#leah clearwater headcanons
imaginingmanyfandoms · 4 months
Can you please do twilight wolf headcannons where their wolves imprint are extremely hotheaded ( hotheaded NOT abusive ) and how the different wolves would deal with that ?
i think i interpreted this as like stubborn-ish.... idk! love my twilight headcanons, i wanna start up again.
sam: at first, it was a bit of a battle of wills. no raised voices. no arguments. just... debates. lively debates. where you both truly believe you know what's best. it always starts in a conversation, and ends in a conversation. he loves you regardless of how stubborn you can be.
jared: he doesnt take much seriously so he tends to tease. out of love. but you'll cross your arms and say something, and he'll do the same thing until you can't stop the little laugh. and the rare occasion where that doesn't work, he'll just pick you up, throw you over his shoulder. and walk you wherever.
quil: he's an angel. with patience for you like you wouldn't believe. he would just listen, and nod, and respond. and he's just impossible to get frustrated with because he listens, and he hears you. so when you're being stubborn and refusing to bend, he'll just sweetly explain himself. and it almost always ends there.
embry: em calls you his firecracker. he bends almost immediately to you. you "wear the pants" and he doesn't care at all. loves it even. you just have a strong will, and he admires that about you.
jake: ugh, idk. he'd probably just run off to canada or smth.
leah: leah is a stonewall. it's hard to tell what she's thinking. she's so used to pushing the boys out of her head and space that she accidentally does that to you sometimes too. which she's been working on. but it's hard for her, getting barked orders at all day by sam and then comes home and you're being stubborn. and you have to just let her win sometimes.
seth: sweet angel baby. sweet sweet man. he is like a daisy. he is that cute little purple part that grows on a thorn... and sometimes you worry that you're the thorn. seth never gets upset or frustrated, he's like embry, if you put your foot down and want it one way or the other, he'll do whatever. doesn't care, just cares about you really.
paul: paul is the one that will start a bit of an argument. like you're being stubborn, and he's being stubborn and one thing leads to another and you guys are yelling. you always argue from the opposite sides of the room, at pauls demand, he refuses for a mistake to slip out - but it wont because niether of you ever devolve to being mean, just passionate. and more often than not it ends with paul ravishing you from head to toe anyway, the passion from the argument being worked out in bed
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Quileute Wolf Pack - How They Take Their Coffee
Requested by: no one
Sam -
Emily is the only person who was ever able to make his coffee correctly.
Has to be as black as his fur
A normal guy who is basically the only person who drinks coffee like an average person.
A cup or two every morning, a little bit of cream and two or three sugars.
Would inject coffee into his veins if he could
Loves coffee to an insane degree.
A lot of sugar, just a little bit of cream. Thinks flavored creamer is blasphemous
Embry doesn't hate coffee, it's just not his favorite thing in the world. He used to have a sensitive stomach so he avoids it by instinct
Prefers a nice cup of hot cocoa, but also likes tea sometimes
Usually just makes coffee for his dad, doesn't often make it for himself. Turns on the coffee pot before he leaves in the morning
He has to be REALLY exhausted to make himself a cup, and loads it with a horrific amount of sugar
Starbucks queen
Strawberry frappucinos with extra whipped cream for life
Leah sometimes has a cup of coffee with her mom in the mornings if she's up early enough.
She has to have some kind of flavored creamer, though, and lots of sugar. Doesn't like the natural coffee taste.
Does not like coffee, has never liked coffee, and will never like coffee.
A soda drinker through and through.
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sivyera · 1 year
TWILIGHT characters as love tropes
ft. carlise, esme, emmet, rosalie, edward, jasper, alice, jacob, seth, leah, paul, charlie, bella
a/n: with songs to each character
⤷ Carlisle Cullen - rich love
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Carlisle is a very rich man which means he will spoil you a lot. Not only with expensive gifts but also with a lot of attention and affection.
Every time when he gets home from work, he welcomes you with a kiss and warm hug.
When he has a day off, he will cook with you (even tho he cannot eat it, it's just about the time he can spend with you) or you will lay on his lap with his hand stroking your hair and book in his other hand, reading to you.
Every Friday he will take you to a fancy restaurant and than for a slow walk around the nearest park.
On your birthday or on International Women's Day (or any other 'special' day) he will spoil you even more than on normal days. Expensive jewelry, perfumes, clothes, shoes,...
He will bring you flowers at least once every two weeks. And every July he will take you on vacation and you can choose where.
Lolita - Lana Del Rey
⤷ Esme Cullen - falling in love fast
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Esme is such a kind soul so it's no surprise that you two fell in love with each other fast.
She will take you on a date every Saturday. Mostly coffee dates are her favourite. The two of you can talk for hours while drinking delicious coffee.
She will also enjoy baking with you (even tho she cannot eat/taste them)
She has many polaroids with you on them or with the both of you on them and has them hang in her closet or the small table beside her bed.
She loves when you paint her nails and massage her legs and she will always return the favor.
She loves sunny days but because she's a vampire and her skin sparkle on the sun, she cannot go out where people can see her, BUT she can go somewhere private like meadow or forest where you two can be alone and on the sun!
Sofia - Clairo
⤷ Emmett Cullen - he fell first and harder
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Emmett was absolutely over the moon when you two started dating, because he knew from the start that you two are just meant to be.
He loves, loves, LOVES when you sit on his lap. He doesn't care if you are stroking his hair or doing make-up on him, he just want you in his lap, so he can embrace you with his big arms and muscular body.
He'll dance goofily around the bedroom with you to some catchy hip-hop songs he has found.
He loves cuddling with you especially when he can be the big spoon, because he likes how tiny you're compared to him.
Matching pyjamas and make polaroids in those pyjamas, which happens to be one of his favourite memory and polaroids.
He doesn't really like reading books but he always wants you to read to him, because he loves your voice.
She's Kinda Hot - 5 Seconds of Summer
⤷ Rosalie Cullen/Hale - you fell first but she fell harder
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Rosalie has trust issues and trauma because of her past so she wouldn't fall in love easily nor fast, but trust me when she does fall in love; she loves hard.
She loves having spa day with you which includes face masks, painting nails, shared warm bath and much more.
She will take you to the mail shopping almost every day and will buy you everything you look at.
She doesn't like much PDA but she will hold your hand in public but if she gets jealous, she will show the person she's jealous off who you belong to.
She doesn't show it to others just you, but she loves cuddles. She loves when you lay next to her, face to face so she can see your beautiful face.
She's also very protective over you, so if any guy or a girl makes you feel uncomfortable (or unsafe), tell her and she will make sure they won't approach you ever again.
Prey - The Neighbourhood
⤷ Edward Cullen - first and only love
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Edward waited so many years for you, but it was worth it because he finally got you.
He loves when you kiss his forehead even tho he has to lean down because of your height difference, it makes him feel safe. Still his favourite place to kiss you is on your lips.
Edward will write poets for you and about you on small piece of paper and then put them somewhere in your room where you will notice them like your closet or on your book, laptop, notebook, pillow,...and he will bring you your favorite flowers right after the previous ones he gave you have withered.
He will also write songs about you (or for you) and then play them to you on the piano. Which he absolutely loves because you sit right next to him and look at him with those beautiful eyes of yours full of love. Edward cannot read your mind but he can sure read your eyes, the small spark and the love in them when you look at him, he just loves it!
Loves cuddling with you, his favourite position is when you lay on his chest or when he's the big spoon, face to face or hugging you from behind.
He loves having deep talks with you and he'll tell you about his childhood or about the time he was born in.
Follow You - Imagine Dragons
⤷ Jasper Cullen/Hale - unconditional love
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Jasper can be sometimes insecure just as much as Edward, they even have similar reasons... Jasper is afraid of him hurting you, he's afraid that he won't be able to control himself around you, but your words of affirmation and gently touch will calm him down.
Jasper doesn't talk much, he rather listens and he loves listens to you. It doesn't matter what you are talking about, he just loves your voice.
He will take you for a horse ride because he loved it back when he was a human and because he was a cowboy, but you two will have to share the horse because he wants your arms around him.
At first he was a bit scared of cuddling with you (again because of his control) but soon as your hand went to his hair, he melted. Both of you realized how touch starved he's so now cuddling is an everyday thing.
Jasper is a gentleman like Edward or Carlisle so he will also bring you flowers every even week.
He'll read to you to make you fall asleep, because his smooth voice is like a lullaby to you. But if Jasper feels that you are anxious, he will calm you down with his gift and than talk to you what made you anxious, eventually he will cuddle you.
R U Mine? - Artic Monkeys
⤷ Alice Cullen - any universe
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Alice (because of her gift) always knew you were the one, her one and only true love. So when she first saw you, she couldn't help but babbling to her adoptive siblings all day how amazing you are and how she's already in love with you.
She'll go to the mail with you and make small fashion show with you in the cabins with all the cute outfits she found for you and you for her.
She's mostly the small spoon (sometimes she is the big spoon but depends on the situation) while cuddling because she loves when you hold her in your arms and stroke her back.
Outside, in front of other people, she will always hold your whole arm, not just palm.
If you have trouble falling asleep, she will gladly sing to you while stroking your hair.
She'll buy matching clothes, jewerly or nail polish, because she loves when you two match your outfits or other accesories.
i wanna be your girlfriend - girl in red
⤷ Jacob Black - whatever it takes
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Jacob is willing to do anything and everything for you, his imprint. He will kill for you, he will die for you, he will do just everything.
Jacob can be sometimes insecure because he isn't that rich like the Cullens and he thinks you deserve someone who will treat you like a queen, so once again he's willing to prove you that he's worthy of your love.
He'll make you a small wolf and your favourite flower out of wood and attached it into a bracelet, which he will eventually give you to your birthday.
He's also a big cuddle bug, because he's so warm will make you comfortable enough to fall asleep. He's most of the time the big spoon because he feels like he's protecting you but he doesn't mind to be the little spoon. Cuddling also leaves his scent on you so every vampire or shape-shifter (wolf) can smell who you belong to.
He'll take you on motorcycle rides. Also he will drop you at your school on his motorcycle and then he will pick you up. Also he'll let you ride on his back while he's in his wolf form.
Jacob doesn't like fancy restaurants, he prefers his or your bed with some snacks and movies, cuddling of course!
Galway Girl - Ed Sheeran
⤷  Seth Clearwater - love at first sight
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Seth hoped that he will met his imprint someday and he heard from the others how amazing the feeling is to imprint on someone, but no one really prepared him to him because when he first saw you, your beauty hit him like a brick. And he finally understood the feeling because all he could see was you...
Seth will make sure you are always in a good mood with him, either he could tell you some stupid joke or cheesy pick-up line.
He maybe look like a cute baby but don't let his cute face fool you because he won't hesitate to kill for you, so it makes him really protective over you.
In his wolf form he's like a big puppy but only to you and he loves giving you piggy back rides in his wolf form.
Cuddling really depends on his mood; if he's in good mood he will be the little spoon with his head placed on your lap; if he's in a bad mood (mostly when he's jealous) he'll be the big spoon to show others that he can protect you.
He loves baking with you but he's clueless so he will just stand there and watch you or mix some ingredients, often sneaks up a kiss on the cheek while baking.
Dandelions - Ruth B.
⤷  Leah Clearwater - enemies to lovers
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At first Leah hated the fact that she actually had a imprint, so she would try to stay away from you as much as possible and when she couldn't; she would have some nasty comments towards you, but it hurt her as hell when she saw how sad she made you or worst insecure.
She tried hard to stay away from you but she failed, miserably. She needed you, she needed to be with you, so she will explain everything to you same as she would apologize for her acting.
Very protective of you, anyone could just try and test her patience.
At first she wouldn't want you to be near her while she was in her wolf form because she was much bigger and stronger so she was afraid that she could hurt you, but she became a sucker for scratches behind her ear.
Seth will often tease his big sister because she's really soft when it comes to you, which makes Leah give Seth few playful slaps.
When it comes to cuddling, Leah is the big spoon because she has the urge to protect you and being the big spoon makes her feel like she's protecting you in you sleep.
Running With The Wolves - AURORA
⤷  Paul Lahote - rough love
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With the term 'rough love' i mean that Paul is passionate lover and is willing to do anything for his imprint, you.
Paul isn't very patient when it comes to people but you are an exception. Still he's aggressive when someone push his buttons but you are always here to drag him away and calm him down.
Just a single touch and Paul's full attention is on you. Which brings me to the fact that he turns into a puppy when you touch him, your touch is just to comforting.
He's the big spoon because he feels like he protects you and it makes his scent stay on you.
He can get jealous very easily, he trusts you but he doesn't trusts the others and he doesn't want any boys or girls too close to his imprint.
Loves everything you cook or bake and will always eat everything.
Overprotective, if any vampire even dare to touch you, he'll kill him.
Little Freak - Harry Styles
⤷ Charlie Swan - old love
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Charlie is old school but still a huge gentleman.
He will bring you flowers every time you had a bad day and some chocolates when you had a good day to make it even better.
He loves watching old movies or crime/detective movies with you, with his arm around your shoulder.
When he has day off, you two will go on a picnic date which always ends up with you laying on his chest while he's telling you some stories from work.
Every time you bring him a lunch into his police office, he will welcome you with a warm, thankful smile and thank you with a kiss on your cheek.
He will protect you even more than before, when he finds out that there are vampires and werewolfs (shape-shifters).
Burning Love - Elvis Presley
⤷  Bella Swan - teenage love
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Bella will be awkward and nervous when she first spoke to you, because you were just too beautiful to be real. But to her surprise she made you fall in love with her which made her so, so happy.
First attempts of trying to cuddle with her or just show her simple romantic affection were awkward because she was just to nervous, eventually she will warm up and feel more comfortable.
She find our that you touch calms her anxiety and nervousness so whenever she's nervous or anxious she will just hold your hand and squeeze it gently.
Charlie was very happy that his daughter found someone like you, which made Bella even more happy when she saw how you, the love of her life and her father get along.
Often having sleepovers at her house when Charlie has night shifts, which always leads to matching face masks and cuddles.
Kisses on the cheek are her favourite, because she can easily turn and give you small peck on your cheek and visa versa.
Electric Love - BØRNS 
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crazyk-imagine · 9 months
How they feel when they find out you're their Imprint Headcanon
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A/N: I was bored and now everyone has a Twilight Christmas gift!
Shocked but excited to have found his imprint (especially after seeing Sam and Emily), was not expecting it to be the town mean girl but when you two are together, your total sweetheart which throws off the guys except Paul (he's the same way)
Happy that's it someone he knows, even if you two haven't talked in a few years (he always knew you two were meant to be). The pack was happy when he finally quit his moping about how much he missed you and considered himself lucky to ask you out
Thrown off when it wasn't the one girl who showed an interest in him since freshman year but once he got to know you, he knew the fates never messed up and you two were meant to be together
Never wanted an imprint but when he heard you defending him and the pack, he knew you two were meant to be, kind of like the next generations Emily and Sam (Quil and Colin like to joke around and tell him when you're not around)
Dude was downright flabbergasted when he imprinted a year after shifting and it wasn't on his favorite (person and human), Bella. Once he got to know you, he was happy he didn't end up with her (she comes with too much drama while you two are drama free)
Never admitted out loud but after watching Emily and Sam plus Jake and Renesme together, it really made him want to find his imprint and then he found you and he was so happy, everyone jokes and says he acted like an excited puppy
Never wanted an imprint especially after the whole thing with her cousin and ex but after almost dying because she denied the imprint and worked on getting to know you, she found herself wondering how she could ever be without you
Wasn't expecting to meet you so soon after he shifted and was introduced to the supernatural world (and came to believe in the legends he was told for so long), but thinks meeting you was a secret blessing because you can calm him
Didn't know what to expect after hearing brief details about imprints, but boy was he floored when he met you and then you asked him out, he nearly passed out on the spot (the pack doesn't let him forget about it)
Knew he was going to meet his imprint at some point but was not expecting it to happen while he was out getting groceries to replace what he and the pack had devoured from Emily's and then you wind up going to his alpha's place too, boy nearly lost his mind
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Perfect(Seth Clearwater)
Paring: Cullen!Imprint!Reader x Seth Clearwater
Summary: Seth never expected to turn into a wolf, let alone imprint. But after the new born army Seth imprents on the youngest Cullen. they become love sick puppies and just try to have the time of their lives at Edward's wedding. (sorry for any spelling errors)
Twilight Master list
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I found a love, for me
Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
Me and Seth hung close together as we walked around the sea of people, Bella and Edward's wedding reception was going off without a hitch. I didn't really want to be here, I hate huge croweds, but it was my big brother's wedding. It also helped I was with Seth.
He knew I didn't really want to do this, so he succeeded at spending the whole making me laugh. During the ceremony we couldn't stop giggling and making jokes about Bella, Sue had to literally sit in between us in the middle of my brothers vows. She found out that separating us wasn't gonna stop us.
This was Seth's first real party and he was always willing to try anything. We were know as the the sweet and innocent couple, we do are best to uphold that name.
“you guys are so cute together” Rose smiled, you knew Seth must be doing something right if someone like Rosalie saw him more as just a 'mutt'.
We tried to run off and get some cupcakes but Rosalie stopped us to get a photo. The first one was sweet but then they started to slowly become unhinged to the point Rose dismissed us. Emmett laughed as we went to sneak some cupcakes behind Alice's back.
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love, Not knowing what it was. I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow
Your heart is all I own
And in your eyes, you're holding mine...
If your wondering I'm the only human in the Cullen family and the only one who has actual documents of Carlisle and Esme adopting me.
I didn't know much about the pack till I befriend Jacob. Dispite my family he had a soft spot for me, I met Seth threw him even. Of course I didn't get to officially meet Seth intill the newborn Fiasco.
What my family nor the pack was prepared for was Seth imprinting on me. Jacob had invited me to a bonfire with the pack and that's when it happened. This of corse cuased some problems with the treaty and all, but with the newborn army coming everyone let it go.
I never felt so happy to have him, I watched my siblings get married and fall in love and I was left by myself, thst was unitll Seth. He had my heart from the start.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favourite song
When you said you looked a mess
I whispered underneath my breath, But you heard it
Darling, you look perfect tonight...
“come on! Dance with me” I said pulling him towrds the swarm of other couples. Seth laughed and spung me around before pulling me to his chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we swayed to the music in a uncoordinated way, we didn't have to dance like Baby and Johnny from Diry Dancing to have fun.
He took my arms and we just kinda playfully bounced around and bumped each other. Things didn't really calm down till a slow song started to play, wonderful tonight by Eric Clapton started to play.
“may I have this dance?” Seth playfully bowed. “you may” he smiled and pulled me to his chest and way slowly swayed to the soft love song.
Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a lover, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own...
I looked into his chocolate eyes never wanting this to end. We never really had a moment that didn't involve danger, so it was nice to just have a night of fun and laughter.
“have you ever thought about having a wedding?” Seth asked taking my hand in his and twirled me. I smiled softly. “of course, but we're too young to get married” I chuckled.
He smiled. “I know that...I want get a job and a maybe a small house on the res for us before we do all that”
“sounds like a plan” I smiled.
I knew in the future when it came down to either Seth or the family, I would chose Seth. I love my parents and siblings, they gave me a second chance when they adopted me. But then we move all the time and I'm not taking Seth away from his sister and mother.
We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be your man
I see my future in your eyes
“you got somthing on your face” I said to Seth as we were eating the cupcakes we we're not supposed to eat yet.
“where?” he asked licking the frosting off this thumb.
I smiled and wiped the frosting on his nose. “there”
“hey” he laughed and his eyes went crossed to look at his now white nose. He stuck his toung out and tried to get it. I laughed at his failed attempts, he gave me an 'oh yeah?' look and wipped some frosting on my cheek. I laughed and pushed him away.
He stumbled backwards and accidentally bumped into Alice. “sorry Alice” he quickly said. She rolled her eyes.
“you guys aren't supposed to eat those yet and please act your ages” I rolled my eyes, Alice wasn't used to Seth yet but I didn't care what she thought. I would fight Seth for as long as it takes.
“we are acting our ages, we're at the prime of our youth and we only live once” I said smiled big, Seth nodded agreeing.
I ment the 'only live once' because that's what I wanted, as much as I loved my family I want to grow old with Seth and have a happy, normal future with him.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark,
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favorite song
When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this... Darling, you look perfect tonight
“have I told you how pretty you look tonight” Seth asked as we walked around the house, the music was getting old so we went somewhere more quiter.
I blushed. “Yes, about a million times” I playfully blumbed his shoulder.
“well it's not enough.. I don't deserve to be in the presents of such beauty” he said in his best medieval voice as he playful bowed to me then pulled me into his arms.
I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person, And she looks perfect...
Everything seemed to be perfect when I was with him and even if we were just 'kids' I couldn't wait for the future... And whatever desserts we can steal behind Alice's back tonight.
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Leah Clearwater with Imprint- Headcanon
Summary:This is a headcanon of Leah Clearwater having an imprint. I love this misunderstood wolf so fucking much. 
Pairing: Leah Clearwater x afab!Reader
Warnings: Death, swear words, smut at the end MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY!!
Word count:903 (I really love her okay?)
Masterlist    M’s PMC Masterlist
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~It had been both surprising and unsurprising when Leah imprinted on a woman.
~Surprising because they didn’t realize that female wolves could imprint(even though they didn’t really have any knowledge in the female wolf thing anyhow)
~It’s unsurprising however because they had all imprinted on women and had never heard of a wolf imprinting on a guy before. 
~She imprinted on you after you had gotten done telling off a couple guys for being inappropriate with a group of high school girls at the diner you worked at. 
~You had kicked the guys out, made sure the girls were okay then turned around to tell her she could sit where she likes when you made eye contact and your life completely changed for the better. 
~Leah had been ecstatic to finally have an imprint. 
~She does hesitate to tell you that she's a werewolf and that vampires exist. 
~She’s terrified of something happening to you if she involves you in her life. 
~But when she does tell you you are completely understanding why she hesitated.
~You never give her any shit or grief or anything about her having to stay out late and patrol.
~You actually make sure to schedule meetings in good spots while she’s patrolling so you can give her dinner or lunch or sometimes breakfast. 
~She is extremely reluctant to bring you around the guys, other than Seth of course. 
~You and her younger brother get along like two peas in a pod.
~It makes Leah extremely happy to have someone care for Seth as deeply as she does. 
~You always make sure he is fed as well and that he isn’t overworked with patrols. 
~When she does bring you around the guys, you are tough as nails. 
~They try to make fun of Leah for the fact she was so pouty after Sam left her for her cousin. You fly right off the handle. 
~Seth and Leah have had to hold you back from physically attacking Paul and Jared for their words. 
~You also absolutely obliterated Sam and Emily one night, giving them a really long lecture about how much they truly hurt her and they apologized to her profusely. 
~She had never had anyone in her life stick up for her the way you did. 
~The love she held for you showed in every look your way, or the sparkle in her eyes when your name was mentioned. 
~She had always hoped to have the heartache of Sam and Emily patched up and you did just the trick. 
~You were unwaveringly patient with her even if you were her imprint she was still scared of another heartbreak. 
~You guys moved in with each other pretty quickly. Finding a small two bedroom apartment. 
~The thought of not living together made you both sick so it made the most sense. 
~Though separate bedrooms quickly turn into one. 
~She enjoyed having you wrapped up in her arms too much while she slept. 
~You enjoyed being wrapped up in her scent while she was gone too much to stay away from her bed. 
~You also were one of the only things that soothed her nightmares away. 
~Whether they be of her fathers death, the eclipse battle or what could have happened in the breaking dawn confrontation. 
~You reassure her everyday that you will never love anyone the way you love her. 
~You reassure her in the way you kiss her, slowly and passionately letting all unspoken words slip between your lips between her own. 
~You reassure her with the way you start a shower for her when you hear her slip through the front door. 
~You reassure her with the way you always have her favorite snacks stocked in your pantry, your bag and your car.
~You reassure her in the way you stop by and talk to Sue on a daily basis.
~She reassures you of her love with the way she throws your towel in the dryer so it’ll be nice and warm after your shower.
~She reassures you in the way that she hums your favorite songs while she’s doing chores around the apartment. 
~She reassures you with the way she takes you to some of her favorite spots she’s found during patrols. 
~She reassures you with her intimacy and vulnerability. 
~She loves cuddling with you, she’s always the big spoon, she loves the way you hold her hand and wrap it around your middle or lay it on your chest right over your heart. 
~Or she likes when you lay your head on her chest above her heart and tangle your legs within hers. 
~She likes when you braid her hair for her. She also enjoys braiding yours in return. 
~She's obsessed with the way you always seem cold without her. You’ll be wrapped up in 4 blankets, have on fleece pants and a hoodie with fuzzy socks and still somehow be freezing but then she wraps you up in her arms and you are perfectly content. 
~When you guys have sex it’s pretty much always soft. She is terrified of going overboard and hurting you.
~However if you liked it a little rough she would indulge you a little. 
~She keeps her thoughts of you very very private. She does not want the guys to see you in an inappropriate way. 
~Overall this woman loves and worships you undeniably. 
~I am desperate to be her imprint.
A/N: I am a complete sucker for this gorgeous woman. 
Tags(open): @wkndwlff​ @sylviebell​ @dingusteveharrington​
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Oh mah God, your jasper fanfics are so stinking cute! A continuation of the baseball one would be perfect!
Like maybe after hanging out with her the feelings get stronger and he decides to distance himself in worry, and the reader, albeit confused, respects him and is a little heartbroken. Maybe at one point he worries about her for a moment when Emmett tells her she didn't look well (she's sleep deprived from stressing about him but trying to keep it to herself) so he pulls a creepy (can't find a better word) Edward and shows up outside her room and senses her heartbroken ness and feels like he has it too but brushes it off thinking it's just hers instead of his own. She starts getting closer to the wolfs and he tries acting like it doesn't bother him and pretends he could care less when she starts sitting with them in the cafeteria after he shows back up at school. And it's not until Alice has a vision of her getting discovered by volturi and "ended" that he starts keeping an eye on her again, and when a guard of the volturi blends in at the school and he notices does things begin and yeah....or something like that lol take the idea into your jar of boredom writing or something 😂
I feel like you'd write this perfectly! And spot on with the jasper and his accent..
Uhm...YES!? You're so creative this is such a good idea. I should be doing my college coursework right now, but this is all I'll think about so I'm doing it right now!! Also forgive the gammer 🥲😫
Okay, it won't be a DIRECT continuation of the Baseball one-shot bc it's already part of of a different fic I'm writing. I'm just gonna take out Y/n's friends but the baseball game still happened okay?
(sorry 🙏) (I don't know if that made sense.)
>I just like the cold.
>As I said, not a direct continuation but instead the start of a new series? (lmk)
>could be a tad longer that what I'd usually write 🥲
>TW, Panic Attack
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°Jasper's POV°
When I saw her eyes for the first time, in that cramped hallway, I melted inside. My icey veins (filled with the venom that could end her life in an instant) were fueled with warmth as they must've once been long before. And that all too familiar burning sensation at the back of my throat hasn't left me alone since I caught her scent for the first time.
I thought it was just me being hungry. I hadn't eaten that day and it could've been that she just had tasty smelling blood. But knowing my luck, that obviously wasn't it. I can't put my family through this again, I just can't. I've tried to maintain a friendship with her for the fair few weeks she's been here but it's getting harder and harder.
I can't believe I was once angry or annoyed with Edward for falling for a human. I guess karma's a bitch huh? Y/n has no clue about my feelings, I hope. Why would I tell her? So I think it's best, for her safety if I just stop being friends with her. It'll keep her so much safer I know it will.
"I thought that too" Edward said, appearing in the corner of my room.
I didn't jump, I heard him race up the stairs.
"What?" I asked, annoyed I was interrupted by Mr Thought Police himself.
"About Bella. Remember when we left for half a year? And I left her? I thought it'd make her happy. Safe. But it took us both almost dying for me to realise we were safer together.." Edward said, reminding me of the very thing I wanted to try and avoid.
"But that's you, Eddie. You and Bella, by then she already loved you, by then she knew the risk and by then it was too late for stupid mistakes. I'm in a grey area right now, where she doesn't know a damn thing and I just want to keep her safe." I said, sighing as I heard Emmett approach my room aswell.
"Bro, she really likes us.." Emmett said, racing over to the other corner of my room. "I mean for some reason you specifically, but she's told me! We're actually like best friends now so if you want me to be the middle man..just let me know." He said, winking.
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I've seen you together before, walking around the school. You've been especially close ever since you almost abliterated her head with a baseball...but oh well."
"Do I detect a hint of jealousy, Jasper?" Emmett teased. Edward laughed as he joined our brother over at his side of my room.
"No Emmett you don't, because I have no right to be jealous in the first place, she's not mine to be jealous over." I said, not meeting thier eyes.
"But you want her to be." Edward said.
This drew my attention as I looked up and saw his face. Care and amusement radiating off of him.
"I'm glad you find my dilemma so amusing, none of us ever laughed at you, you moody asshole" I said, throwing a pillow full force in his direction.
He caught it. "It's just funny to see how much of a little boy you're being about something that is so crystal clear" he said, tossing back the pillow.
"Oh yeah? And what's that?" I asked, fed up now.
"She's your singer. Just like Bella was mine. I've heard your thoughts, they're too loud to ignore. That feeling? that burning? It's nothing you've felt around anyone else is it?" he asked, already knowing the answer.
"Yes, but I don't want to have to go through the same old debate of “do we turn her or not” and that's even if she feels the same way.." I said.
"Dude, you're literally an empath. You can find out yourself" Emmett said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"I hate using my gift on her as it is. The thought of manipulating her in any way makes my skin crawl, alright? If it's to help her then I can deal with it but I won't just use it to be nosy, that's not fair" I said. "you can still be friends with her if you want Emmett but I can't do it. I won't let myself drag her into this life. I know you wanted the same thing for Bella, Edward but maybe I can make it happen for Y/n. If anyone deserves a blessed life, it's her." I said, walking out my room, speeding out the house and into the forest to clear my head.
I just need to keep away from her. I'll keep her safe that way.
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°Reader's POV°
This week had been..strange. Emmett had been even more friendly then he usually was; it was perhaps due to the fact that he could've killed me the other week with that baseball, but y'know, life goes on. And at no point had I even had a chance to speak to Jasper. Even in class, he'd moved seats. Of course, that was his last resort after they wouldn't let him change his lesson plan.
It ached my heart a little because, I really liked him and for some reason it's like a flip had been switched in his brain and he no longer wanted anything to do with me. It was Friday, and I was determined to atleast get a conversation with him.
While Emmett was babbling on about something to do with gorillas, I interrupted him. "Emmett when did you..uh...see Jasper last?" I asked.
"last I saw he was with Rose and Bella in the cafeteria.." I saw a small glint in his eye as he answered. "But..i don't think he wants to talk to you.." he said just as I began to walk off.
"Have I done something wrong? Did I say something? Is he..is he mad at me for something? Why won't he speak to me?" I rattled off a few of the questions I'd kept to myself all week.
"Woah, calm down. It's..." he hesitated. "it's not my place to say but I think he might just be trying to avoid talking to you because he knows if he does, he won't be able to not talk to you. " he said, in a really confusing tone.
"You've complicated this way too much than you needed to. Is he still there now?" I asked reffering to where he said he saw him.
"Pretty sure, yeah."
I took off without a thank you, which I felt bad about, but I was too focused on getting that conversation with Jasper.
I was almost running to the cafeteria, as I knew the bell was going to ring at any moment. I made it in the cafeteria and spotted him immediately, and he saw me too. His eyes met mine for less than half a second, before he looked to the floor.
He left his conversation with his sisters and went to walk out the opposite way that I was coming in. I ran this time, and caught up to him.
"Hey! What's going on? Have I done something?" I asked, needing answers.
He audibly sighed and closed his eyes, breathing in. "No, you haven't. You haven't done a thing, I promise." He said, and began to walk away again. I moved infront of him to stop him from walking away.
"Don't walk away from me, I wasn't finished. If I haven't done anything then what's the issue? Why can't you talk to me I want to be here for you." I tried to take a hold of his hands but he wouldn't let me touch him. And he didn't meet my eyes, he refused to even look at my face.
"Because...Y/n" I heard his voice shaking. "I just can't be around you, it's not your fault, you're not the reason why I just-" he paused, and bit his inner lip. "I just can't okay?" he said, pushing past me. He sped off down the hall not looking back, leaving me behind.
The bell rang through the halls, louder than I'd ever heard it before. It started to hurt my ears but my eyes couldn't pull away from his figure.
Tears swirled in my eyes as I watched him walk off, and my breath quickened. Then, what I feared, that feeling tightened up in my chest. No. Not a panic attack. I can't, not at school. I took one last look at Jasper walking off before racing back out of the cafeteria and into the school parking lot.
The cold air hit me like a kind wave, and the small droplets of rain coated my face as I looked up at the sky, desperaty wanting it to swallow me whole. It was a small sense of relief before the feeling washed back in like the tide. I ditched my backpack and jacket, throwing them on the floor, needing the coldness on my skin. I tried to slow my breathing down but it wasn't working. I made my way down the steps, now in a short sleeve t-shirt, tripping slightly on the last step as I made my way across the lot. My breathing wasn't slowing and I couldn't stop it, I guess I'd just have to ride it out.
"..Y/n?" I heard from the trees.
I span around, my breath not halting and my panic increasing. As my heart rate was about to rocket even more, Seth Clearwater stumbled out from the trees. I had met him a few times, he and his friends all the way down at the Reservation were good friends with the Cullens.
"Seth?" I aksed, I didn't want to start hallucinating people. That would be a whole new area for me that I wouldn't be able to keep up with.
He made his way over to me. "Yeah, it's me. It's Seth. What's going on? Hey...hey" he was inches away from me now. I tied to move away but he stepped closer in fear I was going to somehow hurt myself. My tears wouldn't stop and my head was looking very which way "Y/n. Look at me."
His order sent a small shockwave into me for a second and I snapped my eyes up, his face blurred due to the tears streaming from my eyes. He took his thumbs and wiped under my eyes, but new tears replaced the stains he wiped away.
"Breathe with me okay?" he asked.
I wanted to try, there's nothing I hate more than this shit. But sometimes you can't help but just ride out the attack until it's done. I nodded my head vigorously and he began to breathe, waiting for me to follow suit.
"Okay in..." he took a breath in and let it out softly. "..and out.."
I tried my best to follow suit but my throat needed as much air as it could get. And it kept speeding up the pattern.
"No Y/n with me, c'mon you got this.." he said, holding my hands.
"In.." he breathed in once again and I followed suit. "and out" he breathed out again.
Slowly but surely my breathing returned to a somewhat normal pace but my shaking didn't stop.
"there you go.." he continued the pattern as he slowly walked me over to a stone wall, and sat me down.
"You're freezing, Y/n." he said, touching my cheek after wiping yet another tear..
"I'll be fine..I like the cold when these things happen.." I laughed slightly, to ease the awkwardness, if there was any.
"I know, it helps a lot doesn't it?" he said, sitting down next to me.
"wait, you've-"
"yep" he cut me off, with a sheepish smile. "I get it. You're inside somewhere when that ugly feeling hits. You beeline it for the nearest exist and the air just gives you something else to feel. It doesn't stop it, but it definitely helps. The cold, it..it helps you feel something different other than that thing in your chest.." he said, describing what it was like for him.
I nodded along as he said so. "yeah..that's...exactly it." I smiled.
He looked up from staring at his feet and smiled back at me, before frowning. "Y/n your lips are slowly going blue, I know how much the cold helps but I won't let you catch hypothermia.." Seth said, pulling me into his chest and offering me a hug.
He was so so warm. It wasn't a stuffy warm either, the kind of warm where you feel sticky. It was that cozy warmth. That homely warmth on a winter morning.
I shivered in his arms at the contact. "Oh..jeez your pretty hot. Are you ill or something?" I asked.
He chuckled slightly. "No Y/n, I'm just a warm person.." he admitted.
"C'mon, let's get you back inside.." he said, rising us up to our feet.
"No!" I wriggled out of his grip, my heart fluttering again, in slight panic. I feel if I see him again today, I'll get worse.
He took hold of me again gently. "Okay..I'll take you home yeah? We just gotta grab your stuff that you graciously dumped on the stairs.." he said, smiling.
I laughed slightly as we walked slowly over to the steps. He jogged up them and picked up my stuff. He placed my jacket over my shoulders and carried my bag over to my car.
He walked confidently over to the drivers seat.
"I swear you're like..16 can you even drive?" I asked, a smile paying on my lips.
"I'm 17 now actually. And it's fine don't worry, hop in" he said, unlocking the car with my keys he must've taken from my pocket.
We got in the car and threw our seat belts on.
"Thanks for this Seth. Aren't you missing a lesson right now though?" I asked, I didn't want to ruin his education.
"Oh nah, me and the boys are on a part time timetable for this school and the one down by the Rez, so don't worry about it...anyways.....where's the handbreak?"
My eyes shot in his direction only to see him holding in a laugh.
"Uh. What do you mean where's the handbreak?" I asked.
He finally giggled. "Don't worry, I'm just joking. We'll be fine. I've never been to your house though, so you can be my sat nav" he smiled turning on the car, and pulling out of the car park.
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°Jasper's POV°
I walked away from her. Every fibre of my being telling me to look back. I fought against it, but gave in. I looked back and saw a glimpse of her as she rushed out of the cafeteria.
What am I doing?
I felt the dread and panic leaking from her as I started to walk away. And I just left her. I left her feeling that way. I know I'm doing this to keep her safe but I can't pretend that I'm perfect, leaving her in fear.
Special thanks to my power, I'm extremely sensitive to even my own emotions and with years of practice I've managed to get a good control of it, but Y/n..I feel her emotions so much more than anyone else's.
My still heart is telling me not to go near her, to keep her safe...but her scent, as much as it tempts me, it deals me a great source of comfort..I can't explain it. I'm near her and I feel safe. I'm a monster and have nothing to fear really, but in her presence it's like we're the only two on earth.
Which is why I must do this. I can't that let angel be manipulated by the devil deep inside me. I won't allow it.
I let out the breath I was holding in during that encounter, again not that I needed to, but I think people would notice if I wasn't breathing. I made my way to the science block and yippee! I was next to Sire Brain Detective and his wife.
I was waiting outside the classroom to catch Bella before Edward got there. I caught her scent in the hallway and rushed to her side.
"Hey Bella, can you just maybe kinda block my thoughts from Edward please?" I asked, a sheepish smile following close behind.
"Why?" She asked, squinting her eyes a little.
"Well you've never had the problem, but Edward is very nosy. And I'd just like my thoughts kept to myself for today." I said.
We kept on walking into the classroom and to our seats.
"So it's nothing to do with Y/n then?" she quizzed.
Even hearing her name makes me feel sick.
"No. Bella..just please can you do it?" I was begging her at this point as I smelled Edward down the corridor.
She looked up as she caught his scent too. "Okay, but you owe me" she said.
"Thanks Bella." I said.
Edward walked in the class and met my eyes immediately, a hint of confusion crossed his face before he sat down next to his wife and realised. "Oh c'mon how is that fair?" he said.
"How is what fair?" Me and Bella said at the same time. We looked at eachother breifely before opening out books as instructed to.
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°Reader's POV°
Awkward, sweaty and sleepless. That's all I feel right now. I close my eyes and he's there. I open my eyes an he's all I can imagine. Everything I tried, I couldn't get him off my mind. I even tried counting sheep, but the sheep soon morphed themselves into horses, then I soon saw him riding a horse, actually imagining him as a Cowboy. I snapped my eyes open and drank some water I left by the side of my bed, before making a last attempt to get some sleep.
After what seemed like hours of tossing and turning in the same directions over and over again, I got up and opened my window. Again, the cold air washed over me and it was almost instant relief. Just like Seth said, it gives you something else to feel.
I watched the trees as they swayed in the wind, thier green leaves brushing against eachother at each breeze. Out of all the places my Mum had placed me while she did her book tour, Washington was probably my favourite so far, well specifically Forks. Since the beginning of the year, (when my Mum's book tour started) I'd been placed in a random city in the state she needed to visit, and Forks was this really nice and small town. Where everyone knew everyone. Of course, the thought of litteraly everyone talking about me as the new arrival didn't appeal to me at all, but when I had moments to myself, it was impossible for me not to gawk at the nature around me. The grey skies, while annoying to some, gave me a nice comforting feeling. The rain, which everyone hated, was my favourite weather. I don't know what it was.. I guess I just like the cold.
I was pulled from my thoughts as my phone buzzed under my pillow. It was my mum calling, I answered of course, but I wandered why she was calling at 4am.
"Mum? what's up?" I asked, trying to hide my tired voice.
"Oh my god Y/n I'm so sorry.. I forgot about the time zones...go back to sleep, I'll ring you at a better time.." she said.
"wait what do you mean the time zones? you're in Washington too?" I questioned, wandering what she meant.
"No..honey, that's why I called. I got to my hotel and they said they had my reservation booked for next year, so they flew me out to the state I was supposed to be in." She said, sounding ashamed. "I tried to mention you, and say how I could catch my own flight..but.. they-they wouldn't listen to me..."
"Mum... Mum it's okay, don't worry about it I'll be fine okay? Just make me proud." I said.
"but I only gave you enough money to last a couple months not over a year..nearly two! And you're in your last year of school, what will you do all day? How-"
"Mum" I cut her off "I'll get a job, it'll be fine. You've been doing book tours since I was like 15, I know how to live on my own." I said.
"but that was when you were 5 minutes down the road...or a bus drive away..now I'm on the other side of the country!" She panicked.
"wait, the other side of the country? where did they fly you to?" I asked. The phone went silent for a few seconds before she answered.
"I'm in Georgia, honey.." She said. "I called you as soon as I had time, I'm sorry I've left you there, I can book a flight and cancel the tour-"
"-No, Mum don't. I'm not gonna pretend hearing you were in Georgia didn't scare me a little bit, but I'm perfectly fine here in Forks. I like it here.." I said honestly.
"but honey-"
"No 'buts'." I said. "Mum some kids leave the nest at early ages, some never leave..maybe it's my time to make a life for myself.." I said, with tears threatening to spill.
"I-in Washington, are you sure?" Mum's voice was shaking by now.
"Mum, I'm old enough. I know it's scary, it'll be difficult too but.. sometimes life just throws you in a new direction and you can't help but see where it takes you.." I said, wiping a tear from my cheek.
"Hey, I'm supposed to be the one full of wisdom little lady" she joked. "well...I guess it isn't the craziest idea you've had." she said, sadly.
"so yeah?" I asked.
She took a deep breath "Yes Y/n, yes. Start your life.." she said.
"Okay.." I said.
It wasn't long before I was off the phone and trying to sleep again. I prayed when I rested my head on the pillow, he wouldn't plug my mind, but much to my dismay he returned and my heart ached.
I closed my eyes and managed to drift off to sleep just before my alarm rang for me to start getting ready for school. The ringing of the bell threw me back to that moment. That moment he left. Just like that.
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°Emmett's POV°
Since the day Jasper told Y/n that he couldn't be near her anymore, she hasn't been in. And I'm worried about how she's taken it.
I didn't tell Jasper I was gonna go pick Y/n up today as I didn't want him to go all emo and be like “ugh you're gonna smell like her all day!” so I instead took my absolutely, positively, non-judgemental wife.
"So why are we on our way to a humans house right now?" Rose asked me from the passenger's seat of my jeep. "what purpose is she serving us other than pleasing our noses?"
"Babe, she's my friend..and I'm worried about how she is. She didn't come in at all last week since Jasper didn't want anything to do with her, and I'm not gonna let my idiot of a brother be the reason she fails school.." I said, keeping my eyes on the road.
Rose went silent and looked out the window. "Just let me know when we're there.." she said, closing her eyes.
"That would be now.." I said, pulling up outside her house.
I got out the jeep while Rose stayed in, and made my way to the front door. I hesitated before knocking and waited for an answer. A good minute went by, so I knocked again and as I did, the door flew open.
"I told you three times already, Mrs Henderson doesn't live here anym-" she cut herself off when she saw my amused face.
She rubbed her eyes. "Emmett?"
"The one and only!" I replied.
"What are you doing here?" her voice was drained, and she looked a lot less bubbly than before. Her eyes drooped slightly and dark circles hung below them from lack of sleep.
"To get you to school, missy!" I said, not wanting to comment about the elephant in the room.
"But Emmett, Jasper said-"
"Fuck what Jasper said, it's your life and it's your school too. What..just because he's being a little bitch right now that means you can't get educated? I don't see how that's fair.." I said, crossing my arms.
She rolled her half-lidded eyes. "Okay, let me get changed.." she said, turning back into her house and shutting the door.
I celebrated my victory behind the wood of the closed door and waited for her to open it again. I sat on the step and prepared to wait, when the door swung open again. She stepped out with all her stuff. "C'mon then, let's go." she said, plastering on a fake smile.
"I thought you were atleast gonna cook some breakfast? It's like half seven in the morning..." I said, standing up and leading her to the jeep.
"Nah...not hungry." she said, climbing in.
I got in too, and put the radio back on.
"Hey Rosalie" Y/n said, tiredly a sheepish smile across her face.
My head quickly turned to my wife and I begged her with my eyes to be nice. But she didn't even look at me and instead looked for Y/n in the wing mirror.
"Jasper's an idiot, but he cares about you and he's doing this for your own good, I'd take it as a win." she said, before closing her eyes again and turning up the radio.
I started the jeep up again after a small awkward silence with nothing but the music blaring and began to drive to the school.
"yeah but does he know how much it's actually hurting?" Y/n whispered, any normal person wouldn't have heard it but of course me being a beautiful, immortal, gifted being...I did.
Passing through the familiar streets of Forks, it didn't take me long to get to the school, I parked the jeep and Rose got out. I turned around in my seat to face Y/n. Her sleep-deprived look catching me off guard once again.
"You ready girl?" I asked, grinning.
She sighed. "Not really, Emmett" she replied sadly, staring at a particular stone wall in the car park.
"Well c'mon, you got this. Let's go" I said, getting out.
It wasn't long before she climbed out herself. As she shut the door.
"Thanks for dragging me in Emmett, but I'm gonna go incase he appears from around the corner or something.." she said, with low energy as she dragged her feet toward the doors of the school.
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°Reader's POV°
I couldn't thank Emmett more, I wouldn't have been able to get here on my own accord. It's just a shame I didn't have the energy to express my gratitude to him as much as I wanted to.
It was about 10 minutes until my first lesson so I walked to the cafeteria to get a drink. As I opened the doors, I saw Seth and some of his friends from the Rez sat at a table and so I wasted no time in going over there.
"What are you lot doing here?" I asked.
"Part time, time-table in each school! How do you keep forgetting that?" one of them said.
"Uhm..Seth?" I looked to him for help, I could barely remember any of the other's names.
"Alright, sit down." he pulled a chair from the table behind him and turned it next to him, facing their table. "Here we have Quil, Leah my sister, and Embry." he said.
I had only met the rest of them once but Seth I had seen a number of times, and he's who I was closest to...now for a very obvious reason.
"So what's your first lesson?" Quil asked.
"Science.." I said quietly, biting the inside of my cheek afterward to simmer down the anxiety I felt creeping in.
I started boucing my leg too, which Seth took notice to. He offered me a smile, which I returned, weak as ever.
The bell rang, louder than before, and I covered my ears, burying my head down against my chest. Each time I hear that bastard bell it gets louder and louder, and the memory of that last conversation with him gets clearer and clearer in my mind.
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°Jasper's POV°
"I'm telling you man..she's-"
Emmett would not stop. I told him I didn't want to hear it, but he was following me all over our house, not leaving me alone.
"her eyes don't look the same, she doesn't have nearly as much energy as she used to, I haven't seen her smile, and if I'm being honest I don't think she's eating properly.." Emmett said.
Hearing his words made my non-beating heart ache.
"I've been picking her up all week and she never eats breakfast, and when was the last time I saw her eating in the cafeteria? Uhh let me think, I haven't!" he said, in my face.
I was looking at the floor, guilt riddling my body. She's like this because of me.
"I get it. Emmett. Okay?" I spat, my voice quavering.
He moved back slowly, almost realising that this was hurting me too, and left my room.
After staring out the window for another moment or two, I sped off out the house before anyone could question it. I ducked and dived between branches, breaking them if they were too big for me to dodge. I raced through the woods rembering the route to her house when I met her before school, when we first started to talk to each other. I ran to her. Wondering what I was going to do when I got there, would I beg her to forgive me? Would I stop this madness and just tell her everything? At this point, I couldn't see anything but her angelic face, and hear her sweet voice and before I knew it, I came to a swift stop by the trees of her house.
I approached it slowly, still deciding what to do, until I lingered by the side of the house where her bedroom was. I climbed up a tree that rested just by it and waited to see her or atleast hear her.
"fuck sake..just go away!" I heard her complain as she slammed the door to her bedroom. "You don't want anything to do with me so why won't you get out of my head!" She panicked, her voice wailing as she spoke.
"It's not fair.." she said after a minute of silence. She got up. "It's not fair." she repeated. She tossed her chair on the floor. "It's not fair!" she threw a picture frame against the wall. She repeated those three words, growing more aggressive each time and trashing a new part of her room until she ran out of energy.
She breathed heavily and sunk against the wall, sobbing. She cried, and it was like a thousand hot knives were cutting me all over. She cried and I had to fight as hard as I could not to rush in there.
She cried and I felt heartbreak. My breath quickened too, as her emotions laced with my own. Sat in the tree in that moment I didn't know which emotions were mine and which were hers.
She cried and cried until she fell asleep, and that's when some of her emotions filtered away from my body. Though she fell asleep and tears were still staining her cheeks, the aching in my heart wouldn't leave or subside. It stayed.
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vhygoxo · 2 months
Wolf Pack Headcanons
My personal head canons on the shifters and what they get up to 🫶 I’ve been missing seeing wolf pack content. Plus there isn’t much info or anything on the Wolfpack outside of Jacob. Most of these come from the fact I know what it’s like to live on a rez. Debating if I should do nsfw head canons next 🤭
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There’s hardly any down time for the shifters. Since the Cullens came into town there had been almost constant activity in the area. After the birth of Renesmee everyone thought it’d calm down. But instead activity got more frequent. Patrols and executions were part of their routine after a few years
When Vampire activity is low they still protect the rez in their own way. Most of the guys took first aid and security classes. Since chief and council know about the secret of the shifters they pay all of them (except the younger ones aka minors) through their security program. So when there are hardly any vampires they work in the security program
Everyone helps Emily with the household such as cleaning and cooking when they can. But most just help pay for the groceries since she feeds all of them
The rez has a mixed view of the shifters. To everyone they’re all secretive and intimidating. But because of how many people they’ve helped over the years they’ve also earned a lot of respect. Some believe they are arrogant and entitled to the rez. Others believe them to be protectors of the rez in a way. Sometimes people have issues with them to the point of harassing them. Sam, Paul, and Jared are usually the main targets. Like Bella thinking they are a gang ☠️
These guys all have trucks and drive everywhere+anywhere. Kim is the only one to own a car. They have many different chill spots around the rez (not just them but everyone in La push goes to these places) usually to drink and have bonfires
When they aren’t driving on the Rez they’re heading into town for some fun. Shopping sprees, eating out, and gambling is usually what’s on the agenda for these guys. Although they drive a lot locally it’s because they can’t travel too far
Everyone especially Paul dreams of the day they no longer have to shift. Once they stop they have all the freedom to travel and explore
The guys love to go mudding in their trucks and have contests
Emily has a projector and hosts movie nights in the backyard when it’s nice out
Emily and Kim craft and bead together. Emily does more sewing than beading, she’s made all the guys ribbon shirts, from youngest to eldest. Also enjoys making ribbon skirts occasionally especially Appliqué ribbon skirts. Kim loves to make beaded earrings and necklaces. These two give away more than they sell
Kim is always wearing big ndn girl™️ earrings. Beaded, quilled, dentillium, shells, you name it. (Once she wanted to make some out of Jared’s wolf fur but he refused. She found a way)
All of them are hella competitive with each other. And since they’re basically non human their strength and abilities are crazy. They all enjoyed testing their strength, think Bella and Emmett arm wrestling, same energy with these guys. Both in human and wolf form they strived to show off. The imprintees of them all had to take some time to get used to seeing such things. Like two mega beasts fighting on the front lawn, switching back to human, and playing it off like nothing
Paul, Leah, and Embry are the ones who struggle the most with being a shifter. In the beginning their rage and frustration was almost uncontrollable. Even as the years passed they still had moments where they burst out of control. (Once they imprinted the out bursts stopped completely) So these three became close since they were similar especially in their struggles
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High energy for all of them. They have to find ways to burn off energy or else they legit couldn’t sleep. Which the solution is always intense exercise. Most times you’ll find Paul and Jared are competing to see who can do more push ups. Or the younger wolves doing relay races on their usual trails. Embry, Quil, and Jacob liked to box and spar with each other only. Leah and Paul get way too aggressive when sparring with everyone. It’s usually just Leah vs Paul if they really need to get rid of their aggression. Sam and Jared spar together since they actually follow the rules lol
Emily and Leah are still close and Leah never dated Sam lol
It wasn’t Sam that scarred Emily it was a rogue vampire. Sam punishes his self since he wasn’t fast enough to protect her. But he was quick enough along with Paul to stop the vampire before he could change her. It’s why Leah distrusts Sam. She believes he can’t protect her sister/cousin well enough and punishes him daily in their hive mind. Also constantly questions him as a leader
Quil and Kim are cousins lol I imagine them being close like brother and sister growing up. So it works well for them to be in the wolf pack together
For the shifters it’s hard for them to drink any alcohol. Not that they don’t it’s just that their body burns the alcohol quicker than normal humans. Smoking 🍃 actually has an effect on them like normal
Majority of them rarely drink, it started from Sam believing he needed to be in a clear mind, in order to be a leader. Not only that but being a shifter meant being very spiritually connected. And in most native cultures it’s believed that alcohol dulls the spirit. (Doesn’t stop some of them lol)
Quil, Embry, and Jacob were the first to start smoking 🍃 and out of the whole pack Quil is the biggest stoner. Claims it’s what “keeps him chill” since he doesn’t have a hard time shifting
They hunt game while they’re in wolf form. Natives love wild meat, deer, elk, moose, you name it. So them being able to shift makes it way easier to catch game. The guys gut and skin whatever they catch. Emily and Kim are usually the two who process the game. (Tbh it’s mostly Paul, Leah, and Sam bringing back game home because they raged out)
Everybody is in someway jealous of Jared and Kim. Since Jared had an easy time with shifting even in the beginning. And when he imprinted on Kim their relationship had always been easy and full of love even now
Jacob and Quil are the mechanics of the group. All the guys know some basic skills but these two are the best at it. Anytime anyone has issues it’s them who take care of it
It was actually Seth who took on his mom’s role and was training to become an emergency service provider. Eventually he wants a job in medicine. Leah knows basic cpr and first aid like the rest of the guys
All their minds are linked, when they shift they get a download, of what everyone was doing while not in wolf form. Nothing is secret or sacred lol they all know everything about each other. In their human form they’re still connected of course. But they have to get consent to connect telepathically in human form. In wolf form they have no control and everything is shared in the mind in an instant
Tbh around others especially in crowded places they gained their rep of being stoic and silent bc of this. Even in human form they talk more with each other in their heads than with their voice. Usually if they’re in a group but silent they’re talking in their heads to each other. They all have their own ways of blocking out certain things the others go through
The pack tolerates renesmee but pretty much just Emily and Kim visit her, out of pity and empathy, Jacob understood this well. Instead of making his brothers uncomfortable he’s usually with the Cullens. Occasionally he’ll come by his self but not for long. Sometimes he brings her but it’s usually short visits
Quil Atera III (quil’s grandfather) Billy Black, Harry Clearwater, and Sue Clearwater are one of very few people who know history of the shifters. Majority of what everyone knows about shifters is because of the knowledge they possess. The pack rely on these 3 the most
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I felt this was enough head canons for now even tho I have way more lol. Hoping to upload one of my fics rewritten soon here. But I’m having fun with these wolf pack head canons for now. If you enjoy this and my writing feel free to send me an ask! I’m open for requests ✨
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novthewolf · 10 months
Twilight Masterlist
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Bella Swan - [Request Open]
- Helping Bella find her prom dress would include.
Edward Cullen - [Request Open]
Edward Cullen having a crush on you would include.
Jacob Black - [Request Open]
Alice Cullen - [Request Open]
For sure couldn't foresee that [Fem!Reader]
Jasper Hale - [Request Open]
Esme Cullen - [Request Open]
Carlisle Cullen - [Request Open]
Rosalie Hale - [Request Open]
Emmett Cullen - [Request Open]
Seth Clearwater - [Request Open]
Leah Clearwater - [Request Open]
Sam Uley - [Request Open]
Possible polyamourous relationships.
Maybe more if you have any specific character in mind, don’t hesitate to request !
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Twilight Saga Headcanons - What They Smell Like
Requested by: no one
The Cullens:
Carlisle takes great pride in his grooming, but tends to go for scentless soaps because some of his patients have allergies. Always somehow smells a little like disinfectant when he gets home after work. He somehow smells very ancient, like incense and a scent you might discover walking through an extremely old and dusty church.
Everything about Esme smells delicate. Her favorite scents as a human were floral and light, like lavender and rosewater. Definitely has an aroma of perfume that trails after her, though she doesn't wear any.
The only way to really describe Edward's scent is clean. Icy cedar, fresh snow, and oranges. It's a pure, subtle scent.
Rosalie's scent is arguably the most powerful. It isn't strong, but it's enticing. It's like warm Tennessee Whiskey and dripping honey - a scent that's designed to seduce and draw you in.
Emmett would absolutely smell like Axe body spray if Rosalie would let him wear it - she doesn't. It stings EVERYONE's noses to an insane degree. Overall, though, Emmett smells like warm velvet, like a blanket you've just pulled out of the dryer.
Even after all this time, Jasper still carries the faint scent of gunpowder. There's something about his scent that stings, like mint and eucalyptus.
Alice smells like salt and coconut, like a sweet and windy beach day. She also carries a light scent of sparking ozone, but it's so faint that sometimes they all forget that it's there.
Wolf Pack:
Sam assumes he smells so much like food because of the many hours spent in Emily's kitchen. Sam is warm honey mixed in with steaming oatmeal; fresh bread and maple syrup.
Jared used to smell like leather because of the jacket he always wore to school, but that was destroyed years ago when he phased. It's an extremely manly scent mixed with vanilla and amber.
Paul's scent is very warm and spicy, a natural and earthy woodsy musk, like the soil after a heavy rain. It can tingle your nose, but it's still very attractive.
Surprisingly, the one who smells most like the outdoors is Embry. His whole body is tied to the scent of patchouli and pine; it's a very nature-based scent.
A lot of Jacob's scent is mixed in with how much time he spends around cars, so you'll get a whiff of rush and metal and probably motor oil, but it isn't unpleasant or off-putting.
Tobacco is the leading scent for Quil, which he assumes is because of his grandfather. He also smells very much like ginger and cinnamon.
Though she's never been a big reader, Leah smells like old books and paper. It's a bit of a dusty scent, but goes well when mixed with her favorite vetiver lotion and body wash.
Seth has a very bright and welcoming smell, like cinnamon sugar or a freshly baked pie crust. It's a smell you somehow always associate with your childhood, but you can't put your finger on exactly why.
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What if Imprinting wasn’t a thing for the Twilight Quileute shapeshifters? Like, the shifting still happens, but no one imprints on anyone.
Canon remains essentially the same.
Sam and Leah are still together (as they were after Sam had shifted but before he imprinted). Leah eventually shifts herself and is relieved to find out just what the fuck was going on with Sam but has new problems called turning into a wolf all the time with these leering teenage boys who see her naked. I imagine she also feels she's becoming estranged from Emily, who is as close to a sister to her, who she can't tell any of this to. Leah's life still sucks, but it sucks in different ways.
Quil doesn't find himself in a relationship with a baby, he doesn't know it, but he would be very happy about that.
The major difference is that Jacob either attempts to kill Renesmee after her birth and succeeds in killing her and Rosalie (and then is probably killed by Emmett in vengeance) or Jacob fails and Bella wakes up to learn that Rosalie murdered Jacob because he was about to kill Renesmee (Bella of course wouldn't believe this and would blame Rosalie for the rest of her life).
Regardless, the Cullens then have to leave Forks as promised as Jacob doesn't pull his Charlie stunt to force them to stay. Without that, Irina likely doesn't come around unannounced, and so the trial doesn't happen.
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fanfictionroxs · 11 months
It will eternally be so funny to me that Meyers accidentally created ACTUAL pack dynamics in nature with the renegade pack. Like the alpha/beta bullshit has been debunked long time back. Real wolfpacks aren't like that. Packs are just synonyms for family. There's a wolf dad and a wolf mum and their babies. There can even be gay wolf couples and their adopted babies (I mean what was the whole Sam-Jacob fight thing in breaking dawn if not a giant wolf divorce lol)! And what does the renegade pack have?
A wolf dad - Jacob. A wolf mom - Leah. A wolf baby - Seth.
Yes, yes I know technically Jacob is the alpha and Leah is the beta, but the true dynamics of their wolf nature shine through and it will eternally be funny to me that ALL the packs, at the end of the day, are a family just like wolves are in reality, despite how she tries to portray them.
PS I'm not ignoring the existence of the imprints. I headcanon all the imprints as female wolves who are unable to phase and so the wolves near them 'imprint' on them to help them join the pack. The connection can be familial or romantic, but the main purpose is 'no wolf gets left behind'. But here I'm just focusing on the renegade pack's dynamics.
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kdizzzy · 2 years
jacob black headcannons
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he loves to drive and tends to rope his friends into spontaneous weekend road trips to seattle and portland
he loves florence and the machine
he makes a really good grilled cheese sandwich and always makes a bunch when the pack gets together for movie nights
his favorite book is frankenstein by mary shelley
he is actually a terrible singer but he loves to drive with the windows down, stereo blasting music, singing as loudly as possible
he is a really goofy dancer
he gives the biggest teddy bear hugs but they’re the best hugs you’ll ever get
he and billy have such a strong relationship that sometimes they almost seem like good friends. any time billy gives him advice, he takes it (except when it’s about girls…..)
he is an old soul in every way possible, and he loves spending time with the elders on the res and listening to their stories and telling them all his. he and the grannies are huge gossips
he’s a natural runner, even before phasing, and he was up for a spot on his school’s cross country team before he phased
when he gets stressed or angry and needs to calm down, he likes to listen to soft songs, read his favorite books, make wood carvings, make dreamcatchers - anything that will keep his mind and his hands busy
he, quill, and embry have their own unspoken language they’ve had since they were kids, and even the slightest eye rolls are full sentences. they use it to make fun of people, mostly
he secretly wishes he could have learned to play the guitar but never really got into it
he feels most comfortable in the woods, on the beach, in his car, or in smaller cozy spaces
leah convinced him to start a journal to cope with his stress, and he starts every entry with “dear stupid book” (but he writes every single day)
he knows a lot of card games (spoons is his favorite because it’s so chaotic)
he eats hot peppers like candy
he’s always down to watch action and thriller movies, but his favorites are actually the old cheesy horror movies. up until he phased, his favorite was a werewolf movie. now when he watches it, he sits through the whole two hours pointing out inaccuracies
when he was little, he wanted to be a pirate when he grew up
he can sleep anywhere
he’s very quick to justify when the people he loves hurt him because he’s scared of losing them and has a very firm belief in unconditional loyalty. on the other hand, he’s very quick to shut anyone else out when they hurt him.
he gives really good advice but wouldn’t take it for himself
he doesn’t like flashy things or flashy people
he wants to be able to work with his hands, like carpentry, and he’s always wanted to build his own house
he snores. loudly.
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aquanova99 · 2 years
Leah Soft Alphabet
♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥
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A= Affection (how do they show affection)
Leah is definitely an acts of service girly. Like it’s cold and you forgot a coat? She brought an extra one because she knew you would do something like this. Calls you an idiot (affectionately) for it though.
On the other hand she has been through a lot. She needs words of affirmation much more than she will let on. You’ll notice she is anxious because she will pull away, not tell as many jokes, apologize for seemingly nothing. She gets very quiet, almost talking in a whisper. She doesn’t like to talk about why she is so worried about you disappearing but hearing how much she means to you relaxes her and it’s quite obvious in her body posture.
B= Beautiful (what is their pet name for you)
Leah is a babe kind of girly. I think most of the wolfpack is tbh.
C= Cuddles (Are they a cuddly person?)
Not at first. It makes her anxious receiving physical affection after so long of being without it. The first time you rest your head on her goes stiff. Over time she’s going to find herself wondering if she is pushing you away by not being more receptive and she will begrudgingly talk to you about why she’s so distant. I imagine she actually learns to love when you are cuddly with her but is on edge due to her past
D= Domestic (Do they want to settle down? What kind of future do they want)
Yes and no. Last time she was engaged did not go well. So I think she would have such bad anxiety the whole time. At the same time she would worry about why you wouldn’t want to get married, do you not see her as a permanent person in your life? I think she craves being married and getting away from the reservation, away from the vampires and mostly, away from Sam. She can’t have children but I think she would be open to adopting as long as you two were comfortable. Does not want pets until child asks for one 😅
E= End (How would they break up with their partners if they had to? What would make them do that in the first place?)
She does not handle breakups well, understandably. There would be a lot of screaming because realistically the only thing that would cause her to break up with you would be you being part of the pack and imprinting.
“Of course you imprinted! I should have never trusted you!”
She is not going through that again. She will yell those words and suddenly shut down, as if she turned off every emotion and either ask you to leave or leave herself without another word. After that you will never see her again, she doesn’t care if it hurts to be away from family or the rest of the pack she is staying away and not looking back.
F= Fear (Whats something that terrifies them)/ Fiance (How would they propose)
See above. Imprinting on someone or you imprinting or falling for someone else.
She is not proposing. Do not make a public proposal, she will say no.
G= Gentle (How gentle are they emotionally, physically?)
I think It’s obvious Leah knows how cold everyone feels she is. In reality though Leah has to put a shield up for herself and she won’t apologize for that. But with that in mind she makes an active effort to be there for you the way she would want someone there for her. So if you’re having a bad day she’s very patient and willing to listen. She also warns you after you’ve established your relationship that she can come off rude and it isn’t her intention. Physically she is very gentle too. People often think she isn’t feminine because of her clothes but the girls got to go to work, okay? She’s gotten used to people treating her like a guy and don’t think of her outside of running perimeter.
In her off time with you she enjoys comfortable clothing but likes to dress up. She doesn’t want to feel scary, she doesn’t believe her identity lies in being a wolf. Or that she has to dress like either a guy or girl but she enjoys feeling feminine and I think subconsciously it has affected the way she acts away from the pack. She’s softer, she still won’t let people walk over her but enjoys resting her head on your shoulder and honestly, she wants to be the little spoon.
H= Hugs (Are they a hugger? What do their hugs feel like? How much do they like to hug?)
Not a hugger. It feels constricting to her. She grows to enjoy cuddling but hugging is still somewhat hard for her. It’s always quick and soft. She will hug if it involves dancing alone with just the two of you or her arms are around her neck and the two of you are kissing. If you aren’t doing anything besides hugging, don’t hug her.
I= I love you (how soon did they know they were in love? How long did it take to say the words?)
It takes her a long time to say. So much so that even when you say it will take at least one to two weeks to bring it up again. She will ask if you meant it the , and if you still feel the same way after she pulled back. You say yes obviously, because you know why she did that and why she’s worried about it.
To be honest it isn’t until she has to run with the pack and they are bugging her since she’s been so quiet that everyone figures it out and shuts up. Sam is sulking (as he should tbh) and she finds herself not reveling in his upset. Someone else, probably Embry offers to talk to her whenever they finish what they had to finish. Leah is dying to talk to someone at this point and figures out how she feels as she’s venting. When Embry talks her through it she goes back to you and brings up the conversation. I think Sam probably tries to talk to her but Leah ignores him.
J= Jealousy (Do they get jealous easily? Do they try and make you jealous)
Yeah, sorry 😅 no she absolutely does not try and make you jealous but every one feels like they are out to get her or will steal you away in a second.
K= Kisses (what do their kisses feel like? Where do they like to kiss you?)
Leahs kisses are long and soft. She’s always worried about when the other shoe will drop so she is making the most out of what time she has left. She’s the one that lingers. She likes just kissing you on the lips and I don’t think she would have admitted her feelings for you without kissing you first so this timeline is unfortunately highly dependent on you.
L= Littles (Do they want kids? What are they like around kids? How many?)
Just one but yes she really wants to be a mom. She knows she will have to adopt but she doesn’t think that changes the meaning or feeling of being a mom.
M= Mornings
Leah has never said anything because since Sam imprinted on Emily her love for it has all but gone away, however she used to love cooking. And when she’s comfortable with you you’ll notice she enjoys making a nice breakfast every morning. It’s become a ritual of sorts to start the day off nicely. She got sick once and couldn’t make anything and she began having an anxiety attack but when you did the best you could you have no idea how much that helped her. Also Id like to think that she’s actually better at some things than Emily and because you hate how the pack and her whole family treated her and forced her to ignore how she felt, you’ve made some kind of snide remark along the lines of giving backhanded compliments
“wow Emily this is so good, babe this is almost as good as the thing you made!”
Paul asks her to prove it but she knows what your doing and plays it off that she only cooks for people she likes, ie you. Sam is silent because he knows your kinda right. But that’s not what Emily needs bc of the imprint blah blah blah this ain’t about them
N= Nights
She’s the person that swears they want to watch a movie or show before bed but falls asleep in five minutes. She tries to catch up on her phone at different little so you don’t have to stop watching. Once a week you guys get takeout and you both get through one show or an hour before she goes to sleep.
O= Open up (When do they feel comfortable enough to open up? Is it all at once or painfully slow? Do you have to dig?)
She doesn’t hide her past but she often glosses over it. You’re the first person to ask her how it made her feel. I think this shocks her honestly, and she will probably stop talking about it because she skips that part of the story for a reason.
She will open up completely when she feels safe you won’t leave at the possibility of her imprinting or you imprinting depending on if you do that. It still going to take a while to pull away the layers but if the pack all hangs out and they exclude her or make some rude remark and you stand up for her that will speed things along.
P= Patience (Are they quick to anger? How do they calm down?)
Quick to anger no, quick to get annoyed yeah. She puts up with a lot and often times it won’t take long for her to tell you to stop if you’re going the slightest bit to far. Most of the time she just needs to unwind and realize she’s not in fight or flight mode. She’ll probably just need to take a shower or bath with some music and she’ll come back. This only really happens if she fought someone that day
Q= Quiet/Quizzes(What do they like to do when they have time to be alone? What fun things do they remember about you? Do they remember everything?)
Leah likes to make sure things are clean and if she’s missed you on some tv she’s been wanting to watch she’ll do that. She’s gotten into very calm and relaxing games. Stardew valley, animal crossing. Things to do while she waits for you to get back. She’s also gotten really good and has made quite an impressive city in animal crossing. And I think it’s helped her realize she wants to go to school and get a degree in architecture or something like that.
R= Recovery (How you take of them and vice versa after a battle?)
Leah could be bleeding out and she will still check over a minor cut you have. She heals quick she’ll be fine,
“no Leah please relax. I’ll be fine.”
Leah does not want help. I’m sorry but her pride is way too strong. She can heal herself. She is often tense though so at most she will let you massage her. Your concern is cute to her.
S= Safety/Solution (How protective are they? How do they solve problems)
Very. Very protective. If you aren’t a shifter especially because she thinks you need to be protected, if you are a shifter she’s a lot more confident you’ll be okay but you’re still her main concern.
You guys don’t often fight. She’s pretty quick to pick up on anything off so if you’re quieter than usual she’s pretty straightforward
“Hey did I do something to upset you?”
“No just work was long and I’m tired.”
“Okay, I’ll let you rest do you want anything to eat?”
She would rather just get to the root of the problem. But don’t lie because then she will spiral and would rather you say you don’t want to talk about at the moment.
T= Try/ Touch (How much effort do they put in? When they need or want your touch what do they do? How often do they do this?)
Once she knows you’re both on the same page she makes all of the effort. She enjoyed being in a relationship before and wants to be with someone that helps lift both of you up. There are times Emily doesn’t think about what she says when she’s gushing about Sam or she meets someone and tells the story of how they met. Even though skips over the part where leah and Sam were a thing Leah tends to still get annoyed to hear her former bestfriend speak about the event as if it didn’t break leah in a way. Placing your hand on top of Hera or intertwining your hand in Hera helps her relax and realize that you both found someone you were meant to be with.
U= Ugly Side (What a pet peeve of yours they have? Bad habits?)
She gets really cold and sarcastic when anyone else is anything more than cordial. She can’t help and is working on it but she still gets snappy with everyone
V= Vanity (Do they concern themselves over how they look?)
When she has to run patrols or be with the pack she doesn’t worry too much but after work or on days she has to just relax with you she wears what makes her feel cute.
W= Whole (What makes them feel complete?)
I think starting a home outside of the rez will help her feel complete. Like she didn’t need to be in a toxic environment and that she doesn’t have to keep everyone in her life has somewhat healed the broken woman she felt like she was. She probably slowly cuts ties with everyone that hurt her, except Seth and sometimes her mom even though she’d rather not deal with her new family and keeps her distance. If your family is healthy and welcomes she will probably be overwhelmed at first but then really lean into it. And if you came from a broken place yourself she’s okay with it just being you two for a bit
Y= Yuck (What do they not like in a partner?)
Someone who can’t make decisions. She would rather debate or come to a compromise then you just saying “it’s up to you,” or “I don’t care either way” just tell her what you want. It’s one of those things that if you don’t just tell her what you want she will get annoyed and can lead to her just isolating for the night.
Z= Zzzzz (How do they sleep? Sleeping Habits?)
She obviously runs warm so she sleeps fan on in like a tank and shorts also partly because if something happens and she needs to phase she likes to not ruin anything she would want to use later. She also probably starts by cuddling or spooning but quickly moves away so neither of you overheat. However while she likes being little spoon and being the one to rest her head on you homegirl is a top, and she’s a very good one at that too
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imaginesfortwilight · 2 years
Hi, I hope you're still taking requests but here mine. Please ignore this if it is requested incorrectly.
What would be the best way to gain Leah's trust and to show her love without making her uncomfortable?
requests are open, but this seems more like a question than a request so if you want me to write something for earning leah’s trust and what her love languages are just lmk!
i think all you have to do to gain leah’s trust is to just be honest with her
if you have moments where you just feel like not talking and she tried to talk to you, literally just let her know that
if you don’t feel like talking about something, tell her
just be open and honest with her
i think her love language might be words of affirmation (receiving) and acts of service (giving)
thats not to say that she won’t be physically affectionate, its probably just secondary to the ones mentioned
i think she wouldn’t really be a big fan of pda, especially around the pack bc they would probably tease her (watching the movies it just pisses me off that all the other wolves seem annoyed with leah bc of the sam/emily/leah situation while they aren’t annoyed at sam or emily. like they should be annoyed by any of them bc if any of them were in the same situation, they would be acting the same as leah or worse)
anyway, just font hide shit, like let her know that you’ll talk about something when your ready to if you aren’t at the moment
also give her space when she needs it but still let her know that you’ll be there if she needs you
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Leah’s College Roomate | Twilight headcanon
Link to my Twilight Masterlist
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Being Leah Clearwaters college roommate would look like:
She was a little standoffish in the beginning. Literally whenever you tried to make conversation she wasn’t really interested and would give short answers or not speak at all. But you still were friendly and eventually Leah started to break down those walls of hers. “I’m..sorry. I-I don’t have many friends back home.”
Whether you two were the same major or studying different things, you two would have study nights either in the living room of y’all’s dorm/apartment or hang out in the school library. It was often the latter since you’d get distracted in your place. Luckily if one of y’all already had the class before you could lend each other notes or help with assignments. “I don’t understand this—it’s making my brain hurt.” “Here let me take a look”
It would be awhile before Leah would tell you about her life back home on the reservation. She’d tell you about her parents, her brother, her ex (which you wanted to beat up after she said he broke up with her and got with her cousin), and the few ‘friends’ she had. Of course Leah would never tell you her nature or the pack, that secret would remain forever.
When you two are not in class or doing schoolwork, you two like to have movie/tv show nights where you order take out, put on comfy Pjs, and chill in the living room watching whatever you two decide. Sometimes you guys will spend a whole weekend binge watching a show or movie franchise. Oh and much to Leah’s surprise, she enjoys tuning in every Monday night to watch the Bachelor/Bachelorette. “She better not choose him—he’s a walking red flag.” “Yeah, but who knows maybe red is her favorite color.”
While your room is very chaotic or straight from a Pinterest board, Leah’s is very simple and has a lot of her native heritage spread along the walls and keeps it clean. The living room/kitchen has elements that reflect the both of you so it is a nice blend. There’s a little plant area on the balcony if you have one or there’s fake ones inside.
If you end up going home for winter/spring break, you invite Leah to come with you back home if she is willing or has no plans. At first she was hesitant, but it turned out to be the best trip of her life. She enjoyed traveling and exploring since she never got to do it back home. The next break you have Leah ends up inviting you to come visit her, which you whole heartedly agree and she shows you everything there is about her culture.
You two love to share each other your favorite hobbies, books, movies, art, etc. It took a lot of convincing to get Leah to read your favorite book series, her excuse being she had a lot of schoolwork to get done first, but eventually she gives in and it becomes her whole personality. You two end up staying up a whole night just to talk about the series, its plot, the characters, and watch the adaptation if she hadn’t seen it.
Let’s remember, you two are college students so cooking can be a rare occurance. After a days long of classes, clubs, work if you have job, and any other thing in your daily life, cooking is brushed aside for Uber eats or the dining hall because lets be honest…your lazy to do dishes. However, on weekends you and Leah take turns cooking lunch/dinner. You will Friday nights, Leah Saturday and then both of you will work together on Sunday. “How’s paella sound for Friday?” “Fantastic. I’m thinking pasta or stir fry for Saturday.”
If either of you are in a relationship, you best believe the other is getting the tea. Even if its the ‘talking’ phase or casual dating, you guys will gather in ones room with a bottle of wine and chocolate to discuss the weeks events with whoever your boo thang is. Leah isn’t focused on a relationship and honestly neither are you, but that doesn’t stop you two from flirting or trying to get on someone’s tab when you go out for some fun. “Ugh I swear, Leah, if he just had a sense of rhythm in him when dancing, I would’ve folded.” “mmmh yeah don’t settle for less.”
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