spn-incorrect-quotes · 7 months
Sam: Dean, that’s disgusting. You’re only giving free stuff to beautiful people.
Y/n : Yeah, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Dean: Oh yeah? *gets really close to Y/n * How about a muffin on the house baby?
Y/n , giggling: I’m pretty.
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shmunter · 4 months
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acecroft · 1 year
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Well, if ghosts are the only ones that can see them... SUPERNATURAL 4.15
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videogamesskies · 9 days
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Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest (SNES) (1993) . .
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fr-familiar-bracket · 10 days
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blanketforcas · 12 days
glee had it right. more actors need to get slushied in the face
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“Cas—what’s on your mind? I can tell it’s something. You’re worried.” You scooted closer to the angel and he watched as your hand landed gently on his leg. He gulped at the accompanying rush of heat it always produced, still, always.
“I—I’m not the same as I used to be, when—when we met,” he said. You could almost feel the deep reverberation of his voice. 
You gave him a questioning look and waited patiently for him to go on. 
He ducked his gaze, his cobalt eyes fixed toward his hands, which were fiddling anxiously. “I just—I’m worried that you’ll wake up one day and realize I’m not the being you fell in love with,” he said. Speaking the words aloud felt almost like a knife twisting in his chest.
You sighed and he watched your expression relax some, though he couldn’t understand why. “That’s what you’re worrying about? Oh, Cas...” You swept a finger softly along his jaw and it shot his eyes back up to meet yours, puzzled. “All of us change and evolve over time. When you choose to love someone, you’re choosing to love a different version of them every day, every month, every year. If you just love the original then—” you shrugged, “you’re in love with someone who doesn’t exist anymore. I’m not the same as when we first met either. And the thing is, it doesn’t matter. I’ll always choose you. I’ll keep choosing you every day, from now to eternity.”
He looked back at you, bewildered. “How—how did I get so lucky with you?” he asked, his brow furrowing. 
You smiled widely at him. “It’s not luck, Cas. You really are just this good.”
The angel took you gently into his arms, brushed his finegrs through your hair, and kissed you, any stress or worry completely resolved by your steadfast determination to love him.
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levodoom · 3 months
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The Verd - Solar System
"Shortly before his disappearance, the famous philosopher, explorer, engineer, and machinist Calvo Galvan, left behind several pieces of nonsensical writings, insane scribblings, and incomplete schematics; known collectively as Galvan's Code. Among these was a map of the Heavens, or rather, a map of the nearby celestial bodies and stars.
During Galvan's time of the 1100s, astronomic studies were still in a catch-up phase, as the general understanding of universe and cosmos had yet to surpass that of the ancient Asharic's observations of the stars, and the Astral mysteries of Old Narumad were still largely unknown to us. How, then, did Galvan manage to transcend his astronomic knowledge so easily? With no tools or modern studies to assist him, even.
The Royal Astral Oratory has since the discovery of Galvan's Solar Map dedicated their lifetimes in identifying, confirming, and expanding his observations; to the point of obsessive madness, as not even Queen or Ministry can convince them to share all of their findings.
What they apparently witness in the stars, beyond Galvan's Notes, is not meant for human eyes, and they guard their found secrets warily from innocent, curious eyes; for only -they- , the Royal Astrologians, can withstand and know the universe's true cosmic truths and terrors."
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sweetsweetloverlover · 2 months
about to rewatch house's head wilson's heart wish me luck
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enddaysengine · 5 months
Unseen Corner (Mage Supernal Being)
I didn't think it would be there. It's always in the last place you look. Why do I never look at the top of that stack of shelves? Did this room always have a window?
The Unseen Corner is a Supernal Being of hidden Spaces, especially those hidden in plain sight. The Unseen takes many forms, but all of them are small and diminutive. To a Mastigos versed in Life, it appears to be an ordinary mouse. To a Guardian, it is a mask buried in a rubbish heap. To mages with demonic or angelic Shadow Names, it is the classic Imp - a tiny, horn person with red skin, bat wings, and a pointed tail. As long as it is easily missed, it is a form the Corner can take.
The Unseen Corner is soft-spoken, rarely raising its voice above a whisper or calling attention to itself. Its unobtrusive nature means it is common for a summoner to not realize the Corner has appeared, except for the certain knowledge that the ritual worked.
Mages summon the corner when the want to be overlooked, interfere with surveillance, or shield their Sympathetic connections. It has a fondness for Guardians and Mystagogues, although neither Order get preferential treatment out of the deal. It does keep a Supernal eye on such mages however, watching them long past the terms of their summoning require. While the Unseen is ambivalent toward the Free Council, the Libertines frequently call on the Imp, as its trials are less harsh when it has the opportunity fuck with the Panopticon. It has no special hatred of Seers or the Exarchs in general, but if the Eye has its way, hidden spaces will cease to exist so the Unseen gleefully interferes with its minions plans.
The Unseen Corner is a reserved Imp, economical in its words unless it is pointing out a Mage's blind spots. It prefers to perch on ledges or hide in corners, anywhere it can easily be overlooked and spy on others unseen. The Unseen does not broke any suggestion that it is a hypocrite for spying while simultaneously working to dismantle the Panopticon. From its perspective, it is an individual who simply watches what happens around it from a hidden space in a limited area. The Panopticon, however, wishes to systematically eliminate all hidden spaces and observe everything. The few Seers who tried to sway the Unseen on this position met sticky ends.
Rank 2 Pandemonic Imp Power 2 Finesse 7 Resistance 5 Virtue: Unobtrusive Vice: Voyeuristic Ban: The Corner cannot use its Arcana in ways that are easily witnessed. Bane: A picture or painting of itself. Arcana: Mind 2, Space 2, Matter 1 Mana: 15 Corpus: 7 Willpower: 10 Initiative: +12 Defence: 2 Speed: 11 Size: 2
Hey! This was originally made for my patreons over on Patreon. If you want more exclusive monsters, you can back me over there, but you can also follow for free and get email updates whenever I post new public content too!
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en-wheelz-me · 5 months
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shmunter · 8 months
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before their story vs after
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flyingprivate · 5 months
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Supernal (Hyundai Motor Group) S-A2 (concept design)
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thejewitches · 1 year
"the judeo-christian concept of hell"
oh, the soul-washing machine? I don't think so...
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fleshdyke · 1 year
your bird posts have been giving me the happy whats ur favorite songbird
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this thing
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