#supernatural greece
todayontumblr · 7 months
Friday, February 16.
Some good news.
News of a good disposition seems more than a little sparse right now, so you really have to make the most of it, as and when.
There is some news, however, from Greece. And this news is pretty, pretty good. So we are going to break this particularly good news to you the only way we know how. Enjoy it y'all.
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zatdummesmadchen · 3 months
Hello, I am Mahmoud Helles, the owner of the donation campaign. The campaign aims to expel my family from Gaza and expel my wife to Egypt due to her serious condition with a kidney injury. Please enter my page and then share. https://gofund.me/53fa2830🌹🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🌹😭😭😭
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gemsofgreece · 2 months
Can you tell me about a vrykolakas?
The vrykólakas is the Greek equivalent of the vampire. While nowadays it is a perfect synonym (we call "vrykólakas" anything from Dracula to Lestat to that glimmering dude from Twilight) historically this was not exactly the case.
Ancient Greeks believed in undead creatures who could return and feed on human flesh. Ancient burials have been discovered where the dead had their members nailed or bound or the tomb had extra walls and obstacles to prevent the corpse from rising. Such a case has been found in the ancient mausoleum of Síkinos island, the burial place of a noble woman dating to 200 AD, who although was clearly buried with love, it was also obvious her relatives thought she could return in the form of such a creature. I had actually talked about her in an old post but I can't seem to find it no matter what key words I try - sometimes tumblr gets a stroke when you add too many tags and it can't locate the post. Here's the prototype link from the article in Greek based on which I made the post. Her case is described in bullet #8 .
From the 16th to 18th century when such information is more easily accessible we can tell that the ancient undead creature eating human flesh was pretty much syncretized with the nearby strong Slavic beliefs for the vampir. The Greek name vrykólakas, sometimes in idiomatic Greek also vorvólakas comes etymlogically from the Bulgarian varkolak or the Slavic vukodlak or vurdulak or any of these several variations. A version that seems to have taken a very similar etymological path as the Greek one is the Lithuanian vilkolakis. (Those words however do not describe 100% the type of creature vrykólakas is.) There have been numerous examples of such mythological syncretisms in (South)eastern Europe. Another example is an also ghoulish creature, a vampiric witch, the strega of the Italians, shtriga of the Albanians, striga of the Romanians and strzyga of the Polish which comes from the Ancient Greek strix or striggla, who even though she was an owl-like creature of the night, she was originally (prior to 300 BC) not considered a demonic man-eating creature. This was more likely the later influence of the Romans and their dark perception of the striggla was adopted anew by the Greeks of late antiquity (and the ancestors of all other aforementioned nations).
Back to Vrykólakas, it was not imagined in the way western vampires have been imagined since the late 18th century. It is not tall, thin, lustful and incredibly sexy. In fact, it usually had the appearance of a swollen, bloated corpse (like corpses are medically known to do in the process of decomposition, apparently people were trying to explain this) and sometimes it was described having red, glowing eyes. It was not sophisticated or self-restrained at the times it was well fed. It is usually described as having a rabid-like behaviour and is mostly incapable of normal human communication. However, there have been significant deviations from this, an example being the folk song of the Dead Brother, where the brother who is an undead is described as pale, skinny, hairless, dead or severely ill looking but is capable of normal communication. (More on this in a link I attach later.)
The vrykolakes were believed to be created if the dead was excommunicated in life, had a foul, very corrupt lifestyle or was cursed by somebody else (even unfairly). Sometimes the rising and arrival of a vrykolakas was heralded by owl hoots and screeches, a continuation of the ancient myth of the strix, unlike the Slavic connection of vampires to bats.
A Vrykolakas is not technically drinking blood. I believe this is a more Slavic or Western European version. Like its ancient counterpart, the vrykolakas feeds on flesh, intestines and particularly liver. The vrykolakes would often attack livestock when they couldn't find humans. They would knock on a door and call the owner’s name and if nobody answered it, they could not get in (famous traditional vampire trope). If a person was attacked by a vrykolakas, they would either get killed on the spot or in a few days and then become undead too. The vrykolakes were also believed to spread famine and illnesses by attacking the livestock and contaminating the waters. The longer a vrykolakas “survived”, the more powerful and destructive it became. While unusual, they could appear in daylight.
The way a vrykolakas was confronted and defeated has many similarities with the ancient undead and the traditional vampires of Eastern Europe. The corpses who were believed to be vrykolakes were dismembered, immobilized with thick silver nails, they would have wine poured on them by a priest, have crosses placed on them, they would be cremated, they would be impaled with a stake in their heart or mouth, they would be buried uspide down, sometimes they would be beheaded or cut into many small pieces.
Here is a FANTASTIC post by @wordsmithic compiling several folk legends and documented incidences in which Greeks believed a corpse to be a vrykolakas. Since you are interested in this topic, do not skip it by any means.
As you will notice in it, there has been a considerable number of western Europeans writing about the Greek vrykolakes of the 17th and 18th century. As I was searching for additional potentially important info in Wikipedia, I found that at the time the Greek vrykolakes were more researched and known than the Slavic vampires, however the latter soon kicked our ass especially due to Stoker’s inspiration from the Wallachian Vlad Tepes (Dracula). But the first novel of romanticised vampiric fiction is the Vampyre (1817) by John Williams Polidori and the novel largely takes place in Greece. Maybe this has to do with the fact that even though Polidori was half British - half Italian, he was perhaps aware of distant Greek paternal ancestry (his surname Polidori is etymologically Greek but his grandfather is also described as a native of Tuscany so the potential Greek ancestry goes way back in time, early or mid- 17th century at the latest, so I can’t tell if he knew or felt any connection) or maybe because the raging Philhellene Lord Byron assigned him to write this (NEWSFLASH: several intellectuals and artists of the 17-19th centuries appreciated MODERN Greece even while it was conquered and desolate, not like now that we are treated worse than rubbish even when we fair a lot better). My point is, for this to happen, during those centuries the beliefs surrounding the Vrykólakes must have been particularly notable and present in the Greek society. The fabulous link I added above says more about this novel as well, among many other things. Enjoy!
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theoccoven · 4 months
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“I can take care of you so much better than him.”
Daan, the reincarnation of Theseus, muttered into Jooheon’s shoulder. “I was a king. I slayed a Minotaur. What has he done other than give you grief?” Jooheon didn’t say anything as he let the older’s hands under his shirt.
“Nothing my love. And you’re well aware of it or you would have defended him.” You could hear it clear as day, the obsession in his voice. Jooheon grew familiar with it the longer he’s known Daan. This obsession is covered up as love, twisted love for the younger in his arms.
It was everlasting and Jooheon staying in his arms oh so accepting of this love just fed into his deluded thoughts.
There was no escape from this, Jooheon was slowly accepting that.
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itsthemxze · 7 months
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astraxh · 1 year
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angelzero · 1 month
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I <3 Dean
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Name of Work: The Meliai
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Tags: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel, AU, Greece, Greek Mythology, Meliai (wood nymphs), Creature Castiel, Human Dean WInchester, Oiti National Park, Hopeful Ending
Username(s): @wiseoldowl72
Summary: Dean is taking a well-earned trip after finishing his degree in mechanical engineering. He's hiking in the Oiti National Part when he slips and hits his head on an ash tree. What follows makes him question whether he dreamed it or could it possibly have been real.
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bearman0800 · 6 months
Sorry for the delay. But here we are....
The battle between a Chimera vs a Manticore
Just like the fight between the lycan and the werebear (the pure and shifter versions), the fight can go 50/50. Now, the fight between the shifters could be an entirely different story. If you're not aware, each chimera and manticore is different only because their physical body. One or both may have wings(no they couldn't fly and YOU most definitely won't grow wings or fly), one may have more body mass and strength than the other, better durability, healing, etc. One special ability that the chimera has that most people don't know about is that it has the ability to see into the future. All of this applies to the shifters as well. Let's say it was two well built guys. Depending on IF the chimera spirit can/will give its host the heads up on who will win the fight, maybe they could find a way to change the outcome or go according to the original fight. In this case, I'd say the chimera wins by a mile. If the chimera doesn't give its host a heads up and it's just a straight fight, I'd give points to the Manticore only because it's more durable than the chimera.
In conclusion, this fight is ALSO 50/50, but in my opinion, I'd still give it to the chimera
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RussiacivilwararcMarketcrashGreecerefugeesSupernaturalTitanicsubmarineexploded, You were named after one of the bravest men I’ve met.
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I go to sleep to a disaster and wake up to another
I never thought my life would come to the point where I'd get my news updates from fucking Supernatural memes but here we are.
Also why the fuck are we speed running history? Like i thought we were over that shit.
I honestly know too much about history to not be absolutely terrified of what's gonna happen next.
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“I don’t think it needs to be said - but something tells me you two are not from this era...whatsoever.”
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megxsam · 1 year
megsam and xena x gabrielle parallels, let's discuss
like, it's the older one with a history of killing innocent people for kicks that tries to do good now and the younger peaceful and reasonable one that is this close to going apeshit
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gemsofgreece · 3 months
Does Greece have any Greek cryptids? Or cryptids from the region (since some are typical of more than one country, like the Chupacabra in America continent)?
Not at all. Greece has a ton of mythical creatures but there are no people genuinely believing in the existence of any scientifically unconfirmed organism for at least the last 1,500 years. The last creatures to survive in Greek folk are mermaids and dragons but I still cannot tell if they were just used as fanciful fantastical elements or there were people believing such creatures could exist in the middle ages.
There is a cryptid called "Greek dolphin" but this claim was initiated by Scottish tourists in the 70s. Greeks themselves are not involved at all with the rumours for this cryptid.
Another short-lived cryprid was the "Corfu Island Creature", also observed and supported by tourists. I found the paragraph about it in the Cryptozoology Encyclopedia very funny:
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So, no, no cryptids in Greece. I will tell you what some Greeks do believe in though. Greeks lean towards the supernatural when it comes to controversial beliefs - several Greeks believe in aliens and UFOs interfering in earth's matters. Some Greeks also strongly believe in ghosts, haunted places and demons. Up until the 19th century, several Greeks also believed in vampires and other supernatural creatures who fed on human flesh or blood.
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fireheartwraith · 1 year
Do I wanna know?
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rosesandalfazemas · 2 years
Random headcanons? Any at all?
Anon, you're opening hell... so thanks! 8D Let's see...
It's funny because in Wattpad I made a post with this task, but it's in spanish only (I'm from Argentina). So this time I will pick three general and three especifical, to not write a bible.
Later on you can ask me for more!
General: Supernatural condition.
I've told this in several posts but, for me, nations have several "faces" or phases, and these are self-consious individuals. They're not in the human world at the same time, because they'd break the basements of logical reality, but they are in other plane which I call Onirical World. In there all these parts "live" in the same place and at the same time. When something really strong happen in the world (a war, for example), some or one of them go out and take the body in this side, transforming the nation for that period. That goes from a more violent phase to a genderbending phase, a childish phase, animal phase, avataric phase etc.
Is this allowing to do AUs (nekotalia, mochitalia, cardverse, hetaween, etc) and "mortal" phases? yes, because this reality is not the only one. And sometimes the oldest nations have "dreams" of these possibilities.
Why our version is reality is the "true" one, and not the others? because we believe in this - ok yes I went into phenomenology and multiverse's theories... but hey! it works XD.
Nations are not monogamous, so they can have multiple relationships. Some of them, or course, could be stronger or older than others (like marriages), but these bonds represent communication between countries, so they're all important. Do they change? of course; could be enemies for decades? of course, it's a way of linking too.
I think my position was clear after Francis' party with Portugal + the rest of the world.
Maybe this is a little harsh for the fandom, but I don't consider incest exists between them as we concieve it. We naturally reject it because all the social and genetical problems could bring, as humans, but it's also a moral topic and, even in our history - with focus in all european kingdoms - didn't care much about it :V. Since for me Tans are not humans, they can flow from being brothers to ZAP!
Of course, if you don't agree or you don't like it is FINE.
To be more clear I will put the USUK sample, because is the most popular ship worldwide: You can prefer them as a father/son/brother/lovers relationship, or an father/son relationship, or only brothers relationship, or a mentor/pupil/lovers relationship, or even friends/lovers. For my conception everything is possible and I'm okey them them - I don't like the ship so much, but it's acceptable and I'm curious all the shapes they can have. At the same time, if you cannot even thing about them in something romantic or kissing, it's okey too!
This applies to all of them - Ivan and his sisters, Antonio and Gabriel, Gilbert and Ludwig, Matthew and Alfred, etc.
Ivan, Natasha and Ucraine (Yekaterina, for me) can encarnate General Winter together, because they're part of an one original being.
Portugal (Gabriel Dos Anjos, for me) has a multicultural inheritance more visible than Antonio's; specifically in the muslim part. Visible not because Antonio doesn't have it, but aesthetically Gabriel likes to change more his appearence; so he looks sometimes as a serious christian and sometimes a sexy gypsy or a belly dancer guy who smokes narguile. This is because they use his seduction with purposes.
Turkiye (aka Sadiq Adnan) has only two big loves in his existence: Heracles, which is the most complication relationship you'll ever seen, and Yekaterina, whom considers his sultana and treats her like a wife, even nowadays. And he is the most lovely and cute husband on earth.
Thanks anon!
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