#support indigenous people
snekdood · 5 months
so I found this really cool website that sells native seeds- and you might be asking me "snekdood, haven't you posted an entire list of websites that sell native wildflower seeds that you're going to add on to soon?" and yes that's true, but that's not the kind of native seed im talking about rn.
see, on my quest to find websites that sell native wildflowers, I came across this dope ass website that sells seeds that have been farmed and harvested by ntv people traditionally, i'll let the website do the talking:
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so anyways this is the coolest website ever. you can find the wild relatives of chiles on here called chiltepines, you can find different colors of corn and cool squash's, and every seed from whichever farm has it's own lil origin story written about it. you can also find other veggies here that are already commercially available to help fund and support this organization. as well as there being a cool gift shop with a lot of art made by different native folk from all around as well as cookbooks, jewelry, pottery, weavings, and clearly plenty more:
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as well as a pantry?? with premade soup mixes??? and i really want to try them now??????
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anyways I think its worth snoopin' around bc I'm almost positive you'll see something you think is cool (oh also if you happen to have some seeds passed down from ur family too and ur also native they seem like they would gladly help produce more)
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telekitnetic-art · 1 year
Today, please consider doing your research into the Delgamuukw Decision and the court case surrounding it. It was one of the most groundbreaking Indigenous related court cases in Canada to date, and the government doesn’t like to acknowledge that it happened because doing so could mean they’d probably actually have to acknowledge Indigenous land rights.
December 11th was the date the original court decision was overturned by the supreme court’s justices, and this year was the 25th anniversary of the case.
Misiyh, dzïn honzu ♥️
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mousedetective · 11 months
Organizations To Help Indigenous People
I've been reblogging three separate posts for a while now and I thought I'd combine them all into one for maximum ease. Please reblog this list and help these organizations if you can!
Warrior Women Project
Sitting Bull College
First Nations COVID-19 Response Fund
The Redhawk Native American Art Council
Partnership With Native Americans
Native American Heritage Association
National Indigenous Women's Resource Center
Indigenous Women Rising (abortion access fund)
Indian Residential School Survivor’s Society
Stop Line 3
Honor The Earth
The Lakota People’s Law Project
Amazon Frontlines
‘Āina Momona
The Native Wellness Institute
The Native Americans Rights Fund
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation/University of Manitoba
First Nations Child & Family Caring Society
Native Women's Association of Canada
Mi'kmaw Native Friendship Centre
Micmac Benevolent Society
Advancing Indigenous People In STEM
Community Outreach and Patient Empowerment
The Association on American Indian Affairs
First Nations Development Institute
American Indian College Fund
Diné Citizens Against Ruining Our Environment (CARE)
Hopa Mountain
Indigenous Values Initiative
Native American Disability Law Center
People’s Partner for Community Development 
If anyone has links to other organizations that help indigenous people, please feel free to add them!
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raggedyfink · 1 year
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A necklace made out of nylon rope, howlite skull beads, French jet beads (likely from the 1920s), a pendant from hobby lobby and a skull pendant made out of real bone from an indigenous-owned etsy shop, inspo the bottom pic that was from a woman who married into the Rothschilds
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bunbunbunni · 10 months
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Gijinka and tumblr sexy man fies the Moon to help my partner @blackmagickboi get more sales on their game aha 👉👈 u can enemies to lovers the moon who’s gonna stop you??? no one, go buy it it’s $5 and made by an autistic queer native
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petri808 · 2 months
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aroacebtich · 1 year
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astrophysicist-jd · 8 months
I don't know what to write here please just go to the hashtags
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ohfersherbahd · 1 year
🐈‍⬛🎁 Billie is helping me wrap presents, and I just got my new slippers in the mail! EEEEP 🎁🐈‍⬛☺️
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spaceysoupy · 1 year
Happy settler Saturday, We’re a queer, plural, disabled Indigenous system preparing to flee our abusive house within the next few months
We could use some help with travel costs, supplies, and some leftover money to replace things we had to leave behind since we don’t know if we’ll be able to get them back.
We have a permanent place lined up to stay and people we love and trust to help care for us once we’re there. It’s just a matter of cost to get there and buying some things like underwear, plain t shirts, a heart rate monitor, medical ID bracelet, burner phone, power bank for main phone, and a few other things we are lacking.
The situation at home has become extremely unstable and we’d like to leave sooner rather than later. We will likely be staying until June for our SSI hearing as long as things stay mellow, but it’s a matter of how much we can take mentally right now and we are quickly approaching limits, especially without access to therapy.
Any bit helps, please reblog
And a funny meme we made to keep it light
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drowningwoodfae · 1 year
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m00kieblaylock · 1 year
January 26 thoughts
🖤💛❤️ 💙🤍💚
Treaty now. Fuck the monarchy. Fuck Australia Day. Republic referendum now. ACAB. Change The Date. Support Indigenous businesses and artists. Better education on our blak history. Respect for all First Nations people, particularly for lives lost and generations traumatized by colonisation.
I have been having thoughts this past week leading up to this day about how exhausting it is every year trying to calmly debate with people about why changing the date is so important. When people are so uncaring, undereducated and severely misinformed. It’s so stressful because it constantly feels like there’s little hope. However, I quickly realized that this exhaustion is a million fold for indigenous people. It’s an issue that I am incredibly passionate about, and I’ll always acknowledge my privilege and further educate and better myself. I won’t let racist cunts to stop that.
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panics-side-blog · 2 years
You can skip the whole rant and go down to the links to support indigenous people
Reminder to myself never talk to a white person ever again about blood quantum. 9/10 times they hold up white supremacy with their uneducated ass. And even when you try to educate them they just don't get it and deflect or use strawmen arguments. And then get all defensive,mad and surprised when you get mad because they try to defend their "argument" with words that have deep rooted pain and suffering and completely ignoring the history of it. Like you expect me to stay calm when you talk about that shit where literal Nazis have used this to erase others like it isn't a big deal?
"oh but 100% indigenous people don't exist anymore"
OF COURSE THEY DON'T, they got killed and the once who survived where stripped off of their culture and got raped in order to "get the savage out"(god i hate that word but i don't know how to word it better (also nothing 100% exist)). And in this situation this shit is extremely harmful. You hold up shit that erases us and then you tell me that i'm not indigenous because I'm not "100%" and saying that i identity as indigenous means i say i am "100%"?? Bruh.
Your swiss you identify as swiss but your dumb fuck has German,polish and french but yet you can say "I'm swiss" but me whos history got massacred,ripped away and being actively destroyed can't say "I'm indigenous".
Your an adult use your two brain cells that are on live support and pick up a book.
Your way of thinking kills us and is destroying our culture. You think i would be standing here if that shit didn't happen?? I most likely would have been chilling with my fellow Mapuche, learning about their culture being accepted as two spirit and maybe being trained to become a machi because of my connection to gender.
It's so painful to think about it what could have been how live would have been different as a whole. It feels like a part of me was taken away.
And then seeing my siblings all over the world hurting, be it because they live like me completely ripped away due to the horrible things that happened desperately learning, listening and trying to finde back to our ancestors picking up the tiny bit of culture that is left and doing our best to empower the once who live in their communitys.
And the once who are connected and actively live in their community live in horrible conditions with dirty water, their land and culture stolen, destroyed and bastardized, fighting to not lose the tiny bit of rights they have fought for for DECADES.
To finish the whole rant i want to give you guys links on how to help (specifically) my siblings on turtle island and my people. ICWA is currently about to be taken away please sign up and use your voice to spread our voices in hopes that they keep the tiny bit of safety they still have left.
Also i linked a bunch of articles to read
Edit; also reminder my people are also fighting to get their land back and the old ass law that was writen by a fascist STILL DIDN'T CHANGE. This shit is like 30-50 years old and actively hurts. If you want to change it please impower my peoples voices listen to them and spread the message.
(articles about their fight)
Petition :
(against the selling and exporting of our cultural clothing(not in the, i made [insert thing] to sell, but in the sacred garment got stolen and sold ))
(for the visibility of my people)
(more support for my people because the government didn't help enough when covid hit/had let them rot and fight for themselves without any support)
Also side note my Spanish isn't that great and the translation is the bare minimum of what they wrote for the petition. If anyone who can speak Spanish better a proper translation is appreciated, thank you :))
Here are some general links to support us;
(change dot org list for indigenous support)
Things to read:
(this one has a free to call hotline for MMIWG2S and also things to read)
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rouxnen · 1 year
As timalikesmusic would say:
I like the food, but I don't give a damn about no pilgrims
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calixcasual · 12 days
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sinningsalsachip-blog · 6 months
I'm curious if anyone would be able to help me get some food tonight? Anything truly helps.
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