#suzie mirage
suzylind · 1 year
I saw ur art reqs!! Back here requesting either Misfire or Mirage [ROTB] 🥰 (I saved your last Misfire drawing, I seriously can’t get over how cute it is!)
Well thank you for returning and glad you liked him. As for this one, since I've already done Misfire, I thought I'd pick up Mirage this time!
Have a WINK~⭐
[I still haven't seen ROTB... :'D]
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transk0vsky · 5 months
I love imagining my different s/is interacting with eachother because oh that’d be so funnn!
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coolheadofficial · 4 months
Once you've learned to correctly pronounce every word in this poem, you will be speaking English better than 90% of the native English speakers in the world
Dearest creature in creation, Study English pronunciation. I will teach you in my verse Sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and worse. I will keep you, Suzy, busy, Make your head with heat grow dizzy. Tear in eye, your dress will tear. So shall I! Oh hear my prayer.
Just compare heart, beard, and heard, Dies and diet, lord and word, Sword and sward, retain and Britain. (Mind the latter, how it's written.) Now I surely will not plague you With such words as plaque and ague. But be careful how you speak: Say break and steak, but bleak and streak; Cloven, oven, how and low, Script, receipt, show, poem, and toe.
Hear me say, devoid of trickery, Daughter, laughter, and Terpsichore, Typhoid, measles, topsails, aisles, Exiles, similes, and reviles; Scholar, vicar, and cigar, Solar, mica, war and far; One, anemone, Balmoral, Kitchen, lichen, laundry, laurel; Gertrude, German, wind and mind, Scene, Melpomene, mankind.
Billet does not rhyme with ballet, Bouquet, wallet, mallet, chalet. Blood and flood are not like food, Nor is mould like should and would. Viscous, viscount, load and broad, Toward, to forward, to reward. And your pronunciation's OK When you correctly say croquet, Rounded, wounded, grieve and sieve, Friend and fiend, alive and live.
Ivy, privy, famous; clamour And enamour rhyme with hammer. River, rival, tomb, bomb, comb, Doll and roll and some and home. Stranger does not rhyme with anger, Neither does devour with clangour. Souls but foul, haunt but aunt, Font, front, wont, want, grand, and grant, Shoes, goes, does. Now first say finger, And then singer, ginger, linger, Real, zeal, mauve, gauze, gouge and gauge, Marriage, foliage, mirage, and age.
Query does not rhyme with very, Nor does fury sound like bury. Dost, lost, post and doth, cloth, loth. Job, nob, bosom, transom, oath. Though the differences seem little, We say actual but victual. Refer does not rhyme with deafer. Foeffer does, and zephyr, heifer. Mint, pint, senate and sedate; Dull, bull, and George ate late. Scenic, Arabic, Pacific, Science, conscience, scientific.
Liberty, library, heave and heaven, Rachel, ache, moustache, eleven. We say hallowed, but allowed, People, leopard, towed, but vowed. Mark the differences, moreover, Between mover, cover, clover; Leeches, breeches, wise, precise, Chalice, but police and lice; Camel, constable, unstable, Principle, disciple, label.
Petal, panel, and canal, Wait, surprise, plait, promise, pal. Worm and storm, chaise, chaos, chair, Senator, spectator, mayor. Tour, but our and succour, four. Gas, alas, and Arkansas. Sea, idea, Korea, area, Psalm, Maria, but malaria. Youth, south, southern, cleanse and clean. Doctrine, turpentine, marine.
Compare alien with Italian, Dandelion and battalion. Sally with ally, yea, ye, Eye, I, ay, aye, whey, and key. Say aver, but ever, fever, Neither, leisure, skein, deceiver. Heron, granary, canary. Crevice and device and aerie.
Face, but preface, not efface. Phlegm, phlegmatic, ass, glass, bass. Large, but target, gin, give, verging, Ought, out, joust and scour, scourging. Ear, but earn and wear and tear Do not rhyme with here but ere. Seven is right, but so is even, Hyphen, roughen, nephew Stephen, Monkey, donkey, Turk and jerk, Ask, grasp, wasp, and cork and work.
Pronunciation -- think of Psyche! Is a paling stout and spikey? Won't it make you lose your wits, Writing groats and saying grits? It's a dark abyss or tunnel: Strewn with stones, stowed, solace, gunwale, Islington and Isle of Wight, Housewife, verdict and indict.
Finally, which rhymes with enough -- Though, through, plough, or dough, or cough? Hiccough has the sound of cup. My advice is to give up!!!
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oldestenemy · 8 months
Digging through tombs never stops feeling completely wrong.
It felt wrong on Krokotopia and Avalon, felt horrible in Dragonspyre and Azteca.
It still feels just as bad in Mirage.
They are used to undead and ghosts and old bones.
But not usually ones this…
“Yes! You! With the skin and robes and whatnot. Do you have a minute?”
They suppose, in the grand scheme of things, they should not be surprised. One oddity after another. But a talking skull—a talking skull with no body and no will to move and no…no monster? attached? Is a tiny bit out of the wizard’s realm of ordinary. So they agree to acquire the crystal for him, even if they doubt he’s really the key to defeating Xerxes.
They even oblige him and shove the damn thing with a horrid crack! into his empty eye socket.
And Ozzy the skull shoots out of his sarcophagus so fast that it makes them bolt backwards, one hand on their spell cards and the other reaching for a sword.
“Woah! You are jumpy aren’t you—have you done this before? Am I not the first magic flying skull you’ve ever helped break out of a tomb? Because honestly, that would be impressive.” When they show no sign of backing down he sort of drops a foot or so, hovering around eye level with them. “Do you really think I’m going to attack you? After you just did me a humongous favor? No! Lets go kick Overlord Xerxes back into the sand!”
Unsurprisingly, the bodyless brainless bonehead is a bit of a coward.
The wizard doesn’t mind, he’s an entertaining coward at least.
His narration of everything he knows—or used to know—about Mirage is a welcome distraction, even if it’s clear he’s not telling the whole story most of the time. That’s alright. Let Ozzy have his secrets. He’s very clearly harmless.
Not as much can be said for most of Mirage’s inhabitants, where everything from the flora to the very sand they walk upon seems to want them dead.
“Are you going to tell me what happened yet?” Suzie asks as she stares down the vision that is becoming somewhat commonplace—Duncan, looking more and more haggard as time passes, refusing to sleep, barely eating, sending papers scattering across the house that is technically Suzie and Artur’s but may as well just be his at this point.
“I’ll tell them you’re here.”
Duncan groans, dropping his head to the table. “Suzie—I am trusting you not to get me killed—”
“—and I am asking for you to give me the bare minimum amount of information to trust you right back, used to be you wouldn’t shut up about what you were doing but—”
“—so I grew up and learned to shut my damn mouth—shouldn’t you be happy about that.”
“Maybe if you didn’t keep saying this is a matter of life or death!” she snaps back “For all everyone else knows you’ve been missing the better part of a year, not just all of us in Dragonspyre but the wizard has had the whole of Ravenwood and the city guard looking for you since you vanished—”
“—right, which is why I’m hiding out in your house like a fugitive, because everyone and their firecat is on the lookout for me.”
Duncan had shown up two weeks ago, angry and withdrawn and demanding—well, more like begging—Suzie let him hide out in her family home on Triton Avenue. There wasn’t any danger of discovery there, she and Artur had been the only Gryphonbanes left in Wizard City since childhood, and Artur was currently (and possibly eternally) too enamored with caring for the battledrakes to cause any potential problems. Which was a relief, as Artur might be more quick to tell people—he and Duncan has always been on…more delicate terms.
Which Suzie couldn’t blame him for.
Duncan was abrasive at best, downright condescending and mean at worst.
Suzie was just better at meeting him on the same level.
Speaking of which.
“If you don’t start talking I’m going to at least go get Marla.” Suzie tells him, though it's an empty threat.  “All the Necromancers have been especially worried about you—I’m guessing because of what happened while you were all in Darkmoor—” Duncan lifts his head enough to glare at her. “—yeah yeah, pretend you hate me, I’m still the only one you trusted enough to keep you hidden.”
She finally sits down across from him at the table, mirroring his crossed arms and resting her chin on them. “Is this what Penny and Malorn feel like when they try to get the Wizard to talk to them?”
The look that gets her is so intense she thinks there ought to be some sort of energy discharge accompanying it. It’s not even fully angry. There’s a bitterness in it, a jealousy she wouldn’t recognize if she didn’t know him so well.
“That’s what this is, isn’t it?” She continues, “You got wrapped up in something like they do—”
“—I’m nothing like the wizard.”
“I didn’t say you were.” He is though, Suzie thinks. Whether he wants to believe it or not.
Silence falls again, longer now. Just the pair staring at one another.
Eventually she has to leave. She’s been fully leaning into the whole duelmaster thing at the academy and they’ve started hosting little tournaments among the Ravenwood graduates—there’s supposed to be one this afternoon. Part of her wants to call it off, or hand the reigns to Regina for today, she wants to sit here and pry until Duncan finally admits to whatever he’s done.
But there isn’t any point.
Not yet.
He isn’t ready.
She’ll come back tomorrow.
It’s as she’s just started to draw the recall sigil that he speaks again.
“You can tell them I’m safe,” It’s hesitant, and frustrated, like he’s trying not to say exactly what he’s saying. “just not where I am.”
It’s a little progress.
It’s enough.
She’ll sit on it for a bit, try to work out how to tell the others without inviting a flood of questions she cannot answer. The necromancers first, they deserve it most of all. She’s seen all three of them dipping in and out of the Myth classroom when their returns to Wizard City overlap, asking if Cyrus Drake has any news—normally she would think he’d hate that kind of interruption, but Duncan isn’t the only one who came back from Darkmoor different.
When Suzie comes back the following day, she finally finds Duncan asleep.
Read the whole series here <3
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Read a full article yet not one mention on whether minty will be bunking w kniesy in JT's basement or if one of the A's will take up billet parenting. Cmon reporters, theres enough of u in tor-- the important stuff. Will mitchy or mo or *gasp auston take up the suzy homemaker routine a la sid?? Get to it
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The leafie 3rd & 4th lines details/speculations
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Just that almost could've been mention of cowboy.. *hand slowly reaching out towards a mirage🥺 light it up in London sweets
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Picture You || Suzy Color Theory Exercise
18+ under the cut. Please read with advisory or scroll by....
It was a late night, the Summer cicadas were in full symphony. The crickets playing their violin legs to give the other a beautiful background melody to blend with.
Suzy was restless. Her heart heavy. It had been heavy, this was no different. But the night felt heavier. Perhaps it was the break of the hot weather after the night sky slowly took flight on the clouds and across the horizon. Or the fact that everyone was chirping about their fun Summer, now that it was nearly over. All the memories they made, the excitement of sharing sneaky kisses with strangers at parties, strip teases splashed with alcohol, shattered glass on dewy grass after the intensity of a conversation. Not all of them were particularly positive, but they all were exciting.
She sighed, turning on her side in her bed, staring at the stupid washed out, grey-blue walls, that definitely had a yellow undertone from just old air. She groaned, closing her eyes, wishing for sweet sleep.
Still she tossed. Still she turned. She stretched. She curled. She crumbled into the fetal position. She splayed on her tummy. She went back to her back, staring at the ceiling.
The fan spinning shadows in the low light of her purple fairy lights.
She bit her lip, looking at the time... The clock reading 2:30am.
She rolled her eyes, taking in a sharp breath and letting it out with a groan.
She closed her eyes, still chewing on her bottom bud.
Her hands going from the bedsheets beneath her to her belly. 
She traced tiny little circles on her hip bones, delicate and intentional.
Her fingers danced around the elastic waistband of her pajama pants, a soft sigh slipping from her now, as her imagination started to create shapes in front of her third eye. It starts with a soft pastel pink, white noise creating a face that could only make her heart skip as if it was the first time.
Her brows crinkle as she sighs, he gives her a coy smile and looks down. His perfect chocolate stare adverting to the ground of this daydream.
The Suzy in her mirage reaches out for his face, cupping his cheek, grazing her fingers through his facial hair, as she thumbs up and down against his jaw.
The Suzy in real life's hand slowly travels south under the fabric it had hesitated to waltz past only moments ago.
He moves into her, against her body, pressing so close to her. She sighs, and he moves in, just holding her delicately, looking at her with such adoration. She gives a needy stare, face crumbling in awe, in want, in need... in love.
He moves to her lips, kissing her softly, surely, slowly.
The pink becomes a little more saturated, a Bubblegum like hue lighting them, kissing the highlights of their skin.
Opening her legs a bit, she whisps as she begins to tease herself.
He sighs against her mouth before moving from her. She gives a whimper, a pout - in her daydream, in real life as well.
He raises a brow, slick, sly, taunting, matched with an intoxicating smirk. Then he moves so slowly to her neck, not quite making contact with her flesh, just hovering.
But she can feel the heat of his breath prickling goosebumps over the crook, spreading to her collarbone, and beginning to leave tiny glistening sweat beads. 
She like the Suzy in real life, she lets out a moan. The pink becoming a pretty Flamingo tone.
Her pace becomes sure and steady.
His lips finally graze against her, not quite kissing her nipping, just brushing over her, teasing her.
Her back arching up, as if it would pull the invisible him closer... closer in her imagination, in her reality.
She gives a rasp.
He finally gives her what she wants, his lips sure, attaching to the inner corner of her. His lips kiss first, then his tongue comes into play, lapping a little, then his teeth nip.
She lets out a sharp gasp. 
The pink they're surrounded by, going a rouge-blush. 
She groans, the feeling starting to bubble a fire in her belly, becoming more intense as she works herself.
"I love you so much, Suzy." she says, moving back from her neck, just staring into her eyes. His own face now flush, a hot pink.
With that their surroundings begin to match his warm cheeks, igniting the whole room in a spark.
She let's out a loud groan, her eyes fluttering beneath their closed lids. Her heartrate quickens. Bursts of pinks light her third eye, his smile stays there, so sure, so true. It's like galaxies of pinks, gradients of  all it's tones, it's saturated and muted shades, twinkling, blinding.
She rides the wave out, but as the reality of normalness begins to roll over her body again, like a blanket. He begins to fade. He's there, imprinted, but fuzzy, nearly gone. Her heart sinks, watching him disappear again.
She blinks her eyes back open.
Returning to her dull grey-blue, yellow tinted bedroom walls.
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thelatekuijames · 1 year
open to all!! when: the afternoon before the Dance-a-Thon where: Blush Boutique, Celestial Hills
The first thing they’d done when they got Blush back was change the loft-like second floor back the way it should be. It wasn't storage, it wasn't overflow, it was a studio. An atelier, sorta, but part of the store as well. It all worked together, see? They'd told this to their new staff, feeling dangerously proprietary about it. A sturdy desk sat out in the open, sewing machine, shears and tapes carefully perched on top. Three full length mirrors placed just so, to make multiple angles visible at once, a cluster of half-dressed mannequins. Brightly stencilled paper screens blocked them from view of the shop as they worked, but they could still peek down to keep an eye on things. It was the closest thing to a comfort zone that they could find—contained and simultaneously open. Protected by the presence of others, and yet isolated from them.
Right this moment, the day before a big dance, they were deep in work mode. The chime of the door and the customers' footsteps down on the floor faded to soothing background noise, familiar in its own mild way. A jacket blooming with embroidered flowers was pinned on one mannequin, inspired by the festival that Kui had seen glimpses of on their quick errands. A second version of it floated directly in front of them, an illusory copy to test things out on. "Having trouble in the shoulders there, Suzie Q..." they murmured to the jacket mirage, frowning and lifting a seam half an inch to see if that helped.
And actually, Kui realized, so were they. With a sigh, they stretched their arms up and across the back of their neck, breaking loose of the hyper-focused state that consumed most of their days. They hummed, chanced a glance down at the various heads bobbing about the shop, and then got distracted when they saw someone—someone perfect for—
Kui's wings burst from their back, emerging without incident through the tailored gaps they left in all of their own clothes. They glided off the end of the balcony, directly towards a specific rack they knew had—there, yeah—and removed a garment on a hanger. They stepped up to their unwitting model. "Take this," they said breathlessly, and then paused and added, "Just, like, if you want. It'll look right on you." They felt heat rising in their cheeks. "On—on the house, just this one," and resisted the urge to fly back upstairs immediately.
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squidyyy23 · 2 years
tagged by @flamingbluepanda to share for ✨wip wednesday✨. so here's a little snippet from tomorrow's kinktober update. 🖤
“Alright. Open ‘em." He has to blink three times before he’s certain that the image in front of him isn’t some kind of mirage. But it’s not. His mouth drops open. He can feel the drool pooling under his tongue. He stares shamelessly. Speechless. Because damn, how can he be expected to form words right now? Leather harness straps criss-cross Mickey’s chest forming two triangular shapes that perfectly frame his pecs. His tattoo. The shiny black material a sharp contrast against Mickey’s pale skin. Letting his eyes trail downward, Ian gasps at the skimpy scrap of black lace hugging Mickey’s crotch, held on by two tiny strings around his hips and holy shit, “Is that… Is that a thong?
greedy little hands tagging any buds who want to share: @gallawitchxx @arrowflier @abundanceofnots @celestialmickey @mishervellous @metalheadmickey @mmmichyyy @howlinchickhowl @thisdivorce @whatthebodygraspsnot @crossmydna @sunoficarus @suchagallabitch @auds-and-evens @suzy-queued @xninetiestrendx
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tff500 · 7 months
Transformers X Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL AU Voice Cast
This is a Crossover AU between Transformers Yu-Gi-Oh ZEXAL, here is the Voice cast, it also serves as a Sequel Series to the Transformers: Zone Cartoon.Autobots Allied with Yuma:
Bumblebee (Michael Sinterniklaas)
Arcee (Lisa Ortiz)
Ligtfoot/Hot Shot (Wayne Grayson)
Rodimus (Jason Griffith)
Smokescreen (Sean Schemmel)
Autobots who appear to Battle the Eleven Decepticon Barian Emperors to free Yuma's Friends from Megatron's Control:
Dai Atlas (Robert Pattinson)
Star Saber (Steve Blum)
Victory Leo (Jason Griffith)
Prowl (Tom Wayland)
Landmine (Marc Thompson)
Silverbolt (Scott McNeil)
Sideswipe (Billy Bob Thompson)
Hound (Ted Lewis)
The Autobot revived by Ena to Free Yuma's friends from Megatron's Control
Optimus Prime (Peter Cullen)
Autobots Revived by the Numeron Code:
Brawn (Mike Pollock)
Red Alert (Sean Schemmel)
Huffer (Wallace Shaun)
Sixknight (Scott McNeil)
Prowl (Jason Griffith)
Windcharger (Mike Lauer)
Trailbreaker (Frank Welker)
Hoist (Michael Sinterniklaas)
Beachcomber (Darren Dunstan)
Wheeljack (Tom Kenny)
Mirage (Sam Riegel)
Ironhide (Peter Cullen)
Ratchet (Dan Green)
Eleven Decepticon Barian Emperors: (Note: this is my Idea what Happened to Yuma's Allies after their Souls were sent to the Barian World, Trey, Quattro and Quinton's Decepticon Barian names are after stars Polaris, Yildun and Pherkad from the Little Dipper, the Bronk, Roku, Dextra, Nistro, Nelson, Anna and Kaze's Decepticon Barian Names are after stars from the Ursa Minor and Orion Constellations.)
Megatron (Dan Green)
Trey/Polaris (Nicholas Corda)
Quattro/Yildun (Michael Smith)
Quinton/Pherkad (Jamal Najum Khan)
Bronk Stone/Epsilon (Sean Schemmel)
Roku/Alnilam (Mike Lauer)
Anna Kaboom/Denebola (Suzy Myers)
Dextra/Bellatrix (Eva Christensen)
Nistro/Alnitak (Jason Griffith)
Nelson Andrews/Saiph (Wayne Grayson)
Kaze/Rigel (Sean Schemmel)
As a bonus here are their Over-Hundred Number Cards
Number 108: Unicron Maximus (Megatron's Over-Hundred Number)
Number 109: Barian Atlandis (Trey's Over-Hundred Number)
Number 110: Infurnicus Puppet (Quattro's Over-Hundred Number)
Number 111: Fire Jetstorm (Quinton's Over-Hundred Number)
Number 112: Devastation Maximum (Bronk's Over-Hundred Number)
Number 113: Crimson Luster Vehicon (Roku's Over-Hundred Number)
Number 114: Astro Maximus (Anna's Over-Hundred Number)
Number 115: Predacons Papilloperative (Dextra's Over-Hundred Number)
Number 116: Decepticon Champion - Bruticus (Nistro's Over-Hundred Number)
Number 117: Terror Hawk (Nelson's Over-Hundred Number)
Number 118: Cyber Armor Ninja (Kaze's Over-Hundred Number)
Decepticons Loyal to the Eleven Decepticon Barian Emperors:
Scourge (David Willis)
Cyclonus (Don Brown; Voice of Armada Cyclonus)
Crumplezone (Marc Thompson)
Ransack (Billy Bob Thompson)
Decepticons Revived by the Eleven Decepticon Barian Emperors:
Barricade (Scott McNeil)
Shockwave (Dan Green)
Acid Storm (Scott McNeil)
Starscream (Sam Riegel)
Demolishor (Marc Thompson)
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girlsofcomics · 5 years
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-Real name: Suzie Young
-Publisher: DC Comics
-Type: Human
-Afilliations: COPS
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dommydraws · 5 years
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It’s @jelly-filled-zombie ‘s birthday! She’s pretty great!
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extravalgant · 3 years
do you have any duncan hcs perhaps!!!
I HAVENT WRITTEN ANYTHING ON DUNCAN (which is surprising because . i have a draft of the wizard and duncan having a chat) so i will see what i can do p:
— takes death magic and studies seriously - even after ambrose encouraged him to 'give life a try'. i feel like it would have made him much more stubborn in his school identity...
— not the type to care about what others think - blunt, to an extent. i think its why some people may find him to be a bit insufferable, but he seems like the type to 'tell it how it is'
— the type to help, but only to prove that death magic isnt as 'weak' as everyone says it is.
— HE SEEMS LIKE THE LONER TYPE BUT.... i do crave a suzie/artur/duncan friend group ;__; duncan and suzie debate back and fourth in good friendly fun... artur and duncan just hanging out...... he needs friends 🛐🛐
— if your wizard is also a necromancer he would feel a connection to you because 🤝 same school and the fact that the wizard also tasked with this huge quest was a necromancer.... school pride babey!!!
- of course during mirage this sort of gets a little... skewed. now hes doing this to prove something, and it starts with you.
— ALSO POTENTIAL FOR A LITTLE SCHOOL RIVALRY...?? idk i love a good academic rivalry... its especially good if one side treats it like a rivalry and the other is like "we have a rivalry???"
— team 'cats are better' and he WILL let you know
— an emo/goth through and through.... although i feel that's pretty obvious
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spicytunapotato · 2 years
Queen's practice
Dearest creature in creation,
Studying English pronunciation.
I will teach you in my verse
Sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and worse.
I will keep you, Suzy, busy,
Make your head with heat grow dizzy.
Tear in eye, your dress will tear.
So shall I! Oh hear my prayer.
Just compare heart, beard, and heard,
Dies and diet, lord and word,
Sword and sward, retain and Britain.
(Mind the latter, how it's written.)
Now I surely will not plague you
With such words as plaque and ague.
But be careful how you speak:
Say break and steak, but bleak and streak;
Cloven, oven, how and low,
Script, receipt, show, poem, and toe.
Hear me say, devoid of trickery,
Daughter, laughter, and Terpsichore,
Typhoid, measles, topsails, aisles,
Exiles, similes, and reviles;
Scholar, vicar, and cigar,
Solar, mica, war and far;
One, anemone, Balmoral,
Kitchen, lichen, laundry, laurel;
Gertrude, German, wind and mind,
Scene, Melpomene, mankind.
Billet does not rhyme with ballet,
Bouquet, wallet, mallet, chalet.
Blood and flood are not like food,
Nor is mould like should and would.
Viscous, viscount, load and broad,
Toward, to forward, to reward.
And your pronunciation's OK
When you correctly say croquet,
Rounded, wounded, grieve and sieve,
Friend and fiend, alive and live.
Ivy, privy, famous; clamour
And enamour rhymes with hammer.
River, rival, tomb, bomb, comb,
Doll and roll and some and home.
Stranger does not rhyme with anger,
Neither does devour with clangour.
Souls but foul, haunt but aunt,
Font, front, wont, want, grand, and grant,
Shoes, goes, does. Now first say finger,
And then singer, ginger, linger,
Real, zeal, mauve, gauze, gouge and gauge,
Marriage, foliage, mirage, and age.
Query does not rhyme with very,
Nor does fury sound like bury.
Dost, lost, post and doth, cloth, loth.
Job, nob, bosom, transom, oath.
Though the differences seem little,
We say actual but victual.
Refer does not rhyme with deafer.
Foeffer does, and zephyr, heifer.
Mint, pint, senate and sedate;
Dull, bull, and George ate late.
Scenic, Arabic, Pacific,
Science, conscience, scientific.
Liberty, library, heave and heaven,
Rachel, ache, moustache, eleven.
We say hallowed, but allowed,
People, leopard, towed, but vowed.
Mark the differences, moreover,
Between mover, cover, clover;
Leeches, breeches, wise, precise,
Chalice, but police and lice;
Camel, constable, unstable,
Principle, disciple, label.
Petal, panel, and canal,
Wait, surprise, plait, promise, pal.
Worm and storm, chaise, chaos, chair,
Senator, spectator, mayor.
Tour, but our and succour, four.
Gas, alas, and Arkansas.
Sea, idea, Korea, area,
Psalm, Maria, but malaria.
Youth, south, southern, cleanse and clean.
Doctrine, turpentine, marine.
Compare alien with Italian,
Dandelion with battalion.
Sally with ally, yea, ye,
Eye, I, ay, aye, whey, and key.
Say aver, but ever, fever,
Neither, leisure, skein, deceiver.
Heron, granary, canary.
Crevice and device and aerie.
Face, but preface, not efface.
Phlegm, phlegmatic, ass, glass, bass.
Large, but target, gin, give, verging,
Ought, out, joust and scour, scourging.
Ear, but earn and wear and tear
Do not rhyme with here but ere.
Seven is right, but so is even,
Hyphen, roughen, nephew Stephen,
Monkey, donkey, Turk and jerk,
Ask, grasp, wasp, and cork and work.
Pronunciation -- think of Psyche!
Is a paling stout and spikey?
Won't it make you lose your wits,
Writing groats and saying grits?
It's a dark abyss or tunnel:
Strewn with stones, stowed, solace, gunwale,
Islington and Isle of Wight,
Housewife, verdict and indict.
Finally, which rhymes with enough?
Though, through, plough, or dough, or cough?
Hiccough has the sound of cup.
My advice is give it up!
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oldestenemy · 8 months
a deviation in loyalties - part 1
The wizard cannot shake Eerkala’s words about what Old Cob is planning. What he has—at this point no doubt—already set in motion.
How many times can they be racing against the end of the spiral itself?
How many monsters crave to unmake the only thing holding their fragile existence together?
How much blood has to spill before it’s all over? Truly over.
They press their hand to Mirage’s spiral door, turning the key for Wizard City and despising that they have been called back in the midst of something that feels so much more important. They shouldn’t be doing this. Some part of them is growing slowly towards hating the council of light for being the reason they are still at Merle Ambrose’s beck and call. It isn’t that the Arcanum is much better but—
—well they’d take Ione over Ambrose at least a dozen times over.
At least she seemed to understand there was a level of urgency to their actions.
Still, they find themself standing again in that same office where they had first been sent off towards Unicorn Way. Much of what Ambrose says they already know, Malistaire’s journal has been their only real point of reference for the Schismists.
“I believe the initials to point towards young mister Grimwater—and I suspect this is why he has been missing since your return from Castle Darkmoor.”
The wizard thinks their heart actually stops for a second.
They stare at him.
“Duncan?” They say his name slowly, like they don’t understand.
Despite his involvement—though Ambrose doesn’t, can’t know about that—there just wasn’t any possibility for him to have been the one Malistaire was in contact with after Sylvia’s death. The idea was just… absurd.
“Yes, I’ve had Mellori looking for him and she managed to track him down only recently—I would like you to join her in confronting him, she is waiting for you in Olde Town.”
They blink.
Swallow the immediate bubbling font of questions that raise with this whole line of thinking.
How on earth could Ambrose think it had been Duncan—in the beginning? At that start? As a child?
But then…
He had used them as a child, hadn’t he?
Why shouldn’t he assume the Schismists would do the same.
“So you tracked Duncan down?”
“Well, I may have heard from assistant Professor Ashthorn that he spent a lot of time on Triton Avenue with the Gryphonbane siblings—and then he showed me the magic academy in Dragonspyre—which you promised to do—where I met Suzie—and she might have said something about letting a certain someone use her and her brother’s vacant house.”
Of course Suzie had done that. The wizard shakes their head and swallows an exasperated laugh. Because of course telling Duncan Grimwater to go into hiding had just resulted in him camping out in the Gryphonbane’s home.
So while they walk, Mellori fills them in on her studies.
“I wish I could have been part of the Myth school here—I was raised by a Myth scholar after all.”
“Nah, you don’t.” The wizard replies, “Cyrus would eat you alive.”
“I could handle it!”
“Within my first week here, he tried to get me expelled twice, sent me on a quest to find things that didn’t exist, made me do his laundry, and called me some variation of incompetent and stupid every chance he got.” They count these things off on their fingers, “Trust me, you don’t want to learn from Cyrus Drake, he’d break the bubbly right out of you and that would be a terrible shame.” They pause, looking over at Mellori and her crossed arms and indignance. “Besides, you read the book of secrets, it offered you Life magic instead.”
“Life is boring!” Mellori insists, rolling her eyes. “I had one little taste of adventuring with you in Polaris after a lifetime of being sheltered in the Tayg, and now I’m just—just supposed to sing songs and tend plants and heal people?”
“Give it a minute to grow on you.” they reply, a smile ghosting across their face.
“Oh shut up!” There’s no venom to the words, she’s halfway to laughing.
But they’ve made it to the Gryphonbane house by then.
The door is locked—but it’s been a very long time since a regular unenchanted locked door has posed anything resembling a problem for the wizard.
Duncan appears to have been expecting them.
They half wonder if Suzie warned him, or if he’d told her to let the information out.
“Wondered when you’d get here. Was ruining my chance of surviving the Spiral’s destruction not enough? Come to rub it in some more?” Ah. The full return of bravado and theatrics. At least he seemed less sour than they would have expected.
It’s better lit in here than it had been in Malistaire’s sanctum.
They can faintly see the scars he shares with them. Not nearly so deep, but Shadow had left its marks where it had run down his face in Darkmoor.
“Yeah right! Not before you got Malistaire to steal the Eye of History and pass it along to the schismists for you!” Mellori speaks before the wizard even has a chance to, gaze bright and sharp with interest as she stares Duncan down. “We’re on to you!”
“Mellori—” The wizard starts, fighting the urge to pinch the bridge of their nose. They like having her along, but she can’t just barrel through things without them. Especially if she’s going to take Ambrose’s ridiculous claim at face value.
Duncan laughs, “Wait, wait, you think I’m the schism agent? Ha! I wish! Like I said, you ruined my chance of ever joining their ranks properly. They barely wanted me in the first place.” To the wizard’s surprise, he doesn’t seem…entirely disappointed by this. “Don’t get the wrong idea, there’s no way I’m telling you who the real agent is either,” He locks eyes with them as he speaks though, expression more serious. “I’d never be able to show my face in Firecat Alley again. But—I didn’t say that. Got it?”
A now familiar spike of white hot rage accompanies those words.
“Gretta?” Low and dangerous, the realization that is dawning has the stars dancing across their tongue. The wizard grabs Duncan’s arm, pulling him toward them. “Get your armor. You’re coming with us.”
“Are you crazy? I’m not going! She’ll kill me for—for letting it slip! Why do you think I’ve been hiding out here?”
They do not look away, words coming out slow, even, level, measured. “No.” They tell him, releasing his arm “She really really won’t.” Breathe. Swallow the sourness of space and bottle that rage for the duel. Gretta Darkettle. From the start, from the beginning, from the moment they began—the one who had given Malistaire the means to awaken the titan had been sitting comfortably in her home. Hearing of their exploits, from neighbors, from merchants, from other students. Did she know even now that they would be coming for her?
Would she run?
…She won’t make it far.
“Wizard?” Mellori looks between them, “Do you know who we’re after?”
“Yes.” Single word in triplicate, swallow it, hold it for now.
“And you really think bringing him along is a good idea?” They don’t begrudge Mellori the apprehension where Duncan is concerned, but they nod regardless.
“I trust him.”
It’s hard to read the look Duncan is giving them when he returns, geared up and ready to go. There will be time for it later. There will be time for all of this, later.
They have to force themself not to run the whole way to Firecat Alley. They let Duncan lead. Directing them across from where Gretta’s house was, and revealing something that opened up into a cavern.
Where Gretta Darkkettle stands, awaiting their arrival with no trace of surprise.
Read the whole series here <3
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guiltiest-gear · 4 years
It has to be written and NO links
Real picky you know that anon
Jonathan Joestar, Dio Brando, Wang Chan, Robert E. O. Speedwagon, Will A. Zeppeli, Straizo, Erina Pendleton, Poco, George Joestar I, Tonpetty, Dire, Jack the Ripper, Tarkus, Bruford, Dario Brando, Joseph Joestar, Rudol von Stroheim, Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, Kars, Esidisi, Wamuu, Santana, Lisa Lisa, Suzi Q, Messina, Loggins, Erina Joestar, Smokey Brown, Donovan, Wired Beck, Mark, Mario Zeppeli, George Joestar II, Jotaro Kujo, Mohammed Avdol, Noriaki Kakyoin, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Iggy, DIO, Hol Horse, Enya the Hag (Enya Geil), Anne, Vanilla Ice, Nukesaku, Daniel J. D’Arby, Pet Shop, N’Doul, Mariah, Alessi, Oingo, Boingo, Anubis, Telence T. D’Arby, Kenny G., Gray Fly, Impostor Captain Tennille, Forever, Devo, Rubber Soul, J. Geil, Nena, ZZ, Steely Dan, Arabia Fats, Mannish Boy, Cameo, Midler, Chaka, Khan, Josuke Higashikata, Yoshikage Kira, Koichi Hirose, Okuyasu Nijimura, Rohan Kishibe, Hayato Kawajiri, Reimi Sugimoto, Shigechi Yangu, Mikitaka Hazekura, Yukako Yamagishi, Yuya Fungami, Tamami Kobayashi, Toshikazu Hazamada, Tonio Trussardi, Aya Tsuji, Tomoko Higashikata, Ryohei Higashikata, Shinobu Kawajiri, Ninjimura’s Father, Yoshihiro Kira, Tama, Keicho Nijimura, Akira Otoishi, Anjuro Karagiri, Ken Oyanagi, Terunosuke Miyamoto, Masazo Kinoto, Giorno Giovanna, Diavolo, Bruno Bucciarati, Leone Abbacchio, Guido Mista, Pannacotta Fugo, Narancia Ghirga, Trish Una, Risotto Nero, Formaggio, Illuso, Prosciutto, Pesci, Melone, Ghiaccio, Sorbet, Gelato, Coco Jumbo, Pericolo, Vinegar Doppio, Squalo, Tiziano, Carne, Cioccolata, Secco, Polpo, Mario Zucchero, Sale, Scolippi, Jolyne Cujoh, Enrico Pucci, Hermes Costello, Weather Report, Narciso Anasui, Foo Fighters, Gwess, Irene, Annakiss, Donatello Versus, Rikiel, Ungalo, The Green Baby, Johngalli A, Sports Maxx, Miuccia Miuller, Lang Rangler, Kenzou, D an G, Guccio, Viviano Westwood, Thunder McQueen, Romeo Jisso, Perla Pucci, Loccobarocco, Gloria Costello, Johnny Joestar, Funny Valentine, Diego Brando, Gyro Zeppeli, Steven Steel, Hot Pants, Mountain Tim, Wekapipo, Pocoloco, Norisuke Higashikata I, Blackmore, Mike O., Ringo Roadagain, Axl RO, Magent Megent, Dr. Ferdinand, D-I-S-C-O, Eleven Men, Pork Pie Hat Kid, Alternate Diego Brando, Sandman, Banjamin Boom Boom, Andre Boom Boom, L. A. Boom Boom, Mrs. Robinson, Oyecomova, Sugar Mountain, Scarlet Valentine, Jesus, Gregorio Zeppeli, George Joestar I, Nicholas Joestar, Diego Brano’s Mother, Marco, Josuke Higashikata, Yasuho Hirose, Rai Mamezuku, Tooru, Joshu Higashikata, Tsurugi Higashikata, Norisuke Higashikata IV, Daiya Higashikata, Hato Higashikata, Jobin Higashikata, Mitsuba Higashikata, Kaato Higashikata, Kyo Nijumura, Josefumi Kujo, Karera Sakunami, Holy Joestar-Kira, Tamaki Damo, Yotsuyu Yagiyama, Aisho Dainenjiyama, A. Phex Brothers, Dolomite, Urban Guerrilla, Doremifasolati Do, Poor Tim, Hair Clip Rock Animal, Wu Tomoki, Satoru Akefu, Ojiro Sasame, Suzuyo Hirose, Mioru Kaigamori, Kyoka Izumi, Nanase Kishibe, Rohan’s Grandma, Noguchi, Pierre, Gaucher, Ikkyu, Naoko Osata, Gunpei Kamafusa, Mutsukabezaka, Shuichi, Mai Katahira, Mao Katahira, Obanazawa, Tomoya, Yoma Hashimoto, Miki Hayamura, Mochizuki Family, Moon Rabbit, Virgina, Dolce, Masago Ayashi, Unicorn, Nizaemon Yamamura, Female Monk, Yamaoka, Interpreter, Leather Goods Artisan, Fria Giannini, Rocky, Yoshiki, Wanted Man, Confessional Man, Servant, Asian Man, Obese Man, Michal Absalom, The Scribe Ani, Takuma Hasumi, Chiho Futaba, Akari Hirai, Hanae Orikasa, Sheila E, Cannolo Murolo, Massimo Volpe, Vladimir Kocaqi, Vittorio Cataldi, Angelica Attanasio, Heaven Ascension DIO, Stand User, Old Man Stand User, Dija Maker, Ikuro Hashizawa, Sumire, and Walken
Star Platinum, Magician’s Red, Hermit Purple, Hierophant Green, Silver Chariot, The Fool, The World, Tower of Gray, Dark Blue Moon, Strength, Ebony Devil, Yellow Temperance, Hanged Man, Emperor, Empress, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, Lovers, Sun, Death Thirteen, Judgement, High Priestess, Geb, Khnum, Tohth, Anubis, Baset, Sethan, Osiris, Horus, Atum, Tenore Sax, Cream, Holy’s Stand, Joestar Stand, Crazy Diamond, The Hand, Echoes, Heaven’s Door, Love Deluxe, Harvest, Killer Queen, Sheer Heart Attack, Bites the Dust, Aqua Necklace, Bad Company, Red Hot Chili Pepper, The Lock, Surface, Pearl Jam, Achtung Baby, Ratt, Cinderella, Atom Heart Father, Boy II Man, Earth Wind and Fire, Highway Star, Stray Cat, Super Fly, Enigma, Cheap Trick, Nijimura’s Father’s Stand, Gold Experience, Sticky Fingers, Moody Blues, Sex Pistols, Aerosmith, Purple Haze, Spice Girl, Chariot Requiem, Gold Experience Requiem, King Crimson, Black Sabbath, Soft Machine, Kraft Work, Little Feet, Man in the Mirror, Mr. President, Beach Boy, The Grateful Dead, Baby Face, White Album, Clash, Talking Head, Notorious B.I.G., Metalica, Green Day, Oasis, Rolling Stones, Sorbet & Gelato’s Stands, Resource Worker’s Stand, Stone Free, Kiss, Burning Down the House, Foo Fighters, Diver Down, Weather Report, Whitesnake, C-Moon, Made in Heaven, Goo Goo Dolls, Manhattan Transder, Highway to Hell, Marilyn Manso, Jumpin’ Jack Flash, Limp Bizkit, Survivor, Planet Waves, Dragon’s Dream, Yo-Yo Ma, Green Green Grass of Home, Jail House Lock, Bohemian Rhapsody, Sky High, Under World, Boiling Water Stand, Emporio’s Mother’s Stand, Stand Collection, Tusk, Ball Breaker, Oh! Lonesome Me, Scary Monsters, Cream Starter, Ticket to Ride, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, D4C Love Train, In a Silent Way, Hey Ya!, Tomb of the Boom 1 2 3, Boku no Rhythm wo Kiitekure, Wired, Mandom, Catch the Rainbow, Sugar Mountain, Tatoo You!, Tubular Bells, 20th Century Boy, Civil War, Chocolate Disco, THE WORLD, Emerald Searcher’s Stand, Soft & Wet, Paisley Park, Nut King Call, Paper Moon King, King Nothing, Speed King, Fun Fun Fun, California King Bed, Born This Way, Les Feuilles, I Am a Rock, Doobie Wah!, Love Love Deluxe, Schott Key No. 1, Schott Key No. 2, Vitamin C, Walking Heart, Milagro Man, Blue Hawaii, Doggy Style, Brain Storm, Ozon Baby, Doctor Wu, Awaking III Leaves, Wonder of U, Kaato’s Stand, Dark Mirage, Satanic Coupler, Ptah, The Book, Memory of Jet, The Cure, Public Image Limited, Joy Division, Purple Haze Distortion, Voodoo Child, All Along Watchtower, Manic Depression, Rainy Day Dream Away, Dolly Dagger, Night Bird Flying, U-Boat, Grand Blue, NYPD Blue, Blue Thunder, The Passion, Cube House, Arro Cross House, Videodrome, The Iron Ladies, Stepmom, Rear Windo, Singing in the Rain, Stray Dog, Face/Off, Blob, Evil Dead, Twister, Fugo’s Stand, Doppio’s Stand, The World Ultimate, Ultimate D4C, U-Boat Ultimate, Whitesnake Utimate, C-Moon Ultimate Requiem, Made in Heaven Ultimate Requiem, Molting, Coulrophobia, Dream Manipulation, Wings, Dune, Dune Ultimate, The Trinity, Stand User’s Stand, Strange Relation, Charmy Green, Kaoru’s Stand, Love Note, Gigant Stomach, Gucci Bag Stand, Remote Distance, Berry Berry Skull, Assy the Horse, The World Over Heaven, JoJosapiens, and The Shelter
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angelatmidnight1 · 4 years
hey there, if you're taking prompts, you could write something with rampart? thnx!
Hi, I’m so sorry this story is late! I was writing this while I was teaching so I didn’t have a chance to finish it like I wanted to. Thanks so much @caatnip for helping me out of my writer’s block! I couldn’t have finished this story without you. This story is a bit longer than my other ones but I figured it was okay since I’m making up for lost time ^^;. I really hope you like it!
Quit Bustin’ My Chops!
Rampart is one of the newest Legends to join the Apex Games and finds herself on the same team as the handsomest bachelor around: Elliot ‘Mirage’ Witt. The trickster takes it upon himself to show the new recruit the ropes, seeing as he is the best Legend to participate in the games, after all. Ramya not only takes his advice right to the scrap heap, but flirts with him at every chance she gets, effectively throwing off his game. Mirage is a natural flirt himself and can knock most women off their feet, but isn’t used to getting the same treatment back so readily. Putting the trickster in a tizzy only adds fuel to the fire; Rampart is the new self-proclaimed Apex Legend in the games and rubs it in Elliot’s face. Being the Kill Leader and the Apex Champion is the icing on the cake. Elliot may have lost the limelight in that match, but there’s one arena where is an unrivaled Champion: making people laugh.
“Okay, so this is a supply bin. These have all sorts of goodies in them that’ll help keep you alive. Maybe you need some bullets, or one of those sweet, sweet Phoenix kits. Or maybe–”
“Pipe down, Suzy. I get it. We’ve only run into ten other ones just like it on our way over here! I’m sprouting grey hairs here, Witt. I’m itchin’ for a fight, not a scavenger hunt.” Rampart whined to her teammate, Mirage, who led her over to the eleventh supply bin as they scrounged through The Epicenter. Mirage tutted softly as he rapped his fist against the bin to open it.
“Not so fast, rookie. I can’t have you run into your first fight empty handed. That’d make me a terrible teacher!” The trickster chuckled, hooking his arm around the modder’s shoulders to bring her over to the supplies. Ramya pursed her lips and shrugged Elliot’s arm off her shoulders.
“It can’t be that hard, mate. I mean, you’re here, after all.” The modder snickered, her snickers turning into full blown laughter when he gaped at her. 
“Hey!” Mirage pouted, which only made Rampart laugh some more. “I am a professional in the Apex Games. In fact, I’m the best Legend you could be on a team with! Cause, ya know, I’m just perfect.” The trickster retorted with a smirk, taking the time to strike a pose with his wingman in hand. “I mean this hair, this face...these guns?” Mirage flexed his muscles and chuckled. “I mean, come on, you see it. Anyways, back to business.”
Mirage turned to the open supply bin and gestured to its contents. “So you have an R-99, right? This supply bin has an extended heavy mag, an extenEEEE—” 
Mirage suddenly felt two hands squeeze his sides, making him jerk forward. He lurched away from the hands and spun around to face a grinning Rampart. “What was that for?”
“I’m getting antsy, Witt. All this talk without shooting any plonkers can really cramp up the hands,” Ramya answered slyly as she reached for his sides again. “I guess I’m lucky to have such a handsome lad nearby to squeeze~.”
Mirage sputtered and choked back a laugh, batting her hands away. “Hey, hey, easy! At least take me to dinner first.” He replied jokingly with the beginnings of a blush appearing on his cheeks. The trickster turned around to try and hide it but, before he could complete the turn, Rampart slid closer to him and smirked. 
“Aww, did I make you blush, Witt? Your widdle cheeks are going so wed!” Ramya cooed, reaching up to pinch his cheek. Elliot swatted her hands away for the second time before he fully turned around. 
“Nope! Nuh uh. Not me. Like I said, I’m incredibly good l-looking.” Mirage answered quickly with a very obvious voice crack. He mentally cursed himself; the trickster was a natural flirt and could knock most women off their feet with ease. But, he wasn’t used to receiving the same treatment. Especially not from a new Legend! The blush on Elliot’s face reached his ears as Rampart leaned against him with an amused smirk. 
“Anyways, like I was saying...” Elliot continued,  “You have an extended light mag, an extended heavy mag, and a shotgun bolt. Which attachment should you grab? I’ll give you a hint, since I’m such a nice guy. You want the one that goes with a light weapon.” Elliot smiled and looked at the modder expectantly. Ramya shot the trickster a look and slowly, begrudgingly, snatched the extended light mag from the bin. The trickster cheered rather loudly and gave her a gentle, friendly punch on the arm.
“I knew you could do it. You’re gonna be the next Apex predanor–predtator…ehm, predator in no time. All thanks to me, of course.” Mirage grinned, causing the modder to roll her eyes.
“Ooo, an Apex predator, you say? Well, I guess there’s only one way for me to do that, isn’t there?” Rampart countered wryly, returning the grin when the trickster raised an eyebrow. The modder reloaded her weapon and holstered it; there was only one gun she would ever need in the Apex Games. In one smooth motion, Rampart turned on her heel and scurried towards the distant sound of gunshots and grenades. “By shooting some bloody plonkers! I’m gonna go pick a fight. When you’re done yammering on about attachments, you should join me. I won’t get mad if you watch my back, though.” She called back to him, her grin widening as she gave him a little hip wiggle before finally leaving. Mirage sputtered and hurried after her. How could she move that fast with that mini gun on her back, anyway?
“By yourself? Hold up. You don’t even know where you’re going! You just got here…” Mirage yelled back to her, mumbling the last phrase to himself as he followed her to the fight.
Gunfire roared across the battlefield as the duo approached Fragment West. There were two squads fighting in the middle of the city: Bangalore and Bloodhound, and Revenant and Pathfinder. Pathfinder managed to down the hunter with an accurate Longbow shot, and the simulacrum was rushing in to attack the soldier. Bangalore popped some smoke to provide some cover to revive her teammate, but was also trying to actively listen for the approaching enemy. It was the perfect amount of chaos for Rampart and Mirage to join the fray. The modder skipped to a location not too far from where the two robots were set up. She quickly set up her amped cover before deploying Sheila, sighing happily.
 “Oh, Sheila. They’ve never seen a girl like you.” The modder purred before hopping onto the seat and revving up the gun. “Yo Witt, got a fool OT. Doesn’t look too scary, so you can come out of hiding.” Ramya snickered, looking over her shoulder to see Mirage finally bringing up the rear. The trickster panted and shook his immaculate locks out of his face so that he had a clearer view of the enemy.
“Nothing scares me, Rampart! Now, remember what your super awesome teacher showed you. You point your gun like this, you aim for the–” Mirage was cut off by Sheila coming to life as bullets rapidly fired from the minigun. 
“Ya see that? Haha! Just hit an enemy. Guess I’m a fast learner, eh?" Ramya laughed as she shot at Pathfinder. The modder’s shots connected with the robot’s back and by the time he took cover, he lost the majority of his shields. 
“More friends are coming to kill us. There’s another squad!” The robot called to the simulacrum, holstering his weapon so that he could use a shield battery. Revenant was just about to put his totem down so that he could attack Bangalore and Bloodhound, so he wasn’t thrilled about the sudden interruption. He growled and reluctantly rushed back over to his teammate, having to duck behind cover when Mirage also started shooting at him. Revenant placed his totem down and both he and Pathfinder activated it to advance on Mirage and Rampart.
Rampart fired more rounds at Pathfinder and Revenant once they emerged from their cover. She managed to send the angry murderbot back to the totem, but Pathfinder managed to grapple behind some more cover. This gave the happier robot the opportunity to close in on them. Mirage noticed the approaching enemy and went to meet the robot halfway. Right before the trickster poked his head out, he activated his Life of the Party ultimate. Mirage hoped to confuse Pathfinder so that he could attack from an unexpected angle. The decoys mirrored his movements and circled the robot; Pathfinder shot a few of the decoys before zoning in on the real trickster. Pathfinder nearly downed Mirage, but the trickster managed to fire one Mastiff shot to the torso to finally take him down.
“Sorry, Path! Don’t take this personally, it’s just business. Heh..personal business..” Mirage chuckled, shooting Pathfinder one more time to finish him off. He didn’t even want to think about how close the robot came to killing him. The trickster hurried over to a nearby corner and used a shield battery to heal up. While doing so, he caught a glimpse of his reflection in a nearby window and noticed that his hair was a mess!  He panicked and stopped healing himself to quickly fix it. Elliot teased out his curls and put some stray locks back in place, which gave a certain tall, angry murderbot plenty of time to sneak up on him. Revenant wasted no time in throwing a silence orb to keep Mirage from using his decoys to escape. The trickster dropped a high pitched scream and spun around, clumsily fishing for his Mastiff. 
“Oh shi-Revenant! Uh, h-hey, this isn’t a good ti--” Mirage yelped as Revenant began firing on him. The trickster did his best to return fire, but he hadn’t healed up before the simulacrum arrived. Needless to say, Revenant barely had to do anything to down the trickster.
“This part never gets old.” Revenant purred as he loomed over Mirage, grinning as he noticed the pure fear in his eyes. Elliot inched away from the murderbot, but he kept coming. The murderbot slowly raised his left hand so that the trickster could see it turn into a razor sharp blade. “I’m not gonna make it quick. That would spoil all the fun~.” He murmured in his deep, gravelly voice as he knelt down to finish him off. Mirage screamed again and put up his hands defensively. 
“NO, DON’T EAT ME!” Mirage wailed, shutting his eyes and waiting for the sharp pain to come. But nothing came. There was some more gunfire, a loud growl of “damn skinsuit”, and a mechanical sounding crash by the time the trickster found the courage to open his eyes. Mirage was shocked by what he saw: the boisterous, smirking modder, and Revenant’s death box. 
“No, don’t eat me~.” Ramya mocked in a squeaky, high-pitched before laughing and kneeling down to the trickster. “I thought you said nothing scared ya, Witt! I’ve never heard anything human scream like that~.” She teased,  pulling him to his feet after injecting the resuscitation serum into his body. Mirage grumbled and took out a Phoenix kit to fully heal up. 
“I wasn’t scared! I was distracting him so that you come and kill him. It was all a part of the plan.” Mirage insisted as he finally healed his shields and health. Rampart skeptically arched a brow while she was fishing through Revenant’s death box. 
“Uh huh. And, was crying like a baby a part of the plan too?” Rampart chuckled, grabbing plenty of ammo and improved attachments for her weapons. Mirage narrowed his eyes at her.
“No! I mean, yes! I mean...I didn’t, I wasn’t...I wasn’t crying like a baby!” Mirage did his damndest not to blush again and fished through what was left of Revenant’s supplies. Ramya stared at him and suddenly smirked, but he didn’t see it. She took a few steps away from him in the direction of Pathfinder’s deathbox; but then, out of nowhere, the modder yelled, which scared the hell out of Elliot. 
“WITT! I see someone!” 
Mirage jumped to his feet and immediately popped his ultimate again. He didn’t know who was coming or where they were coming from, so his decoys looked just as confused as he was. He ran over to Rampart with his weapon drawn. The modder wasn’t moving, but she did have her R-99 in hand. 
“Where?” Mirage spun in all sorts of directions in search of the enemy, but he didn’t see anyone. “Who? Who’s coming?”
Ramya wasn’t moving because she was trying to keep her composure. But, when the trickster ran up to her side with that half-frightened, half-confused look on his face, she lost it. “I see a plonker who’s convinced that he is a Legend. Yet he’s been duped by a rookie! Maybe the real Mirage is that you’re a Legend, eh?~.” Ramya laughed hard enough to snort and held an arm against her abdomen. The trickster stared at her in disbelief; did she seriously just pull a prank? On the holographic trickster?
“I….you--you almost gave me a heart attack!” Mirage finally managed to say before putting his Mastiff away. He put a hand on his chest and could feel his heart doing somersaults. “Seriously. That took a lot outta me...”
Ramya’s laughter calmed down to giggles and she wiped a tear from her eye. “Sorry mate. It’s just..you should’ve seen your face.” She snickered, strolling up to him and cradling the left side of his face. “Don’t worry your pretty little head, Witt. If anyone comes, Sheila and I will protect you. We won’t tell.”
Mirage grumbled and batted away her hand. “Yeah, whatever. Laugh it up, gearhead..” He muttered, his arm brushing against her side as he walked past her. When he did, Ramya flinched and accidentally dropped her weapon. The trickster gave her a strange look. “Rampart?”
Ramya waved him off and quickly gathered up her weapon. “I’m good, mate! Just a lil’ case of butterfingers.” She chuckled as she hurried past him to gather up some more loot. Mirage blinked and eyed her closely; he swore he could see the faintest, faintest shade of red on her face when she walked past. 
Rampart and Mirage came across Bangalore and Bloodhound later in the match, and the duo, mainly Rampart, took the two of them down with ease. 
“You get a bullet! And you get a bullet! Everyone gets a bullet! Hahaha!” Ramya cheered as she and Sheila blasted poor Bangalore and Bloodhound out of the game. Elliot would never admit it, but the modder was racking up kills faster than he thought she would, and her high kill count won her the glorious title of Kill Leader. Ramya beamed when she heard the announcement sound throughout the arena. 
“Hear that, Witt? You’re looking at the new Kill Leader! Not bad for a rookie, eh? Maybe you can learn a thing or two from a real Legend.” The modder grinned, having to revive the trickster again when he fell prey to the hunter and their Wingman. 
“Yeah, well I was Kill Leader in my first..thir--uh, eighth season! It’s beginner’s luck.” Elliot countered while he, yet again, used a Phoenix kit to fully heal himself up. 
“Heh...whatever helps you sleep at night.” Rampart shrugged and dug through the loot that was left behind. The duo made it to the top three and, after diving in to third party the last two squads, were named the Apex Champions. 
After the match, Elliot hung up his shiny new Apex Champion medal in his room. He already had plenty of cutouts and collectible figurines of himself, but he always had space for a new medal! He looped the medal around one of his mobile figurines and gently booped it, grinning as it swayed side to side. While he was admiring himself, Rampart skipped into his room with her own medal and plopped down onto the couch, startling the trickster. 
“So when are you taking me out for a drink, Witt? Think it’d be a fair trade for how much I carried you~.” Rampart smirked and swung her legs up onto the couch. Mirage turned to her and gave her a look. “Ya know just because you got three--eight--no, twelve kills last game doesn’t mean anything! It was your first game, maybe I decided to go easy on you.” Mirage argued matter-of-factly and put his hands on his hips. Ramya giggled and skipped over to him, playfully poking at his stomach. Mirage yelped and pushed her hand away, but she managed to sneak another poke to his side.
“Turn that frown upside down, mate! You’re just not as good as you think you are.” The modder teased as she kept making quick little jabs to his torso. A few giggles slipped out of the trickster while he tried and failed to grab her hands. 
“Yehehes I ahaham! Stop! Stop pohohking me!” Elliot whined and retreated to his couch with Ramya hot on his tail. He fell back onto the cushions with his arms against his torso; but, somehow, she managed to find a little bit of his stomach or side to poke. After a few more pokes, Rampart switched gears and suddenly reached under Mirage’s arms, raking her short nails against his armpits. This made the trickster scream and slam his arms against his sides. The frantic laughter came next. 
“STHOHOHP RAHAMYAHA!” Mirage yelled, his laughter growing in volume when she straddled his waist and went for his sides. 
“I don’t know who Rahamyaha is! Oh! Wait, is that the girl who got twelve kills in her first game? Maybe the greatest Legend there ever was?” Rampart grinned and started squeezing his sides, laughing when the trickster bucked his hips. 
“NOHOHOHOHOH! You-AH! YOOHOHU AREHEHAHAH NOHOHOHT!” Mirage squeaked and laughed harder when she stuck her hands under his shirt to squeeze his bare sides. 
“Wrong answer, Witt!” The modder chirped, scribbling her nails against his belly before returning to his sides. 
Mirage was going crazy; every time he hugged his arms to his sides or reached for her wrists, she attacked his armpits or belly instead. It wasn’t enough to be the Apex Champion or turn his face red; now, she was trying to tickle him to tears! In his haste to stop her, he grabbed her sides and squeezed them, drawing out an audible gasp. 
“Oi, watch it!” Rampart hissed and stopped tickling him to reel away from him. Mirage perked up and looked at the modder; although he had to recover from the sudden tickle attack, a sly grin popped up on his face. 
“What? That didn’t tickle, did it?” Mirage smirked, sitting up and advancing on the retreating modder. 
“No!” Rampart answered quickly and crossed her arms against her torso. “I just didn’t think you’d grab me so hard. I’m not that kind of girl, Witt.” The modder continued, grinning triumphantly when Elliot turned crimson.
Elliot, after stumbling over his words, suddenly launched himself towards Rampart and pinned her to the other side of the couch. Rampart screamed and struggled to knock him off of her, but he held strong and immediately started poking her sides. 
“Ah! Witt, geheht off of mehehe!” Ramya growled, a few stray giggles escaping her as she arched her body upwards. 
“I’m sorry, what was that?” Mirage chuckled and poked across her stomach, eliciting some more giggles. “I didn’t catch what you said. It’s almost like you laughed, which would be weird if you aren’t, ya know, ticklish or anything…” 
“I’m nohohohoht! Geheheht oohohohff MEHEHEHE!” Ramya squeaked and kicked her feet against the couch when he returned to her sides. The trickster spidered his fingers up and down a few times before kneading at the very top of her ribcage. Rampart yelped again and whipped her body around to try and dodge his fingers. Mirage easily kept up with her squirming and, as much as she tried not to, she finally gave in to the ticklish sensations and laughed. 
“EEHEHEHLIOT STAHAHAAHAH! I’M NAHAHT TIHIHIHICKLISHAHAH!” Ramya shrieked and bucked her hips when he gently scratched his fingers around her belly button. Mirage snickered and alternated between her sides, stomach, and her ribcage, which is where she seemed to be awfully ticklish. But, the trickster wasn’t ready to go for the kill just yet. 
“Oho, I’m Elliot now? Funny, I don’t think you’ve called me by name all day!” Mirage snuck his hands underneath her arms and laughed when she snorted. He wiggled his fingers in circular motions and jabbed at the spot right before her ribcage began. Ramya threw her head back and laughed louder, which only encouraged him to stay on the spot. “And call me crazy, but I think only ticklish people laugh when they’re tickled. So, I guess that makes you ticklish, huh?”
“NOHOHOHOHOH!” Rampart yelled and stubbornly shook her head, the laughter flowing freely as the trickster’s fingers found her neck. The modder made a weird sound that sounded like a cross between a squeak and a honk, sending Mirage into a fit of laughter. 
“Thahahaht’s nohohohohoht fuhuhuhnyhyhy!” Rampart protested, her laughter dying down to giggles as she whipped her head around. Mirage swiped his fingers along one side of her neck and gently prodded at the other. He finally noticed the blush on her face, causing him to grin widely. 
“It’s totally funny! Look at how wed your widdle cheeks are~.” Mirage cooed and laughed some more when Ramya glared at him. “You can’t be the greatest Legend in the games when you’re this tickle, tickle, ticklish~.”
Rampart giggled uncontrollably and tried to trap Elliot’s hands between her neck and shoulder. She succeeded, but it didn’t stop the tickles. “Ihihih’m gohohohohohnna kihihihill yohohohuhu! I swehehehehehear!” She snickered and continued to roll her head side to side. 
Mirage feigned offense and audibly gasped. “You’re gonna kill me?” He repeated, moving from her neck to the sides of her stomach. Ramya immediately dissolved back into laughter and struggled with a renewed vigor. “That’s not nice at all! In fact, that puts me on the defensive!”
With that, Elliot’s hands fell onto Rampart’s ribcage and gently squeezed at the bones. The modder screeched and cackled, kicking pillows off of the couch. “NOHAHAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAP IHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHT!”
Mirage gave her a mischievous grin and swiped his fingers along the length of her ribcage. It made her laughter rise in pitch, which only boosted his confidence. “Stop what?” He chuckled, gently tweaking two of her middle ribs. “I thought you said you weren’t ticklish! And that you were the best Legend around! Looks like you lied on two fronts, huh?”
Ramya cried out in protest and laughed even harder. During her struggle to free herself from Witt’s iron hold, her ponytail loosened, so much of her hair covered her eyes and face. Mirage could still see the huge grin on her face, though, which made his own grin soften a bit. It wasn’t like one of those teasing, cocky grins that she kept throwing his way when they were in the arena.
“IHIHIHIHIHI DIHIHIDN’T--AHAHAHAHAHA! DIHIHIHIHDN’T LIHIHIHEAHAHAHAH!” Ramya argued while Elliot’s fingers continued tweaking the middle of her rib cage. Elliot let out another dramatic gasp and kneaded his fingers into her uppermost ribs.
“There’s another lie! My goodness, you are just asking for it, huh?” Mirage teased, chuckling again when he made Rampart snort again.  “How about this, I’ll make you a deal. Say that I’m the best Legend hands down, no questions asked, and I’ll stop. I’ll even keep how ticklish you are a secret, so no one else will try to get ya in the ring! Whaddaya say?”
The trickster went back to gently tickling the sides of Ramya’s neck to give her a bit of a break. He went at short intervals, just giving each side a quick scribble here and there. Rampart snickered and brought her shoulders up again, taking the time to breathe where she could. Mirage slowed down even more and went to playfully boop her red cheeks and nose. 
“Heheheheh...I-Im thehehehe behehest Lehehehehegend, hahands dohohown…” 
“See, was that so hard?” Mirage didn’t realize what she had really said, so he happily let her up. Ramya breathed heavily and rubbed away the ticklish sensations from her ribcage. “I’m glad we can finally agree on something! Because believe me, you were this close to--”
The lightbulb just went off in the trickster’s head, and Rampart could see it. So, with what little energy she had left, she leapt from the couch and made a beeline for the door. She was laughing again, but this time, for a different reason. 
“Come back here!” Mirage yelled and got up to chase her. He caught up with her before she could get into the hallway and easily picked her up. 
“NO! Put me down, ya plonker! I said it!” Rampart insisted as she kicked around in his arms. She held one arm against her torso and, with her free hand, squeezed at Witt’s sides and hip. Mirage flinched and laughed, but he managed to get back to the couch before the tickling could really get to him. 
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it! So, let’s try again. Tell me that I, meaning me, am the best Legend, hands down, no questions asked.” Elliot demanded with a grin as he pushed her back down onto the cushions. This time, he held both of her wrists in one hand and used his leg to pin hers down. It became pretty clear to Rampart that she was screwed, but damn it, she wasn’t going to say it! 
Mirage narrowed his eyes at the modder when she didn’t say anything. Then, with a dramatic sigh, he used his free hand to poke up her ribcage. Ramya squealed and bit down on her lip to trap the incoming giggles. Mirage grinned at her and switched to kneading in between the bones after a few more pokes. 
“Coochie coochie coo~.” The trickster cooed, working his fingers up and down her ribcage. Rampart’s face went red again and, after another second or two, she burst out laughing. 
“I”M NAHAHAHAHAT SAHAHAHAHYING IHIHIHIHIHT YOHOHUH PL-AHAHAHAHAAHAHA!” Rampart shrieked and bucked when he kneaded his fingers faster between the bones. Her ribs were still sensitive from the previous tickle attack, so it didn’t take much to put the modder back into hysterics. “STAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!”
“Nope! Say it and I’ll stop.” Mirage was resolute and couldn’t help but to laugh along with her as he gently scratched up and down her ribcage. This made her arch her back and desperately twist around to try and dodge his tickling hands; but, this time, she wasn’t getting away so easily. 
“AHAHAHAHAHA WIHIHIHIHITT STAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Rampart yelled again and howled with laughter. Since he had her legs pinned down this time, the modder couldn’t even kick to try and alleviate the intense ticklish sensations. This only benefited the lone pillow that remained on the couch. Elliot was ruthless, but he did pause a few times just to see if she would say what he wanted to hear. She didn’t. The trickster tutted softly and gently scratched at the patch of skin where the ribcage ended. Rampart screamed and went ballistic with desperate laughter pouring out of her. 
Mirage initially flinched, not expecting the sudden roar of laughter. He let go of her wrists so that he could tickle the same spot on the other side of her ribcage. When he let go of her wrists, she immediately latched onto his and tried to pry them away from the spot. It didn’t work, but it didn’t stop her from trying, either. 
“Huh. Didn’t you have ribs here a second ago?” Mirage mused, still scratching away the spot. He shook off her hands and pinned them underneath his arms. “Maybe I miscounted them. Let’s see...one, two, three…
Ramya yelled one more time before her laughter went silent. She shut her eyes tight and shook her head as the trickster ‘counted’ her ribs. Mirage stopped tickling her when he didn’t hear the laughter anymore and let her go. The modder immediately turned onto her side, breathing raggedly. 
“Bloohohohoody hehehehell…” Ramya gasped after several minutes of trying to catch her breath. She hugged her arms tightly against her torso, still giggling from the lingering ticklish sensations. “I give, I’ll sahahay it…”
“Nah, don’t bother. Looks like you could use all the air you can get.” Mirage chuckled, not realizing that he was staring at her. Rampart’s face was bright red, her hair was a mess, and she was still grinning. “As the best Legend in the Apex Games, I’ll be nice and let you off the hook.”
Ramya rolled her eyes and propped herself up onto her elbows. “I guess I’m the luckiest girl in the world..” She quipped sarcastically, gathering her hair back into its ponytail. With her hair out of her face, the modder could clearly see that Mirage was staring at her. She arched a brow, giving him her sly, signature grin, which immediately snapped him out of his trance. 
“Uh, you wanna get that drink now? My treat, of course.” Mirage stammered and stood up, offering her his hand. Ramya nodded and took the hand, but pulled him down so that she could latch herself onto his back. 
“Wha-hey! Whahat are yohuhu--?!”
“What?” Rampart hooked her arms and legs around Elliot so that she could comfortably rest on his back. She didn’t even need to see his face to know that he turned crimson again. “You didn’t think I was actually going to walk to your bar, did you? Pfft..”
The modder tweaked his sides and giggled when he lurched forward. “Get a move on, Witt! I’m not getting any younger.” She demanded, continuing to gently prod his sides as he sputtered and hurried out of the room. 
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