lbwings · 2 months
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Superman X
Doing some practice with Super help.
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mrmonster459 · 4 months
The Last Heroes: An FCM (Anti)Superhero Story
MrMonster was helping ReySkwalker comb through the ruins of his former workplace, hoping they could find it before anyone from The Avenging League discovered them. They had drones all over The City, knowing one day either of them (or both) would eventually come out of hiding and return home, they knew that much. But they didn’t know how much time they’d have before he was spotted & reported.
“Good times, good times.” MrMonster said somberly as he found an old framed photo of him taking a selfie with The Child Abnormal Black Belt Frogs. They were good kids; unfortunately, they were also some of the first to get killed on Day Zero, the day the world’s “heroes” took over the planet.
Many years ago, some of the strongest superheroes on Earth formed a team, led by SuperManx. Or as they knew him, TigerT20, a mild mannered Medieval scholar. No one knows exactly where he came from. Most at first assumed he was from The United Kingdom, but he claims he grew up in some place called The Isle of Man. However, the existence of The Isle of Man remains unproven.
The team was unstoppable, and everyone knew it. It had everything from street vigilantes, to super spies, to gods from places once thought mythical.
But then, one day, about one year ago, the team’s core members decided to rule the world. The SuperManx decided that he could run the world better than the world’s people, and convinced the most powerful members of the team that he was right. First, they forced all the world’s countries to surrender. The only global power that resisted was Kawanda. The scientifically advanced African nation put up a brave resistance led by their king, Black Leopard, or as MrMonster knew him, his old friend AC. AC gave his life trying to keep his kingdom safe, but his suit of armor & his country’s elite guards all proved useless once Green Goliath was flown in to smash the entire country down to dust.
Then, they killed every superhero in the world who didn’t see their way, every member of The Avenging League that didn’t cooperate with their plan.  
All except the two that escaped: Night Bat aka MrMonster, and  Tarantula-Man aka ReySkywalker.
“Bingo.” Rey said as he found what could very well be the last sample of Manxtonite in the world; the scraps of remaining radioactive rocks from The SuperManx’s extinct home planet is his only known weakness. But after taking over the world, he made sure it was all destroyed. That is, except the one secret little piece that Tarantula-Man had kept for himself, in his old employee locker in the basement of his old job site as The Daily Trumpet, where even The Avenging League never thought to look.
And then, the ground began to shake.
“Oh no.” The Night Bat said as it became obvious that his former co-workers had found him.
He turned to see two supers approaching. Green Goliath, a monster who grew stronger with rage, and Dr. Jayskier Weird, a surgeon turned sorcerer, were there to bring him in.
“Green Goliath, it’s been a while.” MrMonster said as he regained his footing. “How’s it going, Comics?”
“SHUT UP, YOU ABSOLUTE DIPSHIT FUCKTARD CUNT!” he shouted, as the Earth shook underneath him. 
“What are you so mad about?” MrMonster taunted. “That I’m Batman in this story and not you?”
Comics was clearly confused by the fourth wall break, which gave Tarantula-Man the perfect opportunity to shoot webs directly into his eyes. He knew it would take only a minute or two for him to pull it out, but that was time they could isolate Dr. Weird.
“You two were really the best they could send after us?” MrMonster taunted.
“SuperManx sent the core team off-world a few hours ago to preemptively stop The Yellow Flashlights from attacking the planet.” Dr. Weird commented. “See, isn’t this better? Now, we don’t have to work with the approval of useless old politicians. Now, we stop the threats & save the world BEFORE any damage is done, not after.”
“At this point, what kind of world are you even saving?” Reyskywalker asked. “The people live in fear. No one’s creating art or making music or celebrating anything. When’s the last time you saw anyone watching a movie or listening to music? The people you’re so proud of saving just wander through life as hollow shells, hoping that SuperManx doesn’t do to them what he did to New York City after the riots began.”
“Come on Tarantula-Man, you don’t have to do this.” Dr. Weird said, clearly wanting to change the subject. “You can just come in peacefully, and accept whatever punishment is deemed just for your betrayal?”
“OUR BETRAYAL!” MrMonster said as he began to lose control. “You’re the ones you turned your backs on the oath we swore.”
“We swore an oath to keep this planet safe.” Dr. Weird retorted. “And I intend to fulfill it by eliminating two rogue vigilantes from the equation.”
Dr. Weird then opened a portal right underneath Tarantula-Man, one that went straight to the mirror world prison. He would have fallen in, if he didn’t shoot a web at the ceiling just in time & pull himself out of the portal.
“Nice try.” Tarantula-Man said as he then leapt towards Dr. Weird and knocked him out cold with a kick right to the face. 
Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to celebrate his victory once Green Goliath finally got the web out of his eyes. Then, he came charging after Tarantula-Man.
Night Bat distracted him with concussion bombs. Then, Tarantula-Man jump kicked himself right into his chest, hitting with enough force to knock Green Goliath down to the floor. Once he was down, Night Bat shot a tranquilizer into his mouth. Once it went down his throat, he’d be out of the picture for long enough for the two of them to make an escape.
They knew that the core team would make short work of whatever Yellow Flashlights were hanging around in the solar system, so if they were going to strike, they were going to have to do so immediately.
So they got in The Tarantula Plane, and flew to their former 
headquarters. They knew the tower’s radar would alert SuperManx and whatever other heroes were there, but it was a risk he’d have to take if they were going to make it in time.
Once missiles were launched at the plane, they ejected and hit the ground. They thought they had at least a few minutes before there was another threat, but were proven wrong when a red blur rapidly approached them. They then rushed to hide in an abandoned building.
“Stuntman, do you hear anything?” The Runner (Nuke) asked Blind Stuntman (CJ).
The Blind Stuntman paused and listened carefully. The heroes; there was no hiding from their blind former friend’s impeccable hearing.
“Over there, I hear two heartbeats.” He said.
Night Bat then threw a sonic bomb their way. Even a normal person would find the noise unbearable at such a close range; for Blind Stuntman, it must have been excruciating.
The Runner then dashed towards his location. “Shit, shit, shit.” Tarantula-Man muttered to himself as he desperately searched for one of his ice weapons; it would be his only hope of stopping Nuke.
“MrMonster, Rey, where are you guys?” Nuke taunted. “Come out now, and I’ll kill you quickly, get it over with.”
“But if I have to find you, I’m gonna force you to watch every single episode of Agents of SHIELD with me first.”
“Alright, over here.” MrMonster said.
“Gotcha!” Nuke shouted as he dashed over, and speed punched him right in the solar plexus. With him distracted, Rey then threw down his ice weapon; it froze his feet to the floor, and prevented him from moving any faster.
“You okay?” Rey asked.
“I’ll be fine.” MrMonster said. 
From there, it was a straight shot to the tower.
“Hello, old friends.” TigerT20 said. “I don’t think I’ve seen you since Day Zero.”
“Yeah, you haven’t.” Tarantula-Man said. “You know, you never really told me; why’d you do it?”
“Because the world had become sick. We’re living in a world, where people would rather visit a theme park than go frolicking through glens. And don’t even get me started on the public attitudes about medieval times. So many talk about Medieval times as if they were primitive. Primitive! In my glorious utopia, everyone will know how smart people were back then.” He then fired at them with his laser vision.
Tarantula-Man leapt and stuck to a wall. As SuperManx kept firing, he kept swinging around the room, only sticking to one spot for a moment or two to avoid being a sitting duck for SuperManx’s beams.
When SuperManx got tired of missing, he took a deep inhale, and then began blowing freezing breath around the room. Some of it inevitably got MrMonster’s leg, and froze him to a wall. Rey evaded a little longer, but ultimately, SuperManx froze his hand to the ceiling.
“Finally!” Tiger said as he had his old friends right where he wanted them. “The last rogue heroes, stupid enough to attack me in my own tower. I think first I’ll…”
And then, Tarantula-Man unleashed the Manxtonite. SuperManx immediately recoiled in pain.
“What’s the problem?” Tarantula-Man taunted before throwing a roundhouse kick at his head.
SuperManx spat out a mouthful of his own blood; probably the first time he’d done so in years. MrMonster then punched him right in the gut, sending him at least four feet backwards.
It looked like they were about to win; until a star-spangled shield flew into the room and hit Night Bat square in the head.
“Lieutenant USA!” he shouted, in a panic.
“Yes.” Swag said.
“Wait, time out?” Reyskywalker interjected, as the fighting paused. “You made her the Captain America stand-in of this story?”
“I just thought it would be funny.” MrMonster replied.
“Okay, fair enough.” Rey replied.
“Can we restart fighting?” SuperManx asked.
“Yeah, I think so.” Rey said, as the battle resumed.
Night Bat focused on finishing off SuperManx, while Rey focused on stopping Swag. 
Swag threw her shield at her, but Rey then leapt to the ceiling. He then dropped down, landed right on the head. He then punched her unconscious.
SuperManx grabbed MrMonster, and threw him into a wall. He hit so hard that he created a dent in the plaster. The push knocked the Manxtonite right out of his hand.
Supermanx then wrapped his hand around MrMonster’s neck, and started squeezing. “After everything that’s happened, you really thought you could win.” he taunted as he tightened his grip.
“UP TOP!” Tarantula-Man shouted as he webbed the Manxtonite, and flicked it over to Night Bat.
“NO!” SuperManx shouted as Night-Bat smacked him right in the face with it, flooring him and ending the fight.
“Are you going to kill me?” SuperManx said.
“Yes!” The Night Bat said as he got ready to finish him off.
“No, we won’t.” Tarantula-Man interrupted, and Night Bat calmed down. “You’re going to prison. But don’t think I’m letting you off this easy; I’ll make sure you never get to play with Medieval replicas ever again!””
“NO!!!” Tiger shouted.
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lifeasitis21 · 6 years
Series Updates!
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Some of you know I’ve been working on my series For The Last Time, but for those of you who don’t I hope you get a chance to read it! 
I will put the links to all 4 parts below.
There’s still some open spots on my tag list so  let me know if you’d like to be added. Part 5 will be posted later today so make sure to check back to either of my blogs to find it! Thank you!
For The Last Time:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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indiebyrdn7 · 3 years
Back from the dead, New 52 Superman and Wonder Woman must deal with a threat from the multiverse bent of destruction. Enjoy the continuing story of Earth 52!
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aarcanechaoss · 3 years
I have been in a LOSH mood and I fucking LOVE that show so here’s one of my first EVER OC’s lmao though I did remake her a little bit and I’ll explain that at the end. 
Name: Corvina Nox
Other Names: Vina, Cori, Nox
Alias: Onyx
Abilities: Umbrakinesis, Shadow step, Dark spot
Manipulates shadows, can travel with and through shadows and can locate anyone using shadows as long as they are on the same planet as her
Looks: https://picrew.me/image_maker/54346/complete?cd=DEEwZUYr81
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Hair Colour: Split crimson and Black
Eye Colour: Dark grey- many say they look lifeless
Distinguishing Features: Mole on left side of jaw, bandaged neck
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Home World: Galaxor 
Species: Galaxorian
Occupation: REDACTED, Legionnaire 
Information: The split hair is natural, usually defined by rank however many can change their ranks via effort and work. Nobles and Royals tend to stay the same but as a pleasure planet it doesn’t really matter it just means someone is seen as in charge and some have more money than others. 
The planet, outside of its pleasurable entertainment,  is known for its sour flavoured fruits akin to lemons. 
Corvina Nox keeps her background hidden from the Legion, she hasn’t committed any crimes but she’s not particularly fond of some things she’s done and as unashamed of her deviant side as she is she knows not all planets share the same sentiments. Even Brainy the 12th level intellect doesn’t know much about her life on Galaxor... which raises some questions when Superman X comes into the picture. Kell-El could care less for the woman who preferred to go by her hero name Onyx but he’s not a fan of secrets especially when her’s seem to be unravelling the more Imperiax makes them dig. When a lead brings them to Galaxor will she finally tell them her little secret. 
ANYWAY!! Here you go one of my very first OC’s who has grown and changed as years have gone by, every time I watch LOSH I tend to add something or take something. She was at first a 41st century clone like X one of ShadowLass or Raven (TT). Then she was Blackbird, the descendant of Raven (and I think either Kyd Wykkyd at the time or one of the Robins/ Dick or Jason) She’s always used shadows. Her name used to be Aera Mor but I didn’t like her name lmao. I’m happy with what I have of her now even if this version was last done about a year ago lmao. Obviously LOSH isn’t an anime but its still a cartoon and I’m not making another tumblr for it.... unless you guys want I guess? 
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littlepixie1985 · 5 years
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That’s the #liverpoolspring10k done and dusted!! Felt amazing, the crowd were amazing and the best comment was ‘another half hour and your in the pub’ brilliant. As usual respect everyone that took part and with the marshalls and volunteers none of this could happen 🥰 @blue_haired_manxie @littlecottageonthehill #vegansofinstagram #sistersthatruntogetherstaytogether #seftonparkliverpool #veganrunners #brooketrainers #supermanx https://www.instagram.com/p/BxFFKWinBId/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mem4abnbqwg4
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All I'm saying is with Young Justice being confirmed for a Season three and they talked about four and five, they should consider bringing back Legion Of Super-Heroes or at least finish it lol!! #hudsonscomics #legionofsuperheroes #sideshowcollectibles #oviedomall #hottoyscollectibles #oldcomics #newcomics #funkopops #nowhiring #superman #supermanx #brainiac5 #lightninglad #triplicategirl #charmeleonboy #phantomgirl #timberwolf @oviedomall #stopcancelingshowsonus
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ladystar10point23 · 7 years
Why Hasn’t Anyone Done This? Another Fanfic Idea.
Why hasn’t anyone made a Legion of Superheroes/Inuyasha crossover fanfic or fan comic? The two shows are almost similar except one taking place in feudal Japan and the other in the 31st Century. Also, imagine Inuyasha arguing with Kell-El/Superman X all the time. (Imagine Kagome yells sit at Inuyasha for arguing with Kell-El, while he’s sitting on a tree branch above said clone of Superman. And magic is a known weakness of normal Kryptonians and the only weakness for Kell-El so far if you remember the LOSH season 2 episode “Trials”.)I might try to write a crossover fanfic if no one else will.
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thenixkat · 9 years
Superman X feels like what would happen if Superman and Batman had a kid and the kid got raised by the Amazon Artemis.
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thenixkat · 9 years
They keep putting Kell-El with little kids and it’s wonderful.
The second time the Legion makes him do it he actually says, “I hate you guys.”
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thenixkat · 9 years
But like, Kell-El feels like Superman and Batman’s kid but raised as weapon of war and then lost his robot parents and then forced to make friends. 
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thenixkat · 9 years
I'm... not so good with kids.  ...I stepped on one once...
Kell-El, Superman X
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