#susie might have to bite kris
thebelugawhalefriend · 9 months
Connection: Kris x Reader
CW: Y/N insert, Gender Neutral reader, Slow burn (?)
Part Two
Please Note: This will be a spin off starting from Chapter 2's ending! While new tidbits from future chapters will affect new aspects, this will be a fanfiction based on my own thoughts and story direction. Please take this as an "alternate universe/ending" piece rather than pure canon material. Thank you!
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Connection [TERMINATED]
All I can feel are my muffled breaths as I struggle between couch cushions.
"Kris... Stop struggling! I'm trying to sleep!" A black boot shoves my face further into the coarse fabric prison I'm in. "Wait a minute- That's not Kris' kickable face!"
Just as suddenly as I had woken up in peril, a tight grip on my head pulled me from the cushions. Yellow eyes peer through me in suspicion.
"Just who the HELL are you?!"
"Wait- I can-!"
"Why am I waking up in the Dark world, huh?!"
"Just listen!"
A soft yet familiar voice interrupts the barrage of demanding questions before I can even process what's going on. The pause gives me just a moment to look around to what just might be happening. My head? Currently being held by Susie, an armor clad purple monster whose bite would most likely end me. My surroundings? None like I've seen in the game before. Card castle isn't anywhere near that I can see... And yet the friendly green dressed goat, Ralsei, is here to greet us.
"Just who is that you're holding...?" Ralsei tilts his head.
"I don't know WHO they are, but they better explain why we're here..."
"Maybe instead of gripping them like that, you could let them down? Maybe they'll tell us on their own!"
It takes Susie a long moment to get used to this idea. A few glances shared between Ralsei and myself too. But, it isn't long until she releases her claws and lets me back down onto the couch. "Fine, but they have FIVE seconds to explain themselves..."
I stand right up from the couch and dust myself off, shivering and shaking from the encounter. Unlike the others, I'm still in the plain clothing I typically wear. It WOULD feel unfair if it weren't for the fact that... Well, where am I? More importantly- HOW am I? How could this happen?
"I'm (Y/N), but... You've known me as Kris for the past few days-"
"YOU'RE KRIS?!" Susie sounds exasperated, but a nudge from Ralsei quiets her down.
"Kind of? It's hard to explain but I've kind of... Been like a guide for Kris. Telling them what to do to stay on the right path. Their Soul, if you will. I know you two very well... But, Kris... They pulled me right out of their own chest and stuffed me into the couch cushions! I don't know how, I don't even know why, but all I know is that I'm somehow here...?"
"...And you expect us to believe that?" Susie raises an eyebrow.
"I know it sounds ridiculous! I don't even believe that I'm here! Shit, I'm still dressed in what I wore yesterday and I'm not even FROM your worlds!"
While Susie was giving me the most menacing glare, Ralsei was scratching his chin in thought. "It does make some sense... I don't see anything that would make you a lightener, but you can't be a darkener either. Though, can you remember how you got here?"
"No... All I know is that after finishing this chapter, I-"
"Chapter? CHAPTER?!" Susie interrupts again, yet Ralsei doesn't stop her this time
"Look, I don't think I have time to explain all of this! We have to find Kris- If they pulled me into this mess, they're going to get me right back out of it!"
While the tall purple monster was hesitant to agree, she crossed her arms and nodded, "We will have to find them, regardless of you. I doubt you're telling the truth..."
Ralsei stops her thoughts, "But! (Y/N) very much could be! And if they are Kris' SOUL, we need to find them and fast. Who knows what could happen to Kris if them and (Y/N) are separate too long...
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So, that new girl I keep talking about?
She really, really, REALLY hates Kris.
And you know what's weird? Literally ONLY Kris seems oblivious to this. Or, no. Are they oblivious? They're literally getting bullied! Do they just... not care? Then again, who knows what Kris is thinking. I just don't get why they don't tell their mom.
OR, BETTER, switch seats with me, like I keep saying lol. I guess they just don't want to be at the front of the class? But... She doesn't EVER bully me, EVEN when there'd be a HUGE opportunity to, so... Come on, switch seats, everyone would be safer that way X)
Like, you're not going to believe what happened today. lol
After the bell rang, as usual, everyone rushed to see who could get out of class first. I stayed behind a bit to help Alphys put away some books (and look for some mysteriously missing supplies X) ). Meanwhile, Kris was still asleep, face-down on a totally blank notebook page, and for some reason, Susie... hadn't left either. She was just sitting there... staring at Kris's head. Sniffing it...??? (Wonder if she'd like scented candles? X) )
Eventually I started to leave too (I even almost said bye this time), but I was a bit worried about Kris, so I stayed outside the classroom to... umm, watch? X) I had to stay totally out of sight, Holiday family ninja style, since Susie didn't seem like she was going to do anything until she made sure I was gone.
After a while, Susie got up, knocking her chair over. She jumped into Ms. Alphys's seat and put her shoes up on the desk, getting dirt everywhere. (I just know I'm going to have to clean that. X) )
She grabbed the apple Berdly had given Alphys a few days ago (you know, one of the ones she has literally never eaten X) ), held it up, and started talking.
"Hey, idiot."
Kris didn't look up.
Kris still didn't look up!
Kris looked up. Susie rolled her eyes and showed all of her horrible and very cool teeth.
"Nice shampoo. Apple flavor, right? Better be careful about wearing that around me."
Then she BIT THE WHOLE APPLE IN HALF! Including the core. She even ate the seeds, which, um, contain arsenic if you didn't know. X) Don't eat those Susie... anyway, Kris didn't react, so she continued.
"Keep smelling like apples... you might end up like this."
Kris didn't react.
"Bitten..." she pointed to the apple. "In HALF."
There was like, the MOST awkward silence... and then...
But it wasn't Susie...
No, it was Kris, just barely stifling some laugh.
Did they think that was some kind of weird joke...? X)
WHATEVER it was, Susie must have thought she was getting made fun of, because she immediately just LAUNCHED the apple right at kris.
But, Kris, with their gamer reaction speed X) Held up their notebook like a shield and blocked it diagonally, bouncing it into the air...
And actually CAUGHT the apple.
Then took a bite out of it.
Gosh, though, did that make Susie mad.
"You little..."
She ran over and grabbed Kris by the hair, staring into their face. REALLY close. I froze. I knew that if I didn't do anything, Kris would get hurt, or worse, but something inside me just... froze! I just stood there, holding my breath. And Susie kept talking.
"One day, your mom's gonna get sick of you, you little freak. And as soon as that happens..."
Susie laughed. I felt genuinely sick.
"Someone might make you disappear. And she'll finally realize how happy she was without you."
But after all that,
Kris didn't say anything at all.
It felt like her voice echoed around the room forever.
Then, when it finally went quiet,
Kris's mouth looked like it moved.
To be honest, moved so slightly, I couldn't even tell if they said something, or what, but whatever it was, Susie's attitude... suddenly completely changed.
She let go of Kris, backing off quickly, then left the room in such a hurry, she easily would have won today's "leaving first" race.
I REALLY wish I could have seen her reaction, but I was so scared she would see me that I literally just jumped into my locker X)
In the end all I could see through the little slats was her shape from behind, going towards the entrance of the school with her head held low.
Finally, I heard the entrance door close.
I sighed, and suddenly all that frozen feeling that had built up in my chest flew out of my body all at once. "Holy cheese and crackers!" I said to myself. I almost started laughing from relief.
Then suddenly, my locker's door flung open.
Kris was standing there.
I started to stutter hello, and they just slowly, slowly shut the door on me and left.
I ordered apple shampoo, maybe if I wear it too she won't bother Kris as much X))))))))))
(This is from Noelle's blog from the spamton sweepstakes event)
I really love how protective but scared Noelle is.
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mrchaosman · 5 months
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????: Sup, fools.
Susie: Who the hell are you?.
????: Well, I'm known as Creative Evil Empirical Prideful Amazing Brand overall Tyrant.
You babies can call me.....
(Take a bite of the apple).
Creepa-bot (or creepa for short).
Susie: Like Hell we Gonna you that, Creative.......Empirical........
(More monitors with "Creepa" written on it).
Creepa: Creepa, remember that name well.
Susie: well, look "Creepa"
We are not babies.
Creepa: Teenagers are technically a babies but a bit intelligent (and Adults are even more intelligent Babies)
(Two monitors appears, one has "IDIOT" written in the screen and other has "LARGE IDIOT" written in the screen).
Susie: ......... isn't that make a baby too?.
Creepa: Hell Nah, I'm a computer (VERY SMART AND HANDSOME).
Susie:....Wait, WHAT?.
Creepa (flies away): Well, That's Cool and All but I have to go now (goodnight kids).
Susie: Wait, WAIT, Why'd You Captured Noelle?.
Creepa (returns to where he appeared): I also planned to capture you too but I ran out of cages (damn, that's sucks).
Susie: Angry, Why the CAPTURING-.
Creepa: so she become my loyal peon.
For my Plan to Taking Over The World.
Also, I might make her a "Creepafied".
Susie: WHAT, WHY???.
Creepa: Sounds cool.
Susie: well, Forgot it, Man.
No one is gonna turn anyone into a weird-looking robot.
Creepa: That Sound like a good peaceful way.
Susie: HUH??..
Creepa: Wanna a battle, Fatass?.
Creepa (flies away once again): ok, Goodbye.
Creepa: Sorry, I don't have time for that (I was about to kick Your Ass).
But maybe I have some guys who can play with you.
(The mind-control devices floating above two NPCs before taking over them).
(Battle begins).
Creepa: Have fun (Bye).
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Creepa: alright, Noelle, do you accept to be my faithful loyal peon?.
If you do, I'll free you.
Just press the correct answer button.
Noelle: I... I'm Scared.
Creepa: Did You even log in a form like this before (OMG XD).
Noelle: No, it's everything else that's scary.
Creepa: Please fill this list out of the following emotions.
I already told you that being a Peon is really AWSAOME.
Susie: Noelle.
Noelle: S... Susie!?.... Kris!?.
Susie: Don't Worry, We won't let you become robotfied.
Susie: Whoops, though. Uh, You Already know that.
Creepa: Well look at this, You Just Ruined the surprise.
Well Then.
(A rotor appears above the cage and flies away, taking Noelle with it).
Susie: W-Wait---!!.
Creepa: What a mess.
The peon must be "willing" to guide in the World Domination.
If only she had a fellow Peons to encourage her.
Creepa: So, You "fellas"
Are you like.
Doing anything now?.
Ralsei: We aren't going to help you.
Creepa: Understood (activating mind-changing protocols).
(A butler falls from the sky with a plate in his hand, he pulls the cover and reveals a giant game console and then leaves).
Susie: a giant game console.
Creepa: I decided to humiliating you in a simple Children's way.
With some striking to your ego.
And then, there will be no way but to Serve me (and only me).
Susie: The Hell?!?!, I never played one of these before.
Ralsei: But Kris is quite good at games.
Susie: oh yeah, Kris, Forgot you were a Nerd, show him.
(You tried to use the console, but you are not tall or strong enough to use the controller).
Creepa: Ego Striking complete.
Activating Laughing mode.
Ralsei: Uh... ummm... it's ok, kris... err... I'm short, too.
K... kris...!! Wait, I have an idea!.
Kris, if we combine our powers, then...
Look, I'll show what I've been participating.
(A light)
Ralsei: Magical Stool forme R.
Susie: now we're talking.
Alright Kris, Leave it to me.
Put your arms out.
Power Beast Forme S.
Move your arms and I'll move 'Em with You.
Let's go.
(Susie jumps at Ralsei).
Creepa: amazing, your transformation is only left your Weak Points out.
Ego Striking Efficiency 600% and rising.
Activating Virtual Battle.
(After the virtual battle, the game console got destroyed).
Sueie: heh, though you could defeat us?.
Creepa: [robotic evil laugh].
Oh boy that was totally... amazing.
You Earthling(s) are powerful than I expected.
And for this, I'll offer you with a new good and easy-for-babies contract.
Sign in to my Digital-Army.
And there is only a fifty percent chance that I'll resprite you up.
Please pick your answer:
Perish in the pixel doomsday.
Accept me as the new leader (sexyman) to your world as well as Accepting the new regin.
(Perish accept).
(Perish❤️ accept).
Susie: (... The Hell did you say that so enthusiastically).
Ralsei: err. Creepa... aren't there any other options?.
Creepa: OF course, there is: Super-Perish.
Susie: yeah. Um, no perishing... bites.
Creepa: You can say it: Super-Bytes.
Susie: Would You get out of here already!?!?!?.
Creepa: got jt: set all settings to "Perish".
(Creepa leaves).
Susie: c'mon, let's go after him.
(After completing the "Accept2All" puzzle).
Creepa: You Just Typed: Accept 2 All.
And Thanks for agreeing 2 this peon release form.
With that being said: are three are officially my minions.
And I can use your likeness for cool sprites.
Susie: and what if we just...don't do what do you say?.
Creepa: in that situation, I'll have no choice but....
Use another guy I guess.
Susie: Uh. Better get started on that then.
Creepa: ok but I'll still going to use your Likeness.
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(The water roller thing idk).
Creepa: That’s end of the line, funny babies.
I been acting very nice that far but now it it time for:
Your awful impression (capture).
Drop the cages.
Ralsei: ...err. you missed.
Creepa: That isn't a miss it was a cyber calibration.
Susie:.. so, Uh, are you gonna try it again?.
Creepa: Nah I only have like 4 cages.
OK wait.
For I have a this little plot twist for you.
(Noelle came).
Noelle: u... um... s-sorry, I just couldn't say no.
Susie: Noelle!?!?.
Noelle: H... Hi, Susie. Umm, how are you?.
Susie: umm, okay, I guess?.
Noelle: your... um... roller coaster is, um... I like it.
Susie: uhh... Yours too?
Noelle: Th... Thanks.
Creepa: Welp that's useless, bring in the other one.
(Berdly comes in).
Berdly: Fear not, My Beloved Noelle.
This valiant warrior of brave intelligence.
Will be your knight in the glow in the dark armor.
Susie: Berdly, You Asked BERDLY to be in your team!?!?.
Creepa: nope i didn't.
Berdly: That’s LORD Berdly to you simpletons.
And soon... SUPER Lord Berdly.
Susie:... the hell does that mean?.
Creepa: I have no idea just play along y'all.
Berdly: You See, thanks to our POWERFUL King...
We... Will soon rule the WORLD.
and Turn this land of fools... into smartopia.
A true scientocracy, where the geniuses of the world, can bathe freely in pools of fresh fruit and ambrosia.
No Longer held back by Protozoans like YOU.
And the key to that? Is US. Noelle and I.
Our Power... the "Light Nerd's" power...
Ralsei: You mean... "Lightners?"
Berdly: Um No. Creepa said "Light Nerds"
Creepa (laugh): Sure I did.
Ralsei: Berdly, Creepa's just manipulating you.
Berdly: Heh... that's what he SAID you'd say to me
Creepa (laugh): Sure I did.
Berdly: Now kris.
I must admit l, I feel pity for you.
Unlike Susie, I always saw some potential in you.
Join our side, and I might let you scrub our royal toilet.
(Do Not join).
Berdly: ah, kris. I suppose I knew you would never amount to much.
Well, if You're dead-set on proving your inferiority...
(Pulls his weapon).
Berdly: Allow me to assist you.
(Fight begins).
(After the fight).
Berdly: w-what...?
My coaster, it's...!
Wh... what!? That's not fair.
M... my king... save me...!!!
Creepa: just in a second, bud.
Hello guys, I have a massive update.
You see.
This roller coaster you in it Right now.
It's not totally.
"Completed" yet.
Creepa: "Suffering"
(Creepa laugh and flies away as the roller coaster are about to fall).
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Noelle: K-Kris!! What are you---
Creepa: ohhh Nooeeeeeeeellle.
Noelle: (Don't let him find me...).
Creepa: Noelle, Where are you (kiddo).
Did ya forget that we are (officially) are team?.
And still have to be my willing and (official) minion.
(Notice Kris).
Creepa:... kris.
Been spotted.
It seems to me that our teammates have dodged on us
... so I see that it has came into this...
In order to find our team(inions)...
We have to form (unofficial) truce...
(Suddenly, Berdly comes in).
Berdly: Creepa, my greatest king, where are you??.
Creepa: oh crap don't let him find me
(Turns himself into a box near to Noelle).
Berdly: ah. Kris... not the being I was looking for.
... hmm? Where's the rest of the C+ Squad?
Don't yell me you got abandoned!?, HA.
HAHA!! That's what you get for trusting Susie, HA.
H... huh?, Noelle? Creepa?.
They're just... busy retro gaming somewhere!!.
I bet they're waiting for me on the player select screen.
Listening to strangely groovy music!! HAHA, HA, HA.
So it come to this.
In order to find our respective teams...
we must form an uneasy truce...
Creepa What... The
Who the (Whoops) said you could double trucies?
Berdly: HUH?, did you hear something?.
Creepa: No No don't worry, that's just aahhhhhh...
The sounds from the city.
Berdly: oh okay.
Hmph. Well I'll be ahead. Don't be LATE.
(Berdly leaves).
(Creepa returns to his original appearance).
Creepa: Kris as a part of our truce (you and I just).
Keep Berdly out of our sight and find Noelle.
For you see...
Berdly... He's...
Alright there's no problems with him other than he just annoying as hell.
(Creepa leaves).
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Creepa (drunk): oh.
You arrived.
I'm sorry kris while I've been looking for Noelle.
I eat like 4 of those weird funny apples.
They are made out of JPNG.
(Laughing and throw the apple).
Don't worry about that, it was safe-to-throw apple.
Look kris.
(The entity spotted got applesauce).
And now, that we are trucies, I start feeling that we both are quite the same.
(Crazy mode activating).
(Creepa held Kris from their head and they are upside down).
Creepa: You got that kris.
You don't have something so ridiculous as "having an opinions".
Or yelling while I kick Your Ass.
Or telling me some stupid-Ass plans for a "smartboys"-themed city and reality.
why everyone else is so... Sad.
(Throws another, however this explodes).
Creepa: Sorry, I forgot this one is my BLOWING APPLE.
All I want is to make everyone happy.
Even if that means i have to destroy everything in my way to accomplish it.
Isn't that bad?.
It's fine.
No Need to Answer.
You'll answer incorrectly anyway.
But hey Kris... while we're still trucies.
Probably we can sort it out?.
(Another game console fall appears, this one is smaller).
By PLAYING it Out.
Isn't that... cool, Kris?.
Just You and me.
Playing just like brothers (in a neutral way for you).
And best of it: No one can interrupt this (...hopefully).
(Suddenly, a golden statue of Berdly and Creepa's statue looks so small next to it).
(Berdly falls from the sky).
Berdly: King Creepa, I've been looking everywhere to show you this.
A monument to our greatness... together.
Creepa (confused): Wow.
Um, that, wow, ah, what, hahah, ohh, hehe, mhh..
How I can put it straight.
It looks very...
So amazing and great you are.
I love it so much.
Berdly; HAHA, I KNEW you'd be enamored. Such perfect taste.
Creepa: Yeah, they are cool.
As I know, specie(s) like don't have... nipples.
Berdly: haha... I will SOON...
Kris, Feel free to admire our artisanship.
Creepa and I have plans to consider.
Creepa: Yup, that so awesome, I can't wait for it (what the hell am I doing with my life now, bro?).
It's Time go, Buttly.
(Berdly leaves).
Creepa: Keep moving I have to do something... alone (without you you little stinkass).
(Creepa backs to kris).
Creepa: I'm sorry about that, I must plan the hell out of here.
(Creepa leaves, as there is someone wearing a bucket on their head with a funny drawing on it).
Creepa: Cool face.
Creepa: Noelle, Where are you (kiddo).
Noelle: (Oh No, Here he comes...)
Creepa: Noelle, please come back home, I have made a delicious PNG Cake.
(Notice Kris).
Creepa: OH, Kris, nice.
(Throw the cake to the ground).
Now kris, did you seen--.
Berdly: My great Crrrreeeeeeeeeeppaa.
Creepa: OH hell no.
Everyone, get into the Creepamobile.
(They got into the car).
Berdly: King Creepa, where did you go??.
I have baked you a gamer's delight.
Hmm... he's not here...
(Berdly leaves)
(Everyone get outside of the car).
Creepa: phew, that one was close.
Hey kris.
Who is the fella behind you?.
My identifying systems dose not able to identify them.
...and yet.
There is something about them that fells
Creepatic Even.
Noelle: (...).
Creepa: Kris, we have to drive find Noelle.
Everyone, get in the Creepamobile.
Creepa: ok, kris, press directions to steer.
But watch out, we don't want hit any cars, don't we?.
(You hit a car).
Creepa: Y'know what?, suck it, hit 'Em all.
So much fun, right kris.
You lightners love traffic, don't you.
You look it up all the time.
Unfortunately for Noelle, She'll love hitting all these cars.
Noelle (in Disguise): umm, Actually, I... she, um, might not, um...
Kris, catch the apple.
(You catched the apple).
Creepa: Vitamin.
Wait, what, stop the car.
Holy (Whoops) it's so much traffic for today.
It's seems that Dog/cat thing has back selling the flakes on road again.
Kris, be a good child and go press the walk button.
It's over the the other side of the road.
Noelle (in Disguise): umm... I'll go, too...
Creepa: No, You gonna stay here...
Noelle (in Disguise): !?.
Creepa: So we can listen to all my CDs.
Noelle: o-okay.
(Kris... hurry up, please...).
(Here is the part where we met everyone's most wasted [[silly dude who makes fantracks and Arts since 1998]]
I'll link it here, so you guys can read both of Creepa's Saga and Scamcair's Saga).
(Anyway, after Scamcair's first encounter and Fight).
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Creepa: Come in.
(You got into the car).
Creepa: Kris, Remember, we HAVE to find Noelle.
(Creepa's signal activating).
(A signal that looks like Creepa's face appeared on the sky).
Creepa: When she see THE CREEPA SIGNAL, She'll came here, sooner or later.
Noelle (in Disguise): W... why do you... need to find Noelle so badly?.
Creepa: What are you even talking about?, this city is dangerous.
Poor, alone in the dark, and very scared and confused.
And suffering from the lack of vitamin.
Noelle (in Disguise): y... you're actually worried about her?.
Creepa: why do you think I'm wasting my time to find her.
Noelle (in Disguise):...
B... but why her?.
Wait, let me guess... is it because...
She's weak enough to make into your peon?.
Creepa: (audience laughs) Nah.
It's completely the opposite.
Because she's damn strong.
Noelle (in Disguise): h... huh? What do you--
Creepa: kris, can you please stop the car?.
Noelle (in Disguise): what's... wrong with it?.
Creepa: Phew.
One more minute and we three will be a dead-bytes (ohhhhhh spooky).
It seems that we have we have to split again...
On foot...
No more cool Creepamobile (crying).
Kris, just for reminder, if you saw Noelle
Tell her my ratings of her dancing in ballet is total.
Ohh, and if she asked for evidence.
Use this.
(Creepa's CDplayer was thrown to your KEY ITEMS).
Creepa: See ya.
(Creepa leaves)
(Later, in the carnival).
Noelle: O-oh no, he's coming back this way.
I'll hide in that stall.
Creepa hey you.
Yeah you.
Look at this.
(Throws the ball at the pens, causing them to explodes).
Creepa: Epic, right?.
And now, where is my hard-earned prize.
Noelle (in Disguise): oh! Um...
(Giving Creepa a prize).
Creepa: Nice (hopefully it's a pony).
(Before he leaves).
Wait a sac, I actually don't it.
(Creepa give it to kris and then leaves).
(After the gang goes to Creepa's Mansion).
Creepa: Kris, I can't believe it, you brought Noelle right in front of me.
I knew that our trucies was good.
But I'm sorry kris, you found your teammates and mine, that means that our truce is over.
Noelle, come over here, NOW.
Noelle: but I... I...
Creepa: Noelle, I'll say this one time (for infinity)
Get back here Get back here Get back here
Get back here
Get back here
Get back here
Get back here.
Noelle: I... I...
Creepa: are you for real?.
I guess I have no other choice.
How about if you didn't listen to me.
A little lonely bird will take a shower in the lava.
Noelle: b... Berdly.
(That’s right, he was just with us...).
(Creepa must have Captured him while are not looking...).
(I... I'm sorry kris, Susie... I...).
(I wish I could have stayed with you but...)
(I... I can't let Berdly gets hurt, Y'know?).
Creepa: aww, don't be sad, Noelle
For the remaining parts is the final step.
(Suddenly, Berdly comes in).
Berdly: the amazing Creepa, there you are.
Sorry, I thought I saw in a used game store.
Oh, Noelle, Are you okay?, you look a little funny.
Creepa: Plan B activate.
(A cage appears and captures Noelle and Flies away).
Berdly: h-huh?.
What are you doing!?.
Creepa: I saw how her will must be released by force.
Maybe by making her a Creepafied...?.
Berdly: B-but... you said you wouldn't do that if I...
Creepa: Lie detection is off.
Berdly: We were going to be smart together!!! That's not fair!!!.
Creepa: you want something fair?
Then have it your way.
(Three cages appears and captures Berdly, Susie and Kris).
Susie: H-HEY.
Creepa: Good thing that I have fully updated these cages.
Berdly: You... you said I could trust you.
You said that you were a gamer.
Creepa: Berdly.
Did You know that I hates games?.
Creepa: one of you buffoons is gonna help me in my Plan and it's gonna be Noelle.
And the rest of you.
Go to your rooms.
(The camera then points at Ralsei as Creepa victoriously laugh).
Ralsei: wh... what are you going to do with me?.
(Creepa realise that he didn't capture Ralsei).
Creepa: ohh (Whoops)
And you are here... still.
I only have like 4 cages bro.
I totally didn't know that.
(In the top).
Susie: Here he is.
Creepa, STOP right there.
Creepa: Cool, my not-too-much-favourite babies.
Just in time to witness my new regin.
And with Noelle under my control.
This is only a matter of time before Turns this world
And release her true power.
Covering the whole world with darkness.
Susie: Too late dumbass.
Noelle's with Berdly.
Creepa: Ohh really?.
Then who is that?.
(Berdly falls from the sky, this time with a bucket on his head).
Ralsei: b... Berdly?! But he's been...
Creepa: With Noelle.
After I discovered about the bucket mask thing, I decided to "update" it a bit to my advantage.
Making them from just a Disguise to a mind-controlling devices.
Now everyone can enjoy watching this.
(Evil laugh mode activating).
Susie: Wait, then... where is Noelle?!.
(Evil laugh mode overdrive).
I don't know (I know everything).
(The fun gang pulls their weapons)
Susie: enough already.
Creepa: Ohh boy.
To be honest, I liked you three.
It's gonna be a shame to force you to Serve me.
I'll enjoy it to the last.
(Creepa laugh).
(Battle starts).
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jingle1jangle2 · 1 year
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[This is a private post. Only friends can see this.]
So, that new girl I keep talking about?
She really, really, REALLY hates Kris.
And you know what's weird? Literally ONLY Kris seems oblivious to this. Or, no. Are they oblivious? They're literally getting bullied! Do they just... not care? Then again, who knows what Kris is thinking. I just don't get why they don't tell their mom.
OR, BETTER, switch seats with me, like I keep saying lol. I guess they just don't want to be at the front of the class? But... She doesn't EVER bully me, EVEN when there'd be a HUGE opportunity to, so... Come on, switch seats, everyone would be safer that way X)
Like, you're not going to believe what happened today. lol
After the bell rang, as usual, everyone rushed to see who could get out of class first. I stayed behind a bit to help Alphys put away some books (and look for some mysteriously missing supplies X) ). Meanwhile, Kris was still asleep, face-down on a totally blank notebook page, and for some reason, Susie... hadn't left either. She was just sitting there... staring at Kris's head. Sniffing it...??? (Wonder if she'd like scented candles? X) )
Eventually I started to leave too (I even almost said bye this time), but I was a bit worried about Kris, so I stayed outside the classroom to... umm, watch? X) I had to stay totally out of sight, Holiday family ninja style, since Susie didn't seem like she was going to do anything until she made sure I was gone.
After a while, Susie got up, knocking her chair over. She jumped into Ms. Alphys's seat and put her shoes up on the desk, getting dirt everywhere. (I just know I'm going to have to clean that. X) )
She grabbed the apple Berdly had given Alphys a few days ago (you know, one of the ones she has literally never eaten X) ), held it up, and started talking.
"Hey, idiot."
Kris didn't look up.
Kris still didn't look up!
Kris looked up. Susie rolled her eyes and showed all of her horrible and very cool teeth.
"Nice shampoo. Apple flavor, right? Better be careful about wearing that around me."
Then she BIT THE WHOLE APPLE IN HALF! Including the core. She even ate the seeds, which, um, contain arsenic if you didn't know. X) Don't eat those Susie... anyway, Kris didn't react, so she continued.
"Keep smelling like apples... you might end up like this."
Kris didn't react.
"Bitten..." she pointed to the apple. "In HALF."
There was like, the MOST awkward silence... and then...
But it wasn't Susie...
No, it was Kris, just barely stifling some laugh.
Did they think that was some kind of weird joke...? X)
WHATEVER it was, Susie must have thought she was getting made fun of, because she immediately just LAUNCHED the apple right at kris.
But, Kris, with their gamer reaction speed X) Held up their notebook like a shield and blocked it diagonally, bouncing it into the air...
And actually CAUGHT the apple.
Then took a bite out of it.
Gosh, though, did that make Susie mad.
"You little..."
She ran over and grabbed Kris by the hair, staring into their face. REALLY close. I froze. I knew that if I didn't do anything, Kris would get hurt, or worse, but something inside me just... froze! I just stood there, holding my breath. And Susie kept talking.
"One day, your mom's gonna get sick of you, you little freak. And as soon as that happens..."
Susie laughed. I felt genuinely sick.
"Someone might make you disappear. And she'll finally realize how happy she was without you."
But after all that,
Kris didn't say anything at all.
It felt like her voice echoed around the room forever.
Then, when it finally went quiet,
Kris's mouth looked like it moved.
To be honest, moved so slightly, I couldn't even tell if they said something, or what, but whatever it was, Susie's attitude... suddenly completely changed.
She let go of Kris, backing off quickly, then left the room in such a hurry, she easily would have won today's "leaving first" race.
I REALLY wish I could have seen her reaction, but I was so scared she would see me that I literally just jumped into my locker X)
In the end all I could see through the little slats was her shape from behind, going towards the entrance of the school with her head held low.
Finally, I heard the entrance door close.
I sighed, and suddenly all that frozen feeling that had built up in my chest flew out of my body all at once. "Holy cheese and crackers!" I said to myself. I almost started laughing from relief.
Then suddenly, my locker's door flung open.
Kris was standing there.
I started to stutter hello, and they just slowly, slowly shut the door on me and left.
I ordered apple shampoo, maybe if I wear it too she won't bother Kris as much X))))))))))
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hollidaygirl1225 · 2 years
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So, that new girl I keep talking about?
She really, really, REALLY hates Kris.
And you know what's weird? Literally ONLY Kris seems oblivious to this. Or, no. Are they oblivious? They're literally getting bullied! Do they just... not care? Then again, who knows what Kris is thinking. I just don't get why they don't tell their mom.
OR, BETTER, switch seats with me, like I keep saying lol. I guess they just don't want to be at the front of the class? But... She doesn't EVER bully me, EVEN when there'd be a HUGE opportunity to, so... Come on, switch seats, everyone would be safer that way X)
Like, you're not going to believe what happened today. lol
After the bell rang, as usual, everyone rushed to see who could get out of class first. I stayed behind a bit to help Alphys put away some books (and look for some mysteriously missing supplies X) ). Meanwhile, Kris was still asleep, face-down on a totally blank notebook page, and for some reason, Susie... hadn't left either. She was just sitting there... staring at Kris's head. Sniffing it...??? (Wonder if she'd like scented candles? X) )
Eventually I started to leave too (I even almost said bye this time), but I was a bit worried about Kris, so I stayed outside the classroom to... umm, watch? X) I had to stay totally out of sight, Holiday family ninja style, since Susie didn't seem like she was going to do anything until she made sure I was gone.
After a while, Susie got up, knocking her chair over. She jumped into Ms. Alphys's seat and put her shoes up on the desk, getting dirt everywhere. (I just know I'm going to have to clean that. X) )
She grabbed the apple Berdly had given Alphys a few days ago (you know, one of the ones she has literally never eaten X) ), held it up, and started talking.
"Hey, idiot."
Kris didn't look up.
Kris still didn't look up!
Kris looked up. Susie rolled her eyes and showed all of her horrible and very cool teeth.
"Nice shampoo. Apple flavor, right? Better be careful about wearing that around me."
Then she BIT THE WHOLE APPLE IN HALF! Including the core. She even ate the seeds, which, um, contain arsenic if you didn't know. X) Don't eat those Susie... anyway, Kris didn't react, so she continued.
"Keep smelling like apples... you might end up like this."
Kris didn't react.
"Bitten..." she pointed to the apple. "In HALF."
There was like, the MOST awkward silence... and then...
But it wasn't Susie...
No, it was Kris, just barely stifling some laugh.
Did they think that was some kind of weird joke...? X)
WHATEVER it was, Susie must have thought she was getting made fun of, because she immediately just LAUNCHED the apple right at kris.
But, Kris, with their gamer reaction speed X) Held up their notebook like a shield and blocked it diagonally, bouncing it into the air...
And actually CAUGHT the apple.
Then took a bite out of it.
Gosh, though, did that make Susie mad.
"You little..."
She ran over and grabbed Kris by the hair, staring into their face. REALLY close. I froze. I knew that if I didn't do anything, Kris would get hurt, or worse, but something inside me just... froze! I just stood there, holding my breath. And Susie kept talking.
"One day, your mom's gonna get sick of you, you little freak. And as soon as that happens..."
Susie laughed. I felt genuinely sick.
"Someone might make you disappear. And she'll finally realize how happy she was without you."
But after all that,
Kris didn't say anything at all.
It felt like her voice echoed around the room forever.
Then, when it finally went quiet,
Kris's mouth looked like it moved.
To be honest, moved so slightly, I couldn't even tell if they said something, or what, but whatever it was, Susie's attitude... suddenly completely changed.
She let go of Kris, backing off quickly, then left the room in such a hurry, she easily would have won today's "leaving first" race.
I REALLY wish I could have seen her reaction, but I was so scared she would see me that I literally just jumped into my locker X)
In the end all I could see through the little slats was her shape from behind, going towards the entrance of the school with her head held low.
Finally, I heard the entrance door close.
I sighed, and suddenly all that frozen feeling that had built up in my chest flew out of my body all at once. "Holy cheese and crackers!" I said to myself. I almost started laughing from relief.
Then suddenly, my locker's door flung open.
Kris was standing there.
I started to stutter hello, and they just slowly, slowly shut the door on me and left.
I ordered apple shampoo, maybe if I wear it too she won't bother Kris as much X))))))))))
0 notes
vriedoodlez · 3 years
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kool team
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castletown-cafe · 2 years
Castletown Café Episode 14: Ice-E’s Ice P’e’zza
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Normally, there is an I in pizza, but Ice-E plays by different rules, replacing that I with an E. The reason for this might be for the employees who work at Ice-E’s P’e’zza in Hometown, because after all, there’s no I in “team”, so they removed it from “pizza”.
Much like Chuck E. Cheese in our world, Ice-E is a beloved children’s mascot in the Light World of Deltarune. Not only does he have a pizza chain, but a movie, which Susie mentions at the end of Chapter 2. Ice-E seems to be everywhere in Hometown, from the aforementioned pizza restaurant, to a magazine in Sans’ convenience store, to even the pain level chart in the hospital. He even has his own line of body spray, one of which is found in Kris and Toriel’s bathroom cabinet. Ice-E also finds his way into Cyber World, where you solve a word puzzle that is supposedly his catch phrase (according to Susie): “GIASFELFEBREHBER”. When you solve it, an image of Ice-E appears on a screen, then glitches.
Not only does this image of him glitch, but many of Ice-E’s merchandise in-game (especially his magazine) have poor spelling and grammar, whether that’s intentional to appeal to kids (think Xtreme Kool Letterz), or as if Ice-E is a glitch entity, kind of like a certain Darkener we know and love (no relation of course...or is there...).
In fact - why aren’t more fans speculating about Ice-E to begin with? I think he’s quite the mystery, and as an in-universe fictional character, could he be a Darkener? Could he exist in a Dark World?
Wait, wait. wait. This isn’t a theory blog, this is a cooking blog. There is a time and a place to speculate this weird mascot, but that’s not here. What I am here to do is to share a pizza recipe inspired by Ice-E’s P’e’zza.
The menu has some very unusual types of pizza, which is something you’d come to expect in the weird world of Toby Fox. Most notably is their Ice P’e’zza, and their Double Ice P’e’zza. It’s a hit with Ice Wolf, though he is the only customer seen.
So how is ice pizza possible, let alone edible? Simple - it just needs an extra word: cream. That makes this an Ice Cream Pizza! Served cold and fresh for dessert!
When deciding to make this, I forgot all about fast food chain Dairy Queen’s “Treatzza Pizza”, which I remember seeing advertised as a young child, but never tried. Since I never paid much attention, I had no idea Dairy Queen still sells them. The same can be said with Baskin Robbins’ “Polar Pizza”, which I didn’t even know about until I looked it up. Ice cream pizzas just weren’t something I ever tried growing up. Sure, I knew they existed, but I was otherwise indifferent to the concept. Never even thought I’d be here trying to make my own just a year ago, but here we are. I looked up several different recipes online which gave me the inspiration to make my own ice cream pizza, which you can find in the sources at the end.
You can make an ice cream pizza in whatever flavors you want! Use whatever ice cream you want, whatever toppings you want, make whatever crust you want, the sky’s the limit! S’mores ice cream pizza? Make a graham cracker crust, fill with chocolate ice cream, top with marshmallows, graham cracker crumbs, and bite-sized pieces of chocolate! A chocolate chip cookie dough pizza? Make a chocolate chip cookie crust and use chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, top with chocolate chips, and pieces of edible cookie dough! Strawberry cheesecake ice cream pizza? Fill a graham cracker crust with strawberry-cheesecake flavored ice cream and top with bite sized strawberry pieces and sweetened strawberry puree!
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As for mine? It’s an Oreo ice cream pizza, made with a crust from crushed Oreos mixed with hot fudge sauce, filled with vanilla ice cream with more Oreo pieces mixed in, and topped with chocolate chips, hot fudge sauce, and of course, even more Oreo bits! I hope my recipe here at the very least will serve as a guide to whatever flavor you want to make.
For a graham cracker crust, onceuponachef has you covered - all you need from this key lime pie recipe is the graham cracker crust portion - but if you also want to make the pie that goes with it, feel free to. It’s a lovely looking pie recipe, just look at that presentation!
I found this video and recipe for a chocolate chip cookie crust, completely made from scratch (including the ice cream)! But you can just use pre-made instead, unless you want to make your own!
One thing to keep in mind: it’s best to use a tart pan for an ice cream pizza, because the bottom can be lifted out from the sides, making it easier to cut when serving.
With all that out of the way, onto the recipe!
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28-30 Oreos (for the crust)
1/2 cup fudge sauce
Vanilla ice cream
10 more Oreos, crushed or chopped (for the topping)
Chocolate chips
Some of the remaining fudge sauce
Blender or food processor
Tart pan
Remove frosting from about 28 or so Oreos. Save that frosting in a bowl or container and cover with wax food wrap or a lid that fits. Crush the Oreos in a blender or food processor until cookies are coarse crumbs.
Pour cookie crumbs into a mixing bowl and add the fudge sauce. Stir to combine until a thick dough forms.
Place “dough” into tart pan and spread until tart pan is filled, using the flat bottom of a measuring cup (or a glass) to smooth out the crust. Spread some of that crust up the sides as well, giving it that tart shape and to hold in the ice cream and toppings that will come later. Freeze for at least an hour or two.
Take that firmed crust out of the freezer and spread that Oreo filling you saved onto the crust. It will be very thin, so you may need filling from a few more Oreos to completely coat the bottom (but not the sides). Re-freeze for another hour at the very least.
With your crust perfectly firm and solid with a thin layer of Oreo filling spread inside, take it back out of the freezer alongside a carton of ice cream. If your freezer keeps your ice cream hard as a rock, give it some time to soften first, but if your freezer keeps your ice cream at the perfect scoopable temperature, no need to wait! Just scoop and spread inside your cookie crust. But hurry and work quickly! Your ice cream will melt fast, and the outer edges of the ice cream in particular will be the first to melt into a liquid. It’s difficult not to make a mess, which is evident in my photos if you look closely at the pizza. Some of the melting ice cream went over the edges of my crust, so I advise you to be fast but careful. If you need to re-freeze between spreads, do so. Re-freeze at 20-minute intervals before attempting to spread again. You want a nice even layer of ice cream. Once that layer is even and fully spread, freeze again for another 30 minutes.
Optional: If you want to mix toppings into the ice cream, re-freeze your finished ice cream layer for 15 minutes before mixing in your toppings of choice such as bite-sized candy or fruit, nuts, or cookie pieces. Re-freeze for another 20-30 minutes before adding the final toppings.
Time to put the finishing touches on your ice cream pizza! Sprinkle your toppings on top of your ice cream with a generous drizzle of dessert sauce, syrup or fruit puree before sticking it back in the freezer. Let this freeze overnight or for 4 hours minimum for best results.
SERVING TIPS: Wash and dry your cutting board and have your pizza sit out for a couple of minutes in order for the tart pan to loosen, allowing you to remove your pizza from the sides of the pan (which is why a tart pan is recommended). If you can, remove the pizza entirely from the tart pan and set it down on the clean cutting board to avoid damaging the pan when trying to cut slices and serve. Heat a very sharp knife by running it under some hot water, drying it, and then carefully cut into the pizza. It will be extremely tough, and will require a lot of muscle work in order to cut through the frozen cookie crust. Be careful not to cut yourself or the pan, and do not let young children attempt to cut this pizza.
After you have successfully cut through the frozen crust, if you haven’t already removed your pizza from the tart pan bottom, slide your knife (or a serving spatula) between the crust and the bottom of the tart pan to remove your slice. If it’s taken a while to cut (and cutting the first slice is always the hardest - the rest of the pizza gets easier because it’s not stuck to the bottom of the tart pan anymore, but the crust is still tough to cut through, but you get used to it), re-freeze your cut slices to firm them up a little if they’ve started to melt, along with the rest of your pizza after returning the bottom of the tart pan to the sides, so you have something to hold your pizza in when storing it in the freezer. Remove your re-frozen slices and serve. If you made this particular Oreo crust, serve with something to wash that down with because that crust is far too sweet.
Yeah....the ice cream pizza recipes I found that involved an Oreo crust all used the same no-bake method combining Oreo crumbs with fudge sauce, but after having tried this method, I find it way too sweet (and American desserts are notorious for being cloyingly sweet). Not surprising since all of those were copycat recipes inspired by Dairy Queen’s Treatzza Pizzas....but I found an Oreo Cookie pie crust recipe that I’m going to try next time that’ll hopefully be better, by combining crushed Oreo crumbs with their filling along with melted butter. No extra fudge or sugar here to make you want water or milk after eating it! Hopefully. If you give this crust a try, let me know how it tastes!
As summer vacation goes out with the tide, why not say goodbye to it with a slice of Ice-E’s Ice Cream P’e’zza? It’s great for birthday parties, end-of summer parties, or back to school parties....(do people actually throw back to school parties? I don’t think that’s something kids would wanna celebrate....unless they���re starting their senior year of high school or something....)
Until next time....GIASFELFEBREHBER!
Article: “Xtreme Kool Letterz”, TVTropes (tvtropes.org). Link: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/XtremeKoolLetterz
“Treatzza Pizza Cakes from Dairy Queen”, Dairy Queen official website, (dairyqueen.com). Link: https://www.dairyqueen.com/en-ca/menu/cakes/dq-treatzza-pizza/
“Polar Pizza Ice Cream Treats”, Baskin-Robbins official website, (order.baskinrobbins.com). Link: https://order.baskinrobbins.com/menu/polar-pizza-ice-cream-treats
Segal, Jenn, “Best Ever Key Lime Pie”, Once Upon a Chef (onceuponachef.com). Link: https://www.onceuponachef.com/recipes/key-lime-pie.html
FunFoods, “Cookie Dough Ice Cream Pizza | FunFoods”, YouTube. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-8s6lH0KiI
Tastemade, “Ice Cream Dessert Pizza | Tastemade”, tastemade.com. Link: https://www.tastemade.com/recipes/ice-cream-dessert-pizza
Ally, “Ice Cream Pizza Recipe {Treatzza Pizza Copycat}”, crave the good (cravethegood.com). Link: https://www.cravethegood.com/ice-cream-pizza/
Fehr, Ashley, “Frozen Ice Cream Dessert Pizza (Treatzza Pizza Copycat!)”, The Recipe Rebel (thereciperebel.com). Link: https://www.thereciperebel.com/frozen-ice-cream-dessert-pizza-treatzza-pizza/
Lindsay, “Easy Homemade Oreo Cookie Crust | Bake or No Bake”, Life Love and Sugar (lifeloveandsugar.com). Link: https://www.lifeloveandsugar.com/easy-oreo-cookie-crust-recipe/
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I'm not going in depth because I'm not sure I even believe this thought that I had, but here it is, anyway:
The more I think about the bond that seems to be developing between Kris and Susie, the more I worry. Because initially, we have complete control over Kris, and no control over Susie. We still don't have full control over Susie (and I'm sure we never will have), but we have begun to lose some control over Kris. The two of them are growing closer and closer. In the Light World, Susie wants to stay with Kris as we go around town, except for when we might run into certain authority figures (ie, Alphys, who Susie avoids completely, and Toriel, who Susie only agrees to meet because Toriel offers to feed her). Kris protects Susie from Spade King's attack in Chapter 1. Susie is the one who notices how freaked out Kris is after Spamton Neo. Susie knows better than to ask Kris about the bunker, and she stops herself from making some comment about the cringey exchange between Toriel, sans, and Asgore. Kris' guts by the end of Chapter 2 have reached the same level as Susie's, while Susie's rudeness continues to drop the longer she hangs out with Kris and Ralsei. For some reason, I feel like Susie's confession that she always wanted to bite Kris' hair is her way of saying she always liked them and just refused to admit it (I'll have to examine the dialogue on that one, because I really don't know why it makes me think that). And again, I haven't gone in depth, but Kris strikes me as being afraid to be left alone with us, ie, the SOUL.
And then, in Undertale, a game whose story revolves almost entirely around two kids who join bodies and SOUL's, there's this obscure little comment that maybe Suzy is the real reason we're in the Underground in the first place.
So, really wild theory that I literally just came up with, but I'm wondering, what if Susie and Kris were to... I don't know, just join together like Chara and Asriel?
Yeah, crazy, right? Probably not where the story's headed. But we don't know where it's headed yet, anyway, so why not?
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robearta · 2 years
🔒 [This is a private post. Only friends can see this.]
So, that new girl I keep talking about?
She really, really, REALLY hates Kris.
And you know what's weird? Literally ONLY Kris seems oblivious to this. Or, no. Are they oblivious? They're literally getting bullied! Do they just... not care? Then again, who knows what Kris is thinking. I just don't get why they don't tell their mom.
OR, BETTER, switch seats with me, like I keep saying lol. I guess they just don't want to be at the front of the class? But... She doesn't EVER bully me, EVEN when there'd be a HUGE opportunity to, so... Come on, switch seats, everyone would be safer that way X)
Like, you're not going to believe what happened today. lol
After the bell rang, as usual, everyone rushed to see who could get out of class first. I stayed behind a bit to help Alphys put away some books (and look for some mysteriously missing supplies X) ). Meanwhile, Kris was still asleep, face-down on a totally blank notebook page, and for some reason, Susie... hadn't left either. She was just sitting there... staring at Kris's head. Sniffing it...??? (Wonder if she'd like scented candles? X) )
Eventually I started to leave too (I even almost said bye this time), but I was a bit worried about Kris, so I stayed outside the classroom to... umm, watch? X) I had to stay totally out of sight, Holiday family ninja style, since Susie didn't seem like she was going to do anything until she made sure I was gone.
After a while, Susie got up, knocking her chair over. She jumped into Ms. Alphys's seat and put her shoes up on the desk, getting dirt everywhere. (I just know I'm going to have to clean that. X) )
She grabbed the apple Berdly had given Alphys a few days ago (you know, one of the ones she has literally never eaten X) ), held it up, and started talking.
"Hey, idiot."
Kris didn't look up.
Kris still didn't look up!
Kris looked up. Susie rolled her eyes and showed all of her horrible and very cool teeth.
"Nice shampoo. Apple flavor, right? Better be careful about wearing that around me."
Then she BIT THE WHOLE APPLE IN HALF! Including the core. She even ate the seeds, which, um, contain arsenic if you didn't know. X) Don't eat those Susie... anyway, Kris didn't react, so she continued.
"Keep smelling like apples... you might end up like this."
Kris didn't react.
"Bitten..." she pointed to the apple. "In HALF."
There was like, the MOST awkward silence... and then...
But it wasn't Susie...
No, it was Kris, just barely stifling some laugh.
Did they think that was some kind of weird joke...? X)
WHATEVER it was, Susie must have thought she was getting made fun of, because she immediately just LAUNCHED the apple right at kris.
But, Kris, with their gamer reaction speed X) Held up their notebook like a shield and blocked it diagonally, bouncing it into the air...
And actually CAUGHT the apple.
Then took a bite out of it.
Gosh, though, did that make Susie mad.
"You little..."
She ran over and grabbed Kris by the hair, staring into their face. REALLY close. I froze. I knew that if I didn't do anything, Kris would get hurt, or worse, but something inside me just... froze! I just stood there, holding my breath. And Susie kept talking.
"One day, your mom's gonna get sick of you, you little freak. And as soon as that happens..."
Susie laughed. I felt genuinely sick.
"Someone might make you disappear. And she'll finally realize how happy she was without you."
But after all that,
Kris didn't say anything at all.
It felt like her voice echoed around the room forever.
Then, when it finally went quiet,
Kris's mouth looked like it moved.
To be honest, moved so slightly, I couldn't even tell if they said something, or what, but whatever it was, Susie's attitude... suddenly completely changed.
She let go of Kris, backing off quickly, then left the room in such a hurry, she easily would have won today's "leaving first" race.
I REALLY wish I could have seen her reaction, but I was so scared she would see me that I literally just jumped into my locker X)
In the end all I could see through the little slats was her shape from behind, going towards the entrance of the school with her head held low.
Finally, I heard the entrance door close.
I sighed, and suddenly all that frozen feeling that had built up in my chest flew out of my body all at once. "Holy cheese and crackers!" I said to myself. I almost started laughing from relief.
Then suddenly, my locker's door flung open.
Kris was standing there.
I started to stutter hello, and they just slowly, slowly shut the door on me and left.
I ordered apple shampoo, maybe if I wear it too she won't bother Kris as much X))))))))))
- source. looks like a little excerpt about kris and susie through noelle’s POV.
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the-baguette-bandit · 2 years
Excerpt from deltarune.com
"So, that new girl I keep talking about?
She really, really, REALLY hates Kris.
And you know what's weird? Literally ONLY Kris seems oblivious to this. Or, no. Are they oblivious? They're literally getting bullied! Do they just... not care? Then again, who knows what Kris is thinking. I just don't get why they don't tell their mom.
OR, BETTER, switch seats with me, like I keep saying lol. I guess they just don't want to be at the front of the class? But... She doesn't EVER bully me, EVEN when there'd be a HUGE opportunity to, so... Come on, switch seats, everyone would be safer that way X)
Like, you're not going to believe what happened today. lol
After the bell rang, as usual, everyone rushed to see who could get out of class first. I stayed behind a bit to help Alphys put away some books (and look for some mysteriously missing supplies X) ). Meanwhile, Kris was still asleep, face-down on a totally blank notebook page, and for some reason, Susie... hadn't left either. She was just sitting there... staring at Kris's head. Sniffing it...??? (Wonder if she'd like scented candles? X) )
Eventually I started to leave too (I even almost said bye this time), but I was a bit worried about Kris, so I stayed outside the classroom to... umm, watch? X) I had to stay totally out of sight, Holiday family ninja style, since Susie didn't seem like she was going to do anything until she made sure I was gone.
After a while, Susie got up, knocking her chair over. She jumped into Ms. Alphys's seat and put her shoes up on the desk, getting dirt everywhere. (I just know I'm going to have to clean that. X) )
She grabbed the apple Berdly had given Alphys a few days ago (you know, one of the ones she has literally never eaten X) ), held it up, and started talking.
"Hey, idiot."
Kris didn't look up.
Kris still didn't look up!
Kris looked up. Susie rolled her eyes and showed all of her horrible and very cool teeth.
"Nice shampoo. Apple flavor, right? Better be careful about wearing that around me."
Then she BIT THE WHOLE APPLE IN HALF! Including the core. She even ate the seeds, which, um, contain arsenic if you didn't know. X) Don't eat those Susie... anyway, Kris didn't react, so she continued.
"Keep smelling like apples... you might end up like this."
Kris didn't react.
"Bitten..." she pointed to the apple. "InHALF."
There was like, the MOST awkward silence... and then...
But it wasn't Susie...
No, it was Kris, just barely stifling some laugh.
Did they think that was some kind of weird joke...? X)
WHATEVER it was, Susie must have thought she was getting made fun of, because she immediately just LAUNCHED the apple right at kris.
But, Kris, with their gamer reaction speed X) Held up their notebook like a shield and blocked it diagonally, bouncing it into the air...
And actually CAUGHT the apple.
Then took a bite out of it.
Gosh, though, did that make Susie mad.
"You little..."
She ran over and grabbed Kris by the hair, staring into their face. REALLY close. I froze. I knew that if I didn't do anything, Kris would get hurt, or worse, but something inside me just... froze! I just stood there, holding my breath. And Susie kept talking.
"One day, your mom's gonna get sick of you, you little freak. And as soon as that happens..."
Susie laughed. I felt genuinely sick.
"Someone might make you disappear. And she'll finally realize how happy she was without you."
But after all that,
Kris didn't say anything at all.
It felt like her voice echoed around the room forever.
Then, when it finally went quiet,
Kris's mouth looked like it moved.
To be honest, moved so slightly, I couldn't even tell if they said something, or what, but whatever it was, Susie's attitude... suddenly completely changed.
She let go of Kris, backing off quickly, then left the room in such a hurry, she easily would have won today's "leaving first" race.
I REALLY wish I could have seen her reaction, but I was so scared she would see me that I literally just jumped into my locker X)
In the end all I could see through the little slats was her shape from behind, going towards the entrance of the school with her head held low.
Finally, I heard the entrance door close.
I sighed, and suddenly all that frozen feeling that had built up in my chest flew out of my body all at once. "Holy cheese and crackers!" I said to myself. I almost started laughing from relief.
Then suddenly, my locker's door flung open.
Kris was standing there.
I started to stutter hello, and they just slowly, slowly shut the door on me and left.
I ordered apple shampoo, maybe if I wear it too she won't bother Kris as much X))))))))))"
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grechsblog · 3 years
*sprinkles some heavy LORE into the fic* <3
But, KAHEM, anyway. Yup, that's the part three I finally finished. Enjoy!
! - more of the Shared Control AU can be found at @sharedcontrolau
[This thing is roughly 3 000 words and like 11 pages on google docks so be prepared]
And the universe said-
("Ice coffin". part 3)
The other- the Kris of this fucked up world was asleep. Deep in their slumber, with such peace on their face; it feels like it's been a while since they slept happily and undisturbed by terrors, and...
Kris, the one that held the other, felt the absolute rage waking within them. They were furious. And it wasn't like the rage Player experienced during the fight, no.
Player's anger is a full bottle of water that was left in the fridge for a day. It grows with time, trying to seep through the lid, until the plastic can't hold it anymore; until the whole bottle just. Combusts, not being able to accommodate the mass.
They couldn't be angry for long, because even if the water cracked it's vessel, it wouldn't grow anymore. It wouldn't turn the insides of the whole fridge into gigantic cube of ice.
Kris' rage is completely different, alien to themselves. It was deep, deep hatred; unfamiliar and cruel. Kris never thought they could experience such emotion, maybe because, if they didn't get to this world, it wouldn't have even existed.
Yet, it's here, and it's howling. It wants Kris to guogle Its eyes out, urges them to bite into Its throat so it wouldn't be able to speak and breath, and fucking die a pitiful death It deserves, choked on its own blood.
Kris' rage is a heavy sleeping beast that, when awoken, will not be stopped until its source is destroyed.
Still, Kris is gentle with their other self. Gentle, in a way that they check for sure that Kris didn't awoke with rough treatment, in a way that when hauling them onto their back with Player's help, they tentatively wrap their hands under the other's ankle.
(They're already hurt enough. There's no need for more.)
Player purses their lips, starting to move with added weight. Kris feels their unease, uncertainty, but before they could ask about it Player says:
“I think I should leave before it escalates into a larger mess.” They say, waiving between buildings. “'ya know, with Susie and Ralsei; so as not to scare them. I… I doubt they knew about it before.”
There's a sense of growing hollowness, but Kris replies before Player could fully leave, only for a moment faltering their steps:
* Don't tell me excuses when they're so lame, sib. I'm not scared of you. I don't blame you.
‘I never would’ went unsaid, but it was expressive enough. It would've been almost pathetic for Kris to hear their own voice, tiny and vulnerable, but they couldn't help that childish part of them saying,
* …so stay.
And that forced their body to fully stop in front of a sewer hatch. Kris was aware that their hands shook, but wasn't sure who of them to blame for that: Player, or themselves.
Their partner stayed silent. Kris feels bittersweet emotions swell under their heart, guilt crashing with relief, and hears equally small “Okay.” in reply.
With that, they both jump into sewers.
Susie begins to feel a pang of worry settle in her stomach. They, she and Ralsei, didn't see Kris once after that crossroad, and, well. Considering how often they took damage it was fair to worry.
"Oh, there's the castle!" She hears Ralsei say. Lifting her head up she, indeed, found a big castle, standing almost threateningly in the distance.
Susie shifted her gaze at the red carpet that stretches from the gates to where they stand, trying hard not to think that, despite King's being much bigger, it didn't seem as menacing with Kris by her side.
She rubbed her arm subconsciously. It wasn't time to think about it.
Plus, there were other things to worry about. Susie never would consider intuition her strongest trait, but something in her gut screamed of wrongness, and she fears it might be right. That something indeed happened, or happening, or going to happen, and that Kris will get hurt again-
"I hope Kris' fine." She finds herself saying aloud, just to lift the long stretched silence, and stop her spiraling thoughts.
Out of corner of her eyes, Susie notices how Ralsei's face twists with some emotion she can't really pick, and replies, "I hope so too."
And so, they stared ahead, at the entrance of the Queen's mansion. It feels hollow. It feels wrong.
(A Susie from the past would've laughed, loud and bash, with malice, that she from now cherishes someone she really knows for a day. It makes you weak, she'll say.
The present Susie would've beaten that punk right that instant, if they indeed will meet.)
But in their pause, they hear footsteps. They're familiar, with a catch Susie can't put her fingers on, but it doesn't matter. It doesn't fucking matter, because-
Because it's Kris.
She snaps her attention towards the sound first, ready to say that they finally found each other, where the Hell have you been all this time, and stops.
Because there's two Kris'.
One standing, confident in the actions, staring them square in the faces, hair slightly obscuring their vision; and the other unconscious on the first's back.
She blinks. Kris' doppelganger seems to blink with her.
"What the..?" She stutters, but quickly gets out of her confusion. "Who are you and what have you done to Kris!?"
The stranger cringes at the volume (which is fair, she did scream), but sucks their breath, and says:
“I'm going to explain later, but now, we don't have much time.” They stammer, rather urgent and rambly. “We need to find Noelle, before something goes deeply wrong, and I need help.”
Susie almost flinched when Ralsei spoke, in a harsh tone that sounded very wrong out of his mouth. "What did you do?"
It shouldn't have surprised her, Kris was his friend too, but, well, he was the last person she was expecting to say that. Hell, she really was a bad example, huh?
No, no, it's no place to stray her attention.
The stranger was about to answer, she saw their mouth opening, but it was shut just as fast with a kick. They lowered their head slightly, and eyes, that weren't seen before, that was so unmistakably Kris', were peering from the wild mop of dark hair, narrowed. They took a breath, and in the voice of her friend, spoke:
* Nothing. They did nothing.
They- Kris- whoever the Hell it is twist their feet, facing the entrance of Queen's castle. They shook their head, perhaps at some random thought that entered their mind.
* As we said before, we need to go. We don't have much time to spare.
They marched towards the mansion. At that moment, Ralsei got out of his stupor and sputtered.
"K-Kris!?" He cries inquiringly, quickly running after them. "Kris, wait! Where are you going!?"
His yells and questions are heard until they pass the gates.
...And that leaves Susie alone, on this stupid red carpet, and completely and utterly baffled. Ha, and here she thought the dark world can't get any weirder.
So she just stares. And stares, and stares, until she can't take it anymore. With a groan, Susie runs after them, once again rethinking current events.
Despite what everyone seems to think, Susie considered herself to have rather… average brain capacity. What the others thought, is that she was a plain idiot, simple as that.
Guess what, as stupid as Susie is, she wasn't a moron. She knows something's up. You need to be def and blind, or be Berdly to not be able to see it.
Kris, their Kris, was definitely the one unconscious; their hair were shorter than the aweke's, no doubt from the battle in the almost beginning of their journey to Cybercity, when a random attack chopped it off. It was a new development, that attacks can now interact with them, not just weaken.
But that begged the question: who is the other? Are they Kris too? Can the dark world straight up duplicate them or what!?
Susie's head began to throb just recapping what happened, and probably will kill her with a headache if she starts to muse about possibilities.
God, being Kris' friend is so hard sometimes… She wouldn't trade it in the world.
In any case, she needs to find them before they run off into the sunset or something. Shouldn't be hard, considering Susie still hears Ralsei from afar.
She scans the rooms quickly, one by one, sometimes jumping over fallen furniture. Susie ducks, and slides, and rounds the corners one, two, tree, four, more times than she can count. She twists, avoiding enemies and deadly pictures (who even made them!?), and Ralsei's cries become louder by the second, so she runs into that door and- bingo, she found them.
Susie stops, heaving her breath, and watches as Kris (?) puts the other Kris down. Her gaze lines on their face for a moment, with far too many cuts and abrasions lightening their skin for it to be normal, and slightly bares her teeth.
"So." Susie growls, forcing attention to herself. "Are you gonna explain what the Hell happened?"
The Kris lookalike stares at her for a moment. She notices how Ralsei was about to start the next terade, maybe asking more questions, but the stranger beats him to it, closing their eyes and sighing deeply. Their hand burrows in their hair, face troubled, slightly tugging it.
“Yes,” They say, in the same voice as before. “I am.”
They turn their head again, towards another door that Susie saw only now. They open their eyes, blue eyes, the hand on their head falling down.
“But first, Noelle needs to be here too.” They gesture on that door. “She's there. I would've gone myself, but… Uh, considering what happened about half an hour ago, I doubt it would be a good idea.”
Susie narrows her eyes. "What happened half an hour ago?"
They cringe.
“Bad things.” They reply. “Very bad things.” They ponder about the answer for a moment. “It's already dealt with, if I can say that, but consequences are… Far bigger to just be forgotten.”
They clap their hands, and the gesture might've been playful, if not for the seriousness of the situation.
“So I need everyone before I start really talking.”
She stares, clenching her hands into fists. Susie understands what they are implying, for her to confront Noelle because she's the only person the deer trusts, but-
"Look, weirdo, you're either telling us everything right this instant or lose your fucking face." She said, using her whole height to tower over them. "I don't care if your goal is to enlighten us or whatever, but something happened to MY FRIENDS and if it's because of you I will not hesitate to break your every bone."
Susie sees how the color of their eyes deeps to gold, — analyzing her, judging maybe, — before switching accents into more orange. They're feeling brave, she thinks.
“That is not my goal-”
"I said I don't care-"
“-because my goal is to make sure that the remaining people get out of here in one piece and preferably not terrified out of their mind.”
And that shuts her efficiently.
“That is the reason for Noelle to be here.” They say with finality in their voice. Their face twists a little, a sorrowful grimace evident in their features, and the light of bravery in their eyes dulls into gray. “Now, please. Your help is needed.”
Susie bites her lips to the point until it hurts. She takes a big breath, stopping looming over them. "Okay." She says. "Okay. But you're going to explain everything. With no exceptions."
They nod their head.
With a little hesitance, Susie opens the door to Noelle's room. Before she closes the door, though, she hears them say “Don't lie to her.“
She snorts. Wouldn't dreamed of that.
The door shuts with a click.
In normal circumstances, Ralsei would've said something along the lines of Wonder what are they doing there, to distract It, but… Now, it was everything but normal.
* You're wary of them.
He flinches, snapping his gaze down to see that Kris is still unconscious, which means-
Ralsei hears an amused huff, and sees that the stranger, — or, rather, second Kris now, — turned to face him fully. They have piercing, red eyes, brighter than of a Kris he knows, and far more confident attitude.
* You are wary.
He clenches his jaw. "Can you blame me?"
They redirect their gaze towards Kris, and with sadness in their voice reply:
* No.
The silence stretches a bit. Ralsei shook his head, and asked a question that was invading his thoughts, "Does it treat you like a human?"
* Don't call them ‘it’.
They turned their eyes to him, narrowed slightly.
* They might not mind that much, but that doesn't mean they won't be hurt by it.
He blinked.
"Noted." He says hesitantly. "But my question still stands."
They analyze him for a moment, perhaps wondering if Ralsei's serious about it, before replying:
* Yes, they do.
He nods. "That's good."
After some time in silence Ralsei hears a loud ha, and begins to blush stupidly, up until every color leaves his face, when it continues into “Kris was right! You're so awkward about it!”
He stutters. "You're-"
“Here?” It- They ask, sounding almost playful. “I am. We both are, actually. It's a rather strange system by how it works, so don't bother.”
* I just wanted to prove a point.
"What point are you proving by scaring me!?" He yells scandalized. (And surprised that Kris wasn't woken up by their banter.)
* That you two need to talk.
Ralsei thinks he stopped breathing for a moment.
“We do.” They reply. “To clear some misunderstanding.”
He can't do that. It's not supposed to be like that in the first place, no, he can't- "I don't think I-"
In an instant, their hands lay on his shoulders, pushing him down to sit near the door. Ralsei blinked, too shocked to do more.
He watches as They, whoever it might really be, sit at the different side of the door, near where they put Kris. “So, let's talk.”
There's a pause, while they muse about the question, and Ralsei considers for a moment to just run like Hell, when they finally ask:
“What do you think happened with Kris?”
...And that makes him stop. He might feel ashamed later, but, well, Kris is his friend, and if They are Kris' friend too, then, maybe, he also can trust them. Just a little.
So he decides to be honest.
"Heaven took them under its control."
He doesn't need to turn his head to know that they're watching him. They humm.
“Then I was right about ‘Angel's Heaven’ meaning us, as Players.” They chuckle, turning away. “You weren't wrong about it, though. Kris indeed got under one's control.”
Ralsei snaps his gaze towards them, feeling dread forming in his gut. They purse their lips, mulling over some thought.
“Say,” They begin. “Do you know anything about… a state called ‘Fallen down’?” Then, they shake their head. “No, I probably should ask Susie, or Noelle. They might know.”
"I… I do know, but not beyond that in this state, a lighter, er, monster is not alive, but also not dead." He says softly, but it makes them freeze all the same.
They blink, eyes turning aquamarine. “So it exists, huh.”
He nods, then frowns.
"You… weren't sure if it existed. That means you didn't hear about it before." Ralsei says slowly. "How did you even know what it was?"
They snort. Then laugh, and despite being booming it, for some reason, sounds rather sad. After a moment they stop to take a breath.
“You know about us, but you don't know us, do you?” They say, bending their knees and moving them closer to their chest. “I've seen a lot. Like, really, really a lot. That's how.
You know, I've seen blossoming worlds, with peaceful life, with people so kind they helped every stranger; and you just can't say no when they ask for your help. In one there was an island, I think, that you could reshape for yourself. Or the one with a farm, with crops for every season in one single village; it was fun.
And I've seen hostile worlds, where a step in the wrong direction can send you into Hell, losing all your progress. It doesn't mean they were bad, really, it was a tough challenge! Knew some people that almost lived in one of them, though I find those worlds a rather big struggle; the looped ones especially. Managed to complete several of those, but well. Guess it wasn't my piece of cake.
But, ah.” They pause for a moment, putting their head on their knees, closing their eyes. “There's also… dying worlds. That struggle to exist, or just want it all to end.
That's where we come in.” They smirk in a dark way. “You see, Players exist for a purpose. Most worlds, peaceful or challenging, we consider a game, because it is a game, in some way. People in those worlds don't know that we're not like them, don't understand that we come and go for fun.
But, when at least one person knows something is wrong… it means the world is unstable. It means it can be destroyed. That's why we are the way we are; to either save the world from collapsing, or finish it.”
They turn to Ralsei, their dark, dark eyes, that hold too much truth, seeping into his soul. It makes him shudder.
“We are quite powerful, aren't we?” They say, in almost a whisper. Watching his face morph into horror, they snorted, and all the menacing energy was gone just as fast as it appeared. “But, the problem is — this world is stable. It can't be changed. That's why you know the legend of ‘banishing Angel's Heaven’. It's we that actually break it, because of one little crack.”
They scowl, facing still asleep Kris. “That's what the other tried to do.” They insert their hand into their hair, massaging their head lightly. “We, Kris and I, cut the connection, so whoever that was is not gonna be a problem anymore.”
They sigh.
“But there needs to be damage control.”
He shifts anxiously. "Did…" Ralsei speaks for the first time. "Did Kris know about all of that beforehand?"
They nod, hand's falling down.
* I did. They didn't tell me it in this dramatic way, but yeah.
Kris huffed.
* After I heard they can just casually destroy my home I freaked out big time, which was twice in one day. Though I wasn't aware of the meaning of Angel's Heaven.
“Also, Ralsei of our world knows too. And I told him it all the exact same way as you.” They snicker. “Both of your faces were priceless.”
Ah. Ralsei only now understood that it was a joke. How embarrassing.
He fiddlers with stray strings on his clothes, humming uneasily. What takes Susie so long, anyway?
The other seem to think of this too, because all their funny attitude disappeared like smoke, setting on a grim expression.
They shake their head, standing up. “I'm gonna check-”
And, as if on clue, Susie burst out of the door, looking furious out of her mind. Behind her was Noelle, with a sickly pale face and trembling arms.
From down here, Ralsei hears their Kris groan. Must've been all the noise finally getting to them, huh.
He sees them opening their eyes, and oh dear.
"Kris!" He's beside them in an instant, already healing their body.
"KRIS!" Susie barks at the same time, making them cringe. She doesn't notice this, or doesn't care, and takes them by the collar. "KRIS, WHY THE HELL YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU WERE FUCKING POSSESSED-"
"Susie, stop, you'll make it worse-!"
A cough. They all turn to the… Player, was it?
“They couldn't.” They begin, rather awkwardly. “They didn't tell you because they really just couldn't.”
Susie's face twists as she lets go of Kris' collar, and marches towards them. "And you."
"You knew about it, right?" She asks. "That's why you wanted all of us here?"
Player winces, but nods. “That's one of the reasons, yes.”
"If… If it's one of the reasons…" Noelle's mumble from behind, frightened, refusing to watch anything but the floor. "Then the other..?"
Their face crumble with far too many emotions to pick one, eyes changing hues from vibrant to saturated, until the only one color that's left is gray.
“...The other is to try and fix this mess.”
Noelle… didn't know what to do.
Susie briefly explained their adventures as a party of three. About the world, the legend, or how she remembers it, the friends she made.
Then, she started to tell about the stranger wearing Kris' face. Susie told her how they met, which was roughly an hour ago. How then they spoke in Kris' voice, and then different.
Noelle asked if the voice was scary. Susie replied that, no, it wasn't. If anything, she said, it was soft and melodic, even when they spoke seriously. Even when they threatened.
The voice Noelle remembered never was soft, nor melodic, so she assumed it as a different one.
Susie also told her the last words they said, which was "don't lie". Then, she said, embarrassed, that she thought of letting her think all this was a dream, only after entering the room understanding that it counted as a lie.
"It would've been merciful." Noelle told her right after.
She was never particularly strong-willed, nor did she think of herself as strong in general. Up until today, of course, when she was proved wrong about the last one; but… when Susie asked her what happened, she just.
Noelle told her everything. From the beginning, where she only got in this dark world, to when she met Kris. From her first kill, to giant crystal of ice, to that voice that haunts her every thought. She even showed the Thorn Ring she doesn't even remember putting on.
(She didn't know if she cried during that, or not, and honestly doesn't want to find out.)
So now, watching Susie and Ralsei, — was that his name? — getting the truth out of Kris bit by bit, she felt… almost poetically hollow.
Noelle's just sitting here, leaning against the wall, thinking about being nothing really. What a joke.
“Are you okay?”
To her credit, she didn't scream. Actually, the only thing she did was flinch, but thinking about how she learnt to not react at all makes her sick.
"No." She replies softly, hiding her head in her knees.
The other is silent for a moment.
“Do you… need help removing that?”
Noelle blinks and turns to her companion. "What?"
Now she sees their face and, really, they are like Kris. The only thing betraying them are the eyes, concerned and vibrant green.
Well, she thinks, they did explain that they borrow Kris' body for an indefinite amount of time for now; something about training the switch and socializing? Doesn't matter.
“Y'know,” They gesture to her hand. “the ring.”
She follows it with her gaze and, "Oh." She completely forgot about that. Noelle probably needs to take this off.
They wince at her answer. “I don't think you still should wear it. Looks painful.”
"It is." She agrees.
She nods. "Yes, please."
She tentatively gives them her hand. They lighter around her finger for a moment, almost as if searching for a button to press. A moment later, with a triumphant ‘aha!’ they pull it apart, sliding it off without a fuss.
Noelle just kind of stares at her bloodied hand for a second, feeling the strange fog in her mind finally retreat. She stares, and stares, until it hits her: she's… free.
Noelle thinks she's shaking, cradling her hand to herself, she lets herself cry; and when her savoir pulls her into their warm hug, she only cries harder.
‘Maybe’, she hopes, she prays, ‘everything will be okay.’
Author's note: that's the end of this snowgrave x shared control story and I'm NOT planing to continue it anymore, so that's what happen after that last bit with Noelle:
Chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3 [You are here]
The FUN gang + Noelle gets out of the dark world after the looong therapeutic talk with the Player, beating the living shit out of Spamton (sibling duo helped with that one), and also spillin' the tea to Queen, and they are IN SHAMBLES; sc!Kris and sc!Player both wake in their own world at like 3 AM and also have A Talk about whenever is WAS a dream or they just saved some parallel universe from destruction
That's all
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dzamie · 2 years
my brain won't let go of this so I might as well post it:
Susie and Kris having a tug-o-war with Kris's old shirts. Except they are biting the shirts instead of using their hands.
On the desk, there is a tally of who wound up with the "bigger piece" each time
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sage-nebula · 3 years
Thinking about all the clues in canon that Susie is an orphan who, before the game started, never had any friends or anyone who really cared about her (with their care for her being known to her), such as:
— At the beginning of Chapter 2, Ralsei reveals that he has set up rooms for Susie and Kris in his castle, so that the Dark World can be like “a second home” to them. When Susie sees her room, she spends a moment marveling about how she has her own room and awkwardly asks Ralsei how long he spent setting it up for her. After that, she’s overjoyed about how cool it is, bragging about it to both Kris and Lancer. While it could be that she just likes the room, the emphasis she puts on it being her own room makes it seem like this might be the first time she’s ever had a room to herself. Which, to be fair, Kris shared their room with Asriel as well, but the room Kris shared with Asriel was still their room, at least on one side of it. If Susie is from a group home, it could be that she never even had that much to herself.
— Susie seems to care greatly for Toriel, but in Chapter 1 also seems a bit jealous of Kris for being Toriel’s child. In Chapter 1, after Susie threatens Kris about biting their face off, she stops and says, “Nah. Kris, you have a good mother. It’d be a shame to make her bury her child.” If you try to skip school instead of going to the closet after that, Susie stops Kris by saying, “If you skip school, your mother will have a heart attack.” In both cases, Susie is expressing care for Toriel’s emotional well-being; however much Susie might not care for others, she does care about Toriel enough to not want to stress her out. Keeping in mind that all of this happens before the first Dark World trip, it can’t be explained away by Susie’s character development like Susie’s eagerness to bake a pie with Toriel (and otherwise adherence and respect that she shows for Toriel) in Chapter 2 can.
But going along with that, when you follow Susie to the closet in Chapter 1, Susie mocks Kris by saying, “Not used to walking without someone holding your hand? Come on, freak.” Given the respect and care Susie has already shown for Toriel, it’s clear that her mocking of Kris here is not because Kris should be ashamed for holding Toriel’s hand; rather, it could be jealousy that Susie doesn’t have someone to do that for her, and perhaps never did. It’s easier to call Kris a freak for having a loving mother who holds their hand than it is to admit that she wishes she had the same.
As a final note on the Chapter 2 interactions, Susie is surprised that Toriel knows her name and remembers her. This, in addition to her eagerness to help out with the pie, her laughing at Toriel’s jokes, etc, shows that Susie has a fondness for Toriel, who is the most motherly character in the series. Considering that Toriel acts kind and motherly toward Susie, the idea that Susie might not have never had a mother (+ people to care about her) suggests that her fondness for Toriel (+ jealousy of Kris) contributes to how quickly she latches onto / how much she cares about Toriel.
— Susie eats chalk, and while this could be a “haha monster snack” joke, not only do we not see other monsters eating chalk (in fact, Noelle thinks Kris is lying to her if you choose to tell Noelle this about Susie at the end of Chapter 1), but eating chalk can be a sign of a nutrient deficiency. Specifically, craving chalk can be a result of an iron deficiency. If Susie is an orphan who hasn’t had parents to take care of her, then she could have an unbalanced / nutritionally deficient diet, and thus she does things like eat chalk in an effort to make up for it. (Her jeans are also ripped up, and while distressed jeans are cool, it’s also possible those are the only pants she has.)
— While the other kids in Alphys’ class openly detest Susie (e.g. laughing at Kris for being paired with her, warning Kris about possible death at Susie’s hands, refusing to hang out with Kris if Kris is hanging out with Susie, etc), Monster Kid tells a story to Kris in Chapter 1 that suggests that, at one time, Susie might have wanted to be friends with them. Specifically, if you talk to Monster Kid at the end of Chapter 1, Monster Kid tells Kris about a time when the kids from Alphys’ class (sans Kris) were playing kickball in the street. MK says that Susie was “standing in a corner” staring at them, but that when the ball did get kicked over to her, she froze before kicking it so hard that it hit Undyne’s car. Monster Kid doesn’t say what Susie did after that (only that Alphys came out and kicked all their asses at the game), but does go on to insult Susie some more, and notes that Kris looks increasingly annoyed at the insults. Regardless, the thing to take away from this story here is that Susie was watching all the other kids play, and froze when the ball came to her. She kicked it . . . and it hit Undyne’s car. Monster Kid’s retelling of the story suggests that they and the other kids thought that Susie did that on purpose, but my interpretation (knowing Susie as I do now, and also knowing what it’s like to watch other kids play while not feeling invited to play yourself) suggests that it was probably an accident. Susie wanted to play and be included, but accidentally kicked the ball into the car, and was thought of as a freak and bully after despite her actual intentions.
— To that end, at the start of Chapter 1 Susie is pretty blatantly of the opinion that everyone hates her and wants her to get kicked out of school. She flat out says as much to Kris in front of the lockers at the start of the chapter. (“Everyone wants it. Everyone’s waiting for it.”) It’s not only the other students, either; Alphys is afraid of Susie and uses any opportunity she can to get Susie out of class, which would explain why Susie doesn’t hold nearly the same care or respect for her that she does for Toriel, someone who actually did care about and treat Susie with kindness.
— Susie expresses shock when Lancer wants to be like her / wants to be her friend, and in turn, latches onto him with fierce loyalty that is only momentarily shaken when she thinks he’s betrayed her (and she even reasons that with, “why would anyone want to be my friend?”). That line, suggesting that she feels stupid for thinking Lancer would want to be her friend, points to a friendless background. But her fierce loyalty to anyone who shows her even a bit of kindness also shows just how incredibly lonely she is. In fact, if we think about it, the people who Susie latches onto are those who have shown her some big act of kindness before:
Noelle: Lent Susie the candy cane pencil and smiled at her. Considering how the other kids in Alphys’ class treat Susie, the simple act of lending a pencil with a smile probably seemed like a huge act of kindness to her.
Toriel: Acts motherly toward Susie, as she does with all her students. Might not be special treatment in the grand scheme, but it’s special to Susie who typically doesn’t get that treatment from others.
Lancer: Said that he wanted to be like Susie, that he found Susie cool, wanted monogrammed track jackets with her, etc. Actually wanted to be Susie’s friend and appreciated her.
Kris: Defended Susie from the King’s attack. Note that although Susie was working with Kris before this, she wasn’t to the level of calling Kris her friend before Kris defended Susie. Also note that this is not an action that we, the player, make Kris do; Kris does it on their own regardless of the choices the player makes.
Ralsei: Healed Susie’s injured leg after Susie fell from the trash heap in Chapter 2. Granted, Susie was being nice to Ralsei before that and seemed to consider him a friend (enough), but it was only after Ralsei went out of his way to heal Susie’s injury and offered to teach her healing magic that she yoinked him off to spend time alone with him in the city and wanted to bust out of prison to find him when she thought he was being tortured in Queen’s Castle. Ralsei showed Susie some dedicated kindness, Susie latched on for life.
The fact that it takes on gesture of care on someone else’s part for Susie to be willing to kill for a person suggests that not only has Susie not had friends before, but perhaps that her feelings of loneliness were mixed with rejection to the point where she latches on fiercely to these people who care for her and doesn’t let them go.
— In addition to all this, although Susie latches on strongly, she also seems to be worried about losing those connections, too. When Lancer seemingly betrayed her, she said “why would anyone want to be friends with me?” When they returned from the Dark World, Susie hesitantly asks Kris if they’ll still be friends even if it turns out the Dark World was just a dream (well, she doesn’t finish the thought, but it’s clear that’s what she was about to ask before she fled). In the Snowgrave Route, when Noelle flees Kris at the hospital, Susie assumes Noelle is fleeing because of her and expresses dismay that Noelle is “scared of [her] again.” Susie’s default is that people fear or hate her and will run at the first opportunity despite how she tries to keep them close, which again speaks to a history of loneliness and rejection.
— Susie got banned from Free Ham Sandwich Day. This is a throwaway joke line, but if you consider that Susie might be an orphan with food insecurity, it could be less that she was just stuffing her face to be a pig and more that she was eating as much as she could because she didn’t know when she’d be able to eat again. Considering that she also eats things like chalk, candy cane pencils, apple-scented shampoo, and moss . . . well, the idea that Susie is food insecure doesn’t seem too far-fetched. (Kris also eats moss if the player makes them, yes, but the player has to choose that. Susie just does it on her own.)
Anyway, none of this is Conclusive Evidence, of course, but I think there’s a lot to suggest that Susie could very well be an orphan possibly living in a group home, and that she’s never really had the love of family or friends before the game started. Her aggression is defensive aggression more than anything else and it’s pretty clear that she just wants to be loved and give love in return. Susie’s fantastic and I can’t wait to see what more we learn about her as the game goes on.
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controlkris · 3 years
Command >> Ask Susie what she knows about humans
To Kris “Might as well get a second opinion.”
(Fuck) [anxiety]
"Hey, Susie!"
"What??" Susie slows to a jog.
(Fuck im ruining the moment. Oh, ugh. Fuck)
Kris bites their lip.
"... Nevermind."
"Huh??" Susie tilts her head. "Dude, c'mon."
"... Sorry." Kris winces.
"Nah, tell me."
"I'm curious now! We ain't gettin' popcorn 'til you tell me."
(Fuck this is so awkward) (think of a way to segue)
"Y'know how some humans have been escaping the underground?"
"... What do you know about humans?"
"..." Susie stares at them. "Shit, probably less than you. You're one. So."
Kris nods. [cringe] [social anxiety]
"Humans are escaping though?" Susie frowns, walking now. "Shittt... 'S that good?"
"No." Kris says. "Not good."
"Huh... Well, I hope at least some of 'em are as cool as you."
('as cool as you')
Kris blushes.
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FNAF Theory: The One Who Possessed William Afton In 1983 (Part 1)
we are made to believe that Charlotte Emily's Death came first,
before the incident which Michael would end up accidentally killing his younger brother "Evan/Crying Child" by shoving him into Fredbear's Mouth...
but I believe that Charlotte didn't die first, it was Crying Child who died first.... and Crying Child/Evan ended up taking over his Father's Body and killed Charlotte Emily and at some point in 1985, Evan took over his Father's Body again and killed Cassidy, Susie, Fritz, Jeremy and Gabriel.
if William Afton did become Springtrap, it is possible Evan no longer had a use for his Father anymore...
Evan could of been the one who became Glitchtrap, NOT William Afton.
the body that Evan left, would be what would become Springtrap.
Evan could of took control of his father to have revenge on those who did him wrong when he was alive...
the reason why Evan possessed his own father’s body, could of been to get back at Charlotte for not being there for him when he needed her to protect him.
because of what Michael and his buddies did, they possibly made Evan want to take revenge.
 Evan could of caused the bite of 87 by causing Foxy or Mangle to bite the Night Guard or a Child.
Evan was the victim of the Bite Of 83, a few years ago before the events of the Bite of 87.
we are made to believe that Charlotte was the one who died first before Evan Afton/Crying Child, but in reality it was Evan Afton who lost his life first.
and Evan in his agony either took over his Dad’s Body or His Older Brother’s Body, and used them to kill Charlotte Emily.
it could be possible that Evan only used his Father to commit terrible things at the Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria.
also I had figured out something about Ballora’s name.
and that is if you take some of the letters from
Charlotte Emily & Elizabeth Afton‘s names and rearrange them, they will spell out Ballora.
anyway it could be possible that only half of Crying Child went to take over William Afton’s body to kill, while the other half the still innocent half ended up going into the Animatronic Spring Bonnie.
the original theory I wanted to write about, was like this...
“FNAF Theory-Crying Child Is Springtrap & Purple-Guy:
The Bite Of 83, the day of Crying Child became a victim of their brother's stupid actions....and being killed by Fredbear...I believe that Crying Child's Soul went into Spring Bonnie, and it's possible that Crying Child had killed their brother and his friends.
what was left inside of his original body, would be his Agony Remnant, which was used to bring him back to life but sadly without his Original Soul. when Purple-Guy had ended up trying to hide in Spring Bonnie, it didn't just cause him to "die" but it also merged the two halves.
The Soulless Body Of Crying Child, ends up growing up both physically and mentally, but they end up becoming a Monster...
and the Monster that they ended up becoming, would be William Afton. so yeah what I'm getting at is that it is possible that Crying Child and William Afton are possibly one in the same, and when the Agony Remnant Half and the Soul Half ended up coming back together, they become Springtrap.
the Soul Half, could have some Remnant with it while in Spring Bonnie, but it wouldn't be the Agony one.... because the Agony one would be in the Soulless Body.
Springtrap, would possibly free himself from his Dark Half that did terrible things, and move it into a VR Game...and that dark half ends up becoming Glitchtrap.
but Springtrap might not be William Afton at all, but he could still be a Afton. it is possible that without his Soul in his body, the Agony Remnant acted as a type of Substitute Soul, but they would still be a being that has a type of "Hollow-Soul" like Kris from Deltarune.
a Hollow-Soul looks like a normal Heart Shaped Soul but it has no filling in the middle, it is like a heart shaped hole in the middle, so in other words it is a Soulless, it might appear like a real soul but it is a
"Hollow-Soul" and without the Original Soul, one could end up like William Afton of FNAF or Geno-Kris of Deltarune.
there could be more than one "Purple-Guy" meaning that William Afton wouldn't be the only one,the Purple-Guy who trusts Circus-Baby, would be a Different Purple-Guy, maybe...but even if it does turn out Crying-Child and Springtrap are one in the same, in other Timelines they aren't.
think of the many different alternate timelines of Crying-Child, like the Riverperson from Undertale.”
but like seeing that if Michael Afton is the same as the Foxy Mask Wearing Older Brother, and might of not been stuffed into the Foxy suit...
 plus it might not be possible that William Afton is Crying Child...
some parts of that theory could still be used, but might need to rethink it a bit and try to figure out more about it...
while William Afton might not of started out as a Monster, he might of became that way because of his youngest son, Evan Afton who was a victim of The Bite Of 83.
the half of Evan that was still good, ended up taking over The Puppet and tried to go save Charlotte from his dark half that was possessing William Afton.
Evan could of had his soul go into a Spring Bonnie at first, but could of moved to The Puppet, Charlotte and Evan might of shared The Puppet for sometime, until Evan placed Charlotte into a different body.
well maybe I should think about where Evan would of placed Charlotte’s soul into, well besides Ballora...
the other thing I was writing was taking a bit longer, and I couldn’t get to this right away until now.
I’ll just make this a Part 1, and write more about the theory about Evan Afton making his Father kill Charlotte Emily and Others in a Part 2.
I want to check out more art on here, but I need to go right now.
I will try to sign back on later tomorrow, and if not tomorrow, I will sign back on the day after or whenever I can.
so see ya later and stay safe everyone. 
I’m a little tired, so I might go to sleep in a little while.... 
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vyndreyl · 3 years
The Picnic
Part 2
Note: Fluff. Puns. Soriel.
The day was finally here!
Toriel packed the basket with care while simultaneously calming her own nerves. Why was she even nervous? It wasn't like this was the first time she had been on a date with anyone since the divorce.
Her face took a rather hard expression as she thought about that. Thinking about Asgore just made her so irritated sometimes. Oh, the divorce had been an easy and amicable one, but...old irritations seemed to be working their way out the longer they were out of a relationship. She never wanted to get back together with him. That chapter in her life was over.
"...18 years, though."
The voice made her jump as she looked over at Kris who was slinking their way around the doorway.
"What was that, sweety?"
"You and...Dad were married for 18 years, almost exactly." There was no real feeling in their words, but their red eyes betrayed a kind of deep emotion. Sadness? Bitterness? Hopelessness? It was almost unreadable.
"That's right." Toriel said as she closed the picnic basket.
"And now you're on a date?"
"Just a picnic with Sans."
"...he gives me the creeps."
"He says much the same about you."
Kris blinked and opened the fridge taking some leftover chocolate pie out. They said nothing, but just fixed themselves a slice and went to the table and sat down with it.
"... Any plans today?"
"...hanging out with Susie."
"Oh? I'm so glad that you have a friend, Kris." Toriel said as she gently ruffled their hair and kissed the top of their head. "Be good today, alright."
Kris nodded, a mouthful of pie keeping them from answering. They swallowed the first bite quickly and said, "...you, too."
Toriel smiled, picked up the basket, "I will." She said as she went out the door to the minivan, placing the basket on the passenger seat and starting it up. She made a y-turn and pulled out of the driveway heading south towards the town proper.
"it'll be fine, Paps. I'm just going on a picnic."
"yes again. if you need anything, just call my cell."
Sans stepped out of the house and locked the door. His brother had been so skittish about this. It wasn't like this was serious or anything. It was JUST lunch.
He took in a deep breath. The flowers were blooming, the birds were singing, on days like today... He shook his head, his left eye going blue for a second before he calmed down. "wrong place...wrong place." He whispered to himself as he rubbed the back of his skull.
Thankfully before he had too much time to contemplate anything, Toriel arrived in her minivan. She moved the basket and rolled down the window.
"hey, can i come in? feeling a little exhausted here."
Toriel chuckled. "Of course. Wouldn't want to leave you parked too long."
Sans' grin got bigger as he slid into the passenger seat. He set a plastic shopping bag on his lap. "yeah, I was afraid you would...drive away before i could see yah today."
"Ah, you seem to have already bested me during our time together today. You might have to be pulled over for speeding."
Sans chuckled at that. "You may be right. I might have just ran a red light already."
Toriel parked at the park and got out, going around and opening the door for Sans and then getting the basket out of the back. Sans followed her to the picnic table. "this was the perfect day for this, Toriel." he said as he helped set everything up.
"Indeed it is."
They settled down and sat at the table that was spread with sandwiches, chips, soda, and pie. There were also napkins and hotdogs, ketchup, mustard, relish, onions, and chili.
They both fixed their plates and began eating. Toriel was quiet for a moment and then began with, "you know...Kris wasn't too happy about this."
Sans looked at the sandwich she had, "oh? they don't like sandwiches?" He joked, though he knew where she was leading with this. He sighed. "yeah, pa-my brother wasn't too keen on it either."
Toriel frowned, chewing and swallowing. "I suppose this makes it awkward then for us to continue with...wherever this is going."
"i dunno." He said, taking a bite of some chips. "do you want to stop right now?"
She smiled and shook her head. "Not really, but I have to take Kris's feelings into account."
"and I have to think about my brother."
They both took a drink of soda at the same time, when a small acorn landed right into the pie with a splat.
"well, that is absolutely nuts." the skeleton said in almost too much of a relieved way.
Toriel laughed, also pleased. "Looks like it may have cracked the tension."
Sans grinned wider and came back with another pun while making a hot dog for himself and her.
She laughed and responded.
In the thick trees across the way, a red eye gleamed and a slingshot was put away before the owner of them slinked away quietly to go join up with a large purple monster.
"Mission Accomplished." They said mysteriously once they encountered her.
"Mission...what? Sometimes you're so weird, Kris."
They said nothing, but hid a small smile as they followed Susie, putting the slingshot in their pocket.
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