enjoy your favorites. x Nicholas.
His attention has shifted to the vase of lilies and peonies. A mixture of pinks, white, and corals. A fresh take from the white roses Miguel typically sends.
"These are your favorites?" His thumb gently rubs the petal of a lily. His brow arches as he glances in her direction. "How come you never said anything?"
Elena's eyes lift from the hairpins resting in her palm. Shaking her curls loose, she lets off a tiny shrug.
"The roses are always very beautiful, Miguel." Standing on her toes, she places a kiss against his cheek. "I really appreciate them. You know that."
The words of reassurance are not enough to divert his attention. The soft kiss she leaves against his cheek earns her a glance.
“I didn’t realize you were...seeing anyone.”
“You mean, aside from the man who only comes to see me when his schedule allows?” The slight roll of her eyes tightens Miguel’s jaw. “Because that would be ridiculous.”
She ignores his expression, reaching around him to retrieve the card. She returns it to its original resting place.
“It’s not ridiculous,” Miguel states this as if it is a fact. “Not when you spent the last hour talking about us over dinner--.”
She can’t stop it. The laugh she releases silences Miguel. It is not a sound typically directed at him. It is a sound that makes his skin crawl, eats at him deep inside. Sparks the need to prove himself. It's a feeling he's hated his entire life.
“I’m sorry,” Elena clears her throat, the smile remaining on her lips as he focuses his scowl in the direction of the lilies. “It’s just. I thought we didn’t do that.”
Miguel chooses not to respond. Instead, he focuses on undoing his cuffs. He knows she’s right.
They don’t do that--share personal details about their lives. Or probe for them. In fact, at this point, they’re typically already undressed--the idea of talking about their lives the last thing on their minds.
Elena watches Miguel’s gaze return to the bouquet. They study the flowers before passing over the darkened living room. Searching for other intrusions, signs of another man, that were not here during his last appearance.
“Come on, Mikey,” she sings softly. The warmth of her palms brings his gaze to hers. “Did you come all the way here just to ruin my weekend?”
The corner of his lips turns up. His gaze drops, following the path of Elena’s touch. It drifts down the chest of his shirt pausing to undo the buttons.
“Because I thought you came because you missed me. Isn't that what you said on the phone?” Her lips press against the curve of his jaw, her smile growing as his lips instinctively move to meet hers. She giggles, turning to grind back against him. “So, show me how much you missed me.”
His response is immediate, his hands pressing into the curves of her hips. The weight of his chest pressing her body forward and towards the closest stable surface. With her heels abandoned, her weight shifts to her toes. She stumbles forward in a clumsy attempt at maintaining her balance. She gasps as the chill of the marble countertop presses against the heat of her cheek. A perfect contrast to the hot and heavy hands pushing up the skirt of her dress. Their first exchange is always the same. Quick and messy. Both focused solely on satisfying the need that has built up in their time apart. The note is fresh in his mind and fuels his movements. Bruise his fingers into her hips, leaves her breathless as he sets a pace that nearly splits her open.
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Elena can feel the warmth of her cheeks slowly creeping throughout her body as she concentrates on the task at hand.
Instead of lifting her gaze, to meet the ones watching her every move, she tries for a second time to tug down the zipper of her dress.
Miguel doesn't speak. Instead, he motions for her to turn around.
The silence, which falls over the darkened kitchen, is a part of the routine. One that lasts long enough for their pulses to taper off. For their highs to drift away, opening their minds to reality.
Elena focuses on the glow of moonlight on the marble before her.
She breaks the silence, her words soft as she tries to press out any sign of hopefulness in her voice. Sounding eager about any aspect of their arrangement has never turned out good.
"Are you leaving tonight?"
The room is quiet, Miguel's fingers pausing for the briefest of seconds. He shifts forward, ducking down to allow his lips to press a soft kiss between her shoulder blades.
"Not tonight." A soft smile finds his lips as she glances over her shoulder at him. "It's your birthday tomorrow. I wouldn't miss it."
She can't suppress the smile that spreads across her face as his lips press against her cheek. His eyes drop to the watch on his wrist as she turns to face him.
“Looks like we got two hours before it's officially Saturday," he chuckles as her arms wrap around his neck.
"Is it too early to start with my birthday demands?"
His response is a soft kiss, his hand drifting to the nape of her neck. It's a kiss that melts her body into his, knotting his fingers in the softness of her hair. By the time he’s pulled away, her pulse is unsteady. His lips brush against her forehead, his touch lingering against her skin before he takes a step back.
"I'll start the bath." He grins, his eyes drifting towards the wine across the room. “Get a bottle or two, and join me.”
“I’ll be up in a minute.”
Her eyes close as his lips press against her forehead. They remain closed as she listens to his footsteps track through the quiet house. They soon fade out as he reaches the top of the steps, and Elena allows her eyes to open.
Her breath catches, her teeth tugging at her lip as her fingers gently brush against her neck. She finds herself standing before the mirror at the base of her steps. Her eyes pass over her reflection, lingering on her disheveled curls, the flush of her cheeks, her swollen lips, the hazy green glow from the moonlit flowers against her skin.
Her fingers comb through her hair, gathering the locks and pushing them over her shoulder. Unlatching the clasp, she carefully places the necklace on the countertop. She leaves it alongside the emerald hairpins. The breath she takes is deep. Her lungs hold the air until they begin to burn. With the weight of her necklace gone her shoulders fall, feeling weightless, as she exhales.
The excitement of his admission bubbles in her stomach, her hands clasping together as she forces herself to take a second breath. This time, as she excels, the excitement slowly deflates.
Getting your hopes up is foolish, Ellie.
Elena turns and crosses the dark kitchen in search of wine.
She retrieves two wine glasses from the cabinet. She pauses, elbows resting against the countertop, as she studies the bottles of wine on display against the cream backsplash. Her fingers stop short of her bottle of choice as a faint jingle fills the quiet room.
Abandoning the task at hand, Elena naturally retrieves her purse. The rose gold iPhone she finds inside is silent, screen pitch black. The ringing is louder now. Her head turns, her brow furrowing, as she looks towards the white jacket draped across the back of the stool to her right.
There is a brief moment of hesitation. A voice of warning--telling her "leave it"--in the back of Elena's mind as she reaches for the jacket.
A silence falls over the room--a blessing in disguise. It is her out. The reminder for Elena to adhere to the promise she made herself the moment she met Miguel Galindo.
Never snoop--never bite off more than you can chew.
What is the saying about curiosity?
With the touch of her finger, the screen illuminates. It reveals a missed call from Emily Galindo. It is not the name that gives Elena pause, but the photo behind the notification. A photo Elena has never seen or anticipated. A photo that breaks the fantasy Elena has spent the evening willingly participating in.
The fantasy typically lasts a few more hours. The one where they both pretend Miguel doesn’t have another life he has built outside of her. A life Miguel's never provided insight into. A life Elena has never asked--nor searched--for details on.
Maybe if she had, she wouldn’t have been blindsided by what all his life across the border entails.
The round brown eyes staring back at her own are innocent. Accompanied by a head of dark curls and soft cheeks. The blue top the infant wears matches Miguel’s jacket.
Miguel wears a smile--a distinct smile. The smile wore by every proud father.
One day, my love. I just need time.
The soft plea echos through her mind. It is the same he has whispered each departure when she has asked him to stay--even if just for an hour longer.
It’s all he’s ever needed. And all she has given.
The arrival of a message paints Elena’s kitchen in a blue glow--breaking her haze of confusion surrounding this new revelation.
Hope you made it safely. Call me when you’re settled. Love you.
Elena's stomach tightens as she rereads the message.
She jumps, her body scrambling to catch the phone as it nearly slips through her fingers. Miguel’s voice drifts down the stairs.
“Need help picking the wine?”
“No--it’s okay. I'm coming.” Elena shakes her head, returning the phone to its original place. She replaces the phone with two wine glasses, mindlessly grabbing the closest bottle.
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mayans tags:
@appropriate-writers-name @rosieposie0624 @jjwriter23 @briskywalker @princesspeachypeach @cind-in-real-life @rocketqueen @brownsugarcoffy @chibsytelford @maybeisthemoon @jatriciaaa @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo @chellybear98 @silverstarsandsuns @henrycavill19 @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @mayansxlover @holl2712 @pedropcl
@inyourbackpocketisbutterflies @cocotheclown @cant-decide-at-this-moment @helli4nthus @megapeacelovemusic-blog @est1887 @demonquartz @bucky-iss-bae @thesandbeneathmytoes @sesamepancakes @shawty-fenty @peoniarose @starrynite7114 @agoldin @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @wiccanmetallicrose
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carbonateddelusion · 2 years
Do we need like a very free time to join art fight? I’m so busy with college life during the day and I’m available to draw during night time.
Nah, you don't need a whole lot of free time! In my opinion, anyway. Plus, people who aren't in the US use AF too, so it's not like you'll be shamed for posting late at night or anything
You don't even need to upload your own characters; there's plenty of people who have empty profiles and only draw for others. But, if you DO want attacks, what I recommend is having at least a few up with some basic details (name, color palette, some full-body shots or a good description), especially humans and anthros since those seem to be the most popular. It doesn't need to be anything super complex.
The only thing I can think of that might be time consuming is drawing the artwork itself. But even so, while it's generally taboo to not revenge art drawn for you, you're under no obligation to do so. You're just less likely to receive art if you don't draw art for other people.
Does that make sense? My apologies if it's kind of incomprehensible. I'm groggy atm
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icaruskeyartist · 2 years
The stuff some people are saying about and doing to you is utterly vile. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this shit. I hope you have access to good support systems and lots of comfort foods/drinks. Also animals. Hope you have access to cute animals to hug and pet.
Less comfort food/drink but yes to everything else (trying to cut back on how many calories I eat yanno? Just until I'm more physically active).
I genuinely don't understand what has to go through someone's mind to send gore and fetish porn to a person. I admit I've lost the plot of all this a bit ago.
I'm super groggy atm. Meds want me to stay asleep but honestly. If you surround yourself with this shirt or you're doing this shit then fucking hell. You need h e l p
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afoolnottoloveu · 3 years
HELLO no i did not get bangs im not bangs im not brave enough 😔 i did get quite the cut tho! my hair was a bit past my collarbone now it's a couple inches above my shoulders. i love it i cant stop brushing it hfksjfkd. but i felt that about ur naps and productivity rate. i had a strong start to the year then after a couple weeks i just got so tired, plus i have dance classes 3 days of the week right after school. but i hope your naps are rlly nice ones tho !! and i might just start using the calendar emoji to sign off but 365 anon is so iconic. ok hope u get ur homework done and have a swag day <3 -📆 aka 365 anon
i’m not brave enough either it’s okay anon HAHA i actually cut my hair before i dyed it and i was a Little upset at how short it was atm,, but i was like super happy w it a few days later !! short hair is so freeing tbh i think i’m never gonna let my hair grow out again /hj
MY NAPS are so funny bc when i wake up it’s dark so i get soo groggy and confused and it’s usually around 7 when i wake up so i think it’s the morning?? yeah one day i even walked around my house before realizing i had only slept for two hours and not 14
365 is iconic but i’ll still know it’s u :’)) have a good day nonnie!
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fulisha-of-light · 4 years
Soma Voice Lines
Borrowed from @muffinrecord
Here’s my take so I can practice writing his voice. In retrospect, they come off as rather sad since he doesn’t know ugly truth ;o;
Intro Self Introduction 1: Ah, Hello! My name's Soma, and I’m from Tomoyoko City. I don't remember my last name, but I'm sure it'll come back sooner or later, haha. Hopefully I can remember everything else about myself too... actually, can I ask you something? Have you ever heard of a magical girl called the Sibyl? Self Introduction 2: I'm just a magical boy from Tomoyoko, probably the only one at the moment. But just because I'm a boy, doesn't mean I can't fight like everyone else!
Personal Story Story Chapter End 1 It’s hard dealing with other magical girls. I feel like I shouldn’t even be here talking to them. Story Chapter End 2 Looks like it’s back to square one. *Sigh* How frustrating... Story Chapter End 3 I’m not gonna rest until I find out the truth about the Sibyl. I just can’t go on like this.
Story Select 1 I can fight too! Just give me a chance! Story Select 2 The Sibyl of Tomoyoko... Just who is she...? Story Select 3 H-hey, hold on a second Misha! I'm not sure if I'm ready for this lesson yet! Story Select 4 Stop poking me Kiki, I'm not that cute! Hey, that tickles! *Laughs* Cut it out! Story Select 5 Why was I chosen? What makes me so special? Story Select 6 If I can just remember something, anything...
Stats Strengthening Complete: Huh. I think I’m getting better at this. Let’s see what I can do now. Strengthening Max: Wow, I never thought I get this far. Maybe I can actually do this!
Episode Level Up: I’m finally getting somewhere with this investigation. Magia Level Up: I feel a little... lighter. Like I can do anything. I think Misha’s training is finally paying off.
Magical Release 1: It’s difficult to learn about magic and control it, but everyday pushes me to work harder to recover my memories and find her. Magical Release 2: Witches are born from curses, yet I can create them from my magic. Well, distorted ones anyway. But I just don’t understand. Why would I have this power? Is it because of her...?  Magical Release 3: I think my reason for wanting to find the Sibyl goes beyond recovering my memories. We both must’ve had a reason for taking up this role. I want to know what she sees in me personally. If I know that, then I think I can keep fighting.
Awaken 1: I know some parts of Tomoyoko like the back of my hand, but everything else is a complete blank. There’s gotta be a reason for that. Awaken 2: Is it because I don’t want to remember? Is that it? Or am I protecting myself from someone, or something? Perhaps there’s a lot more going on around here than I initially thought... Awaken 3: I’d like the chance to become normal again, but I’ve gained so much from this experience. It wouldn’t be right for me to give it all up and go back. Do I really want to be a magical boy? Or should I be a normal person?
Home Screen Login (First login): Hey, how's it going? Ready to start investigating? We're slowly making progress, but I'm sure we'll find a lead on the Sibyl this time. Login (Morning): Yawwwwn... Mornin'. Looks like you slept well. Me, I just feel super groggy. Give me a quick drink and I'll start perking up here again soon. Login (Noon): Huh? Noon already? I thought we had more time... Oh well. Where should we have lunch at? It's your call. We'll join up with Misha and the others there once you've decided. Let’s discuss our findings there too. Login (Evening): Everything always seems to get quiet around this time. Not that I mind, I like that kind of atmosphere. Quiet enough to relax and think... maybe I'll just close my eyes for a minute... Zzz... Login (Night): Hmmm, nothing huh? Well there’s always tomorrow. Maybe we’ll find the Sibyl then after we get some rest. Login (Other): Sometimes I wonder if it's fate that I became a magical boy. What was my life like before? Would things turn out differently if the Sibyl wished for something else? I can't help but think about that sometimes. Login (AP full): You ready? We need to stick together and cover each other’s backs. A Witch or Familiar could try to sneak up on one of us. Misha taught me that one. Login (BP full): It feels wrong for me to hit girls, but Misha says I have to prepare to fight and defend myself from anything, especially other magical girls. I still feel bad for hitting them, even if they’re just a bunch of copies. Sorry.
Tap 1: The Sibyl of Tomoyoko is said to be an incredibly powerful and wise magical girl. She sounds amazing, but I think what makes her interesting to me is how she became the Sibyl. That’s what I really want to know. Tap 2: It’s hard working with girls when you’re the only guy in the group. Misha’s nice, and while Kiki can get annoying sometimes, Chiaki’s just outright rude and doesn’t trust me. I wish she’d stop being so cold towards everyone. Tap 3: Kyubey says that I’m some kind of strange anomaly because he doesn’t make contracts with boys. I don’t like how he describes me like that... it almost sounds like something’s wrong with me. Tap 4: I don’t remember much about myself, but I can tell you about Tomoyoko at least. If you wanna swim or relax in the sun, you head south. If you want to immerse yourself in history and community, then you go north. As for central... it’s the place that bridges it together. Tap 5: They say a wish is a miracle, something that can help others and bring hope. But Kyubey can’t grant mine, and I have no idea what I’d ask for. The Sibyl thought of making me join her, but I still wonder if it’s something I really wanted. Tap 6: Some people don’t think too highly of Mr. Shinoda, my home room teacher. Rumors say he’s gotten in trouble with the law and is a real creep, but I don’t get that vibe from him. He seems like a pretty sensitive and kind-hearted guy to me. But I’m not sure why I think that though. Tap 7: I wish I could pick a different outfit. Having all of these belts on me makes me feel like I’m being restrained. Is there a way to change it into something else? Maybe I should ask Misha about it. All after, she’s the one with the most experience in magic. Tap 8: I think that, even if I wasn't a magical boy, I'd still want to help out magical girls in any way I can. I don't like seeing others suffer, and I don't like being unable to do anything. Tap 9: Can I ask you something? Kiki and some girls at school say I have a cute face, but when I look at myself in a mirror, I don’t really see it. Do you think I’m cute? ...Gah, what a weird thing to say. Never mind, forget I asked! *Blush*
Battle Start: Come on, let’s go! Battle Victory 1: I did it! I can fight! Battle Victory 2: I’m ok! A little scared, but I can keep going. Battle Victory 3: I won’t let anything hold me back. I’ll get up and continue walking forward.
Doppel: Stop... please, stop... I don’t wanna die... Dying: Help me... it hurts...
I think it could use a little more work, but it’s good enough atm. I’d make a Personal Memoria, but I don’t think I have a solid idea of it yet. I’d need to write his story to properly sort that out lol
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tetenuko · 8 years
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It’s for partying, ya dingus.
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sucklett · 5 years
cw for weed mention
so ive tried weed/gotten high a decent amount of times now (idk how much but its like twice a week now, tho i ran out yesterday so i have nothing atm) and here are some further thoughts:
-incredible sleep aid holy fuck, feels nicer on weekdays for some reason when i have to wake up early -makes my mouth super dry -i get the munchies big time and food tastes so incredible like even weird food combinations taste amazing that way -music sounds super interesting (ive noticed it makes things more echoey sometimes?), i like to listen to a lot of songs while high because it typically enhances it for me and lets me imagine things easier -at higher doses i have trouble reading and especially writing, so i tend to avoid too much of either of those -my drawings decrease in quality during but it gives me good ideas so ill do sketches and stuff -on that note my creations in spore increase in quality somehow lol
a few negatives: -can and will make me paranoid at least a few times during (last night was kinda bad cuz the power went out and i kept imagining someone standing in the corner so i turned my phone’s flashlight on while trying to sleep lol -if i sleep too long ill wake up groggy (i guess like a hangover without the headache) -like i mentioned, i have trouble reading+drawing -makes me super sleepy (which is good when i want to sleep but otherwise not) -makes me hyperaware of my heartbeat which i dO NOT like -makes me hallucinate bugs and occasionally other things (i think this is probably more something that specifically happens to me cuz i have occasional hallucinations sober so)
but yeah those are just some things, im no expert but if anyone’s thinking of trying it i dont mind chatting about it as someone who’s still very new to it
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sxlvxtion-lost · 6 years
//Muns a bit groggy this morning so please be super patient with replies. Expect weird grammar problems and spelling because the new meds I’m on have made me soo bleh atm. Will still try to do starters and such though.
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pessimisticfvck · 6 years
Oh God quetiapine sucks for me, I don't take mine cause even one pill knocks me the fuck out and makes me super groggy and slow the next day. So I'm just stock piling them ATM
i see, i hope they’ll work for me, i do feel really groggy today however, i did when i took them last night as well. hopefully those symptoms will disappear with time
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safasaf2018 · 6 years
Day 27 - 6/28/18
This morning I woke up early to have breakfast with my mom and dad before going swimming with Victor, his host sister, and one of her friends we met yesterday. We went to the small beach you have to climb to. It was extremely secluded so we were the only ones there, but if you swam out far enough you could see above the walls of the fort to Rabat, and you could also see across the river to the coastal houses and hotels of Salé. The current was strong enough to drive you towards the ocean if you just stayed still, but very slowly, and it wasn’t difficult to swim against it to get back to where we were. We only stayed for about a half hour because Victor and I had to get to class, but that was exactly enough time to wake us up. We each went home to shower, and then my mom walked me to the building where we had classes today. I bought a peach on the way there for 10 cents for a post-swimming snack, and we all bought coffees when we got there. We had a second follow-up orientation with Doha to ask questions now that we’d all been living with our families for a day, and then we got into the lesson which was essentially just a history and tour of Rabat. Professor showed us through various maps and photographs the old medina where we all live now, the new city, the Kasbah (the fort on the ocean), and the river and ocean. After that we went on a very short tour of Rabat where we saw just what was on the way to the CCCL to get lunch, ate lunch, and then ended up cancelling the more robust tour we had planned because everyone was exhausted. I think I have a small cold or something because I was falling asleep during class and lunch, and when I got home I went to talk an hour long nap that I set my alarm clock for, woke up, went to the kitchen, got water, went back to bed, and woke up 4 hours later when they called me for dinner. At that point I felt a bit better but still extremely groggy. Luckily dinner was very light - just bread/pastries and fresh fruits, and we got to eat on the roof which was very cool. After dinner I went downstairs and Nadia showed me about 450 pictures of exchange students they’ve hosted in the past, and postcards they’ve received from them. She also showed me pictures of her and her friends at the beach when they were in their young twenties, of her kids when they were very young, of her on her wedding day, and even a really old black and white photograph of her as a child holding her mom’s hand. She told me about having to move out of the house she grew up and got married in because it was in a bad neighborhood that was too expensive, and how it had made her depressed for a year, and Omaima had to help take care of her, along with the first exchange student they ever hosted, who came back to Morocco to help her and her family, and offered to help them get a new house. It was a really nice and honest talk, Nadia definitely loves having company to talk to. After that Omaima came back with one of her friends, whose name I forget. They asked if I wanted to play cards which resulted in an incredibly fun night of them teaching me Moroccan card games and me teaching them American card games until we finally settled on our favorite which is a game called Tongues that my friends here taught me which involves sticking out your tongue, and makes everyone laugh. Nadia and Mouad even joined in, it was a really great night. After playing for a few hours I went into town to meet Jack so he could give me some money he owed me. They were all at a really nice bar that’s in a literal pirate ship in the water, so I went in and sat down while Jack went to an ATM. While he was gone the bar upstairs closed so they wanted to go downstairs to the karaoke lounge bit which was also a really really nice vibe. The karaoke wasn’t going because there was a singer there who had the greatest energy ever ever ever, and was so obviously ecstatic to be there, and everyone was loving it. Even though I just sat there and enjoyed the atmosphere while Jack got my money, it was fun and at least I got out of the house. When I got home I finally came into my room because I’m still really tired and I have to get up tomorrow morning early to go to Casa for our free weekend!!! Nadia found me some Dayquil that another American student left at her house once, so I took two of those and I’ll take another 2 tomorrow. So today was pretty uneventful because I spent SO MUCH of it sleeping, but the parts that were awake were really nice. I still feel super safe in Rabat, and I love the medina. Victor left with me to go home and we bought ice creams on the way back, and there was a lot of construction going on so all the main streets in the medina were closed, but all the workers, despite only speaking Arabic, did their best to help show us which way to go.
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andy-abroad · 7 years
June.18.2017 Hello hello- I know I say every day is a long day, but man... today was a long day! Picking up from where I left off. The plane landed and I groggily tried to fill out my customs card. It was unexpectedly simple, and I rushed to finish it as people were starting to de-plane. I got my backpack and made my way onto the shuttle bus, which took us to the actual airport. Once inside, I feel like I walked for mikes! As always, the customs line took a while, but I didn't have many issues, thankfully. I got my stamps and went to go collect my bag. I had been in customs for so long (lines move slowly!) that I actually was able to snatch my bag up pretty immediately I used the toilet, got money out of the ATM, and tried to use the metro. Actually. I didn't really that hard. I was so tired that I saw I needed to get off the train and transfer at one point, that I opted to get an Uber. In Thailand, I have 4G data, so it was quick, and as always, it was cheap. Although the driver was close, it took him a while to get to me. I was nervous I was on the wrong side of the road, so I checked my map, but I was fine. I saw my car at long last and scrambled in. The driver was nice and didn't speak much English, which is fine, since he had my destination. He also gave me a bottle of water!! So nice! I struggled to stay awake in the uber, and actually wrote the previous blog post to help keep me awake. I got to my hostel and it is gorgeous. Very modern, good location, clean... and full! Unfortunately there was no bed for me. The hostel workers encouraged me to eat breakfast and said I could shower and change. I walked up to their lounge level where there were lots of bean bags. I locked my bags up, charged my phone, and passed out. There was loud music and people talking, but I guess I was so tired I just fell right asleep. I woke up around 10:30a. I had been asleep for about two and a half hours, which is a long time to be sleeping in public. I was a bit nervous as my phone hadn't charged very much (external charger was also dead) and I was still so groggy. I woke my mind up and started researching, also while charging my charger. I still couldn't check in, so I figured I would just go out and see the city and some sites, then come check in, nap, and then head out again for dinner. I found this street food stall that seemed good, but it was about 2 miles away. The subway didn't go that direction, and I was about to give up when I saw that there were busses that ran! I got my bag and headed out. I went first to the metro station to buy a metro card. I thought I could use he metro card on busses. You cannot. I got my card, walked to the bus stop (which took me forever to find), and then got on the bus. I had to pay for a ticket, which was about 30 cents. I had to take the bus 8 stops and then transfer to another bus. When I got off and tried to transfer... the bus never came. I was so confused and frustrated! I ended up walking the last bit to the food stall, only to discover that it was closed. I think Koreans own it, as everything was written in Korean and Thai, and that they are Christians, as their sign said they are closed on Sunday's for church. Disappointed, I left and found another street stall close by. I had the equivalent of drunken noodle and read my book. It was here that I began to realize there are so many tourists. In India and Egypt, there were so few people that spoke English. Here, I don't know if it was where I was, or what, it seemed like at least one in three spoke English or was a foreigner. I paid for my meal (like... 1.50 USD) and made my way to my next stop. I knew I would want to see at least one temple today, so I set out for one close by. Well, relatively. I wanted to take another bus, but something was seriously not right, because 20 minutes went by and my bus never came. I took an expensive rickshaw and entered the temple. This temple is known as the temple of the relaxing Buddha. Why, you might ask. And it's simple. There is a huge Buddha laying on its side, relaxing! It was really cool to see. The buildings were really different - heavily decorated with ceramics and colors. Really beautiful, really complicated. I did the walk through the compound and saw all the different spaces for the monks: meeting, learning, eating, etc. I am interested in seeing why a city needs so many temples, and how this type of Buddhism is really specific to the area. I sketched and relaxed in the shade for a bit, as the sun decided to come out and it got very hot. I did another walk through and was ready to end my day. It was around 4p when I tried to catch yet another bus. I waited for half an hour and then checked the bus lines online. I think there might have been some kind of traffic pattern update, because the bus stops are all different now. Frustrated, I caught another rickshaw back to the hostel. Thankfully getting home is easier, as it's only a block from a train station, and I can just ask them to take me there. It took a while, as there was now traffic. The roads are super uneven and I felt kind of sick, actually, but it was fine. I got to the hostel, checked in, and immediately showered. I felt so gross I needed to rinse off. After showering, I decided against napping and ended up reading a bit more. I waited until I got hungry and then set out again in search of food. I asked the hostel people where I could go to get good street food, and they says that about three blocks away, the streets are lined. I made my way and did a walk through. I saw fried fish, curry, noodles, kabob, and things I didn't recognize. I ended up walking back to this man who was cutting up fried chicken breasts. Kind of like tonkatsu! He then mixed the chicken with a sauce that was spicy and had vinegar, and put it on top of rice and salad. Looked so good! I walked back to eat and stoped by a 7-11 to get water and a Fanta! Surprisingly, 7-11 is everywhere in Bangkok. Like 3 right next to each other. I got my things and then hurried home as I was starving. I got to the hostel and ate my dinner. It was to good and spicy and filing... and cheap! I ended up going to my room to put my things away and meeting some of my roommates. One of them is Korean-American and is from North Carolina! We chatted a bit and he invited me to come eat dinner with him. I had already eaten, but decided it could be nice to have some company. We went just around the corner and he got really good looking noodles (will get tomorrow) and I bought a soda and we chatted and hung out. It's really neat to see that the street food is for the locals as much as it is for the tourists. Everyone uses them! We finished our things and went back to the hostel. I'm going to plan a bit about what I'm doing tomorrow, and then go to bed. I think I might be getting a little sick, so I'm going to take Advil and then go to bed. The AC is cold, but we have thick blankets and I am very happy with the hostel! Anyways, chat later. Until whenever--
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