#sustainable placemaking
just-a-cup-of-anxietea · 10 months
i just find it fascinating, the idea that geography and climate/weather can have such a profound affect on a person’s behaviour and sensibilities (saying this as someone who matches clothing colour palette and music to suit seasons/weather)
so I’m moderately unhinged about this, particularly from a genius loci/placemaking design standpoint. Some really cool things that geography/climate/weather does to our brains:
Terpenes and other biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) trees alter our mental states and behaviors through forest air!! (Source x)
PM 2.5 concentrations, which vary WIDELY based on geography, impact behavior and rates of things like anxiety and depression. (Source x)
Humidity affects concentration! This article looks at indoor humidity relative to individuals acclimatized to particular (subtropical) outdoor conditions. Pretty interesting idea!
The biophilia effect has a whole HOST of effects on our brains and health! (source x) Exposure to nature/visual stimuli of nature has the capacity to change behavior on the short term and (less studied) very probably the long term.
The smell of rain, mostly geosmin, has a direct effect on brain waves (as examined by EEG). This study doesn’t analyze prolonged exposure, but the conclusions are interesting all the same!
All this to say YES I am SUPER fascinated by the ways humans are impacted by their geography/climate/weather too! I’m equally fascinated by what that MEANS for a species that has a habit of designing itself out of nature and out of connection to particular climates and geographies. As for sensibilities, I haven’t encountered too many studies who will approach that territory. It’s a little more contentious than just plain ol’ behavioral observation, but, BUT, I don’t think it’s too much of a leap to say that these observed behavioral changes in response to particular geographic/climatic stimuli can correlate to particular sensibility preferences or leanings. ANYWAY I’ll get off my soapbox for now but THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS ASK. THIS MADE MY DAY SERIOUSLY THANK YOU.
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artefactx · 1 year
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The city need more breathing space. #placemaking #sustainability #green #hkiger https://www.instagram.com/p/CprjBgaLCWy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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urbandesign-lab · 1 year
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Follow @urbandesign.lab Coral Cities | An Ito Design Lab Concept "For the past six months I have been fascinated by the concept of making city networks look like living corals. The varying patterns of urban forms are inherently dictated by their road network; a complex, seemingly organic connection of links moving people across their city. Like branches of coral they have a pattern and a function, I chose to expose this pattern and manipulate it to become something far more conceptual. Read Less." Project by: @mapzilla_art (Craig Taylor) DM for credits/Removal. . . . . Photoshop Masterclass (2 Days Integrated Workshop) Session Details: • Day 1: 18th of February, 2023 | Urban Mapping • Day 2: 19th of February, 2023 | 3D Urban Visualization 🔗Registration link in the bio Limited Seats available! Early Bird registration ends on 12th February, 2023 . . . . #mapping #urbanplanning #GISmapping #urbandesign #nollimaps #citymapping #geospatial #geography #cartography #spatialdata #cityplanning #dataanalysis #sustainability #landscapearchitecture #smartcities #placemaking #geodata #opendata #mapmaking #urbanism #geospatialanalysis #urbanrenewal #3Dmapping #wayfinding #environmentaldesign #mobility #transportationplanning #urbanregeneration #publicspace #urbandesignlab (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/CorxtBRvDuB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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re-locative · 3 months
Research findings: How are people creating a sense of togetherness online?
The everyday inventiveness of translocal relationship maintenance
I'm excited to share some early insights from our latest study. Some of you may remember it from when it was distributed: a survey about how people who sustain relationships online create a sense of being in the same place, even at a distance.
Even now, online platforms are marching towards a future of standardised, formless, and profoundly placeless design. But relationships need place (Tuan, 1979), and people will continue to fashion new tactics to address their everyday needs. So, how do people in translocal relationships play with/around these technological limitations? How do they foster shared places on platforms that aren't designed for it?
That's what our study sought to uncover, and here's what we found...
Our deepest thanks to all who participated in the survey! We had 44 respondents—almost twice as many as we were hoping for—and more importantly, we got a pretty broad slice of translocal connections across the world:
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Our original focus was on long-distance families and romantic relationships, mainly because people conventionally assume physical closeness and cohabitation in those relationships. But in practice, the data we gathered contained accounts of all kinds of relationships, so we expect the findings to be relevant (in varying degrees) to many kinds of online connection as well.
Across the data, a few themes showed up repeatedly, and through an extensive process of coding and clustering, we've distilled it into five themes, or key drivers of practices in virtual placemaking:
1. Synchronicity ⌚
People seek to act in concert and in temporal proximity, to feel a sense of relatedness—be that by experiencing media together, collaborating on a project, or just feeling collocated via a background voice call. Voice calls often scaffolded these kinds of synchronous activities—sound is a great vector for conveying simultaneity/"at the same time."
2. Persistence 📌
We talked about synchronous interactions above. Asynchronous interactions, on the other hand, assert the "being in the same space." This requires virtual spaces to not simply disappear or refresh when the session is closed: you're able to leave artefacts for others to discover even when you're offline or "in the background," and they accumulate over time. That's a core trait of a real place (as discussed in past research).
3. Emotional connection/depth 🫂
We know from other research that long-distance couples favour text messaging. Verbal communication is paramount in relationship deepening because it supports precise expressions of care and affirmation. But it can be asserted by other expressions too, like offers of help, favours and gifts—implicitly or explicitly indicating that one has the other person in one's thoughts, as well as their interests, well-being, and goings-on.
4. Physical linkage 🔗
Despite the focus on virtual spaces, many respondents saw great importance in anchoring their bonds in physical space, and used technologies as windows, or bridges, linking those spaces together. Using video calls as "windows" to have meals together, virtual house tours where the smartphone acts as a surrogate for the person on the other end, buying the same game board and playing against each other by replicating each other's moves...our data was replete with creative ways of bridging physical divides.
5. Co-creation 🖼️📝
Collaborative narratives and creation uniquely allow for interactors to explore and cohabit a shared mental place, in which they have an equal stake and are emotionally engaged. It's a way of being psychically co-present through roleplay and active imagination. Our data was full of mentions of collaborative creative work and narratives, from Dungeons and Dragons to building worlds together to making art of imagined alternate realities.
Other neat insights:
Rather than ever being confined to a single platform, almost everyone inhabited and interwove practices across different platforms/media types, each with its own utility, affect, and meaning: this is what Madianou calls "polymedia life." Think playing games on a virtual board while discussing it in a text chat, watching a show together on a streaming website while discussing it in a call, playing Wordle independently and checking in with the group chat to see what others thought, etc. This was almost universal across the dataset!
There were a lot of unique practices described in the dataset (i.e. instances where one respondent was the only person in the dataset who did that thing) - and yet it was never described as a practice we deliberately designed to solve a problem. This everyday inventiveness among people in translocal/transnational relationships has become the core of our research interest.
Lots of intergenerational connection (parent/child, grandparent/grandchild, aunt/uncle/niece) was evidenced - and a strong skew towards text chat, video calls, and voice calls for these. Video games are far more common among romantic relationships.
That's all for this post—I'll be back soon (very soon) to talk about what comes next.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
Regarding this post going around:
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Recommend checking out an article by Kasey Keeler and Ryan Hellenbrand, published at Edge Effects in 2021, which, aside from addressing the Ojibwe story about the Nanabozho fighting against logging, also describes the origin of Paul Bunyan as an icon of clear-cutting timber industry and, later, as a symbol of the advent of the US federal government’s “German-style” forestry management.
Some quick tidbits from their article:
- References to Bunyan appear in local print media from the 1890s onward, but Bunyan became more widely known in 1916 after a scholarly publication about the folklore. In the same year, 1916, an important mass media pictorial representation was made in a promotional pamphlet by the marketing team of a major logging company as a move to give them a folksly and “local” charm as the corporation expanded from Minnesota to California.
- That same logging company had owned the land that would become both Paul Bunyan State Forest and Chippewa National Forest.
- The first national forest created by act of Congress rather than presidential proclamation was actually Chippewa National Forest, which has been described as “a laboratory” to solve “the Indian problem” and discipline/contain Ojibwe people.
- Paul Bunyan was a sort of icon of German folklore in the region. Ironically, even though Bunyan was originally associated with clear-cutting, it would in fact be "German-style” forestry policy that (in Minnesota and later across the US) replaced the original clear-cutting industrial extraction methods with a "modern" and "sustainable" management approach meant for "sustained yield" (which still just treats forests as a resource to be extracted for profit).
Anyway, some images, captions, and text from the article [all text below is excerpted from the article]:
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Across the Northwoods, a geography that spans the U.S.-Canada border, stories are used to make and claim space. [...] Throughout northern Minnesota, legends of Paul Bunyan, the fictional giant lumberjack, have been used to claim space. [...] Bunyan has been credited with creating Minnesota’s 10,000 lakes, the Mississippi River, and the Grand Canyon, while simultaneously logging millions of acres of forest. [...] Together, we juxtapose the history of two forests -- the Paul Bunyan State Forest and the Chippewa National Forest -- to reveal how German settlement, logging, and forestry have contributed to placemaking narratives, and how [...] nostalgia links past and present. Paul Bunyan’s literal and figurative imaginings advance American Indian erasure narratives, leading to the invisibility of these same communities today. [...] The Northwoods have been popularized and imagined as America’s version of northern Europe. [...] Across Minnesota, towns like New Ulm, New Munich, Heidelberg, and Luxemburg bear witness [...]. More recently, Native scholars Michael Dockry and Christopher Caldwell have examined [...] “the Menominee people’s profound sense of place and their intimate relationship with place.”   [...]
Ojibwe dispossession, well underway by the late nineteenth century, is not told in any Paul Bunyan story. [...] The "heroic labor" of logging formed a significant portion of Great Lakes region economies [...] on the heels of, and entangled with, Ojibwe dispossession. [...] Formally established in 1908, the 1.6-million-acre Chippewa National Forest (CNF) lies nearly contiguous with the Leech Lake Reservation. [...] [T]he CNF was the first national forest created "for the benefit of [American] Indian people." [...] In 1902 came the Morris Act. Authored by [a] Duluth congressman [...], the act "created the first forest reserve established by congressional action rather than presidential proclamation." The act established the 225,000-acre Minnesota Forest Reserve as a “compromise,” a way to tackle the “Indian problem” while allowing for timber harvest. Here, Ojibwe homelands became “a laboratory for the first comprehensive forest management plans undertaken by a federal agency.” In 1928, the forest was renamed the Chippewa National Forest, as it remains today.
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While the Chippewa National Forest forces us to consider the many ways logging and forestry has usurped American Indian peoples’ access to land, the nearby Paul Bunyan State Forest encapsulates the material legacy of symbolic myth. [...]
Officially recognized in 1935, the Paul Bunyan State Forest evolved from the site of the Red River Lumber Company sawmill. Founded in 1884, the Red River Lumber Company (RRLC) directly participated in and contributed to Ojibwe dispossession. By the end of the nineteenth century, he RRLC had purchased most of the land that comprises the present-day Pual Bunyan State Forest, milling millions of board feet of lumber at the company town of Akeley. [...]
The expansion of RRLC to California precipitated another key move: using Paul Bunyan in their marketing. William B. Laughead (pronounced Log-head), advertising manager in 1914 and a logger himself, spun another Paul Bunyan tale for the promotional booklet “Introducing Mr. Paul Bunyan of Westwood, Cal,” which included Bunyan’s first pictorial representation. This marketing campaign relied on the new and growing nostalgia for the grand logging days in the Great Lakes to keep the transcontinental corporation rooted in place.
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With logging long established throughout the Great Lakes region, the ecological damage was clear. To remedy this, in the mid-1930s (German) forestry was introduced to manage timber on a sustained yield base. This, then, is the irony of the Paul Bunyan State Forest: named for an American legends who is said to have literally cleared the path for settlement, forest management now proposes to maintain the integrity of the forest. [...]
Though Paul Bunyan narratives dominate the landscape of the Northwoods, if we look closely we can see the ways Native people resist the legendary exploits. Indeed, a lesser-known Ojibwe oral story reminds us that the Anishinaabe people, their culture, and their histories will always prevail over dispossession and logging. In the story, Nanabozho, an Ojibwe trickster or cultural figure, confronts Paul Bunyan, who had already logged off most of the northeastern states before making his way to Minnesota. Nanabozho tells Paul to leave, to not log any more timber. A fight ensues, and [...] Nanabozho swings a Red Lake walleye at Paul, knocking him off his feet. As Paul stumbles, Nanabozho pulls at Paul’s whiskers, making him promise to leave the area. This is why, today, Paul Bunyan does not have a beard and why he is facing west at the statue on Lake Bemidji, as he prepares to leave the region.
This is also why we have the Chippewa National Forest, because Nanabozho and his Ojibwe kinsmen saved it from being logged. It is this contemporary narrative that highlights the complexity of Ojibwe storytelling [...].
Images, captions, and text as published by: Kasey Keeler and Ryan Hellenbrand. “Paul Bunyan and Settler Nostalgia in the Northwoods.” Edge Effects. 2 December 2021. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks added by me.]
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adtronics · 8 days
Illuminating The Outdoors: Exploring The Marvels Of Full Color LED Displays
In the bustling city streets or serene countryside landscapes, outdoor full color LED displays stand as luminous sentinels, capturing attention, conveying messages, and weaving narratives with vibrant hues. These technological marvels have revolutionized outdoor advertising, entertainment, and communication, transforming static environments into dynamic canvases of creativity and information. Let's delve into the captivating world of outdoor full color LED displays and uncover the magic they bring to our outdoor spaces.
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A Symphony of Light: Unveiling the Brilliance
Imagine strolling down a city boulevard illuminated by a dazzling array of LED displays, each pulsating with life, broadcasting advertisements, artworks, or vital information. These displays, composed of countless tiny light-emitting diodes (LEDs), seamlessly blend together to produce vibrant, high-resolution images and videos. Unlike traditional billboards or signage, full color LED displays offer unparalleled versatility, capable of showcasing dynamic content with stunning clarity, even in broad daylight.
Beyond Advertising: The Power of Engagement
While outdoor full color LED displays are often associated with advertising, their potential transcends mere commercialism. These digital canvases serve as platforms for artistic expression, community engagement, and public information dissemination. From interactive installations to cultural showcases, LED displays facilitate immersive experiences that captivate audiences and foster a sense of connection with the surrounding environment.
Enhancing Events: Creating Memorable Experiences
In the realm of events and entertainment, outdoor full color LED displays play a pivotal role in elevating the spectator experience. Whether it's a music festival, sports event, or cultural celebration, these displays serve as dynamic backdrops, enhancing performances, and amplifying the energy of the crowd. With their ability to showcase live feeds, instant replays, and real-time updates, LED displays ensure that no moment is missed, enriching the event experience for attendees.
Sustainability and Efficiency: Lighting the Way Forward
Beyond their aesthetic appeal and functionality, outdoor full color LED displays also offer environmental benefits. Compared to traditional lighting and signage solutions, LED technology is energy-efficient and eco-friendly, consuming less power and producing minimal heat. Additionally, the longevity of LED displays reduces the need for frequent replacements, further reducing waste and environmental impact. As sustainability becomes increasingly important in urban planning and design, LED displays emerge as a shining example of innovative, eco-conscious technology.
The Future of Urban Landscapes: Illuminated Possibilities
As we look ahead, the integration of outdoor full color LED displays into urban landscapes promises to redefine the way we interact with public spaces. From smart city initiatives to digital placemaking projects, LED displays will continue to shape the aesthetics, functionality, and ambiance of our outdoor environments. Whether it's transforming a drab city square into a vibrant cultural hub or enhancing the nighttime skyline with dazzling visuals, the possibilities are limitless. In conclusion, outdoor full color LED displays represent a convergence of technology, artistry, and functionality, illuminating our outdoor spaces with creativity, information, and engagement. From bustling city centers to tranquil parks, these luminous installations enrich our surroundings, inviting us to explore, connect, and experience the world in a whole new light.
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aslanproperty · 21 days
5 Innovative Trends Shaping Property Development in 2024
In the ever-evolving landscape of property development, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. As we step into 2024, the industry is witnessing a wave of innovative trends that are reshaping the way projects are conceived, designed, and executed. From sustainability to technology, these trends are not only driving efficiency but also paving the way for more resilient and future-proof developments. Let's delve into five of the most impactful trends shaping property development in 2024.
Sustainable Development Practices
Sustainability has shifted from being a buzzword to a core principle in property development. In 2024, developers are increasingly embracing green building standards, renewable energy sources, and environmentally friendly materials. From carbon-neutral construction methods to zero-waste initiatives, sustainable practices are not just seen as a moral imperative but also as a competitive advantage. Projects that prioritize sustainability are not only attracting eco-conscious buyers but also enjoying long-term cost savings and enhanced market value.
Smart Buildings and IoT Integration
The rise of intelligent technology is revolutionizing the way buildings are designed, operated, and experienced. In 2024, property developers are incorporating Internet of Things (IoT) devices and sensors to create intelligent, connected spaces. From automated energy management systems to personalized user experiences, smart buildings are enhancing efficiency, comfort, and security. Moreover, data-driven insights obtained through IoT integration are enabling developers to optimize building performance, anticipate maintenance needs, and enhance overall sustainability.
Flexible and Adaptive Spaces
The concept of space utilization is undergoing a paradigm shift in 2024, with developers embracing flexibility and adaptability like never before. Recognizing the changing needs of occupants and communities, property developers are designing spaces that can easily be repurposed or reconfigured over time. From multi-functional workspaces to modular living units, flexibility is becoming a hallmark of modern property development. This trend not only caters to evolving lifestyle preferences but also future-proofs buildings against demographic shifts and economic fluctuations.
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies are transforming the way property developments are conceptualized, marketed, and experienced. In 2024, developers are leveraging VR and AR tools to offer immersive virtual tours, realistic simulations, and interactive design experiences. Prospective buyers can now visualize properties in stunning detail, explore different layouts, and even customize finishes—all from the comfort of their homes. This not only streamlines the sales process but also enhances transparency and customer satisfaction.
Community-Centric Design
Property development is no longer just about erecting buildings; it's about creating vibrant, inclusive communities. In 2024, developers are prioritizing community-centric design principles that foster social interaction, connectivity, and well-being. From mixed-use developments that combine residential, commercial, and recreational spaces to placemaking initiatives that enhance public realm amenities, the focus is on creating environments where people can live, work, and play seamlessly. By fostering a sense of belonging and shared identity, community-centric developments are not only enriching the lives of residents but also driving economic growth and urban revitalization.
As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, property development is undergoing a profound transformation driven by innovation and forward-thinking. In 2024, sustainability, technology, flexibility, experience, and community are emerging as the cornerstones of successful developments. By embracing these innovative trends, developers have the opportunity to not only create spaces that meet the needs of today but also lay the foundation for a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable future.
In conclusion, the future of property development is not just about constructing buildings; it's about shaping environments that enrich lives, empower communities, and stand the test of time. If you're interested in learning more about how these innovative trends can transform your property development projects, feel free to reach out to us at Aslan Property. Our team of experts is here to assist you in navigating the ever-changing landscape of the industry. Contact us today to start building the future of property development together!
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sattaresults-blog · 1 month
When the Bricks Grow: Exploring the Metamorphosis of Architecture
Architecture is a living art form, evolving with time and reflecting the needs, values, and advancements of society. In recent years, there has been a notable shift in architectural paradigms, marked by a fascinating metamorphosis in the way we conceive, design, and inhabit spaces. This transformation, often dubbed as "When the Bricks Grow," encompasses various aspects reshaping the architectural landscape. نمای آجر خشک
Sustainability and Green Design:
One of the most prominent trends in contemporary architecture is the emphasis on sustainability and green design.
Architects are incorporating eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient systems, and passive design strategies to minimize environmental impact.
Concepts like green roofs, solar panels, and rainwater harvesting are becoming integral parts of architectural projects, promoting a harmonious relationship between built environments and nature.
Adaptive Reuse and Repurposing:
With urbanization and population growth, there's a growing need to make efficient use of existing structures.
Adaptive reuse involves transforming old or abandoned buildings into new, functional spaces while preserving their historical and architectural significance.
From repurposed factories turned into trendy lofts to disused warehouses converted into vibrant art galleries, adaptive reuse celebrates the adaptive nature of architecture and fosters sustainability by reducing demolition and construction waste.
Technology and Digital Innovation:
Advancements in technology have revolutionized the architectural design process, allowing for greater precision, efficiency, and creativity.
Virtual reality (VR), building information modeling (BIM), and parametric design tools enable architects to visualize and analyze projects in unprecedented detail.
3D printing is pushing the boundaries of what's possible, offering new avenues for architectural expression and customization while streamlining construction processes.
Community-Centered Design:
Architecture is increasingly shifting its focus from individual buildings to holistic community development.
Placemaking initiatives prioritize the creation of inclusive, pedestrian-friendly spaces that foster social interaction and a sense of belonging.
Participatory design approaches involve local communities in the decision-making process, ensuring that projects address their unique needs and aspirations.
Conclusion: The metamorphosis of architecture, encapsulated in the concept of "When the Bricks Grow," reflects a dynamic interplay between tradition and innovation, sustainability and creativity, and individuality and community. As architects continue to explore new horizons and push the boundaries of what's possible, the built environment will continue to evolve, shaping the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us.
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anantalandwise · 2 months
Innovative Solutions for Today's Real Estate Challenges
The real estate industry stands at a pivotal juncture, propelled by rapid technological advancements, shifting market dynamics, and evolving consumer preferences. In response to these transformative forces, real estate professionals are turning to innovative solutions to overcome the challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve deeper into the innovative solutions that are reshaping the real estate landscape and driving industry evolution.
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1. Technology Integration:
Technology has emerged as a game-changer in the real estate sector, revolutionizing traditional practices and introducing unprecedented efficiency and convenience. From advanced property management software to virtual reality tours and blockchain-powered transactions, the integration of technology is streamlining processes, optimizing workflows, and enhancing the overall real estate experience for stakeholders. By harnessing the power of technology, real estate professionals can gain a competitive edge, stay ahead of market trends, and deliver exceptional value to clients and customers.
2. Sustainable Development Practices:
With environmental sustainability climbing to the top of the agenda, real estate developers are embracing innovative solutions to reduce their carbon footprint and create more eco-friendly built environments. Green building certifications, energy-efficient design strategies, and renewable energy integration are just a few examples of sustainable development practices that are gaining traction across the industry. By prioritizing sustainability, developers not only contribute to environmental conservation but also appeal to a growing segment of environmentally-conscious consumers and investors.
3. Data Analytics and Predictive Modeling:
In an era defined by data abundance, harnessing the power of analytics and predictive modeling has become essential for informed decision-making in real estate. Advanced data analytics tools sift through vast datasets to extract valuable insights into market trends, investment opportunities, and property performance. Predictive modeling techniques enable stakeholders to anticipate future market conditions, mitigate risks, and optimize investment strategies. By leveraging data-driven insights, real estate professionals can make smarter, more strategic decisions that drive success in an increasingly competitive market landscape.
4. Flexible Workspace Solutions:
The rise of remote work and evolving workforce dynamics have ushered in a new era of flexibility in workspace design and utilization. Innovative concepts such as co-working spaces, flexible leasing arrangements, and hybrid office models are catering to the evolving needs of modern tenants, providing them with greater flexibility, agility, and choice. Flexible workspace solutions not only adapt to changing market conditions but also foster collaboration, productivity, and employee satisfaction in today's dynamic work environment.
5. Community-Centric Development:
Beyond bricks and mortar, real estate development is increasingly focused on creating vibrant, inclusive communities that foster social connection and enhance quality of life. Innovative placemaking initiatives, community engagement strategies, and social infrastructure investments are transforming developments into thriving hubs where people can live, work, and play. By prioritizing community-centric development, real estate professionals are not only creating value for residents but also driving long-term sustainability, resilience, and social impact within neighborhoods and cities.
In conclusion, innovative solutions are at the forefront of addressing today's real estate challenges and shaping the future of the industry. By embracing technology, sustainability, data analytics, flexible workspace solutions, and community-centric development practices, real estate professionals can navigate the complexities of the market landscape and unlock new opportunities for growth, resilience, and success.
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Observations and Research: Northsore
"The Vision: Brisbane's connected, sustainable and welcoming riverfront precinct"
Based on my research, it is said that Northshore is a new city precinct in Brisbane developed by Economic Development Queensland (EDQ). The site emphasises placemaking, sustainability, and immersive experiences to attract visitors. EDQ seeks original and innovative creative projects to activate the site, focusing on areas like The Workshops and The Wheelhouse co-working space. These spaces aim to support start-ups and entrepreneurs, but there is limited public interaction.
Initial observations: I noticed that there were a lot of events that I did not know about. After further discussion with my classmates during tutorials, we came to the conclusion that Northshore's marketing tactics were not directed to youth like us.
Historical Summary:
Between 1980 and 2000, Brisbane underwent significant infrastructure development and urban renewal, marking a transformative period for the city. Key milestones include the opening of the Fisherman Islands Port Project and the construction of the Gateway Bridge, which facilitated the relocation of port operations and enhanced transport connectivity. Urban renewal initiatives, spurred by events like Expo 88 and the Commonwealth Games, revitalized old wharf areas such as Northshore and Teneriffe, turning them into vibrant residential and commercial hubs. The emergence of the Australia Trade Coast concept aimed to capitalize on the area's strategic location and economic potential. Additionally, the establishment of ferry services like the City Cat further improved river transport accessibility. The opening of the Portside Cruise Terminal in 2006 signaled a significant boost to Queensland tourism, despite challenges posed by height restrictions under the Gateway Bridge for larger liners. Overall, this period saw Brisbane evolve into a dynamic and modern city with renewed infrastructure and a thriving urban landscape.
Between 2000 and 2020, significant urban renewal and development took place in Brisbane's Northshore precinct, driven by strategic planning and collaboration between government and private entities. Key highlights include the construction of the second Gateway Bridge, the establishment of the Northshore Development Group and Economic Development Queensland, and the opening of iconic landmarks like Portside Wharf and Brisbane Cruise Terminal. The area's transformation is focused on creating vibrant mixed-use communities, enhancing public access to the waterfront, and fostering economic growth. Placemaking initiatives such as Eat Street Northshore and Northshore Tennis Park have become beloved attractions, contributing to the area's identity and drawing crowds from both locals and tourists. These developments showcased a successful blend of public and private partnerships, demonstrating the potential for urban regeneration to create both commercial and community benefits.
Kerkhove, R. (2021). Report and recommendations: Northshore indigenous history. First Nations historical analysis produced for Northshore and Economic Development Queensland by Dr Ray Kerkhove
L Dean (Lori Dean) and H Gregory. (2020). The transformation of Northshore 1820–2020. A post colonial history of Northshore commissioned by Economic Development Queensland
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edckkb285 · 3 months
Concept Research
Interactive Digital Screen
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Used a large-format display screen to visualise and communicate their expertise. It is visually appealing and connects people through playful engagement and creative inspiration.
Aimed to design an interactive medium that would create interactions internally with the staff at Populous and externally with the public as they walked past the office on the street front.
People inside the foyer have the added ability to manipulate and move these colours around the screen through motion detection – a motif to the way in which we collect data and inspiration from the public, using it to shape and mould our projects.
Interactivity between the public and the office allowed for a visual connection that was displayed through the screen.
Mussel Choir
Working with technology, and the digital sector.
Site in Melbourne on the wharf. There were previously a lot of mussels cultivated.
In a collaboration with Carbon Arts, they created a sensor driven sound-based work that connected the mussels to people passing by. The audience would trigger lights and the sound of mussels singing. Frequencies were dependent on water temperature.
Responds to the placemaking criteria around sustainability, creative and original thinkings
Immersive Storytelling Poles
Immersive interactions with digital poles that are creative depictions of Baylor University's values.
Creates an interactive and visual representation of the values Baylor University invoke.
Creates an engaging way to searching for information about Baylor University and leaves a lasting impact on visitors.
Interactivity allowed visitors to connect with the university and understand their values.
Self-guided Tour
Gallipoli to Armistice Queens Park walk in Maryborough.
It is a self-guided walking tour that features sculptures, or statues of ANZAC-related imagery.
There are sensor-activated audios that detail stories or trigger whispers of soldiers on the battlefield.
Inclusive and for all-abilities. Allows for exploration around Maryborough's Queens Park.
References Populous. (2023, February 2). What happens when you provoke designers to bring to life a digital footprint?. Populous. https://populous.com/what-happens-when-you-provoke-designers-to-bring-to-life-a-digital-footprint Carbon Arts. (n.d.). Melbourne Mussel Choir. https://www.carbonarts.org/projects/melbourne-mussel-choir/
Sanem, S. (2023, October 19). The Art of Immersion: Designing a Destination at the Mark and Paula Hurd Welcome Center. Populous. https://populous.com/the-art-of-immersion-designing-a-destination-at-the-mark-and-paula-hurd-welcome-center Our Fraser Coast. (n.d.). Queen's Park . Our Fraser Coast. https://www.ourfrasercoast.com.au/queens-park Queensland's Fraser Coast. (n.d.). Gallipolli to Armistice Memorial. Fraser Coast Tourism & Events. https://www.visitfrasercoast.com/product/gallipoli-to-armistice-memorial/
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digitalhno · 4 months
Urban Revitalization: Breathing New Life into Unused Spaces for Profitable Ventures
Urban revitalization is a transformative process that aims to rejuvenate neglected or underutilized spaces in urban areas, breathing new life into them and unlocking their potential for profitable ventures. From abandoned warehouses to derelict buildings and vacant plots, these unused spaces are being reimagined and repurposed to revitalize communities, foster economic growth, and create vibrant destinations. 
Creative Reuse and Adaptive Reimagining
Urban revitalization projects often involve creative reuse and adaptive reimagining of unused spaces. Abandoned warehouses are being transformed into trendy art galleries and coworking spaces, while vacant lots are becoming vibrant community gardens and outdoor event spaces. By repurposing these spaces, cities are breathing new life into neglected areas and creating unique destinations that attract residents and visitors alike.
Mixed-Use Development and Placemaking
Mixed-use development is a key component of urban revitalization, combining residential, commercial, and recreational spaces to create vibrant neighborhoods and urban centers. Placemaking initiatives, such as public art installations, pedestrian-friendly streetscapes, and community gathering spaces, further enhance the appeal of revitalized areas, fostering a sense of place and community identity.
Entrepreneurial Opportunities and Economic Growth
Urban revitalization creates opportunities for entrepreneurs and small businesses to thrive in revitalized areas. From boutique shops and artisanal cafes to innovative startups and creative studios, these ventures contribute to economic growth, job creation, and neighborhood revitalization. By attracting investment and fostering entrepreneurship, urban revitalization stimulates economic activity and revitalizes local economies.
Sustainability and Environmental Benefits
Many urban revitalization projects prioritize sustainability and environmental stewardship, incorporating green building practices, energy-efficient technologies, and eco-friendly design elements. By repurposing existing structures and minimizing environmental impact, these projects contribute to a more sustainable and resilient urban environment, mitigating the effects of climate change and enhancing quality of life for residents.
Community Engagement and Social Impact
Community engagement initiatives, such as public forums, workshops, and volunteer programs, empower residents to shape the future of their neighborhoods and ensure that urban revitalization efforts reflect their needs and priorities. By fostering social cohesion and inclusivity, urban revitalization projects create positive social impact and strengthen community bonds.
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larsheidenreich · 5 months
From Gladiatorial Arenas to Skyscraper Towers: Colosseum vs. Eiffel Tower – Two Faces of Monumentality
As I conclude my whirlwind architectural odyssey across Europe, two iconic structures linger in my mind: the Colosseum in Rome and the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Standing at opposite ends of history and purpose, these architectural marvels offer a fascinating study in contrasts, while simultaneously raising the question: what does it mean for a city to be defined by such monumental icons?
A Tale of Two Eras:
The Colosseum whispers of ancient Rome, an era of gladiatorial combat and imperial grandeur. Its imposing elliptical form, scarred by time and battles, echoes with the roars of crowds and the clash of swords. The Eiffel Tower, in stark contrast, embodies the spirit of modernity, its soaring latticework reaching for the Parisian sky, a testament to technological advancement and artistic boldness. These structures, separated by millennia, represent distinctly different chapters in human history, reminding us of the evolution of architectural expression and the changing ideals that guide our creation of monumental spaces.
Function and Form:
The Colosseum's purpose was visceral and direct – a stage for bloody spectacles and displays of power. Its form, a brutalist masterpiece of concrete and stone, reflected this function, its tiered seating rising like an amphitheater of anticipation. The Eiffel Tower, designed as a temporary wonder for the World's Fair, transcends mere utility. Its graceful silhouette, a fusion of engineering prowess and artistic whimsy, became a symbol of Parisian romance and an emblem of technological optimism. This contrast in function highlights how monuments evolve from tools serving specific purposes to symbolic embodiments of cultural aspirations.
The Power of Placemaking:
Both the Colosseum and the Eiffel Tower have transcended their original purposes to become integral parts of their respective cities. The Colosseum, a ruin steeped in history, draws tourists on pilgrimages to understand the grandeur and brutality of ancient Rome. The Eiffel Tower, bathed in nighttime illuminations, stands as a beacon of Parisian beauty, its silhouette adorning countless souvenirs and postcards. These structures, through their sheer presence and symbolic power, act as anchors for placemaking, shaping the city's identity and drawing millions to their gates.
In Conclusion:
The Colosseum and the Eiffel Tower, despite their differences, stand as testaments to the human desire to leave our mark on the world. They inspire us to push the boundaries of technology, embrace artistic expression, and create spaces that resonate across generations. However, it is crucial to remember that iconic monuments are not mere destinations but portals to understanding larger narratives of history, culture, and societal priorities. As we strive to define the architecture of tomorrow, we must learn from these icons, seeking to create structures that not only stand tall but also serve as catalysts for equitable and sustainable urban development.
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universalinfo · 5 months
The Role of Retail Placemaking in Urban Design
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In an era marked by rapid urbanization, the essence of our cities seems to blur amidst towering buildings and endless concrete. Yet, retail placemaking emerges as a beacon of promise, seeking to reintroduce vibrancy and warmth to our urban centers. Beyond its commercial facet, retail placemaking serves as a bridge to enriching social infrastructure. It crafts spaces for communities to converge, bond, and flourish. By embedding retail within urban designs, we amplify our cities’ social infrastructure, making them not only vibrant but also sustainable and welcoming.
Unpacking Retail Placemaking
Retail placemaking is the art and science of molding urban areas with a strong inclination towards community-focused design. While these areas often merge commercial and retail elements, their primary objective is to uplift the quality of urban life. Central to this initiative is the amplification of social infrastructure.
If you’re pondering over the term ‘social infrastructure,’ it signifies the binding ties of a community. It’s those shared spots – parks, libraries, community centers, and modern-day retail spaces – where individuals interact, forge connections, and build shared memories.
Community Benefits: Beyond the Aesthetics
Diving into the transformative realm of retail placemaking offers cities a treasure trove of benefits:
Increased Social Interaction
Within these innovative spaces, retail areas transcend their commercial identity. Positioned thoughtfully and crafted with precision, they blossom into pulsating community focal points. Be it families savoring a weekend meal, buddies reliving memories over a brew, or artists finding collaborative sparks, these arenas bolster social infrastructure, rejuvenating the very soul of community bonds.
Economic Boost
The vitality of these retail spaces draws in residents and tourists. As the influx of visitors grows, local establishments experience heightened patronage, infusing the broader economic canvas with renewed vigor. The ripple effect? Flourishing businesses, job generation, and a buoyant local economy are all fueled by an enhanced social infrastructure with Phil Myrick.
Safety and Security
Bustling streets and vibrant public areas act as natural deterrents to unlawful activities. Animated locales resonating with chatter, melodies, or mere daily exchanges naturally exude security. Such environments, bolstered by a rich social infrastructure, ensure both residents and visitors experience an inherent sense of safety.
Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal
Retail placemaking isn’t solely about utility; it’s equally about aesthetics. When chiseled with design finesse, it revitalizes mundane urban corners into captivating spectacles, enhancing the city’s visual narrative and reinforcing social infrastructure.
Environmental Upside
Somewhat overshadowed but crucial is the environmental upliftment that retail placemaking brings along. Green nooks, sustainable architectural choices, and environment-friendly materials together contribute to a cleaner ambiance, tempering urban heat pockets and bolstering urban biodiversity. In doing so, they also add another layer to the city’s social infrastructure.
Witnessing Retail Placemaking in Action
Globally, cities are adopting retail placemaking methodologies to rejuvenate their urban fabrics. With a spotlight on social infrastructure, once-neglected areas are metamorphosing into dynamic activity centers.
For illustration, picture a dilapidated alley in a bustling metropolis. Earlier, it might have been an area most would skirt. Yet, introduce retail placemaking components – be it artisanal pop-ups, open-air cafes, or impromptu art shows – and behold the alley’s transformation. Such spaces not only catalyze economic growth but also reinforce the locale’s social infrastructure.
Tackling Challenges
Of course, the path is full of obstacles. Integrating retail placemaking demands investment and vision. Authorities must strike a balance, ensuring that while accentuating social infrastructure, they don’t compromise on other critical urban services.
Public-private collaboration emerges as a solution. Local enterprises joining hands with urban developers can actualize retail placemaking concepts. Such synergies lessen the city’s fiscal pressures and ensure that the evolved spaces truly resonate with community needs.
Moreover, inclusivity remains paramount. Revamped spaces must cater to all, unfettered by age, physical abilities, or economic background. Prioritizing social infrastructure ensures inclusivity and harmony.
The accelerating pace of urbanization underscores the urgency to craft lively, inclusive, and engaging urban spaces. Retail placemaking stands out as a potent strategy to address this. Through its emphasis on strengthening social infrastructure, we can reimagine our cities as spirited, inclusive, and united entities. As we progress, it’s pivotal to remember that cities aren’t mere infrastructural entities; they are living, breathing amalgamations of their inhabitants. And it’s these inhabitants we must prioritize and cherish.
Read More:
The Art of Place Making: Shaping Spaces that Resonate
Empowering Communities Through Creative Collaboration: The Role of Placemaking Consultants
Crafting Spaces, Shaping Lives: An Exploration of Placemaking
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enactivewebs · 5 months
Yerrabingin - indigenous design firm - roof design on building which exposes visitors to traditional knowledge and sustainable food production
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Locational principle - applied to placemaking and interaction design
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sonetra-keth · 6 months
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Urban design is a multidisciplinary field that focuses on shaping the physical environment of cities, towns, and communities to create functional, aesthetically pleasing, and sustainable urban spaces. As an architect holding a Master’s Degree, an Architectural Engineering degree, and BIM process expertise from reputable institutions, an experienced Project Manager, and an AEC industry R&D expert, I can provide you with effective procedures for urban design:
Site Analysis: Conduct a thorough analysis of the site, considering factors such as topography, climate, existing infrastructure, cultural heritage, and community needs. This information will help in understanding the context and constraints of the urban design project.
Stakeholder Engagement: Engage with various stakeholders, including residents, local authorities, businesses, and community groups, to gather input, feedback, and ideas for the urban design project. Collaboration with stakeholders is essential for creating designs that meet the needs and aspirations of the community.
Urban Planning: Develop a comprehensive urban plan that outlines the overall vision, goals, and objectives of the project. The plan should consider land use, transportation, public spaces, infrastructure, and sustainability principles to create a well-integrated and cohesive urban environment.
Design Development: Create architectural concepts, master plans, and design guidelines that address urban form, building typologies, public realm design, landscape architecture, and sustainable design strategies. The design should promote walkability, connectivity, and a sense of place within the urban fabric.
Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with local zoning regulations, building codes, environmental standards, and urban design guidelines to obtain necessary approvals and permits for the project. Adhering to regulations is crucial for the successful implementation of urban design projects.
Sustainability Integration: Integrate sustainable design principles, green infrastructure, energy-efficient technologies, and resilient design strategies into urban design to minimize environmental impact, promote resource efficiency, and enhance the quality of life for residents.
Implementation and Monitoring: Oversee the implementation of the urban design project, and coordinate with architects, engineers, contractors, and other stakeholders to ensure that the design vision is realized. Monitor the progress of the project, conduct site visits, and evaluate the performance of the urban design in meeting its objectives.
By following these effective procedures for urban design, you can create vibrant, livable, and sustainable urban environments that enhance the quality of life for residents, promote economic development, and contribute to the overall well-being of communities.
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There are several main types of urban design methods:
PLACEMAKING: Focuses on the public realm and prioritizes people/community over vehicles. Aims to create vibrant, livable spaces through good design.
NEW URBANISM: Draws inspiration from traditional neighborhoods and aims to create walkable, mixed-use communities with a range of housing and transportation options.
TRANSIT-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT (TOD): Encourages high-density, mixed-use development concentrated around public transport hubs to reduce car dependency.
SUSTAINABLE URBANISM: Applies sustainability principles to urban design. Promotes compact, mixed development to conserve land/resources and enable low-carbon lifestyles.
TACTICAL URBANISM: Utilizes low-cost, temporary changes to test out designs and engage communities. Can involve things like parklets, pop-up plazas, and bike lanes.
Urban Sprawl refers to the unplanned, uncontrolled, and often rapid expansion of urban areas into surrounding rural or undeveloped land. It is characterized by low-density, car-dependent development, and can lead to issues such as traffic congestion, environmental degradation, and social isolation. Techniques to counter urban sprawl include:
Smart Growth: Encouraging compact, mixed-use development with a focus on walkability and public transportation to reduce dependency on cars.
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD): Designing communities around public transit hubs to promote accessibility and reduce the need for long commutes.
Zoning Regulations: Implementing land use regulations to promote higher-density development, preserve open space, and encourage infill development within existing urban areas.
Urban Sprawl is a term used to describe the uncontrolled expansion of urban areas into surrounding rural lands. It is characterized by low-density development, reliance on automobiles, and the fragmentation of natural landscapes. There are several different types of urban sprawl, each with its own characteristics:
Ribbon Development: This type of urban sprawl occurs along major transportation corridors, such as highways or rail lines. It is characterized by linear development, with commercial and residential developments lining the transportation route.
Leapfrog Development: Leapfrog development occurs when new developments are built in isolated locations, skipping over existing urban areas. This leads to the creation of disconnected and isolated communities.
Low-density Suburban Development: This type of urban sprawl is characterized by the development of large, single-family homes on large lots, often with little to no commercial or public amenities within walking distance.
Urban Fringe Development: Urban fringe development occurs at the edges of existing urban areas, often resulting in the conversion of agricultural or natural lands into residential or commercial developments.
Strip Development: Strip development occurs along major roadways, with commercial and retail developments clustered together in linear patterns.
These types of urban sprawl can have negative impacts on the environment, public health, and community cohesion. Efforts to combat urban sprawl often focus on promoting smart growth principles, such as compact, mixed-use development and improved public transportation options. Here are the example of each types of the Urban Sprawl:
1. RIBBON DEVELOPMENT: Low-density, linear growth along major roads/highways, often in the form of strip malls and large-lot subdivisions. In urban planning, ribbon development refers to the unplanned and elongated expansion of a city or town along a main road, creating a long and narrow pattern of development. This type of development often leads to inefficient land use, increased traffic congestion, and difficulty in providing essential services such as public transport. It is generally seen as a form of urban sprawl that can have negative impacts on the environment and quality of life. Efforts in urban planning often aim to counteract ribbon development through zoning regulations, infrastructure planning, and land use policies.
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2. LEAPFROG DEVELOPMENT: Haphazard, discontinuous low-density growth that "leaps" beyond the edge of existing development, often leaving rural land in between. Leapfrog Development occurs when developers skip over land to obtain cheaper land further away from cities, thus, leaving huge areas empty between the city and the new development. It can be seen when it comes to the development or urbanization of more rural areas.
Both types are characterized by automobile dependency, lack of public transport access, and consumption of open land at the urban fringe. They contribute to issues like increased infrastructure/service costs, traffic, pollution, and loss of habitat/farmland. Some strategies to counter sprawl include urban growth boundaries, infill development, mixed-use zoning, density bonuses, and impact fees on new development.
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3. EDGE CITY DEVELOPMENT: This refers to the development of large suburban areas that have their own distinct commercial and employment centers. It is characterized by a high degree of automobile dependence and a lack of connectivity with the central city. Edge City Development: Edge cities are suburban, decentralized, and often automobile-oriented areas that have developed on the outskirts of major metropolitan areas. They typically feature a mix of office buildings, retail complexes, and residential areas. These areas have experienced significant growth and development, often becoming significant economic and cultural centers in their own right. Edge city development is closely tied to urban sprawl, as it often represents the outward expansion of urban areas into previously undeveloped regions.
Both urban sprawl and edge city development have sparked considerable debate and prompted efforts to promote more sustainable and compact urban development patterns. This includes initiatives aimed at promoting smart growth, mixed-use development, and improved public transportation to combat the negative impacts of urban sprawl and edge city development.
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Sonetra KETH (កេត សុនេត្រា) Architectural Manager/Project Manager/BIM Director RMIT University Vietnam + Institute of Technology of Cambodia
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