#surprised no one has been asking about Caine...
moshieee · 8 months
More random questions bc im delving deep.
Is it like, forced employment, or like can the souls just go ‘nah’ and leave
What does a powerful soul entail? Since I know I’m pretty sure lots of people would have different interpretations of it
You said it’s an inbetween, so like, a stasis,.: do the moon and sun directly control that stasis, or do they just have the ability to snatch souls and go “you’re my friend now, we’re having soft tacos later” type thing?
Ik it sounds stupid, but, is there a way to… leave? In a sense? Like since it’s between life and death, what if someone gets chosen and all, their a ‘strong soul’ and like in a coma or any other instance between life and death, but then they get help and become better (back to being fully alive again) or they die, so not being in the middle anymore, would they be able to ‘leave’ in a sense, or would they be stuck?
And final question
For now, better watch out/j /lh
You said the moon and sun have tried to interfere for souls they really like, so, theoretically… they can mess with the ‘real’ world?
Totally not asking this bc one of my main OC’s in like every version has ‘hallucinations’ of a sort, and so if they were alive and saw that stuff (I purposely didn’t swear just now since I know you don’t like it-) they’d just be there like “what the fluff is going on?”
I'll answer the questions that don't count as spoilers
1 can the souls choose not to be picked? They don't have the slightest say in the matter of that choice but might subconsciously resist while be- *gets shot*
2 powerful souls? That will be explained later...
3 sun and moons control over the in between and what is it? They control almost everything in the in-between but believe much of it to be below them... (They're gods)
If you want to know what the in-between is I believe it's in the main info page but I might have to edit it since it is a bit confusing
4 can the chosen souls be in a coma/revive? They're like ghosts they have to be crossing over, aka dying to be chosen so no comas and they weren't going to go back to life even if they weren't chosen
they can get memories of their life back but... Not in the way you might think...
5 is there a way to leave? Does abstraction in TADC count as leaving? If not then I don't think what happens here counts either... Yea definitely not
6 sun and moon interfering with the real world?
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7 can people see in/out of the in-between? not usually but it is possible since there is overlap between the realms.... so make your OC have as many mental breakdowns as you like while they think they're going crazy ~
Ask more if you wish but know I will be limited in what I can answer till I finish the comics...
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roach-works · 2 years
new heresy that makes the bible way funnier:
god genuinely had no idea that people would be able to disobey him, when he made them. angels couldn’t! everything in the universe was just an extension or a reflection of god himself, operating in perfect mechanical order. then he put a spark of his own creative consciousness in an animal and it turned out it could disobey him.
like, that’s why he told adam and eve not to access a perfectly accessible tree. nothing else in the universe up until that point would have done something he told them not to.
that’s why he asks cain a perfectly ridiculous question, given that he would have watched the murder happen right in front of him: where is your brother? what did you do to him? he didn’t know cain could lie. even when adam and eve disobeyed him, surprising absolutely everyone involved, they hadn’t figured out lying yet. cain figured out lying.
that’s why god decides to destroy humans and start over only a few centuries later. he has no idea what to do. not only are people disobeying and lying to him, they’ve started completely ignoring him, too. he can control the wind, the water, the plants, the animals, the angels, the heavens, the earth. but he cut a part of himself loose and gave it to this totally unique new critter and now he can’t get it back. he can’t make anyone do anything, and now they know it. he had to carve humanity back down to the one family that actually, for whatever reason, still listened to him, and he had to ride them pretty fucking hard from that point onward to make sure they didn’t just..... stop. because at any point basically any human, ever, even the ones who liked him, could just randomly decide to fuck off and do their own thing.
then like, according to christians, god thought maybe he could get a handle on whatever the fuck was going on with how bad humans were being by making another human who had even more god in him than all the other humans, and that didn’t work either. and also even jesus himself didn’t know what humans were going to do next, which was kill him young. like, god had to break the news to him based on an educated guess, and it was a big surprise to him! he was really upset! there’s a whole scene!
like, i think this is hands down the funniest fucking thing to conclude about god ever. he didn’t know it was going to turn out like this when he started and he didn’t know what to do when it did. he’s been basically scrambling to stay on top of the situation for six thousand years and he’s totally beefed it repeatedly.
god the omnipotent lord of creation knows everything, except what you’re going to do next. god the supreme ruler of the universe can do anything, except stop you. you have a little piece of god inside you and it lets you defy the most fundamental machinery of existence basically whenever you like.
if that’s not funny, i don’t know what is.
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darqx · 6 months
Snakes on a post
Another particularly long answer dump since i, once again, have a backlog of things to potentially answer |D
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ
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Got jumpscared with my own old art for a hot minute there LAUGHS.
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(For those wondering, the naga doodle from here was attached to the ask)
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That is every other Royal that exists in the Nether and also at least some of the demons that challenged him for his Royal title lol.
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Believe me, no one was or is more surprised then me XD;
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So, the thing about where Rire's ichor manifests is that it kinda exists and doesn't exist at the same time. Meaning that his upper back is where the manifestation point is anchored, BUT it can still manifest with a bit of space in between it and his back hence why it will manifest over his clothes and not through them.
So if you touch where the manifestation point is sans the ichor, than you are just straight up touching his back. With the ichor, he still gets sensory input from the tentacles to his back but it's a lot more soft and muted esp the further away it gets from him. As you've seen implied though, he would feel a very sharp pain if a great deal of damage was done to the ichor where it clusters at the manifestation point, since he'd DEF be feeling that straight in his back lol.
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He is definitely a top and the only way he would bottom for anybody is if they somehow forced him to.
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Ah i knew i'd answered this a long time ago [finally found it]! Holy crosses (those that have been blessed) can also burn him but they would need to be in contact with him the entire time. Being a Royal he also has more of a tolerance to these than normal demons.
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Well, unless said person actually has the undeniable ability to make good on their words, Rire would just stand there rather genially with that little smile he sometimes has and let them finish.
And then he might use them as reverse suggestions for dealing with said person (why would you give him any ideas!!?)
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In BTD canon it is quite possible that they actually haven't in person. But we are using creative license here haha.
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Rire heals a lot faster than a human. Cain is not my character so I don't know how his stacks up.
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I've grouped these asks cos they kind of have similar answers - 360° (jk sorry sorry to the second q that is just a very common spelling mistake and I couldn't resist XD; )
Now, even though we mashed all the characs together in BTD, they all actually come from different storylines and so their canons outside the "BTD canon" may differ. This tends to bleed in. With this in mind:
The rules of Rire's canon (eg the concept of Battle Royales and how to become a Royal) don't apply to Cain. Anyway, they don't live in the same place either.
Cain is canonically the oldest and most OP character in BTD lol so yes he is stronger than Rire - you might've noticed, but Rire is never in the same drawing as Cain voluntarily. I play with this along with the "natural weakness" aspect - which I've also referred to as scissors-paper-rock rules XD Basically; demons beat humans, angels beat demons (purely because demons have weakness against holiness).
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It would (be insane) but I hope you are not looking at me to fulfil this :d
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Not really
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His coronation day is a public holiday in his sector so yes XD
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Aww thank you very much for your interest! ≧(´▽`)≦ It's really cool that some of you guys want to actually fund such a thing - I'd have thought you'd have enough of him killing you in BTD1 XD Unfortunately, I have no plans for a Rire game at the moment as I'm working on a webcomic which looks like it will take up all my free time (that being said, he will be in the webcomic at some point).
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Nope! Although i can kinda see why you might think that lol.
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Whatever that one is where he doesn't particularly care what someone else identifies as. It really makes no difference to him or how he will act.
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There are viruses in the Nether that if contracted could potentially kill you, yes. Part of being a Royal is becoming a lot more robust than normal Demons though. As for if/when Rire dies, I dunno maybe either in a Battle Royale somewhere thousands of years down the line or by old age (which is rare for a Royal but not impossible if you play your cards right).
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If you are asking if he has a heat/rut of some sort, he does not |D
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jasmines-library · 9 days
Could u pls do a Winchester sister fic like (season 10 ep. 15) but instead of the parasite going into cole it goes into the sister and Dean tries to shock it out like in the episode but then she almost dies and they have to try and find another way
The Things They Carried
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Word Count: 2284 (wow look at me go)
Warnings: Uhhh not sure how to phrase it. Overall gore, kinda throwing up?
The woman had vanished without a trace. Well, at least at first. Her body was found strung upside down in the storage room of a remote part of the city Feyetteville, North Carolina. Perhaps one of the most perplexing parts of the victims disappearance, was that not only was she an Army Private, trained in Krav Maga and Jiu-Jitsu, but her organs had been drained, along with the bone marrow sucked out of her body. This is what had caught Dean’s attention. He now sat in front of you and Sam, the article pulled up on his ipad.
Sam raised his eyebrows, his forehead wrinkling as he studied the article once more before handing it off to you. “So…cannibalism. You thinking a Rugaru?”
“Or a God. Maybe.” Dean agreed. A second later he was up on his feet, ready to go. Sam tried to protest. Ever since Dean got the mark of Cain Sam has been solely focused on trying to find a way to remove it. He was constantly on edge and you had to admit you were too. It seemed that no amount of research seemed to give enough answers on the mark. Eventually, with a look from his older brother and a defeated sigh, Sam let up and not even 10 minutes later, the three of you were speeding down the road.
Much to your disappointment, when you arrived in the city the first thing the three of you were told was that the local police had closed the case. However, they had given you a name, and the incriminating evidence. The sheriff; an elderly man, perhaps late 60s with white, thinning hair, had also told you that the offender had also committed suicide before the feds could lock him up. He also told you that this was the third suicide the city had seen in the last 6 months. A pattern. This was definitely something supernatural, if that wasn’t already clear. However, when Sam asked about the body, the sheriff informed the three of you that there were no bite marks, and that the victim had been killed with a bowie knife. That ruled out a Rugaru, leaving your trail dry.
The next step of the hunt was to speak to Beth, the offender's widow. She was rather distraught as she bounced her baby softly in her arms. When she glanced away from it, you could see the pain in her eyes; the dark circles that rim them. 
“Rick was a kind soul.” She insisted sadly, glancing down at the floor. The way she spoke of her late husband was filled with awe, but woven thick was pain that choked up her voice. You could tell that she still hadn’t processed her husband’s recent change in personality. 
“Did you ever notice anything strange?” Sam asked gently, his fingers clasped together as he leaned against the countertop. “Violent mood swings?”
“Weird smells?” You added.
“No….” The woman frowned. “But Rick was- he was-” she stuttered, unable to word what she wanted to say correctly, almost as if she didn’t really believe it or understand it herself. “He was thirsty.”
You tilted your head at her, her words catching your interest. “Thirsty for what?”
Her answer surprised you. “Water. He’d spend half the day drinking from the garden hose. And then, when I told him to stop it was like he couldn’t even hear me. And his skin; it got so dry it bled.”
Your older brothers watched intently. “Did he see a doctor?” Dean questioned gruffly.
The poor woman shook her head. There were now soft tears rolling down her face, mingling with the ghosts of the ones there before. “He just got put on a list to be put on a list. And then he stopped talking. He just wasn't himself–” she sniffled, shifting her baby in her arms. “I thought….maybe it was just PTSD.”
No one said anything for a moment before you broke the silence tenderly. “We’re very sorry.”
“You said that Rick had been recently deployed.” Dean said. “Do you have any idea where?”
“No.” She answered rather bluntly. “That stuff’s classified. They don’t even let the wives in on it.”
And the trail runs cold again. 
But then, just as you were about to leave and Sam left your number, Beth stopped you again. 
“There’s one other thing.” she added. “I ran into my friend Jemma at the supermarket. She’s married to Kit Verson. A guy from Rick’s team. She thinks Kit came back different this time. Kind of felt like we were dealing with the same thing.”
The trail picks up again.
After a little while running around after Kit Verson, discovering that he murdered someone else the same way that his friend did, the three of you ended up in an old shack that his wife believed he might have fled to. It was dark. Eerily so. However not as eerie as the trail of dead mice on the floor. Machetties in hand and guns in holsters, the three of your crept through the darkness of the hut. You found him hunched over in the back room of the house. His breathing was rough and ragged as though he might have run a mile at top speed. When you reached out to touch his shoulder, his head whipped around, bloodshot eyes boring into you. His mouth and face was splattered with blood and dirt, and his movements were erratic as he stood up to face you. He gripped you tight, cold fingers like icicles against your skin as he pushed you back against the wall. And then his eyes were pleading with you. The harsh crease between his eyebrows softened for just a moment as he used his body weight to keep you pinned up against the wood panelling. 
“I’m sorry,” he grunted out, wrestling with you to keep you in his grasp. “I can’t stop.”
And then, you were on the floor, dirty ground rising to meet you fast as he made you lose your footing. And then, as you struggled beneath him he made this awful gagging noise as the creature slithered out of his throat and forced its way into you. You coughed, gagging yourself as your brothers rushed into the room. They were on Kit in seconds, but he was strong, throwing your brothers around before dashing out of the door. Quick on his feet, Dean followed, leaving you staggering for breath on the floor with Sam.
“Are you alright?!” Sam asked, alarmed as he rushed to your side, helping you up off the floor.
You coughed. “Some-something’s inside of me–” a grimace spread across your face as you felt it move. “It’s alive–”
“It what?” Sam blinked. “What did it look like? Do you know what it was?”
“Khan worm.” Dean answered, catching on to the end of the conversation. “At Least i think it is. Why? Did you see it?”
You groaned in pain, so Sam answered for you. “It crawled inside her.”
Dean froze, his eyes going wide. “What?”
Sam nodded grimly. 
“Did you see what it was? Dean asked worriedly. 
You coughed, hands flying to your mouth. “Khan worm.”
“Shit.” Dean cursed aloud, running his hands through his hair. 
“We have two options.” You said, trying to hide the grimace on your face as you felt the worm moving, ,crawling under your skin. Neither of the two options were very pleasant at all. You and your brothers had worked a case with Khan worms a few years ago and there were two ways that you discovered the worms could be killed. And while these worms seemed slightly different to the first ones you discovered, you figured that they were similar enough that the same rules would apply. The first option was probably the most forward one, but it also involved certain death; a headshot to the infected person that would cause the worm to flee the body where it would then be crushed by Sam or Dean. Option one was very clearly off the table. The second was far more painful, but it also harboured greater chances of survival. 
Dean began to protest immediately. “No. No no. there’s got to be another way.” 
“You know we dont-”
“Kid….” Sam started. 
“Just do it. We have no other choice.”
Dean sighed, turning away and pinching the bridge of his nose. “Alright.”
Dean had managed to find two batteries hidden in the small cabin. He placed them grimly on the table with a thud before connecting two of the jump wires that Sam had gone and collected from Baby’s trunk. You were sitting in the armchair, fingers gripping the leather as you waited anxiously. Sam tried to give you some comforting words, but you weren’t sure who he was trying to comfort more; you or himself. 
“Alright.” Dean said, his voice laced thick with an anxiousness and guilt he was yet to shake. He brought the cables over to you as you took a deep breath, placing a wooden spoon between your mouth to keep you from biting through your tongue. 
Settling back in the chair, you took a moment to collect yourself. To prepare for the agony you were about to put yourself through. And then, you gave him a brief nod 
The sudden pain when Dean pressed the jump cables to your skin was overwhelming. Unbearable. A million agonies all combined to one as the electricity raced through your veins. You screamed, crying out as your teeth bit down on the wood of the spoon, which helped to muffle the sound. Both of your brothers winced at the sound of your agony as you twisted and writhed. Sam had to look away and Dean had to force himself to keep the cables against your skin though he yearned to take away your pain. But nothing happened. As soon as your brother removed the cables, you were panting for breath, trying to recover quickly from the pain. You couldn’t help but notice the looks on your brother’s faces.
Sam shook his head dismally. The parasite was still in you. 
“Go again.”
Dean startled. “What? Are you crazy?”
“Go again.” You strained. 
Dean collected himself, and then; the same pain. But still as you writhed. Fists clenching and nails digging into your palms the worm remained inside you. And your brothers were growing increasingly concerned. Your movements began to slow as you grew quieter and your eyes fluttered, drooping with a sudden heaviness. Dean pulled the cables away immediately and you slumped back against the chair. Your head lolled forwards against your chest and your breathing was concerningly slow and laboured. 
“Okay….okay…” Sam said gently, slipping an arm behind your back to help support you.You whimpered slightly at the movement. “ Shh. You’re alright sweetheart.” he glanced up at Dean, fear and worry evident in the creases on his forehead. They would have to find a different way to get the worm out.
You were sweating. Gods….you’d never been hotter. Your body still ached as you sat in the armchair of the cabin. The old leather was flaking off and was practically covered in a sheen of your own sweat. Sam and Dean had pushed it towards the fire, leaving you to sweat against the heat. They had figured that as the parasite needed water, if they could make you sweat it all out…then the creature would leave. But now you were practically slumped in a chair, dark veins crawling up your neck as you tried to rid the worm from your body. You coughed a little, your throat dry, with no way to soothe it. Thirst…..that was the only thing that consumed your mind…you were so. damn. thirsty. Your body craved it. Anything you could get you would take….even your own brothers’ blood. The parasite yearned for something. You could feel it, squirming around inside you. Uncomfortable, you whined before coughing a little, doubling over on yourself. 
Sam placed a hand on your shoulder. “Hang in there, Sweetheart. You have to sweat it out.”
“Can’t–” You coughed. 
“Yes you can.” Dean shut you down quickly. “You can’t give up. Winchesters don’t quit.”
Reluctantly, you nodded. Your head spun. You felt sick. But you knew you couldn’t give up. You were in for a long waiting game. 
It wasn’t until a few hours later, when you were on the verge of breaking down that you began to feel it slithering up your throat. You gagged, coughing as you tried to expel the creature from your body. 
Sam and Dean were by your side in seconds, both trying to coax you through it, ready to stomp on the worm as soon as it made an appearance. Sure enough you managed to cough it up uncomfortably. It splattered on the floor, squealing as it writhed and trying to slither off to infect someone else. It didn’t make it far before Dean slammed a heavy boot over it. And once more for good measure. It squelched under his shoe, peeling off from it as it stuck to the floor. He grimaced at the sight before moving to crouch beside you, checking on you.
You wiped the string of saliva from your mouth with a grimace before gratefully taking the water bottle Sam offered you and wasting no time before drinking it to quench your impossible thirst.
“That's it. Easy, Sweetheart.” Dean cooed. “It’s over now.”
“You did it, kiddo.” Sam said, guiding you to lean back in the chair more. “We knew you could do it. We’re proud of you.”
(A bit of a rubbish ending! I'm sorry i wasn't sure what to do)
@xxrougefangxx @hell-o-kittys @inlovewhithafairytale @harleycao @that-wannabe-vangoghgurl @rosecentury
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assumptionprime · 5 months
I need to rant about the Fallout show
Because this is the person I am. Full spoilers, so I’m putting it behind a Keep Reading:
I’m a huge sucker for Fallout (yes even 3&4). And I went into the Fallout show with some… trepidation. Amazon has been a mixed bag on adaptations, we could have been blessed with a Good Omens, or cursed by a Rings of Power. But early buzz and reviews seemed positive, so I slammed the whole thing in one night with my spouse (we were staying at my in-laws house and they have Prime. Time was a factor.)
And y’know? I was really enjoying it! The characters were fun, the plot was engaging enough, and the costumes and visual design were extremely on point. There were some minor lore quibbles to be had: Ghouls needing some kind of medicine to not go feral. Really, more Enclave holdouts? Timeline and date whoopsies. Wait are they in California? Where the hell is the NCR?
I made a face at Shady Sands being bombed and the NCR collapsing. But I wasn’t completely out of the story. Based on what I had seen so far, I thought it was building to a reveal that the Brotherhood had done it. That the more zealous turn they took in Fallout 4, which has clearly carried to how they are portrayed in the show, lead them to bombing the NCR. War never changes, as they say. Maximus even says when asked what happened to Shady Sands: “The same thing that always happens.” Yeah, it leans into Bethesda’s weird desire to keep the Fallout world in a state of perpetual wastelands full of raiders and no civilization, but it wasn’t so terrible that I couldn’t still enjoy the show.
But then.
Episode 8, and the reveal of Vault-Tec apparently being the ones who dropped the first bomb in the Great War.
I was surprised to hear that some fans have apparently been debating over who fired first? Some even asked Tim Cain about it?
That’s really odd to me because, in the games, there is already a pretty definitive answer to which side sparked the Great War:
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Who fucking cares?
The world ended. What does it matter who shot first?
There is no China, no United States, no communists or capitalists left to fight about it. 
It's a powerful little bit of lore.
For all the posturing, all the promises from each nation that their way is the true way, all the nationalism, the militarism, and blind loyalty to flags over humanity, they both lost. Everyone lost. All that remains of the ideologies and nations that were so important to the people of 2077 is faint echoes over vast expanses of radioactive ash.
Who started the end?
No one knows. No one cares.
It only matters that their conflict was so bitter, so all-consuming, that one of them dropped their bombs, and the other dropped theirs in return.
The truest legacy of the old world is the devastation left by their final, most horrific war.
Can we do better?
Then the show says "Nah, Vault-Tec did it. It's not a commentary on human nature and the futility of self-destructive conflict, it was actually these guys, these mustache twirling villains huddled in a darkened room literally plotting to end the whole world so they can rule what's left."
And I can see the attempt to make this a critique of capitalism. I actually paused the show to praise a bit of writing when Coop is talking with Charlie before the war, when Charlie tells him that the “cattle ranchers are in charge” to illustrate how capitalism and corporations hold too much sway over the government, it felt very in line with how in New Vegas one of the recurring critiques of the NCR is that all the real power is in the hands of the “brahmin barons.” Nice parallel, spot on!
But “we’ll set off total thermonuclear war so we can rule the ashes and have a True Monopoly” isn’t capitalism. It’s just dumb “we’re the baddies” writing.
And then Shady Sands was also Vault-Tec?! Forget any meaning in the NCR falling to the same corruption and/or factional fighting that consumed the old world, they were literally just bombed by the evil shadow conspiracy that apparently also killed the old world. Hank gives this speech about factions fighting and the futility of it all while we see the Brotherhood fighting Moldaver’s NCR remnant, and like, no! You can’t say that when you’ve made it so neither the old world or the NCR fell to war with another faction! It was you! You and your band of cryogenic supervillains!
I don't care that they changed it. Timelines and dates and little retcons don’t bother me all that much. I care that they changed it to something so much worse.
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spookysteddie · 8 months
Tillmans Girl
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18+ Minors DNI
cw: stripper reader, drinking, drug mention, murder mention, oral (m receiving), unprotected penetrative sex, pet names, slight choking, hair pulling, exhibitionism, biting. (Let me know if I missed anything)
wc: 3.9k
A/n: this is based off of the song Gibson Girl by Ethel Cain (pre warned about this here) and I need to make it very clear that this is LOOSELY based off of the song. It’s more about how I feel while listening to it and how I fit the reader and Gator into this. I also let Gator have some friends because he needs them for the story purpose. I love the concept I came up with and I hope you do too! 
A/N 2: friendly reminder this is fiction and half the shit in here wouldn't happen IRL. ❤️
He was here again. 
Sitting in his usual spot, surrounded by his friends and drinking shit beer. And he’s watching you, like he always does. Like he has since he first came in here a little over a year ago, dressed in his sheriff's uniform to investigate a murder. 
And now, he’s here every Saturday, just watching. He isn’t the first guy to come to this club for you. He isn’t even the tenth. But he doesn’t speak to you like the others do, not more than he needs to and typically you’re the one to instigate the conversation. 
Gator Tillman has a pull to him, like he’s the sun and you're a planet in his orbit. You don’t know why he makes you feel the way he does, like you need to touch him. Every time you meet his eyes, he’s already looking back at you. It is unnerving but yet you look forward to Saturday nights. Look forward to the attention (and money) he gives you. 
Even an hour outside his home town everyone knows who he is, of course they do, half their parents voted for his father. Plus, you’ve all heard the stories about the Tillmans. You knew what you were dealing with when he came in. The other girls are afraid of him, though. They’re sure to make his and his friends drinks correctly and letting them all break a few rules, like touching the dancers. But not you. Gator Tillman didn’t scare you like he should, mainly intrigued you. It’s been a year of this cat and mouse game. You the cat, him the mouse, toying with him in the hopes he’ll ask for more time with you. 
His friends do get dances, most of them picking a new girl every week and tipping them well. But not Gator. The girls have tried to get him to buy dances from them, but he always brushes them off. All while staring at you. You’d never offered, again letting him come to you. But you also didn’t do private dances. You made most of your money on the stage, not really feeling like killing someone if they got handsy with you. 
Tonight though, was different. 
You could feel it in the air the second you saw him. The charge was there as usual, but when you handed him a drink after your stage time, he spoke to you. 
His voice was like silk as he spoke, pushing his dark sunglasses onto the back of his hat. It was night time so he kind of looked like a douchebag with them on. He didn’t care. He was a Tillman, just as cold blooded as his father, if not more. Obsessed with his power and the way people fell at his feet, gave him whatever he wanted. 
But not you. 
Never you. 
“You look very nice in red, sweetheart.” It takes you by surprise but you do well to not show it, a practiced mask. Never has he spoken to you for more than a drink order. 
You did, however, look nice in red. But it was rare you wore it because you didn’t need to give the men more reasons to want to touch you. You made plenty of money in any other color. Red, also was the color of the invisible blood that stains your fingers. The blood you can’t get off no matter how hard you try.
You put on your prettiest smile, “that’s very sweet of you.” 
A small smile tugs at his lips. He’s fucking beautiful and it’s painful to look at him, actually. 
“You do dances?” The question takes you by surprise because, like you said, he doesn’t get dances from the girls. He just drinks and tips very well. 
You cover it well, “only for you.” 
It’s not a lie. You would do dances just for him, any reason to get him closer. To get him alone. 
He nods, “how much?”
You smirk, “$350.” That was way more than the other girls charge. It’s North Dakota, it’s rare the men here can afford that. 
But he can. 
“Deal.” You watch as he pulls the money from his pocket, counting it out and handing it to you. 
You count it again just to be sure, slipping it in your top, “follow me, pretty boy.” 
He takes his drink and downs it before getting up and following you. He walks with confidence but you know better. He’s nervous, you can see it in the slight tremor of his hand. You decide you’ll let him break the rules, but not because he’s Roy Tillmans son. 
No, it’s because you have wondered for months what his hands feel like on your skin. You’ve also wondered what it would be like to get him in your bed; what he sounds like when he fucks. You know he’s more than experienced considering people like to talk. But you want to see it for yourself. You need to experience it for yourself. 
You take him to one of the private rooms, the red room considering he likes you in red. He sits down tentatively, running his hands down his jeans. He’s so hot when he’s nervous. It makes you smile as you shut and lock the door. 
The music is a little quieter in here, the small knob on the wall allowing you to turn it higher or lower. Some of the girls don’t like these rooms, scared they’ll get hurt by the men they bring in here. It’s understandable, most opting to give them in the room where extra security is.
But Gator would never hurt you. 
“Surprised you asked for this, pretty boy.” 
He takes a deep breath and leans back, “like I said, look nice in red.” 
You slowly walk over, standing between his spread legs, “too kind to me, Tillman.” 
He balls his fists as he tries to respect the law of not touching strippers. But Gator was the law, he could do whatever he wanted. His father would get him out of any shit he gets himself into. Either way, you’d let him touch you in any way he wants. 
You bend at the waist, running your hands up his thighs. His breath hitches a little and it makes your stomach flip with satisfaction. He’s affected by you, you’ve known this for a while. But the verbal confirmation makes your head spin. 
Your hands slide over his stomach and onto his shoulders, pushing off his black leather jacket. “Let’s take this off and get comfortable, yeah?” He lets you take it off and toss it to the side. His black shirt grips his body perfectly, showing off his muscular build. 
You stand back up to your full height, turning the music up just slightly, enough for you to hear him if he decides to speak to you. And then you go back to him, dipping low and letting him run his eyes all over you. For once it makes you feel sexy. Maybe it’s because Gator isn’t an animal. He’s respectful. Or, well, as respectful as one can be in a place like this. 
You look up at him through long lashes as you straddle his hips, being careful not to let your centers touch. You don’t want to force anything on him, scare him away. But you do run your hands up his arms, putting his hands on your hips. 
“Can touch me. You’re the exception to that rule,” you giggle and wink at him. 
You can see his confidence starting to rise. Typical man who just wants to feel special. Gator, though, deserves to feel special. You didn’t grow up with him, between living one town over and your parents opting to send you to private school. But people talk. You know about the shit his dad does, how he uses religion and intimidation to keep his son in line. It was sick. 
He grips your hips, guiding you down to grind against him. He’s hard, of course he’s hard, all of them are. They can try all they want but their cocks have a mind of their own. You can tell he’s worried about it, about how you’ll feel. You don’t care. You never care. In fact, the friction on his hard cock on your clit feels… nice. 
“Why am I the exception?” 
You grin down at him, hands by his head on the couch, “use your big boy brain and think about it.” 
He laughs a little, “cause you’re afraid of me?” 
That makes you throw your head back and laugh hard, “oh, pretty boy, neither you or your daddy scare me. In fact, I’d be more than happy if you put me in cuffs.” 
He’s taken by surprise at your admission, shuddering a little, “should be ‘fraid of me.” 
You stand, turning the lights a little lower, “it’s you who should be afraid of me.” 
You can still see him, even in the dim, red lights. Fuck he was so beautiful. You start back your dance, his eyes still looking over your body. 
“I ain’t afraid of anything, angel.” 
You know that’s a lie. He’s terrified of his daddy, and everyone is afraid of death. But you brush it off, getting so close to him you could kiss him if you wanted. And you do, but you won’t let him know that. Not yet. 
“You, Gator Tillman, are the exception because everyone here thinks you’re so pretty.” 
He raises a brow, “pretty? Not the word that should be used f’me.” 
You shrug, “agree to disagree.” 
“I was told ya don’t do dances,” his voice is gravely and you know he’s doing everything he can to not kiss you. “Decided to ask anyway.” 
You pull back settling in his lap, not dancing anymore, “I don’t, but like I said, you’re the exception.” 
He hums, letting his hand run up your thigh, “I’m honored. Prettiest girl in this building.” 
“Flattery, Tillman, won’t get you much round here.” 
He smirks, the look making you want to kiss him just a little more, “will get me the ability to take ya home?” 
You think the shots he took some time ago are finally hitting him. Or he’s snorted some cocaine and it’s just hitting him. Probably the former. 
“M’not supposed to go home with the customers. Sorry, pretty boy.” 
Not a lie. You aren’t supposed to go home with the men here, both for fear of being murdered and because it can cause issues for the owner. The girls too, of course. God forbid you date a patron and then break up. It’s just awkward for everyone here. 
His hand slides further up your leg, resting right under the crease of your ass. Men have been killed for touching you there without asking. But this time it doesn’t make your blood boil like it should. It makes your stomach flip and your heart race. 
“I’m the law, baby. The rules don’t apply to me,” he’s looking up at you with big brown eyes, though they look black in this light. 
The rules don’t apply to him, you told him as such earlier. You remind him as such and he squeezes your hip. You swallow the squeak that threatens to come out, instead moving to straddle him once again. 
“Come on, baby, we’ve been playing this game for a year. Come home with me.” 
You swallow. You would be a liar if you said you didn’t want to go home with him. To let him get the rest of your clothes off and fuck you. For him to slide his cock down your throat while you’re on your knees. 
You know it would feel good. You know you’d enjoy whatever he threw at you, enjoying men who are rough but respectful. And by the feel of the hardness nestled on your clothed core, he could throw a lot at you. 
You can feel your mouth water at the idea of what he looks like under his pants. But he’s going to have to work harder if he wants you to go home with him. 
“Gonna take more than that to get me in your bed, Gator.” 
He thinks, hands roaming to grab the fat of your ass, “I could give you everything, angel. Anything you want, it’s yours.” 
You giggle a little, “yeah? Anything?” 
He nods, licking his lips, “anything. I’d give you anything. Could treat you real nice.” 
“How do you know I don’t already have someone treating me real nice? Hmm? Bold of you to assume I’m single,” you raise a brow at him. You’re lying through your teeth, making him work for it. 
“Trust me, baby, I know you’re single.” His eyes fall from yours to your lips and back. 
You get a little closer, his scent masculine and woodsy, “doing research on me?” 
That should be creepy, it should result in a knife in his neck (it might’ve happened a time or two..) but not with him. However, you know why he did the research. He had to after the murder last year, to rule you out as a suspect. 
“I did. So, you can’t lie ya way out of it. Lemme treat you right, pretty angel.” 
“I’m no angel,” your voice is just above a whisper, enough for him to hear you. 
He laughs, “agree to disagree.” 
He slides his hands to your hips, squeezing gently. 
“And if I say yes to goin’ home with you? Will you hurt me?” 
“No more than you ask me to.” 
You decide you can’t take it anymore, needing him too much. You’ll curse yourself later for folding too easily. You close the gap, a whole year of the chase coming to a head. The second your lips connect with his you feel like you’re on fire. He kisses you softly, nervously and it isn’t till your tongue begs for entrance into his mouth, that he kisses you harder. 
His hands are all over you, running up your sides and letting his fingers tangle in your hair. You rock your hips absentmindedly, needing more friction. 
Gators lips move down your throat, kissing and nipping at the skin and making you moan. He smirks against you and gently lips his hips to add more pressure. Fucking asshole. You grab his face, pulling him back to your mouth, your tongue licking into his mouth. 
He pulls back first, breathless, “I need you. I need to be inside you.”
Your stomach flips again because you love when a man begs for you. Especially men in powerful positions. You feel his confession right in your core. 
“A Tillman begging? What would your daddy say about this?” You’d never say a word to his daddy about this, of course. Roy Tillman can kiss your ass. 
Gator, of course, also knows this, “I don’t care what he’d say. He doesn’t need to know what I do when I’m off work.” 
You smirk, you’re more than willing to let him inside you. But first, you needed to see what you were working with. You slither to your knees, looking up at him, “this okay?” 
He nods, only giving you a verbal answer once you lift your brows, “yes. Please.” 
Your hands move to his belt, unbuckling it and popping the button of his jeans. You can feel his cock jump in his pants and you swallow down a giggle. It���s cute how excited he is actually. You’d be a liar to say you aren’t excited. It’s been a while since you had sex with someone and it’ll be the first time you’ve fucked someone at your job. You’re glad there are no cameras in this room because you’d absolutely get fired. 
You pull his jeans and boxers down till they puddle at his feet, allowing his cock to spring free. You can’t contain your reaction to the sight of his cock. He’s huge, his cock thick and has a slight curve. It’s beautiful and you feel dumb admitting that to yourself. It’s not the first you’ve seen but it’s definitely the prettiest you’ve seen. 
“Wow…” you whisper it but you know he heard you by the smile that spreads across his face. 
“You like it?” He’s cocky and it’s clear you aren’t the first girl to react this way. 
You just nod, gently gripping it in your hand. The weight of it makes your mouth fill with spit. You lean forward, licking a long stripe up it. He lets out a long moan, his head falling back against the couch. 
You smirk to yourself before taking him into your mouth. You work slow, making sure your throat is relaxed. You bob your head slowly, looking up at him as you work and for the first time he’s not looking back at you. He looks so pretty like this, head thrown back, hands balled into fists. 
“Fuck… this is s-so much better than I imagined,” his voice coming out rough and strained. 
You just moan against him, bobbing your head a little faster and taking him a little deeper. He hits the back of your throat and his head snaps down to you. The second your eyes meet his cock jumps in your throat, making you gag slightly. 
“Ah! That’s it, baby,” his hands fall into your hair, pulling and pushing you into his cock. 
You can’t help the moans that leave you from the pain of his hands in your hair. You know your cunt is soaked, your clit throbbing. So, you take him deep and hold him there, letting spit drool from your mouth and onto what you can’t fit in your mouth before pulling off of him. You lick your lips as you stand and straddle him. 
“How bad do you want to fuck me?” You kiss him lightly, just a taste. 
He takes a shaky breath, “s-so bad. Been thinking about it since the first time we met.” 
You pull your panties to the side, settling down so he’s resting against you. The head of his cock bumps your clit the second to start to rock your hips. The friction feels incredible against your aching clit. 
You need more but you’re trying not to rush it. 
“Been thinking about being inside me for over a year huh? Such restraint you have, pretty boy.” 
He shakes his head, letting out a small grunt, “I-I didn’t. S’why m’ here every Saturday. Gotta get my fill of ya for the week.” 
“Yeah? You sound a little obsessed.” 
He nods, “j-just a little.” 
You sit up on your knees using your hand to steady his cock and look up at him, “you still want this? You can say no and it’ll be fine.” 
He shakes his head so fast, you’re worried he’s gonna get whiplash, “no! Please fuck me. Please. Need it so fuckin’ bad. B-but I didn’t bring a condom with me. I-I’m clean I swear. I-If that ain’t okay I’ll survive. But I really wanna fuck you.”
You kiss him softly, loving the consideration and to stop his rambling, “I’m more than clean and I’m on birth control. Is that okay? Still wanna continue. I do if you do.”
He lets out a breath and relaxes, “that’s fine. I promise.” 
It’s all the conformation you need before slowly sinking down on him. All you have inside you is the tip and already the burn hurts so good. Gators hands grip your hips, mouth falling open as he helps you sink down more. 
“Oh my god, Gator,” you feel like he’s in your throat and you don’t even have him all the way inside you. He’s everywhere all at once and you love every second of it. 
Gator pulls you down more and captures your lips in a deep kiss. And then, he thrusts up inside you, seating himself fully inside your tight pussy. The action pushes all the air from your lungs, making you pull back from the kiss. You decide then that if you died this way, you wouldn’t be pissed. 
Even if God decided to bitch about all the sins you’ve committed.
That is, if you even go to heaven. You doubt you will at this point. 
Gator stays still, letting you adjust and letting you rest your head on his chest to catch your breath. It’s slow to come back but once it does, you lift yourself and slam yourself back down. 
“Fuck! Fuck!” He’s loud and you're glad the club is loud enough that no one can hear you. Not that you’re opposed to that, but again, people like to talk and you aren’t keen on ending up in an unmarked grave. Gators daddy would kill you if you spread rumors that make Gator look like the sinner he is. 
You do it again, finding a rhythm, “you like that, pretty boy?” 
You slide your hands into his hair, loosening the strands there with a hard tug. He groans, his hips bucking up and hitting against your cervix. You’ll probably be bruised there tomorrow but that’s not your issue at the moment. 
The curve of his cock hits your sweet spot perfectly, making you whine and ride him faster. 
“Uh-huh. S-so tight and warm and perfect,” he’s rambling but it’s cute. “D-didn’t think we’d ever do this.” 
You smile, pulling a little harder at his hair, strands falling loose from their usually gelled place. “Paid me a lot of money, baby. Gotta treat you special.” 
“I-isn’t that prostitution?” He pushes out a breathless laugh. 
You can’t stop the giggle that comes out of you either, “maybe. But only if we say it is. I was j-joking.” You lean forward, changing the angle to hit that spot a little harder, “dedication got you here. And of course you’re so pretty. Prettiest boy.” 
Gators hand slides from your waist and finds your clit with ease, thank god. He uses his thumb to draw small circles, making that coil grow tighter and tighter. 
“Keep calling me that and I’ll cum before you do. C-can’t have that.” He plants his feet and sets the pace. He fucks you hard and fast. It feels so fucking good and you know this isn’t the last time you’ll be doing this. 
Can someone get addicted to another's cock? 
Yes is the only right answer considering how all you can think about is Gators cock and chasing your orgasm. 
“Such a gen-gentleman, Gator.” 
“Only for you, angel. Only for you.” 
The band inside you snaps, your orgasm slamming into you hard.
You cry out, leaning forward to bite Gators shoulder and muffle your screams. That is what pushes Gator over the edge, emptying inside you. Thank god for birth control. You both deflate, him growing soft as your cunt spasms with aftershocks. 
Gator breaks the silence first, “gonna let me take you home and take care of you?” 
It makes you laugh but you do think about it, weigh the pros and cons. “If I agree, you can’t ever come back here again. S’a rule not to date our customers.” You sit up so you can see his face, judge his reaction. 
A slow, sleepy smile spreads across his face, “deal! Won’t need to see you here when you’re coming to sleep in my bed.” 
All you can do is laugh and kiss him, deciding this time, you won’t have to murder a man you dated. 
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swoonbots · 11 months
Caine & Jax: Hugs
Summary: Giving them a hug when they're at their lowest.
(please send asks if you can! I want to fuel my love for this show)
Caine makes a strange grunt of a noise, certainly surprised as you drag him down from the sky and hold his small body in your arms.
Another failed adventure had occurred, things had gone so bad the cast had cursed (or well, it was censored) him out for it.
You weren't in the greatest mood either but watching Caine's already small form shrink into itself and watching the others leave one by one... well, it left a bad taste in your heart.
That kind of curling feeling that squeezes and hurts.
Cautiously, you approached Caine and held him gently in your arm.
".. I.. didn't mind it. The adventure, I mean."
His heterochromic eyes peek out from below his top teeth, staring curiously at you.
"Thank you for trying."
Caine's heart raced as he leaned into your warm touch for just a moment, reveling in the first touch of affection he has ever had.
As if embarrassed, Caine wormed his way out of your arms and cleared his non-existent throat.
You smile up at him before Caine pops out of existence to do.. whatever he ends up doing.
Although.. you do find a small thank you gift when you head back to your room.
"What do you think you're doing?" He asks but doesn't move.
Your arms wrap tightly around him as you nuzzle into his back.
"I'm hugging you."
".. Why..?"
To be honest, you weren't quite sure yourself. If this were any other day, doing this would paint a huge target on your back.
And yet.
Yet, you hug him, because you were worried about him.
"... You've been missing lately."
He gets it, and it confuses him. Why are you holding him after everything he's done? Maybe you've lost your mind, or this damned hell has warped your sense of right and wrong.
Either way, he can't complain. How long has it been since he's been touched in a positive way? He relaxes in your grasp.
He.. misses this. The warmth of another's touch. But as soon as he realizes this, he's pushing you off and spitting out an insult.
"Don't tell anyone about this,'
He blurts out before running away turning on his heel and heading back to his room.
He's a little overwhelmed. All these years without a affection and such a simple gesture has him flustered, frustrated, and most importantly, embarrassed.
He won't bring it up but he hopes you hold him again.
It was nice.
A/N: I want to hug Pomni and Gangle, but I am a male focused blog. And also I don't have too many ideas for them.
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thescarletnargacuga · 1 month
Nervously approaches the ask box
Uh, hi there! Here's a little Showtime idea for you:
Caine, a being made of endless blocks of code, knows quite well how his kind are created. He's made quite a few himself, after all. Humans, however, are still quite a mystery to him, which makes him wonder: How exactly are humans made? He decides that the best thing to do would be to ask his girlfriend about it.
In other words, Pomni finds herself having to explain to Caine where babies come from.
(I understand if this one might be a little too weird. I just thought it'd be funny, maybe even heartwarming depending on how it goes. I love your work, btw! It never fails to put a smile on my face!)
A/N: The censor is working overtime-
WARNING: suggestive but SFW
Pomni blinked with surprise, staring silently back at Caine after the question left his mouth. She took so long processing what he just asked, he waved his hand in front of her face.
"Yoohoo, Pomni? You didn't crash on me, did you?"
"Uh, no, um, why-....humans come from the real world. The one outside of the digital world." She shrugged.
"No, no, no, I know that already. What I'm asking is, how are humans made? You all don't come into this world as you are, do you?" Caine held his thumb and forefinger to his chin in contemplation. "This has been bugging me for a bit, and I was hoping you'd remember enough about the outside world to tell me. Anyone I've ever asked before strangely doesn't know."
Pomni could pull the same card and avoid a possibly awkward conversation, but she did know. She remembered. He seemed genuinely curious. "So, what you're asking is: where do babies come from?"
"....What's a baby?" Caine scratched his head.
"Oh no." Pomni facepalmed. "Do you know what children are?"
Caine perked up. "Yes! Children are young humans! They're part of the target demographic for The Amazing Digital Circus!"
"Okay, that's a start. Well, all of us here are adults. Grown up humans. Before that, we were children. And before that, we were babies. That is the starting stage of human life in the real world."
Caine snapped his fingers and a notepad and crayon appeared. He started writing down what Pomni was telling him. "Gotcha...and those babies come from where?" He sat back in the air, crossing his legs.
"Families." Pomni tried to stop it there. She fidgeted with her hands.
"Oh! I know what those are too! The Amazing Digital Circus is fantastic family fun!" He scribbled some more on his notepad. "These babies. Families spawn them in?"
"You could say that." Pomni chuckled nervously.
"How?" He sat upright, excited to know the workings of humans.
"Uhhhhh....." Pomni felt cartoon sweat drops falling from her head. "It's a little bit of a process. Humans don't just happen."
"What process is that?" He leaned closer, eyes wide with wonder.
"I...I don't think I can actually say the word. I think it violates your rules."
"Really? The only thing the censor blocks is anything that violates the license agreement. I.e: foul language and sexually explicit material." He shrugged.
Pomni laughed a bit too loud, sweat drops falling harder. "Yeah, about that.... You don't know what sexually explicit really means, do you?"
"A-...." He opened his mouth to answer but suddenly realized she was right. He didn't understand what sexually explicit actually meant. It was just something in his programming to block out. "...no. Much to my own embarrassment, I do not know what that actually means."
"What humans have to do to make babies is pretty explicit. Are you sure you still want to know?" Pomni really hoped he'd let it go.
Caine paused, thinking. He looked around, no one else was where they were, but he still lowered his voice as if he'd be overheard. "Yeah, I really do want to know. Go ahead and tell me."
Pomni wanted to scream. "B-but the censor-"
"Don't worry about it. I'll understand you." He smiles. "Tell me, pleeeeease?" He held his hands together, pad and crayon floating next to him.
Pomni took a deep breath. "Here we go. You need two humans to make a baby. One with a [%$!#] and another with a [%$!#]. Preferably, these two humans are in love and wish to make a baby, but unfortunately, it's not a requirement. That's another subject entirely. Anyway, these two humans have what's called [%$!#]. It's pretty much the base of your entire anti-sexually explicit censor. Interesting that I can say sexually explicit but not [%$!#]. Weird."
Caine's eyes gradually got wider as his jaw slid further down. His arms hung limply at his side. The pad and crayon floated listlessly in the air.
Pomni continued. "[%$!#] is a pleasurably intimate act that can entail many things, but to make a baby, the human with the [%$!#] has to put it inside the human with the [%$!#]. Through sexually explicit activities, the [%$!#] releases [%$!#] inside the [%$!#] where it makes a journey to the egg."
"Woah, woah, back up. This, uh... stuff that gets released, it MOVES??" He felt a weirded out tingle course through his code.
"Yeah, biology is pretty weird. [%$!#] is a fluid that contains living cells that have to travel to the egg to weed out the weak. Once the [%$!#] gets to the egg, it's a mad dash to be the first to fertilize it. Out of the millions that get released, it only takes one."
"MILLIONS!?" Caine struggled to wrap his head around what Pomni was telling him.
"Don't concern yourself with the numbers, they're very small. Once the egg is fertilized, it hardens to protect itself from any other cell trying to get in, and then has to implant itself on the [%$!#] wall to absorb nutrients and become an embryo. That's when we enter the pregnancy stage."
"It's the pre-baby stage. It takes nine months for an egg and a [%$!#] to become a fully formed infant human ready to enter the real world."
"It stays INSIDE for NINE months?? How big does it get?"
"Depends on the person, but a baby bump is very common. The person carrying the baby, their body literally has to make room by rearranging organs. Even for an easy pregnancy, they can be pretty long nine months. Experiencing everything from nausea to heart problems. Some people even end up bedridden."
"Gadzooks... All of that just to make another human?"
"It can be a lot but, for those who do that to themselves on purpose, say it's worth it. That baby is then cared for by their family and it grows into a child, eventually an adult. Now you know. Do you regret asking?" Pomni chuckled.
Caine shook his head. "Nope, not even a little. That was very educational. Thank you, Pomni. Can I ask you some follow-up questions?"
"Do humans only do these sexually explicit activities when they want to make a baby?"
"No, sexually explicit activities can be just for fun."
"How interesting. You said two people are typically in love when they do it. Have we done sexually explicit activities?"
Pomni squeaked with surprise, her face warming. "Wha- no! Doesn't your censor tell you what's explicit?"
Caine smirked. "Maybe it does. Maybe it doesn't. Maybe I just like seeing that look on your face." He giggles mischievously.
Pomni waves her arms at him, shooing him away from her. "You little-! You didn't even know what [%$!#] was until you asked!"
"You've got me there. I am horrifically naive. That's why I'm glad I have someone like you to teach me." Caine took her hand. "I was made to learn, and I am very interested in knowing more details about this explicit activity humans in love do. I....would like to be intimate with you, Pomni."
A dark blush colored Pomni's entire face. "Do you know what you're saying?"
"Mostly. While I did start this conversation out of genuine curiosity, when you mentioned intimacy.... I know what that word means, and I could never quite gauge how intimate our relationship was. I have nothing to compare it to. To know that humans do more than we've done to express their love for one another... I'd really like to know more."
Pomni swallowed the nervous lump in her throat. "We need to go somewhere more private." She looked over her shoulder. The circus was still quiet, but anyone could walk through at any time.
Caine teleported away with her without hesitation. The notepad and crayon got left behind, both falling to the floor. Not a minute later, Jax meandered by. He saw the out of place objects out the corner of his eye and picked up the notepad. "What the..?"
It was full of crude illustrations drawn in red crayon. None of it made sense. Especially the one that looked like a handful of grapes with an arrow pointing to a triangle with legs. Before he could really make any heads or tails of it, Bubble appeared and ate the notepad out of Jax's hands.
"Watch it! You almost took my hand off."
"No peaking at the Boss's notes." Bubble grinned.
"That was Caine's? Heh, no wonder the drawings were so bad. AI can't do art worth [%$!#]."
"You saw.... I'm going to eat your eyes now."
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yourmomxx · 1 year
a pearl ⋆ .ೃ ࿔ *
Tumblr media
Dean Winchester x fem!reader
Summary: There were many things in life that Dean Winchester learned to regret. Taking the mark of Cain in order to kill Abbadon and save the world had not been one of them. Until everything just gets way too much for him to handle, and you are the one that has to burn in the crossfire.
Warnings: canon violence, blood, angst, spoilers but not really, moc!dean, swearing so if you’re the CW look away
Word Count: 2.6k
Flashbacks are written in italics
━━━ ❝ Iᴛ’s ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ I fᴇʟʟ ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ᴡᴀʀ ❞ ━━━
Regret is a funny thing, somehow. At least I think so.
When you do something terrible, you can feel regret or remorse. So much, you get overwhelmed, forget to show it. So much you might start treating the people around you different.
“Sam?” Dean urged through the phone in a pressed voice. His breathing was ragged when he talked. “Sammy please, I need you to come here quick, something … something happened!”
“Dean it’s alright, calm down, where are you?” Immediately, Sam slapped his laptop closed.
Over the phone, he heard his brother stifle a sob. “I don’t … I don’t know Sammy, just please hurry, I-” His voice broke. “I think I fucked up, Sam, big time.”
“It’s alright Dean, just hang in there, I’ll come and get you.”
“Thanks.” Dean’s voice was small as he answered.
You can feel regret and decide that the outcome of the situation was worth it, and do it again.
When Sam arrived at the old warehouse and saw Dean, kneeling on the floor and covered in blood, he was worried.
You can feel regret, ask for redemption and forgiveness, but don’t get it.
As he let his gaze wander and it fell upon you, laying limb in Dean’s bloody arms, he was worried sick.
And even if you do get forgiven, who is to say that the guilt will stop haunting you?
“The doctors took her into surgery.” Sam carefully looked at his older brother, whose hands and shirt were still stained with your dried blood. “They said that she might not make it.”
“She will make it,” Dean said. The doctors were wrong, they are always wrong. They would be wrong this time, too.
Regret is buried deep in Dean Winchester. Rooted, even. He regrets many things. He was forgiven, then he was not, he pushed away the people around him in trying to not repeat his last mistakes, sometimes succeeded, sometimes he didn’t.
There were many things he felt guilty for. Too many, if you asked his brother Sam.
“What exactly happened in there, Dean?” Sam asked.
“I don’t know,” Dean said. But that was a lie, because he did.
But he didn’t want to admit what he had done. Why he had done it. It turned his stomach around. There was a reason why Dean hadn’t looked Sam in the eye since he arrived.
He was sitting in your room again.
He was feeling regret about what happened. Again. He was doing that a lot, too, lately.
After the … incident, he mostly avoided talking to you. That had been just a few days ago.
He had even avoided seeing you since you returned to the Bunker, unless absolutely necessary.
Because just as he predicted, the doctors had turned out to be wrong: you had actually made it. After a light coma and a surgery, but you had made it.
When the nurse had told them you were free to go, Dean had been the one to bring you home. Still wrapped in the white clinical sheets and clothing that the nurses had given you, but he had brought you home.
So no, he hadn’t talked to you in days. Not seen you either, for that matter. Just cut you off like that.
And, to his genuine surprise, you had let him.
Normally, you would try everything in your power to talk to him, talk him out of his drowning thoughts, convince him that what had happened wasn’t his fault.
But not this time.
And that only substantiated his feeling that you truly hated him this time. Weren’t able to forgive him. And how could he blame you? He couldn’t even forgive himself.
But he missed you and it tore at him.
He missed the way that you would hold him when he ever so rarely let himself cry, and he missed the way your voice would whisper sweet words of reassurance in his ear in a low tone.
He missed your fingers gently scarding through his hair, and at his scalp, to soothe him.
He missed you humming the low tunes of some made-up song in the late evening, when you were laying in each other’s arms, right before falling asleep.
And he missed dancing with you. Just putting on whatever vinyl it was you could find in his room and then swaying to the sound of the music, wrapped around each other and being at peace, even if it was just for a few minutes.
He missed you so much.
On the shelf, leaned against the wall, the TV played some cheesy 80’s romance movie. It was the late night program.
Dean was tuning it out. He had stopped listening a long while ago, anyway.
No, his mind was playing a movie on its own. One that was specially designed for Dean Winchester. Written by Dean Winchester, starring Dean Winchester - and Y/N Y/L/N.
A tragic love story, with drama, hurt, betrayal, forgiveness.
In his mind, Dean could still feel the heavy weight of the blade resting in the palm of his hand. It hadn’t felt like this in the warehouse - or had it? He wasn’t sure.
Who was he lying to, it had felt light. Perfectly shaped for him, and him only. In that moment, everything had felt perfectly shaped.
It took the sound of the weapon driving through your skin and into your organs, that made him realize that nothing was perfect. Or carved out for him, that the blade wasn’t light but actually weighed too much to carry, that’s why he let it fall out of his hand and clatter to the ground, that’s why he rushed to your hurt body on the floor -
Dean’s head shot up at the sound of your voice clear next to him, fast enough to probably break his neck.
He threw a quick glance at the door, then you again. “Hey,” he said back.
You stood awkwardly a few steps next to the bed, fumbling your fingers and trying to hold his gaze.
The only sound was the program still playing on the television and Dean decided that he should perhaps turn it off if he hoped for a conversation to start.
While he was fumbling for the remote, you turned your attention to the movie playing on the screen.
“Didn’t know you were a fan of Sixteen Candles,” you said, and so you were the first to talk.
“I’m not.” He found the remote, and pressed the small red button to turn off the TV.
You put your hands in the back pockets of your jeans and slowly whipped back and forth on your feet.
Dean’s thoughts were short circuiting and he felt his heartbeat fasten. He tried to not look into your direction too much, and his eyes flickered back and forth between the many items in his room.
Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye he realized that you had moved to sit down on the bed next to him. Funny, he hadn’t even felt the mattress dip.
Dean straightened his back and moved his knees closer together, to minimalize every possibility of you guys accidentally touching each other.
He hated that, so did you. But neither did anything to change it.
You cleared your throat awkwardly, indicating that you were meaning to start a conversation, but somehow, you said nothing. Just sat there, looking at him, brows furrowed in concern.
Every once in a while, your gaze would flicker around his room, unsure of what to do, and eventually land back on him again.
“We should probably talk.”
“About what?” Dean knew the words were nonsense as soon as they left his mouth. Of course he knew about what, but part of him didn’t want to realize that you were finally here for it.
“About what happened.” Your voice was strong as you said it. He admired you for it.
Tears were burning in his eyes, and God, how he hated himself for it, because he had cried enough that day.
“I’m sorry,” he breathed out. Your demeanor didn’t change.
“About what?” It was your turn to ask, your voice soft and silk and catching his fall. Dean almost laughed at you.
“What I did to you,” he sniffled, and shit, when did the tears start actually falling? He wiped them away aggressively. This is not at all how he figured this would go.
“Dean.” The feather light touch of your fingers on his naked skin made him turn. Goosebumps started rising where you touched him, your hand was so cold.
“This wasn’t your fault.” Now he was laughing. Bitter, biting and short, but it was a laugh. Unbelieving.
“Right. I was just the one that drove the Blade through your organs.”
You didn’t even flinch at his wording. Or the dark glare that followed after. Your eyes were so soft, and adoring, eyebrows scrunched together, and Dean knew he had never seen something as beautiful as the woman before him.
When you reached out to rest a hand on his cheek, he found himself leaning into your touch. Your fingers were still cold.
“Dean,” your voice barely above a whisper, and when had he closed his eyes?
“I know that wasn’t you. You were controlled by something so purely evil, that it was eating you up. You had no control over the things that you did. Look at me.”
Dean shifted his gaze. “I know you would never hurt me.”
And you said it with such force, and certainty, that Dean felt it practically piercing through him. His shoulders slumped, a hard breath left his mouth, and before he could register what happened, he was slumped against you, breathing in your warm scent of woods and perfume, and wrapped his arms around your torso to hold onto you for dear life.
He noticed your hands carefully scarding through his hair, and thought, that this was all he had been dreaming of for the past few days.
He loved you so much.
Minutes felt like hours, and those felt like seconds, as the two of you held each other, bathing in the other’s presence, warmth, comfort.
A pathetic whine almost left Dean’s throat as protest when you carefully pushed him off you, but he held it back.
He watched as you stood up, smooth and elegant, and walked over to a different corner of his room. Your steps were eaten by the carpeted floor.
Dean saw you take a vinyl from the shelf and carefully pull it out of the cover, laying it on the record player.
A crackling sound was the first thing to be heard, before the needle reached the engraved lines.
Then, the first tunes of Kitty Kallen’s It’s been a long long time sounded through the room.
You took a few steps closer to him, hips swaying lightly to the tune. Your arms were stretched out in an invitation, and at the sight of your joyous grin, Dean couldn’t do anything else than smile back.
He knew if it came to it, you could make entire armies fall knee to that smile.
He took your invitation to join you gladly. Your skin didn’t feel as cold against his anymore, though that could be only because his hands were warm.
The smile didn’t leave both of your lips as you dragged him closer.
And though he wasn’t inhaling, to Dean this felt like the first breath he had taken in days. Your lips were soft against his, and he felt feverish, in the best possible way one could do.
It was soft, and loving, and he adored it.
As you pulled away from him, you carefully nestled your head under his chin, resting right on top of his chest.
Absentmindedly, Dean closed his eyes, let the tunes of the song wash over him, and lazily swayed side to side with you in his arms. He was sure you could hear his heartbeat under his shirt. A heart that beat only for your love.
This was what his hands had been shaped to do, since the dawn of time. Not for the blood, or the murder, or the irrationality. No, for this right here, holding you close to him, his head on top of your hair and bodies pressed against each other as if it was the last time he would ever see you.
“Kiss me once,” you drew your head back from his chest, a mischievous glint in your eye, “Then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again.”
Dean smirked and raised his eyebrows. “You’re unreal.”
“I know.” You grinned and pressed a chaste kiss on his pink lips.
When you looked back at Dean, a soft grin was tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“What are you smiling about?” You asked him reproachfully, but your playful undertones gave you away.
“I just love hearing you talk,” he admitted.
Then why did you kill her for it?
“Is that so?” you asked him teasingly.
I didn’t.
Your smile was beaming up at him and filling him with the warmth of a million suns, and he suddenly didn’t know how he could believe that you would ever be able to hate him.
He pressed a kiss to your hairline, a kiss that said more than his words possibly could, and with a comfortable sigh, you snuggled into his chest and closed your eyes.
He wrapped his arms around you, holding you tight and never wanting to let you go.
He would never let you go.
The sound of the slow song carried through the hallways, a faint melody like the whispering breeze of a wind.
Sam Winchester heard its soothing tune from where he was standing in the library, next to him a black haired man in a trenchcoat, an angel, Castiel.
The pair was looking at the massive wooden table that the hunter and his brother often used to keep their research. Today, that table was empty, empty of books and laptops that was.
A bundle was laid on it, wrapped in white linen and laced up with split thread. Like a macabre package.
Sam felt sick, staring at the covered, dead body of another fallen friend. A sister to him. And to Dean … to Dean a lover. A rock. A spark of good in his sea of bad.
Sam still didn’t know what exactly had happened in the warehouse that night. All he knew was that Dean had his blood on your hands, in the literal sense of the word, and that his eyes had held a vacant expression.
He remembered the moment the doctor’s informed him about your death and how he had grieved you, and how he told Dean, but how it didn’t seem to get through to him.
He remembered Dean carrying your body out of the hospital, and retiring to his room the moment they had reached the bunker, and how he hadn’t come out since.
We need to bury her, Sam, Cas had said. It can’t go on like this.
Sam’s answer had always been the same. Let’s just give him more time.
But Sam knew that Castiel was right, there was no use to dragging this out any longer, and still, he hesitated.
No, he wouldn’t hold the funeral without Dean. And Dean was nowhere ready to attend a funeral.
“We should tell him,” said Cas. His gaze was fixed on the white bundle lying on the table.
Sam slowly nodded. “Yeah, we should.”
But neither of them moved an inch, not even as they heard Dean’s soft mumbles out of his room, while the slow record in the next room gently came to a harmonic end.
━━━━━━ ❝ ɴᴏʙᴏᴅʏ ᴛᴏʟᴅ ᴍᴇ ɪᴛ ᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ ❞ ━━━━━━
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garf1eld4evr · 4 months
Hello! I saw that you were taking fic requests, I have an idea but only if you want to 😅.
Could you do one where Vox and Alastor are in a tickle fight, and the reader sees them and thinks it's really cute, so she goes to tell the others? They (Vox and Al) are embarrassed and tickle her until she agrees not to tell?
Idk I think it's cute-
Oh god you’re so right Nonnie! Enjoy <3
★ • What happens here stays here • ★
Years back~
Before Alastor and Vox became enemies they were quite the little team! They would always hang out, have fun together and ofcourse have tickle fights to see who would win. Not only because of that, but they would use it against their will. One day Alastor had invited Vox over at the Hazbin Hotel so they could chat and talk about their life since it’s been a week ever since they last talked. Alastor was currently sitting on an armchair with on leg crossed over the other and Vox was sitting on the end of the couch close to him with his arm resting on the armchair.
“So I heard you and Val had another argument?” Alastor asked with his usual smug grin.
“That was private! How the hell did you figure that out?” Vox asked a bit annoyed.
“Why I have my ways dear! It’s quite funny if you ask me! I wonder how your dear viewers would react to that lovely piece of information!” Alastor teased, clearly joking ofcourse. Though Vox wasn’t having any of his bullshit. The guy was too sensitive.
“I swear if you say something like that again I’ll wipe that grin off your face!”
“Why how charming! Though I couldn’t say I’m quite pleased with that mouth of yours Vox. No wonder Valentino always fights with you~”
That did it. Vox had enough of Alastor’s constant teasing. So all of a sudden Vox pounced on Alastor, threw him on the ground and sat on his waist.
“I warned you…” Vox’s left eye began spiraling like a trance while Alastor on the other hand wasn’t scared at all, but he wasn’t quite sure what to expect from his best friend.
“Now now is that any way to treat your host? Where have your manners gooOHOHOHONE?!!!”
Alastor suddenly burst out laughing as Vox’s fingers began spidering on his sides.
“Ah you talk to much. Why don’t you start laughing more?” Vox teased as he poked and pinched his sides while Alastor kept laughing loudly, desperately trying to get him off his waist, which lead to no avail…
“Vox!! I- hahah!!! Let go!!!” Alastor begged and begged though Vox just didn’t listen… that’s when the radio demon gathered enough strength and summoned 4 of his black tendrils. They grabbed Vox’s wrists, lifting his arms above his head as the other two wrapped around his stomach. Vox let out a surprised yelp as he realised what’s gonna happen…
“Wait Alastor! There’s no need I uh… I got carried away!!” Vox was grinning nervously.
“Oh what’s wrong Voxxy? Still afraid of the tickle monster?~” Alastor placed both hands above his stomach and wiggled his fingers teasingly, without touching him yet. Vox then burst out laughing.
“I’m not even touching you yet! But if your so tempted for me to do so then as you wish~” The tendrils soon enough began wiggling all over his stomach causing him to shriek and scream like a high school girl. Vox has always been most ticklish than him which has been quite the struggle for him.
“Alastor! Stohohop!!! I cahahant!!!” Vox squealed and laughed hysterically.
“My my, music to my ears~ since when did your laughter become so adorable and contagious Vox?” Alastor teased as he poked his back with his caine while Vox screamed in laughter. He wasn’t even begging him to stop.
“My your enjoying this quite a l-“
Suddenly Alastor was cut off by a giggle coming from behind. The tendrils dropped Vox as he turned around to see Y/N holding her phone up recording them as they put the phone away.
“I’m so telling everyone!”
Y/N quickly began to run off as Alastor summoned a tendril as it went flying towards them and wrapped around their stomach, pulling them back to him.
“Now now Y/N I suggest you delete that recording from your picture box before I murder you.” Alastors eyes went pitchblack as his radio voice went distorted. Vox’s left eye also began spiraling again as Y/N received a death glare from him.
“Oh hell no! This was the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen!”
“Then you should face some consequences…” Vox said angrily as he grabbed Y/N and started scribbling on their sides and belly.
“WAIT NO!!!” Y/N squealed loudly as they burst out laughing. Alastor bend on one knee and took off their shoe as he held them by the ankle and poked and scratched their socked foot.
“Such giggles!~” Alastor teased as Vox angrily scratched and poked and squeezed Y/N’s belly and sides.
“You gonna tell?!” Vox asked angrily.
“Right.” Vox’s hands began glowing with electricity as his hands went under Y/N’s shirt and he squeezed, sending a ticklish vibration. Y/N shrieked with laughter.
“I WONT TELL!!!” Y/N yelled through laughter.
“Sorry darling what? I couldn’t hear over someone laughing~” Alastoe teased from down below as he scribbled on Y/N’s foot.
“I PROMISEEE!!!” Y/N cried out from laughter. They were getting very red in the face.
“Hmm… what do you say Vox?” Alastor raised a brow and looked at Vox curiously.
“You promise to delete it and never tell anyone?”
“YES!!!” Y/N yelled desperately.
“Hmm… okay… you’re off the hook, kid.” Alastor released their foot, so did the tendril release their stomach and Vox let go. Y/N fearfully ran out the room leaving both Vox and Alastor alone.
“Heh we can use it against them next time…” Vox grinned as his voice changed to a TV static.
“Oh you are so right…” Alastor replied.
“Now how about some tea!” Alastor suggested as he walked away to get some tea, while Vox send a playful poke on his side.
“Oh how your getting that back.” Alastor then jumped on him, pinning him to the ground as the war began all over again.
★ • The end • ★
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thenightling · 5 days
Unexpected Goth music
In the 90s you had the curious dilemma of both trying to avoid the title of Goth and also being accepted in the perceived Goth community. And there was an unfortunately high number of gatekeepers. You'd get asked what your favorite Goth artist or song was and for whatever reason "That doesn't count." or "That's actually Punk." or 'That's Death Rock, not Goth." or "That's too mainstream, that's not REAL Goth." And it got very irritating. So I'm going to list some of the things I think fit under the Goth genre that many would either not consider at all or would think "don't count." Disclaimer: This list does not contain obvious bands like The Cure, Siouxsie and the banshees, or Bauhaus. Once you remove those you'd be surprised how limited the selection of "real" Goth starts to feel. ______________________ And now here are the things that have (in my own experience) been classified as not Goth despite really fitting the criteria. Aurelio Voltaire - Sometimes considered Goth folk or "Dark Cabaret" or even "Death Rock" (1988 version of The Night) Aurelio Voltaire pretty much personifies Goth music. From his Gothic Neo Victorian / pirate look to such songs as Raised by Bats, Land of the Dead, Vampire Club, and the Neil Gaiman's The Sandman inspired "Come Sweet Death." Aurelio Voltaire is so Goth that I can't help but think there are other reasons people may not want to count him such as unconscious racism. (He's Cuban and has released Spanish language tracks.) Danny Elfman - Perhaps today most well known for his movie scores, particularly the iconically Gothic Nightmare before Christmas (where he was multiple voices including Jack's singing voice), Danny Elfman used to be the front man for the band Oingo Boingo where he had such songs as Dead Man's Party, Flesh 'n blood, Weird Science, No one lives forever, and No Spill Blood. These are arguably Gothic themed but not Gothic "style." However I do feel there is some Goth leanings in his 2020 album Big Mess which was officially released as the genre Industrial Goth. The Hex Girls - This band was invented for the 1999 Scooby Doo animated movie, Scooby Doo and the Witch's Ghost. Representing Gothic fashion, Wiccan spiritual beliefs, and environmentalism the band was meant to be a Gothic inversion on The Spice Girls. Defined as "Eco Goth" though arguably pop their songs actually were really good including "Earth, Wind, Fire, and Air" (though admittedy it should be Earth, Water, Fire, and Air), The Witch's Ghost, and Hex Girl. Inkubus Sukkubus - Considered Pagan Rock, they are definitely Goth, including the songs Sweet Morpheus and Vampire Queen (and several other vampire themed songs!) Blackmore's night - Neo Medieval folk rock band. You know... I think once you get called "Neo Medieval" you get a free pass to call yourself Goth. That's just my opinion. Including the songs Locked Within the Crystal Ball, The Darkness, and Shadow of the Moon.
Within Temptation - Symphonic Metal / Gothic Metal. One question... have you listened to them? Just listen to Angel, Stand my Ground, The Fear, or A Demon's Fate. Eden's Bridge - Progressive Celtic Folk Rock. They have two songs dedicated to Oscar Wilde's The Canterville Ghost. I know one song isn't enough but still... Sonata Arctica - Metal but some of their biggest hits are about magic and more commonly werewolves. Cain's offering - Again, Metal, but the subject matter is decidedly Gothic. Kamelot - Power metal but they have two albums that retell Goethe's Faust parts 1 and 2 (Epica and The black Halo). In fact pretty much everything they do is of Gothic inclination. Richard Campbell - Metal but he did an entire metal opera retelling the novel Frankenstein. I think that's pretty Goth if you ask me.
Smashing Pumpkins - Considered Alternative rock. There was time where just about anything vampire related was advertised with Bullet with Butterfly Wings. And the band is named after a popular Halloween prank. The lead singer is also a professional poet.
Alice Cooper - Welcome to my Nightmare, Keepin' Halloween Alive, The Ballad of Dwight Frye (actor from classic universal monster movies), Gimme, Black Widow (With Vincent Price). He also performed in Tim Burton's Dark Shadows.
Marilyn Manson - Once Classified as industrial Goth, he was denounced by many Goths as "too mainstream" or "Not Goth enough." The man did covers of Danny Elfman's This is Halloween, David Bowie's Golden Years, Annie Lennox's Sweet Dreams, and Lost Boys' Cry Little Sister. That's pretty Goth if you ask me. My Chemical Romance (MCR) - Do I really need to elaborate wit this one? David Bowie - Mostly considered Glam Rock, Bowie has dabbled in all genres and Heart's Filthy Lesson was definitely industrial. Aurelio Voltaire did a Goth sequel to the songs Bowie wrote for Labyrinth. And Bowie's Scary Monsters and Super Creeps inspired Danny Elfman. You can't get more Goth than that (In my opinion). Even Bowie's album Hours drifts into Emo territory. Prince - At the very least he had a Goth aesthetic. I think if he wasn't black people would be quicker to realize he could fit as Goth. There's a lot of unconscious racism among some (not all) Goths. Michael Jackson - One word. Thriller. He also had The Boogeyman's Gonna Get ya with The Jackson Five, and later Ghost. But once you get Vincent Price to rap you should automatically count. The Rasmus - Rock but most of their songs are decidedly Goth and probably should count such as In the Shadows, Ghost of love, and Lucifer's Angel. Sarah McLachlan - Though considered pop let's be honest. Every Goth and person in the 90s "vampire Scene" had her Surfacing album or at least heard Building a Mystery. Before her music started playing in ASPCA commercials you heard songs like Adia on Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Savage Garden - Though definitely pop they get an honorary mention for having songs inspired by Anne Rice and for naming themselves after a phrase invented by The vampire Lestat to describe the nature of the world in The Vampire Lestat novel by Anne Rice. Sting - Though not always Goth, Sting was in the Gothic horror movie The Bride and wrote a song from the perspective of Louis in Interview with the vampire called Moon over Bourbon Street. Stevie Nicks - She got an American Horror story: Coven tie-in music video and practices witchcraft. That's like hitting a Goth bullseye. Johnny Cash - Wore all black all the time and did a cover of a NIN song that is considered better than the original version, Hurt. Sir Elton John - Glam / Pop rock but he gets an honorary mention for composing the Lestat Broadway musical and having a full demo album that was never officially released and can only be found through dubious / underground sources. (Or Ebay if you were lucky in 2006...) Honorable mention to Bobby "Boris" Pickett for having the first Gothic themed song to get banned in the UK (Monster Mash) for being "Too morbid." You can't get much more Goth than that.
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
I hope this doesn't sound too silly, but I've been tormented by one thought for several weeks. Reader, who has a calm character, has been acting a little gloomy lately. And Ragatha noticed it and decided to ask! Since Ragatha is such a person who disposes to herself and you can trust her, reader decided to invite her to their room and tell their problem. They very hesitantly admitted that they have some feelings for Jax/Caine/Kinger/Pomni (I think Ragatha will have a different reaction to everyone) and have no idea what to do with it. Well, reader need support...and help probably.
Ragatha reacting to the reader having a crush on someone!
big sis ragatha is in the building!! YAHOO!! might do one more request after this then take a break since my cramps are coming back but i wanna get some work done before im out commission </3 decided for the most part to keep reciprocation ambiguous !!
Tumblr media
im writing these all out of order, but i think ragatha would be surprised about this one too! i mean, caine isnt around too often, usually off doing his own thing... honestly i think caine is not at all ragathas type, so shes probably trying to wrack her brain trying to figure out what the appeal is for you... though, shes not mean about it! you guys just have different taste! as for advice, i think she would try to help you get caines attention :0 assuming you dont already have it, of course !
a little surprised on this one but not outright shocked. i mean kinger is around, he doesnt run off like caine.. and hes generally friendly to everyone unlike jax... hmm.. i think, ragatha would fully support this for both of you.. probably after sitting on it she actually grows on the idea and thinks its cute.. might play matchmaker and have you and kinger paired up for IHAs
she just kind of stares at you for a minute processing.. not that she thinks its a bad thing to have a crush on the guy, but it does take her aback a little considering all the pranks and jokes he pulls on everyone, as well as him being a general annoyance to everyone... though, that sounds mean, i do think her and jax are friends.. i think with this one, she would have the most trouble keeping it a secret and probably accidentally lets it slip to jax... she didnt mean to tattle on you, i promise ! jax just noticed something was off with her and wouldnt stop bugging her until she spilled !
god rest your soul, reader, jax will not let you live this down... his ego is massive
oh? the new girl? sure pomni had just joined the circus a few weeks ago, but who is ragatha to judge you for how fast you catch feelings for someone? now lets say, pomni also returns the feelings... i wanted to keep reciprocation ambiguous but i have an idea: honestly i think she would tell you about how pomni talks about you, how she gushes and keeps bringing you up... the jester is not at all good at hiding her feelings... think of this as a little confidence booster for you, playing matchmaker so to speak... honestly this goes for all of them but i think ragatha would be your personal cheerleader
overall, shes
shocked that you have feelings for jax, and accidentally spills to him
a little surprised for caine, but agrees to be your cheerleader
internally rooting for pomni, and already hyping her girl up to you
and fairly understanding with kinger once she gets over the surprise
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zahri-melitor · 6 months
You have been assigned a four issue mini comic [<100 pages]. It can be about whatever you want. The only restriction is that it has to be about a minor support character [IE character friends, character parents, reoccuring minor villains, reoccuring civilians]. Which character do you choose, and what story would you want to tell in a four issue mini?
For transparency, I'm asking this question to a bunch of people because I want to see all the ideas everyone has. See what everyone would do.
You know what I'd really love? Writing a Lady Shiva mini. I am stretching the definition of 'reoccurring minor villain' but she's never actually had a proper mini in her own right and she's very VERY rarely had viewpoint. I'd want to pick and choose from her various established backstories, and tone down as many of the League of Assassins connections as possible. I think I'd frame it as four pivotal fights (because that's the language of Shiva)
Fight 1: Sandra and David Cain (the 'sort out the backstory' issue/the apprentice) hitting the following:-
Carolyn and Sandra's childhood in Detroit as Chinese-American diaspora, including trips back to China to the family village there for additional martial arts training.
Carolyn encounters Ben Turner and David Cain, both of whom are training under Richard Dragon, with none of this LOA-linked
David Cain murdering Carolyn to motivate Sandra who he sees as a stronger fighter
Recanonise the Batgirl 2000 Cass origin
Sandra giving Cass to David
Fight 2: Lady Shiva and Richard Dragon (the 'birth of Lady Shiva' and her quest to match herself against the best fighters on the planet/the journeywoman)
This would revolve around Shiva's quest to seek training from various sensei.
References to Dinah and Shiva's shared mentor
Shiva and her encounters with Vic Sage and the first signs of her fondness for cases in which she sees the potential for greater violence, just as David Cain saw in her
Maybe recanonise the Paper Monkey stuff? Either way, have her win accolade and acclaim by facing off against the greatest fighters, killing many of them, and gaining her place in the hierarchy
Lots of wandering swordsman journey
Finishing point has this fight ending with Shiva not killing Richard because she can now best him and has found herself alone at the top as the 'best fighter in the world' - but she sees the power he still has above her - his ability to mentor and create the competition she seeks
Fight 3: Lady Shiva and Dinah Lance (Shiva the mentor, training those she most respects the potential in/the master)
I picked Dinah to frame this one for two reasons: she's my fave AND I wanted a fight with a woman for the second set.
We hit backstory with Shiva actively encountering Dinah, Tim, Connor, Cass. 'Her' heroes who she becomes attached to and to pushing them to be better competition for her.
This is the only bit where I might lean towards League of Assassins in terms of probably Nyssa and/or Talia approaching her to ask her to help train their troops, but Shiva finds it dull.
"Go to sleep Westley I might kill you in the morning" attitude emerging as she finds herself weirdly attached to the people she's pushing.
I would love to include a pay off for her fight with Helena Bertinelli in BOPv2 that was put on 'hold' in this fight with Dinah.
Fight 4: Lady Shiva and Cassandra Cain (The inheritance and future issue)
This would be framed around a NEW encounter between Shiva and Cass rather than one of their old ones
Leans into Shiva's death wish and viewing she's already passed on her inheritance, and that she's now defeatable
I would also want to see Sin Lance and Bethany Thorne appear in this issue (also Tim)
Looking at all four of these characters and how they have the potential to surpass and surprise her.
This one WOULD end with Shiva in a position where she's pushing Cass to kill her as she's now the tired one and Cass once again denying it to her
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helloiamadrawer · 5 months
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Caine Catching the Reader trying on his Suit + gender neutral reader confesses to having a crush on him❤️
A/n: I thought this would be a cute thing to write during the wait for what's to come so here's some Caine being a clueless bean, so fluff galore!
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So you were scanning through your digital wardrobe and tbh you were getting really tired of wearing your same nauseating colors of your circus aesthetic why couldn't you ask him to switch it to something..different? That was when you reached the near end of your closet and saw a familiar metallic red garment of clothing
is that..?
no, no you're just having those so-called "digital hallucinations" but to your surprise you took the hanger out of the closet and lo' and behold, it WAS Caine's suit, your face was stuck in a awestruck expression of how you found it, how could that clueless set of dentures lose his fashionable suit? He would probably just make another one with just a snap of his fingers.
You were about to exit your room to return it until you took a good look at it only to notice it almost looked like it could fit you? Well, you were about to find out by trying it on yourself!
Moments later you slid to your mirror and..it was perfect fit..now this is getting weird how did he know your exact measurements?
But it felt so good to look as fly as he does, after all you can admit you got kind of a thing for him..okay a crush! You just never had the guts to tell him but he's probably already heard. Since he hears all, sees all. You just have been holding it in cause you can never get a moment with him alone cause..adventures and stuff.
Turning to see the back of you, a flash of light blinded your vision, only for your sight to return and see the image of Caine with a digital camera. (pun intended but let's say he has an actual digital camera)
"Ah! Caine! I told you nicely to knock before you come in!" you yelped as you jumped nearly out of your skin.
"Terribly sorry my dear! But I actually came in to check on you, but wow do you look stunning in that suit, it could stop traffic and heck, even me in my tracks!" he says clutching his chest dramatically as he pretends to faint.
your face=red from Caine's compliment "th-thanks i guess, I just found it and--''.
"found it? I added it your wardrobe cause..y'know..I couldn't help but overhear you talking to Ragatha about how you could rock a suit like mine! and boy, you were right!" he chirps as he happily floats over to the back of you, placing his hands on your shoulders, admiring how the tux fitted you, that's when it hit you..
Wait..he what?! Oh god, what else has he heard?? hopefully not your endless pining for him, you would metaphorically die!
As Caine faced the mirror, the both of you almost twinning in your matching suits, then he glances at you, a little puzzled of why your face was ablaze from embarrassment, unless..
"So I guess you heard, right?", you question, rubbing the back of your neck.
"Heard what my dear?" Caine asks confused. Well, there was no backing out now, you had to confess or you could go insane before anything else could in this digital hell. You turned to face the ringmaster and explained, "The reason I said I could wear your clothes, is that I have..a..gah! I like you Caine!"
His upper jaw jumps in surprise at your sudden response. A couple seconds of dead silence,his tone stayed ponderous as usual,"....oh. But I don't seem to understand my--"
''Caine, hear me out, I have an interest in you, you're funny, you have alot of personality, and not to mention stylish even if you do wear the same suit everyday, your voice is like music to me and i would listen to it every day. what I'm trying to say is..I want to go out and get to know you more." you confess, finally getting it off your chest as you desperately stare into his dual colored eyes that are now..sparkling?
The A.I took your hands and interlaced them with his as his voice took a softer tone as he asked,"Do you know how long I was waiting for you to say those very words?"
You started to smile brightly, that's one of his favorite features of you ever since he made that one adventure just for you (it was a ballroom that you two slow danced in *sighs lovingly*). "Too long?"
"I didn't know what was going on, at first I thought it was a missing binary code in my system but I realize what this feeling is now, every time I hear your voice, a single glance, your mere presence is but a blessing to me and I would sacrifice all the time in this digital world for you.." he swept one of his hands to push a section of your hair behind in your ear.
His sweet praises make your heart swell with warmth and only causing it to hammer against your chest halting your breathing pattern as you could feel yourself leaning closer and closer until he had to go back to his bombastic ringleader voice,"Now then! My darling, when would you like that date?"
reader.exe stopped working cause Caine called you darling.
"Wh-what about now?..", you stammer, shuffling your feet, "Since we are dressed..fancy."
"Excellent idea, my darling! although the NPC'S may mistake you for me, this should help!" he snaps his fingers as your tux now became a shiny blue with white leggings. It was always amazing of how powerful the A.I was.
Caine being the gentleman he is, links your arm with his as you two head off to the grounds at night laughing and chatting away..who knew a suit could benefit you in so many ways?
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nobody-nexus · 8 months
TADC Obsession AU
So yes I finally made this a whole ass AU- which is why I haven't posted art for a hot second. The idea of this honestly kinda fucked up AU is that Ragatha is the protagonist HOWEVER we see the story through the eyes of Pomni (aka it's a Second POV)
Let's meet the gang ^^
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Amanda, or Ragatha, is a seamstress who has decided to move back into town in order to start anew with her dress making business. She was actually a little surprised to see a new face within the town
Eliza, or Pomni, is the new butcher for the town. Well 'new' for Amanda. In reality, she's been there for a few years now. And seeing that seamstress.... it was love at first sight for the deranged woman
Jackson, or Jax, is the younger brother of Amanda and a complete loser. He can't seem to keep a job to save his life and lives in a small but cheap ass apartment. Amanda is... slightly disappointed in him
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Grace, or Gangle, is a librarian for the town. She's a bit of a germaphobe due to being a sickly kid, but thankfully she keeps gloves and face masks in her library as well as medkits all about
Zoe, or Zooble, is the owner of the tattoo parlor in the town. They were the first to be suspicious of Pomni, and therefore always warns people not to trust her. But, that won't stop everyone from doing so
Cesar, or Kinger, is a sad soul. Only leaving his house for work and to go shopping, he's hardly seen out of his house. Ever since Quinn, his wife, had gone missing- he's not had the best time recovering
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Caine is the CEO of one of the most well-known meat production sites in the United States. He stays in the small town, finding it very quant, and it had the benefit of having his favorite customer!
Marina, or Moon, is Caine's wife and a detective for the local police force. Although she's incredible at her job, she seems to have run into a road block with a list of seemingly unrelated murders....
Summer, or Sun, is the older sister of Marina and a schoolteacher for the town. She's a kind soul who is trying to make sure no one worries, but isn't afraid to be blunt with others. In the middle of the madness
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Bubble is, to put it simply, Caine and Marina's pet dog. Nothing more, nothing less (like actually I just wanted to draw Bubble as a dog)
Gabriella, or The Gloink Queen, is the manager of a local strip club known as 'The Gloink Cave'. Despite her business, and a very commanding personality, she's seen as a potential suspect for it all
Ivy, or The Influencer, is the local hermit of the town. Hardly leaves her apartment and is a local dark web and black-market salesman! She's a criminal with a fanbase. And Amanda's deranged cousin
I have a lot of this AU, and it's been infecting my brain as of recent, so much so that... well, I made reference sheets for ALL of the characters. Hope you like it! If you have any questions, my inbox is nice and open! So, ask away
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luna-writes-stuff · 1 year
Hi there! 😀 I've got an SPN preference request: "Imagine being the one to have taken on the Mark of Cain and breaking down in their arms after killing all the Stynes for them killing Charlie." (I know it's a mouthful, but you can rephrase that if you want.)
It’s been a hot second since I’ve watched the MOC arc (it wasn’t my favourite because hoW DARE THEY END CHARLIE), but here you go <3
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Dean Winchester
Dean might be the most compassionate out of them. Initially, he hated it when you took the mark upon yourself, so when he found out what you lost due to it, he could’ve sworn he had broken down beside you as well. He’d try to whisper some assuring words into your ear as he’d gently rub patterns on your back, telling you that they had it coming. If it wouldn’t have been you who killed them, he would have done it. You know those aren’t just empty words, but promises he would have kept if you weren’t the first. He would be so protective of you afterwards, but protective in the sense of “you can handle yourself while fighting, but if anyone talks shit-“
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Sam Winchester
Sam had been torn ever since you had taken on the mark, but after voicing his disagreement for a handful of days, he decided to do everything in his power to help you. He feels incredibly guilty considering his ideas on solving the matter, but he’d try to keep a brave face as you broke down into his arms. He was slightly frightened of you after watching you kill Charlie’s murderer, but seeing your eyes water directly in front of him tugged harshly on his heartstrings. After Charlie’s funeral, he’d try to talk with you about what happened, but respects the time and space you need. He will definitely bring it up later though - only with the best of intentions.
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This isn’t the first time he has been faced with the brutal determination of mankind, but it still takes him by surprise. After you run to him with bloodied hands, his first concern would be your well-being, but after finding out you weren’t physically injured, he’d return the embrace, sort of freezing as you sobbed into him - still a somewhat comfortable hold. He’d try to calm you down in any way he can, claiming that he could have helped or things along those lines. After finding out you simply need a shoulder to cry on for the moment, he’d be glad to offer it to you. When you fall asleep that same night, he makes sure to clean up any minor injuries you might have sustained during battle and keeps the bad memories and dreams away from you while you sleep. He’ll let Sam and Dean know you are safe before watching over you all night.
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Being an archangel, he has seen a lot of battles. Seeing you run to him in your state would not have come as a huge surprise to him, though his initial reaction would certainly be to make sure that whatever danger you had been facing is now gone. As you sob into his arms, he’d sink down onto the floor with you, letting you release all the tension you needed to while he remained quiet. When you finally calm down, he’d ask you about what happened and if there was anything he could still help with. If you refuse to talk about it, he’d accept that, and simply offer you a warm bath to wash off all the grime and blood. When you fall asleep, he’d probably check up on people he knows you have been in contact with, such as Sam and Dean, to hear what had happened. With some explanation, he’d be gentle around you. Not out of fright, but out of compassion. He’d help the Winchesters find something to get rid of the mark, or help in any way he can.
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Seeing you show up all bloodied would get a chuckle or laugh out of him at first, but when he noticed your crestfallen expression, all laughter dies. His face drops slightly as he utters a “wait, what happened?”. You don’t even have time to properly answer his question before you start sobbing endlessly. He’d gather you in his arms before you can ever near him, placing his hands on the back of your head as he held you close. Some silent curses and threats fall on his lips as he feels the anger and anguish radiate off of you, but he’s quick to change them into quiet hushes. When you calm down, he’ll snap the dirt and blood off of you, simultaneously ridding you of all bruises and cuts your body might have held (he’d casually brush this off). He won’t rest until you finally do. If any of them by any chance would still be breathing, they certainly would not be afterwards.
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He is quick. When you first throw yourself into his arms, he’d be slightly taken aback, but he doesn’t dare to move after you explained what had happened through sobs. The blood on his coat doesn’t even bother his anymore. He’d try to console you through encouragements and words of understanding, claiming he’d ensure that whoever was responsible for this would serve a great time in hell. After you slightly composed yourself, he’d get you to sit down as he takes off your jacket, flinging the dirty clothing into a corner of the room, before checking your arms for any serious injuries. When you confirm that there are no life threatening lacerations on your body, he’d simply nod and hand you a new pair of clothes, personally taking care of the ruined ones you wore. He’d send some demons out there just to check if you had gotten everyone. Only one phone call to Sam and Dean and he would help the pair out on their next best idea to rid you of your raging mark.
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