#sustained by hate (abby's version)
aberooski · 1 year
I've returned from the art trenches once again, and the Sustained by Hate panels are here!
This is one of my favorite segments of one of my favorite chapters, so excited to be able to see it unfolding before my eyes in a semi physical way and not just in my mind ☺
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Dun dun duuuun!
Thanks again to everyone who voted on the poll, these were super fun to do and honestly fairly challenging! A lot of firsts for me on here 🤭
And for anyone interested, here's a link to the fic itself!
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biblio-smia · 5 months
1: “it was just a nightmare, it’s okay.” + Mike Schmidt + the reader has a nightmare about Mike getting hurt at his old job at Freddy’s (post-film) — thank you so much, congrats on 800!
thank you!! could not stop thinking about peeta while writing this asfhskjgh | part of v’s 800 follower celebration!
your heart is racing when you open your eyes, trying to adjust to the pitch black darkness. your chest rises and falls quickly and you gasp for air. your throat feels sore and the air exposes a damp spot along the collar of your shirt.
your hands fly to your mouth once you realize how loud the strained noises you're making must be, your fingers finding dampness on your cheeks.
as your brain catches up, you remember what cruel imagery your mind had forced you to watch that had made you like this. your hands reach out quickly, patting around the cold sheets until you find the warm body that's right where it's supposed to be.
only the body moves and, in your solitary struggle, you hadn't realized you'd woken mike up.
in the darkness, your eyes manage to make out his figure, sitting up alongside you, his hand the piece of him you managed to grab. he's grabbed you back, analyzing the situation, noticing how you've managed to catch some of your breath back.
"did i wake you up?" you ask hoarsely.
mike blinks back at you blankly before realizing you probably can't appreciate the attitude in his eyes. he ignores you completely, reaching for you in the dark, feeling the goosebumps on your arms. "are you okay?"
it's not the question that breaks you, but mike's face in front of yours; it sets off a piece of what had haunted you in your sleep - a horrid repetition of the injuries mike had sustained at freddy's - only in the version you'd seen, mike had been within an inch of his life, pleading for mercy.
you cry quietly at first, sounds so small mike can't distinguish them. then he feels wetness drip onto him and he holds you tight, which only makes you cry harder.
"shhh, it was just a nightmare, it's okay," mike says soothingly, hands desperately working to calm you down.
he doesn't know what your nightmare had been about, but he has an idea - especially when your hands find the spots on his skin where large scars litter.
mike hates seeing you cry. he hates it a thousand times more when it's because of him.
"i'm right here," mike promises. "i'm okay."
you nod into mike's shoulder, sobs finally tapering off into quiet gasps. mike holds you even after he's stopped feeling you shudder, kissing the salty residue right off your face.
"i dreamt-"
"you don't have to talk about it," mike says, shaking his head.
"it was bad, mike." your voice quivers, real fear making mike wish he could take everything you'd seen away.
he'd been lucky enough to have been unconscious for at least a portion of it. he'd been the one that had been hurt the most. if it had been him that was forced to watch something happen to you or to abby... he would've been worse.
so mike holds you even tighter, whispering affirmations that he's here and nothing is going to touch either of you. he swears it to himself, right then, that nothing ever will. he repeats it like a mantra as you let him pull you back under the covers and he lets you use him like a pillow.
all is really takes to calm you down is to feel mike beside you, alive and breathing. but mike won't ever let you get away with just that - he'll keep making sure you hear his voice until he's sure you're asleep, hoping his sweet promises will bring you even sweeter dreams.
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kevinstansanonymous · 3 years
High School but Gayer and Worse
Aka the tma/wtnv high school au crossover you didn’t want but I still provided
WTNV Cast: Cecil: runs the morning announcements, is the assembly narrator and does sports commentary
Carlos: resident mad scientist, blew up the chem lab freshman year, his scientists are other freshman who live in awe and terror of his shitty chem skills
Old Woman Josie: the nice librarian lady
The Angels: weird library kids who follow Josie around
Earl Harland: that one kid in every culinary class, you swear he’s been a junior for as long as you’ve been there
Tamika Flinn: freshman girl who feels really strongly about banned books in high school
Leann Hart: rival underground school newspaper, is suspected of causing the “mysterious accident” that put the online social media team in the hospital
City Council: principal & vice principal
Station Management: the office
The Interns: freshman who help Cecil out, they keep getting in accidents/getting sick so none ever last more than two days (except for the lesbian freshman of course)
Michelle: first chair cellist in the school orchestra, plays percussion in school band, one of the school's top trend setters
Maureen: sophomore who survived being a freshman intern, she keeps getting in what look like fatal car accidents but miraculously surviving with no harm
Kevin: was raised atheist but sophomore year created an entire religion, managed to convert half the school before faculty could get involved
Charles: new Mormon kid really interested in Kevin’s cult and also Kevin
TMA Cast: Jon: runs the school newspaper, that one kid who always asks really uncomfortable personal questions
Martin: sunshine boy, has a giant crush on Jon, went through his edgy phase sophomore year when he became friends with Peter
Elias: that shitty rich prep kid
Peter: the even richer shitty prep kid, family owns a yacht which he never shuts up about
Melanie: volleyball lesbian (she’s the spiker), her slaughter record is her deliberately aiming the ball so it hits other girls’ faces
Basira: runs one of sports team, is top of her class
Gerry: weird library kid who came up with the high school fears, caused a school wide supersitution about it
Georgie: class president and also gsa leader, once stood up to the principal which is where she got her no fear rep
Jude: no one’s sure how she got in here, everyone’s pretty sure she’s been expelled five times but she’s always there in the locker rooms offering freshman cigarettes
Agnes: prep kid that every lesbian in school has a crush on, may or may not be under police investigation for arson
Daisy: runs the chess club, school rumors about her previous anger issues but no one has any proof, had an accident and was in a coma for sophomore year
Tim: high school sweetheart, had to move away after junior year
The High School Romance™ Drama: Elias and Peter are the shitty high school couple that dramatically breaks up and gets back together every two weeks. Their drama shamelessly gets involved with everyone else's drama
Cecil and Carlos are the school’s It Couple™, they won homecoming king and king (which is this au’s version of their marriage)
Martin has a giant crush on Jon and Cecil tries to help him out using the morning announcements, cue horrible shenanigans and mishaps
Jude still has a Massive Crush on Agnes
Maureen and Maurice are still a power hipster couple, rumor has it they once single handedly crushed a freshman beneath their power
The principal, vice principal, and the entire office are all in a giant polycule
Kevin and Charles aren’t subtle at all and people keep walking into them making out in very obvious places
Steve and Abby are the brave out straight couple, they adopted freshman Janice
General Fackts™: Kevin’s broadcasts are when he locks Cecil out of the broadcasting room and takes over for the day
Cecil and Kevin are twins but their parents divorced and raised them separately (cue parent trap)
Martin performs poetry at the talent contest to confess to Jon, Jon doesn’t get it, (cue shenanigans)
Martin ends up becoming friends with Peter sophomore year, it goes terribly, (cue depressing shenanigans)
Jon and Cecil have a bitter rivalry because Jon thinks Cecil isn’t professional enough as a reporter and Cecil thinks Jon’s sweater looks dumb
There is at one point a school fashion show, the school never recovered from the damage
(Fears under the cut since this is getting long)
The Fears but in puberty this time
Vast:  fear of the largeness of the world, "Where will I go after this?"
Buried: fear of being trapped into a career path, or alternatively just normal claustrophobia, "what if I don't actually want to do this?"
Web: fear of being used, "what if they don't actually care about me?", "what if i'm being manipulated?"
Slaughter:  fear of disapproval from authority figures, "is my mom going to be mad at me?"
Lonely: fear of being unlovable, "what if no one ever likes me?"
Hunt: fear of being targeted or bullied, "will people come after me for who i am?"
Flesh: fear of being ugly or unattractive, or judged based on your body, "do people think i'm pretty?", "will they hate me for how i look?", "is my body good enough?"
End: fear of the unknown that comes after graduation, "what comes after?", "will i survive the real world?"
Corruption: well... fear of bugs, or fear of changing for the worse, "will things ever get better instead?" “Is that a fucking cockroach infestation in the locker room???” (god i hate public school)
Dark: fear of the dark, fear of the occult, "are ghosts real?", "can these superstitions hurt me?"
Desolation: fear of it all crashing down, fear of failing school or your grades being ruined, "are things this good really sustainable?"
Eye: fear of being known, of having your secrets exposed, "does anyone know?"
Spiral: fear of dwindling mental health due to school, “can i really go through another year?”
Stranger: fear of the people around you becoming strangers, fear of not knowing things, "My friends are acting different then they were before” “I don’t recognize anyone in this classroom”
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sht-ccshippers-say · 5 years
So since the tinhats have to follow each other with everything, kfs has followed Abby with their own essay response to the same anon ask. So time for another tinhat breakdown!
I was going to respond to an ask and reply found on @ajw720 blog (reblogged below), however, I thought I would do so as a post. 
Both the ask and the reply are brilliant and state the facts as we CCer’s believe. 
Just because CrissColfer shippers believe something does not make it a fact. A fact is something that is proven to be true. Nothing tinhats say can be proven. It is opinion and conjecture.
I found this transaction had a peacefulness to it which stimulated thought. To me this is what supporting D & C is all about.  The words are sincere and non-inflammatory while stating personal opinion. This is how, in my view, asks and replies should be – sticking to the facts as we know it, while trying keeping emotion out of it.
When have tinhats ever kept emotion out of anything? If you were keeping emotion out of it, you would not be so angered by the mere presence of a woman who has never done anything to you.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I know keeping emotions out of things is hard. We are all human after all. The question is, how do express them? Negatively or positively?
I have been advised by several CCer’s to ignore what many call ‘hate”, but I prefer to call it negative emotion. These types of emotions are often meant to provoke or will provoke an equal response. To be perfectly honesty, there are many of our posts which, I believe, impact us CCer’s in an adverse fashion. In my opinion, these emotionally charged replies or independent posts makes us look bad.
“I prefer to call it negative emotion”....is this tinhat trying to gaslight their own fandom? Is this what is happening here?
And FYI, every single Tinhat/ CrissColfer post makes you all look bad. Because every single one stems from hate and is based in insults.
That said, I have to admit, I found what I call CCland through a nasty tweet from M directed at @ajw720. 
Does anybody have any idea which tweet they might be referring to here? I haven’t heard this fabricated story from tinhats before. Seriously, Abby would be screaming about this 24/7, if Mia had tweeted her. Unless, of course, Mia was responding to something disgusting Abby had said. Also doesn't Abby constantly scream not to contact the “players” directly? This story here does not add up- like everything else in CC Fantasy land.
I do no know if @awj720 responded to that tweet, nor do I know what M was responding to (therefore you were making assumptions on something that you did not have all the information about)  however, it captured my interest. Such word (M’s) tend to be defensive and defensive people usually have something to hide. <---- This here is exactly gaslighting.
 I searched for @awj720 and what I found gave me reason to stop doubting what I thought about D’s sexuality and his love for C. 
You found other people willing to validate your fantasies without any actual proof. 
I have been involved long enough to see what is being said on the many sides of the CC discussion. Those who oppose us, call us ‘haters’ and we call them ‘haters’. They sprout nastiness and we sprout nastiness. Lately I have been considering my place in this fandom. A few weeks ago, I posted about ‘Hate’ and I found it disturbing how some in this fandom allow their ‘hate’ of one person or a group of people influenced their responses and posts. Hate is a negative emotion which consumes and blinds. As a Buddhist it is an emotion which clouds the minds to bigger and better things.
If you are so opposed to hate, then why do you engage with people and blogs who do nothing but hate?
We state we are here to support D & C. What is support?
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But you are not actually supporting them in any way, unless we are talking financially when you purchase tickets, books etc. You are sustaining them in any way, or bolstering them or assisting them, because you are not a part of their life.
When I look at this list of words, I do not see negativity. I see positive. In my experience, I have found that negative emotion tends to breed two things: 1) usually negative emotion, 2) and, perhaps later, compassion. Positive emotion has a habit of breeding positive emotion. Anything that is negative can be made positive with careful thought and craftsmanship of words and deeds. It only takes one rash action to take something positive and make it negative. Reaction with emotion is easy but turning it into something positive can be difficult.
Let’s just add lots of words, when only a few would suffice, to make me sound like I know what I’m talking about.
Seriously, how long is this post?
Trashing a bar because of who owns it or ripping at what one person or photoshopping trashcans on someone’s face does not paint a good picture of us CCer’s.  All these things galvanize those who oppose our point of view making them angry and replying in kind. I am going to be blunt–it is childish. However, we can take the high road and make something negative a positive. That takes calm thinking and careful play with words. The idea is not to respond or post kind but to use calm, thought provoking words.
So you are calling out your fandom, but I bet you are going to continue to reblog the people doing these thing, thus reinforcing their choice to be cruel and nasty. This makes you no better than them. Practice what you preach, tinhat.
Supporting D & C is not trashing those who control him but rather by looking at these words and using them to advocate, sustain, bolster, buoy, stand behind the two of them. 
Yeah, again, you cannot actually do these things because you are not really there for them. Your platitudes are all for nothing.
 I see us doing this by highlighting the fact D loves to sing. C loves to write. They both love to act and have each won awards. Yes, D goes to that bar to sing but he loves to sing. I believe he is there as part of a contract, but it is love of singing and his fans which keeps him from losing it.
You do realise that you are speaking negatively about Tramp Stamp Granny’s by implying Darren is forced to be there? I thought that you said people need to be positive, not negative?
  Yes, there are things D (and perhaps C) must do for the sake of his contract and that is what is posted the most on SM. We do not see D or C out there enjoying themselves -It is only tinhats who never see these two enjoying themselves because your intense bias prevents you from doing so- (especially with each other- ummm, never with each other. Because they have nothing to do with each other.), or with friends unless it has been approved for release. (Well, we might if some passer by happens to capture it and post it.)
I have to remember that the media industry and the entertainment industry walk hand in hand, and they will not post or print things which hurt their brands. Thus, the common people see the PR story and they have to look elsewhere for the truth.
“Common people”. More gaslighting here. The common people, who are below those in CC Fantasy Land, right? Because anybody who does not subscribe to your version of the truth must be lower than you, right?
They find us, and then they see the negativity. Does that excite the or turn them off? I can’t speak to that, but we have to remember these things. We have to remember we CCer’s are part of the PR apparatus, even though we are volunteers and not backed by a massive industrial machine. We want to have the other side of the coin out there, but we have to play the game as well.
And now they bring in the tinhat inflated sense of self-importance trope. Believing that they actually play some kind of role in Darren and Chris’s life. You are not a part of the PR machine. You are a small fandom, sharing vile lies and insults. You are not playing any game. You are not making ant kind of difference. 
To that end, the ask and reply I noted above, is an outstanding example of good PR from our point of view. It did not make me angry.  It made me think. The result is this post.
When it comes down to it who is right, who is wrong. While I believe D is fighting to have a bigger say in his public life, he has an uphill battle on his hands. We must always remain aware that only those personally involved know the truth. 
^^^^^^^^^^^^!!!!!!!!!!!! In this whole long ass post, there is literally one sentence that makes sense.
They have seen the contracts and know what must and must not be done. Until we see these contracts, or it all becomes public, all we have is our interpretations of pictures, videos, and comments on SM. None of his will stand up in a court of law. But wait? Didn’t you start this post by talking about the facts that CCers believe? Are you now saying that none of you have facts?
Then I have to think, what D & C, their REAL friends and families feel about what we post? 
1. Real friends? You just said that only the people personally involved know the truth? You have no way of knowing who the real friends are etc.
Do they laugh or does he cringe because he fears the backlash? We have to remember that what we post has a ripple effect and we already suspect there have been repercussions.
There is no ripple effect and there have been no repercussions. You are not that important. Sorry.
I and others, have concerns matters will become worse as those who oppose our point of view dig in. Let those who oppose our views speak with negativity, because it only hurts them. Let us show them the other cheek and be crafty with our replies and posts. Again, this is a public forum and there are others, reading along or silently observing, who may or may not like the negativity. There are those who are watching our words for legal reasons such a lawyer from all sides. We must always be aware of repercussions.
Wait? What lawyers do you think are watching your words? 
This does not mean we can’t state our opinions, but we need to do it carefully. If the end is truly on the horizon, we need to ensure we support D & C in a positive manner. A good PR team crafts the message with polish.
But when you state your opinions in a way that is cruel and insulting, that is a problem. And even if you don't say them directly yourself, when you are supporting those that do, you are validating them.
Now, to be clear, this post is a statement of my opinion and I know it may not be popular in some circles. However, I believe we be a positive force in support of our beliefs in D & C. If you feel your hackles going up, step back take a breath, have a tea and then go back to it. Craft your words well and with meaning. Do we always succeed in this, no. Am I innocent in curtailing my negative emotions? – HELL NO– Can I choose to change the way I respond to asks or posts – YES. Do I want to change – YES. I choose to do so because I think this is how we support D & C.
We have to remember, we are responsible only for ourselves, as individuals, because we have no control over what other individuals think or react.
Then stop putting yourselves in a position of responsibility over Darren, his team, Mia etc. 
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velvet-tread · 6 years
Unfiltered sweary mess: 509 edition
It is 509 right? Someone correct me if it’s not, the weeks are all blurring into one another. Anyway, this was the One with All The Angst of Which We Were Forewarned, and is dedicated to my caps lock key which is buckling under the strain.
OH BOY the warnings were fore and numerous, but were we prepared? NO WE WERE NOT. But even though I wasn’t ready for the intensity of this pain, this angst was nothing less than FUCKING DELICIOUS. The bitter taste of betrayal!!! The wails and the dismay!!! THE TEA AND THE REGRETS!!!
So let’s just get to the deep shameful hurt of the whole thing: BELLAMY AND CLARKE ARE THE SAME YO I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO TELL YOU.
Beloved person in danger? Check
Big picture invoked? Check
Gentle reframing of the facts? Check.
Self-justification? Check
Beating of breasts and thrashing of chains? Check.
Regretful faces? Check.
Big flouncy mood? Check.
I couldn’t make it up and I WOULD NOT because if I was in charge we’d be on our sixth Sense8 dance montage. Serious question though what did we think the angst would look like?  Did we think Bellamy would shed a single tear over his sister’s poisoning, change his name to Griffin and go off to braid Madi’s hair in the woods?  Did we think Clarke would massage his thighs in sympathy? Which hurt/comfort fanfic exactly do we think this show is mimicking? Is it Survivor’s Guilt? Please be Survivor’s Guilt.
But anyway I loved it all, especially the slap, don’t @ me.  It was like an episode of Dallas, complete with outraged shoulder pads and lady megalomaniac I NEEDED THIS SHOW THANK YOU.  
And it ended with Bellamy on his knees in chains, about to swordfight his way to victory. *weeps* andnowifinallygettoreceive dot gif.
And okay it’s not looking great for imminent thigh massage in 5x10, but just imagine the scale and intensity of the thigh massage when it’s been preceded by tearful confessions and feelings laid bare??? IN SPACE!!! PROBABLY IN CRYOSLEEP!!!! IN 400 YEARS!!! ON A DIFFERENT PLANET???!
Although the blood did leave my brain for a second there, I was compos mentis enough to notice that the show didn’t actually end with Bellamy on his knees, but with Octavia crying in her shopping cart throne which *more weeping*. Marie is nailing every single scene like a mofo and won’t someone give her an Emmy and also maybe a cat.
Petition for Blodreina to have a sexy cat to stroke while she’s villaining.  Something like this:
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(Apologies for the very 1990s-sized image, I spent my entire fuck budget on putting actual words on screen this week)
Anyway might help her with the inability to chill the fuck out, who knows.
Okay so looking ahead to Indra and Bellamy ribbing each other as they plot to slay one another in the ring, with a pause for MY SCREAMING, I will be dismayed beyond measure if Indra, Queen of Everything and My Heart dies this season UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES but I will be extra flip a table furious if she dies just as she and Bellamy are becoming BFFs. HONESTLY. This is the Bellamy x Roan content we were denied tbh.  
And who would send Indra to purgatory to see Roan again and listen to him bitch on and on about how Bellarke isn’t happening quickly enough, and he doesn’t really feel connected to Bellamy anymore and HE JUST LOVES KIDS HE WOULDN’T DO THAT OKAY IT’S NOT REALISTIC and how much he hates Echo for reasons that aren’t clearly defined in his mind but are VERY REAL and DEFINITELY AUTHENTIC.
And look. I love Octavia. I love OCTAVIA SO MUCH even with that double chin and 20-a-day rasp she has when she’s recovering from a fraticidal poisoning but Indra serving her piping hot tea about her personal growth this season was like cool water on a hot summer’s day. FUCKING TELL HER INDRA. TELL HER ABOUT THE EYE MAKE UP REMOVER.
There’s only so much red pigment a person’s forehead can take before that person needs to look in an actual mirror and consider toning it the fuck down.
What the happened in the Dark Year?  What did Indra stand by and watch?  Did Octavia have to eat ALL THE PEOPLE BY HERSELF? That sounds barbaric and not a good model for sustainable living tbh? Or is this some kind of freaky bunker version of the Human Centipede that I am going to have to nope out of extremely quickly and never speak of again.
“DON’T TALK TO ME ABOUT THE DARK YEAR (EPISODE 5x11)!!!!”, me probably during the hiatus.
Okay let’s talk about Spacekru. Echo in charge is obviously giving me a lady boner but I suppose that’s a given at this stage. That said, can we have a moment to appreciate the budding Zeke x Echo dynamic? I almost ship it? But at the same time I am dining out on these IF YOU HURT MY FRIEND I WILL WEAR YOUR INTESTINES AS A MURDER CROWN vibes. Get yourself a BFF like Echo will murder on your behalf but is also capable of not murdering your love interest if you really, really insist and make a big fucking deal about it. *huff*
So anyway, Raven and Zeke had a folksy violin moment and Raven actually smiled and I guess he reads now so enjoy the 4,000 Iliad gifsets and SHAW IS A NERD memes that will now pepper your dash from here until eternity.
Also Murphy and Emori are back in the house, and Emori clearly has a great therapist (Raven?) but Murphy is embracing his inner McCreary which means CHAOS!!! STONES!!! STUFF ON FIRE!!! PANTIES DROPPING!!!
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Okay so we randomly have the cat again. Not sure why but let’s run with it.
And GREAT. When the shit hits the fan and Echo has a plan, who should turn up but Bunker Jesus to be a right fucking party pooper as ever. Echo gives him the brush off and he delivers a micro-lecture titled HERE’S WHAT YOU MISSED WHILE I WAS EATING SALAD WITH DIYOZA INSTEAD OF GIVING YOU VITAL INFORMATION THAT I’M NOW GOING TO BLAME YOU FOR NOT ACTING ON.
You’re on thin ice, bud. I hope Echo and Zeke flip each other off while you’re talking, forever
Anway, Kane has a different plan and precisely nobody gives a shit, except Murphy who decides to sacrifice himself again.  Awe, it’s so cute!  It’s like Murphy, who hated himself and everyone else has dug deep and found himself in possession of some fucks he didn’t know he had!  And it’s all because of Abby!!!
*record scratch*
Wait what??????
It’s because of Abby?  He has to stay because of Abby??!?!
Abby, who has hasn’t seen for 6 years and hasn’t yet mentioned once, 9 episodes into the season and I think maybe mentioned twice last season, one of which was because she was precisely one Clarke away from microwaving his girlfriend.
AND YES I KNOW they once bonded over that one incident when he stole medicine in s4 but what’s that suspended from the ceiling? Oh right, my belief. That’s fine.
Will Murphy’s powers of sardonic disinterest be the thing that finally pushes Abby to quit the sauce, where Raven’s rage and Kane’s support/frustration failed? I ask only because everyone seems to have witnessed Abby’s addiction at this stage except Clarke (and Octavia who didn’t notice for reasons that I’m sure have nothing to do with narcissism) and that seems like…..a thing that is happening.
Meanwhile McCreary is channelling Braveheart but without giving a fuck about anything much and especially not Scotland, unless post-apocalypse Scotland is still a good place to just fuck shit up and glass people for the sheer hell of it. But ha ha! Joke’s on him because his baby mama Diyoza has a Glasgow kiss with his name on it, and a classically Diyoza way of breaking some beautiful news.  
They seem nice.
Sidebar, my problematic McCreary crush is reaching epic proportions and will need to start paying its way in my house very soon because SHIT.
Next week: Bellamy and Indra find friendship against the odds and Indra definitely doesn’t die. They open a coffee shop. It’s called We Are Grounders.
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randomly-random-jen · 6 years
Heaven Can’t Wait - Chapter 9
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Chapter Nine - In Too Deep
The mood kind of crashes after that.
Miller coughs. “On that note.” He looks like he wants to say more but just turns and leaves.
Bellamy and Clarke lean against the table, shoulders brushing. He fingers one of the holes in his jacket. There are a lot of them. “Lucky my mom was a seamstress, huh?” he says, hoping to break the tension.
Clarke smiles sadly. It’s clear her mind is somewhere else. Bellamy takes the opportunity to watch her unabashed.
Her hair is pulled back away from her face the way she used to wear it, flooding Bellamy with a pleasant string of memories. But there are dark circles under her eyes like just about everyone in Arkadia. The haunted look on her face breaks his heart. He hates seeing her hurting like this. Especially since it’s something that can’t be fought with a gun. Something he can’t fix.
“Penny for your thoughts, princess?”
She startles—her hand going to a pendant around her neck that he’s never seen before. “What?”
He smiles. “I was just wondering what you were thinking about. You’re awfully quiet.”
“Just tired, I guess. It’s like one catastrophe after another around here.” She glances at the girl as if to prove her point. “I don’t seem to get any rest.”
Tell me about it. “What did I miss while I was gone?”
“You want the long version or the short?”
“Better go with the short or we’ll be here all night.”
She laughs at that, relaxing some. “Five of the teams brought back refugees. Twelve of them, including seven children. Some of them are already sick, but the grounders won’t let my mom look at them. The ability to feed and produce enough water for everyone is a concern.”
“In other words, Raven’s on the rampage.”
“To put it lightly.” She fiddles absently with her necklace again, eyes distant. “Security is turning into a headache, too.”
“The grounders barely trusted us before, and now they’re forced to live with us,” he says, guessing the issue. “On our turf.”
Clarke nods. “Tensions are running high already, and we haven’t even closed the doors yet. There was a fight yesterday between a couple of Trikru and some people from Farm Station.”
The pain between Bellamy’s eyes grows. “How bad was it?”
“Kane got there before it became a full-blown riot. We had to separate them in lockup so they wouldn’t kill each other, though, and now we have to figure out what to do with them that satisfies both group’s idea of justice. It’s not going to be easy.”
“I’ll take care of it,” he says with a sigh, “but things are only going to get worse. It’ll be a damn miracle if we even make it a year.”
Clarke snorts. “That’s incredibly optimistic of you.” Her hand goes back to the necklace. Bellamy’s not sure she realizes she’s even doing it.
He tilts his head to get a better look. “That’s pretty. Did your mom give it to you?”
Clarke drops her hands to her sides. “No,” she mumbles. “It’s nothing. Just something someone gave me. It’s not a big deal.”
“Okay,” he drawls, eyebrows shooting up. Based on the amount of defensiveness, I’m going to guess Lexa. After everything they’ve been through, Lexa is the one topic Clarke won’t broach with him. It’s only been four months, he reminds himself. She’ll talk about it when she’s ready. So he keeps his mouth shut, and thankfully, Clarke changes the subject.
“I should go. I’m supposed to meet with Kane and Jaha in a little bit,” she says, pushing off from the table with a small smile. “You look tired and-” She gestures at the girl drooling on his clean shirt.
Bellamy doesn’t want her to leave—not with the storm of emotions between them right now—but he doesn’t ask her to stay. That’s how most of their conversations end lately—things get uncomfortable and Clarke walks away. He really doesn’t want to get into an argument with her right now so he forces the disappointment from his voice. “Yeah, It’s been a long day.”
“It’s nine in the morning.”
Clarke laughs. And just like that, the tension drains from the room. She walks over to the bed and makes it up for him. Bellamy lies down, adjusting the girl on his chest. She squirms a little but doesn’t wake up.
“You going to be okay?” Clarke asks.
He glances down at the girl then back up at Clarke. “Yeah, I got this. Go take care of business, Clarke, before this place falls down around us. And I mean that with the utmost respect. I don’t know what we’d do without you.”
She ducks her head as pink rushes into her cheeks. When she pats his arm, her hand lingers on his bicep longer than usual. He tries to ignore the warmth that radiates out from the spot. “Get some sleep, Bellamy,” she whispers. “You deserve it. I’ll check back later.”
The thought leaves a fluttery feeling in his stomach. You’d think he’d be accustomed to it by now, but it leaves him confused and flustered every time. And wanting more. He groans. This is ridiculous—I’m too old for butterflies and crushes. But it’s getting harder and harder for him to deny the way his pulse speeds up whenever Clarke gives him that shy smile or the way his head spins when she hugs him.
He swallows hard. “I am so screwed.”
Just then, the doors to the Medbay whoosh open, startling the girl awake. Raven storms in, ready for a fight.
“Abby, what is this message? Another ration request? I told you we don’t have the supplies. I know you and Clarke want to save everyone, but we just can’t. We-” Her voice trails off when she notices the crying. “-need to think about saving the people already here,” she finishes, flatly.
“You scared her,” Bellamy says, trying to quiet the girl.
“Oh.” Raven moves a little closer but keeps her distance as if the girl might carry the plague. “Uh, sorry?”
She looks like she wants to say more, but Abby appears out of nowhere. “What’s going on? I heard crying.”
Bellamy shifts the girl higher until she can reach the hair at the back of his neck. That seems to do the trick. “Raven’s here to discuss our supply situation.”
“This is who you need the rations for?”
Abby crosses her arms and nods. “You’ll need to do your magic and allocate her some rations or I’m afraid Bellamy will starve to death. He’s already offered up today and tomorrow’s.”
Bellamy flushes. “I’ll be fine. I’ve done it before.”
“This is different, Bellamy. We’re already on half-rations. Half of half isn’t a sustainable diet.”
There’s an edge of desperation to her words, but he won’t give in. “I don’t care.”
“Bellamy-” They stare each other down for several tense moments before Abby throws up her hands. Ha.
“Abby,” Raven says, jerking her head to the side, “can I talk to you?”
Bellamy tries to ignore their hushed argument from across the room. Nothing about this situation is ideal. He knows the odds are against them. Against him. It would be a lot easier to just hand the girl off to the nearest grounder and be done with her, but the thought makes him sick. He wants better for her. Needs better. I need to know she’ll be safe.
The little girl stirs, exhaling a warm puff of air against his neck. Bellamy brushes his lips across the top of her head, leaving a soft kiss. He can feel the tiny tears in his soul mending. Fragments of his heart fitting back together. He hasn’t felt this whole in a very long time, and it frightens him. There is no way this ends well for me—I’m in way too deep.
Tears prick the corners of his eyes. For some reason, he really misses his mom right now. She’d know what to do. He closes his eyes, squeezing back the tears. When that doesn’t work, he throws an arm over his face, hoping no one will notice.
He must drift off to sleep because the next time he opens his eyes, there’s a soft blanket covering the both of them and two plastic-wrapped rations on the bedside table.
<< Chapter 8 | Chapters | Chapter 10 >>
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hella-ubiquitous · 7 years
Clexa Fic Rec
(Because we don’t have enough of them already)
Okay clexakru, I know we already have a whole master list and everything but I decided to make one because I noticed that some other fic recs are full of ones that I’ve already read. There are A LOT of recommendations so be prepared. I’ve rated them from one * to five ***** and added the author’s summary below the title. The rating of the fic is in brackets, the status of the story is in parenthesis, and the amount of chapters is also in brackets. I’ve added trigger warnings if they are needed. Some are very recent and some are not, the word count is not always correct and neither is the status due to the fact that there are so many. You can check them out under the cut : )
The Taste of War and Heartache by thefooliam [Mature] (Ongoing- 36,723 Words) {4 Chapters} ****
After saving the world for the last time, Clarke Griffin finds herself bitter and angry and grieving for more than just the woman she lost.That’s until she finds a map that might possibly lead her to the answers she’s been looking for.It’s a suicide mission. A fool’s errand. She’s almost certainly going to lose her life in the process.Except Clarke has nothing left to lose and, even if she did, she doesn’t care anyway. (TW: Alcohol addiction) 
what the ground grows by coldmackeral [Mature] (Complete- 25,656 Words) {5/5 Chapters} ****
There is nothing a little bedrest and irony can’t cure. Lexa is sure the only thing that heals Clarke’s mind and keeps her heart thumping against her ribs is an ill-advised amount of the first and a frustrating amount of the second. But Clarke has never been anything less than ill-advised and frustrating. If anybody will survive a hole in their brain, Lexa is sure it will be Clarke. (At Heda’s expense, of course.)
Beneath the Betrayal by talentedgemx [Mature] (Ongoing- 212,332 Words) {20 Chapters} *****
Beneath the Betrayal is set right after the end of series two this explores the relationship between Clarke and Lexa and whether anything could possibly be salvaged in the aftermath of the mountain. Lots of angst, darkness and soul searching for both characters as well as the drama and danger that awaits them in leading their people against new threats. Budding romance & interactions with other characters. Very NSFW in later chapters. This doesn’t follow s3 at all guys except for how Polis looks and it has the Nightbloods, and Titus doesn’t exist. This is going to be long and I hope to deliver a story worthy of how Clexa should have been.
Before Words, Beyond Silence by natkate [Mature] (Complete- 173,287 Words) {24/24 Chapters} [Part of the ongoing Before Words, Beyond Silence series] ****
Clarke Griffin is rudely taken from her cell in the middle of the night only to be forced into a room with the man she hates the most - the man who floated her father - Thelonius Jaha.He then informs her that she will be sent to Earth almost immediately to determine whether or not the ground is survivable again in the hopes of saving their people from certain doom. Alone.On top of it all, the fate of 98 other adolescent prisoners rests on her succeeding in this mission. In other words: she’s screwed. Before she knows it, she’s hurtling towards the planet at top speed with no control over the contraption that’s presumably carrying her to her death.After she somehow manages to survive the crash landing, she finds herself alone in unknown lands struggling to fight through the pain of her extensive injuries.Only, she’s not alone. Far from it, in fact.Who are these strange inhabitants whose language is so different from her own? Why does she get the feeling she’s just walked into a much bigger problem than the one she left behind on the Ark? More importantly: how is she going to survive? (TW: Torture) 
The Girl Who Kissed Saturn by Puntrest [Explicit] (Complete- 61,601 Words) {13/13 Chapters} ****
AU where a long lost space station originally located near the edge of the solar system floats back into Earth’s orbit after 97 years of total isolation. The Ark attempts to absorb this self-sustaining station, along with its invaluable resources and its strange people. The two societies quickly find themselves on the brink of war as both refuse to give up their political authority. On Clarke Griffin’s eighteenth birthday, she is released from juvenile lockup and is finally able to meet the descendants of the forgotten Trikru Research Outpost.
Knife Edge by crazywisdom [Mature] (Complete- 114,669 Words) {15/15 Chapters}****
Post 3x07. Lexa’s stuck between the world of the living and the world of the dead, where Anya wallows. As Clarke and Aden struggle to contain Arkadia’s internal battles and the external threat of Ontari’s Ice Nation, Lexa fights her past and the what-ifs to unravel the truth of the Flame and reclaim the Commander’s throne.
In the Shallows by blindwire [Teen] (Ongoing- 87,992 Words) {8 Chapters} ****
Raised for war and forged in fire, Clarke has vowed to be a leader for her people, to protect them and to make sacrifices so that they do not have to. This is what it means to be Commander and the spirit has chosen her for a reason.
(my) Destruction Within Your Mouth by KL_Morgan [Mature] (Ongoing- 114,162 Words) {18 Chapters} *****
Clarke loses: her head, her voice, her heart. (TW: Torture) 
this heart, fossilized and silent (once was tender and once was violent) by Chrmdpoet [Mature] (Complete- 171,154 Words) {35/35 Chapters} ******
Clarke is only three days into being a runaway when she realizes that she did not fully think this through. When she walked away from Camp Jaha, she took only herself, a handgun with limited ammunition, and the gnawing guilt inside her. Three days without food, water, fresh clothing, or bedding of any kind, however, and she is painfully aware of how foolish that decision had been. (One you really need to read if you haven’t) 
ark enemies, or something by BSnows [Teen] (Ongoing- 9,195 Words) {4 Chapters} **
“No,” Lexa calmly says, her eyes closed and her nostrils opening wide. She really doesn’t like to be disturbed when she’s meditating. “I’m totally not here, I’m walking around the Ark like the non-delinquent person I am. Please leave a message after the beep.” Lexa takes a deep breath and enjoys as she has a few seconds of peace.
“There wasn’t a beep,” Clarke says. Lexa breathes out.
or Your typical Clexa AU where they despise each other and have sex in the end. Plus they’re in the Ark and they’re cell neighbors.
The World Has No Right to My Heart by usuallyproperlyhydrated [Teen] (Complete- 43,885 Words) {15/15 Chapters} ****
"Be careful with that one, love–she will do what it takes to survive.”
(Quote and title from “Burn” from Hamilton)
Lexa has been watching Clarke since the fall of the mountain and does everything in her power to convince her to come to Polis.
Four Walls // Clexa AU by perpetual_gayness [Teen] (Ongoing- 24,398 Words) {10 Chapters} ***
There are very few things one can do within the confines of the same four walls… turns out falling in love is one of them.
Through the Looking Glass by RhinoMouse [Mature] (Ongoing- 114,303 Words) {19/22 Chapters} *****
Clarke was born the youngest of her class of night bloods. No one expected her to win her conclave. Lexa is a guard cadet and the daughter of Marcus and Abby Kane. After taking the fall for a crime she didn't commit she's sent to the ground as part of a group of a hundred prisoners. Or our version of the role reversal fic.
Waking in Winter by natkate [Unrated] (Ongoing- 20,757 Words) {3 Chapters} *****
In the wake of Clarke Griffin finally coming of age in Queen Nia's army, she is chosen to accompany the queen's caravan on an unprecedented visit to the capitol city of Polis - upon the whisper of rumor or yet another mind game, Clarke can't be sure.
Regardless, Clarke is met with a number of unexpected twists as the very city, itself, threatens to challenge everything she'd ever known about the world around her.
AU where Clarke is an Ice Nation warrior in Nia's army who stumbles into a pre-Coalition Polis and causes trouble, as usual. Oh, and Skaikru isn't a thing in this story.
Grounded by AndiLand (AndiMarquette) [Mature] (Complete- 511,076 Words) {75/75 Chapters} ***
Clarke Griffin has been on her own for three months after pulling the lever at Mt. Weather. Battling ghosts and the pain from Lexa's betrayal at the mountain, she nevertheless has to return to Arkadia to warn Sky Crew of a threat from Ice Nation and the power-hungry Nia, who maneuvers on several fronts to install herself as Commander and rule all Grounder clans. But a new danger presents itself--one that will force a reckoning with an old foe--and Clarke and Lexa will have to work together to forge a stronger alliance as the winds of war swirl from Polis to Arkadia. Both understand the growing dangers and the peril hidden in alliances, but neither counted on the depth of the connection between them.
when my heart is at war by mopeytropey (scriptmanip) [Mature] (Complete- 55,297 Words) {4/4 Chapters} [Part of the ongoing when my heart is at war series] ***
Lexa is primed for great leadership and will not be deviated from her agenda.
Clarke is driven by her insatiable curiosity and is not easily deterred.
There is plenty at work to drive them apart, but the strength of their combined determination will change the course of an entire civilization.
The Shadow by Clexa1205 [Mature] (Ongoing- 121,822 Words) {23 Chapters} **** [TW: Torture, Gore]
Clarke has been on her own for three weeks after Mount Weather when she is captured and brought to Queen Nia. She is forced to serve the Ice Queen and spends almost two years training to become one of the coalitions top assassins before she is brought to Polis, as a member of Azgeda, to take part in the annual Summit. Nia tries to use Clarke's skills as an assassin, and her relationship with Lexa to give herself the opportunity to take control of the coalition. Clarke tries to find a way to break free of Nia's control. She tries to navigate her relationships with everyone she cares about while trying to break free from Nia, but until then, she serves the Ice Queen and is as ruthless as she needs to be. Nia uses everything she's got to make Lexa suffer, and uses Clarke's status as Wanheda to her advantage over the other clans. Nia will do whatever it takes for power, and Clarke and her friends will do whatever it takes to stop her.
Ice’s Champion by dragonfruity [Teen] (Ongoing- 22,924 Words) {4 Chapters} ***
When the Dropship lands, it becomes painfully obvious that there has been a slight mishap.
Slight mishap (noun): a rather unfortunate scenario in which the corrupt idiots on the Ark send the Delinquents 50 miles north of their target, into the heart of cold, barren, miserable Azgeda territory, rather than the lush forest overflowing with unicorns and rainbows they were promised. Whoops.
General Clarke and the Delinquents - those remaining after five years of toil and hardship climbing Azgeda's ranks - are tasked with appeasing the Commander in Polis on the eve of what could very quickly dissolve into an inter-Coalition civil war between their two clans. As she struggles to navigate the murky waters between Azgeda and the Commander's fiery rage, Clarke must hide her true goal: Dethrone Nia and reclaim Azgeda. But now, the Commander is an unknown variable. Will she aid Clarke in her coup, or remain loyal to the Coalition... and Nia?
The badass version of Romeo and Juliet, minus the sad ending, plus a whole lot of gay.
Lightning Only Strikes Once by fiona_249 [Mature] (Complete- 307,941 Words) {134/134 Chapters} *****
Consumed by grief, Clarke climbs Lexa's tower, not really thinking through what she plans to do. But any plans get taken away when she's struck by lightning, mysteriously transporting her back to before any of it happens.
Back in her cell on the Ark, Clarke remembers exactly what went wrong - and mysteriously, so does Lexa among her people on the ground. Between the two of them, can they get back to each other? Can they find a way to save both of their people and themselves? Or is the hatred surrounding them too strong?
[Be sure to keep an eye out for the comic!]
Into the Storm by anddirtyrain and mmeister911 [Mature] (Ongoing- 63,856 Words) {9 Chapters}**
This is ‘Into The Storm’ with Lexa Forrest, welcome and hold on.
Lexa is a stormchaser (though she prefers the term ‘researcher’) and her Discovery Channel show just keeps getting bigger and bigger. She grew up dreaming about studying the sky, and at 28 she’s at the cusp of her career, reporting to her adoring fanbase all about the indomitable forces of nature. There’s no time for anything -or anyone- else.Clarke is a stormchaser (she has as much tattooed over her ribs) for the local Action News. Whip smart and committed to her research, she lives for the thrill every time the sky thunders. But breaking thru at 26 in the industry has her constantly trying to push the envelope, running straight into danger to get that perfect shot.Their field of work is small, and their clashing rivalry inevitable and fierce. But Clarke and Lexa are about to realize what they feel for each other can be just as strong and unpredictable as the storms they chase.
Earned It by assassinslover [Mature] (Ongoing- 21,177 Words) {12 Chapters} **
Lexa’s too enraptured by the paint splattered girl before her to care that said paint is also all over her favourite – formerly white – shirt. So enraptured, even, that it takes her way too long to notice the distraught look on the other girl’s face and the ruined canvas in her hands.Lexa, a dancer and a business major, offers to help Clarke re-do her ruined final project.
your hand in mine by geralehane [Mature] (Complete- 59,989 Words) {14/14 Chapters} [Part of the ongoing gdau series] *****
Clarke’s father is put on life support, and becoming Lexa Woods’s girlfriend is her last chance at paying his bills. It was supposed to be about money. Insensitive, immoral, impersonal. She was never supposed to fall in love with her.
Online Lifeline by ToriWritesStories [Mature] (Complete- 96,149 Words) {26/26 Chapters} ****
For Clarke, the universe of Twitter is a home, a place where she can be herself without the expectations of her friends and parents, and she keeps it secret for that reason. However, she isn’t expecting to meet a couple of people whom she begins to become pretty good friends with, and she definitely doesn’t expect to meet Lexa. And Lexa, who is on Twitter really only because her best friend Raven demands it be so, isn’t even interested in online friendships at all. That is, until she starts talking to Raven’s new friend “C” on Twitter, and finds herself captivated.
A Series of Avoidable Events by toolateintheday [Mature] (Ongoing- 165,213  Words) {22 Chapters} ****
Clarke Griffin works for renowned advertising company, Trikru Incorporated. She’s coasting through life, unsure of what she truly wants to do and settling for mediocrity. Its not her dream job but it pays the bills. It’s comfortable, familiar and what she needs. All that changes when the company bring in Lexa Woods, a new visionary, with the aim to shake things up. Clarke finds her entire existence unsettled by the arrival of her new boss who is as intriguing as she is intimidating. Can they put aside their differences and work together?
Something’s Electric In Your Blood by orangeyouglad8 [Mature] (Ongoing- 40,923 Words) {21 Chapters} ***
“You know, if you keep shocking me I might regret running off the train and giving you back your scarf.” It’s teasingly light and Clarke wonders if this girl can see the humor in her eyes and the smirk on her lips.
“Who says you’re not the one shocking me?” The slightest tilt of pouty lips.Clarke’s heart skips a beat, her lips already moving to continue the game. The banter. “I guess we’ll never know.”
The 300 by Bucklethorpe [Mature] (Complete- 66,305 Words) {16/16 Chapters} *****
Clarke just managed to burn 300 of Lexa's finest spruces.
Head Over Boots by cornchipmeteor [Mature] (Complete- 143,569 Words) {11/11 Chapters} *****
Clarke knew she had a lot to learn when she agreed to work on Woods Ranch. What she didn’t know was that, in addition to horseback riding and cattle corralling, she’d be learning about love.Lexa had zero tolerance for her new, inexperienced ranch hand Clarke, but she soon discovered that maybe life should be about more than just running the ranch. There’s humor! There’s conflict! There’s cute, fluffy cows! There’s even a happy ending!! Dual POV, because I can never choose just one.
Bend For Me by heyjayyay [Mature] (Complete- 123,746 Words) {23/23 Chapters} *****
Sloppy, Fratboy!Clarke lives with Octavia, who drags her to her yoga class one day. Clarke is the shit. She knows it. She’s cocky and doesn’t take crap from anyone, doesn’t bend for anybody, and refuses to break. Until now. AKA the one where Clarke thinks she’s smooth, but Lexa is smoother. Yoga AU (TW: Non-consensual touching/kissing)  
Be the Lightning in Me by proudlyyours [Mature] (Ongoing- 121,904 Words) {11/14 Chapters} *****
Clarke Griffin was probably one of the most annoying people that Lexa had ever met. Something about her irritated Lexa as soon as she first laid eyes on her. Perhaps it was the fact that she’d only appeared at Arkadia University two months ago but she’d already made friends with more people than Lexa had spoken to in her entire school career. Maybe it was that she laughed a little too loudly while their professor was talking, drawing more eyes to her, Lexa’s included. Perhaps it was because that laugh was actually one of the prettiest things Lexa had ever heard.
When Clarke showed up for her first shift at the bar that Lexa had been enjoying working at since the beginning of the semester, Lexa wasn’t happy. She’d spent months being distracted by Clarke in their shared class but Clarke didn’t even recognise Lexa stood in the bar in front of her.
Of course she didn’t.
i built a home for you, for me (held on as tightly as you held onto me) by coat [Teen] (Complete- 37,627 Words) {4/4 Chapters} ***
As Lexa walks past, giving the dog a wide berth, she spots a figure beside it. A girl with braided blonde hair stretches out on the park bench, fingers tangled in the dog’s thick fur. She frowns softly. Usually the homeless people Lexa sees are older males with scruffy beards, tugging shopping carts filled with cans. But this girl on the bench, her golden hair streaming over her back, looks so out of place that Lexa almost stops. Most homeless tend to stay near the city, yet here she is, in the middle of the forest.
You See the Smile That’s On My Mouth (it’s hiding the words that don’t come out) by heartshapedcandy [Teen] (Complete- 48,677 Words) {4/4 Chapters} ****
It takes Clarke and Lexa about five seconds to fall in love, but it takes them way too long to realize it. This is that way-too-long.ora story in which Clarke and Lexa kiss too much and communicate too little. 
still home by solinasolina [Unrated] (Complete- 49,338 Words) {8/8 Chapters} ***
Abby placed the package on the ground and took a step forward. There was a strong sense of familiarity coming from the young woman in front of her, but she just couldn’t quite figure out where from. She raised an eyebrow, “Have we met before?”
Lexa nodded immediately. “I use to live next door.” She points to her childhood home, “My parents–”Abby goes wide-eyed as she realised who was standing in front of her, 
“Alexandria Woodson?!” she cut in.
“It’s just Lexa Woods now,” she smiled. “But yeah…”
You’re Fired (So Yeah You Win) by LaFlashdrive [Explicit] (Complete- 108,333 Words) {14/14 Chapters} ***
The one where Clarke draws Lexa’s name for the office Secret Santa, not knowing Lexa is the President of the company she works for. The gag gift she gets her is a bit… unconventional. A dildo. It’s a dildo.
Lover In Low Light by Chrmdpoet [Mature] (Complete- 85,157 Words) {? Chapters} *****
“You’re never going to love anyone the way you loved her. That kind of love, it only happens once in a lifetime, so if you’re waiting to feel that way again, I think you’re always going to be waiting.“or Five years after their relationship’s end, college sweethearts Lexa and Clarke find themselves in the same city again. Now, they are different people with different lovers and different lives, but neither ever fully let the other go. Will what they once had still be all they are looking for, or is it finally time to truly let go and move on? 
[DELETED: It was publicated] 
Southern Constellations by Themickeysays [Mature] (Complete- 55,549 Words) {12/12 Chapters} **
After they stop laughing Clarke blurts out, “It must be fate. It’s written in the stars somewhere for us to meet.”
Lexa just raises an eyebrow at her.
“What you don’t believe in fate? Or look to the stars?,” she asks in what’s supposed to be an ominous voice. 
OR Lexa needs a ride home and Clarke needs some company to put off going home. What happens when these two strangers decide to ride down to the south from NYU? Hint: Gay Things™ OR The clexa roadtrip au where they are so extra making a 13 hour trip last 10 days, and manage to change their lives forever.
something broke by lexasforehead [Mature] (Incomplete- 63,457 Words) {21/22 Chapters} ****
“Ready to lose butt chin?” taunted Lexa.
“I’m actually saving that spot for you, forehead.” Clarke retorted.
You’ve Got Mail (She Loves Me) by orangeyouglad8 [Teen] (Complete- 50,210 Words) {30/30 Chapters} ****
What happens when big, bad, Fox Books opens up around the corner from the small, hipster, Arkadia Books? A Clexa spin on the classic You’ve Got Mail. Business rivals turned…?
The Three Truths by transientpermanence [Teen] (Complete- 74,485 Words) {17/17 Chapters} *****
It was always easy, until it wasn’t. [DELETED, but was reposted somewhere else, and it was not posted by the author but credit was given.]
In Our Own World by bouj525 [Mature] (Complete- 124,555 Words) {13/13 Chapters} [TW: Mentions of self-harm and attempted suicide] **
Lexa missed Clarke like one missed their favorite song after becoming deaf. Clarke missed Lexa like one missed their favorite color after becoming blind. Or The travel-the-world, online meeting, somehow long distance relationship AU.
Pie In the Sky by Lingering Lilies [Mature] (Complete- 46,874 Words) {13/13 Chapters} [TW: Domestic abuse] **
Trapped in a small town, dead-end waitressing job, and a loveless marriage, Clarke Griffin finds herself faced with an unwanted pregnancy. She finds solace only in her gift for baking pies and the company of a young doctor named Lexa Woodward.
Turning Down and Turning On Clarke Griffin by proseoflife [Teen] (Complete- 18,628 Words) {13/13 Chapters} ***
Clarke gets set up on a blind date. What she didn’t expect was to fall in love that same night. How many times can Clarke Griffin get turned down, and turned on, before she says ‘fuck it’ and walks away?
Artists Love Better by cissarego [Explicit] (Complete- 58,894 Words) {17/17 Chapters} ***
Modern AU - Clarke is an artist and Lexa, a photographer. After a not so friendly first encounter, they find themselves intrigued with each other. A timid friendship starts to grow into something more. Are they ready for this? A bit of fluff, hints of angst and a lot of Clexa! :)
It’s For Your Own Good by trying [Mature] (Ongoing- 43,596 Words) {9 Chapters} [TW: Homophobia and abuse] ***
Clarke’s hands were trembling slightly and she wrung them anxiously in front of her as she entered the main room. Plastic chairs were set up in a loose semi-circle in the centre of the room, most of them already occupied by the other campers.
Gay campers. Some of them attractive gay girl campers.
Fuck. When Clarke gets sent to conversion therapy camp, she thought everything she knew was over. Turns out, life is just beginning.
Come With Me by ToriWritesStories [Mature] (Complete- 89,319 Words) {24/24 Chapters} [Part of the complete With Me series] *****
Clarke Griffin spontaneously decides to go to London for a few days, with the hope that she can escape the problems happening in her life, and by chance meets a nice temporary companion, Lexa. A photographer on a commission that’ll take her across north and central Europe, Lexa is adventurous and stunning and fills Clarke with an adrenaline that she hasn’t felt in a long time.
And well… things happen.
blood rush in the hazy glow by firetestsgold [Mature] (Complete- 65,052 Words) {10/10 Chapters} ****
“The locals aren’t fans of college kids. This is their neighborhood bar. They can get…territorial.” Clarke studies the girl who stopped the fight before it began. Leaning back in her chair in the back of the bar, she’s all dark hair and dark eyeliner and dark alcohol. Clarke can see what he’s saying: the glare etched into her face is a clear warning for anyone who might step forward to her.But the vodka has thinned Clarke’s blood; she’s always been brazen and right now she can’t take that warning as anything less than a challenge.She grabs Octavia’s wrist and pulls her forward. “C’mon.”
Chemistry by class [Teen] (Ongoing one-shot collection- 17,227 Words) {7 Chapters} ****
"I’m going to set everything on fire."
A collection of Clexa one shots.
and we grow. by aos_skimmons [Teen] (Ongoing- 40,500 Words) {6/7 Chapters} ***
“I’m a mess,” Clarke says. You’re perfect, Lexa wants to say back. But instead, “No you’re not.” Clarke looks up then, giving Lexa a pointed look, as best as she can with already watery eyes.
“I’m pregnant, Lexa.”
This is the story of how two best friends raise a child together, and some how fall in love along the way.
Always You, Only You by zroe [Unrated] (Complete- 81,472 Words) {46/46 Chapters} [Part of the ongoing Imperfect series] **
Clarke and Lexa have been the best of friends for years, perhaps the closest of all in their group of friends. The connection, chemistry and comfort that they share is unmatched by any of their other friends. Everyone knows that when they’re both single things tend to happen between them. It’s a comfort thing. A no strings attached thing. A thing that they both silently understand. But do they really? They’re best friends who have the power to lift each other up, but also the power to tear each other down. What could possibly go wrong? There is one thing that will always be true - The one that brings out the best in you, will always be the one that can bring out the worst in you.
Note: If you’re looking for a quick Clexa fix, this might not be the story for you. These two dummies, will probably make you crazy.
After You by Chrmdpoet [Unrated] (Ongoing- 27,301 Words) {5 Chapters} ****
They grew up together in pieces, scattered here and there, like an unfinished puzzle. In moments, sometimes tender and sometimes turbulent. In both careful and careless connection.
They collided as two roads converging, two paths always intended to meet. [TW: Child abuse]
Cheap Thrills by ToriWritesStories [Mature] (Ongoing- 43,352 Words) {13 Chapters} ***
Clarke’s life is a mess: she hates her job, she’s always broke, she has a bad habit of having one night stands, and sometimes she drinks a little too much. Her best friends Octavia and Raven are getting all of their stuff together, and she’s being left behind. Somehow, she can’t manage to pull herself together, until she meets Raven’s new coworker Lexa, who happens to be everything she’s been missing.
a pleasant undoing by mopeytropey (scriptmanip) [Mature] (Complete- 104,225 Words) {12/12 Chapters} ****
Clarke is in denial. Octavia is grumpy. Lincoln is in love. Raven is awesome. Lexa is conflicted. 
And everyone is potentially too invested in good beer.
Conscious Lover by notreallystraight [Mature] (Complete- 40,797 Words) {11/11 Chapters} **
Clarke and Finn have been dating for eleven years now and she no longer knows the difference between loving and being in love.
Clarke meets Lexa and her world gets twist-turned upside-down.
she’s got a way with words by commanderofraccoons [Teen] (Incomplete- 20,021 Words) {5/10 Chapters} **
“Excuse me,” a frustrated voice sighed into Clarke’s ear, “I need to get back to my place.”
Clarke turned around suddenly, feeling her cheeks redden as she took in the girl in front of her. Her brown hair was lazily tossed up in a bun, though no hairs seemed to be trying to escape the black elastic band. She was wearing a dark green shirt with Polis Park printed across it, and her matching shorts were high up her legs. 
Christ, her thigh muscles. 
The “Clarke visits a nearby amusement park with her friends, and she ends up thirsting over the cute girl who works there” AU
A Flower’s Dare by Bee_Charmer [Mature] (Complete- 54,440 Words) {19/19 Chapters} ***
The day of her wedding, Clarke Griffin expected a great number of things. She expected to love her dress, to love being surrounded by those she cared about most. More than anything, Clarke expected her best friend so smile his brightest when he saw her coming down the aisle.
What she did not expect was to lock eyes with the beautiful florist who would completely change her life.
The (loosely based) Imagine Me & You AU I couldn’t get out of my head.
And the rest is just typewritten by GoG (tarsbrain) [Teen] (7,679 Words) {Oneshot} **
A small sign hangs from the folding table reading ‘Stoic Poetry’ and Clarke can’t help but smile at the stranger’s presence at the market.
Or the one where Clarke is an artist with a booth at the downtown market, and Lexa and her typewriter make people cry with words.
It Takes As Long As It Takes by OForion4 [Teen] (Incomplete- 94,964 Words) {25 Chapters} *****
“Can you please just tell her this for me then? This one thing, and I’ll leave you alone. Please, Anya. Tell her I’ll wait for her every Sunday at 10 AM where we first met. Rain or shine, I’ll be there. Until she comes. To forgive me, or to tell me to stop because she’s moved on and found someone else and I’ve lost the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Please tell her that for me. Please.”
Modern AU where Clarke messes up and breaks Lexa’s heart. Clarke patiently waits for her every Sunday at the place they met, for 2 years, hoping to see those green eyes again. Will she come?
Astuary Queen by morningsound15 [Mature] (Ongoing- 17,748 Words) {2 Chapters} ****
Clarke snorted. “We get new doctors like every other month, O. This guy’s not gonna be any different.”
Octavia glared. “First of all, internalized misogyny, the new attending is a woman, not a man. Women can be doctors too,Clarke.” Clarke rolled her eyes, but Octavia soldiered on. “And secondly, did I already mention that she’s smoking hot? Because she is smoking hot. I heard Murphy talking about her with—”
Clarke scoffed. “Murphy’s a pig. He thinks everyone is hot.”
“I mean…” Octavia trailed off. “Well… yeah, duh, but I Googled her this morning and—” Octavia whistled under her breath, her eyes gleaming with teasing mirth. “I cannot state this enough, Princess. Doctor Woods is a fucking fox.”
Lion’s Roar by smallburrito [Mature] (Ongoing- 9,744 Words) {6 Chapters} **
Confronted with shocking truths about her past, Clarke Griffin has no choice but to run away. It just so happens she chooses the one week the circus is in town - and the rest is up to fate.
you’re my sunshine in the rain when it’s pouring (won’t you give yourself to me) by bearer_of_light [General Audiences] (Ongoing- 24,864 Words) {11 Chapters} ***
Clarke and Lexa are friends and have been friends for a very long time. What happens when one of them realizes they have feelings for the other?
Breathe For Me, Love by NightHeda [Mature] (Ongoing- 14,688 Words) {11 Chapters} *** [TW: Depression, Self-Harm, Mention of Self-Harm, Mention of Suicide Attempt, Mention of Suicide, Mental Health Issues]
Clarke is a patient in a psychiatric hospital and never in a million years would she have expected to meet the famous rockstar Lexa Woods there. And she isn't excited, either.
Or so she thought.
(Rated M, just in case.)
bang shui by AndiLand (AndiMarquette) [Unrated] (Complete- 215,743 Words) {30/30 Chapters} ****
Clarke Griffin is a med student at Polis University. She and Raven Reyes are roommates who just moved into an apartment closer to campus, but their neighbors have extremely loud marathon sexy times and Clarke is just not getting the rest she needs. She runs into one of the neighbors -- Lexa Woods, a grad/law student -- and tells her to please move her bed away from the wall. Which is embarrassing, yes, but anything could result from that type of conversation...
i’ll try my best (how much do i invest?) by babytobin_horse [Unrated] (Complete- 26,007 Words) {6/6 Chapters} ****
Lexa can never say no to Clarke, and that’s the problem. (or: fake dating au)
We Were Pretending, and Then We Weren’t by aos_skimmons (Complete- 20,451 Words) {2/2 Chapters} **
Who knew a one-night stand could lead to a free trip to Alaska and a girlfriend.
Our Hearts (Have Minds of Their Own) by EffortlesslyOpulent [Mature](Complete- 103,319 Words) {15/15 Chapters} [Part of the ongoing Our Hearts series] *****
Clarke is NOT going back to another family reunion without a fake girlfriend to shut everyone up. Lexa, her neighbor and best friend, needs powerful clients like the Griffins for her up and coming business.How inconvenient that they accidentally fall head-over-heels for each other in the process. It’s a fake dating Rom-Com.
Cold Case by crazywisdom [Mature] (Complete- 38,409 Words) {8/8 Chapters} ***
Undercover cop AU: Once Wells Jaha is ratted out by a mole within the police force, DCI Anya decides it’s time to send two out in the field – Detectives Clarke Griffin and newcomer Detective Lexa Woods – to end this RED, Cage Wallace and Dr. Tsing business once and for all. Their covers? A loved-up lesbian couple.
the break upper by 100hearteyes [Mature] (Ongoing- 91,242 Words) {21/24 Chapters} ***
Clarke Griffin doesn’t have the most honourable job ever: she makes couples break up for a living. She unmasks the liars, the cheaters, and the deceivers. Marital justice, one might wishfully call it — and she gets paid for it. Clarke’s only rule: don’t fall in love with the target.alsoLexa Woods has the perfect life, with the perfect job, the perfect friends, and the perfect fiancé. Problem? Said fiancé is a man — and Lexa is kind of sort of totally a lesbian.
Bated Breath by thedeadflag [General Audiences] (Complete- 22,293 Words) {4/4 Chapters} ***
Clarke was counting down the hours until she’d achieved a hard-won month-long reprieve of driving Octavia to Lincoln’s, having been her best friend’s designated driver for months. But then she meets Lexa, manages to get them both into a mess, and ends up owing the woman a favor. Yet, Clarke still wouldn’t mind time slowing down a little bit for as long as Lexa’s with her A modern ‘Fake dating’ AU. 
Till Death Do Us Part by Stubborn_Teen [Mature] (Incomplete- 191,716 Words) {14 Chapters}  *****
“So you’re my bride to be? Not what I expected at all.” Clarke comments and Lexa didn’t know whether to be offended or flattered since Clarke was giving her a pretty curious look - nothing too sinister. 
“Alexandria was it? What kind of name is that?” Okay, Lexa was offended.
“You’re one to talk, Clarke.”
How To Lose Someone In 10 Days by Jaansche [Mature] (Complete- 103,268 Words) {16/16 Chapters} ***
Clarke Griffin is an artist and player who, to win against her best friend Raven, bets that she can make anyone fall in love with her in 10 days. Lexa Woods has been assigned to write an article on “How to Lose Someone in 10 days.”
My Heart For A Minute by MsDorisDaisy [Mature] (Complete- 166,909 Words) {22/22 Chapters} ****
Nine years after Jake’s tragic but heroic death, Clarke and Abby have finally gotten their lives back on track thanks to the unconditional love and support of family matriarch, Lillian Walters. As unfortunate as it seems for Clarke, she soon finds herself on the business end of her grandmother’s meddling when the aging woman adds a pre-death condition to her living will: Clarke will be gifted enough money to buy her own art gallery when she gets married to one Miss Alexandria Abigail Woods, the one girl in the world whom Clarke actually legitimately cannot stand.
a crown seldom enjoyed by onemilliongoldstars [Mature] (Ongoing- 29,373 Words) {5/25 Chapters} ***
To maintain the fragile peace between north and south, Clarke of House Tyrell is sent to live in Winterfell as an act of faith between the two kingdoms. There, she is put under the protection of the first queen in the north, Queen Lexa of House Stark, Daughter of Wolves. A woman draped in steel and silver, wolves at her heels and rumoured to be a manifestation of the fury of the old gods; Clarke refuses to be awed be her quiet violence and cold smile. Instead of fostering unity, the meeting of the wolf and the rose lights a spark that spreads through the rest of Westeros, threatening to burn it to the ground.
Catch Me, I’m Falling by effortlesslyoppulent and samkomtrashkru [Mature] (Complete- 288,841 Words) {24/24 Chapters} [Part of the ongoing catch me series] ******
Lexa Woods is Arkadia High’s brand new varsity quarterback star, badass and adored by all. Clarke Griffin is a model student who dreams of getting an art scholarship. With Lexa’s arrogance and Clarke’s stubborn tendencies, they never thought they’d be compatible, much less soul mates. But as fate would have it, Clarke becomes Aden’s tutor, and she and Lexa fall infuriatingly, helplessly in love with each passing day.
OR: The HSAU where Aden plays cupid with Clarke, Lexa, and all of their friends, and ends up watching practically all of them fall for each other. (Another one that if you haven’t read, seriously, just read it)
Dynamite With A Laser Beam by TDD [Teen] (Ongoing- 129,636 Words) {16 Chapters} ****
When Clarke’s high school, Arkadia High, merges with Polis Secondary School, Clarke and her friends are faced with old enemies and the opportunity of new friendships. Clarke needs to figure out how to fit in with the soccer team and its captain while trying to win over the most beautiful girl she’s ever seen. It’s not easy being Clarke Griffin, especially when she has a tendency to make life harder for herself. Despite all of that, there’s no stopping her as long as she has her friends by her side- who are just as reckless as she is.
All That You Got (Skin to Skin, Oh My God) by Dreamsaremywords [Mature] (Ongoing- 68,659 Words) {14/15 Chapters} ***
Anya burst into laughter. “Wait, wait, wait a minute. You and Clarke grew up together, Clarke is oblivious but you’re totally aware of your feelings- super GAY feelings-and your dad being a pastor complicates things, but you guys are like magnets and you can’t stay away from each other, even though you have no idea what the hell you’re doing, and then you don’t even talk about it. You spend way too much time thirsting and not enough actually being honest with each other and with yourselves. So, to get this straight- you’re not.”
Lexa deadpanned her. “Clearly.”
I Meant to Ask You by fairytaleslayer [Teen] (Complete- 41,914 Words) {15/15 Chapters} ***
Clarke Griffin and Lexa Woods have been best friends since Clarke’s mom moved three doors down from Lexa and her father. They’ve also been in love with each other since before they knew what it meant.
Down Came the Rain by almostfantasia [Teen] (Complete- 30,958 Words) {3/3 Chapters} [Part of the ongoing Down Came the Rain series] ****
Their paths have no reason to cross. That is, until a torrential downpour leaves them both caught at a bus stop with only one umbrella between them, forcing their lives together. Lexa, the private school student from a sheltered family. Clarke, the teenage runaway with no home to call her own. They make an unlikely pair. Friendship doesn’t come easily, but when it does, is that ever going to be enough for either of them?
The Days of Our Love [series] by MsDorisDaisy ****
Lift Me, Catch Me by ToriWritesStories [Mature] (Complete- 104,598 Words) {20/20 Chapters} [Part of the completed Lift Me, Catch Me series] ****
Settling into a small town in Florida, and living with an uncle she barely knows, is hard enough for Clarke even when she’s dating who she believes to be one of the greatest guys at school. It gets immensely harder when a New Year’s Eve party reveals what kind of guy her now ex-boyfriend really is. Now almost entirely alone, Clarke falls into a new friend group, a group of girls who couldn’t care less about her past, her sexuality, anything. One of those girls in particular catches Clarke’s attention quite well, and as Clarke gets to know her, it’s like pieces of herself are being lifted and pieced back together into a version of herself stronger than the way she was even before her life got so messed up.
Something Tragic by heyjayyay [Mature] (Complete- 112,823 Words) {25/25 Chapters} ***
When they met, it was not of their own accord. In fact, they probably never would have crossed paths if it wasn’t for the project. They were juniors and Lexa was the quiet, new girl. Having to move in with her uncle, Gustus, after the fire was probably one of the most difficult things she had to ever endure. Tragic, really. Life always seemed to turn out that way for the brunette.
L’arirvée des papillons by TheWorldAndTheEmpress [Explicit] (Incomplete- 51,495 Words) {13/14 Chapters} *****
Clarke Griffin is on top of the world, admired by the entire school. Everyone, that is, except for outsider Lexa Woods. Lexa’s indifference to her is the one thing that Clarke cannot stand, and she makes it her life’s mission to torment the other girl. But when Clarke takes it one step too far, she’s forced to partner up with Lexa for a project. Soon, she’ll realize just how little she really knows about Lexa, and about herself, as it turns out all she really wants is for Lexa to notice her. or Clarke falls head over heels for the last person whe would expect.
Molihua by BrittzandTana (ToriWritesStories) [Mature] (Complete- 118,421 Words) {38/38 Chapters} ****
Clarke has been through a lot through the summer before her junior year, and when she comes back to school, she’s changed. As she begins to feel like a billion pieces falling apart, she finds a special person to hold her together and treat her like the beautiful flower of a girl that she is. (Jasmine Flower - Mo Li Hua).
Friend or Foe by icherishpotatoes [Explicit] (Ongoing- 20,472 Words) {9 Chapters} ** [TW: Violence, drug addiction, PTSD, mentions of rape]
Clarke Griffin gets kidnapped in one of her doctors without borders visits to South America. A ransom is demanded in return for her safety by a rebel army known as Azgeda. Lexa Woods is an undercover agent in the rebel army whose job just got a lot worse. Or Lexa spent a year infiltrating Azgeda and gaining their trust only for her mission status to change: Protect Senator Abigail Griffin’s daughter Clarke Griffin while maintaining your cover. Rescue mission pending upon failed negotiations.
Mrs. & Mrs. Woods by knich94 [Mature] (Complete- 95,958 Words) {39/39 Chapters} ****
After five (or six) years of happiness together, ordinary couple Clarke and Lexa Woods find themselves stuck in a rut. However, unknown to each other, they are both deadly, highly paid assassins working for rival companies. After a hit gone wrong, they discover that they are each other’s next target. Their secret lives (and they) collide explosively.
Or… The Mr. and Mrs. Smith AU featuring all your favorite characters, humor, fluff, angst, and references to canon and the crazy ideas this awesome fandom developed. Clexa centered and Clexa endgame! The first few chapters are a little slow but the action quickly picks up :D (TW: Violence and Torture)
Good Morning, Afghanistan by cornchipmeteor [Mature] (Complete- 113,461 Words) {18/18 Chapters} *****
Staff Sergeant Clarke Griffin, US Air Force. Sergeant Lexa Carey, US Marine Corps. Afghanistan is already dangerous enough without their feelings getting in the way. But let’s be real, these ladies are experts at falling in love in a war zone. (TW: Violence, PTSD)
The Long Walk by Diaph [Mature] (Ongoing- 57,578 Words) {22/25 Chapters} ***
Lt. Lexa Woods finally makes it home for Thanksgiving in far worse state than she left after doing the very thing she warns all her men never to do, be a hero. She finds herself in the hands of Dr. Clarke Griffin, the young and high-achieving Neurology specialist who is determined to get the soldier to walk and talk again with a new surgical procedure.
It’s during the mind-numbing nights spent in the hospital far away from home that the sarcastic soldier charms her way into more than just the doctor’s medical observations. (TW: PTSD) 
Prisoner 319 by ur_the_puppy [Teen] (Ongoing- 141,468 Words) [Part of the Ongoing The Others series] {8/10 Chapters} *****
After being a prisoner in Azgeda Tower for over a year, Clarke Griffin is suddenly transferred to a new prison - Polis. Commanded by Lexa, the youngest and most ruthless Head of Polis Prison in decades, Clarke finds herself in a completely new environment - with no friend's or clue of what's going on Clarke must navigate her way through an unknown world. All the while holding her secrets close to her chest. It wouldn't help to have people know that she was a highly trained assassin who was supposed to be dead.
a prison au with a supernatural twist. raven is sarcastic, octavia is a human fireball, clarke is a deadly mess and lexa is, well, very gay
(TW: Violence, Torture) 
Lancelot by almostafantasia [Mature] (Ongoing- 11,399 Words) {3/14 Chapters}
Lexa Woods, an impeccably dressed British secret agent for the covert Kingsman organisation, whose latest mission sees her sneaking through the corridors of the White House in the middle of the night, finds herself having to seduce the daughter of the newly elected President of the United States in a bid to save the world. It’s a surprise to Lexa when she ends up falling for her target as fast as she does, meanwhile Clarke doesn’t expect her gorgeous date for an international political gala dinner to drag her into a world of thrill and danger where one wrong move could cause a global disaster.
The Queen Consort by MadeInSpace [Mature] (Ongoing- 13,391 Words) {3 Chapters} *** 
As the music swelled around them to announce the festivities ahead, Clarke only noticed how quickly the Queen dropped her hand.
What heart’s ease must queens neglect by thrace [Mature] (Complete- 83,285 Words) {8/8 Chapters} *****
Lexa is going to drag her country into the modern age kicking and screaming if she has to. Enter Clarke Griffin, United Nations election observer.
most ardently by onemillliongoldstars [Teen] (Ongoing- 32,074 Words) {5 Chapters} *****
Clarke Griffin has been forced to abandon her name and her family. She is desperately hiding in her new role as lady’s maid to Lady Lexa, fumbling through her duties and hoping to become invisible, when she realises that her heiress mistress is caught firmly under the thumb of her overbearing uncle. As Lexa suffocates under the expectations of her remaining family, she and Clarke slowly realise that they may be each other’s safe haven.
or: Clarke is hiding a secret while struggling to seem like an experienced lady’s maid for Lexa, who is painfully glad for a friend.
Suffragette by William89 [Mature] (Complete- 37,553 Words) {10/10 Chapters} **
Historical AU – London, 1913. After bombing the Prime Minister’s house, suffragette Lexa is being chased by the police. Lady Abby Griffin offers her a way out: she needs a maid to accompany her sick daughter Clarke to their estate in Lancashire, where she is supposed to live for a year. Even though she hates everything about the aristocratic life, Lexa has no choice but to pretend she’s Lady Clarke Griffin’s new maid, which proves to be a hard task when she finally meets the temperamental girl.
Suffrage by stringingwords [Mature] (Complete- 102,370 Words) {27/27 Chapters} ****
The 20th century has just begun. London is bustling with budding inventions, grand soirees, rumors of war, and inequality. Growing tired of being considered property, women are rallying across the country in favor of their right to vote.Clarke, Raven, and Octavia are scrappy suffragists determined to make the change happen. They find an unexpected ally in Lady Alexandra Woolcott, a noblewoman in the enemies’ camp.
Or the fic about Clexa taking down the patriarchy you may have known you needed.
Cigarettes In the Theatre by natshana [Mature] (Ongoing- 70,728 Words) {14 Chapters} *****
They close at eight but the small, pouty frown which adorns the girl’s lips and the gentle crease that forms between her brows makes the late hours seem all the more worth it. Of course that’s what she tells herself anyway, nevermind the dwindling night sky which casts the shop in a soft glow and makes the girl’s vibrant eyes dance like a forest under stars. 
or the 1983 movie store AU where Lexa is a small gay nerd who loves video games and Clarke is a smitten cashier for the awkward girl in wire frame glasses. (cause what’s better than 80’s wlw and video games)
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum by jaimeajamais [Mature] (Ongoing- 117,755 Words) {18 Chapters} *** [TW: violence, slavery]
Lexa is the Empress of Rome. Clarke is an Amazon, the new leader of a conquered people. When Clarke is captured and taken back to Rome as the Empress’s slave, she and Lexa form a complicated relationship. And as always, much more than the fate of their own hearts is at stake.
The Hunters Chosen by unicyclehippo [Unrated] (Complete- 192,881 Words) {12/12 Chapters} [part of the ongoing In The Hands Of Gods series] *****
tortall au: Lexa of Haryse only wants to be a knight and, though a handful of girls have followed Lady Knight Keladry of Mindelan's example in the last five years, many challenges remain for a girl page. Especially one who has the hand of a God upon her.
Individual Medley by nutalexfanfic [Mature] (Ongoing- 87,699 Words) {13 Chapters} ****
Clarke meets 3x Olympic gold medalist in swimming, Lexa Woods, at a celebration party for USA after the conclusion of the Games. It’s supposed to be just sex, but then they accidentally fall in love. (TW: PTSD)
Ain’t That A Kick In The Head by greyscalerainbows [Mature] (Incomplete- 90,210 Words) {20/21 Chapters} ***
On an abrupt, ill-advised vacation from Los Angeles, Clarke trips right into Lexa Woods, a local shop owner in faded red shorts. It starts with surfboards and a jellyfish sting.
Dance In the Lion’s Den by Tanagariel [Mature] (Complete- 132,301 Words) {20/20 Chapters} *****
Lexa Woods, young entrepreneur, has forged herself of steel. She sees life as something that has to be survived. Closing off her feelings she fights to be the best, even when she feels so alone. Moving through life without hope and a relationship that is not enough, Lexa will find herself attracted to a woman who will turn her world upside down. Clarke Griffin, a professional dancer, who has lost so much yet hopes that dance won’t ever leave her behind, keeps fighting to live her life to the fullest, even in her loneliness. She will find that sometimes looks deceive and that she shouldn’t be so quick to judge a book by its cover. Particularly when it’s someone as aloof and cold as Lexa.The businesswoman and the dancer will clash in a battle of wits and stubbornness, fighting the other until there is only one left. Except that on their dance journey, their feelings will begin to change and their life won’t ever be the same; now the only thing left is to see if they can dance in the lion’s den.
Finding Purpose by Derivative [Explicit] (Ongoing- 36,837 Words) {12 Chapters} **
Clarke has been dealing with a depression for quite some time, and Raven keeps suggesting she should join her to one of her kickbox classes. Clarke has refused on multiple occassions, but since several months of therapy, going out getting blatantly drunk and fucking random strangers hasn’t exactly helped, she reluctantly decides to give in.
Raven’s instructor is… intriguing.
Trigger warning: depression is a fucking dungeon, isn’t it? The story is going to take off lightly, but please mind the tags. It’s going to be a heady mix of humor, fluff(, smut) and pret-ty heavy shit. Consider yourselves warned, and please, take care of yourselves.
Touch or Carry by paint_the_brain [Mature] (Ongoing- 42,671 Words) {29 Chapters} ***
An Olympic Beach Volleyball AU
The shots we didn’t take by TheFrenchWriter [Mature] (Ongoing- 51,577 Words) {9/25 Chapters} ****
It’s been ten years since the Arkadia Strikers have hoisted the Jaha Cup. Clarke Griffin knew it when she was drafted, kept it in mind as she ascended to the starting goalie position and used it to fuel her will as a key player of the team, supporting her teammates until the second round of the playoffs last season, where they faced a grueling loss to the TonDC Shockwave after only five games. The team is now in desperate need of a player that will light a spark in the offensive line, a player that will restore the long-lost identity of the team and prove that it still deserves the famous nickname “power strikers”. Alexandria Woods, first line center and hockey extraordinaire, might be just the player. The twist: anyone who has seen her play knows that Lexa Woods has an ego bigger than her head and a superstar, cocky attitude that, although did well with her previous team, has brought her quite the reputation across the league.
holy ground. by lordvoldyfarts [Mature] (17,120 Words) {Oneshot} ***
Clarke comes back into the room, her face still red, but no longer looking angry. “One more time,” she says and Lexa doesn’t respond. She just gets into position. She stands in front of the mirror and Clarke comes up behind her. Her hands on her hips, similar to the way they had been that night, and Lexa feels the same rush of attraction flow through her that she did then. She tries to push it down, to pretend it’s not there, but Clarke’s grip is tight and impossible to ignore. She feels her muscles tense. “Relax,” Clarke whispers in her ear and there’s a chill that goes down her spine. She’s surprised when she feels her shoulders loosen. “Don’t think so much, Lexa,” Clarke continues and Lexa takes a deep breath.
or the one where lexa is a principal dancer with the boston ballet who lives life with her eyes closed and clarke, a new dancer from anaheim, opens them. dancer!au.
Pas de Deux by onemilliongoldstars [Explicit] (Ongoing- 51,540 Words) {9 Chapters} ***
Lexa, the country’s most sought after young dancer, keeps away from the cameras, focussing on her art form. She is single minded in her determination to be the best, until a clumsy, out of place girl wanders into her dance class and shatters her perfectly ordered life with snarky remarks and sloppy insteps. Unfortunately, Clarke is not all she seems and everything she knows could come crumbling down around her thanks to hot hands guiding positions and lies whispered between cotton sheets.orBallet dancer Lexa meets young journalist Clarke Griffin and everything starts spinning faster.
black ribbons by CareyElizabeth [Mature] (Ongoing- 65,940 Words) {11/12 Chapters} [Part 1 of the Ongoing Series two’s company] ***
‘You hit me in the face. So not only am I the best choreographer in the world, you owe me. And I need you to chill out.’ Anya came to crouch beside Lexa and squeezed her shoulder bracingly. ‘You’re the best. We all know it. And if you dance like you’re scared all the time, you’ll lose that. You have a gift. Don’t screw it up, not now, not like this.’
(Lexa is a ballerina back from injury. Clarke is a fashion designer commissioned to do the costumes. Anya is a choreographer who thrives on awkward interactions.)
dance like nobody’s watching by Homosexy [Mature] (Ongoing- 20,441 Words) {5/10 Chapters} ***
Lexa stuffed her phone, ID and some money into her pockets. Gave her hair a quick ruffle and took a deep breath.
Lexa is a gymnast who's starting to get successful at the international level. The problem? She's also very, very gay. One day, the night after Worlds, shortly after her eighteenth birthday, Lexa decides to take a chance at going out to a club. And it all starts there.
Like an Open Wound by Tanagariel [Mature] (Ongoing- 97,825 Words) {15/25 Chapters} ***
Famous musician Clarke Griffin, known in the industry as Wanheda, is in the process of relaunching her career with a new image, to leave behind the negativity and bad press surrounding her. She’s going on tour very soon, so her manager decided to hire a team, to Clarke’s dismay, with the sole intent to keep Clarke safe from her extremely ravenous fanbase.Enter Lexa Woods, who has been tasked to watch over the very wild rock star. Finding a stubborn woman who was free-spirited had been nothing but a challenge for the disciplined security expert. Suffice to say that they were going to clash.Clarke and Lexa will spend the whole tour together and in the process learning that they aren’t so different after all. That maybe, they can find a common ground between being in the spotlight and the shadows, leaving both their hearts exposed, like an open wound.
oh, dear, you look so lost by Jax (jacquienicole105) [Mature] (Ongoing- 44,649 Words) {8 Chapters} ****
Clarke is running home to Boston from an abusive marriage and an unhappy life. Lexa is the first female in the MLB, out to break barriers and prove the sports world wrong. Neither are looking for a relationship but could a chance encounter change that? (TW: Mentions of domestic abuse) 
You’re The Only Love I Found (and I’m Hoping That You’ll Stay) by awkwardrainbow [Mature] (Ongoing- 215,139 Words) {13/14 Chapters} ****
Clarke is the “straight” pretty girl that Lexa ends up working with on the set of their new television show. Their characters are meant to play a long slow burn romance and because Clarke Griffin is not only straight, but also has never played a roll like this before, she seeks guidance from Lexa whom is an open lesbian. The brunette willingly takes the girl under her wing and they begin a fast moving friendship. What Clarke doesn’t realize is how easy she is to fall in love with, or how easy it is to fall in love with Lexa.
Commander In Chief by steklir (SilentStars) [Teen] (Complete- 26,430 Words) {4/4 Chapters} ***
Christmas, 2020:
United States President Lexa Woods has recently been re-elected for her second term, has three Nobel Peace Prizes under her belt, and a 97% public approval rating. None of this, in any way, prepares her for the pretty girl her sister brings home to the White House for Christmas.
Quality Ingredients by HurricaneJane [Mature] (Ongoing- 199,180 Words) {26 Chapters} *****
Executive Chef Lexa “The Commander” Woods is working in her latest establishment in her home town of Portland, Maine. She is about to start conceptualizing her next restaurant and only has one rule for herself during the process: No more girls. When an accident at the restaurant lands her in Dr. Clarke Griffin’s ER, she second guesses why she ever had that rule in the first place. Lexa’s head bartender, Lincoln, is obsessed with a divey restaurant on the other side of town run by Octavia. It doesn’t take long for the small town to get even smaller when Lexa starts running into Clarke everywhere. Maybe rules were meant to be broken.
Clexa Goes to Hollywood by ivywoman63 [Mature] (Complete- 113,797 Words) {21/21 Chapters} ***
Modern AU Clexa. Clarke is an Emmy winning actress starring in a cable scifi series, who’s fictional character just lost her lesbian love interest to an untimely death. Lexa is a landscaper by day fan fic/scifi writer by night. Fun, funny, bantering, lighthearted, Rom Com
Love Letters and Coffee Grounds by JLaw1105 [Mature] (Complete- 67,674 Words) {8/8 Chapters} ****
Lexa wasn’t sure what it was that drew her into the little coffee shop on the corner. Maybe it was because it was less than a block away from the front door of her new building. Maybe it was because it wasn’t a Starbucks or some other large chain coffee front that cared more about profit than the flavor of their beans. Maybe it was the warm air filled with the soft scent of coffee, chocolate and cinnamon. But likely, definitely, it was the defiant little corner of the store that loudly rebelled against the norm.It was early November and everything around Lexa was filled with red and greens or whites and blues. It screamed of Christmas and Hanukkah. Of buying gifts and consumer driven profit. But the back corner of the coffee shop was filled with oranges and reds and browns with a rather large sign written in an angry scrawl that said
“It’s not even Thanksgiving yet, assholes!”
There was just something about it that, to Lexa, felt poetically beautiful.
Player Two Has Entered the Game by billet_doux [Mature] (Complete- 86,015 Words) {15/15 Chapters} [Part of the ongoing Clexa YouTube AU series] ***
Alexandria Woods, an up and coming YouTube star, novelist, and public figure for LGBT+ rights, is watching her career skyrocket before her eyes. Clarke Griffin, a broke college student, is falling in love with the pretty girl behind the screen. OR; the one where Lexa is a dork who plays video games and vlogs for money, Clarke’s thirst has no chill, Bellamy is a protective brother bear, and Octavia Blake is the matchmaker sent from heaven for everyone but herself.
in love war and politics by centuriesofexistence [Mature] (Ongoing- 131,819 Words) {16 Chapters} ****
It’s the most watched Senate race around the country, and Clarke Griffin is running one hell of an underdog campaign against the favored Cage Wallace. But she has a secret weapon that might save the campaign–and a secret that might ruin it. And both are named Lexa Ward.
Floor It by smttnpegasus (butwhowouldbuythecupcakes) [Mature] (Complete- 53,261 Words) {20/20 Chapters} ***
 Lexa is a world class gymnast, or at least she used to be before she shockingly walked out before her floor performance at Worlds knocking Team USA completely out of medal contention. When she gets on the wrong side of the law she is forced back into a world she had run from for over a year.
The Blind Side of Love by lexawillrise [Mature] (Complete- 188,410 Words) {26/26 Chapters} *****
celeb/artist au aka Lexa is a famous actress who - using a fake name - emails Clarke after falling in love with one of her drawings, and accidentally befriends her. Only, Clarke has no idea who this ‘Alexandria Nicole’ really is. *This is a book-conversion originally written by Ingrid Díaz.*
easier to be by solinasolina [Unrated] (Complete- 149,220 Words) {24/24 Chapters} ***
Lexa Woods made history as the youngest secret service agent to be appointed to the president’s security detail. Alongside Special Agents Anya Carson, Lincoln Black and Gustus Hollows, their duty was to protect Madam President Abby Griffin on a day-to-day basis. Lexa was good at her job. She loved what she did – or at least she learned to. So when she’s reassigned to Clarke’s security detail you can understand her reservations. But she figures it’s just six weeks. Six weeks and things will go back to normal. or the president’s daughter au
Royal Viridian by ayokidd [Mature] (Ongoing- 87,824 Words) {8 Chapters} ***
Lexa is an Australian actress cast for her role of Alycia Taylor in the new LGTBQ series Royal Viridian.Clarke is the illustrator of the project and they’re in pre-production of the show. Indra, the art director of Heda Production Co. makes Clarke attend the preliminary read through, where she finds herself a little unprepared. Clarke is a confident woman who is sure of herself but that all falls to the wayside when Lexa causes her internal wiring to short circuit.
Exception to the Rule by CorvusCorvidae [Mature] (Ongoing- 23,622 Words) {5 Chapters} **
Lexa’s only been working at the White House a week, but already she’s found herself on Clarke Griffin’s radar; and now she’s on it, she’s not sure she wants off it.
Or, White House staffer meets President’s daughter
Imprint (I Was Made For Loving You) by Jude81 and Kendrene [Explicit] (Ongoing- 12,101 Words) {4 Chapters} ***
The one where after the betrayal at the Mountain Clarke has the mating bite removed and the link to Lexa severed. Things of course don’t go as planned.
Young Gods by N1ghtWr1ter [Explicit] (Complete- 233,284 Words) {33/33 Chapters} [Part of the ongoing Badlands series] ****
They will go to war tomorrow with fresh mating bites on their necks; tonight they find solace in each other’s arms, and in the knowledge that the only thing that can part them now is death.Everyone knows that Commander Lexa betrayed Wanheda and the Skaikru at the Mountain. Only she and Clarke know that she also abandoned her mate. Following the events of the Mountain, Clarke has disappeared into the wilderness, seeking what peace she can find in solitude. But war is brewing, and soon she will have no choice but to face her mate, and the consequences of their decisions before and after.
Above and Below by DaniJayNel [Mature] (Complete- 100,065 Words) {43/43 Chapters} ****
Clarke Griffin is known as the Slayer. When the Organization discover that the werewolves have an Alpha, and that they have traveled to the front-lines of Mount Weather, they are quick to send Clarke with a squad to assassinate it. Clarke is eager to claim more werewolf blood. But things don’t go according to plan, and Clarke realizes too late that the werecreatures had set a trap. The Alpha has revealed themself but for one reason only: to capture the human’s most formidable weapon, Clarke.
Monsters That We Hide by KM47044 [Mature] (Ongoing- 53,240 Words) {15 Chapters} ***
“I have a solution to your mating issue.”
“So I’ve gathered, but at what price?”
Lexa leans onto the table with her elbows. It reminds Clarke of that moment in a movie where the super villain makes a diabolical offer and the superhero has no choice but to agree. “Mate me instead.” ----
Or Lexa offers Clarke a deal, but making a deal with the devil always comes back to bite those in the ass. Lexa is known for losing control; for going feral when in wolf form. Clarke knows from experience that is something not to take lightly. But looking at Lexa… she has to be lesser of the two evils.
Of Wolves and Men by ur_the_puppy [Teen] (Ongoing- 149,603 Words) {6 Chapters} ****
All it can take is a single moment, a single second, and with it everything you've ever known can be destroyed. After being bitten three years ago, Clarke has had to adjust to a complete derailing of her life. Abandoning her dreams of becoming a doctor in fear of what she could do, she hides away in the small town of Polis with her best friend Raven. It's a humans only town. That is, until a girl is killed, and Clarke suddenly realises she's not the only werewolf that exists.
werewolf au where clarke has no idea the extent of what she is and lexa really shouldn't be falling for a mutt.
Don’t Walk on Ice (No Matter How Nice) by lecksa [Unrated] (Ongoing- 68,895 Words) {13 Chapters}** 
Clarke begins to question her decisions as she finds herself strolling across campus in the middle of the night. She just needed some space and time to clear her head. However, a brunette armed with an acoustic guitar and a contagious smile tops the list of things she never expected to find this evening. Now her mind is anything but clear.
She by the fooliam [Mature] (Complete- 65,983 Words) {8/8 Chapters} *****
Her roommate looks at her sometimes and Clarke is never sure if they’re going to kill or kiss each other.
When Clarke Griffin forgets to complete her sophomore year residency application, she returns to college to find that they’ve paired her with the last roommate she ever expected to get.
The Dewey Decimal System is Not That Hard by MusicLurv [Teen] (Ongoing- 226,258 Words) {57 Chapters} ***
Lexa was just doing her job, trying to write a book at the same time. Clarke was just trying to get through school and become a doctor. They had probably crossed paths hundreds of times. But two papers, a thesis proposal, and lab work brings them together.
Open Windows, Open Hearts by Sheisme [Mature] (Complete- 89,258 Words) {22/22 Chapters} [Part of the Open Windows series] ***
Clarke comes home after her sophomore year of college to find she has a new neighbor, Lexa. Her interest in Lexa begins to grow. What makes things worse is that Clarke realizes her bedroom window looks directly into Lexa’s bedroom window. Eventually Lexa realizes the same thing. After some initial embarrassment, they decide to have some fun with it. Maybe a little too much fun.
Where There Is A Flame by eternaleponine [Mature] (Complete- 429,777 Words)  {175/175 Chapters} [Part of the completed Where There Is A Flame series] *****
A modern/college AU for The 100, told in alternating chapters from Clarke and Lexa’s points of view.This is a slow build. VERY slow. But hey, at least they’ve finally met!n Updates on Sundays (Clarke) and Wednesdays (Lexa).Ratings, tags, and warnings subject to change as the story progresses. (TW: Non-consenual touching) 
Run On Gasoline by eskimpertush [Explicit] (Complete- 115,579 Words) {35/35 Chapters}  [Part of the Run On Gasoline series] *****
Clarke and Lexa did not meet under the best of circumstances. It also didn’t help that they’re both stubborn as hell and, given the chance, would never back down from a fight. But fate has a funny way of bringing people together. So they find themselves on the road, running away from their problems, hoping to get somewhere while heading nowhere in particular. Starts off as a sort of modern college AU but is really a road trip fic. Somewhat inspired by a novel called “Invisible Monsters” and a bunch of other random shit. This is a G!p Lexa fic because everybody is apparently doing one, and I happen to really like ‘em. (TW: Mentions of abuse) 
do you feel us falling? (cause i feel us falling) by babytobin_horse [Unrated] (Complete- 34,924 Words) {6/6 Chapters}  ****
Lexa looks down into her drink, attempting to hide a bashful smile. Her cheeks are slightly flushed and Clarke suddenly finds the whole sight helplessly endearing. How could this girl go from formal and proper and in control to shy and slightly reserved so quickly? Or: Clarke is pre-med and an artist while Lexa is somewhat of a college soccer superstar with a secret love for poetry (They’re both dumb and clueless, but they like each other anyway.)
Butterflies by Tabitha Craft [Mature] (Complete- 26,123 Words) {5/5 Chapters} ****
Clarke is constantly annoyed by Lexa Woods, the know-it-all who is always waving her hand in the air and correcting professors. Lexa is unimpressed with Clarke. They don’t like each other but somehow end up spending time together, and things change, progress, evolve. They’ll never be more than what they are because Lexa wants butterflies and Clarke doesn’t give her them. Clexa without instant attraction and unfathomable lust, with expectation versus reality. A different kind of love story.
Pristine by ToriWritesStories [Mature] (Complete- 92,843 Words) {28/28 Chapters} [Part of the completed Ameliorate series) ****
Clarke’s twenty-one, about to get her associates degree in art, and she and her friends just pitched their cash together to pay for an old, nearly abandoned warehouse to be their ultimate hangout zone. She’s comfortable with herself, pretty sure she’s more than a little gay, though not entirely, and ready for this next stage of her life. Lexa, on the other hand, is seventeen, starting her last year of high school and feeling not so comfortable with herself. She’s not sure if she likes boys, she’s not sure who she wants to be… Sure, she’s smart and her future is pretty set, but where’s the fun in that? When Lexa nearly hooks up with an older guy during what everyone seems to be calling her “rebellious phase”, she finds herself swept up in the life she’d rather be living, with a girl she’d very much like to be with. (Don’t worry fam, Lexa is gay AF)
Wanna Bet? by 100hearteyes [Mature] (Complete- 129,680 Words) {20/20 Chapters} ****
Lexa and Clarke don’t really fancy each other much. One of them is cold and rude, the other is sarcastic and imposing.Throw in a group assignment, two very different reactions to break-ups and Raven and Octavia’s terrible advice, and you got yourself a recipe for disaster. Or maybe something else entirely?
break your plans by pizzaoctavia [Mature] (Incomplete- 92,587 Words) {14 Chapters}  **
Clexa college!AU: in which Clarke grows tired of hearing Octavia and Lincoln’s escapades in the next room, so Lincoln offers her his apartment for study. He fails to mention his heavily tattooed hockey player roommate in the process.
bathroom stalls and late night calls by unicyclehippo [Unrated] (Complete- 63,072 Words) {29/29 Chapters}  [Part of the incomplete clexa texting au series]  ****
Clexa Texting au on tumblr
the business of caring by coldmackerel [Mature] (Complete- 71,956 Words) {15/15 Chapters} *****
a public service announcement: the campus police would like to politely remind all students, well-wishers, and supporters of the university during this time of serial vandalism that painting on buildings without permission is still illegal. this has not changed no matter how ‘cool’ you think it is. vandalism has never been nor will it ever be ‘radical’, ‘sick’, or any version thereof.
-supervisor lexa woods
More Women Than Warriors by steklir (SilentStars) [Mature] (Complete-172,201 Words) {26/26 Chapters} ******
The first time Clarke sees the Head Girl she’s sitting on a throne, presiding over her dominion with a piercing stare and a crown of braids in her hair. Her warriors are spread at her feet, a multitude of them, all long-haired and wild and clad in identical brown regalia. There’s something of the sacred about her, like the crimson cloak draped across her shoulders and her divinity are one and the same. Or at least it feels that way. British girls’ boarding school AU. Obviously. (Another must read) 
don’t wanna be your girl by faithtastic [Explicit] (Ongoing- 90,619 Words) {10/11 Chapters} ****
Lexa’s interning on a skin flick. She meets Clarke on set. Or: The adult movie AU/college AU no one asked for.
A Practiced Craft by StormFelt [Explicit] (Complete- 20,305 Words) {14/14 Chapters} ***
Set in a modern day alternate universe at Arkadia University, Dr. Lexa Woods, accomplished practiced lawyer, young up and coming head of the political science department seems to have her life together…until the new young art professor Clarke Griffin flips her world upside down.
Ending the (Prank) War by M_E_Scribbles [Mature] (Complete- 187,555 Words) {58/58 Chapters} **
The centuries old feud between the University of Polis and nearby Arkadia College has gone on long enough. When Clarke’s friends take the prank war too far she takes it upon herself to end it. She seeks out the illusive Heda, the president of the student body at Polis.
Before she has a chance to fully explain her side of things and propose an end to the pranks another nearby university takes aim at Arkadia, hoping to bring the school into its fold.
pills n potions (we’re overdosin’) by indragram [General Audiences] (Complete- 33,884 Words) {14/14 Chapters} ***
Clarke hates a lot of things, but most of all, she hates how she just had to be paired with such a stupid Ravenclaw know-it-all for every damn piece of work in this godforsaken dungeon.
The Magician’s Assistant by rhinomouse [Teen] (Complete- 107,653 Words) {26/26 Chapters} [Part of the ongoing Muggle Magic Tricks series] *****
Clarke Griffin was not going to let the fight against pureblood prejudice her Father believed in die with him. No she was about to pull a true muggle magic trick that the wizarding world won’t soon forget and like the best muggle magic the most interesting part is beneath the surface. Now you see it now you don’t. (First one does not introduce Lexa, second one does: VERY SLOW BURN)
the sky itself will carry me (back to you) by alyciaclebnam [Teen] (Complete- 38,798 Words) {7/7 Chapters} *****
“By the way, how does that work? You coming here when I call. Do you just… pop in and out of existence, or something?”
“It’s like a magical tether,” Lexa explains, ostensibly hesitant. “When you say my name, I feel a pull - right here, in my chest,” she says, drawing a circle around the skin over her heart. “Which is strange in itself, seeing as I no longer possess a beating heart. I can’t explain it, but I feel compelled to be wherever you are.”
“So it’s not just me,” Clarke says slowly, a hopeful expression taking over her previous frown. “There’s something more to you and I, isn’t there?” (or: Clarke is a seventh year student. Lexa is one of the Hogwarts ghosts. There’s a connection between them that Clarke doesn’t understand, but she is determined to figure it out.)
Those Icy Fingers Up and Down My Spine (That same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine) by DreamsAreMyWords [Mature] (Ongoing- 359,419 Words) {20/22 Chapters} *****
“Okay, well, the way I see it, you have two options. You can turn around and face the dragon again, or you can put on your big girl panties and go tell Blondie you’re in love with her. Your choice.” Lexa swallowed, wondering if the static crackling down her limbs and burning her fingertips was a lingering effect from riding the thestral or the feel of Clarke’s lips pressed to her own. She cleared her throat, staring back into Raven’s defiant gaze. “I think I will take the dragon,” she said firmly. Or: The Clexa Triwizard AU.
Spelling It Out by Geyranger [Mature] (Ongoing- 110,772 Words) {37/41 Chapters} ****
Clarke studied the twigs Lexa handed her for a second, holding them up to the light. Then she looked back up at Lexa. Earnest turned to mischief in her eyes.
“Thanks, Lexa. You’re a star.”
Then she disapparated with a loud bang, and Lexa was left staring into open air without a single twig. Or The HP AU where Clarke and Lexa are apprentices of competing wand makers, and are sent around the world to fetch materials for wand cores and somehow always manage to run into one another.
I wish I knew you before by toolateintheday [Mature] (Complete- 123,968 Words) {19/19 Chapters} *****
Clexa Hogwarts AU featuring all your favourite characters! Rated M for some language and possible sex in later chapters. Clarke is a Gryffindor and Lexa is a Slytherin, neither girl really likes the other but they are reluctantly thrown together in their fifth year at Hogwarts.
Forest green eyes pierced sky-blue ones and Clarke felt as though her stomach had dropped through the floor. If the braided hair and starch posture hadn’t given it away before now, those eyes were all the confirmation Clarke needed. Lexa Woods.
Princess of the Sky by fairytaleslayer [Teen] (Ongoing- 67,731 Words) {17 Chapters}  ****
The Riders disappeared over a century ago, and with them, their dragons. But Clarke is thrust into the middle of a political war she didn’t know existed when she comes across a strange blue stone in the middle of the forest and bonds with the first dragon to hatch in a hundred years.
After tragedy strikes, she’s bent on revenge, but even with her mission, Clarke can’t get the mysterious, imprisoned Elf woman she sees in her dreams out of her mind. Clarke knows everything depends on rescuing her, she just doesn’t know why. (TW: Mention of torture) 
do the stars gaze back by cassiniregio [Teen] (Complete- 36,721 Words) {5/5 Chapters}  [Part of the just a handful of stardust series] ***
If Lexa is to win the heart of her true love, she must bring back a fallen star. But she’s wholly unprepared for the star to be a beautiful girl named Clarke, or for the host of dangerous people out for star blood. In less than a day Clarke falls from the sky, gets run over by a pretty girl, almost gets her heart cut out and maybe gets accidentally kidnapped by pirates, and that’s just the start of her problems.
The Last Lyrian by TrikruCommander [Mature] (Ongoing- 48,747 Words) {19 Chapters} **
Lexa is the Last Lyrian, after her planet is destroyed.Clarke is the Hyadean entrusted with keeping Lexa safe.The problem is Lexa doesn’t know she’s not human, and she doesn’t know Clarke even exists.Can Clarke keep the girl she loves safe?
the tonic of wildness by KL_Morgan [General Audiences] (Complete- 4,103 Words) {Oneshot}  [Part of the incomplete the tonic of wildness series] *****
“Oh, I thought – because of the antlers –”
“Anuael is female.” Lexa lifts her hand and her daemon fits her head beneath it, carefully. Her fingers brush up against the velvety softness at each branch’s root, the sensitive spot where the antlers curl out of Anuael’s skull up into a proud six points. “The Commander’s daemon is always a hart.”
Silly Blue Costume by orphan_account [Teen] (Complete- 21,114 Words) {5/5 Chapters} ***
Clarke moves to Polis to work at the Daily Planet, a huge step up from the Ark Gazette. What she doesn’t expect is to fall for her partner, famous Investigative Reporter Lexa Woods, and to get caught up in a conspiracy involving one of the wealthiest citizens of Polis: the elusive Cage Wallace.
Mystic Coffee by blindwire [Mature] (Complete- 46,243 Words) {6/6 Chapters} *****
Lexa is 95% certain that the girl that comes into her coffee shop each morning is a witch. Whether it’s the tattoos that she swears move when she sees them out of the corner of her eye or the way the girl’s hair changes color if she looks long enough (not that she’s staring), Lexa is positive something strange is going on.
Skylark by RunawayMarbles [Mature] (Complete- 115,948 Words) {28/28 Chapters} ***
“And they don’t have superpowers. They are semi-successful experiments. Your people will not take any action against Sky Crew without my order: their code names are bad enough. I will not have Polis turn into some Gotham-esque battleground. Dismissed.”
“Uh, actually, Metropolis had more superpowers—”
I Am Heda by Alexis_Payton [Mature] (Complete- 124,439 Words) {19/19 Chapters} *****
Clarke had expected to see many new and wonderful things on Earth. But nothing could’ve possibly prepared her for meeting the Heda of the Twelve Clans. A creature so powerful, so strange, so beautiful, that just the sight of her stole Clarke’s breath away.
My Soul Alight by AnonBeMe [Unrated] (Ongoing- 64,556 Words) {20 Chapters} **
“Am I in danger?” Clarke asks, feeling her heart in her throat.
“Not if you forget.” Lexa gives Clarke a greeting nod, a goodbye, before disappearing from the doorway.
The AU in which Clarke, a doctor, treats a strange patient one night, and soon finds herself caught in a web of unexplainable events. The word magic seems implausible, but Clarke doesn’t know what else to call it. All Clarke wants is answers, damn it, and to reverse whatever is happening to her, so she stubbornly seeks out the strange woman – a leader of a land beyond invisible borders – who insists that the less Clarke knows the better. Clarke, however, is relentless and it comes with a price…
You, the Ocean, and Me by billet_doux [Mature] (Ongoing- 32,931 Words) {4 Chapters} ***
Clarke Griffin is dealing with the repercussions of the accident that took her father’s life. Octavia Blake is trying to find where in the world she fits in. Raven Reyes is trying to win the heart of an older woman. Lexa Woods is trying to help her friends when a mysterious event changes their lives forever.
Three girls, all in the wrong (right) place at the wrong (right) time, are bound together with a shared secret. They can only rely on one girl, an aspiring scientist, to help them figure out what has happened to them–and possibly find a way to turn them back.
Cobweb Hearts by DreamsAreMyWords [Mature] (Complete- 23,330 Words) {7/7 Chapters} ***
Lexa is a grumpy vampire, and Clarke's a mischievous fairy who loves getting under her skin. They're forced to become roommates for a month and they expect it's only going to end in fucking each other, killing each other, or both. They certainly don't expect to fall in love.
Hold Me Till the Stars Dim by ur_the_puppy [Teen] (Complete- 86,420 Words) {4/4 Chapters} [part of the ongoing Fallen series] ***
After Costia's tragic death, Lexa Woods still hasn't recovered. It has been months now, and though her friend's have let Lexa do what she wants for most of that time, they can't let her ignore them any more. The answer? A camping trip. And though seemingly innocent, things go bad. Violently bad. Fast.
a slightly different take on grounder clarke
home is wherever i'm with you by merricats_sugarbowl [Teen] (Complete- 65,737 Words) {19/19 Chapters} ***
It’s one thing to know that humans are adaptable. It’s another to see it happen, or to have it happen to you.
The thing is, when the dead rise from their graves, you get pretty damn good at adapting.
It's been months since the dead rose from their graves and society went to hell, and it's finally starting to take its toll on Clarke. When a radio broadcast reveals that there's safety at Mount Weather, she and her group immediately fix on it as the next step in their plan for survival.
Meanwhile, Lexa's carved out a good life for herself and her group at Camp Polis, but their safety is threatened by a rival group that constantly steals their supplies. Bringing Nia and her people to justice is Lexa's number one priority; that, and the ever-growing number of missing people who've sought help at Mount Weather and failed to return.
When Clarke and Lexa meet by chance, everything changes.
Atlantis by coeurastronaute [Mature] (Ongoing- 10,832 Words) {3 Chapters} ***
Lexa is the heir to the throne of Atlantis, forced to live her life by her father's rules. All of that changes when she finally has contact with land.
frostbite (and heartsickness) by hedahawkeye [Mature] (Ongoing- 40,626 Words) {17 Chapters} ****
The first time Clarke sees Lexa after she surrenders to SHIELD, she realizes that she can't distinctly remember Lexa before the war. Lexa before HYDRA, Lexa before Tsing, Lexa before injections and torture and hurt. The girl she knew in Washington, with scraped knees and bird-like limbs, with a grin on her face and a kid sister on her hip, blends in with recollections tainted by blood and ashes, by a soldier falling to her death and a berserker throwing a fist at her head.
[Winter Soldier AU]
Legends by aos_skimmons [Teen] (Complete- 63,546 Words) {5/5 Chapters} ****
“Who’s that?” Clarke asked.Octavia glanced in Clarke’s line of sight. 
“That is Lexa Woods.”
“Is she a daughter of Aphrodite too?”Octavia barked out a laugh and shook her head. Clarke felt her cheeks flush. 
“No. She’s a daughter of Athena.”
“Oh.” Clarke said, still blushing furiously.
“Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone about your crush on the devil.”A demi god au.
String Bracelets by rochke11 [Mature] (Complete- 36,013 Words) {13/13 Chapters}  ***
Growing up, Clarke, Lexa and Costia spent their summers as best friends at Camp Rothenberg, from when they were seven until they were fifteen. Now 19, Clarke and Lexa have returned to Camp Rothenberg as camp counselors, but it’s been three years since they last saw or spoke to each other. Both girls are haunted by the last summer they spent at camp together four years earlier and by the death of the girl who brought their trio together.Forced to spend the summer as counselors of rival cabins: The Grounders and Arkers, will Clarke and Lexa finally be able to reconcile, and will they finally forgive themselves and each other for what happened that summer four years earlier?
carousel of time. by vulpixgrrl [Unrated] (Complete- 21,745 Words) {4/4 Chapters} ***
they’ve hated each other every summer they can remember, rivals since first session. But they’re finally camp counselors and it’s a whole new battle field.
Cross-Rilvalry Romances - Summer Camp Style by ToriWritesStories [Mature] (Complete- 73,704 Words) {24/24 Chapters}  ***
Clarke Griffin, Octavia and Bellamy Blake, Raven Reyes, Lexa Woods and many others are all at Camp Unite - a supposedly better-than-average summer camp where kids from different extra curriculars and interests all come together and… do summer camp stuff? Nevertheless, they’re there. The twist? None of them know each other, and turns out, this camp that’s all about uniting and forming a better community is pretty divided. Pretty easy to get caught up in divisions that have been around for years - until a certain couple of people start forming crushes that cross the line of division. Mostly a Clexa fic, with some lovely little secondary character romances popping up as well.
Almost Three by fairytaleslayer [Teen] (Complete- 23,797 Words) {6/6 Chapters} ***
People age until they’re eighteen, and are then frozen in time until they meet their soul mate. After that, they grow old together. Plain and simple. That’s the deal. Only, in Clarke’s case, the universe doesn’t seem to have gotten the memo. Or Waiting over a century for your soul mate really fucking sucks.
Pinch Me by LeNoLifeLoser [Unrated] (Ongoing- 59,552 Words) {19 Chapters} ***
Abby inspected the girl, but nothing was there. No irritation, no bumps or bruises, there was no reason for pain. “Does it feel like you got hit?” Clarke nodded, letting out a whimper. Abby sighed, but then Clarke let out another yelp, hands flying to her cheek as tears streamed down anew. Then Abby understood. “That’s your soulmate.” She cooed, pulling her daughter into a hug. “Soulmate?” Wells piped up from beside her. Abby nodded, setting down again and letting Clarke curl into her lap. Wells hopped up beside them and turned to her expectantly. “You see, every person has someone very special out there in the world. This person is the person you’re meant for. They can be your best friend or your spouse or anyone, really. But there’s a connection between you and your special person. Every ounce of pain you feel, your special person feels too, and vice versa. It seems Clarke’s soulmate is a little clumsy huh?” Abby tried to goad Clarke into laughing. But the little girl was focused very hard, eyebrows scrunched together and pouting adorably. She stared off into the distance, completely still, except for the occasional hiccup. “I wanna help them.” She whispered stubbornly.
Look. Don’t Touch (for this will destroy us) by Naojinxd [Mature] (Complete- 108,445 Words) {10/10 Chapters} **
Clarke Griffin has held a secret for her entire life: whenever she looks at her reflection she doesn’t see her blonde, wavy hair or her deep blue eyes. She stares at a woman with long chestnut hair and cold, piercing green eyes. She never knew what it meant when she saw this woman looking back at her, until one day the woman in the mirror steps into her life and everything changes.
Or in a world where your reflection does not show you but your soulmate.
Your Heart On My Sleeve by aredpen [General Audiences] (Ongoing- 34,756 Words) {9 Chapters} ***
Carefully, Clarke managed an only slightly shaky 'C’, seeing the color settle brightly against her pale skin, before the teacher was calling for the class to put away the coloring supplies and Clarke quickly hid her wrist and looked up guiltily. No one said anything, though, and Clarke shoved the markers in the bin before holding her wrist gently against her stomach.
She tried not to look at everyone else’s wrists for the rest of the day. Tried not to see that no one had any green there. Not even the next day, or two days later, until finally she forgot to keep her wrist out of the water when she was washing and it faded away, just like the idea that her soulmate could be here somewhere.
Soulmates are rare. Even more so now that ink is being rationed on the Ark and permanent identifying tattoos are no longer allowed. Distance has never been an obstacle before, though. Not even between the ground and the sky.
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aberooski · 1 year
I was messing around and got a little carried away making some silly little collages for a couple fics just kinda for fun but then I thought they actually came out kinda decent 😅
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aberooski · 1 year
Guys I have never once drawn Camula in my life and LOOK AT HER !!!! 😭😭😭😭
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If this is any indication I think the Sustained by Hate panels I'm doing are gonna be GOOOOOOD AKSKSKKSKSK
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aberooski · 1 year
I want to try and do more art of some description for my fics, it's so fun to do but I can't decide between a couple of them. Most of the ones I wanna draw for I've already done at least 1 thing for and apart from my current wips they were all ygo big bang fics so there's pieces out there for them drawn by other artists for the event so the real question is.....
Or course when I say "artless" I mean I haven't personally drawn anything for it, SBH was a bb fic
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aberooski · 7 months
Y'all are gonna get Sons of The Stars (Abby's version)(from the vault) like this week at this rate aksksks
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aberooski · 1 year
I both love and despise Camula and the respect I have for her for making me feel that way about her is unmeasured.
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aberooski · 1 year
I've got another show tonight I have to get ready for soon so I sadly won't be able to finish the SBH panels today.
So look forward to seeing those most likely tomorrow 😉
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aberooski · 1 year
The fact that the Sustained by Hate panels I'm doing are gonna come out during pride month and there's a certain implication in the scene I'm doing is so iconic
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aberooski · 1 year
Made TONS of progress on the SBH panels I'm doing today! 1st page is entirely done, might readjust the location of some text boxes a little bit but maybe not we'll see. I also broke the rest of the segment of the scene I'm doing into what should be pages 2 and 3 so I can start working on those. Really happy with what I've done so far and I'm excited to do the rest and get finished so y'all can see what my brain has cooked up! Thanks again to everyone who voted on the poll, this has been so so so fun !!!
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aberooski · 1 year
So when it comes to my specifically stormshipping or just stormshipping heavy fics I've noticed something.
Sustained by Hate contains a not at all subtle Little Mermaid reference as a major plot thread, I did Once Upon A Duelist, I have Chazzerella in the works...
......add Chazz Princeton and the Seven Duelists to my list of wips......
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