#supernatural in real life
authorstellarainbow · 5 months
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So what you're saying is self-driving cars are actually driven by ghosts?
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spnexploration · 1 year
My boss talking about how she's sick with covid: "Yeah, I've just been sitting on the couch watching Supernatural"
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Also me: "Omg, you should listen to Supernatural Then and Now podcast!"
Also me, on the inside: Don't admit to being weird about this show...
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buckleydiazmp4 · 1 year
no but the thing is. they KISSED. on screen. it was a real scene, not deleted, not removed from a script, it HAPPENED in front of the world's eyes. and AND the actors are normal about it and the whole cast and crew is normal about it and it's not vague and it's IMPORTANT. no matter the rest of it and what came after it, it happened!!
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kellyscabin · 5 months
who do I have to speak to...... to change the prophecy?
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bunnieswithknives · 14 days
Why does Dale want to hunt fairies? What made him believe in them? He's a full gown adult and is hunting them. I know Mr Crockers case, is Dale different the same?
Generally speaking Dale believes in whatever he thinks will make him money. He probably saw something online offering absurd amounts of money in exchange for proof of fairies and figured even if he couldn't find anything he could get chatGPT to write a book about his experience for him and make money anyway.
After he shot Dev he was going to call it quits altogether, too much headache when he can make profit so many other ways. At least until Flowers put him through an undeniably supernatural experience that is.
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babygirlwolverine · 1 year
do you ever just stop and suddenly remember dean actually and literally called cas “devastatingly handsome” in front of his entire family, like, cmon, boy is so damn whipped for cas it’s glaringly and painfully obvious
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youraveragebtsstan · 5 months
Them: How can you ship them; they're brothers!? It's absolutely disgusting 🤮🤢.
Also Them: Wincest isn't real- you're delusional.
Me: Your Honor, I'd Like to Present Exhibit 4,385.
Exhibit 4,385:
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Controversial Character Tournament Round 2: Mathematics from Real Life vs Sam Winchester from Supernatural
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(remember that these characters are fictional and your fellow tumblr users are real. i will block you if you harass others in the notes, please consider sending your unhinged harassment to my inbox instead)
Propaganda under the cut, may contain spoilers:
LOVE: - "I know this goes against the rules a bit and probably won't make it in, but math gets so much hate and it's unfair! Math is beautiful and useful and cool! Wake up, people!"
Sam Winchester:
LOVE: - "Look, I realize that tumblr is the Destiel website and that there is a strong possibility that he is more of a hated character than a controversial one. And maybe submitting him to this tournament when he is my favorite is not really a great idea, but… he is my beloved <333 and I wanna click the "I love Sam" button dammit :( As for why you should love him: He's a huge (literally) nerd who has psychic powers and drinks blood (hot!). He was destined to become Boy King of Hell and Lucifer's vessel, but he chose to sacrifice himself to save the world. Very queer-coded, even though most of the fandom denies it."
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sammybeann · 2 months
I've been seeing a particular back and forth on the spn fandom side of tumblr regarding Wincest shippers, and though nobody asked, I'm voicing my opinion on the discourse.
The amount of time and energy people put into genuinely loathing those who enjoy a particular ship is astonishing.
To say people who enjoy Wincest are freaks, disgusting, and to even wish harm upon them is fucking WILD.
I'm unsure if anyone, especially Destiel shippers have got the memo, but they are ✨ fictional characters ✨
Enjoying the dynamic between brothers in a fictional sense doesn't mean shippers condone or practice incest in their day to day lives. Like wtf are you even smoking?
Castiel tortured Jimmy Novak, literally got him killed then continued to wear him as a meatsuit and y'all are wet at the prospect of Dean fucking the body of a man who didn't consent.
Tell me how that ship makes you any more moral that Wincest shippers.
People have real lives, families, friends, jobs, and to come on here, a site where people should be allowed to be themselves and enjoy their fandoms, and harp on how they're lesser than because you don't agree with them?
Fucking utterly pathetic, and I'm sorry you're so angry inside. Truly. Here's hoping for some personal growth from some of y'all.
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selfship-quotes · 30 days
shoutout to selfshippers that ship with characters that are completely "normal" but whose lives are filled with drama, because now you have to probably deal with that drama as well which sucks ♡ (basically shoutout to selfshippers that ship with characters from drama/comedy/romance media)
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smaeemo · 4 months
It’s crazy to see how people interpret dean and sam’s brother dynamic as “wincest”
Some people have clearly never had a parentified older sibling. Then you take into account the degree of trauma that they have been through and continue to go through. Their codependency stems from their childhood and current traumas, their mental states due to that, the way they grew up with their father obsessing over the importance of “family is everything,” and the deep parentification of Dean, AKA Dean having to be a CHILD while raising his little brother, and taking care of his insane father. It’s not “wincest”/incestuous in anyway, it’s called trauma, parentification and general unstable family dynamics.
I think that a lot of “wincest” shippers don’t actually see what trauma can do to a person and their dynamics, specifically the people that endured that trauma with you. Dean, who was the older one that had to in HIS WORDS “be the mother, father, and brother” of his younger brother since the age of !4! is obviously going to be extremely protective/codependant of/with Sam, both because of the parentification and the words of his father carved into his very being. As for Sam, having Dean be all those things for him, means that more than anything, Dean is it for him because Dean RAISED HIM. Which is why, for so many reasons, what John said to Dean (killing Sam), was one of the most cruel things he could have done. John if not straight out, on some level knows that Dean and Sam will forever have a different dynamic because Dean raised Sam, ergo, Dean being more of a Parent to Sam than he ever was.
That’s not to say I think Dean was a “perfect parent” to Sam when he was raising him. No one can be “perfect” especially not a teenager raising his baby brother. What it means is that Dean had to sacrifice his childhood and grow up quickly for Sam to be not only Alive, but also so that Sam could -have- a childhood. All of this while Dean was still actively growing up, enduring his father, hunting, and having to come to terms with monsters. But he couldn’t allow himself to mess up, and going back to the idea of “perfect parenting” we see that no, he in fact was never “perfect” specifically when he leaves so that he can play games, and he sees that Sam’s safety is (extremely unfairly) placed on his shoulders. All of this, yet again along side with never having a stable home, having an unreliable source of income, and having to basically learn how to be an adult at 7, was the start of their dynamic.
As for Sam, we see that he got to play on soccer teams, go to school, and exist (while still having to endure all of the nightmares that is his homelife) outside of the hunting. Whereas Dean was the one who gave him this chance. This is not to say that Sam should ever feel guilt over this, or that Dean needed to do this. This is to show just how different their sibling relationship is, due to the trauma.
Dean treats Sam like a brother many times, but underneath it (or on top) you will always see that he is a parent to him more than anything.
“Wincest” is talking about their “strange/codependant relationship” in a romantic or purely sexual manner. This in itself just shows how many people don’t understand what it means to either have a kid or be a parentified older sibling. (I personally am not a parentified older sibling, but my sister who practically raised me is) and because of MY family dynamic I can speak from experience (definitely not to Dean and Sam’s extent) of having a parentified older sibling, and how that differs from regular sibling relationships.
Ok, this was a ramble, but as a whole “wincest” is extremely disturbing to me as a whole. And I don’t know what the rules are on this specific topic, so Idk how much I should say. But I definitely don’t condone inc*st to any degree, but to each their own ig.
Alright, I have SO much more to say on this topic. But I will hold back for now, just because I am sleepy.
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arcanespillo · 1 year
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Houses of the Holy directed by Kim Manners
A little life by Hanya Yanagihara
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thenameisgul · 4 days
as much as I love the two, I don’t appreciate the gay angel and his bisexual hunter boyfriend remind me every second of every day how single I am 😭
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youraveragebtsstan · 3 months
Domestic!Wincest AU Idea. Sam has been having trouble sleeping, so he has Rowena cook up some 'Sandman Powder' (a little less potent than Djjin Juice, but it does the trick.) Anyway, he places it under his pillow and falls asleep only to wake up in a world where he and Dean are married with an infant named Jack. They have date nights, spend bath time/bed time with their kid and love the life they live.
But yes, in this world they are still brothers.
And no, it doesn't matter because they live in a town where no one knows their names.
And how, you ask? Because they left hunting behind to pursue an apple pie life...
So what's the problem, Sam can't seem to wake up. He asks Alt Dean for help, but the more time he spends there the more he begins to fall in love. Or maybe he does wake up and he struggles with his normal day to day knowing that in another world he and Dean being in love is a possibility. Maybe he gets addicted to that dream world and wants to stay there forever, but he knows he can't... IDK, still working the kinks out with his one but yeah. Just had an idea and thought I'd share.
(Might put on AO3, might not. Who knows 🤷🏾‍♀️)
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faeriekit · 7 months
Okay I put this in the tags and everything but no one is allowed to be rude about real irl medical procedures in my notes, okay? Look me in the eyes. You know not to be rude about real life medical procedures in my silly body horror fic, right? You know not to make fun of or act all grossed out about medical things people live with for possibly the rest of their lives, right? 👀 You can do that? You can be polite? Have manners??
Okay. Just checking.
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cas-poisoning · 6 months
The way people write John in fic bothers me so much sometimes. Not to judge other people’s writing specifically, just the general fanon characterization of John Winchester. Yes he’s bad a father. Horrible. So much to unpack there. Yet I find it so disappointing when I go to read a fic and he’s like. Cartoonishly villainous. Excluding the fans that actually like John (which is even more crazy), it feels like everyone treats him as like this big bad one dimensional monster which imo is a disservice to the complex relationship Sam and Dean have with them. It’s also a symptom of a broader pattern in media, or even real world events. It’s so much easier to flatly paint anyone bad as inhuman, one dimensional, and just plain evil. Monstrous. But the reality is, every horrible person is still a person. Humans are capable of the evil we do, not monsters.
So when it comes to John, like yes, he is deeply deeply flawed. He really hurt his kids. But often when people write him, it feels like he makes all of his terrible decisions for the sake of being mean and terrible and abusive, which undermines the dynamic because the reality is people can be abusive or neglectful or toxic without being a complete monster 100% of time. It would almost be easier for Sam and Dean if John had actually been like that. But he was their father, who did what he thought was best, and loved them even if he didn’t show it. They have fond memories with him. He’s their father. Which is what makes it so hard for them to actually unpack the trauma they have, because it is so so difficult to realize a person you love is actually actively hurting you. Harder than realizing a villain in your life is just being a villain.
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