#surely they wouldn't actually have MURDER in pokemon
lollitree · 1 year
Congratulations to Lysandre, who’s kill count went from 0 to 2. He finally did it
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 9 months
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"can it be, that you actually CARE about those creatures!? you are just as crazy as they are!"
and yeah, he sure does care. so let me present you, batman n' his 'creatures' aka you become forever responsible for what (who) you’ve tamed.
(i remember watching the lock-up ep as a child, and rooting for bruce to save the rogues. i always was a villain-lover type of kid, n' those 3 were one of my fav characters in the whole show, so naturally, i wanted them to be saved. but that aside, it also simply felt idk, ‘right’ for bruce to intervene? at that age, i didn’t fully understand the complexity behind the topic, but it was one of those episodes that stuck with me for years. it’s actually pretty mature for a kid’s show to show smth like that.
i honestly wish, that the ep was fully focused on inmates and/or bruce investigating the abuse vs how it went into bolton kidnapping gordon n’ other folks. but hey, what we got was nice too!  there is something very lovely about the hero protecting their villains from anti-heros/villain-slayers. it’s a thankless job, clearly. but they still put themselves in harm's way, bc they don't approve of the abuse/murder. even if it’s their enemies. *or in some cases* esp if it’s their enemies.
now about the art...
idk, if the first one *the meme itself* was already done for lock-up ep or not. i mean, probably? maybe? either way, if it was done before, now there is another version for it.
n' ah. the second one is kinda just happen'. i was thinking about batman hanging out with every villain, who was in that ep. and how different it would have been, if it was actually about idk, batman, his rogues n' bolton trying to kill/capture them all or smth like that, rather than how it went in canon. anyhow, batman still wins in the end *naturally* and tries bring them all back into arkham, which is.....yeah, it prob will be difficult. mostly bc no one wants to go back lol. harley wants to see her trash man the joker, jon want to gas the city, wesker *actually* wouldn't have minded to go back, but the scareface wanna do crimes. n' bolton doesn't think, that he did anything wrong, so clearly he doesn't wanna be locked up *hehe, get it* with crazies as one of them. so basically, batman's battle for justice slowly turns into pokemon hunt.
in other words, bruce will have a long night ahead of him, with crane yelling into his ear the whole time. f in chat for our man bruce. he really needs it.)
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alteon77 · 11 months
The Bizarre Breeding Habits of Anthropomorphic Personifications: Chapter 6
It's a tale as old as time.
Two idiots fall in love. Two idiots fall out of love.
Neither one of them is expecting a baby to come along and derail their unhappily ever after.
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Chapter One here, AO3 here, Masterlist here
Chapter Summary: A sentient television that's also a life coach appears in May's dreams. Morpheus learns about Twilight, and compromises are finally made.
In her room, May sits on her bed and tries her damnedest to relax. Viego had jokingly told her that she had all of the blankets in the house, and while she had laughed at the time, the eleven inch tall, incredibly heavy heap of them on top of her kinda feels like it might actually be every one they own. Not that she would ever admit this to her brother, mostly because he tends to get extra sassy for a week or two if she lets him think he's right about anything, and she's not going to deal with that. At least not with everything going on in her life at the moment.
Behind May, there's a mountain of pillows crammed between her back and the headboard and she's got a ball of yarn in her lap. Her two short, thin knitting needles click and clack rhythmically in her hands as she focuses half of her attention on the tiny sweater she's making and half of her attention on the Dateline episode playing in the background. She's not quite sure why she's been so fixated on true crime shows lately, but everytime Viego catches her watching one, he makes a face, the kind of face that says he's considering locking up all the knives in the house and barricading his door at night. 
Which is hilarious. Really. 
Mostly because May's not actually the violent type, but if she were the kind of entity to take part in the odd homicide here or there, then there are at least a dozen instances where she'd been justifiably pissed enough at Viego to warrant trying to kill him. What she's saying basically is that his mother-henning over her (and that's totally what he's doing whether or not he wants to own up to it) isn't going to be the thing that causes his death by her hand. 
Of course, it's all really a moot point since May isn't a murderer, and she imagines that if she were to start a career of taking lives, she wouldn't begin with her own family, for fuck's sake. 
Her mind blanks, and she shakes her head in confusion at the curious sensation. What the hell had she been thinking about? Something with Viego and the way he grimaces whenever he catches her watching true crime stuff. May frowns at the strange white spot in her memory. She's pretty sure that she's already getting pregnancy brain, and given that she's barely sleeping and definitely keeping absolutely no food down, she guesses she shouldn't be surprised by that. Then again, her issues with remembering things could also have more to do with the massive amount of stress she's been dealing with lately..
And there has definitely been stress. The truth is that things have been… tense in her new house. For the past week Morpheus has been coming by once or twice a day, and Viego… hates it. Or, she supposes it would be more accurate to say that Viego hates him. It's not enough that the father of her child is near silent and angrily awkward during these little visits, but to have Viego spend the entirety of them glaring at Morpheus like he wants to wring his neck is freaking her out six ways to Sunday. And of course Morpheus, who has always been an ass where Viego is concerned, doesn't even try to play nice. There have been no less than four occasions where she was pretty sure she was going to have to break them up from a proper scuffle, like two boys in a schoolyard fighting over damned Pokemon cards.  
Not that she's the Pokemon card in this metaphor. Oh no. That honor belongs solely to the kid growing inside of her, which is more than a bit… dehumanizing. Can she even say dehumanizing given that she's not actually a human? May doesn't know, but she's going to go with it regardless. It makes her feel like nothing but an incubator, like she's just here to carry and birth the baby and that's it. Every time Morpheus comes to see her, she catches him stealing glances at her stomach, staring at the very, very slight swell there like he's entranced or something. Months ago, she would have taken pleasure in teasing him, would have playfully welcomed him to come and sit at her side and try to talk to it or something. But now… now when he realizes that she can see what he's doing, he usually clenches his jaw and looks away, unwilling to bear her gaze on him.  
And it… hurts.  
It hurts a lot. 
Before she can dwell too much on that, though, her television starts acting up. It makes a weird grinding noise, the picture on the screen flickering as the whole things begins shaking violently. May stares in horrified, wide-eyed fascination as two long, seemingly flexible tubes sprout from the side of it, the black plastic of these new appendages gleaming in the light of her bedside lamp.  
Wait. What?
"Young lady, why are you watching this?" A voice demands in a high pitched British accent, and it takes May an embarrassingly long time to figure out that it's the TV that's speaking.  
Which… is fair, she feels like. She hasn't really came across a ton of televisions that talk and… have arms? Are those arms? May really doesn't understand exactly what is going on here, but she thinks she ought to respond. "Um… excuse me?"
The sentient electronic harrumphs at her. Properly harrumphs. Like a stern English nanny. "You are far too immature to view this sort of programming," it admonishes. "Let's see if we can find something more age appropriate for you." 
The image on the screen changes, and May gapes open-mouthed at Dora the Explorer telling Swiper to stop swiping. It's… a kid's cartoon. Did she just… get insulted by an electronic device? Had her TV really just called her immature? What the hell has her life came to that she's got to deal with snippy televisions now? What's next? Is her car going to start yelling at her for speeding? Is her toaster going to call her a slob for never cleaning it?  
All May knows for certain is that this particular television is obviously a super salty, super petty bitch, one that seems pretty judgey of her. She knows that she should probably just ignore it, just refuse to engage in an argument. 
But, nah. The gauntlet has been thrown. 
"I am not a child!" May sputters indignantly. "I'm literally thousands of years old which is kind of the exact opposite of a child." 
Those new spindly arms wiggle like they're figuring out how exactly to work before they're crossed just under the screen, and it reminds May of nothing so much as the pose an angry mom might take while getting on to her kids. "You're handling your relationship like a child, and you refuse to seek help despite the severity of your condition. Like a child." 
"I…" May struggles to address either of those accusations. The damn thing isn't completely wrong. She knows that there's something not quite right with her body and this pregnancy, that she's waaaay sicker than she should be, but getting medical attention is a little more complicated than the TV is making it out to be. For starters, who would she even go to? She's not human, and any maker healer who could help her has either been forcibly conscripted into the war raging on her home world, has been killed for refusing to be conscripted, or is so adept at hiding that it would take a miracle to find them. 
And as for her and Morpheus' relationship, Tina the fucking television can go blow a fuse for all May cares. Every day that she politely tolerates her ex's obviously reluctant, very grumpy presence is a day she is acting like an adult. Full stop.  
"Look, my health and my lovelife are none of your business, Tina. So back off." 
The TV shudders violently, thick plumes of smoke rising from its top, and May gets the strangest impression that it's trying to… trying to move from where it's mounted on the wall. "My name," it yells angrily, "is Tammy!" 
Legs start growing from the bottom of it, and May grabs the remote beside her to press the power button as hard as she can, like that'll actually turn it off or something.  
Which, surprise surprise, it doesn't.   
In fact, it kind of seems to piss Tammy off even more.  
May is at a loss for how exactly to deal with the soon-to-be walking, possibly homicidal television that apparently really really has it in for her. She clutches the remote tightly in her hand, ready to use it as a weapon if she has to, but it doesn't end up getting flung at the TV. Oh no. There will be no such dignity for her. When a darkly-clad figure just appears out of nowhere in the corner of her room, she chucks it at him like she's throwing a spear. It's only several seconds after she's done this that she realizes it's Morpheus standing there, looking as gorgeous as usual while he catches her hastily flung projectile with ease mere seconds before it can hit his nose. He glares at her and then flicks his eyes to the TV, which at once stills and returns back to its normal, inanimate state.  
"You are dreaming," he informs her, his voice low and smooth.  
No shit, she wants to say even as she bites her tongue to stop herself from doing that. They've been civil to one another this past week, polite even, and she'll be damned if she's going to be the one responsible for breaking their temporary peace. "Yeah. I uh… I think I got that," she responds instead, though she's unable to keep a healthy dose of sarcasm from her tone as she does so. Her heart still thunders in her chest, and she presses an open palm on it like that might calm it down. "Where's the door?"
Morpheus studies her for a moment before he stalks forward, closing the distance between them to return her makeshift weapon to her. He extends it to her like an olive branch, a rectangular one made of shiny black plastic and adorned with rubbery buttons on its front. "I believe I have managed to address the issue of the portal that was connected to my realm. If I have succeeded, then it should not bother you again." 
Right. His realm. It's only his now despite that it had once been theirs. Rationally, she knows she has no claim on the Dreaming, that it will never again be her home considering everything that's gone on between her and Morpheus, but irrationally it still hurts to hear him take back complete ownership of it. She had loved that realm, had loved it more than she'd ever loved any other world, and the reminder that she no longer has the right to even visit there is like a knife in the heart. May won't say that aloud either, though. She's starting to figure out that navigating this potentially explosive relationship with Morpheus is going to involve the both of them learning how to keep their mouths shut for the sake of not setting the other off. "Then… what are you doing here?" 
Morpheus stiffens, going tense as if he's upset at her for daring to ask him why he's doing something. "I… remain unsure as to whether any injury you receive in your dreams will transfer over to your physical form." 
May frowns. "Sooo, you're just going to… What? Monitor me while I sleep from now on?" 
She snorts out a laugh, all too aware that that's a baaad idea for a couple of reasons, chief of which being how often a version of him appears in them. Usually naked. Almost always fucking her into whatever solid surface her mind has conjured up. Sometimes cuddling with her afterwards and professing his undying love to her. 
God, she's pathetic.  
"No, you're not going to do that," May tells him, still laughing despite the horror she feels at the idea of Morpheus ever walking into one of those dreams.  
He glowers as if she's just some lowly, insignificant thing, and she thinks she could smack him for that particular look. "What did you just say to me?" he growls, and she's suddenly very aware that he's still standing near to her, close enough that he's on the fringes of her personal space bubble. It's more than a little intimidating. 
She forges on anyway. As determined as she is to try and stay civil with him, she refuses to let him continue stepping right over her boundaries. "I said no. As in, my dreams are my own personal business, and you shouldn't be in them."
He scoffs derisively. "I am free to involve myself with anything that has to do with my function, May Westin. That assuredly includes your dreamscape." 
May huffs out a sigh and crosses her arms. "Were you watching me sleep again?" 
"You are asking how I, Dream of the Endless, knew you slumbered? Shall I explain my duties to you anew?" His pointer finger on his right hand twitches ever so slightly, one of the few tells he has when he's lying, and May narrows her eyes at him in suspicion. 
"No, I know what your duties entail. I'm asking you if you were out there in the Waking standing over me like a stalker while I slept." 
His face doesn't change because he can rock that mask of impassivity like nobody else she's ever met, but his eyes flicker for a fraction of a second in what May can only describe as guilty embarrassment. "Again, my function includes-"
"You totally were, weren't you?" she cuts in, unwilling to listen to his blatant bullshit on the matter. 
"I…" He glances away, and May thinks that if he were human, he would probably blush as he did so. "Perhaps." 
Well, at least he admitted it. Begrudgingly. But still she guesses that's something. "Okay. Then we've got to talk about the creepy Edward Cullen thing, Morpheus." 
His expression finally shifts, morphing into one of puzzlement as if he's trying to suss out what it is she's just said to him. He sits gracefully on the edge of her bed, settling on the plush, floral comforter like it's just another throne for him. It's completely unfair how he always manages that, how he can look so damn regal even when he shouldn't, and her stomach swoops at the sight in what could be either lust or a fresh bout of morning sickness. She's honestly not sure which anymore, but she's leaning towards it being lust when she starts vividly imagining him naked there as she climbs atop him, starts imagining herself rolling her hips as he groans beneath her, his hands clutching at her waist to steady her as she rides him with needful abandon.  
May bites her lip. These freakin' pregnancy hormones are really going to kill her when it's all said and done, and she forcibly tries to think of kittens or the Grand Canyon or standing in line at the DMV. Anything, really, to stop her from accidentally showing him what she's almost desperate to do, which in this moment is to fervently fuck him with all the desire that a solid two months of pent up lust can bring a girl. 
"I've no idea the meaning of those words," he confesses slowly, studying her oddly like she's broadcasting every filthy thought in her head in surround sound, and May hopes against hope that he's not actually picking up on what the smutty part of her brain is putting down. 
"Um…" she stammers, her cheeks uncomfortably warm in what she knows is a spectacular blush. "What?"
"Your continued references to Edward Cullen," he supplies helpfully.  
Right. Right. Twilight. She can… She can totally focus on that.  
"It's a…" May blows out a breath. It feels familiar, painfully familiar, to have to explain pop culture references to him. Despite that Dream has the entire collective unconsciousness kicking about in his awareness, he's still woefully clueless when it comes to much of anything about real life mortals. For her and Viego, blending in had been a useful skill, an important one. It had served to keep them hidden and alive in a world full of humans for many millennia, so she had made it a point to try and teach Morpheus how to better interact with the mortals they met when they took their sporadic trips together into the Waking. Though honestly, he had always seemed as if he thought these lessons were a waste of his time, and he had been the absolute worst student while she attempted to educate him on not acting quite so…. other around humans. "There's this book series that got turned into a bunch of films, and in them the main male character, Edward Cullen, is a vampire who sneaks into the main female character's room to watch her while she sleeps." 
"I… understand," he says in a way that lets her know he probably doesn't understand at all. "She is his prey then?" 
A smile tugs at her lips, and May looks down to hide it. "Nooooot exactly. They, um… get married, have a baby, and are fighting off a whole group of enemy vampires by the fifth movie." 
He regards her shrewdly as if he's positive that she's having a laugh at his expense. "Surely you jest." 
"Nope. Afraid not. It was a really popular franchise. Viego took me to see the fourth movie." 
"Viego? Why would he do such a thing?"
May bites her lower lip and stoically resists the need to laugh uproariously at the memory. "Not by choice. He, um, lost a bet with me and part of the terms of that bet were that he would have to wear a team Jacob shirt to the theater when we went." 
"Team… Jacob?" 
"Oh, yeah . I forgot to tell you about that in my super brief summary. He's the werewolf who makes the third point in the story's love triangle." 
His brows draw together, his forehead creasing. "I… have no words." 
"That's probably for the best. Viego had a ton of them- words, I mean- on the subject, more than I ever wanted to hear in a lifetime really. He ended up getting us kicked out of the movie when he loudly booed the wedding scene and threw popcorn at the screen while it was going on." May finally loses that fight with her laughter, giving in without intending to. Something in Morpheus' face seems to soften at the sight of her cracking up over Viego's antics, and it encourages her to continue on talking. "You want to know what the really weird part of that whole fiasco was?" 
"Because all the rest of what you've told me concerning this has been so very normal?" he questions dryly, a faint smirk playing on his lips.  
May ignores that because she doesn't think he'll understand that it was normal to a lot of people. "Viego… I think he really was team Jacob. At the end of the third movie when Bella, the main female character, decides she's going to marry that Edward guy, Viego went off on a two hour long rant about how Jacob was clearly the better choice and that she was an idiot for sticking it out with a vampire that was clearly way too old for her and flew a billion red flags." 
"Red… flags?" 
She nods. "Yeah. I mean I was team Edward, but he definitely did some sus things."
His nose scrunches up in the closest approximation she's ever seen him get to a WTF face. "You were team Edward? Whatever for?" 
May sighs heavily. "Because broody, pale assholes are unfortunately my type," she relays to him before she can really think about it, and when she realizes what stupidity she's just word-vomited out loud, she glances up wide-eyed at him. He looks extremely, extremely unimpressed by her answer. "Shit. Sorry… I didn't mean…"  
"What were the questionable things that you mentioned of this Edward's behavior?" he asks roughly, like he's forcing himself to be calm while he changes the subject, and May is strangely grateful to him for that. He's not the type to stick his foot in his mouth, but he knows that May is. And having him give her an out from this thorny and mortifying occurrence of it is… well, almost sweet. 
"He… tried to control where she went and who she saw, and he would sneak into her room and just stare at her while she slept." 
"I see. Despite that it is an odd way to woo a potential partner, this was clearly some sort of courting ritual on his part."
"They were all stalkerish things to do, period," May corrects. "And while we're on the subject of stalkerish behaviors, we've got to have a chat about Matthew." 
He goes blank, his mask of apathy slipping back over his features in a split second. "What of him?" 
"He seems to be under some ridiculous notion that he has to stay outside in the damn trees and spy on me."
There isn't an ounce of shame or contrition on his face as he nods once in confirmation of this. "Of course. I ordered him to do so." 
"Well, unorder him to do so," May says and when he predictably opens his mouth to argue, she cuts him off quickly. "He's more than welcome to just come in and hang out with me. I've always liked Matthew. His company… isn't a bother. At all." 
Morpheus regards her in confusion. "Very well. You are aware, however, that he is reporting to me." 
"Whaaaat? I'm completely shocked. Oh. Wait. Never mind actually." She scoffs at him. "Of course I knew he was reporting back to you. Why else would you have him stationed around my house like he was the world's cutest security camera?" She won't admit that it makes her feel safe, that knowing there is a constant link to an Endless who can get to her in a fraction of a second is hella comforting. Mostly she won't say this to him because she doesn't want to encourage his annoying tendency to spy but also… also because she doesn't want to own up to the fact that she might ever need him for anything.  
Morpheus makes a face, probably because she'd called his raven the world's cutest, like he's a puppy with a giant fluffy mullet and not at all like he's the esteemed companion to an Endless. But it's the truth. Matthew is adorable, and May would absolutely die on that hill.  
Nonetheless, she's got to finish hammering this thing out with Morpheus. It's not okay with her that she's being watched so much, that he's putting her friend in the difficult position of having to tell him things that are frankly none of his concern.  
She doesn't even get the chance to speak, though, because Morpheus beats her to it. "Then in the spirit of honesty between us, he informed me that you have been quite… ill of late." 
She's stunned, and she feels herself go tense with indecision. In the spirit of honesty is what he'd said. Should she tell him? Should she admit to him that she's been sick enough that it's starting to really worry her? "I… Morning sickness sucks." Unable to bear the way he's looking at her, she lets her eyes drift downwards to stare at the geometric design on her top blanket like it's particularly fascinating. "Viego found this tea that was supposed to help, but… I don't think it is." 
"Can I… Is there anything you need?" he asks her, his voice quiet, an uncharacteristic falter in his words. For some reason, she gets the overwhelming impression that he wants to reach out to her in comfort.  
It reminds her too much of his affection, of his care, and May's eyes burn as they well with tears. Once, she'd had that from him, and this kindness towards her wouldn't have been out of place in the slightest then, but… no longer. Thinking about the loss of him, the loss of their relationship, is a little like jabbing a serrated blade straight into her already bruised heart. "No… no. I'm… fine." 
"You do not… seem well." 
I'm not, she wants to say. She's so fucking far from well that it's pathetic, but… she can't explain that to him. She doesn't have a ton of pride left, but she's definitely got enough that she can't bring herself to let him know him how weak she really is due to the pregnancy.  
His brow furrows and his lips purse like he's disappointed at her or something. "And the fainting? Have you suffered from another such occurrence of it since your collapse on the pier? 
Fuck. She resists the childish urge to cover her ears with her hands and sing la, la, la, la, la at the top of her lungs in an effort to avoid this conversation. It makes her think that Tammy the television might have maybe, possibly had a teeny tiny point. But May doesn't want to do this with him, doesn't want to hear that concern in his voice that reminds her of when he used to love her enough to to be concerned. Now, she knows it's just the baby and the responsibility he feels towards it that's driving him to act like this. "It's fine. I'm… fine. The baby's fine." 
He purses his lips again, and May decides that she's going to name that expression his lip-purse-of-doom. There's a dirty joke in there somewhere, but she swears she can't scourge it up in her fuzzy mind to save her life. "You are attempting to deceive me," he accuses.
"No. I just… really don't want to talk about this. And… it's not really any of your business. I'm not any of your business, which is why… we're gonna need to set some ground rules on what Matthew is allowed to share with you."  
May's lips thin out into an irritated line. Sometimes, she really thinks that him being so obtuse is just an act, one meant to frustrate her into giving in to his demands out of a sheer desire not to have to tediously clarify things to him. "Yes. Allowed. You know what I'm saying to you, and I won't have your raven telling you every little thing about my life." 
He lips pucker as if he's been sucking on lemons, and it's a ridiculously sexy look on him. Seriously, what in the hell is wrong with her? "It is imperative that I-" 
"I don't care," May interrupts sternly, aware that she needs to leave him no wiggle room where he can try and wear her down. "Again, I will repeat that you don't have a right to that anymore. I'm open to Matthew sticking by my side to let you know if I'm ever in danger, but… what goes on with me personally is just…. It has nothing to do with you now."
"Nothing to do with me? We are to have a child together," he hisses, "and you would dare to inform me that I am not permitted to know the minutiae of your life?" 
"Because you're not. And I'm really trying to compromise with you on some of this stuff. I could have Viego ban Matthew from crossing the boundary of the wards tomorrow if I wasn't." 
He scoffs, the sound contemptuous. "Compromise. I am coming to utterly loathe that concept." 
"Well, you should probably get used to it. Like you've said, we're going to have a kid together. With the awkward co-parenting thing, there are going to be loads of compromises to be made between us."
He stills and then appears thoughtful for a moment, considering. "You believe we should learn how to… manage these inconsistencies in what we both want before the child is born. I… cannot fault such logic." 
May is taken aback in shock. "Did we just… agree on something?" 
His mouth curves up in an enexpected,  barely there smile. "Perhaps, but I… Will you answer me this honestly? The morning sickness worries you, does it not?" His voice is so… gentle as he asks this, his hand twitching like he might stretch it out to rest on her back in sympathy, and May is suddenly, irrationally furious at him. Everything between them is so broken, so stilted, and it's at least partially his fault. He'd been done with her, irrefutably done, and to have him now looking so earnestly tender at her just kind of pisses her off.  
Which is probably why she snaps. "What do you think? I can't keep any food down, and I hurt constantly, and I'm so tired that I don't even want to get out of bed, and my magic-" May catches herself before she can finish that sentence, closing her mouth shut so quickly that her poor teeth clack together. Shit, shit, shit. Cursing herself for her stupidity, she knows that she's messed up in mentioning anything about her disappearing powers to him, but it's not like she can take the words back now. 
He straightens up like a pointer hound on the scent of a wounded fox. "What of your magic?" 
"Nothing. It's fine." 
Tight-lipped, he asks her, "Why do you persist in lying to me?" 
"I'm not lying."
He scowls, and her stomach flip flops in something that definitely isn't lust. Bile rises up in her throat, and she knows she's going to be sick. Morpheus, unaware of this, keeps right on with their argument. "A lie of omission is still very much a lie. What is it you refuse to tell me?" 
"Listen, I need to wake up," she informs him as calmly as she can, swallowing thickly as she fights the urge to start heaving up what little bit of food she'd managed to eat that day. 
"No. Not until you've given me the truth." 
"I think I'm going to be sick, so unless you want me to choke to death on my own vomit, stop holding me here and let me go." 
His eyes bore into her, scrutinizing her as if she's just a bug on display waiting for him to pin her wings down. "If you must waken, then use your magic to pull yourself from the dream." 
"What? Don't be a jerk, okay. Just-" 
Unblinking, he observes her. "Unless you are incapable of it." 
"You're being ridiculous." She can feel the blood draining from her face, though.
He looks her over with an assessing stare, and she knows that he knows, that he's figured out exactly what she didn't want him to. "You have no powers, do you?" 
May gets to her feet in the dreamscape. Christ, but she wants to punch him. "Damn it, Morpheus. Get out of my head." 
"Then pay me the courtesy of being honest with me. You speak of compromise as one of the skills we must learn before our child is born, and I shall add another to that list. Truth, May. I am willing to compromise with you only so long as you are willing to cease this dishonesty with me." 
Her chest heaves in newfound panic as she stares at him, wondering over what she should do. She doesn't want to tell him a damn thing, but… he's not exactly wrong. They are going to be parents eventually, and it's not crazy for him to want the truth from her while they figure out how to navigate some of these issues.  
"All right… I…I  don't," she admits cautiously, her body trembling at the possibility of how he'll react. His temper has always been a problem, but when he’d loved her he had been more than content to gentle it around her, to keep calm in her presence no matter how bad their disagreements ever got. But… he doesn't love her anymore, and she's discovered in the wake of this fact that his anger is frightening as hell. May draws in a ragged breath. "My kind… lose our magic when we're pregnant." 
"I see. Were you to tell me this? Was I to know-" 
She crosses her arms over her chest as if she's trying to protect herself. "Look… being weak in front of anyone is… fucking terrifying. You… especially." 
He rears back like she's hit him, confusion and sorrow told in his features. "You believe I would… hurt you?" 
May doesn't answer for several moments, trying to think of how to diplomatically respond with a giant yes in a way that doesn't start another argument. "I'm just… on edge at the moment," she hedges. "I think with everything that's gone on in the past few months, I'm entitled to feel that way."  
His eyes blaze at this, a fire of his fury that's just been lit amidst the void black of them, and his hands clench into fists as his jaw tightens. "Perhaps you would feel less on edge in the safety of the Dreaming."
The fucking anthropomorphic personification. May almost throws her remote at him again. Is he really back on this? "Please tell me you're kidding. I thought we had agreed." 
"That was before I knew you were completely defenseless," he lashes out, his tone so deep that her dreamscape rumbles alarmingly.  
May can't help the way she stiffens in panic.  
His mood, mercurial as ever, flickers back and forth like a dying light bulb in a poorly lit room, making everything switch from bright to dark before she can even blink. It… scares her. She doesn't think it makes her a coward to admit to fear where his anger is concerned, and she reminds herself that Viego had designed their current wards so that nobody, not even an Endless, could shift another out of the house without spoken consent. "I'm okay. Can we… not do this?" She hates how small her voice sounds, how afraid she feels.  
"You are asking me to ignore the fact that you are utterly defenseless in this realm-" 
"I'm safe," she interrupts. "Viego's wards are-" 
"Wholly insufficient seeing that I traipsed right through them just weeks ago when I brought you home after your collapse in my realm." 
"They were set up so that you could always get in if you wanted. Not all of us banish people from our existence just because we're upset with them." 
It also probably had a lot to do with the fact that she still loved him, that she'll likely never stop loving him. When faced with the possibility of removing him completely from her life, she had been unable to take that final step, unable to visit the same shitty behavior on him that he'd easily shown to her. 
Of course, she doesn't say any of this. She won't ever say any of this. Not to him, at least. Her one-sided love makes her seriously hate herself. For fuck's sake, he'd yelled at her and kicked her out of her home, scaring her half to death then with the rage she could feel thrumming just under his skin, like he'd been so angry he could kill her if she dared to fight back. And May knows that he had been more than capable of it, that she had been lucky to escape his wrath without worse punishment. She's never lied to herself about what kind of entity she'd willingly crawled into bed with, never been idiotic enough to try and convince herself that he hadn't done terrible, morally reprehensible things to past lovers.  
She'd just never thought that he would do them to her.   
Despite that she had felt those stirrings of attraction to him during that very first meeting of theirs, it had only been after their ordeal in Roderick Burgess' basement that she'd even considered starting a relationship with him because she had believed he'd changed. She had thought (stupidly, she now knows) that captivity had altered him in some fundamental way, that he was kinder for it, more aware of the effects his actions might have on others. 
He had seemed regretful when he'd finally confessed his past deeds to her, and May had bought that regret- hook, line, and sinker- from him for a long long time, right up until the moment he'd turned his fierce, savage temper on her.   
Her admission about the warding brings him up short, however, and his whole body goes taut. "Upset? You believe I was merely upset? " He questions witheringly, his expression acidic in its fury. "Surely you were not foolish enough to think of my vitriol towards you then as something so mild?" 
That stings, and her stomach twists again as a fresh wave of nausea comes over her. " Don't call me foolish. I just… would really appreciate it if you could refrain from saying anything else cruel. I know that's pretty much your default setting, but I don't need you to make me feel any more pathetic than I already do. Okay? Thanks. " 
He's static before her, unmoving, the way that a snake gets before it strikes out and sinks its venomous fangs into a defenseless prey animal. May has no delusions that she'd be anything other than the prey animal in this little equation of him and her, and not for the first time, she wonders what in the hell she's actually gotten herself into. 
He clenches his fists more tightly at his side. "My… apologies," he grits out, the words rough. "I did not intend to… upset you" 
"It's… fine." 
"Do not use that word again," he seethes. "You are not fine. This situation is not fine. There is nothing that could conceivably be considered fine in any of this." 
She inhales sharply. "Okay. Sure. Nothing is fine right now. Is that what you want to hear? That I'm fucking scared? That I'm barely holding it together? That I'm terrified to bring a baby into the mess of my life where I'm currently being hunted like an animal? That I am horrified at the idea of having a child with an entity that hates my guts?" 
His face darkens. "If you would only come back to the Dreaming with me-" 
"And what, Morpheus? Should I come back to the Dreaming with you and subject myself to your attitude? Have a kid while I'm trapped in your realm? Worry that one day you'll get pissed enough to banish me again and keep our child for yourself?" 
Everything goes silent, her accusation hanging heavy in the air between them. 
He visibly recoils, stunned by what she's just said. "You��� cannot believe me capable of such a thing." 
"I don't know what you're capable of. Not anymore. I honestly don't think I ever did." 
He glares at her, and she's sure he has some asshole response to that, something callous and biting to throw back at her, but he doesn't get the opportunity to destroy her with it this time. Her stomach gives one last somersault, and May snaps awake, rolling from her bed to sprint towards the washroom. She falls hard to her knees, barely managing to get the lid up before she's getting disgustingly sick yet again.
It's her fourteenth time that day, so she supposes she's not really surprised by it. Not anymore. But what does surprise her is when she feels the cold cloth on the back of her neck, the gentle hands catching stray strands of her hair and brushing them back from her face. She thinks that Viego must have came back, that it has to be her brother tending to her, but when she looks up with teary eyes, she's utterly shocked to see Morpheus there, crouched down on the balls of his feet as he regards her worriedly. 
Her face flushes bright red in embarrassment. She doesn't want anyone to see her like this, least of all him. "Go away," she mutters as she closes the lid to the toilet and pulls the handle down to flush it. All of her aches, from her head down to her legs, and she can't… do this with him right now.  
"I will not leave you alone in this state," he tells her, his voice as firm as his stubborn resolve. "Do you require assistance to stand?" 
Her body trembling, her muscles worn out with fatigue, and she shakes her head anyway. "No. I've got it." 
He ignores her like he knows she's just being obstinate, bracing her with a hand on her elbow as she gets to her feet and carefully makes her way to the sink so she can brush her teeth and drink a glass of water. He stays right by her side while she does this, like he's frightened she might faint, and months ago she would have thought him sweet for it, but in their current situation it just… hurts.   
Everything with him hurts these days.  
"Is there anything… that might settle your stomach?" he asks lightly, probably mindful of their most recent fight. "Is there anything you need… or want?"
"No, thank you." She's aware that she sounds brittle, hollowed out. "I'm just going to… rest some more." She can't look at him, can't bear to see the pity in his face.  
"Very well," he finally allows, his voice so tender that it makes her eyes burn with fresh tears. "If you require me for anything, you will summon me immediately through Matthew. Might… we agree on that at least?" 
"Sure," she mumbles. "I can… I can do that." She still can't lift her eyes to his, still isn't brave enough to glance up at him. 
"Will you permit me to help you back to your bed?" 
May shakes her head again, and it makes her feel dizzy. "No… I've got it, but thanks." 
"Then… I shall wait to take my leave until you are comfortably settled into it." 
"You don't have to do that." 
"Please let me… help you." May flicks her gaze to him at last, stunned to hear the please that's tumbled from his lips. He's never been the type to plead for anything, and for him to do so is shocking as hell to her. What she sees makes her heart squeeze tightly. He's troubled, clearly concerned for her. His eyes have faded back into their usual blue, but there are no stars or universes within them as if he's so anxious that they cannot manifest.
"You could consider it a compromise between us. I… only wish to know that you are… cared for, and it is not something that should be difficult for you to allow me."
Self-deprecation twists her guts, but eventually she nods anyway, giving in to him and hating herself for it. "I… okay. If it's that big of a deal to you." 
"It is," he tells her, and he seems so sincere as he does that she could almost believe his concern has something to do with her and not just the child she's currently growing. 
Nonetheless, he dutifully follows her to her bed, watching as she climbs into it and reaching out to assist her as she tugs her covers up over herself. He looks almost… fidgety, like he wants to… do more, like he's yearning to console her, to hold her, to… something.  
He's an enigma wrapped up in a mystery wrapped up in the origins of the universe, and May is far too fucking tired to try and figure him out in the moment. Before he goes, he walks over to her window and pulls it open. As her eyes get increasingly heavy, May doesn't quite know what he's doing until Matthew flies in and lands on the sill of it where they speak in low whispers, probably so Morpheus can relay his orders to the poor guard raven.  
The last thing she's aware of is Matthew landing near her as she drifts off into unconsciousness, fading quickly into an unnaturally restful sleep. And for the first time in ages, she has beautiful dreams, ones so full of peace and love that she thinks she doesn't want to ever wake up from the contentment of them. Though she knows she will.
Dreams have, after all, always been such fleeting things. 
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faketokufan · 4 months
Man... I'ma just be real with y'all. I don't give a shit about Palworld. It's all Ive funken heard about the past week or so and I just... I just don't care! On one side of the Halo 1 ass team death match y'all are in the trenches of you have the overly zealous Pokemon fans who will needle the game to death over the slightest shortcomings and similarities. Buddy, pal, friend... GameFreak will be fine. They're gunna be ok ...
But equally bad are the ones who will take any criticism of their new personality defining game as an attack on the sanctity of their marriage or something. I'm sorry guys, the game looks painfully boring, if it didn't look like pokemon with guns you wouldn't be playing it.
But this isn't why I'm tired... If that was all I had to say about this issue I wouldn't have made a post about it on what is supposed to be a tokusatsu blog... Shit this is supposed to be a toku blog... What episode of Kingohger are we on?... We're in the 40s!?...... Man I let that one get away from me... okay!!! Not the point, not the point, we'll deal with that later. The point is! We already HAD Pokemon with guns and murder and even more obvious furry bait.
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Look at em...
Y'all wanted a more mature Pokemon? Man we've had that since the 90s! We already have Palworld at home! We are not stopping and spending more money on edgy monsters when you barely play with the ones I got you last week! You want guns? You want your cute scrunkle squinkle toodle pops to have guns?
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Do Gargomon and his funny little pants mean nothing to you?! Fucken ... This one is just a gun!
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Gundramon is just 30 guns in a trench coat...
Death?... Ya want death and mature themes? Some real stakes and some real consequences for our sins and transgressions? Ya want to Nuzlocke and pop your way though a story where Fido can die if you forget to give him his ear medication?
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Eat my ENTIRE ass.
Slavery? You want... Wait y'all want actually want that?... Like the whole putting y'all's dog on the assembly line to build Mitsubishi Outlanders thing has been in a LOT of the back and forth... I'm not sure what y'all are talking about.... Yeah...
Anyway yeah Digimon... Digital monsters. Digimon are the champions here. Play Palworld if you want, I haven't seen anything that indicates it's actually funding anything uncouth... And hate pal world if you want! I always advocate for more hate in the world. Hating things is fun!... Just... I don't care. I just don't care about monsuno for men. Bakugan for big boys. Telefang for taxpayers... Uh... Monster rancher for retirees....
...are we really in the 40s with Kingohger?...
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kindheartedgummybears · 9 months
ok well while I beta-read my own fic, I have the sudden urge to make a post about all of my scraped/put away/shared TDIM aus with my siblings! because I wanna talk about them💃
Vampire!Erin AU I wasn't able to find a way to set off
Werewolf x Werewolf Jerin AU I played with for a moment before scraping.
Night in The Woods AU me and my sister(@screamwhore hiii👋👋) played with after she beat the game that I currently have sitting in the deep freezer waiting to be thawed out.
Marble Hornets AU me and my sibling(@everglowingstars also hiii👋👋) made while watching the series back in March(?) I believe. We haven't talked about it in a minute though🤔
Ghostface!Jerin AU I played with a little before scraping/putting away, I'm not quite sure which one😅
The Ghost Rider!Erin AU I ACTUALLY BRAINSTORMED AFTER THE DREAM. It didn't really go anywhere though😔
The Demon!Erin AU I ALSO brainstormed after the initial dream, I currently have that one also in the deep freezer for now.
Werewolf!Kate AU I came up with and ultimately scraped, but that was before I knew ANYTHING about TDIM so it may or may not make a comeback one day.
Ride The Cyclone AU That rides into my brain again every once in a while, it's a dumb AU and it's a musical fic for god's sake so😭 but it is also oddly in character for the Lonnit crew so, for now, I just have it put away.
IDK what to even call this AU the plot was Du'met killed the crew and then made their body into little murder robots that run around. IDK💀 it's scraped though but it's still interesting. I also think I played with the idea of their souls still being trapped in their body they just couldn't really do anything but watch.
Grave Encounters AU I have no idea what I'm doing with💀 The Lonnit crew is just so Grave Encounters coded tho like you can not tell me Charlie wouldn't get them stuck in something like that💀💀
Spiderman!Lonnit Crew (minus Charlie) AU that kind of just spiraled into a SMG spiderverse AU? idk it's scraped tho☹️☹️ But it sort of lives on in the Deadpool x Spiderman Jerin au!!!
Speaking of Superheros, Superhero!Lonnit Crew au that never got anywhere :(
a Fantasy AU that is actually for the ENTIRE SMG game series(UD, HA, TI, TQ, TDP, etc.) That I've been working on for the LONGEST of time now that still has a lot of work to be done.
I think I thought about a Pokemon AU like, right at the beginning of my hyperfixation but it didn't go anywhere sadly😔 andddd yeah that's pretty much it, at least from what I can remember from the top of my head. Yeah, this little brain of mine pumps out AU in mass LMAOOOOO If you guys have any questions about any of them, like character casting or plots or whatever I'm 100% open to talk!! I FREAKING LOVE TALKING ABOUT MY AUS RAHHHHH🦅🦅🦅🦅
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heartlurch · 9 months
if u had to define it, what is it that u try most to bring out or represent in what u make, both aesthetically and narratively? I get a lot of the feeling if weird childhood feelings intersecting with like, adult feelings we don't quite understand yet- a kind of innocent puppy love that leads to a very sado-masochistic but equally innocent frame of mind. the idea that you want someone to be completely part of you, in every sense, in the most innocent- but not necessarily nice- way possible. like, when you're little, anything makes sense because nothing makes sense. (and also something something the inherent closeness of siblings...)
A real thinker. Hmm, how do I word this...
Aesthetically, I've always been drawn to 'cute' things. Little anime mascots, pretty creatures with bright eyes and long flowing hair. I'm inspired by things like Hamtaro, early Pokemon/Neopets design sense, a couple aspects of Digimon... My Little Pony! All things that have been dear to me since I was a lil kid. :3
I was also an edgy kid, though, so the kind of narratives I was inclined towards making were full of, er, murder, kidnapping, rape, slavery, cannibalism, torture... debauchery. Le weird age gap relationships, le interspecies, le forbidden love. (Funnily enough, I was late to the game with incest, it didn't really 'click' until I was about 17...) But yes, sado-maso, that was the core fixation. I wanted to see raw emotions! Misery! Scary situations! Dire romances!! And, I wanted all of these things to be inflicted to the pokemon, the my little ponies. I wanted to see those designs, that I was so attracted to, be put through this. Being honest, I don't think it was about contrasting something from my 'childhood' with something 'adult'... Well ah, real animals experience violence, death, rape, subjugation... *taps chin* I'm not sure if it feels like an 'adult' concept, because it's not as if it's exclusive to adults... Anything can experience intense circumstance, right? At that point, it's a matter of wanting to apply a sense of 'reality' to these creatures... Beyond that, it's also as simple as mashing up my favorite things together in a big pile. At that point, it's just incidental I wasn't like, idk, into detective dramas and putting the pokemon in that. (Not to nitpick too much... I'm just reflecting on my perspective. I'll circle back to this.)
Anyhoo... His little pea was thinking of such things at age like, 8, or something. Though I think I was closer to 11-13 when I was trying to actually write and draw these thoughts. None of this is so unique really; you can find tons of dA galleries from kids who want to see pikachu be fucked up and evil. As a result, I didn't feel like I was weird for what was doing, tbh. If anything, discovering fanfic dot net and dA made me feel validated — lots of people want to see this stuff! It was euphoric for a moment. Ah, so lots of people think like me... Cool!
I was mostly self-conscious at my own feeble skills. I'd have in my mind all these complex, winding narratives... Envisioning demon rituals where a kid needs to crush a live mouse between his teeth, swallow it whole, to complete it — but I couldn't remotely illustrate my thoughts. I'd barely be able to make some chicken scratch scribble of the design, and it'd be some feeble chibi lol. I felt a dissonance between my art and my desires. And it felt incompetent of me...
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(You wouldn't know this girlie is a despondent sex slave, would you-??)
How do I improve drawing things that are pretty, cute, and appealing to me... but also, how do I create atmosphere? How do I convey all they are going through? This is where it's difficult, because there's not much to teach you how to... draw your cutesy little critter, writhing in agony. Expressive faces and posing are such a hill to conquer. And then beyond that, I have to realize there's other art that inspires me... I really love moeblob anime girls! Frilly shoujo styles! Expressive toons and furries... The simplicity of something like Adventure Time. What do I take away from these things? How do I integrate them-? I was honestly so clueless about it for years. Kind of at a loss of how to convey everything.
By now, I realize I want things to be mm... fluid, fantastical, a bit boneless... But not TOO boneless, it needs to be! Grounded! It needs volume, weight, I don't want things to get too loose, too flat, too 'shapes'. There's a lot of beauty to organic form... Grit to the living body. I want to imbue my favorite designs with that! A mascot is often designed with no intention to see it twist, flex, roll around, writhe... I want to look at a design like pichu and give it muscle and organs. It has a skeletal structure! It breathes! It exists. With all the dreamy, unreal smoothness of a real mouse. :3
Beyond that, I had much to hone about what I value in narratives. Getting it down to a science... What do I really want? At first, I think I over-emphasized wanting 'bad things' to happen. Harm happened, but too much for the sake of it. There was not enough meaning behind it. What imbues it with meaning...? I've found that the answer is: characters being obsessively, madly in love. A love that consumes everything, a love that drives you to act in a way you can't understand. This is where you get into the 'want to be completely intertwined, want all of you, no matter what '. That mentality. The kidnapping should happen because of love! The cannibalism should happen because of love! The rape should happen because of love! Love, love, love. It's always out of love! Love is the only thing that matters.
As for your bit about "adult feelings we don't quite understand yet", I do ponder this sort of thing quite a lot. I feel like... a lot of your experience as a child is that people underestimate what you are capable of. It's kind of frustrating! You see how children are depicted in things... and it makes you feel microaggressed, almost, haha. I'm not so gormless... I have an inner world, I have desires. One can develop an arrogance about this even... I think kids are pretty arrogant, often. Since they know they're being underestimated?
But... you... don't know everything yet! You can be in over your head. That's the tricky thing; there's a lot you haven't experienced before and cannot put to words yet. There are feelings that you have, that you chase, but you don't even know why. Sometimes it's fully unconscious... or sometimes, you're half-aware of it, but you struggle to confront it. Maybe you'll let yourself 'get away' with what you're doing, by not looking at it head on... Ah, and then, I think about all the memories I have of being pointlessly scared or confused about something that was so simple in reality. There are so many anecdotes people share from childhood that I really dwell on. An innocuous post like this really sums up how you can have a very inexplicable but real fear, that gets overturned by something very arbitrary. DON'T YOU HAVE A 100 MEMORIES LIKE THIS...?? It's the comical aspect of it all.
I really like the respective 'flavors' of specific ages as well. So it's fun to get into the head of a 15 yo, a 13 yo, a 12 yo, a 9yo, a 6yo... And the intersection of different personalities and ages! What about a distinctly 'slow' or immature kid, paired with someone younger yet more mature? Or perfectly on their level? Or... [goes on and on...] How do they encourage one another, who instigates what, what do they incidentally stumble into? I love accidents. I love not planning to do something... not intending to do anything more than an innocuous game. Or a mish-mash of, one of you is more clueless, the other knows they're doing something underhanded... Indeed, it's not always nice. It's often selfish. Love makes you selfish, love makes you impulsive and reckless. But it also makes you covet, find things precious. You end up feeling protective, as much as you feel destructive. How contradictory it all is!! Hehe. As you can probably tell, by now, I could spend all day thinking about this stuff...
Now that I have my ultimate best friend forever and ever, my wifey, it's all I want to think about. :3 I feel like being with her specifically, is what helped me fully understand the appeal of sibling characters. I've kind of dabbled in it before but, it's really being with Avvy that makes me crave the fantasy of wanting to be born together, grow up together... Never be apart. We're inseparable and spend every second with one another, so it's very natural to translate our dynamic into something like the Yugi twins. How warm and cozy! Let's play forever!
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Bit of a tangent, but it's all relevant, I promise.
So hm... going over my art journey and all... As an adult, I've reached a point where I can reflect on everything I've been drawn to, and why, and I can understand what I want to make of it all. I felt more aimless before, and helpless about how to make everything harmonize. It all kind of felt like a big soup of disparate things I was trying to mash together, with mixed results. Now I feel more exact. And I can reflect on my own experiences and memories and use that to connect and explore characters. I like this... it's like my entire life becomes a reference point, something to pull from. A moment, a feeling, a tactile experience... It can be plucked and made into art. Which is lovely. At this point, it makes me a little excited when I experience stressful things, because it can be something I use later. Physical illness is fodder for a sickly character. When I'm bedridden and my wife is bringing me water, it's like some weird kinnie euphoria lol. My twin is here for meeee... kaff kaff
I keep trying to think of how to succinctly summarize this all... Maybe I can't. The last thing I want to say is I put a lot of reverence in my personal art, now. And I'm pretty severe about this, I don't want to draw something out of any other reason than adoration. It needs to matter to me. I have to love it. A lot of my old art is embarrassing, but as long as I was trying my best, it's not so bad. The stuff I truly hate was when I faffed off and drew some meaningless meme, just cuz my friends were doing it. And drawing things purposefully ugly. Making fun of my interests, out of shame, or something... I resent this. I won't ever do this again! If I draw Tsukasa... I need to make sure I'm conveying how I love him and how he is beautiful! At most, if I'm drawing something silly, it still needs to be cute. Appealing. A silly little comic. It's no fun of me, I know, but I hate meme-y art as a result. Useless to me. It's easy to be irreverent. Try praying to something next time you draw, if you want a challenge... *insane person voice*
Something something... oh, the reason I feel 'weird' and 'crazy' nowadays, is because I think a lot of people outgrow the edgelord, drawing pikachu crying blood phase. Or, it developed into something more... *squints* 'respectable'...? But I feel as though my raw desires haven't changed. If anything, I'm leaning into it allharder into it than I ever did when I was young.
I hope any of this was interesting. 🙇‍♀️
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razieltwelve · 9 months
PAL (Final Rose x Pokemon)
It was a widely accepted fact that of all the World Champions that had ever been, Diana was perhaps the most eccentric. A lot of that had to do with her preferred means of making an entrance.
Did she teleport to the arena? No.
Did she ride a flying pokemon into the arena? No.
Did she appear from the shadows using a ghost Pokemon? No.
Diana preferred to make more of an impact.
Diana's favourite way to enter an arena was to soar majestically over it on top of either her Charizard or her Gyarados before leaping off her Pokemon at a height of several hundred yards and then diving toward the arena headfirst before flipping and landing on her feet at the last second.
Now, like everyone else in her family, Diana was well versed in the secrets of Aura. But that alone wouldn't have allowed her to get through the fall unscathed. No. What Diana employed was a Pachirisu Assisted Landing (PAL).
Pachirisu (also known as the Murder Squirrel) was a Pokemon who had worked so hard to master all of the different forms of type energy that he had puked blood on multiple occasions. But it had been worth it. He was capable of learning moves of any type, which made him an absolutely nightmare to deal with.
He also liked to do his best impression of a hat and would viciously defend his right to perch atop Diana's head from any would-be interlopers. Thankfully, after Buneary had evolved into Lopunny, competition for his treasured spot had basically been reduced to nil. Sure, there was the occasional hiccup when Diana acquired a new Pokemon, but most of them evolved quickly, making them too large to perch on her head. Pachirisu, however, was the perfect size.
But as part of his duties as Diana's hat, Pachirisu was also tasked with serving as the last line of defence to protect his trainer from her own insanity. It was an unspoken rule amongst her Pokemon: Diana is insane, so we need to protect her from herself. As someone who had only found friends and a place to belong after joining Diana and her team, Pachirisu would gladly die before he let harm come to his trainer - but only after he had murdered everyone involved in trying to harm her.
As such, when Diana decided to do something insane like leaping off a Pokemon hundreds of yards off the ground, it was up to Pachirisu to handle the landing... which he always managed quite comfortably by using a number of moves in conjunction to ensure she landed as lightly as a feather. The fact that the crowd went absolutely insane whenever Diana made her entrance didn't hurt either.
And so PAL became standard protocol for Diana not only when she was World Champion but for the rest of her career too. After realising that Diana's children were also insane, Pachirisu made sure to pass on the necessary techniques.
Incidentally, Lightning was notorious in her own way for how she entered the arena. She had a very extravagant and elegant way of tossing her cape while entering the arena and taking her position. It was renowned for looking utterly natural. What nobody (other than her Pokemon) knew was that Lightning actually spent hours practicing to get that motion perfect. She even had Gardevoir and Lucario help her refine the motion until it was flawless.
As champion, Averia used to glare at people while she walked into the arena. After testing suggested it was similar to a dark-type attack, Averia started wearing sunglasses. She would only remove them once the battle was over. As a result, her fans would show up wearing the same sunglasses and mimic her motion of removing her sunglasses and tucking them into the chest pocket of her shirt/jacket.
After Cynthia and Averia got married, Cynthia would occasionally show up to battles with Averia's sunglasses on. People knew they were Averia's because on each occasion, footage would show that Averia's sunglasses were no longer in their usual spot.
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picavecalyx · 1 year
❛  you remember what i told you would happen if you leave, don't you?  ❜ Eris murmurs softly, not even bothering to rise from her seat. "Your Pokemon friends are still healing from your earlier...incident. You wouldn't want to leave here until I've restored them back to full health, right...?"
" ... "
A breath that followed no words. She couldn't leave without her friends, but she didn't see why she couldn't even see them. Surely she could at least see them, to hear their hearts, to listen to their words. Not be stuck here without even a peep or a sight of them. Not to mention, this entire situation felt...odder the longer she was here. She had evaluated enough that this woman had nothing to do with Flare, if she had, she would be back home by now.
Initially, that spelled good, it meant she wouldn't have to worry about anything like her father randomly showing up...But the longer this went on the more wrong it felt.
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" can i see them at least, please...? i dun't...it usually duesn't take this lung fur them tu recuver, they're tugh! "
Murder, especially. The murkrow was often the one to wake her up from the state of draining life, thus he had his own life briefly drained multiple times just to knock her awake. He managed to recover, always, even if it took some time with the pokemon center--as stressful as visiting those could be without an actual trainer ID, not one that was really hers. Either that or unregistered pokeballs...Which by now, was most of them. With the original three being under her father's ID.
" ...huw much lunger till i get tu leave with my friends anyway, eris...? i think it's guing tu be ukay, i've managed myself a lung while anyway! and i really...really shuld get guing sun. yu can always help me!! just um...remutely! "
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ashestoshadows · 1 year
(Yandere) Pixie x g/n Reader Headcanons
Random note before we begin: I found out through research that Sylveon was actually based on a Chinese myth called "Moon Rabbits," or something along those lines with another character too called Chang'e I think and I suddenly heard this play (the lofi song above) and I thought it suited Sylveon well, so...
⚠️ (Attention please for a moment! There's a small mention of SH so be warned!!) ⚠️
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Time for another headcanons list! Except it has to do with one of my own Pokemon, Pixie. (aka my dragon slayer, Sylveon)
He is obsessed with following behind you, almost everywhere but he of course has his limits. He loves the reaction people around him make when he snaps at people for trying to flirt or get all comfy with you, especially on a predatory level.
He enjoys snuggling with you and nuzzling into your chest and hearing your heartbeat
He enjoys comforting you when you get stressed and have panic attacks... His ribbons rubbing soothing patterns into your back as his arms are wrapped around you in a hug, it's just a shame that this almost felt like a false sense of security half the time.
"There, there... See my dear? There's nothing out to get you, because if there is... They'll have to get through me."
He almost always has a small little smile on his face, and it only grows when he's talking about you! Who wouldn't smile when they're talking about the one they love most in the world?
He isn't the kind to hurt you, no... That'd be far too cruel, he is the one who prefers to just lock himself away from you to keep yourself safe as he just goes on a murder spree or just harms himself for even feeling the urge. As a form of punishment
Sure, he can and will murder in cold blood, but he is a real sweetheart. He lets the sweeter side of him show so much more, especially with you, you're the precious treasure he never wants to lose! Not even to himself... The other side of him is much like the dark side of the moon. You never really see it. And it is better if it stays that way for your safety
──────────────── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ────────────────
I tried my best here, that is all I ever really do with these. And I just hope that shines in well and I might do other yandere headcanons and eventually do normal headcanons at some point for my other Pokémon, perhaps I'll do Cerberus next? Who knows! But anyhoo this is Ashes signing off!
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mdverse · 2 years
its never enough vb au no matter what </3,,
to honour the third chapter and to bring back something i have not done in a WHILE! here is a vb au ask : what colour would their bed sheets be? - as always, space :)
listen i am right there with u... every day i wake up and i sigh bc there is never enough vb au content out there and almost all of the existing content is just stuff i've made like a gremlin frantically trying to bring my vision to life while it's still constantly changing akdjfhsk. but i am working on multiple vb au drawings (most of which will only be on my patreon ksfdks sorry for the plug-in i have to advertise it somehow) but i am working on a drawing i will actually post) and ofc the fic will come together slowly but surely. i hope.
anyway bed sheets! what a random question i love it
finn: i feel like he would have star wars bed sheets. idk he seems like the kind of guy who would have fun lil fandom bedding? for like,, star wars and pokemon and stuff like that,,, still a child at heart yknow? and he has christmas sheets too bc why wouldn't he
santana: finn bought her volleyball bed sheets as a joke and once in a while she'll pull em out but usually she'll just go for sth simple like black or plaid
kurt: listen this boy has such fancy bedding all of his sheets are silk and he would murder santana if she got stains on it for any reason. that has nothing to do with the colour but i feel like it's still important. anyway probably light blue? though i could see him having a variety of colours
britt: i like the thought of britt choosing pastel colours, mainly yellow and blue, but like,,, patterned. lil cartoon cats or unicorns or whatever. not all of her sheets have patterns but some of them do and it makes her happy
sugar: i feel like sug has a lot of pink in general. just everywhere in her room. so much pink in every shade u could possibly imagine. possibly also some red somewhere in there but it is buried in the pink
quinn: tbh i don't think quinn pays much attention to the sheets she buys? i'd say she aims for floral tho, not super bright colours
tina: hers would probably be similar to quinn's, but i reckon vb au tina also went through a goth phase and still has the black sheets to prove it
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collectingthestars · 2 years
Insane anon back okay so basically- I grew up in a VERY Christian household (as I'm sure you can imagine from the pig incident yes we're calling it that now) my grandparents are extremely Christian and nearly all of my aunts and uncles are too, and the ones who aren't still do stuff like "don't say oh my god it's disrespectful" and go to church if asked and whatever. My town is generally like this too so everywhere I go I'm most likely going to see or hear something to do with religion. So I didn't really pay much mind to religion considering I'm really little and too busy collecting Pokemon cards ponder the possibilities of heaven or hell, much less moral philosophy and ethics which we're led to believe is what gets us our sentences in the first place. So my school taught us religion, but we had to have our parents say if we could attend or not. Take a wild fucking guess what my parents then condemned me to. So then I had to show up to a religion class like every day to learn about God and such. Now, because my school had only labelled the subject "religion" and not "Christianity" (which is the only religion they even taught us, dickheads) my small child brain registered that religion = Christianity and they're just two interchangeable words for each other. Which is, to say the least, not correct. But I didn't know that I was 8 and so I went on like this for admittedly longer than I should have qeygdjoaudgjldugas but anyway- I learnt all about Jesus and Mary and God and everything there was to know. Well when I say learnt I really mean "picked up as much information as I could" cuz let's face it teaching a religion class to a herd of 8 year olds who have had next to no prior experience to religion is pretty much just "yeah tbh I would murder my brother too I get it" "I wonder if Jesus played bass I feel like he would" "mr religion teacher what's a virgin and why is Mary one?" So yeah fun. But then eventually religion class ended for the term. Except. I was friends with a few other kids who were Muslim and Buddhist and Hindu and other religions that weren't Christian. And keep in mind I still don't know there's more than one religion I think it's just another word for Christianity. So while they're sharing their experiences with their gods and traditions and such, I'm registering it all as one big thing. And so my small child brain is like "oh I guess there must be just a bunch of different gods in religion huh cool I wonder when lunch will end." So all this time I'm walking around with the idea of like every god to ever exist (yes even the what 500 I think Egyptian gods they had) just existing at the same time and this made complete sense to me. And Diya my friend I am going to be completely honest with you I didn't realise religion didn't just mean only Christianity until I was like 11 it's embarassing but true 😭 I also thought Islam was a country. I'm so glad no one on this webbed site knows my irl identity I don't know how I'd cope with you people having a name to put to this 😭😭😭 but yeah point is don't be a dumb shit like me and teach your kids what religion actually means please I can't stand the thought of there being more of this nonsense. Also my religion teacher didn't believe in evolution and thought David Attenborough was manipulating us all. Idk how he got that job. But yeah. Bonus story: I asked my religion teacher "wouldn't Jesus have been black because of the place where he was born, why am I seeing a bunch of skinny white people" and he told me to ask Jesus myself and gave me a colouring sheet and walked away and I'm 8 I don't know how to commune with all-knowing immortal beings so I just wrote yes and no on my eraser and flipped it a bunch of times. So yeah if you guys were wondering Jesus is a black trans man and he loves abortion and autism and hates billionaires this is a fact because I said so okay peace ✌️
this is why we hate religion classes that only teach christianity, and that last bit about jesus, preach 🙏
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justmanic03 · 3 months
Amethyst - Chapter Twenty-four
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm slightly scared about going to Opaquia..." Mackenzie commented, his eyebrows knitted.
"Pfft... scared of what? Spiders?" Lisa teased, waving her fingers around to emulate creepy crawlies.
"Can you stop mocking my arachnophobia, Lisa? The joke is getting kind of old," He sighed in response.
"Well I kinda get why he's scared, I mean, Opaquia is literally the place where the greatest Champion in history fell to an unknown force." I interjected. My stomach was in knots at the thought of going to the obviously-cursed deserted black city.
"I'm not scared at all! You guys need to toughen up if you want to be the next Champions!" Lisa teased, skipping forward to emphasise her boldness. Mackenzie and I exchanged looks of concern.
We both shared the same really bad feeling about the quest we were about to embark upon.
Upon returning to where the flying taxi was waiting for us, I saw Crystal was waiting next to the Corviknight, petting its wings. She stepped forward when she noticed me. Whilst Lisa and Mackenzie proceeded to climb into the flying taxi, I waited, face-to-face with the region's esteemed Chairwoman.
"Clyde told me... you know everything about Flossi," she said quietly, a hint of shakiness in her voice.
I nodded. "I understand why you had to do it, but why keep everyone in Taldourse in the dark?"
"You make a good point. Clyde and Seraphina kept urging me to make an official statement about Flossi's removal from power, but... that would've scared everyone."
"How?" I inquired.
Crystal paused, scanning her surroundings, almost as if she were making sure no mysterious force was listening in. "Flossi is... extremely powerful. Even more powerful than Kossi was. He admitted that, himself, when he was alive. He was constantly singing her praises..."
The chairwoman proceeded to sniff as she recalled how much Champion Kossi adored his wife. "He'd be truly devastated to know the terrible things she did following his death,"
"Terrible things...?" I crossed my arms.
Crystal proceeded to step closer to me. "Y/N... even though I have yet to face you in battle, I truly believe that you're the strongest and most promising trainer Taldourse has to offer. Therefore, I shall entrust you with this story..."
~ Flashback~
"We had nothing to do with your husband's death, Flossi. Why would we murder our own Champion?" Louis asked.
"Well, I can think of a multitude of reasons, actually! Jealousy being one!" Flossi clapped back furiously.
"That's nonsense and you know it." Crystal interjected. "We adored Kossi, the whole region did!"
The Champion then proceeded to roll her eyes, which were heavily stained by tears of grief. "You loved him so much that you decided to MURDER HIM!"
"I'm trying to comprehend how you could even arrive at this absurd conclusion, Flossi. We weren't anywhere near the Opaquia gym when it happened, and you know that," Seraphina said softly, as the calmest person in the room.
"So what?! You could've hired someone else to do it and feign it as a Pokemon battle! Regardless, not a single other person in Taldourse has a motive!"
The Elite Four all proceeded to exchange looks with one another. No matter what any of them said, it was worthless. She just wouldn't listen. She was steadfast in her belief that they were the ones responsible for her husband's death.
"Flossi... I know you're grieving..." Crystal began. "But... you're being completely irrational."
"Exactly what a murderer would say. Stop with the gaslighting already, and just admit the truth!" Flossi raged.
"We all promise you that if there was anything we could've done to save Kossi, we would've done it! We had nothing to do with his death!" Clyde cried out. He looked to his left, both Louis and Seraphina had tears in their eyes.
"Flossi... it pains me so much that it has come to this but... I'm afraid you can't go on like this, as Champion." Crystal spoke up. She was shaking, clearly heartbroken that she had to make this tough decision.
Flossi turned around to face her, squinting. "Wait... what?!"
Clyde was the next to speak up. "You've been running around the place, stealing and spreading lies about us, telling people that we murdered Kossi! As those that govern this region, we all agree that we can't permit that."
Flossi then turned her head to look at Seraphina, whose tears were streaming down her face by this point. "I'm sorry, Flossi, I'm so so sorry... about Kossi, about everything, but, I'm afraid you're not fit to be Champion anymore. You're grieving, and you're lashing out, and that's completely understandable, but... the safety of our beloved nation must be Paramount."
"Typical. First you take away my husband, now you're taking away my livelihood. I always knew you were a ruthless bunch. Must be in the genes considering all your families were corrupt as hell." Flossi snapped.
"That was uncalled for!" Seraphina yelled.
Flossi then turned to the youngest member of the Elite Four. "Louis?"
"I'm afraid I agree with the decision to revoke your championship." He said quickly, to avoid breaking down.
The room was then enveloped in silence. Flossi turned away, digesting the devastating blow she had been dealt, before rising to her feet. She kept her face stiff, in desperate attempt to hide her pain and vulnerability to the heartbroken Elite Four. "Whatever..." she mumbled. "I'm not going to sit here and grovel to a bunch of murderers. You can take away my title in writing if you wish. But know this: Kossi and I will ALWAYS be the Champions of Taldourse. I'm the most powerful trainer in the region. And you can never take THAT away from me."
"Even so, you must return the crowns to us." Crystal instructed.
"Get lost." Flossi spat back in anger. "Kossi was the only person in the world to have EVER loved me! That Crown is the only thing I have left to remember him by. You murderers will NEVER, EVER take that away from me! I'm not giving you anything, you've already taken everything away from me."
"You can live your whole life believing that we killed your husband, but that doesn't make it true." Clyde spoke up.
Flossi disregarded this comment, and instead raised a finger, pointing directly at the Elite Four. "This is NOT over. I'm getting out of this hellhole for now. But I will get justice for my love someday. Kossi's death WILL be avenged."
"We are truly sorry it has come to this..." Louis began, yet was cut off again by the disgraced Champion.
"You make me sick to my stomach. I'm going to destroy you all."
And with that, she disappeared...
*End of Flashback*
After this conversation, I felt decidedly less comfortable with the whole mission. I stepped away from Crystal, and she appeared to pick up on my change in demeanour, nodding understandingly.
"It's not up to me which side you choose to believe... after all, it will remain a case of "he said she said" indefinitely,"
I nodded, turning to make my way into the flying taxi where Lisa and Mackenzie were waiting.
"Unless..." Crystal continued, causing me to snap my head back around.
"Unless someone somehow finds the real perpetrator behind Kossi's death."
As I began my ascent up into the flying taxi, the Chairwoman uttered her quietest words yet,
"Please be careful..."
0 notes
Holy shit what a sitch to wake up to.
First of all, Black Butler anon, I'm so sorry for everything you've gone through and I hope you're doing better.
Second of all, good on you, mod, for having critical thinking skills and not running with a kneejerk reaction of "this person like x? they must be y!" You may not use the label proship (and that's your prerogative; anyone who tries to force it on you is an ass) but that's a proship stance and that's honestly how fandom used to be. It's such a shame antis have made fandom such an unsafe place to be now. The main ideas of proship are "ship and let ship," "your kink is not my kink and that's okay" (or kinktomato), "fiction affects reality but not 1:1," and "fiction is not reality." Somehow the last two got conflated so people (antis) think the mantra is "fiction does not affect reality" and I'm not sure if they genuinely believe that or they're building a strawman to make themselves look more right, though I wouldn't put it past them either way. Besides, anything can be problematic if you look deeply enough. The other anon mentioned How's Moving Castle with the age gap thing (which I never noticed until now, wow), but I'd also like to add Pokemon to the mix. Making our pets battle each other, some people don't like that. Making them do contests, is that not reminiscent of child beauty pageants? Lusamine is a perfect example of an abusive parent. Antis think depiction = endorsement. If you show it, you condone it. But that's not the case at all.
Not to go all English teacher but to use a classic example, Lolita. The kneejerk reaction to hearing the name, especially if you've never looked into the work, is to think it's a love story about this guy and his stepdaughter and promotes pedophilia and obviously that's bad (and something the movies get wrong constantly), but if you actually read the book, you'll know it's anything but romantic. It's a satire. The character (HH) is not only on trial for murder, but he's using his words (telling) to paint himself as the good guy (Lolita seduced him, Your Honor, the 12yo child seduced the fully grown adult man!), but the author, (Vladimir Nabokov), is showing us he's a piece of shit (aside from the obvious, he gives her money in exchange for *favors* and then steals it back so she can't save up to get away from him). If you only read what's on the page, then obviously you believe HH is a poor victim. If you use your brain and read between the lines, you'll know he's not only unreliable but a piece of shit. We learn from an early age author does not equal narrator, and people who can't separate the two (or worse, refuse to admit there's a difference) are not only worse off for not using their brain, but they use their severely misinformed reading of the book to "warn" others from forming their own opinions lest they get the "wrong" idea. Ironic.
Third of all, fuck fishing on PFQ, I wish it was better or just not boring and tedious. At least on PH it's cute.
I said what I said but I will be posting this because I couldn't explain it better myself (also for anyone who isn't unaware, "proship" DOES NOT STAND FOR "PROblematic ship" it means exactly how BB explained it above).
And also because FUCK FISHING ON PFQ.
I didnt know they had it on PH but then again I'm totally clueless when it comes to that game T_T
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Pls can you do a HC for the lads looking after you when you’re scared like after you’ve watched a scary movie and can’t sleep 😘🥰❤️
💮 teases you and calls you a baby for being scared
💮 is secretly just as scared as you
💮 glad you can't sleep because he gets to play the hero and cuddle you and isn't alone feeling scared of the dark himself
💮 definitely enjoys winding you up saying things like "wait, what was that... did you hear that too?"
💮 tells you not to worry cause he's there, he can protect you from anything
💮 It was definitely his idea to watch a scary movie, only managed to convince you to watch it with him by telling you its not that scary and you can watch it in the daytime. 
💮 puts something funny on afterwards to distract you
💮 jokes about the film to make it less scary, points out all the dumb and ridiculous things that happened
💮 probably tells you you're much to smart to get killed off in a horror film, says you’d be the sexy final girl
💮 distracts you with sex then reminds you that if you have sex in a horror film you die.
💮 Is honestly surprised you're scared by it because you guys usually laugh at this kind of shit. 
💮 teases you at first but when he realises how scared you are he feels bad and is super sweet to you
💮 Won't let you sleep with the light on but will sit up stroking your hair and stuff until you're asleep. 
💮 Puts on of his earphones in your ears and plays Pokemon music till you fall asleep
💮 If all else fails he will stay up with you all night.
💮 "Why did we choose to watch this again?"
💮 Is more scared than you when the movies on but afterwards you're the one who is more scared. He's only tense when he's watching it. You're jumpy for hours afterwards.
💮 Sits and dissects the plot and all the kills until he's completely pulled apart the whole film. Points out all the things that wouldn't really happen. Points out all the ways the victim could have escaped and been fine. 
💮 When it comes to going to sleep he already knows you're gonna be a big wuss about it so is already prepared to be up a long time whilst you jump at any and every noise. Every time you ask "did you hear that," he sighs, "yes, it was the radiators, yes it was next door, yes it was the wind..." 
💮 Too smart to be scared, tells you you're too smart to be scared too. Hugs and kisses and is very soft with you but "cmon y/n, you know it's not a zombie apocalypse outside...why would there be one lone zombie stumbling around the house...." or "people only get murdered by people they know... is your brother Norman bates? no..."
💮 The softest and sweetest boy but also a complete shit about it. Looks after you and comforts you but makes sure you know how daft you're being. 
💮 "Oh aye cause everybody knows the duvet has often stopped a serial killer in his tracks," "yknow the whole if I can't see them they can't see me isn't actually true yeah love?" 
💮 Finds it all very amusing when you jump at sudden noises but is there to give you a cuddle and tell you not to be scared. 
💮 knows that if you don't fall asleep in his lap whilst you're watching the TV or something then you aren't going to fall asleep at all so even if you claim not to be that scared by the end of the day he's making sure you're cuddled up with him watching the sopranos or something until you fall asleep. 
💮 When you wake up in the middle of the night from a bad dream he opens his arms and pulls you up to sleep on his chest. Sleepy kisses and playing with your hair. 
💮 Definitely the "you don't need to be scared, daddy's gan protect you" type
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nightingaleflow · 2 years
idk how the numbers got messed up hahaha
Who is your best friend?  Tell us about them!
What is your favorite childhood memory?
What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
Who do you look up to?
What is your favorite type of media (TV, movie, books, etc)?  Name some specific favorites (which shows, movies, books, etc do you like)!
What’s the best way to cheer you up?
What makes you sad?
Freebie!  "Will you ever try cooking with Rukia again?"
Yeah, the numbering system is really weird on Tumblr. But oh well, on to the questions! <3
~Nezumi Chisaki~
Who is your best friend? Tell us about them!
"My best friend…honestly, it's Rock. Don't get me wrong, I like Sakura and Choji. They're very nice! Don't get the wrong idea!
But Rock…he never tries to push me beyond my comfort level. He always checks in with me to make sure I'm ok. I never have to worry when I'm with him, even if we're doing something scary, because I know I can trust him to have my back.
Yes, he's my…b-boyfriend. But he's my best friend too."
~Holly Reed~
What is your favorite childhood memory?
"Coming home from the hospital after getting attacked by the alligator. My family threw me a party for surviving, and I not only got to try my favorite food - fried alligator - for the first time, but my uncle gave me a gator skull as a present.
Gus the Christmas Gator still sits in my room, guarding the door in his little Santa hat."
What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
"Free time…that sounds nice.
Ok, but seriously, I'm not really sure I can call the time I'm not drawing or communicating with clients 'free time'. I'm the DM for my D&D group, so I spend about four to six hours every Wednesday running our games. But I also have to plan things out ahead of time - board layouts, enemies, potential storylines, and so on.
I do like playing regular board games as well, if Mariana, Evie, and I all happen to have the night off. It doesn't really matter what kind, but I prefer games with a defector such as The Resistance and Dead of Winter. It adds an element of surprise and strategy even if I've played them a million times before.
That's how Evie talked me into trying Among Us, by the way. I normally don't play video games, but Among Us was a lot of fun, even if she did yell at me for framing her for the murder in Electrical."
~Evie Moss~
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
"Learning to walk again. Have you ever had to relearn how to do something you had been doing for years? Because lemme tell you, that shit was hard. It was like I'd been playing through the tutorial for a Pokemon game only to realize I was actually playing Cuphead."
0/10, would not recommend."
Who do you look up to?
"God…so many people.
Brianna Scurry was my first idol back when I played soccer. She was the first black woman and first woman goalkeeper to be elected to the National Soccer Hall of Fame. I still have her poster on my bedroom wall.
I also have a bunch of esports idols. Remilia. Geguri. Maddiesuun. Obviously, women are just as good as men at gaming, but esports is still a massive dickfest, so any time one of us "makes" it, it's a serious moment of admiration because we all know how hard we had to work and what challenges we had to overcome to get where we are.
There's also my parents. They never failed to support me or encourage me no matter what I put them through. They might not always understand me, but they always try, and I couldn't ask for anything more.
Then there's Rock Lee and Might Guy from Naruto. Some might say it's dumb to idolize fictional characters, but those people should go fuck themselves. I was a fan of them anyway back when I was an athlete because they always encouraged me to work hard and do my best. But after I lost my leg, watching them deal with their struggles helped me deal with my own.
And of course, Mariana and Holly. God knows I wouldn't even be here without them. But even without that, they've never failed to be there for me or help me. I couldn't ask for better friends, or sisters really."
~Mariana Rosales~
What is your favorite type of media (TV, movie, books, etc)? Name some specific favorites (which shows, movies, books, etc do you like)!
"Anime. I'm not ashamed to say I was always a weeb. I started watching Sailor Moon when I was really little, and I never saw a reason to grow out of it.
Obviously, I still love Sailor Moon - Sailor Pluto is my queen. Naruto is obviously fantastic - my signature cosplay is Sakura Haruno, and it's a show that really helped myself and mis hermanas deal with some stuff. Soul Eater was great, Konosuba was great, Pokemon, Sword Art Online…dios, I could go on.
Right now, I'm watching through Boruto with Evie and Holly. I'm not entirely sure what to think about it yet, but I hate that Sakura ended up marrying Sasuke. She deserves so much better."
~Aki Kamiya~
What’s the best way to cheer you up?
"Be Gaara. If you aren't Gaara, food is always appreciated."
What makes you sad?
"The people I love being hurt, especially if I was in a position to protect them and failed."
Freebie! - Will you ever try cooking with Rukia again?
"Certainly, as long as she's willing. I've had more than my share of kitchen disasters over the years. I have no reason to hold that against her. I just can't guarantee the results will be any better if I end up being the one cooking."
Thanks for the asks, Jmor! <3
OC Interview Questions
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proximasc0rner · 2 years
Trigger Warning: Abortion
You haven't met all of my OCs, and they're all very different. Some of them are good, and some (maybe two at the most lmao) are evil as fuck. But they all agree on at least one thing: Anyone with a uterus has a right to choose whether or not to get an abortion. Period. So, without further ado, my OCs thoughts on abortion: Allen (Mandela Catalogue): "... Are you being serious? Is this a serious question? Uh, yeah, well, I do. And besides, even if I didn't, I don't have a uterus, so it isn't my call to make anyway." Astrobot (Minecraft): "I must not let a human being come to harm, at least according to the laws of robotics. I would hardly call a fetus a human being. Its carrier, however, is." Blake (Creepypasta): "Wait, what was the question again? Oh, abortion rights? Well, yeah, of course, I support it! I mean, I don't wanna be stuck raising any kids just because I, uh, have fun every once in a while, if you catch my drift." Charlie (Wordgirl): "I'm twelve and I've had my first period. So like, what if the worst happens and I get, y'know, pregnant? I can't be a mom at this age! I absolutely think that anyone should be allowed to get an abortion." Chloe: "Well, that's a stupid question. Yes, I support a person's bodily autonomy... What's that? Why do I commit murder on a regular basis then? I dunno, ask my boss." Cress (Beauty and the Beast): "Oh, abortions are safer in your time period? Then absolutely, yeah!" Diana (Misc.): "I certainly don't plan on getting one, myself, but I have no interest in controlling what other people do with their bodies." DJ Sharq (Splatoon): "Yo, you guys grow fetuses *inside* you? ...Gross. I'd want to get rid of it, too." Jackie (Pokemon): "Oh my Arceus, of course! I may be um, a criminal, but at least I know that controlling whether other people have a kid or not is totally wrong!" Lake (Embarrassing Sofia the First x Miitopia OC): "Why is this a question you're asking? Of course, I support other people's right to choose." Pax (Star Wars): "Yes, obviously. I've had to do it once myself, actually. Probably would've died if I hadn't." Proxima (Self-insert lol): "Oh my stars, people actually wanna control Earthling's bodies? That's uh, interesting, but like in a bad way." Ruth (Misc.): "Oh, that's legal in your century? But they're trying to make it not legal? That would be taking a huge jump backwards, wouldn't it?" Seer (Undertale): "Well, to put it simply, yes. I may have a disease for humans, but I know that they at the very least have a right to do what's best for themselves." t'Nai (Star Trek TNG): "Wait, that's still something humans are arguing about in the 21st century? That's pathetic." Trevor (Backrooms): "W-well, yeah, of course! I mean, it's a little difficult to find the right tools and professionals to do it in the Backrooms, but of course if that's what someone wants or needs to do, I'm all for it." Urzoth (LOTR): "I've never heard of such a concept. Sounds convenient. Sure, I support it." Yuki (PMMM): "Yeah! Yeah. I think everyone has a right to not have babies! Wait, that sounds weird. I mean, it probably sounds weird because it's obvious, ehehe..." THERE YOU HAVE IT FOLKS, ALL OF MY OCS SUPPORT ABORTION RIGHTS. Remember, even if you don't want to have an abortion, that doesn't give you the right to tell other people that they can't. That's all for now!
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