#sure he didnt get enough attention from his parents. and? neither did any of the other characters
mihai-florescu · 9 months
This whole scene had me more streessed and scared than any thriller and you can call me weak for it if you want. Im trying to sell it to you now through ryo's performance but really you guys should just watch i7 already without many spoilers cuz these snipets just arent doing it justice
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prettyvampiress96 · 3 years
The Malfoy Secret - Chapter 4
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Excitement buzzed through the halls of Malfoy manor, with Draco home on break, Lucius and Anastasia had been invited by Cornelius Fudge himself to the Quidditch World Cup . Bulgaria VS Ireland. Of course once Draco had heard the news it became a family outing. Draco was thrilled Anna was tagging along. "Draco darling just because your home from school , does not mean anna can shy away from her work. Your father and Anna will have reputation's to uphold as do we?" Narcissa warned him yet again. " But mother that's barbaric, Anna is my friend . Mine and I want her to watch the match with me" Draco whined turning on his heels to pout up at Anna. Lucius , Narcissa and Anastasia all shared a look to each other which Draco completely missed. Keeping this a secret would be that much more difficult yet all the more so exciting.
The Malfoy's and Anastasia apparated to the match and they proceeded to walk through the crowds in order to reach their private box , stopping to greet others along the way. Lucius and Narcissa began walking up the flight of stairs first followed closely behind were Anna and Draco. "Ah here's Lucius now. I'm positive most of you know each other " came the voice of Cornelius Fudge. Anastasia tensed when she laid her eyes on who Cornelius was conversing with. The Weasley's. Anna tensed and her jaw locked into place, her hand reaching towards her wand. After her last run in with Percy, Anna was certainly taking no chances. Draco noticed the change in Anna and turned looking confused at the situation. Anastasia narrowed her eyes completely having zoned out of the conversation , until Arthur Weasley held his hand out towards her . Instead of shaking his hand Anna chose to not take notice. "Anna" Narcissa scolded as if Anna was one of her own. "Oh that's quite alright Narcissa truly, Percy did say some rather unforgiveable things, it's bound to be hard for her to forgive. No hard feelings. Right lets get to our seats shall we?" Arthur said clapping his hands , he began rushing the children up the stairs. Draco took Anna by the hand and proceeded to drag her to their box, very nearly pulling her over . The private box even had a adjoined balcony with slightly more spacious seats than the original. " Look Dray, As spectacular as this view is these shoes are not made for me to be on my feet leaning over a railing for the whole match , so I'm going to fetch a seat by your parents" Anna said her cloak swishing behind her. Spying the two elder Malfoy's seated alone in the back row with a seat saved between them.
Anastasia sidled her way to the spare seat squeezing herself past Narcissa , whose fingers trailed up the smooth skin of Anna's bare leg. The entire arena suddenly erupted into applause and cheers. The Bulgarian team came flying out along with their mascots. Veela's. Veela's were stunningly beautiful creatures capable of entrancing any male in their presence. At the sight of the many Veela's Anastasia eyes Lucius watching his reaction, her hand grasps the top of his thigh squeezing hard. Lucius jumped at the unsuspected contact, his actions gaining the attention of Narcissa. " Oh Darling I do believe our princess wants to play" Narcissa cooed. " Yes it would certainly seem that way. It is rather brave of our babygirl if you ask me. Tell us babygirl is that what you want ? You want us to make you scream our names for everyone to hear ? Does our dirty little princess want an audience to watch her beg ?" Lucius teased , his voice low enough for both women to hear. The effect of his words had Anna squirming in her seat. With her hand still on Lucius's thigh Anna could feel his length hardening beneath her touch, deciding to test the waters ,Anna began slowly undoing the zip . " Don't start something you can't finish baby " Cissa whispered into Anastasia's ear while sliding her hand to cup Annas throbbing heated , panty-less sex . At the discovery of no panties, Cissa was in two minds to whether to take Anna over her knee right there and then or completely fuck her senseless later. Deciding on the latter Narcissa began dragging her index finger through the slick folds of Anastasia's wet folds, reaching the bud of nerves she began rubbing slow circles. Anastasia bit down on her lip in an attempt to keep their cover being blown. With Lucius's erect shaft free from its clothed prison, Anna wrapped her hand around the base. Anastasia moved her hand up to the red swollen tip swiping her thumb across the tip spreading the glistening pre-cum over her thumb. Anna made eye contact with Lucius as she popped the cum covered thumb into her mouth humming in approval at the salty taste it provided. Lucius stared in disbelief at his little princess's bold action. Leaning to her slightly Lucius whispered.
" You do that again princess and I'll take it upon myself to personally destroy the beautifully tight cunt of yours and mummy wont be able to save you" Lucius smirked with a glint in his eye. " You promise daddy" Anna whispered back.
Anastasia felt a rush of adrenaline surge through her , whether that was due to him or to the fact Cissa was still launching her attack on anna's clit she didnt know neither did she care. Anna's hand picked up the pace around Lucius whilst she ground down against Cissa's fingers . Narcissa's fingers curling inside of anna hitting the spot each and every time she thrust , her thumb hitting the bud of nerves driving Anna so close to the edge. The closer she got to her big finish the harder and faster she gripped Lucius. Narcissa felt Anna's walls constrict around her fingers. Cissa removed her fingers from Anna lifting them up for both Anna and Lucius to see Anna's juices dripping from her fingers. "I'd offer you a taste my love but I really dont want to " Cissa smiled warmly at the pair as she cleaned each finger with her tongue one by one making a rather erotic show for the pair. " Fuck Cissa ! I'm so close babygirl I highly suggest taking your hand away before we make a mess " he warned , Anna chose to disregard his warning and continued her ascent, hell bent even to make her daddy feel as good as he makes her. Anna felt Lucius's cock twitch in her hand signalling he was about to cum and boy was she ready for it. Lucius with his eyes momentarily clenched shut, he missed as Anastasia bent her head down, with one last pump on his twitching penis Lucius rode his orgasm out shooting white shots of cum. Surprisingly Anna caught the majority of it in her mouth leaving little to no mess. Anastasia rose back into her seat laughing lightly. Narcissa placed her hand on Anna's thigh. " You did such a splendid job darling and you taste so sweet . Our sweet babygirl " Cissa commented softly. Lucius hummed in agreement. " Indeed she did my love , I must admit it does make me wonder how her lips would feel wrapped around it, perhaps her lips on you too my dear . The possibilities are endless wouldn't you say?" Lucius replied quietly. Anna blushed furiously. In the background the arena erupted in to applause. Draco and his friends turned from the railings and ran approaching Anna and his parents. "They lost , the Bulgarians lost by 10 points 10 freaking points. What a match though Anna? " Draco asked. "Oh yes It was definitely quite the match. Had me on the edge of my seat the entire game" Anastasia enthused back. Draco looked pleased at her response. " Oh father , mother Blaise invited me and the others to go back to his tent for a while , Would that be alright with you" Draco asked them politely his hands clasped in front of him. "Yes Draco that's fine by us , you know where our tent is should you need something. Be safe" Lucius allowed , secretly happy that Draco would be elsewhere giving him and Cissa time with their babygirl. Draco fist pumped the air in pure excitement. "Anna you want to come I'm sure everyone would love to see you again you are everyone's favourite head girl after all " Draco asked his eyes wide and hopeful. Anna shuffled her weight from foot to foot . " Oh um Draco that's rather kind of you but in fact I'm rather tired . I figured I might just go and get some sleep" she replied scratching her neck at the awkwardness silently praying Draco wouldn't see through her lie. Draco nodded at her response waving and leaving with his friends in tow. With Draco gone , Anastasia, Narcissa and Lucius walked side by side back to the tent . " Are you actually tired little princess or can mummy and I convince you to join us in what I do believe you started earlier this evening?" Lucius asked with every intention of keeping the promise he made her earlier. " Well I suppose theres a chance I could be persuaded" Anna shrugged lightly, spotting their tent she turned to them with a small giggle and took off running . Leaving Lucius and Narcissa to watch in complete awe. Narcissa curled into her husband's side. " My god I love her " Cissa whispered softly . Lucius planted a soft kiss to the temple of Cissa's head smiling at her comment after all he too felt the same way. " Me too my darling me too , let us hurry I do
believe our precious girl would not fare well being kept waiting." Lucius said taking Cissa by the hand and into the tent. As they entered their room of the tent , they both froze in complete and utter shock , the sight of their princess already on their bed completely naked . Her long hair pulled back into the high ponytail that Lucius seemed to adore . Her hands on her knees patiently waiting . " You and mummy kept me waiting daddy, that's not very nice of either of you. I thought I'd have to try and start things all on my own . It wouldn't have been as good as mummy's but you were taking too long" Anna pouted . Narcissa felt instantly guilty , Lucius however was plagued with the image of his babygirl on the bed pleasuring herself without them. That thought being more than he could take , he strode over to a pouting Anna turning her by the cheekbones to look at him. " Oh Is that so little one ? You would start without us ?Really, is that so?" he taunted her. Anastasia looked from him to Narcissa who watched on with an arched brow, embracing in the confidence their princess had today. Lucius didnt like the attention shifted from him and pulled her back to look at him by her ponytail. " Touch yourself princess I dare you and I'll take you over my knee and give you the spanking of my dreams. Only mummy and daddy get to fuck you with our fingers. Wouldn't you agree darling?" Lucius asked pulling Anna to stand in his arms turning them to look at Cissa who had also now gotten rid of her clothes. " Oh I absolutely agree my dear of course unless we tell her otherwise" she caressed Lucius's cheek placing a kiss to the corner of his lips , leaning over Anna's head in the process. Narcissa then stood looking Anna dead in the eyes. " Although I might add that I will spank you myself should you ever leave the house without panties on again my baby" Cissa warned , Anna silently cursed in her head. Lucius's arms tightened around her bare waist placing her down on the bed with Narcissa close behind , their hands roaming over Anna . Lucius let his left hand cup her cheek while his right hand gently held her throat. " No panties ? Really ? In that case perhaps a punishment is needed hmmm?" Lucius thought out loud to Narcissa. Anastasia gasped at the sudden surge of pleasure rushing through her just from his hand on her throat . Before he could apply pressure , loud noises of explosions and screaming interrupted. Leaping up Anna and Narcissa quickly dressed using magic while Lucius went to see exactly what the commotion is. When he returned , he had a panic stricken look on his face. "Death eaters we need to leave" Lucius said sternly. He knew all too well the damage they were capable of. Narcissa's hands flew to her mouth. " DRACO" Anastasia and Narcissa shouted together. Anna wasted no time hurrying out of the tent with her wand drawn ignoring the shouts and cries of Lucius and Narcissa behind her. Curses were being thrown from every direction. Anastasia spots Blaise and his friends leaving but no Draco. " BLAISE , where is Draco ? He was with you" Anna asked frantically .Blaise nodded. "He was until they started attacking , we got split the last I saw he was by my tent" Anna didnt wait to listen the rest. Running as best she could in a dress and heels, Anna began calling Draco over and over until she saw him . Draco was doing his utmost best to defend himself against three Death Eaters. He was doing so well until he tripped over an abandoned backpack. "Stupefy" Anna cast knocking the death eaters back, Anna helped Draco to his feet keeping him tucked behind her back. She now stood facing the Death Eaters. " Protego" Anna shouted blocking their attacks. "SECTUMSEMPRA" Anastasia cast leaving two of the three Death Eaters bleeding to death on the floor. A flash of green hit the third . The Killing Curse. It was an unforgiveable spell. Lucius and Narcissa appeared from behind Anna and Draco , grabbing onto them , they apparated back to Malfoy Manor. Draco broke into sobs at how close he came to death. Narcissa rushed to him
cradling him like the child he was. Narcissa took Draco upstairs and let him talk his way through what happened before they found him. Upon hearing Draco's side of things, Narcissa would be forever in debt to Anna for saving him the way she did. Meanwhile in the master bedroom Lucius pulled Anastasia into him , needing to hold her in his embrace. Never had he felt the amount of fear and panic that he had when he saw her trying to defend herself and Draco against three ruthless Death Eaters. Tomorrow he would absolutely scold her so bad but for tonight both her and his son remained in one piece . No physical damage. " Princess you have no idea how relieved I am that your not harmed . Myself and Cissa can never lose you babygirl. We need you" Lucius almost cried into her hair. A single tear rolling down his face. Narcissa entered the room. " He's okay he's sleeping poor boy is shaken though, We owe you a thousand thank yous darling , without you I fear our Draco may not be here tonight so thank you our beautiful Anna . Now we've had enough for one night wouldn't you say ? How about a bath and some much needed cuddles in bed hmm?" Cissa suggested. Anastasia and Lucius nodded in agreement. All three of them now submerged in a bubble bath both Narcissa and Lucius refused to let go of Anna's hand . The events of tonight really shook everyone to their core. Narcissa offered to wash Anna's hair while Lucius just wanted to hold her a little longer. After they were all bathed and ready for bed Anna had yet to climb in with them instead hesitating by the door. " Darling girl are you not coming in with us? Is something wrong?" Narcissa asks panicked at the possibility Anna could have seriously hurt herself. " No nothing is wrong it's just with Draco home shouldn't I be in my guest room?" Anna asked looking to the floor. When Draco was usually home Anna usually stayed in a guest room down the hall to keep their secret. " Darling come and cuddle with us for a while, we all need it , I can carry you to bed later princess" Lucius persuaded. Anna didn't need to be asked twice . She jumped straight up onto the bed crawling into Lucius's open arms, Anna settled down and held hers open for Cissa to crawl into. Lucius began playing with Anna's hair twirling it around his fingers. Kissing the crown of his head as he twirled each piece. Anna wrapped her arms around Narcissa holding her against her chest. Something about being stuck between the two made Anna feel safe, the safest she had ever felt. " I love you Lucius and I love you Narcissa "Anastasia said sleepily, her eyes fighting to stay open. Lucius and Narcissa both tensed at those words. The first time their Anastasia had said that she loved them and with their names well it just melted them both. " We love you too darling so much " Narcissa whispered gently moving to kiss her forehead , catching the smile on her face from her words brought tears to Cissa's eyes again. Anna drifted peacefully to sleep surrounded in a loving embrace .
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honeypirate · 3 years
I like your writing a lot (especially fire force).I have a request for Benimaru x reader who can’t speak, she can fight and her ability is good but everyone ignores her,Beni noticed that, how would he comfort her or maybe confess to her.
Hey thanks for the request! I really liked writing this and I got to include the only JSL sign I know which is for thank you 😊 I hope you like this!
Your neck hurt from where the blast hit you but you used the momentum to your advantage, turning it into a back handspring. You slide on your hands then when you land on your feet you’re pushed a little more from the force.
You don’t let the white clad pop off any more blasts, immediately pulling the heat from the atmosphere around you and adding it to your flames as you use your ignition ability. the rocks around your feet begin to float, making them glow then light on fire, burning bright and hot as you pour the heat and energy into them. You snap and they all fly towards the white clad “rocks? That’s your weapon?” the white clad begins to laugh but you just smirk. Using your ability to control the speed and precision of each one. you send them all to specific pressure points in the white clad’s body, one to the neck, one to the jaw, and one to each temple.
You watch as they strike them, the smirk on your lips growing into a look of satisfaction as the white clad falls to the ground, unaware of the man watching you from his place in the sky.
Waka hops down from his flaming broom to the tower beside Konro and he hums “who is that?” he asks and Konro sighs “ y/n l/n.” “Is she new?” Konro shakes his head “shes been here two years almost. She’s a mute, lost her voice when an infernal attacked her home, her parents died and the burning roof fell on her. She landed on the edge of a knocked over chair and the force of it destroyed her voice box.” Waka doesn't say anything, just watches as you pop your neck and stretch out your shoulders, making your way back to the guardhouse since he called the fight over.
You enter the guardhouse and like usual, no one really looks at you. You get one or two nods but this was normal, you couldn’t speak and so people didn’t want to even try to talk to you. Having to wait while you write down responses or trying to learn how to read your gestures or lips was just too hard for them, you guess. But you really didn’t mind. You liked to be on your own for the most part, used to it by now. Benimaru watched your interactions with your peers and scowled, why did they treat you like an outsider?
After your shower you decide to head on a walk to watch the stars before you go to bed, walking down the nearly empty streets as you cleared and relaxed your mind. .“Hey” his voice makes you jump and you clutch at your heart with a small smile and empty laugh. “Sorry, i didn't mean to scare you” you smile softly at him, a little confused as to why the captain is talking to you but he doesn’t seem commanding right now so you don't salute, which he doesn't mind.
You raise your hand to your throat and he nods “i know. Konro told me” you raise your eyebrows and he looks into your eyes for a moment, he didn’t know it was possible for someone to have such beautiful eyes. “Can i walk with you?” he asks and you stare, shocked, for a moment before smiling again and nodding.
“I saw you fight today” you feel butterflies enter your stomach, he watched you fight? He took time to watch ~you~ fight? You couldn’t believe it, you thought for sure there was someone better to watch, someone more powerful. “You’re strong” he says and you feel your cheeks warm, you bow your head in thanks and you flatten your hands, bringing the edge of your right hand against the back of your left wrist in the JSL sign for thank you. He watches you and understands your sign, already having looked up some basics before talking to you.
When you raise your head he gets a glimpse of your adorable blush and the corners of his mouth twitch, threatening a smile that he forces away.
You walk in comfortable silence for a while, stopping by the river for a moment to look up at the moon before your curiosity got the best of you. You turn towards him and lay your hand on his shoulder so he would look at you. You raise your eyebrows in question and mouth the word “why?” “why do i walk with you?” he asks and you nod, your hand falling from his shoulder
“i don't understand why you’re an outsider if you’ve been here for 2 years. I want to spend time with you and see if you’re a good or bad fit in the company. So far, your fighting is powerful, you are trained well and obviously know what you’re doing. I’ll be spending the next few days with you to test your skills as well as learn why you’re still an outsider and why you have no friends” his words were blunt and although you didnt mind not really having friends in your company, it still stung to have him say it so bluntly. It’s not like they dont like you or anything, they just dont want to spend the time getting to know you. You furrow your brows, hoping he doesnt make you leave the company because of that.
Sure enough, the morning comes and he’s there, watching you during breakfast and noticing how you interacted with team mates, noticing how they all just .. ignored you. He humphs, catching Konro’s attention. “She does her thing, and everyone just lets her. It’s like shes a ghost. I’m not sure if she minds though. We talk sometimes, she’ll write down responses or make signs she knows, sometimes she mouths words and i’ll read her lips”
The afternoon rolls around and after Benimaru is finished with his paperwork he walks the halls, asking any team member he runs into about you. “Shes just.. weird.” “It’s weird shes mute.” “it makes me uncomfortable to talk to her” and more things were said, but none of them were worse than that. Everyone just didnt want to try talking to you because they were uncomfortable with that way of communicating. It annoyed him how stupid his company was. He asked them if they trusted you in battle though, and all the answers were yes. They all knew how you fought and you were amazing and powerful. All of them would team up with you on the field in an instant.
He watches as you train, alone as usual, and studies your fighting style. It was a mess but he was impressed because it actually worked? Like you made your own style that was the opposite of every other style, he went through your style in his head, putting it against other styles he has seen from whte clad and you had the right angles and moves to completely work around them.
He throws off his sleeve and stands in front of you, wanting to put you to the real test. He represses a smile, he actually hopes you give him a good fight worth his time. You smirk, there was no way you could beat him but you’d give it your all.
He nods, signalling for you to go and you use your ignition powers, taking the rocks behind him on the ground to fly towards him with the same force as the ones with the white clad. As he was distracted turning his head to see, you use the same power, this time focusing it on the soles of your shoes and adding to the power and force to which you ran. He gasped softly as you surprised him, appearing right beside him as you went to jab but as he went to dodge you faked him out, kicking the back of his knees and making him fall flat on his back.
You gasp softly and raise your hand to your mouth, you didn't expect to actually land a hit on the Captain. You hold your hand down to him and he takes it with the smallest of smiles. “I didn’t expect that” he says “you surprised me, but know this, it won't happen again.” he dusts himself off and then gets back into position and makes eye contact “begin”
He was right, it was a fluke surprise thing. You never got another hit in but you fought so hard you kept him on his toes. It was like a dance as you sparred. you didn't hold back and neither did he, although he did withhold his ability. You almost thought at the end you would get him again but he twisted the last second and you ended up flat on your back as he crouched beside you. “You’re more powerful than I first thought” he said and you felt your cheeks flush.
At dinner, he moves from his usual spot at the head table and finds you outside on the back porch, leaning against one of the beams and tossing bits of your rice to the birds. “Is this.. Your normal?” he asks when he sits beside you and you straighten up, not expecting to see him again today. You nod twice quickly and he hums before sitting beside you. “The company, they trust you in fights but ignore you in person, it doesn't make sense.” you laugh, just a soft sound of air from your nose and he cursed the sake he had at dinner for making it harder to hide his smile.
“Do you care?” he asks and you shrug. You didnt really care now but at first it was hard. You used to be the center of attention, laughing and joking and making friends easy. But two years later you had zero real friends.
“cause i could make them treat you better” he says and you look at him with wide eyes and mouth “Dont.” while you shake your head. He laughs a little and the sound makes you feel warm despite the cool night breeze. You mouth you next words slowly so he could read your lips “not a big deal” he nods “i envy you. Sometimes i wish people wouldn't talk to me” you give him a soft look with another airy laugh from your nose that says “i guess we envy each other”
Since then, even if you didn’t see him all day or communicate with him, he would eat dinner beside you outside every night. He decided that since he couldn't make anyone be your friend, he would be your friend. He would ask you simple questions at first, yes or no, before he got more comfortable with your responses and knew what you were saying with your eyes and facial expressions. Sometimes you didn't even have to mouth anything at him if it was an easy night.
He got back late tonight tho and missed dinner. You sat on the porch and felt like your heart wasn’t in your chest as you picked at your meal, feeding most of it to the birds and the stray dog that came around sometimes. You could tell you were developing feelings for your captain and it felt so cliche. You knew nothing could come of this so you just forced those feelings down, convincing yourself that your empty heart was just heartburn and it’ll go away eventually.
The next day you had off, so you spent it like you usually do any other off day. You took your sketchbook and pencils and went to the top of one of the guard towers.
You sit in the sun and enjoy the cool afternoon, the sounds of the city and pencils softly dragging across paper filling your senses. “You're pretty good” he says and you don't even flinch, you just smirk, used to his silent ways by now. You look up at him and roll your eyes before smiling softly and waiting for him to tell you what he’s doing. He sits beside you and you turn your body so you could look at him.
“is this how you spend your day off?” you nod and he hums “it’s nice up here, I can see why you like it” he holds his hand out for your pad and you hesitate for a moment before handing it to him. He raises an eyebrow at your hesitation but understands when he flips through the pages. It’s pages were filled with drawings of your company, team mates, the guardhouse, Konro had a few pages, you had to admit it was fun to sketch his hair and large stature. What impressed him the most thought, were the pages that had pictures of him.
Two or three pages had multiple different angles of his face but his favorite was the one where you drew him sitting beside you at dinner. You caught the feelings in his eyes and his body language, he looked like just a peaceful man. You titled it, the captain’s peace. And he felt his cheeks flush just slightly.
He holds his hand out for a pencil as he flips to a clean page and you set it gently against his palm, your soft fingers grazing his calluses send tingles up his arm.
He turns so you can't see the sketch pad, leaning it against his knee that he brought up and tucking his other foot behind that leg. You bring your knees up and lean your head against them, watching him as he sketches what you assume was the city. Your eyes focus on the clouds that roll by behind him as you just enjoy the soft sounds of pencil against paper. When the paper tears you gasp and look back to him, reaching out for it, wanting to see his work. “Not this time” he says with a chuckle and folds the drawing, tucking it inside his shirt. You pout and he about gives in, it was the cutest thing he’s ever seen.
He hands you back your pad and your pencil and you furrow your brows as you roll your eyes, taking the pad with a huff. You quickly sketch out a rough drawing of the city below surrounding the guard tower, then you draw more details on the tower before you add in him holding your pad and drawing and you sitting beside him. You title it, keep you secrets then, and then tear it out carefully and hand it to him. He laughs when he reads your title and folds it as well, placing it beside his other.
That night, in the middle of dinner, the alarm rings. Your bowls are forgotten about as you drop everything you’re doing. You run alongside Benimaru before you grin and salute him before running down a side road to fulfill your duty of getting the people to safety before helping out if you are needed, which you most likely would be needed with the multiple infernals. Beni does what he does best, gets brooms and goes straight to the largest infernal.
When you both get back, you sit beside him on the porch, your food cold and your bodies exhausted. You lay back on the hardwood at the same time, making you both smile softly at the ceiling. “You did well.” he said and you felt a sense of pride enter your heart. You reach out to pat the back of his hand, a way of returning the compliment, but you gasp when as you try to move your hand, he hooks his pinky around yours and holds your hand there beside his. You feel your cheeks warm because of this action, your heart racing.
Sure, the company saw your growing friendship, and as weird as they thought it was, they wouldn’t say anything. They would pretend they saw and heard nothing, too nervous of what their captain would do if they started anything.
You couldnt sleep, your face still felt warm from the small contact you had with him. You get up and walk down to the river, watching the moon hanging low as the morning approached. You sighed as you looked down into the water, looking at the reflection as you leaned against the railing and set your head against your arms.
You see his reflection, he’s looking at you in the reflection of the calm water. He smiles softly and sets a hand on your shoulder “it’s a nice night” he says softly, like his voice was only for your ears. You turn and look up at him with a small nod before smiling at him. His eyes looked tired, like he hadn't slept either. You reach your hand up, wanting to touch him but your hand freezes in the air and you frown. You dont really know if this is okay, you dont want to make him uncomfortable or anything by touching him. You almost drop your hand but he takes it, bringing it to his own face “it’s okay” he whispers and you feel your stomach flood with butterflies.
You reach your other hand up, cupping both sides of his face as your thumbs brush across his skin. You looked at him like you really saw him, not like he was some spectacle of power to behold. You looked at him like he was just benimaru, nothing more nothing less. That’s why he fell for you.
“If those bastards,”he brushes your hair from your forehead and smiles, truly smiles down at you, you’d think he was drinking but his breath smells like mint toothpaste. “can't see your worth, as a friend and comrade outside of battle. And since you don't want me to make them... “ he cups your cheeks as your hands move to his shoulders “Maybe, you'd allow me to stay by your side” he says as his face draws nearer to yours.
Your hands move around his middle as you close the distance between him, gripping the back of his shirt in your fists as you stand on your tiptoes to brush your nose against his, making him gasp softly before chuckling. “I take that as a yes” he says and you nod, your heart hammering in your chest as tingles run across your skin.
He looks deep in your eyes for a moment, and you try to put your soul in them. Try to tell him how you feel about him with just a look. He smiles and presses forehead to yours with a soft sigh “I can see everything in your eyes” he whispers before pressing his lips to yours.
(Bonus bc the story flowed different than I imagined in that moment and I want it to stay relevant)
He leads you by the hand to his bedroom, nothing in mind, just the desire to sleep. Once in his room he lets go of your hand to take off his shirt and you walk further in, looking round at his things. You smile when you spot the drawing on his dresser, the one you made for him. You gasp softly, gaining his attention as you take a step forward. “I uh” he swallows hard, a little embarrassed as you pick up the paper
The drawing he made, was of you. And it was beautiful. Your hair in the wind and your gaze far away as you reasted your head against your knees. It was titled ‘silent, strong, beautiful.’
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zmayadw · 3 years
Woohoo, so after X amount of coffee, my brain cells finaly functioned, and i wrote... something(?)
I guess you can call it 'my first one shot' :P
Anyway, it sucks, but who cares, i wrote something finaly! :D
(I can always delet the post muwahahah)
I need more coffee..
Sorry to all for this, have a great day!
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Jake x MC
fluff / sweet / something
You straighten your dress and check yourself once more in the mirror. All good, ready to go. You take your purse, throwing your phone in before leaving the apartment. Driving to Thomas and Hannahs engagement party, you feel nervous. Jake will be there, and you really wanted to talk to him. Ever since Hannah was back, you two never discussed your feelings for eachother any more. You never wer alone long enough for it to be mentioned, and you definitely didnt want to talk to him about it over in messages. You had no clue where you two stand at, so you hoped to talk to him tonight, and finaly find out.
„MC, you finaly came!“ Hannah cheerfully ran to you, embracing you in a hug. „Hi, Hannah.“ You hug her back. „Come, everyone is here already.“ She take your hand, pulling you towards the table where everyone sat. „MC! Finaly, I tought you might not show up!“ Jessy chimes, getting up to hug you. „You know me, I'm always fashionable late.“ You tell her teasingly, releasing her from a hug. „ Come, sit next to me, I have soooo much to tell you.“ Jessy pulls you to sit down and starts talking, but your mind was wondering, your eyes looking for Jake. You found him sitting at the other end of the table. He turned his head, and your eyes met. He smiles widely at seeing you, and you smile back, before Jessys words make you turn to her. „Hellooo, are you even listening to me?“ she asks. „Ofcourse!“ you say quickly turning to her „That is very interesting, indeed.“ You tell her, hoping she wont notice you havent really paid any attention to her words. „I know, right!?“ she exclaim, and you exhale relieve that it actually worked. You glance back at Jake, but he was looking the other way, talking to Thomas. Ah, well, I will have my chance later, you think to yourself, focusing back on Jessy.
As the formal part of the evening was over, people started mingling. You finaly have your chance to go talk to Jake. You wer chatting with Dan and Thomas, when you saw him standing alone at the bar. You quickly finish the drink you have in your hand „Sorry, boys, be right back, gonna get me another drink.“ „Easy there, MC, the night is still young.“ Dan teases. You grin at him heading for the bar. „Hello there.“ Jake turns to you „MC, Hi!“ He smiles warmly at you. „Been a while since we talked.“ You smile back. „How are you?“ you ask him. „Huh, i'm better now. It's been a rough few days.“ He says sounding exhausted. You look worryingly at him „ Did something happen?“ „Yes.“ He says thoughtfully „ Hannahs engagement party happened. She was giving us all a 'tough love' regime.“ You laugh. „Hey, dont laugh.“ He says desperatly „ It was terrible. I started hiding from her at a certain point. If it was that bad now, I'm scared to even imagine how she will be with wedding planning. And I'm running out of places to hide!“ „Awww, poor you.“ You look at him with a grin „Well, you can count on me in the future. Just give me a call, I'm sure I can provide you with a good hiding place.“ He looks at you with devilish glow in his eyes „I'll keep that in mind for sure.“ You feel heat coming to your cheeks at his gaze, and he was about to say something more when Hannah shows up. „MC, I was looking for you! Come, I want you to finaly meet my parents.“ You give Jake an apologetical smile and he smiles back, dissapointed look on his face, as Hannah pulls you away.
The rest of the evening wasnt much better. The moment you tought you finaly can go look for Jake again, someone would jump at you. You felt exhausted, and just wanted a few minutes to catch a breath. So when the opportune moment came, you quickly went for the balcony. The night was warm, and a soft breez blowing was welcoming. You lean on the railing taking a deep breath, enjoying the moment of solitude. „I guess we had a same thought“. You turn arround, Jake smiling at you, standing next to te doors. You smile back „Yup. Looks like you're not the only one who needs hiding.“ You tell him coming closer to him. „It's better when you have some company.“ He grins at you. „Definitely!“ you say laughing. „You look amazing, by the way.“ He says, and even in the dark you can see his eyes glowing as he looks at you. You feel your cheeks getting warmer again. “ Thank you. You dont look bad yourself.“ And he was looking good, with black pants and white formal shirt. You tell him teasingly „I never thought I will see you wearing aynthing else then the hoodie.“ He laughs „Neither did I. So don't get use to this look of mine.“ „Too bad, it looks good on you.“ You tell him with a grin. „Huh, thanks, but i still prefere my hoodie over this any day.“ He says grinning back. As you smile, you think, ok, finaly a chance to talk to him. You take a deep breath „Jake, can I ask you something?“ He looks at you intensly „What's up?“ „I was wonder...“ but you fel silent. „MC, you there?“ Your eyes widen at the sound of Jessys voice coming from near the balcony doors. All of a sudden, Jake pulls you to him, and you let a muffled yelp at his chest not expecting it. You look up, him putting a finger to his lips signaling you to be silent, as Jessys head peeks throuhg the doors. But she couldnt see you two , so she continued on with her search. You both chuckle silently. „Gosh, can't I have five minutes to myself.“ You say to him exausted leaning your forehead to his chest. He looks at you and raise his brow „How desperat are you for that five minutes?“ You look back at him „Pretty much.“ „All right, lets get you that five minutes then.“ He smiles and you snort „And how?“ „Do you trust me?“ he asks you. „Ofcourse.“ You tell him back. „Good.“ He grins at you, and in a few swift moves, turns from you and jumps over the balcony railing. „Jake!“ you yell through your teeth terrified, quickly moving to the railing, only to see him grinning at you from below. It wasn't that long of a distance, but still. „Come on.“ He says, extending his hands towards you. „Are you insane? I'm not jumping over it.“ Jessys voice echoed from the inside once more, calling your name. Jake looks at you with a smirk „You sure about it?“ You shake your head at him. „I cant belive I'm actually gonna do this, and wearing a dress no less!“ You take your shoes off, tossing them next to him, before carefully throwing your legs over the railing. „Don't worry, MC, I'll catch you.“ he smiles at you. „You better!“ You warn him, detaching from the railing, falling safely in his hands. „Nice jump. I give it 10/10 for the landing.“ He teases. „Gee, thanks.“ You grin, moving from him to take your shoes. „What now?“ „Now you have your five minutes. It's about how long it will take us to walk slowly back to the entrance from here.“ „And how do you know that?“ you ask him, putting your shoes back on. He grins „I don't, I'm just making it up.“ You laugh shaking your head at him. „All right, I guess we can start walking back then, before Jessy sends a search party after me.“ „Sure, if thats what you want.“ You look at him inquiry „What do you mean?“ „We can go the other way. There's a little park not far from here.“ He looks at you smiling softly. „Really? And what about the party?“ you ask and curs inside instantly, when all you wanted was to say 'yes'. He looks dreamy at you „ I would rather be hiding somewhere with you then go back.“ His words leave you breathles for a moment, the sound of your heart beating faster echoes in your ears „So, what do you say, MC?“ He ask, extending his hand to
you. „Will you hide with me?“ „That sounds so much better the going back to the party.“ You say and smile warmly, taking his hand. „Great! Lets go before someone sees us.“ He grins taking your hand tight in his, pulling you to him to start walking. „You know, we will have to think of a pretty good excuse why we left the party. We can't hide forever.“ You tell him with a grin as you two quicken your pace, murmurs of the party falling more silent behind you. „Mhm, im sure we will think of something good.“ he says, and looks at you with a devilish grin, intertwining your fingers with his „ After all, we have all night for it.“
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pocketramblr · 3 years
I've noticed after a while (and many posts) that you include Fuyumi-trying-not-to-resemble-her-mother in many of your tags, and I really want to hear your thoughts on that whole character dynamic. Or how you headcannon Fuyumi in general, I'd just like to know more and I haven't seen a lot of people delve into her character. It's always one of the brothers.
*vibrates at a totally normal speed* I would love to talk about Fuyumi yes
Warning: the following headcanons contain a decent bit of projecting. Is it me being a teacher? An eldest daughter? My complicated relationship with the idea of a "traditional family"? Probably all of it
First, if you don't mind a plug, I wrote a oneshot that has like 90 percent of all my fuyumi headcanons in it, The Walls Are Thin, and so. Obvious my headcanon that she's Touya's younger twin has been disproven but I like it a lot so,,, I don't care
So, there are some things about Fuyumi that didn't make it into the anime- manga!Yumi has blue eyes like Enji and Touya, and her arm was also bandaged in the flashback soccer scene when Shoto is talking about their abusive childhood which is very interesting to me.
Now, as for Fuyumi and Rei- I don't think Fuyumi hates her mother. I don't even think she hates her mother but is ok with full reconciliation like she is with her father. But I do think they have a very complicated relationship. Rei was institutionalized when Fuyumi was eleven, and from that moment on Fuyumi basically had to take over the raising of her brothers. Fuyumi lost her mother at eleven and then had to become one herself, because Rei burned her littlest brother.
Fuyumi was a child- and here's the thing. Rei's breakdown was sudden, but not surprising. She looked bad in the flashback right before it, she was begging her own mother for help. She looked sleep deprived and skittish. So even before Rei was sent away, I don't know how much she was actually mothering Fuyumi. Shoto can't really tell us that, and Fuyumi... Doesn't seem to want to think much on her past or give flashbacks to the two of them. So when Fuyumi is eleven, is ten, is nine- she's seeing this happen to her mother as a process. Rei is fading away, and Fuyumi is right at the age to actually begin to sort of understand it and be scared.
Shoto is aware that the marriage was motivated primarily to get a quirk like his. I see no reason that Fuyumi would be unaware of this ether, even when she was younger.
A lot of mental health problems can be hereditary- I remember my mother talking to me about her health history and her own mom's health history bc there's a looooot of problems there lol but Fuyumi didnt get that. She got to see her mother stuck in a hospital for a decade for a breakdown. She got to learn in school that those kinds of things can be passed down to children just like quirks. I'd bet anything that Fuyumi is terrified of having a breakdown like that. Of being like her mother- someone who cared for children that she couldn't protect from Enji for ten years or so, then being locked away when she finally snapped.
There's also her status as only daughter- besides the fact that all the wifely duties were put on her, there are still more expectations. Touya is dead, Natsuo is so ignored he didn't need to be disowned, Shoto is primed only to be one thing: the number one hero. Fuyumi, who has been mothering since she was eleven, would be looked to first for grandchildren.
This isn't to say that Enji ever expressed a single care about that- I doubt he did. But Fuyumi's grandmother was seen in some early flashbacks. I'm not sure if that was Rei or Enji's mother, but either way... Well, she'd certainly talk about how pretty she was. How sweet. How good to her brothers now that her poor mother is away. How obedient a daughter. And even if this grandmother doesn't talk about a quirk marriage explicitly, Fuyumi knows that she either raised a man who looked for one by the age of twenty, or was wholly complicit in her daughter getting one.
Even if, logically, Fuyumi knows her father wouldn't arrange her one- either because she's more useful at the house, or he doesn't pay enough attention, or he's going through a post Kamino character development- there's the fact that she also knows It's Not Impossible. She knows that if her family is as high up as it is and utterly rotten inside, there could be lots of people like that in their social circles. There could be someone who has that sort of interest in her.
Anyway, all that gives Fuyumi some very, very complicated feelings on motherhood and marriage. I don't think she wants either. Ever. She's a teacher, so she likes to work with kids- but we know a part of that is to make up for not being able to help her little brothers. She's full of guilt. I don't think she'd ever be interested in romance or anything else with a man, after seeing how it turned on and utterly broke Rei. And while I do sometimes have Fuyumi as lesbian, I also really think she might be aroace. This adds fun spice where she asks herself things like "wait is this just my trauma or my actual identity" and haha same I'm sorry I project on her a lot anyway sorry Fuyumi,,, you deserve a happy life. A normal life. But you don't get one ♥️
And the normal life thing- that's because Fuyumi is tired. She's tired of being a mother to her brothers. She's tired of having the responsibility of parenting without any of the power or control. She wants to be treated like a normal daughter and sister. And that can't happen if her brothers, esp Natsuo who she saw even more, keeps fully crediting his raising to her. Even if it's the truth, and even if Natsuo loves their mother and had no problem with her- he certainly wouldn't claim Rei influenced him more than Fuyumi did. That's why she's so desperate specifically for him to reconcile.
And she did see Natsuo more- but I think Fuyumi is also very close to Shoto. Closer than he thinks. Not just because her first two appearances are just her trying to protect Shoto by warning him when Enji is pissed off or when he will be, though that certainly helps- she's rather attuned to that stuff, and at least sorta used to Shoto sometimes listening to her about that kind of advice. But Shoto is being shaped deliberately to basically be Enji 2.0 . He has no choice but to be a hero. He has no choice but to train hard and get strong. He's supposed to beat All Might in a rivalry. All that stuff. Fuyumi, likewise, is shaped to be Rei 2.0. Take care of the children. Be soft. Not cut out for heroics. Not able to stop Enji from doing anything. Support Shoto. Cook. Clean. Take over when the housekeeper leaves, because why hire another one when there's a fourteen, fifteen, sixteen year old who can do it? Don't go to anyone for help, because no one who can help you will believe you or want to help you.
Shoto is supposed to succeed where Endeavor failed against All Might.
Fuyumi is supposed to succeed where Rei failed in going against Enji.
And all this, in a house where "like Rei" is an insult that her father shouts- to have her mother's constitution is a terrible thing. It's why her first two brothers were failures. Being "like Rei" means you are weak, and useless, and going to break down, going to be sent away.
And Fuyumi is supposed to be "like Rei", but without any of those bad parts.
Anyway wow this is such a long post.
That's why I think Fuyumi has a complicated relationship with her mother and with her appearance! If Fuyumi had been a boy, there always would have been a housekeeper there. She could have been a big brother- a big brother overly relied on, yes, but not a father. Fuyumi is not a boy. She is "like Rei." She is like Rei, who poured boiling water on a child because he had red hair, and a blue eyes.
So I think Fuyumi looks in the mirror, and sees red lines in her hair, and blue eyes behind glasses that neither of her parents need. And I think she keeps her hair shorter than Rei, and doesn't let it hang long like her mother prefers. And I think Fuyumi looks in the mirror, and sees that she's not just exactly like one or the other of her parents- and I think she says "thank God"
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
No Boyfriend’s
Henry comes home to find out his three year old princess has a boyfriend, whats a dad to do?
Warnings: swearing, fluff
A/n: so I had so much fun wrighting this fluff piece! Thank you to @jessevans​ for requesting it.
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No Boyfriend's
You walked up to the preschool to pick up your daughter from her afternoon session. You had to admit when Henry had first sugested moving out of the city You had been a little skeptical. He had been adamant that he wanted your child to have a childhood much like his. Out of the hustle and bustle moving out into 'the sticks' as many londoners would call it. You'd settled in a quaint picturesque little village near Canterbury in Kent the location was perfect for henry's work with the port of dover thirty minutes away and the center of london with all the airports around an hours drive in the opposite direction it was ideal. And best of all it was out of the way and had all the amenities within the village itself a post office, shop,pub, Doctors surgery and pharmacy the local primary school and pre school was literally a five minute walk from your house and the closest secondary schools were a ten minute bus ride into canterbury itself and when the time came you had six to choose from.
The reason for the move? Your now three year old Daughter the apple of her daddies eye. You remebered the day you'd told your boyfriend you were pregnant, you'd been terrified as much as he said he wanted a family you couldnt help that twinge of doubt. But he was exstatic within moments he had darted out of the room when he returned he was clumsily trying to dial his mothers number with shaking hands tears streaming down his face as he kept asking if you were sure even when his mother picked up, you could here her laughs of joy as he told her. He paced the room leaving you to sit on the bed giggling as he refused to sit down whilst on the phone with his family every time he walked past you he move his hand pressing on Your flat tummy asif trying to feel the child already that or he was trying to imagine you with a bump and that grin? You'd never seen him smile like that before it truly melted your heart seeing him so happy. He was always and attentive boyfriend but once you was pregnant he was..Incredible always by your side when he was at home tending to your every need and he somehow managed not to be over bearing.
It was when you went to the first scan that he had proposed some might say it wasn't the most romantic but for you it was perfect! Leaving with the first photos of your little jellybean and a fiance. Fuck yes! You thought that you couldnt get any happier but then came the gender scan. You knew he didnt mind what they were but you also knew deep deep down you both wanted a little girl to coddle over and buhe wanted a daddies girl someone who he could be their knight in shining  armour. He could bearly keep still beside you holding your hand tight watching the screen trying to get a look at your little 'nugget' as he had called them he couldn't keep quiet either with every swipe of the ultrasound  wand he was changing his mind.
"Girl? Is that? I can see? nope Boy definatly boy"
"Henry babe...dont get to excited that's the umbilical cord...I think?" They were being a little bugger crossing their legs making the sonographer work hard to move them around as you had to move again and again trying to get the little one to move. Finally they spoke.
"And you two are about to have... Little....Princess! You have a baby girl on the way congratulations" you both froze looking at the screen seeing your baby...your daughter. Immediately you both burst into tears.
"A-a girl your sure?" Henry asked in a quiet shaky voice the woman smiled nodding handing you both tissues then moved slower over the child showing you exactly what she saw then printed off some of the photos for you. Once home Henry began refering to her as 'little lady' on account of her 'protecting her modesty' by crossing her legs.
It wasnt long after youd began talking about moving seroiusly, the house was big enough sure but now you knew the baby was a girl it all seemed much more real. Sure you'd both spoke about buying a house together on and off as youd moved in to his place earlier in the relationship but this time it was more feasible the idea of raising your precious little girl in the middle of london didn't bode well for Henry he was also concerned about haveing photos of her taken he was an actor hell your relationship was posted all over social media by your third date! He didn't want that attention on his daughter so you both started seriously looking. It only took another nine weeks to find a place you both fell in love with the Georgian detached house it looked like a mini manor with its decorative columns and tall windows had a huge garden to for kal it was perfect.
At six months you had a small private wedding and it was then that he anounced your marriage and baby Cavill, potsing your favourite wedding photo of you in you and Henry facing each other laughing witb your foreheads together, you were wrapped around each other as close as ou could get considering the bumb that had seemingly grown overnight his hand resting on the cute bump you were laughing because she had just kicked him when he had told you he loved you. Almost like 'dont forget about me!', Kal had photo bombed to his head poking out between your an Henry's legs smiling , a part of your flowy dress caught up on the bears ear head tilted the only one looking at the camera and in the same post he added an ultrasound of your baby girl. You got congratulations from many of yours freinds and family. And Henry's freinds and costars each wondering the same thing 'how the fuck did Henry keep it quiet?'. You wondered that as well, the hole pregnancy was just memory after memory. Henry made sure you did everything you could to document your daughters creation, you did the photo of your bump once a week the last one being you in the hospital in the middle of slow labour holding the gown tight around you a mere half hour before she was born. He had made sure you did the belly casting which had been tidied up and trimmed painted pink and was in the cupboard, then the 4d scans expensive tho they were nothing and you mean nothing compared to seeing her little face for the first time, it was then you realised she looked nothing like you! She was all her father although a slightly more feminine and less sharp and it was also there you were told she had lots od hair...Curls you felt like you'd hit the jackpot. At the birth he had been incredibly supportive until he wasn't, well you disagreed  he wanted to film it and not just your face  he wanted to film it you said no but regretted it after as it would have been solid proof of what happened.  You see one moment he was there then mid contraction....you heard quiet 'nope' a huge thump is what alerted you to his fall.... there was an alarm pressed and nurses came running in each giggleing, it was rare now days to have a fainter.
"Are you FUCKING KIDING ME?! HENRY?! OI! HERNY? CAVILL GET YOUR ASS UP!" You had to stop shouting and started breathing heavy as another contraction pulled at you once over you began barking orders to the nurses.
"KICK HIM...KICK HIM IN THE NUTS! DONT WORRY ABOUT STERILISING SUPERMAN HERE! NEVER AGAIN! HE WONT THEM TRUST ME... HENRY GET UP! ARE YOU LISTENING? STOP BEING A LITTLE BITCH! I AM NOT DOING THIS AGAIN COS HE FUCKING MISSED IT! LOOKING WHEN I TOLD HIM NOT TO!"  The nurses didn't know what to do it took three of them to place im in the chair each trying desperately not to laugh as you had a melt down screaming at him to 'wake the fuck up' You swore you even heard laugher from outside signaling that his family had heard. Yes your wonderfully supportive husband had fainted through stress? Excitment? Anxiety? Low blood sugar? Each time you asked him it had been different answer but and to quote him 'it was definitely not because I looked' which neither you or his brothers will ever believe or let him forget. Luckily he came to as you finally birthed his daughter. A stunning screaming little dark haired bundle. He sobbed when he held her for the first time leaning over her cradeling her so gently leaning over her kissing her as many time he possibly could he was the first one to hold her, hug her kiss her and change her. The photo of his first cuddle hung proudly in the hallway ,you will never forget that moment, the moment when Henry's whole world changed  you could see then just how much he had wanted this. Your daughter was going to be the luckiest little girl in the world.
Paige had grown into a daddies girl, through and through which made today much better. Henry was coming home from filming man from u.n.c.l.e he had been away for months and you had kept his arrival home a secret. Henry was going to make it home in about twenty five minutes. You stopped just before the colourfull gates unable to go in with Kal, you could see the kids lining up in twos underneath the oak tree in the small garden. You smile moving to stroke Kals ears hushing him as he barked loudly vibrating with exciment his tail thumping on the floor as he sat like the good boy he was. At his bark you could hear the kids all squeal with excitment, they loved it when you brought the 'wolf' to the preschool. It was funny hearing Paige whine to them that 'his name is Kal and he's a bear'. He was quite the spoilt pup when he helped you pick up his sister getting hugs and kisses of all the Paige's class mates. Finally the small class was walked out of the garden one of the teachers holding the gate lettjng them leave to their parents. Paige waited in line pointing to you then was let out you ducked down hugging her kissing between her her curly little pigtails.
"Hey baby! Have a good day?" She nodded passing you her small bag and a small potted plant? You looked at her confused but said nothing. She turned and giggled hugging kal smoshing her face in his chest making him stand up she pulled back and squealed as he latherd her with kisses three hours away from her was apparently to long!
"Oh no Kal! Stop it silly bear!" You laughed watching her push weakly at kal who began to settle down now that his 'pup' was with him. You noticed the other parents hovering there kids all pulljng itching to come get Kal cuddles. You smiled to them nodding suddenly they came over all giving him pets and love which he lapped up. You also used it as a sort of lesson the do's and donts of petting dogs, which did some of the other parents a favour. Kal wagged his tail and droped to the floor he couldnt roll over fast enough directing the tiny hands to scratch his belly mouth open tongue lolling about as he panted one happy little bear. After you were sure all the kids got there cuddles you moved calling kal he huffed at you ignoring you instead wanting more love. You smirked down at him sighing as the children giggled. Finally after much coaxing from the other parents you and Paige managed to heave kal away with promises of chicken and snuggles at home. Soon you was on your way home kal padding beside you happy as can be.
Paige took he spot beside you holding his lead with you she was talking about her 'boyfriend' a little boy who she had taken a shine to. It was really sweet he had just moved to the area a little asian boy who paige had bonded with quickly. Really they were just best freinds but he was the first boy she had made freinds with hence she had opted to call him her boyfriend.
"So then Micah played let me play and-and he let me be a knight!" You smiled at her as she beamed excited.
"Really? A knight?" She stopped at the road with you looking both ways then crossed quickly.
"Yeah! Like in daddy's games!! And he gave me some of the bany tomatoes in his lunch...did you he grew them in his own garden!!" You gasped sown at her.
"Really? Oh my, sound like a little dream boat!" she scrunched up her nose lookjng up at you placing a tiny hand to he forehed sheildjngnher eyea from the afternoon sun
"Wha?" You chuckled shaking your head at her.
"Never mind jummy is just being silly" nodded to you her lightl blue eyes sparkling at you then Continued talking about her day mostly about Micah and the games they played.
When you reached home you watched as kal began barking and whining which could only mean one thing. Henry was home already, you unlocked the gate and released the dog with a quiet 'go get daddy' he tore off whining running to the door scratching and pouncing barking the whole time.
"Mummy whats wrong with kal?" You looked down at her knowingly"I'm not sure why don't you go see to him?" She nodded her head biting her lip then licking it, she looked so much like her father doing that. Then she was off running to the house just as Henry opened the door. She froze then screamed for him quickly falling to pieces with grabby hands wantjng her daddy. You watched all choked up as always she was bawling her eyes out by the time he had jumped the steps to the house scooping her up in his huge arms. He clutched her to his chest shushing and rocking her as she cried into him fisting her small hands in his shirt just calling him over and over. He moved his head kissing her trying to calm her, he hated and loved this. He hated her getting so upset when her returned but secretly loved that she missed him. The first few times he left he was worried she wouldnt remember him but juste as youd promised him she had.
The first time he came home you’d taken her to the airport to meet him...He had ended hup having to sit in the back with her as she refused to let him go getting hysterical  each time he tried to pry her off of him. She had gotten better as she got older understanding that daddy had to work and now she was older she could speak to him on the phone and video chat. Each time after the initial crying and snuggles she would stay stuck to his side weather she was sitting on the sofa between his legs when he was playing games or in the makeshift gym with him useing his reps to practice her counting...even if in five mineuts he managed two hundred by her count they were always together. Hell sometimes he even read a new script as a bed time story, which not even you were privvy to!
You laughed walking up to him winding your arms around them both cuddling your daughter between you he leaned in kissing ou on the lips.
"God its good to be home" you smiled smoothing  one of paiges high pigtails she whined calming down kicking her little legs wrapping an arm around his neck and moved suckling her thumb a little. He moved you all into the house patting her bottom lightly somthing he had done since she was born it always soothed her. You moved to the kitchen opening the back door letting air in it was to hot, you placed the small plant on the windosill by the sinck giving it a tiny bit of water as you noticed the siol had dried out. Henry stayed close behind you wanting to be around you, you moved to the slow cooker flicking it on to warm up the already cooked casserole. He came up behinde you movijng to have Paige on one hip still rocking her slightly even tho she had calmed down.
"Ohh look baby chicken casserole...Did you help mummy with that today before school? " She giggled peering over the pot.
"Yes daddy! I putted in the veggies! And tatoes! Daddy!" He smiled at her gasping.
"You did the veggies and the potatoes?! Such a clever girl making daddies favourite dinner" she giggled at the praise nodding.
"And-and I tasted it to!" he gasped at her as she got all excited
"And what do you think?" She grinned and 'whispered'
"Needed salt" you spun round and gasped at her offended.
"You little!" You chased her and Henry around the kitchen island wriggling your fingers as if to tickle her.
"AHH HAHAHa NOOO! DADDY RUN RUN!" you giggled as he scarperd out of the kitchen hovering by the door and moved all you saw was the tops of their heads peering into the kitchen. You rolled your eyes as they made a 'plan of attack' you turned back to the pit placeing the lid back on.
Suddeny Henry had you, arms pinning yours to the sides as Paige 'tickled' you making you laugh.
"Oh my god! Stop I give I give!" Finally Paige relented koala climbing Henry who quickly scooped her up to his hip.You moved in kissing her cheek then henry as he wrapped his free arm around you nuzzling in to your neck giving a quick nip before licking at your skin.You giggled trying to escape yet all he did was grab you around your waist and hoist you up.
"HAHA! I have you both now!" You laughed and Paige squealed as he spun around holding you both before making his way to the living room  you wriggled free pretendingnto run from him making paige call out to you for help as he threw her up in the air holding her with 'slam dunking' paige to the sofa making her laugh and  scream as he followed lifting her littl tshirt blowing rasberries on her tummy makeing her squeal and laugh louder. You smiled at the two, this is what you missed when he was away, the laughter of a full house. You sat down in Henry's armchair as he and Paige 'wrestled' soon attracting kals attention who like the loyal steed he was came to paiges aid pouncing henry making him groan and roll off her givingnher and kal the chance to escape to the garden, you both let them the garden was safe and having  kal around was like a live in nanny he wont let anything happen to her.
Henry rolled over on the sofa lounging back panting crooking a finger at you. You crept over moving to sit in his lap, he tugged you down to him pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. He moved sitting up more cupping your ass smirking.
"Soo? Did you think about what I mentioned?" You grinned and pretended to think for a second making him groan leaning in leaving kisses on your neck and jaw.
"I did" you finally replied, you felt him hold his breath as his nose ghosted your ear.
"I stopped them that night~ all back to normal now" he pulled back staring at you
"Really? You mean it?" You nodded them brought you forward for a deep kiss. He had mentioned trying for another child when he came back, youd always intended to give Paige a sibling but not when she aas still a baby baby. Now that Paige was older and going to be in school next year you had felt ready to try again and had be over the moon whne henry had suggested it in a video chat instantly stopping your contraception so eveything would be back to normal and you could start trying asap asfterall you knly had him home for a few months then he was off to play superman again. He smiled lunging forward pinning you below him devouring your mouth you moaned as things got heated.
You felt them. Eyes. Blue eyes to be exact. You both sighed and turned to Paige who was staring unblinking at the two of you from the door. You moved pushing him up.
"Mummy? Wheres my plant I wana show daddy what I grew!" He looked at you and sighed a little, you could tell he was a bit dissapointed but you waved him off as he stood pulling you up with him you moved in whispering.
"Tonight love" he grinned and jumped up a bounce in his step holding his hand out to paige who took it.
"Its on the windowsill in the kitchen" Henry nodded left the room letting you relax for a while already knowing you were picking up your kindle to read. Once in the kitchen he lifted Paige placing her on the counter and pulled over the small plant.
"So whats this then?" She smiled touchingnthe leaves softly
"Its a strawberry plant daddy...I did it from a tiny seed!" He smiled at her looking to the plant it wasnt half bad small but alive which is more then he could say for his when he tried.
"Oh you did this? At school?" She nodded at him and moved the leaves about.
"Yes and it will get bigger and grow pretty flowers...And the flowers will grow a strawberry! Miss bou said we cant pick em till they are a bright red like in the shops... and we can take pictures in to show em off!" He nodded to her
"So your gardening at school now? Is it fun?" She giggled putting the plant down
"Yeah we got lots in our vegetable patch...we got some lettuce and peppers and spinach and and tomatoes! But they not ready yet...Micahs is! Micah grows the at home... can we grow some veggies daddy?" He smiled at her
"We certainly can...Besides we will need to plant your strawberries in the garden...I will make your ownn little growing patch amd we can grow anything you want how does that sound?" She squealed and bounced on her bottom making him smile.
"Lets make a list and we can go get them tomorrow" she nodded in agreement. You walked in the kitchen as henry and Paige leaned over the counter making a list
"Whats going on here then?" Paige quickly riped the paper from under Henry's nose.
"List mummy! Of palnts for my veggie patch! Daddy wants to help!" You smiled peaking over the paper seeing two halves one side had strange 'paige writing' the other a list Henry had written. Compost, tools, string, pots then lots of different fruit and veg. You chuckled shaking your head.
"You missed watering can...maybe we could get a waterbutt? And one of thows plastice green houses to start the seedling off?" He smiled nodding addjng them to the list as you went and checked dinner. You nodded then turned to the other two."Right you tow dinners done wash up then go wait at the table...Had it in the slow cooker all day just needed to be heated up" he leaned over kissing you once again thanking you then helped Paige was her hands leaving to the dining room with Paige.
You did this everytime he came home early dinner meant an early bedtime for Paige and then You could give Henry a proper homecoming. You dished up the dinner home made chicken casserole you moved quickly with the three bowles placing them on the table then sat down ready to eat as Henry began talking about work. you smiled letting him gush about his work, you loved seeing him like this he blushed slightly.
"Any way enough about that, how have my two girls been?" You watched at Paige grinned across the table to him.
"I made a new friend daddy!" You swallowed your mouthfull choosing to keep quiet you knew where this was going you grinned into you bowl. He smiled at her leaning over to wipe her mouth quickly making her giggle at him as he stuck his tongue out at her.
"Oh really? And whats her name?"
"Haha nooo! Daddy its not a girl...I've got a boyfriend!" Henry choked onhis mouthfull paiges face dropped and she looked to you worriedly you smiled reassuringly at her. Henry hit his chest coughing finally getting himslef under control, he looked at you shocked and terrified you nodded at him chuckling.
"A-a boyfriend? Poppet dont you think your a bit err young for that?" She frowned at him shaking her head.
"No daddy! He is really nice! He lets me be a knight! And today we had lunch together and he fed-ed me his tomatoes."
"Gave paige he gave you his tomatoes" you corrected as Henry gaped at her unsure what to make of it.
"So he is just a friend?....he better be"  he grumbled the last part under his breath.
"He is a friend...My boyfriend I love him daddy... he gives me hugs! And Kal likes him to! He's my hero" You giggled as Henry was panicked and at a loss.
"Really....love I thought daddy was your hero?" Creased up he actually looked a bit hurt from her words she gave him a sympathetic look.
"Yes daddy you are...But Micah is to! He is soo pretty and fun and he don't make me be the princess all the time...And he shares his colours"
"Okay so you love this boy Micah?" She nodded pushing her food around in her bowl.
"What do you love about him?"
"His hair! Its black and shiney! And and he is cute!"
"Aha but you do know he isnt your boy friend right? Your not aloud boyfriends yet....No boyfriends untill your older." He said she looked at him wide eyed then you her bottom lip quivering.
"What? But but I love him!" Henry crossed his arms at her she mimicked him scowling
"No absolutly not baby" .she whined and smaked the table in a huff
"NOOO! MY BOYFRIEND!" He raised a brow at her as she had a paddy.
"No boyfreinds untill your 21 and thats final ittle lady"
"No! Micah is mine! My boyfriend! A-and you cant stop us from playing! So there!" Henry rose a brow trying to ignor your quiet chuckles as Paige made huffed and stuck her nose in the air being a right little madame. You watched givjng Henry the stink eye as a grin crawled across his face. Here we go.
"Its illegal...he could get in trouble, daddy could get in trouble" Henry tilted his head at her as she gasped trying to read him, you could see her mind trying to work him out. Is he lying? Or not? but her father was an actor...And a damn good one he had a poker face like no other. You knew where this was going, you knew you should stop it but his was gold! You had a feeling that henry was not gojng to ckme out on top.as she opend her mouth.
"W-well we wont tell..Keep it a secret!" She said holding a finger to her lips Henry tutted shaking his head.
"Oh poppet...Do you know where daddy has been these past months?" You squinted at him trying to see exactly where this was going knowing you were going to have to pick up the pieces. She nodded then shook her head no. He smiled devilishly at her. Oh shit here he goes.
"Daddy has been to spy school" you gasped at him oh hell no he wouldnt...yes he fucking would you could see the twinkle in his deep blues.
"Spy school?" She spoke in a small voice then turned to you looking fro one to the other he nodded at he
"Y-your a spy?" He nodded and she gave him a sa look.
"Yes, and I made friends with lots of spies" she twitched slightly shaking her head.
"And they told me that the spy rules says that a spy's little girl isn't allowed a boyfriend until they are twenty one....If they did find out daddy could get in trouble...You dont want daddy to be in trouble do you?" She shook her head bottom lip trembling as she was torn. She looked like she would explode as she tried weighting up her 'options'.
 Suddenly Henry dropped his smug look and looked more like a deer in the headlights as Paige began wailing moving her arms making grabby hands to you. You sighed and hoisted her into your arms rocking her trying so hard not to laugh.
"W-why is da-daddy mean?....I ju-just want to pl-play with my boyfreind!" You patted her back rocking her.
"No-now D-daddy will get i-in trouble! But I-I just w-wana plaayy!" She cried harder hicupping between her words.
"Oh sweety come here shh shh" you gave Henry a look as he leaned back in his chair crossing his arms at you shaking his head. Stubborn and protective of his little lady.
"Nope..Not having it" you hissed at him knowing you had to spell this one out for the big idiot.
"Daddy didn't mean it,he wont get in trouble at all baby girl"
"Yes I did"
"HENRY!" he shut up at your hiss
"Bu-but d-daddy said-"
"Hey look at me...Dont listen to daddy he is an idiot and just jealous of Micah" she sniffled an nodded
"Y-yeah cos he-he's got pretty Shiney hair... D-daddies just got stupid curls!" You giggled as Henry looked aghast at her not believing wht ha was hearing
"Exactly daddy is just being a grump! you can still play with Micah...He is your best friend isn't he?" She nodded sniffling
"and you love his like a friend right?" Henry now realised his mistake blinked at you as you rolled your eyes shaking your head at him like 'what the fuck? Really? Shes three' .oh. She pulled away wipinng her eyes looking to henry's matching blues.
"Really daddy? C-can I still play w-with micah?"
"Yes of course...I'm sorry baby...you and mummy was right I just got jealous...daddy is used to being your only hero." Smooth cavill real smooth. She bought it tho nodding he tilted his head down.
"Yo-you wont be in tr-trouble" he shook his head at her
"A-and Micah wo-wont be in t-trouble?" Again he shook his head and reached for her.
"No baby daddy was just being silly...Come here Can you forgive me poppet?" She thlught about it then nodded lunging for him cuddling him he mouthed a sorry to you but you just rolled your eyes at him. Idiot.
It was later that night when Henry returned to your bedroom after reading Paige to sleep,. You both flitted about one another getting ready for bed ou was brushing your teeth when he brought it up.
"So who is this micah then?" You rolled your eyes still hearing a little hostility there...To a fucking three year old. You spat out the toothpaste and looked to henry leaning on the door.
"A little boy...He moved to the village just after you left...Paige was instantly taken with him, he is asian so was avoided by the other kids...you know what she's like with hair and shes never seen straight pitch black hair before... she gushed about him for a few days then they became best freinds....And she call's him her boyfriend because he is the first male friend shes made! God henry really shes three! There none of that shit yet...not for a good few years!" You turned away from your sheepish husband.
"So? nothing i need to know? theres nothing going on? whats his parents like?" You blinked at him..
"Seriously? Like are you being serious now?  Ok well fuck it his dad has taken over the doctors surgery and is actually your and my doctor now that dr marsh has retired! His mother is a stay at home wife, they have a cat called fuji; cos he is fat and a gold fish called mino because its a mino...he is a sweet polite boy ...his favourite colour is green he grows fruit and veg in his garden and you know what Henry he fucking loves batman! and whne he batman versus superman comes out he is gonna want batman to kick your ass! there you happy Jesus fucking christ almighty!" Henry smirked moving towards you slowly stalking towards you really.
"Fuck off" he just chuckled quickly wrappjng himself around you.
"God your so sexy when our mad come here~" you blinked at him
"Oh hell no You did not get me riled up to have rough sex.....Henry I!....you little shit!" He laughed knowing you’d caught onto him making you more irritated and dragged you to the bed kissing at your neck along the way.
"Come on love time for number two...A boy to keep and eye on Paige for me when I'm away!" You chuckled relenting as he laid you down on your bed.
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Angel (one shot)
Harry Potter Marauders Era 
Request  helloooo can i ask for like a quick regulus x reader oneshot where the reader sings and regulus hears her voice and basically falls in love with it but he didnt see her face so he just comes back everyday to the same place in the hope of listening to her singing and seeing her face this time? this sounds specific i know but i feel like some soft reggie is all i need now 😭
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: M- mention of self harm 
Suffocating… that was the best word that Regulus could use to describe his life. After joining up with the death eaters at the lovely age of 16, Regulus had quickly grown to regret his decision. Anytime that the dark mark began to burn in the slightest, Regulus found himself dying for an excuse not to go. There was, however, not one...at least nothing in Lord Voldemort’s eyes that would be “good enough.” 
On the outside, Regulus had to keep his smooth and reserved demeanor. It didn’t matter on the inside how much he was screaming. No one cared. The people that did know what he was doing continued to go on and on about how he was doing “the right thing, the noble thing.” 
It was 7:00pm and Regulus found himself running down a quiet hallway. He had to get out of the Slytherin common room. He had to get away from Evan Rosier and Barty Crouch Jr. They had been so gleeful over a muggle that had been murdered the night before. Neither seemed to care about this person nor the family that they left behind. Regulus, when the deed was taking place, didn’t care. He stood stony faced as the man begged for his life. The moment Voldemort uttered his “favorite” spell, Regulus had to swallow back the feeling of nausea as he watched the light leave the man’s eyes. 
Regulus had done well not thinking about the “deed” all day. It wasn’t until he returned to the common room and overheard Evan’s conversation did Regulus find himself regretting the day that he was born. 
No one asked a question when Regulus walked out of the common room. Why would they? People would be dumb to question Regulus on something. People knew not to question Regulus on his doing unless they wanted to be jumped. 
Regulus stopped the moment that his hands hit the balcony. Breathing heavily, he closed his eyes mentally begging for the memory to leave his mind. 
Just stop...I fucking hate this! 
Regulus thought miserably. He was half tempted to throw himself off of the balcony. It looked like a good distance and if he was lucky wouldn’t survive the fall. Death would be better than living the way that he was at the moment! 
The brooding stopped the moment that a soft voice caught Regulus’ attention. He knew a lot of the “choir kids” would come up to this particular area of the castle to practice at points. Before today, however, Regulus had never paid any of them any attention. Today, it was different. This voice was soft, gentle...everything that Regulus needed. 
Right away he recognized the French folk song that he had heard numerous times as a child. Leaning his head back against the stone wall, all of the anxiety and tension slowly left. Regulus took a deep breath and looked down at his hands. They were no longer shaking. 
I should leave...but I don’t want to. She, whomever she is, has to have the most beautiful voice. She sounds like an angel.
Regulus thought with a tiny smile. Although he had no belief in heaven, hell, angels, or demons hearing this voice had to be what an angel would sound like if there were one. This soft voice was everything that Regulus needed to hear when he needed to be told “that everything would be alright.”  
Over the following days, Regulus found himself in the same place at the same time. It didn’t matter what kind of hell that he had going on. The moment that soft voice would sing all of the bad would vanish. Even if it was just one song, Regulus was feeling a million times better when he had to return to the Slytherin common room. 
The question plaguing Regulus’ mind now was who did the voice belong to? He had been trying to put an angelic voice with a face nonstop and was coming up with nothing. None of the girls in Slytherin house fit the idea that Regulus had in his mind. 
I have to find out.
He muttered as the signing stopped. Standing up, he quickly walked into the room not having any idea what he was about to say. Regulus knew that whatever girl this was would probably think that he was a creep for spying on her night after night. What kind of girl would want that? 
“I know you’re there.” 
The singing had stopped and was replaced with a soft comment on Regulus’ appearance. Regulus turned around to see Y/n Lupin sitting by the window. You were the girl...the voice...it all fit! Regulus blinked a few times as he took everything in. Of course, it was you. It all made sense. 
Regulus muttered. He wasn’t for sure if he had ever spoken to you before. The two of you were in the same year but your paths didn’t cross much. You were in Hufflepuff and often kept to your little group of friends or with your older brother. 
You, meanwhile, smiled noticing Regulus’ awkward silence. 
“You’ve been up here the past few nights.” 
You commented. Regulus’ face blushed as you patted the seat beside you. Regulus slowly sat down and kept his eyes straight ahead.
He had to be a blithering idiot. There would be no way in hell that anything between the two of you would ever work. You were Remus Lupin’s sister. Regulus didn’t foresee Remus being too onboard with his sister dating a Slytherin (even if Slytherins and Hufflepuffs made great matches). 
“You were upset that first night. Are you better now?”
You asked. You knew the question was probably intrusive but it came out before you really thought better of it. That night, a few nights ago, you had been up doing what relaxed you the most...singing. When you heard the angry footsteps you considered stopping but thought about how your singing seemed to comfort your own brother when he was upset. Maybe this person needed a little comforting too (even if you didn’t know them). 
When you realized that it was Regulus Black the feeling of overwhelming sympathy washed over you. You didn’t know much about Regulus other than the fact that he was Sirius’ younger brother. Over the years that you were in school, you couldn’t help but notice how sad Regulus looked most of the time. You could see those sad dark eyes from your seat at the Hufflepuff table and wanted nothing more than to give him something to smile about. He reminded you of a puppy that had been kicked one too many times. If he was anything like Sirius then you knew that was exactly how Regulus was.
 It was no secret that Walburga Black was cruel to her children. You knew first hand of the abuse. You had heard about it from Sirius himself. If that was what was plaguing Regulus’ mind every night that he came to the balcony, maybe you could give him something to feel better about?
“There really isn’t getting any better.” 
Regulus commented as you scooted closer. You had a feelin what that vague comment was leading toward.
“About being a death eater?”
Regulus’ face went pale as he turned to look at you with wide eyes. 
“How do you know? Did my brother tell you?”
You shook your head at the raised tone of his voice. 
“Ssh now. We don’t need god and everyone to hear. I saw your arm doing potions one day.”
Regulus sneered in your direction. He didn’t know how to react. Maybe just be cold like normal? What the hell was he supposed to say?
“Let me guess, you are going to tell me that I am a horrible person and that I shouldn’t be doing what I’m doing...no matter if it's what my family expected of me.”
Your momentary silence was driving Regulus nutty. After a few moments, you finally spoke. 
“No. I was actually going to say I can’t imagine what you are going through. Sometimes our families are our own worst enemies.” 
Regulus sighed.
“You’ve got that right. Look, I wasn’t spying on you. I want to just throw that out there.” 
You smiled. 
“It's alright. Your aura doesn’t seem as tense after you’re here for a bit.” 
It was Regulus’ turn to be silent. He was trying to decide if he wanted to give you a compliment. If he messed things up, there was a good chance that he would never hear your angelic voice again...and that wasn’t something that he wanted to risk losing. 
“Your voice is nice….its soothing.” 
“Thank you.”
You replied as Regulus turned back to face you. His face this time was different. He had gone from death eater to the sad puppy that needed love. 
“That first night...I was actually considering pitching myself off of that balcony. Hearing you...that was the first time I heard the most beautiful voice. It was like gravity.” 
You reached out and gently took your hand in his. Were you overstepping your boundaries with a boy that you knew nothing about and who in turn knew nothing about you? Possibly. Did you care? Not really. 
“I’m glad that you didn’t do that. You know, believe it or not, I realize how hard things can be with family. My family isn't normal…”
“Your brother is a werewolf.”
Regulus commented and instantly regretted his choice of words when your face went pale. 
“Not that it matters though. It's just who Remus is.” 
Regulus quickly added, hoping to save what hope of a friendship that he had with you. You, to his relief, smiled. 
“Yes, it is who he is. I feel no guilt in telling you this now. With his condition, I tend to be second in the family. My parents don’t mean to put me on the back burner but it happens. It's hard...so I know now you must feel. How did you figure it out, if you don’t mind me asking. He literally tells no one.” 
Regulus shrugged. 
“Just put the puzzle pieces together.” 
You continued to rub slow circles over Regulus’ palm hoping to relax him further. This was the first time (other than James and Sirius) someone had figured out Remus “furry little problem.” 
“You’re really intelligent and perceptive then. If you want...you know...we could do this every evening when you're free. We don’t have to tell anyone that we are meeting up. Sometimes it's nice just to have someone outside of your friend circles.” 
Regulus looked up and was clearly surprised. 
“You would want to see me again?”
You nodded. 
“If you want to see me that is...no pressure.” 
Regulus quickly nodded, cutting you off. 
“I would love to see you again...maybe around 7 tomorrow?”
You gave his hand a squeeze. 
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” 
@amelie-black @realgaytrash @truly-insatiable @fandomsxxregulus @lucasfilms77 @exhsle @spiderxalmighty @jessyballet @knreidy1 @bennyberry @quuenofblacks @hazncalsgal @criminalyetminimal @whymyparentscheckmyphone @acciosiriusblack @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @fandom-trash-worth-it @summer-novak @hankypranky @stuckinsaudi1 @emiwrites3reads @shaylybaby2032 @li0nh34rt @tas898 @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @knight-of-gleefulness @shitfaceddaniel @untoldshortsofthefandoms @deanwherescas @sprnaturallover @wontlookaway @mycuddlycorner
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laddieseddiemunster · 4 years
Could I please have a smidgen of Star dating the (she/they) reader but still being cool with the boys and maybe you and Star kinda co-parent Laddie headcannons? Cuz lets be real, he's a little kid and he still prolly needs someone to tie his shoes when he wakes up at night 😞👉👈 if not that's literally okay, how ya doin?
Your wish is my command :)
and I’m doing well! how about you?
Star x Fem!Reader Co-Parenting With Laddie
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when you first approached star, you assumed laddie was her brother. she was quick to let you know that he wasn’t, and that they had no relation. just friends. when star first introduced you to laddie he immediately brought you into a hug. he looked up resting his chin on your stomach and said “hi! i’m laddie! what’s your name?”
as time went on you became a third parental figure to laddie. at first the boys considered killing you, but soon realized that that was out of the question. laddie adored you and he’d be heartbroken. obviously so would star, but David originally wanted to kill you because you took star away from him. Now he can’t. So it’s safe to say david isn’t a big fan of your addition to the family.
even with the times laddie had no problem with you and star dating. you made star happy and you made him happy, so he had no reason to complain. when you and star go on dates, dwayne watches laddie so he doesn’t interfere with your alone time with star. laddie usually catches on. with a small cheeky smile on his face he’ll walk away with dwayne and say “have funnnn.” laddie’s not dumb. he knows what a ‘date’ means.
you found out their little vampire secret from laddie. it was his first time spending the night over at your place and once it was midnight you noticed laddie was not tired at all. in fact, he didn’t even yawn until it was six or seven in the morning. you ended up asking star why laddie wasn’t tired and she explained to you the situation. she felt terrible about not telling you before, and she was surprised when you understood. it made sense to you. the boys only come out at night, they stay away from mirrors, and at a specific time of the night they leave to do...something.
sure, laddie is a great little kid, but he can be a trouble maker. you lost count on how many times laddie has ran into where you work with one of the boys chasing after him because he stole one of their motorcycle keys (it would be dwayne’s, paul’s, or marko’s cause laddie wouldn’t dare steal david’s). “[name]! help me!” he yells as he’s running as fast as he could away from whoever’s chasing him. they’ve gotten kicked out so many times that they mine as well be banned from where you work.
laddie also has the tendency to sneak into your house at random times. you have no clue how he gets in without a key, but he does. one time he snuck in and saw you and star asleep in your bed, and he climbed on and slept in between both of you. neither of you knew when or how he got in but you didn’t complain.
besides dwayne, you and star are the only ones who know how to cook, and cook well. the boys don’t have a kitchen so they can’t really eat anything healthy. laddie doesn’t remember the last time he had something other than fast food. the only time you let the boys use your kitchen was when your house/apartment almost burnt down. you learned that paul and marko can’t be trusted with your oven. instead, you decided to make them all dinner. laddie had missed his biological mother’s cooking, but your cooking reminded him of it. he even preferred it over eating out.
another thing to realized was laddie didn’t have a lot of toys. all he had was a teddy bear that his mother gave him. so you decided to take him to a toy store with star. you had just gotten a bonus from your job and you chose to spend the money on toys for the boy. you told him that he could get five toys, and it didn’t matter what they were. unfortunately for you, laddie is a smart kid, and you ended up spending almost 400 dollars. there was one toy which was a robot that needed to be plugged in, and he was devastated when star told him they had no where to plug it in at the cave. luckily, you told him he could play with it whenever he came to visit your place, and he was happy again.
laddie loves it when you get him new clothes. he’s been wearing the same clothes for a while and he’s even getting sick of them. you and star will buy him a whole new wardrobe and he’ll love it, but he’ll still put on his leather jacket over his new shirts because the boys gave it to him. laddie loves pajamas more than anything since it’s uncomfortable sleeping in his regular clothes along with the jacket.
going back to laddie’s teddy bear he cannot sleep without it. it’s the only object that he has left from his mother and it means a lot to him. one time paul was doing his usual tickle attack on laddie and to distract paul he grabbed his teddy bear and started to hit paul with it, but paul accidentally grabbed the bear too hard and one of its arms slightly ripped. laddie had started to cry and paul didn’t know what to do. luckily, star knew how to sew, so laddie sat in your lap and watched as she fixed the bears arm. when the bear was good as new laddie hugged star as a thank you, and he didn’t leave her side for the rest of the night.
star loves laddie, and she isn’t afraid to stand up for him. if some older kid picks on laddie she will tell them off. laddie is the baby of the group and no one hurts him and gets away with it. if you and star gang up on a bully then watch out. david doesn’t give laddie too much attention, but when laddie gets picked on he’ll give the bully a dirty look. dwayne just takes laddie out of the situation, and will buy him ice cream to make him feel better. paul will tell the bully to back off, and he’ll take laddie away like dwayne. marko doenst care if it’s a little kid. his fists are ready to punch anyone who makes fun of laddie. it’s safe to say that anyone who picks on laddie mysteriously disappears. if you ask what happened the boys will just change the subject.
david at first didnt like you for taking star away when he was trying to win her over. he slowly started to accept you when he realized that you made star happier than he ever did. once he got to know you he started to notice that you weren’t bad to be around. you were a nice addition to the group even if he didn’t like you at first.
dwayne had zero problem with you. the fact that you took care of laddie when he couldn’t, or just whenever you had the time to was enough to win his trust. occasionally you both will talk while taking care of laddie. there isn’t much communication between you two, but there isn’t any drama either.
paul mainly likes you because you’re really nice to laddie and everyone in the group. paul likes to mess with you, but that’s just the way he is with friends. he’ll make fun of you and star for your relationship, but he actually really ships you guys. he just won’t admit to it. paul is a trouble maker, so i wouldn’t suggest riding on the back of his motorcycle.
marko never really had a problem with you. he never wanted to kill you especially since you’re friendly to laddie. when he talks to you he usually falls in the same category as paul. he likes to mess with you. but, at times he’s calm and easy to talk to and befriend. he’s also pretty protective. he’d beat someone up for you.
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Radio Silence (Pt.1)
Logan Devros was a very odd man, short, not particularly fit, with round black glasses that just barely left room for the rest of his face, and a rather large gap just between his teeth. But there was one thing that stood out more about Logan than any physical feature. Logan was mute, except when he had his hands on a radio.
Logan had always been a very inquisitive child, and at age sixteen he'd discovered something very much convenient, radio waves could be manipulated from an outside source to connect the words stored within into a neat string of sentences. He knew of course that other devices could do this just as effectively, but he liked to think that his own discovery was much more sentimental.
Another thing that was quite well known about Logan, was his prowess in terms of guitar, he couldnt tell stories with words, so instead he told them with strings, and what stories they were.
You could always tell what mood he was in by the songs he played, a low and somber tone brought in questions about his life and living conditions, a high and energetic tone gathered crowds of excited people, ready to toss a coin or a dollar into a guitar case which lay in front of a bar stool.
Logan lived in a small town, so it was no surprise that he knew all his patrons, and they knew him just as well.
But soon things began to change, people began moving away to bigger and better things, opportunities opened up in large cities with loud noises and bright lights that made Logan's skin crawl just thinking about them.
And so the crowds dwindled, until what had once been at least a hundred, was hardly more than a handful.
So Logan had stopped playing, it didnt make any sense to spin stories that no one would listen to, after all, he was quite tired of that from his childhood as it was.
So he stayed in his room, head resting on a desk as the sun peaked through the curtains, tapping his fingers and twisting dials on a radio, repeating the same phrases over and over again.
Like some cruel melody that would never make it's way to the strings of the old guitar laying on his bed, just those four words, over, and over, until he got up to eat or sleep or whatever else required him to leave his room for a few seconds.
And it all came crashing further down within the next month, the town was all but abandoned, and was soon on it's way to being bulldozed into an amusement park.
Which meant Logan had to move.
So he took his four favorite words, and he wandered the streets for the next few days, not daring to think of all he had to give away to simply move somewhere safer.
Not daring to think of the memories.
Not daring to think of the people, the family he'd be leaving.
And two years later it still hurt, but at least now he could use a few new words.
Order up!
Refill at table seven!
Have a good day!
The bakery and boarding house he'd found himself situated in had been a very ironic bittersweet opportunity.
Patton Boleyn had inherited the company from his parents, he was very chatty, and very interested in Logan's radio, and his music. Logan would sometimes play for the patrons when he wasnt serving, that seemed to satiate the obvious hunger for violence that swam in the eyes of those just itching for a reason to gain money rather than spend it.
Patton didnt seem to mind that Logan only spoke through radio waves, and for the most part neither did the locals, it was only ever tourists that seemed to have trouble understanding that he could very easily hear their orders despite not being able to repeat them back.
"Pretty good haul tonight huh Logie?" Patton said as he checked the register.
New books replied the radio, Logan smiling as he counted out his share of that nights earnings.
"Oh! That reminds me, theres a book club starting tonight! I think you should go," Patton smiled, Logan froze slightly.
No socializing protested the radio, Patton pouted slightly.
"Just try it out? You barely interact with anyone but me, it's not good for you!" Patton nudged Logan slightly in the arm.
Logan let out a resound sigh, one of the few sounds he could make without static.
One night replied the radio, and despite the distinctly hyper-tone of the song the words had been pulled from, Logan's expression conveyed disdain for the idea.
And yet, soon enough he was sitting in a library, wishing he'd remembered to get a hair cut when the resident little old lady had commented on how nice it looked, checking every few seconds to make sure the black beanie he was wearing still sat securely on his head.
The radio was held tightly to his chest, hidden behind a large black hoodie, and emitting a faint buzz that he hoped was another case of his ears picking up the Forbidden Sounds that most couldnt hear.
The only discussion occurring seemed to be of what to read, and how you should interpret what you're reading. Logan thought about drifting off soon after someone mentioned how the color of someones curtains could be used to determine what mental illness they might be suffering from, until someone else spoke up.
"Cheryl I hope you are aware that the words that just came out of your mouth may very well be the dumbest sentence ever constructed by a person." Logan looked across the table to see a man in a torn denim vest and black tank top leaning over the table, honey-colored eyes staring down the woman across from him.
"You cant tell that someone suffers from a disorder based purely on their curtain color, and while those suffering from certain illnesses may be more inclined to pick colors that would be less than ideal, but would reflect how they feel, a man hanging up the color black hardly indicates a depressive state so much as a fear of the unknown, which you would know had you actually finished the chapter and reached the part where he's confronted with a rip in the curtains that allows him to see what goes on outside his home," said the man, straightening up and checking his nails through fingerless black leather gloves. The woman across from him seemed floored.
Logan let out an involuntary snicker, and froze up immeadietly as attention became refocused on him. He felt like putty under the gaze of those honey yellow eyes.
"Am I to assume you agree then?" Said the man, leaning his head on his hand and letting his elbow rest on the table.
He reminded Logan somewhat of a snake, from his eyes, to the pattern of brown and tan that made of his complexion.
Yes came the radio from behind Logan's jacket.
"Oh it's that little mute boy from the bakery!" Logan's face flushed with color at the comment from somewhere else in the room.
"I believe his name is Logan." Snarled the man in the denim vest.
Logan spent the rest of the meeting wishing he could disappear again, because it seemed that now that they were aware he was here, people interrupted conversation of books with questions about his personal life and how awful it must be to have no voice to speak with, to which he replied with a quick rendition of his favorite song by Lilly Allen from the radio.
Eventually it was over, but to Logan's momentary dismay, he was stopped before he could head home, only to discover the man from before had been the one to catch his attention.
"I'm Janus by the way," he said simply.
Nice to meet you the radio chimed, Logan flashing a small smile to accompany the words.
"Wanna head back to my place for a drink or two? I feel kind of bad about what happened in there," Janus said, Logan merely nodded.
What he hadnt expected from Janus' house, was the very active roommate he had roomed with.
"Oh I didnt realize he was so tiny! Janus look at him I could probably hold him over my shoulder with one arm!" The roommate, Remus, was rather tall and lanky, almost like if someone had taken a worm on a string and given it limbs.
I am not short replied the radio as Logan crossed his arms and glared up at Remus.
"Aaawww, hes in denial," Remus replied.
This conversation carried on for a short while before Janus arrived with drinks, not that Logan minded, it was actually kind of fun.
And he found himself thinking that Janus and Remus themselves were actually quite nice as well.
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wannawritefast · 3 years
Whiplash: Ch. 4- Pretending
A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for all the love on the last part! I totally didnt realize there was no title or link to the previous part. I distinctly remember doing that... maybe Tumblr had a goof... Just a heads up that a fixed it and all that jazz. 
Pt. 3
Pairing: Gwilym Lee! Brian Lee x Reader
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Donna left the end of that weekend grateful to have spent time with her sister. And you felt equally as grateful to have gotten some bonding time before the holidays rolled around.
You and Brian continued your charade until before long it was time to leave for your family’s house. There was a plethora of Christmases where you didn’t want to go back home for the holidays or even want to celebrate the ‘happiest time of the year’ at all. But this Christmas… this one took the fruitcake.
The night before you left you didn’t get a wink of sleep. You often chalked it up to the fact that your cat was not present (having been put in a kennel earlier that day) and the subsequent lack of him in your bed. But you knew deep down that it was because, this time, you would be coming home with a boyfriend. A fake one.
That seemed to scare you more than you thought it should. If they didn’t believe you or if they found out, you would NEVER be able to live it down. And then there was Brian.
He was too kind and sweet and caring and goofy to you. He treated you better than you deserved. Sometimes you didn’t think it was real. Brian was your best friend and you knew that you could always depend on him. If anything ever happened to jeopardize that, you didn’t know what you’d do.
The two of you left in the mid-morning on the 21st, Brian picking you up and getting breakfast along the way. It took a few hours but you got to your parents’ house by mid-afternoon. Even though you jammed to cassettes the whole way there, your nerves still wracked your body.
7 days at your parents’ house in the English country and 7 days at his. Two weeks. You could do two weeks.
Finally the two of you arrived at your family’s big country house, pulling up in front of the large property. Brian put the car in park and turned off the engine. He reached to unbuckle his seatbelt in the now silent car but you grabbed his wrist to stop him.
“Brian, we don’t have to do this,” you looked him right in the eye.
He coughed out a chuckle. “What?”
“We can turn around right now. I can just say I got sick,” you reached to turn the ignition but he shooed your hands away.
“We’ve come this far and you want to turn around?” Brian questioned. You nodded emphatically. “Oh, come on now. I’m ready and you’re ready.”
“No, Brian,” you let out a panicked breath. This was such a bad idea. You should have just been honest with them from the beginning. “I don’t think I can do this.”
“We’re basically at the front door,” he turned in his seat. “We can’t go back now.”
“Watch me,” you reached for the ignition again.
“Hey, hey, hey.” Brian grabbed your hand and held it. “We’re here. It’s going to be alright.”
You looked out the windows nervously for any sign that your parents or siblings had seen you arrive. “How can you be so sure?”
“I’m not.” Brian fiddled with your fingers and kissed the back of your hand, stirring up butterflies again. “But there’s only one way to find out.”
And with that, he unbuckled his seatbelt, opened his car door and went straight to the trunk, making sure that his keys were in his pocket. You jumped out after him. He was smart. Leaving the vehicle before you could object further… 
He opened the latch and was beginning to take out the luggage. “Brian, I mean it. We can still leave. No one’s seen-”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” His green-eyed gaze was fixed on the front door.
“Y/N’S HOME!!”
“Y/N’S HOME!!” Donna exclaimed, throwing the door open. Her voice echoed down the driveway. She was clad in a Christmas jumper that your mum had made for you, your brother, and your sister a few years back. Mum always insisted that you wear it for at least one day when you visited. As per her request, it was folded neatly at the bottom of your luggage.
“It’s too late,” you whispered to yourself. “If we regret this, it’s not my fault.”
“We’ll be okay,” Brian put an arm around you and you leaned lazily into the hug.
“Y/n! My baby!” That was mum. Although your mum was loud at times, you loved her a lot. Your mother hustled from the front door clad in a loudly patterned apron, which itself was covered in flour and sugar. 
“This doesn’t seem too bad,” he mused to you.
You looked at him from the side of your eyes. “Oh, just you wait.”
You took Brian’s hand and moved to meet them in the middle. Your sister practically jumped on you and knocked you over when she gave you a hug; the two of you tumbled as you hit the ground in a burst of laughter. Brian and your mother both rushed to help the two of you up.
“Hey, Brian,” Donna gave him a friendly hug. “So did she drive you crazy on the way here?”
“Absolutely bonkers.” He teased. You scoffed and bumped him with your shoulder.
“Hi, mum.” You moved to embrace your mother and she pulled you into a bone crushing hug. She held you at arms length. 
“I missed you so much.” She gushed. Her fingers moved to hold your face. You couldn’t help your smile. 
“It’s only been like a month and a half.” You laughed at her emotions.
“That doesn’t mean I can’t miss my daughter!” Your mother exclaimed. “Of course your father misses you too! I tried to get him to take work off today to come greet you two but you know him!” Unfortunately, you did. She rubbed your arms soothingly, turning her attention to Brian. “Now... introduce me to this strapping young man!”
You rolled your eyes but, deep down, it was your stomach that was really rolling. “Mum, this is Brian, my boyfriend.” That word still felt weird.
“It’s lovely to meet you, Brian,” she said as he extended his hand for her to shake. Your mother brushed his hand aside and pulled him into a tight sweet hug. Brian took it with a chuckle. “You don’t need to be formal with me. If you’re good enough for Y/n, you’re more than good enough for me.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Y/l/n,” he replied politely. Brian put an arm around your shoulders for emphasis. You wrapped your arms around his waist.
“Please, call me ‘Y/m/n.’” She froze all of a sudden. “Wait a second… is this the Brian from university?!” Your mum turned to you.
“Yes,” you smiled at your mom, “that’s where we met.”
“Oh my heavens! I remember you talking about Brian!” Your mother excitedly recalled. Uh-oh… 
You laughed nervously and feigned forgetfulness. “What? I don’t think I remember-”
“I do!” She insisted. “You were her best friend.”
“I’d like to think I still am,” Brian replied. “I’m honestly surprised she didn’t run for the hills the moment I opened my mouth.”
Your mother chuckled, “Nonsense! I can see why she said you were so charming. And I remember one time she called me and said that she thought she fancied-”
“OKAY MUM!” Donna cut her off. Brian gave you and her a confused look. Thank God for Donna… “Don’t we have something in the oven?”
“Oh, good heavens! You’re right! Donna will show you to your room.” She turned and ran back inside. “JAMES!” She screeched. “HELP YOUR SISTERS AND BRIAN WITH THE LUGGAGE!”
There was grumbling from inside the house and you steeled yourself for the arrival of your brother. You turned to face Brian quickly as the two of you went back to the car to grab your bags. “I apologize in advance for anything that he says.”
“I can handle it.” He assured you. “I’ve already heard snippets of his typical vocabulary. I’ll be okay.”
As if on cue your brother materialized in the doorway looking classy as ever in an old pair of denim trousers and a stained t-shirt. He tiredly hobbled over, giving Brian a strange look as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“You must be Brian,” James grumbled out. He looked him up and down suspiciously. “I see my sisters weren’t lying about you.”
“I am very much real. Were you expecting a bloke that looked like me? Perhaps less poodle-ish,” Brian called out, trying to lighten the mood up a little bit as he pulled another suitcase from the trunk.
Your brother hummed, unsatisfied, and finally looked at you. “You brought him.”
“Yeah, I wasn’t lying,” you said, cocking your head up proudly.
James hummed again, eyeing your, unbeknownst to him, fake boyfriend. Brian leaned against the car, having unloaded the last of the luggage, nodding a greeting at your brother.
“We’re definitely dating,” you urged. You stood next to Brian and he kissed the side of your head, while you stared down James.
James hummed a third time, oddly quiet. He glanced between you and Brian as if trying to see through the ruse. You were getting nervous.
“Yeah,” your brother stared right through you, “we’ll see about that.”
You, Brian, and Donna fidgeted nervously, not quite sure how to respond to what he said.
You cleared your throat and attempted to diffuse the tension. “Is this any way to greet your sister?”
He gave you a small smile that didn’t reach his eyes and a half-assed hug. Ah, yes, the depth of your brother’s affection… 
Brian and James went to work grabbing the luggage wordlessly. You grabbed one of your bags and walked arm-in-arm with Donna. The two of you shared a look as you went inside and up the stairs.
“Here you go, lovebirds.” James half-tossed the luggage into his old room. 
So this was where your mum had placed the two of you… It was the quietest and most isolated room in the house. Sitting above the garage, in the corner of the second floor, it was hard to disturb anyone with noise especially since the other two rooms on the floor were a decent distance away.
You wouldn’t have minded the space so much if the bed wasn’t a full-size and Bri wasn’t such a tall man.
“Are…” you started, “we sharing?” You hadn’t prepared for this. You couldn't even look at Brian. 
You hadn’t counted on this being a part of the deal. And, of course, neither had Brian. God… you should have asked! At the very least to prepare yourself… To prepare Brian. You felt a pit forming in your belly. 
“Yep,” he responded. “Mum figured the two of you would want to stay in the same area during your stay.”
“She and dad were okay with that?”
James leaned against the doorway. Donna stood behind him sheepishly. She had left that part out conveniently during the phone calls. “Mum was insistent. Dad put up more of a fight. They agreed though eventually.”
You looked at him with your mouth ajar, much like a fish. “Oh.”
“Is that going to be an issue?” James looked you and your fake boyfriend in the eye, a challenge.
Brian jumped to action. “Not at all. Thank you, James.”
He gave a tight-lipped smile and walked away with his arms crossed. You waited to hear his footsteps go down the creaky stairs before tearing into Donna.
She lowered her voice with her arms outstretched in front of her. “Before you yell at me, I didn’t know how to tell you. There are ears everywhere.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose. “You couldn't have mentioned that? Like at all?”
“I’m sorry!” She whisper-yelled. “What would you have wanted me to do? Say that the two of you shouldn’t share a room? It’ll be easier to communicate with the both of you in the same space. Could you imagine being separate for a week while you try to pull this off?”
You supposed she was right. “No, no. You’re right.” You took a deep breath and changed your tone of voice so the rest of the house could hear you. “Thank you, Donna. I think we’re going to nap.”
She matched your tone. “Of course! I’ll let the two of you get settled in!” You mouthed a ‘thank you’ at her before she closed the door behind her and skipped away.
And then there were two.
“You’ve been awfully quiet, Br- What are you doing?”
Brian was setting up his luggage next to the loveseat in the room and had found the spare blankets from the closet. He was making a bed on the couch. If he thought he was taking the couch, you’d be damned.
“What does it look like I’m doing?”
“It looks like you’re making my bed, how kind of you! But really I’m the host so I must insist that you leave your accommodations to me, Mr. May.” You grabbed the spare pillow out of his hand and kicked his bag toward the bed. You began lugging your bag close to the couch. Brian stuck his foot out and stopped the bag.
“‘Your’ bed? I’m taking the couch.” He gently grabbed your bag and chucked it onto the bed. Your jaw dropped.
“No, Brian. I’m taking the couch. You’re too tall for it.” It was true. You could fit the couch much more comfortably than he could.
“Ah, but you see, as your boyfriend,” you rolled your eyes goodnaturedly, “I must be chivalrous and relinquish the bed to my beloved.”
“You’re being an ungrateful guest,” you countered.
He winced. “Low blow.”
“I’m not above it.” Brian snatched the pillow back and began rubbing his hair on it. “What on earth are you doing?”
“Staking my claim,” he answered, matter-of-factly. His hair was a static-y mess. As if to prove his point he tossed his body haphazardly onto the couch and sprawled out, limbs and all. “This is mine.”
“You act like you laying on top of something is going to deter me in any way.” You laughed at his logic. “Being on the couch does not mean it is suddenly uninhabitable.”
“It does.” He pointedly stretched his limbs out more. “Watch me.”
“This argument is going nowhere.”
“I agree. Which is why you should just let me take the couch.”
“What if we-”
A knock on the door sounded. Brian shot up and the two of you tossed the blankets and pillow haphazardly on the bed. You answered the door with Brian hovered closely behind you.
James. He had a smirk on his face. How much of the conversation had he heard?
“Yes?” you asked through gritted teeth.
“I don’t know if I mentioned it or not but I thought I’d be thorough and tell you that this room gets rather cold in the winters. The garage isn’t insulated and neither are the walls that this room shares with it.”
“Oh, really?”
“I mean, you’re already sharing a bed so that’ll help but you might want to grab some extra blankets on top of that. Perhaps a second bed’s worth.” He peeked in to see the mound of blankets on the bed. “But it looks like the two of you have already figured that out.”
You chuckled dryly. “Yep. Thanks for the pointer.”
James hummed a laugh. “Anytime.” And like the asshole he was he sauntered away humming a Bob Dylan song. You pushed the door closed and rested your forehead on it.
“We could switch nights?” You offered. Brian knew you better than that; of all the sensations that you hated (fatigue, hunger, headache, etc.) being cold was what you loathed the most.
“Or we could just share the bed like they suspect us to…” He suggested. You looked at him. He didn’t seem to be pulling your leg.
“You wouldn’t be uncomfortable with that?” Your fingers picked at the ends of your hair.
Brian had his hands on his hips. “Not at all. Unless you would be.”
You looked him in the eye and then to the floor, your arms crossed. “I’m fine with it.”
“I guess we’ll share it then,” he affirmed.
“Yep.” You popped the ‘p.’
The two of you looked at the surrounding room and its four walls. The couch. The bed. The windows. Anywhere but each other. This was real. All the time you had pretended to be dating before you got to your parents house suddenly felt like dress rehearsals. This. This was real. And things were different.
This was showtime.
“Well, then,” Brian filled the silence. “Now that it’s settled why don’t we set up the room? We did tell them we were taking a nap. We can get settled a little bit.” 
You nodded.
“I’ll do the bed if you do the closet?”
You nodded wordlessly again and took a deep breath before kicking off your shoes and opening the closet. You heard Brian take off his coat and toss it onto the couch. You set yours on top of his and reminded yourself to put in the coat closet downstairs by the front door.
As promised you began hanging some of your items and with Brian’s permission began helping him with his. The bathroom that was conjoined to the room soon had your various shampoo, tooth brushes, and regular hair brushes strewn across the counter top and among the shelves in the shower.
Amongst the thoughts of how absolutely spoiled rotten James had been up here while you and your sister had to share a smaller room was another more alarming notion. As you put yours and Brian’s shoes down on the floor of the closet and split the drawers between the two of you your mind drifted to the small part of it that realized how naturally it looked, how naturally it felt to have the items in the same space. To have Brian’s giant shoes next to yours. To have his various hair brushes that resembled Medieval torture devices right next to your own weapons of choice. To dance and bustle about a small space in a rhythm so natural that an onlooker would swear it was rehearsed.
“You’ve been awfully pensive,” Brian snapped you out of your stupor as you pulled a dress of yours onto a hangar and set it on your side of the closet trying to move in such a way that maybe you’d forget your hands were shaking and maybe Brian wouldn’t notice your hands shaking. “Penny for your thoughts?”
“I…” you took a breath. You didn’t really know what to say. Instead you just turned and let yourself fall onto the couch back first and stared up at the blank ceiling. “This is really happening.”
“Hey.” Brian appeared into view as we walked to you and looked down. “Are you alright?”
You finally made eye contact with Brian and shook your head. Trying to will your tears back into your ducts with the help of good old-fashioned gravity you stared back up at the ceiling again.
Brian rushed to crouch at your side. “Woah, woah, woah. I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
You turned to face him and sat up so that he could sit next to you on the couch. “No, it wasn’t you. I’m just overwhelmed. I still can’t believe I’m in this mess. That my family sees so much of my value in my relationships and not me. That it went this far. That I actually care so much about what they think even though I shouldn’t. That I dragged you into this.”
Brian hummed in understanding and pulled you into a hug. “Well, first of all, you didn’t drag me into this. I body slammed myself into this. You didn’t even really need to ask me to help you; if anything I dragged you into this. Remember our little moment on the driveway?”
Yes… How infuriatingly encouraging he had been. How embarrassingly frantic you had behaved. He was right. Brian was unfailingly loyal to you. If he hadn’t backed down then, when you had offered him a way out.
“You know you’re earning your ‘poodle’ title more and more,” you commented.
Brian cocked his head. “How so?”
“Lanky, tall, high-maintenance-”
“Feeling the love. Thank you.”
“But still an excellent companion and unbelievably sweet.”
Brian gave you a soft smile and rubbed his arm up and down your back. “If I was a humbler person I might tell you to stop.”
“Oh I’m stopping,” you said, sniffling back your tears and exhaling the panic. “If your head gets any more full of hot air, your hair is going to start defying the laws of physics without any assistance.”
“Yeah, you’re feeling better,” Brian quipped, feigning offense.
“I’m sorry… which one of us brought more brushes and styling products?”
“I want to make a good first impression! I may be a fake boyfriend but I still want your family to like me.” He defended.
“You’ll be great! Aside from James, you’d have to do something really out of character to get them to not like you.”
“Not this ‘be yourself’ stuff again,” Brian complained and threw his head back to rest on the back of the couch.
“It’s true. They’ll love you!” You encouraged him.
Brian’s face took on that infamous cheeky expression. Uh-oh… “Is it because I’m… so charming?”
Your face flushed in remembrance of what your mother had almost let slip. You leaned forward and covered your face with your hand. “Why did I know you were going to bring that up?”
“Because you know me better than anyone else.” He replied, matter-of-factly. 
“I think your mum might contend with me on that, Bri,” you offered.
“And I knew you were going to say that.” Brian shrugged in consideration. “Fine. You and my mum know me better than anyone else.”
“Well,” you set your hand on his knee. A once platonic gesture, it felt different this time. You continued, hurrying your way through what you were going to say so that it wouldn’t be as awkward when you stopped touching, “since we know each other so well, I’d say we stock up on rest while we can.”
“You talk like we’re going to be running a marathon for the next week.”
“Trust me, Bri,” you responded, standing up and laying down comfortably on the bed. “You’re gonna need it.”
Brian looked at you in disbelief. “Oh please. I’ve dealt with concerts for years. How bad can it be?!”
TAGS: @andtheswordwentsnickersnack​ @phantoms-lynn​
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tomuraxashes · 3 years
Found you - part 1
- Tenko! - a young, white haired boy run towards him from the swings.
- Touya-chan! How could you come? - he asked with  confused tone in his voice.
He remembered his friend told him yesterday he wouldn't make it to come even today to the playground.
- Ah, it was easy. I convinced my mum to go and visit her parents together and after we came back I just asked her to take me out here. So I am here! - the young Todoroki smiled.
- Oh, I'm happy then. - the black haired boy said somehow delightfully, but his little cute face immediately turned back to the gloominess it was before - but wat if your dad finds out?
- Dont worry Tenko, after he learned that you are a Shimura, he doesn't really mind when I hang out with you. Sure, I still have to train but he allows me to have a friend, moreover a friend from a hero dynasty. Common bullshit of his, ya'know.
- Yes, I see, but I'm still worried about you! Your scars on your arms .. I .. let me see.. let me try to heal it!
- No need - Touya opposed - I don't have big scars today, I didn't receive any serious injuries. I don't want you to harm yourself just because of these small scratches.
- I don't care.. - the little boy said with a serious gaze in his ruby eyes - besides my mum or Hana-chan, you are the only one for I would use it.. You are the person I like the most, and why should I have this quirk, if not for helping my loved ones?
Now give me your hand...
They boys were at the Todoroki's house, playing inside of Touya's room. But they still could hear the shouting of Endeavour and Rei from the another room.
"Enji, he is just seven! How can you do this to him?
"He is already seven! He is my eldest son, and I want him to become the no 1, no matter what. He will surpass All Might! I won't let my dream down!"
From the room where the boys were in, a quiet sobbing was heard after the argument.
- Tenko chan.. I .. I don't even know if I want to be a hero anymore! - the white haired boy cried silently
- It's okay.. I will always be here for you and support you, no matter what.
- Mum, why Tenko's mum is not answering to your calls?
"Breaking news! The no 1 hero Nana Shimura is dead!"
- Mum! It's... Tenko's grandma on the TV! What happened?
"The heroine kept her private life in secret, but unfortunately the tragedy happened there as well. His son's entire family was eliminated, the circumstances are still under an investigation, the suspect is unknown."
- Mum? Dad? - the white haired boy almost cried - Whats the report about? Why we can't reach Tenko? Is he safe?
His mum couldn't answer. All he got is his father's uncertain hug, with a sad gaze and his trying to calm him down.
- I'm sorry, son...
He was so young back then, but then he was able to feel some happiness. He had one fucking friend in this cursed life, yet he had to die.
He didn't remember to much from his childhood - he didn't want to - but the small black haired boy with those ruby eyes was his sweetest memory ever.
He is not the one he used to be. The white haired hero-to-be is now gone, the world thinks he is dead now. And maybe they know right .. Touya Todoroki is truly dead.
Dabi is the one who lives. Dabi, the villain, the bad guy, who kills people just for fun, and kills heroes to calm his broken soul a little bit.
What would Tenko think if he could see me now?"
But there is no Tenko anymore.
There is no one who would heal his injuries, who would make him smile, who would care for him.. there is no one in this world for him. He is alone.
The only thing what makes him happy is to kill those fucking heroes.
Those scumbags who never helped anyone for real, they weren't there for him when his father almost killed him,  neither for Tenko when he... passed away. Somehow.
It has been so many years yet no one knows how this case happened. The investigators claimed it had something to do with All for One and Nana's war, and via that, they didnt really look into it.
Dabi wanted two things in his life.
Firstly , he wanted to kill the person who made him and his whole family suffer - his scumbag of a father.
Secondly, he wanted to find out the truth about Tenko's death.
And that's why he is exactly there where he is right now.
He joined the League of Villains.
He heard from some underground fellas that there is a guy named Giran who can find literally anything. Well, the information is the most expensive trading stuff of his, so Dabi knew he has to make some money first.
And what's a better option than making money from killing heroes? And besides that, if he ""sells" himself to Giran first, and the  League would be pleased with him as a villain, than the man would owe him.. perfect plan.
Well, it somehow worked. He was in, the LoV took him and even they gave him the opportunity to make them proud.
Even the boss seemed to acknowledge his powers and determination.
Well, the boss.. he was really something. Dabi - nor the others - couldn't see his face,he had always covered it with a human hand. It was kinda creepy but the whole guy was, as well.
He learned that his quirk, the decay is extremely dangerous and that he didn't think a lot about killing. If someone pisses him off, he is willing to turn them to dust within a sec. He has to be cautious, Dabi noted himself.
Shigaraki didn't  seem to care too much about his subordinates but in fact, he did. He couldn't even explain it for himself, he just didn't want them to die - maybe.
He didn't exactly know how to "care". He didn't interact with people too much before establishing the LoV. He had Sensei and Kurogiri, and sometimes he was in touch with Giran if he needed something from the black market.
But then Sensei wanted him to get some people, who are his "own". So that way, it was not necessary to ask Giran for some ragtag mobs if he wanted to make a bigger action.
Now, he had some really hardcore fellas, with real power and willingness. He was satisfied.
He was the leader. They listened to him, they obeyed him. That was the most important thing.
But ... since they lived together, he saw the connections between the members. How they get on with each other in their free time. How they talked, played, had fun, etc.
And for Tomura, it was all strange indeed. He has never done it - at least, not after Sensei found him.
Before -
"Hm, that's not relevant anymore, what happened before..."
Dabi was in a good mood recently. No one from the League knew the reason, but the scarred man teased them less than usual. He was even nice with them sometimes.
They were all in the bar, even Shigaraki sat there and drank some spirit when Toga just asked Dabi randomly about his sudden emotional changes.
- Well, if you really wanna know - the burnt man started to speak theatrically - I will finally receive the thing I always wanted to!
- And what's that thing? - Magne asked excitedly- you ordered some goth stuff from Wish?
- Lol nope, that's ..wait, why do you assume I have my stuff from Wish? I definitely don't! But that's not the matter! After the last mission I finally had the cash to buy something from Giran. And he promised me the stuff for todaay!
- What the hell did you buy from that crock? Do you need some guns or what? - finally Shigaraki spoke up too.
He wasn't fond of the fact that he has now some company but he was aware he needed to socialise.
He quite liked the League and that's why he didn't want them to think that he is some creepy loner - well, he is.
- What for? I have my own firepower, it's not the thing. I bought some information...
That was all he shared with the League. At least, for now. He have to see Girans files at first and maybe after he will reveal the truth about himself - and Tenko in front of the League.
When he almost died, and that way he became Dabi, he promised himself he won't share his past with anyone, but since he lived with the League, he wasn't that determined anymore. He felt like there is a bond between them, and if they could help him find Tenko.. it would be worthy.
Even if he - somewhere deep down - realised it is nearly impossible to find his soulmate being alive, the hope never left him.
Neither when Giran gave him the files - with a sorrowful storyline, about AFO's and Nana's fights, about how Nana tried to hide Kotaro's existence, and then after a time skip, there was Kotaro's own family. Birth dates, basics infos, some pictures and the date of their deaths.
So that was it. No trace of life, no chance of survival. The destruction may caused by Afo.
Who is currently in the jail, so Dabi can't even speak to him.
He knew he has to give up on his hopes. There is the fucking evidence his soulmate really died back then.
Dabi just put the files on his drawer, not really paying any attention to hide it. He will do it later - now, he just doesn't want to think about it.
That's why he volunteered for the Leagues next mission.
It was a dangerous one, he needed to a sneak in the Hero commission's building and steal their newest "top-secret" plans.
It was actually spying, and they needed to do it with the minimum amount of men.
Kurogiri would teleport him in and out when it's time, but it is still risky.
Mostly - for a spying- there was Toga or Twice because of their quirks were suitable enough, but now it was required a real fight as well. So the final version was him and Twice. Twice would copy the looks of a random official, and Dabi will hide and somehow steal the secret files.
Shigaraki was really good at making plans. He always calculated a lot of possibilities in, and nearly all the stuff what could happen.
He was aware the mission is not a child's play but a serious one.
He looked over it many times already before presenting it to the others, but the overthinking and insecurity were his habits and can't let him stay calm.
At the evening, he decided to talk with Dabi about it. He wanted to be sure that the flame villain is okay with the whole thing, he knows the details and stuff.
He headed to his subordinate's room. The door was halfway open so the young boss don't really mind to knock on it.
There was a semidarkness in the room, but Dabi was nowhere to seen. Shigaraki came from the bar, the burnt villain was not there either.
Tomura thought he may use the bathroom or whatever, so he decided to wait him in his room.
He was about to sit on his bed, when he accidentally noticed a file on his drawer.
On the top of the file, there was a picture. That particular picture, of his dad and Nana Shimura.
Tomura stood there for minutes like an ice statue. He couldn't imagine how the picture could remain - and mostly how it got into Dabi's room.
At the meantime Dabi finished his stuff in the bathroom or wherever he was, so he came back to his room, only to see his boss holding a picture from his file and staring on that somehow inscrutably.
If it wasn't for Tomura, Dabi would be pissed off, cuz he doesn't like at all when others just come in his room and start to rummage his stuff, but since the blue haired man was his boss, he tried to keep it cool.
- Hi boss, how can I help you?
Tomura turned up when he heard Dabi's voice. He still held the picture, and judging by the mess on the drawer he also took a look into the files.
He was so confused right now he had no clue what to say. His thoughts were so loud and they didn't subside. He wanted to ask Dabi why the hell he has this goddamn file with the picture, how did he get it, and mostly.. could is be possible that he knows his secret?
"No way" - Tomura thought - "he would hide this somewhere and he wouldn't act so normally with him" But he was certain he needs to figure it out.
However his thoughts were still so messy he couldn't ask the proper questions he wanted to - without being suspicious.
He somewhat calmed down when he read those files - and they all stated he.. not he, Tenko - is dead, all the family is dead. No sign of survival.
So Dabi - or the one who gave him this - cannot know about him.
- How did you get those? - he finally managed to ask. His eyes were more deadly than he wanted tho.
Dabi suddenly felt himself quite uncomfortable. What should he say? If his boss would be curious, how should he explain why he wanted these datas? And why is his boss'es suddenly so resentful?
- This is the stuff I bought from Giran - he started to explain - I needed it for.. personal stuff.
Tomuras eyes widened - what kind of personal stuff of his can he related to his family? He noticed how Dabi's mood changed before he met with Giran - he was almost happy and really excited. But after the meeting he got gloomier than usual. Even now - when he spoke up, his voice was somehow sad.
Tomura decided to not deal with this right now, they all need to focus for the next day's mission.
- Anyways - the bluenette said - I just wanted to say not to fuck it up tomorrow. That's all for now. And I will keep this picture. Good night!
And with that, Shigaraki quickly left his subordinates room.
Now Dabi was the more confused one. He just couldn't understand what exactly his boss wanted to do, and why he got so distracted by that fucking picture. And mostly, why did he keep it?
Not if Dabi would need it, there wasn't Tenko on the picture just his dad as a kid with Nana Shimura.
"Maybe Shigaraki recognised the heroine and that's why he was asking? Probably" - Dabi thought. He knew about All for One and the Shimuras were enemies, so maybe that's why Shigaraki acted so strange.
(Part two right here on my page, just couldn’t write here the whole stuff cuz it’s long)
19 notes · View notes
offtopicoverload · 4 years
What do you think the female lis’ families are like? I feel like only the guys talk about their families, with the exception being Talia talking about her parents and brother I don’t think any of the other girls do at all
hi anon thanks for the ask, hope my headcanons make sense
pretty nuclear family, an older brother, her mum and her dad
her older brother’s maybe 4 years older or so, not enough that they never saw each other but enough that they didn’t really meet in school or anything
and that’s definitely why she meshes so well with the Jake even though they have like 6 years between them, shes used to the gap and hes really similar to her brother anyway, both goofy but sweet when they need to be
she definitely really close with her mother, i know its mentioned that they look just like each other, but i think that dialogues universal for the S1 LIs
and her mum owns a salon, right?
thats definitely why she takes such good care of her hair, her mother always did when she was little and encouraged it, complimenting her on it and styling it whenever she wanted
and she worked at the salon when she was a teenager and it was summer, working the front desk or cleaning up, sorting products, that sort of thing
its definitely a different story with her dad, hes pretty traditional and didnt take her coming out very well
it ruined things between them for a while and made it hard for her to visit, she only saw her brother at his place and her mother at the salon, but after LI, if shes with MC, he eases up a bit when he sees how happy they are
shes so open about her sexuality, especially on the show, because she doesn’t want any other kids to feel alone, she knows how much it sucked when she was a teenager
if she ends with MC, her mothers there at the finale and just showers MC in compliments and comments about wedding bells to mess with Talia
and her brother loves teaming up with MC and Jake to tease her 
the first time he met Jake, Talia thought they’d get married on the spot cuz they just meshed so well
her dads wary at first, but once its clear that MCs not going anywhere, maybe he catches them talking about him or something and just being vulnerable with each other, which is something Talia never was with him, he starts welcoming MC more, buys her flowers or something the next time they visit and annoys Talia because he didnt get any for her
ive been headcanoning for a while that she has a really big family and an awful relationship with them
her parents got divorced when she was little, maybe 3 or 4, they both remarried, her mom got divorced and remarried again, so she has a ton of half and step siblings, but no full
because there were so many kids in whatever household she was staying in at the time she kinda got lost in the crowd, which is why shes so desperate for attention on the show, she never got any when she was younger
and no matter what happens on the show, her parents dont call her or come to the finale, the only person that says anything is the one step sibling shes close with
they're about the same age, maybe 8 months to a year apart, and were glued to each others side when they were tweens
but they live really far apart and her step sister couldn’t make it to the finale, so they barely see each other which makes them drift apart a bit
if MC runs away with her after the reunion, she gushes to her step sister and they get closer again, to the point that her sister moves in with her for a job a year or two later, maybe right before quarantine if MC doesn’t so they don’t go insane
MC and her sister get on well and always call her Leggy just to watch her get mad, and they’re the only two people that can get her to calm down when shes pissed, her anger being another side effect of being ignored as a kid
the only way she got attention was if she threw a fit, and eventually that frustration just stuck around
but she gets better when she gets closer with her sister again and after the backlash from the show dies down, which it does pretty quickly when her and MC announce their relationship since she was the fan favourite
she never really introduces MC to her family, it just doesn’t make sense to her, but MC drags her along to a few weddings and holiday parties until Allegra’s dad introduces himself to her like its the first time four events in a row
she gives up after that, and Allegra’s perfectly fine with it, she’d rather keep their relationship between them anyway
like Talia, she has the same family dynamic - an older brother and her parents
but her brothers only a year older and their relationship is a lot tenser
her dad always encouraged competition between them - if one got a good mark on an exam, the other was expected to match or do even better, if her brother got an award, Marisol was expected to get it a year later, that sort of thing
she doesn’t really talk with her brother outside of formal or family events, there’s still a lot of tension from their teenage years between them, but Marisol’s too proud to admit it, and her brother is too
and she’d never admit it, but the whole reason she’s in law school is because her father wanted her to, and she was just lucky that she enjoyed it
and again, like Talia, her dad didnt take her attempt at coming out well, he just flat out denied it, told her she’d meet a nice guy and settle down, that is what just a phase, all that shit
neither her mother or brother stuck up for her, which pissed her off a bit and just made things worse
her mother was never that involved in her life, never seemed that interested unless she was getting perfect marks and competing in dance competitions
and because she was so focused on her studies and work, she never had many friends and has honestly always seen them as a waste of time
its why she has no problem shitting on Lottie’s girl code, to her it just never made sense
so most of her friends end up being from the show and MCs friends if they’re together, and shes not big on family events, her immediate family isn’t either
but she is really close to her abuela on her mum’s side and an older cousin on her dad’s who’s gay and shes always related to 
she got really excited to introduce MC to them, and her abuela made a whole array of food for Marisol, MC,  and her abuelo and her abuela cooed over MC for ages
her cousin bought them drinks and made them tell him stories from the Villa, and afterwards pulled Marisol aside and told her he was proud and approved of MC and it made her really mushy and she hated it, MC wouldn’t let go that she cried in the cab for ages
her brother and her mother were never particularly rude to MC, but her father definitely was cold and distant and disrespectful
she got pretty pissed after that, telling MC off for ever encouraging to go and shouting about why that kind of thing was the exact reason she kept her distance
her and MC definitely has some issues after that for a while, and she shut her dad out until he gave a halfhearted apology, but her cousin and abuelos helped her feel better about her family situation
her parents aren’t together anymore and her mum had custody of her most of her life, even though she struggled to raise her and her sister
she didnt know her dad that well until she was a in her late teens, but regardless of all the lost time, they still have a good relationship
makeup and art was an escape when she was younger, and even when her mother was exhausted after working multiple shifts, she always encouraged her and helped her improve or just told her she loved it
her mum was her biggest supporter when she started the whole influencer thing, and her favourite thing to spend her money on is things for her family, like flowers for when she visits her mum or a new phone for her younger sister
they’re seven years apart, so she never had that close of a relationship with her when she was young, because what 13 year old wants to hang out with their annoying 6 year old sister
but once she got a bit older she started taking her to the movies and shopping to bond and encouraging her own art
her sister loves music, and even if she cant relate to it directly, she always does her best to support her
she even got kassam to make her sister a mixtape after the show and give some tips on mixing, and if MCs a musician she always asks her to give her sister lessons or something
introducing MC to her whole family all at once was one of her favourite things to do, she took them all to dinner and bought MC a dress and everything
her parents loved MC and laughed at all her jokes, and MC nearly joked on her salad at a story her dad was telling 
and even though her sister was pretty quiet, she told Elisa how much she liked her afterwards
they all start a family game night that is Elisa’s favourite thing to post about all week, and even though her parents haven’t been together since she was 7 or so, they still get on well and now that her dad’s more comfortable being there even though he’s not with her mum, hes more involved in her sisters life
her job and her Elisabees are crazy important to her, but she’d drop all of it for her family, even if she doesn’t seem super sappy
shes an only child for sure, but with a few cousins shes decently close with
her relationship with her parents isn’t perfect by any means, but she still gets on with them
they encouraged her art even if they made some odd comments about her being alt that rubbed her the wrong way, but they mean well
there was a couple years where Lottie thought they’d get divorced, because they were arguing about finances cuz her mum went back to school and they lost her income, but when she started working as a nurse they were able to get back on track
her dad’s a bloke and loves sports and cars and all that, but hes also big in horror movies and is the one that introduced her to it
her mum hated all the gore, but her dad would let her watch it with him when she was out of the house
she always goes home for Christmas no matter where shes living, but has her own traditions for New Years and Easter
her aunt and uncle always host a big dinner and her dad drives two hours to get there, and she always spends the drive listening to new music and planning new makeup looks to test out
she has a ton of cousins because each of her parents has 4 siblings, but their ages are all so spread out that shes only close with a few of them and swaps stories from the year with three of them
they all lost their shit over MC when she brought her to their Christmas Eve dinner, hugging her way too much in Lottie’s opinion and telling her as many embarrassing stories as they could think of
her mum spent the car ride there trying to connect with MC, and they actually got on pretty well, but her dad seemed to click with MC even more for whatever reason, giving her a beer when they got back to Lottie’s parent’s house and turning on Lottie’s favourite slasher film for background noise while they talked
her dad made MC swear that she’d come back next year, that they weren’t allowed to trade between MC’s family for Christmas and Lottie’s, and MC agreed with a laugh as Lottie’s head was in her lap, watching the movie
she has a huge traditional family
three older brothers, two older sisters, and a younger brother
she grew up in the country and her mother had horses that she always loved to spend time with cuz i love her but she was 100% a horse girl
her parents never had any problems, were always happy and sappy and that was the only type of relationship she saw growing up, so before Love Island she didn’t really understand that relationships could be bad and how to deal with that
two of her older brothers and both of her sisters are married, her brothers and one sister have kids, again super traditional and happy, which only further reinforced these fairy tale ideals she has
she loves her nieces and nephews, but never felt like an aunt, more of an older cousin for whatever reason
her oldest sibling is her brother, they’re 13 years apart and he has four kids already, hes been married since 21
her oldest sister got married the oldest at 25, and shes always been worried she won’t match up to them, which was a huge motivator to go on Love Island
shes closest with her middle sister, who’s 23 with no kids, but she still has a nice house in the suburbs with a big yard, still crazy nuclear
her whole life has been spent around this type of tradition, and it was really hard for her to break out of it after Love Island
Hannah’s youngest brother is still only 15, and hes a bit of a black sheep - hes alt and dyes his hair and draws tattoos on his arms during school, and she was never close with him before Love Island, but after she comes out as some kind of queer, he comes out as gay and nonbinary(he/they) and they get really close for once
he gets in a fight with their parents when they’re 17, and he runs to Hannah’s place, driving multiple hours to get there and moves in with her after a few weeks
they stay with her until they graduate uni with a degree in education, getting a job at a school and telling all their students that his sister was on Love Island and her girlfriend’s really cool
MC and him are her biggest encouragement to break from the mold her family set, both so her relationship can thrive and to be a good role model for her younger sibling
she struggles with fitting in with her stereotypical family and siblings that all have multiple kids and nice houses, but she still loves her little mishmash of MC, her sibling, and the constant friends that cycle through their flat - Lottie, Priya, Chelsea, Gary sometimes even, Ibrahim once or twice as hes on a golf tour
Lottie loves her sibling and sometimes does makeup for them, and Chelsea always shows up unexpected to hang out with MC and redecorate their house but Hannah hates it because she likes all the memories her clutter has, even if MC calls her a hoarder sometimes
she had so many hand me downs growing up that now she has her own place, she loves filling it with things that are for her and MC and only them and has a really hard time letting go of things, always reasoning that they might give her inspiration to write or something
shes an only child too, which made her dad treat her as much like as son as he could
her parents struggled to conceive, so once they used IVF to have her they didnt want to go through it again
her dad was super excited when she was interested in sports and is her biggest fan, always showing up to every single game and driving her to practices before she moved out, though she still doesn’t have a car cuz she hates driving, its too much pressure
her dad would watch games with her and coach her during off seasons, her uncles a football coach and used to get them tickets when he could, sometimes letting her train with his team when she was a teenager
her mum didnt like how hard she pushed herself, but was still supportive of how much she loved it 
her mums a mathematician and always helped her with her homework because she awful at maths, while her dad would try and teach her history or edit papers until her mum had to step in and correct him
when she came out as bi and later gay, they didnt even bat an eye, her mum making her pride color cupcakes and her dad maybe even being excited that he could point out cheerleaders when they were watching games
her mum didn’t quite understand when she wanted to go on Love Island, but her dad thought it’d be a laugh and further enforced her “just have fun” attitude
but her parents are both crazy happy when she wins with MC, making a banner when AJ first brings her home
she thought her dad would crush MC when he started hugging her, and her mum made an entire cake, biscuits, cinnamon rolls, and more sweets that she made them take home
her parents always make her and MC come over for dinner on Sundays and she started noticing the extra effort they always went to - her dad actually dressing nice, the house was super clean, the dog always had recently been given a bath
even though she knew her parents supported her, seeing all that really calmed her nerves about bringing home a girl, and made her coming out as a gay a lot easier
MC and her alternate between their family’s for holidays, and her parents each invite their brother and their families every time, and after their third holiday at her parents, they bought her and MC a dog
her and MC definitely have a pretty traditional family life, married after a few years with a nice house, going as far as to adopt a kid or two when AJ stops playing professionally, her parents always closely involved with their grandkids
Disclaimer - I don’t know if Yasmin or Lily make mentions of their family, so I’m just going with what I think
her mother passed when she was 12, and her and her younger sister were raised by her dad
he wasn’t always the best dad, sometimes he struggled to make time for them with work, or sometimes he struggled to connect with them, but it was never anything too bad
she was always super close to her sister and parented her as she was growing up since they have a 9 year difference between them
her sisters her biggest fan and always makes her send demos and work in progresses so she can listen to them on repeat, and whenever Yasmin writes a song specifically for her she loses her mind
all her friends love Yasmin’s solo music and Enchanted Husband and she brags nonstop
Yasmin figured out she liked girls pretty young, around 10 or so, but only came out when she was 17. she didnt want her sister to ever feel alone or isolated if she ended up being queer too, so she tried to always be open about who she was
her dad sat her down when she bought a pride flag and had her explain everything to him step by step, and he gave her some space for a few days, but then he offered to take her to pride when it came around 
he doesn’t talk about it with her much, and she knows he doesn’t fully understand, but he offers his support whenever he thinks she needs it
her sister absolutely fangirled over MC the first time she met her, hugging her and not letting go until Yasmin nearly pulled her off MC
her dad hugged her too but was far more reserved, hes quieter like her, and tends to keep his distance, whereas her sister has no problem shrieking and making a scene in a train station
later that night her dad pulls her aside and tells her he likes MC and thinks shes a good fit, and her sister has no problem saying how cool MC is, even when shes in the room
her sister and her dad always ask for tickets when shes touring nearby, and MC always offers to take them to dinner before the show, and the three of them get on better than Yasmin expected
she thought her dad might be too distant or her sister too excitable, but even if she’d never say anything, seeing them all get on makes things easier
when her sister gets older and moves out, their dad moves closer to Yasmin, even though he never says exactly why, and there’s a few years where her sister and her are both to busy to meet up, but MC makes them hang out together and then get dinner with their dad when their all in town
MC tends to be her reminder to slow down, and after that dinner she cancels the rest of her tour and takes a two year break in which her sister starts spending weekends at Yas and MCs, their dad visiting often too
she has three full brothers and shes the only girl, her parents are divorced and her dad remarried while her mother stayed single
she has a step sister from her dad’s remarriage, but they dont have much in common and didnt grow up together, her parents only split when she was 15
two of her brothers are older than her and her oldest is the one shes closest with, with a gap of 7 years between them
hes an engineer and into cars too, he helped her fix up her first car and helped her pay for college
her youngest brother is only a year below her, but they were never close, he was never that interested in playing in the mud when they were kids
hes an art and english double major and still lives with their dad, hes closer with their step sister than Lily, but there’s no bad blood or anything
her other brother is a middle ground, three years older than her
he’s an accountant and used to drive her around before she could herself, they bonded over a few small mutual interests like a tv show they would binge together and just staring a space together since they shared a room, her younger brother and step sister across the hall
her dad wasn’t crazy active in her life and she doesn’t know her step mother, but her mum worked from home when she was younger and had custody on weekends
she babied her younger brother and always scolded Lily for being a tomboy and it bothered her a lot when she was little, until her older brother started encouraging it
her brothers all love MC, even her youngest, and they all try and bond with her in a different way
sometimes Lily goes home just to find a note that one of her brothers took MC to a movie or dinner or somewhere else, and she wants to be annoyed with them for it, but she likes the validation
she never officially came out, so none of them saying anything or criticizing her is really comforting, knowing that something so trivial doesn’t matter
her mum was a little shocked by the show and MC, but she tries to be polite and eventually comes around, inviting MC to go shopping to bond
her dad has no problem, her step mother being a little confused but not concerned, and her step sister doesn’t care, just nods at MC the first time she meets her
Lily tends to keep her distance from her family, especially when her older brothers find partners and start families, but is fine going to events, sometimes its nice to see her brothers and catch up
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thirsthourdemon · 4 years
The beast in the garden
Includes: Aone Takanobu
Genre: Nobility!Au, angst, smut
Warning: Nsfw
Note: Okay so I’ve had this idea for a while now and I just couldnt find what I wanted to do with it but now it’s hear so please enjoy 😔
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“Oh nobu!” the young miss whimpers at the force of the man pushing into her wet sex. Panting and whimpering at every movement. The pleasure sinking into her and she grips onto his shoulders. Y/N had never anticipated such a scenario before she met the “beast”.
Once there was a young miss inside an isolated mansion in the woods owned by her her parents, the lord and lady of the land. She was a beautiful girl with a cold gaze but such a warm heart. Y/N was given almost everything she could ask for! Shoes, books, beautiful jewelry and wonderful entertainment...all that could be hers but the one thing she had craved for the most was so out of her grasps. Freedom.
She was given everything except the freedom do go outside. She was secluded and kept like a beautiful porcelain doll, too pretty to even play with. The lonesome lady wasnt even allowed to walk their entire garden because the north part of their garden had a “beast” as the servants would tell her. Fearing the beast she stayed with her gaurdians at all times and barely left the mansion at all.
“What flowers are these?” Y/N asks her tutor showing the beautiful image of flowers in her book. “Chrysanthemums, my young miss” he replied sparing her a glance and going back to look at the book he was reading himself. “They mean devoted love and loyalty it says” Y/N’s voice so sweet and filled with admiration of the flora. “I hope one day someone will give me these flowers instead of roses...”
“Beautiful, arent they? You have them in your garden as I remember”
The male informs, flipping another page in his book
“Huh...maybe I should go pick some later tonight” was all she had said before she stood up and excused herself from their reading session.
That late afternoon the young miss asks her gaurdian to bring her to the garden to pick chrysanthemums only to be told that they only grew at the north of their grounds. The home of the beast she remembered coming to the conclusion that it would be best not to try and go at all. The whole afternoon it bothered her to no end.
Learning more and more about the flower and finding how it could be made into tea and how sweet it would taste. The chrysanthemums deeply explained what type of love she wanted. The young miss had countless suitors but all of them brought her the same red stainedroses over and over again until the roses didnt feel so red anymore.
She wanted those flowers no matter what but the servants themselves were too scared to get some and not being one to force others she decided she must take matters into her own hands.
As the moon came into view that night she had retired early to her bed chambers and told the servants to not let anyone in no matter what for she was not feeling well. Waiting for the moon to reach it’s peak the young miss had already climbed out of her window and tip toed her way to the border to the garden up north.
At the highest peak she hurridly went in looking for the beautiful flowers only to realize that this garden was the most beautiful one of all. It felt as if the fae themselves lived here. The moonlight fully illuminating the garden before her. Well kept grass and full bloomed flowers sparkling by the reflection of the light on the dew drops.
Before her eyes was the most beautiful garden and the most dangerous one as well thinking to herself. With every step she took however she did not realize how late it had been. Forgetting her reason for going all together and walked around the garden as well. There was no sign of the beast at all...not until she felt movement from the otherside of the rose bush. Quickly backing away...”Oh lord I forgot the chrysanthemum!” The young woman exclaimed hurridly looking for them and as she was about to pick some that she found there was suddenly a feeling of a presence behind her.
Fearing her safety she ran back as fast as she could and even forgeting the cloth she wore around her shoulders. Running fast and not even sparing a glance behind her. Almost sobbing and fully terrified she couldn’t even climb up to her window again.
Clomp. Clomp. Clomp.
Bubump bubump bubump she heard her heart beat almost out her chest. Foot steps along the grass.
Was this her demise?
Clomp. Clomp. Clomp.
Why was she always so weak that she could not even fend for herself?
Clomp. Clomp. Clomp.
Why did she have to spend her life locked up in such a dull household?!
Clomp. Clomp. Clomp.
Why could she never stand up for herself?
Clomp. Clomp. Clomp.
Why did she have to experience death without experiencing what it meant to be alive?
The foot steps have stopped in front of her. Feeling the heavy beathing and warmth of the huff from the monster. This was it...looking up she was greeted by a tall man with albino like features being graced upon the cold light of the moon. Somehow it had taken her breath away but then again it would be her last breath.
He didnt say anything though he just presented her something. Her shawl. “T-tha..nk yo..uu? B-...Beas...t, sir” stuttering and shaking of fright while grabbing her shawl back. “Young miss-“ “I-I...I...Ughhh...I apologize! I didnt mean to steal from your garden, sir! I just wanted to get some chrysanthemum! I swear I wasnt going to destroy anything!” Y/N interrupted trying to save her skin not knowing the intention of the man.
“Beast? Takanobu Aone. Im not a beast, young miss” deep and warm was all there was to say about his voice. Hearing his voice felt like the feeling you get when one drinks warm tea in a fairly cold morning. Comforting and soothing. His features were strangely soft for a monster. His eyes seem to be squinted but his eyes were plastered with concern and confusion.
“I- but the servants said there was a beast at the northern grounds!” Her soft voice no longer trembling at the sight of him. Shrugging the man had gestured for her to wait as he emerged back into the garden. Confused the young miss was troubled about everything that she had just discovered.
There was no beast all along. The house was meant to keep her in and not keep the beast out.
The albino like man stepped into view once more however he did not returned empty handed. He returned with a small bouqet of familiar light coloured flora. Chrysanthemums.
“Th-thank you! I-I...I really...ehhh...ummm... appreciate them” a warm feeling arose to her chest when she got the small gift. Aone nodded and started walking back to his home. “Umm...Sir Aone- Let’s meet again! B-back at the...the...y-...your...your garden when the moon is at it’s highest peak again!” Y/N nervously suggested to him and all he did was walk back to pat her head as a confirmation before jogging back.
There wasnt a beast.
Soon enough the young miss would barely wake up by 8 am, her usual waking hours, and it had troubled her gaurdians asking her questions like why was she up so late or why she had trouble waking up but before they could interrogate her even further she would only excuse herself.
Night by night Y/N went back to meet the mysterious nobu figuring him out little by little like she was building a puzzle with a thousand pieces.
He was quiet but his small actions made up for it. Things like talking all night and conversing about ridiculous ideas were always one sided however staring into the nigth sky with her head on his lap or making small flower arrangements for the young miss...those were when he was the most charming in her eyes.
Eventually the two had become great friends and both felt a strong connection to one another more than anything. Aone Takanobu was a beautiful being. His gaze was cold but it also had tears glossing over them whenever he looked at her. His touch maybe rough and yet it would soft enough having her hand in his.
He didnt pay any attention to her status or the amount of wealth she possessed because for him at the end of the day he only saw her for who she was.
Likewise she had already built the puzzle of who nobu was and it turns out it was just as wonderful. Growing to like each other much more spending more time in the gardens just to escape a little while-
“YOUNG MISS! Get away from that monster!” Her tutor’s voice exclaims when he saw the lovely child snuggling up next to aone by the bushes. “You! You are to not lay a finger on her anymore! She is too fragile and too weak! Have you no mercy! What are you even doing tainting her with your disgusting commoner-“
“Quiet. You dont have any right to insult her” nobu growled looking at man with a calm expression on his face. “She is neither fragile nor weak” he stands up and takes your hand to help you up. “N-nobu I-“ with that he just shakes his shakes his head slowly side to side and leaves the young woman with her tutor.
That night the young lady was scolded and ultimately gaurded with a handmaiden to watch over her and having her window locked.
He did not expect her to be there that night and he was correct. That night and the night after that and the following nights that would follow but all he could do was wait by chrysanthemums until she would eventually show up.
Many sunsets have passed and the incident was forgotten as everything had come back to normal. That night however the beast could no longer be patient and wait for the young miss to come back so he took measures into his own hands.
“When will I see you again...nobu...” Y/N talked to the withered flowers in the vase shet set by her desk. For all the time she spent indoors again she could never forget his face or his warming presence whenever she snuggled up to his chest. Suddenly russtling from the tree by her window had interrupted her thoughs.
If she hadnt felt his presence in that moment she was sure she would have been screaming at the top of her lungs but Y/N already knew who was trying to get into her room just from hearing the sound of the movement. Opening her window and there he was. Tall, albino features, covered in leaves and holding a small collection of different coloured chrysanthemums.
“You know chrysanthemums actually mean loyalty and devoted love” the no longer lonesome lady giggled picking up some of the leaves by his clothes.
“I like you, nobu and I know it’s crazy because we only met a month ago and I dont know what to do or what to say but Im sure that I like you”
Waiting for a reply. Silence and anticipations.
Tension and a full display of worriedness crossed over her face. Only for all of that worry to disappear the moment their lips connected. It was a kiss filled with nothing but love and longing for each other.
Taking a break and having their foreheads leaning towards each other. The beast of a man took her in his arms and carried her off the ground. Staring into one another’s eyes. Speaking a million words in silence. Those “I love you”s that only eyes could say and those “I want you”s that can only be tasted within their liplocking. Slowly their want and passion had slowly translated into the way their skin had dragged against each other.
Sitting the tall man down on her bed as she carefully and ever so teasingly stripped her night gown down revealing her beautiful body. Her body covered in imperfections had made her the most perfect human being in his eyes. He couldnt keep his hands to himself as he stood up and touched her sides while kissing her forehead.
That mere moment of innocence was soon erased by a passionate kiss and as the moon had tried to reach its highest peak the two lovers only evolved into more skinship.
Kissing and nimbling on the soft skin of her neck while gently massaging circles into her inner thigh. With her underneath him he could only imagine what he could do. Her pretty tears reminding him of the dew drops at the garden and her small noises resembling those of the night’s music.
His wet and hot tongue had travelled to her untouched pot of dripping honey. Licking in one agonizingly long stripe upwards. “Agh...gods” she huffed trying not to lose herself completely to the pleasure. Once he had started licking her entrance the only sound she could have ever made was whimpers that she so badly tried to cover. With her legs trembling and her eyes half open she had felt him stopping to grab a bottle of oil by her mirrored desk. While the liquid had poured of to his hands he started to pump his incredibly large member. Soon lining his member to her entrance.
“N-nob...uu...it m...aghhh...might not...FIT!” Y/N gripped on his shoulder once he had entered. Carefully he tried to soothen her so she wouldnt be so nervous. “Mhhm” kissing her forehead and allowing her to adjust his large size.
At once the young miss gave the beast her signal he thrusted into her creating a certain rythm so that both of them could slowly ease into it. That was soon thrown out the window once they both paced faster makiing the sweet girl cry out in pleasure.
Wet kisses and hair sticking to the forehead. The sound of skin slapping against each other through the night and small whimpers of “N-no...bu...” had only prolonged
“Oh nobu!” the young miss whimpers at the force of the man pushing into her wet sex. Panting and whimpering at every movement. The pleasure sinking into her and she grips onto his shoulders. With every time his member had hit that sweet soongy spot inside of her it had built her up so much that once the wave of pleasure had washed over both of them at the same time they had both decided to lay in bed for a while.
The albino like beast stared into her eyes noticing that small request of freedom. “You know chrysanthemums actually mean loyalty and devoted love” He remembered your words and at once stood up. He took the chrysanthemums from the ground and swore to her “I will love you devotedly and loyaly”
“Then follow me wherever I may go”
That night as eventful as it was for the two...had only left the household in panic.
Once the sun has risen and the servant that had to wake up their miss up entered the room only to see the room completely tidy as if no one had used the night before. There was no young miss and there was no beast. Only an empty bed with a bouqet of chrysanthemums.
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Taglist: @janellion @my-mass-hysteria @anianimol
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Happier (6) | T.H.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: A deep conversation between Tom & Y/N takes place. Tom offers a solution to Y/N’s problem, but does she take it?! Can Harrison convince her?
A/N: It’s a rather short chapter but a lot of Tom & Y/N action!! I absolutely love reading all your therories and comments! Thank you guys so much for reading & sticking around!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
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Its a vile word for the people you trusted your life with. Still in a state of shock, Y/N couldnt understand why Katie would have betrayed her like this. To think she was her best friend through thick and thin, always having each other’s back...it all seemed meaningless. Now here she was, packing up and trying to figure out where to go from here. London wasn’t an option and neither was the city with the rent being so high up.
As if her path was written by the stars, Tom had decided to call her the moment she started zipping up her bag. Y/N knew it wasn’t a good idea to answer, but it was almost instinctive in the moment. Truthfully, she needed someone. Someone to tell her it was going to be okay. “Hey, look. I know you probably hate me after the last time we talked on the phone like this, but I just wanted to say Im sorry.” Tom’s voice spoke softly through the phone as he let out a slight chuckle of nervousness.
Y/N smiled slightly as she listened to his voice. It was the most conforting thing she had heard, and could only imagine his voice wrapping around her to make her feel some sort of ease. “Yeah. No it’s um..it’s fine, really.” Y/N responds trying to calm her breathing after sobbing for the past hour.
“Yeah I guess, you were right. Maybe I was just jealous, because..I mean you already knownhow I feel. But you’re your own person so I can totally understand why you’d want to see new people. After all you broke up with me and—” Tom started getting more nervous as he continued to over explain his reasoning, but Y/N didnt seem to pay any attention as she lets out what was bothering her.
“Kate’s been crossing us.” She interrupts.
“Wait what? What do you mean?” Tom asks now more concerned, pushing the phone closer to his ear.
“She leaked information about Natalie staying thats where the rumors came from and she sent those pictures of Matt and I to Natalie’s publicist.” Y/N says as she closes her eyes.
Tom was more confused and in complete shock. Not understanding why Y/N’s most trusted best friend who do this to her. “Y/N...I dont know what to say..I’m sorry.” He replies, feeling defeated that there was nothing he could do, especially since she was so far away from him. Even if Y/N would have rejected his advances, he knew she needed him...now more than ever.
“Don’t be. It’s fine.” Y/N lies as she sits down on the bed, silently crying.
“No, it’s not Y/N. I know you’re hurting and I wish I could be there to do something about it.” Y/N smiles at his words. For every sad and painful moment, there would always be some sort of comfort. Tom was hers. For a moment...just one moment, she forgot about all the terrible things that happened. The betrayal, the rumors, Natalie. The moment felt like it was meant just for Tom and Y/N.
But not all moments last forever. Y/N’s phone went off, alerting her of a notification. In fear, she thought the unknown number was ready to leave another threat for talking to Tom, but it wasn’t. Though it was just a simple Twitter notification that came up, it showed that Tom and Natalie were out again on display for the Public. Casually flirting back and forth, with pictures of their social media interaction with each other. Her heart sank even more..if it was even possible.
He was still with her, even if it was pretend. Y/N thought back to when Natalie first arrived to stay with them, and how she slowly tried to flirt her way and spend time with Tom. She thought about how well they worked and looked good together, and how she left Tom saying “You’d be happier with her.” While it was all under the unknown’s plan to say those exact words, Y/N couldn’t help but feel some sort of truth to it. Certainly, she wasn’t happier with everything thats happened, but for Tom...at least he still had a chance to be happier with Natalie.
“Y/N? You still there?” Tom asked through the phone, when he didn’t hear Y/N say anything for a good while.
She shook her head to stop her thoughts as she replied, “Yeah...still here.”
“Oh okay. Good. I thought you hung up on me.” Tom laughs nervously. “Look, uhh maybe we should focus on what you’re gonna do. So do you have a place to stay?”
Y/N looks around as she sighs in defeat. “No. I’d find an apartment but the rent is so high here in the city especially for those that live alone, and I really dont feel like moving back in with my parents right now.”
Tom listened to her dilemma closely, when he offered without hesitation, “Come back here.”
“Tom, you know thats not an option nor a good idea for us. I told you we needed space, and I certainly don’t want to live under the same roof with a girl your fake dating at the moment.” She says in digust, voiced laced with anger.
“Calm down, Y/N. Im just offering you a solution and I could make sure you don’t see her. It’s a big house after all.”
“It’s not happening.” Y/N says quickly to end the dispute. Y/N stops to think about her other option, one Tom make not very well like. “Maybe I could ask Matt. I know he doesnt live too far from here.”
“Okay, now you’re being delusional. That’s definitely not happening.” Tom scoffs, as he thinks about the sickening idea. “I don’t want you near him.”
“You cant tell me what to do.”Y/N snaps at him. “Just like I’m not telling to stop being near Natalie, let alone enter a PR relationship.”
“Well at least Im being honest and open about it and not hiding it like an immature child.” Tom fires back. Y/N was at a loss with the way he responded to her. While she did keep it secret, deep down she knew it was for his own good..but he would never know. “Im sorry. I didnt mean it. It’s just...I wish you were more honest with me..with everything. It hurts you know.”
“Yeah..” Y/N whispers on the phone, feeling guilty and upset by where they’ve ended up. “I know. I’m sorry too. I want to be honest with you about everything but I cant for good reason.”
“No reason is good enough, if you have to keep secrets from people you love.” Tom says bluntly. “Look Im not gonna make you choose where you want to go from here. It’s your decision and life. Im just saying my door is always open for you...no matter how many times you hurt me.”
“It’s not your obligation Tom. I’ll be fine with whatever happens to me. I have to be, but thank you.” Y/N says as she bids him farewell.
As Y/N grabs her stuff and heads toward the door so do Harrison and Harry. “We booked a hotel for a night, if you want to stay with us.” Harry says as he tried his best to smile for her.
Y/N does in return and nods. “Yeah. Okay let’s go.”
Harry, Harrison, and Y/N made it to Aviary Hotel in silence. No one was sure what they should say to the other, when everything had gone to shit in the past month. Once everyone settled down, Harry decided to go down and grab food the group, while Harrison stayed to watch over Y/N in case she needed anything. “So, you told Tom, Im guessing?” Harrison asked, sitting across the other bed as he watched her intently.
Y/N nodded not saying anything as she brushed her hair avoiding eye contact. She thought for a moment deciding if she should tell him about what really happened in the phone conversation. “He and I fought..kinda I guess. I told him I didnt have a place to stay and he wanted me to stay with you guys, but I said it’s not a good idea and then I mentioned Matt, and everything went downhill from there.”
“Wait why not? Why can’t you stay with us?” Harrison asked.
Y/N gave him a look as if he didn’t know the reason already. His blue eyes shifting from surprise to realization. “Right, I forgot.” They sat in silence for a few seconds before Harrison interjects again. “You know, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. I know Natalie and the unknown number still poses a threat, not to mention risky, but it’d be unexpected for them.” He offered.
Y/N thinks hard about it, her brows furrowing. “Yeah okay...but how does this that make it any better knowing that Im living with my ex-boyfriend who is also living under the same roof with a girl that he’s fake dating not to mention your childhood friend, and may very well be the other person terrorizing me.”
Harrison looks at her as he rubs his face in embarassment. “Well..when you put it that way.”
“Harrison, you can put it in any other way you want, it’s still going to be a bad idea.” She says.
“Look just think about it, okay. Its a big house, and you can use the attic room upstairs if you dont want to see anyone and have schedules until we can sort all of this out. And if it bothers you that much I even have a friend that lives close by who also needs a roommate herself.”
Y/N looks at Harrison skeptically, as he weighs out her options. “You really out here trying to find a way to make me stay with you guys and leave home huh?”
Harrison smiles as he combs back his dirty blonde hair. “No, Y/N. This here?” He points out arms wide, gesturing to the room to represent New York. “It was your home. Your real home, whether you want to believe it or not, it’s with us back in London. I know everything has been rough between you and Tom, but we’re going to find a way. I promise.”
Y/N sheds a tear, as she hears Harrison speak. He was right. Home just didn’t feel like home anymore. Not without them, but as much as she wanted to say yes, the odds of it being okay were against her...that couldn’t be ignored.
“So what do you say?”
@hollanddolanfangirl​ @ifilosemyselfagain @hevjadams @averyfosterthoughts​ @fangirl-with-a-mission @drishtisikarwar @eridanuswave​ @ifntelyinspirit @trumpettay @astridcommings @parkershoco @racewife2004 @sleepybesson @greatpizzascissorstaco @andievgs
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adhd-demetri · 3 years
First things first, love the new url, it's super you. Second are you working on the story for your oc? I actually want to read more on it -Jane
Yep and after thinking about it, if you have a twilight oc, message me and I'll add them into the story :) but this is it so far. Consider this a free sample
~Breaking news~
Things are getting pretty wild in ohio near cowan lake campgrounds. Two coyotes and wolf have been spotted in the area roaming around together wrecking havoc and panic. Biologists are baffled by the sudden appearance of a wolf in ohio with what is supposed to be their enemy.
No one knows where the trio came from but police and wildlife officials are urging people to haze them away and for parents of pets and children alike to keep a sharp eye on them.
Witnesses say they have been seen near dumpsters and trash cans tearing open bags of uneaten food-
Demi turned off his phone as he took a bite out of a sub he and his mate had dug out of the dumpster. He snickered at the thought of him, his little brother and his mate 'wrecking havoc' over simply digging in dumpsters for goodies people through out. Like phone chargers, towels, clothing, sleeping bags and even small one person tents with easy fixes.
People are so wasteful. Throwing away perfectly good treasures. Oh well, they were now theirs.
Casper walked up behind him and threw down a tent that he just patched up. It was a cheap green and beige 4 person tent that had a hole in the roof of it. It wasn't nothing special truthfully.
"What do you think? Nice patch work right?" He said looking very proud of his work. Demi turned around and ran his fingers over the the patch, inspecting the delicate stitching and the vinyl that protected them from wear-and-tear.
"Looks good Cas, can't imagine why someone would get rid of this for a easy fix!" He shrugged, oh well. It now belongs to his younger brother.
As he got up from the forest floor, he dusted off the leaves and dirt that clung to the back of his pants. Grabbing the tent, he headed to Caspers car that was parked by an abandoned entrance way that led to overgrown trails leading to their little hideout.
"Hey alex. Check it out, Cas fixed you a tent. Now you can go camping with us instead of sleeping in the car." He said giving his 10 year old little brother the now fixed up tent.
Alex was sitting in the back playing mario kart tour on his phone. He glanced down quickly and laid his phone down. He picked up the tent bag and looked at its contents. His baby blue eyes started to widen with excitement.
"Th-this is for me? My own tent? Wow this is so cool!" The little blond was practically jumping up and down in his spot with pure joy and happiness radiating off of him. He was so happy to have his own tent finally.
"Yup, tonight Cas and I can teach you how to put it up and when we leave, take it down. Sound good?"
"Yes! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!" He suddenly slammed into Demi with a tight hug. Demi patted his head and pulled the excited child off of himself.
Alex went back to playing his game. Demi went back and sat on the ground to join Casper in the small clearing while he was redoing the zipper work on one of the sleeping bags. Casper nearly had this one finished up and planned on giving it to Alex since it had Kion and other lion guard characters on it. Casper concentrated as he worked on stitching the zipper to the sleeping bag.
"Soooo Alex loved his tent. Thank you for fixing it up for him."
"No problem. Seemed better than sitting in the car ya know? Oh hey look I finally got it stitched. You know these zippers are so hard to fix now a days." He said zipping up the bag and admiring his work.
He looked up and noticed the sun was starting to paint the sky in a beautiful array of oranges and pinks mixed with some purples and blues. The air felt slightly cooler than it did before.
Demi rolled his eyes and simply smiled.
He knew it was time to get going and head back to the campgrounds.
Casper followed right behind him and started up his car. They headed back to Cowan Lake campgrounds tenting area.
"Hey alex! Buckle up bud!" He yelled getting back up and getting into the car to leave.
The ride there was quite relaxing as the trio was simply jamming out to some music on their way to the campgrounds. They didn't have a care in the world it seemed.
They finally made it back to their spot. Alex quickly hopped out along with his tent and claimed a spot right next to where Demi and Casper's tent was. He started to pull everything out of the make shift bag that he had stuffed it in previously.
Demi quickly got out and ran to him. He didnt want Alex to lose anything.
"Hey bud slow down, We still got to help you put it up. Cas you want to get the fire going? We can roast some shmellows and some hot dogs. I'm starved!" Demi quickly started unraveling the tent and pulling out the poles, laying them nice and neat.
While they did that, Casper started up the fire. It roared to life after a few moments of poking and prodding it with fiery paper. He grabbed all the goodies, the roasting sticks and a mini table from his car.
The sun sunk down below the trees as the beauty of the moon rose to the sky. She bathed the area in a soft ghostly white glow.
Meanwhile Alex and Demi finally got his tent all nice and set up. It looked a little worn down but it was definitely still usuable.
"Hey who wants shmellows? We got some dogs that need roasting too!" Cas called out to Demi and Alex. He laid out the marshmallows and chocolate along side the hotdogs, gram crackers and bread. Alex and Demi joined him by the cozy fire grabbing a few bits of food and wolfing them down like ravenous animals.
Demi shushed him real quick. He didn't want to disturb others and cause any unnecessary commotion. The last time that happened didn't end well .... for the other person that is.
Around them other campfires crackled and popped while kids and couples alike told stories and roasted foods. Some saying goodnight while others stayed out.
"So when the fire goes out, do you two want to go on a run? I'm pretty sure that stupid Cullen family is out hunting and I do NOT want him near our area." Demi asked Casper and Alex.
Casper thought about it for a moment and mouthed I dont care while shoving a hotdog in his mouth. Alex simply shook his head yes as he ate a burnt gooey marshmallow.
"Yeah it's a full moon tonight! And I haven't ran with you guys in forever!" Alex shouted a tad bit to loud grabbing the attention of a few nearby campers.
"Let's wait till 10. Most of the other campers will be asleep and in their tents by then. It would be the perfect time to slip out." Demi said leaning into his mate's embrace.
No one screams at his little brother for being excited.
"Yeah, it has been awhile hasn't it? It's about time we run and get a good idea of how big our territory is too if this is our permanent home." Casper said.
Demi nodded in agreement as he got up. He went to his and Casper's tent and stripped down to just his incredibly warm out pants. He didn't care if these pants got destroyed while shifting. They've been through so much and it was time to finally to get rid of them.
Casper got up from his spot and joined Demi in the tent. He wrapped his arms around Demi's midsection, pulling him into a warm hug.
"So when you want to head out love?" He whispered.
They both sat down on their makeshift bed. Minutes passed as they simply stayed still together.
A sense of euphoria enveloped him. What a lovely feeling it was.
He got up quickly, peeking out of the tent entrance way.
Neither wanted this moment to end.
His little brother crossed his mind. He left him out there by the fire by himself!
Hide and seek
Thankfully the fire was dying since no one was paying it any attention.
His brother was lying down on the grass. His headphones over his head and his hand tracing the stars as he sang a familiar song quietly. His head bobbing in sync to the beat.
Reason and rhyme
Grand and glorious
Living the dream
yours and mine
~ Euphoria!
As he sand the last part, his arm fell to his side. A smile was spreading across his face as he lost himself in his own little world of euphoria.
Demi felt his body shift quickly. Thankfully his pants were worn enough to not make hardly any noise. Brown, orange and white fur littered from his skin quickly.
The feeling of happiness and joy could be felt radiating from him once again.
Demi sighed to himself, grateful his brother was ok.
"Everything alright love?"
"Yeah, just got worried about Alex but he's fine. He's in his own little world right now."
"I can tell. I can feel it from here."
Demi went back and sat down. He searched for his phone to check the time.
9:57 PM
All of the other campers were asleep by now. The only ones awake at this point was the trio.
Casper's body morphed as well. Silvery gray fur with white swirls that resembled a starry galaxy painted his skin. His body shifted and the shorts he had were ripped quickly.
And just like that, a coyote that could blend in with the autumn themed environment stood before Casper.
The air swirled around Demi. With it, The smell of wet leaves and smoke with sugary delights. Demi inhaled the savory scents before making his way to the child that was still relaxed on the grass.
And just like that, a wolf stood above Demi in the 10 person tent.
Giving his mate a quick nuzzle, Demi slowly crept outside the tent. He didn't want to wake anyone or draw attention to himself. He still had to get Alex into their tent.
Demi nudges Alex with his snoot, urging him to get up. Alex realised it was time and ran to his brother's tent as there would be no room to shift in his own.
Soon after a small blondish white coyote pup came out. His ears and tail were probably the most unique feature both the wolf and coyote have ever seen.
Casper ran out of tent to give Alex some privacy.
'So Cas, did you hear what they said about us on the news? They think we are trouble makers!
Just were the ears attach to the head, Alex's fur was a shiny metallic gold color. His tail was the same way.
He jumped up into the air and started to run a tad bit. The excitment seemed to rub off on Demi. He too started to jump around with his little brother. Together their energy seemed to wile them up even more.
With a burst of energy, the trio took off onto the road. Demi and Alex yipped along the way down the road. Casper's tongue lulled out of his mouth while he ran.
Alex on the other paw didn't want to go digging like his older brother. He was more interested in the playground that was close by and the toys that had been abandoned there as well.
Ha! Can you believe that? Let's give them real trouble!'
Cas nodded in response. He started to slow down as they approached the dumpsters. The overwhelming smell of garbage that has been marinating all day under a scorching hot sun wafted around the trio.
Demi charged ahead of them. He loved digging in the trash, all kinds of goodies people would throw out for no reason was calling his name!
He chased after his brother though.
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Joe & Ronnie
Joe: [Enough time later that you might think you’ll not hear from him again, realistically like a day or two but given what you did it’d seem like longer/regret and dip ‘cos ya should but we know that ain’t it]
Joe: you spent Charlie’s modelling money yet
Ronnie: long gone baby like you
Ronnie: if you were after a cut shouldve taken it sooner
Joe: nah, it’s yours
Joe: his but sounds like he enjoyed himself, by her account
Joe: no need to ask what you spent it on
Ronnie: but you wanna hear my account yeah
Ronnie: thats what this is
Joe: do you think that’s what this is
Ronnie: youre not taking up space in my head mckenna
Joe: and not in your diary, as you pointed out up top
Joe: busy busy yeah
Ronnie: i werent asked to audition to be a doss student cunt 💔
Ronnie: & the one he brought back didnt fancy me enough to ask me to join in either
Ronnie: busy getting out their way
Joe: leave it a couple years you’ll be a mature student and they ask less questions
Joe: how rude
Joe: after you told him about your massive cock and everything? 💔
Ronnie: go ed and dig me up when youve graduated then
Ronnie: 3s a crowd when 2 of em are scousers & the others from fuck knows where didnt have you to translate or the horse for scale
Joe: after an invite? Sure thing, sis
Joe: not Kent then, gutted
Ronnie: less questions you said put your ? away gobshite
Ronnie: not england but i aint a skinhead who cares so hes as alive as dorothy ever leaves em
Joe: people love that though
Joe: black EDL members and asian conservatives, such a laugh for ‘em
Ronnie: too late to go back and put the boot in now he ll have been shown the door & it wasnt me getting a name or number
Joe: his loss all ‘round then, I get it
Ronnie: yeah
Joe: alright, so I need linking
Ronnie: you got cash or you selling yourself
Joe: I’ve got cash, just not the contact
Ronnie: hand it over ill pick up for you
Joe: you think i’m that green
Ronnie: what colour do you reckon you are
Joe: you’ve got no prejudice, apparently, so what’s it matter
Joe: [picture of some of the multi-coloured bruises you acquired]
Ronnie: he was a pussy & you want me to connect you to people who aint
Ronnie: youre an easy target
Joe: you wanna pocket my money yourself instead, I get it
Joe: you can have a % of the shit, alright
Joe: not asking you to do it for nothing
Ronnie: thats all theyd do when you show up with your baby face and habit
Ronnie: ill take your money & still have it pocketed cos i dont need student loans to score no shit are you asking me to do it for nothing
Joe: what you gonna give me to keep hold of ‘til you give me mine
Ronnie: add an arm to your collection what do i care
Joe: yeah, what do ya
Ronnie: you want a easy pick up get a schoolboy plug i dont know any
Ronnie: i care about money youre ready to waste
Joe: that’s part of the appeal
Joe: why get it in a safe, nearly legitimate way
Joe: half the fun, eh, alright, alright
Joe: do it then, I don’t know no fucker else I can ask yet, I’ve gambled on worse
Ronnie: i just wanna get it thats the fun
Ronnie: get into a fight with whoever the fuck you like whenever for a pissing contest
Joe: you wanna start one ‘fore I’ve given you the cash and you’ve given me mine?
Joe: that’s blatant bullshit
Ronnie: you wish
Ronnie: save your childish excitement for the phone call home like
Joe: nah, you’re full of shit that it’s not just as much about the company and authentic experience
Joe: there’s plenty dealers that are nowt but businessmen
Joe: nothing but a transaction and they’ll sell to a junkie and city banker as one in the same
Joe: don’t act like you don’t have a deathwish or what was the point of taking me there and showing me
Ronnie: where the fuck am i meeting buisinessmen or getting the cash to pay em
Ronnie: dont be fucking rem
Joe: everyone’s stupid enough to wanna get their dick sucked over cold hard cash every other deal, no matter how presentable or legit they play
Ronnie: ive got the links ive got
Joe: fine
Joe: where you wanna do this then
Ronnie: whats your problem
Ronnie: [but a location anyway]
Joe: what’s mine
Joe: thought we’d covered that in length or are you less convinced now
Ronnie: convinced youve got fuck all to cry about
Joe: obviously
Joe: definitely bother with you if that were true
Ronnie: you wanted a big sister im doing all the hand holding
Joe: I never did and I still don’t
Joe: but you carrying on with the pretence if it makes you feel better
Ronnie: i didnt come to you or ask for fuck all to make me better
Joe: yeah you’re blameless
Joe: all in my fucked up head and not yours
Joe: what’s it like being an 👼🏼
Ronnie: i already told you you aint in my head & you werent in my veins for long enough to get fucking soft about it
Joe: i’ll be there in [however long that’d take you]
Ronnie: boss
Joe: you sound like them, you know
Ronnie: i dunno who the fuck youre talking about
Joe: the rest of the fam, of course
Joe: glad to see that the level of chatting bollocks to make yourself feel better is genetic, s’not depressing at all
Ronnie: that still dont clear fuck all up for me except that youre a bigger cunt than i thought
Joe: you don’t think about me
Joe: and none of that shit happened, your memory loss and confusion extends to that, don’t worry
Ronnie: you like me but you still compare me to em every chance you get
Ronnie: fuck you
Joe: yeah, fuck me
Joe: like you haven’t just
Joe: forget it, actually forget it
Ronnie: youre as full of shit as you reckon I am
Ronnie: forget that its been ages & youre speaking up now cause you want something
Joe: i haven’t been able to flick my brain onto anything else, never mind shut it down, I haven’t slept or eat or done anything to take me away from it, you
Joe: and it meant nothing to you
Joe: fuck you
Ronnie: gear not me
Ronnie: theres the authentic experience you were going on about
Joe: no
Ronnie: yeah
Joe: this is what I mean
Joe: you know as well as I do what it was
Joe: why are you fucking lying and saying I am
Ronnie: im a junkie all i do is lie & nothing else means anything to me
Ronnie: youre worse than green if you dont fucking know that
Joe: you’re lying that it meant nothing
Joe: not lying that it did
Joe: even if it made you fucking sick, that isn’t nothing and I don’t believe you
Ronnie: dont believe me i dont care who the fuck are you
Joe: your brother
Ronnie: youre nothing
Joe: yeah right
Ronnie: the dealer means more
Joe: already pointed out you’re that much of a cliche
Ronnie: what we can’t both be a cliche take it then
Joe: never heard that one
Ronnie: nows your chance to make a final comparison between me & whatever family member you hate or are turned on by the most
Joe: final chance, alright then, sound even more stupid
Ronnie: sound like more of a pussy that youre kicking off over this but not gonna fuck off
Joe: why would I?
Joe: i’m not pretending that it weren’t a thing
Ronnie: nah youre pretending it was
Ronnie: whoever the fuck ever told you youre special is the liar here like
Joe: your mate don’t count, you ain’t done that before either so fuck off with your jaded routine
Ronnie: hes my brother when & where it counts
Joe: there’s no blood and no reason not to go there, that’s where it counts
Ronnie: if i wanted to fuck you too your ma wouldnt stop me she means even less than you
Joe: yeah
Joe: you and your life aren’t totally fucked because of how much you care
Ronnie: you dont know shit about me or my life
Joe: you wish
Ronnie: you dont
Joe: or do you, actually
Joe: you shove it in everyone’s face, what do you reckon everyone thinks
Ronnie: youve seen a few scars & now youve seen into my soul yeah
Ronnie: shut the fuck up for all you know i lived a couple of doors down from you for your whole bullshit childhood
Joe: you look like that and reckon it doesn’t scream mommy issues? Fuck off, you aren’t that dumb
Ronnie: fuck you
Ronnie: everything you do is pure about her
Joe: not everything but I can admit she contributed
Ronnie: shes the 1st bitch to fuck me over but not the only is the difference between us
Ronnie: that unwanted bullshit was a pattern
Joe: you don’t know me either
Ronnie: i know you had a set of parents who kept hold of you however fucking west you were
Ronnie: no cunt was calling you racist shit or trying to touch you up
Joe: you’ve got a monopoly on fucked then, got it
Ronnie: like fuck have i but mine dont start & stop at mommy dearest how you think
Joe: of course it doesn’t
Joe: neither does mine
Ronnie: stop acting like youre an expert on how and why my head is wrecked and i wont have to kick yours in
Joe: you started it
Joe: but that’s good with me
Ronnie: get over yourself mckenna
Ronnie: you like what i start
Joe: i prefer the other night
Ronnie: yeah i like when youre getting punched in the face too
Joe: you can do the honours in a bit
Joe: fuck healing, yeah
Ronnie: what did your girlfriend say
Joe: oh, I got mugged and her dad’s gonna get her some pepper spray and a rape alarm 👍
Ronnie: hot
Ronnie: but she ll have dreamt you fell off the horse only got the single fantasy in her
Joe: that her dad’s so responsible and caring? would be her #2 if she had the range
Ronnie: if hes delivering that shit in person let me know so i can start something with him
Joe: oh god
Joe: that reminds me
Joe: She wants to invite Charlie over for like, a dinner party or something
Ronnie: if her daddy is there hes gonna need that rape alarm back off her to fend off mary
Joe: 😂
Joe: idk if she’s that oblivious and now wants Charlie to fuck her, or she thinks he’s my only mate 🙄
Ronnie: shes over you baby i scared her off
Joe: or she thought you was gonna ask for a line 😏
Joe: if that’s true I’ll owe you, again
Ronnie: ket hook up
Joe: you think she’ll let her love be in pain on your behalf?
Joe: not likely
Ronnie: not gonna ask politely
Joe: hot
Joe: I was gonna hit you up sooner
Joe: I tried to find you after
Ronnie: you didnt try hard
Joe: I only had one eye, by that point
Ronnie: im an attention whore with screaming mommy issues cant make it no easier to spot me in a crowd
Joe: in that crowd?
Joe: or will you be pissy if I call you dime a dozen
Ronnie: still got the accent as my own personal rape alarm
Joe: where’d you go then
Ronnie: youre a tourist theres no point telling you
Joe: if you left with that lad, no need to go over the details, got the picture
Ronnie: why the fuck would i leave with him
Joe: you mean you weren’t in his pants for his benefit
Joe: careful, getting bit close to honesty
Ronnie: i mean to go where i dont need a horse or an en suite
Ronnie: youre a hopeless romantic like
Joe: that’s a new complaint, I’ll tell my exes
Joe: deffo their fault after-all, buzzing
Ronnie: how many are there
Joe: get less slut-shaming off Soph, cheek
Joe: I dunno, I had to keep it moving because of all the secret mommy issues, you know
Joe: I’ll do a tally
Ronnie: its not already carved into your arm no wonder theyre pissy at you
Joe: if that worked for any of ‘em they could come back from the ex thing
Joe: 💔
Ronnie: try her initials whatever the fuck they are in between dinner party courses and win her back
Joe: you should come
Ronnie: id be made up if she pepper sprays me
Joe: it’d be the only way this won’t be the worst evening ever
Ronnie: loads of ways to take out your other eye ill pass you a spoon
Joe: give a go doing my A-Z carving with it too
Joe: 🤞 she invites her twink classmate and you can try for your threesome
Ronnie: she’ll get in there before us cause youll have distracted me with the state of your cackhanded 💘 carving
Joe: can’t say I’d be sorry
Ronnie: you catholics invented anal but i reckon its overrated
Joe: you’d probably feel different if that’s where your g-spot was but can’t say I disagree with that either, not that that’s anything too deep to have in common so we’re fine
Joe: and raised strictly un-catholic so the pope can’t have a go
Ronnie: nah no cunt would find it if it was there either
Joe: 💔 baby
Ronnie: you mean it
Joe: yeah
Joe: which bit, though
Ronnie: my invite to the shitshow
Joe: ‘course
Joe: if it’s shit, you’ll only have yourself to blame for not livening it up enough
Joe: and I will have to kill myself if I have to be there sincerely
Ronnie: he knows about you
Ronnie: might wanna kill yourself if he opens his mouth
Joe: oh
Joe: so I’m gonna have to act all nice and respectful, yeah
Ronnie: if you wanna make me sound full of shit
Joe: what did you say?
Ronnie: told him i shot you he werent best pleased about it but youre not his brother so fuck all he can do
Joe: sweet
Joe: still not gonna fuck him though
Ronnie: hed get your g spot for you 🍒
Joe: not if he’s worried about my innocence
Ronnie: hes worried about my head getting wrecked not yours only bitch who is
Joe: you’ll have to tell him what you told me
Joe: I ain’t in there
Ronnie: you fairies bring everything back to your obsession with your mothers course hes no fucking exception
Ronnie: & cos i stole my file when i was a kid he thinks i give a shit too you were part of the happy 🏡 picture he was getting in a flap about but i tore through that 🌈 optimism with the 💉
Ronnie: you can have lively
Joe: better he knows than goes on about it
Joe: it’s far from 🌈☀️ even if you were up for it
Ronnie: every soft lad but him knows its ⛈ if not outright 🌨
Joe: when I started looking, if you were like them, I weren’t even gonna bother to talk to you
Joe: just give her the info and let her do it herself
Joe: but I knew you weren’t
Ronnie: told you youd have liked me at 9
Joe: 😏 yeah yeah
Ronnie: shed have bailed before scrolling that far back even with the pure messy sketchy shit kept off for the sake of dorothys cv
Joe: idk,she bangs on about her own glory days as ‘precaution’ enough
Joe: probably dead proud
Ronnie: raincheck on dinner i gotta go slit my throat after hearing that like
Joe: yeah, it’s real fun
Joe: far as starters go though, you’re welcome
Ronnie: cos you owe me go ed & drag my corpse there dress it up like horse girl and send her that info so i dont make her proud yeah
Joe: gotcha
Joe: the fibres sending Soph down are an unfortunate side-affect or added bonus, depending how you feel
Ronnie: dressing like a dyke art teacher is shady to my mourners hed have loved having me on the team
Joe: sure she wants to be buried in her jodhpurs, like
Joe: not gay but kink-adjacent, he’ll be alright
Ronnie: inside the horse youll have to hollow it out for her
Joe: poor horse not ready to be made into glue but there we go
Ronnie: but when youre ready to follow me to the grave only need a plastic bag
Joe: follow you anywhere, or whatever sounds good in a song
Ronnie: not had a little brother like that before
Ronnie: never know the mime is behind you or not
Joe: he shy or you cut his tongue out altogether
Ronnie: saving that for you cos i know how you feel about 🍒 & theres fuck all else left
Ronnie: hed never get attention whore out or mommy issues w & m forget it
Joe: I can feel the slutshame
Joe: there hasn’t been hundreds, come on
Joe: you were being weird, I needed to get you talking, it worked
Ronnie: how many then
Joe: I guess 6 total, not counting anyone before like 15 because that isn’t real, maybe 7 but we might be pushing the term girlfriend there
Ronnie: 💘 how many songs
Joe: not destined for the bin? Fuck all
Joe: cliche points off the charts though
Ronnie: i know youve seen the busking vids hes still got posted up that im in i cant say shit
Joe: you’re good
Joe: even when you have to go Top40 for the tips
Joe: class thing about the cello, looks more pitiful ‘cos the case is massive, people try to fill it, like
Ronnie: soz im not killing myself fast enough for you
Ronnie: miss me with your schoolboy cliches 🖕
Joe: don’t worry, the songs were ‘insert name here’ jobs if they were anything
Joe: don’t wanna sound like I’m singing about a 75 year old bloke, do I
Ronnie: if itd been changed you wouldnt have found me shit at stalking as you are songwriting like
Joe: you’ve already got your own song anyway, don’t be greedy
Ronnie: ill keep you some 🐴 if youre not
Ronnie: 1st thing i tried if you do wanna follow after us
Joe: trip down memory lane we can both handle
Joe: ‘course
Ronnie: dont have any exes itll have to do
Joe: prefer the ket
Ronnie: write a song about it
Joe: [blatantly will in a pisstake way]
Ronnie: k gonna be dead easy to carve with the spoon can do it rattling
Joe: your faith in my abilities is appreciated
Ronnie: youre not fucking here youll have to
Joe: just got out the station hold on
Ronnie: fuck telling me to hold on you hurry up
Joe: if you shut up I can run
Ronnie: can you
Joe: fuck off i’m not that unfit 😂
Ronnie: nah dead fit far as homos and horse girls reckon
Joe: lucky me
Ronnie: youve had 7 bitches no cunts gonna feel sorry for you
Joe: all various shades of boring though
Ronnie: no shit
Joe: so you’re saying you ain’t gutted for me? 💔
Ronnie: your virginity sob story is like me in that crowd of cunts you couldnt find your way through
Joe: Christ, don’t remind me, first and last time I ever went near a virgin
Ronnie: theyre all older than you itd be pathetic well as boring
Joe: exactly
Joe: too much hassle having to worry about them, destroys any point of doing it
Ronnie: gotta put their kids in the cupboard as is
Joe: fortune in gaffa tape, like
Ronnie: still not 💔 mckenna going on about how flush you are since i met you
Joe: amazing how far you can stretch the loans when you steal Soph’s food and do fuck all that ain’t necessary
Joe: not like I actually dated any sugar mommies
Joe: should’ve, clearly but carefree 18-25s are easiest actually
Ronnie: gears necessary now youre gonna have to start stealing more than her pasta shapes
Joe: you’re my manager now, are you 😏
Joe: there’s shit I can do, music gigs, it’s fine
Ronnie: fine for your baby habit
Ronnie: it wont last
Joe: alright doom and gloom
Joe: not gonna learn how to cover my teeth yet
Ronnie: fuck off & fuck you
Joe: i’m here so come say it to my face
Ronnie: youre not better than me cos you can nod through a cello practice
Joe: where’d I say I was
Ronnie: when you said how fucking functional you are
Joe: I didn’t, I said I could get cash, that’s all
Ronnie: so can i its not the fucking point
Joe: and I didn’t say you couldn’t so what’s yours
Ronnie: youre not a fucking kid at the pool if youre gonna pussy out cos the waters too cold fucking do it
Joe: I’m in and you know that
Joe: so let me in
Ronnie: bullshit are you
Ronnie: youre proud of yourself for treading water
Joe: you’ve got the plug, I’ve got the cash, what is the problem with that
Joe: it’s an equalizer, if anything
Ronnie: we ll never be equal
Ronnie: you can cover your arm run off to class & pick up another boring girl whenever the fuck you like
Joe: what do you want me to do, seriously
Joe: say it
Ronnie: stop talking
Ronnie: fucks sake
Joe: [Show up hun]
Ronnie: [I love the idea that they have to wait around for ages for this dealer in awkward silence haha]
Joe: [the casual tension]
Ronnie: [god knows what she’s gonna use to ease the tension with a lil bit o self harm because god knows where they even are, I worry about you and all the infections you would get gal]
Joe: [the casual one-upmanship until you’re interrupted]
Ronnie: [we know she’s not paying him in cash and we know why she’s not please don’t get into another fight Joseph]
Joe: [got to let that one go as she was specifically like you’re not better than me, probably fuck off whilst that happens ‘cos not gonna stick about]
Ronnie: [take your heroin and calm down huns]
Joe: [hope you take enough to pass out ‘cos you’re not gonna be in any sort of mood now either of ya lol]
Ronnie: [we’ll do you both that favour]
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