#svenska akademien
linguenuvolose · 8 months
I’m in such a need for culture and discussion and learning and growing and expanding my mind
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Swedish online dictionaries
Lexin nada | dictionary with images and videos
Synonymer | synonyms
Wordreference | my personal favourite
Saob | Svenska Akademiens ordbok
Ectaco | simple translations
Google translate | actually quite good
Freedict | simple word translations
Dicts | lists to more specific dictionaries
Dict.cc | simple word translations
Linguee | text and file translations possible
Lexicool | hosts several dictionaries
Folkets lexicon | the people's dictionary
Bab.la | also has word lists
Ordguru | synonyms and more
Synonymer.se | synonyms
Forvo | pronunciation dictionary
P.S. Many of these sites also offer dictionaries in other languages!
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charleskeatington · 1 year
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Men skärp er för Helvete! Djävla fjantar! 🤬 Låt se nu! »PORNOGRAFI, ohöljd, otillständig framställning (i skrift l. bild) av förhållanden o. handlingar som höra till sexuallivet; vanl. sammanfattande, om obscena skriftalster o. bilder. Om ni är sådana djävla fjantiga, fjolliga snöflingor, att ni uppfattar konstnärliga skildringar av nakenhet vara pornografi, måste ni slänga era djävla pingstvänsnappar och växa upp! N Djävla bebisslynglar! Jag finner ingen bättre beskrivning av er! 🤬 Men skärp er för Helvete! Djävla fjantar! 🤬 Låt se nu! »PORNOGRAFI, ohöljd, otillständig framställning (i skrift l. bild) av förhållanden o. handlingar som höra till sexuallivet; vanl. sammanfattande, om obscena skriftalster o. bilder. — Svenska Akademiens ordbok över svenska språket. Om ni är sådana djävla fjantiga, fjolliga snöflingor, att ni uppfattar konstnärliga skildringar av nakenhet vara pornografi, måste ni slänga era djävla pingstvänsnappar och växa upp! Djävla bebisslynglar! Jag finner ingen bättre beskrivning av er! 🤬 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqXf5pvAwlO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Svenska Akademiens ordbok, I am kissing you on the mouth
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gubbanarkist · 2 months
Tänk inte efter nu, eller leta efter vad man lärde sig i skolan är rätt, det är jag ointresserad av. Bara hur du faktiskt pratar. Vet du inte hur du ska räkna ut kan man kolla under readmore.
Man kan testa ganska enkelt - om du säger både "en" och "ett", den och det, så använder du mer än ett kön (det finns dialekter i Finland där allt är 'ett' -skoget, höget, vagnet, osv). Om du dessutom skulle säga "den lille pojken" men "den lilla flickan" särskiljer du också maskulint och feminint, och använder tre kön till vardags, vilket är vanligt (särskilt bland de äldre) i lantliga dialekter över hela Sverige, från norr till söder, men har varit officiellt "fel" enligt svenska akademien i mer än hundra år. Mig veterligen finns det inga dialekter som har fler grammatiska kön än så, men om du skulle använda mer än det så får du gärna skicka ett meddelande och berätta, vore jätteintressant.
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culturaaetatis · 8 months
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Cultura Ætatis nyhetsbrev i dag handlar om:
Varför vågar inte P3 Dokumentär ta bladet från munnen i programmet om Sara Danius och krisen i Akademien? Utan att ställa de svåra frågorna kommer händelserna aldrig att kunna förstås utifrån de verkligt bakomliggande problemen. Vi lyfter på locket.
Går det att tränga bakom den officiella bilden av Ari Behn, författaren och kronprinsessan Märtha Louise make - och av den bild han gav av sig själv. Ja, under vissa speciella omständigheter - som den vi berättar i nyhetsbrevet.
Vem ordnar en skönhetstävling i en belägrad stad? Andra delen i vår vindlande serie om hur de som bekämpar antisemitism och de som är antisemiter tillsammans försvårar vår förståelse av historiska skeenden.
Detta plus erbjudanden och naturligtvis vår populära Super-Kultur-Quiz men hela fyra böcker i potten denna vecka.
Missa inte Sveriges skarpaste kulturbevakning. Nyhetsbrevet som är din kulturbilaga hela veckan.
I nästa nyhetsbrev: Kultursvep Europa. Vilken riktning tar Franrike? Blir det amerikansk mat och bilder istället för text? Spanien står inför ett riktigt intressant kulturkrig och Italiens fascister delar den svenska värdegrunden.
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bouncinghedgehog · 1 year
Who has the largest vocabulary?
Language Dictionary Approximate number of headwords
Korean Woori Mal Saem, 2017 1,100,373
Portuguese Aulete Digital 818,000
Finnish RedFox Pro 800,000
Tamil Sorkuvai 776,567
Kurdish Authority of Kurdish Language Dictionary, Kurdish Language Unit Dictionary 744,139
Swedish Svenska Akademiens ordbok 600,000
English English Wiktionary 578,707
Korean Standard Korean Language Dictionary 511,282
Italian Grande Dizionario Hoepli Italiano 500,000
Japanese Nihon Kokugo Daijiten 500,000
Lithuanian Lietuvių kalbos žodynas 500,000
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talkandchalkidiomas · 2 years
Número de palavras por idioma
Número de palavras por idioma Esta lista está incompleta; você pode ajudar expandindo-a. Esta é uma lista de dicionários considerados autoritativos ou completos por número aproximado de palavras totais, ou headwords, incluídas. Número de palavras por idioma Estes números não levam em conta entradas com sentidos para diferentes classes de palavras (como substantivo e adjetivo) e homógrafos. Número de palavras por idioma Embora seja possível contar o número de entradas em um dicionário, não é possível contar o número de palavras em um idioma. Ao compilar um dicionário, um lexicógrafo decide se a evidência de uso é suficiente para justificar uma entrada no dicionário. Esta decisão não é a mesma que determinar se a palavra existe. Talk Idioma Nº appro de palavras Dicionário Notas Korean 1,100,373 우리말샘 (Woori Mal Saem, 2017) Online open dictionary including dialects of South and North Korea. Turkish 616,767 Büyük Türkçe Sözlük Online dictionary of the Turkish Language Association Swedish 600,000 Svenska Akademiens ordbok, Swedish Academy After having completed letters A through T SAOB included 470,000 words, but 600,000 words when the alphabet was completed in 2017. Svenska Akademiens ordlista, which includes only commonly used words, currently includes ~126,000 words after having added 13,500 and removed 9,000 in its latest edition, SAOL 14, plus an additional 200,000 still encountered words in earlier editions. Icelandic 560,000 Orðabók Háskólans 43,000 basic words and 519,000 compound words of which more than half are attested only once or don't get into print (“instant combinations”) Japanese 500,000 Nihon Kokugo Daijiten Lithuanian 500,000 Lietuvių kalbos žodynas (Academic Dictionary of Lithuanian) 22,000 pages in 20 volumes with quotations from all kinds of writing and dialect records between 1547 and 2001. Accessible online at www.lkz.lt. Norwegian 500,000 Norsk Ordbok English 470,000 Merriam-Webster, Third Edition and Addenda Section Portuguese 442,000 Novo Dicionario Houaiss da Lingua Portuguesa The dictionary contains 442,000 entries, phrases and meanings. Dutch 400,000 Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal The 43 volumes of the WNT (including three supplements) consist of 49,255 pages, describing Dutch words from 1500 to 1976. English 350,000 The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition In in the introduction to the 4th and 5th editions, it is mentioned that more than 10,000 words have been added, thus the total for the 5th edition will be more than 370,000 words. German 330,000 Deutsches Wörterbuch 330,000 words in use since the mid-fifteenth century. — Duden's Großes Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache contains over 200,000 contemporary words. Gujarati 281,377 Bhagavadgomandal 2.81 lakh words and their meanings in 9 volumes. Also serves as an encyclopedia with almost 8.22 lakh words. Italian 260,000 Grande dizionario italiano dell'uso The number of "sayable and writable" word forms is estimated at over 2 million Czech 250,000 cs:Příruční slovník jazyka českého Nine volumes of this dictionary were printed in years 1935-1957. They contain about 250,000 words, their meanings and example usage from literature. The dictionary is available online.  Belarusian 223,000 Большой словарь белорусского языка English 207,016 WordNet, 3.1 As of November 2012 WordNet's latest Online-version is 3.1. The database contains 155,327 words organized in 175,979 synsets for a total of 207,016 word-sense pairs. Danish 200,000 Ordbog over det danske sprog, Dansk Sprognævn Dansk Sprognævn grows with 5,000 to 7,000 words a year English 171,476 Oxford English Dictionary, Second Edition Oxford Dictionary has 273,000 headwords; 171,476 of them being in current use, 47,156 being obsolete words and around 9,500 derivative words included as subentries. The dictionary contains 157,000 combinations and derivatives in bold type, and 169,000 phrases and combinations in bold italic type, making a total of over 600,000 word-forms. There is one count that puts the English vocabulary at about 1 million words — but that count presumably includes words such as Latin species names, prefixed and suffixed words, scientific terminology, jargon, foreign words of extremely limited English use and technical acronyms. Belarusian 150,000 Слоўнік беларускай мовы French 135,000 Trésor de la Langue Française informatisé ATILF (Analyse et Traitement Informatique de la Langue Française – Computer Processing and Analysis of the French Language) 135,000 (Larousse Dictionnaire de français, published by Editions Larousse) Ukrainian 134,058 Словник української мови (The Dictionary of the Ukrainian language) The dictionary was finished in late 1970s - early 1980s Russian 130,000 Большой толковый словарь русского языка Great Dictionary of Russian language  Tamil 124,405 University of Madras Tamil Lexicon The dictionary includes 124,405 separate entries. Arabic 120,000 Taj al-Arus Min Jawahir al-Qamus Bulgarian 119,200 Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language (monolingual academic explanatory dictionary), (Многотомен) Речник на българския езикin Bulgarian, in 15+ volumes This dictionary covers vocabulary from the last 150 years of the Bulgarian language and is compiled and edited by linguistics (primarily native lexicographers and lexicologists) from The Institute for the Bulgarian Language (part of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences). It includes basic, commonly used, literary, colloquial, dialectical, archaic and obsolete Bulgarian words, as well as some specialized terminology. The latest volume (15th) published in 2015 ends with headwords beginning with the (Bulgarian Cyrillic) letter Р. Slovene 110,180 Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika, Second edition, 2014 The official dictionary of modern Slovene is Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika (SSKJ; Standard Slovene Dictionary). It was published in five volumes by Državna Založba Slovenije between 1970 and 1991 and contains more than 100,000 entries and subentries with accentuation, part-of-speech labels, common collocations, and various qualifiers. In the 1990s, an electronic version of the dictionary was published and it is available online. Polish 100,000 Słownik języka polskiego PWN Polish dictionary of PWN contains about 100,000 articles and 145,000 definitions. Spanish 93,000 Diccionario de la lengua española de la Real Academia Española, 23th edition, 2014 Indonesian 90,049 Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, 4th edition, 2008 Dutch 90,000 Van Dale, 14th edition, 2005 Chinese 85,568 Zhonghua Zihai Number of different characters in use over three millennia of written history. The Hanyu Da Cidiandefines some 370,000 words. Malaysian 82,900 Kamus Dewan, 4th Edition, 2005 Chechen 70,000 Словарь Чеченского языка Catalan 69,988 Diccionari de la llengua catalana (Dictionary of the Catalan language of the Institute of Catalan Studies(DIEC)) The dictionary includes 69,988 headwords and 132,343 definitions. Galician 59,999 Dicionario da Real Academia Galega (Dictionary of the Royal Galician Academy) Turkmen 50,000 Türkmen diliniň düşündirişli sözlügi Turkmen Explanatory Dictionary  Azerbaijani 44,750 Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti Azerbaijani Explanatory Dictionary  Classical Latin 39,589 Oxford Latin Dictionary This dictionary includes 39,589 Classical Latin entries, including those borrowed from Greek, Gaulish, other Italic dialects, Sanskrit, as well as others. There are approximately: 10,000 Adjectives, 2,123 Adverbs, 46 Conjunctions, 77 Interjections, 17450 Nouns, 26 Particles, 39 Prepositions, 17 Pronouns, and 5,986 verbs. The remaining entries are references to other entries (such as alternate spellings or archaic versions), prefixes, suffixes, and terms left untranslated by the original editors.  Arabic 32,300 Lexicon of the Modern Arabic Language Esperanto 16,780 Plena Ilustrita Vortaro de Esperanto (Complete Illustrated Dictionary of Esperanto) 46,890 lexical units Da Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre Licenciatura em Letras - Inglês: saiba tudo sobre esse curso Se você gosta de aprender novos idiomas, tem facilidade com esse assunto e acha que lecionar é algo interessante, pode ser que a Link Graduação de Licenciatura em Letras seja o curso ideal para seu desenvolvimento profissional. https://blog.unifacsonline.com.br/licenciatura-letras/ Talk Read the full article
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higherentity · 3 years
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theshatterednotes · 3 years
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Swedish Academy member, poet and classical philologist Jesper Svenbro
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"Hon var den anständiga sekreteraren, som historien kommer att visa var värd så långt mycket mer än en samling räddhågsna herrar."
- Katarina Wennstam
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liapher · 2 years
watching the ferments get fizzy as the lactobacillus bacteria or yeasts do their thing hahaha yes sickos dot jpeg
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kraniumet · 3 years
just had the harrowing realization that people who do not live in sweden are not intimately acquaintanced with the nobel prize in literature committee drama
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tristealven · 6 years
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everythingroyalty · 4 years
What do you think of Crown Princess Victoria's fashion style? She's been doing that short tapered leg trouser with ankle boots thing for a while now with the blazers, but I don't think it flatters her so much. Her dresses for last year's Nobel events were pretty bizarre as well. I love her, and she's always so engaging & enthusiastic about her work, but sometimes her clothes just don't do it for me.
Ugh, this got lost in my inbox, sorry 😩
I’m really not particularly interested in fashion, so unless someone’s is wearing an outfit I really like (or they look really good in), I don’t actually pay that much attention to what they’re wearing. Victoria doesn’t really stand out to me. Often, she ends up looking a bit square BUT as a homo, I do appreciate the frequency with which she opts for a power suit.
I will also say, her dresses for last year’s Nobel, though bold, big and not particularly pretty, are very dear to me as they were a tribute to the late Sara Danius who ended up quitting Svenska Akademien (who award the Nobel Prize in Literature) after the scandal in 2017-2018.
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labete-du-gevaudan · 5 years
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The Svenska Akademiens ordbok is the Swedish version of the Oxford English Dictionary. According to the dictionary, the Skvader’s name is a combination of words just like that of the Jackalope. The Skvader’s prefix skva- comes from 'skvattra' meaning “quack or chirp” and the suffix -der comes from 'tjäder' meaning “wood grouse”. 
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