wpristav · 19 days
Модернизированный БПЛА Supercam S350M и его потенциал
Расчет выполняет запуск БПЛА S350К настоящему времени в частях и...... Читать дальше »
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freshthoughts2020 · 1 year
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Czech-supplied 9K35 Strela-10M2D shoots down a SuperCam and a Zala drones. 57th Otaman Kost Hordiienko Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade, AFU. June 2024
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Ms. "Rape is sexy" and her dog named "vagina."
A liar the 1st jury found not to be credible for the R act and the 2nd jury awards $83 million in damages because Trump called her a "liar."
Interesting how Epstein Islands Reid Hoffman funded this fake case and he's funding Nikki Haley's campaign.
The jury in the second E. Jean Carroll case against President Donald J. Trump has returned a verdict awarding the sex-obsessed writer $83 million.
The clerk read the verdict, which included $7.1 million for compensatory damages, $11 million more, and a $65 million punitive cost. Carroll’s lawyers had initially asked for between $7 million and $12 million.
The money is supposed to be used for a “reputational damage repair” program for Ms. Carroll, whose publicity and income have risen since her bizarre story about being raped by Trump in a department store in the 1990s first came to light.
By comparison, the multi-billion-dollar Bud Light is spending $7m on a Supercame to light.
By comparison, the multi-billion-dollar Bud Light is spending $7m on a Super Bowl ad to repair its reputation since its Dylan Mulvaney fiasco.
Ashlee Humphreys, the reputation repair “expert” who testified on behalf of E. Jean Carroll, admitted under cross-examination that she has no “real world” experience in the field. She is a Democratic Party donor.
The trial has been marred with bias from the judge, as well as having a tainted New York pool of evidently far-left jurors seeking to punish President Trump for his politics.
Nikki Haley donor and Jeffrey Epstein’s friend Reid Hoffman funded the case.
UPDATE – President Trump responded on Truth Social shortly after the verdict: “Absolutely ridiculous! I fully disagree with both verdicts, and will be appealing this whole Biden Directed Witch Hunt focused on me and the Republican Party. Our Legal System is out of control, and being used as a Political Weapon. They have taken away all First Amendment Rights. THIS IS NOT AMERICA!”
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pangeen · 2 years
Winds On Mars
This is the first 360-degree panorama taken by Mastcam-Z, a zoomable pair of cameras aboard NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover. The panorama was stitched together on Earth from 142 individual images taken on Sol 3, the third Martian day of the mission (Feb. 21, 2021).
The sound recording was made on Feb. 22, 2021, on the fourth sol (Martian day) by the SuperCam instrument on NASA’s Perseverance rover after deployment of the rover’s mast. It provides a different overall sound than the SuperCam audio recording from the mission’s first sol. Some wind can be heard, especially around 20 seconds into the recording. Rover background sounds have been removed.
Original Wind Sound
Via Perseverance Mars Rover
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evenstarstuff · 2 years
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Mars Perseverence Rover Sol 620: SuperCam image taken on November 17, 2022
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realnews20 · 9 hours
Il rover Perseverance della NASA si è imbattuto in una roccia marziana mai vista prima. È bianca e scintillante, completamente diversa per caratteristiche e composizione da quelle che la circondano. Gli scienziati l’hanno chiamata “Atoko Point” La strana roccia scoperta su Marte. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS Durante la sua missione all'interno del cratere Jezero, il rover Perseverance della NASA ha fatto una scoperta incredibilmente affascinante su Marte. Ha infatti individuato una roccia totalmente diversa da quelle in cui si imbatte di solito. È infatti bianca e scintillante, contrastando in modo significativo rispetto a quelle molto scure che la circondano. Per gli scienziati è la prima del suo genere e non sanno come sia finita lì, ai margini del cratere dove miliardi di anni anni fa si trovava un gigantesco lago. La roccia è stata trovata in una zona soprannominata “Monte Washburn”, una collina sulla quale sono disseminate diverse rocce interessanti. Ma il piatto forte è rappresentato proprio dal gioiello bianco, che è stato già analizzato attraverso gli strumenti SuperCam e Mastcam-Z. Dalle analisi è emerso che la strana roccia è composta principalmente da pirosseno e feldspato, minerali silicati che sulla Terra si trovano ad esempio nelle rocce ignee e metamorfiche. Il primo lo si può trovare nel basalto e nella peridotite, mentre il secondo nel granito e nell'andesite. A causa della sua peculiarità, gli scienziati della NASA hanno deciso di chiamare la roccia "Atoko Point", come una vetta sul Grand Canyon orientale caratterizzata da una composizione unica di calcare Kaibab, risalente al Permiano. Proprio la sua unicità rispetto alle strutture geologiche che la circondano hanno ispirato il nome per questa curiosa roccia marziana. Il "sasso spaziale" ha una larghezza di 45 centimetri e un'altezza di 35 centimetri: “In termini di dimensioni, forma e disposizione dei suoi grani minerali e cristalli – e potenzialmente della sua composizione chimica – Atoko Point è in una lega a sé stante”, ha spiegato la NASA in un comunicato stampa. Terremoti ai Campi Flegrei, scoperte diverse strutture sismiche all’interno della caldera Il Monte Washburn. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS Secondo i ricercatori, i minerali della curiosa roccia potrebbero essere legati a un corpo magmatico sotterraneo che ora è esposto sul bordo del cratere Jezero, ma altri non escludono che possa essere stata portato in loco da lontano, grazie alle acque del fiume estinto Neretva Vallis che miliardi di anni fa si snodava nel cuore dell'area attualmente indagata da Perseverance e riempiva d'acqua il cratere. Il rover ha dovuto tagliare per il letto del fiume dopo diversi giorni marziani (o sol) molto complicati proprio a causa del terreno accidentato e disseminato di rocce. Se nelle settimane precedenti riusciva anche ad avanzare di 100 metri al giorno, mentre era diretto in un'area chiamata Bright Angel per ricercare depositi di carbonato e olivina, nell'ultima fase è riuscito ad avanzare al massimo di 30 metri. Fino alla decisione finale degli ingegneri di tagliare una parte del percorso originariamente previsto, attraversando il suddetto fiume. Il percorso del rover Perseverance. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Università dell'Arizona Fortunatamente è stato comunque possibile arrivare al Monte Washburn, costellato da rocce molto interessanti. “La diversità di strutture e composizioni del Monte Washburn è stata una scoperta entusiasmante per il team, poiché queste rocce rappresentano un sacco di doni geologici portati giù dal bordo del cratere e potenzialmente oltre”,
ha dichiarato il dottor Brad Garczynski della Western Washington University di Bellingham, che sta guidando l'attuale fase di ricerca scientifica del rover. Tra le varie rocce studiate rocce sono rimasti particolarmente colpiti da Atoko Point, come indicato la prima del suo genere, anche se sperano di trovarne altre simili nel prosieguo della missione. Gli scienziati pagherebbero oro per portare sulla Terra rocce incontaminate di Marte, ma al momento questo obiettivo sembra molto complicato. Soprattutto dopo il recente e significativo taglio al budget previsto per il recupero dei campioni raccolti da Perseverance, passato da 11 miliardi di dollari a 5-7 miliardi di dollari. (function() ()); [ad_2] Sorgente ↣ :
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kimasov · 25 days
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У БпЛА Supercam S350 появились новые возможности.
БпЛА способен летать в качестве «ретранслятора», увеличивая дальность применения ударных БпЛА (вопрос каких, скорее всего КУБа и каких-нибудь барражирующих боеприпасов от Концерна Калашникова).
S350М, эксплуатирующийся наши ВС РФ в зоне СВО, способен сразу передавать видеопоток на средство поражения и автоматически обрабатывает его с выведением целеуказания в систему
управления тактического звена. (На самом деле здесь, наверное, много слов, я до сих пор не знаю бригаду, где ЕСУ ТЗ работает полностью во всех подразделениях бригады, как оно запланировано было)
Так же он стал более устойчив к РЭБ, у БпЛА увеличено количество частотных каналов КТРа (командно-телеметрической радиолинии) и длительность полета, а также улучшено качество и изображения с камеры.
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wpristav · 1 month
Ижевский БПЛА Supercam в Спецоперации и в гражданской сфере
Подготовка БПЛА S350 к вылету. Оператор устанавливает на место одну...... Читать дальше »
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7ooo-ru · 1 month
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Эксклюзив RT: операторы БПЛА уничтожают технику ВСУ при помощи FPV-дронов на оптоволокне
Военкор RT Влад Андрица показал эксклюзивные кадры с Краснолиманского направления, где работают операторы БПЛА группы Амура из спецназа «Ахмат». Бойцы получили новые FPV-дроны на оптоволокне и теперь с их помощью обходят все имеющиеся у ВСУ средства РЭБ. Командир с позывным Амур рассказал, что в работе также используют БПЛА Supercam, которые недавно появились у группы. По словам военного, такая модель дронов практически неуязвима: позволяет операторам залетать в тыл врага и бить по целям.
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Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/05/25/055-eksklyuziv-rt-operatory-bpla-unichtozhayut-tehniku-vsu-pri-pomoschi-fpv-dronov-na-optovolokne-grss-310636666.html
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spacenutspod · 1 month
2 min read Sols 1151-1152: Rocky Roads in the Margin Unit Mars Perseverance Sol 1150 – Left Navigation Camera: Perseverance’s afternoon view looking towards the northwest. The rocky terrain in the foreground is part of the margin unit that is currently being investigated by the team. Beyond lies Nereteva Vallis, an ancient river channel that the team hopes to explore in the coming weeks. NASA/JPL-Caltech Earth planning date: Wednesday, May 15, 2024 Recently, our intrepid rover has been channeling its namesake while navigating through difficult terrain as we march on through the margin unit. Despite the shorter drives, the team continues to make good progress investigating the rocks around us while scouting our traverse ahead. On Wednesday, we took advantage of being parked during a routine flight software update to take a closer look at the local rocks with our proximity science instruments. While there was limited outcrop in the vicinity of the rover, the team surveyed some options within reach and selected to abrade a target named “Old Faithful Geyser.” Such abrasion will allow us to look at a fresh and clean rock surface unobscured by dust or rock coatings. Since our last abrasion at the Bunsen Peak workspace almost 1 km to the east, the team has been working hard to understand the potential textural and compositional variability across the margin unit that may give important insight into the geologic history of these rocks. Following abrasion, the team will plan detailed chemical measurements with the PlXL instrument over the weekend. In addition to our abrasion activities, we planned some remote science observations on nearby rocks with the SuperCam and Mastcam-Z instruments. Mastcam-Z was also used to acquire longer distance imaging looking east down into Neretva Vallis, an ancient river valley carved by water over 3 billion years ago. After wrapping up our investigations of the abrasion patch, Perseverance will head a short distance northwest to a high point named Overlook Mountain. There the team will assess a potential traverse path down into Neretva Vallis to take advantage of more benign terrain and investigate outcrops and boulders within the valley. Such investigations will hopefully reveal important clues about the timing of geologic events in Jezero and the relationship of the margin unit rocks with the surrounding units. Written by Bradley Garczynski, Postdoctoral Scientist at Western Washington University Share Details Last Updated May 22, 2024 Related Terms Blogs Explore More 2 min read Sols 4191-4192: Communication Article 48 mins ago 4 min read Sols 4188-4190: Aurora Watch on Mars Article 2 days ago 3 min read Sols 4186-4188: Almost there… Article 5 days ago Keep Exploring Discover More Topics From NASA Mars Mars is no place for the faint-hearted. It’s dry, rocky, and bitter cold. The fourth planet from the Sun, Mars… All Mars Resources Rover Basics Mars Exploration Science Goals
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Onboard footage of a British-supplied ASRAAM SAM system in Ukrainian service downing a Russian Supercam UAV over the southern front.
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demiurgeua · 2 months
Зенітники морської піхоти ЗСУ знищили розвідувальний дрон Supercam рашистських загарбників
Зенітники морської піхоти Збройних Сил України знищили розвідувальний дрон “Supercam” рашистських загарбників. _________ Warriors of the air defense of the marines of the Ukrainian Armed Forces downed the “Supercam” reconnaissance drone of the russian nazis. Зенітники морської піхоти знищили російський розвідувальний дрон Supercam –…
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objectivnewskharkov · 2 months
Російський розвідувальний дрон SuperCam було знищено у Харківській області - https://www.objectiv.tv/uk/objectively/2024/04/11/velicheznij-vorozhij-rozviddron-supercam-zbili-na-harkivshhini/
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NASA's Perseverance fords an ancient river to reach science target
Originally thought of as little more than a route clear of rover-slowing boulders, Neretva Vallis has provided a bounty of geologic options for the science team.
After detouring through a dune field to avoid wheel-rattling boulders, NASA's Perseverance Mars rover reached its latest area of scientific interest on June 9. The route change not only shortened the estimated drive time to reach that area—nicknamed "Bright Angel"—by several weeks, but also gave the science team an opportunity to find exciting geologic features in an ancient river channel.
Perseverance is in the later stages of its fourth science campaign, looking for evidence of carbonate and olivine deposits in the "Margin Unit," an area along the inside of Jezero Crater's rim. Located at the base of the northern channel wall, Bright Angel features rocky light-toned outcrops that may represent either ancient rock exposed by river erosion or sediments that filled the channel. The team hopes to find rocks different from those in the carbonate-and-olivine-rich Margin Unit and gather more clues about Jezero's history.
To get to Bright Angel, the rover drove on a ridge along the Neretva Vallis river channel, which billions of years ago carried a large amount of the water that flowed into Jezero Crater. "We started paralleling the channel in late January and were making pretty good progress, but then the boulders became bigger and more numerous," said Evan Graser, Perseverance's deputy strategic route planner lead at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. "What had been drives averaging over a hundred meters per Martian day went down to only tens of meters. It was frustrating."
Channel surfing
In rough terrain, Evan and his team use rover imagery to plan drives of about 100 feet (30 meters) at a time. To go farther on any given Martian day, or sol, planners rely on Perseverance's auto-navigation, or AutoNav, system to take over.
But as the rocks became more plentiful, AutoNav would, more times than not, determine the going was not to its liking and stop, dimming the prospects of a timely arrival at Bright Angel. The team held out hope, however, knowing they might find success cutting across a quarter-mile (400-meter) dune field in the river channel.
"We had been eyeing the river channel just to the north as we went, hoping to find a section where the dunes were small and far enough apart for a rover to pass between—because dunes have been known to eat Mars rovers," said Graser. "Perseverance also needed an entrance ramp we could safely travel down. When the imagery showed both, we made a beeline for it."
The Perseverance science team was also eager to travel through the ancient river channel because they wanted to investigate ancient Martian river processes.
Rock star
With AutoNav helping guide the way on the channel floor, Perseverance covered the 656 feet (200 meters) to the first science stop in one sol. The target: "Mount Washburn," a hill covered with intriguing boulders, some of a type never observed before on Mars.
"The diversity of textures and compositions at Mount Washburn was an exciting discovery for the team, as these rocks represent a grab bag of geologic gifts brought down from the crater rim and potentially beyond," said Brad Garczynski of Western Washington University in Bellingham, the co-lead of the current science campaign. "But among all these different rocks, there was one that really caught our attention." They nicknamed it "Atoko Point."
Some 18 inches (45 centimeters) wide and 14 inches (35 centimeters) tall, the speckled, light-toned boulder stands out in a field of darker ones. Analysis by Perseverance's SuperCam and Mastcam-Z instruments indicates that the rock is composed of the minerals pyroxene and feldspar. In terms of the size, shape, and arrangement of its mineral grains and crystals—and potentially its chemical composition—Atoko Point it is in a league of its own.
Some Perseverance scientists speculate the minerals that make up Atoko Point were produced in a subsurface body of magma that is possibly exposed now on the crater rim. Others on the team wonder if the boulder had been created far beyond the walls of Jezero and transported there by the swift Martian waters eons ago. Either way, the team believes that while Atoko is the first of its kind they've seen, it won't be the last.
After leaving Mount Washburn, the rover headed 433 feet (132 meters) north to investigate the geology of "Tuff Cliff" before making the four-sol, 1,985-foot (605-meter) journey to Bright Angel. Perseverance is currently analyzing a rocky outcrop to assess whether a rock core sample should be collected.
TOP IMAGE....Superimposed on an image from NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter, this map shows Perseverance's path between Jan. 21 and June 11. White dots indicate where the rover stopped after completing a traverse beside Neretva Vallis river channel. The pale blue line indicates the rover's route inside the channel. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona
CENTRE IMAGE....Stitched together from 18 images taken by NASA's Perseverance rover, this mosaic shows a boulder field on "Mount Washburn" on May 27. Intrigued by the diversity of textures and chemical composition in the light-toned boulder at center, the rover's science team nicknamed the rock "Atoko Point." Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS
LOWER IMAGE....NASA's Perseverance rover was traveling in the ancient Neretva Vallis river channel when it captured this view of an area of scientific interest named "Bright Angel"—the light-toned area in the distance at right—with one of its navigation cameras on June 6. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
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militaryleak · 3 months
Kalashnikov to Introduce SKAT 350 M Drone at Expotechnoguard Exhibition in St. Petersburg
The highly anticipated Expotechnoguard exhibition in St. Petersburg from April 3 to 5 will mark the debut of the Kalashnikov Concern's latest innovation: the SKAT 350 M unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The SKAT 350 M UAV is mass-produced by the Concern. The result of a major upgrade of the well-known Supercam 350 UAV, it is designed for aerial surveillance and detection in optical and infrared ranges. After studying the experience of operating this UAV, Kalashnikov experts managed to enhance the product's aerodynamic properties and improve its ground control system. The drone's wings and control surfaces have been updated. The updated design improved their mechanical strength and reliability #military #defense #defence #militaryleak
The highly anticipated Expotechnoguard exhibition in St. Petersburg from April 3 to 5 will mark the debut of the Kalashnikov Concern’s latest innovation: the SKAT 350 M unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The SKAT 350 M UAV is mass-produced by the Concern. The result of a major upgrade of the well-known Supercam 350 UAV, it is designed for aerial surveillance and detection in optical and infrared…
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