#supernatural greece fan club
Supernatural στην ζωη.
Υπαρχουν ανθρωποι, οπου ειναι φαν της σειρας Supernatural ( Αμερικανικη σειρα στο καναλι CW) και ακουω να λενε ποσο θα ηθελα να το ζουσα και γω.  Να ζησουν δηλαδη την αποκαλυψη, να εχουν εμπειρια με δαιμονες, φαντασματα, να ταξιδευουν με το αμαξι του Sam και του Dean. Αυτο που εχω να πω ειναι οτι ηδη ζουμε την αποκαλυψη. Ειμαστε στην αποκαλυψη, ομως πολλοι ανθρωποι δεν το βλεπουν. Δεν θελουν η απλα δεν τους νοιαζει. Παιδια, η αποκαλυψη δεν ειναι ζομπι και οτι αλλο σας εχουν πει. Η αποκαλυψη γινονται στα γεγονοτα που ζουμε εμεις οι ιδιοι απλως οι σειρες μας το μεταφερουν αλλιως. Δαιμονες υπαρχουν αναμεσα μας. Ειναι μεσα στους ανθρωπους οπου μεσα απο κει ενεργουν. Πως;; Απο αμαρτιες. Ειτε μεσα απο μια απλη σκεψη ειτε μεσω ενεργειας ( φονος, κλεψιμο, παιδεραστια, μαγεια, κλπ). Η αληθεια βρισκεται εξω απο την σειρα. Το “supernatural” το ζουμε μεσα απο τον πνευματικο μας αγωνα. Την σκληρη δουλεια για να αντιμετωπιζουμε το κακο. Ομως ποιοι ειναι οι αφεντες του κακου σε αυτον τον κοσμο; Κυβερνησεις, υπουργοι, πρωθυπουργοι κλπ Ολοι αυτοι ειναι τσιρακια του σατανα.  Ας σας πω μερικα χαμηλοτερης ταξης τσιρακια του σατανα. Αστρολογοι, καφετζουδες, χαρτοριχτρες, χειρομαντισες, κρυσταλλοι, meditation και ολα αυτα τα περι New Age ειναι δουλοι του σατανα. Οπου και να επικαλουνται δεν ειναι με το φως. Ο Θεος μας σε λιγους ανθρωπους και εκλεκτους θα πει τις προφητειες και θα δειξει το μελλον οπως ο Αγιος Παισιος κλπ. Ολοι οι αλλοι ειναι του Διαβολου ( Εωσφορου οπως ξερουν οι περισσοτεροι τουλαχιστον μεσω της σειρας αυτης) Πειτε μου λγιο. Σας φαινονται αθωα ολα αυτα; Σας φαινονται Αγια;; Μας αφαιρουν την προσωπικη ελευθερια μας. Ομως θυμιστε μου λιγο πως λεγεται η ομαδα του Supernatural;; Το σκεφτηκατε και μονοι σας. Team Free Will. Σας φαινεται εδω στον αληθινο κοσμο που ζουμε στην πραγματικοτητα να εχει ο καθενας την ελευθερια του;; (Οι προγονοι μας που εχυσαν αιμα για να ημαστε ελευθεροι πεθαναν για εμας και μεις δεν κανουμε τιποτα) Υποδουλωμενοι σε αυτο το σατανικο συστημα;; Νομιζετε ακομα οτι θελουν το καλο μας; Οτι νοιαζονται για μας; Μας τα φερνουν απο γυρω γυρω. Μας κοροιδευουν μπροστα στα μουτρα μας. Θελουν αυτες οι σκοτεινες δυναμεις που μας κυβερνουν να φοβομαστε ειτε μεσω του Covid-19 οπως φοβουνται οι μεγαλοι ανθρωποι ειτε μεσω του προστιμου για τα νεα παιδια. Δεν μας αφηνουν να παμε στην εκκλησια μας να προσκυνησουμε σε ενα ιερο εδαφος. Εχουμε πολεμο. Και πως θα πολεμησουμε αυτες τις σκοτεινες δυναμεις; Πρεπει να ξεκινησουμε να ερχομαστε κοντα στον Κυριο Ιησου Χριστο. Ο τροπος για να νικησουμε ειναι να αρχισουμε να διαβαζουμε προφητειες, Ιστοριες, την Αγια Γραφη και να βλεπουμε μεσα απο τα γεγονοτα και να δρασουμε εμεις οι ιδιοι. Ξερετε τι θα γινει αν ολη η Ελλαδα και αν οχι μονο ολη η Ελλαδα ολη η οικουμενη αρχισει να προσευχετε; Ειναι Το τελειο οπλο κατα τον σκοτεινων δυναμεων. Προσευχη, νηστεια, εξομολογηση, Θεια κοινωνια. Να παρουμε ολοι την Θεια Χάρις του Κυριου μας και κανενας δαιμονας δεν θα μας σταματησει. Και μακαρι το λεω μεσα απο την καρδια μου να γυρισει ο Θεος μας την γη μια μοιρα και να καταστραφουν ολα και να ζησουμε μια χαρουμενη ζωη. Ενα οπλο για να εχουμε κατα των σκοτεινων δυναμεων ειναι ο σταυρος μας. Ο σταυρος μας και το κομποσχοινι μας. Θελετε να ειστε κατα τον σκοτεινων δυναμεων; Αρχιστε να ερχεστε κοντα στην θρησκεια μας. Παρτε το πνευματικο σπαθι φορεστε την πανοπλια του Θεου που μας εχει δωσει και αρχιστε να πολεματε. Μακρια απο μαγειες (New age, αστρολογιες, χαρτομαντειες, χειρομαντειες, κρυσταλλουες, δυσιδαιμονιες κλπ) οπως δειχνουν στην σειρα. Αυτα ειναι ενα αλλο θεμα που θα μιλησω αλλη στιγμη.  Λοιπον. Σας τα λεω γιατι θελω οπως μπορω να σας φερω στον δρομο του φωτος και των Αγγελων που οδηγουν κοντα στον Θεο μας και ετσι θα παμε στην Βασιλεια οπου εκει ανηκουμε. Κανω αμαρτιες δεν ειμαι τελειος και κανω τα παντα για να φερω οσο πιο πολλους γινεται. Και θελω να με ακουτε. Το ξερω οτι σκεφτεστε πως λεω βλακειες ουτε γω θα τα πιστευα ομως ετσι ειναι. Μεχρι και οι ιερεις μας μιλανε για αυτο αν δεν πιστευετε εμενα αρχιστε να ακουτε τους Αγιους Πατερες.  Και μην φοβαστε. Ο Θεος, η Παναγια μας, οι Αρχαγγελοι, οι Αγγελοι, και οι Αγιοι ειναι μαζι μας.
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Okay so I was cleaning out the drafts from my main blog and I found this old post about Leah that I made way back in fall 2018 and thought I would share. I’ll admit I edited added to it with more ideas that I’ve come up with over the past couple of years so. Enjoy, ig.
Things I want for Leah Clearwater post-Breaking Dawn
For her to bow out of being in Sam and Emily's wedding. She's done with pretending to be happy and others ignoring her pain for the sake of their own happiness.
She's over Sam. Like ya know what? Greater things are ahead for her. That's her mindset. In fact, this is her new chapter of her life. She’s gonna do what she wanted from the start even if it’s without the person she thought was gonna be by her side for it. 
She goes to college. She makes more friends, gets a job. She does a bunch of extracurriculars, like maybe martial arts classes or clubs? Anyways, everyone starts to think of her as this utter badass?? She gets to have the College Experience that all the bullshit in Eclipse and BD wouldn’t have let her have. This is A New Chapter of Leah’s life, and she’s determined that she’s gonna make the most of what she wanted to do. 
Between her course load, martial arts classes, and work, Leah’s been so busy that time seems to pass like a blur... but she knows what she needs in order to truly heal, and that’s to take the time to work on herself. She tries calming activities not yoga that shit is a fucking workout and even considers therapy... if she can figure out a good cover story, that is.
She grows out her hair. For so long she kept it short for practical purposes, and though there may come a time where she may need to protect her tribe from supernatural entities again, she wants to grow it long again. She missed that. 
She’s been taking classes in a bunch of different subjects - environmental science and conservation because she’s furious at the harm being done to nature and wants to do something about it; law because she wants to help people and bring justice where normally the system wouldn’t do a damn thing; linguistics because she is interested in preserving languages on the verge of extinction; Native American studies to learn about more cultures and traditions. There are sm avenues she could take, she almost can’t decide what she wants to singularly focus on.
She goes home for the holidays, and it’s one of the first times in a while that she’s actually elated to be back. She can’t believe how much she missed her mom and Seth. It becomes one of the highlights of her year.
She’s no fan of the Cullens, but sometimes she stops by to check up on Jake. She’s sad for him, because she knows that the true him wouldn’t want this, but she also just doesn’t want to cut off all communication. They’ll usually go on a forest run to get some privacy(ish) to catch up on things and maybe twist her arm to take home some cooking from Esme. Leah relents, but really, she knows she’s just gonna eat her mom’s amazing food and just give it to Seth. Jake doesn’t comment.
Jake's pack treats her with some goddamn respect. The misogyny that was so rampant in Sam's pack is not so commonplace here. She's not treated as an outsider, and she's deferred to as a valuable member. She comes to realize that now that the pack isn’t as toxic to her anymore, she actually likes these guys. Even though she still thinks of them as immature boys, they’re actually not the worst when they’re not being dicks.
She travels. Like, *a lot*. Road trips, maybe even applying for scholarships for overseas. She has a whole list of places she wants to visit. South Africa, Brazil, Greece, Paris France, Japan, New Zealand... the list seems to keep growing by the day. 
She meets more supernatural creatures, including the *actual* werewolves. She starts to be well known to many of them around the globe. Turns out that there really isn’t just shapeshifters and vampires.Though she’s tried to distance herself from the supernatural world during college, she’s also aware that it’s affecting the mundane world just as much. Though she doesn’t actively seek them out stick her nose in their business, she meets them upon her travels. She doesn’t want to get involved in their shit - she’s had enough of that as it is - but she finds it exciting to actually have these encounters and see just how magical the world is. 
Feel free to add on, if y’all have the urge.
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samatheia229 · 4 years
PJO Mortal AU (Solangelo-centric)
 The Olympia Family
(AKA the family with so much chaos and drama, they would have made an even more popular reality TV show than Keeping Up with the Kardashians)
Thalia Grace - 24
An ambassador of the Artemis Foundation
Won't hesitate to throw hands at anyone who messes with her family.
Very protective of her little brother and cousins.
Not afraid to speak her mind and fight for what she thinks is right.
Has a kind of love-hate relationship with her stepmother Hera. While Thalia respects and acknowledges Hera as her stepmother, she is a free spirit, and hates being chained down by the old-fashioned rules Hera imposes.
Briefly dated Luke Castellan for 2 years, but broke up due to reasons. The break up was mutual and Luke still remains as one of Thalia's closest friends.
Deadly with a bow and arrow (she'd be hunting down hunters like they hunt animals for living if it weren't for the fact that murder is unfortunately illegal).
Jason Grace - 19
Sophomore at Uni (double majors in Management and Aerodynamic Engineering)
Flight school graduate
Heir to Jupiter Airlines (given that his father doesn't plan to retire anytime soon, Jason is considering becoming a pilot in the meantime)
Hera's favourite child since he actually follows her rules (He bends them slightly every now and then, but she doesn't need to know that).
Regular at the Manhattan Chess Club
Has an intense rivalry with his older cousin Percy that's been going on for like 10 years now... (his life goal is to beat Percy. They're currently at a stalemate of 3795 wins each.)
Very protective of Nico. He almost had an aneurysm when he heard that grumpy, little stay-away-or-I’ll-death-glare-you Nico had a boyfriend. A boyfriend.
Has a best friend Leo Valdez who is an engineer student with an eccentric personality and is a mischievous menace. His childhood friend, Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano, is an athlete in javelin-throwing and currently resides in her hometown in San Juan, Puerto Rico, but they still keep in touch. 
Dating Piper McLean, the 19-year-old founder of the Beautifully Imperfect Foundation
Zeus Olympia
CEO of Jupiter Airlines
Drama Queen TM
Favours Thalia more despite Jason being his heir and enables most of her rebellious antics, much to Hera's chagrin.
Can be rather childish and petty ("It's been 43 years, and I've long since given up on expecting him to change," Hades deadpanned.)
As the youngest child of the Olympia family and with his father on Death's doorstep, Zeus was given a lot of free reign, hence his playboy tendencies. He eventually did settle down with Hera Junos, the single daughter of one of the oldest families in Greece. Hera was fond of children but was unable to sire her own due to medical issues, which led to Zeus getting a mistress (with Hera's begrudged consent), Beryl Grace, the daughter of Hera's family chef. Beryl has always had a rather strange personality and an unhealthy obsession with alcohol. A few years after giving birth to Thalia and Jason Grace respectively, her liver gave way and she died before they could find a solution.
Hera Olympia (formerly Junos)
Zeus' wife
The kids call her ‘Aunt Ra’
Jason is her favourite child because he actually listens to her
Coming from both a high-class and old family, Hera was raised to be a perfect lady (a lady should not wear pants or speak out of turn etc. etc.) and has a rather old-fashioned way of thinking, enforcing strict rules in her household.
She still loves Thalia, but because the way Thalia acts goes against everything Hera was taught, her relationship with her stepdaughter is a bit strained. Hera now mostly lets Thalia do her own thing, but every now and then might still be a bit controlling. She's trying, okay?
Bianca di Angelo - 19
Sophomore at Uni (majors in Journalism and English Literature)
Works part-time at the Artemis Foundation
Generally quiet and shy, but has a tendency to fuss over small details.
Very responsible and possibly the only one with a brain cell among the cousins. (Proteus and Triton don’t even live in the same continent half of the time; Kym doesn't give a damn; Thesi is too nice to reprimand them; Ro‘s too busy fawning over her fiancé; Hero is more likely to fan the flames than quell them; Thalia, Jason, Percy and Nico are always either competing against each other or breaking the Internet with their antics again; Hazel is pretty innocent but has a slight vindictive streak so caution must be exercised; and Tyson and Estelle are innocent beans of sunshine that must be protected).
She can be bold when she wants to be, as well as reckless. 
Has her father's habit of gesturing with her hands while talking and when she is on edge.
Nico di Angelo - 17
High school Senior
Heir to Pluto Corp.
Resident Emo in the family (“I'm not emo!” “Your only-dark-clothing phase says otherwise.” “It's not a phase, Persephone!” “Like father, like son.”)
Stubborn AF
Can't deal with all his overprotective sisters and cousins
Currently pining over William Solace ("Shut up!")
Avid gamer, plays digital games, card games (his childhood and to-this-day favourite is Myth-o-magic, which is one of the reasons he approves of Hazel's boyfriend, Frank) and all games in general (he visits the arcade monthly to make sure he's still 1st place in every game there)
Has a tendency to hold grudges and gestures with his hands while talking or when on edge, a habit he shares with his father and older sister.
Plays the violin (Persephone had introduced him to it, and he'd taken a liking to it)
Hazel Olympia (formerly Levesque) - 14
High school Freshman
Aspiring artist (she’s won thirty different art competitions locally in the span of three years and placed silver last year in the Chelsea International Fine Art Competition under an anonymous name because she wanted to win by her own merit rather than rely on the Olympia name. Hades plans to surprise her by giving her own exhibition hall for her next birthday.)
Regular at the Manhattan Riding Club
Has a bit of a vindictive streak in her that was probably born out of spite due to her upbringing
Exudes a powerful aura of passive aggressiveness, but is also incredibly kind and magnanimous
Has the ability is summon, manipulate and detect precious minerals, as well as the ability to place curses on them. (This knowledge is confidential and hidden from the public)
Loves her family with all her heart, and literally no one is more protective of Nico than she is
She was the first but also last person to know about Nico's boyfriend (First because she goes to the same school and is not dense, thank you very much, but technically last because she was the last person that Nico officially told since Will is terrified of her for some reason, something about her being 'the FINAL BOSS'; this amuses Hazel to no end).
Has a very cute crush on Frank Zhang, a HS Junior who’s an archer and animal lover (it’s mutual, by the way).
Hades Olympia 
CEO of Pluto Corp., one of the largest companies in the mining industry.
#DONE with life and all the people in it, particularly his crazy family
Functions solely on his children, Persephone and caffeine, usually caffeine because the other two are often the cause of his high blood pressure
Broods a lot (”I don’t brood.” “Yes, you do.”)
Deadpan 200% of the time and takes no shit
Loves all his children equally and definitely does not have a favourite (it’s Hazel, in case you’re wondering) 
As the eldest son of the three brothers, Hades was betrothed and wed to his childhood best friend Persephone Terrafield by their fathers in an attempt at a business partnership (Spoiler Alert: It didn’t work out in end). Admittedly, Hades and Persephone did have a small infatuation with each other when they were younger, but it never grew into anything serious, and as they grew older he saw her as more of a sibling than a lover and vice versa. After the inevitable death of his father, Hades and Persephone divorced but literally nothing in their relationship changed since they’d never loved each other romantically in the first place. When Hades decided to court their mutual friend, Italian diplomat Maria di Angelo, Persephone supported both of them wholeheartedly. In the span of the seventeen years they were together, Maria gave Hades two beautiful children, Bianca and Nico. Unfortunately, Maria passed away after being on life support for two years in result of a plane crash when Nico was 6. 
In the two years when Maria was hospitalized, Hades was so desperate to find his beloved a cure that he sought out a witch doctor that was rumoured to be in New Orleans. Marie Levesque, the aforementioned witch, was a greedy, manipulative person with a deluded and unstable mind, who drugged Hades and essentially raped him because she thought his spawn would have the perfect blood for experimenting magic on. She used magic to wipe his memory of the previous night’s events and handed him an ‘antidote’ that was actually just water dyed a milky white. After ten years, Marie finally revealed to Hades a 12-year-old Hazel, who looked miserable, was suffering from malnutrition, wounds, burns etc. and had a supernatural ability which Marie proudly said she had bestowed to her via dark magic. Hades was absolutely mortified, revolted and a bunch of other things. He filed a lawsuit against Marie, charging her for rape, child neglect, child abuse and human experimentation, as well as taking permanent custody over Hazel Levesque (now Hazel Olympia). 
Persephone Terrafield
CEO of jewelry enterprise The Red Pomegranate which was a sub-branch of Pluto Corps. The enterprise has the highest production rate in the US. 
Self-designated matchmaker for Hades (Hades always tells her she should focus on her own love life first, but he’s just an ungrateful brat)
Current life goal is to fulfill Maria di Angelo’s dying wish: help Hades find love again. (Mission status: still at Square 1 because Hades has some trust issues after the Levesque Incident)
The kids all call her ‘Aunt Seph’, but she loves the children as though they were her own
She and Hades often joke that they would totally still be married if they didn’t see each other as siblings and platonic soulmates and she hadn’t had her sexual awakening of being lesbian.
She lives with Hades and the children as she finds it too much of a hassle to move into her own place, not to mention lonely (with the kids at school and doing club activities, someone needs to make sure Hades gets exposure to the sun anyway).
Persephone is the daughter of an unnamed businessman and Demeter Terrafield, an agricultural revolutionist and healthy-cereal-obssessed woman.
Her mother and Hades have this sort of weird rivalry going on whenever Demeter visits; Demeter hates Hades because he hates healthy cereal, and apparently anyone who hates healthy cereal isn’t good enough to be hanging around her daughter, so she always replaces all his coffee with decaf and puts the healthiest cereal she can find on his bedside table every morning; in retaliation, Hades will deliberately eat the most sugary sweets he can find in front of her and locks her out of their personal greenhouse. (The glass walls are made of the strongest glass he could find and the door is locked by multiple manual and digital locks.)
Hestia Olympia
CEO of WarmHearth Interior Design Agency (WHIDA)
Everyone's favourite person, indefinitely
Has the infinite patience of a goddess
Gentle, kind, very wise, gives great advice
The kids call her ‘Aunt Tia’ 
Often fondly exasperated by her younger brothers' antics (because no, just because they’re grown men now does not mean they are going to stop their childhood feuds since despite their protests, they are all petty AF), but once she snaps, they all line up like toy soldiers and behave nicely.
Knits a lot. Most of her carpets, quilts, bags, scarves etc. are handmade.
She looks relatively innocent, but don't be fooled. There's a hidden arsonist in her that is always ready to come out when she's angry.
Hestia has a 'I'm not mad, just extremely disappointed and upset' Mom Look that has sent people bawling their eyes out and begging for her forgiveness with just one glance
She is the oldest of the Olympia siblings, but as a child had a frail and weak body. Kronos wanted to get rid of her since she was 'useless and couldn't be wed off', but Rhea, their mother, begged and pleaded Kronos to let her live. For some unknown reason, Kronos complied.
Her brothers are all very protective of her
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